bimobuddy · 22 days
I read a hero x villain fic a while back (I can't find it to save my life, otherwise I'd link it, I'm so sorry) where the villain had bat wings and the hero had to wash them bc the villain couldn't reach them, but his wings were horribly ticklish
But because Irep also has bat wings, I can't help but imagine the same scenario with him and Peri
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randommusicalfluff · 2 months
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Every hyperfixation I have has to come with tickle art I guess 😭😭 my boys!! They’re like chaotic siblings in my book I adore them
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mythica0 · 1 month
Doctor tickle monster
🎂: Fop: A new wish (cause I’m hyperfixating WOO)
🧁: Dev
🍫: Peri
Summary: Dev is being sad. Sadder than usual. Peri helps.
A/N: my hyperfixations changing faster than life’s trajectory (I haven’t even finished the loud house yet here we are🫡) I needed some Lee Dev in my life so *yeets this fic in your general direction* (P.S we’ll say this takes place after the finale in an alternate timeline but I don’t think there’s any spoilers in here)
Doctor tickle monster
Dev was sad. That much Peri knew. I mean, not really ground-breaking; the kid was sad all the time. [even though he usually hides it behind anger, annoyance or apathy. Pushing people who try to help away because he never learned proper emotional regulation skills or how to communicate with people]
But it was a little.. more than usual. He had been pouting all day, hiding his sad eyes behind his sunglasses. When Peri Asked him what was wrong, at first the kid pushed him away- as he tends to do- but after a while he caved.
“It’s nothing, Peri- it’s stupid.”
“Your feelings aren’t stupid, kid. No matter what your dumb, pea-brained father says.”
That got a small huff of amused breath from the kid. “I know that, it’s just- there isn’t really a reason for me to be sad. Which is just making me more upset because I don’t know why I’m upset.”
The two fell into a small silence. Dev looked down at his shoes, embarrassed by the fact that his eyes were forming tears. Peri was thinking.. ‘how in the world do I cheer him up if there isn’t a problem for me to fix..?’ He thought for a moment, and then seemed to get an idea.
He made a ringing sound, and put a hand up to his ear in a phone gesture. “Brriiing, Brriing,” Dev looked up at his godfather, confused.
“Hello? Doctor? We have a level 5 situation here.”
‘What in the world is he doing?’
“What’s that? You’ll be here right away? Excellent! See you very soon.” He let his hand fall away from his ear, and then he turned around suddenly wearing a stethoscope, and spoke in a slightly different voice.
“Hello, I was called about a level 5 case of the blues?”
Dev raised his eyebrows and looked at him. “What?”
“Ah, you must be the patient! Your godfather gave me a call- said you had a case of the blues for no identifiable reason! So I’m here to help!
His curiosity officially peaked, Dev spoke, almost sarcastically. “And how are you gonna do that?”
“Simple! But first, I have to tell you something..” the ‘doctor’ gestured for Dev to come closer, and he did. Then the ‘doctor’ whispered to him,
“I’m no ordinary doctor- I’m Dr.monster-…” he paused for a moment, before scooping the kid in his arms and starting to vibrate his hand in his stomach “- Tickle monster!”
Dev burst into giggles at the touch, squirming slightly in the hold. “Peheheheheri! Whyhyhy thihihihis!!”
“I’m not Peri, I’m Doctor tickle monster- and because this is the number one treatment for cases of the blues! They do say laughter is the best medicine, after all!”
Although he wouldn’t admit it, even to himself, dev laughed slightly harder at the silly act his fairy godfather was putting on.
“Cohohohome ohohon! Quhuhit ihihit!!”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that- not until you are officially cured! And there’s still a ways to go until then!”
Dev kicked and pushed at Peri’s arms, but it was half-hearted at best. [Dev knew that he could wish for Peri to stop if he really wanted him too. Not that he would say he was enjoying himself]
“And there’s that precious smile! And you do have quite an adorable laugh if I do say so myself!”
Dev’s face went red at the comment, and he frantically tried to deny it. “I ahaham nohohohot cuhuhuhute!!
“Well, your giggles say otherwise~” Peri was having fun teasing and tickling his kid to pieces. It was nice to see him smiling and laughing and full of joy. Lord knows he needs it.
He could tell that the kid was having fun. If he wasn’t, Peri would’ve stopped. His goal was to cheer him up, not make him resentful or more upset.
Meanwhile, Dev was in such ticklish bliss agony, Giddy giggles and laughter poured out of him non-stop.
“Pehehehrihihi! Ihihihit tihihihickles!!”
“Well, duuuuhhh, that’s the point of me tickling you, kid.” At the words, Peri decided to up the ante a bit, moving his hands to his sides and squeezing gently, then moving his head to give the kid a massive raspberry right on the tummy.
Dev squealed, much louder laughter erupting from him without his permission. It tickled so BAD!
“Aww really~? Good! OM NOm” Peri nibbled the kids tummy and made silly noises as he continued to tickle him silly.
Dev laughed and laughed. “Heheheheheee peheheriii StahahahaPpp!”
Peri relented for a moment, not entirely stopping, but moving to much gentler tickles, just lightly scribbling on the kids ribs.
“You cured? Are the blues allllll gone?”
“Yehehehes! Ahahall gohohone!”
“Are you suuuuureee~”
“Yehehehes! Yehehes ihihim suhuhure plehehase stohohop!” The kid giggled out, causing Peri to stop and set him back on the floor, the stethoscope gone.
Dev continued to giggle for a moment, leftover tingles still plaguing his torso.
But, he couldn’t deny the facts. He felt significantly better. He was smiling, and he found that even if he tried he couldn’t stop.
Peri flew next to him. “Feeling better?”
Dev blushed slightly, but still sighed out a “… yeah.”
“I’m glad. I’ll just have to give the good doctor a call every time you’re sad! ”
“Noooooooo” Dev whined, but he was still grinning ear to ear.
“Yes~,” Peri mocked, “new rule- no sadness allowed!! If I see a sad Dev- he gets alll the tickles until he feels better! I have a feeling we’re gonna see a lot more of that smile~~”
“Ugghhhhh” Dev whined again, clearly embarrassed.
Dev was smiling for a long time.
