#leo new moon 2022
luminescentbite · 2 years
Check out my Instagram for Leo new moon readings for all the signs!
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ms-m-astrologer · 2 years
2022 Leo New Moon
Thursday, July 28, 2022, 17:55 UT Chart erected for Washington, DC
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(Migraining like crazy.)
So here’s the deal: yes, the lunation is trine Jupiter. Except Jupiter is about to turn retrograde. It has some unfinished business in Pisces to complete. That means it’s going to be dragged backwards through Aries, and anything we started under its impetus is at mininum going to be on hold. More likely, it will require a do-over.
Then, when Jupiter re-enters Aries (December 20), it is going to barrel right through the sign until it enters Taurus on May 16, 2023 - not returning to Aries until April 21, 2034.
Gives us a mere five months to fully use and enjoy Jupiter/Aries. I feel so cheated. That really isn’t enough time for Jupiter to make a giant impact, the likes of which it is capable - it’s just going to be a trigger for the deeper things going on. Like a very souped-up Mars or Lady Asteroid.
What I personally hope to do with the Leo New Moon, is to figure out how to make the most of those five months - and then start to position myself to receive the benefits. By using the Leo New Moon energy to figure out where I’m lacking (the Aquarius Full Moon will probably help with that), I can start coaching myself to do better - make better choices - be a happier, more authentic version of my better self.
This lunation is also sextile Pallas Athene in Gemini - rather widely, but the Sun will gradually tighten that up. I’m trying to be clever and strategic about this!
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elminx · 2 years
Energy Update: A Demanding Week 7/25 - 7/31
There's a lot going on this week so you might want to buckle your seat belt and be prepared to settle in. It's the very beginning of Leo season but we are already beginning to see the ways that our fixed signs are getting wailed on right now by Saturn retrograde in Aquarius and Mars, Uranus, and the North Nodes closely aligned in Taurus.
Right now, our returning Saturn-Uranus fixed square is being further activated by Mars and our lunar nodes and every single planet (Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus) that are going to transit through Leo during this "season" will inevitably further activate this via t-square.
Something has got to give. Saturn and Uranus have been rubbing each other the wrong way since the beginning of 2021 and we are stuck chafing in the middle. You might need to get back to basics - sit down and make a list. What is broken? Is it beyond repair? Do I need to keep it? Will a little glue fix this up real nice or would it be better thrown out or donated? I don't just mean your closets or your junk drawer here. Uranus in Taurus is breaking down all of the structures that have lost their stability - every hit on it by Saturn is another small earthquake that is clearing out debris.
We've been in this energy for a while so you might be handling this and this week may be challenging but in that "I've got this" business as usual sort of sense. If you've been avoiding that work though - if you are holding onto something too tight - if you're stuck your head too far into the sand. Well, it might get rough out there.
Mercury is ahead of the sun now and leading the charge. On Tuesday, they square off with Mars in Taurus which has "red flags" written all over it. On Thursday, under the light of our Leo new moon, they square off with both Uranus and the North Node. That's the fuse. Get out of the arena before you need to this week.
Because Mercury is so poorly aspected, this is a week to say less. Show up for your others if you need to but do it through actions rather than words. Expect to be misunderstood and the misunderstandings won't be cleared up anytime soon.
Don't pick a fight if you can't afford to lose.
Taurus can be placid as a cow. Taurus sometimes seems like they are so damn grounded that they can shrug off anything - like the Dude, Taurus abides.
Until they don't.
This is a week that may make some people understand the idiom: a bull in a china shop. Things will get broken.
You may not even be able to avoid this. The North Node is our point of forward-facing fate - what happens in and around the North node has a way of opening and closing doors. And Uranus is a wild card in the best of circumstances. This combined poorly with the ego storm that inevitably develops when we have a conflict and multiple plants in the sign of Leo.
To add to the fray, Jupiter, our planet of luck and expansion, retrogrades at 08° Aries. This means that there may be a hiccup in some of your plans that you thought were going well. Something may need to be reevaluated. This is right on time and WILL balance things out - if you remember from my post about the interrelated pattern of Jupiter and Saturn's retrograde cycles, this will bring us back to more of a "business as usual" feeling with both planets retrograde - but it will take a hot minute for us all of to adjust.
Altogether, the energy of the week ahead doesn't feel very fair. If that's the energy you're in this week, know that you are right on time. The big flex is to be fair and stay balanced through these challenging energies. Dipping into the well of pessimism may seem oh so easy but it is worth remembering that how you approach the world every day does impact how you will interpret the events happening in your life.
