This Red Dress is worn on Salli Richardson-Whitfield as Fenna in Star Trek DS9: Second Sight (1993) and worn again later on Sharisse Baker-Bernard as Leosa in Star Trek Voyager: Inside Man (2000)
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prep4tomoro · 2 years
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Nearly Everything You May Want to Know About Firearms and Firearms Safety and Shooting (Part 5 of 7):
Concealed Carry:
Laws vary, from state to state, on carrying a concealed firearm. Their qualifications range from taking a class, submiting proof of necessity, qualifying on a target range, background check, getting a permit, and all, or combination, of the aforementioned, to just being of legal age. If you have an interest in carrying a concealed firearm, research your own state laws and requirements, or search the web for those states that will issue a CCW (Carrying a Concealed Weapon) Permit to non-residents. As of the date of this writing (November 2017), there are over 30 states in the United States that will issue CCW permits to its general citizenship. Some of these states recognize that "anyone who can legally possess a firearm can carry it concealed WITHOUT a permit" (Constitutional Carry). For example, the state of West Virginia allows any 21-year-old resident to carry a concealed firearm as long as they do not have a criminal record. However, if a West Virginia resident wants to carry outside the state to other CCW states, a West Virginia Conceal Carry Permit is required and issued by the local county Sheriff through the State Police. A training class is required before the permit is issued. Most CCW states have Concealed Carry Permit Reciprocity with other CCW states. Laws and procedures change so do your own research on current local and federal laws and procedures before carrying a concealed firearm. It should go without saying that training and obedience to the laws of the state of residence, or state being visited, are the signs of a responsible CCW Permit holder. Additionally, the ultimate goal of carrying concealed is the element of surprise by avoiding to draw attention to oneself. Here are some links to view for further information:
The Concealed Carry (Stealth) Lifestyle   [Link 2]   [Video]
U.S. Nationwide Conceal Carry for Law Enforcement (LEOSA)
Concealed Carry Mistakes, Don'ts, and Blunders and Choosing the Best Handgun for You
Tips When Stopped By Police and Carrying a Firearm
Summer Carry Compromises
Concealed Carry Map and Guidelines
Self-Defense Insurance:
Most of us would probably say "I'll do what I have to do to protect myself, family and friends." But very few think of the aftermath, and consequences, of taking a life or severly injuring an attacker. Self-Defense Insurance is available to help deal with the legal and financial impact after a self-defense action.
[Go to Part 6 of 7 - Nearly Everything You May Want to Know About Firearms and Firearms Safety and Shooting]
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theinsanecrayonbox · 2 years
lol did the keys from the golden vault “which team mate are you” quiz cause fun and
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accurate XD
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mervekaratas · 20 days
"Concealed Carry"nin Tarihi
Concealed carry, şehirleşme ile paralel olarak evrilmiş bir kavramdır. Amerika'nın ilk dönemlerinde gizli taşıma normal değil, anormal olandı; hatta sahtekârlık veya suç niyetiyle ilişkilendirildiği için sıklıkla şüpheyle görülüyordu. Özellikle meşru müdafaa ve avlanmanın günlük meseleler olduğu sınır bölgelerinde ateşli silahları açıkça taşımak daha yaygındı.
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Tabii, kentleşme arttıkça kamusal alanlarda silah taşımaya yönelik tutumlar da değişmeye başladı. Bazı eyaletler ve şehirler, gizli silahların taşınmasını kısıtlayan yasalar uygulamaya başladı. Örneğin, Kentucky 1813'te gizli taşımaya karşı ilk yasalardan birini çıkardı. Bu, kamu güvenliği ve şiddet potansiyeli konusundaki artan endişeyi yansıtıyordu.
Ancak İç Savaş'tan sonra ABD, özellikle Güney'de ve genişleyen batı sınırında, bir toplumsal karışıklık ve şiddet dönemi yaşadı. Bu süre zarfında birçok eyalet, ateşli silahların taşınmasını düzenleyen ve genellikle gizli silahlara odaklanan yasalar çıkardı. Bu yasalar bazen özellikle Afrikalı Amerikalılara ve diğer azınlık gruplarına karşı seçici olarak uygulandı.
1900'lerin başlarında kentsel alanlar büyümeye devam ettikçe ve suç daha fazla endişe verici hale geldikçe, gizli taşıma konusunda daha fazla kısıtlamalar görüldü. New York gibi eyaletler, gizlenebilecek kadar küçük bir ateşli silaha sahip olmak veya taşımak için ruhsat gerektiren 1911 Sullivan Yasası gibi katı silah kontrolü yasalarını kabul etti. Bu, ABD'deki ilk önemli silah kontrol yasalarından biriydi.
