#less for myself but for my parents
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ganondoodle · 1 year ago
im sliding right into that kind of art slump where you cant get past drawing a few blocks of color without getting bored and frustrated already, your head is empty, theres nothing that makes your brain go OOOH! DRAW!
like everything is uninteresting and nothing matters- i know very well this feeling passes but i hate that it is now, again, when i have a little more time than usual AND want to do nothing but draw
i also feel like i have asked too many times too frequently for encouragement, i dont really want to do that again
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ramshacklerumble · 1 month ago
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littlebigmouse · 3 months ago
Something about AU Vander telling AU Powder she's "too smart to spend her life in a bar" vs telling AU Ekko (as far as he knows, anyway) that he thinks he'd be "running this place soon" makes the latter almost seem like an insult.
#everyone insisting Powder should be changing the world kind of fits with what the maintimeline has going on#only kinda bc if anything Jinx needs some peace and less responsibility and fewer revolutions and struggle and all that#but also if i were AU powder#who grew up dirt poor and lost both her parents and then her sister#and after a long period of grieve and strive#things look up#everyone is recovering (from poverty) and better physically and mentally#and i decided to chill out and remain close to my family in my chosen profession#and everyone kept telling me i should be more ambitious and change the world#i'd be biting people#or maybe vander meant ekko'd be running the undercity but doubt that's the intention of the line#anyway the entire episode's focus on powder kind of annoyed me#not in the sense that she's present but in the sense that every little detail is more about her than ekko#vander says ekko should be proud of himself bc powder's been raving about his z-drive and she hasn't looked so alive in a long time#as if the merit of the zdrive is that it made powder feel better and not that it's an amazing invention ekko plans to enter a competition w#and it would be fine if almost every conversation wasn't like that#but ekko never wonders about the firelights or asks claggor about his plant invention (which would be revolutionary for his undercity)#or even wonders about AU ekko's /his own AU's self apparently rather unhealthy mental state#the only conversations ekko has in this episode that aren't through the lense of powder are exposition with heimer and his hug with benzo#if anything powder's nonreaction to ekko's mood swings#worries and altered personality kind of implies that it doesn't matter to her#or the writers who exactly ekko is in this relationship or what her feelings are about him#but i'm getting ahead of myself#arcane#arcane season 2#arcane spoilers#ekko#arcane meta
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xxplastic-cubexx · 4 months ago
Read one of your asks which is how I found out that Cherik have a COMIC CANON LOVECHILD WHAAAAAAAAAT
you will address onslaught correctly alright that is their canonical love/hate mpreg brain baby child
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sillyfreakx5 · 5 months ago
if everyone i know keeps insisting I'm autistic I'm gonna snap and transautistic myself. just you fucking wait.
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creations-by-chaosfay · 5 months ago
This is for anyone and everyone who sews, but most especially quilters.
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enjoliquej · 10 months ago
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Finished the whole broken little family! I hadn't finalized their designs up until now, but heres Sly's parents Dodger and Jade, eventually I should draw his two other older siblings!
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carlyraejepsans · 8 months ago
they should've made my brother the older of the two of us. i mean he's smarter, he's cooler, he's bigger, he looks better than me, he's more determined than me, more analytical, more disciplined. of course, that'd mean I'd shrink into the background of my life like a rather pitiful peanut but hey, at least I'd have an excuse for it this time around
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theres-whump-in-that-nebula · 6 months ago
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Interesting. Don’t necessarily think I’m autistic but I have more going on than just ADHD and I’m not sure what that is.
