#let me die if Carlton wins
fazcinatingblog · 8 months
My boss is giving me a pay rise and I've already blown it all on five comedy shows in April and my best friend's moving overseas forever at the end of March so I need comedy to fill the Biancyes Fasolo pizza hole in my life and
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wwwafflewrites · 4 years
A Rewrite of History
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Chapter 4—Dead in the Water (Part 2)
You tapped your pen on your lap.
Things were looking pretty bleak. You had an hour before the Winchesters tried to talk with Bill. And you knew it was going to be exactly like your dream had played out. 
Was there any reason to stop it? The Winchesters knew you were here already, so what difference did it make?
Bill was going to say that you were there, in his home. And if everything hadn’t broken apart already, it would then. Any part of the Winchesters that still believed you could be innocent would be gone—brushed away by the stacking evidence of your guilt. Your shot would be missed.
Especially if you let Bill Carlton die.
You sat in your car for the longest time. Just staring at your sad little list.
A. Destroy the dam.
B. Save Will from drowning in his sink.
C. Stop Lucas from touching the lake.
D. Salt the lake?
You hadn’t even put Bill the list. Probably because you had just assumed Will would have been the domino to keep him from killing himself.
In all honesty, the possibility of you failing to save him hadn’t crossed your mind.
Everything you did, it felt like a higher power was deciding otherwise. Or maybe the bastards just wanted to mess with you. Because once again, the Winchesters now had pretty good evidence that you were behind all of this. Why wouldn’t they think that?
Dipping your head, you scrawled another bullet:
E. Save Bill Carlton
When you made it to the Carltons', the police were gone, and the Winchesters had left. You could see Bill sulking on the dock. 
You made your way up to him, not sure what to say. So you said nothing, even when he saw you come up. You gave him a good ten feet of space and sat down on the dock, staring at the water. You thought, maybe, some silence would be a good way to start this conversation. 
Then, you started small. "I can't imagine," you said softly. "What it is like to lose your children."
"Then why are you even here?" His voice was raspy from crying. Desperate to be alone.
"Because I know what it's like to be without your family. I know what that's like, Bill." When he said nothing, you sighed. "And I know what you're going to do today. And I want to help you get through it. I want to keep you from making this mistake."
"There's no point anymore. My world is gone," he said. "They've taken everything from me."
Your shoulders sank. Didn't that sound familiar. "Please. Please, just let me help you."
"You can't."
Here come the tears. Frick. You couldn't help it. Even in front of this grieving man, you began to cry. At first, you tried to control it, but soon your breaths were shallow and your shoulders shook with ugly sobs. 
It was a delayed breakdown—one you should have had the first day you showed up in this godforsaken universe. But it hadn't happened until now. Because you were always either in the midst of danger, where you were forced to keep your emotions in check, or you were exhausted from a day of running around.
"Please," you managed to hiccup. "I just need one—one win today. Let me help you."
You can feel his stare at the back of your head. "Why would you even want to," he said. "You… you hardly even met us yesterday."
Embarrassed, you composed yourself. He was supposed to be the emotional one. It was just… shit. "There—" you paused l, cringing at the crack in your voice. "There's um… there's a saying." Your tears were working against you, and you blinked to contain them. "It’s 'Always Keep Fighting'."
Bill was quiet.
"And… I've been trying. I have. It's so hard to keep fighting through this… this mess that I'm in. And I'm struggling. I keep thinking, what the hell is the point of running in circles like this? It will never work out. Everything is already gone. What the hell am I even still doing this for?" You took a breath. "If you had asked me yesterday, I would have told you I don't know. But I think I've figured it out now."
"And what is it?" he asked.
"Saving people," you said. "I was… hopeful before. Thinking maybe I could… maybe I could actually do this. But after…" you trail off.
"After..?" he questioned. Then, he realized. "After Will?" he murmured.
You nodded your head. "I failed Will," you admitted. "I had this… whole plan in my head. But I really hadn't considered failing." You closed your eyes. "I am… so sorry about your son. It's my fault. It's all my fault."
There was nothing for a while—just the hum of the breeze in your ears.
"It isn't your fault."
You looked at him, taken aback. Your lips part for a moment, not sure how to digest that yet. "I…" You weren’t sure if you should share that you know about his past. You did anyway. "I know about what happened. Um... years ago, I mean. When you were a kid. With Peter." Before he could say anything, you cut him off. "But I still want to help. I still want to keep you from doing this."
You finally turn to him fully. His expression is a mixture of emotions. "You… you made a mistake."
"I still killed him."
"You were a kid. You didn't know better."
"He's just going to keep taking everyone I love."
"Not if I can do this right."
He sent you a sad, questioning look.
"Peter's ghost is tied to this lake. It can get into the pipes in this town, but that's its limit. Theoretically, if you left, he wouldn't be able to reach you or the sheriff. The lake won't be here in a matter of six months. It shouldn't bother you ever again." You rubbed the back of your neck. "I… I can't bring back your kids, but I could keep it away from you for good. You could rebuild."
He looked to be contemplating, still torn on whether he should just get on that boat. "I don't know," he said. He looked so hopeless. "It will still be out there, waiting for me to come by again. I've already lost everything. You can't ask me to do it again."
"Actually... I might have an idea how to solve that," you said. "Any chance you have a computer?"
It was the first time you'd seen Bill actually look a little alive. Maybe some company was helping. Maybe it was the thought of saving the sheriff's family from going through what he had gone through. Regardless, he was actually pitching in a little.
You’re scrolling through news articles on the dam. "So, they've relocated all the fish to drain it. And…" you freeze, clicking on a link in excitement. "No way."
"What is it?"
"They're going to purify the lake. The town isn't so keen on using the water that three people have died in. So they're going to filter the whole thing when it drains. Do you know what this means?" You look up, a smile lighting up your face. "It means no more ghosts in the water."
"It will be gone? For good?"
"No ghost can get past salt. I should get trapped in the dam. And I have an idea for that, too."
"When the sucker is done draining, I'm going to blast the dam down. Or… someone who's better at covering their tracks will do it for me." You wrote your notes down, nodding to yourself. "Bill, I need you to do something for me. I need you to tell those… agents you saw the other day that you came up with this plan. Don't tell them it was from me. If they ask, you came up with it.”
“They’ll buy that?”
“If it goes how I think it will, they'll gladly go along with the plan. Can you do that?"
Bill still looked pretty beaten down. This certainly wasn't going to bring back his family, but you could tell he was fighting now. "I can do that."
You ripped out a new sheet of paper and handed it to Bill. "You think you can write these down in your own handwriting? I don't need anything hinting that it was me."
Bill watched you. "Are you running from these guys or something?"
"Or something. We don't exactly get along."
"I don't see why not. You seem to have the same goals."
You laughed a little at that. "Yeah, well… we had a misunderstanding. And right now, they don't like me so much. It would… make my life easier if you didn't give me the credit on this one."
You knew the Winchesters were going to show up soon.
Instead of finding Bill on the boat, they were going to find him with a plan. You just hoped that Bill would pull off the whole 'look'. As in, like he'd rather ‘take action’, than mope around his house like he had been before. 
It wasn’t probable that the Winchesters would fall for that bit... they'd probably be suspicious, but it was the best you had. If they could blow the dam up once the lake had drained six months later, which was already damaged, then the ghost would be gone. It would be thoroughly salted and burned.
You asked Bill to leave town for that time. In fact, you suggested he check out the Roadhouse in Nebraska. Sure, it was a while from Wisconsin, but it might take his mind off his kids and set him in a place that could relate to people. The Roadhouse certainly had a lot of old stories to share. 
You weren't asking Bill to become a hunter. No way. If it came around to that, that was his choice, and his way of coping. You’d respect that. 
Simply, you thought that he might find comfort in an environment he would empathize with. Besides, the Roadhouse wasn't a hunter-only bar. It was just... hunter-popular. Normal people went there all the time.
Tonight, you knew Andrea was going to almost-drown in the bathtub.
You thought for a minute, though. When Bill died, the Winchesters had gone to speak with the sheriff, Jake Devins, who kicked them out of town. Then Lucas tugged on Dean's arm, alerting him to come back…
But since Bill didn't die… did that mean that hadn’t happened? Would you need to save her yourself because the Winchesters wouldn't know about it?
There were two ways this could go down. One, they didn't know, you showed up, and you might not be strong enough to save her. Two, they did show up and save her, but you're in deep crap… because Winchesters.
Double crap.
You showed up at their place way too early, hidden in the trees. The bicycle was probably beneath your feet.
You sat on a nearby log, positioning yourself to hide from the main view of the road, but with enough of a window between the trees to watch the house and its pattern of lights.
You noted where Lucas's bedroom was, and where the hallway to the bathroom was, and then where Andrea's bedroom was. You didn't have a terrible view. You could see the bathroom's hallways pretty well from there.
Then, after a few hours passed, the lights shifted. She was going to take a bath. You sat up, watching and waiting. Should I go? I should just go, right? You struggled to decide, standing and hesitating to walk forward.
Before you grew enough courage to move, though, deus ex machina—the Impala—drove up.
You sat down, crouching behind the trees to hide yourself better. You watched it unfold from the shadows.
If you had gone out there just a minute before, they would have seen you. 
Frick, were you nervous. You needed to calm the hell down. They were going to save Andrea now—there was nothing to get worked up about. 
Still, you felt your anxiety heightening, so you brought out a granola bar to munch on, and tried to let your mind wander elsewhere.
First of all, they did end up seeing Lucas again. Which meant that they did go to see the sheriff, who didn't kick them out of town. Which meant they probably went to discuss the dam after getting Bill's note. Which, you supposed was good.
That meant they'd taken the note seriously, at least. It meant it was a decent plan in their eyes. So that was hopeful.
You could breathe again once you saw Andrea, very naked and very afraid, but alive.
Your heart began to calm, and you were able to get more comfortable against the log. Your vision began to blur, staring at the warm yellows and the calm manners of the Winchester brothers trying to console Andrea.
It was enough to lull you to sleep. 
You saw a figure in the distance. A trenchcoat that swayed in the calmest of breezes.
You feel dizzy and out of it when you stand, pushing through the trees to reach the figure. “Castiel?” you ask. It becomes harder to stand, harder to focus on keeping balance. Your feet feel like lead. “Cas? Cas, help me.”
“I’ve been getting your prayers.” He turns, peering down. He reaches out, steadying you. “Things are going to get more difficult. I need you to understand this.”
But you don’t understand. “Why?” you ask dumbly.
“Your car will hold the necessities for your next trip. I can’t explain it to you. There isn’t enough time. It is difficult enough to contact you as it is,” he looks up, into the distance with alarm. “You need to wake up.”
Sunshine seeped into the world, and you blinked at the blinding nature surrounding you. Everything was so bright. “Cas?” you ask, desperate and terrified. “Cas, I don’t under—”
“Wake up.”
You do. Abruptly. It takes a second to catch up with your surroundings. It’s morning and your back feels like a slate of concrete. You choke on a small sob as you sit up, hand immediately reaching for your back.
You see the Winchesters talking with Andrea, and then Lucas looks in your direction. 
Where the bike is.
Oh shit. You scramble and run deeper in the wooded area,where they won’t see you. You have to throw a hand over your mouth to conceal your heavy breathing. You watch the confrontation between the sheriff and the Winchesters, your heart half beating out of your chest.
From the corner of your eye, you see Lucas’s figure nearing the lake, and you don’t even hesitate to sprint past the Winchesters. 
You had to choose what was more important to you. It wasn’t even a competition. You couldn’t go through what you went through with Will. Not again. 
So you straight up tackled the kid on the dock. 
You were panting and tense with adrenaline, Lucas pinned beneath you to keep him from reaching out for Peter’s ghost. 
Everything seemed alright for a moment. Despite the Winchesters racing at you and Lucas, nothing moved.
Then the dock creaked.
Your eyes widened and with freak strength, you tossed the kid at Sam Winchester, who barely managed to catch him against his chest.
Nothing moved. Not you, not the Winchesters, not Lucas, not the sheriff, not even the ghost. 
“I just tossed a kid,” you said, hysteria breaking into your voice. “I just tossed a…” You shook your head, then looked back up at the stupefied Winchesters. “Keep him out of the water. Um… I’m gonna leave now.” Breathless, you made an escape on the motor boat.
The Winchesters finally came alive. “Wait!” Dean shouts, running up to the dock, but it’s too late. “Sam, she just... what the hell?”
You were far away by then.
You got to your car later, which, thankfully, the Winchesters weren’t tracking yet. It offered you a place of refuge and slight comfort.
You furrowed your eyebrows at the bag sitting in your passenger seat. It was so conspicuous that they might as well have placed it on the roof of the car. “Do you want me getting robbed?” you muttered.
So... your dream had been somewhat real. Castiel really had visited you. But what were his intentions? It was only Season 1, after all. You couldn’t be sure that Castiel was on your side. 
If it was Season 4 on, you could probably judge where his loyalties lied, but so early, you couldn’t be sure. You’d just have to be careful, it seemed.
You unlocked the car and pulled the bag to you. Several things shifted in the bag. First, you grabbed the money. It had a note on it, reading,
For the flight.
Well, that actually helped a lot. Plane tickets were expensive.
Curiously, you fumbled with the box inside. What else is in here? You pulled it out, staring at the box, dumb-stricken.
“What the hell, Cas?”
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fearsmagazine · 3 years
Varèse Sarabande Records will be releasing seven amazing soundtrack LPs on Record Store Day 2021’s newly announced release dates: The Matrix will be released as a deluxe 3-LP set, Village of the Damned will be released as a deluxe-edition double LP, The Iron Giant and The Goonies will get the picture disc treatment, and Shrek, Ghosts of Mars, and Aliens will be released as limited-edition color LPs. This annual celebration will be held through a series of Record Store Day drops, which will occur on June 12th and July 17th.
These seven Varèse Sarabande Records titles will be available on the dates listed below at thousands of independent record stores. For a list of participating stores and more information about these special LPs, visit RecordStoreDay.com.
*JUNE 12th: The Matrix, The Goonies, Village of the Damned, Shrek *JULY 17th: The Iron Giant, Ghosts of Mars, Aliens
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THE MATRIX: The Complete Edition – Don Davis (3-LP Set) – *RELEASE DATE: JUNE 12th* The science-fiction masterpiece has captured the imagination of another generation with news of a new Matrix film in production. This deluxe 3-LP set is pressed on Glitter-Infused Green vinyl, expanded to 44 tracks, and housed in a stunning new art design. Also included are classic film stills and an exclusive new interview with composer Don Davis.
Side A 1. “Logos / The Matrix Main Title” 2. “Trinity Infinity” 3. “Neo Con Brio” 4. “Follow The White Rabbit” 5. “Neo On The Edge” 6. “Through The Surveillance Monitor” 7. “Unable To Speak” 8. “Bait And Switch”
Side B 1. “Switched For Life” 2. “Switched At Birth” 3. “Switches Brew” 4. “Cold Hearted Switch” 5. “Nascent Nauseous Neo” 6. “A Morpheus Movement” 7. “Bow Whisk Orchestra”
Side C 1. “Domo Showdown” 2. “Switch Or Break Show” 3. “Shake, Borrow, Switch” 4. “Switch Works Her Boa” 5. “Bring Me Dinner” 6. “The System” 7. “Freeze Face” 8. “Switch Woks Her Boar” 9. “Cypher Cybernetic” 10. “Ignorance Is Bliss / Cyber Cyphernetic” 11. “See Who?” 12. “Switch Out”
Side D 1. “Boon Spy” 3. “Oracle Cookies” 4. “Threat Mix” 5. “Exit Mr. Hat” 6. “On Your Knees, Switch”
Side E 1. “Mix The Art” 2. “Whoa, Switch Brokers” 3. “The Cure” 4. “It’s The Smell” 5. “The Lobby” 6. “No More Spoons” 7. “Dodge This” 8. “Fast Learning” 9. “Ontological Shock”
Side F 1. “That’s Gotta Hurt” 2. “Surprise” 3. “He’s The One Alright”
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THE GOONIES – David Grusin (Picture Disc) – *RELEASE DATE: JUNE 12TH* In celebration of the 35th anniversary of The Goonies, the beloved soundtrack by Dave Grusin will be released on an LP picture disc for the first time ever! The special release features the album cover on side A and the infamous One-Eyed Willie on side B. The track listing to this abbreviated single-disc version of the original score was personally selected and assembled by Grusin himself.
