#but on another note. im excited for so many things! See my roommate. cook meals for myself. have actual privacy...yknow basic autonomy :D!
birdyverdie · 1 month
School is starting soon!! I can't believe I'm excited for the stressors of classes OURGH...
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
Always You | JJK (Nine-pt1) (Final)
Summary: you and Jungkook have been best friends since freshmen year of college, there’s a lot of unsaid feelings and tension but neither make a move. what happens when his friend Taehyung (also your crush) needs a fake girlfriend?
Pairing: Jungkook x Female reader
Genre: friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, slight slow burn, roommate au, college au, SMUT (starting ch2), fluff, angst (in later chapters) slight crack, lots of drama
Word Count: 13.6k
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, sexual tension (!!!), mentions of sex, protected sex, jealous!oc, sensual touching, dry humping, oral (female rec.) face riding
Notes: The end is finally here! But no worries I will most likely do drabbles for you guys:) Thank you SO much for reading this story and sending so many loving comments. Enjoy this last chapter of ‘Always You’ and feel free to send me an ask to chat about the story, I LOVE talking with ya’ll!
Taglist: @mooniyooni @thisartemisnevermisses @giadalin @kookiebunny097 @cosmosjk @moonchild1 @just-jeon @anpanman-sonyeondan @starlight-night0 @yessii-i @apollukee @mikasaredscarf1 @kaye-rosales @bunnyjeonjk @dyriddle @hsneptune @betysotelo18 @aclowe13 @bishuthot @271101 @seagulljk @hass-mich-los @bunnyjeonjk @surfacesanity @peachy-skz0325 @wonusbitch @not-your-lion @flowersgirl02 @justinetingball @fiantomartell @fairysunooo @taebae19 @hardcarrykookie @fancycollectormoon
© taestefully-in-luv
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Jungkook stares into his bathroom mirror and sees and feels nothing, absolutely nothing. He looks into his eyes and see nothing behind them. He tries to smile, but falls short. Does this have anything to do with the fact he told you he loves you but you completely misunderstood him? Yup, it probably has everything to do with that.
But Jungkook also feels like shit. He let his feelings become too overwhelming in the moment that he totally and completely forgot he has a girlfriend. So, he is almost glad that you most definitely thought he was just telling you he loves you like one normal friend to another instead of him confessing his deep and passionate feelings towards you. Yup, totally glad.
So, now he looks into the mirror and actually does see and feel something: Shame. Guilt.
And regret. Regret is written all over his face. Not regret because he told you he loves you, no. Regret that he didn’t tell you 4 years ago how he feels. Even if you didn’t feel the same he thinks he should have had the courage, instead he slept with you like a fucking idiot. But that is something he can’t get himself to regret at all…he just can’t regret that amazing night he shared with you.
“Bro! You have been in there for like ever dude, I gotta take a piss!” Jungkook hears Nick from the other side of the door, his insistent banging going completely ignored by Jungkook.
“Seriously man, I will pee in the fucking sink!” Nick threatens and Jungkook rolls his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah man, I’m coming.” He looks into the mirror one last time before taking one deep breath and turning towards the bathroom door.
“Bathroom’s all yours.” Jungkook says as he opens the door with Nick already pushing past him.
“Fucking finally!” Nick doesn’t even bother to shut the door behind him as he quickly approaches the toilet to release himself.
Jungkook walks into his room and pulls out his phone as he sits on the edge of his bed. He goes through his message threads, his fingers hovering over your name when he gets to you.
It’s been a few weeks since the trip to your parent’s house. He had such an amazing time. That Saturday your mom cooked one of her famous homemade meals…something Jungkook hasn’t really had in years. Your dad would casually slip in the word ‘son’ in conversation, making Jungkook’s heart glow. You laughed and talked and cried and just looked so at home the entire time, like all your worries were vanishing.
He knows you’re struggling with what to do…but going abroad? Were you serious? You mentioned it to your parents too while there visiting and they loved the idea…making Jungkook’s heart sink. They just encouraged you more while you were there…telling you it was such a fun, and great idea and that it totally suits you. This only made you feel more motivated…Jungkook could see that.
Jungkook wants nothing but the best for you…he just wants you to be happy. Your happiness is his happiness but how could he survive if you left? How could he go a day without seeing you? Or worse…a week? A month? A whole fucking year? He went three months without you and he spiraled pretty bad.
Jungkook continues to sit here, his fingers right over your name and he clicks it.
Jungkook 8:14pm
I have a cold beer with your name on it
y/n 8:21pm
:( I cant hang tonight, sorry boo…im hanging with yoongs and tae. You can come by if youd like to?
Jungkook 8:22pm
No no its okay, you have fun :))
Jungkook brings his phone to his chest, right over his beating heart and he sighs out in frustration. Why can’t everything just be easy? Why is everything so complicated?
“And I will be the youngest curator they’ve ever had at this museum!” Tae finishes proudly, cheering his wine glass with yours and Yoongi’s.
“That’s so amazing Tae.” You bring your glass back to your mouth and take a gulp in his honor.
“Proud of you, kid.” Yoongi smiles fondly at Taehyung and you can’t help but also feel very proud. Taehyung got offered the main curator position at the museum of art downtown and you three are at the record shops cozy corner celebrating.
“Anything else new going on?” Taehyung asks, he eyes both you and Yoongi. “Like, any new love interests? Job offers? Juicy drama? Literally anything.”
“Nothing from me.” You laugh, you and Taehyung look over at Yoongi who is sipping his wine with the biggest blush painted on his cheeks.
“Yoongi?” you pry. “Did something new happen with you?”
“Well…I wouldn’t really call it news.” He begins shyly, “But I maybe met someone.”
You and Taehyung share a look of shock and excitement.
“Wait dude, you mean like a romantic interest?” Taehyung asks, setting his glass down on the table.
“Yeah, like you have a crush on someone?” You smile at Yoongi and his blush deepens.
“I wouldn’t go that far,” he admits, “But they’re really nice and have been coming in the store every week and we sort of just end up talking…and they asked for my number—”
“This is definitely a romantic interest!” Taehyung basically shouts. “Did you give it?”
“Yes…” Yoongi takes another sip of his wine, his eyes sliding to the side. “Did I mention they’re cute?”
“You in fact, did not mention that.” You say with a grin. “I’m happy for you Yoongs.”
“I think I’ll ask them out, what do you guys think?” Yoongi whispers.
“I think that’s a great idea man!” Taehyung basically shouts again and you laugh.
“I think I really admire you for going for it…” You sigh. You wish you had that kind of courage.
“You know…” Yoongi sets his wine glass down, and turns in his seat to face you, “It takes a lot of bravery to open up to someone…it takes a lot of strength to admit when you’re wrong and to admit when things aren’t going right. It takes real courage to open your heart to someone like, romantically. You’re like, the coolest human being in the world if you can do those things.” Yoongi folds his hands out in front of him, he bites his lip as he thinks.
“y/n…you don’t have to be some sort of super human.”
You tilt your head in confusion…you thought Yoongi was going to a place where he tells you to go for it too.
“You shouldn’t always be the one doing things. Others need to form the courage too. You’re worth it. You’re worth that risk…that you may not feel the same. Trust me, I would know.” He chuckles light heartedly. “I think he will come around.”
“I don’t know about that.” Taehyung cuts in. “I want to believe he will but…” Taehyung looks over at you with pity. “…He’s…” Taehyung doesn’t know what to say without spilling anything so he decides to let the words die on his tongue.
“To be honest with you guys…” You reach for your glass of wine and chug back the remainder of what’s in the glass rather quickly before slamming it back down on the table.
“New Year’s Eve.” You say. “Four years ago. Something happened. Something major, he…”
“Four years ago, New Year’s Eve?” Taehyung scrunches his brows together as he tilts his head. “Wait something happened between you two?” you only nod your head at Taehyung’s question.
“Did Jungkook say what he wanted to say?” Taehyung asks with big eyes, completely shocked, this is news to him. But now it’s your turn to tilt your head in confusion.
“Say what he wants to say? What are you talking about?”
“Huh? Uh,” Taehyung guesses it’s not what he’s thinking. “It’s nothing. So what happened?”
“We slept together.” You blurt out quickly, giving yourself no time to regret it.
You hear Yoongi chuckle from beside you and you snap your head in his direction.
“What? What’s so funny?” you ask.
“You thought I didn’t already assume that? That you two haven’t already slept together?”
“Damn,” you say, “Observant as usual.”
“WAIT WHAT?” Taehyung sputters out, quite fucking loudly.
You guess Taehyung isn’t as observant.
