#i thought of getting lunch too.... i have money to spend for once but also i dont really like eating
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xxplastic-cubexx · 4 months ago
Read one of your asks which is how I found out that Cherik have a COMIC CANON LOVECHILD WHAAAAAAAAAT
you will address onslaught correctly alright that is their canonical love/hate mpreg brain baby child
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jjscrybaby · 18 days ago
could you do kook!reader spoiling jj? like, they're surprisingly really good friends and she's always getting stuff that she thinks he might need or want, like he comes over and she's doing skin care and she'll do his, or bringing him lunch, even buying him rings or surf supplies and everytime he gets all choked up and red because she's so sweet to him, just wanting to make him happy, and all his friends tease him for it calling her his sugar mommy and everything (all cutesy, sfw ^^)
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jj maybank x sweetheart!reader | fluff | (kook!reader, both are massive simps honestly, reader spending too much money on jj, lotta fluff!)
finally getting to my requests! hope you enjoy baby🩷 after writing this i’ve realised i have an obsession with jj and a sweetheart kook so if anyone has any requests for them i’m allll ears!!
︶︶︶ ⊹ ︶︶ ୨♡୧ ︶︶︶ ⊹ ︶︶
One thing about JJ was that he wasn’t used to being spoiled. That made sense, with the way he’d grown up and the people he was friends with. The Pogues all adored each other, but they showed their love with banter and loyalty not with gifts and affection. That was probably the reason he turned into a teenage girl every time you were around, because you always had something for him.
It was a known fact that you had a crush on him, ever since you were fourteen and Kie had started dragging you along with her you’d thought JJ was cute. At first, he wasn’t a huge fan of you, you were a Kook and in his eyes that made you the enemy. It only took a few days for that novelty to wear off, once he realised there wasn’t a cruel bone in your body.
It was after a couple months of friendship that the never-ending string of affection began. Showing up to his work with his favourite sandwich in a paper bag — a heart drawn on like you were his mother sending him to kindergarten — buying him a new board after he was complaining about how old his was getting, realising there was hardly any body wash left in the bathroom so ordering three bottles for next day delivery. He’d blush and stammer over his words every single time, you just had that effect on him and he couldn’t work out why.
“There she is, JJ’s sugar mama,” John B teased as you came skipping into the Chateau with a shopping bag in hand; nothing out of the ordinary.
“Shut up,” JJ grumbled, shooting him a look before turning to you. “Hey, sweetheart.”
“Hi, guys,” you beamed, sitting down on the couch beside the blonde. Your knee was bouncing excitedly, just waiting for one of them to ask you what you’d brought.
“What’s in the bag?” John B finally asked, a smirk on his face.
You instantly opened it up, grabbing a shirt from the top to throw his way. You didn’t want him to feel left out, although you spent enough money on him that you didn’t feel quite so guilty for showing up with presents for JJ and nothing for John B.
“You didn’t have to get me anything,” John B laughed, catching it with ease. He held it up, grinning at the shirt. You imagined he was similar to JJ in the sense that he didn’t get a lot growing up, although you always smiled in the same way whenever you bought yourself a cute outfit.
“It’s the same colour as your eyes!” You exclaimed, a cheesy smile on your face. You liked treating your friends, it was probably the thing that brought you the most happiness.
“Well, I appreciate it, thanks kid,” John B smiled, standing up to give you a pat on the shoulder. “I’m guessing everything else in there is for Mr Maybank here.”
JJ’s cheeks instantly lit up, looking away to try and cover it before his friend could make fun of him. John B stifled a laugh as you nodded sheepishly. You knew that they’d all worked out how you felt about JJ, you’d also drunkenly told John B and Pope that you wanted to have his babies so that probably gave it away.
“I’m gonna go try this on,” John B decided, ruffling your hair before disappearing inside the Chateau. JJ took a moment to thank God for that, he hated reacting like an idiot in front of the others.
“You know, us inviting you ‘round doesn’t mean you have to bring presents,” JJ stated, scratching his chin awkwardly.
“I know,” you shrugged. “But I was at the mall, and there was so much cute stuff! I got this skirt, too.” You tugged on the end of your baby pink skirt and he let out a soft laugh.
“Go on then, show me what you got,” he sighed, watching as you squealed and started to empty the shopping bag.
There were at least six new shirts in there, a pair of cargo shorts because he’d ripped his at a kegger, some new rings just because and a sweatshirt he himself had been saving up for. He had the same reaction as always, a lump in his throat as he wondered what he’d done in his past life to deserve such kindness and a blush coating his cheeks as you rambled on about how good you thought he’d look in the shirts.
“Do you like them?” You asked softly, after he’d been silent for longer than usual. Normally, he’d stutter out a thank you, kiss your temple and flip off the Pogues as they laughed at him.
“I— yeah, of course I do, but I don’t know if I want you to keep buyin’ me stuff,” JJ said, running a hand over his face.
He could see the way your smile dropped, a look of confusion and hurt in your eyes. “Why?” You asked quietly.
“Because, babe, I— I can’t return the favour, y’know? I don’t have enough money to go ‘round buying you a bunch of stuff, as much as I’d love to. Makes me feel guilty,” he explained, placing his hand on your arm to show he wasn’t mad.
The hurt faded from your face and instead you gave him a soft smile, one reserved for him. “I don’t want you to buy me stuff, I don’t care about that. I like getting you stuff. Besides, it’s not like you don’t do anything for me.”
“What do I do for you?” He questioned, eyebrows furrowing as he tried to think.
“Lots of stuff! You make my coffees when I stay over, and you give me your extra fries. You scare away the boys at parties and you always say I look pretty,” you listed, this time a blush coated your cheeks.
He’d never really thought about it like that, like he was actually doing something for you. In his mind, he knew you liked a coffee so he’d make you one before waking you. He knew the Wreck’s fries were your favourite, that was a given from the way you’d scoff them down, so when you ran out he didn’t mind sharing. The scaring away boys was more for him, he didn’t want any of them swooping you off your feet whilst he was trying to work out how to do that himself. And calling you pretty? Well, you were.
JJ didn’t say anything, an idea came to mind. He reached behind him, undoing the shark tooth necklace he’d been wearing ever since he could remember. You watched him in confusion as he moved your hair out of the way and did it up, grinning as it rested just above your cleavage.
“I know it ain’t designer or anything, and it probably doesn’t got with any of your outfits, but it’s my favourite—” he cut himself off, watching as tears ran down your cheeks. You threw your arms around him and he was quick to wrap his around your waist, letting out a chuckle. “It was, like, a few dollars. No need for the tears, baby.”
“I love it,” you sniffled into his shoulder.
He felt himself pressing a kiss to your cheek, hand stroking over your back. Maybe one day that kiss would be on your lips, and instead of a stupid necklace he’d be buying you a damn ring. Not today though, today he was content with just knowing you’d be wearing a piece of him.
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oswildin · 15 days ago
Loki x You // Valentines Day Headcanons
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avenger!loki au, established dating, featuring thor (he’s meddling aka wanting to knock some sense into these two idiots), lighthearted, humorous, don’t take this too seriously, it took on a life of its own lmao— I’m writing like it’s 2013 and ya’ll can’t stop meeee
they/them pronouns used
“It’s a farce! As if the mortals aren’t already making enough money with commercialising any and every little thing on their realm.”
“But it is the joyous celebration of love!”
“Sorry Thor, I agree with Loki on this one.”
“You do?” You nod. “Oh.” You frown. “What?” “Hm? Oh, nothing I’ve just remembered I’ve uh- got somewhere to be.”
Loki quickly stood from his seat, trying to leave the room as casually as possible, but it was clear to Thor and you that he was being anything but casual. Thor watched his brother for a moment, bewildered, before his gaze flickered back to you, seeing you simply shrugging as you continued making yourself some lunch.
The truth was, Loki was secretly expecting you to argue with him on his statement. He was expecting you to fight for Valentines Day and all its excess… Because he had something planned to surprise you.
His plan was to make you believe he didn’t care for it all (which before you, he didn’t) before surprising you with a romantic candlelit dinner with a dozen roses and one of those cheesy stuffed teddy bears holding a love heart.
However, now his plan seemed like a disaster.
Perhaps he had been reading too many romantic novels.
“You don’t think…” Thor trailed off, raising a curious brow. You furrowed your own, confused. “What?” “Well… You and Loki have been… courting. Do you think perhaps he had planned something?” “Thor, you heard him, he thinks it’s a farce.” “So do you!” “No, I don’t! I was just saying that because he did! I didn’t want him to feel bad for not doing anything!”
Thor wanted to knock some sense into you both with his hammer.
It was clear to him what had happened. He knew his brother. Whilst Loki may have pretended to be all aloof and unbothered, deep down he was a romantic. He still remembered when they were young and Loki had given Sif (and Fandral) a rare Asgardian flower to try and win their favour (albeit it was an illusion). (Also, Fandral had liked it, rather charmed whilst Sif had immediately called him out on it being an illusion… Oh, perhaps that’s why Loki had really cut her hair… Never mind, we’re getting off topic—)
So, Thor decided to meddle. As he often had done in the past with Loki. Although, his track record of success was… Ahem, not great, ahem.
“Brother! Whatever you are doing, stop at once!” Thor bellowed, barging into Loki’s quarters without warning. Loki stood with the teddy bear he had planned to give to you over the bin, muttering to himself about sentiment. His gaze snapped up at Thor, lips parting before he immediately hid the teddy bear behind his back.
“Thor! You oaf! What have I told you about knocking!” Loki exclaimed exasperated, glaring at his older brother.
“They only said they don’t believe in today because they thought you don’t believe in today!” Thor told Loki, sighing in his own exasperation. When did he become Cupid?
“Thor, it’s a Friday, I believe in the day-“
“Loki!” Thor cut off Loki’s smartass comment. “I know you have something planned. You may have changed since we were young, but you’re still a softie at heart.”
Loki bristled at that notion - clearly Thor had picked up such a word from the likes of Jane or Darcy. “I am not a ‘softie’, Thor. I’m a God. A God who has better things to do with his time than fret over a meaningless day that the mortals decided would represent how much they love their partners!” He huffed, finally throwing the bear into the bin.
Thor fought the urge to roll his eyes. “Loki, they want you to do something. They want to spend the evening with you.” He watched as Loki moved away from the small bin basket, sighing as he moved towards it. “Why must you always go on the defence?” Thor muttered, more to himself than Loki, as he reached down to grab the teddy bear, patting him off gently.
“Then why did they not say that?” Loki asked, irritated. “Why do they insist on not speaking plainly?”
“Because they didn’t want to make you feel guilty if you truly didn’t wish to celebrate.”
Loki paused at Thor’s explanation, his brows twitching faintly.
“Guilty?” He murmured quietly. “They… didn’t want to make me feel guilty…” He immediately sighed, realising that… yes, perhaps he had indeed acted a little… rash. He really needed to work on his fear of rejection.
“You see, brother?” Thor raised a brow, stepping closer as he held out the bear. “You both had good intentions. Even if you are both too stupid to realise it.”
Thor earned a glare for that last comment.
“Plus you didn’t exactly speak plainly either.”
Another glare.
Later that day, you headed into the common area, having misplaced your phone and assumed you had left it in there earlier. However, when you entered, before you could even process what was happening, the lights dimmed, candles lighting up on the dining table which was elegantly decorated.
Your brows furrowed, lips parting as you were about to speak, however, someone clearing their throat caught your attention, your gaze snapping to the sound.
“Surprise.” Loki said lightly, a little apprehensively, worried Thor had misunderstood your words or worse.
“But I thought-“
“That’s what I wanted you to think. However, I was thrown by your… shared distaste for the celebration.” He said lowly. “Nearly threw all of this out-“ He gestured towards the table, your eyes following as you noticed the roses and the teddy bear - as well as a nice bottle of red and two glasses, of course. “Before my… brute of a brother nearly tore my door off of its hinges and informed me that you had agreed simply to spare me the feelings of guilt.”
You blinked, lips still parted in surprise before your eyes met his again. “You didn’t have to do this.”
“You’re right.” Loki nodded. “But… I… wanted to.” A pause. “Don’t get it twisted, I do still believe this whole day is a farce and I’m not convinced Cupid would entirely agree with what the mortals have turned his day into with cheap decor and overpriced—“ “Ahem.” “But, that’s beside the point. Or maybe that is the point.” Loki took a breath. “I suppose the point is… You make me… want to believe in it.”
A moment of silence fell between you, your gaze softening at his words. Loki shifted slightly, suddenly feeling a little… exposed.
“But uh-“ He cleared his throat, pulling his eyes away from you. “I, um, cooked.”
“And the kitchen is still standing?”
Loki sent you a look of exasperation, although there was amusement there. You gave a small smile, letting him know you were teasing.
“I am capable of cooking a meal without setting things on fire. Not everything I do ends in chaos.” “No? That’s a shame. Would’ve made for an entertaining Valentine’s Day story.”
Loki rolled his eyes, unable to stop the smirk from tugging at his lips.
“Ungrateful.” “Insufferable.”
AKA ‘I love you’.
BONUS: “So… What you said about not everything you do ends in chaos?” “Not another word.” *Camera pans to the dinner table charred and tattered because Loki managed to knock over the bottle of wine, going to clean it and in the process, knocked a candle over and set the tablecloth alight. The sprinklers went off, meaning everything - including the food and you and Loki - is drenched.*
BONUS BONUS: “Can I have my phone back now? Just incase I need to call the fire brigade.” Loki:
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scentofhydrangea · 13 days ago
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for @vershautece, based off of this and a little of this 🩷 enjoy!
warnings luigi is a baby making machine! sahm themes, let’s just assume he never had back problems shhh, all italian is translated at the bottom, breeding, oral (both receiving), missionary + doggy, orgasm denial (?), rough sex, ass slapping (i don’t like the other word), reflection ;), half-assed proofread
a/n i am actually so sorry this is so late, i’ve been stacked today and then i scheduled this to post and it never did… ALSO THIS IS WAY LONGER THAN I ORIGINALLY INTENDED!!! and i’m sorry the smut is kinda vague i haven’t written actual smut in SOOOO long it’s embarrassing… i’m gonna be a hornball on your dash!
getting accepted to upenn was definitely in your top three most exhilarating moments of your life. with plans of majoring in art, you were over the moon to start your independent life at an ivy league school! you rarely let boys get in your way — enjoying life in the moment was a top quality of yours as an artist.
that was, until you met luigi. oh god, he’s so beautiful. you only picked up one digital class that you really didn’t even know the name of because you’d wanted to get into digital art and you thought it’d be fun to learn the functions. as soon as you saw him about two weeks into the course, you were swooning. unbeknownst to you, most other girls were also swooning.
you only had a few tight friends, but your kind personality was a trait everyone noticed about you as soon as you would approach. also how good you smelled. and your beautiful smile. and your full, happy cheeks when you laugh. really just everything — and you’d had no idea that boys in your courses would pine after you, too.
a few trusty years later, you and luigi were to be wed! babies came shortly after, and you had the most beautiful twin toddlers. after you’d been granted maternity leave from your job as a high school art teacher, you’d gotten a little too used to staying home and tending to the house, rather than scrambling every weekend to get everything done as well as take care of your husband and children.
you had a talk with luigi and determined that the money from his job would be enough to keep the family steady going as well as a few pieces you’d make and sell on ebay every now and again. almost as quickly as you could, you sent an email to the superintendent and principal of your school saying that you would unfortunately not be returning due to personal issues.
luigi had never asked you to be a sweet little tradwife for him, but he damn sure enjoyed it. today in particular, your three year olds’ daycare was closed so you were fortunate enough to leave them with their godparents. this was good for you, they’d likely ask to spend the night with their padrini*, so you can have tonight and tomorrow morning without a ‘bedtime’ for you and your children!
in the morning after dropping them off, you went back home to get cute and dolled up — you usually made breakfast wearing a silk pajama set that luigi bought for you last christmas. then you went to the grocery store and to the bank to deposit a check from a painting you sold for a little under $500. then back home to make a small lunch — you were planning to cook a big dinner — and then onto housework. you played music while you worked, and once beds were made you retreated back to your bedroom to tweak your hair and makeup for dinner.
you also made sure luigi knew not to come home before 5:45 because you wouldn’t be done with your dishes, and checked in on your kids to confirm they’d stay the night at their padrini’s house.
when luigi came home, just like out of a scene of a movie, he shouted from the front door: “tesoro, sono a casa!*” followed by the door closing and locking mechanically behind him. he strutted into the kitchen to see you putting plates together — exactly 6:00. he must have waited in the driveway to give you some extra time!
with a gentle hold of your waist and long kiss on your cheek, you suddenly felt much more comfortable; almost feeling safe that he was home. anxiety was sometimes a struggle when you’re home alone all day and your husband working half an hour away.
as you plated the food and brought the bread out of the oven, luigi went upstairs to change into something more casual. when he opened the bedroom door, he noticed you had left a precious little lingerie set laying on the bed, likely accidentally. his interest was certainly piqued! quirking an eyebrow and grinning a little to himself, he took a few minutes to change and mess with his hair a bit in the mirror.
luigi came down the stairs with happy haste.