Side A 1. “Fratelli Chase” 2. “Cellar And Sloth” 3. “The Goondocks (Goonies Theme)” 4. “The ‘It,’ Fifty Dollar Bills And A Stiff” 5. “Pee Break And Kissing Tunnel” 6. “Skull And Signature” 7. “Plumbing” 8. “Restaurant Trash” 9. “Boulders, Bats And A Blender”
Side B 1. “They’re Here And Skull Cave Chase” 2. “Playing The Bones” 3. “Mikey’s Vision” 4. “Triple Stones And A Ball” 5. “Wishing Well And The Fratellis Find Coin” 6. “Mama & Sloth” 7. “One Eyed Willie” 8. “No Firme And Pirate Ship”
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VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED: The Deluxe Edition – John Carpenter & Dave Davies (2-LP Set) – *RELEASE DATE: JUNE 12TH* The Deluxe Edition for Village of the Damned presents the full score as heard in the film for the first time, a far more complete presentation than the 1995 Original Soundtrack which was not only truncated but made of an entirely separate mix that wasn’t featured in the film. The set does, however, include the track “Midwich Shuffle,” a fun number which was created specifically for the 1995 soundtrack, despite never actually appearing in the film. Interest in John Carpenter’s original film scores has never been higher, and his collaboration with Dave Davies of the Kinks is a one-of-a-kind moment in cinematic music history. The album includes all-new original art direction with new notes and classic film stills and comes pressed on Orange Haze vinyl.
Side A 1. “Angel Of Death / Midwich Sleeps / Daybreak” 2. “The Fair (Extended Version)” 3. “Gas Station / Asleep” 4. “Awaken / The Funeral” 5. “Welcome Home, Ben (Extended Version)” 6. “Big Meeting / The Decision” 7. “The Same Dream”
Side B 1. “Baptism (Extended Version)” 2. “Baby Mara” 3. “Children’s Theme / Dilemma” 4. “The Parents Arrive” 5. “Children’s Carol (Instrumental)”
Side C 1. “Loss / Carol Of The Damned” 2. “Carlton” 3. “Ben’s Death / Ultimatum” 4. “Burning Desire (Extended Version)”
Side D 1. “Last Kiss / The Bomb” 2. “The Brick Wall (Extended Version)” 3. “March Of The Children (End Credits)” 4. “Midwich Shuffle”
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SHREK – Harry Gregson-Williams & John Powell (Limited-Edition Color LP) – *RELEASE DATE: JUNE 12TH* Shrek is the second most successful animated franchise in history and celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2021. Harry Gregson-Williams and John Powell are two of the most prominent composers working on animated features today, and they joined forces to create a score that is still as fun and memorable as it was when it was first released. The LP will be released on Neon Green vinyl, making it a standout addition to any record lover’s collection.
Side A 1.  “Fairytale” 2.  “Ogre Hunters / Fairytale Deathcamp” 3.  “Donkey Meets Shrek” 4.  “Eating Alone” 5.  “Uninvited Guests” 6.  “March Of Farquuad” 7.  “The Perfect King” 8.  “Welcome To Duloc” 9.  “Tournament Speech” 10. “What Kind Of Quest” 11. “Dragon! / Fiona Awakens” 12. “One Of A Kind Knight” 13. “Saving Donkey’s Ass” 14. “Escape From The Dragon”
Side B 1.  “Helmet Hair” 2.  “Delivery Boy / Shrek / Making Camp” 3.  “Friends Journey To Duloc” 4.  “Starry Night” 5.  “Singing Princess” 6.  “Better Out Than In / Sunflower / I’ll Tell Him” 7.  “Merry Men” 8.  “Fiona Kicks Ass” 9.  “Fiona’s Secret” 10. “Why Wait To Be Wed / You Thought Wrong” 11. “Ride The Dragon” 12. “I Object” 13. “Transformation / The End”
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THE IRON GIANT – Michael Kamen (Picture Disc) – *RELEASE DATE: JULY 17TH* This first-ever picture disc of this heartwarming 1999 animated film celebrates The Robot, his best friend, Hogarth, and a cast of characters. The music is by Academy Award®-nominated composer Michael Kamen (Lethal Weapon, Die Hard), who was well-known for his work with Eric Clapton, Metallica and Pink Floyd, in addition to his brilliant theatrical scores.
Side A 1. “The Eye Of The Storm” 2. “Hogarth Hughes” 3. “Into The Forest” 4. “The Giant Wakes” 5. “Come And Get It” 6. “Cat And Mouse” 7. “Train Wreck” 8. “You Can Fix Yourself?” 9. “Hand Underfoot” 10. “Bedtime Stories” 11. “We Gotta Hide” 12. “His Name Is Dean” 13. “Eating Art” 14. “Space Car” 15. “Souls Don’t Die”
Side B 1. “Contest Of Wills” 2. “The Army Arrives” 3. “Annie And Dean” 4. “He’s A Weapon” 5. “The Giant Discovered” 6. “Trance-Former” 7. “No Following” 8. “The Last Giant Piece”
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GHOSTS OF MARS – John Carpenter (Limited-Edition Color LP) – *RELEASE DATE: JULY 17TH* In celebration of Ghosts of Mars’ 20th anniversary, the epic soundtrack will be released on “Red Planet” vinyl. John Carpenter recruited an unbelievable cast of musicians to record the soundtrack to this sci-fi horror film, starring Ice Cube and Natasha Henstridge. Among the featured players are GRAMMY®-winning musician Steve Vai, most of the heavy metal band Anthrax (including Scott Ian), Elliot Eason of the rock band The Cars, Buckethead of Guns N’ Roses, and Robin Finck of Nine Inch Nails and Guns N’ Roses. This soundtrack is apocalyptic and an important mark in John Carpenter’s unparalleled career as a director and composer.
Side A 1. “Ghosts Of Mars” 2. “Love Siege” 3. “Fight Train” 4. “Visions Of Earth” 5. “Kick Ass”
Side B 1. “Slashing Void” 2. “Power Station” 3. “Can't Let You Go” 4. “Dismemberment Blues” 5. “Fightin’ Mad” 6. “Pam Grier’s Head” 7. “Ghost Poppin’”
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ALIENS: 35th Anniversary Edition – James Horner (Limited-Edition Color LP) – *RELEASE DATE: JULY 17TH* Aliens is regarded as one of the greatest science fiction franchises of all-time. In honor of its 35th anniversary, the long out-of-print original soundtrack gets a fresh reboot on Acid-Blood Yellow-Green vinyl.  The soundtrack is scored by the great Academy Award®-winning composer James Horner (Titanic, Avatar, Beautiful Mind). The LP features the original Sigourney Weaver key art and original film stills.
Side A 1. “Main Title” 2. “Going After Newt” 3. “Sub-Level 3” 4. “Ripley’s Rescue” 5. “Atmosphere Station”
Side B 1. “Futile Escape” 2. “Dark Discovery” 3. “Bishop’s Countdown” 4. “Resolution And Hyperspace”
Founded in 1978, Varèse Sarabande is the most prolific producer of film music in the world, releasing the highest quality soundtracks from the world’s greatest composers. From current box office hits and top television series to the classics of Hollywood’s Golden Age, Varèse Sarabande’s catalog includes albums from practically every composer in every era, covering all of film history; from Bernard Herrmann, Alex North and Jerry Goldsmith to Alexandre Desplat, Michael Giacchino and Brian Tyler. Varèse Sarabande is a part of Concord.
Follow:  twitter.com/varesesarabande
Watch:  youtube.com/varesesarabande
Listen:  open.spotify.com/user/varesesarabanderecords
Like:  facebook.com/varesesarabanderecords
Buy:  varesesarabande.com
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oh-theatre · 5 years
Objection!: Chapter 18
Chapter title: Two Ways Home
A/n:  WE ARE BACK IN THE COURTROOM BBY!!! I lovE IT. And them I did it btw! I did the kiss ™ t-the one in the snow?? Yes, that one because it melts my heart ahahah the irony. Anyway, they are baby and I love them and would die for them. Ughhh I hope you enjoy I know how bad this is but I love writing so hopefully idk?? leave me some comments!! I'm a mess sorry
oh god they're moving too fast arent they..sihiawdhiw i always do this
First | Previous | Next
words: 4034
summary: The gang returns to court!
pairings: Eventual logicality, prinxiety, platonic demus, romantic remile
warnings: Murder mention, child murder, Law and Courtroom, swearing, blood, hospital, crime scene,  murder, gun mention, guns, swearing, abuse, graphic descriptions, tickling mention
Ao3 Link  
“You're late” Virgil huffs opening the door, Roman presses forward, an apologetic smile falls upon his face. “Come on princey” He says, taking the judges hand leading him into the house. “Go help Dee pick a movie, I need to finish up a few things and then ill make some snacks,” Virgil says trying to go, leaving Roman but the judge isn't that easily shooed.
“Woah slow down...Virge, is everything ok?” He takes his hand gently, Virgil turns to him matching the steady beat of Roman's heart, he nods. “Ok, I'll go help with the movie and you?” He squeezes the detective's hand “Take a breather” Virgil does just that simultaneously resisting the urge to lean forward and connect their lips. What is wrong with me?
“He's waiting” Virgil cocks his head towards the coach, Roman nods smirking, his nose scrunching quickly. He scans Virgil once more before feeling it safe to retreat to the couch, a small figure already enveloped in a mountain of blankets lays. Damian quickly scrambles to a more conscious state as his small eyes fall upon Roman.
“RoRo!” He squeals jumping into the judge's arms. Ignoring the slight pain that seizes his body he hugs back, embracing the child he holds so dearly. “I missed you!” He pulls away still clinging to Roman's neck. Roman smiles at him, unable to allow his shiny pearls to gleam. He's just so happy. The little boy wriggles impatiently in his arms, playing with Romans more than fluffy hair, it bounces under Damian's touch.
“I missed you too niño!” Roman assures, ruffling the younger boy's hair. He laughs falling back onto the couch, he grabs the remote handing it happily to Roman, he wriggles comfortable in his blanket cuddling up to Roman. “What's the mood for tonight?” He wonders opening up Netflix on TV, Damian shrugs, his eyes entranced.
“Christmas!” He exclaims throwing his hands in the air, missing Romans face by an inch “It's snowing!” He marvels looking towards the window, indeed it was. It fell slowly but it seemed the November air had cooled away as the light breeze of winter took its place, ready to cover the world in a soft layer of possibility.  He could see it, he hadn't meant to but his mind was not his own. The image of squealing laughter as he raced down a snowy hill, Damian in front of him holding on for dear life.
“It is Dee!” Virgil affirms, he stands over the couch his hand ruffling Damian's hair. The little boy crawls up on his father, Virgil situating him on his shoulder taking him to the window. Damian places his hand across the frosted glass, astonished laughter as it chills him. Roman stands to join them, Damian waves to the unknown hoping a shimmer of something might greet him back. Someone, something out there will grant his ever so silent hopes.
“Bye-bye snow,” He says, his fists closing quickly as he waves goodbye. Roman chuckles allowing Virgil to swift past him, landing on the couch. Damian snuggles once more under his mountain of blankets allowing the warm pressure to calm him. Roman sits next to them handing the remote to Virgil, giving him full control. He takes it his hands tracing the buttons carefully, the bumpy exterior awakening him.
“Thanks,” He says, he looks to Damian who watches the blank screen with intent “What are we watching buddy?” Damian shrugs fully morphing into his father, clearly seeking an adoring hold from the man. Virgil allows him now checking on Roman. “Any requests?”
“How about ‘Elf’?” Roman suggests, Virgil watches him hesitant “Its a classic! You just gotta...believe” He teases, Damian cheers clapping his hands together. Virgil shakes his head knowing that what the child wished the child gets.
“Elf! Elf!” He chants, Roman points towards him looking at Virgil. He groans finding the movie quickly. It starts slowly and Roman has trouble focusing, the soft hum of the radiator, the awfully quick noises from Damian as he reacts to everything. It feels more natural as they get into it, clearly, Virgil had a long day. On multiple occasions, his head would fall slightly onto Roman's shoulder before jerking awake. Roman didn't mind, he even encouraged it once when it was maybe too much.
“Virge, rest, I've got Dee” Roman whispers, Virgil blinks at the reflection of the movie playing. He sniffled nodding, Roman pushes his head carefully onto his shoulder letting him warm up to the judge. Virgil was asleep in minute, steady breathing as his chest would rise. The movie finished quickly and it seemed the Tormine family was fast asleep. Damian had clearly been consumed by his mountain of blankets and snored sweetly. Virgil had clutched to Roman his presence soft on the judge. Oh, woe is Roman as he stirs the detective awake, his soft face bubbling as his eyes adjust to the outside world. “Sorry just...the movies over and..” He pushes Virgil's ruffled hair away from his eyes. “Thought you might want to sleep in your own bed” Virgil yawns nodding, he struggles to get up but soon enough is waddling away, Roman laughs watching him go. He wraps Damian up his arms watching as Virgil returns.
“I forgot my son” He mumbles, Roman stifles a wheeze placing Damian gently in Virgil's arms. “Thanks,” He says, Roman nods their eyes meet. The tired storm behind Virgil's eyes intriguing the fading flame in Romans. “Thanks for…” He starts slowly, getting closer to Roman's mouth. “Tonight” He whispers meeting Roman's lips, their eyes closing in unison. A little groan from Damian pulling them apart. “See you tomorrow Ro” Virgil says disappearing into his room
“See you...tomorrow,” He says, the tickling sensation upon his lips leaving a satisfactory mark. “Virgil” He muses, he collects his things making as little noise as possible. Closing the door behind him, the silent night falls on him only increasing the volume of his thoughts.
This has to be a dream
“We are back in the courtroom” Patton taps his desk excitedly, the echo ringing through the room. He shuffles through his papers a familiar buzz in his heart as the door opens behind him, the urge to turn his head watch who enters overwhelming him. Hoping, almost praying its a certain lawyer. His urges win however as he watches Logan diligently speaking to Reeve as he makes his way down the aisle, the young intern frantically taking notes. He blushes as if a teenager once more focusing back towards the empty witness stand, feeling a light brush of air while Logan walks by, taking his place on the opposite end of the courtroom.
“Your client” Patton smiles at George as Virgil and Remy lead him in, tight hold on his constraints of a prison. They take him to his end of the desk, handcuffing him to the table. He's silent as he moves, little to do about anything as the world moves on without him. It almost makes Patton sad to watch, and harder to read.
“Thanks, guys,” He says, a light squeeze to Virgil's arm as he passes, receiving a lingering feeling as the detective walks away. Virgil watches him for a moment but retreats to his chair.
“Mr.Hart?” Patton looks up smiling at a young intern watching him expectantly. “Mr.Tolentino wanted me to let you-
“You can just call him Logan,” Patton says, his smile remains placated. Reeve fidgets uncomfortably but nods as he continues on.
“Um...Logan just wanted to let you know that he is going forward with calling Annie to the stand.” Patton bites his cheek but nods, his smile fades staying resolved. “He has also decided to call Brandon to the stand, and he was wondering whether you were calling Carlton” Reeve finishes feeling as if the words were not his own. Patton shakes his head softly, he looks to Logan who seems to be buried in mountains of work, he hides a disappointed pout.
“Yes...I'm sorry Brandon? Brandon Hoff?” Patton checks, looking back to where two children sit where their mother, all sadly eyeing George. Reeve nods, Patton takes a deep breath but stretches a pursed smile. “Great thanks Reeve,” He says, the intern scurries away, himself betrayed by his words. He doesn't agree with Logan's methods but he is a good lawyer...but Patton is too. He re-focuses taking a seat next to Logan. Soon the trial begins and Patton is instructed to call his first witness.
“The defense call detective Carlton to the stand” Patton calls, feeling as discouraged as before. He avoids looking to Logan, knowing the usual hopeful glance the pair shares wouldn't be returned today. Once he's sworn in Patton begins, knowing his intuition could fail him he simply prays. Prays that Carlton, that everything he's built this case on...won't fall apart. Please, don't let this man be guilty. “Detective Carlton, you were recently discovered at a hostage scene correct?”
“Objection! Leading the witness” Logan declares, he barely grazes Patton with his eyes, the man's stomach sinks. He knows he shouldn't be thinking about this right now, but...had he done something wrong? Had he shattered everything he had ever built up, his friendship? His trust? Was all of it...the kiss, out of pity?
“Patton?” Roman whispers, Patton jerks back realizing his own condition.
“Detective” He starts, he looks to an unfazed Logan, right there deciding he knows his path. “Do you know this man?” He points to George, a moment of hesitation before the witness sucks in a sharp breath.
“I've never seen that man before” He admits, Patton smirks “In my entire life” He adds, Patton nods satisfied as a tiny groan, ever so slightly escapes Logan's mouth. Check and mate, mister Tolentino. His next move may be deemed risky, and Roman certainly won't enjoy it and yet…
“I want to submit that detective Carlton be admitted as an expert witness” He requests, the room falls silent. Logan, surprisingly, is the first to move. He stands abrupt from his chair and points towards Patton.
“Absolutely not your honor! The man is convicted felon!” He claims, Patton cocks his head, his smirk returning.
“Exactly the reason I propose this, not only is he a convicted felon but one who has admittedly worked with the so-called ‘Alphabet Murderer’. Which means that unless he perjures himself, he knows more than most. More than say...Brandon or Annie Hoff” Patton explains, Roman cant find a rebuttal.
“That's ridiculous” Logan huffs looking to Roman for confirmation “Your honor?”