#I’m not even sure if the ADHD is actually ADHD either or if it’s just technology addiction#Gonna get a REAL neuropsych evaluation at some point out of sheer curiosity as to what the fuck is wrong with me#I relate to a lot of autistic things and I relate to a lot of ADHD things; but I don’t entirely relate to the majority of either population#and I don’t relate to people with both enough to think I have both#I’ve begun treating myself as if I am autistic just for Kicks and using things that help them and it’s helping in some ways#but I know it’s probably not autism because even though I struggle socially; it’s not because of the same reasons#I understand social cues; I was only accidentally perceived as rude as a kid (and most kids are kind of blunt)#(Mostly a moderate amount of “Stop correcting me! It’s disrespectful!” from my parents)#And nowadays because of how much psychology and acting I study; I can perceive shrimp social cues#And I’m purposefully doing all the right things but it still feels like I fail social interactions because of my lack of assertiveness#which I KNOW come from being raised in a cult#so perhaps my odd social behavior is from CPTSD from being raised in a puritan doomsday cult as an only child#Because I was NOT introverted or sensitive to others as a child#I did not have routines as a child and the ones I did have were for fun and did not distress me if I strayed from them#But now I need structure as an adult because I don’t know what else to do with myself if I have nowhere to be#But at the same time everyone feels worse when they have no routine or expectations#And is it actually inattentive ADHD or severe derealization and an itch to do as many things as possible#because I spent my childhood being raised in a boring doomsday cult by disabled older parents who couldn’t physically do much?#(And I don’t fault my parents for being disabled but I do fault them for the whole doomsday cult thing)#So I spent my whole childhood doing mentally tedious things when really I’m more wired for physically spontaneous things#Because I was not allowed to walk around the neighborhood alone until I was sixteen#And I couldn’t hang out with friends I wanted to hang out with because they were bad association#So of course I got really good at drawing even though I don’t even like drawing that much#Of course I got really good at writing even though I don’t like writing that much#Now that I don’t need to escape from anything I find I actually hate drawing and writing because it’s such a chore#they make my heart rate accelerate in a way I don’t like to feel#(I hate writing less than drawing)
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birdyverdie · 7 months ago
School is starting soon!! I can't believe I'm excited for the stressors of classes OURGH...
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look-at-the-stars-tonight · 6 months ago
the amount of effort that goes into figuring out what to cook and eat every day is RIDICULOUS. i used to think people were so weird and boring for eating the same thing every single day but it truly does make life so much easier
#and also it's nice to know exactly what your food is going to taste like before you eat it#like when i get unfamiliar takeout. half the time i'm like. oh.#i'm going to have to eat all of this. or be judged.#so i just do my best to suppress my gag reflex and Get Through It and then it makes me sick so what was even the point#i think my parents spoiled me. and the most annoying thing is they're significantly better at cooking now than when i was a child#so when i go over i eat three delicious home cooked meals + snacks and they're all different and amazingggg#and then i come back to texas and i am like. googling 'how to feed myself healthy vegetarian'#because I do NOT have the time or money or energy to cook three beautiful delicious meals Just For Me#i think this would be easier with a partner#this whole week i bought a fuckton of mediterranean groceries and i have been making and eating food!!#mediterranean is close enough to indian that i like it well enough#unfortunately for me. i am def going to have to learn how to cook indian food to get through life. because i cannot fucking eat american#i don't know HOW you guys do it i'm so spoiled#i'm assuming meat is this really amazing wonderful thing that just adds flavor to everything#(it is physically repulsive to me and the couple times ive accidentally tasted it it's bleh so i refuse to partake)#i think it's an acquired taste but it magically makes ur food better. that is my understanding of how meat works#cause american vegetarian food is the saddest fucking thing i've ever tasted#i still think about my coworker i was talking to about my food issues and he was like. 'do u understand that you have been given a gift#by having constant access to tasty food your entire life. i ate unseasoned green beans every day of my childhood. learn how to fucking cook#indian food already.' truly a horrific thing to hear. but i'm calling my parents more and going HOW TO COOK VEGETABLE? BEAN? PLEASE HELP??