———THE END————————————————
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mediauser325 · 10 hours
Fairly Oddparents tickle HC's
(Headcannons of Cosmo, Wanda, Timmy, Peri (formerly poof), Irep (Formerly Foop), Hazel Wells, and Dev Dimmadome) Writer's note: THIS TOOK 2 WEEKS IN MY DRAFTS TO WRITE! Hope you all like these silly tickle headcannons. If you don't like them, Idc I'm still having this up
Cosmo: 65% Lee, 35% Ler
Cosmo's such a playful fairy! His tickles are mainly to play, or cheer someone up! Having been a fairy godparent for up to 300 years at minimum, Cosmo knows cues like when to stop, when someone is able to be cheered up via tickles, etc. He's a master at teasing, and WILL use it to his advantage. He does use the classics you know the ones, but he also makes up brilliant teases. He's an amazing tickler, and does play the 'Can I guess where you're ticklish?' game. A couple scribbles here, some pokes there, the whole shebang. He also gives his lee wiggle room unless it's PERFECTLY CLEAR they don't mind being pinned. Cosmo CANNOT take what he dishes out, he squirms, squeals, kicks, his wings flap crazily, he is MEGA ticklish and a silly mess. Cosmo and Wanda have done tickle fights but Wanda always wins. The same tickle fights have happened with Hazel, Timmy and Peri at different times, but Cosmo was too good a ler for the trio to stop. Cosmo's worst spots are his sides, neck, and underarms.
Wanda: 50/50
Wanda's a good ler but is usually gentle, opposite of Cosmo who tries to wreck everyone he tickles. She usually just lightly scribbles across a spot, gently teasing and cooing. The people she tickles the most are Peri and Cosmo. But if you wreck her, she's gonna wreck you just as badly. As a lee, she's most ticklish on her ribs. She'll giggle helplessly, but that's it. I'll add more if I get more ideas.
Timmy Turner: 80% lee, 20% ler
Poor Timmy has no ler skills. He's almost always is the tickled and never the tickler. He's VERY ticklish in many common spots, and always just laughs his lil head off, and has the BEST giggles. If he ever tickled someone successfully, it was dumb luck or a huge amount of stealth. Other than that, he's mostly a lee. He squeals and begs, it's adorbs
Peri (Formerly Poof): 55% Lee, 45% Ler
He's a really embarassed lee and it's adorable. Cosmo and Wanda occasionally tickled him when he was a baby, and it was precious. As an adult, he's not tickled as much, but when he is, it's either Cosmo or Wanda tickling him in front of Hazel or Dev, and embarassing him in the process. As a ler, he's mindful of boundaries more than a normal ler would. He pays CLOSE attention to cues and responses and may have a safe word so he doesn't go too far. He hasn't had much experience with humans and doesn't wanna come off as anything negative. He's most ticklish on his belly. He's a squealer. You can NOT convince me otherwise.
Irep (Formerly Foop): 95% ler, 5% lee
This guy refuses to be tickled. He's always the tickler. As a wittle baby, he was a huge lee much to his disapproval. Anti Cosmo and Anti Wanda didn't tickle much, but it was adorable when they did He's very ticklish, but was never caught later in life. As a ler, he's RUTHLESS! He will wreck you until you tap out. If you ever tickle him, expect him to threaten you while kicking and squirming helplessly on the floor. His worst spots are his underarms and sides
Hazel: 50/50
One heck of a good ler. Her main Lee is Dev, and they get into the silliest tickle fights you've seen. She usually wins. She can be either gentle or ruthless, depending on what someone's comfortable with. Definitely stole some of Cosmo's teases to use for her lees. As a lee, she's squealy, giggly, squirmy, AND kicky. She'll squirm tooth and nail to do anything to make the tickles more bearable. She's ticklish in the most common places, but mostly the spaces between her ribs
Dev: Complete lee.
He's a touch starved 10 year old that has never been tickled and never experienced tickling. That is, until he met HAZEL. He will fight tooth and nail to get away from a Ler, especially if the Ler is merciless. He may use his rocket boots or drones to help him get away. THE LEE-EST LEE TO EVER LEE! Ticklish everywhere, has no ler skills, can NOT fight a tickle fight to save his life, it's silly and kinda sad too. Can only ler if someone like Peri, Hazel or Cosmo are helping him
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mrswolf · 1 month
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justalilgiddybibs · 11 days
Making fake FOPANW episode concepts because I can
For these I'm gonna be latching onto @mythica0's (sorry if you didn't wanna be tagged!) storyline because I absolutely adore it. Basically it's a title, synopsis, and basic plot concept. Also all of them are tickle-related. Also also I'll be happy to take some requests for these!
Wild Wishbug
Synopsis: Peri's having trouble granting Dev's wishes- all because of a tiny tickly wishbug!
So the episode starts out at Dev's place as Dev wakes up to Peri zooming around in the air, giggling his head off and kicking his feet for seemingly no reason. When Dev asks about it after Peri had calmed down a bit, the latter explains that a wishbug (yay new concept!!!) had likely made its way into his system. He then goes into detail about what a wishbug is: A small, magical little bug that finds a fairy godparent and feeds off its magic- which gives a buzzy and very tickly feeling to said fairy, making it extremely difficult if not impossible for them to grant wishes. Peri had tried magicking it out in desperation (rookie mistake), but ended up subjecting himself to a relentless tickle attack from the wishbug.
Thank goodness it's Sunday. But the Fairy Friend Group is coming over today to play video games! How will the duo get the wishbug out of Peri?
The two try multiple tactics- basically starving it by not doing anything (which worked until Dev basically forgot and accidentally made a wish), Trying to overfeed it by casting a bunch of wishes (that goes about as well as you think- Peri doesn't last long before getting too overwhelmed by the tickly feelings), and even trying to tickle it out (Dev actually just resorts to tickling Peri himself, which does nothing). They make zero progress.
By this time their friends have arrived, and the duo try their best to keep it a secret until Dev slips up again. He then explains things to everyone else, while Peri is at an all-time high in his giggle fits. Hazel asks if Cosmo and Wanda would be able to wish it out, to which Wanda replies:
"Well, yes, we could wish out the wishbug, but it's easier to just wait till it gets its fill."
“Ugh, that's gonna take so longggg! And I wanna make wishes now!"
“And honehestly, I don’t knohow how much longer I can take thihis…”
So Hazel wishes out the wishbug from Peri, and all seems well- until they realize the pesky bug is still lurking around, and ends up giving everyone else their own share of giggles as revenge for keeping it away from an easy snack- but then simply poofs away, never to be seen again.
Hold on. Why is Cosmo still giggling?
OKAY AND THAT’S GONNA DO IT FOR THIS ONE! Gonna be honest I made this on the spot but it turned out to be a really cool concept! If anyone wants to expand on this as a whole or just the concept of the wishbug itself, go right ahead- Just credit me!
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hamilton-fluff · 23 days
we're lacking irep
yall were lacking lee!irep or honestly irep in the tk art and fics in general, like as a ler when peri started magical backup and wasn't that sick irep would definitely have tortured him with tickles, someone make that idea a tk fic or art? I give u permission *Hands key*
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I mean look at him in this photo from tenor, dramatic lee or ler
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ticklishbeans4 · 2 months
Fairly Odd Parents: A New Wish Tk Headcanons PT.2
Well since y'all seemed so interested in the first one, here's some more!
