#less larp more writing project
sl33py-g4m3r · 3 months
perhaps the prentice was chosen in the gauntlet rite the years or so before Flynn and everyone else had? Or after if they were still doing The Rite in Mikado...
I have not a time frame for the samurai oc I've created, yet at least.
Given he can feel the rain in our world, would that also mean he can interact with things as well? Or could people see him? could everyone see him or just certain people?
What demons did he have on him when the incident occurred? if any.
in the game it appears that the first demon that you acquire as Flynn is a centaur.... Is this the same for all new recruits or was it a coincidence?
If the samurais spirit/soul is asleep in our world; does he have visions of his fellows in Mikado? their goings on and missions? Or what's happening to his body? I bet being an amnesiac, this deeply concerns him.... Hopefully he'll connect the dots and be like "they're wearing the same outfit/uniform as I am..... Mikado?" and hopefully try to find a way to return.
Or is he just kind of trapped here for unknown reasons? gets too interested in our world and almost forgets; but still has this deep longing of going back home to Mikado.
would him remembering bits and pieces through visions/dreams or what have you cause him distress? I mean it's cliche but probably. Headaches or illness or something else.... Would those affect his body in return?
hadn't pieced together how exactly they're keeping his body alive in Mikado yet... would the monastery and infirmary have access to modern medical technology? I doubt it... Magic?
I wanna write about my samurai oc, and I've got ideas, but still no clear idea of where I'm going with the story as I just make it up as I go...
It would be really messed up to share a copy of SMT iv with him, lol. maybe anyway.
makes me wonder what games are actually games in universe in the SMT/persona games? but that's not OC stuff that's just random musings on my end.
if anyone could see him; what would they make of his outfit? or what would he think of motorized carriages without horses? 'good heavens, what the oddity... how doth thine move without aid of a horse? is it a demon?' *possibly attacks car with magic*
wrote one post from his perspective... but i also worry its garbage in hindsight.... eh got to quit worrying about it being cringe and have fun with a dumb internet blog~~~
last I wrote, which was from his point of view; he was napping in the rain under a tree, just as the rain subsides. too tired still to do much or figure out where he is, and wondering if anyone can see him or not.
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marlowethelibrarian · 2 months
Writerly Questionaire tag!
@saturnine-saturneight, @the-golden-comet and @fortunatetragedy all tagged me for this questionaire! Also thanks to @davycoquette for the original meme!
About You
When did you start writing?
I remember writing a story for a first grade assignment when I was 4-5 and really enjoying it. They gave us little booklets that were just like construction paper cut into shapes with lined paper inside to write on. I didn't really start writing as a hobby until I was about 10, writing naruto fanfic.
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
I tend to write what I like to read! I like nonfiction on occasion which I definitely can write, I just don't do it very often.
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
No one has ever compared me to an author ever, lmfao, but there are some writers here on writeblr that I've got an eye on, with prose that fucking slaps. I haven't actually sat down and read their stuff yet for the most part, because my life has been crazy but from the excerpts I see on tumblr I'm like. Yes. That. That's great. How do they do that. shout out to @cowboybrunch, @fortunatetragedy and @davycoquette!
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)?
90% of the time I write in my messy ass bed my fitted sheet refuses to stay on. The other 10% I'm wandering to other places in the house.
What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
Write or die sometimes brute forces it out of me. Otherwise, brainstorming with a sounding board, answering some asks or tag games, or rereading my old stuff can all help me out here.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
I mean. Probably! I definitely do that thing where I'll picture the layout of a building as a building I'm familiar with. I've written a lot of apartments that look suspiciously like my grandparent's old house.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
Yeah almost definitely lmfao. I keep noticing patterns after the fact. I have been circling the idea of dead worlds for one, and what it takes to survive there a couple times now. It's less obvious in project Cannibalism, but it's honestly still there.
Your Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
My current obsession is definitely Ravi, who is a dnd character, a larp character, and the main character of my Summer League OCT rounds. They started off as a gnome alchemist who is like just a back alley drug dealer when they got stuck in Barovia in a Curse of Strahd campaign. (Currently the only member of the original party still alive and aiming to keep it that way) I changed them to be a halfling when writing them for the OCT on a whim because it feels like a more grounded fantasy race to draw from without having to explain too much thanks to Lord of the Rings and its enduring cultural legacy. I've been greatly enjoying the process of writing, essentially, an incredibly traumatized character embark on a life or death venture among people who have no idea what the stakes are for them, exploring how badly adapted some of those defense mechanisms are for a regular ass place and how other people would view them, and how they would get there in the first place. I'd put them in my mouth and chew on them
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?
I can be a pretty sensitive person who prefers straightforward communication and positivity, so every single one of my horrible little prickly assholes is out. And that's a category I really enjoy writing so that's almost all of them lmfaoooo. I'd probably be friends with Wakma though. Wakma's cool.
Which characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
I wouldn't be able to stand Mala. She's consistently unpleasant and horrible to the people around her and I would not be able to let it roll off or just hit back like Rakani does.
Tell me about the process of coming up with your characters?
I like to develop characters in response to aspects I find interesting about the worldbuilding, or around a concept I want to explore. Sometimes they come about because there's a role in a story I need to fill. Wakma, for example, mostly came about because I knew Rakani absolutely needed a friend who didn't come from the Suyan hierarchy, and I already had this really cool idea about nomadic airship traders so I made him a diplomat from that culture, and then developed more of his character as I wrote him and decided what was important to the story.
Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters?
Traumatized little goblins, people who aren't acceptable victims, who lash out and behave in unacceptable ways.
How do you picture your characters?
I do draw, so I do have pictures of what characters look like sometimes, but sometimes they're just blobs and I decide along the way what they look like. I do try to be deliberate about it though, because diversity in race and body types rarely just happens to me. It's something I work towards and am purposefully deliberate about.
Your Writing
What’s your reason for writing?
I wanna and no one's stopped me yet.
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
i love it when someone points at something I did specifically about what about it they vibed with or excited them.
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work?
Just don't look at me and expect my characters please.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
Well I think people have cried about my writing a lot, so it's quite emotional. I'm always very pleased when someone says I've hit on a level of some emotional realism.
How do you feel about your own writing?
I have great, creative ideas, but the execution could use a little work. I think my writing is pretty plain and worksmanlike, and that's like fine.
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
This does absolutely open up a whole ass can of worms. jamie's right, how am i surviving here, if im subsidence farming I don't think I'd have the time and energy for writing. But like, I don't think I would if I knew I'd never have an audience. Even a small audience of one would be reason enough to write but if it's just me I might not.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy?
I don't care what other people want when I'm writing. I only care when I'm editing lmfao.
i have not kept track of who has answered this or not so I'm just going to leave this open to anyone who wants this!!
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carnivorousgarden · 8 months
A Letter to Markiplier
Not that he’ll ever see it. But that’s okay.
I’m going through some of the toughest times in my life right now. My job is bad, so I’m looking for another. My roommates are fighting so much, I’m looking to move. My car needs repairs I can’t afford. I’m scared I won’t make rent. My mental health, and that of a lot of people around me, is bad. I’ve given up my creative hobbies and my creative sparks because I don’t have it in me, and I reached a point of hopelessness. A “why bother? I have more important things to focus on.”
And during all this, during the worst days of my life so far, I isolated to my room. I looked for idle background noise, and I found… an old stream of Markipliers I never finished. His explanation stream for Who Killed Markiplier. I put it on, and found myself sucked back into the world of YouTuber egos and stories, remembering why I loved this stuff so much when it came out. I went and watched Wilford Motherloving Warfstache, and it’s stream. Damien and it’s stream. Then Heist, Heists stream, In Space and it’s stream. I spent a few days just consuming content and lore and breakdowns. I crafted theories, I drew art, I found something that sparked joy.