“thank you for making this meal, babydoll, smells so good,” he compliments, kissing your cheek again.
your face burns excitedly. “thank you,” you kiss his lips a few short times.
over dinner, you chat about each other’s day and the children. he seems to be deep in thought for a moment, and when he notices you staring he speaks again.
“you think we should have another baby?” he asks cheekily.
you nearly choke and your heart rate runs rampant, looking as if you hadn’t had sex before. “do you want to?”
“would i ask if i didn’t want to?”
there’s a rush between your thighs almost immediately. you place your fork down onto your plate and stand up, but before you can walk off he’s up and scooping you into his strong arms. he cascades up the steps with you bridal style.
as soon as he steps into the bedroom, he places you down on the fuzzy chair in front of your vanity. a finger points to the lacy set laying on the neat bed.
“you wanna tell me what you got this out for?” he presses, kneeling down on the ground in front of you. luigi’s pretty lips pepper kisses on your ankles, lifting each one up slowly to remove your kitten heels. once each shoe is off, he places the now bare calf on his shoulder.
“please, lu…” you plead pathetically.
his eyebrows furrow upwards, looking at you with big eyes full of faux empathy. “please what? use your words, mio amore. dimmi cosa vuoi*.”
words are quick to fail you. your brain is blank, almost static. most times you have sex it’s quick and hushed because the twins are in the house.
he’s kissing up your legs again, attempting to get a rise out of you. once he gets to your thighs, you’re getting a little restless.
“taking too long,” you mumble, and he lifts his head to look you in the eye again — this time much more stern.
“what was that?”
“said you’re taking too long,” you repeat yourself louder, locking your gaze with his.
within a second, he’s snatched you up and thrown you onto the neat bed.
“you and your goddamn bed decorations. i never know why you put all these pillows on here when we’re just gonna throw them all off later,” he grumbles, clearly angry and clearing the throw pillows from the bed, tossing them to the floor.
luigi pushes your maxi skirt up and nearly tears your little cotton underwear off of you. his tongue darts between your warmth and his nose harshly rubs against your clit, catching you off guard and sending your spine into electric shock. your hands fly to grip his hair in one hand and the tightly made bedsheets in the other.
“y’taste so sweet, tesoro,” he groans against you, leaving open-mouthed kisses on your thighs before going back to devouring your sex.
he’s already working an easy orgasm or two from you. he pulls you from your stupor and unzips your dress, gingerly pulling it off of you — he knows how upset you got last time he accidentally ripped the hem of your dress.
his shirt is gone, his chin and parts of his cheeks are still wet, and removing his belt as quickly as he can. as soon as his pants drop, you grab the hem of his boxers and pull them down. every time you see his cock, it never fails to surprise you that the tip touches his fucking belly button.
you pop his throbbing pink tip into your mouth, giving it little kitten licks and short kisses. you work your way down, or as much as you can, using your hand to pump what you can’t fit in your mouth. you’re moaning and slobbering around his cock, vibrations from your voice sending chills up his spine and down into his arms. his hands find their way to the back of your head, carefully urging you to take more.
your throat is constricting and you retract from his cock, looking into his eyes for validation.
“you’re taking too long,” he mocks in a faux whiny voice. luigi pushes you back onto the bed by his shoulders and holds his heavy cock. he teases your folds, rubbing his hot tip through to spread your own spit and cum from him eating you out. slowly, he pushes in. he always waits a little for you to adjust to how big he is.
“fuck, m’so full…”
“you’re so tight, mio amore.”
his eyes are boring into yours and his hands press down onto your womb to see his own cock buried into you.
“gonna cum if you don’t breathe for a second and relax, holy fuck baby,” he reminds you with a deep, raspy tone.
you take a deep breath and mid-exhale he starts to pound into you with a feverish and eager alacrity, causing you to almost scream.
“mmmmy fucking god!” your voice shakes with each impactful thrust against your hips. one of his hands grips your waist and the other attaches to your boob, his head following shortly. his tongue laps around your peaked nipple rapidly.
then both hands are on your waist and he briefly pulls out to flip you onto your stomach and prop your ass up to his liking. he’s shoving his cock back into your soaked cunt and returns back to his relentless pace.
“gonna fuck a baby into you, bella ragazza, gonna get you nice and swollen with a pretty baby, hm? isn’t that right?” he pushes his hand down onto your lower back, arching you up higher for him. both of his big hands find your frizzed up curly bun and he snatches your head back.
“feels so fucking good, m’gonna cum, lu!”
“aht,” he slows down exponentially, “you’ll cum when i tell you to.”
your eyes roll to the back of your head with adoration and you swear your ovaries start jumping at the demand. he’s back to slamming into you and a hard hand comes down onto each ass cheek three or four times. he adds to the torture by holding your hair in one hand and moving his other arm around your hip to grind his palm on your clit.
“oh my god, i’m gonna fucking cum luigi…” you breathe out between a moan, a scream and a whisper.
“what’d i tell you?”
“to wait ‘til you tell me to cum!”
“do what i tell you, be a good girl and listen to me.”
your brain is numb and your head falls limp, his grip in your hair is the only thing holding your body close to his.
“you’re so fucking pretty, mio amore, can i take a picture?”
you just nod obediently, not really caring too much at this point. he reaches over to the bedside table where he put his phone before dinner and opens the camera, showing your mascara dripping down your face from tears you didn’t know were flowing and an agape mouth, moans slipping through with every motion.
“you see why i love fucking you s’much? hm? look at yourself while i fuck you, baby,” he’s shoving the phone into your hand to palm your clit again. you’re bucking your hips against each form of stimulation with your jaw wide open, breathing shakily.
“there you go, tesoro, y’wanna cum?” he taunts, to which you nod your head and moan a hearty ‘yes!’
his index and middle finger focus on your clit, circling the sensitive bundle of nerves as tightly as he can. your eyes go crossed, no longer paying any attention to the reflection in the camera. luigi’s hand drops from your hair, pushes your head down and arches your back up one more time. he pressed record on the camera and kept up with his cock bullying into your cervix over and over.
“go ahead and cum with me baby, take it like the good girl you are.”
when he gives you permission, almost like a stage cue, you totally let go. your cunt squeezes around him entirely and traps him in. his cock twitches rampantly inside you as he meets his release, watching your face through the camera that you’re gripping onto with your life.
it takes a few minutes to cool off after he lays down beside you, stopping the recording and kissing all over your face. “you did so good for me, baby. sei una brava ragazza*.”
you don’t even have it in you to respond, your chest heaving.
“you think that one will take? should we go for another round?”
this gets a breathless chortle from you. “can i catch my breath first? also, you messed my hair up.”
“so that’s a yes?” he asks, already burying his face into your chest and carefully pressing kisses to your hot skin.
italian words and phrases:
padrini: godparents
tesoro: sweetheart
sono a casa: i’m home!
dimmi cosa vuoi: tell me what you want
sei una brava ragazza: you’re (such) a good girl
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eternal-adoration · 9 months ago
Nanami dating headcanons
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Tw: fluffiest fluff I can come up with 😊, grammar mistakes, Nanami being a gentleman 🤧🤧, marriage and mentions of having children, and I think that's it
A/N: I'll maybe write Sukuna headcanons after this one!!
Okay, so first of all, this man would treat you like a PRINCESS!!! Like he's so sweet and patient with you, offering to drive or walk you home after dates or work.
I feel like he'd come to your office during lunchtime to have lunch with you! He'd also do this when you guys are still in the friendzone, saying he believed it was a good way to spend time together (he just wanted an excuse to see you 🫠)
He likes to call you "honey, sweetheart, darling, dearest, my love," and when he's feeling extra intimate he'll call you "my little ray of sunshine" because you always brighten up his days 🥺🥺
He'd take you on all kinds of dates! Such as restaurants, having a picnic, going ice skating (mostly in the winter), watching movies together (mostly at home because he doesn't like how dirty the movie theaters can get sometimes), stargazing, watching the sunset with you, taking a walk through a forest or park, etc!! He's willing to try a lot of things with you, even if it doesn't sound appealing to him the first time 😇!
He really likes baking for and with you! But he wouldn't mind if you decided to surprise him with a tasty treat 😋
He'd totally want to marry you!! I see him as a sort of traditional man, so he'd definitely ask your father/parents for your hand in marriage (your parents are OBSESSED with him, so ofc they'd say yes!!)
Once he has permission, he'll buy you the prettiest ring he can find and plan a trip to Malaysia with you instead of going on the Shibuya mission!🥹
He planned everything perfectly for the proposal! First, you two would enjoy the tanning on the beach, eat fine cuisine (of your choice obvi 😋😋) at a restaurant near y'alls hotel and during sunset he would ask you to take a stroll with him on the beach while watching the sunset!! And when the sun is just on the right angle, he'd give you a whole confession about his love and wishing to take the next step with you before he kneels on one knee and holds out the ring box to you uttering those 4 simple, yet heartwarming words
"Will you marry me?"
And then you guys have the most beautiful wedding you could ever hope for! It's not too big, but not too small, just the perfect number of people are invited for you to feel comfortable! (He really did think about everything!)
After the wedding, he'd dream about saving enough money to quit his job and retire early and have children with you! His heart always melts at the thought of having a little baby boy or girl in his arms :((((( he's so cute I wanna eat him
And when the day arrives and he hears you're pregnant, his eyes brighten up just like when you said yes to his marriage proposal, embracing you in a gentle yet loving hug. Promising to not only you but the baby in your belly too that he'll be the best father he can be
Thank you for reading to the end!
Smooches!! 😚😚
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teapartyprincess4two · 1 year ago
Shopaholic- C. Sturniolo
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pairing: Shopaholic!reader x boyfriend!Chris
classification: fluff
warnings: use of y/n, established relationship, high maintenance reader, some suggestive content, sexual comments but no smut, small argument, slight cursing, shopping addiction, consumerism, hoarder tendencies, Chris can drive in this (bc I feel bad for him)
summary: No matter how hard you try, you just can’t stop swiping your card.
Your shopping addiction began innocently, just you and your friends occasionally going out in search of a new outfit for a party or special event. Slowly it became a hobby and you were spending multiple weekends at the mall trying to find something new. After a while it became your job and you were posting fashion videos on Instagram for other girls to follow and selling clothes on Depop for people who wanted to dress like you. Then it became an addiction, all you wanted to do was swipe your card and you couldn’t stop.
You’re currently on one of your many shopping sprees with your boyfriend Chris who you’ve dragged along against his will. He loves spending time with you, but he really, really hates shopping. In his opinion you do it too often and spend too much money, but he’s not the type to yuck anyone’s yum. Shopping is also socially draining for him, every time he joins you he finds himself dreading every second of it.
He stumbles behind you as you enter the 10th store of the day, his hands struggling to hold all the bags you dumped on him. “Y/n, let’s go home!” He groans, adjusting the bags further up his arm. You ignore him, going straight towards the back of the store where the clearance is. Just cause you love to shop and spend money doesn’t mean you don’t appreciate a good deal.
Chris groans and trudges behind you, accidentally knocking over some of the displays as the bags swing back and forth. He remembers a time when you weren’t such a shopaholic, a time when spending time with you meant going to the movies or out to lunch. Now, ever since gaining this new hobby, all you two seem to do is shop.
“Look at this, Chris! It’s so cute!” You exclaim, holding a red top against your chest so he can imagine you in it. He can’t help but roll his eyes, “you have that exact top already.” You huff, looking at the top again. “Oh you’re right,” you put the shirt back on the rack and continue looking for the next item you’ll add to your closet.
Chris watches as you struggle to find something new, probably because you have everything already. “You have all of this stuff already, babe. You don’t need anything else,” he says, attempting to lead you out of the store, but you’re strong willed and extremely determined to find at least one thing.
“I haven’t checked over here though,” you respond, walking in a completely opposite direction from the exit. He groans in annoyance as you disappear to the back of the story again. He gives up, there’s obviously no getting through to you. So, he sits on a bench outside the store as he waits for you to finish.
Chris occupies himself on his phone, completely surrounded by shopping bags full of clothes that you were sure to only wear once or twice and then resell on your Depop. After 30 minutes you walk out of the store with another 5 bags in hand, a huge smile on your face as you walk over to Chris. He wants to facepalm at the sight of you because he still doesn’t understand your obsession with spending so much money.
“Okay I’m ready to go home now,” you say with a smile, standing in front of Chris as he grabs all your previous bags. Once he gets up, he gives you a quick peck on the lips and immediately leads you out of the mall and to the car. If he takes a second longer you might second guess it and enter another store. He absolutely couldn’t bear the thought of another hour shopping.
Once you’re finally at the car you both load your bags into the trunk, it’s so overfilled that you struggle to close it. You get frustrated and get in the car, allowing Chris to deal with the problem. He’s a little annoyed, but he’s mostly glad to be going home. He works his magic, moving some bags into the middle seat so he can properly close the trunk before hopping into the drivers seat.
“I’m hungry. Are you hungry?” He asks, pulling out of the parking lot and onto the busy streets. “Yeah, I can eat,” you reply, messing with the radio as you connect your phone to the car’s bluetooth. You were grateful that your boyfriend was so willing to spend time shopping with you despite it being his least favorite thing to do. So, you play his playlist for him in hopes that he won’t be too annoyed with you. One of his favorite songs blares loudly through the speakers immediately causing him to bop his head as he merges through traffic.
Chris turns the radio up, belting the lyrics to every song by heart. He is singing at the top of his lungs, looking towards you as he dedicates the lyrics of the love songs that play. You laugh, singing along with him when you know the words. Finally, he pulls up to his favorite restaurant, kissing you sweetly once the car is in park.
“We ate here last week,” you comment, grabbing all your things and shoving them into your purse. He sends you a warning look, a look that says ‘don’t start with me.’ A look that says, ‘I just spent hours carrying around your bags, let me have this ONE thing.’
You get the hint and put your arms up in defense, “You’re right sorry, babe.”
After eating, the two of you head back to your apartment. You work together to carry in the multitude of bags you accumulated throughout your shopping trip. Considering how late it is, most people would just dump everything near the front door and leave it for another day. Not you though, you’re too excited to try everything on.
Once you’re in your room, you immediately take everything out of the bags excitedly. Chris watches you attentively from your bed. You look like a kid on Christmas morning. He looks around your room, fully taking in the amount of things you’ve collected ever since acquiring this new hobby. He wouldn’t categorize you as a hoarder, but he can definitely tell that you have a shopping problem.
You sprawl all the clothes out onto the floor, crumpling bags and receipts in the process. Chris decides this is the perfect time for an intervention, “Y/n, you have too much stuff.” You look up from the piles of clothes in front of you, sending him an ugly look, “Chris, there is no such thing as too much stuff.” He rolls his eyes at your sassy attitude, getting up from the bed and walking over to your closet.
Chris opens the closet door dramatically, the slam of the door ringing through your room. Your closet is filled to the brim with clothes, shoes, purses, and you even have boxes labeled with seasonal clothes. “There is such a thing,” he retorts, not even looking into your closet because he knows his point has been made. You knew you had a problem, but you just couldn’t stop yourself from spending money when you found something cute.
“Babe you haven’t even worn half of this stuff,” Chris comments again with a laugh as he begins flipping through your closet. To be fair, you were extremely organized to the point that it felt like he was in a department store, but that still didn’t justify the amount of things you had. “That’s not true! Plus I’m selling some of it… eventually,” you mutter the last part, mostly because you don’t want to get rid of anything yet. “When was the last time you wore this?” He asks as he takes a random shirt off the rack, holding it out for you to see.
You get up from the floor, yanking the shirt from him dramatically. “I wore this on our first date,” you lie, trying to act offended. He rolls his eyes again at your attempt to pull at his heart strings, he knows you’re lying. “Y/n that shirt literally still has the tag on it,” he tugs at the tag, wagging it in your face. You could fool anyone, but not Chris. He knew you well enough to realize that you had a problem.
“Whatever, but I’m still going to wear it soon. I just haven’t found the right time. Plus I kept the tag on in case I want to sell it on Depop,” your words come out a mile a minute as you try to justify this addiction that’s gotten out of hand. He knows there’s no winning with you, especially not when shopping is involved, so he just sighs dramatically and goes back to his spot on your bed.
After a while Chris becomes occupied by his phone, not interested in the previous topic anymore. Since he’s not pestering you anymore, you try on all the clothes you purchased today. Occasionally you’ll ask him for his opinion on something, but he just gives you half-ass replies. Even if he thinks you look great in everything you try on he doesn’t say it because he can’t encourage this behavior or you’ll never stop.