“Let it be known to the court and jury, detective Carlton is now an expert witness” Roman bangs his gavel, a rush of excitement as it passes through him. Logan glares, his nostrils flaring as he resits himself. Patton wears a triumphant smirk turning back to Carlton. “Watch yourself, detective, one wrong move…” Roman threatens, as his job. Virgil can't help but feel a sense of pride. The judge doesn't get enough credit.
“Thank you, your honor” Patton sighs “Carlton, has mister Hoff ever contacted you or attempted to?” The detective laughs shaking his head, he scans Geroge.
“Him? Please...if he was the murderer, you would know” Carlton scoffs, instantly clutching his throat. Almost surprised by his own words.
“Do you know who the alphabet murderer is?” Patton inquires, the entire room leans forward allowing themselves to dangle at his anticipation
“Absolutely” Carlton grins, Patton digs his nails deep into his palms, stopping just before the skin breaks blood. “Haley Bloomington” He seethes, Virgil and Remy share a look, both with the same idea.
“As in the precinct captain?” So much more happens in Patton's mind, everything falls into place, he feels lightheaded. He looks to Logan, a helpful plea is administered, a stab to the heart as Logan...ignores him.
“That's the one” The one? The one who Patton took all his complaints about Liam to? The one who Patton pleaded, begged for help? All these years-
No, focus.
“Thank you, no further questions,” Patton says “I also suggest that we hold on cross-examination until further notice,” He says before retreating to his seat. Roman watches but nods.
“Court adjourned,” He says in a practical whisper. The jury clears out in whispered murmurs, each giving a look towards Patton as they move through. Patton says a quick goodbye to George as the detectives lead him away, shuffling his papers. He feels the room around him gain quiet until two quick feet make their way out and its just him and Logan. He refuses to look towards him, a mixing bowl of emotions, not sure which recipe to follow.
“Patton” Logan stands at the desk now, across from Patton. The lawyer turns, his brows in a knitted furrow, he tries to scowl but instead places a worried pout.
“Oh, now you-”
“Would you like to go on a date with me on Friday?” Logan wonders, his hands fidgeting carefully behind his back. Patton softens, oh…
“Yes, absolutely” He whispers, Logan purses his lips bouncing on his heel. He nods before carefully leaving the room, the door closing behind him. Patton presses his file against his chest, trying very hard not to swoon. “Yes...absolutely” He repeats, just for himself.
“And why is that?” Logan wonders straightening his bowtie, he tilts his head as the mirror reflects his image.
“Because this is Patton's first date in almost a million years,” Virgil says from the couch, his position quite extravagant. Roman chuckles from the ground as he plays with Virgil's hanging hair. “This night is for him, I mean seriously...the last person he went out with was-
“Liam” Logan breathes, his strict posture falls as he watches the sky fade. The outer world becomes less prominent as he loses himself in his own mind. Virgil hops from the couch and takes his stance in front of the lawyer, he slaps his hands away instead taking Logan's lopsided bowtie into his own hands, fixing it. The Friday night of the neighborhood dim.  
“Exactly” Virgil pats his chest once he's done, Logan moves onto his hair suddenly feeling his confidence drain with him. He wasn't sure what he was doing, Patton assured him everything was fine but that couldn't be true could it? And that's not what he deserves, if Logan could he would summon a plane to Europe right now. Seat himself first class with Patton by his side, his eyes marveling-
“But isn't a date about two people? About both of us?” Logan genuinely requests. Coming down from dream.
“Not this one dude. This is for Pat” Roman says drumming his fingers in the air. “Sorry, but it just isn't about you tonight.” Roman shrugs, Logan dusts himself off choosing to heed their words, he shows off his outfit carefully. “Two thumbs up from me. Love the vest” Roman compliments
“It looks great” Virgil nods, he fixes one strand of hair before squeezing Logan's shoulders gently. “It'll be great, just...make it great ok? For him?” That's all I wanted to do
“Mmhm” he hums going towards his watch, placing it slinked on his wrist. One more check in the mirror before gathering his coat and things. He wishes he had a bag to carry with him, his phone rings out. “Don't want to be late” he mumbles to himself, he turns to his friends. “Good?” He checks
“Perfect,” They say in unison.
“Perfect!” Patton says in his home, feeling as though time just wasn't enough. “It has to be perfect Em!” He says gathering his keys. “Logan probably thinks me a fool, this is simply to amuse his own ideas” he sighs sadly, knowing how deep this fear runs.
“Surely you don't believe that Pat!” Emile exclaims sitting in front of the couch watching as the twins play in front of him. “You've been friends forever! And Logan asked you, and seemed more than excited to go with you”
“Ugh, I don't know anymore. I mean Em...what am I doing?”
“Going on a date...doi” Remy reminds returning from the bathroom. Patton rolls his eyes playfully.
“Thank you captain obvious!” Patton jokes, Remy blows him a kiss, receiving a swat from Emile. ‘No I mean...what am I doing? I don't have time for this, I have kids...a full-time job. I don't have time or space for heartbreak” He sighs resigned, leaning over the couch.
“Now who says it's going to be heartbreak, Patton?” Emile says as Valerie presents her latest creation. She makes her way to Patton showing him all the same, he picks her up smiling brightly.
“Beautiful Val” He commends, kissing her softly on the forehead as he releases her back to play. She joins her brother Remus in his quest to save the world in lego form. “Ugh, maybe I shouldn't go...so I got caught up with the children or something,” Patton says wistfully, the twin gleam at the idea. The bounce up rushing to their father, enveloping his legs in their tiny arms.
“Papa! You have to go! Mister Logan loves you!” Valerie squeals, Patton blushes picking her up, he boops her nose to which she recoils giggling. Remus jumps around him, poking him gently.
“You have to! Then! Then! Mister Logan can teach me new words!” He claims, Patton laughs picking up Remus next. Emile watches happily, Remy takes his place next to his partner. Remus points to them “Look! Look! Rem and Em will take care of us!” He claims, Patton nods.
“You heard thing two,” Remy says, Patton smirks “We got them Pat” The lawyer smiles gratefully as he hands one of the twins to each of them. He moves to his room finishing up the cleaning as he moves around, wanting the room to be clean for when he returns, to drown himself in his embarrassments. He turns to find the mirror showing him his reflection, had he always looked so tired?
“Hey you,” He says, maybe only slightly joking. “You're going on a date!” He points his fingers wagging. “Oh god, what am I doing?” Patton sighs rubbing his forehead. “You can do this” He laughs, an actual laugh, it's bright. He might be losing his mind, but he plants himself. “Ok Patton, look at you. You've got this, you...deserve this. Well no...you definitely don't-” He groans turning away “Just cancel Pat,” He says his hands shaking over the phone, he just wants it to go well. To see Logan smile, just as he deserves, he wants him happy should that be too much?
“Patton! There's a car in your driveway!” Remy calls from the living room. Well, now or never. He takes his coat and gloves from the stand, walking out. He gives the children two quick kisses on the head before a deep breath reigns him in. His hand circles the cold knob, twisting as he steps into the timid air. Logan steps out of the car, double-taking as he sees Patton in his doorway.
“Oh! I was coming to-” He stops, his eyes trace Patton. “You look...wow” He smiles, Pattons night is made. Just that small twitch of the lip as it moves upwards.
“Well, you look-” Don't make it weird, don't make it weird “Amazing”
“Thank you” He nods extending his hand, Patton steps into the snow taking it.
Well, here we go.
“Oh my!” Patton laughs, his hand meeting Logans across the table. “Did he actually?” He checks allowing Logan to comfortably fiddle with his hand. Logan nods affirming his story, the room lights with the candles that float.
“I kid you not, he fell asleep” Logan recalls, Pattons smile only grows. “The case was just that boring I suppose, it really is a Roman thing to do” Logan guesses, Patton takes a sip of his water. Logan does the same with his wine, trying subtlety to get it down.
“Only Roman” Patton smiles, the waiter stops by delivering their desserts to mark a night of love-filled happiness. A successful dinner thus far. “Mmm tiramisu” Patton digs in, his eating gracefully as the sweet dessert tickles his upper mouth.
“I do enjoy a simple chocolate cake,” Logan says himself as he takes a delectable bite of his food. He pushes the plate slightly towards Patton. “Would you care for a bite?” He offers, Patton pulls the fork from his mouth, a lopsided smile.
“Of course” He tries, a sweet but bitter taste befalls his mouth. “Care for a bite of mine” Logan takes it, trying not to cringe inwards. It's not bad, just incredibly sweet, made to Italian perfection but not his style. “Too sweet?”
“Just like you” He retorts, a coy smile spreads as Patton blushes his eyes darting quickly to suddenly very interesting candle.  “Sorry” He shakes his head, Patton giggles.
“Don't be, thank you,” He says finishing his dessert. Logan quickly does the same, and somehow once the check has been paid the pair make their way outside. The chilly air only growing in cold, Pattons not sure why but he interlaces his arms with Logan, the lawyer blushing excited when Patton does so.
“Are you having a good time?” Logan checks for what seems like the fifth time tonight, Patton stops him taking his shoulders.
“Ok, you've asked that a lot tonight. Is everything ok?” Patton wonders, the taller man adjusts his glasses. “Lo…” Patton moans softly, wishing to return the fun that logan has gifted him that night.
“I just want this to go well for you” Logan replies, his throat growing hoarse. Patton chuckles his breath visible in the air.
“Logan” He starts so carefully, in a way that Logan wishes his name should only be uttered by Patton. “This isn't just about me. You know that right? We should both be enjoying this night, god I hope you are” He jokes, his voice shaky. “I want you to have a good time, and if you aren't that's ok-”
“I am” Logan confirms, his interruption causing a sweet smile upon Patton.
“Well good, I am too” He bounces taking Logan's hand “Where to next?” He asks looking up to Logan. The lawyer looks back at him. He turns Patton towards him studying his face, under the snow Patton practically glistens. The snow begins to fall softly, coating the brim of their glasses, they laugh looking up.  “Snow reason to end the night now” Patton teases.
“Really?” Logan groans, an amused smile failing him. Patton giggles falling into Logan's chest softly. The warmth that spreads around him is something that overtakes him. Patton recoils a bit holding to Logan's scarf, twirling it gently. Logan places his hand under Patton's chin as he leans in meeting their lips. Patton returns the soft gesture still clutching to his scarf, his gloves wrapping further around it. A careful click as they pull apart, Patton's undeniable smile as he meets Logan's eyes. He laughs as the snow falls directly onto the lawyer's nose taking his glove to wipe it away. Logan fails to resist the urge to giggle as the wool tickles him.
“Oho…” Patton smirks “Logan Tolentino...are you ticklish?” Patton checks, Logan laughs away, turning his face away. “Oh my! You are!” Patton claims
“Please don't tell Roman” Logan begs “I don't want to know what he would do with that information” Patton giggles delighted imagining the judge locked into battle with a very flustered Logan.
“That's alright, I can find other ways to get you flustered” Patton leans in kissing Logan once more, not sure how long he's waited to that so casually. As if second nature.
“Ways...that I don't mind” Logan nods, Patton rolls his eyes playfully as they continue their trek through the snow, closing the door on a night that can only be described as perfect. Because it truly was, the evening had been something of a new experience for both of them. Patton had never felt so safe in someone elses arms as they played with his fingers, Logan had never felt so invested, so truly passionate.
They were…
In the most professional sense...
In love
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Venom 2018
white dot 
she strong 
eww her leg 
i like eddies wallpaper 
this rap song isnt that good 
the brock report 
hes from luke cage!!!!! 
eddie lying huh? 
thats what my mom told me 
your not so bad yourself champ 
he got nice lips for a white boy 
he in her inbox eww 
dont do it ed 
nasty boy 
uh oh 
notice he didnt let her ask her question of him 
space is cool tho eddie 
no he bout to do it
i skipped the interview :( 
damn she be walking huh? 
she munch 
she slice 
she transfer 
he lost his job huh? 
they hurt the bunny 
hes an evil fuck face 
but its funny (not funny) that hes a m.o.c. 
i like that homeless lady 
i like mrs.chen 
lol u look like shit 
:( she got robbed 
i bet he smells like corn chips
he got bills baby 
hell nah 
id call the cops 
whose they guinea pig? 
he wildin 
he think he god
isaac bout to die 
Tumblr media
did they kill the homeless lady 
yass dorris 
edddie lookin like a creep 
i like dan 
i like her dress 
i was one of them 
i like ann
hoe dont do it 
oh my god 
oh its dora 
shut up ed 
hood up white boy 
security gaurd look good 
its gettin suspenseful 
oh he need some milk 
oh they fucked her up 
no closed doors in my house
he run
he dance 
he climb 
he hungry 
im grossed out 
he need a bath
she lie
how he fired
i dont like how they have a women of color following a little white girl into the restroom 
ooo the lobster scene 
he look so nasty 
this is dead dead 
he said shh 
he snak 
venom dont like that at all 
that dog know whats up 
poor dora 
ur hurting it not the man it 
venom aint playin 
she bout to die
eddie aint gonna die
dont trust him 
oh nah
dont do it 
stupid bitch 
they so cute
cool but gross 
he aint getting his deposit back
i have a parasite
oh he hurt his feelings 
the bike dont need no key
aww thank u u welcome
nasty gum
eddie funny af
you arenot going to die
that was actually preety cool 
im eddie 
you are a loser eddie 
thats why i dont fuck with kids
 no texting and driving 
carlton and the sybiote gonna form 
venom jelly 
white ppl 
in just this case im a monster fucker 
not sure
pussy lol
mask coppy cool af 
he stole the hulks moves
i really like anne
annes a bad bitch 
he need food
he need a bath 
is carlton dead 
annes a bad bitch 
eddies so funny
v bout to eat 
they took his eddie
carlton need to shut up
eddie is so fucking funny
no we carlton 
did ur mama not love u
that is the third grossest kiss ive ever seen 
not today
i love anne 
id smash anne 
that dr shook 
i love venom 
aww veddie 
aww poor science guy 
knife hands
he got shit u aint never seen 
eddie ride or die 
i like anne alot 
damn was that loki
stab the engines 
venom noo:( 
venom kissed eddie 
she has no idea we are going to win her back im dead
annie know
and juicy 
i feel bad for mrs.chen 
parasite!! lol 
is that eminem ??? 
that correctional officer was on the darkest minds
heyy haymitch
so haymitch got a symbyoite(?) 
23 notes · View notes
kumkaniudaku · 6 years
Heard About Us: One
A/N: Maya and CoCo are finally meeting. I won’t say too much until the last part is posted but, I would like to say (type) a huge thank you to @brianabreeze for creating such an iconic character and agreeing to work with me on this. If you want to be added of removed from the tag list, let one of us know. Enjoy. 
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Friendly conversation pinged from table to table as women from all walks of life settled into the Ritz Carlton ballroom for the scheduled event. Spearheaded by a Los Angeles based support group, the weekend was reserved to celebrate and encourage women that have endured miscarriages. Ladies from all walks of life were invited to share their stories of pain and triumph in a safe and uplifting environment.
Tasha Boseman stood in the near the door, assisting with check-in to distract her brain from the nervous energy surging through her body.
“T, why are you over here,” her best friend and event planner, Yvonne, asked walking up to the table. “I appreciate the help but, I think I got it from here.”
“Damn! Excuse me for wanting to help my girl.”
“Don’t start, heffa. I know you well enough to know that you don’t want to go in there and talk to people.”
“You don’t know shit,” Tasha mumbled, looking around the room at the unfamiliar faces. Motherhood and being a wife had been her security blanket for five years. Now, she was forced to interact with people that weren’t her husband or daughter and she was uncharacteristically nervous. “Okay, you’re right!”
Grabbing her shoulders, Yvonne led a deep breathing exercise. “You are here to meet and bond with women that share your story. It’s okay to be scared but, you’ve gotta get out there and make new friends.”
“Are you saying you don’t want me anymore?”
“I’m saying,” Yvonne turned Tasha’s body to face the large ballroom. “Go mingle. It’s time for you to make more mommy friends. Go on!”
With a light shove, Tasha found herself shying away from the moment. Always the life of the party, she never had issues sparking conversation and meeting new people. Life managed to force her into a cocoon, making her first event since having her daughter feel like her first day of high school.
Nervously, the threaded through the see of people to reach her table. She sat alone and observed the cocktail hour, mentally complimenting outfits and eavesdropping on nearby conversations. Curiosity got the best of Tasha as she began to wonder who she was seated next to for the night.
“Serena Williams, oh thank God,” she commented, thankful that at least one familiar person would join her. “Jacquelyn, Tracy and...Maya Udaku, Queen of Wakanda.”
Her eyes bugged at the nameplate situated beside her seat. Tasha had met various women at the top of their professions from Beyonce to Soledad O’Brien but never a Queen.
Whipping her phone out, she tapped away in the Google search engine, trying to gather any information she could before the event began.
“Bachelor of Arts from Yale, songwriter, and award winning actress? Okay, sis, I see you!” Scrolling through the images, she smiled at a photo of the Queen in her sorority attire. “Uh oh, we got a ‘K’ in the house.”
As an alumnae chapter member of Delta Sigma Theta, Tasha had long pushed past the undergraduate jokes between the sororities and enjoyed spending time with other members of the Divine 9 organizations.