In the worst days of my life so far, Markiplier made me feel less hopeless, and less alone.
In each of his streams about these projects, he talks about the creation process and he encourages his fans to genuinely go out there and make their own projects. To not give up hope. To chase their creative sides and grab on and they, too, can make things they’re proud of. I know he isn’t talking to me directly, but when I tell you that hearing this, this that sounded so genuine, brought inspiration and color back into this very depressing stage of my life, know how much I mean it. I feel like I can keep up with my own stories now. I feel like I need to stop waiting to do my own creative stuff.
In Space felt like a love letter to his fans, with all the references to things he’s done and memes that made him viral. I saw this. I hold this idea close to my heart.
Mark. Thank you. I can’t be more genuine when I say this. Seeing your passion, your creativity, your genuine care for your fans and your projects and the people you work with… it has touched me in a very, very important and impactful way while I’m struggling in my own life. I’m picking up my art tablet, and my writing pen. I’m sewing my larp costumes again. I know there’s an end to this tunnel, and I know I can reach it.
Is it silly to be this inspired, this touched, by someone who’s never met me, who won’t read this? Maybe.
Does that make it any less real, though?
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nullbutler · 1 year
Masterpost of Projects
Hi! I'm Null! I make way too much stuff !! Here's a comprehensive list of everything I'm proud enough of to advertise on the front of my blog! It's a lot of kuro stuff!
A literal season 2 MOVIE. That's right i fucking COMPILED SEASON 2 INTO A FUCKING MOVIE it's a TWO AND A HALF HOUR LONG FUCKING MOVIE. I am in no way an editing professional, but the filler is cut, the gratuitously vile scenes are either done differently or also cut, and Alois and Hannah are portrayed in a kinder light, especially with Alois's backstory being handled a lot more carefully. No original footage is added - it is merely camera tricks and framing.
"You got rid of that Ciel screaming scene and that's like 5 stars for me." -- @warmmilk-n-honey
"Truly proves that less is more." -- @pain-in-the-butler
"An actual digestible version of Season 2." - @mantomhive
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2. My Webcomic: The Dead The Damned & The Devil (Read here)
What if Vincent Phantomhive came back from the dead just before his sons were sacrificed? This is a fix-it AU...kind of. Many side characters are integral to this story, like Francis and Madam Red. It's got 8+ chapters, and if you like to watch scared parents protect sad little kids, its a good read. likewise, if you already want to hug vincent, its a good read. likewise, if you want to punch vincnet in the face, it's a good...
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3. My Season 2 Video Essay (black butler season 2 is laughing at you)
watch me scream about the meta of season 2 as an exhausted season 2 fan for about two hours...it's got some original animatics, too!
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4. My Youtube + some highlights such as
The Black Butler Actors OVA Abridged
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exactly what it says on the tin! a 22 minute long black butler parody following what the hellish production of season 2 was actually like (and also. uh. character trauma??? somehow???)
"Cinder Soul" the angsty End-of-Contract visual novel
Sebastian and Ciel angst hours, in an AU where Ciel has quite literally lost everything. Ominous. Sad.
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Season 2 Reanimation project
on indefinite hiatus -- but its still 14 minutes of technically an episode, and the ending is more 'open' than 'cliffhanger.' what if Alois and Ciel got to talk it out when they were trapped in the same body, back in episode 11? Fully originally animated (thsi is probably the largest thing I've ever made hghdfhs)
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Collabs w Mel ( @weeb-cheese )
This list will probably get longer but aaa they're so cool!
Pluto video essay!
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Drossel video essay!
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NOT-KURO VIsual Novel
A light-hearted (?) sapphic visual novel about some ladies who LARP at garden club. On hiatus
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5. Ego Te Absolvo
So what if Alois Trancy teamed up with Ash Landers and became an exorcist who killed demons? Would he be happy? Would he be free? This is a really fun fic, i've been co-writing it with @eemoo1o and its aaa!! very cool!! do be warned, it gets...darker...the longer you read it. it is an alois trancy fic after all, even if the initial concept might seem a bit silly
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6. RIan Stoker Ask Blog
Don't ask me why i wanted to make this. but he's always open!
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I have a number of other smaller projects that you can find by hunting through my youtube and stalking my ao3. I don't mind!! tho some of the older stuff is definitely not as good lmao thanks for reading!!
I also run @blackbutler-heritage-posts and hosted @dadbastianweek2023 !!!
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balioc · 9 months
LARP Sizes
When you talk about the "size" of a theater LARP, you might mean a lot of different things -- how long it lasts, how long the game materials are, how much physical space you need to run it, etc. (These things heavily correlate with one another, which helps to confuse the issue.) But the most important version of "size," of course, is player count. A LARP is nothing more or less than a bunch of characters doing stuff, and the experience is shaped heavily the number of characters who are contributing to it.
(It's like party size for a TTRPG, only more so, because you don't have an omnipresent GM who can keep everything in hand for everyone.)
If you're thinking of writing a theater LARP, I would strongly encourage you to think about your game structurally when you're deciding how big it's going to be. Don't just decide that you want to write a large game because you're feeling ambitious, or that you want to write a small game because you're feeling nervous; don't just include every character concept that you have in your head. Choose a size that works well with the kind of experience you want to generate, and with the mechanics you have in mind.
Every additional character changes things, of course, but (in my opinion) these are the size ranges that really matter:
0-1 PCs: This is not a LARP, in the conventional sense. This is a joke or an art project.
2-3 PCs: The PCs cannot escape each other at all. The game will necessarily consist of a single extended conversation, and you should think of it in those terms. It's the writer's job to make sure that conversation is interesting and sustainable.
[The general rule is that character sheets and other documents tend to get longer as the game gets bigger, because there's more material that has to be incorporated...but games with 2-3 players often have really long sheets, just for the sake of making sure that everyone has enough to talk about, and that every PC has some very substantive thoughts about every other PC.]
4-7 PCs: At this size, the game will likely default to being a single round-table conversation, and fundamentally everyone is going to have to deal with everyone else -- but the PCs will be able to split off for private chats (without leaving anyone twiddling his thumbs). Plotting and politics begin to become possible, although you shouldn't expect that anyone will really be able to hide anything from anyone else. This is an excellent size for games that are basically about emotional tangles.
8-15 PCs: By my standards, a "medium-sized" LARP. There's enough going on that you can thread multiple plots into your narrative, although you should expect that everyone will likely be interacting with everyone else, at least to some extent. It is totally plausible that a PC will be able to maintain a more-or-less complete understanding of the total game situation, although you can't count on anyone in particular doing so. Complexity and factional conflict are viable here. This is the sweet spot for intricate integrated mechanical structures where you want every PC to be interfacing with the same system. It is not an accident that two of the most successful game-structure templates that have come out of my LARPing tradition -- the Dance and the Dawn template and the Be Not Afraid template -- require exactly 13 PCs.
16-30 PCs: In a LARP of this size, a PC can probably have more-than-zero clue about every other character in the game, and about all the overarchingly important plots...but no one is going to be able to keep up with everything that's going on, not even remotely. Chaos and fog-of-war start dominating the play experience here. Games this big usually require multiple interconnected narratives, and there are usually whole plots that just don't have much to do with each other. It becomes important for the writer to ensure that any given PC has enough different things going on that his game won't get randomly destroyed by the tides of happenstance.
31+ PCs: Any given PC will be totally clueless about whole swathes of the game; certain characters, and certain plots, will completely fail to intersect at all. Either the LARP is secretly a bunch of loosely-connected game modules, or it needs to be robust enough to survive all manner of butterfly-effect-generated madness as unusual outcomes and choices ripple outwards. (I don't actually have any experience writing LARPs at this scale. My biggest game is for 30 PCs, and it was definitely straining against the kind of structural cohesion that I tried to impose on it.)