This is a week to practice my favorite conspiracy theory: what if everything does work out? What if it IS okay?
This week is more about showing up and standing witness to your own life than action. Don't be hasty in making decisions during this fiery Mars energy (unless you absolutely need to). Everybody is going to seem like they are stuck in their egos - see if you can be the one who bends. If you can step into mature Leo energy this week - energy that shows up with an open heart and supports the community - you are ahead of the crowd. Celebrate those small wins.
With Taurus, Leo, and Aquarius heavily activated this week, there's not an easy way out of this energy. Try to stay grounded and out of a space of egoic fear or control. Working this energy out of your body through action may lend you some relief - move through it rather than holding on to it.
The big trigger days this week are Tuesday, Saturday, and most especially Thursday during our new moon. Schedule time for self-care if you can and lie low until this passes through by Monday of next week.
Do you like my work? You can support me over on KoFi by tipping me, purchasing an astrology report, or buying some of my art.
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loveblackculture · 2 years
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coffeeandwitchin · 2 years
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It is time to take you power and voice back. Many of you have been feeling intimidated by someone and may want to isolate yourself to avoid this person or people. Maybe this person or group of people are crossing your boundaries and not respecting you. Spirit is telling you to speak out honestly. Protecting how you feel is so much more important than the fear of hurting someone’s feelings. In fact, you will create a more loving relationship when you are clear about your boundaries.
Crystals to work with: Clear Quartz, Blue Aragonite.
Chakra to work on: Throat Chakra
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symbolicliving · 2 years
All about the farmer and energy crisis. Spotlight on leaders.
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astrosamara · 2 months
Astrology Observations #1
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🩵Mars in Gemini and Virgo are very quick learners. They're at their best when they keep themselves busy with new and intellectually stimulating hobbies.
🩵Cancer placements in the big 3 have the most comforting and nurturing energy. These people are so easy to be around and it feels so easy to be yourself around them. I feel like people don’t give cancer placements enough credit for how good they are at making people feel loved.
🩵10th house moons are very loved and admired in their careers. I've noticed a lot of celebrities with this placement.
🩵Neptune in the 11th house can really idealize their friendships and groups and can end up being very deceived by them. Their friends can be very phony and not their true friends at all. 
🩵Leo and Libra in the big 3 makes someone a natural in the spotlight. Fame comes easily to them.
🩵Moon in Pisces or 12th house tend to have very strong connections to their dreams. They can even have epiphanies that help guide them in their life.
🩵In solar return charts, I've noticed that when the transit sun conjuncts the solar return chart ruler, a pivotal moment will happen for that year related to what planet it is. For example, my solar return ascendant in 2022 was in Sagittarius and when the sun made a conjunction with my solar return Jupiter, I received my associate's degree. My previous solar return ascendant in 2021 was in Libra, and when the sun made a conjunction with my solar return Venus, I developed a new long-term crush that inspired me to pursue a new passion. It can be fun to make a note of these dates every year to see what comes up.
🩵8th house synastry is no joke. These connections are incredibly intense and very hard to break free from. It can feel almost impossible to forget about this person. Very transformational as well.
🩵Harsh moon aspects are strong indicators of a wounded relationship with the mother. Pluto square the moon in particular is a very challenging placement for this matter. The mother could have instilled deep trauma and fear in you at an early age.
🩵Positive Mars and Venus aspects make someone incredibly charming. They're often easily liked and admired. I've noticed this the most with Mars sextile Venus.
🩵It's so important to pay attention to your moon sign/house/aspects to discover what you need to feel emotionally fulfilled. For example, I'm a Pisces moon and need to be creative and have a healthy amount of alone time daily to feel content.
🩵Personal Aries placements rapidly need new and passionate energy in their lives. It's so hard for them to stay in situations they're bored and uninspired in. Depending on other placements in the chart that can be more grounding, it's very hard for them to remain committed to a situation for a long time if it's not interesting.
🩵Idk if it's just because I have a Scorpio venus and stellium, but I find Scorpio moon and/or mars men to be so sexy.
🩵Pay attention to what themes come up in your life during your north node return, it can reveal a lot about what you're destined to do and what sort of life can be the most fulfilling for you.
