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arbitrarypeculiarity · 11 months ago
UELL yow do sownd and act like a BWG
EVVEN called yowrself one before, or uas that yowr secret auesome line of THOWGHT?
MAYBE uhat i'm saying is trwe because it seems i strwck a NERVVE!!!
I might not knou yowr uhole sitwation and yow might not evven be dangerows bwt i uant to knou MORE
AND savve uhite text non-secondary thowghts TROLL
I'M scrolling around grwmblr like all of ws AND
THERE are a lot of vviolet BLOODS!!
IRL uhen i look arownd im aluays so LONELY
IT isn't a bad thing of cowrse it's jwst vvery, **vvery** UEIRD!!!!!!!
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une-sanz-pluis · 5 months ago
The Chronicles bristle with condemnation of the execution [of Archbishop Scrope] and claim that Henry [IV] suffered hideous punishments swiftly after. The king was said to be struck suddenly by sores on his face and hands. John Capgrave puts it: ‘The Kyng aftir that tyme lost the beute of his face. For, as the comoune opinion went, fro that tyme onto his deth he was a lepir, and evyr fowlere and fowlere’. More forcefully, the theologian Thomas Gascoigne writes that ‘saepedictus rex Henricus equitando a bisshopthorpe usque Cawod, percussus fuit lepra gravissima, a qua nullis medicamentis humanis potuit sanari’ (King Henry riding from Bishopsthorp up to Cawod was struck by a severe skin malady which could not be healed by human remedies). Over several days, the pustules grew to the size of ‘capita mamillarum’ (breasts). In the night, the king was overcome with great terror and screamed ‘Proditores! proditores! ignem super me projecistis!’ (Traitors! traitors! you have thrown fire on me!); his household ran around in the dark and administered a medicinal remedy and sweet wine (triacum and vernys). In contrast to the chroniclers’ overall narrative, these are the only words Henry is purported to have uttered that are in his personal voice in this account. Whatever the nature of Henry’s afflictions, he increased the number of court physicians treating him from one to three. This increase suggests that he was either ill or was anxious about his health.
Helen Hickey, "Royal Trauma and Traumatized Subjects in Late Medieval England and France", Trauma in Medieval Society (Brill 2018)
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polytheparrot · 4 days ago
Is lepir omano alive?
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efcmovie · 2 months ago
EFC's Award-Winning Year in 2024
A Knockout Success in Cinema
The year 2024 has been nothing short of extraordinary for EFC, a film that has captivated audiences worldwide and established itself as a powerhouse in the sports drama genre. Under the visionary direction of Jaze Bordeaux, EFC has received widespread recognition, securing numerous awards across various prestigious film festivals. From its gripping storytelling to its outstanding performances and technical excellence, the film has left an indelible mark on the cinematic landscape.
Critical Acclaim and Audience Praise
In addition to its numerous awards, EFC has garnered high praise from critics and audiences alike.
Bobby LePire from Film Threat stated, "The bulk of the plot is gripping, and the cast is brilliant. But the star of the show is the fight sequences. They are better than most other films of this sort, big-budget or not." He awarded the film a solid 8/10 rating.
Dan Savoie of 519 Magazine called EFC "a knockout blow with unparalleled MMA action … a must-see for fans of MMA and anyone who appreciates a well-crafted sports drama."
Mike Haberfeiner of Search My Trash noted, "EFC is really more than just a series of fights as it manages to place them, and place them well, in a story that's equal parts white-collar crime thriller and character piece, and that weaves the character arc of its lead rather effortlessly into the story arc without one standing in the way of the other."
Dominating the Los Angeles Film Awards
At the Los Angeles Film Awards, EFC took home two major accolades:
Winner of Best Narrative Feature Film
Winner of Best Actress: Karlee Rose
This recognition cemented the film's impact on audiences and critics alike, celebrating its compelling narrative and the powerful performance of Karlee Rose, who delivered an emotionally charged portrayal of a fighter overcoming immense adversity.
Victory at the Rome Prisma Independent Film Awards
In Italy, EFC continued its winning streak at the Rome Prisma Independent Film Awards, securing the title of:
Winner of Best Feature Film
This award highlighted the film’s storytelling prowess, its ability to transcend borders, and its universal themes of struggle, determination, and triumph.