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psychhound · 1 year
🌧️ Share something melancholy from one of your games (name the game, or let me choose).
i really like this bit of flavor text from the end of dead man's hand. i try to keep it pretty vague who the narrator of the game is as you go through, but slip in little moments of personality or identity. i was really happy with the text the game ends on:
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[text in alt]
in the game you travel through a supernatural wild west and use poker hands to divine the stories of the many travelers you can come across, from outlaws with hearts of gold to haunted blacksmiths, landed gentry to lonesome cowboys, and even newly rising gods. youre cursed (blessed?) to collect stories until you find The One, and then what happens after ... well, anyone's guess. the narrator guiding you through this takes a backseat in the process until these final moments, where they ask to be remembered as well. writing this game was a really nice little exercise in voice and genre and i really enjoyed it
🌩️ Share something spooky from one of your games (name the game, or let me choose).
a game that isnt published yet (though! going to try to relaunch the kickstarter at some point! once i get a handle on going back to grad school) but this is part of the opening of how to survive a haunting, a solo larp on living with trauma. the rest of the opening narration is less spooky and (hopefully!!) more uplifting, but here's just the spooky part:
There’s a ghost inside your body. Maybe there’s a couple of them. Maybe there’s dozens. Maybe there’s one but it’s big and mean and fast and seizes you around the throat when you aren’t looking. These ghosts steal the breath from your chest and wrap icy fists around your heart and plague your mind with visions and cruel words. The ghosts within your body are creatures made of memory. They think, these ghosts, that if you stop remembering, they will disappear. Like many things, they are afraid to disappear. So the ghosts seep into your mind and scatter across your dreams and hide amongst crowds chanting remember, remember, remember me. With remembering comes the fear. And pain.
i'm sooooo close to being at a point where i can try to launch this game again but!! being patient with myself and the creative process (it's not a super easy game to work on, mentally or emotionally). it's still a project i really believe in, though, and want to see come to light one day soon
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aestherians · 2 years
Hi! You were the first therian based blog I could find so I hope you don't mind me asking a question. I'm doing a project where I am drawing random aesthetics from the wiki for art practice and otherkin is listed as one! I know after a little research it isn't a style but a lifestyle (?) I hope that's the right way to say it. Anyway, I was wondering if there *is* a certain look people have who are therians or if they wear clothes to better match their identity? I've seen the clip on ears/tail but I'm not sure if that was a one off thing or commonplace. Thanks a lot!
Thanks for asking for clarification!
You're right, it's less of an aesthetic and more of a lifestyle (not to say it can't be both, of course), but at its core, it's an identity. The same way you may identify as a redhead or a runner or gay or disabled or religious, we identify as nonhumans in human-looking bodies. There really isn't a perfect analogy for what otherkinity is, but most 'kin compare it to being transgender. In fact, in the late 90s one of the more commonly used synonyms was straight-up just 'transspecies'. (Take note here that most otherkin are some variant of transgender, transsexual, or genderqueer. Cis otherkin are a minority)
There are some trends that link the very different folks in our community together, but there's a bit of a generational gap:
Among kids and teens, you'll find a lot of outward expression, such as inhuman makeup, tails clipped on their pants, and collars - google 'teen werewolves' and 'therian gear' and you'll get an idea of it (though I have to add, teen werewolves are not necessarily therians/otherkin and therians/otherkin are not necessarily wolves).
Among older otherkin, the expression is more subtle and more focused on philosophical or political discussions and long-form writing — especially essay writing; we love personal essays around here. Your awakening essay is basically how you express your otherkinity to the rest of the community lol. Everyone used to have an awakening essay somewhere on their website or blog or journal! Visual expression of otherkinity among adults tends to take the form of subtle fashion choices, such as jewelry (I always wear a pendant with a bison skull). It's only when there's an excuse to dress up, like a con or a LARP, that adults tend to use tails and collars.
Basically, otherkinity can look like this:
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Or like this:
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But usually it looks a bit like this — this is basically how I appear in my head:
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ebonydraygon · 2 years
As the year draws to a close its time to look back on the goals I set myself and see how we did. With the world trying to nudge me to be less of a hermit (and me point blank refusing) as well as health being all over the place, I won’t be overly harsh on myself.
Complete the RSPCD anthology
I didn’t actually manage this, but I did manage to write more lore for it during this year's Nanowrimo
sew a pikachu plushie
I did! This is Butterfly, and she lives on my desk and dances on my stream!
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Make a project with either my pyrography kit or my 3D pen
Sadly, I didn’t manage to do this. I didn’t feel comfortable doing pyrography in the house and wasn’t able to get access to a friend’s house with a garden and extension cord. As for the 3D pen... I kept meaning to but just... never did.
put away clothes more often
Slowly been trying to, but it is still something that needs to be worked on.
get better at self promotion
Also slowly getting better at this! I am trying to advertise my streams more when I go live, and I have now gotten a stamp with which to make business cards. Slow but steady!
learn anti anxiety techniques that work for me
I... struggled with this. I had a couple of really bad anxiety moments this year. I am proud of myself for recognising them at the time and taking myself away to just... try and recover. Still not managed to find any outright techniques that work for me save for “bury myself in plushies”.
get washing down to reasonable levels
....nope, still have washing mountains that need to be gone through. General health, anxiety and sleep schedule meant I didn't get to go to the laundrettes to help clear through the mountain as much.
get and keep living room clear
...also failed, something Ben pointedly reminds me of on occasion.
Get to stage where we can get a cat!
....one year, this will come true!
This year has been one of trying to find a balance I think. With the world opening up and me pointedly refusing to do so, with me trying to juggle my commitments to stream with free time and gaming, with me trying to find some sort of equilibrium with my anxiety and health issues and generally living. Some things I did better than others, but it was still an important.
Highlights of the year include taking part in my first ever Twitch raid train and meeting so many other new creative friends, as well as the support from everyone during Nano this year. With larp as well I had a few cracking moments of drama where I had all the player base in shock at reveals which is always delightful.
Tune back January 1st for the new resolution list and the thank you list for those that kept me going through the previous year.
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twilight-resonance · 2 years
Incremental Autumn
Back again, with less interim this time. Writing sounds good right now, and I have the time to do it; so I think I’ll go ahead and journal like this for a bit and then go back to working. Which is what I was doing prior to this. Plenty to get done today, but it’ll happen as it happens.
I decided to have a fall day today. The light’s changed enough that I think it must feel like fall to me unconsciously on some level, because the temperature certainly doesn’t merit it. Dunno. I went ahead and dressed in snuggly clothes today, and played some games curled up on the couch while listening to C-SPAN for a bit, and have otherwise just been kind of enjoying the feeling of autumn coming back a bit. I have a pomegranate to eat later, which I’m excited for; and we’ll see what else we find to do as well. Probably part of why it occurred to me to journal as well - autumn feels like journaling. I’m going to see if I can actually remember to make it to Shut Up & Write on time today, because I miss that too and would like to go.
Dunno. Been worried about Hearthsnail. I’m not sure what’s wrong, exactly - if it’s lack of sleep, or burning out a bit, or if something else is up; but he hasn’t been himself recently. I know that part of it is that we need to get him to a doctor to deal with some health problems; and maybe that’s all it is. Something needs to shift, though. I may need to ask for help from some of his co-workers, because part of the problem is he feels like he can’t take a day off work because he would need to have a sub, and he doesn’t know when a sub-able lesson is coming up. Never mind that there’s no such thing as a sub-able lesson, and you just kind of have to deal with where things fall - but seems like he’s having a hard time grappling with that. So some support from other people who have a sense of what’s missing might help.