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Your 2022 Leo new moon horoscope
Your 2022 Leo new moon horoscope
     Look what the cat’s dragging in from the cosmos… On July 28, we have our seventh new moon of 2022, this one in gutsy and flamboyant fire sign Leo (a.k.a. The Lion; a.a.k.a. The Golden Child; a.a.a.k.a. the JLo and Ben Affleck of the zodiac).       If you’ve read this article, then you know that new moons are primo days for setting intentions and growing your goals. And the 2022 Leo new moon…
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ariesphysics · 1 year
3. my interest in astrology had been revived and now i’m going to spill my guts to probably 20 people on the internet :D
[TW: Mentions of ch1ld 4buse]
🦋 Dejanira in 4th house (Capricorn, 6°): It’s unaspected to all of my planets and to my Nessus in 5th house. Dejanira represents the areas of life where one is susceptible to abuse, either from external sources or due to themselves [1].
Coincidentally, I also have 4° degree Saturn and there had been interpretations that the degree your Saturn will tell you what age you had to mature [2] and around this age, I was physically and verbally abused in the house by a caretaker my parents hired because both of them were working and couldn’t really look after me, so it took a while for them to notice that I have been abused by my caretaker.
I have always felt a little neglected in my home because my parents were not really around and my grandmother definitely favored my cousins than me for some reason (I do feel my mom is her least favorite child, mommy issues run deep in this household, lmao.)
My home is comfortable but I do feel a sense of suffocation inside.
🦋 Anyways, from my constant observation of friend groups when I’m bored... I have noticed that the leader or someone who is the group’s core friend is a Libra moon. The link between the other people in the group.
(+) I find it cute when people become friends and they end up adapting each other’s habits, lol. Makes you know what friend group they belong to and the person they’re really close to.
🦋 I finally have my friend’s birth time (straight from the certificate). I might have an explanation as to why she’s the only person I feel comfortable with skinship (Taurus Moon close friend). She has her Mars in my 4th house as this house also represents intimacy and bonding, and with her Capricorn Mars there, I feel physically safe and comfortable when I’m with her.
🦋 Mars signs and body movement!
I came across this Lindaland forum about Mars signs and body movement, and for me, it is accurate (Link is in the last part).
    🌸 Gemini Mars: being restless, darting eyes, fast-paced walker, and clumsy af (keeps tripping and stubbing toes even on a flat surface)
🦋 Leo Moons really care and is meticulous about their physical appearance, how they present themselves, and how they appear to others. This might be even more emphasized if their Moon is in the 1st house, however this placement might lead caring for their looks to being obsessive about it.
🦋 Someone with Juno conjunct Saturn might marry after 29 (Saturn’s years of revolution), will only have one romantic relationship in their life, and is a monogamist. Marriage might come later in life but is long-lasting.
🦋 Other people with Venus sextile Pluto, do you also tend to be obsessive with your crushes to the point of limerence? I have it at 0° which probably explains why I will rarely be attracted to someone, but when I do, I go all in and become limerent. every. single. time. Oh, and I also get deeply jealous even with an Aquarius Venus.
(+) Also, we are talking about Aquarius which is described as somewhat aloof and detached but friendly and humanitarian. This is how my friendships are, I am fine with being alone for some time and okay with just meeting once every six months with my friends. Just like my crushes, my social circle is very limited and I make new friends rarely. However, with my Venus-Pluto aspect, I also tend to be obsessive with them, the thirst to know every piece of information about them, because you need to know your friends, right?
🦋 Piggybacking on the Aquarius discussion, Aquarius Moons tend to be the first person in a room to greet you and acquaint you with the group, they also tend to have a wide social circle. An Aquarius Moon classmate of mine will bump into a person they know in, literally everywhere.
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[1] https://moongoddessastrology.com/2022/06/08/dejanira-in-astrology/
[2] The Deep Way Saturn Degrees In Astrology Affect Your Life | YourTango  
[3] http://www.linda-goodman.com/ubb/Forum24/HTML/229929.html
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thatdruidgal · 2 years
grimoire organization 2022
Greetings, everyone! This is how I've organized my grimoire for 2022. I use Obsidian to write it digitally.
This is just my personal preference for organization, so no worries if yours looks different! There are as many ways to organize a grimoire as there are witches and wizards in the world.
Tell me what you think! What parts do you like? What do you think I should add? Anything I'm missing or suggestions to make it better? Feel free to comment how you organize your grimoire below!
Farewell, and good tidings!