Devon "Dev" Dimmadome
Lee: -He's probably like, 80% lee I'd say -He's much more secretive about it and doesn't want anyone to know, but he really does love being tickled -Favorite lers are Hazel and Peri, they're the on;y ones who actually try to tickle him and the only ones he really trusts himself to be vulnerable with -He's not as ticklish as Hazel... he's WAY worse! -Worst spots are his feet, belly, and ears. But only by a small margin cause ya boi is crazy ticklish all over -Feathery and light tickles are what destroys him more than anything -Tickle hugs are his absolute favorite way to be tickled, a hug AND being tickles? Sign him the heck up! -Loves visits from "The Tickle Monster" (aka Hazel a majority of the time) -Hazel was the first person to discover he was ticklish, not even Dev knew before that. Poor kid had never been tickled before and thought it was some make believe game on tv -Has wished for a real tickle monster before, it was tiny and pocket sized for light soft tickles and he keeps it in his room for when he needs a pick me up -(For a little angst) Ever since the big blow up with Hazel, he's unwished the tickle monster he made and refuses to let Peri s much as hug him
Ler: -20% Ler, he likes to tease people and pretend to still be mean while having fun and feeling more in control -Favorite Lee is Hazel for sure, though he's gotten Peri on a few occasions -His teases are usually talking about how stupid/silly it is that the lee is SO ticklish, like how can one person BE this ticklish? (he's one to talk lmao) -He's a bit clumsy with tickling since it's still really new to him, but he's learning -Actually sometimes finds himself using tickling motions to stim (I 100% headcanon him to have autism to some degree) and will even seek out Hazel or Peri when he's feeling playful and he wants to stim -Honestly he's a pretty playful ler once he gets out of his head and starts just having fun -Loves to chase his lee around before wrecking them, yelling teases like "I'm gonna get you!" and such -Sometimes struggles to know when to stop, but he's getting better
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chocos-universe · 1 month
SQUEALLLLL!! Thank you so MUCH @rand0m-s1nner!! You're super sweet as well!! Thank you so much for letting me do this!! The inspiration from this fic goes to this TALENTED person⬆. Again, thank you so much!! Have a wonderful AM or PM!!<3
Two Wishes
--Peri somehow crossed over to the real world! I wonder how that happened...--
|Lee - Peri -- Ler - Alex (My preferred name:> On online at least lol)
AU - Crossover
Alex groaned, shutting her door and slipping her backpack off her shoulders and onto the ground. She flopped on the couch bed under her actual bed and lied there before turning over on her back. 'At least it's Friday so I don't have homework.' She thought to herself, pulling her phone out of her pocket and unlocking it, going on Tumblr. 'Nothin' new in my notifications.' She thought with a sigh, scrolling through the 'For You' section. She got a message from her mom as she clicked on it and read it.
"Hi toots! Me and <Step Father Name> are going shopping! Anything you want from the store??"
Alex just responded with a 'No, be safe' and left the other texts on read. She kept scrolling through images, stopping to read some things before scrolling again. The eventually stopped on a 'Fairly OddParents' post. She stared at it for a few moments before scrolling past some others. "I wish I had a god parent. Too bad that shit is fictional..." She sighed and turned off her phone, placing it beside her as she reached for her PS5 controller. Then, she saw a purple spark in the corner of her eye. She turned her head around to see nothing put her heater in the middle in the room, along with some other things. 'I'm seeing things again...' she thought with a shrug. Even if the thought was unusual, since who sees something PURPLE in the corner of their eye?? That's just weird. She went back to reaching for the controller until, again, she saw that spark again. She whipped her head back to that spot and saw, yet again, nothing! "Those ghost stories are gettin' to me..." She muttered under her breath but decided to look longer at the spot this time. She swore, with her own two eyes, she saw a spark. "The fuck??" Alex asked out loud, grabbing a full water bottle. Then, a purple smoke appeared, making her eyes widen and scoot into a wall, just staring in disbelief and somewhat horror. the smoke eventually disappeared with a poof as a floating purple human lookin' thing was in the middle of her room. Was she drunk??
"Well, hey there kid--" The grape started off but was CUT off by a scream and a water bottle being thrown at his face "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" Alex shouted, grabbing another water bottle. "Woah--! Hey hey HEY!!-- Calm down!" The winged person put his hands up in defense. "I've officially gone crazy..." Alex muttered, looking at the ground as she held the water bottle up, the creature chuckling awkwardly. "Let's just... calm down... start from the beginning, okay?" He asked in a calm town, trying to soothe the frightened child. "Fucking hell... f-fine...' She continued to hold the water bottle up. "Okay! My name is Poof! Or... well it was. Changed it to Peri! Kind of like Periwinkle!" Peri introduced himself with a smile. "Peri...? As in.... OHHH you're HIM! You fuckin' terrified me, dude! And uh, Im Alex." Alex calmed down, putting the water bottle down, making Peri chuckle with mixed feelings. "Nice to meet ya, Alex and... uh... language... please? And... you know me?" Peri asked, fidgeting with his fingers. "Sorry, working on controlling my mouth. And yeah! You're from a show! But... how are you... here? Fairies and God Parents don't exist here." Alex explained, doing weird hand movements as Peri's eyes widened a bit. "They... don't?" "Yeah! So... how are *you* here?? You're supposed to be fictional!" Peri just shrugged. "I don't know... but, since I'm here I *guess* I'll grant you two wishes! One being whatever you desire and the other to send me home! How does that sound?" Peri smiled, putting his hands behind his back. "Uh... sounds fair. Okay... uh... one wish... hmm..." Alex hummed, thinking for a moment before an idea popped in her head. She stayed silent for a few more moments before blushing lightly at the idea. "Uh... Okay." Alex crawled over to the edge of her couch bed, signaling Peri to come closer. Peri shrugged and floated down to her level. She pulled him a little closer, whispering in his ear. After a moment, he blushed FURIOUSLY and pulled back after she was done. "You-- You wanna what??" Peri stuttered with a shocked face. "Please? This'll basically be a dream come true! ...Quite literally." She mumbled that last part before giving Peri pleading eyes. "Please? You said anything:(" "I... I did say that, didn't I...? You're one weird kid..." Peri sighed "Fine..." He agreed as Alex beamed. She signaled him to come closer as he sat on her lap. (Not self shipping this is STRICTLY platonic--) She giggled happily "Ready?" She asked as Peri nodded
