#lesbian resilience
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celebrate-lesbianism · 1 year ago
Bad news: Some people do not believe that lesbianism is real. There are people (maybe even ones you really love and care about) who will probably never take your sexuality seriously. 
Good news: You're still a lesbian regardless of what anyone has to say about it. The romantic relationships you have with women will be serious and they will matter. 
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thefriendoforatioisdead · 4 months ago
Pin being afraid to enter the Pine Palace as if it's not the home Anin designed for the two of them before they even got together...
The pain....The agony...The pain....
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booked-booklover · 3 days ago
As such, this text is my middle finger being raised high in the presence of fear. It is my reclamation of my life. It is my declaration that this is my life— to live, to screw up at times, to learn, to enjoy, to grieve, to celebrate, to wander, to break, to rebuild, to heal, to hope, to thrive, to stumble, to fall, to rise up, to fight, to rest, to create, to embrace, to explore, to manifest, to nurture, to resist, to push, to pull, to surrender, to shine. This is my life to be. To be whole, happy, sad, vulnerable, resilient, limitless, at peace, unstoppable, authentic, and gay as hell. And I am...
Read full story here
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marble-running · 5 months ago
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Had some fun with the makeup testers at Superdrug
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aquamanandfriends · 2 years ago
Comfort Food
| muse: Natalia Peters | open to: anyone | made with beta | sexuality: homosexual | suggested connections: girlfriend, close friend, ex-girlfriend, maybe they are on a video chat, just playing games or watching movies
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“I got like, jalapeno Cheetos,” Natalia nodded slowly as she looked over to them, “But I haven’t opened them yet. They are just near, they comfort me with their presence.” She might have been drunk and a little high but they didn’t need to know that.
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celestiamour · 2 months ago
Hi, Could you write more about semi x fem reader, maybe the reader helps her not to get murdered? I love semi a lot but there aren't many fanfics about her🥺😭 please
ft. se-mi x f! reader — squid game
╰₊✧ preventing her untimely demise┊0.6k words
setting: season 2, episode 7 contains: canon-typical violence & murder, sorry nam-gyu fans, it’s one or the other, friends to lovers
➤ author's note: i was so mad when she died, why do the squid game writers hate lesbians
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it’s difficult to see anything going on with the bright white fluorescent lights constantly flickering, but the sound of screams piercing through the night was enough to tell you that the “special game” had started and it was dangerous to remain in bed. you watched as one of the women next to you cried out in terror as a man used a broken bottle to stab at her chest,, and you immediately jumped out and hit the floor running before he could turn his sights on you. 
the first people who came to your mind to search for where your allies were to make sure they were alright, particularly min-su and se-mi whom you’ve become close over the past few days and knew would be targets of their previous group after voting to leave. 
you heard her familiar voice yelp in surprise just a little ways from you, the same voice that so often threw compliments at you like they didn’t fluster you so bad you wanted to hide under the blanket and comforted you when you cried about the people who lost their lives earlier that day when everyone else was asleep, sending you into a panic. 
as resilient as se-mi was, she was no match to overpower nam-gyu physically as you watched him corner her against the wall, his bloodlust so powerful you could almost smell it with one of the forks given out during dinnertime in hand. you could see a glint of red shining off the metal, indicating that it was already used to take a life. 
a glass bottle suddenly came in between them, shattering against the concrete floor. you didn’t even bother to look up, just seizing the opportunity to jump the man from behind and trying to steal the silverware from his grip while he was still in shock. while you couldn’t fully take it from him, you did manage to knock it out of his hands. 
you were smaller than him, but you used all of the strength in your body to keep him pinned down once se-mi kicked him in the stomach and picked up the utensil. without hesitation, she began to repeatedly stab him in the neck with it, over and over again, both of you ignoring his pleas and screams knowing that he would have done the same to her without so much as batting an eye. you only got off him when he stopped squirming under your grasp, ignoring the blood that splattered all over your hands, clothing, and face.
it hasn’t hit you yet that you just held a man down for her to murder and you’re sure the guilt will consume you later, but all that matters is that both of you have survived to see another day together. you’ve never been so happy to see those damn guards in their hot pink uniform, even if they were shortly taken down in a matter of minutes to steal their guns for the planned player revolt. both of you 
neither of you were allowed to join due to a lack of experience with firearms and being women, but due to the clear determination in your eyes, they did leave a walkie-talkie to call for backup if they needed it.
once the shots fell quiet and were no longer ringing in your ears, se-mi looked at you with a little smile on her face and reached out to caress your face, “you know, i always thought you were really pretty, but i think you look kinda sexy with the blood everywhere.”
