sleepyycapybara · 1 day
Does anybody here play love nikki???
Pls I got signed out and got into my old account and it sucks...😢
I literally have like 2 diamonds while my other account had like 60,000 diamonds I've been saving for years 😭😭😭
Anyway I recommend Love Nikki Dress Up Queen but plsss, plsss, connect with Facebook so you don't get signed out!!
Btw its a dress up game and you do like fun outfit battles, and get to dress this character (nikki) super fun I recomend❤❤
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sleepyycapybara · 3 days
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sleepyycapybara · 5 days
Fun little silly goofy movie guesser
My fav movie, my sister is featured!!! she's the rat!!!🐀🐀🧀
Can u guess?
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sleepyycapybara · 5 days
OMG I have to STOP ✋🚫❌ multi shipping its srysly my RED FLAG 🚩🚩🚩🚩💢
lol pls he is so hotttt...
UMM GUYS? WHO SAID THAT?? guys I never said that if you saw that no you didnt👀❌
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sleepyycapybara · 6 days
I be grinding on duolingo
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Guys help duo has got me hostage, Im trying to beg for my life in Spanish but I forgor the words....Oop he's back
Bye y'all come to my funeral💚🐥💢💚
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sleepyycapybara · 7 days
First post and its a story about fraleo (frank x leo) this story they are both in collage and in the same dorm, umm enjoy
Warning: I only recommend reading if you are okay with some...ummm...scenes iykyk...if you don't know then i don't recommend -enjoy pookies
I suck at summaries so its a besties (that don't know they both love each other) to loverrrrs ❤ (ladies and gentlemen will you plea- Ahem where my swifties at?)
(Frank's pov)
I unlock the door to be surprised with Leo sitting on the couch
"Hey what are you doing here?"
"FRANK!!! Omg we are roomies!!"
I walk in setting my things on the kitchen counter while Leo runs up behind me
"Hey big guy what do you want for dinner, also I thought your classes end at 3 its 7?" (p.m)
"Oh yeah I have work after my class I work at the walmart just around the mall"
"Your so lucky, I have classes that start at 6 in the morning and work that ends at 8 p.m I got today off because I have to move my stuff in"
Leo jumps at me for a hug but his small arms only go around half my body
"Leo im so glad that you got to be my room mate, man! Wait a minute, dude I thought this was a one person dorm....with one bedroom."
"Oops I might have moved all my stuff into the bedroom...ummm ill sleep on the couch until we figure things out."
"No you can take the bed man its fine, I insist."
"You sure big guy? We can always just share the bed.." Leo says teasing
I feel my cheeks get hot and red "Umm sure..I guess." My voice cracking
Leo turns away his face red not expecting him to agree he tries to change the subject by saying, "Im going to make dinner, A or B you pick ."
"B." He says still blushing
"Okay Im going to make it a surprise."
I walk out the kitchen and start studying for a test in the living room
(Leo's pov)
"Im going to the store brb"
I go out the door when I hear frank saying "bye" and "drive safe"
*15 minutes later
I get home and I start cooking dinner with the ingredients I bought bc I lost my magic belt (pls Idk what to call it). I call for frank "Hey Frank!!! Dinners ready!!"
I slide a plate with 2 tacos on it to frank while I start eating my tacos "These are not the best tacos I've made but there pretty good."
"Umm Leo.."
"This has cheese on it...I can't eat it.." (for the ppl that don't know frank is lactose intolerant)
"Oh dw its not real cheese."
"Aww your so sweet Leo, you even remembered."
Leo blushes "yeah its no problem.."
(Frank's pov)
*I take a bite out of the taco and freeze on the spot
"Are you okay Frank?" His voice filled with concern
"Yeah, but this is the best F-ing taco I've ever had." (For all the ppl that don't like swearing im blurring it out)
"Oh im glad you like it I personally think I could have done better."
"BETTER? Oh I would like to see THAT! There's no way you can beat this"
Leo yawns "Oh please I could have done that with my eyes closed."
I yawn as well "Im going to get ready for bed soon im really tired from today."
"Same I had to move all my stuff up stairs and down stairs all day"
*we both get ready for bed after cleaning the dishes
*in the bathroom brushing teeth
(Leo's pov)
*I pop my tooth brush in my mouth while Frank walks in to also brush his teeth
Frank stops dead in his tracks watching me brush my teeth
"LEO!! that umm my tooth brush..."
I spit the tooth paste out and rip the brush out my mouth
"Oops sorry bro forgor mine was the pink one yours was purple."
Frank handpalms "That's not the point.."
"Its okay I have a brand new one in my bag its still in the box."
Leo goes to his bag in their room
(Leos thoughts )
OMG OMG OMG that was so embarrassing I just had a indirect kiss with my crus- umm bestie, who am I kidding I'm in love with him....
(Frank's thoughts)
OMG OMG OMG my crush just used my toothbrush!
(Leo's pov)
"Sorry it took so long Frank."
I hand him a new toothbrush my skin heating up
"Its okay just remember my toothbrush is orange..."
5 min later they are watching a scary movie
*jump scare*
Leo jumps and lands on Frank's lap, Leo hugs him while sitting on his lap
"OMG that scared the living out of me thanks for catching me big guy."
Leo still doesn't move but instead moves closer
"Umm no problem Leo.."
Frank starts to get flustered when Leo doesn't move but he doesn't bring it up
(Frank's pov)
Frank starts to hug Leo around his small waist "Just to keep you from jumping and hurting yourself." Frank knows he's being selfish and the real reason is because he just wants to be close to and hold Leo
End of movie
(Leo's pov)
"Lets go to bed now im tired."
"Yeah lets go."
Leo gets picked up without hesitation from frank and is bent over his shoulder
"What are you doing Frank! Put me down!!"
"Nuh uh."
Frank drops him on the bed
"Leo I have to tell you something important..."
"Me too...I've been holing it off forever.."
(Both at the same time) "I think that I like you!!!"
(Scene coming up if you wanna skip)
Our eyes link for a few seconds as we stair deep inside them
Leo get scooped up into Frank's lap as he wraps his big arms around his small waist
Leo kisses him only for a second and then Frank kisses back but longer
"I have been waiting to say that for as long as we have been friends. Leo will you be my boyfriend...?"
"Yes a thousand times yes."
I press a kiss to Frank's cheek and slowly move down to his neck kissing softly
Frank's grip around my waist get tighter as if he never wants to let go
I lay down and snuggle close to him as I kiss him again softly we both start to doze off....
OMG the end pls let me know if I should do a pt2!!
If u saw a mistake no u didnt..👀
I promise I will get better its only my first time!! I thought hey there is no content of my favorite ship so I will write it!! I hope you enjoyed ❤
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