“I’m tired,” he yawns, kicking his shoes off and turning his phone off, placing it on your bedside table. He has to balance it on top of all the other trinkets on your table. Chris was hoping you two would do other things tonight, but you were too distracted by all tour new stuff to care about him. “Sleep baby, I’ll be done in a bit,” you reply as you organize all the clothes into your closet.
Chris groans in annoyance, grabbing some of his spare clothes from one of your drawers. Even his drawer was filled with your stuff. Granted this wasn’t his house, but it was the singular drawer he had for himself here. He quickly changes, throwing his dirty clothes in a random corner of your room before going to the restroom to brush his teeth.
When he returns he finds you dressed and ready for bed. “You finally done being a princess?” He asks playfully, wrapping his arms around your waist slowly so he can pull you into him. You roll your eyes as you drape your arms around his neck, “a princess’s job is never done.” Chris chuckles at this, leaning in for a kiss.
“The movie starts in an hour,” Chris says as he walks into your room, taking a seat on your bed. You’re currently doing your makeup, adding all the finishing touches. “I’m almost done, I just have to do my hair,” you reply, popping your lips as you apply a thick layer of lip gloss. You’ve been getting ready for hours, how is your hair still not done? “It looks good like that, babe. C’mon we’re gonna be late,” he replies in a whiny tone as he attempts to convince you that the movie was more important than your hair. In his opinion it actually looked good, but he knows you won’t be easily swayed.
You give him a blank stare through the mirror, “Chris I CANNOT go like this.” You pick a few strands of hair up, shaking them in the air. He laughs at this, deciding to just let you have your way. “Fine, but be quick please.” He gets up for your bed, walking over you and kissing your cheek quickly before heading back to the living room.
After another 30 minutes you’re finally done, tugging your shoes on quickly and grabbing your purse as you rush out of your room. Chris was waiting for you patiently in the living room, the amount of patience that man has for you is astonishing. He takes a quick look at you and before you can ask if you look okay he says, “you look sexy, let’s go.” Of course he means it, but he can’t gush over your appearance for too long or you’ll miss the movie. You roll your eyes, following behind him as he rushes to the car.
You arrive at the movie theater 5 minutes before the movie starts, grabbing a bucket of popcorn and a large drink to share as quick as possible before rushing to find your seats. Despite the lack of time management on your part, Chris is still excited to be doing something that doesn’t involve walking around the mall for hours on end.
“You good?” Chris whispers to you during the middle of the movie, popping a couple of pieces of popcorn in his mouth. You hum in response, leaning in for a quick kiss. He tastes like salt and butter. When you break from the kiss he smiles at you before turning back to the movie.
In reality you were really bored. Chris chose the movie and has been excited to watch it for a long time. You wanted to protest and suggest a different movie, but he’s always putting up with your nonsense so you decided to let him have this one thing. You watch as the characters on screen engage in dialogue and you have no idea what the context behind it is. You look back at Chris, hoping to catch his attention, but he’s too immersed in the plot to notice.
You huff in annoyance, turning back to the screen and attempting to enjoy the remainder of the movie. But no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to find the movie interesting. Before you know it your hands begin to wander onto Chris’s thigh, lingering there for a while before slowly inching up towards his crotch. He sends you a warning look, squeezing your hand and placing it further back up his thigh. You repeat your actions, but are met with the same response from Chris.
Another huff of annoyance leaves your mouth. You’ll just have to watch the rest of the movie and pretend you know what’s going on.
The movie ends and Chris looks like he’s just watched the best thing on Earth. “That was such a crazy ending,” he comments, standing from his seat with the popcorn bucket still in hand. You grab the drink and do the same, holding his hand as he leads you out of the theater. “Who was that big guy? The guy at the end,” you ask, tossing the soda away.
Chris halts in his steps, turning towards you in shock. “The main character?! Y/n were you even watching?!” He exclaims in disbelief, the whole movie was about that specific character. “Oh right,” you reply, pretending to remember the entire plot of the movie. Chris gives you a dumbfounded look, tossing the popcorn bucket away. You smile at him, he definitely knows you weren’t paying attention throughout the entire movie.
He holds your hand as he leads you towards the car, both of you getting in and deciding on your next destination. The night is still young and you’re really hoping that Chris will take you to a new store you heard about. "Baby, there's this new store I heard about on TikTok. Do you think you can take me?" you ask sweetly, batting your eyelashes and everything.
It doesn't work, "Y/n, no."
"Pleaseeeee. I promise I'm just going to look around, I won't buy anything, I promise," you plead as he pulls out of the parking lot and starts driving home. He doesn't budge so you decide to pull out the big guns, “I’ll suck your dick.” This seems to do it because he changes direction before replying with a quick, “fine.”
You’re now in the store, your eyes lighting up at the racks of clothes in front of you. Now that you’re in here you regret promising not to buy anything, it’s not like he expected you to keep that promise anyway. “I’m gonna go this way,” you say excitedly, dragging Chris along with you as you head towards the back of the store.
As you look through the racks of clothing, Chris is talking nonstop about the movie. Occasionally you’ll reply, but you don’t remember enough details about the movie to say anything worthwhile. You’re obviously not paying attention and after a while he becomes annoyed, “Y/n, are you even listening?”
You hum in response, adjusting the stack of clothes that was resting against your arm. “I am, baby. Keep talking,” you reply haphazardly, adding yet another shirt to your growing pile. Chris glares at you, but decides to continue sharing his thoughts on the movie.
You’re still not paying attention. He’s asked you at least 5 questions and has received nothing in response, not even a hum. “I’m going to wait in the car,” he says annoyed. You look up at him briefly with a small smile, “okay, babe. I’m almost done.” Chris rolls his eyes as he walks out of the store and to the car.
After an hour you’re finally done, walking out of the store with 3 bags full of clothes. Did you need any of it? No. Did you want all of it? Yes. You tap on the car window and signal for Chris to open the trunk. He complies with a straight face. You dump all your bags into the trunk before hopping into the passenger seat.
“Thank you for waiting,” you say, going in for a quick kiss. “Mmhmm,” he replies as he dodges you causing your kiss to land on his cheek.
“What’s wrong?” you ask innocently.
He doesn’t hold back, he doesn’t have to with you. “You know what’s funny? How I always do what you want to do and the one time we do what I want to do, the ONE time, you can’t even be bothered to pretend to care.” You two don’t make a habit of arguing, but your recent behavior has gotten out of hand. He feels like you’ve been so selfish lately and he has to get everything he’s feeling off his chest.
You’re about to reply, but he’s not done, “For once it would be nice if my girlfriend treated me like her boyfriend, not like a fucking butler. You only want me around to carry your damn bags and swipe my damn card.” That last part wasn’t true, you never asked him to buy you things, but the thought of him as your butler was slightly amusing.
You decide to stay silent, wanting to see how he really feels. “Like, can you at least try to pretend to care about what I have to say? You weren’t even listening to me in there! I get it if you’re bored, Y/n. I really do,” he takes a deep breath before continuing. “But don’t you think I get bored following you around the stupid mall all the time? That’s all we fucking do!”
You open your mouth to speak, but he still isn’t done, “It’s not like you need any more stuff anyways. You literally have a problem, Y/n!”
The car goes silent for a while as you wait just in case another rant was coming. It would be easy to get offended at Chris’s little outburst, but you understood where he was coming from. He was such a great boyfriend who always worked towards keeping you happy and you were ignoring him in the store.
“Are you done?” you ask with a small chuckle.
“Are you done?” he mocks. “Am I done? Yes im fucking done.”
The whole situation seemed ridiculous, especially considering that you two never argue. If this is the biggest problem in your relationship, it’s an easy fix. “I’m sorry for making you feel like I don’t care,” you start, pausing in case he feels the sudden urge to interrupt. He looks at you expectantly, he knows he deserves an apology and if he deems it good enough then maybe he’ll apologize for being so harsh with you.
“Next time you don’t have to come shopping with me if you don’t want to and if it makes you feel better, I’ll stop,” you say, feeling a slight pain in your heart at the thought of never shopping again. “It would actually,” he mumbles with his arms crossed over his chest. He would never actually make you stop shopping, you were spending your own money and he had no right to tell you what to do with it. You chuckle at his sassiness before continuing, “and you’re right, I don’t need any more stuff.”
“Yeah, I am right.”
“Alright you’re pushing it, buddy,” you chuckle. He looks at you as he tries to hold in his laughter. “I was a little dramatic, sorry,” he admits, offering you an apologetic smile. “A little? You called yourself my butler.” He laughs again at this, but he goes back to his serious tone from before as he says, “Y/n, you actually have a problem though.”
“I know,” you reply in defeat. “Here just take it,” you hand him your wallet, looking away dramatically.
“I’ll hold onto this for safe keeping,” he jokes, putting it in his pocket. You were sure to go through his things later and find it anyways. He knows this won’t last and that’s okay, your shopping addiction isn’t actually harming anyone.
“As you should, my butler. Now take me home,” you command with a clap of your hands. He laughs, putting the car in drive. “You’re going to call me that from now on, aren’t you?”
This was sitting in the drafts for a while.
- L.A.M.B👼🏻💗
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ladykailitha · 1 year ago
The Harrington Pattern Part 5
Hello! In this one we have things not getting off to the fun start Steve wanted, but Eddie and Steve show Robin the meditative joys of watching the weavers. And Mike and El get a lesson in when to give to friends.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
Once they had all paid Steve gathered up the kids.
“You are to stay in pairs,” he admonished. “I don’t care if you swap every so often but stay in at least pairs. You can stay in great big group for all I care. But no one wanders off alone. If you want to do something and no one else does come find an adult, chances are that one of us six was already going to do it, okay?”
All the kids nodded.
“Everyone is to meet here at 1pm and 6pm for lunch and dinner,” Steve continued. “The adults are exempt but I tried to pick times where there wasn’t anything big going on. Food money was given to me by your parents so you’ll never starve. Drinking fountains are everywhere. Stay hydrated, you’ll regret it if you don’t.”
Will nodded. “I’ll make sure they do.”
Steve smiled. “Thanks, Will.” He held up his hand as they were getting into pairs. “One more thing. Your parents gave you money for loot. If you spend it all today and see something you want on Saturday, I will not buy it for you. Now I can’t stop anyone else from doing the same, but you need to watch your money.”
Eddie looked at the other Corroded Coffin boys who all nodded. “I think I can speak for us adults when I say. I ain’t paying for your shit either.”
All the kids turned to Robin like a lion sensing its prey.
“Don’t look at me,” she huffed holding up her hands in surrender. “I’m poor. I’m hoping that someone pretty will buy me pretty things so I don’t have to go without.”
Steve barked out a laugh. “Looks like you’ve been stemmed–stymied–” he frowned. “Looks like you’ve been thwarted all around.”
The kids grumbled but nodded.
Steve smiled. “Now go have fun! I promise, you’ll love it.”
Max and El grabbed each other’s hands and skipped ahead of the boys. Robin smiled.
“That’s the downside to growing up,” she sighed wistfully. “Is adults no longer think holding hands with your best friend is cute, only gay.”
Eddie nodded. “I just don’t care most of the time,” he said with a shrug.
Steve turned to the members of the band. “Are you guys going to be staying together for the most part or will you be splitting up? I just want to make sure I know where people are going to be.”
Gareth and Jeff shared an amused glance.
“What?” Steve asked, putting his hands on his hips.
“Eddie said you were such a mom friend,” Gareth explained, “but I didn’t believe it.”
“Yeah, man,” Jeff chuckled. “It’s cute.”
Steve crossed his arms in front of his chest and looked down, scuffing the dirt with the toe of his boot.
Brian waved his hands. “It’s not bad. It’s just a surprise.”
Jeff cocked his head to side. “Maybe not that big of one after seeing how he handled Mike...”
Brian laughed. “Fair enough.”
Eddie walked over and lifted Steve’s chin up gently. “It’s sweet, Stevie. We aren’t mocking you for it, okay?”
Steve nodded.
Suddenly Robin coughed into her fist that sounded a little like ‘gay’.
Eddie and Steve almost leaped back from each other while their friends laughed.
“Laugh it up, fuzzball,” Eddie muttered as he stalked past his friends.
Steve just stood there as the rest of them followed Eddie in. All but Robin.
“I’m sorry, Steve,” she mumbled. “I thought you two were cute, I didn’t mean to embarrass you. That’s the last thing I thought it would do.”
Steve just shrugged and then led the way into the Fair grounds. Robin’s eyes lit up as the sights, and sounds, and smells came at her all at once.
There were people in jeans and t-shirts but also people in various states of costume, ranging from beginner to professional. The period ranges were vast, too. From the early 14th century to the very, very beginning of the 20th.
Robin was in awe.
“Steeeeveeee,” she said, smacking his arm repeatedly. “This is amazing!”
Steve turned to her and smiled. “I told you.”
She hugged him around the neck. “You did and you were right. Those kids brains must have exploded on entry.”
He chuckled. “Well, thankfully I don’t see any brain goo anywhere, so I think they’re safe.”
She threw back her head and laughed. “Fair enough.”
“Where do you want to go first?” Steve asked, taking a pamphlet from Fair worker that had all the events and times on it.
She peeked over his shoulder and hummed thoughtfully.
“There isn’t a lot going on today.”
Steve shrugged. “All the big events like the joust are going to be on Saturday when they have the biggest crowds. But there are still some fun things we can do.” He pointed to the events under that day. “We can watch the weavers or battle a knight.”
“You better not do that one,” she said with a grin.
Steve rolled his eyes. “Why? Because you think I’ll lose?”
She swatted his arm. “No, dingus, because you might accidentally pulverize the guy.”
Suddenly there was another arm being slung around Steve’s shoulders.
“I must concur with the lady pirate, mi’lord,” Eddie said cheerfully. “I’ve seen you fight, handsome. You’d accidentally kill the poor actor.”
Steve blushed. “Thanks.”
He looked around but he didn’t see the rest of Eddie’s merry band. “Where are your friends?”
Eddie sighed. “Already succumbed the siren lures of capitalism.”
Steve blinked at him a moment. “Huh?”
Eddie pointed a little further down the way where the market had been set up. “They’re at the sword stall.”
Steve’s mouth formed an O and he nodded. “Yeah, I don’t doubt that’s where the kids are, too.”
“That’s because there is nothing else to do,” Robin pointed out. “Not all of us want to watch people make clothes.”
Eddie’s lit up. “They’re already showing the weavers?”
Steve nodded. “Yeah, you want to come with me?”
“Hell yeah!” he crowed. He grabbed Robin’s wrist. “You’ll love this.”
And he started dragging her to where the looms, Steve laughing, close behind.
They reached building it was housed in and Eddie stepped aside to allow her to see into the room.
It was brightly lit from them many windows in the room. There were different looms from different eras and different levels of expertise. There was even a cute little blonde girl barely older than Holly, Mike’s little sister in one corner with her starter loom, still making mistakes but being patiently guided by someone who looked to be her mom.
But the true center piece was this amazing Asian loom at the back. The weaver was in a kimono and face paint, but her hands danced along the loom making it seem like she had more than usual two.
Robin was smitten.
Eddie smiled back at her and then grabbed her wrist again to pull her into the room.
The little girl’s mother looked up and smiled at them. “Welcome!” she greeted warmly. “We, of the weavers guild, greet you. I am Goody Danvers. If you have any questions please direct them at me so our weavers aren’t disturbed.”
All three of them nodded and began to wander around. Robin was forced to admit that it was way more than just making clothes or even cloth. It was artistry and technique that was just beautiful to watch.
She was, of course, drawn to the Asian loom with its beautiful weaver.
Steve on the other hand went straight for Goody Danvers. He was asking her all sorts of questions and she just lit up with someone expressing genuine interest in the weaving.
Then Steve asked the question. “You thread is amazing. Do you spin it yourself?”
Goody Danvers face was like the sun with how happy that question made her. “We do! Do you guys want to see how we do it?”
Steve nodded enthusiastically while Robin was loathed to leave the beautiful weaver.
“You go ahead,” she murmured never taking her eyes off the scene the woman was weaving into her tapestry.
Steve’s shoulders slumped a little. But Eddie came skipping up to them. “Prick any princesses’ fingers lately?” he teased Goody Danvers.
She wagged her finger at him. “Do you be going around calling me a witch, I might get burned at the stake.”
Steve and Eddie laughed and mimed zipping their lips closed and throwing away the key.
She led them to the backroom where there were other women spinning. Steve figured these were the ones that didn’t like being watched because more than half of them stopped what they were doing the moment they walked in.
He smiled his best babysitter smile and waved like an absolute dork. One of the teenaged girls blushed and turned away.
Eddie frowned, putting his hands on his lower back. He was about to turn back around and rejoin Birdie when he felt a warm hand on his elbow. Steve wasn’t looking at the pretty red-head that blushed at his dorky wave, he was looking at him. Hazel eyes almost antique silver in the natural light.
“You okay?” Steve whispered.