“do you really?”
“of course, i do, but we really should wash up”
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makingqueerhistory · 7 months ago
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Selected Works from Nasta Rojc
Nasta Rojc was born in Croatia in 1891 and left an enduring legacy as both a pioneer in the arts and a courageous figure in the Croatian resistance movement during World War II. Her life story is marked by resilience, creativity, and a commitment to women in the arts.
As a lesbian who lived in a time when LGBTQ+ rights were virtually nonexistent, she entered into a lavender marriage with fellow artist Branko Šenoa, which allowed her to attend art school and maintain her safety. As an artist, Rojc broke barriers by becoming the first female solo exhibitionist at the prestigious Salon Ullrich. Her art, characterized by bold colors and depictions of traditional Croatian folk wear, captivated audiences and earned her recognition within the Croatian art world. It is possibly because of her talent and uplifting of Croatian culture that she is remembered.
After Croatian independence, there has been a resurgence of interest in Rojc's works, with exhibitions and retrospectives celebrating her contributions to Croatian art and history. Her paintings serve as a testament to her talent and vision, while her legacy as a pioneer in both the arts and activism continues to inspire future generations. Nasta Rojc's life is a reminder of the power of art to transcend boundaries and its use as a tool to discuss and fight oppression.
You can find these works and more in our gallery!
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celebrate-lesbianism · 10 months ago
I remember seeing kd Lang on TV for the first time and thinking she was so cool. And then I remember everyone else in the room laughing. About her clothes, her dykey haircut. Why would a woman want to look like that? God.
There are decades of shame that live inside of me, and piece by piece, I am carving it the fuck out.
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papenathys · 11 months ago
I don't say this enough but I really write for the young queer and trans desi kids here who reblog my poetry and stories and moodboards and share their own stories. You are very brave and very loved and extremely resilient for existing in a country like ours, in a time like ours, when literally every day I open the newspaper or go online and see some horrific tragedy about some queer Indian kid who deserved the world and instead ended up without the help they deserved. Like even a few years ago, when I was in Catholic school in Kolkata, we– may be five or six queer girls–stuck together and had it BAD, and now seeing baby trans and queer desis in my inbox all being happy and camping out and calling me an older sibling is. Well. It's a lot. It makes me emotional. I mean, I was in first year of college when section 377 got repealed. So.
I know social media doesn't make it any easier to exist in the world as a non white, non western gay in the global South, with the constant guilt tripping rhetoric in online queer spaces that goes like "why don't you visit your local queer bar and maybe you'll know what REAL lesbians/gays looks like" but like I promise you!!! you'll be happy someday and you don't have to chase after a distant metropolitan/Euramerican dream and feel helpless without it!!! I promise you you'll find love and community, and I promise you you'll get the life you deserve!!! your worth isn't measured in how queer a lifestyle you lead by western visibility standards!!! Please keep being hopeful, and proudly yourselves, you're all brilliant young people.
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earthytzipi · 3 months ago
I actually loved the writing of caitvi this season for a few reasons:
1. I was very fortunate to meet and consistently date my lovely wife. Having observed other adult lesbians... that shit is MESSY. It's so so so so so common for lesbians to date, break up, date again, break up again, accuse each other of abuse or of being toxic, then date again, break up another time, date another person in the friend group, and so on and so forth. This season felt very honest to me in that way. If everything had been smooth sailing for Caitlyn and Vi, I don't think I would have bought it, especially with all the conflict they set up in s1. I agree that Caitlyn is toxic to Vi in Act 1. I just also don't think that's a deal-breaker for an adult relationship as long as amends are made, and I think that Cait's decision to let Vi release Jinx is a HUGE way that she made amends. I don't think she needed to grovel (nor would that have fit her character)- it demonstrated SO much character growth for her and so much trust in, and love for, Vi.
2. I've seen a lot of displeasure with Vi's writing this season, mostly centered around Vi's loss of agency and relative passivity. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, so, you know, grain of salt. It's just that, in my experience with trauma, you hit a breaking point where nothing matters to you anymore. You can't be resilient anymore. You've lost everything and you're grieving literally everything about the life you thought you had. (For the record, my trauma didn't even involve anyone dying, just abusive friendships, people cutting me off, and conversion therapy, and I *still* got there in my early 20s.) Vi shows a remarkable ability to push forward for Powder in s1, but by the first episode of s2, her resiliency is already breaking down. To me, it made complete sense that she showed more and more passivity and alcoholism as the season went on.