We slept in this morning by accident - must have forgotten to set alarms, or slept through them. He basically had time to make his commune and get ready in maybe five minutes, so we threw things together and made it happen. He probably got to work on time, and I’m hoping that - if nothing else - he’s a bit more well-rested now. It felt like it, waking up. I certainly feel well-rested in a way I don’t usually, and I hope it was at least better or more than usual for him. Anything helps.
Sigh, so let’s see. Let’s talk about work for a bit, because I specifically talked about other things last post. Like I mentioned at some point, I’m about a month into the new job I’m doing this year. Running some school programs for a couple schools, both classes and afterschool care. So it’s been running Fal a few times a week now, plus the usual that I’ve been doing on the weekends, and so far it’s been good. The first month or so was a little rough, since Ladyknight had theater and then caught COVID; so it was all the upacking & unpacking the equipment in the trailer by myself, as well as managing the full group of ~30 higher-needs kids. I did it, and by the end I got a decent flow down; but I’m glad she’s back. We had a good planning session the other night, and otherwise it’s been good getting peoples’ characters sorted in ways I was unable to do with single-person logistics. Had my first encounter with an unhappy parent last week, and that resolved okay I think; we’ll see if there’s anything to worry about this week.
In a lot of ways, it’s been nice running this much LARP again. I used to run this much and more, years ago - average of four days a week, for a variety of afterschool programs and weekend events. This is the first time that it’s all been in Fal, though, and it’s been a fun project deciding how I want to split things up. For example, both of the school leagues I’m running are in the same general area of the game world, just distant cities within it; and that’s been a fun way to run things so far (and just useful for having some shared resources location-wise). The same goes for having to figure out what I want my mission board to look like, since we have to be done in 2hrs but get to do missions weekly overall and thus more often. I think weekly missions suits my baseline writing style better than monthly missions overall; I tend to write more incremental change that doesn’t work as well in a monthly structure. It’s also adapting the changes in my style that I was already going to make this season across the board, and it’s been fun so far. A good creative exercise, and is some good growth for my own brain. I need to do more work on my weekend leagues - that’s part of what today is slated for - but the overall, the weekly work’s been good.
I do need to spend some time working with them on transitions and the like, because the group is big enough and varied enough that they’ve been doing a lot of getting in their own way. Multi-age groups are both one of my specialties and also my preference, but they are challenging. So that’s part of what this upcoming week will be about, especially now that I’ve had some time to get to know each group and get a sense for which things are easier vs. harder for them as a whole. 
It’s also been an interesting challenge developing new battle games. I’ve long since forgotten most of the battle games we used to use, and besides that there are specific skills I’ve been wanting to train that there aren’t preexisting games for. What I really need to do is sit down and develop out a handful of new games; but the couple that I’ve come up with on the way so far have been half-decent. It’s also been neat looking back at old battle games and seeing their design mechanics from the “inside” in a way I haven’t before - what purpose certain rules or sequences played in training players on parts of the game. So that’s been good brainfood as well.
That mostly sums all that up, I think. So far as other things going on, I still need to work on the kitchen; I almost got caught up on the dishes the other day, but they’ve since backed up again. There’s other cleaning that needs to happen to - I might go do that after I finish this. Some of it’s backed up because of Hearthsnail too, and that’s its own thing. There’s a handful of phone calls I need to make too, one of which I just remembered is actually very urgent, so I suppose I ought to get to it. Not sure what else to write about at this point anyway. Hopefully we’ll get back to more writing soon - it’s good for me, and all that. 
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sl33py-g4m3r · 4 months
Am I finished….? Am I going to see any fellows when I awake…? What…… happened……….? …………???
Am ……. I……… conscious………? Is……. This…….. a dream? ……….
‘Last I remember……… ………………?!’
‘??? Confusion……… a thick haze almost like smoke clouds my mind………’
Slightly alarmed I try opening my eyes…….. all I do is twitch slightly… my body doth not respond……. ‘So exhausted…………. I doth not sleep here……….’
What’s that feeling? Someone…….. jostling me moving me? Are they stripping me of equipment ?? Can I do nothing?? Are people talking, or yelling? What pray tell is happening? Come on eyes, open….
‘Everything sounds so very far away……… my……… fellows………….’
‘……..’ he slips into unconsciousness amongst the commotion…
Twitch…. My body twinges as I vaguely feel something ?? ‘What is this feeling….? Static?? Have I been hit with electricity? Consciousness creeps into my awareness and my senses are less dull than before….. is it rain……?? Needless to say I feel…….. odd………
Slowly I attempted to open my eyes once more……. ‘Where am I……? I……….? Who……… am i ???’
Rain. Twas in fact, rain. Slowly I realize I’m laying in a field, by a lake….. in the rain……… soaking wet…… face to face with grass…...
‘No memory of whom I am, nor these clothes I’ve donned…… they look cool….. and what of this glove….. clad in steel? ……… what’s this……..? A sword?? I have a sword???? Could I even wield one?’
I struggle to my feet slowly no longer as sleepy as I’ve felt before….. I look to try to figure out what this glove does…… only then do I notice……. I can see through myself…….? ‘……….?!?!’ I can see the lake through my hand…..?!?
“What in heaven’s sake?”
‘I proceed to panic slightly as I find a spot out of the rain….. it is nice however…… a cool rain……. A breezy one…..’
‘Watching the clouds and the limbs of the tree blow in the wind; I question whether I live or have perished……. Whether anyone can see my form….. or I’m invisible to them…. Surely I can interact with things if I can actively feel the rain……. But why am I transparent still if that’s the case….?’
Staring off into space……. Slumped by a tree, is an exceptionally odd fellow…….. unknown to what year it currently is, nor whom he himself is……. Just lost…
Just a vague feeling of loss, lament, and confusion… at this place that is unknown to him. This time….. everything…… letting those feelings take a chokehold on him, he lapsed into slumber once more. Rain lightning, he lay slumped by the roots of the tree.
Nary a fragment of memory of his fellows, of Mikado, the gauntlet, nor his demons…. his own name even……
‘Where shall I be when I awake next…? I have seen nary a soul out here……. Can anyone see me……? If I feel the rain I can hopefully interact with other things as well…………. If someone does see me……. I do hope they’ll lend me their aid………’
0 notes
Welcome to the Palmerverse
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Today in Wired, Gregory Barber profiles my friend, colleague and collaborator Ada Palmer, an extraordinary writer, librettist, historian, scholar, activist and performer:
Palmer has just wrapped up Terra Ignota, her four-volume series depicting a deeply weird and uncomfortable future that is informed by her world-class scholarship into Renaissance history (she’s a tenured U Chicago history prof who specializes in the suppression of forbidden knowledge during the Inquisitions).
The Wired profile gets into the book’s odd contours — the deeply alien and marvellously plausible social norms it depicts — and connects them to Palmer’s historical work. As she is fond of saying, “We know less than 1% of what happened 500 years ago, and at least two-thirds of what we know is wrong.”
Terra Ignota depicts a world where our major problems — climate, war, shortage — have been addressed, where nation-states have been replaced by sprawling affinity groups (you can live anywhere and be an EU citizen, but you can also be a “citizen” of FIFA), and where distance has been conquered by hypersonic sub-orbital flying cars.
And yet, this is a fraught place, and one where the social conventions are as far from our own as the mores of the Renaissance. People in Palmer’s world do not discuss gender or religion, and have a taboo on discussing which gender they identify with. They live in “bashes” — communal polyamorous households — and tolerate invasive censorship in the private and public realm as the price of peace.
As Barber writes, the future history of Palmer is as unpredictable and contingent as the history she studies and teaches. Palmer is celebrated for her annual U Chicago LARP, where 45 students spend a month role-playing as cardinals in the runup to the 1490 election of the Medicis’ Pope.