Recognition at the Hollywood North Film Awards
The film industry in Canada also acknowledged the brilliance of EFC at the Hollywood North Film Awards, where it won:
Winner of Best Makeup and Hairstyling
Additionally, the film received multiple nominations, showcasing its excellence across various aspects of filmmaking:
Nominee for Best Performance
Nominee for Best Production Design
Nominee for Best Costume
Triumphant at the Canadian Cinematography Awards
EFC was a standout winner at the Canadian Cinematography Awards, clinching several prestigious awards:
Winner of Best Feature Film
Winner of Best Feature Film Cinematography
Winner of Best Aerial Cinematography
Winner of Best Cinematographer: Jason Romolo
Wallachia International Film Festival Honors Alex Cruz
In another significant achievement, Alex Cruz won Best Supporting Actor at the Wallachia International Film Festival for his remarkable portrayal in EFC.
Sweeping the New York International Film Awards
One of the film’s biggest wins came at the New York International Film Awards, where EFC dominated the competition:
Nominated for Best Cinematography: Jason Romolo
Winner of Best Editing: Jason Romolo
Winner of Best Fight Choreography: Wayne Wells
Winner of Best Prosthetic Make-Up: Ryan Louagie
Winner of Best Directorial Debut: Jaze Bordeaux
Winner of Best Actor: Alex Cruz
Winner of Best Actress: Karlee Rose
Winner of Best Feature Film
Winner of Best Original Story
Winner of Best Producer
Winner of Best Sound Design
Nominated for Best Soundtrack
Winner of Best Sport Film
Winner of Best Stunt Performer
Winner of Best Supporting Actor: Richard Zeppieri
Winner of Best Supporting Actress: Stephanie Jones
Best Actor & Director Awards: Honoring Excellence in Sport Film
At the Best Actor & Director Awards, the film's actors and director were celebrated for their contributions to the sport film genre:
Winner of Best Actress in a Sport Film: Karlee Rose
Winner of Best Actor in a Sport Film: Alex Cruz
Winner of Best Supporting Actor: Richard Zeppieri
Winner of Best Supporting Actress: Stephanie Jones
Winner of Best Director of a Sport Film: Jaze Bordeaux
Prestige at the Paladino d’Oro Sport Film Festival
EFC also gained international recognition at the Paladino d’Oro Sport Film Festival, where Jaze Bordeaux was awarded Best Director. The film also earned nominations in several categories:
Nominated for Best Picture
Nominated for Best Editing
Nominated for Best Production
Nominated for Best Sound Mixing
Nominated for Best Sport Film
Nominated for Best Actress: Stephanie Jones
International Motion Picture Awards Recognition
Further solidifying its status as a groundbreaking film, EFC won the Best Producer Award at the International Motion Picture Awards, recognizing the exceptional work behind the film’s production and the vision that brought it to life.
Released for Streaming and Digital Platforms
Following its highly successful festival run, EFC was released to digital platforms in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the United Kingdom. Additionally, the film is currently available to stream on Tubi in North America, making it more accessible to audiences eager to experience its powerful storytelling and performances.
A Year to Remember
The staggering number of awards and nominations EFC received in 2024 speaks volumes about its impact on audiences and critics alike. The film not only resonated with viewers on an emotional level but also showcased the immense talent of its cast and crew. Jaze Bordeaux’s directorial debut has set an impressive precedent, while the film’s lead actors, Alex Cruz and Karlee Rose, delivered unforgettable performances that earned them widespread acclaim.
As EFC continues to make waves in the industry, its success story serves as an inspiration to filmmakers and artists worldwide. The film's legacy is now firmly cemented in cinematic history, proving that a powerful story, combined with exceptional talent and technical mastery, can achieve greatness.
With this remarkable award-winning year, EFC has not just won trophies—it has won the hearts of audiences across the globe.
