#leo valdez is hot
sleepyycapybara · 3 months
OMG I have to STOP ✋🚫❌ multi shipping its srysly my RED FLAG 🚩🚩🚩🚩💢
lol pls he is so hotttt...
UMM GUYS? WHO SAID THAT?? guys I never said that if you saw that no you didnt👀❌
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Alright. I came across someone saying that Rick "put Jason in a pedestal" and "overhyped" him by emphasizing how good looking he is and that Jason shouldn't have been so attractive looking. (Tbf tho that person made it sound like they seemed more mad bc their least favourite character was considered good looking lol) but I'll yap about the significance here anyways. Beware of a very long yapping session below.
I do understand their frustration though, because jason getting told that he looks good all the time makes it seem very shallow and unfair to the others.
And let me tell you, Jason is SUPPOSED to be gorgeous looking in everyone's eyes. He is supposed to be conventionally handsome, Rick didn't intend for his looks to be "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder " or something like Percy's (like how Piper didn't find him as impressive) Percy's is supposed to be more authentic. Percy's character isnt centred in people idolizing him, everyone can acknowledge that he's handsome looking, but it isn't in a "perfect" type of way, he's a carefree spirit and that reflects on his looks. While Jason is hardwired as this ethereal looking hero in people's eyes that not even ONE can deny that he looks good, bc ppl in Rome had set him as the "standard". Jason said this before in the lost hero, that him being a son of Jupiter, makes him feel like the support he gets is only because his dad is a very regal and intimidating figure.
That's kind of the whole point, he's supposed to look like this perfect man who can do no wrong. His "Golden noble boy" arc is literally the whole concept of his character. Why else do you think rick wrote Aphrodite approving of Jason's looks saying that he needed no improvement (which she rarely does) ?
Because Jason is supposed to be put like a statue to admire and idolize, that's ALSO why rick made sure to add that Jason looks like a Roman sculpture, bc that's like a metaphor for his inner conflicts. The guy was put like an artifact for people to ogle at in camp Jupiter ever since he was a kid of 4. That's part of the tragedy.
Annabeth said it perfectly “Annabeth tried to hide it, but she still didn’t completely trust the guy. He acted too perfect - always following the rules, always doing the honorable thing. He even looked too perfect. In the back of her mind, she had a nagging thought. What if this is a trick and he betrayed us?” Mark of Athena, page 6.
His mother, whom he's supposed to look like, is also a literal world wide tv actress. So you can't expect anything less either.
Also, Jason is supposed to mirror Percy. And let's be real. Rick put Percy in a VERY high pedestal looks wise, aswell, Not just Jason. And that's okay.
Rick made Hazel mistake Percy for a literal god because he was just that good looking (tbf, in a way, when I was younger, I found this to be a little bit of an exaggeration, bro was covered in mud and seaweed and was compared to a god, it was rlly funny to a 10 year old me 😭 yeah but don't mind this though, this was just a younger me jealous that I couldn't be as pretty as Percy was in mud lol) If Percy can be "hyped" up so "unrealistically" in that particular situation then so can Jason. They are both literal half gods, so unrealistic praise is very normal) and rick also made sure to emphasize that almost all the teen characters had a crush on Percy. So apparently that isn't called putting a character in a pedestal but Jason's is? They are BOTH put in pedestals, because they're both heroes.
Jason and Percy are supposed to be equals, so both of them being in the top two when it comes to looks makes SENSE. Because people are supposed to argue about who is better looking, since they're written as foils.
You cannot expect rick to make Percy look like a god and Jason look like a rat 😭 then there's no point of having them as parallels if one has the upper hand in something. Rick did a good job by conveying that they are BOTH attractive, but in different ways. That's why the Percy/Jason looks debate always have mixed answers.
Jason getting complimented by Aphrodite, the GODDESS of beauty, for his looks and her saying that he didn't have anything to "fix" in his face BC it already looks gorgeous = Percy getting compared to a gorgeous Roman god by hazel. They are both equal comparisons in slightly different tones.