I find this exercise profoundly intriguing. Every year, two of the final candidates are the same, their places guaranteed by the “great forces of history.” But every year, the other two candidates are always different, because even though the forces of history bear down upon us, we also have human agency.
That one of the major themes of Terra Ignota, and it’s a message of hope: what we do matters.
Though Palmer has only written four books so far, her work has had a large effect on the field, especially in the works of the marvellous Jo Walton, whose association with Palmer has led to a string of fascinating novels touching on classics and antiquity.
The profile gets into Palmer’s life circumstances: the chronic illness and pain and low blood-oxygen that has her working from a reclining position for weeks on end, taken away from the world in reveries of scholarship, music and imagination.
The fruits of these jaunts into innerspace are many and gorgeous, especially her music, which includes the haunting space-travel ballad “Somebody Will”:
Palmer is such a multitalented quintuple threat, whose talents range from game-design to seminar design. We collaborated on a U Chicago grad seminar series on the parallels between historical and contemporary systems of information control, contrasting the Inquisitions with modern reactions to online speech:
The profile is great, but it only gives a taste of what a conversation with Palmer is like (at one point, she discusses how Voltaire would view the contemporary state of science fiction).
Palmer is very much alive to the way that history is used and abused to justify the present day. She rails against the idea of “dark ages” and “golden ages” and scoffs at the notion that the pandemic will automatically create a renaissance (a fallacy based in the incorrect assumption that the last renaissance was brought on by the plague).
Her ability to fuse scholarship, art, and politics makes her a standout in the field. The completion of Terra Ignota is a major milestone, and it’s great to see it celebrated with such a fitting tribute.
Image: Sanna Pudas (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ada_Palmer_at_the_Hugo_Award_Ceremony,_at_Worldcon_75_in_Helsinki_2017_(cropped).jpg
CC BY 4.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.en
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lifesliced · 2 years
this is coming out of nowhere but a conversation i had last night with my partner on specifically tumblr rp and age - so here are my thoughts on age, particularly getting older, in the rpc, and how i’ve come to terms with it:
the kids are on like these other new sites, the older millennials are on livejournal and others like it, and we're seeing the millennials my age (1993) / the lower-aged but not quite gen-z, now getting older on tumblr, thus developing a more common sense. anyone remember quizilla?? just me????
based on the posts we see that are like “reblog if you’ve been here pre-2011 rping” and others like it, we can see most of us have been here for a while. this leads me to believe this theory:
tumblr has not seen an “rp” growth population in a long time. the rp community is not “diverse”. 
i mean this less in the way you think when you see the word “diveres” word and more in the way of these (including me) are the same people it has been for the last 10+ years with little new additions because rp on tumblr is a primarily younger-spectrum millennial based hobby. the ideals, morals, or social acceptability might have changed, but we cannot pretend we're not the same people we always have been, right? most of us have already met or have been affiliated or known of each other under different ages and aliases and fandoms at some point, so that being said, i know what tumblr wants, what it really stands for, and what it's really about, so while i write what i want to, i want to have people to write with, thus i have to "play the game". we all do it. 
i have met one true gen x roleplayer in my time. they were 43 when i was 23. at the time, that was jarring to me, but i didn’t really care or think much past it.
now here we are. i’m almost thirty. a lot of my mutuals are 25+. 
the “new blood”, as well as the minors, we see enter the rpc specifically on tumblr, and not one of these other new sites, is being drawn in the by the younger adults (18-21), and those are being drawn in by the 21-24 spectrum, who are drawn in by their older friends in the 25-26 range, who are following generally the “adults” or the “grown ups” of tumblr rp. at 27, you’re seen generally as a more “standing” member.
here is my thought on this: we are seeing more “older” roleplayers getting into their thirties because most “gen-x” roleplayers are dnd players. all generations play, and are welcome to play, dnd, but you just see that sort of roleplay with those generations, along with video games, and a little larping in there for good measure.
we’re seeing the first “roleplayers” starting to get older, come into their adulthoods, and tumblr isn’t “growing” in a way that really creates a huge “minor” and “adult” side of things. i can’t say for sure on the minor side of tumblr rp, so i’m also reaching into my roots in that projection, but i think we’re just seeing the first wave of older rpers because...well, we were some of the first, if not the first, rpers in the way we think of rp online. we were rping on facebook, youtube, gaia, quizilla, xanga, livejournal, forums, gmail instant chat, aol and yahoo chatrooms, e-mail threads, even in our school notebooks, anywhere available to us, as well as posting mass quantities of fanfiction at a hugely increasing rate. fanfiction goes back far, so i can’t have millennial claim on that, but we did “boost the market” and add a whole new wave of options to get fanfic on sites specified to fanfic from lunaescence to fanfic.net to a03 or whatever they’re all called, etc. i’m a fanfic.net boy, that’s where i was usually, but i’ve been everywhere, i’ve seen it all, i’ve done it all (for the most part). so this generation that was basically the “internet” generation are grown/growing up now, but we still love our fandoms, and we’re finally getting to the part of our craft where we’re “good” at it. always can improve, but we have a good understanding of what we had been developing these skills into, and now we can fully utilize them to our potential, but now we’re facing the “am i too old?” or being told we’re aged out of something we helped create in the way it functions today. 
this is just my thoughts on the “over 30″ roleplay mentality. we just haven’t existed before now. i think anyone is welcome personally, so i’m curious if anyone else has any opinions on this -- let me know! 
maybe i should make an rpc podcast sometime lmao
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sabrina-central · 2 years
Your Sabrina headcanons. Tell me them?
There are so many posts here about them but you're new here so I'll give you some:
Singer! Sabrina - unlike Rose she doesn't write songs but she's got like crazy vocal range and comes alive on the stage
Dancer! Sabrina - mostly Ballerina, based on an early design concept of her with a ballerina bun I can't let go of, and just cuz I think she deserves to be graceful, beautiful and elegant. But really any kind of dancing, bonus points if she's a monster at DDR.
Drummer! Sabrina - let my girl fucking RAGE. she needs to let out her anger and go absolutely FERAL. and to that point
Feralbrina - this headcanon is less specific, it's just a catch all to anything that allows Sabrina to go apeshit.
Sneakybrina - I don't talk about this one often enough so this is a good opportunity, I think Sabrina low key doing shady shit and that doesn't have to be a bad thing. Rather than a habit she needs to break, it can be a skill she channels for good. My favourite version of this is the innocent act, where she knows exactly how underestimated she is and uses it to her advantage, playing up the kicked puppy role.
Villain Sabrina - normally an escalation of Feralbrina or Sneakybrina, or both, sometimes she's been the villain the entire time, other times it's a slow decent, and sometimes it's just a sharp turn caused by a moment of great betrayal and despair. These are veering more into AU territory tho so we'll not get into it too much here.
Sabrina being an emotional nerd the way Max is an intellectual geek - so like, if Max is about tech and space and math, Sabrina is into LARP (literally canon actually) and astrology and writing fanfiction. The only math she does is at the DND table. Speaking of which
DND legend Sabrina - critrole and D20 superfan, fun player and most of all probably the best DM you've ever fucking had the pleasure of being at the table of. (This one is just self projection and aspirational tbh)
There's probably a bunch more but that's enough for now I think.
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nim-lock · 4 years
Art Career Tips, 2021 Edition
Here’s an edited version of my 2019 answered ask, because... this feels relevant. 
It is a problem of capitalism that folks equate their income as a judgement of their value as people; and let me preface. You are worth so much. You have inherent value in this world. Your income is not a judgement on who you are (plenty of billionaires are actively making the world worse). LARPing self-confidence will go a long way to helping you get paid more for your work, because clients will believe that you know what you are doing, and are a professional. 
& real quick—my own background is that I’ve been living off my art since 2018. I went to art school (Pratt Institute). I work in a publishing/educational materials sphere, and a quarter of my income is my shop. Not all of this information may apply to you, so it is up to you to look through everything with a critical eye, and spot pick what is relevant. 