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moseiders · 3 years ago
no but for real if a TKACHUK is calling you childish…ur done. ur done
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lxjakeb · 2 years ago
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tasty food , horsesteak and burger with fries @ cafe le pirate lallange esch/alzette . . #cafelepirateesch #cafelepirate #lepirateesch #lepirate #cafe #pub #lallange #eschsuralzette #bestplacetobeinesch #esch #tasty #kicheclub #dekicheclub #horsesteak #burger #tastyburger #gransasso #primitivo #italianwine #instagood #instafood #instafollow #placetobe (at Café " Le Pirate ") https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm_XJKpqXw1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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prijedor24 · 3 years ago
U akciji "Pomozimo nezaposlene Dodike" već prikupljen 151 euro
Pokretač ove "humanitarne akcije" je Neđo Lepir
Nakon izjava člana Predsjedništva BiH i predsjednika SNSD-a Milorada Dodika o tome da članovi njegove porodice imaju finansijskih problema, i da njegov sin ne radi, jedan korisnik Twittera je, kako smo već objavili, pokrenuo online “humanitarnu akciju” kako bi se prikupile donacije za pomoć porodici Dodik. Pokretač ove “humanitarne akcije” Neđo Lepir, napisao je to da ovo radi iz šale, te da će…
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View On WordPress
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majbrittd-blog · 7 years ago
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Our little house at Gili T. This place was perfect ❤️ lovely staff, prettiest sorroundings and chill vibes. Excactly What the soul needs . . . . . #lepirate #lepiratebeachclub #chill #relax #beach #happy #love #life #gilitrawangan #vacation #travel #bali #lombok #sweet #pretty #heartfull #instagood #instalike #instadaily #noregrets (her: Le Pirate Gili Trawangan)
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tikiloungejewelry · 4 years ago
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Let’s make a sand angel 😇 📸@lepiratebeachclub Take your mind off the hectic life to enjoy a tranquil life at the secluded Le Pirate Island, Flores 🧡🍂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #lepirate #lepiratebeachclub #lepirateexplorer #labuanbajo #flores #travel #islandlife #beachlife #beachhut #tropical #island #castaway #reconnect #beautifuldestinations #islandparadise #paradisefound #heavenonearth #traveltheworld #earthpix #bali #indonesia #indtravel #wonderfulindonesia (at North Bend, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKX5mazlROX/?igshid=m69wxmqx1kmz
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fashionbooksmilano · 2 years ago
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Mr & Mrs Clark
Ossie Clark and Celia Birtwell  Fashion and Prints
Edited by Federico Poletti
SilvanaEditoriale, Cinisello Balsamo 2022, 208 pagine,185 ill.,  24 x 29 cm, Cartonato, English, ISBN  9788836653768
euro 40,00
email if you want to buy :[email protected]
Mostra Prato Museo Tessuto 2022/23 , Fondazione Sozzani Milano 2023
Il volume rende omaggio a un iconico “fashion duo”, Ossie Clark e Celia Birtwell due creativi inglesi il cui sodalizio artistico e personale, breve ma molto intenso, ha dato origine a uno stile inconfondibile che ha lasciato un segno nella Londra del periodo compreso tra la minigonna di Mary Quant e il movimento punk sovversivo di Malcolm MacLaren e Vivienne Westwood, dal 1965 al 1974. Ossie e Celia è la storia di un’alchimia speciale, una delle prime coppie artistiche in cui uno stilista e una designer di tessuti hanno lavorato insieme completandosi in totale armonia fino alla loro separazione nel 1973. Celia era la creatrice delle meravigliose stampe ispirate alla natura e alle diverse correnti artistiche che Ossie, con la sua abilità nei tagli e nella modellistica, trasformava in abiti sensuali e femminili grazie alla leggerezza dei tessuti come crêpes, sete e chiffon che hanno conquistato il jet-set internazionale e la scena musicale dell’epoca. Da Brigitte Bardot a Liz Taylor, fino a Verushka, tutti erano affascinati dalla loro moda. Mick Jagger, Brian Jones, Keith Richards, Jimi Hendrix, Marianne Faithfull, Anita Pallenberg, Eric Clapton, George Harrison, Bianca Jagger e Marisa Berenson sono solo alcuni dei personaggi che Ossie Clark ha vestito. Partendo da un primo importante nucleo di abiti provenienti dall’archivio di Massimo Cantini Parrini, arricchito di ulteriori prestiti provenienti dalla collezione americana di Lauren Lepire e dagli archivi londinesi della famiglia Clark e della stessa Celia Birtwell, il volume racconta il contesto e l’evoluzione dei due artisti tramite abiti, tessuti, disegni fino a oggi mai pubblicati, testimonianze video, foto ed editoriali d’epoca.
