#let bygones be bygones and stuff like that
ok fr ask though: Do the Lamb’s followers notice anything strange with the Lamb after the final battle with Narinder?
I feel like it’d be a MAJOR switch after seeing their leader being so devoted and all that
Right so in my Bygone AU the Lamb spared Narinder in the final battle and brought him back to the cult (although he stayed in a coma for a while).
When they got back, followers immediatly started worrying about the Lamb's weird behavior. The second they arrived on the cult ground, they started praying alone in the church incessantly.
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Regular prayers, desperate pleas asking for forgiveness, regretting their choice to fight TOWW, blaming themselves for his current state, beating themselves over for doing something to traitorous to their god, hoping that prayers will bring him back to godhood, wishing they could undo what they've done and return to being a servant of the Red Crown. Stuff like that. They don't even know who they're praying to anymore.
No one else was allowed in the church while they prayed. No sermons were held anymore. The Lamb became even more distant than they usually were as a cult leader, though they still watched over the followers from afar. They talked very little (always mentionning some religious shit like "our lord's strength remains" as if to convince themselves they hadn't. like. nerfed the guy). Most of their time not spent praying is spent sitting beside Narinder's comatose ass and staring into the empty space like a freak, and later they went crussading to retreive Narinder's siblings.
Followers were obviously extremely concerned but they worked to make sure the cult (community) kept going as it was meant to, and continued trusting the Lamb because. well. they are their leader and savior. or something.
As for my God's Hunger AU, let's just say the Lamb helped themselves to some hunting upon return.
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rosepetals1 · 10 months
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she just joined the team and she's already acting like a snarky little shit, just like aerin 😂
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yaminerua · 9 months
my mum: stopped me at every opportunity I asked to come see my dying grandpa bc ‘you don’t want to see him like this’ even tho I already had seen him and he had been happy to see me after years estranged from that side of the family and I very much wanted to fit as much time with him in as possible before it was too late and in the end she blocked me from all of it
also my mum: you never came to see your grandpa, you don’t give a shit
and now my mum yet again: won’t let me come see my gran who has been losing weight and falling and breaking bones a lot and been in and out of hospital since being on her own. Didn’t let me go talk to gran when we were both at my great aunt’s funeral last year and so I never saw her and she only found out I was there through other people who saw me. Refuses every time I ask to see my gran, including now when I’ve got presents for her
also my fucking mum right now in the same breath as refusing to allow me to come over: you never come to see your gran, you don’t give a shit
make it make fucking sense jfc
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alas--pringles · 1 year
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..... i might have a problem. what even is other music who needs regular music when there are so many spiderwebbing obscure tangents that totally aren't all related to the same thing?
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sykestarot · 9 months
messages meant to reach you
1-2-3 (left to right)
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Hi guys! heres your weekly reading :) ! I hope you enjoy this and it resonates for you, also I found these pics and thought they were so cute lol ! Thanks for stopping by! <3
Pile 1
“does it ever make you sad to know that was 7 summers ago?” (The Lovers; 7 of wands; knight of cups (rx); knight of pentacles (rx); 9 of pentacles ; 6 of swords (rx))
Hi pile 1! Before I even started channeling, my cat was very interested in my tarot set up which usually he isn’t so maybe you have a kitty? Perhaps one that passed that misses you and wants you to know they are always with you. For you guys I feel a sense of heavy grief either in the recent past or the present. I also feel like you’ve been avoiding your own feelings about the whole situation. I feel a sense of disappointment from you that things didn’t work out the way you wanted. I feel like you either broke up with someone due to differences in worldviews or you might have had someone pass recently that you thought you had more time with. First of all if someone did pass recently, I am so sorry and I’m sending you so much love and light. But I do feel like this might've been a sudden thing, without warning, and you just want to continue on with life without processing just how traumatic it was for you. This person wants you to know that they love you so much and that when you're ready to unpack your grief and trauma they will be with you whether you realize it or not. Now if you had a break up recently I see this person really missing you. They dream about you and want you all to themselves again. I feel like they have pride though and won’t approach you again. I also feel like you’re genuinely done with this person though. Like this isn’t the first time you guys have had fights about this stuff and they really pushed you to your limit. This might’ve happened a while ago too and they’re just holding onto it and pulling on your energy. I really do feel like they’re wallowing in regret about how they treated you but like not enough to change. Like they regret it but they feel like they had to which is so fucked up in its own right. But I digress. I do think an energy cleanse would be best for you, however you choose to cleanse your energy and space will do. I also say get rid of any items they gifted/gave to you. I’m proud of you for knowing your worth and  letting bygones be bygones. Signs: nice house; highways; red rusty pickup truck; red in general; water; creeks; fireflies; old dock; tall can beers; sentimental views (?)