Daha sonra, 1968 Silah Kontrolü Yasası yürürlüğe girdi. Kennedy gibi önde gelen isimlerin öldürülmesinin ardından Kongre, 1968 Silah Kontrolü Yasası'nı kabul etti. Bu yasa, eyaletler arası ateşli silah ticaretini de düzenledi.
1970'ler ve 1980'lerde ise gizli taşıma konusundaki tartışmalar yoğunlaşmaya başladı. Pek çok eyalette, yerel yetkililerin gizli taşıma izinleri verip vermeme konusunda takdir yetkisine sahip olduğu yasalar vardı. Bu durum, tutarsız uygulamalara yol açtı. Bu nedenle, yetkililerin belirli kriterleri karşılayan başvuru sahiplerine izin vermesinin zorunlu olacağı düzenlemeler savunuldu.
1980'lerden itibaren eyaletler, gizli taşıma yasalarını benimsemeye başladı. Florida, 1987'de diğer eyaletler için model teşkil eden dönüm noktası niteliğindeki bir yasayı geçiren önemli bir oyuncuydu. Bu kanunlara göre, başvuru sahibinin yasal gereklilikleri (kontrollerden geçmek ve eğitimi tamamlamak gibi) karşılaması durumunda, kendisine gizli taşıma izni verilmesi gerekmekteydi.
1990'ların sonlarına gelindiğinde, birçok eyalet benzer yasalara geçti ve hatta bazıları, gizli ateşli silah taşımak için herhangi bir izne gerek olmayan "anayasal taşıma" yasalarını kabul etti. Gizli taşıma haklarını genişletme eğilimi 21. yüzyılda da devam etti ve daha fazla eyalet kısıtlamaları gevşetti.
District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) ve McDonald v. Chicago (2010) davaları, gizli taşıma yasalarını etkileyerek bireysel silah taşıma hakkını güçlendirdi. Buna ek olarak, federal hükümet nitelikli kolluk kuvvetlerinin ülke çapında gizli silah taşımasına izin veren 2004 tarihli LEOSA gibi kanunları yürürlüğe koydu.
İşte ABD'deki concealed carry olayı, böyle dolambaçlı bir yolculukla evrilmiş ve bugünlere gelmiştir.
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makethesausage · 4 months
Upcoming: H.R. 354 LEOSA Reform Act of 2024
H.R. 354 LEOSA Reform Act of 2024, sponsored by , is scheduled for a vote by the House of Representatives on the week of May 13th, 2024.
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michaelgabrill · 4 months
Upcoming: H.R. 354 LEOSA Reform Act of 2024
H.R. 354 LEOSA Reform Act of 2024, sponsored by , is scheduled for a vote by the House of Representatives on the week of May 13th, 2024. https://ift.tt/s2Hw3Ry
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raurquiz · 11 months
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#otd #startrek #voyager #insideman #janeway #chakotay #tuvok #kim #paris #belannatorres #7of9 #emh #neelix #barclay #admiralowenparis #Commander #PeteHarkins #leosa #gegis #yeggie #nunk #troi #startrek57 @TrekMovie @TrekCore @StarTrek @StarTrekOnPPlus @TheKateMulgrew
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leosa01 · 11 months
LEOSA Webagentur: Pioneering Excellence in Advertising Strategies
In today's digital-centric business landscape, establishing a commanding online presence is paramount. A compelling website coupled with an effective advertising strategy can make all the difference. This is where LEOSA Webagentur steps in as a leading force in the realm of advertising.
The LEOSA Webagentur Vision
LEOSA Webagentur's inception revolves around the belief that every business, regardless of its scale or industry, deserves an exceptional online presence. While the founder remains anonymous, their dedication to excellence reverberates through the agency's distinguished portfolio.
Crafting Customized Digital Solutions
What sets LEOSA Webagentur apart is its unwavering dedication to creating advertising strategies that transcend the ordinary. Rather than adopting a one-size-fits-all approach, the agency's team of skilled professionals excel in delivering bespoke solutions.
Whether you're a startup with grand ambitions or an established enterprise, LEOSA Webagentur comprehends the pivotal role a website and a comprehensive advertising strategy play in captivating and converting visitors into devoted customers. Their process kicks off with a meticulous examination of your business objectives, target demographic, and industry trends, ensuring every facet of the advertising campaign is meticulously designed.
Advertising Agency Excellence: Beyond Conventional Norms
The keyword "advertising agency" epitomizes LEOSA Webagentur's commitment to pushing the boundaries of conventional advertising. In addition to website design, the agency offers a spectrum of advertising services, including SEO optimization, content marketing, social media management, and more.