"EEP-- Ehehe hehehey! Waaaahahait!" Peri giggled as Alex tickled his belly softly. "Aww! Your laugh is even more adorable in reality! Ehe!" "Dohohohohon't sahahahay thahahat!" Peri squealed and kicked his legs slightly. Alex just beamed with happiness. 'Finally! I get to do this!' She thought as her hand wandered to Peri's sides. "Tick-le Tick-le Tick-le purplee!~" Alex teased, gently and lightly squeezing his sides. Peri hiccuped and covered his blushy face. "Aaaaahahahaha! Nooohohohohohohoo! You're so mehehehehehean!" Peri giggled, not even trying to stop her since it'd be pointless and stupid. "Me? Mean? Peri, I'm offended! Can't a kid have fun once in a while?" Alex huffed in fake annoyance, poking his belly button. "Naha! Wahahait!-- AhahahahahaAHLehehehehex!! Stahaha-- eeeehehehehehe!!" "Oh you're so PRECIOUS!! Eeee, look at your smile!!" "Nohohoho-- you cahahahahan't see ihihihihhit! Ah! Nohohohot my rihihibs! Naahaho!" Peri kicked his feet a bit more, giggling about, turning into an even more blushy mess. "Heh, I can't help it! You're just so cute!" "Nohohohot cuhuhute!!" Peri protested in a giggle fit. "...Nope. That's it." Alex huffed and tickled behind Peri's ears. "WAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAIT!! NOHOHOHOHO! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!! NOT THERE!! NOHOHOHOHOHOHOT THEREEEHEHEHEERRR! *hic* Peri's shoulders scrunched up, squirming on her lap. "Nah, you asked for this. Saying you ain't cute, who is you lying to cause it ain't me!" "AHAHAHAAALLLEX!! *snort*" Alex gasped in delight. "Oh. M. Goodness. You can SNORT?! Oh, you adorable munchkin, ahh!!" Peri's face got brighter. "NOHOHOHOHOHO!! STAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!" "Two more spots??" "NAHA--" Alex giggled, knowing that was a no. But continued. She gently took one of Peri's hands and nuzzled his palm. Peri s c r e a m e d. "NAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! *hic* NOHOHOHOHOHOHO!! ALEX, PLEASE!! *hic* PLEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!! WHYYYHIHIHI WOULD YOU WISH FOR THIIIIHIHIHIHIHIS YOU JEHEHEHEHEHEHERK!! *snort*" "Okay, two more spots were a lie... how about THIS time, two more spots?" Alrx teased, tracing Peri's hand lines. "AHAHAHAHAHAL--" Peri squealed, tears pricking in the corner of his eyes. "Fine, one more." She chuckled and let go of his hand, tickling his inner thighs this time. "WAAAAAAA-- NAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! AHAHAL-- BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Some tears fell down his face as he laughed, squirming about. "Okay, okay! I'm done!" Alex said with a giggle and stopped
"Woah.... wooohohooo... ehevil... evil child!" Peri giggled breathlessly. Alex chuckled and hugged him. "Okay... woo... I'm okay now... ahh..." Peri chuckled with a breath as he levitated next to her. "My time to leave, I believe..." Peri said with a small smile. "Damn... nice meeting you, though!" Alex said with a smile. "Alright, ya know what to do." Alex nodded in response. "I wish for you to go home, my dear grape!" Alex said with a smug look. "Thank you-- wait hey--!" Peri started but was already gone. Alex just smiled and finally grabbed her PS5 controller
After a moment, Alex's mom knocked and came in. "Hi toots! We're back!" Her mom announced with a smile. "Hey, momma." Alex smiled and waved. "Anything interesting happen?" Her mom said with a playful hint in her tone. Alex blinked and looked at the floor for a moment. "Yeah... a new interesting story to write one day."
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anticosmo13 · 2 months
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aykutiltertr · 22 days
Nilüfer (Aşk Tesadüfleri Sever) - Müslüm Gürses ✩ Ritim Karaoke (Nihaven...  ⭐ Video'yu beğenmeyi ve Abone olmayı unutmayın  👍 Zile basarak bildirimleri açabilirsiniz 🔔 ⭐ KATIL'dan Ritim Karaoke Ekibine Destek Olun (Join this channel to enjoy privileges.) ✩ ╰┈➤ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqm-5vmc2L6oFZ1vo2Fz3JQ/join ✩ ORİJİNAL VERSİYONU 🢃 Linkten Dinleyip Canlı Enstrüman Çalıp Söyleyerek Çalışabilirsiniz. ⭐ 🎧 ╰┈➤ https://youtu.be/V1MrpRoXaIA ✩ (MAKE A LIVE INSTRUMENT ACCOMPANIMENT ON RHYTHM IN EVERY TONE) ✩ Aykut ilter Ritim Karaoke Ekibini Sosyal Medya Kanallarından Takip Edebilirsiniz. ✩ İNSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/rhythmkaraoke/ ✩ TİK TOK https://www.tiktok.com/@rhythmkaraoke ✩ DAILYMOTION https://www.dailymotion.com/RhythmKaraoke ⭐ Nilüfer (Aşk Tesadüfleri Sever) - Müslüm Gürses ✩ Ritim Karaoke (Nihavend Minör Balad Sunay Özgür) ❤ @RitimKaraoke Müzisyenlerin Buluşma Noktası.... ESER ADI              : NİLÜFER - ARTIK GERİ VER (FİLM MÜZİĞİ - AŞK TESADÜFLERİ SEVER) SÖZ GÜFTE          : MURATHAN MUNGAN BESTE - MÜZİK    : SUNAY ÖZGÜR USÜL                      : 4/4 BALAD SLOW MAKAM - DİZİ      : NİHAVEND MİNÖR ARANJÖR             : ? ENSTRÜMANLAR: ELEKTRO GİTAR - YAYLI GURUP KEMAN                             ŞARKI SÖZÜ ve AKORU Bm       A  G  F#          Bm Zamanın eli değdi bize Bm        A                 Em   F# Çoktan değişti her şey Bm    A        G             Aynı değiliz ikimiz de Em                        F# Zaaflarına bir gece                               G Hatalarına bir nilüfer                                A Sevgisizliğine bir kalp verdim                  Bm Artık geri ver         A                       G Geri veremezsin aldıklarını     F#       Bm Artık geri ver         A                   Em Geri verilmez hiçbir yanılgı F#                 Bm Yokluğuma emanet et A                             G Sende benden kalanları F#           Bm Her şeyi al Bm     F#m Bana beni geri ver G                         F# Bir şansım olsun Bm             A           Bm Başka yer başka zaman Em                         F# Sensiz ömrüm olsun Bm       A          Em                G F# Her şeyi al bir şansım olsun Bm             F#m   Em Başka yer başka