Eddie nodded. “It’s just dustier in here than I thought it would be.”
Goody Danvers nodded. “No fire of any kind allowed in this room. A simple spark could cause a powder keg in here and I don’t feel like leveling the Fair this year.”
“What type of materials do you use for your thread?” Steve asked, his hand never leaving Eddie’s elbow.
And they just listened to her talk about the different types of threads and what they were used for and Eddie felt the warmth in Steve’s presence as he paid her his rapt attention.
Was that was he looked like when he talked about DnD or metal music? Because if it was Steve never looking away from him when talked suddenly made a lot of sense. It was addicting watching Steve engage with someone who shared his interests.
Steve looked down at his watch. “Shit. We’ve got to go meet some people for lunch. But thank you for taking your time to show me everything and answer all my questions.”
Good Danvers smiled. “The pleasure was all mine. It was nice to find a young man who was so interested in what I had to say.” She walked over to a basket.
“Here, pick out a bundle of thread you like as my treat.”
Steve really lit up then. “Thanks!” He went through the basket and picked out this beautiful red silk thread.
“Good choice,” she said. “I know you’ll make something truly remarkable with it.”
Steve blushed and said thank you again as Eddie led him out. They were forced to drag Robin back out of the building.
“Food,” Steve insisted. “Actually...” he had spotted a water fountain. “Water first then food.”
Eddie took a long drink, his throat dry from the spinning room. Robin went next and then Steve.
They barely made it to the food court just under the wire. Some of the kids were already there. Max and Lucas, Dustin, too. Gareth was there, but Jeff and Brian weren’t yet.
Dustin looked at his watched and tapped like a disapproving father. “Just what time do you call this, hmmm?”
Steve burst out laughing as Eddie threw his arm around his shoulders.
“Like father like son,” Eddie teased.
Dustin gasped, offended.
It wasn’t too long before El, Mike, and Will showed up, cutting it even finer than they had, arriving at 1pm exactly.
Steve just raised an eyebrow as they skidded to a stop in front of their table.
Steve got them their food and most of them were half way through their lunch by the time Jeff and Brian had wandered into the food court.
Everyone was talking about all the things they had seen and their plans for the rest of the day and maybe Steve was more than a little pleased that they hadn’t spent all their money.
Everyone was talking but Will. So Steve slid over to the young boy and nudged his shoulder.
“Hey, what’s up?” he whispered.
Mike looked up at them and then began to poke at his plate.
Alarm bells were going off in Steve’s head.
“There was this really cool wizard’s staff at one of the stalls,” Will said. “But it costs ten dollars more than what I have on me.”
“I offered to give him some of mine,” Mike said, “but he wouldn’t take it.”
Steve got it. “Ah.”
“It’s your money, Mike,” Will protested. “Buy something you want.”
“I want to buy it for you,” Mike bit back.
El poked at her food too. “I too, offered to help him buy it but he wouldn’t let me either.”
Eddie stood up and motioned for Mike and El to follow him, while Steve scooted closer to Will. “I’m sorry you couldn’t afford it and it’s hard when you want something so bad and it’s just out of reach.”
Will nodded. “But somehow I don’t think you specifically are talking about a wizard’s staff.”
Steve looked up at were Eddie was talking to Mike and El, and then ducked his head shyly. “No, you’re right there.”
Will gave his hand a squeeze. “For what it’s worth, I think he likes you too.”
Steve squeezed his hand right back. He just hoped Will was right.
Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @danili666 @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @thespaceantwhowrites @paintgonewrong @mogami13 @beelze-the-bubkiss @croatoan-like-its-hot @retro-vagabond @dolphincliffs @child-of-cthulhu @sani-86 @pansexuality-activated @y4r3luv
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thewritetofreespeech · 1 year ago
Could I request Gojo's reaction to his s/o, who has the ability to perceive the future, getting harassed because her client's not happy about their future?
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Satoru hummed a happy little tune as he walked down the busy streets of Tokyo to go see his wife.
He had been blessed with an unusual day off after a quick meeting with the ‘old men’; probably because they were so annoyed with him that they just wanted him to go away. Still, it was a rare treat. So he thought he would surprise his wife by taking her to lunch. She could afford to close the shop for a day.
The sorcerer giggled a little as he wondered if she knew he was coming. With her innate ability to see and predict the future, it was hard to pull surprises on her. But he always tried. Taking the challenge on at every turn to keep his wife guessing and marriage spicy.
“That’s not right! You’re a liar!!”
Satoru’s eyebrows jutted up over his sunglasses, hearing the yelling once he had come in the door. He walked in further to the shop towards the back, where [Y/N] would hold private readings, and saw a woman who had clearly just jumped up from the table and was pointing at [Y/N].
“I’m sorry,” she apologized to the angry looking woman, “but that’s what I see.”
“No! That’s not true! He promised he would leave his wife and be with me! That has to be what my future will be next year!”
“I mean….there’s a possibility that the prediction could change. The future isn’t set in stone but-“No buts! I want my money back!”
“I can’t give you your money back just because you don’t like your prediction. This is a business. If you wanted someone to just agree with you, then you should have just called a friend.”
“They told me to come here! I see now that they just wanted me to get cheated too! You’re nothing but a liar and a con artist! I know my future and it’s to be with him, and you’re just making this up because you’re alone & jealous!”
“If you knew your future, then why did you even come here? Clearly there’s some underlying trust issues if you asked your friends, I assume family, and now a premonitions expert. This is just free advice at this point but maybe this relationship isn’t what you want for you’re future.”
The woman went full red at this point and raised her hand to presumably strike [Y/N]. She never got the chance though as Satoru grabbed her forearm to stop it just as soon as it was raised. “Now, now. Let’s have none of that.”
The woman looked startled and jerked out of his grasp and away from him. “Who the hell are you?”
“Just a concerned customer.” He replied with a cheeky grin, which he could see that [Y/N] did not appreciate out of the corner of her eye. “And also, her husband.”
The woman’s face went from shocked, to a mixture of crushed, back to angry. Clearly realizing that the only person alone in the room was her, but not yet willing to accept it. “I want my money back! Or I’ll sue!”
“Go ahead.” Satoru told her. Then pressed his fingers to his temple, “but I see an arrested in your future if you keep pressing this. Attempted battery is almost just as serious as if you actually landed that punch.” The woman let out an angry huff, then grabbed her belongings and dashed out. “Another satisfied customer.”
“Don’t be mean Satoru.” [Y/N] replied once they were alone and stood up to clean the mess the woman had made of her reading table. “It’s not my fault she’s chosen a hard path. I didn’t even have to use my ability to tell her this wasn’t going to end well. What was I supposed to do? Lie?”
“I’m sure she wouldn’t have minded. Delusional people like that only want to hear what they want to hear.” No one needed psychic abilities to see that.
“What are you doing here by the way?”
“Oh! I came to take you to lunch!” In the commotion, he almost forgot why he was there. “The old men gave me the day off, so I thought I would spend it with you.”
“That’s nice.” [Y/N] said with a smile. “But I have to work Satoru.”
“Why?” He asked with a pout. “You know we don’t need the money. I know you like to work but….you can take off for one day. Plus, shouldn’t you get hazard time for almost having a client flip a table on you?”
[Y/N] chuckled a little. Even if it was a sad sort of noise. “Well…I guess you’re right. The shop will be fine if we close early for today.”
Satoru helped her clean up the last little bit and they left. He asked her once, when they were dating, to use her powers on him but she said that she couldn’t. His future had too many variables. Too full of potential. But he knew, even when they first met, that his future was going to be with her.
He didn’t need psychic abilities to see that.
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cherry-shiftss · 2 months ago
my first day in my fame dr!!
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The day is saturday 7th september 2013 and I wake up at 9 o clock, not too early but not too late and I'll probably take some time to myself, gathering my thoughts and steadying myself within my new reality. I can hear voices in the kitchen- andrew and alex. elisha knows I've shifted (she's a shifter herself) so I drop her a text, something along the lines of "OMG WTF I SHIFTED AND ANDREWS IN THE NEXT ROOM DJEJJFND" or an equally calm, cool, and collected reaction.
after recovering, I will once again die a little when I go out into the kitchen to be greeted by a view of my roommates- my cousin alex and the loml andrew. I will have to physically refrain from throwing myself towards the both of them but I shall succeed because I'm strong. I'm then gonna make myself a cute little smoothie in our blender (so excited for this bc I don't have one here) and have nutella on toast bc I'm an adult and can do what tf i want.
after eating that and chatting to the lads, I'll go and clean my teeth, wash my face and put my contact lenses in, in the bathroom (plus the good old morning shit😘) then go into my room and put on my OOTD and do my make up and hair as pictured below: (yes my hair is that colour too😝)
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its now about half 10 and me and elisha are going SHOPPING!! and I'm spending my adult money on probably like clothes and whatever tickles my fancy. we get the bus into the centre of dublin and do some shopping until lunch time where we pop into the cafe/bookshop I work at to get some lunch and also buy some books because I get cheap stuff since I'm an employee😘. we then finish up the shopping at like 3 and head home.
once we're home we give alex and andrew a cutsey shopping haul and just like fuck around ig... read a bit, listen to music, chit chat until 5ish which is when we're gonna start making dinner which is LASAGNA which will be served at around 6 and it will be very yummy because Andrew's an amazing chef and lasagna is lush. it's now half 6 and since I have the body clock of an old lady it's now time for me to shower and get changed into my pyjamas. after about 45 minutes max, I am out of the shower and now have to wait for everyone to shower before MOVIE TIME. this will probably be my "first" one on one time with andrew in which I will be turned into a blushing mess.
we'll then watch a movie (mean girls bc were girlbosses) and eat snacks before chatting, maybe having a cheeky wine or two (adults!!! (like not being one's ever effected me🤫)) and now it's like 11 which is late for me so I'll go to bed and maybe read a bit before going to sleep
and that's my first day in my fame dr!!
hope you enjoyed xx
ps I listened to the new ethel cain album while making this and HOLY FUCK I AM CHANGED
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emeritusemeritus · 1 year ago
Rough sex with reader with both Weasley twins? Just after a hard day at Weasley Wizard Wheezes, both men are pent up with the amount of problems that had in just literally one day. This could range from a customer to you possibly trying to tease the shit out of them before fleeing away. 🤭 I hope this isn’t too big of an idea and I’ll leave the rest up to by you. 🫶
Hi Anon! Please accept this offering as a token of my appreciation 🖤 I set it at Christmas time for reasons unknown to me, mostly because I thought it would be super busy?
Warnings: SMUT. Piv, blowjobs, oral (f&m receiving) use of Angel/baby/sweetheart/princess. Slightly Dom/sub behaviours. Rough sex. Cumplay. Polyamory, kind of?
Word count: 3k (of pure smut)
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Yuletide stress relief.
Weasley's Wizard Wheezes was bursting with shoppers since the moment the doors had opened that morning, a sea of people already lined up right down the street stretching all the way down past Ollivanders. Since the moment the doors had opened, it had been non-stop work with customers who were packed in like sardines across all five floors of the shop, desperately searching for Christmas presents for their loved ones.
Although he was always thankful for the success of their business, Fred was completely exhausted and a little worn down by the relentlessness of the day.
He'd been up early, having to leave the two warm bodies in the comfy bed, and had dressed quickly, not even stopping to get a cup of tea or any breakfast and had gone straight to the office to sort out a cash discrepancy he'd noticed upon closing last night. After recounting all the gold from yesterday and revising all the paperwork, he had eventually found the accounting issue and then had to redo all the paperwork.
George turned up to help with opening the store and they'd quickly discovered that they were running low of the Peruvian instant darkness powder crystals which would be a devastating loss to their business this close to Christmas with it being one of their best sellers and the top money spinner.
Fred had once again climbed the multiple stairs to the office and had checked in the books, seeing that a shipment was actually due to arrive this week but when he looked at the number ordered, he realised the grave mistake he'd made. Instead of ordering it in individual batches like usual, he'd confused the numbers and had ordered 60 crates instead which would be a massive overbuy and therefore a massive overspend. It was imported from Peru and the cost of shipping was astronomical, so he had really made a grave mistake. Not only that but the darkness powder had a relatively short shelf life compared to some of their other products and so it could be a complete financial loss.
Running his hands over his face and through his hair, he made his way down the stairs to begrudgingly tell his twin of his error, only to realise that the store was already open and the shop was already packed with customers needing help left, right and center. He'd not taken a single break that day nor stopped for any lunch, working right through as the heavy flow of customers never dwindled. A kid had knocked over a display of wonderwitch products requiring a massive cleanup, even though the child's mother had cast a spell to prevent the rest from falling and it had fallen to Fred to clean up the mess, seeing that his twin was currently helping a large family, Verity was stuck with a line of customers at the till and their temporary Christmas staff were all dotted about busy with other tasks.
He'd thought multiple times during the day to send you an owl to ask you to help out, but he'd never actually got the chance to slip away for long enough. He knew you'd come if he asked but he also didn't want to bother you on your day off, knowing that you were spending it at the Burrow with his mum, busy making preparations for Christmas next week.
When the doors to the shop closed around 7pm and the last of the customers trailed out of the store around 10 minutes past, Fred let out a sigh of relief as he flicked his wand and cast the closing spells, locking the doors.
He couldn't even bring himself to make conversation with his twin, who in striking contact to himself was buzzing from the successful day. He trudged up the stairs, not trusting himself to apparate into the office in his exhaustion; the last thing he needed today was to get splinched because he wasn't paying enough attention.
He was nearly finished with the nightly paperwork when the door to the office creaked open and you walked through with a wide smile on your face, seeing him for the first time that day. Usually he loved to see your smile, even more so when he knew it was because of him, but after the day he'd had and the foul mood that had settled within him, the smile on your face only exasperated how he was feeling, resenting the fact that you'd had a much easier day than him.
"Hey Freddie," you said with a smile, walking over to him and hopping up on the desk. He looked dishevelled to say the least, his jacket thrown off, shirt sleeves rolled up his forearms and tie hanging loosely around his neck, clearly having been loosed hastily. He looked unbelievably hot, like his hand had been repeatedly running through his hair making that ultra sexy dishevelled look.
He hardly looked up, which you thought was strange, simply nodding his head as if to tell you that he'd heard you and acknowledging your presence.  Realising he was busy, you move to hop off the desk ready to walk away, immediately feeling like you were intruding and bothering him.
"Princess wait,” he says, stopping you from walking away, casting his arm out to grab at you. He pauses when he feels your bare skin under his hand, your dress having ridden up when you climbed onto the desk. For the first time, his eyes flick up to you, specifically your bare thigh that his hand is wrapped around.
The sudden change in atmosphere seems to affect you almost instantly. His eyes are piercing, dark as they look at your skin under his hand and you don’t need to be a skilled occlumens to know exactly what is going through his mind. When his hand squeezes down on your flesh, you know exactly what he’s thinking and you can’t help but feel a little flushed with the influx of arousal that spreads through your body.
For the first time, his gaze travels across your body and up towards your face until he’s looking in your eyes. It’s tense for a moment when nothing happens until he suddenly stands from the chair, right in front of you and nudging your legs apart until they’re pulled taught either side of his hips. His tongue pokes out and wets his lips as he gazes at you hungrily and you can almost see your chest rising and falling with the sudden need to take deep breaths to calm yourself.
“Wanna be my good girl?” He says, leaning down slightly, towering over you as his hands dance along the hemline of your dress, thumbs teasing the skin of your thighs as your legs part even wider automatically. He smirks to himself, not missing the way your body always submits to him so willingly as he takes a step back. You nod, staring up at him with wide, imploring eyes awaiting your instruction.
Your gaze follows his hands as they pull away from your thighs and go straight to his belt, unlooping it, opening up his belt buckle and pulling open the buttons until he can free himself. He reaches into his underwear and pulls out his hardening cock as you watch on desperately, mouth watering at the sight.
“Suck it baby,” he says with a slight coo, “want your beautiful lips around me.”
You do as your told almost immediately, maintaining eye contact with him as you slip down off the desk so that you’re eye level with his perfect clock. Ensuring that he’s watching your every move, you timidly stick out your tongue and lock all around the head of his cock, watching closely as his eyes close on their own accord, a heavy breath falling from his lips. You take his rapidly hardening cock into your mouth seconds later, as much as you can and give one long, drawn out suck that causes him to let out a low, breathy moan. You bob up and down on his cock, running your tongue against the prominent veins underneath and try to take more and more in your mouth just like you know he likes. His hand rests in your hair but he does it to feel, not to control as gorgeous intimate moans fall from his lips, his eyes flicking between watching you and closing in pleasure.
“Well this is a sight,” you hear from behind you, making you moan against Fred’s cock. You pull off Fred’s cock, a string of spit trailing between you and his swollen member as you turn your head towards George who looks at you with a lustful gaze. You’re buzzing with arousal, being caught with a mouth full of cock, feeling so dirty by the thought.