So there are multiple ways of getting income as an artist; 
Working freelance or full-time on projects
Selling your stuff on a shop
Licensing (charging other companies to use your designs)
This post primarily covers the freelance part; if you’re interested in the other bits there is absolutely info out there on the internet. 
IF you are just starting (skip to next section if not applicable) dream big, draw often (practice helps you get better/more efficient), do your best to take "a bad piece” lightly. You’re gonna RNG this shit. At some point your rate of “good” works will get higher. Watch tutorial videos & read books. A base understanding of “the rules”; anatomy, perspective, composition, color helps you know what the rules are to break them. This adds sophistication to your work. One way you can learn this stuff is by doing “studies”—you’re picking apart things from life, or things other people have done, to see what works, and how it works. 
Trying to turn your interests into a viable career means that you are now a SMALL BUSINESS; it really helps to learn some basic marketing, graphic design, figure out how to write polite customer service emails; etc. You can learn some of this by looking it up, or taking skillshare (not sponsored) classes by qualified folks. Eventually some people may get agents to take care of this for them—however, I do recommend y’all get a basic understanding of what it takes to do it on your own, just so you can know if your agent is doing a good job. 
Making sure your portfolio fits the work you want to get
Here is a beginner portfolio post. 
Research the field you’d like to get into. The amount people work, the time commitment, the process of making the thing, the companies & people who work for them. 
Create work that could fit in to the industry you’re breaking into. For example, if you want to do book cover illustration, you draw a bunch of mockup book covers, that can either be stuff you make up, or redesigns of existing books. If you’re not 100% sure what sort of work is needed for the industry, loop back into the portfolios of artists in a similar line of work as whatever you’re interested in, and analyze the things they have in common. If something looks to be a common project (like a sequence of action images for storyboard artists), then it’s probably something useful for the job. 
CLIENTS HIRE BASED ON HOW WELL THEY THINK YOUR WORK FITS WHAT THEY WANT. If they’re hiring for picture books, they’re gonna want to see picture book art in your portfolio, otherwise they may not want to risk hiring you. Doesn’t have to be 100% the project, but stuff similar enough. If you aren’t hired, it doesn’t mean your work is bad, it just wasn’t the right fit for that specific client. 
If you have many interests, make a different section of your portfolio for each!
Making sure you’re relevant 
Have a social media that’s a little more public-facing, and follow people in the career field you’re interested in. Fellow artists, art directors, editors, social media managers; whoever. Post on your own schedule. 
Interact with their posts every so often, in a non-creepy way. 
If you’ve made any contacts, great! Email these artists, art directors, editors, former professors, etc occasional updates on your work to stay in touch AND make sure that they think about you every so often.
Show up to general art events every once in a while! If you keep showing up to ones in your area (when... not dying from a sneeze is a thing), folks will eventually start to remember you. 
Industry events & conferences can be pricey, so attend/save up for what makes sense for you. Industry meetups are important for networking in person! In addition to meeting people with hiring power, you also connect with your peers in the community. Always bring a portfolio & hand out business cards like candy. 
Active job hunting
Apply to job postings online.
If interested in working with specific people at specific companies, you could send an email “I’d love to work with you, here’s my portfolio/relevant experience”, even if they aren’t actively looking for new hires. Be concise, and include a link to your work AND attached images so the person reading the email can get a quick preview before clicking for more. 
Twitter job postings can be pretty underpaid! Get a copy of the Graphic Artists’ Guild Handbook Pricing & Ethical Guidelines to know your rate. I once had a twitter post job listing email me back saying that other illustrators were charging less, and I quote, “primarily because they’re less experienced and looking for their first commission”. This was not okay! For reference, this was a 64-illustration book. The industry rate of a children’s book (~36 pages) is $10k+, and this company’s budget was apparently $1k. For all of it. 
Congrats you got a job! Now what?
Ask for like, 10% more than they initially offer and see if they say yes. If they do, great! If not, and the price is still OK, great! Often company budgets are slightly higher than they first tell you, and if you get this extra secret money, all the better for you. 
Make sure you sign a contract and the terms aren’t terrible (re: GO GET THE  Graphic Artists’ Guild Handbook Pricing & Ethical Guidelines) 
Be pleasant and easy to work with (Think ‘do no harm but take no shit’)
Communicate with them as much as needed! If something’s going to be late, tell them as soon as you know so they aren’t left wondering or worse, reaching out to ask what’s up. 
And if all goes well, they’ll contact you about more jobs down the line, or refer you to other folks who may need an artist, etc. 
Quick note about online shops/licensing and why they’re so good
It’s work that you do once, that you continuously make money off of. Different products do well in different situations (conventions vs. online, and then further, based on how you market/the specific groups you are marketing to), so products that may not do well initially may get a surge later on. 
Start with things that have low minimum order quantity and are relatively cheap to produce, like prints and stickers. 
If you are not breaking even, go back to some of the earlier portions of this and think about how you could tweak things as a small business. Ease of access is also very important with this; for example, if you only take orders through direct messages, that immediately shuts off all customers who don’t like talking to strangers. 
Quick resource that you could look through; it’s the spreadsheet of project organizing that I made a while back 
Licensing is when people pay you for the right to use your work on stuff they need to make, like textbooks or greeting cards. This is generally work you’ve already made that they are paying the right to use for a specified time or limited run of products. This is great because you’ve already done the work. I am not the expert on this. Go find someone else’s info.
“I am not physically capable of working much”/ “I need to pay the bills”
Guess who got a hand injury Sept 2020 that messed me up that entire month! I had a couple jobs going at the time that I was terrified of losing, but they were quite understanding when I told them I needed to heal. So:  Express your needs as early as you know you need them. Also do lots of stretches and rest your hands whenever you feel anything off; this will save your health later. Like, the potential of a couple months of no income was preferable over losing use of my hands for the rest of my life.
This continues to apply if you have any other life situation. Ask for extra time. Ask for clarification. If you tell people ahead of time, folks are often quite understanding. Know how much you are capable of working and do your best not to overdo it. (I am.. bad at this)
Do what MAKES SENSE for your situation. If doing art currently earns you less money than organizing spreadsheets, then do that for now, and whenever you have the energy, break down some of the tips above into actionable tiny chunks, and slowly work at em. 
The original ask I got in 2019 mentioned ‘knowing you’re not good enough yet’. Most artists experience imposter syndrome & self-doubt—the important thing is to do your best, and if anything, attempt to channel the confidence of a mediocre white man. If he can apply to this job/charge hella money for Not Much, then so can you! 
Check out this Art Director tumblr for more advice!
Danichuatico’s Literary Agent guide
Kikidoodle’s Shop Shipping Tutorial
Best of luck!
Once again disclaimer this post is just the ramblings of a man procrastinating on other things that need to be done. I’ve Long Posted my own post so that it turns into mush in my brain if I try to read it, but I wrote this so I should know this content. If you got down here, congrats. Here’s a shrimp drawing.
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Yee Ha. 
My reference post tag My tip jar
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Okay, you know how I said I wanted to watch all these german minecraft series and then watch 3rd Life SMP? Yea, I actually dont have the attention span to watch a bunch of white bread boys fuck around in minecraft with little to no story, regardless of wether theyre american or european so Im just gonna write this post and them start watching 3rd Life SMP so yeah.
First, I kinda want to discuss what Im hoping for on like, a meta-level I guess. The only other minecraft RP Ive watched that seems similar to this is Dream SMP so expect lots of comparisons.
I like to split dsmp into three major parts: no story/non-rp, story/non-rp and story/rp.