01.00 introduction
01.01 book blessing + protection
01.02 devotion/dedication
01.03 codes/rules/tenets
personal code
code of celtic druidism
the celtic commandments
01.04 intentions and goals
01.05 learn more/add to grimoire (notes)
02.00 about author
02.01 names
02.02 personal craft
02.03 life path number
02.04 birth tarot card
the emperor
02.05 astrology birth chart
sun in leo
moon in capricorn
ascendant in aquarius
mercury in virgo
venus in leo
mars in pisces
jupiter in leo
saturn in cancer
uranus in pisces
neptune in aquarius
pluto in sagittarius
02.06 celtic zodiac
hazel “the knower”
02.07 personal beliefs (brief)
02.08 favorites
magical tools
02.09 relationships with spiritual beings
02.10 psychic abilities (clair-)
02.11 personal signature/symbols
02.12 ancestry
02.13 how i want to be remembered
03.00 basics
03.01 types of spells
verbal spells
candle spells
sigil spells
jar spells
03.02 ritual work
the ritual model
meditation + grounding
directing energy
clockwise vs. counterclockwise
03.03 types of correspondences
mental clarity
03.04 sabbats 
about sabbats
yule (winter solstice)
ostara (spring equinox)
litha (summer solstice)
mabon (fall equinox)
samhain (halloween)
03.05 altars
03.06 spirit guides
about spirit guides
ancestor guides
ascended masters
archetype guides
guardian angels
animal guides
03.07 auras
about auras
03.08 alphabets + code language
ogham alphabet [not featured here]
03.09 symbols
celtic symbols
03.10 about divination
04.00 nature
04.01 the three elements
04.02 talking to nature
04.03 lunar phases 
full moon
new moon
waxing crescent
first quarter
waxing gibbous
waning gibbous
last quarter
waning crescent
blue moon
black moon
lunar eclipse “blood moon”
solar eclipse
moon void
04.04 herbs
for saining 
how to dry + store
04.05 gardening
companion plants
night-blooming plants
04.06 waters
rain water
storm water
dew water
snow water
moon water
sun water
river water
sea water
spring water
lake water
well water
swamp water
rose water
florida water
salt water
rosemary water
how to make moon water
04.07 aromatherapy
essential oils
custom for calm
05.00 minerals
05.01 crystals (by intention)
ones i own
ones i do not own
05.02 stones
precious stones
hag stones
wishing rocks
heart stones
05.03 jewelry
05.04 amulets
about amulets
charging amulets
05.05 charging
05.06 cleansing + care
05.07 salts
06.00 spirits
06.01 relationships with the spirits
06.02 when making offerings…
06.03 offering ideas
06.04 spirit guides
how to contact
talking to spirit guides
questions to ask
06.05 the fae
about the fae
offering ideas  
(some) types of fae
07.00 altars
07.01 layouts
07.02 what to use/ideas
07.03 for the elements
07.04 for sabbats
yule (winter solstice)
ostara (spring equinox)
litha (summer solstice)
mabon (fall equinox)
samhain (halloween)
08.00 recipes
08.01 general tips
08.02 infusions
herb-infused oil
rose oil
08.03 foods
lughnasadh herb bread
litha orange honey cake
rosemary-honey shortbread
enchanting flower and herb spread
08.04 drinks
fire cider
08.05 potions
08.06 natural remedies
elderberry syrup
08.07 lotions
rose hip lotion [personal]
08.08 cleaning products
pine needle spray
08.09 misc
four thieves vinegar
09.00 spells + rituals
09.01 affirmations
lunar affirmations
09.02 sigils
passive sigils
active sigils
creating sigils
charging sigils
09.03 sachets + jars
anti-anxiety sachet
09.04 prayers
simple opening prayer [personal]
druids prayer
09.05 blessings
old irish blessing
blessing lavender tea [personal]
garden blessing
seedling blessing
09.06 lunar rituals
new moon
waxing crescent
first quarter
waxing gibbous
full moon
waning gibbous
last quarter
waning crescent
09.07 sabbat rituals
yule (winter solstice)
ostara (spring equinox)
litha (summer solstice)
mabon (fall equinox)
samhain (halloween)
09.08 birthday ritual
09.09 solitary dedication ritual
10.00 divination
10.01 astrology birth charts
10.02 zodiac signs
10.03 celtic zodiac
10.04 basic tarot card meanings
major arcana
minor arcana, cups
minor arcana, swords
minor arcana, staffs
minor arcana, discs
10.05 tarot spreads
10.06 cleansing the tarot deck
10.07 omens
10.08 psychic abilities
about psychic powers
what to use them for
developing psychic abilities
11.00 library
11.01 dictionary/encyclopedia (?)