“Princess,” Fred says, pulling your attention back to him as you slowly lick all up the sensitive underside before taking him back into your mouth.
George appears by your side in moments and begins unbuckling his own suit trousers, freeing himself and reaching down for your hand as he moves to stand beside Fred. Your hand wraps around his length and you stroke it just how he likes, feeling him harden in your hand.
Both of them moan out at the same time when you switch sides, taking George in your mouth and wrapping your hand around Fred, feasting on them both. You alternate between the twins, your hands never leaving their cocks as you give them pleasure, enjoying the glorious sounds they are unashamedly making.
As soon as you take Fred into your mouth, George slips out of your grasp and reaches for your dress, tearing at it and pulling it open until your breasts spill out, having taken off your bra the moment you got in. You gasp, feeling your nipples harden under the cold air and the feeling of being exposed and it’s mere seconds before George’s hands greedily grab at them.
Fred pulls you off his cock, his hand gently cupping your jaw as he looks at you with lust blown eyes for a second before turning to his twin who seems to have the same idea.
In a manoeuvre so slick it surprised you, Fred picks you up and exits the office with a slight slam of the door, carrying you bridal style all the way through the apartment until he places you on the bed. You watch as George steps through the doors, looking at them both eyeing you hungrily with their cocks still out and you have to bite your lip, so overwhelmingly aroused and untouched that it’s near painful.
George steps forward first, crawling up your body on the bed until he leads you into a surprisingly passionate kiss. Whilst you’re kissing George, you feel Fred reach up your dress and pull down your underwear, the wet gusset feeling heavy, drenched in your arousal. Your hips flail trying to make contact as you spread your legs, hearing Fred curse at the sight in front of him.
George pulls away and gives you a little smirk before he begins to kiss down your body, stopping to feast on your heaving chest before he carries on further and further downwards until his lips ghost over your mound.
The second his tongue laps as your heated, wet flesh you cry out, back arching in pleasure. You look down and see his eyes watching you as he feasts on your cunt, lips and tongue already working you perfectly as he sucks and slurps at your clit.
Fred appears next to you and holds out his cock for you to take back into your mouth, the angle a little awkward but your make do. It’s so sinfully dirty having one twin feasting on your cunt whilst you suck off the other one and you can’t help but feel your climax building already, so worked up.
“I don’t think so Angel,” George says, pulling away from your weeping cunt, hips undulating desperately as your climax fades. “When you cum it’s going to be on our cocks.”
Both twins pull away from you as they quickly throw off the rest of their clothes and you sit up on the bed, tits exposed in your ripped dressed waiting for them.
George gets to you first, pulling you in for a scorching kiss as his hands wander, gathering the material of your dress in his fists. It’s quick and oh so arousing when he suddenly reaches out and manhandles you, flipping you over until you’re on your front, hips high in the air for him. He pushes up the material of your dress, completely exposing you to their gaze and you bite your lip once again when you hear their breathy moans, curses and playful banter, talking about your pretty little wet cunt.
George’s cock slips between your wet lips with ease, your gasps only fuelling his desire to get inside you. The second he slips inside you cry out in ecstasy, finally feeling full just like you needed. He’s rough and sets a brutal pace almost instantly, both of you keyed up enough to take it.
“You like that Angel? You like when I’m rough with you?” His deep voice says from behind you, making your clench around him. “Mmm yeah you do, dirty girl.”
Fred slips beside you on the bed and captures your lips into a blistering kiss, his big hands squeezing at your bouncing tits, thumbs stroking over your hard nipples. You cry out about into Fred’s mouth as George shifts and gets even deeper.
“Fuuuuck that’s it baby, use me just like that, fuck yourself on me,” he cries out when you begin to meet his hard thrusts, arching your back further.
It’s dirty and messy, the feel of their hands on you, Fred’s on your tits and George’s gripping your hips tight as he controls your movements. You can feel him start to lose his tempo, thrusts getting sloppy and harder until he’s fucking you with force, no doubt watching as your ass jiggles for him.
“Fuck gonna make me cum Angel, oh fuck!” He cries out as you clench him again, making your pussy even tighter around his sensitive cock.
You reach out for Fred’s spare hand as George starts to cum, hips slamming into yours as your moans mix with George’s and echo through the bedroom. You feel like you can feel every single shot of cum filling you as George roars, his load shooting deep inside you as he continues sloppily thrusting in and out of you.
Fred gives you almost no time to recover when George pulls away breathless. He pulls you up, pulls you into a dangerously arousing kiss as he peels the useless fabric away from your frame, leaving you completely nude for him. He turns you around and lays you on the bed before slipping inside your open legs, grabbing them and throwing them over his shoulders.
You’re already oversensitive pussy burns in the most delicious way as you feel the weight of his impossibly hard cock hitting your clit. You cry out, reaching for your breasts as he devilishly taps his cock on your clit, rubbing and giving you the most delicious friction just like you need. He slips his cock inside you and you scream out, feeling him deep inside you, deeper than George had been, your body so sensitive and needy for an orgasm. He leans forward and puts his hands either side of your head, contorting you exactly as he wants you, leans down to give you a single kiss and a smirk before he draws his hips back and slams back inside you. Your whole body rocks with the movement, his pace already fast and brutal as he fucks into you for all he’s worth. It’s nasty and dirty, the mix of his brutal thrusts and teasing smirk and you claw at his back as you cry out. He curses and groans with each thrust as your pussy grips him, climax building deep in your belly.
“Fred, fuck!” You cry out, his cock staying deep inside you as he gives you short, hard thrusts, your clit rubbing deliciously on his pubic bone.
“That’s it sweetheart, fuck you’re so tight, cum for me baby, cum on me.”
Your orgasm hits you out of nowhere, his voice so arousing, his words so demanding that your body submits to him instantly. You can’t stop moaning as he continues to fuck you through your orgasm, his own rapidly approaching. His arms bulge under his own weight, a delicious sight as you canter your hips to meet his thrusts, watching as his eyes close, his face scrunching up.
“Freddie cum for me, cum Freddie!”
It’s a shock when his blistering hot cum suddenly shoots out and hits your chest, your tits covered right across to your neck and your chin. He pants, slipping back into his knees as he looks at you, so perfectly defiled and covered in his cum.
“You’re bloody perfect,” he says breathlessly with a slight laugh, the sensations overwhelming him as he looks at you. When you take a single finger and trace it across your breast, scooping up a little bit of his cum before bringing it up to your lips to suck on he looks at you in amazement, mouth contorting into a little ‘o’ shape.
“Dirty girl,” George says, making you turn in his direction, so consumed by Fred that you’d not even considered where he’d gone. He runs a warm washcloth over you, cleaning up his and his twins mess as you smile at him tiredly. “You did so well for us.”
You laze in between completely naked and free between the two equally naked bodies for a little while, your legs feeling like jelly as George strokes your hair and Fred holds you tightly.
“So did you steal us any Christmas cookies?”
“On the counter,” you say tiredly with a knowing smile.
It takes less than three seconds before both twins race out of bed and run straight towards the kitchen as you laugh at them, their very naked arses jiggling in the gentle lamp light.
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danieyells · 9 months ago
hi! any chance you'd be able to post some of kaito's voicelines? I would love to see them <33
Our wanna-be knight and pathetic little best friend! He's just such a good boy lol. . .once again, another one who just wants to go back to a normal life, poor thing. Kaito's very much your vanilla, sweet boyfriend character with no frills attached, aside from his cowardice and his gambling habit of course. And his terrible aim. . . .
Copying all of them over isn't hard now that I've done it twice. Let's do it again for Kaito!
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"{PC}! Over here! Hiya!"
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"Hey, new message. Better check it out, yeah? Or are you the type who's got like a ton of of unread inbox messages?"
. . .shut up /absolutely that type (and a sincere apology to literally everyone i know for that my adhd doesn't let me read and respond to their messages--)
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"God, please don't make me go on any more missions... It's not like me being there is any help to anyone anyway..."
"Oh yeah, have you been on WickHive yet? Someone leaked next month's cafeteria menu! Oh wait... I-I already told you that, didn't I?!"
"Damn it... I could've taken {PC} to lunch with that money! God, why am I such a moron?!"
"Ask me anything you want to know! I'm pretty savvy when it comes to Darkwick!"
honestly the fact that he's a second year who doesn't wanna be here and doesn't wanna be doing all of this but he still knows like everything about the school is also kinda sus to me. . .surely he'd divest himself from as much of darkwick as possible if he didn't care
"Urgh... Limited time only, you are not my friend... Huh? Oh, I'm on TikTok. I really want this, but I'm pretty broke this month..."
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"Ahem... Testing, testing... Morning! Heh, nailed it... Ack! How long've you been there, {PC}?!"
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Phew, should be safe here... EEEEEEEEEEK! Oh thank god, it's just a cat... I thought he found me..."
romeo oh romeo didn't you get into enough shit for this romeo? just make sure it's not Romeo cat. Because I'm sure it'll tell him somehow--
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Shit, it's Luca… Judging by the outfit he must be going to train. I better bail before he tries to rope me in too…"
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Eeeek?! Oh, it's just you... Geez, you almost gave me a heart attack!"
i know romeo is constantly on his ass, and I relate to the feeling of being scared the people you owe money will appear out of nowhere and get you, but. . .he's so jumpy lol
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Ugh, Romeo's texting me... Not gonna open that..."
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"So your father runs a company, huh? Who the hell leads with that?! This is why I hate talking to Frostheimers..."
so the wording here is wonky because he's quoting a Frostheimer, but there's no visual indication that he's quoting them. But lore drop! Kaito's father runs a company! But I thought he wasn't well off. . .? Maybe his parents are separated or his father doesn't spend any of their money on him. . .or the company isn't doing well. . .or gambling addiction runs in his family lol. . . .
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Argh, I want junk food! And I want to try all the new snack flavors!!"
my boy is so relateable--
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"All right, time to man up and bite the bullet... Nope, absolutely not, can't do it!"
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"How is Jin's skin so perfect? Fucking rich kids and their stupidly expensive fancy-ass toner!!!"
kaito really looking at jin like OH NO HE'S HOT
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"(yawn) Guess I'll go brush my teeth..."
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"Hey {PC}, you seem different somehow today. Did you change something? Or am I just imagining things?!"
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Noooo why does Tohma want to see me...? No way it's about something good! Could you come with me, {PC}?!"
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Crap, I fell asleep in class so I don't know what our homework is... Help me, {PC}!"
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"(yawn) Man, my bed's like a freaking marshmallow. I can never get any good sleep on that thing..."
lol the Frostheim beds are too comfortable lolol I NEED A FIRMER BED TOO KAITO I GET IT.
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"Huh? Oh, my pendant! You're always wearing it? Does that mean you've actually been paying attention to me?!"
once again the wording here is wonk because it makes it sound like the pc is always wearing Kaito's pendant. I'm pretty sure he's quoting the pc, who's commented that "you're always wearing it". It would read better as something like "You noticed I'm always wearing it?"
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Hey {PC}, how 'bout we grab a bite?! I've got tons to splurge in winn... er, earnings, so it's all on me! Get whatever you want!"
your gambling addiction is really and truly going to get you in trouble. disregard that i play a gacha game.
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"...Huh?! Man, nearly fell sleep without putting my phone on the charger... 5%, that would've sucked tomorrow..."
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Ha ha ha! Have you seen this yet?! It's all over TikTok. Ah man, it's killing me..."
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Whoa, when did it get so late?! Sorry {PC}, I didn't mean to keep you up... What? You're still good?"
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"Morning! Hey, guess what? Luca's busy after class, so how about we hit up the diner? It's been ages!"
do you. . .do you really wanna go there. . .i mean the drinks seem to be fine but according to sho they can't make good food at all. . . .
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Sorry, I gotta stay after class today... (sniffle) This sucks, I really wanted to walk home with you..."
aw buddy. . .they could wait for you or come pick you up after your remedial lesson. . .!
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Hey I'm really sorry but do you mind if we stop by the campus store after class? I'm almost out of granulated sugar."
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Hey, do you like stars? Oh, um, I was just wondering 'cause there's this place where you can see them really well, so I thought maybe you'd want to go some time..."
he's overcoming his fears and being honest with himself and how he speaks and just. . .asking honestly, no bravado, no act. do it scared, kaito. do it scared, do it awkward, do it sure you're going to fail. as long as you do it. proud of you!
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Sure is dark. Reminds me of the closet where we first met. Remember?"
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"I know I'm weak, and a coward. But I really do want to become your knight in shining armor, {PC}."
I love how comfortable and honest he starts to get as his affinity goes up. Still shy here and there, still scared, but he's not as jumpy and he starts treating you like a real friend. laughs with you about stuff, talks a little about hobbies and struggles. doesn't try and look cool for you. and then the honesty--i'm a weak coward, but i wanna be better for you. i wanna spend time with you. just!!! he grows!!! he realizes you like him for who he is and how he is, even if that's a weak coward--and that that's exactly what he wants! and it's okay for him to be that way because you won't be put off by it, even if it's something he'd like to grow from so he can be better for you--but he wants to be better for you as himself and--idk. i have feelings about characterization lol.
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"(yawn) Man, I wanna sleep, but I can't fail, so I gotta show up for class... Oh! I have Professor Nicolas next! Naptime."
does that mean you're good in anomalous medicine class or. . . .
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Grr! All those girls in the hall were looking at Luca! I'm so pissed off now I'm not even sleepy anymore!"
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"It's finally warm out again, so I really want to go do something fun... Wish I could get an R&R permit..."
well maybe if you stopped sleeping in class and did good in class or went on a mission or something. . . . . .
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Mheheh... {PC}... You've got a petal in your hair... Zzz..."
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"Ugh, it's too hot to go outside... But I can sense a coming-of-age event on the horizon... All right, here I come!"
obligatory beach event? 👀
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Can't believe Professor Hyde still wears that blindfold in summer. Pfft, I bet it's really sweaty under— Eeeek! S-Sir?!"
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Hey {PC}, are you free after this? I was thinking of inviting Luca to let off some fireworks! I want to show him how we do summer here in Japan."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I can't believe I get to spend the whole summer hanging out with you {PC}... (sniffle) Homework? Uh y-yeah, I finished it already..."
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"Is it just me, or is it really cold today?! Guess I better get my coat out soon..."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Have you had the chestnut rice from the cafeteria yet? They made it way too fancy. It's supposed to be comfort food..."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Tohma's always reading something. Maybe I should too... All right, let's go with this! 10 Ways To Become Popular Overnight!"
well. . .it's something to read. . .never a bad idea to read.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Apparently the moon is the most beautiful in fall since the air gets clearer. Want to go take a look?"
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"It's freezing out there! It's freezing in here! Frostheim sucks!!"
this makes me wonder what the warmest dorm is on average. . .probably jabberwock as long as towa's in a good mood? (or maybe warm jabberwock winters mean towa's in a bad mood. . .?)
(between 11am and 4pm)
"The cold can go to hell, but I guess there's outfits you can only wear this time of year..."
you can wear whatever you want whenever you want if you're brave enough. but this is kaito and he's not very brave. and it's also not very smart to wear winterwear in the summer.
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"I really want to go to Starbucks for the new winter drink! But I really really don't want to go on any missions!! Guess I'll never get to try it."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Gram... No... No more mandarins... ...Huh?! Oh, it was just a dream... I haven't had a mandarin for ages..."
'gram' in this case is 'grandma' in case you couldn't figure it out haha and the mandarin(mikan)'s used to represent health and longevity and a long prosperous bloodline or something like that for new years. So i assume his grandmother would feed him a lot of mandarins every winter lolol
His birthday: (December 11th)
"Why did Jin, Tohma, and Luca give me all this high-end stuff?! It's freaking me out!! Thank you!?!?"
Your birthday:
"Happy birthday, {PC}! We'll make this the best one— Hey, give those back! Those are the cue cards I made yesterday!!"
ksjfkhesbfjh he made himself cue cards to give you a birthday speech with as little stuttering as possible. . . .
New Years: (January 1st)
"Happy New Year! Let's make it a good one! S-So hey, if, er, if you'd like, c-could we, um... could we make our first shrine visit together?"
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"C'mon Kaito, deep breaths. Girls aren't into guys with no chill. So stay cool... Stay— Are those chocolates for me?! I'll take them to my grave!"
everyone loves an enthusiastic boy lol
White Day: (March 14th)
"Do you like the cookies I made? Come on, no way they're that good, heh heh... Heh heh heh... Here, take them all!!"
god i bet he makes really good sweets too. like i bet he puts so much love and good spirit into them lolol
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"I'd never lie to a girl. Ah! That's not a lie, I swear! {PC}? Are you listening?!"
Halloween: (October 31st)
"Trick or treat! See those carved pumpkins? I was actually the one who made them. What do you think?"
given his DIY skills i bet he's actually really good at carving too. i bet they look really good!