I think there's a misconception that trauma causes people to become strong. That is NOT what it does. It builds these insidious negative pathways of thought in your mind that wear you down over time. Eventually, it's too much. You can't take anything in stride. Everything becomes part of this pattern of hurt.
I think Jinx firing that missile was the breaking point for Vi. She lost her parents, she lost Vander, she lost her formative teenage years to prison, and the only reason she was still going at all was for Powder. That moment is the moment she decided Powder was gone, too. Imagine the grief of losing the last person you thought you had from your old life and not even being able to share that, because that person just killed a lot of people. In that light, the decision to join with the person who still cares about her and has been there for her makes sense, even though she hates the enforcers. I think that decision causes her a lot of pain and self-hatred which is reinforced when Cait leaves her, pushing her into the absolute pit of her trauma. Then all the events at the commune happen. Throughout the season she gains and loses hope about Jinx again and again, but when she's in that prison cell, from her point of view, she's just lost Jinx all over again after finally having her back for a while, and now Caitlyn, who she loves, for good.
In the end, when Cait says she engineered the whole thing to let Jinx escape? She gives Vi hope again in that moment. If Jinx isn't tried, she's still out there and Vi can still find her and try again. If Cait knew she would let Jinx escape and still be there for her, Cait still loves her more than she cares about revenge. Given how Cait almost killed a child to get to Jinx before, I think for Vi, this represents almost a complete 180 and demonstrates that Cait is sorry. I think their actions in that moment make perfect sense.
Anyways! To me, while I think s2 was definitely rushed as hell and had some other pacing issues, I loved the storyline for Cait and Vi.
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incorrect-threehouses · 2 days ago
Flower symbolism in the FE3H Valentine's Alts
I am a big fan of any kind of flower symbolism, so when the valentine's alts in heroes came out this year I was instantly curious as to what the significance of the flowers chosen in each character's art was, so I'd like to share what I've found!
Edelgard - Violets/Crocuses
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I actually found it pretty difficult to figure out what flowers Edelgard was holding, as they're not what you'd expect her to have, namely her favourite flowers, carnations. So I did a bit of research and the two most likely flowers I think they could be are either crocuses or violets.
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I think both of these have the right kind of colouring and petal shape to be the flowers shown in Edie's art (although if you know of another flower that it could potentially be lmk!). In terms of the symbolism, crocuses (left) represent cheerfulness, youth, glee and the return of spring, and purple ones in particular represent dignity, pride and success.
Violets (right), on the other hand, represent modesty, faithfulness, humility, and romantic love between women, as Sappho used violet imagery to describe her lost love multiple times in her poems (a win for the lesbians and bisexual women). According to Christianity, St. Valentine used crushed up violets as ink to send letters while he was imprisoned, so they're closely related to Valentine's Day too. They're also associated with grief and mourning as in ancient rome they were used for funerals, and I believe they're also used for mourning in countries like Thailand. An interesting link I found (which could just be me overthinking lol) is that they bloom in February, which is the month in-game when Edelgard launches her attack against the church. Personally, I think the violet symbolism works better for Edie.
Dimitri - Lily of the Valley
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Lily of the valley represent sweetness, purity, luck, and in flower language mean the return of happiness. While being beautiful though, pretty much every part of the plant is very poisonous. These are also associated with Mary in Christianity, with folklore saying that the flowers grew from where her tears fell on the earth when Jesus was being hanged on the cross. They're the flower of May, which has another potential connection as that's the month Dimitri starts on his path to redemption and retakes Fhirdiad. Also they're Marianne's favourite flowers which makes me very happy 🥺 Dimamari my beloved (fun fact: they're also one of my favourites!)
Claude - Daisies
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Claude's are another easy one, they're pretty obviously daisies, although I think they could be two specific types: oxeye or camomile
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Daisies as a whole represent innocence, loyal love, new beginnings, and signalled that a secret was kept safe in victorian flower language. White ones also symbolise purity and yellow joy & friendship. While these flowers usually have happy connotations, there's also a celtic folktale that when a child dies young, god will make daisies grow to comfort the parents. They're also the flower of April, which is both the month the lords and Byleth meet, and the month of the war at Gronder. Not sure if there's any strong link to Claude there, but interesting nonetheless.