11.02 science and magic(k)
matter and energy
11.03 celts
celtic clothing
celtic days
11.04 druidry
about druidry
druid organizations
11.05 paganism + animism
11.06 types of divination
sacred geometry
11.07 types of witches/witchcrafts
green witch
eclectic witch
kitchen witch
solitary witch
cottage witch
grey witch
hedge witch
sea witch
religious witch
moon witch
sun witch
elemental witch
fire witch
earth witch
water witch
air witch
swamp witch
faery witch
cosmic witch
divination witch
crystal witch
secular witch
urban witch
literary witch
forest witch
music witch
chaos witch
shadow witch
techno witch
desert witch
art witch
natural witch
hereditary witch
11.08 types of psychic ability
11.09 tree lore
11.10 animal lore
11.11 misc correspondences 
12.00 inspiration
12.01 legends and myths
fionn mac cumhaill and the salmon of knowledge
12.02 poetry
alder dance
the oak tree
augeries of innocence
putting in the seed
to the cardinal, attacking his reflection in the window
nature aria
the gray heron
12.03 artwork [not featured here]
12.04 photography [not featured here]
13.00 shadow book [personal]
13.01 affirmations
13.02 recipes
13.03 cleansing
13.04 warding
13.05 enchanting
13.06 verbal spells
13.07 candle spells
13.08 sigil spells
13.09 jar spells + sachets
13.10 crystals
13.11 rituals
13.12 tarot divination
getting to know the field tarot deck [archive]
13.13 dreams
13.14 craft challenges
13.15 holiday celebrations
13.16 miscellaneous
13.17 craft advice
from mickey
14.00 personal beliefs
14.01 personal beliefs (expanded)
14.02 creation of the universe
14.03 death + otherworld
14.04 time
14.05 “spirituality”
14.06 magick
15.00 index of personal contributions
16.00 list of sources of information
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luminescentbite · 2 years
Check out my Instagram for Leo new moon readings for all the signs!
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ms-m-astrologer · 2 years
Astrologer Kathy Rose talks about the upcoming Leo New Moon, Thursday the 28th.
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etherealdiva · 2 years
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Astro Observations: Solar Returns
Source: Predictive Astrology the eagle and the lark by Bernadette Brady
Aspect Edition: 2022
☀️Neptune- ascendant: changing your personality from how you’re seen from the outside perspective. This happens usually by an unfortunate event or when traveling to escape. Ending the image that you present to the world.
-how it manifested for me: my mom passed away this year and I feel I lost my identity and am just dissolving my upbeat positive personality that everyone saw me as happy go lucky. I feel my humor is darker and I just resonate more with despair and darkness even though in general I’m still a positive person. It’s like life is whooping my ass but I’m still smiling lol.
☀️Neptune- sun: confused about your role in life, wanting to escape and travel.
- how it manifested for me: I feel absolutely lost in life because of everything I’ve lost this year (my full time job as well) and I had identified myself as that role. I’m sometimes conflicted with my role in the astrology world as well. Anything in the esoteric because I feel I’m living a life in the 3D and then another life somewhere else (online actually). I don’t feel I fit in anywhere with people but I can mesh well with others. Also, I’m dying to travel and start a new life. I wanna travel internationally.
☀️Uranus- MC: expect a sudden change in your job/career and your social status. For better or worse.
- how it manifested for me: my company laid me and 109 employees off 🙃 I guess I’m not suppose to be there 😅
☀️Saturn- Uranus: frustrated because achieving your goals is a slow progress.
- how it manifested for me: I’m so impatient cause it feels like everything is so damn slow. I have goals I wanna reach but it feels like I have to work even harder. Normally with my fitness goals I’ve had great luck and maybe it’s because I’m not as strict as I was before. I still think for the most part I look good with my body but I was at my fittest in 2019. I was also frustrated cause I worked hard and I wanted a raise and then we all got laid off so now I gotta start over.
☀️Saturn- moon: feeling of loneliness and wanting to isolate. Feeling like no one supports you.
- how it manifested for me: I moved to another state all by myself. Despite it being a busy and social city, I felt alone and wanting to isolate myself. I felt like I met people but couldn’t make connections 🥲
☀️Saturn- ascendant: being seen as more responsible and mature. Being as an authority.
- How it manifested for me: despite my Leo rising mannerisms and how I get along very well the youngins, I feel my piscean old soul def came out more. Also much more responsible especially since I lived on my own.
☀️Uranus- moon: events occurring so fast that you don’t have time to process them or react. Being free of your emotions.