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lilislegacy · 7 months
random person: holy zeus! i can’t believe percy just did that! is he really stupid, really brave, or just flat out crazy?
annabeth: d, all of the above
everyone: *nodding in agreement*
leo: also how come when he does that stuff he looks all cool and superhero-y, but when i do that stuff i look like im a deranged little elf committing some kind of crime?
piper: uh, leo.
leo with a hopeful voice: yeah?
piper: you always look like that
everyone: *nodding in agreement*
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thaliasthunder · 2 years
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nico: so u wanna be my bestie? drink poison.
jason, with zero functional braincells: CHUG
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ssparksflyy · 1 month
just thinking about first kiss w/leo and your hands are in his hair except he gets nervy and the tips of his curls accidentally catch fire and burn your hands !!
so then he carries you bridal style to the infirmary, literally crying and begging for forgiveness
and yk the talk with will as of how you acquired these odd shaped burns is awkward as hell
anon ur so right
whats funny about it is that the tips of his hair catching fire is actually one of your favorite things about him, you think its super cute and tease him about it sometimes- calling him names like 'hot head' and telling how adorable you think it is only makes them burn brighter and has him shoving his tomato red face into his hands. you werent lying when you called it adorable, it truly always made your heart flutter and brought a smile to your face.
so when it happens during your first kiss together, you obviously pull away and remove your hands from his hair cause.. well.. they just got burnt ?? but you still cant help but smile a bit.
the burns themselves werent extremely bad, they just stung a bit, and the kiss was great but that didnt stop leo from freaking out and immediately apologizing repeatedly, asking you if you were okay and grabbing your hands to get a better look at them.
you explain to him that youre okay, but this man is literally on the verge of tears, thinking you hate him and never ever want to see him again. you assure him youre ok, and just need to run over the infirmary for a quick treatment.
you try to turn away to the infirmary, but leo is so quick to literally sweep you off your feet and carry you in his arms, bridal style. he says something about making it up to you and calls himself 'your certified knight in shining armor' which only makes you smile more.
he begins scurrying over to the infirmary, pushing past campers so determined to get you there as quickly as possible, making you giggle. he puts you down at the door of the infirmary, quickly grabbing the door and holding it open for you.
you let out a light laugh and a 'thank you', then brush past him and into the infirmary. he follows right behind you, closing the door behind him. you walk up to the counter, asking one of the apollo kids for some assistance with your burns and she leads you over to sit and wait on one of the hospital beds until will can help you.
leo sits in the chair right next to you and even though youve told him a million times that youre ok, his leg cant help from bouncing and he can't stop fidgeting with his fingers. you notice his behaviors and put a hand on top of his busy ones, giving him a soft smile. he looks up and returns the smile, but is snapped out of his la-la-land trance when will walks over with his clipboard, ready to help you.
he asks you whats wrong and takes a look at your hands, but seems to have a puzzled look on his face.
"how'd you get these burns? theyre really weirdly shaped." he asks.
your face gets hot and your body tenses up, leo having the same reaction.
"uhmmm..uh- i-"
"wel-well you see what had happened was-"
"we ummm.."
"out with it already." will said, giving you a deadpan look.
you and leo glanced at each other in panic, but knew you shouldnt lie. not to will.
"we..wellwekissedandiwastouchinghishairbutthenitcaughtonfireandburntmyhadns" you mumbled quickly, looking down.
"what?" will asked, moving closer in hopes of hearing you better.
"wee.. kissed and i had my hands in his hair but then it caught on fire and burnt my hands" you said, elongating the syllables and feeling your face get hotter with each word.
will tired so hard not to laugh or smile, after all he was in a 'professional environment' ( as chrion called it ) but he really couldn't help it, he smirked and put your hands down, walking away from you and over to the cabinet where all the camp's ointments were kept.
he smothered a glob of the ointment onto your hands then bandaged them up so they could heal properly, and let you go on with your day- but not without a few teases and jokes while leo helped you fill out your paperwork.
after you finished up in the infirmary, you and leo walked out together and immediately plopped onto the bench outside.
"well that was embarrassing" leo said, stating the obvious.