Christmas: (December 25th)
"Hey, uh, {PC}, do you, uh... Do you have any plans for Christmas? I'm actually totally free!"
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"Huh? {PC}? Am I being annoying?! I'm sorry! You're probably busy, right?!"
(13 affinity and above)
"{PC} seems kind of busy... I know! I'll find a video that'll help take her mind off things!"
this one replace the first one after you hit a certain affinity, so it's cute to see that he eventually decides 'i'm not being annoying, they're just busy. i wanna help them' after he gets closer to you. . . .
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"Ah...! Oh my god, you're back!! I'm so happy to see you!!!!  (sob) Please don't leave me again..."
he's so clingy. . .poor guy really missed you, considering you're one of the kindest and most normal people in Darkwick that he associates with. . . . also man 'please don't leave me again' with the whole loop theory stuff. . . .
I THINK I'VE SAID MOST OF MY THOUGHTS THROUGHOUT THIS BUT. He really is a sweetie. He really could have ended up a very plain and 'safe' character, but he's managed to be very charming and entertaining with his struggles and exaggerated behavior, while still being a simple and safe type. Really looking forward to seeing how he plays into the rest of the story, since it seems like his pendant may be kind of important. . . .
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shira-cosmic-star · 8 months ago
Hi! Are you still taking requests? If yes, might I ask for some headcanons for Jin, Alan, Romeo, Zenji, and Luca with a reader that's basically a menace of a Disney Princess incarnate? They're kind loving people at heart, good with animals and kids, all that good stuff, but they will say some unhinged stuff to people who wrong them. Like bad puns or horrifying facts or some out of pocket comments
Love your writing btw :)
Jin, Romeo, Alan, Zenji, & Luca x Disney unhinge Reader.
(This one was super cute and it honestly remind me of some of the unhinge things I’ve said. So I’ve added some here 😈)
(I’m also glad you like my writing! Means a lot! 💙)
warning: long •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Jin: The first time he met you. He was intimidating and cold. Reminded you of the Beast, from ‘Beauty and the Beast.’ He would lash out, destroy things, and spoke in an aggressive manner. But as time progressed along side of him. Underneath that cold demeanor. Is a man who has lost his way. Maybe not completely, but it’s like he doesn’t have something to look forward to. That’s where you came in. First afraid of him, but now, after getting to know him more. You seem more that meets the eyes. Here’s how it all happened..
• When you first came around. He would demand you to do this, and do that. You would have to wake up in the morning, help him get dressed and when he wants to take a nap. He would tell you do clean his room.
•At first you didn’t mind too much, but when you told him how you felt. It kinda surprised him. He had no idea that you had a backbone.
•You have told him that you were doing this to help him out. Not because he told you to do so. You expressed that you were worried about his mental health. Considering he doesn’t get out much. Nor does he interact with anyone that much either.
•This may have caused him to get mad at first and you both argued. Not loudly, but enough for him to kick you out of his room.
•Shortly after he had kicked you out. He felt extremely lonely.. he wasn’t sure why though.
•You were now outside with Kaito and Luca. All of you were having a snowball fight. It created a lot of ruckus. Jin walked out on the patio and seen what was going on. He watched you throw a snowball at Kaito and ducked behind a tree. Your eyes full of energy and a smile so sweet and bright.
•For some reason he had wished you looked at him the same. He first pushed that thought away and went to take a nap. But it suck with him. So little by little, he made an attempt to get to know you.
•He would tell you to come over for lunch. Give you money, then tell you to get lunch for two. You mistaken that he had a big appetite. But when you return with the lunches. He tells you to sit down and eat.
•it started off quiet and awkward. Of course Jin didn’t have poor manners like the beast. But he pointed out that you did. You felt embarrassed, he tells you that he’ll teach you the ropes. Poor start, but it gets better.
•Once, he missed the sound of the beach. Tells you to go get the steamboat. You spent the day with him. He tells you a few stories about his life and you told him yours.
•There was a dolphin that peaked its head out of the water. You walked over and pet it. Then a seagull landed on the edge of the boat and you walked over to pet the seagull too.
•on your way back on the beach. Was a sea turtle wrapped in a plastic. You ran over to it and tried to pull the wrap off it. It was suck and you didn’t want to hurt the poor thing. With teary eyes, you turn to Jin and asked for him. Jin was strong enough to pull off without hurting the turtle. Both of you pushed the sea turtle back into the direction of the water and off it went.
•Jin got to see more of your caring and kind nature as he spends more time with you. One time, you both went to a café and a child got lost. You soothe the child and both of you were able to find the parents.
•What he didn’t expect is your mind to be filled with strange things. He was caught off guard when you asked him if a Kraken would punch sharks or whales like octopus would do to fishes for now reasons.
•He laughed
Alan: He reminds you of Po and Gaston from Disney. Gaston that is strong, attractive and confident in his strength. He isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed though. The reason why he also reminds me of Po from Kung Fu Panda is because, he’s kind, loyal and willing to learn. He may not be the prince type, but he is a loyal friend that everyone needs.
•At the start, both started of distant and awkward. He’s a pretty big guy that doesn’t show a lot of emotion. He doesn’t talk much either. But he cares a lot about his group. He keeps people in line. Make sure people follow his rules. Though he isn’t demanding.
•When he was fixing up the cars on his spare time. You would always take a wet towel and wipe of the oil off of his hands and face.
•You would even volunteer to help whatever you could. •Sometimes you would even buy him lunch and bring it over when you know he’s been busy.
•Small things makes him really happy and appreciative. He would often show his appreciation with a small smile and pat on the head with a small thanks
•He would often invite you for barbecue and hiking.
•He enjoys teaching you things he knows as you help him with some things he didn’t understand.
•When in danger you can definitely count on him to save you or keep you protected.
•He’s never good with words, but his actions shows. He seen how caring and kind you are to not only him, but others too. This makes him more protective of you.
•This type of relationship is an awfully slow burner type of relationship. You’ll have to be straightforward. Otherwise, he’s not getting it.
•He doesn’t get any of the jokes you have cracked. “I threw a boomerang a few years ago…Now I live in constant fear.” “Why do you live in constant fear?” “…….Nevermind..” -_-‘
Romeo: He’s like Hades, the Disney version. He's a stoic and cunning like the god of the Underworld, who is fixated on gaining more power and control. He's a perfectionist when it comes to his schemes or anything he sets his mind on and isn't willing to compromise on his goals, no matter what. And his greed and desire for power definitely drive his every action and decision. He's the epitome of a relentless and ambitious villain. On the real mythology side. He’s fair; he’s not as cruel or malevolent as the Disney version. He actually has a strong sense of justice too(the whole thing that went down between him and Taiga). He’s also impartial and values structure and order.
•When you first got hurt. He saw the cut on your cheek. He tells you to go and get it fixed. He even freaked out a little bit over it. Was he really concerned or what is something else?
•Romeo would often demand you to clean the lobby or his office room. You took great consideration on how things needed to be done. He’s strict to the Tee.
•When Romeo was yelling at his people, you would often tell him to take a deep breathe and set a warm cup of tea to relax him.
•He’s grateful but never told you so.
•he would often made sure you have to best of the best clothes and accessories. If you were going to stand by his side. You need to look your absolute best.
•you would often do the skin care routines with him. You would pick up the things he need and help him apply it. As he relaxes in his bath tube. You would rub the product on his face as you massage his face.
•You would also give him massages when he’s overwhelmed. He also enjoys sitting next to you in his office while saying nothing. Smooth jazz plays in the background as he watches his security cameras. EITS
•He doesn’t mind your input, long as it’s logical. He likes those feedbacks. He also finds it nice that you go out of your way to help him.
•Once you came over late at night to give him his skin care product.
•Since then, he finds himself at ease when you are around.
•He have given you strange looks when you joked
•One time you told one of his goons, “you’re not completely useless, you can alway serve as a bad example.”
•Romeo almost spit out his drink
Zenji: He reminds me of Olaf, he’s sweet, lovable, loves warm hugs(if you know, you know) he’s a bit of a worrywart and often looks after his friends. He’s playful and a bit dramatic.
•Zenji may have come off a bit extreme. Super excited to have met you and all. He speaks in his own ways, which may or may not confuse you. Calls it destiny.
•He shares his stories with you. He also sings to you. •You would always praise him when he tells stories and sings. He makes him feel good and light. Like he’s on cloud 9 with you.
•When you heard what had happened to him. You cried, you may not know the full story. But it pained you that someone so sweet. Died. He sings a song to soothe your nerves.
•you would compliment him on a daily as much as he would to you. Both of you have sweet nicknames/pet names for one another. He calls you Doll or Dear-ie and you would call him Zen or Zenny. •You told him that he reminds him of a teddy bear. Being around him is comforting.
•He would often check up on you and ask you about your day. If anything was wrong. He would lend an ear and advice.
•He would always laugh at your jokes too. “A limbo walks into a bar. He’s disqualified.” “Ahhh! What an amusing sense of humor!”
Luca: Robin Hood, He's known for his friendliness, honesty, and chivalry towards Maid Marian and the people of Sherwood Forest. However, there are times when his stubbornness and determination to always do what he thinks is right sometimes cause him to lose perspective and get into trouble. For example, there are moments in the movie where he goes against the advice of others and ends up causing more problems for himself and the people around him. Despite his best intentions, his actions sometimes have unintended negative consequences.
•Luca acts knightly towards you, he goes out his way to help you with anything.
• He’ll protect you, save you from harm and assist you.
•He would often save a seat next to him for you. Hold the door, and give you a snack if you were hungry
•When he got angry at Leo and Sho for talking bad about Kaito. That’s when you see a different side of him. His perspective of things began to cloud and he ended up meeting Sho in the pit.
•You were worried about him and what could happen. After the whole thing went down. You checked to see if he was hurt. Luckily he wasn’t, but after Jin scolded him. He realized that he had put you in danger.
•He had apologized to you and made a promise to not do that again. He held your hand and placed both yours and his on his chest. Right above his heart. Looked straight into your eyes as he said it.
•When in deep thoughts you would often check up on him and ask him how was he. He appreciated that.
•One time you both were walking around outside of Frostheim and a blue jay landed on his shoulder. He wasn’t sure what to do, but you reacted out and pet the bird. The blue Jay moved to stand on your finger and you have continued to pet it. Luca smiled as he watched
•Often when walking through the campus. The cats would stop to greet you for a small pet on the head. The cats have adore you. So did Luca, more and more.
•When on a case, a child had gotten hurt by playing too rough in the park. The child cried as he looked at his knee. You have bent down, grabbed your water bottle and poured water on the knee to clean it. Then you took a small cloth in your packet that was clean and wrapped it up. “You know what might make the pain on away?” You asked the child. “Mah” you kissed the knee. “There! All better, soon the boo boo will go away.” The child smiled and thanked you.
•Luca was in awed, his chest beat rapidly as he watched the whole seen. Usually he was the one aiding a child. Mainly because he had a brother.
•When walking back to the academy. You have asked a question. “Luca, wanna know something?” “What’s that?” “Ever eat a whole pint of ice cream?” “No I haven’t.” “Me neither, it was no accident.”
•He just simply smiled and shook his head.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• This took me so long to write. I’m exhausted for the day. I did enjoy this though. I hope you guys did too! If you like, leave a comment, like, or reblog it! You can tell me what’s your thoughts on it too. I love any feedback.
(Took me 4 hours to write this entire thing, I’ll edit it later XD)
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tightwadspoonies · 1 year ago
Dumpster Diving and Salvage Shopping
If you asked me what my role in the ecosystem is, I'd say I'm a scavenger. I hate confrontation and I hate spending money when there are other options. I will gladly just take whatever you don't want in order to avoid such unsavory obligations.
So dumpster diving, salvage stores, and incidental meat registries and I get along pretty well save for the anxiety. This post, hopefully, takes some of that away for my fellow scavengers who would love to dumpster dive but just don't know how yet, or are afraid of getting in trouble.
Dumpster Diving:
First of all, dumpster diving is legal in all 50 states of the US, but check local ordinances because rich people get fussy about people digging through trash to the point of some cities condemning the practice. It's on a bunch of other posts but it's worth saying.
Cops, of course, will lie or imply otherwise on this. A good way around that is to look like someone who is "not breaking the law". AKA: look like a suburbanite: Wear some khakis and a polo shirt, carry a Starbucks cup, and act as white as you can possibly get away with. If approached, smile, call the cop "officer" or some such referential title, and explain that you thought it was legal. Not that you know it's legal- that you thought it was legal. If they tell you to scram, do so. No argument with law enforcement is worth what is in that dumpster.
Note that it is illegal in many places to put stuff into dumpsters that aren't yours, though, so if the cops are having a slow night, be careful about them asking you to put stuff back.
You also don't want to be the reason dumpster diving gets banned in your community. Do this primarily by never getting into a dumpster. I know the container of perfect strawberries is just out of reach, but if you fall or are unable to get out you are not only up a creek yourself but potentially causing an anti-dumpster-diving frenzy that your town's grocery stores will never recover from. Also, people have legitimately died from getting into a trash compactor.
Now, "legal" does not mean "pro-store-policy". One of the main reasons for this is that is dumpster diving can be somewhat dangerous and no store wants to be the store that's known for letting people break legs on their slippery dumpster juice or what have you.
Avoid too many store policy issues by waiting until the store closes, doing a pass-by to ensure no one is waiting to see if anyone is picking out of their dumpsters, and (again) looking like someone who wouldn't be diving in dumpsters.
Store management tends to worry that they will be sued for letting you eat expired or unsafe food. If you do get approached by a manager who isn't excited to see someone picking over their dumpster selections, it is a good idea to impress upon them how very many dumpsters you pick from and how you wouldn't possibly be able to prove it was their dumpster that gave you food poisoning. Also, if you're feeling particularly bold, let them know that you are saving their store money by decreasing the weight of their waste. Probably not by a lot, but hey, you're on their side here. If told to scram, once again, do so with haste.
On that note, there are safe and unsafe foods to pick:
Generally Safe:
Packaged shelf-stable foods even with damaged outer packaging
Milk if still cold
Bread (including frozen bread if still cold)
Whole Veggies and Fruits, even with bad spots
Fermented anything
Non-Food Items like dry pet food, hand sanitizer, soap, cleaning products (except bleach), etc...
Generally NOT Safe:
Sliced lunch meats
Cheese touching meat
Cut salads or veggie trays
Prepared hot foods (even if still hot)
Pre-cooked refrigerated meals
Frozen veggies (unless still mostly frozen)
You want to make sure you have some time the next day to process your haul. Everything needs to be carefully sorted, cleaned, peeled, and in the case of perishable food like eggs and veggies, cooked prior to eating.
One final thing:
Be considerate. Leave everything how you found it and make sure you're not making more work for employees. Also, if you know others in your area dive, leave some stuff there for the next person.
Salvage Shopping:
Perhaps you aren't completely up for dumpster diving but still like living your lil raccoon life? Thats fine!
Salvage groceries are a great option. Essentially, instead of throwing food away that they can't sell to traditional consumers, grocery stores sell near-dated or damaged products to salvage grocery stores for pennies on the dollar, and that savings is passed along to the consumer.
Most salvage stores are smaller than traditional grocery stores, and some are cash-only. Some have fresh or frozen sections, but the smaller ones are pretty much all packaged goods. If you are living exclusively on salvage stores, you may want to supplement with some dumpster diving, foraging, or gardening (or even maybe going to a grocery store, but that's hella expensive).
Salvage groceries are not necessarily going to be perfectly food safe. There will be expired goods (doesn't mean bad). That just means you will have to do some due diligence. For example:
Make sure that an item you want to purchase is still in a sealed container
If there are more than one of an item, make sure they are the same color
Prioritize un-dented cans
If you must buy a dented can, make sure the dent isn't on an edge or seam
Don't buy expired canned tomato products
If you open a food and it smells bad, looks like it thawed and re-froze, hisses or bubbles- THROW IT AWAY
Generally be more cautious than you would normally be at a grocery store.
In my area these are pretty much always run by the Amish and Mennonite communities, but check around in your area. They are becoming more and more common outside these communities.
Not all of them will be listed on google maps. Look for a shop called "Bend and Dent" or "Salvage Groceries" or a small store advertising "Discount Groceries". Once you find one, it's easy to find others by asking at the checkout, since they tend to cluster together.
A drawback is that, because they do tend to cluster, they may be farther away than other grocery options. If you are far away, I highly recommend getting a few friends together and making a day of it. I can't say this about most things, but the extra cost in gas is well worth the savings, even if you are driving over an hour.