orders to:     [email protected]
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twitter:         @fashionbooksmi
instagram:   fashionbooksmilano, designbooksmilano tumblr:          fashionbooksmilano, designbooksmilano
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dhovorka · 5 years ago
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Always trying new places, new food ... eating like a pirate , dishes across the ocean #lepirate #thepointe #thepointedxb (at LePirate) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5_-S-jl0tU/?igshid=123l08n7cam75
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ayamari-no-goshi · 4 years ago
I was going to make a post about Revenants, but, you know what, this is just going to be a post about the number of BS ways one can become a Revenant and/or vampire (as the folklore isn’t always clear) in Slavic and Balkan folklore. I’ve only included ones where I’m aware of how they’re created. There are a lot of revenant/vampiric creatures in this part of the world than are listed here.
Please note, in some areas of a country, the various terms are interchangeable, but are very different entities in other areas of the same country. You will also see a lot of similar words - this is due to language similarities. Also, the idea of 2 souls appears a lot - folk who have this are also said to have 2 hearts
Also, Hungary is not considered a Slavic country and will not be included.
Long post, so line break:
Albania: Note: while not excusable, this was an area where a lot of damage was done during the Ottoman conquests and was part of the Ottoman empire until 1912. Please keep that in mind
Liogat/Liougat/Ljugat : created upon the death of all Albanians of Turkish descent. Does not matter how they lived their lives
Sampiro: created upon the death of all Albanians of Turkish descent. Can also be created by Albanians who committed an “unnatural act” in life. Examples are, bestiality, homosexuality, prostitution, transvestism, heterosexuality with a Turkish person, consuming meat handled by a Turk, being a habitual liar, or being a professional thief
Shtriga: a vampiric witch and not actually dead. Created from a woman who has become evil through envy or never marrying.
Vryolakas: created when an animal like a cat or dog jumps over the body before burial, person dies by murder or suicide, a person eats meat from an animal killed by a werewolf, or was an evil magic user
Mjertovjec: created when a witch or werewolf died. Uniquely similar to the Filipino Manananggal
Blut Aussauger (originally from Bosnia, but brought into German lore.. and the German term is what’s used): created from either tricking/force feeding people to eat its burial dirt, eating meat from an animal a wolf killed, committing suicide, dies unbaptized, dies a witch, leads an immoral life, or if a nun walks over the grave (wtf?)
Bulgaria: Note: It’s very common for these creatures to take 40 days to form after death in Bulgarian lore.
Krvoijac -  created from a person who drinks wine or smokes during Lent.
Obour/Obur: traditions varied. Sometimes this ran in families. Sometimes it was created from someone who died suddenly, specifically of murder. Depending on region, this term can refer to 8 distinctly different creatures.
Opyrb/Opirb: created from folk who had improper burial rites, had a cat or dog jump over the dead body, a shadow fell on it before burial (I have no idea how this is prevented), a violent death, or sometimes evil people.
Ustrel/Istral: created from a child born on Saturday but died before being baptized.
Kosci: created from the death of a drowning victim, adulterer, or murderer
Kozlak: created from a child who was weaned before its time and died
Pijavica: created from a man who committed incest with his mother, or a particularly evil person
Vrukolak: (from Dalmatian region) - created when the victim of a Vrukolak dies, by being murdered without anyone witnessing the crime, or when a cat or dog jumps over an unburied corpse
Former Yugoslavia (Czech Republic and Slovakia)
Muroi - created from an evil person. Also similar to a Banshee - rings bells and calls the names of folk, who end up dying.
Nelapsi - specific to the Zemplin district. Created from someone with 2 souls
Upir - created from someone with 2 souls. Some areas state they were a witch in life.
Greece - included simply due to how old the legend is. Reported in ancient Greece.
Vrykolakas: traditionally revenants. Created by improper burial rites, something was left unfulfilled, they were cursed, or were seeking revenge against things something done to them or their families.
Note: while not excusable, this was an area where a lot of damage was done during the Ottoman conquests and was part of the Ottoman empire until 1912. Please keep that in mind.