- How it manifested for me: so much happened this year that I don’t think I processed my moms death, losing my job, being dumped and also moving away. I know it happened but like I think I reacted for a bit and then moved on to distract. I’m in therapy which is nice but yeah. Also could be that my moon is in Taurus in the 12th house so I feel much more emotionally stable but also repressed cause I still don’t believe it or I do but I’m like idk…it happened?? Weird?? I’m dreaming right?
☀️Uranus- sun: wanting to be free and re-classify yourself
- how it manifested for me: literally moved away because I felt trapped at home. I was more open about my love for astrology in my new city than I am in my hometown.
☀️Neptune- North Node: finding your spiritual path and a group/your “tribe” that’s in the category of the healing arts and esoteric. Diving into the metaphysical which pushes forward the person into a new life direction
- how it manifested for me: met you all in the Astro tumblr community 🥹🥺❤️ also dug deeper into astrology! I’ve studied it since 2018 but I went 💯 on it this gear. I also have a 9th house stellium in Aquarius in my SR.
☀️Pluto-Venus: intense fated connection with an intimate relationship or an emotional ending of one.
Note: Pluto represents mother figures and family members and people connected with death & dying.
- how it manifested for me: I did meet a man and he has a Gemini rising and Taurus moon in the 12th in his natal. My SR is Gemini rising and Taurus moon in the 12th. He impacted me greatly and how I viewed men. He was great and I’m grateful for him 💛
2021: significant events
☀️Neptune- Venus: illusions in romantic relationships. Love life could be wonderful or will leave you to deal with the harsh truth after it’s ended. Could possibly be conned.
- how it manifested for me: met a guy who is an Aquarius rising (my ascendant sign was Aquarius that year also) and when we dated I felt happy when being with him. But he ghosted (then he came back again and ghosted again) and I had to face the harsh reality of that. I’m sadly still recovering but I’ve made a lot of healing progress! I just know better now.
☀️Uranus- ascendant: changes to a persons life such as name and physical body. A huge drive for change/freedom.
- how it manifested for me: I got cosmetic surgery 😅 but I love it 🥰
I love astrology 💛 enjoy!
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baroquehedgewitch · 2 years
✨Astro Calendar 2023✨
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⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊ Lunar Events: ⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊
● Jan 7th Full Moon in Cancer
○ Jan 22nd New Moon in Aquarius -  Lunar New Year
● Feb 6th Full Moon in Leo
○ Feb 20th New Moon in Pisces
● March 7th Full Moon in Virgo  
○ March 22nd New Moon in Leo
● April 6th Full Moon in Libra
○ April 20th New Moon in Aries 
◉ Total Eclipse
● May 6th Full Moon in Scorpio ◉ Total Eclipse
○ May 20th New Moon in Taurus
● June 4th Full Moon in Sagittarius
○ June 18th New Moon in Gemini
● July 3rd Full Moon in Capricorn
○ July 18th New Moon in Cancer
● Aug 2nd Full Moon in Aquarius - Supermoon
○ Aug 16th New Moon in Leo
● Aug 31st Full Moon in Pisces - Blue Moon
○ Sep 15th New Moon in Virgo
● Sep 29th Full Moon in Aries
○ Oct 15th New Moon in Libra ◉ Annular Eclipse
● Oct 29th Full Moon in Taurus ◉ Partial Eclipse
○ Nov 13th New Moon in Scorpio
● Nov 27th Full Moon in Gemini
○ Dec 13th New Moon in Sagittarius
● Dec 27th Full Moon in Cancer
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⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊ Wheel of the Year: ⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊
✧˖°.☼.°˖✧Southern Hemisphere✧˖°.☼.°˖✧
Lammas/Lughnasadh  Feb 2nd
Mabon/Autumn Equinox  March 21st
Samhain May 1st
Yule/Winter Solstice Jun 22nd
Imbolc Aug 1st
Ostara/Spring Equinox Sep 23rd
Beltane Oct 31st
Litha/Summer Solstice Dec 22nd
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✧˖°.☼.°˖✧Northern Hemisphere✧˖°.☼.°˖✧
Imbolc Feb 1st
Ostara/Spring Equinox March 30th
Beltane May 1st
Litha/Summer Solstice June 21st
Lammas/Lughnasadh Aug 1st
Mabon/Autumn Equinox Sep 22d
Samhain Oct 31st
Yule/Winter Solstice Dec 21st
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˖⁺‧₊˚  ˚₊‧⁺˖Retrogrades & Directs: ˖⁺‧₊˚  ˚₊‧⁺˖
☿ Mercury
RX 29th Dec 2022 --> 19th Jan  //  20 Days
RX 21st April --> 15th May  //  23 Days
RX 24th Aug --> 16th Sep  //  23 Days
RX 13th Dec --> 2nd Jan 2024  //  19 Days