"yep... well, now i know to learn from my mistake the next time i kiss you" you said, a small smirk forming onto your face.
your comment had caught leo by surprise, "what? wait... again? you-you'd wanna do that again?"
you turned to face him with a smile, "i mean why not? youre a good kisser and it's not like ive havent a crush on you for years"
leo had to be on the verge of a heart attack with each surprise he'd faced today, this one only pushing him further off the edge, "you've had a crush on me for years????"
you simply nodded your head and smiled, trying to play it cool when in reality your heart was ready to run out of your chest.
leo ran his fingers through his hair in disbelief, "wait so were you like really good at hiding it or something?? cause ive had a crush on you for years and i feel like its always been painfully obvious."
it was your turn to get nervous, suddenly at a loss for words.
"w-well, maybe you should do something about it then." you said, sounding more confident than you felt.
"well maybe i will."
he cupped your face with his hand and brought you in close for your second kiss that day, holding your hands down with his free one, and moving his lips slowly against yours. this time, the kiss was long and soft, the way your first one should've been. when the two of you finally pulled away for air, you had stupid smiles on your faces that only grew after leo asked you,
"would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"
to which you gladly said yes to.
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sweetnnaivete · 3 months
leo valdez would serenade jason grace with chappell roan
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milomilesmib · 1 year
Nico: *violently pressing buttons on a controller and pointing it at Leo*
Leo: wtf are you doing
Nico: trying to put you on mute
Nico: oh look it worked
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venusleontios55555 · 1 year
Nico Di Angelo: If you're gonna talk about me behind my back, at least invite me
Nico Di Angelo: I hate that son of a bitch too
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sclangelc · 9 months
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some valgrace affection for @im-always-lost-in-a-book @rrversesummerbang !!! happy holidays!! :D
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ottpopfic · 15 days
“It hot when you get all sparky scary at people”
“Shut up”
“What!? It gets me going” Leo fans himself with his hand to prove the point “that one time you exploded the transformer outside Nena’s school, whooof”
Jason is a naturally protective person, and people fucking with his puppies brings out this feral part of him that has scared Katie’s school office on more than one occasion. It's very sexy if Leo is to be honest, but he's not a good judge of hotness levels when it comes to his man (at least says Piper, but what does she know)
There's something about Jason biting the head off of school officials with their kid on his hip that does something to Leo, makes him wish he could get knocked up for a split second. He should be reeling his man in, but fuck the public school system and fuck people messing with his kid Jason can eat them for all he cares
And also getting to watch his sweet caring gentle man snap on people, especially for Leo and his, something about it makes Leo want to go feral on him in return
“Oh man and that time you blew out all the lights when that barista wouldn't catch a hint” Leo bites his lip and kicks what he can of his feet like a schoolgirl, Jason may have gotten jumped before they got home after that one “and when you-”
“Okay okay” the blond interrupts peering up at him from his chest “i still don't get it though”
“I like you being all puppy possessive, makes me feel safe” Leo pauses the hair petting to daydream for a moment “and I like that crazed look you get in your eye”
“Crazed look?”
“Oh yeah” Leo bites his lip again just thinking about it “Makes me wanna get you jealous more”
Jason's brows furrow “Were you trying to make me jealous?”
“No,” Leo goes back to playing with his man’s hair “I know you don't like it, even if you're super sexy when you are”
“I don't like it” Jason confirms
“I know,” he presses a reassuring kiss onto his fiancée’s forehead “that's why I don't do it on purpose. But it does make me feel safe and wanted when you get like that”
“Me trying to bite people who are overstepping makes you feel safe?”
“You make me feel safe”
“If your sure”
“Oh, I'm sure”
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Spokesperson for Platonic Valzhang here asking your opinion on Leo and Frank’s friendship and what are your headcanons for them?
I love the weird kinda frenemies thing that Leo and Frank have going on, it’s like romeo and juliet but they’re just bros.
My personal favorite headcanon I have made for them is that they play minecraft together RELIGIOUSLY, Frank mines while Leo builds (Leo always forgets to put stone around the fireplace. He has burnt down several wooden houses. They have to make them out of stone now.)
They say that they only talk to eachother because Hazel wants them to get along, but in secret they’re gaming with each other until 4 in the morning by choice.
I know they had a rough start, but I enjoy their friendship and really wish there was more of it!!!
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Incorrect HOO quotes #11
Leo *high asf*: Look I know you love me, but you can be honest with me…Is there any other guys you find attractive?