zaman                               A Sensiz ömrüm olsun Aşk Tesadüfleri Sever Yönetmen Ömer Faruk Sorak Yapımcı Oğuz Peri Senarist Nuran Evren Şit Hikâye (eser) İpek Sorak Oyuncular Mehmet Günsür Belçim Bilgin Altan Erkekli Ayda Aksel Şebnem Sönmez Hüseyin Avni Danyal Berna Konur Ümit Bülent Dinçer Zafer Demircan Hakan Çimenser Batuhan Karacakaya Pınar Çağlayan Müzik Ozan Çolakoğlu Görüntü yönetmeni Veli Kuzlu Sanat yönetmeni Hakan Yarkın Stüdyo Böcek Yapım Türü Dram, Aşk Renk Renkli Yapım yılı 2011 Çıkış tarih(ler)i 4 Şubat 2011 Süre 114 dakika Ülke Türkiye Dil Türkçe Hasılat 2.418.090 seyirci, 21.910.790,00 TL tahminî hasılat[1] Devam filmi Aşk Tesadüfleri Sever 2 Resmî sitesi Aşk Tesadüfleri Sever, yönetmenliğini Ömer Faruk Sorak'ın yaptığı 2010 yapımı Türk aşk filmidir. Film 4 Şubat 2011 tarihinde gösterime girmiştir. Filmin soundtrack albümü de filmin yayımlandığı tarihte yayımlanmıştır. Çocukluk ve ilk gençlik yılları boyunca yolları Ankara’da kesişen ve 2010 yılında İstanbul’da tanışan Özgür (Mehmet Günsür) ve Deniz (Belçim Bilgin), kendilerini engellerle dolu aşk macerasının içinde bulurlar. Bir yandan da geri dönüşlerle onların geçmişlerini izlerken, diğer yandan da Türkiye’nin 70'li, 80'li, 90'lı ve 2000'li yıllarında gezerek, dönemin unutulmaya yüz tutmuş popüler kültür ögeleri, müzikleri, yaşam biçimleri Aşk Tesadüfleri Sever’in nostaljik yönünü tamamlıyor. 2014'te Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı tarafından gerçekleştirilen halk oylamasında En İyi 100 Türk Filmi arasında 41. seçildi. Aşk Tesadüfleri Sever (film) Aşk Tesadüfleri Sever Yönetmen Ömer Faruk Sorak Yapımcı Oğuz Peri Senarist Nuran Evren Şit Hikâye (eser) İpek Sorak Oyuncular Mehmet Günsür Belçim Bilgin Altan Erkekli Ayda Aksel Şebnem Sönmez Hüseyin Avni Danyal Berna Konur Ümit Bülent Dinçer Zafer Demircan Hakan Çimenser Batuhan Karacakaya Pınar Çağlayan Müzik Ozan Çolakoğlu Görüntü yönetmeni Veli Kuzlu Sanat yönetmeni Hakan Yarkın Stüdyo Böcek Yapım Türü Dram, Aşk Renk Renkli Yapım yılı 2011 Çıkış tarih(ler)i 4 Şubat 2011 Süre 114 dakika Ülke Türkiye Dil Türkçe Hasılat 2.418.090 seyirci, 21.910.790,00 TL tahminî hasılat Post-prodüksiyon sürecinin bitmesinin ardından film 4 Şubat 2011 tarihinde vizyona girmiş ve 35 hafta boyunca vizyonda kalmıştır.[4] Oyuncular Mehmet Günsür - Özgür Belçim Bilgin - Deniz Altan Erkekli - Yılmaz Şebnem Sönmez - Neriman Hüseyin Avni Danyal - Ömer Ayda Aksel - İnci Berna Konur - Zeynep Ümit Bülent Dinçer Zafer Demircan - Deniz'in Yengesi Hakan Çimenser - Deniz'in Dayısı Batuhan Karacakaya - Özgür'ün çocukluğu rolünde Pınar Çağlayan - Deniz'in çocukluğu rolünde Reyhan Asena Keskinci - Deniz'in sekiz yaşındaki hâli Berkant Keskin - Özgür'ün sekiz yaşındaki hâli Yiğit Özşener - Burak Cem Uslu Simel Aksünger Altan Sinan Cebecigil
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bimobuddy · 21 days
Decided to write a short little thing
Sfw tickling
Also I'm imagining them as human sized
Lee!Irep, Ler!Peri (little bit of a switch near the end for both of them)
"Get back here!"
"Stay away from me!"
Peri had been chasing after his counterpart for close to ten minutes now. The Dimmadome house was empty with Dale being away on a trip and Dev spending the day with Hazel, giving these two all the space in the world to fly and chase after each other.
Especially since Earth was safe for both of them. Irep couldn't enter Fairy-World, and Peri wouldn't last a day in Anti-Fairy-World.
Irep had been doing everything in his power to make this relaxing day hell for Peri; using magic to bring furniture to life, turning into a snake to coil around him tightly, and worst of all, speaking in brainrot. Safe to say the fairy eventually snapped.
Peri locked onto his target and gave his large butterfly wings extra power in their flapping, catching up and tackling Irep out of the air, who landed with a loud, "OOF!"
The anti turned his head and glared. "You could have broken my wing!"
"But I didn't." Peri smirked, immediately shoving his hands under Irep's leather jacket to scribble at his sides, resulting in the other to slam his arms down and go silent, holding back light giggles.
Oh yeah, opposite self, opposite spots.
He reached back and started to squeeze the back of Irep's knee, causing him to kick his legs frantically and burst out into panicked giggles, immediately trying to crawl away.
"Yeah, I figured it out: opposites. You're done for." Peri teased. "Actually, now that I think about it, I'm not super ticklish... here~" gentle fingers dug into his lower back and suddenly Irep was spazzing like he was being tazed.
"HAHAHAHA ST-" he cut himself off and tried to kick Peri away instead. So the fairy just sat on the backs of his legs to avoid getting kicked.
"Oh and you know what else I realized, buddy?" Peri teased, reaching up to lightly brush his fingers over his counterpart's pointed ears, earning a scrunch of the shoulders and uncharacteristically bubbly giggles. "Is that I don't care much for being on the receiving end. So that must mean~" "Noho-" "You love it don't you?" "NO!"
The anti-fairy's ears and neck turned a darker shade of blue as he doubled his efforts in 'fighting back,' to try and prove a point.
"Is that why you've been bothering me all day?" Peri asked, slipping his fingers under Irep's chin and getting a scrunched nose, fangs, and bright giggles in return.
Irep snapped at Peri's fingers like he was going to bite them, causing the latter to yank his hand back with a yelp. Now Irep was giggling for a different reason.
Peri narrowed his eyes at the jerk. "Alright then, have it your way. I know exactly where to strike now, since I'm not ticklish there at all."
Before the anti could even react or protest, Peri had unbent and opened his large, leathery bat-like wing and started to softly scritch his fingers into the joints and the delicate webbing between the bones.
Overwhelmed in the best way, Irep couldn't even close his wing, it just tensed up and stayed open while he kicked his legs furiously against the ground and buried his face into the floor, laughing and wheezing up a storm, so much so that even Peri started to laugh.
"Yohou- You sohound like a kettle-" he chuckled, gently pinching the base of his wing, getting the most feral of giggles out of him.
Irep's laughter was wheezy, harsh, and chaotic, but not necessarily unpleasant. Peri didn't mind it.
Though when it started to become all wheeze, Peri let up and moved back to just gently brushing over his ears. He didn't want to kill the guy, no matter how annoying he was.