For the specific daisies I mentioned, as well as looking like the correct size and shape, the symbolism of both work very well for Claude. Oxeye daisies (left) are dedicated to Artemis, greek goddess of the moon, and of course Claude's crest is related to the moon arcana, while camomile (right) symbolises patience in adversity, calmness and resilience. It's also one of Claude's favourite teas!
Rhea & Sothis- Lillies
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The symbolism of lillies is pretty straightforward: affection for loved ones, purity, fertility and majesty. White lillies are closely associated with the divine, rebirth and rejuvenation of the soul, which is why they're often chosen for both weddings and funerals. In another win for the lesbians, a few sources I found said they can also symbolise sapphic love! Nice to see the bisexual women being represented
Hubert- Carnations
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(I still can't get over how goofy he looks knsbdkdhf)
Carnations represent fascination, devotion and distinction, but can also represent contempt. Red ones in particular symbolise a deep love, and mean "alas my poor heart" or "my heart aches" in flower language. They're also a symbol of socialism and the labour movement. They are the flower of January, but I couldn't find any relevant links to Hubert or Edelgard in the equivalent month in game. Carnations are, as previously mentioned, Edelgard's favourites, which the fact that he's got them for her just makes me 🥺🥺🥺
So, that's my little ramble for the evening, I hope you enjoyed!
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ellstronaut · 1 year ago
Going back to this debate
I know Ellle is a multifaceted individual that much is obvious she’s not one dimensional she has many elements to her personality. Additionally, it’s important to remember that even on the spectrum of masculine and feminine, Ellie isn’t completely one or the other. She exists in some sort of grey area between them, embodying both masculine and feminine traits. She’s not defined by one end of the spectrum, but rather by the interplay of these two extremes.
Yet at times the characterisation of Ellie is laced with internalised misogyny. And highlights the way “masc presenting” lesbians are treated in real life tied down to the “man” in the relationship why is Ellie mostly written as the dominant one especially when coupled with fem reader why do we head canon her as a top when it’s literally canon that she’s a switch? Why is there an infinite amount of “ellie taking care of the reader on her period” scenarios outnumber “Reader taking care of Ellie on her period” Ellie written as tall towering over fem reader and not like she’s literally 5’5
The fact is that there’s a heteronormative slant to the way people write her. Like I said almost never written as a switch, but a top. To some extent been portrayed as tall and dominating, never small or vulnerable. And Santa Barbara Ellie is often sexualized even though she is deeply traumatized and emotionally tormented. The problem is that people are viewing her through male-centric lenses, reducing her to an object of desire rather than a fully fleshed out woman with a complex, nuanced personality which includes many dimensions, some of which may be considered feminine.
There is no specific way to be a “masc lesbian” a woman nor feminine and express your femininity. Nor should that separate her from her womanhood/femininity. in a way it’s her way of showing how feminine she is. maybe not stereotypically through outward appearances, but her general identity. she’s a woman who experiences the same struggles that women do, Obviously she doesn’t waver just on the lines of black and white, she’s all rounded. In between. Grey area. The point I’m trying to make is that she’s all and above, you can be both masc and fem. I would add that Ellie's femininity is often overlooked or even belittled by people who only focus on traits that appeal to them. Not her emotional intelligence, her caring nature, her resilience, her dedication to her loved ones. Fuck she’s also a soft heart and a tender soul. These aspects of her are just as important to her character, she is a whole person ffs, exceptionally fleshed out
So fuck
“the hot wife and her hot boyfriend”
Why not
“The hot wife and her hot wife”
“She’s so boyfriend
“She’s so girlfriend”
Santa Barbara/Seattle is literally at her most vulnerable, disheveled state that girl is literally plagued with trauma, stuck in a limbo of “do I seek vengeance in the name of losing my family and absolutely everything or stay and suffer in silence (at who’s expense?? Hers) Yet we sexualise tf out of her, the most vulnerable pinnacle of existence—glorified and romanticised bc it’s “hot”
this is not a dig at anyone you’re free to write whatever tf you want bro it’s your platform but pls let’s not bs and pretend as of this doesn’t occur
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catslikeio · 3 months ago
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I had the full image somewhere..(this is a year old..)