Pile 2
“i aint even got the miles to trip on you” (2 of pentacles (rx); THe Lovers (rx); 3 of pentacles (rx); Wheel of Fortune (rx); knight of pentacles; 9 of pentacles (rx)) Hi pile 2! So for you guys I actually had to restart your pile a few times it was hard for me to really connect and get a message for you guys but when I did I understood why. The message coming through is from someone you simply don’t want to hear from lol. It’s probably an old partner that’s begged and pleaded to be back in your life multiple times and you just don’t care, which is such a power move. But yea overall this person just throws a pity party for themselves and how they lost a good thing and it sucks to be them I guess. But I wanted to get a message for you from your guides at the very least so heres that! All in all your guides are very happy and proud of you!! You’ve really put in the work pile 2! I see you enjoying financial blessings and i feel like your heart and mind have found peace. Whether your with someone or not I see you ina state of stability that you never thought you’d get to. Maybe things feel a little monotonous for you but I do feel like you enjoy your life and where you’re at right now! I also feel like you guys are experiencing things you never thought you would, like an engagement or getting the promotion/job you always wanted! I keep hearing that you made life your bitch LOL!! I also see you guys paying no mind to wagging tongues and you let people think whatever they want about you because at the end of the day you just don’t care. You not only enjoy your job but you enjoy your hobby’s your house, your car, and so on and so forth. I see though that you guys should work on being proud of yourself because YOU did that! No one else did!! Go treat yourself to something nice and sit back and relax pile 2 you deserve it fr!! Signs: restart button; push to start car; nice handwriting; minecraft; jeans; interior design; iron; birch wood; big healthy plants; big windows; elevators; CAPRICORN 
Pile 3
"i'm in too deep and i'm trying to keep up above in my head instead of going under" (Judgment (rx); 6 of swords (rx); 4 of swords; 10 of swords; 2 of pentacles (rx); knight of swords (rx)) Hello Pile 3!! For you guys I see that you’re a really unique person and don’t really care about people's thoughts. I feel for your message though that you might be running in the wrong crowd or with the wrong people. I feel like you choose people based on whether or not they are in the same subgenre as you, or present the way you do. Which is understandable thinking if someone dresses the same they might have the same values but I see that the people in your life don’t. I also see that they just don’t care about you as much as you care about them. I believe that you know this somewhat or you have gut feelings about this, however I think you’re hoping one day they’ll pick you. I do see though that you know that they won’t and that you know you’re not meant to be there. I see that you just want to fit in with a group of people so badly, that you need validation that people like you. But honey, lots of people like you!! They just aren’t presenting the way you are. I see that for lack of better term “conventional” people admire your bold and unique expression of yourself. I see that you have prejudice towards these people and immediately put them in a box they you guys wouldn’t get along. Lemme tell you though as much as you advocate for not judging a book by it’s cover I feel you doing that to others. Maybe this is apart of your shadow that you need to work on. I get quite a youthful energy from you though, maybe you’re in highschool? You don’t have to change everything about your life tomorrow but you can make small steps. The only person who can make active change in your life is you! So get out there and do as much as you can without regrets! I promise you’ll enjoy the things that you didn’t think you would. Plus life is meant for mistakes and learning from them. Don’t let others perception of you ruin your experience on this earth! You got this pile 3, you’re a beautiful soul, let others see it. Signs: 111 ; wizard of oz; cheshire cat; leather; vests; studs; piercings; boots; alt fashion; old sedan; empty parking lots; cigarettes; nose rings; bleached hair
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batsplat · 4 months
It's a thing I already knew but all your beautiful analysis really made obvious (to me) how much of a grudge holder vale is. That man is never letting it go he's gonna hold his grudges into his grave
you know, I do think this is an interesting issue, because I'm not sure this is true of all his grudges. just sticking here with the grudges he accumulated in his capacity as a competitor, rather than just his general approach to life or whatever... how you judge this will kinda depend on how you feel about the 'reconciliation' he's experienced with some of his rivals - and whether you read the whole thing as sincere or not. now, personally I reckon he still dislikes biaggi, but also you are allowed to just dislike people so I'll give him a pass for that. some of the others, I'm a little more convinced by the whole reconciliation schtick
let's get valentino's take:
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interesting that he mentions those three together, isn't it? and like, he's still not messaging biaggi or inviting him to his home - "even with max" kind of tells you all you need to know - but the other two? they said some proper nasty things to each other over the years!! I mean, the casey rivalry, there's some remarks from both sides where quite frankly I think I would struggle just a touch to get over it
I don't know, obviously this could all be pr stuff, but I kind of feel like... y'know, why bother? it's 2022, you're retired, who gives a fuck? sure it's a good look to be all magnanimous, sure it can be a bit of a way of twisting in the knife to the guys left in the cold, but also, who would care if you don't play nice? I think especially with jorge, you surely don't need to do all that, inviting him to your home and dancing with him... (which, again, some of the spats those two had...) and with the casey rivalry, if there's one guy who's still hung up about what happened between the pair of them, it's obviously casey (speaking of blokes who can hold a grudge). maybe this is giving valentino too much credit, but personally I buy it's more or less sincere. there's nothing to really indicate he's still particularly bothered by any of their past disagreements - he's basically going for the 'all's fair in love and motorcycle racing' approach. he knows he was an asshole, he accepts they were assholes too, whatever, that's how these things work. he's generally a fan of drama in rivalries, unsurprisingly, and he was happy enough to contribute his fair share - but he does see it as fundamentally being part of the game
to point out the obvious, check out who he's left out: sete and marc. that's where he can't let go of the grudges... because it's not about the offence itself as much as it is about the betrayal. this is the thing with valentino, right, it's about what kind of bond you had with him. if you weren't his friend in the first place and then piss him off as a rival then, y'know, whatever. obviously he's going to be vicious in trying to get back at you, but also he's really not going to waste his time feeling too aggrieved by it. I mean, think about how all the bullshit between him and casey dropped off sharply post-2012... from valentino's end anyway. think about how jorge and valentino pretty quickly got on again whenever they weren't fighting for supremacy within yamaha. they weren't friends in the first place, then they were enemies for competitive reasons for a while there, then it's over and valentino is basically happy enough to call it bygones
but... if it's a certain kind of bond you had with him and then you wrong him... that little mental list of all his past grievances, all your past transgressions, that's where it comes in. that's where he ices you out. denies you any emotional warmth. ensures that any interaction going forward is conducted entirely on his terms. where even any public 'reconciliation' won't truly be sincere.... or, certainly he's not going to forget what happened. if something else happens... it's like you've always got the potential of triggering this lingering resentment, in a way, where all that past stuff is still primed and ready to be called upon. he certainly doesn't just let it go
or, as he puts it in his autobiography:
Biaggi and I never talk to each other. I mean, we've never had a real conversation, anything that's lasted more than the requisite time to insult each other or put each other down, in the nastiest way possible. In any case, I don't hate him. It's true, we've never been friends, but hatred is something different, and that's too serious a word to describe our relationship. Far too serious. No, we have a reciprocal antipathy. No doubt this is a result of what we do for a living and the fact that we both want to win every single time. And perhaps it's also a function of the fact that we have very different personalities and very different ways of seeing things. Still, I don't think this means we hate each other, as some journalists have written. I think I could feel hatred for someone, but only for someone far worse than anything Biaggi has done. For example, if I were betrayed by a friend, then, yes, I could hate him. But Biaggi will never betray my friendship for the simple reason that we are not, and never have been, friends. Our relationship is very clear: we compete on the track - outside the track, each goes his own way. You could say we detest each other cordially.