♁ Venus RX  23rd Jul --> 4th Sep  //  42 Days
♂️Mars RX 31st Oct 2022 --> 13th Jan  //  74 Days
♃ Jupiter RX 5th Sep --> 31st Dec  //  117 Days
♄ Saturn RX 18th June --> 4th Nov  // 139 Days
♅ Uranus
RX 24th Aug --> 23rd Jan  //  151 Days
RX 29th Aug --> 27th Jan 2024  //  151 Days
♆ Neptune RX 1st Jul --> 7th Dec  //  158 Days
♇ Pluto RX 2nd May --> 11th Oct  //  162 Days
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* ⋆·˚ ༘ * 🔭 Astro Events to See:  * ⋆·˚ ༘ * 🔭
Quadrantids Meteor Shower 1st-7th Jan; Peaks on the 3rd. Full Moon
Venus Conjunct Saturn Jan 22nd
Venus Conjunct Jupiter March 1st
Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower 19th April -28th May. Strongest in Southern Hemisphere
Lyrids Meteor Shower 16th-25th April, peak on the 22nd/23rd
Venus near Pleiades & Hyades star clusters April 21st/22nd  (20 meteors per hour)
Venus-Mars-Moon Triangle May 23rd
Beehive Star Cluster near Mars & Venus June 1st/2nd
Venus-Mars-Moon Triangle June 6th
Moon Venus Mars Visible low in the west on the Solstice of June 21st
Delta Aquarids July 12th - Aug 23rd; peak 28th/29th July
Perseids Meteor Shower begins July 27th and peaks on 12th Aug
Blue Moon Aug 31st
Oct 14th Partial Solar Eclipse, visible to Southern USA; Gulf of Mexico
Leonids Nov 3rd - Dec 2nd; peak Nov 18th
Geminids Meteor Shower Dec 4th - 17th, peak on the 12th (120-160 meteors per hour)
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chrisadew · 2 years
chrisadew’s astrology thoughts & observations pt. 1
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🖤 Virgo is the sign of critique and skill, so naturally whatever house in your chart has Virgo on it is gonna be the area of life where you use those ever evolving skills to help others, but also where you can nitpick at things, at yourself (stop that pls 👀) and rearrange or attempt to perfect your process. It’s also the area of life that can draw criticism from others.
🖤 When you’re looking at transiting planets, don’t think that because it’s not in the sign your natal planet is in it doesn’t matter! I am a Scorpio rising, so Mars is my natal chart ruler. Every time Mars transits a new sign, it’s gonna be especially significant to me as well as Aries risings. Same goes for Cancer risings with the Moon (changes sign every 2.5 days) etc etc.
🖤 The house with Pluto in it tends to amplify the themes of that house and consistently destroys/renews them. An example of this is people with Pluto in the 11H - your friend groups/communities/associations can drastically evolve over time.
🖤 To give someone credit is a 10H matter, but to leave someone a review is a 9H matter. Business thrives on reviews that build on your reputation - the reviews of the people reflect the business ideals and customer expectations, Jupiter type tings.
🖤 Tbh, you really can see sex in every single house in your chart - not just the 5H and 8H. Same goes for any other signification ever.
🖤 12H Mars people absolutely need an incidental/unstructured physical outlet for pent up energy, aggression and anger. In the 12H, Mars can feel a little bit confused and misdirected sometimes. An outlet can help to ground it and teach you to cut through the fog of Neptune’s domain; it can make your actions more intentional and less erratic.
🖤 The 6H and it’s ruler in your chart speaks to how you deal with and solve problems that arise. Example = if you have the 6H ruler in the 12H and there’s those little itty bitty issues you never seem to notice everyday or just brush off to “do later”? They could for sure bite you in the ass when you least expect it 🫣 the flip side is = you do those things as and when they pop up, and there’s an unexpected payoff down the line.
🖤 Leo risings could potentially do veryyyy well living abroad or away from their birthplace/hometown (their whole sign 12H ruled by the Moon, 5H + 8H ruled by Jupiter, 4H + 9H ruled by Mars, 2H + 11H ruled by Mercury).
🖤 When you satisfy Venus, all the Venusian related things in your life have the potential to change; for example: that's why I see some 8H Venusians come up when they're in genuine, reciprocal relationships (with people that mean something to them, not necessarily romantic) 🥺, the minute that healthy balanced exchange appears, here comes the sense of power, the ability to embrace change and deal with upheaval much better, monies, all the thingsssss 🤩 Same goes for 9H Venusians when they’re on an adventure or studying a subject they really love, or 6H Venusians when they truly enjoy their routine and/or job, they thrive.