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pineappleciders · 2 years ago
Hi Cider!!! Do you think you write about a poor y/n (gen neutral) with Tolkien, Kyle, Kenny, and Clyde? 🫶
(on another note, I absolutely love your writing glad to see you're taking requests lol ❤️)
tolkien, kyle, kenny, and clyde with a poor reader
platonic G/N reader
A/N: hii !!! this is based off of my experience of growing up lower class and such, though i was never poor to the point of like kenny so tbis might be inaccurate!!! also thank you so much :))
Tumblr media
tolkien black
at some point after meeting your family/going to your house, it makes him feel a little bad so he talks to his parents about organizing some sort of food donation
like him and his parents make food for your family and make sandwiches and stuff, and he claims it's the least he can do
always inviting you over for dinner!!!! you two spend a lot of time playing baseball in his backyard or watching shows on his racecar bed and he lets you take all the food you want
always coming up to you during school asking if you want to hang out at his place!!! sometimes the other dudes hang out with you too and it just becomes a full blown party if his parents aren't home
at lunch he always brings a little something for you; whether it be a little snack or a drink or something he'll always think of grabbing something for you while packing his lunch
he does feel bad, so he generally tries to make everything easier on you. little things like picking up your dropped books or holding a door open for you. they're small little gestures, but it's how he shows his care!!
kyle broflovski
he doesn't really think about your financial situation often, but if you mention something to do with it or it becomes apparent or something he might think about it for awhile
he knows he can't really do anything, and it isn't his place to really feel bad, but he can't help but contemplate it, esp if it's got you feeling down
i can see him being the type of person to anonymously give you things, like if your stomach rumbles in class and you mention you didn't have a good breakfast, he might buy something from the vending machine and leave it on your desk
or he asks his mom if he can send you money in the mail (his mom thinks it's adorable that he cares) u two also have lots of sleepovers and his mom makes snacks for you!!
other than that, he doesn't treat you differently. though he does get upset when cartman harasses you over it
"dude, at least i'm not as poor as Y/N's family! their mamas so poor she puts a penny in a gumball machine and asks for change!"
kenny mccormick
he understands more than anyone!!!
it makes him comfortable to know that someone else is struggling like him,,, as his friends (cartman) always downplay his situation and make fun of him for it, it makes him happy to have a friend who gets it
he might just deadpan at you whenever someone cracks a joke about you or him being poor. he is sick and tired
sometimes you two go to the forest and skip rocks at starks pond just to get out of the house, especially if your home situation is like his.
always coming up to you once school gets out to see if you wanna go hang out with the guys or just take a walk with him or something. you two hanging out is like a win-win-win, you get to hang out with him, he gets to hang out with you, and you both get out of your homes for a bit!!
you two use puppy dog eyes to get the others to pay for your shit when eating together and then giggle mischeviously about it
clyde donovan
he doesn't really think much of it at first, like he hears people joking about you being poor all the time but he never really gave it a second thought
although he might think about it when you ask to stay at his place for the night, and suddenly he feels kinda guilty
lets you eat as much food as you want from his pantry & fridge, and he lets you take stuff home sometimes. not all the time though because even he can't afford you sneaking around his kitchen all the time (but he lets it slide more often than he'd like to admit)
probably pokes fun at you with the other guys except he's just joining in with them and has no idea what they're making fun of you for💀
he actually really enjoys sleepovers, especially with all of his friends!!! so you and him end up having a lot of slumber parties with the rest of the dudes. cartman's group refers to your sleepovers as "their gay orgy night" or "circle jerk sesh"
he forgets a lot like he never really pays your situation any mind unless it becomes apparent or you bring it up. like if you haven't washed in awhile he wonders why you stink and then he's like oh yeah and offers to sleepover so you can finally shower
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madaqueue · 11 months ago
Dripping in Gold | Chapter 3
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synopsis: finding a job was never easy, and why even bother trying after you meet satoru gojo, a man with mysterious and exorbitant wealth, who wants nothing more than to spoil you with it? the only caveat to your little arrangement is that it can never, ever, become personal.
pairing: satoru gojo x f!reader
themes/content: non-curse modern au, sugar daddy gojo. language, fluff, smut. kissing, brief fingering (f receiving), car sex. 18+, MDNI
word count: 2.3k
a/n: the way i've given up proofreading this lmao lemme know if y'all find any errors bc i'm simply not looking for em anymore! anyways eat up :)
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What the hell did I get myself into?
The question repeats in your mind while the cool air in Gojo’s car blasts against your skin, still hot from earlier, as his hand returns to its natural place along your thigh.
After your little encounter, he promised to take you to one of his favorite places for lunch. He also promised to wash your soiled panties for you as he shoved them into his pocket with a smirk, citing how “gentlemanly” he is.
The events of less than an hour prior replay in your mind as you remember how his touch felt, how his lips pressed against yours, how badly you wanted him to bend you over and fuck you then and there. But instead, he just picked up all the dresses you had tried on and marched them out of the changing room to the front of the store, setting them down and paying without a second thought. “Oh, and we’ll take the yellow one she’s wearing, too,” he chirps to the attendant as she rings up an amount you can’t even fathom.
You get pulled out of your thoughts as the car stops, your door opening suddenly as Gojo once again holds his hand out to you. He has brought you to an adorable restaurant you’ve never even seen before, with yellow flowers lining the walkways and windowsills of the old building, perfectly complementing the new outfit you have on.
Once again, the date is actually really lovely. He orders you both champagne and tells you to get whatever else you want from the menu, and conversation flows naturally between you two, almost like old friends. Wanting to learn more about him, you direct the discussion to his past, probing to understand more about his background. While he often acts like an open book, you find that there are three things he will absolutely not talk about: his family, his home, or his money. Whenever one of these topics comes up he maneuvers the conversation elsewhere, often deflecting back to you.
That said, holy shit does this man love to talk - you bet that if you put him in an empty room he’d speak just to hear his own voice. He seems to know something about everything, and he wants to make sure you know it, too.
“Do you ever shut up?” you tease after his fourth time interjecting a random, unwarranted piece of information into a story you were telling him.
“Hmm,” he thinks, bringing a hand up to ruffle through his hair. “Nope, I don’t think so,” a cheeky grin plastered on his face.
While the time you spend with him is nice, his inability to be forthcoming does put you slightly on edge. You can’t help but find yourself wondering, in a tiny corner of the back of your mind, what’s the catch? Why is someone who seems so perfect possibly interested in you?
You push the feelings of unease down as you continue your meal. Eventually you look up and see his eyes locked on yours, taking in your every move. The cerulean pierces through you like a cold wind, and you can’t quite place the feeling it sends through you until you feel his fingertips brush against your knee from under the table.
“You know,” you say, a grin slowly forming on your face, “I love this dress, but I almost feel like it’s getting a bit uncomfortable.”
“Oh yeah?” he tilts his head, knowingly playing into your little game. “Well, that’s a shame.” He sighs dramatically. “I guess you could take it off, if you really need to.”
“Mhm,” you hum, “I might need your help with that, though.”
Leaning forward slightly, his words come out airy, “Anything for you, princess.”
He stands up and holds his hand out again, your fingers intertwining with his as his free hand pulls out his wallet and drops a few hundred dollar bills on the table, more than enough to cover your meal. Leading you back to his car, you feel your heart start to race in anticipation.
Pulling open the back door, you hop in first and get comfortable against the seat before he joins you inside. You hadn’t noticed how spacious the back of his car is but you’re grateful that it at least won’t be uncomfortable; you expected him to take you back to his place or yours, but this will do just fine for now, as your need for him was increasing with every second he wasn’t inside you.
Immediately upon closing the door his lips crash into yours, soft and warm against the lingering cool air inside the vehicle. As you sit in his lap his arms reach around your body to undo the zipper of your dress before sliding it over your head, tossing it somewhere into the depths of the car.
Since your panties were already stuffed into his pocket and you hadn’t worn a bra, you were now fully bare in front of him. He pulls away from the kiss for a moment, allowing his eyes to slowly cover every inch of your body, taking you in as a smile curls at the corners of his lips.
Gojo lays down with his back against the seats so you can straddle him, legs around his waist as you start to undo the buttons of his white dress shirt. With your eyes closed and hands shaking slightly in excitement, you take longer than the man would like as he sighs against your lips and simply rips his shirt open, muttering “I’ll buy a new one,” as it slides off his shoulders.
Your eyes open for a moment to take in his body beneath you - his firm chest, abs surrounded by a v-line that dipped below the waist of his pants, practically begging you to trace along it with your fingers. As you do, you hear Gojo’s breath hitch momentarily at your touch.
“Aw, are you nervous?” you tease against him as your fingertips brush along his waistband, slowly fumbling against the buckle of his belt.
He smirks at you through the kiss. “Just impatient.”
Before you can quip back, he has undone his belt and zipper, allowing you to pull his black slacks down to his ankles, sitting up slightly to let him kick them off. Your hands find the top of his black boxers before his hands wrap around your wrists.
Pulling his mouth away from yours for a moment, his eyes open to meet your gaze. “Are you sure?” he asks through a breathy sigh.
You nod eagerly, starting to lean back down before a hand reaches up to stop you.
“Say it,” he commands, voice suddenly low and raspy.
“I want to fuck you, Satoru,” the words barely leaving your mouth before your lips crash back into his, a new greediness between both of you as your tongues glide against each other’s.
Your attention turns back to undressing him as you pull his boxers down, revealing his fully erect cock. The tip flushed, needy, drawing your hands to it as you use your thumb to drag the leaking precum around his tip before sliding your hand loosely down his length. Satoru sighs into your open mouth at the feeling, reaching his own hand down between your legs.
As soon as he touches you, you feel electricity shoot through your body, his fingers barely brushing against your clit. Maybe you were still horny from earlier, maybe you just needed him that badly, but something in you couldn’t wait any longer.
Your hips move so you’re hovering above him, using your hand around his base to align him with your entrance. His tip slowly enters you, the feeling already threatening to send you over the edge as you envelop him in your warmth.
He moans your name softly as you drop your hips to take all of him inside of you. His cock stretches at your walls, the mix of pleasure and pain better than anything you’ve felt before. You fit him perfectly as he fills up every last inch of you, your wetness allowing him to glide in and out with ease.
“Wanted you so bad,” he murmurs against your lips as you grind your hips in circles up and down his length, “needed you.” One of his hands grips at your waist while the other snakes behind you to grab the thick flesh of your ass.
You continue your movements, using one hand on his chest to stabilize yourself, his cock pressing into every last part of you. “S’good, you feel s’good,” he babbles, a never-ending stream of consciousness leaving his mouth as your body moves against his.
Damn, he really can’t shut up, can he? you think to yourself with a grin.
You don’t mind though, the silky lightness of his voice only adding to your pleasure. As you feel yourself approaching your release, your pussy clenches around him, eliciting another moan from the man underneath you.
His grip tightens on your waist as he suddenly begins thrusting his hips up into you, adding to the pace. You open your eyes slightly as he reaches even deeper into you, glancing down to see the veins in his arms as his fingers dig into your skin.
“F-fuck, I’m close,” he whines, desperation dripping from his voice as he continues pumping into you.
“Me too, ‘Toru,” the words leaving your throat in a hoarse whisper.
You don’t even process the nickname, something simply spoken out of ease as sounds struggled to escape your lips through moans of pleasure, but it sends butterflies through Satoru’s body as he is suddenly pushed into his climax. You follow almost immediately, your body racked with pleasure as your legs shake and cunt flutters around his cock as he finishes inside of you.
The humidity of the car finally hits you as you try to slow your breathing, realizing both you and Satoru are covered in a thin layer of sweat as you peel yourself off of him to sit up.
“Wow,” he pants, reaching a hand up to brush white hair off of his slightly damp forehead, “that was amazing.”
“I know,” you reply slyly, leaning down to place a peck against his lips.
He chuckles, “So cocky already? And here I thought we could have a sweet post-fuck cuddle or something.”
You can’t stop yourself from giggling. “Oh yeah, in the comfort of the back seat of your car?”
“Aw, are you saying you don’t like my car?” he fakes a pout. “Guess you can just walk home then.”
You roll your eyes at his teasing. “You and I both know damn well I’m not walking home, and we aren’t going anywhere until you find my dress.”
“As you wish, sweetheart,” he smirks, sitting up and wrapping his arms tightly around you, placing a wet kiss on your cheek as you laugh and squirm in his lap.
For a while, things with Satoru are easy. You find yourself slipping into a rhythm with him: he calls you, he takes you out somewhere, you fuck, and he pays you. It feels nice to finally be able to afford to live again and not stress about your job hunt, and you start to genuinely enjoy the time you spend with him, looking forward to your weekly dates.
Between the times you see him, you also find yourselves communicating more often. He starts sending you pictures of himself trying on clothes in that all-too-familiar dressing room, asking for your opinions on what he should get so he can match you whenever you go out somewhere. You start video calling each other too, getting to see that stupid grin on his face whenever you pick up. Usually you just talk about your days or what shows you're watching, but you slowly start bringing him more into your life, telling him about your family and whatever gossip you hear about from your friends. A few times you’ve even invited him to come out with your group, but he always declines with a vague excuse. A part of you wants more, to have him in your life fully, but you also know that it would bring with it the complicated explanation of how you met and how your relationship first started.
You also begin to notice that you never hook up in your apartment or his - it’s always in restaurant bathrooms, his car, or the few times he’s gotten you a hotel room to stay with him overnight. You don’t particularly mind, since your apartment is still not the cleanest, although it’s certainly gotten better with your newfound free time, but it does seem odd to you. Whenever you try to bring it up, he just shrugs or brushes it off with a wave of his hand. “It’s too personal,” he always reasons, and you decide that you either have to drop it and accept how things are or push it and risk losing him.
Around six months after your first date, something changes. He drops you off at home after an amazing dinner at a new steakhouse and even better sex, this time in the private lounge of the restaurant. Inside your apartment you shower and head straight to bed. When you awake the next morning, you see two notifications on your phone: one from your bank informing you of a deposit of $6,000, and one from Gojo.
Gojo: Sorry about not paying you right away last night, I must have been a little distracted after our dinner and dessert 🥰 (the dessert was us having sex). I sent you a bit extra as compensation for any emotional damages I may have caused <3
You roll your eyes, a smile involuntarily forming on your lips as you read his message. Suddenly, it hits you: you didn’t even notice that he didn’t pay you. For months, that had been the routine, the expectation you both had set and agreed to. But last night, you didn’t notice. And maybe, you didn’t care?
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see-the-fandom-imagines · 10 months ago
What's in it for me?