... I mean. he said it, not me. and given this book was first published in '05... biaggi can't betray his friendship because they were never friends... I'm not saying he's thinking about sete, but it has to at least be a possibility, right? he's talking about one rivalry here and refusing to even mention the other... and the one he's refusing to mention is the one where he was friends with the other bloke. I don't know, maybe that's reading too much into it! and anyway, even if this passage wasn't really about sete, it's obviously still revealing. "detest each other cordially" is essentially what he was doing with casey and jorge (or from his point of view in any case, not entirely sure they'd agree with that). the grudge comes when he feels let down by you... and then, yes, he'll never let it go
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of course, he's willing to set aside his grievances for a while if there's sufficient motivation for him to do so. in 2009, when he had so definitively won that rivalry with sete, why bother kicking up a fuss? in 2016, quite frankly it was just too much, and it was getting to the point where it was obviously hurting him too. on the one hand there was the media furore that had been going on non-stop since sepang, on the other hand it was also hurting his own approach to racing. there's reports from the time how visibly aggrieved he still was in the first few races of the season, and it took until they got back to europe for him to... y'know, have fun again. it's not sustainable to be walking around with a constant dark cloud over your head and broadcasting burning resentment towards your two main rivals. certainly not for someone like valentino - he needs to be having fun! the slight rapprochement needed to happen, in a way, because otherwise those years would have been even worse for everyone involved. but that doesn't actually translate to forgetting any of those grudges. this is about convenience more than anything else
goes to show, really... most of the time he doesn't take these things personally. I talked about it a bit in this post, how maybe it's also something that changed over time for him: the question of whether he was willing to develop these kinds of bonds in the first place with competitors... because he does possess a certain level of self-awareness in terms of what these kinds of rivalries are like and what they do to interpersonal relationships. ideally, you don't want to be hurt by a friend like that, right? better not to have that kind of emotional attachment with your competitors in the first place. how unfortunate it'd be if all those years after sete the circumstances aligned for him to see a competitor as something like a friend again... because, after all, those are the only people who could betray him. those are the only people where he thinks he could truly hate them
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more screaming about twst anni iii stuff
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Lilia, Cater, and Rook are really livin’ it up!! I’m shocked that Leona doesn’t look like he wants to murder Rook, he’s tolerating Rook’s presence pretty well, all things considered.
asdbhIYboyfobifs VIL TREATING THIS LIKE A PHOTO SHOOT, HE’S SO FUCKING EXTRA........ .. . .... . .. . . . .. Trey’s pose is modest as expected, and Malleus is still looking as cool-headed and regal as ever (Sebek will want a copy of this image).
ADBILADSBILILBHAHAHAHAHAH THEY PUT IDIA DROP DEAD IN THE CENTER AND HE’S HATING EVERY SECOND OF IT (It’s okay, at least he’s trying to pose, it’s the effort that counts). I like how they included Ortho in this Groovy (since he was recognized as a “real boy” far after the year 1 Groovy with the first years was released). He’s making use of his floating abilities to join Grim on top to pull off a cute pose~
SABBLIBABIDAIYDASB The anniversary card Groovies have consistently been some of my favorites, so I’m glad that this year’s didn’t disappoint ^^
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I couldn’t capture it well in still image only, but Trey and Rook try out the food on each other’s plates in the rhythmic!! It’s really cute, I always love seeing the Science Club members being bros to each other 🥰 
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IDIA YOU’RE SO RELATABLE, KING 🤡 ABKHASBYOFADBIFADBL Look at the nerd panicking when a fucking FAIRY PRINCE and an A LIST MODEL AND CELEBRITY come over to casually chat with him...Man must be dying on the inside, I JUST KNOW IT. 
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Cay-kun coming in clutch with his selfie stick... Gotta capture this happy memory before they leave on their internships and before they go back to being at each other’s throats the next day-- 
P.S. It’s really awkward to think of this as a happy time if it’s happening as a “dream” resulting from the events of episode 7 😅 BUT IT’S OKAY, LET’S NOT THINK ABOUT THE ANGST LET’S JUST KICK BACK AND PARTY HARD
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gothic-thoughts · 7 months
Second Chances
(yes i played clarinet in HS. no we not gon talk about it 😭🧍🏾‍♀️)
Part 1! Dio Brando x Black Fem Reader Fluff
College Football!Dio, Band Geek!Reader(me fr), ModernAU, Drabble(esque)
CW: reader is fed up😭
Word Count: 981
TW: bullying mention, not proofread
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After the university won the game, the football team was swarmed by people to congratulate them. Especially Dio, the star wide receiver, who was surrounded by cheerleaders fawning over him and the win. (Y/n) wades through the commotion with her marching band hat under her arm and her clarinet case in her free hand as she pushes past the crowd. The Center walks over to Dio and playfully snatches his helmet away while the Running Back rests his arm on his shoulder.