#and by god i am not going to turn into my coworker.#anyways we start with baby steps. lentils and rice it is next week .-. going to the indian store to buy pickles to make it more tolerable#and i have my cabinet full of spices already at least#i wish i was less pickyyy#sometimes lalita cooks indian food for me and i'm like wow. i love and appreciate u for feeding me. but this sure is south indian food#i don't understand How they use spices. it feels like they toss as much of as many bottles as they can into every dish#and it's. the taste is just OW OW OW and nothing else. where's the nuance. the flavor.#and i like it when things are spicy!! i can even eat things where the flavor is just Hot. but not when she cooks it.#she will like watch my face when i take a bite and then go 'if you don't like it i'm throwing away all my pots and running away'#which. honestly a fair reaction. the problem is that i am incapable of lying
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the-pirate-captain · 11 days ago
Catholic names that are making a comeback in my area:
Tried and true Catholic staples that exist in overabundance, helped along by being very popular amongst secular families as well:
Mary/Maria/Marie .... l mean, duh
Joseph .... obviously
Cla(i)r(e) .... spellings may vary but the frequency of this name doesn't
Catherine .... too many spellings to list
Catholic names that aren't as common as the staples but no one is surprised when they see it:
John Paul
Catholic names that *should* make a comeback:
Cosmas .... listen, you'll name your kid Damien but not Cosmas? Cowards.
Angelo .... the combined patrons of Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael plus it sounds nice
Miriam/Moira/Moriah .... still Mary, but with linguistic variety
Felicity .... it's such a pretty name, plus she's in the canon of saints
Josiah .... very underutilized, currently
Honorable mention:
Noah .... everyone has a friend whose brother is named Noah
Bonus: really obscure Catholic names for people I've met that were given to them by their very brave and devout parents:
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slayedfrr · 3 months ago
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lowkey was kinda scared 2 post this 😁
also woah two posts in a row??
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autisticlancemcclain · 2 years ago
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sherlock-is-ace · 1 year ago
the imposter syndrome i feel every time i even slightly think i might be autistic is insane, specially for a person who highly relates to the lived experiences of people who are professionally diagnosed.
Like I was just watching this one youtuber, and she was talking about very specific examples in her life and childhood where she saw autistic traits that made her realize she was autistic and then seek a diagnosis and then get one, and everything she was saying was like she was describing my life! But yeah no, I can't be autistic tho
#and one thing that has been filling me with dread (as if it was relevant lol) is the idea of seeking a diagnosis and#either not geting it because it's already so hard to find a diagnosis for '''''''women''''''' (afabs)#and that will make me doubt myself even more! but most importantly those around me who already don't believe me#but also i'm very scared about this one thing in particular which is the talking to your parents portion of the diagnosis#where the therapist will want to talk to people who knew me as a child... and that person will have to be my mom#and i'm pretty sure she will dismiss most signs. like she would either not bring them up because ''they're normal''#or play them as less important than they were#or maybe she didn't even notice them! because most of my struggles are internal!#things like being bullied or having no friends or liking a routine#idk if she'll be able to talk about all those#because my bullying wasn't violent it was mostly dismissive#my ''friends'' weren't really friends like i didn't CARE for them as maybe someone would have#and also they would leave me for no reason at all out of the blue... so i don't think even THEY considered ME a friend#and liking routine i guess she could say i prefered it but she doesn't know to the extent i hated going off it#i'm sure she forgot about the time i cried (as a 10 year old so not THAT young) because they made us change classroom#and i didn't know that was gonna happen... it was added to the anxiety that i thought my mother wouldn't be able to find me#but like the unknown classroom traumatized me (to this day i get anxious just thinking about that)#like... all those things i don't think she would bring up (if she could even) and i fear that will make me not get a diagnosis#not that this is a thing that's gonna happen cause as i established i cannot afford a therapist nor i'll ever get a diagnosis i don't think#so like it's not relevant#but i am anxious about it nonetheless#angel talks#personal#idk what's my point with this post btw i'm just venting and creaming to the void#dkfjhgdfg
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