Irep's wings drooped and practically melted off his back as he was granted a break. He panted through softer, shy giggles as his ears were tickled, occasionally twitching or jerking his head to the side.
"Yoho- You're dehehead.. ahafter thihis." The anti-fairy giggled out despite being a whole puddle on the floor.
"Don't act like you weren't directly asking for it." Peri replied, pulling his hands back completely to let him up. "We're even."
He got up off the giggly man beneath him, assuming he would be too tired to do much else. Though he realized he was mistaken as soon as he was yanked back and wrestled back down to the floor.
"You forget who you're speaking to, Peri. I don't play to get 'even.' I do whatever amuses me."
He vibrated a clawed hand into the fairy's belly and watched with delight as he started to kick his legs, tossing his head back in bright laughter.
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randommusicalfluff · 26 days
what if from the dev being swaddled post and your head cannon of him having really ticklish ears I think peri (being the one who swaddled him in the first place) picks him up and tickles his ears evilly, because dev was being a brat on purpose (the whole reason peri swaddled him in the first place in my mind)
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Kinda shitty doodle but I had to draw it!! I love them sm 😭😭
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mythica0 · 26 days
A whosamawhatsit?
🎂: Fop; a new wish
🍫: Peri
Summary: Dev gets his first ever lee mood. He is confused.
A/N: yes I’m writing lee dev ler peri again, what it to ya! This fic takes place after the other two I wrote, I kinda got a timeline going. Also I hope someone gets my title 🙏 (btw it’s pronounced who’s-a-muh-what’s-it) I’m not super happy with the ending but eh.
(P.S I got so flustered writing this. Also, Beta read by @randommusicalfluff!)
A whosamawhatsit?
Dev felt strange.
As soon as he woke up, he felt… odd. In a way he couldn’t quite place.
His whole body was buzzing, he felt like he was a soda can that had been shaken. He felt light and airy, and almost bouncy?
He was also in a better mood than usual? He didn’t know why he was just… less meh. He actually woke up and smiled.
He stretched and got dressed, having an Au-pair bring him a donut for breakfast.
“Hey kid, G’morning!”
Dev looked up at Peri and smiled, giving him a small wave. “Good morning, Peri!”
Peri sensed something. He didn’t say anything. He wanted to be sure.
“Well someone’s chipper this morning!”
Dev hesitated and smiled. “Yeah.. guess I am!” Dev was confused. He felt so… odd. He felt like he wanted.. something? What was it…
The rest of the school day went as normal, but the whole time Dev was contemplating and confused. He noticed more as the day went on.. he found things funnier than he usually did, felt a need for physical contact. And that bubbly, fizzing feeling in his stomach grew, along with to a sense of longing. If only he could figure out what he wanted!
Peri observed throughout the day. His sense had never been wrong before, and it was blaring! This kid had a lee mood, he just knew it. Time to have a little chat!
After Dev and Peri had arrived back at the mansion, and entered Dev’s room, Peri started the conversation.
“So, Dev, how are you feeling?”
Dev looked up. “Hmm? Oh, I feel great, thanks for asking!” He answered genuinely, smiling.
“That’s good! But I meant.. feel any different than usual?”
Dev didn’t know how Peri knew, but he replied honestly anyway.
“Actually, yeah.”
“Hmmm, how so?”
“Well.. I’ve felt like.. buzzy? All day. Also pretty light. I’ve found things funnier than usual… and a sense of … longing? But I can’t figure out what it is that I’m longing for.”
“Ahh, my sensors never fail!” Dev looked confused. “Worry not, kid, for I know exactly what you want.”
“How do you know what I want when I don’t?”
“Well, you’re in a lee mood! And I always know when someone’s in a lee mood.”
“A.. whosamawhatsit?”
“Oh yeah you don’t know what that is, do you?”
Dev shook his head, intrigued and listening but also very confused.
“Well, A lee mood is when someone wants to be tickled!” Immediately Dev’s face burned as he realized that.. yup, that was what that sense of longing was about. “It often comes with buzzing or tingling sensations and a chipper attitude, which you have been displaying!”
Dev blinked, and let out a flustered, “….huh.”
“Sooooo?” Peri drawled, teasingly.
“So- what?” Deb responded, an eyebrow raised.
“Do you want me to tickle you?” Peri said, so casually, as if discussing the weather.
Dev blushed even more. “Uh- I- ummm-“ he didn’t quite know how to respond. He did. But he didn’t wanna say that! That’s embarrassing!
“I’m not hearing a no~”
Dev continued to stammer embarrassedly.
“Don’t worry, I won’t make ya say it!” Peri teased, pulling dev into a hold. Dev covered his red face with both hands.
Peri smiled and started scribbling against the kids ribs, causing his joyous giggles to pour from him.
“Are you gonna uncover your face so I can see your precious smile~”
“Oh, really~ are you suuureee~”
Dev mustered some false confidence. “Ye-yeahahahah!”
“Alright then, guess I’ll just have to make you.”
Right after he finished his sentence, Peri shot up to Dev’s underarms, digging with just enough pressure to really tickle.
Out of instinct, Dev’s arms shot down.
“Aww, too bad~ where’d all that stubbornness go?”
“I Cahahahahant hehehehehehelp ihihit!! Ehehahhaha!”
“Well, if you’re gonna try to be all stubborn then you should probably work on that.”
“Eehahahhaahahaaa! Gehehehet ouhohohout ohohohof thehehehre!!!”
Peri pouted sarcastically. “I can’t~ my hands are stuck~”
“Nohohoho thehehey ahahahrehehent yohohou liahahahar!”
Peri made a fake attempt to remove his hands, before once again teasing, “see? They won’t budge! Guess I’ll just have to stay here and tickle and tickle and tickle for the rest of time!”
“Nohohohoho!! Gohoho sohohomwhehehere ehehehelse!!
“Oh, so you don’t want me to stop? You just want me to go somewhere else? And why is that, this a bad spot~?” The lilt in his voice made Dev’s face go even darker than it was.
“Nohohohoho! Eheheheee!” Dev was kicking lightly, unable to stop the happy laughter and energy that flowed through his whole body.
“No? That’s not why? Hmm… is it because you want me to tickle your little tummy? Is that why? Does this cute little tummy want some of the tickly tickly tickles?”
Dev blushed even harder(somehow) and continued to kick lightly and giggle. But he didn’t deny it.
“Oh~~? No denial?? That must be it, then huh~”
“Eeeehehehehahaha! Dohohohohooonttt!” Dev whined through his bubbly giggles.
“Oh~ so you don’t want me to tickle your little belly? You don’t want me to make you feel all giggly and happy from the tummy tickles?”
Dev just whined again, laughter never stopping, smile never leaving his face.
“No? You do? Well, then why’d you say ‘don’t’ hmm? If you do want me to tickle your tummy, then don’t what?”
“Nohohoho tehehehaseihihing!!”