"Whatchu looking at, Dee?" Center asked.
"That your girl?" the Running Back teased.
"Not yet," Dio replied with a smug grin. “That's (Y/n), we got like two classes together. She's in the marching band."
Center laughed thinking he was kidding, "Pretty nerdy, guessing you want her to help you study?"
The Running Back laughs along, "Yeah, you need more nerds to help you with your homework?"
"Nah, I tried bullying her cuz she's in marching band." Dio chuckles fondly at the memory of their first encounter, "But she shut me the hell down. She may be a short-ass band nerd but, goddamn, she's got one hell of a fuckin spine."
He sees her finally exit the sea of people who once filled the audience and adjust her marching band jacket before turning down a relatively empty corridor. Dio playfully chases after her and he catches up to her and grabs her shoulder lightly from behind.
"Hey, Short Stack."
“You again? What do you want now?”
"You." Dio winks.
She shrugs him off her shoulder and turns around, continuing down the hall only for him to casually follow her with his signature smirk.
"You know, I can't tell if you hate me or like me."
“I don't know enough about you but let's go with I dislike you.”
Dio moves closer, "I don't know, I feel like you do. Besides, if you don't even know me then you shouldn't make judgments about me, short stuff."
“Oh really? Our first encounter, you made me late trying to bully me.”
"Oh right. But I think we should let bygones be bygones. Besides, people change. And people can start over."
“Not when that first encounter happened 4 fuckin’ days ago. Mind you, I was late for practice for the halftime show at the game you just won.”
"Listen Short Stack; are ya gonna let something so minor keep you from doin' that? Like c’mon, that was Monday."
(Y/n) stops mid-step and looks up at him with a narrowed irritated glare.
“No, you listen, Number 33.” She poked his chest, “Not like you asked, but the band director is strict as fuck. If any of us is more than 5 minutes late, we usually have to stay an extra 10 after class to make up for it. But since the game was this week, your fuckin’ song and dance made me have to stay an extra 25 minutes and walk in the fuckin’ rain. That was my Monday."
(Y/n) turns away and storms off down the hall, turning the next corner. Dio's composure breaks for a moment before he sighs and puts his hands in his pockets. Despite the mask of playfulness on his face, he does feel bad for making her go through that.
He also feels slight shame since he’s not used to losing these kinds of encounters with girls. They were usually falling all over him, hesitant to argue, much less yell at him. Dio sighs and follows her around the corner, now getting into a more serious demeanor.
"I have a compromise for you," Dio says calmly. "Hear me out real quick."
She sucks her teeth, “Bruh!”
“I mean it, as a way to apologize.”
“Just apologize.”
“Not good at that, so I want to do something for you to prove it.”
“A deal?” 
“Just hear me out
She sighs deeply, “What is it?”
"Let me take you on a date to make up for those 25 minutes."
(Y/n) genuinely chuckles, “You want to take me on a 25-minute date, Dio?”
“Tch, no, I’ll take you on a date and I have 25 minutes to make you feel better about what I did Monday. If I don't, you can leave and I won't bother you again."
“I mean of course I’ll find you around school for more of this lovely attention you’re giving me right now, but I won’t bother you.”
Another deep sigh. “Can’t believe I’m doin’ this. Fine, but I pick the place and time.”
"Sounds fine to me, where and when?"
“How about another compromise; I'll give you my Insta and text you all the info if you go change out your uniform.”
"A compromise within a compromise. I like it." Dio said with a sly grin. “And what's wrong with the uniform, it's a chick magnet."
“Yeah, not with the smell.” She laughs, “ Like I know we’re both sweaty, but you smell like ass and grass so...”
"Hey, that's just cuz of the game. After I clean myself I smell like a bouquet of flowers."
“You gonna have to prove that cuz that’s not what I’m inhaling right now.”
Dio laughs as he takes out his phone, “Alright, alright; message received. I’ll go now.”
(Y/n) puts her clarinet case down and takes his phone to follow herself on Instagram before handing it back. Dio notices the smile on her face and his eyes follow her movements, even as she starts to walk away. He thinks for a moment; she had every chance to shoot him down and yet she agrees to let him take her to a date. 
Was she interested, or was this her just way of being spiteful? Either way, he was willing to find out. Dio stares at the screen of his phone, reading her Instagram handle over and over again. After reading it a second time, his smirk returns.
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howlingday · 1 month
Deku: What's the Heteromorph Movement?
Kirishima: What's a quirk?
Iida: Wow... I can give Midoriya some leeway, but you must be the least observant person in the world, Kirishima, which doesn't make me excited to see you become a hero!
Kirishima: We're at this school to be heroes?
Iida: ...
Tsuyu: ...
Kirishima: AAAH~! GOTCHA~! Heh heh heh~!
Kirishima: No, but seriously, what's a quirk? Is it crispy?
Tsuyu: Quirks are a unique ability possessed by humans, including the abilities of other animals. The Heteromorph Movement are a group of extremists with animal-like quirks who respond to decades of oppression and torment by violently embracing their quirks, acting as one unit for the sake of being accepted as equals.
Deku: Huh... Kind of feels like something that we should have known about from the start. It feels weird learning about it now instead of seeing evidence of this at the beginning.
Kirishima: You mean like how Bakugou used to bully you to the point of suicidal ideation?
Deku: What? No, stuff that actually matters!
Tsuyu: And... None of you are bothered by me being a former member?
Kirishima: Not really.
Deku: A little?
Iida: Oh, astronomically so! But I ma willing to let bygones be bygones so long as this doesn't lead to anything violent in the future!