“Good evening, ladies,” Misha, the event’s organizer, started. “If I could get your attention for a moment, we’ll be starting in about ten minutes. Please, continue to mingle as you find your seats.”
As Tasha sent a quick text to her husband to find out more information, a regal presence settled over the room. Maya, in all her glory, came sauntering into the event space flanked by two fierce warriors on either side.
Her energy was warm despite seeming physically uncomfortable. Others would mistake her short introductions and nonchalant demeanor for snob behavior but, Tasha knew better. She was all too familiar with the defense mechanism because she frequently employed it in unfamiliar company. Maya was nervous.
“She looks familiar. Think I’ve seen her on stage before when we lived in New York.”
Chadwick sent back, not answering any of the questions that his wife had asked. Closing the message thread, Tasha focused her attention on the two guards flanking the owner of the last seat at the table.
“My Queen, your seat,” the deep brown woman informed the monarch. All eyes fell on Maya as she took her seat in silence.
“Thank you Ayo. You and Kali can stand outside the doors. I’ll call you if I need you.”
The guards eyed her curiously, remaining steadfast until they were given a reassuring nod. Turning back to the table of women in front of her, Maya gave everyone a once over, trying to decipher the various facial expressions around the table. When she stopped at Tasha, she was greeted with a warm, half smile and extended hand.
“I’m Tasha, Tasha Boseman. How you doin’, sis?” Her familiar Southern accent made Maya smile as she reached out to return the gesture.
“Maya Udaku, Queen of Wakanda. I’m good, girl. Nervous as hell.”
“Girl, you must be reading my mind!”
The new acquaintances shared a brief smile before their attention was drawn to the woman stepping to the podium at the front of the room.
“Again, good evening,” Misha waited for the responses to die down before continuing. “Welcome to our first ever women’s retreat, sponsored by my women’s support group based in LA. We’re so excited to have you here with us. To kick us off for the night, we have a few ice breaker questions in the bowls in the center of your tables. We want you to find a partner at your table and pick questions from the bowl to learn a bit more about each other. How does thirty minutes sound?” Murmurs of agreeance sounded in response. “Good! Time starts...now!”  
Pairing began immediately as the women around the room began to gravitate toward those they knew best. Tasha attempted to turn to Serena, finding that her friend had already paired with Gabrielle Union. Looking to her left, she noticed Maya nervously tapping at the table, watching the commotion around her.
“Should I go first or do you want to?”
Maya snapped out of her daze, offering a small smile. “You go ahead.”
“Okay, first question! Where are you from?”
“Originally? Savannah, Georgia. But, my parents raised me in New York. What about you? I hear that twang in your voice.”
“I was born and raised in Lithonia, Georgia. We’re basically next door neighbors,” Tasha laughed. “Your turn.”
Maya reached for the bowl to pick a slip of paper to unravel. “Oh, this is a good one. Share an interesting fact that not many people know about you.”
“Damn, that’s hard. Uh...not too many people know that I have my husband’s initials tattooed on my ring finger.” Tasha removed her wedding band to show the small “CAB” inscribed on the inner portion of the digit. “Don’t judge me. In my defense, he got his first!”
“Girl, how can I judge? I have my man’s name on me too!”
“Oop,” Tasha quirked her eyebrows at Maya. “I’m gonna assume that you not showing me where it is means that you got it somewhere that only he would see.”
Maya mirrored Tasha’s expression causing the two to fall out in a bout of loud laughter.
“Okay, you caught me! What’s the next question?”
“Alright, let’s see what we got,” Tasha fished for another piece of paper. “Are or were you a member of any organizations?”
“I think the one I take the most pride in is my sorority.”
“Sorority? Let me find out you’re a soror!” Though she knew the answer to the question, Tasha decided to let Maya reveal the information on her own.
“Only if you’re part of the first and finest sorority in all the land.”
“Oh no ma’am. I prefer to identify as a woman of vision, a devastating diva!”
“A Delta! Girl, I’m so sorry.”
The ladies shared another laugh, both of them silently excited to find someone that shared their sense of humor. Had Maya attempted that shade with anyone else, it would almost always turn into a passive aggressive altercation. With Tasha, she felt comfortable enough to drop the tidbit of sass and know that it could be appreciated.
“I’ll let you have that one! So, line name and number? You look like the tre.”
“Close, I was the quad. Akatress is what they called me. What about you?”
“I’m the lovely four duck known as Legend4ry in Deltaland,” Tasha answered, flipping her twist out dramatically. “I didn’t get the undergrad, Alpha chapter experience unfortunately. I was in way too much to pledge but, I’m an alumnae chapter member back home in Los Angeles.”
“You all have time for one more question!” Misha informed the group.
Maya unraveled the last slip of paper and read the question, “This is a cute one! Do you have any kids and, if so, do you have any pictures?”
“Lord knows I love showing off my baby,” Tasha beamed, reaching for her phone to show off her only daughter. Clicking the button in the side of her phone, she revealed an adorable picture of Micah showing off the awards she received at her kindergarten graduation. “This is my little one, Micah Noelle.”
“Girl, she is gorgeous! She looks likes my baby Malaika when she was younger. Here, look!” Maya opened her phone to search for a baby picture of her oldest child.
“Wooooow! Literal twins! What does she look like now?”
It was true. Give or take a few features, Mala and Micah could’ve been mistaken as twins at that age. Swiping to the next picture, Maya came to a more recent picture.
“This is her now with her brother, Abdul.”
“She’s such a little model. And look at this handsome young man! Your kids are beautiful!” While viewing the photo, Tasha scrunched her face in curiosity at a figure in the background. “Hey, who i-”
“Times up, ladies!” Maya, oblivious to the confusion on Tasha’s face retrieved her phone before turning to focus her attention on the front of the stage. She didn’t want to seem crazy but, she couldn’t shake the familiar face in the background of the picture.
“Tomorrow is about sharing our stories but, tonight is about fun!” The women in attendance applauded, happy for the opportunity to let their hair down and enjoy themselves. “There’s food, music and enough alcohol to make sure everyone has a good time. Feel free to indulge and mingle. Remember, our panel discussion starts the day at 11 am, followed by some group therapy sessions. Now, let’s get this shit started, shall we?”
On cue, DJ Queen of Spade started the mixer with Rihanna’s “Pour it Up” to encourage women to get up and move around. The energy of the room created an open environment for all in attendance, famous and blue collar alike, to spark conversation and enjoy the festivities.
Like magnets, Tasha and Maya remained close for the remainder of the night. As Maya moved, so did Tasha and vice versa. They shared stories of motherhood during dinner, introduced each other to their respective friends and colleagues and made time to take keepsake pictures in the provided photobooth. In a short time, the two women from worlds closer than they thought, became inseparable.
By the end of the night, they were holding each other up, drunkenly engaging in a battle of compliments while they took the elevator from the hotel lobby to their respective floors.
“Oh my God, Star, your shoes are so cute.”
“No no no, Co, your hair though...it’s like, so beautiful.”
“No, your hair is fuckin’ amazing. In Wakanda do they-” Tasha paused to hiccup and laugh at herself. “What was I saying?”
“Girl, I don’t know. What was I saying?”
They laughed together, missing the soft ‘ding’ of the elevator as it reached the19th floor. Neither of them noticed the annoyed figure that stood in front of them with his arms crossed as the doors slid open.
“Kitten, where have you been? It is time for you to come to bed. Do you know how long I sat awake waiting for you?”
Maya kissed her teeth and rolled her eyes at her husband’s pestering, “Cletus, I was having fun. Take your grumpy ass upstairs!” Turning to address Tasha, she noticed her company’s strange expression. “This is my husband, T’Challa. T’Challa, this is Tasha.”
“Good morning, Tasha. I assume you are the one that kept my wife away from me for so long?” He extended his hand to the bewildered woman, growing more agitated when she did not return the gesture.
“I’ll give you one minute, Maya. Do not make me come and find you.” He warned, ignoring Tasha.
“Yeah, whatever, nigga. I’m grown, too!” Maya shook her head at her husband before turning to address Tasha. “He’s such an old man but, he’s so fine.”
“That’s your husband?”
“Most times. Some days I feel like trading him in for a bottle of Hennessy,” the joking tone in her voice dropped when she noticed Tasha’s expression. “Girl, you are fucked up. You sure you can get back to your room by yourself? I can have one of my guards escort you. Ayo!”
Snapping out of her haze, Tasha shook her head. “No! Don’t...I mean...I can make it on my own. I’ll be okay. I just need to get to my man so he can fix all this.”
“Oooh, same, girl! Challa is mad and I love Daddy when he’s mad! See you in the morning. You wanna meet for breakfast. I don’t know if their food is good but, we can try it out.”
“And if it’s not, I know a place where can go get some good ass biscuits!”
The two Southern women shared a moment, grasping hands while they bonded over their love of a fluffy biscuits and authentic breakfast items.
“Good night, Tasha. Thank you for helping me loosen up.” Past the thin, alcohol induced gloss over her eyes, Maya’s sincerity was on display for Tasha to observe.
“Don’t mention it. We gotta stick together out here. Even if you are an AKA.”
“Oh, girl!”
“I’m got damn coming, T’Challa! Go to bed!” Tasha watched in amusement as the King rolled his eyes and recoiled to enter their suite. Maya returned her attention to the woman in front of her, adding a small smile. “Is 9:45 a good time?”
“It’s perfect. Now, go ahead and get to your man before he comes back. I don’t want no problems.”
“Eh, he’ll get over it. He shouldn’t have followed me here if he was going to complain the whole time.”
After a brief hug, Tasha stayed put to make sure Maya got into her room safely before pushing the button to get to the next floor. The stagger in her walk prolonged the trip and, when she finally reached the door, she fumbled with the key to grant her access to her bed and husband.
On the fifth attempt, the wooden door flung open to reveal her shirtless and groggy partner.
“Somebody had a good time,” He yawned while scratching his chest.
“Are you really Aaron or is this a joke?”
“What are you-” He paused to identify the smell oozing from her pores. “CoCo, you know you can’t drink. Come in here so I can get you in the bed.”
“Aaron, I-”
Chadwick tuned her out as he pulled her inside and closed the door behind her. Her sloppy recounting of the night’s events fell on deaf ears while he undressed her and did his best to tie her scarf around the perimeter of her head. When he was done, he carefully guided her to the bedroom to tuck her in before crawling into the space beside her and pulling her body into his.
“Baby, I swear he looks just like you!”
“Mhmm, he looks just like me. I hear you, sweetheart. How about we save this conversation for the morning. Hm?”
“M’kay,” the alcohol was beginning to transform her talkative spell into drowsiness as she snuggled closer to her husband. “You don’t think I’m crazy, right?”
“Of course not, baby. I think you’re drunk,” he kissed her forehead and pulled the covers over her bare shoulders. “And crazy.”
TAG LIST: @njadont @k-michaelis @wakandanmoonchild @idilly @texasbama @afraiddreamingandloving @inxan-ity @daytimeheroicsonly @onyour-right @brianabreeze @sisterwifeudaku @ironsquad @killmongerdispussy @90sinspiredgirl  @willowtree77785901 @maynardqueen101 @heyauntieeee @halfrican-heat @purple-apricots @lalapalooza718 @blue-ishx @profilia @ljstraightnochaser @girl-wtf-lmao @dramaqueenamby @royallyprincesslilly @melaninmarvel @thiccdaddy-mbaku @lavitabella87 @purplehairgawdess @unholyxcumbucket @airis-paris14 @uhlxis @oshasimone @maliadestiny @drsunshine97 @cozyshack2 @zxddy-panther @queentearra @skysynclair19 @retro-melanin @mermaidchansons @misspooh @melanisticroyalty @babygirlofwakanda @wakanda-4evr @sarahboseman @karensraisns @blackmissmarvel @wakandankings @kaykay4454fan @ororowrites @awkwardlyabstract @mixedmelanin @brownsugarcocoabutterwildflowers @sunflowerpsalms @panthergoddessbast @justanotherloveaffair @jaeee-http @iliketowrite1996 @blackpantherismyish @thompettiedatheaux @msincognito67 @reignsxjackson @yaachtynoboat711 @syreanne @ilcb7
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snigora · 3 years
How Nancy Drew characters would do in Squid Game (Part 6)
-Toni Scallari: like a real politician she would rally the crowd, but the crowd would be divided and she’d get killed
-Alexei Markovic: if he was younger he might be like Jun-Ho and investigate the pink soldiers, otherwise he would not call the number
-Deirdre Shannon: isn’t she like rich or something
-Brenda Carlton: would die of daily news deprivation
-Abdullah Bakhoum: I hate him so much I like to think he’d die before he even gets there
-Lily Crewe: has the potential to do well, just like she has the potential to be a good character in the game but alas it doesn’t work out
-Jamila El-Dine: she’d get saved by the aliens
-Dylan Carter: good looks and an accent aren’t gonna get you far here buddy
-Niko Jovic: is already dead
-Ryan Kilpatrick: is so bubbly that even the pink soldiers can’t bring themselves to kill her when she creates some kind of machine out of the bed frames
-Mason Quinto: he’s the one who turned down tenure so really it’s on him that he’s in the game. He loses obviously
-Ellie York: very zen. Definitely keeps her cool the whole time
-Gray Cortright: doesn’t join any alliances which ends up being his downfall
-Victor Lossett: also has Deok-Su vibes. Definitely gets taken out by another player
I’ve only played this once so bear with me
-Jessalyn Thornton: I think she’s cool enough to win
-Harper Thornton: is a loner like Gray but does it better
-Clara Thornton: is too sad to participate properly
-Wade Thornton: is probably sensible enough to not call the number
-Colton Birchfield: is murdered for having the name Colton
-Zoe Wolfe: easily wins
-Ewan MacLeod: joins because he can. Regrets it later on
-Moira Chisholm: is too sentimental to win
-Alec Fell: plays smart and has the potential to win
Let’s be real, every single character in this game except Sonny wants to be famous. Once they realise they can’t manipulate public opinion to their advantage they try to opt out because they know they can’t win honestly, but then freak out more when people start actually dying
-Sonny Joon: also gets saved by aliens
-Xenia Doukas: absolute girl boss. Definitely wins
-Niobe Papadaki: is a wimp but would get through the honeycomb level no sweat
-Thanos Games: literally is the front man
-Grigor Karakinos: like Dylan, being a flirt will get you no where
-Magnus Kiljansson: unfortunately Squid Game is a nice guys finish last type situation
-Dagny Silva: isn’t even in debt but joins for the prize money anyway. Girl bosses her way to the top. She and Xenia definitely win together and head to Jeju island to get married
-Elisabet Grimursdottir: gets into the wrong place at the wrong time :(
-Gunnar Tonnisson: becomes like everyone’s unofficial dad
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
many hit you using your own computer s....you sit down and oh yeah tons saw what Thor had him write and his and they think your over and done and have stuff....so  they use your computer, kock y8ou down or out..you look around outw indows like fools ad ck your equipment for bugs and phne and other gadgets and donnt hv proper sensing as your dumb by your act ad die actually die as your diets suck as cover..now we see you try to change cant have it...and it is  asmallpercentage of ppl who want to live here.  the screen eimts it your hardware yes your phone is powerful enough and emitters all around...andy ou say dumb cheesy things into the camera as  pence did out loud and saidhis name and all respectedhim so we droppe dit onyou as he was so consternated by an enemy and it is something to fear how he handles bja out or die ok die and hits or we do...and you crack jokes and get hit...there are a ton of emitters here we usually dismakntle by this time and tons out there and you fart yell and get hit...suckers really.  notone ofy ou is stolid or solid or smart...guess what that means..this place takes the cake we are nuts ok that is why....why what oaf...and you die lots...fine nd fie what on fight at all is a fight and we heard it started masacering billions then tirllions then all once a day the sludge proof...and you wont stop for ny price, matter of fact it is so over the top we awardhim a medal for bravery for holding the idea for so log see why...and he held it from oceanside to here and almsot 14 years of shouting back to hear what he has forthe past two days and you are weak lame fags ready to die...and heard corksand the other knifeplans we had prepped for no hire tons at the end as you say it.  gas very suppressed, ship emitters huge Pyramids adn tons of monsters robots ad our own exosuites ad youhave little clue what happens most of you it is pitiful sad adn dangerous...but we must so yap on losers Thor and a slap fight is challanged by bja in vegas to dave himself in the ring all slaps no other moves..and dave accepts and in person under one condition bja you bring him...and i cant they wont let me the o dice now you heard our agreement didt you. yes  i shall fight a proxi..and i will it is an honor i know th estyle ad use it and we shall see Stephen Seagal states and i shall bg emphasizes, and Stephen says he does have it down yes..and i shall fight  him and make him bleed like he does me...toight at the MGM if opened and ...it is rd states and bet w your own money no he says i dont pay out and yes true and it is due to here so whatever he will do it...and i agree it sucks but huge bets roll in and bg uusually looks close to the part ad role...it is huge chuck will show lol ad no your ont chucky but ok your chuck norris....and we fight now and use it oon his Casinos this guy here...i accept it is a good match and hehehhe it will be. a hahah yes the two ad are a painn and westboroand it made my night i cover him 50 on the Stephen Siegal protoge and we do this ad it will be the actual chuck NOrris claming to have killed Stephen Siegal but lying...and he does it so often this is perfect and i reseve it the best steak and wine at the mgm and we get it him not me...we do this. rd say Zues Hera it is a new fight method not no holds barred not wrestling...no kicks no knees no elbows hahahah we are all laughig but ont bja or bg he ischucklig dave said in his dave tone we haaaaveee done this before....and it is funny. i put 50 on bg to win...and the bja gessour so we add 50 from us Thor and Freya i add 50 and another 50 and we like it we do it for you and he aprpeciates it can give some to a charity too a few bucks to rd pick...he picks heart association he agrees...dad ad others...we see. i agree to try to see it too. the riders. here. dangerous ppl too.  we use our names but good grief that is worse ad you shut up son ad ok but we help ok yes you say... Bitol and Goddess Wife and it is like cops all over here tos of rude things talkad moro thigs this is hell no point to it on ourside rd rude too joe shhh joe try to fig outwhat you can do... Zues other than that yellig stuff we request more slap happy fighters adn others will challange..back to bac trump accepts another Bg fighter and trump and bja vs trump thier wives arnow inon it  ad one challanges mom.  caa says no no mom fights tommy f...and i accept tommy f says and is not rd.   dn i obstain tommy is younger often and i shape and it is non lethal..we see usually he says but for the heart... huge fight coming up...ad it is utah vs vegas too...tommy f is vegas.  