“Aww, I’m afraid I can’t do that~ teasing is part of the fun!”
Dev just giggled some more.
“Well~ if you want me to tickle tickle tickle that little tummy of yours, you’re gonna have to move your arms. I’m still stuck!”
“Ihihihi cahahahahant!!
“Well then, why don’t I help you out~” Peri kept tickling with his right hand, but took his left and pulled Dev’s arms up over his head, with no protest. He held them there for just a moment, before digging into Dev’s oh so ticklish tummy.
Dev’s giggles grew bigger, renewed by the change in sensation.
Dev couldn’t and wouldn’t say it out loud, but he was having the time of his life. The ticklish jolts sending through his stomach to the rest of his body, making him laugh and smile and kick joyfully. Forcing him to be happy, forcing him to giggle and laugh brightly. At some point he had tears of joy forming in his eyes.
He was so happy right now, and that made him embarrassed.
After a good few minutes off the tickles, Peri stopped, sensing that the kid had had enough.
He poofed up some water for him, encouraging him to drink slowly.
Dev giggled for a while, breathing heavily, trying to brush away left over tickles. He drank the water, let his face cool down, and allowed his giggles to slow and then stop.
“Welp, now you know what a lee mood is, right?”
“Yeah, yeah- I guess I do!” …. There was a pause, then a breath. “Do you get lee moods?”
Uh oh.
———THE END————————————————
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jaimendonsa · 5 months
Todo dia era dia de índio
Antes não havia Coroa, somente Cocar. Antes não havia Reservas, somente Liberdade. Antes não havia Fome, somente fartura. Todo dia era dia de índio.
Mais de 80 povos indígenas foram destruídos entre 1900 e 1957, e a população indígena em geral diminuiu mais de oitenta por cento, de mais de 1,2 milhão.
Aimoré (Botocudo) (Ilhéus, Espírito Santo) Caeté (Costa Nordeste) Caeté (Minas Gerais) Canindé, Genipapo Carijó (São Paulo) Carijó (Paraná) Carijó (Rio Grande do Sul) Cariri, Caratiú, Icó, Panati, etc. (Interior Nordeste) Charrua (Rio Grande do Sul) Guarani (Mato Grosso do Sul) Omágua (rio Solimões) Potiguar (Costa Nordeste) Tamoio (Rio de Janeiro) Tamoio (Cabo Frio) Tucuju (Amapá) Tupinambá de Cumá (Maranhão) Tupinambá do Recôncavo Tupiniquim (Ilhéus, Espírito Santo) Tupiniquim (São Paulo)
UBIRAJARA A personagem principal é um índio brasileiro puro, que ainda não se corrompeu perante a cultura europeia. O romance revela o caráter da nação indígena, um relato dos costumes e da própria índole do selvagem - o bom selvagem - oposto àquilo que informam os textos de missionários jesuítas e viajantes aventureiros. Para ler: https://bit.ly/33vUFLq
IRACEMA Iracema, índia da tribo dos tabajaras, filha de Araquém, velho pajé; era uma espécie de vestal por guardar o segredo de Jurema (bebida mágica utilizada nos rituais religiosos); e, também, anagrama de América. O enredo é uma representação do que aconteceu com a América na época de colonização europeia. Narra de forma poética a fundação do estado do Ceará. Para ler: https://bit.ly/3GpRlQn
O GUARANI Romance repleto de ação e lirismo; descreve uma natureza exuberante, habitada pelos povos indígenas. A história de amor de Peri e Ceci é o tema da miscigenação entre o índio e o branco. Para ler: https://bit.ly/33pvI4a
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operaportugues · 11 months
Il Guarany (Carlos Gomes) - São Paulo, 14/maio/2023
Ópera completa com legenda em português: link.
O compositor brasileiro Carlos Gomes, no amanhecer de sua carreira, cativa a corte do Brasil. Com o incentivo de seu mecenas, o imperador Dom Pedro II, Carlos Gomes é selecionado para estudar na Europa e embarca para a Itália. Lá, ele criaria O Guarani, uma adaptação do romance homônimo de José de Alencar, e apresentaria a maior produção operística brasileira. Estreada em Milão em 1870, a ópera é saudada por Giuseppe Verdi e pelo público da época.
Enredo: A história se passa no século XVI, nas proximidades do Rio de Janeiro, e conta a paixão entre a filha de colonizadores portugueses Cecília e o indígena guarani Peri. Para os dois quase adolescentes – Cecília tem 16 anos e Peri tem 18 anos –, é a descoberta do amor de forma pura, que começa com a amizade e se transforma de forma arrebatadora, desafiando as diferenças étnicas e culturais do casal. Esta ópera também traz em sua história a disputa entre a tribo Aimoré e Guarani. Mostra, ainda, o interesse econômico da Espanha na colônia portuguesa na figura do aventureiro Gonzales que, embora tenha interesse em Cecília, tem como principal objetivo dominar a todos para poder explorar as terras indígenas. O Guarani, na forma de um amor proibido, traz em seu argumento a formação do povo brasileiro e a sua miscigenação.
– Olha, continuou a menina; Ceci vai te ensinar a conhecer o Senhor do Céu, e a rezar também e ler bonitas histórias. Quando souberes tudo isto, ela bordará um manto de seda para ti; terá uma espada, e uma cruz no peito. Sim? – A planta precisa de sol para crescer; a flor precisa de água para abrir; Peri precisa de liberdade para viver. – Mas tu serás livre; e nobre como meu pai! – Não! O pássaro que voa nos ares cai, se lhe quebram as asas; o peixe que nada no rio morre, se o deitam em terra; Peri será́ como o pássaro e como o peixe, se tu cortas as suas asas e o tiras da vida em que nasceu. ALENCAR, José de. O guarani, 20a ed., São Paulo, Ática, 1996, p. 134.
Informações sobre esta produção
Programa e Libreto
Conversa de Bastidor: Il Guarany
Por uma ópera indômita (Ligiana Costa)
Montagem de "O guarani" reafirma sua grandeza (Jorge Coli)
“Guarani” ganha leitura poética (João Luiz Sampaio)
Avaliação de Ali Hassan Ayache
Il Guarany nutella
Debate sobre Il Guarany
Palestra “Para Gostar de Il Guarany”
Carlos Gomes e Il Guarany
Podcast TMSP
------------------------------------------------------------------------- O Mármore e a Murta
Esta frase é a metáfora central do “Sermão do Espírito Santo” do Padre Antônio Vieira onde ele expõe as ideias jesuíticas a respeito da alma do indígenas brasileiros. Em meados do século XVI, existia o problema dos “brasís” não reterem os ensinamentos da Igreja Católica. Segundo o padre, a catequese era como esculpir uma estátua. Os índios eram fáceis de convencer mas depois eram inconstantes e inconfiáveis (como a murta, um arbusto ornamental fácil de esculpir mas que logo volta a forma selvagem original), opostos a outros povos previamente conquistados pelos cristãos, mais duros, resolutos e desenvolvidos (como o mármore, duro para entalhar mas que depois retém a forma para sempre). A mesma frase também dá nome a um ensaio recente do antropólogo Eduardo Viveiros de Castro que analisa o mesmo sermão pelo ponto de vista indígena.