Kirishima: I do have a question, though. If you're part frog... does that mean you suffocate your prey by squeezing them to death with your body before swallowing them whole?
Deku: Kirishima, that's snakes.
Tsuyu: ...You saying I couldn't?
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cheemscakecat · 8 months
Um.. No?
So someone wrote a Dadspy fic where Scout knew the entire time and he’s indifferent to the reveal. There were big two things that didn’t feel right to me though.
Scout passive aggressively ignoring and avoiding Sniper after he died in the hallway in comic #6.
For those that don’t want to read this other post of mine, I went over what happened to Sniper in the comics and how that mighta affected Spy wanting to disguise as Tom Jones.
Now Scout wouldn’t think about the fact that Spy saw what happened, but he would eventually be pulled aside by Demoman or somebody and told about Sniper’s situation. Especially if he and Spy had a falling out.
So I can’t imagine him ghosting the poor guy to break off their friendship.
2. This:
“He keeps acting like he always did with Spy. The sick satisfaction he gets every time Spy follows him cloaked and takes a bullet for him in battle, tries to give him little gifts or start conversations only to get rejected with that poker face sliding over his features was thrilling.
But it got boring pretty quickly. Unfortunately, Spy didn’t leave him alone even after he yelled at him to go be useful for once and ****ing creep around the other Scout if he wanted to play follow-the-leader so bad.”
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What do you mean you enjoy reaping the benefits of your father taking bullets for you, then rejecting his attempts to do right by you?!
It’s one thing if Scout doesn’t know the extent of how much Spy tries to help him, like protecting him from Joey Murders when his arms were broken in prison. I can see him forgetting the better deeds of his father in the timelines where he didn’t know the truth.
It’s totally different if he knew the whole time, saw Spy putting his life on the line for him over and over, and knew that Spy wasn’t using those deeds to try to force father-son reconciliation.
Like, he did not do all of that expecting Scout to just forget being left behind and let bygones be bygones; he did it because he loves his son. He doesn’t bring any of that up when finally revealing the truth to his son, and he’s left in speechless horror and remorse when he finds out how long Scout knew. So it’s really evil and nasty to take pleasure in hurting him like Jeremy’s been doing.
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“Sniper shifts uncomfortably and looks off to the side, most likely to a cloaked Spy. ‘Nah, mate. Just about the… father… thing.’
Scout drops his stuff in his locker. ‘Huh? What about it?’ Of course he knows. Scout isn’t dumb. He sees the way Spy looks more and more disheveled each day, eating less and less, staring at Scout more and more.
Scout thinks it because he is at that age that he would start nagging his family to visit more if he had a normal life. If he had stayed. But he didn’t, so he doesn’t have one to nag. Not outside the base and certainly not inside it. Maybe it finally dawned on him that his only child knows him at a coworker level and wants to keep it that way. That the night he spent with his Ma practically doesn’t mean anything to anyone, not even Scout’s Ma, but him.”
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Scout, how do you know that your parents weren’t in a relationship for a few years? You figured out Spy was your dad when you somehow recognized him at 16 in a random diner, so Ma had to have kept a picture or something like that. Ask yourself, would she do that for a random guy that she knew for one night? And would she keep that if he meant nothing to her?
… And he’s really gonna just sit there and watch Spy go into a depression or worse with no remorse. Refusing to go talk to him knowing he’s standing next to Sniper, knowing he’s losing weight in a dangerous way.
That’s not indifference, that’s called hate.
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Me personally, I think Scout’s the type to say something really harsh and hateful, but not actually mean it; and that he’d feel remorse for it later. Not prey on Spy’s downfall like he did in this fic. Respectfully.
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novosg · 2 years
Luffy Having a Crush on Another Captain
Ft: The Strawhat crew, blackfem!reader
I had like 5 ideas when I was trying to go to bed and this was one of them. Never wrote for Luffy before so I hope he doesn’t seem ooc or anything.
SFW, use of Y/N, fluff, 1.5k words
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The first time you and Luffy met was when a few of your crew members had nearly clashed with his.
Earlier that day you had docked at an island that the Strawhats just so happened to be on as well. You hadn’t realized this, of course, until your sniper had come rushing back to the ship, exclaiming he had spotted the jolly roger that was nearly impossible to not know. The jolly roger belonging to the recently appointed yonko himself-Monkey D. Luffy.
Of course, your crew wasn’t one to back down from any sort of confrontation and that’s exactly what had happened when they stumbled upon the rival crew. Fortunately, you and the others had met up with them before things could escalate to a full on brawl (much to Luffy’s seeming disappointment), and apologized on behalf of your crew.
Luffy hadn’t minded, especially when you extended an invite for a small gathering where food and drinks would be served on your behalf, to truly let bygones be bygones. To be frank, you had mainly hoped to gain the captain’s favor in doing so, since becoming friends with an emperor of the sea didn’t seem like such a bad idea.
And become friends you did. Once the remaining tension between your two crews had well and truly fizzled out, they all meshed well together. The same thing could be said for you and the cheerful captain. Luffy was a whirlwind of joy and charisma, one that you couldn’t help but be swept up in.
You had heard rumors of his ability to befriend practically everyone he met, but they were nothing compared to the real thing.
Luffy also took a quick liking to you as well, which he didn’t mind voicing. He admired your ability to lead and could sense how strong you were. You were a joy to talk to, and your crew was great! Your chef was amazing at his craft and his skill blended well with Sanji’s, and throughout the night Brook and your musician swept through multiple duets that had everyone cheering and asking for encores.
He certainly wasn’t blind to your natural beauty either. The evening glow of the sun made your skin look practically ethereal and the rays illuminated each of your individual curls. Throughout the time you two spent together, he couldn't keep his eyes off of you.