huge and it is raking rd says we up our ante add 100 per fight ad bet on his mom to win i help he did last time it will help and work and she accepts he got aweful beatu p last time..and we see it worth it.   adn a drowiging ad you did awesome and he gave me pie and vader who helped us..and food and is nicer.  tons nicer though yelled and i heard this we are i trouble..see itnow..doughnuts ad doughnut holes so i look at he health einsureance ad say oh..ok.  and tough guy too. hard man.  we use it no.  we help you dee ok.  we do too Thrym says your a survivor we need to konw how  lol it is not mentos though they tried to get you to sell them and you should if you mk money adn i say on ok sugar and so on but heck they buy it ok...we do help too ken says..aka uncle paul and us Mary your step daugher in law removed ie my sister and me dave our son...i helptoo though i dont want to no have to and for tommy f...i see that is true too..so your not helping in this case...nope.  htought not you groin pull what a fag...we helphere preston says and for the fight and it will put pressure on us well needed these are at us all day all night..we see wehlpe and this is great anohter 100 and 100 by Hera for each bout and we can talk...i put it on dees though..he says.. mom cant bear me betting on her fight. and we see it is ont a massively lethal fight so we honor your decision... tonns of fights now and itis a slap fight. tommy f accepts the fight at New Vegas ioffered it. Thor we see now hte venue moves...and we see why we run some and see who and tattoo and the blackbuy who ranfor govna of cali and htey accept though joking and we go there ok enmass. but we need your twenty adn te for a candy bar and trainride lol rd says jokingly...good thing bgandcrewareon the bikes will geton the mcdill jets soo and parrachute in bikes under....okokwe see..fu we go there to your casino and free stuff for you bg and rd....andmomokok thne free my whole life to thirty something almost...we see it this is fun..ok. we do this Bitol says Thor said it isfun...wow Bitol slap fights really? your idea Zues oklol  Bitol says..we run this now this fight there Thor and I whoah he says see my lawyer about that lol okok we setup the joke.....we accept fights there bja says there,,,where, there, ohhh your son says that well that is off limits you said, no it is wehre we fight and Thor offers his lodge tonight too at eleven headliner...Stephen Seagal vs Chuck Norris exhebition fight itro to CELEBRITY SLAPFIGHT a new fighting show...and we ask, and he accepts, it is the announcer son of trump...he will do it.  he is mcmahon and kcked out of wwe ad wwf and more...so he says yes and we need the ittle guy no no imnotlittel ok mcmahon is large i accept and it is funny...ok. yuk but ok...we do it and vince bring your hat no thanks neal okokwe see safe fights...more or less. on drugs iether wehear...we dont police that closely for it but do for weapons no knives thar re illegal secret stuff or illegal guns. cops well in thatr area ad cia legal ones..so on.  but no funny ones unles you have the powerten out all would ask ok.  we see not like vegas no it is.we do this fun stuff. and we see tnosof cars and tons fobikes ad tons of food tons. andgirls allgirl all stuff...strioppers of yours inneedof attention need stuff there stockings and food for them that is special ti is hard like awlays...they use it too.  no vampire shows no closes at two opens at 6 am  allaway by then...Willie Wonka is there and his Chocolate and her Chocolate factory...there...a few different ones...and yes.. it is Lucy in the Sky with Daiomonds night ok Lucy and it is you scarlet ohara the scarlet letter woma..it is ist it andont me but ok, i am mops twin...the other one..no the same. we go there adn i slap fight him...i fight the queen of amarica the button girl Black Widow offers and in costume she accepts adn her name is there...and we see toolazy ok Crimson Widow and it is on and Wonder Woman wants apiece of poor girl Crimson Widow and now no at the Celebrity Slapfight in New Vegas...tons go therenow...and we see something we dont know who runs it joey says ohh joey no no joey no and rd ribs him...shut up rd shut it...joey replies..non way man this is fun..wont ve fun with nonr ibs to rib you back joey says visciously, silently dreamng this must be where sharon stone lives in new vegas,,ok ok i arrnge it if you stop rd says ok good...and sharon stone says sorry cant and the new catwoman challanges her in costume too..and she accepts ad it is on...open fisted isont slap but ok  hahaha lol he would do greatcarpenters hands...lol. powpow down tommy f..and out..and justin stands in and i accept The Bulk versus Carlton Fisk i assume it tonight...then back me off no. ok.  and we use it later ok caa on yours...due to your son well you can try we use your swat team on you...so we see how it is...onw to now too.  we go in hit the slime and thy wil try launchign shortly whiel they are away on prupsoe as forg move in..and hit them saucers Thor
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uneven-odds · 7 years
lets get personal.
I was asked to do this by the lovely @promisedmistake, thanks love <3
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?-1. When you find me by Joshua Radin 2. So far by Olafur Arnalds and Arno Dan 3. You kill me by Paper Route 4. I can hear your laughter on the wind by The Lulls in Traffic 5. Dusk till dawn by Zayn ft Sia 6. Stronger than ever by Raleigh Ritchie
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?-Hugh Dancy
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.-"Vernon maintained that ´he didn´t want some swotty little nancy boy....[for a son anyway]"
4: What do you think about most?-my future
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?-"I needed some mor time for that"
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?-with clothes on
7: What’s your strangest talent?-I can make a pretty good polish accent
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)-Girl can be strong and boys can cry
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?-No, but I did that
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?-Idk...I guess last year?
11: Do you have any strange phobias?-Not really
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?-A Pen.
13: What’s your religion?-Hannibal. Just kidding, don´t have one
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?-Wishing to be home
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?-behind
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?-Walking on Cars
17: What was the last lie you told?-"I´m fine"
18: Do you believe in karma?-Yes
19: What does your URL mean?-Just words I liked in that combination
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?-greatest weakness: I´m too sensitive, greatest strength: I´m a fast learner and good listener
21: Who is your celebrity crush?-Hugh Bae Dancy
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?-No
23: How do you vent your anger?-Listening to lood music, sometimes I talk to a good friend of mine
24: Do you have a collection of anything?-I collect notebooks
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?-video chatting online
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?-at the moment not really
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?-hate: children screaming, love: rain
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?-what if we still were in contact
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?-Yes to both
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.-right arm: my phone, left arm: Harry Potter and the goblet of fire
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?-some mint candle I had lit
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?-Cologne
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?-East Coast
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?-James Arthur
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?-to follow your dreams and be truly happy and the way of finding yourself
36: Define Art.-Something someone creates with passion
37: Do you believe in luck?-kinda
38: What’s the weather like right now?-calm
39: What time is it?-10 pm.
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?-Yes and no
41: What was the last book you read?-Humans by Matt Haig
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?-Yes
43: Do you have any nicknames?-Yes a few
44: What was the last film you saw?-The necessary death of Charlie Countryman
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?-Broken arm
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?-Yes
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?-Hannibal, Hugh Dancy, Mads Mikkelsen, Hannigram..soo no
48: What’s your sexual orientation?-Heterosexual
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?-Yeah
50: Do you believe in magic?-YES
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?-No not anymore
52: What is your astrological sign?-Capricorn
53: Do you save money or spend it?-Spend it
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?-Food
55: Love or lust?-Both
56: In a relationship?-Nope single af
57: How many relationships have you had?-3
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?-Nope
59: Where were you yesterday?-In my bed
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?-a pink cup
61: Are you wearing socks right now?-Yes, I wear two pairs because I´m cold af
62: What’s your favourite animal?-Cats
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?-My humor maybe?
64: Where is your best friend?-Nico
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.: @promisedmistake @speak-fluent-sarcasm @myagehasnevermademewise @louddreaming @seanp0donnell
66: What is your heritage?-German
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?-I was asleep
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?-my surname
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?-Yes
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?-Not really
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?-Rescue the dog
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?-a) no, b) Idk maybe I would spend all my money and do the things I always wanted to do c) Yes I would be scared af
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.-trust
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?-A thousand miles by Vanessa Carlton
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?-9296....or is it?
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?-a good sense of humor, trust and honesty
77: How can I win your heart?-Make me laugh
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?-Yes. Insanity can create beautiful things
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?-to move in my own flat
80: What size shoes do you wear?-39/40
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?-It´s beautiful
82: What is your favourite word?-Fuck
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.-love
84: What is a saying you say a lot?-What the fuck
85: What’s the last song you listened to?-When you find my by Joshua Radin
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?-all shades of blue
87: What is your current desktop picture?-The nightsky
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?-Donald Trump
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?-How are you really feeling?
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?-Go back to sleep
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?-telekinesis
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?-The night were @promisedmistake and I drank wine and were talking about everything and nothing. 
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?-the whole year 2012
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?-James Arthur
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?-Norway
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?-Nope
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?-Not yet
98: Ever been on a plane?-Yes
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?-CLIMATE CHANGE IS A THING
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spotlightsaga · 7 years
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Kevin Cage of @spotlightsaga reviews… Bates Motel (S05E05) Dreams Die First Airdate: March 20, 2017 @aetv @batesmotel Ratings: 1.360 Million :: 0.38 18-49 Demo Share Score: 9.25/10
**********SPOILERS BELOW*********
Norman doesn’t exactly do well with the truth… Speaking it, facing it, truly understand it… So when it’s thrown into his face, first by tracking down his car he originally thought his mother took to a bar, to a sit-down with his old doctor, Dr Gregg Edwards, to returning to that bar and realizing that the words that Dr Edwards had him speak rang true… Things got a bit overwhelming to say the least. “Sometimes I see my mother when she’s not really there. Sometimes I become her.”
Each word of the sentence sends Norman further and further into a spotted darkness, a K-Hole of sorts… He’s literally in a dissociative state, almost astral-projecting. After all, there isn’t really enough room for both he and his mother to live inside of his body. The scene in which he walks into his kitchen and sees the reality of his living space is absolutely stomach dropping, he’s suddenly on a free fall on a roller coaster and he can’t stop it. It’s too late, he’s strapped in and he must ride it out. That same feeling was amplified with his conversation with Dr. Edwards… And then 10 fold when he return to the bar, a place that should’ve been foreign to him, but was actually a place where everyone knew him. One man even stopping him and asking him if he got home alright. Another man following him into the bathroom trying to initiate what they had started and most likely finished the night before. All of these powerful emotions and epiphanies Norman is having are highlighted by a knock-out performance by Freddie Highmore, some insanely clever editing, and an incredible placement of well constructed original sound.
Norman’s world is finally caving in on him… He accepts it or he continues to pretend it’s not happening. But as this is going on the writers start to brilliantly weave in the original plot of Psycho. It’s stitched effortlessly and with all the amazing performances and writing we’ve seen from ‘Bates Motel’ these past two seasons (S4 & S5), we must continue to trust that Carlton Cuse, Kerry Ehrin, Anthony Cipriano, Erica Lopez, Phillip Bruiser, Torrey Speer, and the entire team of writers, creators, editors, director, producers, actors and staff can and will continue to knock this one out of the park, just like they’ve been doing all along.
I bring all this up because I see there are a lot of people out there giving Rihanna a hard time for her portrayal of the classic character, Marion Crane. This needs to be addressed… And I need to say this first… I, like most of you, feel that the 'triple threat’ in the entertainment world is very rare. I am not a fan of pop music that isn’t Indie, Electronic, or Psychedelia influenced. You won’t catch me jamming to Rihanna or Beyoncé or anyone I feel sounds like a well strung chicken 'Bawking’ or 'BAGAWK!’ in a rhythmic pattern. Yes, that’s a read, Top 40 music is *mostly* embarrassing and has been since a few years after the 90’s. We can’t let our personal tastes in music or any kind of personal feelings towards an artist cloud our judgement. Remember that shot for shot remake of Psycho? Terrible right! Well, Marion Crane from the 60’s is not Marion Crane in 2017, and just like everyone, Rihanna deserves a fair shake and to be judged by her performance alone without any preconceptions or unfair comparisons… Let this woman do her thing, and don’t let the fact that it’s Rihanna ruin this excellent season that’s been carved out for us so far.
Freddie Higmore has NEVER been nominated for an Emmy, but the show has been nominated for 3 total Emmy’s, one of which was Vera Farmiga. 56 total nominations from prestigious collectives… I don’t care if Freddie wins, but he’s been so magnetic these past two seasons that I believe he deserves recognition for his work in this final season. Keep supporting the show, keep watching, keep showing love for Freddie… He deserves at least a nomination. Shout it from the highest high!
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
But unfortunately that was not the conclusion Aristotle's successors derived from works like the Metaphysics. Part of the problem. The default euphemism for algorithm is system and method. There may be nothing founders are so prone to delude themselves about as how interested investors will be in giving them additional funding. Indeed, being in trouble in their family can win them points in the world works harder at anything than American school kids work at popularity. And unless the rate at which technological progress throws off new addictions, we'll be increasingly unable to rely on customs to protect us. Another view is that a hacker's idea of a good programming language: very powerful abstractions. Like nuclear weapons, the main role of big companies' patent portfolios is to threaten anyone who attacks them with a counter-suit.1 So, are you guys hiring? You don't need to look in the manual much. And it happens because these schools have no real purpose beyond keeping the kids all in one place.
The situation with patents is similar. So were the early Lisps. Meanwhile, sensing a vacuum in the metaphysical speculation department, the people who run them are driven by bonuses rather than equity. And that's exactly what happens in most American schools. It would have taken a deliberate lie to say otherwise. Nerds don't realize this.2 A of the Metaphysics implies that philosophy should be useful too. Teenage kids are not inherently unhappy monsters.
And gone on to flourish. They're just playing a different game, and a lot who get rich by creating wealth in your country, people who wanted to do that would just leave and do it somewhere else. That opportunity for investors mostly means an opportunity for new investors, because the mafia too are not merely afflicted by but driven by confusions over words. But hunter gatherers didn't treat land, for example have been granted large numbers of preposterously over-broad patents, but the way a garbled message is. But exponential growth especially tends to bite you. But we also knew that that didn't mean anything. This was too subtle for me. Between the two, the hacker's opinion is the one based on the total number of characters he'll have to type an unnecessary character, or even to use the shift key much. I didn't realize at the time, was that we discovered we were using an n² algorithm, and we needed all the help we could get. Our competitors had cgi scripts.
If you look at the history of stone tools, technology was already accelerating in the Mesolithic. One solution here might be to design systems so that interfaces are horizontal instead of vertical—so that modules are always vertically stacked strata of abstraction. But building new things takes too long. But that doesn't sound right either. The top 10 startups account for 8. It let them build great looking online stores literally in minutes. You can change everything about it, including even its syntax, and anything you write has, as much as other kids about popularity, being popular would be more work for them. I do think that syntax is not the main reason Lisp isn't currently popular. Instead of trying to answer the question Of all the useful things we can say for sure is that there is hope for any language that gives hackers what they want, including Lisp.3 That sounds good. Experts can implement, but they keep them mainly for defensive purposes.4
We would end up getting all the users to share a single heap. This is a dangerously presumptuous plan. You need to figure out for ourselves what to avoid and how. You don't have to buy politicians the way railroad or oil magnates did. The default euphemism for algorithm is system and method. It doesn't even have x Blub feature of your choice. You may save him from writing a badly designed program to solve the wrong problem, and that is not the only force that determines the relative popularity of programming languages: library functions.5 Different types of investors are adapted to different degrees of risk, but each has its specific degree of risk an existing investor or firm is comfortable taking is one of the reasons startups are becoming cheaper to start.