“We got kind of drunk, kissed at midnight and went back to his dorm and you know…”
Realization hits Taehyung hard. When Jungkook was pissed about the fact Taehyung slept with you it wasn’t just because he was some heroic friend. It was also because Jungkook has already had you and he knows he doesn’t like to share. Fuck.
“Holy fuck, y/n.” Taehyung closes his eyes for a moment, “Wait, and you guys didn’t talk about it after? Didn’t he have something to tell you perhaps?”
“What are you talking about? He totally brushed it off. So I got bitter and didn’t talk to him for a month. Now we just…I don’t know, we just…I feel like we are more than friends but less than lovers.”
“Makes total sense.” Yoongi adds, “You two are that but more than anything you two are complete and total idiots.” “Well, that we can agree on.” Taehyung grins.
It’s the middle of December meaning it’s time to do your Christmas shopping! You, Trina and Holly are at the mall perusing around and trying to find the perfect gifts.
“Let’s do what we always do y/n.” Trina bumps her elbow into your side, with a smile on her face.
“Couldn’t agree more.” You respond.
“And what do you two always do?” Holly asks, feeling a little left out.
“Oh you know, we agree to no presents.” You say, “One less person to stress over, that’s our gift to each other.”
“Wow.” Holly deadpans, “You guys are so lame.”
“Or are we geniuses?” Trina asks with a grin, she walks closer to Holly and links arms with her, “But don’t worry Hol, I am getting you something.”
“Good.” Holly says, a shy smile making its way on her face.
“Me too!” you say trying to include yourself. “What would you like anyway? Just show me and I’ll buy it for you!”
“That takes out all the fun in gift giving.” Holly pouts, “It’s supposed to be a surprise!”
“Ah, fuck.” Trina spits out, “I suck at gift giving. Just tell us what you want.” She whines.
“No!” Holly laughs. “Look, I’ll be back.” She gestures towards her left, “I gotta use the bathroom.” She waves at you and Trina and walks away.
“Dude what am I going to get Holly?” Trina asks you, her frustration as clear as day. “It’s got to be special.” She adds in shyly. Special? Now’s your time to finally ask her what is up with her and Holly.
“Why special?”
“Oh you know.” Trina’s sheepish grin gives her away. “I don’t got to say it, when you know.”
“Fair enough.” You laugh. “Oh!” you point towards the window of one of the stores to your right, “You see those mugs? Let’s go check them out.”
“What why?”
“Christmas gift.” You say simply.
You both walk towards the glass window and eye the mugs, there’s a whole bunch but there’s a mug with music notes all over it and you’re reminded of the record shop and your two friends. You walk inside and grab three of them. Yes, three matching mugs for you, Yoongi and Taehyung. Even though Taehyung doesn’t drink coffee, he can still put whatever beverage he wants inside.
You pay for the mugs and have them wrapped in Christmas paper! You got some of your first gifts done with! Now you need to find something for Jimin, Jungkook, Holly and your parents. Crap, should you get something for the rest of the boys too? You’ll be seeing them on New year’s…maybe you’ll get them all scarves. That’s easy.
Jimin is easy, you know he’s been eyeing this channel necklace for far too long and you happen to be able to afford it for him. Jungkook isn’t easy at all. So you go with something simple, a new pair of chunky black boots that he’s been talking about for months. Your mom gets a necklace with her birth flower and your dad gets tickets to his favorite sports team…cheap tickets, sorry to your dad. Holly loves penguins so you find a cute penguin pin for her purse, you think she will love it.
Shopping takes almost the whole day, you, Trina and Holly are seated in the malls food court sipping on a smoothie.
“I am so freaking tired.” Holly leans her head on Trina’s shoulder as she speaks.
“Me too, girl, me too.” You respond. “But Christmas is soon!”
“Are you guys excited about going home?” you ask.
“Yeah, my parents promised they would take me ice skating like when I was a kid.” Trina chuckles.
“I’m excited too! What about you y/n?” Holly lifts her head from Trina. “What are you doing for Christmas?”
“Going home, of course. I’m bringing Jungkook with me.” You admit with a soft smile, “My mom and dad love him, they practically beg me every week on the phone that I bring him.”
“You guys are such a couple.” Trina rolls her eyes playfully.
“We’re best friends! He doesn’t have parents to spend it with so he’s coming with me, is that such a crime?” you say lightly.
“No, no. Of course not.” Trina rolls her eyes again. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you guys get together during your trip.”
“Need I remind you he has a girlfriend?”
Jungkook slides his dick in and out of Vanessa as she clenches around him, he holds her body up as he fucks her from behind. He’s been at it for a while but…
“I’m going to come!” She moans out, “Please tell me you’re close!”
“I—I” Jungkook tries fucking her faster and harder as she comes undone. But Jungkook is still trying, he’s fucking struggling. He screws his eyes shut and thrusts into Vanessa at a fast and hard rate but nothing is working.
“Sorry…sorry.” Jungkook begins to slow down, “I can’t. I just can’t” He admits, totally defeated. He’s tired. He eventually comes to a stop, and pulls out.
“I’m sorry Vanessa.” He says quietly, “It’s not you, I promise.” His voice is hoarse.
Vanessa stands and walks to the bathroom to clean herself up, when she returns she sees Jungkook sitting on the edge of the bed with his pants back on.
“It’s okay, Jungkookie.” Vanessa’s smooth voice doesn’t waver as she speaks, “It happens.”
Jungkook runs his hands down his tired face before looking up at Vanessa, his eyes slightly watery.
“This isn’t fair for you, I should be able to fucking come.” He grits out. “At the fucking least.”
“Don’t beat yourself up over it.”
“How are you so calm about this? Hm?”
Vanessa sits on the edge of the bed next to Jungkook, she breathes in and out before raising her head to speak to him.
“He wants to get back together with me, you know.”
Jungkook’s eyes widen at her words. She couldn’t be talking about her ex, could she?
“It’s okay. I said I no. Somehow I feel okay.” She smiles at him, it isn’t one of those coy or secretive smiles she mostly hands out but a real genuine smile.
“I think I just feel good that he wants me again but now I have the upper hand, you know? I’m the one with power.”
“You told him no?”
“And not even because I am supposed to be your girlfriend…but because I decided I need to respect myself. You’re right…what I was doing…it wasn’t healthy.” She admits, she shakes her head to rid herself of her bangs that keep falling in her eyes.
“I…I’m proud of you.”
“I want to be proud of you too.” She whispers.
“What are you talking about?”
“Nothing,” she says quietly, “You’ll see eventually.”
“What does that me—”
“Let’s take a small break.” Vanessa tilts her head to get a quick look at him, “Just until New Year’s.”
“We just need some time to like, miss each other? You know?”
Jungkook shakes his head, “You mean, break up?”
“Just a break. But technically yes, we aren’t together in the meantime.”
“Why?” Jungkook stands up, “We can make this work Vanessa.”
“Please stop.” Vanessa says more sternly. “It’s what I want. Just until New Year’s.”
Jungkook paces back and forth with his bottom lip caught between his teeth. He doesn’t understand why she wants this? Because he couldn’t come? All because of that? He stops pacing to stare at her and she’s already looking up at him with a sickingly sweet smile.
“Fine.” He says. “If that’s—that’s what you want.” He clears his throat and tries smiling for her, she all but nods her head.
“You ready?” you ask Jungkook when he walks up to your car. You came to pick him up, insisting that you drive this time.
“Yeah.” Jungkook shows you his bunny grin and you melt, you love that smile of his. He sets his bag in the backseat and walks over to the passenger door and sits down inside.
“I’m excited to spend Christmas with you and your family.”
“Oh, it’s going to be a handful. You’ll be meeting my grandma, some aunts and uncles and some cousins of mine.”
“And I cannot wait.” He repeats. “Do you have my Christmas present here in the car?” he smiles cheekily, “Just give it to me now.”
“Yeah, right. You have to wait until tomorrow dummy!”
“Hey, don’t call me a dummy.” Jungkook pouts. He leans back in the passenger’s seat and closes his eyes.
“Hey, you’re not thinking of taking a nap are you?” You reverse your car out of the parking spot at his apartment.
“Maybe.” Jungkook snickers from beside you, “If you don’t want me falling asleep, tell me something interesting.”
“I think I want to work on getting a TEFL.” You blurt out, “To you know, teach.”
Jungkook’s eyes stay shut as he processes your words, he thinks to himself carefully—he can’t react negatively. He can’t.
“That’s nice, y/n.” He settles for. “You’ll like it.”
“That’s it?” you twist your head to look in his direction, he opens his eyes and stares at you for a few moments.