The first part was literally just a live streamed vanilla minecraft let's play and it was boring as shit. It felt exactly like watching a bunch of dudes play minecraft and unless they acknowledged the people in their donations (who could uncomfortably pushy and even shippy at times) you did not at all get the impression they were even aware of the stream. And as much as I appreciate some level of authenticity in this type of content, I also expect to be entertained by it and this did not even meet my bare minimum standard of entertainment. Admittedly, my attention span is very low so that definitely has something to do with it, but still. I personally have never felt anything but boredom and occasionally intense discomfort while watching anything from this 'era' of dsmp.
The second part was the start of the first conflict, and thus the start of some semblance of a story. They were kind of 'roleplaying' already (both in the sense that they obviously have their personas for their content and in sense that they didnt actually have grievances with one another and were just playing it up for the sake of entertainment) but it was more on the fly, even less focused and less serious. However, it was already legues more fun to watch.
And then we had the third part, where, starting with Wilbur Soot joining and deciding to larp Hamilton, they started to plan things out more and have more complex and/or dramatic conflicts. Needless to say, this was/is the best part in my opinion and what made me see the appeal of dsmp.
What Im hoping for 3rd Life SMP is, that they skip atleast the first part. From what I can tell, it was created sometime after dsmp has been in that third part for a bit and it is a minecraft rp, so Im assuming the people behind it wanted to do something similar, just with the story aspect there on purpose and from the get-go, if you know what I mean. And by the way, I dont think thats wrong or even "copying" in the slightest. Dsmp very much seems like a case of "they did it first, not best" and if anything, I think it would be a shame if people didn't want to do their own spin on this basic concept.
What Im personally hoping for in terms of the 'style' of roleplay itself, I really hope that they dont seperate it as rigidly into lore and non-lore as they did in dsmp. Ideally, they would do it like Ranboo (Wilbur when he was playing Ghostbur to an extend too, but he didnt actually stream and have his own POV back then), where he's always kinda 'In-Character' even when there isnt really anything happening in the plot at that moment. Again, I just dont have the attention span for no story in series like this anymore, so I'd appreciate it on a personal level, but I also think that it could humanize the characters more and potentially add additional depth to them. Especially since it looks like 3rd Life is made by the Hermitcraft group and if the stuff Ive read about Hermitcraft (especially in comparison to dsmp) it wont thrive off intense conflicts and wars in quite the same way, so that could also be a way of making a calmer rp interesting.
And now, some actual plot predictions!
So, the way I found 3rd Life SMP was this really neat 'Pitiful Children' animatic by ZylisticArt. I didnt actually 'watch' it because when I look up animatics I just kinda stare at the screen, not processing anything because Im too busy imagining my own OC animatic to the song, but I did read the description and was mildly intrigued, and its the main reason I wanted to watch 3rd Life so Im going to properly watch it now and post my predictions for the plot below.
The description mentions something about the animatic being based on some kinda theory, but I only skimmed it in order to not get spoiled so idk what thats really about. Im mostly intrigued by the fact that the description mentions it being a hardcore SMP (with a twist!), that, combined with the name and the visuals of the animatkc lead me to a couple conclusions;
I dont really know how Hardcore mode works in multiplayer, but in singleplayer you just get permanently kicked out of your world when you die, so Im assuming it works like that on a server too, except on a server, Im pretty sure you have the option of being 'reinvited' onto a server by the admin(s) so you could theoretically have three lives while keeping it a hardcore project where you cant regenerate without potions or golden apples and all that. Again, idk if thats actually how hardcore works but I sure hope it is, because thats what Im basing pretty much all of my predictions on.
In the animatic there were like green people, yellow people and a red guy who was like, the antagonist I guess. I think the green guys still have all their lives, the yellow ones are down to two and the red lads are all down to their last one. Maybe theres gonna be a thing thats like, if you lose a life you lose a part of your soul and that makes you evil or something? Yknow, like the whole "character comes back wrong" thing, except its the conflict of the entire series. Pitiful Children is very much a 'Manipulating Others Into Doing Harmful Shit' kinda song, and I feel like that would be very in-line with a plotline like that, yknow?
Im not expecting there to be wars/conflicts on the scale of dsmp (no blown up countries here bois) but I am expecting to get ridiculously attached to a place that inevitably gets blown up/set on fire by an antagonist.
Speaking of antagonists, theyre definitely also doing the whole multiple POV thing, which means everyone is an antagonist in one way or another and Im a solutely watching every POV from every characters so that I know the full context and story of everything, so I can have the most correct opinions on them, which is both normal to want and possible to achieve.
Since these are the Hermitcraft guys Im expecting some beautiful builds that make me feel insanely untalented and the same thing with redstone shit.
Ghosts. If they havent added some kind of ghost mechanic/lore at the time Im writing this, they will add one in later, mark my words 3rd Life fandom, mark my words...
Thats pretty much it. This is all going under my mcyt tag too, and I dont think I'll be live blogging it, but it really depends on how interesting it is.
Also, if youre a 3rd Life fan who already watched all of it, the only thing youre allowed to respond to this with is a meme that is horribly incomprehensible to anyone who hasnt watched it.
Have a nice day!
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transbian-uprising · 4 years
Some of my own Danganronpa non-despair AU headcanons/imagines this time! (THH edition)
I was inspired, so I decided why not write down some headcanons/imagines/character adjustments for my Danganronpa non-despair AU! I’m gonna be doing this as a series, starting with the THH characters, then the SDR2 characters, then the V3 characters (although I will mention characters from other games in my headcanons). Enjoy!
Makoto Naegi | 苗木誠
He’d definitely lend a listening ear to whoever wanted to vent to him.