By the time morning of the third day came and you were ready to head out, some of your crew started whining while they were helping with the clean-up.
“Captain,” your shipwright groaned, “Are you sure we can’t stay for one more day?”
“Yes, I told you guys we’d only stick around for a few days. But, if any of you wanna stay that bad, ask Luffy and see if he’ll let you stick around.” After that little quip you didn’t hear much complaining.
But a certain captain couldn’t help but voice his objection to your guys’ sudden leave as well.
“Cmoonn, Y/N! Stay for one more day and party with us! It’ll be fun!” He cried, pouting slightly as he watched you help load up the last of yall’s stuff. You smiled, flattered by Luffy’s clear want for y'all to stay.
“Sorry, Luffy, maybe next time.” Although the two of you would be rivals again the moment your ship left the shore, you couldn’t deny your similar want to stay. “How about this: the next time we see each other, we’ll have an even bigger get together. Deal?”
Luffy beamed at your offer, lips curling upwards as he gave you his signature smile. “Deal!”
You glanced back at your crew as your navigator called down to let you know you guys were ready to set sail at any moment.
“Well, that’s my cue. Bye, Luffy,” you gave him a quick wink, lips still pulled in a soft smile, one that made the young captain pause as he watched you turn and make your way back up to the deck of your ship, giving out the order to set sail.
Luffy briefly frowned as he watched your ship get further and further away. He wasn’t quite too sure why he was so upset seeing you leave, you were a pirate just like him. Staying in one place for too long wasn’t like you guys. But he still felt off. As Nami called for him to come on, he decided not to worry about it too much. With one last glance at the horizon, he turned and raced to catch up with his crew.
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“Hey, you guys, I think I see Y/N’s ship!” Usopp called down to the deck one day. Luffy quickly perked up, nearly slipping as he made his way down from Sunny's figurehead.
“Really?” He cried, rushing up to the Sunny’s railing. Sure enough, off in the distance, was your ship. He grinned, eager to see you again.
Shortly after spotting Luffy’s ship, you changed course and pulled up alongside him. “Y/N!” He shouted, perching atop the railing as you made your way over to him, giggling softly at his antics.
“It’s good to see you too, Luffy,” you said, unable to not smile in his presence. As the two of you briefly caught up, the Strawhats observed you both.
“It seems Luffy-san has left his mark again,” Brook commented cheerfully as he toyed with the strings of his violin.
“When doesn’t he?” Nami sighed playfully.
Sanji chuckled as he lit up a cigarette, “Guess I better get some food ready.”
Robin, however, was quiet as she watched the two of you. Ever since your first meeting, Luffy had been quietly stewing in his excitement to see you again. Like the others had said-he had left his mark on you, but it was clear the same could be said vice versa.
Luffy was always eager to make new friends, even if said friend was a fellow pirate who, by all technical means, should be a rival. That had been the case with their most recent ally, Trafalgar Law. Although Law had only viewed their alliance as what it was from the start-an alliance, Luffy deemed him a friend and continually referred to him as one.
But he hadn’t looked at Law like he did you. In his eyes sat a restrained admiration and infatuation that was clear from even where Robin was standing. He hung on to your every word (which was certainly unusual for him), and his eyes twinkled with mirth with every laugh he pulled from you.
It had been like that from the moment you two had met. At the time, Robin couldn’t put her finger on what seemed different, but now, the explanation was quite clear.
Her revelation brought a giggle from her lips that caught the attention of her friends.
At their looks of confusion she said, “It seems our captain has a crush.”
A mutual hush fell over the crew as they all mulled over Robin’s words, before it seemed as if a joint lightbulb above their heads had turned on. Zoro blinked his eye in confusion as he sat up, well and truly awake now. Sanji seemed mortified as he looked between you and Luffy frantically, Brook and Chopper aww’ed at the revelation, and Jinbei chuckled while Franky lifted his shades with an amused smirk. Nami and Usopp, however, seemed the most shocked.
“Luffy? A crush? No way!” Their long-nosed sniper exclaimed while Nami nodded beside him.
“It’s impossible! Right?” She pondered, exchanging a look with Usopp. Zoro shrugged as he placed his hands behind his head and leaned back.
“Guess not,” he snickered, letting his eye fall shut once more.
As his crew stewed in their newfound revelation, Luffy was too busy going over his ideas for the banquet he was intent on having with you and your crew for the next few days. And with every word he spoke, you listened contentedly, that same soft smile that made Luffy feel strange every time it was directed at him toying at your lips.
Unbeknownst to them, however, you were well aware of what the way Luffy looked at you meant. Fortunately, you didn’t mind. In fact, you were glad you weren’t the only one who had been caught up in these slow but surely developing feelings for the other.
Later on, when the Sunny was packed with his crew and yours, Luffy stayed practically glued to your side, making his enamoration towards you even clearer to his nakama. You became more accustomed to his physically affectionate side, as it seemed he wasn’t keen on straying too far from you. Not that you were complaining, of course.
Luffy wasn’t quite sure why you made him feel so strange, but at least it was a good strange. Maybe he could ask Chopper about it later. What he did know was that if being around you made him feel this giddy, he wouldn't mind making a few detours in his journey if they lead back to you.
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thatonecrookedsmile · 2 months
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"Tombstone Picnic,the infamous 'Lost Ending' Bendy cartoon from the early days of the studio. The ending has not been seen since the cartoon's first run in 1929 and no copies are known to exist."
----- Bendy comes face to face with [REDACTED]!
Another year, another Ink Demonth event. Let's see if I can get past the first 10 days again (I kind of doubt it, but let's not get ahead of ourselves).