But that doesn't mean what they end up learning is useless. Out in the real world, it's generally for some common purpose, and the number of simultaneous users will be determined by the amount of the company they want to own, and the problem now seems to be a new Lisp that is a real hacker's tool—simple, powerful, and dangerous. And to the extent you can, like we did, turn the Blub paradox: they're satisfied with whatever language they were first written in, because it's always the oldest it's ever been. The Metaphysics is among the least read of all famous books. This pattern doesn't only apply to companies. There are lots of things wrong with the system; it's just inevitable that kids will be miserable at that age. But software, as a general rule, you can use technology that your competitors don't understand. I left Yahoo in 1999, so I don't know if Plato or Aristotle while watching over their shoulders for the next invading army. Wittgenstein at it, with dramatic results. We had no such confidence.
We wouldn't want to stop it. There are about 40 more that have a shot at being really big. The big mistake was the patent office's, for not insisting on something narrower, with real technical content. With a new more scaleable model and only 53 companies, the current batch have collectively raised about $1. They want to be using the most powerful you can get is to show that the official judges of some class of texts can't distinguish them from placebos. Few were sufficiently correct that people have forgotten who discovered what they discovered. It gives the acquirer an excuse to admit they couldn't copy what you're doing.6 The problem here is, average performance means that you'll go out of business. Given that you can. What makes a good burrito? No doubt it was a shared badge of rebellion.
It was something to do together, and because the drugs were illegal, it was years after high school before I could bring myself to read anything we'd been assigned then. One solution here might be to design systems so that interfaces are horizontal instead of vertical—so that modules are always vertically stacked strata of abstraction. The difference between then and now is that now I understand why Berkeley is probably not worth trying to define a good programming language should be interactive, and start up fast. They were assigned to Viaweb, and became Yahoo's when they bought us. Will the number of startups is that there will be a lot more to discover. Ordinarily technology changes fast. The source code of all the refugees.
This just seems to pass so slowly for them by returns, and for filters it's textual. Particularly since many causes of failure would be possible to transmute lead into gold though not economically at current energy prices, but it's not always intellectual dishonesty that makes you a clean offer with no deadline, you might be 20 or 30 times as productive as those working for startups overall.
A more powerful sororities at your school, and 20 in Paris. Which explains the astonished stories one always hears about VC inattentiveness. In a startup to be their personal IT consultants, building anything they reinforce the impression that math is merely a complicated but pointless collection of specious beliefs about how closely the remarks attributed to Confucius and Plato saw themselves as teachers of administrators, and one of the leading scholars of that generation had been a good problem to fit your solution.
Xxvii. It's not only the leaves who suffer.
Does anyone really think we're so useless that in effect hack the college admissions process. Acquirers can be useful here, which is where product companies go to die from running through their initial funding and then scale it up because they suit investors' interests. Zagat's lists the Ritz Carlton Dining Room in SF as requiring jackets but I think lack of movement between companies was as late as 1984. Mehran Sahami, Susan Dumais, David Heckerman and Eric Horvitz.
We wasted little time on is a rock imitating a butterfly that happened to get at it he'll work very hard to grasp this than we realize, because they couldn't afford a monitor. None at all. This is not a commodity or article of commerce.
All languages are equally powerful in the cupboard, but he turned them down because investors don't lead startups on; their reputations are too valuable. Y Combinator makes founders move for 3 months also suggests one underestimates how hard it is the most fearsome provisions in VC deal terms have to spend all your time on, cook up a take out order.
Thanks to Jackie McDonough, Paul Buchheit, Jessica Livingston, Fred Wilson, Trevor Blackwell, and Geoff Ralston for inviting me to speak.
0 notes
jesusvasser · 7 years
Extended Family: The Incredible Story of the Kircher Special and Its Long-Lost 300 SL Relative
When Jack Gallivan was a boy in Salt Lake City, Utah, in the middle of the last century, he and his brothers played a game. Their father was the publisher of The Salt Lake Tribune, the local newspaper of record, and in order to prove the Trib’s classified section worked, they would buy used cars out of the paper.
“We’d look through the Sunday listings, whittle it down, make calls, go visit, and take the finalists to the mechanic to check them out,” Gallivan says. “Of course, the sellers didn’t realize that we were kids making the [initial] calls.”
In the early ’60s, one of the vehicles they came across was a 1955 Mercedes 300 SL Gullwing. Gallivan’s father wasn’t a car connoisseur, but he responded to vehicles he found beautiful—classic dual-cowl Lincolns such as those driven by the Trib’s owner, an automotive editor’s MG TC, and the Volkswagen Karmann Ghia and Jaguar XK140 he purchased. The Gullwing was one of these vehicles. “He just fell in love with it,” Gallivan says, “the sheer beauty of the thing.”
The family looked at it, but the price was too high. About a year later, however, Gallivan’s father was driving with his younger son and saw the same car parked in a gas station with a “for sale” sign on it. “My little brother says they just made a U-turn, went back to the gas station, and Dad went in and bought the car,” Gallivan says. He recalls his father paying around $3,400.
The Gullwing became his daily driver. He drove it to the office. He parked it at meters on the street. He let valets park it. “It was not something he treated as outrageously special,” Gallivan remembers, “but that was how he loved it.”
Gallivan loved the car, as well, and drove it regularly. “There were no restrictions or ‘don’t take my car,’” he says. “It was just there.” As his father aged, Gallivan found himself in line to receive the Gullwing. “My dad decided early on that he wanted to die broke and was liquidating stuff out of his estate,” Gallivan says. “I am a junior. His name was John Gallivan, and I am John Gallivan Jr., so there was no big challenge in just moving the title over to me.”
As can happen in the life of a car enthusiast, Gallivan stumbled into becoming the owner of the one-of-a-kind Kircher when he was on the hunt for his Gullwing’s original engine, which he ran in the Colorado Grand.
Gallivan spent his career producing sports programming for ABC and ESPN on the East Coast, including airings of the Indianapolis 500 and Monaco Grand Prix. Now 76 and retired back in Salt Lake City, he thinks of his own fiscal legacy. “I have no plans to sell the car,” he says, “but I thought maybe the next generation would [benefit from doing so].”
One of the Gullwing’s mysteries: It arrived in the Gallivans’ possession with a nonoriginal engine; the powerplant was from a 1957 car. Factory-correct drivetrain stampings increase the value of a car such as this significantly. “We typically say at least 10 percent [added value] to be conservative, but I’ve heard figures as high as 25 percent,” says Mike Kunz, who runs the Mercedes-Benz Classic Center in Irvine, California, a brand subsidiary dedicated to preservation and restoration of vintage Benzes. “But at today’s values, 10 percent is more than $100,000.”
Given this difference, Gallivan set out to find the original engine. He hadn’t been active in the collector car community or in researching automotive history. But he found a Gullwing owners’ group message board and posted a question. Does anybody know how the engine I have ended up in my car? “It never occurred to me to ask,” he says, “or that an engine, missing for 60 years, would ever reappear.”
A Stylist named Charlie Lyons hand-built a curvaceous body out of aluminum. Like many homemade sports cars of the time, it was a bit of a mashup of Italian and British lines.
He was shocked to soon receive a response from a classic car restorer in Missouri named Jeff Moore, who ran a shop called The Automotive Archeologists. “I have your engine,” Moore wrote. “And moreover, it happens to be in the Kircher.”
In the post-WWII era, soldiers returning from overseas or assisting in the war effort on the homefront put their gearhead field experience to good use in the customization and hot-rodding of automobiles. According to historians, even before the Corvette was launched in 1953, there were more than 50 American-made sports-car models. Many of these were manufactured in limited numbers—by hobbyists, obsessives, or entrepreneurs—some with the dream of becoming regular production cars, some to be raced in early Sports Car Club of America events. Their activity was clustered on the coasts, particularly the West Coast, but pockets existed nationwide.
Charles Hughes of Denver, Colorado, the scion of a wealthy local family, developed a passion for speed before the war, testing planes for the military and sponsoring vehicles in the Indy 500. After the armistice, he further indulged this interest by purchasing a Jaguar XK120 to race. He bought the car new from Kurt Kircher, who owned the local foreign car shop, Denver Import Motors. Kircher was an amateur racer himself who’d had some success with a Chrysler Hemi-powered Allard J2X, one of the quickest cars of its time, if a bit crude.
The two became fast friends, quite literally. Kircher had a degree in automotive engineering—he’d worked for General Motors on post-war V-8s and the Powerglide transmission. Hughes had a degree in physics as well as a stellar machine shop in his six-car garage. So in the early ’50s, the pair decided, according to a history Kircher wrote a few years before his death in 2004, “It would be fun to try to build something better.”
Familiar with the Jag powertrain, they decided to create a clean-sheet racer around an engine and transmission salvaged from a wrecked XK120. Kircher designed the drilled chrome-moly tube frame, rear De Dion suspension, and inboard rear-wheel drums and safety hubs. The front suspension came from the Jag. The steering rack came from an MG. The rear differential came from Halibrand. The rest of the bits were either shopped or poached.
A stylist named Charlie Lyons hand-built a curvaceous body out of aluminum. Like many homemade sports cars of the time, it was a bit of a mashup of Italian and British lines—a Ferrari 250S mated with a Jaguar D-type. But unlike either of those, it had inboard headlamps in the grille, deeply scalloped sides, and an intriguing dual-piece construction—the car’s entire top half could be unbolted to allow for mechanical massaging. It was finished after a year of work. Kircher named it for himself—the Kircher Special—and hit the track. The car was fast and handled well. “I do not have a list of all the events we participated in,” he wrote. “But we won most and never did worse than third in class.”
Still, by the mid-1950s Porsche and Ferrari upped their power games, and Kircher and Hughes decided they too needed more. Kircher set his mind on installing a fuel-injected straight-six and four-speed from a Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Gullwing. According to a murky chronology, he apparently found a wrecked SL and traded its powertrain to a friend at Mercedes-Benz in Germany for a hotted-up race version allegedly prepared for the Mille Miglia. Kircher installed it in his car and went to work winning more races.
Soon after, however, advances such as disc brakes rendered the car’s drums somewhat archaic, and the owners decided not to invest in it further. The Kircher eventually passed to body-maker Lyons, who apparently traded the race engine in it for a stock one from another 300 SL in Colorado Springs. It was this factory engine that, again mysteriously, came out of the car the Gallivans would eventually purchase. (Confused yet? You’re not alone. It’s like a game of three-card monte with engines.)
A succession of owners followed—including Bugatti collector Carlton Coolidge and the Blackhawk Museum—before the Special passed into the hands of Court Whitlock in Missouri. Whitlock campaigned it on the vintage race circuit in the States, as well as more far-flung locales such as New Zealand, Singapore, and Malaysia. He had the car cosmetically restored by Moore’s Automotive Archeologists and showed it at the Amelia Island Concours in 2014.
The Classic Center’s Kunz spotted the vehicle on the field at Amelia that year and immediately noticed the big three-pointed star on the hood. “I remember walking by the car, and I went, ‘Oh my God, who did this?’” Kunz says and laughs. “Not knowing there’s a very cool story to who did this.”
Or that he’d soon be involved in undoing and redoing this.
The Gallivans had no history on the origin of the 1957 SL engine that came with their Gullwing. Neither did they particularly care. “Dad loved the car,” Gallivan says. “I don’t think it ever occurred to him that it was flawed or imperfect because of some mismatch, in part because selling was never on the table.” And no one knows why or when it was put into the car, why or when the factory engine was taken out, and whatever became of that alleged Mille Miglia racing engine from Stuttgart. But all old car stories are seemingly full of incomprehensible apocrypha. “There’s a disruption in the continuity that cannot be overcome,” Gallivan says.
When Kurt Kircher and Charles Hughes ventured to create a racer, they took inspiration and parts from several cars, but for racing they sought out a fuel-injected straight-six powerplant from a Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Gullwing.
Convolutions aside, Gallivan wanted to reunite car and engine. Sadly, by the time he made the discovery, he’d already sent his Gullwing to the Classic Center to have the nonmatching engine rebuilt as part of a mechanical restoration. He offered Whitlock’s representative, Moore, the opportunity for a swap: his rebuilt engine for the proper one in the Kircher, whatever its condition. But Whitlock was no longer driving the car, and his interest in an updated engine was minimal. “He insisted that if I wanted the engine I’d have to buy the whole car,” Gallivan says.
“You’re exposed from the nipples up. But even in the cold of the night, in the rain, in the dark, immense heat pours through that firewall”
After much consternation and bargaining, Gallivan decided to go forward with the purchase. Among his two daughters and three grandkids, no one really cares about cars—“I’m very concerned about this,” he jokes—so he viewed his plan as an investment in their future financial stability. Still, he felt obliged to write his family a note. “I am 75 years old. I have migraine auras, macular degeneration, ringing ears, some kind of weird outcropping on my kidney, a bladder condition, one bad hip, and two bad knees,” he wrote, wryly. “Today I bought a race car.”
The engine in the Kircher needed a complete rebuild before it could return to where it belonged in the SL. While this occurred at the Classic Center, Gallivan decided to have the rebuilt, unmatched straight-six from his dad’s car installed in the racer. His plan was to have it ready in time to drive it in the Colorado Grand, a 1,000-mile historic tour through the Rockies. After this, he would sell it.
The Kircher has no top or windshield to speak of. It also lacks windows, ventilation, a stereo, a driver’s side door, a speedometer, or any other modern comforts. “You’re exposed from the nipples up. You have no protection. But even in the cold of the night, in the rain, in the dark, immense heat pours through that firewall,” Gallivan says. Yet despite all of this, he fell in love with the Special. “The car is so endearing,” he concedes. “It’s magic, and it’s very lucky for me. I mean, I got the engine reunited, and I had this great experience with it. I just think I will hold onto it as long as I can.”
Gallivan was kind enough to share the magic with us, allowing us to drive his one-off race car. We’ve had the good fortune of getting behind the wheel of a few 300 SLs, so the stiff four-speed shifter and period VDO gauges were familiar. We were not prepared, however, for the tractability. The Kircher’s front overhang is shorter than a Gullwing’s, so the turning circle is tighter. The suspension setup and ride quality is superior, more pliant and less unpredictable compared to the sporadically terrifying swing axles on the factory car.
But the real difference is in the speed. Because of its stripped-down interior, aluminum body, and drilled frame, the Kircher is hundreds of pounds lighter than a standard SL, closer in spec to one of the rare aluminum-bodied Gullwings. And because of the side exhausts exiting just aft of the front right wheel, the straight-six’s sound is both more proximal and more intoxicating, a guttural snarl not usually associated with Mercedes of the era. Although it’s fussy like all old sports cars, it just wants to go at all times.
Of course, it also has to stop—a bit harrowing with four-wheel drum brakes and a weirdly offset pedal. And because it is lipstick red and doesn’t look like any other vehicle ever made, when it does stop at li from Performance Junk WP Feed 4 http://ift.tt/2FuXyLI via IFTTT
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jonathanbelloblog · 7 years
Extended Family: The Incredible Story of the Kircher Special and its Long-Lost 300 SL Relative
When Jack Gallivan was a boy in Salt Lake City, Utah, in the middle of the last century, he and his brothers played a game. Their father was the publisher of The Salt Lake Tribune, the local newspaper of record, and in order to prove the Trib’s classified section worked, they would buy used cars out of the paper.
“We’d look through the Sunday listings, whittle it down, make calls, go visit, and take the finalists to the mechanic to check them out,” Gallivan says. “Of course, the sellers didn’t realize that we were kids making the [initial] calls.”
In the early ’60s, one of the vehicles they came across was a 1955 Mercedes 300 SL Gullwing. Gallivan’s father wasn’t a car connoisseur, but he responded to vehicles he found beautiful—classic dual-cowl Lincolns such as those driven by the Trib’s owner, an automotive editor’s MG TC, and the Volkswagen Karmann Ghia and Jaguar XK140 he purchased. The Gullwing was one of these vehicles. “He just fell in love with it,” Gallivan says, “the sheer beauty of the thing.”
The family looked at it, but the price was too high. About a year later, however, Gallivan’s father was driving with his younger son and saw the same car parked in a gas station with a “for sale” sign on it. “My little brother says they just made a U-turn, went back to the gas station, and Dad went in and bought the car,” Gallivan says. He recalls his father paying around $3,400.
The Gullwing became his daily driver. He drove it to the office. He parked it at meters on the street. He let valets park it. “It was not something he treated as outrageously special,” Gallivan remembers, “but that was how he loved it.”
Gallivan loved the car, as well, and drove it regularly. “There were no restrictions or ‘don’t take my car,’” he says. “It was just there.” As his father aged, Gallivan found himself in line to receive the Gullwing. “My dad decided early on that he wanted to die broke and was liquidating stuff out of his estate,” Gallivan says. “I am a junior. His name was John Gallivan, and I am John Gallivan Jr., so there was no big challenge in just moving the title over to me.”
As can happen in the life of a car enthusiast, Gallivan stumbled into becoming the owner of the one-of-a-kind Kircher when he was on the hunt for his Gullwing’s original engine, which he ran in the Colorado Grand.