“Eyes on the road.” Jungkook closes his eyes again.
“Jungkook…you aren’t sad I might be moving away for like, at least a year?” You grip the steering wheel tighter, “You know I would be leaving right?”
“What do you want me to say y/n?” Jungkook opens his eyes and leans forward, “Want me to tell you no? That you aren’t allowed to leave?”
“Well…no. But you could act like you care a little.” You whisper out in pout.
“I do care.” Jungkook huffs, “But I just want you to do whatever makes you happy.”
“You make me happy.”
Jungkook quirks a brow and smiles, “So, you want to do me?”
“Gross,” you reach over and hit his arm. “You know what I mean. I just…I mean I value your opinion.”
Jungkook’s smile begins to fade as he stares at the cars floorboard. He zones out for a few moments, not entirely sure what to say. While it is true he wants you to do whatever makes you happy he also doesn’t want you to go anywhere.
“Do what’s best for you baby.” He all but whispers. “I will believe in you and support you no matter what.”
“I guess I’ll take that for now.” You whine. “How’s work going for you?”
“It’s good.” Jungkook’s eyes light up, “The director is letting me edit some pretty important scenes.” He gushes. “I brought my work stuff so I can show you over the next couple of days.”
“Yeah? That sounds exciting Jungkook!”
You finally merge on the high way for your few hour trip, you got your ‘Chillin’ playlist on and a few snacks on hand. You and Jungkook chit chat every so often but you mostly jam to the music.
“Let’s listen to Disney radio station!” You hand Jungkook your phone, “Hurry, put it.”
Jungkook takes your phone with a grin and selects the Disney option on pandora, the first song to come on is Lion King’s ‘Hakuna Matata’. You and Jungkook sing your hearts out, smiling, giggling and belting out the notes.
A couple hours pass like this, your throat getting admittedly sore. But Jungkook on the other hand is still going strong, he is singing all the parts in ‘Kiss the Girl’ with such passion…you can’t help but chuckle as you listen to him.
“Phew, I am worn out!” you say, laughing. “But I see you can keep going?” you turn the volume down.
“Oh, we can switch it up…but to answer the question you know I can keep going.” He winks. And you know he meant that innocently but you can’t help but blush.
“Right.” You hand him your phone again, “Our trip is almost over…you can just put on a playlist.”
“Are you excited to see your parents again?”
“Well, I just saw them last month…but yes.” You admit, “Being home is always nice. My parents have been bothering me for weeks making sure you are actually coming with me for Christmas.” You chuckle, “They’ll be glad to see you.”
Jungkook grabs a hold of his ears in excitement, you can tell he’s genuinely happy as he sits here and smiles that smile.
“I’m glad to see them too. And I am excited to meet more of your family.”
“There will probably be misunderstandings…but don’t worry, I will make it clear we are just friends.” You nod your head as you speak. Jungkook just shrugs in response, just fucking shrugs.
“Isn’t that your house up there on the corner?” Jungkook points forward towards the house.
When you pull into the driveway your parents are making their way outside, they smile at you and you wave from inside your car. You turn it off and turn to face Jungkook.
“You ready?”
“Yes.” He grins.
You step out of your car and your mom and dad are rushing to bring you in for a hug, they hold you close and you feel yourself feeling right at home. You begin to pull away and head towards the backseat when your mom grabs your arm,
“You two can get your things later—before bed, before bed.” She guides you towards the house, “And hello, Jungkook.” She smiles widely, “So nice you are here again! Let’s go see everyone!”
“Yes mam.” Jungkook says with a small smile, he walks forward and shakes hands with your dad.
“Nice to see you again, son.”
“Yes sir, you too.”
“Stop being so formal!” you look back at him, teasing. You and your mom walk to the front door, waiting for your dad and Jungkook to catch up.
The four of you enter the house, it smells like pie and cookies and warmth and you know, like Christmas. You hear the chitter chatter of your relatives filling the house and you want to smile. You can hear your cousins gossiping in the kitchen, you hear their children playing in the backyard (The back door is open), you hear your grandma snoring on your dads recliner, while your aunt and uncle quietly talk on the other sofas. You hear what it’s like to feel at home.
“Look who is here, everyone!” Your mom announces obnoxiously. “It’s y/n and Jungkook!”
First your aunt and uncle’s attention are caught, they nod your way with smiles on their faces and you head over to the sofas to hug them each. Your grandma stays snoring on the recliner and you giggle, classic grandma.
Next, your cousins are coming in from kitchen. Three of them to be exact, Daniel and his wife Larissa and your other cousin who is your age Manny. Daniel and Larissa have 3 beautiful children who are playing in the back, you can hear their giggles from inside. Manny is much shorter than you, she’s petite and curvy and really, really pretty. You go in to hug her first, she wraps her arms around you loosely.
“y/n!” she yells excitedly, “It’s been since last Christmas right?!” she asks, still holding on to you.
“Something like that.” You giggle, “Hi Daniel, Larissa.” You go in to hug them as well.
“Guys this is Jungkook.” You finally introduce the awkward boy, he stands here swaying from side to side waiting to meet everyone. He bows his head in greeting and everyone says their hello’s. All except sleeping grandma.
“Well, hello.” Manny smiles at Jungkook, “I didn’t even see you there, which is crazy because you’re like crazy hot—”
“Okay, Manny.” You try cutting in early enough, but are a bit late.
“Oh?” Jungkook eyebrows climb to up his forehead as he looks at Manny.
“I’m Manny.” She winks, “ You must be y/n’s friend, I presume?”
“y/n!!!!” Your grandma comes up to you all, her sweet perfume filling the air around you. “You’re here, sweetie.”
“Grandma!” you lean in and hug her frail body, she smells like she always has your whole entire life, sweet.
“And this must be your boyfriend, Jungkook? I have heard so much about you, dear.” Your grandmas opens her arms, signaling Jungkook to lean in and hug her—which he does.
“Actually grandma—”
“You finally have a nice boyfriend, your parents have told me all about him.” she winks, “I am so happy for you sweetie, I think I can finally rest easy.”
“Rest easy?” you question, “No grandma you are mis—”
“It’s nice to meet you.” Jungkook smiles at your grandma and she cheeses hard.
“You can call me grandma, dear.” She pats his back lovingly, “I want to hear all about you two. Shall we drink some tea together?”
“Boyfriend?” Manny asks, confused. “I didn’t know you guys started dating?”
“We aren’t—”
“Its new.” Jungkook cuts in. He slides his arm around your waist and you audibly gasp.
“What’s new?” Your mom walks up to you all.
“They’re dating.” Manny says, looking unimpressed.
“WHAT! Darling, get in here!” She calls your dad over, “Jungkook and y/n are together, together!”
“No we are—” you try cutting in but you feel Jungkook dig his fingers into your waist.
“THEY’RE TOGETHER?!” Your dad yells out, his excitement clear as day. You stand here confused as hell as your whole family starts congratulating you two.
“Wait, wait.” You try getting out but Jungkook leans in to whisper in your ear.
“We can’t disappoint grandma.” He says softly.
“I met my Roy at a party too.” Your grandma says between sips, she holds her tea in front of her face as she reminisces.
“Was it love at first sight?” Your grandma asks, wiggling her brows. “Me and my Roy didn’t get together for quite some time so I don’t think it was love at first sight for us…when did you know?”
“Grandma…” you begin, “Can we talk about something else?” you beg.
“I knew only a few months later.” Jungkook admits shyly, he smiles at your grandma while bringing his tea cup to his lips. “I knew no one could take y/n’s spot. But I was content with being friends.”
Your eyes grow in size, his confession warming you up. You know it’s all for show but you can’t help what it does to you.
“I also knew after a few months.” You say quietly.
“Oh, how lovely!” Your grandma claps her hands together softly, “And now here you are! Jungkook…” Your grandma sets down her tea cup and looks over at Jungkook. “I trust you will take care of y/n no matter what, right?”
“No matter what.” He says quickly. “She takes care of me too.”
“And how does she do that?” Your grandma raises a drawn on brow.
“She is always there for me…she always tries to understand me even when I am in the wrong…she always tries to get to know me like she doesn’t already know everything,” he chuckles, “She always hugs me when I need it.” Jungkook looks at you with a soft smile, “She really loves me and I can feel it.” Then his mouth falls open and his eyes expand a little, “Do you… love me y/n? Like—”
“Okay, that’s enough about us babe,” you cut him off, “When did you get in town grandma?”
“Oh, just last night.” She mumbles, “I—”
“So,” Manny comes into the kitchen, her v neck lower than it was 20 minutes ago, you can’t help but roll your eyes. “What do you do Jungkook?” she leans down into his space, one hand squeezing his bicep as she asks her question.