Resilient, sociopathic, farmer x hardworking, caring, princess
This was supposed to be a cowboy/ 1800s American au where all the op characters are from their country of origin. (Nami sweden.. law German..) and most of them compete in a race to get the one piece…. (Soooo steal ball run coded) but it has major romance and toxicity and stuff. (I thought about this all at 3am, so glad i didn’t actually make a story out of it)
Originally, nami helps vivi out and Vivi helps nami out. But then nami sees that Vivi is wayyyy too kind for her own good. Which kinda makes nami like her even more. Until Vivi mentions her friend koza, to which nami gets jealous. (Insert Sarah by Tyler the creator) yhhhhhhhh
I just wanted toxic lesbians. Cause I barely see it in fandom spaces
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ripleylarue · 11 months ago
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Pink evening primrose fairies!
I’ve been working on a series of Texas wildflower fairies inspired by Cicely Mary Barker’s illustrations. I wanted to highlight the biodiversity and beauty of my home :). I don’t think I’ve posted about it on here at all but one of the core motifs of my work is queer southern /southwestern imagery (specifically exploring intersections of lesbianism and transness). Conservative governments DO NOT represent the majority. Queer Texans will always be here! We are as natural and resilient as the flowers that bloom on the roadsides every spring. Anyways enjoy the fairies lol there are more where that came from
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3bdulra7manosama · 4 months ago
I literally urgent. Just read and judge accordingly.
$1300 is needed by 30 Nov. Only 17 days left!!!!🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨⏳️⏳️⏳️.
Hello everyone, I'm Abdulrahman, a medical student from Gaza. I evacuated alone to Egypt without my family to complete my education after losing everything in the war. My family is still suffering in Gaza, and they could die any time.
The war not only destroyed our homes and universities, but it also divided us and ended our educational directorate.
However, these things did not destroy me, but rather, they made me more committed to my goals and more resilient.
In the meantime, I really need urgent help to raise the second installment for the first semester, which is $1000, and the deadline for this is 30 Nov (17 days only!💔⏳️🚨) . Also, I need immediate support for living expenses and rent.
Remember, your support will help a lot. especially cause I'm alone without a breadwinner. Every $10 could help, I should raise the second installment necessary and urgently by 30 Nov.
✅️ Vetted by @gaza-evacuation-funds #4 in the list here
And by association in many posts on Tumbler.
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Reblog please:
@dlxxv-vetted-donations @officialspec @ot3 @o-lanterns @paper-mario-wiki @pcktknife @postanagramgenerator @2spirit-0spoons @27moremoons @kinderes @katsunaksu @virovac @variantsofblue @imlizy @butchfeygela @buttercuparry @courtjester69420 @neonflashincamphalfblood @commissions4aid-international @redbuddi @reginaofdoctorwho @reinermariarilke @wellwaterhysteria @wizardarchetypes @annabelle--cane @appsa @a-shade-of-blue @straycatj @sayruq @skunkes @thenameisgul @understands @fleshdyk3 @finalgirlabigailhobbs @dreamfluxx @dinosaurjam @palipunk @gothhabiba @punkitt-is-here @stil-lindigo @halalchampagnesocialist @spooksier @jonahmagnus @lesbian-hannibal @imjustheretotrytohelp @imlizy @heydreamchild @heliopixels @virovac @variantsofblue @kinderes @khanger @phaon1 @akajustmerry @comrademango @lesbianmaxevans @heritageposts @mobiused
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makingqueerhistory · 11 months ago
Though she was frequently a target of both political and social persecution, Eve Adams showed a tenacity and fighting spirit at every turning point during her radical, audacious life. As a visibly queer Jewish woman, Adams was unafraid to challenge societal norms and live unabashedly as herself, choosing to pursue whatever felt deeply normal to her, even if everyone else surrounding her challenged those pursuits. Though her life came to an untimely and tragic end, Adams’ complex and multifaceted story has been unearthed in more recent years thanks to the efforts of several thorough historians, and she is now remembered as a pioneering figure in the LGBTQ+ community. As an advocate for sexual freedom, a subversive anarchist, a trailblazer in the establishment of queer spaces for women, and the author of one of the earliest lesbian ethnographies in the U.S., Adams' work highlights the intersectionality of LGBTQ+ rights, radical politics, and the fight against antisemitism and fascism, while her life story survives as a poignant reminder of the courage and resilience of those who fought for the right to live and love openly.
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