Para Vieira, a murta era um símbolo negativo: caótico e imprevisível. Já o mármore, era sólido e apurado. Hoje em dia propomos outra leitura: A murta é viva e próspera enquanto mármore é frio e estático.
Artigo "O Mármore e a Murta: sobre a inconstância da alma selvagem", USP 1992
Livro "O Mármore E A Murta - Antônio Vieira - Jesuítas, Cativos e Bandeirantes no Século XVII"
Personagens Principais: - Peri, chefe da tribo Guarani (tenor) - Don Antonio de Mariz, fidalgo português (baixo) - Ceci, sua filha (soprano) - Gonzales, aventureiro espanhol (barítono) - Don Alvaro, aventureiro português (tenor) - O Cacique dos Aimoré (baixo) - Alonso, aventureiro espanhol (baixo) - Ruy Bento, aventureiro espanhol (tenor) - Pedro, homem de armas de Don Antonio (baixo)
Sinopse: nas proximidades do Rio de Janeiro, em 1560.
Ato I Nas vizinhanças do castelo de Don Antonio, próximo à floresta, a pouca distância do Rio de Janeiro no ano de 1560. Chega um grupo de caçadores entre os quais estão Gonzales e Don Alvaro, ambos enamorados de Ceci, a filha de Don Antonio, que entra em seguida. Don Antonio determina que Ceci se case com Alvaro, e ela, mesmo não o amando, aceita por obediência ao pai. Chega agora Peri, filho do Cacique dos Guarani. É recebido como amigo, pois, dias antes, salvara Ceci de um ataque dos ferozes Aimoré. Gonzales, aventureiro e traidor, conspira contra Don Antonio. Combina um encontro secreto com seus comparsas, Alonso e Ruy Bento, ao cair da noite, no local conhecido como a Gruta do Selvagem, para prepararem um assalto. Peri, que tudo ouviu, resolve segui-los. Todos, menos Peri e Ceci, saem. Peri é detido por Ceci, que lhe pergunta por que se apressa em ir embora. O guerreiro responde que deve evitar uma traição que poderá prejudicar tanto seu pai quanto ela própria. Embora não o digam claramente, os dois jovens estão apaixonados um pelo outro.
Ato II Cena I Na Gruta do Selvagem, em plena floresta. Peri chega antes de todos e se esconde. Entram os aventureiros. Gonzales diz que descobriu o caminho das minas de prata que ficam nas terras de Don Antonio. Se os cúmplices o ajudarem a raptar Ceci, Gonzales dividirá a riqueza com eles, amotinando a tropa contra o velho fidalgo. Alonso e Ruy Bento juram fidelidade a Gonzales. Peri, escondido, grita: “Traidores!”. Ruy Bento e Alonso fogem. Peri captura e desarma Gonzales. Poupará sua vida se Gonzales jurar abandonar o castelo imediatamente. Gonzales jura em falso, só para se livrar do indígena.
Cena II Na taberna dos aventureiros. Ruy Bento e Alonso tentam induzir os outros a se rebelar contra Don Antonio. Surge Gonzales que, servindo muito vinho e falando da vida livre dos aventureiros, consegue convencer todos a passar para seu lado.
Cena III O dormitório de Ceci. Depois que a moça adormece, Gonzales entra furtivamente no quarto. Ela acorda assustada e repele os avanços do espanhol. Ele tenta agarrá-la com violência quando uma flecha o atinge. Pelas cores, Ceci reconhece a seta de Peri. Gonzales vai até a janela e atira para avisar seus comparsas, despertando todo o castelo. Entra Don Antonio. Exige explicações sobre a presença de aventureiros no quarto da filha. Surge Peri e denuncia Gonzales como o chefe dos traidores, mostrando em sua mão a ferida da flecha. Quando os aventureiros se preparam para reagir, entra Pedro, avisando que o castelo está cercado pelos Aimoré inimigos. Todos, então, se unem para enfrentar o inimigo comum, enquanto Ceci cai de joelhos pedindo ajuda dos céus.
Ato III Na taba dos Aimoré. Depois de violento combate, Ceci foi trazida como prisioneira. Surge o Cacique dos Aimoré, feroz e majestoso. Ao ver o rosto de Ceci, se enamora dela e decide, em vez de mandar matá-la, fazê-la sua rainha. Um grupo Aimoré entra trazendo Peri aprisionado. O Cacique reconhece o bravo Guarani, e Peri lhe diz que deixou-se apanhar apenas para matá-lo em seu próprio campo. O Cacique manda preparar Peri para o sacrifício. Depois de morto, dentro do ritual dos canibais, seu corpo servirá de alimento para os guerreiros. Mas, dentro da tradição, ao prisioneiro, antes da morte, é concedida uma hora de amor. Assim, por esse espaço de tempo, Peri e Ceci são deixados a sós. Depois de trocar juras de amor, Peri ingere veneno: assim, sua carne envenenará os inimigos. Nesse instante, ouve-se um fragor de armas. Don Antonio, com um exército de portugueses, veio salvar a filha. Ataca o acampamento e os Aimoré fogem.
Ato IV Nos subterrâneos do castelo. Os aventureiros combinam um meio de raptar Ceci, aniquilando Don Antonio, Alvaro e Peri. Entra Don Antonio, acompanhado de seu fiel Pedro. Ouviu toda a trama. Repreende duramente os aventureiros, lembrando-lhes que um dia foram valentes e fiéis, mas agora se tornaram renegados e traidores. Todos, menos Gonzales, se arrependem e imploram o perdão de Don Antonio. Os aventureiros arrastam Gonzales dali. Entra agora Peri que, graças a certas ervas da floresta que ingeriu, conseguiu neutralizar o efeito do veneno. Don Antonio o aconselha a fugir. O velho fidalgo, em busca de uma morte honrada, decidira explodir os barris de pólvora, derrubando o castelo. Peri lhe pede que, ao menos, o deixe salvar Ceci. Don Antonio lhe responde que não pode confiar a filha a um pagão. Peri, cujo amor por Ceci é maior do que tudo, pede que o fidalgo o batize, e se torna cristão. Entra agora Ceci, que pede para morrer ao lado do pai. Mas Don Antonio lhe ordena que viva, sob a guarda de Peri. O casal parte. Gonzales, acompanhado de alguns aventureiros traidores, retorna e tenta persegui-los. É quando Don Antonio ateia fogo à pólvora, explodindo o castelo e sepultando todos. Após o desabamento do castelo, a última cena mostra, a distância, Peri amparando carinhosamente Ceci.
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