Starting with a very interesting topic! As far as in-universe things go, I think the simplest interpretation would be: a look back at simpler times. Before the ink craze, the damn machine and all that. The times when (I presume) the only concern was getting the shorts finished on time. Nostalgia for a bygone era. It was more the metaphorical side that I was aiming for when I was making this drawing.
I don't really like to use this term when I reminisce about things that, in my opinion, are very "recent", but since it's been 7 years (more than half a decade, jeez), I think using "nostalgia" in this case is allowed in my view.
It's not surprising to say that I'm nostalgic for the times of 2017-2018. (In terms of Bendy, of course, not in terms of life in general, lmao) It's been so long... On one hand, similar to the in-universe reason, it was simpler times, I admit. Things weren't so…crazy, so to speak. And on the other hand, it's because of the good memories of that time (again, in terms of this franchise). The wait between chapters, the teasers, the theories, and the in-betweens. And what I wanted to show here, one of my top favorite moments that I remember the most, was the release of the reveal trailer for BATIM Chapter 3.
I was excited that day! I had just gotten home when the trailer dropped and I immediately went to watch it. An actual in-universe Bendy cartoon! Bendy and Boris animated! Mysterious Shadow!?!? and then BOOM, game stuff. Henry running in a hallway, silhouettes of new characters, Bendy statue, Miracle Station? and BOO, the Ink Demon jumping in the station! Alice humming, and OOOHHHHH RELEASING IN SEPTEMBER, LETS GOOO.
It was really cool. I would not only say this is one of my favorite moments, but also that that trailer is my favorite trailer we've had. Yeah, in the end the "gameplay" in the second half of the video was just a cutscene running, and the "scene" that happened in the trailer doesn't actually happen in the game. Hell, the "hallway trailer" wasn't even in the release! But, the cutscene is still pretty cool anyway, plus, even though the scene doesn't literally happen in the game, it still teased elements that were in the game without giving away spoilers, so the trailer wasn't a total lie at the end of the day.
But yeah, nostalgia. A hell of a drug, but at the same time, a nice time machine,I say.
On an unrelated note, hey, prompt for day 1, and I'm not that late! Sure, I'm posting this after midnight, so it's not day 1 anymore, but still, compared to other years, I'm very up to date with the event. After all, 1-2 hours late isn't that late compared to 1 week. But of course, prompt 2 is going to be another story entirely, but in the meantime? I'll enjoy this achievement.
Have a great event this year folks!
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im-not-corrupted · 5 months
Oh I would adore to hear about bygone sin, I’m obsessed with that fic! (🤘five-and-dimes)
Of course!
Chapter five is actually mostly complete! I say mostly because I haven't begun edits yet, and I'm still incredibly unsure whether it's what I need it to be. But once I finish stuff for the Sandman fic exchange, I'll start edits.
”Dream,” he murmured, and he seemed—unsure. Nervous. “I know I asked already, but are you—are you sure you’re alright?” When Dream didn’t reply, he lowered his voice. It was but a whisper, now, shared only between the two of them. Perhaps, in another circumstance, Dream might’ve found it…somewhat intimate. Perhaps. ”It’s okay if you aren’t,” Hob assured him. “You’re allowed to not be okay.” He tensed again. That, there—that was anger, flashing bright red and ugly, but it was familiar. It was heated, melted away the remnants of fear that gripped him when that glass shattered like it did, and he glared up at Hob Gadling, who simply stared back, unafraid. Later, he’d wonder when that had happened. When Hob Gadling became unafraid of him. When they had grown familiar enough to warrant only a soft sigh, one that sounded almost disappointed. For now, though—for now, he allowed himself to ask through gritted teeth, “Why would I not be alright, Robert Gadling?” To not be is a weakness, Dream wanted to add. Do you think me weak? He thought of his hand, bleeding from a knife wound, and the tenderness with which Hob cared for him. He thought of the comfort offered and bestowed upon him as though it was so easy. It was not the suggestion of weakness that inspired anger, not really. It was the knowledge that, in the end, Hob Gadling was right. Dream was weak—he relied so heavily on these meetings that he attended only to repay a damned debt, he sought out Hob’s company not because his presence was owed to the other man but because, somehow, Hob had started to…to represent something.  Warmth. Friendship. Care, which was the most baffling out of all of them. Hob offered all these things easily, simply, as though Dream was deserving of such things. As though he thought him worthy of it. He was not. He was not, but he was too selfish to deny it for himself. Those warm welcomes, the way Hob continued to hold open the door to his apartment above The New Inn even though Dream still didn’t understand what led him to do so, the soft smiles tender touches be was offered—they meant too much, and he was terribly selfish. Too much so to consider letting this go.
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I find it funny that whenever the writers try to get us to hate Chloe I find myself disliking Marinette instead. She failed her duty as class rep by not telling the teacher about Chloe cheating. Throws a hissy fit when Chloe is offered to make up the work (which Chloe NEEDs). Claims that she "did everything she could to help Chloe" when all she did was encourage her relationship with her abusive mother. Blames all her stalking issues on chloe. Made up a bullshit rule about identity and only applied it to chloe and no one else.
Honestly if I were to watch Marinette's and Lila's election speech with no knowledge of the show or context I would have fully believed Lila was the good guy.
Instead of making chloe worse, they made Marinette worse and even more of a Mary sue when no one calls out for the stuff she does.
Look, I sort of get what the show is going for. After everything Chloe has done to make her life a living hell, Marinette is under no obligation to forgive her or let bygones be bygones.
The problem is how Marinette will always come up with some excuse to justify her behavior around Chloe, whether it be thanks to the identity rule that only really applied to her, or how she neglected her duties as class representative (as confusing as they are) just because Chloe was the one who happened to need help.
Again, Marinette doesn't have to forget everything Chloe has done to her, but it's no excuse to not even try to be even a little civil around her, especially when her job as class representative is to let the teachers know when someone is struggling academically.