Comprehensive Digital Strategy: LEOSA Webagentur crafts holistic digital strategies encompassing website design, SEO, content marketing, and social media management, ensuring a unified and impactful online presence.
Result-Driven SEO Services: With a team of seasoned SEO experts, LEOSA Webagentur ensures that your website ranks high on search engines, driving organic traffic and enhancing visibility.
Engaging Content Creation: From compelling copywriting to visually stunning graphics, LEOSA Webagentur delivers content that not only captivates but also converts.
The LEOSA Webagentur Experience
Collaborating with LEOSA Webagentur is an enriching, seamless journey. Their team guides you through a structured process, commencing with a comprehensive consultation to understand your vision and aspirations. Subsequently, their experts labor diligently to craft a strategically aligned advertising campaign.
Leveraging cutting-edge technologies and industry insights ensures that the final advertising product not only dazzles but also resonates with your target audience across all channels. LEOSA Webagentur places a strong emphasis on user experience, ensuring that visitors can engage with your campaign with intuitive ease, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates.
Client-Centric Commitment
LEOSA Webagentur places paramount importance on client satisfaction. Their transparent communication, regular updates, and receptivity to feedback make them a steadfast partner in your digital journey. Every project is a collaboration, and your input is valued at every step.
Conclusion: Shaping the Future of Digital Advertising
In an era where first impressions are predominantly formed in the digital realm, investing in a professionally designed website and a strategically aligned advertising campaign is not just an option but a necessity. LEOSA Webagentur stands as a beacon in the realm of advertising and web design, offering businesses the opportunity to thrive in the digital sphere.
By seamlessly blending creativity, technical expertise, and a client-centric approach, LEOSA Webagentur ensures that your advertising strategy not only meets but surpasses your expectations. Their holistic approach positions them as a one-stop solution for businesses seeking to make a mark in the digital arena.
Don't settle for mediocrity in the digital arena. Reach out to LEOSA Webagentur today and embark on a transformative journey towards a compelling online presence and an advertising strategy that sets you apart from the competition. Elevate your business with LEOSA Webagentur, where extraordinary advertising strategies are meticulously crafted.
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marymoss1971 · 1 year
"May I have a moment alone with Leosa?" Troi asked.
"I don't think therapy is what this woman needs, Counselor."
Admiral Paris is annoyingly dense right here. It should be obvious that she's going to use an interrogation technique.
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texasconcealedcarry · 2 years
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kame-artist · 6 years
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Finally got around to adding colour to my Kingdom Hearts Oc redraw. So heres my old OC Leosa, and her keyblade: The Heartless Dusk
I might draw her nobody at some point
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azathenia1 · 5 years
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Leosa Foy
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prep4tomoro · 10 months
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Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act:
Nationwide Conceal Carry for Law Enforcement
The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA), enacted in 2004, allows qualified active, retired or separated Law Enforcement officers to carry a concealed firearm in any jurisdiction in the U.S. or U.S. Territories regardless of state or local laws.
As a member of the military who is also a qualified law enforcement officer (QLEO), you may be eligible to carry a concealed weapon (nationwide) under the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA).
Air Force Army Coast Guard Marines Navy
There are areas that are off-limits to LEOSA that must be understood to avoid unknowingly violating the law.
LEOSA is a simple law but navigating the qualification process can seem daunting at first. Read here to learn more about qualification requirements, how to qualify, and how to keep your records.
Understanding the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act
Conceal Carry for Joe Citizen
Conceal Carry Self-Defense Insurance
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This blog is partially funded by Affiliate Program Links and Private Donations. Thank you for your support.
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theinsanecrayonbox · 2 years
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i found this character theme/symbolism meme while tag surfing, and thought it looked like a fun way to get back into character vibes (seriously i have 5 active games/3 active game nights and i’ve only played Candi for like a month...cats aren’t allowed screen time lol). i rearranged the original meme admittedly, but i saw others do that too so whatever. and then i was kinda on a roll, so i did even more than just my currently active PCs; we pulled out some of the core classics too.
looking up all the flowers was very fun ^^ also as a note, Leosa’s listed as a “Lionfolk” just as a jab that he’s a lion-based Catfolk; pretty much the same as Jass being a “Wereliger” but is just a Werelion, it’s all flavor to make me happy.
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safeinsighttraining · 5 years
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Always enjoy running #leosa qualifications for our retired officers. The staff @bellevueindoorrange are always great to work with. Thanks so much guys!👍😎 https://www.instagram.com/p/BzD9S_EAW8L/?igshid=qqbh74ltkofk
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thecoiffeur · 4 years
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LEOSA 30 inches Natural Black Yaki Straight Drawstring Ponytail Long Hair for Women Ponytail Synthetic Hair Extensions (#27) https://ift.tt/3e7iMBn
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