Gallivan spent his career producing sports programming for ABC and ESPN on the East Coast, including airings of the Indianapolis 500 and Monaco Grand Prix. Now 76 and retired back in Salt Lake City, he thinks of his own fiscal legacy. “I have no plans to sell the car,” he says, “but I thought maybe the next generation would [benefit from doing so].”
One of the Gullwing’s mysteries: It arrived in the Gallivans’ possession with a nonoriginal engine; the powerplant was from a 1957 car. Factory-correct drivetrain stampings increase the value of a car such as this significantly. “We typically say at least 10 percent [added value] to be conservative, but I’ve heard figures as high as 25 percent,” says Mike Kunz, who runs the Mercedes-Benz Classic Center in Irvine, California, a brand subsidiary dedicated to preservation and restoration of vintage Benzes. “But at today’s values, 10 percent is more than $100,000.”
Given this difference, Gallivan set out to find the original engine. He hadn’t been active in the collector car community or in researching automotive history. But he found a Gullwing owners’ group message board and posted a question. Does anybody know how the engine I have ended up in my car? “It never occurred to me to ask,” he says, “or that an engine, missing for 60 years, would ever reappear.”
A Stylist named Charlie Lyons hand-built a curvaceous body out of aluminum. Like many homemade sports cars of the time, it was a bit of a mashup of Italian and British lines.
He was shocked to soon receive a response from a classic car restorer in Missouri named Jeff Moore, who ran a shop called The Automotive Archeologists. “I have your engine,” Moore wrote. “And moreover, it happens to be in the Kircher.”
In the post-WWII era, soldiers returning from overseas or assisting in the war effort on the homefront put their gearhead field experience to good use in the customization and hot-rodding of automobiles. According to historians, even before the Corvette was launched in 1953, there were more than 50 American-made sports-car models. Many of these were manufactured in limited numbers—by hobbyists, obsessives, or entrepreneurs—some with the dream of becoming regular production cars, some to be raced in early Sports Car Club of America events. Their activity was clustered on the coasts, particularly the West Coast, but pockets existed nationwide.
Charles Hughes of Denver, Colorado, the scion of a wealthy local family, developed a passion for speed before the war, testing planes for the military and sponsoring vehicles in the Indy 500. After the armistice, he further indulged this interest by purchasing a Jaguar XK120 to race. He bought the car new from Kurt Kircher, who owned the local foreign car shop, Denver Import Motors. Kircher was an amateur racer himself who’d had some success with a Chrysler Hemi-powered Allard J2X, one of the quickest cars of its time, if a bit crude.
The two became fast friends, quite literally. Kircher had a degree in automotive engineering—he’d worked for General Motors on post-war V-8s and the Powerglide transmission. Hughes had a degree in physics as well as a stellar machine shop in his six-car garage. So in the early ’50s, the pair decided, according to a history Kircher wrote a few years before his death in 2004, “It would be fun to try to build something better.”
Familiar with the Jag powertrain, they decided to create a clean-sheet racer around an engine and transmission salvaged from a wrecked XK120. Kircher designed the drilled chrome-moly tube frame, rear De Dion suspension, and inboard rear-wheel drums and safety hubs. The front suspension came from the Jag. The steering rack came from an MG. The rear differential came from Halibrand. The rest of the bits were either shopped or poached.
A stylist named Charlie Lyons hand-built a curvaceous body out of aluminum. Like many homemade sports cars of the time, it was a bit of a mashup of Italian and British lines—a Ferrari 250S mated with a Jaguar D-type. But unlike either of those, it had inboard headlamps in the grille, deeply scalloped sides, and an intriguing dual-piece construction—the car’s entire top half could be unbolted to allow for mechanical massaging. It was finished after a year of work. Kircher named it for himself—the Kircher Special—and hit the track. The car was fast and handled well. “I do not have a list of all the events we participated in,” he wrote. “But we won most and never did worse than third in class.”
Still, by the mid-1950s Porsche and Ferrari upped their power games, and Kircher and Hughes decided they too needed more. Kircher set his mind on installing a fuel-injected straight-six and four-speed from a Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Gullwing. According to a murky chronology, he apparently found a wrecked SL and traded its powertrain to a friend at Mercedes-Benz in Germany for a hotted-up race version allegedly prepared for the Mille Miglia. Kircher installed it in his car and went to work winning more races.
Soon after, however, advances such as disc brakes rendered the car’s drums somewhat archaic, and the owners decided not to invest in it further. The Kircher eventually passed to body-maker Lyons, who apparently traded the race engine in it for a stock one from another 300 SL in Colorado Springs. It was this factory engine that, again mysteriously, came out of the car the Gallivans would eventually purchase. (Confused yet? You’re not alone. It’s like a game of three-card monte with engines.)
A succession of owners followed—including Bugatti collector Carlton Coolidge and the Blackhawk Museum—before the Special passed into the hands of Court Whitlock in Missouri. Whitlock campaigned it on the vintage race circuit in the States, as well as more far-flung locales such as New Zealand, Singapore, and Malaysia. He had the car cosmetically restored by Moore’s Automotive Archeologists and showed it at the Amelia Island Concours in 2014.
The Classic Center’s Kunz spotted the vehicle on the field at Amelia that year and immediately noticed the big three-pointed star on the hood. “I remember walking by the car, and I went, ‘Oh my God, who did this?’” Kunz says and laughs. “Not knowing there’s a very cool story to who did this.”
Or that he’d soon be involved in undoing and redoing this.
The Gallivans had no history on the origin of the 1957 SL engine that came with their Gullwing. Neither did they particularly care. “Dad loved the car,” Gallivan says. “I don’t think it ever occurred to him that it was flawed or imperfect because of some mismatch, in part because selling was never on the table.” And no one knows why or when it was put into the car, why or when the factory engine was taken out, and whatever became of that alleged Mille Miglia racing engine from Stuttgart. But all old car stories are seemingly full of incomprehensible apocrypha. “There’s a disruption in the continuity that cannot be overcome,” Gallivan says.
When Kurt Kircher and Charles Hughes ventured to create a racer, they took inspiration and parts from several cars, but for racing they sought out a fuel-injected straight-six powerplant from a Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Gullwing.
Convolutions aside, Gallivan wanted to reunite car and engine. Sadly, by the time he made the discovery, he’d already sent his Gullwing to the Classic Center to have the nonmatching engine rebuilt as part of a mechanical restoration. He offered Whitlock’s representative, Moore, the opportunity for a swap: his rebuilt engine for the proper one in the Kircher, whatever its condition. But Whitlock was no longer driving the car, and his interest in an updated engine was minimal. “He insisted that if I wanted the engine I’d have to buy the whole car,” Gallivan says.
“You’re exposed from the nipples up. But even in the cold of the night, in the rain, in the dark, immense heat pours through that firewall”
After much consternation and bargaining, Gallivan decided to go forward with the purchase. Among his two daughters and three grandkids, no one really cares about cars—“I’m very concerned about this,” he jokes—so he viewed his plan as an investment in their future financial stability. Still, he felt obliged to write his family a note. “I am 75 years old. I have migraine auras, macular degeneration, ringing ears, some kind of weird outcropping on my kidney, a bladder condition, one bad hip, and two bad knees,” he wrote, wryly. “Today I bought a race car.”
The engine in the Kircher needed a complete rebuild before it could return to where it belonged in the SL. While this occurred at the Classic Center, Gallivan decided to have the rebuilt, unmatched straight-six from his dad’s car installed in the racer. His plan was to have it ready in time to drive it in the Colorado Grand, a 1,000-mile historic tour through the Rockies. After this, he would sell it.
The Kircher has no top or windshield to speak of. It also lacks windows, ventilation, a stereo, a driver’s side door, a speedometer, or any other modern comforts. “You’re exposed from the nipples up. You have no protection. But even in the cold of the night, in the rain, in the dark, immense heat pours through that firewall,” Gallivan says. Yet despite all of this, he fell in love with the Special. “The car is so endearing,” he concedes. “It’s magic, and it’s very lucky for me. I mean, I got the engine reunited, and I had this great experience with it. I just think I will hold onto it as long as I can.”
Gallivan was kind enough to share the magic with us, allowing us to drive his one-off race car. We’ve had the good fortune of getting behind the wheel of a few 300 SLs, so the stiff four-speed shifter and period VDO gauges were familiar. We were not prepared, however, for the tractability. The Kircher’s front overhang is shorter than a Gullwing’s, so the turning circle is tighter. The suspension setup and ride quality is superior, more pliant and less unpredictable compared to the sporadically terrifying swing axles on the factory car.
But the real difference is in the speed. Because of its stripped-down interior, aluminum body, and drilled frame, the Kircher is hundreds of pounds lighter than a standard SL, closer in spec to one of the rare aluminum-bodied Gullwings. And because of the side exhausts exiting just aft of the front right wheel, the straight-six’s sound is both more proximal and more intoxicating, a guttural snarl not usually associated with Mercedes of the era. Although it’s fussy like all old sports cars, it just wants to go at all times.
Of course, it also has to stop—a bit harrowing with four-wheel drum brakes and a weirdly offset pedal. And because it is lipstick red and doesn’t look like any other vehicle ever made, when it does stop at li from Performance Junk Blogger Feed 4 http://ift.tt/2FuXyLI via IFTTT
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the-record-columns · 7 years
Dec. 27, 2017: Columns
Let there be light
Record Publisher
Deserved or not, I have managed to get a bit of a reputation for knowing a few things about the history of North Wilkesboro and Wilkes County.
               Or as the late Blair Gwyn used to say, "If he doesn't know, you'll never know he didn't know."
               Clearly, I like this, because of the amazing company it brings to my offices here at The Record and Thursday Printing. And, in fairness to my mother's baby boy, if I don't know the answer, I can often steer folks to Sandra Watts (very knowledgeable on genealogy) a retired banker who used to work across the street in the old Northwestern Bank building.
               To that end, one Monday a man who lives in Traphill, named Bob Johnson, stopped by our office to ask if I knew the location of Carlton's Hardware in North Wilkesboro.  Well, that one was easy, because the store was right across the street next to another North Wilkesboro icon, Carl W. Steele's jewelry store.
               Mr. Johnson pulled out an envelope and gave me an old flyer from Carlton's Hardware store in near perfect condition. It was mailed to "Postal Patron Local" with a one-cent George Washington pre-canceled stamp.  
               As we looked through it, it was amazing at the variety of merchandise available and the prices - a Pyrex teapot for $1.95, a five-pound bag of Vigoro plant food 50 cents, light bulbs 10 cents, Sherwin-Williams best grade of house paint for $4.90 gallon, even a Coleman gas iron for $7.50. The flyer was also full of timely information like the dates for Mother's Day and Father's Day (which I later used to find it was printed in 1950), as well as household hints and recipes galore.  There was even a recipe for peanut butter and onion sandwiches - just add mayonnaise.
               In no time, I started telling stories on the Carlton's, who just happened to be one of my customers in 1960 when I took over a Greensboro Daily News paper route from Ed Finley, Jr.  The owners were Mr. and Mrs. Hill Carlton, who lived on Sixth Street across from two of my other customers, Fred Hethcock and Carl Steele. I would stop in and see them on Friday afternoon or Saturday at the store to collect my forty-five cents for the paper.  Mrs. Carlton was always pleasant, usually standing behind the counter in a cotton dress and apron, while Mr. Carlton busied himself filling customers' orders.
               He was every inch a gentleman who greeted his customers politely, and, if he knew them personally, would never fail to ask about them and their family. I mentioned earlier that Mr. Carlton knew where all his merchandise was located and that the store was always dark.
               Well, it pretty much stayed dark.
               Once Mr. Carlton determined what his customer needed, he would set about filling the order.
               It was a sight to behold.
               The building was long and narrow, and throughout the store, white cords hung from the ceiling. Each white cord was attached to an old keyless electric light. These fixtures with naked light bulbs were mounted way up on the rafters, and the sturdy white cords were attached to the on and off chain. As he would head back into the inky darkness of the hardware store, Mr. Carlton would reach up and pull the string, turning on the light just over his head.
               Continuing down an aisle, he would never let go of one string until he was where he could reach the next one. Then, holding a light cord in each hand, he would simultaneously pull them both, cutting off the one behind him and cutting on the light above the area to which he was walking. This process was completed over and over as he moved on toward the back of the store, never allowing more than one light bulb to burn at a given moment. It always made me think of a circus acrobat floating from trapeze to trapeze, and looked like flash bulbs going off during a night baseball game.
               The Lord may have said, "Let there be light," but if Hill Carlton was there he would have said, "Not over 40 watts at a time!"
               Thank you for the visit, Mr. Johnson. You're welcome back anytime.
  The Best is Yet to Come
               Sometimes the presents that mean the most are not terribly big or expensive but the one that changes your life (even in tiny ways).
               One Christmas present from my twin sister was a tea cup and saucer.  The tea cup spoke to my soul as it was a tea cup with a happy face on it (circa 1940's). It made me think about the idea that this tea cup makes you smile just looking at it.  What a great way to start your day by being reminded to smile and what that says to your brain as you start each day or have a cup of tea or coffee during the day.  I put the tea cup out on the counter instead of in a cabinet just so I would be reminded to use it each day, and to smile.  
               This year I am starting with the big picture, which is important as it gives me direction.  My big picture is a combination of my dreams, ideas about the life I want to live, and the vision of what the coming year could be.  I will brainstorm about the thoughts I have about people in my life and the kind of person I hope to surround myself with to guide me through the new year.  my challenge will be to not only dream big but dream better- with the intention not being an achievement but a way of living.
               Research tells us there are things we can do to actively increase happiness and among them is a mindful practice of gratitude. As we enter into the new year it is important to start with gratitude for the past year- the good and the bad.
               Start by taking two sticky notes. Next, think back over your past year and on one sticky note write down three things which made this year better for you. These might be people, an event, a situation, an achievement, or anything that gladdens your heart. Take a moment to enjoy again the presence of those blessings in your life.
               Now, think ahead to 2018. Imagine something you hope for in this coming year - a change, a goal, a relationship, an event, or again anything that fills you with hope for your future self. This should not be something over which you have no power at all - such as winning the lottery - but something in which you can play an active role, but might not have total power to control. This is not a "New Year Resolution" but a hope, even a dream. It can be something that might not happen in a single year, but something that will begin to evolve in the coming year. Write it down on the second sticky note. Reflect on that hope and let the possibility grow in your mind. This can awaken us to potentials and make it more likely we will see and seize opportunities when they came along.
               Place these two sticky notes somewhere you will see them in the coming days. Use them to remind yourself of the blessings in your life today and hope in your future. Add to your gratitude list. Watch your future unfold. It will always have its ups and downs, but facing it with the belief good things will come your way gives strength for the challenges and increases your joy when the hopes are realized.
               So one of my New Year's resolution is to use my tea cup and smile at the start of each day.  Once my mind is in a good place then maybe I can make a difference so that 2018 is a great year.  
                   Dividing Jerusalem - A Big Deal and a Bad Idea
Special to the Record
President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel did not address the city's final status or its borders under Israeli sovereignty. Since his stand acknowledges treaties both parties agreed to, then "why do the nations rage" (Psalm 2)? Perhaps Trump's equitable and balanced stance confronts the diplomacy-by-bullying approach by those who would impose their political will on Israel and split its capital in two by force.
               The politicized anti-Israel agendas of the UN, Europe and militant Islam render them unacceptable "partners" in the search for peace in the Middle East. The UN and the EU theoretically recognize the right of nations (except Israel) to govern their capitals. The Knesset's 1980 Basic Law established Jerusalem, "complete and united" as its capital. Trump has endorsed this reality.
               History demonstrates another reality check: When foreign powers dictate divisions on other cities or nations-such as the World War II Allies did in Germany, its capital Berlin and Korea-it ends in failure.
               German site The Local recently reported Berlin as a "failed capital city," and newspaper Die Welt labeled Germany a "failed state." Berlin today faces chronic poverty, unemployment, homelessness, poor infrastructure, a floundering education system, debt, the refugee crisis and a high crime rate.
               The city never recovered from the oppressive stamp of the Cold War and the Iron Curtain that slashed it in two. Twenty-five years after the Wall fell, the old border still pockmarks the land-- with the East bearing the brunt, according to Zeit Online and The Washington Post. "Reunification is not yet complete," said former Berlin Mayor Eberhard Diepgen. People still "see themselves as losers in the Wende (reunification). This will take at least two generations to overcome."
               The Wall nullified postwar Germany's right to self-determination. Long-term effects were the entrenchment of the Iron Curtain, and the U.S.-Soviet arms race.
               The divisions of Berlin and Germany (1945), Korea (1945) and Jerusalem (1948) took place in the same time period, and all three reflected power grabs and jockeying by external state actors.
               The fallout from Korea's postwar division continues today. A U.S. State Department official admitted the 38th parallel (border) was "an entirely arbitrary line, chosen by World War II victors in 1945 with no consideration for the geographical, economic or political realities of the country," according to Time. First South Korean President Syngman Rhee predicted the imposed 38th parallel "would leave intact the conditions that provoked this [Korean] war."