Breisa *Also high*: Guys?….No.
Leo: Come on, there is bound to be some other guy you have a tiny bit of attraction.
Leo: I mean look at Jason. With his buff body, chisel abs, and strawberry blond hair…and that killer jawline. Plus those baby blue eyes….*Dazes off*
*Breisa connecting the brain cells she has left*
Breisa: Is there something you wanna tell me?…Specifically about your man crush on Jason?
Leo*Bi panicking*: Uh…no?
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just thinking about how Jason grace had his entire life molded from the day he was born, nothing in his life was authentic, even his own name was an offering to appease a goddess.
he also died being so distant from everyone he knew (don't get me wrong, I know he was friends with the 7, but If I'm being realistic here and go by canon, only Leo and Nico were actually "close" with Jason, and maybe Percy a bit) I mean, Annabeth took a long time to warm up to Jason and didn't trust him, Hazel never quite forgave jason for mistrusting nico (I'm still a lil bitter about this one lol bc she easily forgave Leo simply bc he's Sammy's great grandkid, and Leo's kinda the one who initiated the suspicion in the first place yet she got so mad at Jason for simply laying out the arguments and exerting caution?? Yeah I know she was upset that her brother was in danger but she never even gave Jason a chance even after nicos rescue, I'm not tryna blame Leo or anything but I think they BOTH should've been forgiven equally, esp since Jason's encouragement in house of hades fuelled nico to break out of his shell), Frank saw of Jason as more of a hero and looked up to him (still avenged his death tho so big W), Piper dumped him and canonically was outwardly bitchy/a little hostile to him after the breakup.
EVEN coach hedge and mellie were such jerks to him bc they assumed HE dumped Piper. Still wished Piper made it clear to them that the break up wasn't Jason's fault but ofc she didnt. TOA Piper is such an L
He never saw Leo again and never got to spend the summer with Nico in camp half blood like he planned to. His dad is a jackass and didn't shed a single tear at his death, his sister had her own life and he felt like she didn't need him anymore.
Reyna, Jason's childhood friend grew distant from him bc of her romantic feelings + the whole Venus mess (which is no fault of her's tho, mind you)
He never felt "at home" in camp Jupiter even after he got his memory back because all he did over there was military duties.
I don't think he got his full memory back properly either because, Percy had the gorgons blood but he didn't. I'm speculating this because he still felt very disconnected to Camp Jupiter and Rome.
He never got to do what he wanted, and even if he succeeded in defeating Caligula, jason STILL never would've gotten freedom, since he promised the minor gods that he'd build temples on their behalfs, and was Prontifex Maximus. He made a diorama and everything.
His Greek friends never made it to his funeral. They never got to say goodbye.
and as Apollo noted, he died with his fingers pointing, like he was still telling them all to escape without him. His chest was spewing out blood and jason still plucked up the energy to tell tempest to get Apollo and Piper to safety.
Jason Grace was born a Roman soldier, and died a Roman soldier, full circle. He never became a grandpa to his and piper's grandchildren like he wanted to.
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kekaki-cupcakes · 7 days
opinion on a poly relationship with Will, Leo, and Nico? THIS IS SO WEIRD, IM SORRY—
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no no no, no weird asks! I love asks like these I just feel obligated to draw fanart for them so it takes a while lol. Send more!
Honestly tho, I see the vision but I don't ship Leo with either of them [valgrace truther over here] so I respect it but I don't like it. Solangelo on the other hand-.... But this template is very them if they were in a polyam relationship so... here you go!
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huntingrays · 6 months
i have the personal headcanon that leo’s name is actually emilio and not leonidas. the reason he claims it is leonidas is because, after calypso learned leo was a nickname, he told her to guess what his real full first name was, and her guess was leonidas. he thought that it was so funny that he just rolled with it. now he wants to see how long it will take her to find out that it’s not his actual real full first name. so far, she doesn’t have a clue
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ssparksflyy · 2 months
"i really love my bed but man its hard to sleep when he's with me" but its the way leo valdez literally clings to you at night, his head resting on top of your head, holding you super close to him to the point where you spend five minutes trying to leave his grasp when you need to use the restroom at night, only to come back to him sitting up in bed waiting for you to come back
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