When he first comes to Hope’s Peak, he’s such a fanboy over everyone
He has an inferiority complex and self worth issues because he’s surrounded by insanely talented students, but Sayaka and Kyoko quickly help him get over that
He’s pretty good at keyboard, and plays alongside Sayaka a lot
He actually got noticed by Kaede, who offered to teach him, which obviously he was ecstatic about
He’s the only one in Class 78th, and possibly all of Hope’s Peak, who is neurotypical
Sayaka Maizono | 舞園さやか
Her and Makoto are basically best friends
She’s still a total cinnamon roll, but she loves to play little pranks on the rest of Class 78th and have a good laugh over it
She, Ibuki, Leon and Kaede tried to form a music group together but they fell apart really quickly due to their different styles
She has a huge crush on Makoto, but she’s afraid to admit it
Leon Kuwata | 桑田怜恩
He’s almost always the only one in class, just so he can avoid playing baseball
Ibuki taught him guitar and he’s been playing nonstop ever since
He *tries* to get along with Sayaka, but prefers hanging out with Ibuki since they almost always end up playing together
Everyone in Class 78 calls him the Ultimate Guitarist because... reasons
Toko Fukawa | 腐川冬子
She doesn’t have the weird thing for Byakuya in this au
She doesn’t slut shame the girls either
She’s still really shy tho
She initially dislikes Hifumi for writing fanfic, but they eventually bond over their mutual love for writing
She’s also close with Tsumugi, and the two of them collaborated to write a book that was loosely based on Tsumugi’s favorite anime
Genocider Syo is friends with Sonia, but she’s a bit put off by Sonia’s obsession with her and other serial killers
Kiyotaka Ishimaru | 石丸清多夏
Initially, the rest of the class shys away from him because he has a stick up his ass about the rules, but Mondo and Chihiro quickly befriend him
After a while, he loosens up a bit, but he never stops being the Ultimate Moral Compass
He tries to bond with the class by telling jokes, but he’s always super awkward with it and is usually unsuccessful
He’s SUPER gullible — he’ll believe anything anyone tells him, and you better believe Class 78 uses that to their advantage
Once, he dyed his hair white on a dare, and ended up liking it and kept it that way
He also tries to do impressions of his classmates (mostly Mondo) but, again, is painfully bad at it
Everyone actually finds these funny tho
Mondo Oowada | 大和田紋土
He, surprisingly, likes to play card games, which everyone was shocked to find out
Except Celeste, who is fascinated by his interest
He’s very protective of his friends, and will do anything for them
Especially Taka and Chihiro, his two best friends
He’s an amazing hairstylist, and secretly loves to play with and style people’s hair
Everyone in all of Hope’s peak knows to go to him for hair care tips and tricks
He also taught Chihiro how to ride a motorcycle the two of them rode around together a lot, until Taka ratted them out
He still hasn’t forgiven Taka for that
Chihiro Fujisaki | 不二咲千尋
In this au, he’s a bit more open about his gender, but still has loads of insecurities
At first, he’s completely in the closet, but after rumors spread online about him being a boy, he decides to live as himself and goes to Mondo for help
Mondo became his first real friend to him because of this, and him (and eventually Sakura too) helped him become strong
Eventually, he became an honorary member of Mondo’s gang and would often hang out with them in his free time
His hidden talent is being a voice actor, but he’s super embarrassed to talk about it since he’s the Ultimate Programmer
His first voice role was in a video game he developed himself, which led some talent scouts to notice him
He eventually voiced in several anime and video games, some of which he also helped develop
He’s almost as passionate about acting as he is about programming, but the only people he feels comfortable talking about it to are Hifumi and Tsumugi, who both become huge fans of his, and Mondo and Taka
When he found out Junko had created Monokuma, he was fascinated and offered to help her with ironing out all his kinks
He, Chiaki, Mukuro and Miu also created the Exisals in this au, for the sole reason of fooling around
Although, Chihiro himself was a bit intimidated by his creation at first, but after Tsumugi and Junko pressured him to try one out for himself, he fell in love
Yasuhiro Hagakure | 葉隠康比呂
He’s less of a dumbass in this AU, although he still has a tendency to get himself in sticky situations
Celeste and Hifumi played a prank on him by getting him to dress up in the Robo Justice suit and go around scaring people, but it backfired after Hiro fell down the stairs and broke his leg
Being the only one in the class who can, he often buys wine for Celeste and Mondo (and whoever asks, but only those two ever do)
He and Mondo use the same hair gel, so sometimes he’d take Mondo’s without knowing, which would lead to some awkward misunderstandings
Interestingly, he once predicted the world would end and they’d all end up dead, but that never ended up happening
That’s where the “30% accurate” thing came from— before that he was almost always right
He constantly makes jokes about being an old man (even though he’s only in his early twenties)
Hifumi Yamada | 山田一二三
He’s no longer solely attracted to anime characters, but he still loves them very much
He’s also nicer in this au
He’s besties with Tsumugi, and they bond over their love of anime and fiction
He’s also a huge fan of Chihiro’s, after he found out Chihiro was on the development team for his favorite game AND voiced two of his favorite anime characters
Low key has a crush on Celeste
Angie constantly makes jokes about how his first name is just “one two three” in Japanese
Whenever he’s watching an anime Chihiro was in, he’ll hound him with questions about what it was like recording, which Chihiro doesn’t mind because he doesn’t get to talk about his voice work a lot
Someday he wants to write and direct his own anime, and Tsumugi and Toko give him a lot of writing tips
He formed a LARP group with Gundham, Tsumugi, Chihiro, Junko, and Kaito
Celestia Ludenberg
She doesn’t treat Hifumi like a servant in this AU, but she’s still mean af and has a superiority complex
She eventually revealed her true identity to the class after she got inspired by Chihiro, but it didn’t change anything with her classmates
Except Hiro, who constantly made jokes about them having the same name, much to Celeste’s annoyance
She occasionally brings Grand Bois Chéri Ludenberg to school with her, but she doesn’t let anyone except Hifumi, Sonia and Gundham pet him
She high-key has a crush on Sonia
She doesn’t actually know how to do her own hair, so she has to get Mondo to do it for her
Sakura Oogami | 大神さくら
She and Tenko become friends SO QUICKLY because of their shared passion for martial arts
She’s still friends with Aoi tho
The three of them hang out together a lot
She and Tenko developed a new form of martial arts combining Neo-Aikido and Sakura’s own style, which they named the Oogami Method
Junko bullied her because of her ripped uniform, but after she explained that nothing would fit her, Junko offered to have one made for her
Kyoko Kirigiri | 霧切響子
She and Shuichi are very close, obviously
She gives Shuichi a lot of pointers on improving his investigative skills, and they work together often to solve cases
She and Makoto still become close, but their friendship is overshadowed by her and Shuichi’s
She notices this after a while, and makes a concerted effort to spend more time with Makoto
She’s less distant in this AU, but she still tries not to show her emotions
Her hair is naturally black in this AU, she dyed it purple after she lost a bet (with Celeste)
Aoi Asahina | 朝日奈葵
In this AU, she doesn’t just love donuts, but she loves all sweets
She was a fan of Junko’s before coming to Hope’s Peak, and the two of them became friends quickly
She and Akane are also close, and everyone jokes that they’re sisters, though in reality they aren’t
She once got recruited by Kaito to be in a play his class was putting on, but she’s such a terrible actor that they gave her part to Junko
She once walked in on Junko and Mukuro testing out Monokuma for the first time, and they were super freaked out, but Aoi was fascinated and wanted to try controlling him
Mukuro was against it, but Junko was cool with it, so she got to in the end
Byakuya Togami | 十神白夜
He and Makoto are both obsessed with true crime, and the two of them actually become friends because of that
They both love digging into Hope’s Peak’s files and his family’s files to find mysteries they could try and solve
Sonia joins them a lot too
He unofficially became the class’s French teacher after they found out he was fluent
He’s nicer in this au, and he’s kind of the dad of the class
When the Imposter was impersonating him, the two of them got into a little mini-war over who was the superior Togami (Twogami surprisingly won that war, albeit barely)
Mukuro Ikusaba | 戦刃むくろ
She’s away from Hope’s Peak A LOT, usually doing soldier things
When she is at Hope’s Peak, she spends most of her time either developing new weapons or looking after Junko
She’s usually the one who has to clean up after Junko’s shenanigans, even though she partakes in them herself
She helps Junko with a lot of her projects, but usually she ends up working on her own things while Junko does her thing
Despite this, she loves working with her sister when she gets the chance
Her proudest achievement is the Exisals, even though she collaborated with Chihiro, Chiaki and Miu to create them
Junko Enoshima | 江ノ島盾子
While she’s obviously not Ultimate Despair in this au, she’s still very chaotic and loves causing shenanigans and playing (mostly) harmless pranks
She’s friends with Sayaka and Kokichi because of this (both she and Sayaka are members of D.I.C.E. too)
She still puts on different personas, but she does it as a joke
She’s actually a very good actress, and she loves to act, but just like Chihiro, that gets overshadowed by her Ultimate talent
She loves to build and create things, just like her sister, which is why she created Monokuma
She uses Monokuma for her pranks a lot
Sometimes she goes through severe depressive episodes where she doesn’t have the energy to leave her home, but she usually uses Monokuma as a sort of telepresence unit so she can still talk to her friends
At first, no one knew that Monokuma was her, but Aoi ended up spilling the beans
She also learned animation from Ryota, and wants to make an anime starring her, Kaito, Tsumugi, Chihiro, Mukuro and Hajime
She loves to share her projects with her friends, and often lets other people control Monokuma or model for her
She gets hurt a LOT, and usually Mikan has to care for her
Her proudest achievement is replacing the Exisals’ weapons with water guns (even though Mukuro did most of the work)
They actually decided to leave them like that afterwards, since the Exisals were only ever used by her friends to mess around in
She suffers from PTSD, and part of that is recurring nightmares that the world ended and all her friends were forced to kill each other
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