“Um, I work as an editor for a film company.” His eyes shift to you and you roll your eyes again. “What about you?”
“Oh? Me? I work at a marketing firm. Was hoping to see y/n there.” She smiles at you. “But guess she didn’t apply? Maybe?”
“I didn’t get hired.” You state plainly. “But I didn’t want to work there anyway.” You grip your thigh in annoyance.
“y/n is probably too good for that company anyway.” Jungkook says, his hand reaches for yours and you relax a little bit.
“Right.” Manny nods her head exaggeratedly, “That’s got to be it…” she winks at you and you give a half ass smile.
���So Jungkook…” she finally takes a seat next to him, her hand still on his arm. “Film, huh? That’s soo cool. What do you do in your spare time?” she squeezes his bicep again, “Besides working out, of course.” She laughs.
Jungkook looks at you in panic, his eyes shifting from yours to his arm and you just roll your eyes.
“Manny.” You cut in, “How’s Luis?”
“Oh, we broke up.” She says smiling at Jungkook. “Nothing to worry about it.”
“And what’s to worry about,” you lean over and detach her fingers from Jungkook’s arm. “Hm?”
“Oh nothing.” Manny shakes her head.
“Manny, did you ever take my things out of the drier?” Your grandma speaks up, “Please put them in my room if you haven’t already.”
“Speaking of rooms.” Your mom and dad walk into the kitchen, their hands joined together.
“What?” you ask.
“Grandma is in Jungkook’s room. So Jungkook will have to stay in your room with you.” She says nonchalantly.
“Hm? Okay.” You shrug while Jungkook’s eyes widen just slightly. “Where are aunt and uncle sleeping? And Daniel and the rest? “Oh, we got a hotel.” Manny says, “Which sucks because it would have been fun to have a little slumber party.” She says in pout. You give her a tight smile and nod.
“Sure.” You get out, “Guess it’s just me and Jungkook for the slumber party.” You wink at her and Jungkook laughs as he squeezes your hand.
“Can’t wait baby.”
“Oh, you guys are gross.” Manny gags, “We get it.”
“Yeah, behave.” Your mom gives you a pointed look, “You’re still in your parent’s house.”
“Sorry, sorry. We’re just messing around.” You wave your hand, “Also, I can get your things from the drier grandma, I am going upstairs anyway to change.”
“Thank you sweetie.”
You let go of Jungkook’s hand as you stand up, he looks up at you in panic. You’re leaving him here with Manny?! He’s not stupid, this girl is clearly not caring about the whole boyfriend thing but he doesn’t want to make a scene by saying something to her.
“I’ll go with you.” Jungkook rushes to say earning strange looks from your parents. “Be—because I should bring up our bags from the car.”
“Ah, yes! That’s true, that’s true.” Your mom nods her head in agreeance, “You two go.”
Upstairs is much quieter, Jungkook thinks to himself. Just the background noise of muffled voices and occasional laughter. You two are in your childhood bedroom with both of your bags on your small bed. You are digging through your own luggage when you hear Jungkook clear his voice.
“What’s up?” you don’t look up to see him, you continue digging into your bag for some sleep shorts and a t shirt.
“This bed is tiny.” Jungkook groans, “How are we going to sleep on it?”
“I suppose one of us could make a palette on the flo—”
“—No.” Jungkook shakes his head, “I just mean, you’ll have to sleep super close to me.”
“That doesn’t bother me. Does it bother you suddenly?” you grab the small shorts from your bag and set them on the bed.
“W-What? No…” he admits shyly, his teeth on full display at he smiles at his own bag. “I was just saying.”
“Will Vanessa not like it?” you whisper as you find the t shirt. “Because—”
“Actually we—”
“—ask her?”
“No, it’s fine. Trust me.” Jungkook brings out his own change of clothes and stands here awkwardly, not knowing where to go.
“I do trust you.” You breathe out, “We can just turn around and change.” You offer, already spinning on your heels and lifting your sweater over your head. Jungkook continues to stare at you until he’s hit with realization. He quickly turns around and starts changing as well.
“You sure let Manny touch you however she pleases.” You spit out quietly. Jungkook freezes mid shirt lift, his eyes growing in panic.
“It’s not that I was letting her…I just…I didn’t know what to do…I’m sorry—”
“Yeah, I know.” You roll your eyes even though he cannot see. “I’m just—it’s my fault. Me and Manny grew up together. The boy she liked in high school liked me…and ever since then she’s always…” you wiggle into your sleep shorts, slipping the material over your ass.
“Oh, I get it.” Jungkook slips on a new t shirt, “I’m done. Are you?”
“Yeah, I am.”
You both turn around, smiling sheepishly at one another. He’s wearing black sweats with a plain white t shirt and you in your sleep shorts you always use to wear around the apartment that use to drive Jungkook wild and one of his black t shirts.
“Hey, that’s mine.” He pouts, pointing at the shirt you’re wearing.
“Mine now.” You poke your tongue out. Jungkook pretends to reach over the bed to grab your tongue which makes you laugh.
“Don’t let Manny touch you again.” You blurt out, “I don’t like it.”
Jungkook bites down on his bottom lip as he stares at you, he begins walking to the other side of the bed until he’s standing in front of you.
“Why don’t you like it?” he asks softly.
“It’s annoying to look at it.”
“It irritates you to see another girl touch me?”
“It’s irritating when that girl is my cousin.”
“Why does it matter who it is specifically?” Jungkook steps closer to you, he pushes his hands in his sweat pockets.
“I don’t want you to fuck my cousin, Jungkook. Sue me.” Your straightforwardness makes Jungkook chuckle.
“I wouldn’t fuck your cousin, y/n.”
“Yeah, because you have Vanessa.” You remind him.
“Actually we—”
“—we should head back downstairs.” You try pushing past him but he catches your wrist.
“Tell me why it irritates you so much.”
“I just don’t like it, Jungkook.” You huff.
“Are you perhaps jealous?” Jungkook lowers your wrist, but he doesn’t let go.
“Why would I be jealous?” You yank your wrist from his hold and push past him, walking towards your bedroom door. “Come on.”
You basically told him you weren’t jealous but why did it have to happen that when teams were being chosen for this game night, Jungkook and Manny would get paired together.
The universe is laughing at you. Manny is…shameless. She has no problem flirting with someone else’s man…you’re no exception. You can tell Jungkook is slightly uncomfortable and not really enjoying the attention but still, somehow you are fuming. It’s not like he’s being exceptionally nice to her, he’s just not being standoffish enough to your liking.
“Oh, Jungkook!” Manny giggles for no reason, she leans into Jungkook’s space, just laughing away while sit you here and watch. He chuckles awkwardly, his hands messing with the playing cards in front of him. You hate this view. You thought any view with Jungkook would be a nice one, but you were wrong. Watching your cousin fawn over him like this is making you angry as fuck. As it should, right? Jungkook is your boyfriend! Well—not actually. But still! As far as Manny is concerned, Jungkook is your man, and she needs to back off.
“Manny, could you maybe give my boyfriend some space.” You snap, your voice cutting in through your family’s chatter. The room quiets down and all eyes are on you.
Manny looks all around the room, red creeping on her cheeks as she sits here, embarrassed. She opens her mouth to speak when you hold up a hand to stop her. Then you use that hand to gesture towards their bodies,
“He’s clearly uncomfortable that you are sitting so close, and frankly, I am too.”
“And he’s too nice to say anything.” Your cold eyes look at her then they slide to Jungkook, “Which is something you need to work on babe.”
“I am not even sitting that close, jeez, you are as dramatic as ever.” Manny tries to roll her eyes, while subtlety scooting away. “And really? You try to call me out in front of everyone?”
“Oh? Should we talk in private then?”
“y/n.” this time the one saying your name is Jungkook. “Maybe we should go to sleep. Start new tomorrow, huh?” The tension between you and Manny too much for him to handle right now, especially in front of everyone.
“I think that’s a great idea.” It’s grandma. “It’s way past my bedtime too.”
“I think your aunt and uncle were just talking about how it’s almost time to leave too. Perfect timing!” Your mom chimes in, “Let’s all say goodnight.”
You don’t say anything to Jungkook as you peel back the baby pink duvet on your bed, you just stare down at your twin mattress with hard eyes.
“Are you okay?”
You continue to stay silent as you slip under the covers, scooting all the way towards the edge of the bed as far as you possibly can.
“y/n…” Jungkook pats in the last of his facial moisturizer into his skin, “I asked if you’re okay?” his back is facing you as he sits on the edge of the bed, placing his moisturizer back in his bag. “It was interesting,” (Hot.) “To see you all…protective,” (Jealous.) “Tonight.”