🖤 Wherever Neptune is in your chart requires a lil bit of conscious imagination and glamour to charm the themes of that house. Someone with Neptune in the 6H for example could do with a dose of fantasy, magic or spirituality (whatever that looks like for them) in their everyday/work life to make whatever they do feel a bit more worthwhile to them.
🖤 The sign on your 2H (and it’s ruler) can also be representative of how you measure your own self worth and values; it’s your currency and eventually what you will use in trade at the meeting of the 8H (shared resources).
🖤 One thing an Aries 6H is gonna do is figure out a way to cut time on a task. 6H Aries is productivity, but make it ⚡quick ⚡💎
© 2022 chrisadew. All rights reserved
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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Solstice-Buffet of Andromedean+Blueray Sirius+Pleiadian Emerald Sun LightCodes
☀️On Solstice, from the Earth's perspective, the Sun-Energy of Life Force and Transformation appears to Stand Still for about 3 days before reversing its direction-A Sacred Pause in the Time Space Continuum when veils thin allowing Light Portals to beam Cosmic downloads into the Crystalline Gridlines via The Frequency Holders and Light Warriors. It was shown to me (via Thoth and Anubis) that The New Moon in Gemini/ 18th June provided great assistance to this process by activating the Earth Altars (-node points of the Crystalline grid responsible for receiving and disbursing downloads) in preparation for these Cosmic Downloads.
🔥The Cosmic Downloads to the lead up to this Solstice have been a Buffet of primarily The Aquamarine (via Andromedea Gateway) LightCodes for The Age of Horus which are upheld by the New Earth Diamond /Platinum -Gold Light Codes of The Age of Ma’aT , BlueRay Sirian Codes( Builder Codes) and The Emerald Sun Codes of Pleiades (Foundational Codes) carried via primarily via The Dragon and Lion/ Feline Energies.
✨Transformation is the buzzword for this Solstice as we weave mega endings into Rebirth into the Next higher octave of Soul Growth and Expansion, each weave building on the Foundations of the Souls Learnings from The Past. Some Karmic cycles are reaching a conclusion, while some are being repeated where lessons remain unlearned.
👑This Solstice coincides with Venus/ Inanna reaching the Crown Chakra on June 21 where She will be Coronated as Queen of Heaven and Earth (with Mars, Venus n Moon all in Leo) -The Culmination of The Second Synodic Cycle of Venus as the Capricorn Metagoddess which began in Jan 2022. As the Capricorn Metagoddess , Venus / Inanna imbued us with the Qualities of The Wise Woman / Record Keeper to lay the Foundations of The Divine Principle Aspect which further supports/births The New Age/ Earth/Horus. This Journey has reached its culmination Now ( venus will remain at Crown Chakra for the next one month) and the New Synodic Cycle of Venus Begins in August 2023 as the Leo Metagoddess ie Energies of Sekhmet- The Spiritual Light Warrior of Courage and Compassion.
⚔️As mentioned before, this Solstice Gateway has a generous sprinkling of Aquamarine, BlueRay , Emerald LightCodes and Diamond Gold ie The Divine Feminine Sophia Aspect is Now well Anchored which allows The Divine masculine Energies to move into a greater functional position than before to uphold the Age of Horus/ Balance and Union. Ie The Blue Ray Lion/ Feline Dna activation via the Solar Plexus upgrades enables the Light Warriors to Now begin the task of translating the Foundational Blueprint (brought in via the Capricorn Metagoddess Archetype/ Emerald Sun/ Pleiadian Codes )into actual Building Blocks. The Sirian and Andromedean FelineDna upholds the Blueprint while the Lion Dna is associated with the grunt work of the Actual Building Process. And it is This process which is supported by Venus / Inanna in her third Synodic Cycle as The Leo Metagoddess/ Sekhmet- Solar Plexus Powered Courageous Action guided by The Heart Centered in Compassion and Grace!!
🔥🌀And since we are Talking of the New Age Construction based on Balance and Union, The Solar Plexus/Sekhmet upgrades come in conjunction with Ptah/ Throat upgrades- ie Intention matched with Action For manifestation and CoCreation of The New Age of Horus upheld by the Principles of Maat. EnLight ,In Grace, InJoy Be The Change You Want To See
🔱🌹✨ Sa Kei Na Isis, Ascended Master
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