You could have taught a decent lesson about needing to control your anger around people you don't like, but instead, for a show that loves to let everyone else off without any consequences, Marinette is always in the right whenever she sinks to Chloe's level.
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anonymouspuzzler · 1 year
Can i hear ur thoughts on the interns if you havent shared them already… or ur thoughts on current (or potential) dynamics between them and raz :]?
i like the interns a lot!!! I think they have a lot of fun character beats and interactions amongst themselves and I think they really nailed the vibe of "older teens who suddenly have a literal kid in their class" (source: i took some college night classes when i was in middle school/early high school and it really did feel like that). miscellaneous thoughts:
I love that Adam and Lizzie are just like. besties. their interactions and ragging on each other is just so good. I could listen to their banter at the hotel bar all day it's great
speaking of Adam he's now The Cooler Raz's Older Brother and you know Dion's going to be so normal about that
whether or not she starts dating Dion or not I think Gisu just. Inserts Herself into the aquato family. like she just starts hanging out and inviting herself to meals and stuff. literally she just does what Norma was trying to do but she actually succeeds at it bc she's just coolin instead of trying to be Nancy Drew
I wanna see Morris working with Milla sooooo bad I want to see those two bounce off each other I bet it's so fun. I bet Milla also loves Queepie let me see the three of them doing radio stuff it'd be cute
I think Norma probably has at least the decency to feel a Little bad about hanging around with the Aquatos after The Everything but Augustus either A) never really picked up on her trying to manipulate him or B) decided to just let bygones be bygones and Act like he never picked up on it and either way that just makes Norma feel Worse about it. so she is Very Awkward. which makes Gisu just kinda hanging out Even Funnier
I also think every girl in the intern program has at least a little crush on Frazie and I think she has not noticed a single one because she's too busy rotating the world's smallest horse in her mind
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visiblenostalgia · 5 months
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🥱The POST-Aries Eclipse…😑✨
19° Aries: (Libra Degree) from [Sabian Symbologist],
“Only Your Soul Knows For Sure”
“…a symbol of periodic expansion of man’s freedom of spirit and soul through his widely winging interest far removed from his normal promise,” What comes from this understanding yourself before understanding others. Being YOURSELF in the CROWD. A standout.
However, they even state that detaching too much (dissociation) may lead to “scorn” from responsibilities. Healthy detachment is okay. Just be careful to dissociate yourself from everything. Feeling too much of nothing can STILL be feeling something.
(More of my experiences under the cut)
It’s like ever since this eclipse on Monday the 8th, the energy around me has been much more light and open to my energy. Like I can move on and get stuff done. I no longer feel hunkered down as I feel like I can let grudges, bygones, fucked interactions with people (mind the Aries Mercury retrograde) and forgetfulness go.
Not to mention that when I just look forward and keep on keeping on, do I “breathe in” revitalizing energy. I feel like I can take in something new as my friends and career shift to both of what’s needed of me and what are my desires.
Another thing to note was the Eclipse occurred right on my 11th house cusp. If I could call it my Secondhand Midhaven I would. My SM. Cause that’s made my work and creative life so much more passionate and enjoyable. All because of letting things, emotions, and people that did not suit me at all….go.
It feels like that first rainy day after a long brutal heatwave. I can finally feel at ease and hop onto my work.
Extra little notes of what my latest experiences were like:
I started roleplays that go episode by episode in a show and we’ve been doing our own spins on it (creative juices a’flowing babyyyyy)
Spiritual downloads of ideologies that currently don’t exist but may come these next few decades. Something aligned with (again,) Creativity, Chaos, Common Knowledge, Sensibility, Laughter, Understanding divine timing…. TRUE Healing too (not running away or asking too much from therapy. Cause if you’re not growing yourself day by day (of course with a little advice but not too much to over rely) there’s no way).
Just being around friends who understand me. Being around people who are just here for a good time. Fighting only takes so much out of the human spirit. Gotta remember that night will hit and the hay needs someone to rest against it.
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Some music I found that matched what it feels like coming out of that eclipse.
This one mainly being the sole reason why I love my state (and how lucky we are to get totality even if it was cloudy as fuck. PEOPLE STILL GOT TOGETHER TO HANG OUT)
I salute to you Texas. May the lone star state shine forever in our proud favor.
I’ve also dabbled in more Nu Metal because of the crazy war vibes from Aries alone.
Another song from Cowboy Carter that just makes me feel so ready to jump out there and smile:
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😵‍💫Pre-Solar: in between…🤬
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Now that I think more on some stuff:
This is a side track where it was IN-BETWEEN the two eclipses from Libra Lunar and Aries Solar.
I saw The First Omen and good god did it make me feel the uncomfortableness of it all within that eclipse cycle. It scared me five times not gonna lie. And I haven’t cringed harder than I have since then.
What surprised me was that the Astrology for WHEN EXACTLY I went also lined up with something.
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Moon (Emotions/Feelings) conjunct with Mars (Intensity/Drive) and Saturn (Structure/Discipline + Nihilism/Realism). Saturn tends to put pressure on systems it seems unfit or not suitable for the others around. A “YOU BEST GIT YOUR ACT TOGETHER” energy. ESPECIALLY WITH MARS. Not to mention Pisces rules religious beliefs and ideologies that are overwhelmingly large and complex. Combining all four……also added onto the fact that said movie watched was The First Omen…
It made me understand something….
That movie was about Religious Dogmatism and you couldn’t tell me otherwise! (Do tell me otherwise LMAO)
Much love to the astrology community guys. Hope you guys have been eating well and doing your best to protect your energy cause the world wants to bring yours down every day no matter what form.
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