“I’m going to sleep.” You are laying on your back, staring up at the ceiling fan. “I don’t feel like talking tonight.”
Jungkook lays down next to you, his body so freaking close. He lays on his side, facing you. His right arm going under his head, trying his hardest to get comfortable in such close quarters.
“No talking, but maybe cuddling?” Jungkook whispers, and you of course hear it clear as day because he is so fucking close to you.
“Call me crazy but I don’t feel like cuddling with a guy who can’t even tell another girl to fuck off.” You shut your eyes. “Not in the mood.”
Jungkook blinks a few times, your words sinking in. You’re kind of right, he should of said something too but he didn’t know what to say. It’s your cousin! In front of your family! And he tried his hardest to lean away from Manny as much as possible.
“I’m sorry, y/n. You’re right. I should have said something.” His left hand reaches out to grab your hand that rests on top of your stomach.
“Yeah, you should have. But now I’m the asshole who called her out in front of everyone.”
Jungkook remembers it, and he darkly chuckles.
“Yeah, and it was hot.” He admits, making you open your eyes as you snap your head towards him.
“You think me being crazy jealous was hot?” you give him a look like he’s crazy.
“So you are jealous?” Jungkook smirks, “But I don’t see it that way. I see it as being protective over what’s yours.”
“So, you’re mine?” you turn to lean on your side, your body bumping into his. “At least until the end of this trip right?” you laugh, “I can’t believe you just don’t want to disappoint grandma.”
“At least until the end of this trip.” Jungkook leans his head closer to yours, “You finally brought home a boyfriend.” He grins as his forehead slightly bumps into yours.
What does Jungkook mean at least? And why does he always become closer and closer to you?
If you were to lift your head up at all, his lips would be dangerously close to yours.
“Jeez, how many fake boyfriends am I going to have this year?” you joke, keeping your head down, “I really got to find a real one by now.”
“I know the room is dark,” Jungkook begins, “But I still want to see your eyes when we talk.”
“Didn’t I say I didn’t want to talk?”
“y/n…” Jungkook whines, “You’re still mad at me?”
“Not really, it’s not your fault. I’m just still pissed at the situation.” You admit quite easily. “It’s honestly so disrespectful of her. You’re my boyfriend. You’re my man. You’re mine.”
Jungkook’s hand settles over your waist, he grabs on and brings you in closer to his body. He inhales you, taking in your scent. You smell so good to him, he could inhale you forever. Your words echo in his mind as he snuggles you closer. Your man? His heart races faster and faster as the echo gets louder.
“I’m yours, hm?” he runs his fingers down your side, starting from your shoulder until the top of your hip bone. “Does that make you mine?” He breathes out, “Are you mine baby?” his fingers dance over your hips, your shirt and shorts separating his fingers from touching your warm skin.
“You know what I mean.” You huff out, closing your eyes from his gentle touch.
“Do I though?” Jungkook’s hand lingers over your hips, until he is playing with the end of your shirt.
“Let me touch your skin.” He softly begs, “It’ll feel nice.”
Your eyes open in surprise, what skin? Where will he be touching?
“Innocent, I swear.” Jungkook adds, “Just want to make you feel nice.”
“Isn’t that weird?” you finally ask.
“I don’t think so.”
“Fine.” You close your eyes again, “Touch me.”
Jungkook bites his lips when you give him the green light, he wasn’t expecting you to agree so quickly. Because what if it is weird? He just wants to touch your skin, no harm done. Jungkook leans up on his arms and tugs at the bottom of your shirt,
“I am going to slide this up a bit, okay?” he asks and you nod your head but you hear him chuckle.
“Words, baby.”
“Yes.” You breathe out, your eyes still closed.
Jungkook takes the material between his fingers and begins to slowly, very slowly ride the shirt up. His eyes have finally adjusted to the dark, where he can see you just enough. The shirt slides up your body, exposing your skin inch by inch. He gulps.
He lifts the shirt up until your pretty blue bralette is showing itself, your breasts falling to the side giving you a good amount of cleavage. He gulps again.
When the shirt is all bunched up at your armpits, Jungkook lays back down on his side. The cold air that spins in circles thanks to the fan is causing your skin to get goosebumps, your stomach feeling extra sensitive.
“Touch me, Jungkook.” You softly command. “I want you to.”
Jungkook swallows hard at your straightforwardness. His hand slowly creeps up to your shoulder, his fingers brushing against the material of the t shirt before he’s lightly dragging his fingers down your side. His fingertips hit your exposed skin, he lightly glides them down, just barely touching you. When he reaches your hip bone he dances his fingers lower until they’re grazing your lower stomach. His touch is so light it’s got your breathing getting just a bit heavier. He repeats his action a few times, starting from your shoulder until his fingers glide across your bare stomach. He’s right, it does feel nice. Too nice, almost.
“How do my fingers feel?” He clears his throat, his voice nice and low. Your eyes shoot open at his question. This is all innocent, but why does that question feel so dirty?
“They feel so good.” You breathe out, “So good.”
Jungkook smiles and continues sliding his fingers over your lower stomach, causing you to release a long, shaky breath. His touch is so fucking good, his touch leaving a trail of fire. As his fingers lightly skid across your stomach he leaves behind such heat. His fingers finally glide up, they barely reach right under your breasts. Your breath catches in your throat, his fingers so dangerously close to your tits and you want to smash your head on something. God, what it would feel like to have them being touched by his large hand.
Jungkook uses just his pointer finger to drag his finger down from the center of your lower chest until he’s passing your belly button, until he’s reaching your lower stomach again, his finger stopping at the drawstrings on your shorts.
You can’t help but release a long, quiet moan as his finger does that over and over. You clench your stomach muscles with each stroke of his fingers. Why does Jungkook have to make you feel so fucking good?
Jungkook feels himself getting hard against your thigh, but he doesn’t care to hide it. Touching your warm, soft skin feels so intimate and that moan you released? His cock needs to hear more. He grabs a hold of your hip, the material of the shorts in the way of your skin.
“Can I lower these a little?” he pants out. “Just a little.”
“Yes.” You feel your breaths getting heavier.
Jungkook slips his fingers under the shorts and slowly drags down the material over your hip, your panties sliding down as well. Jungkook grunts in approval, he thumbs your hip bone causing you to quietly whimper.
“You really like your hips and stomach to be touched.” He states.
“S-Sensitive.” You admit.
Jungkook massages the skin of your hip, very, very lightly. Almost like he isn’t touching you at all, like he’s just trying to tease you. And it’s working. You feel your breaths become more erratic. You keep your eyes closed as the light feeling of his fingertips begin to make you wet. You can’t help but slightly rotate your hips in circles as he touches you, and you can’t help but moan when he puts more pressure into his massage on your hip.
“You like that?” Jungkook breathes out, “Feel good?”
Your hips move faster underneath his electric touch, you start to become desperate, needing more. You finally open your eyes, Jungkook notices how dark and captivating they look. You reach forward until your own hand is at his shirt.
Jungkook looks at you, very confused. But he doesn’t waste another moment when he sits up and throws his shirt off.
“Good.” Your hands go to grope his chest. His strong muscles flex beneath your touch. You drag your hands down his chest until they stop at the waistband of his sweats, he throws his head back as you explore the front of his body.
“Want to touch you too.” You admit between harsh breaths.
Jungkook’s hand goes to the shirt bunched around your shoulders and tugs on it,
“Off too.” He guides you to sit up and he helps you take off your shirt. Your strappy bralette leaves almost nothing to the imagination, Jungkook thinks. The material is so very thin that he sees your hard nipples and he wants to brush his thumb over them. But he refrains.
“Much better.” Jungkook says in one breath. “Now lay down.”
You do as he says, this time you lay on your back instead of your side. You try breathing in and out normally but can’t help how irregular your breaths are.
“Jungkook.” You whine, “Touch me.”
“So needy.” Jungkook’s hand hovers over the top of your stomach, “My baby is so needy.” He whispers.
You reach up and caress Jungkook’s cheek, “I am.” You admit. Jungkook throws his head back, biting on his lip as he grins.
“Good girl.” His fingers lightly dance below your belly button and you whine. He glides his fingers lower and lower until they’re at your waistband.
“Going to pull these down…just a little.” His voice cracks as he stares down at you.
You nod your head and tell him yes over and over.
He drags the shorts just a bit lower, right before your pussy is exposed. His fingers lightly touch your new exposed skin, and you moan. The feeling getting you so worked up.