Ariogourouno: created from wicked Turkish people who never ate pork
Vryolakas: created when an animal like a cat or dog jumps over a corpse before burial, when a person dies by murder or suicide, if a person eats meat that came from an animal that was killed by a werewolf, or when an evil person who used magic dies
Poland: As a note: areas Poland have a history of looking for signs upon birth to mark folk as something similar to a wise man or shaman. Over years, these signs influenced some of these legends.
Mwere: specifically of Kashubian lore of north central Poland – created from the death of an unbaptized children. Girls are more likely to become one
Ohyn: made from children born with a caul and teeth and died shortly after birth
Strzyga/Striga/Strzygoń - person born with 2 lines of teeth and/or 2 souls becomes one upon death
Upiór - a person born with 2 lines of teeth and/or 2 souls or someone who had a defining feature marking them as ‘off’ becomes one upon death. Or, folk cursed before death, dying suddenly, dying in childbirth, or having a grave desecrated could also create one. Also, in some areas, it’s specifically stated they’re made when a male child who was born with teeth dies. Examples of what was ‘off”: being born with a caul, being a red head, being left handed, having a strange mark on the body, etc.
Vjesci: created from a person born with a caul or teeth renounces God on his or her last breath.
Wieszczy – made when a child born with a cleft palate and either a caul or teeth dies. As a side note: this creature is similar to a Banshee
Wili – created when a bride dies on her wedding day
Romania: Note: there are a lot of regional variations of the word Strigoi. Also, the term Moroi sometimes appears, but the descriptions of it are so varied its hard to place exactly what this term references.
Moloi - created when an illegitimate child is killed by one of its parents
Muroni - created when a person dies a violent death, was a magic user in life, was a child born out of wedlock to parents born out of wedlock in life, or died from a Muroni attack
Pricolic: can be created from a child dies before being baptized, or person burns a porridge spoon, or sweeps dust from the home out of a doorway and into the setting sun (that is insanely specific). BTW, this is the undead variety. The wolf variety… is born of an incestuous relationship and has a tail
Strigoi - there are both living and dead variations of this entity. Living Strigoi are sometimes considered witches or sorcerers, but the 2 soul tradition also comes up. If there is a 2nd soul, it slips out at night and causes havoc. Dead Strigoi (strigoi mort) bring misfortune, illness, and death to their families. Examples of how one can be created: suicide, cursed by a witch, born with extra nipple or tail, have a life full of sin, never married, be born as the seventh son of the seventh son or seventh daughter of the seventh daughter ((this can also make werewolves)), child born out of marriage, born too early, died before baptized, having red hair and blue eyes, being born with a caul...
Strigol: created when a magic user dies
Strigoiul Muronul: created when child born out of wedlock to parents born out of wedlock dies. Always a redheaded boy
Varacolaci: can run in families. Can also be created from an unbaptized child who dies, or a person who commits suicide.
Eretik: created from the death of a human sorcerer
Inovercy: created upon the death of a person not practicing Russian Orthodox
Kudlac/Kudlak: created upon the death of person born with a red or dark colored caul.
Upierci: created from someone who committed suicide, died violently, or practiced witchcraft
Upierczi: created when a witch or heretic dies
Upyr: created upon the death of a heretic, sorcerer, witch, or a child born of the union of a werewolf and a witch
Viesczy: created when a person born with a caul or teeth or is the child of a witch and werewolf dies
Jedogonja: created from a person killed by a Jedogonja or the disease it can spread
Mullo/Muli: (Specifically from Roma who live in Serbia): created when a person dies suddenly of an unnatural cause or did not have proper funeral rites.
Nekrstenici : created from the death of an unbaptized child
Vlkodlak: created by when a man under 20 who was a murder, perjurer, or had improper relations with his mother dies, or if he was killed by a werewolf, or if he ate meat from an animal slain by a werewolf before death
Vukodlak : created when a heretic, magic user, or werewolf dies. Can also be created from someone who commits suicide or was murdered.
Slovenia - did not find any distinctly unique to Slovenia that are stated to be created from people
Ukraine - did not find any distinctly unique to the Ukraine that are stated to be created from people
Creatures found in lore of multiple countries:
Lampir/Lampiger/Lampijer/Lepir (Bosnia/Montenegro/Serbia): created from the first person who dies from an epidemic or plague
Navi (Bulgaria/Poland/Russia/Slovenia): created from the death of an unbaptized child or a drowning victim
Veshtitza (Montenegro/Serbia): created from a woman who practiced magic in life
Vompir/Vompiras (Macedonia/Bulgaria): created when a person is improperly mourned or buried, dies in disgrace, or passes on in ‘an unnatural way’ such as childbirth or suicide.