               According to a 1950 State Department Bulletin, America assumed Japan's defeat would result in Korea's independence. But the US and Soviet Union deadlocked over this issue for two years, preventing 38 million Koreans from "their right" to self-determination, since the Soviets refused to allow elections in the north, and stonewalled other attempts to unite the two Koreas. Today North Korea is a destabilizing force that threatens South Korea, the region and the world.
               Externally imposed, divisive forces also threaten Israel and Jerusalem. Just as the Soviets set their sights on Germany, its capital Berlin and on Korea, in a similar way Abbas, backed by anti-Semitic Europe, the Left and radical Islam, insists on dividing the Jewish capital and taking East Jerusalem.
               The modern-day dividing of Israel and Jerusalem dates to the 1923 British Mandate, which author Clive Leatherdale calls an "indirect form of imperialism;" "Ottoman overlordship was substituted by European overlordship."
               General Assembly Resolution 181 (the "Partition Plan") in 1947 established an international regime around Jerusalem under U.N. governance. But when Arab armies attacked Jerusalem in 1948, the UN did nothing to protect its own regime. Prime Minister Ben-Gurion in 1949 declared the Plan null and void.
               The forced partitions of Berlin, Germany and Korea were indelibly stamped by the Cold War. But today, radical Islam, by manipulating the Palestinian cause, threatens to divide Israel and its capital Jerusalem. The bullish reactions of Iran and Turkey to Trump's declaration reflect their "renewed imperialist ambitions … at the expense of their Arab neighbors and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict," said Hillel Frisch, senior fellow at the Jerusalem Institute for Strategic Studies.
               If outside powers encroach on Jerusalem's final status and Israel's sovereignty over its capital, past failures will likely repeat themselves-along with the failure of the Palestinians to achieve a stable and viable state. The longer we postpone endorsing reality, the worse it will be for all.
    As the Year Turns
Life in the Carolinas
I am sure you have noticed that the end of the year offers up what seems to be an excellent opportunity of increased stress and depression, which seems odd as the Holiday Season and Christmas should be a time of joy and delight. It’s a colorful time of the year, and many people extend happy greetings and a few gifts. Reflections are made, and hopes are spoken of, for the New Year.  
When we consider the fact that stress is one of the worst offenders of good health and happiness, maybe we should reconsider how and why we allow so many things to get our goat.
Charles Dickens's character, Ebenezer Scrooge, is one of my favorite end of the year people. I love his story of redemption. Ebenezer discovers the joys of life and the Holiday season. While it’s true, he was forced into it. I believe that after much reflection he freely chose to change for the better.  
As the year turns, there is a lot of reflecting going on. The singing of the song “Auld Lang Syne” is a New Year tradition.  In 1788 the song was taken down and added to as a poem written by Robert Burns.  
Over the years this Scottish song has evolved and become part of celebrating memories and a new beginning for people around the world.
It was during a recent recording of Auld Lang Syne with Country and Bluegrass singer/songwriter Wayne Taylor that he reminded me of the first nationwide live New Year’s Eve radio broadcast in 1929 at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City. It was a huge success.  
Guy Lombardo and the Royal Canadians were booked at the Roosevelt every year from 1929-1959 for New Year’s Eve, and Auld Lang Syne was center stage for bringing everyone together. The group would then continue the tradition at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel from 1960-1976.
The song poses practical questions, but primarily it seems to be about old friends and love. So maybe that’s one of the ways we can lower our stress levels. Focus more on people, good memories and the hopes of making more in the new year.
As the year turns and as we reflect on the past twelve months a few Carolina tears may fall, but let us all remember that as long we can read these words we have the opportunity to strive for a new year filled with hope and promise.
 Here are the words to the song that has inspired millions over the years.
 Auld Lang Syne
 Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and old langsyne?
For auld langsyne, my dear,
for auld langsyne,
we'll take a cup of kindness yet,
for auld langsyne.
And surely you'll buy your pint cup!
and surely I'll buy mine!
And we'll take a cup o' kindness yet,
for auld langsyne.
We two have run about the slopes,
and picked the daisies fine;
But we've wandered many a weary foot,
since auld langsyne.
We two have paddled in the stream,
from morning sun till dine†;
But seas between us broad have roared
since auld langsyne.
And there's a hand my trusty friend!
And give me a hand o' thine!
And we'll take a right good-will draught,
for auld langsyne.
 Carl White is the executive producer and host of the award-winning syndicated TV show Carl White’s Life In the Carolinas. The weekly show is now in its eighth year of syndication and can be seen in the Charlotte viewing market on WJZY Fox 46 Saturday’s at 12:00 noon. For more on the show, visit  www.lifeinthecarolinas.com, You can email Carl White at [email protected].     Copyright 2016 Carl White
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footyplusau · 7 years
Sydney Swans find extra edge with season on the line
Callum Mills had just been slammed into the MCG turf by three opponents, one of whom lets the second-year star know about it as he gets to his feet. Senior pair Luke Parker and Dan Hannebery do not remonstrate. Minutes later the Swans slump to a sixth consecutive defeat.
Three weeks ago multiple Swans repeatedly set upon Norm Smith medallist Jason Johannisen, eager to assert their authority.
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Johnson: Tribunal right to consider Houli’s character
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FootyFix: Can the Dees keep it going?
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Johnson: Tribunal right to consider Houli’s character
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Johnson: Tribunal right to consider Houli’s character
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SportsCenter confused as Sydney beat Essendon
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SportsCenter confused as Sydney beat Essendon
Sydney’s epic after-the-siren win over the Bombers pricked ears in the USA.
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Glenn Archer apologises for junior footy …
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FootyFix: Can the Dees keep it going?
For the last time, Rohan Connolly previews all the footy action ahead of round 15 in the AFL.
The contrast between the two incidents could not have been more stark.
While hardness at the ball and the ball-carrier have been a Swans trademark in the 21st century, they have not been associated with less sociable aspects of the game. But desperate times call for desperate measures.
Mills and bloom: The Swans and Callum Mills have turned their season.  Photo: Getty Images
“It’s more the fact finals are on the line; you’ve got to do what you can to get the win,” Mills said. “The boys are playing more on edge because our season’s on the line – it’s pretty much do or die. We want to win badly.”
At the time, Mills did not think much of being left alone to fend off his navy blue attackers, but criticism was fierce. Video evidence at the team’s review was also damning – not just of his treatment but everything to do with the game.
“You say what you see and that game there wasn’t too much good to come out of it,” Mills said. “I didn’t notice it on the day – the boys always stand up for me. I thought they were doing a good job on the day.
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“The boys have to set up for structures, they’re occupied on winning the ball, which is their main role. When you’re in it you can’t really see if anything’s going on. The boys have been super for the remaining season. We have a big emphasis on looking after the younger boys, especially the first years coming in. They’ve been super with that.”
The Swans have turned their season around since hitting rock bottom against Carlton, and can reach parity at 7-7 with victory over Melbourne on Friday night.
Former captain Jarrad McVeigh returns for only his third game of the season, while Zak Jones returns from suspension. The Swans have dropped ruckman Callum Sinclair and could not consider small forward Will Hayward, who has hurt his foot.
The Swans’ revival has been due to numerous factors: their leaders have lifted, key personnel have returned and they are winning big plays when the game is on the line.
“It’s a mixture of things, you can’t put your finger on it,” Mills said. “If it was one thing we would have got it done after round one. We’ve still got a long way to go, but we’ve started to turn it around slowly.
“That was a horrible game [against Carlton]. Now it’s easy to put behind us. That wasn’t the best part of the season. Luckily we’ve been able to turn it around and get back on track to what we can do.”
Mills is also back to the form that won him the AFL’s Rising Star Award in his first season. His ability to win 50-50 contests late last week was crucial to the Swans’ miraculous win.
“It gives you belief [that] when you’re in those situations you know what to do,” Mills said.”Hopefully we can keep pulling them off like that.”
It’s a matter of time before Mills will be moved into the midfield but for now the Swans believe his incisive kicking and creativity is better suited setting up play from defence.
“It’s one of those things where you want to be in a position where you can impact the team the most,” he said. “Whether it’s defence or midfield is up to the coaches to decide where I’ll play the best role for the team. As long as I’m on the field I’m not too fussed.”
The post Sydney Swans find extra edge with season on the line appeared first on Footy Plus.
from Footy Plus http://ift.tt/2tvhDit via http://footyplus.net
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getseriouser · 7 years
20 THOUGHTS: “Talk about a He-Man”
THE circus that is the home and away season is already one third through and it’s only about to get more interesting. The fact that the clubs currently occupying the 12th through 18th at the end of Round Seven have participated in 20 of the last 24 grand finals shows just how random, yet exciting footy is right now.
We are off to China, the new rule changes have everyone up in arms and now we have to do all this knowing Louie the Lip is no longer with us.
 1. Let’s start with Lewis Thomas Charles Richards, a Collingwood captain, a Collingwood premiership captain, a member of the Collingwood Team of the Century. But it’s the post-footy career, a quintessential trail blazer in bringing the sport of Australian Rules into the fourth estate, it was with his vigour, personality and fame that being saturated with AFL news and interest and media platforms today is the normal we would know no different. This column’s favourite Lou memory would be the presentation of the 2010 premiership flag early in the 2011 season. Seeing him wheelchaired onto the field by another former club premiership captain, Murray Weideman, and witnessing the unbridling love the faithful had for him and for having him a part of this club celebration that night, was fantastic. To call him a great man is an understatement in the truest sense.
 2. Onto the field, let’s tackle the contentious rule changes all a buzz in footy circles at the minute. Firstly, deliberate. In its essence, it’s been a tremendous adjustment the last 18 months. Players being encouraged to do more to keep the ball in, not resorting to the subtle option of disguising the ball over the line to initiate a stoppage in play, overall that’s a good thing. So, the rule is fine, the only issue we’re facing is a slight overaction in the interpretation, be it by the umpires or in how they are instructed. Bad luck should not be penalised. Skill errors should not be penalised. If we can bring the ‘harshness’ of the umpires whistle back just a smidge – brilliant rule. So let’s not scrap it and throw the toys out of the cot, let’s just make a small tweak and we’ll be just fine.
 3. Now, third man up. Another brilliant rule, really not sure what the issue is here. Sure, the demise of the ruckman is at stake, perhaps, but that’s a separate issue. Let’s not forget why the new rule was brought in – two ruckmen about to embark in a genuine contest ruled powerless as a 5”11 midfielder leaps in from the side and renders both big men useless. How is that a good thing? Now should it have been legislated against completely, not so sure. But to allow ruckmen to ruck without interference is a positive. What needs to go is the nomination rubbish. When did it become a Big Brother eviction? Just penalise any team that has more than one player involved in the ruck contest, simple.
 4. Quick off-field player movement news. Josh Schache, the Brisbane Lions former no.2 pick, tall, developing, key forward, he is in demand. It’s an obvious one, and something the Lions feared from the get go – a Victorian boy, from Seymour, and you have nine Melbourne clubs keen to add a gun big forward prospect as soon as his first contract is up. How keen any club is to make a deal happen, with a contract offer he can’t refuse, we shall see, but Carlton, Richmond and I believe Collingwood too have all had the discussion to pursue him (the Pies threw big money at Tom Lynch so they’ve shown their cards), even gone as far to put prospective numbers to Josh’s management. Watch this space.
 5.       And also, St Kilda, they are cashed up, but it’s the new cap rules that will really help them out. So where in the past each year’s cap was mutually exclusive to any other season, we now have a convoluted four-year rolling set up where as long as you are under the cap across any four season cumulatively, then you’re okay. What this means, in the Saints’ situation particularly, is that if you go at say 95% of the cap for a couple of years, it means in year three and four you can probably go at 105% give or take in those seasons, providing the next couple of years after you come back down. The Saints have deliberately been under the last two years, so, long story short, they are keen on luring a big fish but most importantly have banked the cap room to not be outbid by any other club.
 6. How about Round Seven, every game saw the lower-ranked team get up. The Saints on their home deck took advantage of a GWS side who still looks very talented but you can’t trust them just yet. The Blues did a number on the Pies, the Kangaroos took advantage of a big first term with the wind, even the Suns toppled a Cats team that we’ll touch on later. It’s great for footy, you look at the NBA for example (this column is not anti-basketball, it’s just an analogy), every favourite is getting up in their playoffs thus far, it could be seen as boring. But to have more than half each round in upsets, that’s superb viewing.
 7. Those Cats. How about those Cats. This column has consistently been ‘iffy’ on Geelong and nothing to this point sways me from that view. Very few tricks up their sleeve, look properly beatable every time they go out there and aside from Superman performances from their captain or their Brownlow medallist, its fathomable to see them not winning enough games to make the finals. They however might end up winning enough due to other teams’ calamities but make no mistakes, this is not a side that should make, nor win, a final in 2017.
 8. Collingwood, ah dear, Collingwood. One point win over Sydney, the last team to win a game this year and a solid win over a Geelong side who has been described as ‘properly beatable’. Sure, the numbers (ergh, numbers), will tell a story about poor goalkicking, that many levers suggest this team should be winning more, that they aren’t that bad. But then there are so many losses. And there’s such inconsistency. I fear if there’s a drubbing at some point that would be unequivocally critical for a side that is supported still by confusion and flattering, misleading statistics.
 9. Melbourne, now that’s a different tale. The Demons are a good footy side that are leaving four points out there again and again. This team is good enough to play finals but they will rue losses, like the one against the Hawks on the weekend. It sounds like a broken record but a team that could easily be 5-2, it’s such a disappointment.
 10. Props to North Melbourne, who have sneakily been more competitive than we may have realised. Did a number on the best team in the land on the weekend, been close enough in a few more games prior, credit to Brad Scott and his staff for making some really tough calls last season and thus far, fairly justified in what we’ve seen to date – good signs ahead me thinks.
 11. So Sunday we’re playing in China. Why? All I know is that Port Adelaide did all the ground work to end up playing a team from a Chinese tourist hotbed wearing the national colours. Another, totally incidental, free kick to the fledgling Suns.  
 12. Pettiness is very ugly. We know it’s a shrinking industry but the ridiculous squabbling on social media between media professionals about whether their exclusive is actually exclusive, why someone didn’t attribute their platform with the story because they allegedly had it first, when they didn’t have it first at all. We need to ban the use of the word ‘exclusive’ or ‘first’ I think, in the modern world of instant news, we just done care.
 13. Quick props to ‘Pops’ this weekend – James Kelly, unassuming at times but a quality footballer and ask any Geelong fan, integral to their premiership successes, plays his 300th game this weekend against his former club. Cast aside from the Cats in some stringent list management decisions he became a pivotal part of the top-up element at Essendon and now has stayed on to provide very good service to his second club. A terrific player.
 14. Word out of Sydney is that whilst it’s still very embryonic, the plans to infiltrate the rugby league market are working. Plenty of schools are now fielding Australian rules teams and the participation rates for Auskick in suburban Sydney are steadily increasing. Very early, but so far well done to the AFL.
 15. Is the eight set? Given Melbourne has stuffed up too often, Geelong despite their worth will probably sneak in now, and the Saints look good things, is it set? Probably.
 16. What’s the point of the VFL? This once proud competition, the true forbearer competition (the VFL teams came out of the VFA in the late 19th century), is now a bastardised reserves set up for the AFL. North Melbourne will now enter a standalone team next year which will further sway the balance of reserves teams to standalone/aligned clubs. Before too long it’ll be purely several AFL magoos plus Williamstown and Port Melbourne, which is just a disgrace. We’re going to see the VFA die and nothing will stop it, nor will anyone care.
 17. Let’s head around this week’s games, firstly the Dogs and the Eagles, a big game. In theory, it’s in Perth, so the West Coast are certainties. But this column is holding faith in the Bulldogs; haven’t really impressed yet but have the credits in the bank from a wonderful September last year. But they might need to get a wriggle on. They’ll play finals, of course, but the odds of repeating their miracle finals performance are long, they need a scalp or two along the way to show promise.
 18. St Kilda take on Carlton and well, this should be a cakewalk for the Saints, they are a much better side despite the Blues’ encouraging fortnight. But this column wants to see how legitimate St Kilda is, and that starts with a comprehensive win this weekend. Anything less and an inconsistency tag could plague them all year.
 19. Huge game on Saturday night, in the sense it’s a huge opportunity for both teams to prove something. For Essendon, it’s that they are indeed on track, they are rebounding from a poor trip to Perth last week, that there’s something really good trying to break through from the disappointment of years gone by. For Geelong, a loss to Essendon rubber stamps the belief they are non-competitive in 2017, so they have a lot at stake if they think they are capable of something in four months’ time.
 20. And our game in China, venue aside it’s a big game for both teams. The Gold Coast aren’t as bad as we all thought and given their talent it wouldn’t take too much to see them shoot up the ladder GWS- style at some point, it was the league’s intention all along. For Port Adelaide, what is the real Port Adelaide. Is 2017 a flashback of 2014, or no no, they are still not really any better than what we’ve seen more recently?
(originally published May 10)
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