“I want to do the same to you.” You try say between your rough breathing. “Let me touch you, Jungkook.” Your hands go to his stomach, your touch anything but light as you drag your hands down with pressure. You reach the top of his waist band and begin pulling down until he’s catching your wrist.
“And what do you think you are doing?” Jungkook’s low, deep voice sends a shiver down your god damn spine.
“Innocent, I promise.” You mock, “Want to touch you too.”
“I think we have had enough,” he teases lightly, bringing his hand back to his own body. “Let’s go to sleep.”
“Fine, cuddle me.” You say, annoyed. You turn to your other side, where your back is facing him.
“Fine by me. But…” He sinks down further into the covers to spoon you, one arm going beneath your head and the other pulling you in by the hips, “Remember what happens when we get in this position.” You feel his hard cock poke your ass and you moan out quietly.
“What happens?” you play dumb.
“4 years ago, you asked me to cuddle you like this because you wanted to get fucked.” he says easily and you choke on your spit. He’s referencing that night?
Jungkook is so lost in you, he doesn’t care anymore. He will bring up that night a million times if he has to. He loves you. And he’s starting to get real tired of the constant tension between you two. He pushes his hips into your ass, you feel how hard he is and you squeeze your eyes shut.
“I also said this position makes me feel safe.” You play innocent as you bump your ass into his crotch.
“I make you feel safe?”
“You make me feel a lot of things.” You whimper, backing your ass further into his cock, it’s so hard and poking against you in such a way that drives you nuts.
Jungkook groans as he feels you circling your hips into his crotch. His hand goes to your hip and he squeezes tightly making you moan out.
“You got to be more quiet baby.” Jungkook warns softly, “We don’t want your parents or your grandmother thinking we are really having that ‘slumber party’.” He jokes.
“Then what are we having?”
“Just some innocent massages between friends.” He comments with a snicker.
“Oh? Is my ass massaging your dick so innocent?” you whine out, “I don’t really do this sort of thing with my other friends.” You keep your eyes screwed shut.
“It’s very innocent.” Jungkook teases, he begins lightly humping you. He pushes his cock further and further on your ass cheeks, he moans when you two find a rhythm. He remembers when he fucked you in this position, he remembers it well. How you sounded, how you smelled, how you felt. He memorized the feeling of you.
“Fuck, y/n…” Jungkook quietly groans out. He rocks his hips into you faster, and you hate everything. You want to touch yourself so bad. You want to slide your fingers down your shorts and rub your aching clit, you would like it even more if it was Jungkook’s fingers.
“Not fair…” you say in pout, arching your back.
“What’s not?” he pants.
“I want to feel good too…” you say, flipping to your other side, facing him. You scoot impossibly close until his cock is pressed against your lower stomach.
“Innocently, of course.” You throw a leg over his waist as your hands go to his chest to guide him to lay on his back. “Gonna make us both feel good.” Your eyes are glazed over in lust as you speak.
You straddle his hips and find the right placement in sitting down…his cock nice and snug between your clothed folds. You begin moving your hips until you have the right angle on your clit and you moan.
“Is this okay?” you breathe out and Jungkook nods his head quickly.
You begin rocking yourself against his clothed cock, he quietly whimpers at the feeling. Jungkook screws his eyes shut as his mouth falls open and wonderful panting leaves his lips. You watch him lose his composure as you hump him, you pick up the pace, becoming more and more desperate. Your clit is thanking you. ‘Thank you bitch’ it says.
“I—I can’t” Jungkook moans out, “I—I can’t do this.”
You immediately slow down, rejection sinking in. “What do you mean? You don’t want to do—”
“—I don’t want to do this with clothes on.” Jungkook groans, his fingers digging into your hips. “I need you naked. Fucking now.” He grits out.
You finally still as you process his words. Are you two about to fuck? Is this really a good idea? Again? But you are so far gone…you are so beyond horny that you are able to push your logical thinking to the side.
“Okay.” You look at him with lust filled eyes, “Take off my clothes.”
Jungkook’s eyes widen but he’s nodding his head so fucking fast it’s almost comical. He rushes to unclasp your bralette, your breasts bouncing as they are freed. He sits up, and you are graced with the sight of Jungkook’s mouth sucking on your tit. You arch your back, pushing your breast further into his mouth, his tongue swirling over the hardened nub. You throw your head back in pleasure, his hand giving your other breast all the attention it needs.
“Shorts, Jungkook.” You beg. “Take them off me.”
Jungkook detaches his self from your breast and looks up into your eyes and smirks,
“Say please, princess.”
“Fucking please, please.”
Jungkook’s hands quickly find their way to your shorts and your rise to your knees to help him slip them off your legs. Your panties go down with the shorts and Jungkook couldn’t be more pleased.
“Oh my god baby.” Jungkook stares at you with dark eyes, “Your wetness is literally dripping down your inner thighs. You are so fucking wet.” He comments and you smile shyly.
“You…” you begin to say.
“What about me?” he teases, his fingers grazing your inner thigh, he wipes some of your cum off your sensitive skin.
“You did this to me.”
“Yes I did baby. And I will take full responsibility.” He guides your body up his own, you follow his lead.
“Ride my face.” He commands as he lays back down, his hand in yours still guiding you when you stop abruptly.
“Ride my face baby.” He tugs on your hand and you hesitantly make your way closer to him. You stop when you are hovering over his chest, knees on either side of his neck when you start to get shy.
“I’ve never…”
“Keep going,” his hands go to your hips and he’s guiding you further up until your pussy is hovering over his warm mouth.
“Now sit.”
“I said, sit.”
And you do, you lower yourself over his mouth…you slam your eyes shut, feeling nervous. But then you are met with his wet, warm tongue. You stay still as he begins licking at you, his tongue licking a strip from your hole to your clit. You start to relax as the sensation fills you up, his tongue swirling around causing you to release a long, breathy moan. You can’t help but start to rock your hips back and forth…the feeling even more spectacular. You try to keep quiet, you really do. But Jungkook’s tongue is quite literally fucking you.
“Ah, Jungkook.” You throw your head back, your eyes rolling all around as you ride his face faster. You feel Jungkook moan into your pussy, making you whimper even more.
You don’t know how much time has passed but it does not matter. Jungkook shows no sign of stopping anytime soon, his tongue working to make you feel so fucking good. You ride his face even harder now, your thighs shaking as you squeeze around his head.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” You pant out, “I think I’m going to—”
You rock your hips as fast as you can as you feel your orgasm approaching, Jungkook’s hands squeeze your ass cheeks. He encourages you to rock against him even harder as he guides your hips. His tongue is laid flat against your clit as you ride him faster, you can feel how close you are. You thighs shake and you feel your pussy clench around nothing as your orgasm hits you. It hits you so fucking hard, like a strong wind that’s knocked you over.
“Fuuuuuucckkk.” You squeeze your thighs together, probably crushing Jungkook’s head as you come. You breathe so fucking hard as you try to hurry to come down from your amazing orgasm, you struggle to rise to your knees, so Jungkook helps lift you a bit until you are rising from his mouth.
You inch backwards until you are hovering over his chest, when he makes you sit down. You open your eyes, and take a look at the man before you.
His entire face is glistening with your cum and he looks so fucking happy about it. He’s trying to catch his own breath as he eyes you, his entire face wet with your cum. He is fucking grinning at you.
“You did so amazing baby.” He breathes out.
“That was incredible.” You admit. “Want to…” you start off hesitantly, “Want to fuck my mouth?”
Jungkook slams his eyes shut, and takes a few deep breaths before he slowly opens his eyes again.
“No…We should get cleaned up and go to sleep. Don’t you think?” he asks softly.
“Go…to sleep?” you ask, disappointed. “Sure.” You say kind of detached. “If that’s what you want.”
Shame. Guilt. Regret.
It’s the next morning and you are trying your hardest to sleep away from Jungkook. But the bed is so small making it almost impossible. You didn’t sleep at all. Which feels unfair because Jungkook is next to you snoring away with a lazy arm thrown over your waist.
Shame. Guilt. Regret.
Jungkook has a girlfriend but you and him…oh my god you made Jungkook a cheater. You are the fucking worst. You let lust win in this dangerous game you two are playing, you let it win and shove it’s victory in your face. You hate yourself. You feel so fucking bad! Vanessa may not be your favorite person but cheating is never okay.
Shame. Guilt. Regret.
You wonder if Jungkook will feel these things too as he wakes up…you wonder if he will feel worse. Jungkook is a lot of things but a cheater isn’t one of them. He’s always felt strongly about the subject because of his mom and dad. Will he be weird with you? Will he feel worse than you? Will he be able to forgive himself?