Vudkolak (southern Slavic countries): created when a werewolf dies, or if a bird flies over an unburied corpse
Creature of unclear Slavic lore
Kruvnik: created when a person was not properly mourned or does not have proper burial rites, committed suicide or was evil. Sometimes this is a person with 2 souls. Very neat side note with this one. They sometimes return to their wives. If the wife accepts him for 3 years, he will become human again.
The Vampire Book: the encyclopedia of the Undead (3rd edition): by J. Gordon Melton
Night Creatures. The Enchanted World. Time-Life Books
Encyclopedia of Vampire Mythology by Theresa Bane (the full book can be found for free online)
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polytheparrot · 4 days ago
Is lepir omano alive?
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mancerra · 4 years ago
Sene urek verdim sevgiyle dolu. Soyledim qulaq as menim sozume. Dedim birge gedek gel biz bu yolu. Sen lepir qoymadin menim izime. Qaytar ureyimi, qaytar ozume. Seni alin yazim, qismetim sandim. Belke ozum qeder sene inandim. Gordum yanilmişam, od tutub yandim. Su yerine barit sepdin kozume. Qaytar ureyimi, qaytar ozume. Deme ozun kimi saxtaymiş sevgin. Seni sevdiyimcun uzgunem, uzgun. Goresen qarşima çıxanda bir gun. Baxa bileceksen menim uzume Qaytar ureyimi, qaytar ozume. Qismetim bu imiş dedim, neyleyim. Tanri dozum versin olsun komeyim. Hardadi o sevgi dolu ureyim? Yerini de, baxma menim uzume. Qaytar ureyimi, qaytar ozume. Hec kesin qelbine keder dolmasin. Mehebbet baqinda guller solmasin. Menim de ureyim sende qalmasin. Belke bir gun lazim olar ozume. Qaytar ureyimi, qaytar ozume
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howardhawkshollywoodannex · 5 years ago
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Bobby LePire wrote in Film Threat on Sgt Stubby:  An American Hero (2018) “ It has something for the whole family, is visually impressive with excellent animation, and a fantastic voice cast. “
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xixellonjaa · 6 years ago
"Ajo ishte e cmendur",-tha ai duke kaluar doren ne floke e duke lepire buzet sic bente kur behej xheloz."Edhe pse ishte e cmendur,cdo dite ajo ishte nje femer ndryshe.Nje here plot guxim,nje here e stepur.Ndonjehere e sinqerte dhe ndonjehere i vinte dhe turp nga une vet.Ishte njeher e nxituar dhe nje here e ndrojtur.Ajo ishte e pasigurt ne ato qe me thoshte kur acarohej ndersa kur qe ne gjendje te mir ishte teper e vendosur.Ajo qe e embel dhe arrogante njekohesisht,cdo djal qe njihte nuk i pelqente mua nuk me futi ne kete grup ,por me "vecoi"na te tjeret.Ajo ishte mijera femra te bashkuara ne nje te vetme,por aroma e saj ishte pothuajse e njejte.Aroma nuk mund te ngaterrohej.Ajo arome dhe fytyra e saj engjellore ishin siguria ime e vetme.Me buzeqeshte duke ditur si te luante me mua permes buzeqeshjes se saj.Kur ajo qeshte une nuk kuptoja asgje.Aty perkulej krenaria e cdo djali nuk mund te flisja apo te mendoja.Asgje zero.Ajo vajze ishte e cmendur,e gjitha e cmendur.Kur merzitej me mua ajo menjehere qante si femije,njesoj si nje femije.Mendoja se femrat ne ato momente kishin nevoj per perqafim,ndersa ajo jo.Ajo acarohej nese e perqafohej me hidhej dhe me thoshte skam nevoj per meshiren e nje djali.Nuk e di ku ndodhet tashme, por ve bast se eshte ne kerkim te endrrave te saj. Ajo ishte e cmendur,totalisht e cmendur dhe un e ate vajze e kam dashur totalisht dhe marrezisht si i cmendur".@mmarildaa
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