Chapter 11
Chapter 1     Masterlist Pairing: Kyouya Ootori x Reader Author: see-the-fandom-imagines Warnings: None, really Author’s Note: Sorry this took again forever, I will upload the next 4 chapters in the next days :) Thanks for reading <3 Tag List: @radical-bunny, @redsakura101​, @ellouisa17​, @hyunjinsslutbbg, @fairyv-ice
Link to Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46325452/chapters/116633701
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<p>During lunch you had more or less willingly positioned yourself inbetween Mori and Kyouya and were highly glad that you could focus on Mori and the twins across from you. You were a little more relaxed now as the whole atmosphere seemed to have calmed down a bit and while half-heartedly listening to a story Kaoru told about Hikaru's first stuffed animal you let your mind wander and you thought fondly about Kyouya’s reaction to half the products in the supermarket. He had almost reminded you of Tamaki, mesmerised by all the offers and sales, although you were sure he would have been almost insulted if you had told him that.<br />
A small smile creeped on your face, but faltered again, when suddenly you felt Kyouya’s leg bump into yours, ripping you out of your thoughts and not moving once the contact had been established. Irritated you looked up at him, but he was nodding at Hikaru, presumably listening to something the older twin was saying. You moved your gaze back to your food and decided to not move your leg either. Yours had been there first and to be honest, you didn’t mind the touch. Quite the contrary.</p>
<p>After lunch everybody finally said goodbye and went their separate ways, including you. You just wanted to turn around and get home, your bed was calling for you after a day like that, when suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder. Surprised you turned around to see Kyouya standing behind you, nodding towards his car. “Let me drive you home.”<br />
“Oh, it’s fine, really”, you reassured him. You felt like he had done enough for you over the past couple of weeks, and you really didn’t want to owe him more than you already did. “It’s not very far, I can take the train.”<br />
“It is late, your part of town can become quite dangerous, and as a member of our club we have a certain responsibility towards you. Furthermore I might use the chance to introduce myself to your aunt now, too, if she is at home.”<br />
You squinted, trying to figure out his real motives. Of course, he had to have some form of gain from his, but was meeting your aunt really reason enough for him to take a detour? But you were also kind of exhausted and knew arguing with him didn’t make sense anyways. Furthermore you weren’t necessarily too opposed to the idea of spending more time with him, wether you wanted to admit it or not.<br />
He got into the car before you, not holding open the door for you, you noticed, but you didn’t actually mind. You didn’t care too much about stuff like that and something made you feel like it was some form of weird compliment. He did not hold up an appearance for you, and somehow you liked seeing that.</p>
<p>You climbed in behind him and adjusted your seatbelt, painfully aware of him watching your every move and trying to ignore the butterflies his stare set loose in your belly. Suddenly he spoke out again.<br />
“Are you not going to thank me?”<br />
“For kidnapping me?”, you retorted, and the smile appeared back on his face. Suddenly you were very aware that you were in a highly confined space with Kyouya alone. And although there was probably a driver somewhere in the front of this car, there was a screen between you and them just like in the movies that separated you.<br />
“Fair”, he said, leaning back in his chair, but you noticed the tiniest smirk playing on his features. The car began to move and you didn’t even question how the driver knew where to go. Maybe he actually was kidnapping you, you never knew with Kyouya. You were sure you were worth a little bit of money on the black market.<br />
“Let me see if she is home first, though, or you have kidnapped me for nothing. And I am not paying for the gas!”<br />
He chuckled and your heart jumped a little.<br />
“No worries”, he said, “in that case you can repay me differently.”<br />
You rolled your eyes, trying to to keep your mind away from the gutter, but smiled. You would not give him that win that easily. He was just saying this to tease you, some form of friendly banter you two had silently established between each other. With anyone else you might have called it flirting, but with Kyouya it felt like he was just provoking you, somehow testing how you would respond. Why you hadn't quite figured out yet, but you knew that he liked to be challenged. After all this time together you had understood more or less how his mind worked. Well, most of the time.<br />
“Also”, he spoke up again, interrupting your thoughts, and you watched him shift a little in his seat as his hand glided into his pocket, suddenly revealing a small box wrapped in paper and decorated with a small blue ribbon. You looked up at him with big eyes. An invoice? A time bomb? Or maybe it was just...<br />
“What’s that?”<br />
“It was your birthday, wasn’t it?”<br />
“Yeah, but…”<br />
“Well, in most places in the world, people gift each other something for their birthdays.”<br />
You were almost speechless. “You got me a present?”<br />
“It appears so.”<br />
“But… why?”<br />
You noticed that he hesitated. You had caught him off-guard with that question you noticed It almost seemed like he wasn’t entirely sure, either. Dodging the question, he moved his hand, as if to place it back into his pocket. “Well, if you don’t want it, I’ll return it.”<br />
“No, no!”, you quickly said and bit your lip as you saw his challenging gaze. He had known you’d react like that. This round went to him. “I mean I was just surprised. I don’t get a lot of gifts normally.”<br />
“I know you told me you find it frightening when I do something  that could be considered... nice, but do not think I am doing this just to do you a favour.”<br />
You hesitated for a second, but then you held open your hand and he dropped it in your palm. “Open it. I can't give it back, if you don’t like it.”<br />
Carefully and with big eyes you began unwrapping the small package. It revealed… “A daruma?” Carefully you took it out of the small package and noticed that a little charm was hanging around its neck. It was a simple leather band with a seashell attached to it. You looked up surprised.<br />
Kyouya shrugged, and you noticed that he actually seemed a little bit nervous, head turned away to look out of the window, feigning indifference. But the way his eyes trailed back to you revealed, that he was waiting for your reaction. “Well, it’s not blessed, nor is it New Years, but I saw it and I thought, maybe you’d like it, but I’d fully understand if …”<br />
“Thank you. I love it.”<br />
You noticed him relax a bit into his seat. He nodded, now turning back to you. “I saw it in Okinawa. And since you had said you liked the beach, I thought, maybe you actually enjoy things like that. I didn’t choose anything expensive as I did not want to make you uncomfortable." And then he added in true Kyouya-fashion. "I recently read that by purchasing a birthday gift, you will improve employee morale and help the recipient feel valued.”<br />
You nodded slowly, but couldn't suppress a small chuckle. Even if it was just a present out of courtesy, you really loved it. And something told you that maybe, just maybe Kyouya had actually done something nice for you, just because he wanted. You knew he wasn't as cold as he always acted to be. “I do feel very valued", you finally replied, "In case the annual review comes up, I will be sure to mention it.” The daruma sat in your hand, the light breaking in its still empty eyes. “Thank you”, you said again, this time a bit softer. You carefully placed it back in the box, careful not to break it. “So I have a free wish and a memory.”<br />
You stroke carefully over the little package with your thumb, smiling down at it. It was simple, but that didn’t matter. Kyouya had given you a present. For your birthday. And it meant an awful lot to you.<br />
After a short silence he spoke up again. “So, what are you going to wish for?”<br />
You thought for a second, but then shook your head. “Well, I can’t tell you yet, can I? Maybe I’ll let you know once it became true.”<br />
He scoffed. “It’s a daruma, not a birthday cake.”<br />
You shrugged. “I don’t mind. It’s a secret." You carefully placed it in your bag, and instead took out your phone. “I should tell Miwako that I am coming home, though.”<br />
But as happy as you had just felt a second ago, as physically sick were you getting now, because when you lit up your phone screen you noticed that you had five missed calls. Your heart, which had been beating happily until now, seemed to miss a beat, as you could feel the familiar feeling of uneasiness rise up in your throat.<br />
“What the hell”, you whispered, and noticed Kyouya shifting, but you didn’t look at him. Suddenly you had a really bad feeling.<br />
You held the phone to your ear and listened to the familiar beeping, until your aunt picked up, her tone making your blood run ice cold. Something had happened.</p>
<p>Without a word you handed Kyouya the phone, your voice dry and emotionless. You noticed your hand was shaking. “She wants to talk to you.”<br />
Miwako had not actually told you what had happened yet, she had wanted to know if you were still at Haruhi's and although she had hesitated for a split second, she had requested to speak with Kyouya once she found out that he was taking you home. You tried to focus on your breath, on his expression as he talked. Fear was creeping up on you and made it hard to breath. You heard your aunt say something indistinguishable for you and suddenly Kyouya looked at you, expression serious and it didn’t help. You had never seen him like this. You tried to focus on his features to calm you down, his sharp cheek bones, his perfect skin. The neatly combed hair, the full lips and the dark brown eyes that wouldn’t look away from you. You noticed a small beauty mark on his chin and you wondered if he had always had that, tried to think about everything else than what your aunt was going to tell you in a moment.<br />
Kyouya didn’t say anything about you staring and instead he handed the phone back to you after what felt like forever. Your hand was still shaking as you picked it up from his grip, his fingers brushing against yours, and you wished they would have stayed, you wished he would hold your hand, keeping you safe and steady, but instead he was just watching you, prepared for whatever would come next.</p>
<p>You dropped the phone, your breath was going rapidly now. “Stop the car”, you hissed and as Kyouya didn’t react you said it even louder. “Stop. The car!”<br />
Kyouya gave the order to the driver and although your gaze was still focused on your own feet, you felt him pull in to the left and stop. The second the car stopped, you ripped open the door and ran outside. “(Y/n!)”, you heard Kyouya’s voice behind you. “You can’t just – ”, you heard him get out behind you, but you didn’t care you ran the past few metres to the closest bush you saw and you just threw up. Your stomach was cramping and you couldn’t keep in anything from the lunch you had just shared together at Haruhi's place. You didn’t want him to see you like that, but you also couldn’t make it stop.<br />
He hesitated getting closer to you at first, but finally seemed to get over himself and knelt down next to you. He didn’t look at you, you noticed from the corner of your eye, his gaze was lifted up into the sky to give you at least a little privacy and you were thankful for it. He had positioned a hand on your back, kneeling next to you at the roadside, waiting for you to be done.<br />
You coughed a few more times and looked up to see him hold out a textile handkerchief to you. You didn’t protest, but just grabbed it, cleaning your face, trying to understand what was happening. You were still breathing rapidly and you felt the first hot tear, running down your face. You tried to bring sense into what just had happened, but you couldn’t. Your mind was full and you didn’t know on what to focus first. You buried your head in your hands and let out a silent scream, your body heaving with sobs your mind filled with sheer panic.<br />
You were on your knees in the middle of the city, right in front of the guy you liked and who after this would surely never be able to see you the same way, unable to move a muscle. Your body was heaving with sobs, but no noise escaped your mouth. It was all your fault. Your aunt was in danger. You had ruined it all, she should have never taken you in. You destroyed her life yet again. She could have gotten away if it wasn’t for you.<br />
Suddenly you felt two hands on your shoulders, gently pushing your upper body up, so that you were forced to sit up. You still let your head hang low, your eyes pressed shut, it was all too much.<br />
“(Y/n)”, you heard Kyouya’s clear voice through your haze of noise, feeling his hands gently press into your shoulders. “(Y/n), look at me.” You didn’t move. His grip tightened, but not enough to hurt, just to emphasize his words. He said it again, more demanding this time. “(Y/n), I need you to look at me.”<br />
You tried to take a deep breath, opening your eyes and looking up into Kyouya’s face. Something about the expression on his face made all the noise and all the voices become quieter. You tried to block out everything else, the street, the people watching, and just focus on his face, his eyes, his voice, his scent. You just felt his hands on your shoulders, saw his face in front of you and heard his clear voice. “Your aunt is safe. I have dispatched two officers of our police force.” You wondered when he had done that, but it didn’t even matter. You nodded carefully. “One in front of your house. And one in front of the hospital. She is going to be safe.”<br />
Your breath became calmer again, you were mesmerized by his voice and by his eyes. You couldn’t look away. The fear subsided slightly. You still couldn’t speak and you were still trembling.<br />
“And I have promised your aunt to keep you safe, too, and I am very intent on keeping my promise.” You nodded. He let go of your shoulders without a warning and stood up, looking down at you expectantly. “Get up. You're stronger than this.” He wasn’t going to help you up. He expected to get up yourself. All he did was hold out a hand for you to grab, but the rest you had to do yourself. You wanted to collapse again, but you took a deep breath. He was right. You had done it before, you could do it again. Your aunt was safe, that was the most important thing and you couldn’t rely on other people for the rest of your life. “I do not know what exactly is going on, but I can promise you that nothing is going to happen to you.” His voice was firm and it was exactly what you needed right now. You believed him.<br />
You took one last breath, before you took Kyouya’s hand, using it to stabilize yourself while standing up. You were still trembling, but you could somewhat think again. “Very good”, he said, and your heart leaped in your chest. You wanted to do well. You nodded carefully, your voice still hoarse and your throat hurting from puking and crying. “Thank you”, you said awkwardly not knowing what to do now, trying to bring sense into your head.<br />
“Get in the car”, he ordered, although his voice was a little softer now. “I am going to bring you back to Haruhi’s place.”<br />
You nodded and followed him into his car. You were staring at your knuckles, your fists were clenched so hard that they had begun to turn white.<br />
“I am sorry”, you whispered, and Kyouya looked at you, as he scooched in after you. He didn’t say a word, but instead after a short pause, and what looked like him considering the situation, wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you into his chest, holding you tightly. He didn’t say it was alright, he didn’t tell you all would be fine. He was far too pragmatic for that. He was just sitting next to you holding you, calmly, and although your heart skipped a beat at the sudden contact, you actually managed to calm down and breathe again. Suddenly, you felt safer. He didn't have to say another word for you to understand that he was not going to let anything happen to you. His touch grounded you. The rest of the car ride was silent, you trying to calm your breath, breathing in his scent, and him, silently gazing out the window, his muscles tensing up every now and then, when you felt the car come to a stop. For a few seconds the whole world seemed to stand still, until you heard Kyouya's voice speak up in the silence.<br />
“I'll keep my promise." And with these words he let go of you and the car door opened. Ranka-san was already waiting outside, ready to greet you. You nodded, not able to speak, but you hoped he still understood what you were trying to tell him. Right when your foot touched the pavement you felt his grab on your wrist one last time. You turned around to him. “I’ll call you.” He had said, expression stone-cold as you had gotten out of the car. Ranka immediately rushed towards you, taking you tightly into her arms and you welcomed the embrace. You looked at Kyouya’s car drive away silently, while Ranka carefully guided you inside. You felt even more miserable. Your parents really had to ruin everything. If you had been sure that there was no way he liked you back before, now you were absolutely certain that a Kyouya Ootori would never be with a pathetic girl whose own parents didn’t even want her. And if that wasn’t even the worst, again you were nothing but a burden to everybody. Haruhi and Ranka included.</p>
<p>You let yourself drop on the floor in your room, your back against your wardrobe. It had been an exhausting day. After a night at Haruhi’s and what felt like forever, Miwako had finally decided that it was fine for you to come home. Carefully you had gotten out of the station and ran home, all the time worried that a familiar face would pop up or similar. But nothing happened. As it seemed, they didn’t know where you lived. At least not yet.<br />
Your gaze fell on your backpack, and you pulled it closer to you. You opened it and fished out the small package with the blue bow.<br />
Carefully you got out the Daruma. It was looking at you with blank eyes, and you stared back, feeling as empty as the little doll. Tentatively you took of the little charm and tied it to a little opening in your phone case. Then you got up and looked around the room for a marker. Once you had found one, you sat back down, popped off the cap and began to write your wish. Shortly after you carefully drew in the left eye of the Daruma, who was now halfway looking back at you. You placed it on your desk and just sat in front of it, looking at your new little friend, thinking about the man who had given him to you. The man who probably now saw you in a completely different way than he had before. If you maybe had had some hopes that he might like you before, you knew now he for sure would not. You hadn’t wanted him to see you in such a state. You hated being so weak and usually you weren’t. It was just that whenever your parents would be involved it would all come back.<br />
Shivering you remembered the nights in the cold room, barely any belongings, no friends, waiting for the next punishment to come your way. You played with your little charm. These days at the sea with Miwako had been your only way to get out. Three days without fear. Before you had had to go back. You had begged her so often not to bring you back. But it had taken years for the abuse to become visible enough that she would betray her own sister and run off with you like that. You didn’t blame her. It had been a big step and you were happy she had been brave enough for the two of you to take it.<br />
Suddenly the phone in your hand began to ring and before you had even looked at the display you knew who was calling. You bit your lip, thinking for a second, before you eventually picked up.<br />
“Hello?”<br />
“It’s me.” You knew it was him, you had ignored his call already twice this evening. You were too embarrassed and not ready for the talk you knew would follow. You had been so embarrassed about how weak you had gotten. About what this simple phone call had done to you. This wasn’t like you, you used to fight. When you didn’t reply, he spoke up again.<br />
“Are you alright?” His voice sounded cold and emotionless and you knew he was mad at you for not picking up earlier.<br />
“Yes… Thank you again. I don’t think I can ever repay you.”<br />
“Not all my life revolves around favors, you know?” Ouch. You were silent for a while.<br />
“Kyouya-senpai, I…” I am sorry. I am embarrassed. Please don’t think lower of me because of what happened today.<br />
“I think you owe me an explanation.”<br />
You nodded. “You’re right”, you whispered. “I am sorry. I will tell you, I promise just…  not now. Please”, you begged, and you were surprised that your voice broke. You were so tired.<br />
“I hope you are aware of the expenses I had to spare for you in the past week alone.”<br />
“I know, I am sorry.”<br />
“I do not want to hear you apologize.” Tears formed in your eyes at his harsh words. You wished he would just stop talking, you were already feeling bad enough. He cleared his throat and continued speaking, his voice a bit softer. Maybe he had realized he had been too harsh on you. “I mean, there’s no need to apologize.” Another short break. “I was worried.” Surprised you hick-upped. You hoped he hadn’t heard it, but if he had, he chose to ignore it. “I want to help you, (y/n), but I cannot do that, if you will not tell me what is going on! All your aunt told me that she needed me to get you to Haruhi safely and that she couldn’t go home herself either.”<br />
“You’re right”, you agreed.<br />
“I won’t force you”, he finally said to your surprise. “Stay safe. I’ll see you next week.”<br />
After this call you felt emptier than you had before.</p>
<p>Little had you known that he had focused on whatever else as to control the anger that had risen in his chest. He didn’t know who had hurt her like that but one thing was sure, they were going to pay for it. He had theories of course, after all, Kyouya wasn’t stupid. He could count one and one together, but either way he needed to know what was going on with her. What happened to her in the past. He bit his lip, staring at his phone, thinking about what it was that he was feeling.<br />
He had come to care about (y/n) he had to admit to himself. Deeply. Was this still just having a crush? Either way he knew that he wanted to protect her and that he wanted to get rid of whatever or whoever was torturing her this way. Having seen her breakdown in front of him like this, had almost shocked him. She was usually very put together, smart, witty and always had an answer. But from one second to the next she had absolutely broken down and a tight knot had formed in his chest seeing her like this. He had wanted to hug her, take her in his arms, but he wasn’t sure if what she needed maybe was space, so he had opted for that.<br />
He knew she was strong enough to get through it herself, but he still had wanted to help her. He had rarely felt as helpless as in this moment. The last time she was in danger he had lost control. This time he wanted to keep it for her sake. But little did she know that the second he had let go of her, the second his car drove away, he had exhaled shakily, fists clenched, trying to suppress the anger that he had kept in his chest ever since he had talked to her aunt and the worry he had tried to deny up until that point.</p>
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