Suddenly, Jungkook’s light snores go quiet and his arm is tightening around your waist just the slightest. He’s awake. He begins pulling you in closer to his body and then you feel his lips on your neck. He leaves just an innocent peck and then you think he may be going back to sleep with how comfortable he’s getting.
“Let’s get up.” You break the silence in the room, “I can hear people downstairs.”
“Oh, good morning.” You feel him smile on your neck, “Why don’t we stay here for just a few minutes?”
Has he not processed what he’s done? Where is his shame? His guilt? His regret? You feel sick.
“We really should get up.” You repeat. “I’m hungry.” You detach yourself from his body and rise from the bed. You don’t even look at him as you grab a change of clothes and exit the room to head towards the bathroom.
Jungkook is left on the bed wondering what’s up with you? Are you feeling awkward after last night? He thought you might be in a good mood…considering your orgasm…but instead your mood seems to be sour.
“Great.” Jungkook mutters underneath his breath. He gets up too, going to his bag to change for the day. When he’s done, he grabs his toiletries and makes his way to the bathroom. He stands outside the door, softly knocking. You swing the door open with your toothbrush hanging out of your mouth when you usher him inside.
“I’m going to wash up too…” Jungkook warns. He sets his small toiletry bag on the bathroom counter and takes out his face wash, moisturizer and tooth brush.
You nod your head as you continue to brush your teeth, toothpaste foaming at the corner of your mouth.
“How do you feel this morning?” Jungkook tries to make decent conversation as he applies his face wash to his face.
You spit out the toothpaste and rinse your mouth, wiping your face dry with a towel.
“Fine.” You spit out. “Just fine.”
Jungkook washes his face with water, and pats his face dry with a small towel, just nodding his head. He feels awkward.
“I feel fine too…” He adds, trying to add more to the convo. “Do you think grandma heard us last night?” he asks.
“Let’s not talk about last night.” You snap, “Can’t you read a room?”
You grab your things and leave the bathroom, leaving Jungkook wondering what the hell he did to make you so mad. Did you hate it that much? Maybe in the past he would have thought that but now…he knows how much you liked it. Loved it even. Jungkook doesn’t feel as insecure as before, he just knows the only way to solve this is to talk to you. Communication.
Communication would be a lot easier if he was given a god damn chance at talking to you but your mom is keeping you so busy in the kitchen with your gossipy aunt’s chitter chatter filling every crevice of the room. You nod along, even laugh as you listen. Jungkook is in the backyard with the three kids, keeping them entertained as you, Manny, Larissa, your aunt and mom bake in the kitchen with grandma sipping her tea at the table. Your dad, uncle and Daniel are in the living room watching some show, clanking their beer bottles together in celebration. Today is Christmas eve. Apparently this is when your family does most of the major celebrating, you guys bake and cook all day, eat a grand dinner and open presents. And Christmas day you just eat leftovers and chill.
The youngest kid has grown quite fond of Jungkook, she tends to feel left out by her two older brothers. Jungkook plays with her and she has already formed an attachment making your cousin in law laugh at them fondly.
“Your boyfriend is great with kids! Lucky you.” Larissa winks at you as she rolls the cookie dough on the counter.
“Yeah, yeah.” You say plainly.
“y/n…what’s wrong?” Manny comes up to your side, “Trouble in paradise?”
“No, Manny.” You snap. “But I bet you would like that.”
“Girls, let’s not fight.” Your aunt cuts in while your mom just looks at you worried.
“I would hardly call it a fight.” You hear your grandmas sweet voice over everyone else’s. “Now how are those drop cookies coming along girls?”
“They’re coming.” You say. “If Manny ever finishes with the dry ingredients.”
“I told you I was almost done, chill out.”
“Girls.” Your mom warns, “y/n, why don’t you go keep Jungkook company?”
Your eyes go from your moms to outside where Jungkook is and you panic.
“No, it’s okay…he’s fine.”
“You know what?” Your grandma speaks up, “I think I will if you won’t.” She sweetly chuckles. She stands from her place at the table, grabs her tea cup and makes her way to the outside table instead, closing the backyard door behind her.
“Hi dear.” Your grandma nods towards Jungkook as he plays pirates with the boys. He is laughing and pretending to have a hook hand, while the boys giggle and run around. The youngest claims she is the lost princess and that Jungkook has to save her. Grandma watches with joy, loving how well he gets along with the children.
“Hi.” Jungkook says out of breath from playing. He tells the kids to keep playing and that he will return shortly, they beg and whined that he stay but he says if they keep playing he will steal them some of the first cookies. The kids nod their head aggressively in agreement.
“How are you this afternoon?” he takes a seat across from her.
“Why is my granddaughter mad at you?” She smiles at Jungkook and his face drains of all color.
“Um…what do you mean?”
“Anyone with eyes knows you two have been strange all morning and afternoon.” Your grandma brings her tea to her mouth, “Maybe Manny was right, there is trouble in paradise.” She smiles again, “The key is to talk to her. Find out what’s going on.”
Jungkook groans, throwing his head into his hands. He lifts his head up again to speak but decides to just groan again in frustration.
“She won’t give me a chance to speak to her.” He admits. “She’s avoiding me.”
“Make the chance happen.” Grandma advices, “You’re a good kid, Jungkook. Even though you decided to lie to poor old me.”
“You think I really couldn’t tell that you’re not really dating my granddaughter? I’ve been around too long to get fooled by something like that. But I see your feelings are real. So are hers. So why aren’t you two together?”
Jungkook sits here, absolutely stunned silent. He doesn’t know how to respond! Grandma begins sipping on her tea again when she lowers it to speak.
“Go talk to her honey. I want to see my grandbaby happy.”
“I guess we don’t have to pretend anymore.” Jungkook finally speaks.
“No, no. Keep going, it is quite entertaining, dear.” Your grandma chuckles, “Plus, it keeps Manny on her toes. Best if she thinks you are taken. Once she finds out that you are single…I fear for your life, boy.” Your grandma laughs out loud, making Jungkook join her.
“Fair enough.” He says, “But how do I…how do I get her to talk to me?”
“I’m sure you know her better than I do.” Grandma points out, “You’ll figure out what works best for her.”
And your grandma is right, he does know you best. But what will work? When you have avoided things in the past he has usually been the one to force answers out of you. Now is no different.
All the baking for the day is complete, you sit down at the table in the kitchen and let your head fall to the table top. You moan out in satisfaction that you all are finally done…how unfair that the guys got to just chill all day? Your mom has been cooking with your aunt for Christmas dinner while you and your cousins worked on pies and cookies. And they sat and drank beer. Typical.
“Hey.” You feel Jungkook’s warm breath hit your ear and you look up at him, his face so close to yours as he is leaned down to speak to you.
“Can we talk?”
“Nothing to talk about.” You lay your head back down on the table until you feel your arm being pulled upwards, causing you to stand to your feet.
“Don’t be a brat. Let’s go.” Jungkook pulls you up, and starts pulling you in the direction of the staircase.
“Let go of me.” She say weakly, “I can walk myself.”
Jungkook let’s go of your arm and instead reaches for your hand, he interlocks his fingers with yours and you roll your eyes.
“I said, I can walk myself.”
Jungkook only shakes his head in response, guiding you up the stairs until you two reach the bedroom, you both walk inside as Jungkook closes the door behind you two.
“Now talk.” He softly commands.
“Nothing to talk about?”
“y/n…” he warns and you feel your eyes start to sting.
“We fucked up, Jungkook.” You blink back the stinging in your eyes, shame, guilt, and regret joining you.
“How so?”
“What do you mean ‘How so?’” you ask incredulously. “Do you not remember the events of last night? You have a girlfriend!” you throw your hands in the air, “You are a cheater! I’m the one you cheated with…oh my god…”
Jungkook’s eyes widen at your words and he starts shaking his head. He tries walking closer to you but you only step back until your back meets the wall.
“We fucked up.” You cry out. “I’m so sorry.”
“What are you sorry for?” Jungkook asks softly. You are starting to wonder why this dude is not panicking.
“I made you a cheater.” You cry. Jungkook walks closer to you again until he’s wrapping his arms around your waist.
“You didn’t.” he whispers. “Vanessa and I…we aren’t together right now.”
You sniffle into his shoulder as you process his words…not together right now? What does that even mean?
“She broke up with me.” He begins to explain, “Said she wants to break up until New Year’s but I don’t think we will be getting back together.”
“Why not?” you whisper.
“I…I don’t know.”
“Oh.” You untangle yourself from Jungkook’s arms, “But you aren’t a cheater?”
You sigh out in relief, a huge, long, heavy sigh. Thank God. You feel shame, guilt, and regret leave your body making you feel ten times lighter.
“So I have nothing to feel bad for?”
“Absolutely nothing.” Jungkook smiles at you, “Now can we go enjoy Christmas? I cannot wait to give you your present.”
You pull on your hair, feeling nervous suddenly. Is he just going to brush past this too? Are you two not going to bring up last night in more detail? Figure out what it means for you two? Are you two just friends who occasionally hook up? That’s not what you want. What do you want? “Sure.”
“Dinner was delicious, honey.” Your dad says reaching over to cup your moms cheek. “I think I ate way too much this year.”
“Oh sweetheart, you say that every year.” Your mom laughs, “What about everyone else? Eat enough?”
Everyone around the table groans in happiness, nodding their heads yes and complimenting the dinner.
“Well, I suppose we should get on to the presents portion of the evening?” Your mom stands from her chair, “Let’s all go into the living room around the tree.”
Everyone makes their way into the living room, you and Jungkook being the last two to make it inside. You two stand here awkwardly, not entirely too sure where to sit since it is a bit crowded. Your grandma points at you two with a cheeky smile.
“Mistletoe.” She yells out. “Mistletoe!”
You point at yourself in question and then at Jungkook. What mistletoe? Then you see Jungkook looking up and his face turning completely red. Oh.
“We really don’t—”
“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” you hear your various family members chanting. Your parents grinning like fools as they chant as well. Your grandma winks at Jungkook and Jungkook goes even redder.
“We don’t have to Jungkook” you whisper. Jungkook clears his throat repeatedly until his face begins going back to his normal color.
“No, it’s tradition right?”
“I mean, I guess.” You shrug, you begin to turn red yourself.
“C’mere.��� He reaches for your hand and pulls you in to his chest, then his other hand goes to cup your jaw. “Just one kiss.” He whispers.
You feel all his body heat enter your body, his touch making you so fucking warm. You nod your head pathetically as you tilt your head up. Jungkook smiles down at you and leans in just a bit, his forehead pressing against yours. Your eyes go to his lips, they are pink and his bottom lip is plump. Jungkook leans lower until his mouth is hovering over yours and he very innocently pecks your lips. You wish his kiss had lingered longer but it is short but sweet. He leans away from you, his forehead still pushed up against your own when you surge forward and kiss him again.
You hear the hollering of your cousin Daniel and his wife Larissa, Manny probably pouting. Your aunt and uncle are giggling and your parents laughing but telling you to behave. Your grandma snickers to herself and starts softly clapping her hands together.
“I thought I said just one?” Jungkook teases, his hand lowering to his side but his other hand keeps holding yours.
“I couldn’t help myself.” You admit confidently “Now let’s do presents!” you turn to face everyone else.
“Agreed!” your mom yells out excitedly. “First, we have Manny from Daniel…”
The night continues, everyone exchanging presents. Your parents loved their gifts, your mom thought the necklace was very thoughtful and your dad says he would love to take you to the game with him. You give Jungkook your gift, he yelps in excitement when he unwraps his gift when he sees the boots.
“Thanks baby, I know I haven’t shut up about these shoes for months!” he leans in to hug you. “Now it’s my turn.” He grins.
He searches the tree for the last gift of the night: Jungkook to you. He grabs the box and hands it to you, a shy smile making its way on his lips.
“Here, for you.” He sits back and waits for you to unwrap it. Your parents and the rest of your relatives wait as well.
“Okay, here I go.” You begin unwrapping the box, throwing the gift paper to the side on the floor and are met with a brown box. You raise a brow at Jungkook and he just smiles widely.
“Go on,” he says, “Open it.”
So you do. You carefully open the box and pull out a wooden box—a music box. The top of the music box is glass with a photo of you and Jungkook, your heart absolutely melts into two.
“Open it, open it.” He urges excitedly.
You lift the top of the music box, revealing its insides. Your absolute favorite song in the world starts playing and you feel the waterworks coming. This song means everything to you. He knows it is your favorite.
“Read what it says…” he mentions shyly. “There’s a message.”
I will always believe in you. I will always support you. And I will always love you.
You read the message to yourself a few times over and you start sniffling, a few tears leaving your eyes. You look up to make eye contact with Jungkook and he smiles. You close the box and slip it back inside the box and set it to the side, you crawl towards Jungkook and hug him. Your arms wrap around his neck and you throw your head into his shoulder, and you start mumbling your thanks.
“Of course baby.” He whispers into your hair, “I mean it.”
“I know you do…” you murmur. “I know.” You sniffle harder. “And I love you more.”
You, yourself aren’t entirely sure how you meant the words ‘I love you’ in this moment. You are so overwhelmed and overjoyed that you aren’t sure if you said it platonically or romantically. All you know is that you meant it.
“That’s impossible.” Jungkook chuckles. You slowly leave his arms, feeling embarrassed now that you’re crying in front of everyone.
“What did it say?” Manny asks, “You didn’t even share!”
“Let’s leave it between the love birds.” Your grandma says.
“Love birds indeed.” Your mom grins, “Well, Santa comes nice and early tomorrow!” she says to the kids.
“Are you sure about leaving them here tonight?” Daniel asks, “Santa can come to the hotel too.”
“Don’t be silly,” your mom says, “I will put them to bed on the sofas. It will be fine.”
“Okay, we will see you all bright and early tomorrow morning then.” Larissa begins packing up their things.
“Heading out already?” Your dad asks, “Well, take some food with you.”
You and Jungkook stay seated on the floor, as the rest begin cleaning up. Your mom picks up all the gift wrapping paper off the floor while your dad puts away gifts and you and Jungkook sit side by side.
“Did you like your gift?” Jungkook inches closer to you.
“I love it, Jungkook.” You lean into his shoulder, resting your head on him. “It makes me so happy.”
“What about me…do I make you happy?”
“So happy.” You admit. “I hope I can make you this happy too.”
“You do.” Jungkook leans his head on top of yours. “Like, you have no idea.” He reaches for your hand and tangles his fingers with yours.
“Do you two want to head to bed? We got the cleaning covered.” Your mom offers. You yawn in response, showing her that you could use some sleep.
“Yeah, okay.” You accept gratefully, you stand up taking Jungkook with you. You two say your goodnight’s and head towards the stairs up to your bedroom.
“Goodnight you two.” Your grandma sings, sending a wink to Jungkook and he goes red again.
“Why does she keep winking at you?” You wonder out loud.
“No idea…” Jungkook is quick to respond. “Weird…”
When you and Jungkook get to your room, you both rush to get changed and wash up in the bathroom. He finishes before you, settling into the bed. You come in next, wearing your sleep shorts and a tank top. You turn the lights off and make your way to your bed, you slip inside and groan in satisfaction…ah, sleep time.
“Hey y/n…”
“Hm?” you sleepily roll over to your side to face Jungkook, “What’s up?”
“I just want to say…” he pauses and bites his lip. “Thanks. I just want to say thanks.”
“For what babe?”
“For bringing me for Christmas…this is the first time I have felt so at home in years.” He admits, “You have no idea what this means to me.”
“I’m glad you’re happy Jungkook.”
“More than happy.” He corrects. “You have no idea what you mean to me.”
“Then tell me.”
“Can I show you instead?” Jungkook leans closer to you, tilting his head at the right angle. “Can I kiss you?”
You can’t help but swallow hard, Jungkook wants to kiss you? To show you what you mean to him? That’s romantic right? You aren’t totally reading this wrong?
“Why?” you ask, gulping down your spit.
“Because.” He breathes out softly, “Please.”
You can smell the toothpaste on his breath, you can smell his laundry detergent on his clothes, you can smell the shampoo in his hair. You inhale him and hold your breath.
“If I say no?” you blink up at him and he smiles softly.
“Then I will respect that.” He answers honestly.
With your eyes still adjusting to the darkness it is hard to see his eyes but you just know they are soft and inviting.
“Jungkook…” You scoot closer to him, moving your head to be at level with his face. “Baby…” you whimper out as you lean in closer to his face.
“Is that a yes?” He asks, his breath hitting your lips. “Because—”
Your lips find his in a slow, tender kiss. You peck his lips over and over and you can feel his lips shaping into a smile. You pull away after a few seconds, feeling breathless after the short kiss.
“Goodnight Jungkook.” You scoot down until your head hits his chest and you snuggle into it.
“Goodnight baby.” Jungkook smiles, laying on his back as he stares up at the dark ceiling. How will he find sleep tonight? His heart is racing in his chest. Are you finally starting to understand his feelings? He knows he hasn’t talked about them yet…but he will. Yes, he definitely will.
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