#leo makes my brain seize up
bakvrue · 17 days
For the people who have never seen Snow White with the red hair (aka me) how would you describe ruepold’s relationship dynamic? 🌚
Omg first of all you should watch!!! It's such a cute little romcom!!! But it's like.... they both carve out as much time as they can for each other even when they're both super busy, and zen especially is so in love with her. He can't hide his feelings at all, and neither can she.
Their relationship is a little different because he is a prince and she's a royal herbalist, where as leopold is a royal, and I'm a noble, so there's a different power gap between us. But there are so many instances I can think of where it's just what me and Leo would do.
(LOL I kinda just word vomited so a read more)
Like LOL I'm just gonna tell you one if my favorite episodes. So shirayuki saw tbis girl on her way to her job in the castle, and this girl had a beautiful blue trained bird that she could give commands to with a whistle. In her villiage on the outside edge of the kingdom they use these birds for fishing and they have many other uses, like retrieving items. But these poachers want to kill the birds for the feathers and completely take them from these people. And this girl is going to prince zen to make a plea to protect their birds. But ofc one of the asshole poachers is also at this meeting being loud and talking over her. I don't remember exactly how it happens but shirayuki comes up with an idea to prove the usefulness of these birds. If the bird can fly to a lookout post that is an hour one way and back in 30 minutes then they can prove their usefulness. And zen thinks it's an excellent idea, mostly because it is but also because it's her idea. So zen signs a piece of paper for the bird to bring back and shirayuki goes to the lookout point. And they release the bird, and at the same time the poacher asshole decides to take matters into his own hands. He goes to attack shirayuki in the tower and to throw the piece of paper into the water below it so the bird fails. Amd when zen finds out....... the way he races there ready to defend her... man I don't even remember the order of events but I know when zen gets there he destroys this man. And then zen, in his worry, let's his feelings take control and he kisses her...... and it's so skfkfjwjshdj let me find a clip.
Okay this is when he comes to get her.
lol I guess I could have explained this without the whole episode talk LMAO. BUT they are just so intense about each other but in such a soft way. And he's absolutely obsessed with kissing her
And in that it's like Leo and I have this passion about eachother where every look we give eachother you can just feel the love flowing from us. Amd we would do anything for the other. He listens to me and I listen to him and we're such a team together that it's so easy being together. And the way that he's so earnest in everything makes my heart hurt and my knees weak and if he kisses me too much with so much passion I will pass out....
This one is really long but god. Even the first 40 seconds or so dhrjrkwjwh I just.
Leo is so earnest and real with his emotions. It's just love pouring out of his eyes and love pouring out of my eyes and being completely infatuated and obsessed. And a little (a lot) of secret kisses and stolen moments because there's never enough time in the day for how long we want to spend together......
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finished up at the socialism conference - brain on fire thanks to ruthie wilson gilmore, tracy rosenthal & leo vilchis, the idea that we have to act our way into thinking, that praxis informs theory, that abolition is the rehearsal of communism - also got to chat about being a new york liberty hater with hanif fucking abdurraqib (!!!!!!!!!!) - but now I must speak
the american left (and I do NOT mean only caucasian americans, the american left is black and brown and queer as fuck, good, but my puzzlement stands) is so freaking weird about the global south and interacting w global south people. relax. I am literally from India, you didn't make a faux pas by asking where I'm from. like just relax. also stop silver bullet-izing kerala, an extant example of communists seizing and holding onto electoral power IS exciting, it is very very exciting I am with you, but that doesn't absolve you from doing the slightest bit more research, you need to go beyond "mass provision of public goods" for the love of God, and you need to treat apologists of sindur-nandigram like vijay prashad a little more critically. it is like the self-recrimination but also titillation of being Main Character that is really really annoying
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It’s not funny
In which Leo doesn’t look after himself during a mission so Xena takes matters into her own hands.
Dealing with a cynic is hard work.
Xena’s leg is something she has to continuously make sure she keeps in peak condition otherwise it will just be seizing and chronic pain times~it’s why her aunt also made her do judo to help with that.
I’m just taking experience that I have with my shoulder, I don’t do judo but I do other things instead lmao. So hopefully I did this right
I also would say this is pre relationship between whoever you ship Xena with.
“You’re a fucking idiot.”
She grounded out as she gently rubbed a pain relief gel onto Leo’s wrist, grabbing a bandage as she tightly wrapped it up. Leo just stared at her bored, unsure of why she even forced him to sit down and get treated when it’ll easily be healed by tomorrow.
It was a mission gone wrong, Leo throwing himself into a firing line of an anomaly again just to see what would happen, he took it down of course but only after getting his wrist and ankle severely broken. The later resting on a table as Alan angrily went to go get ointments from professor Nicolas. More angry at himself for letting Leo get hurt, blaming himself for Leo’s injuries.
Sho was quietly cooking them dinner, checking in on the two as Xena moodily started checking over his ankle.
“The mission got solved-I don’t know what you’re complaining about honour roll.”
He rolled his eyes leaning his head back as he avoided the heated glare.
“It’ll heal by tomorrow-instead of doing useless shit why don’t you go get me a drink.”
She scoffed poking at his ankle as Leo let out a harsh hiss, head shooting up as he glared at Xena.
“What’d ya last servant die of?”
She rolled her eyes as she leaned back onto the sofa.
“He’s making dinner.”
He quipped back, Xena coughed trying to hide her laugh shaking her head at Leo as she sighed getting up on slightly shaky legs as she hobbled her way to the vending machine outside.
“Go easy on Xe, she’s just worried”
Sho sighed out as he shoved the pizza into the oven, throwing himself next to Leo as he just rolled his eyes at him.
“It’s her job idiot-you think she’s being all buddy buddy with us just because she wants to?”
Leo snapped at him, the beggining of a migraine setting in, as his vision went funny on one side. He used haxs too much on this mission, needing it to track the anomaly through a fucking forest, like they were in a predator movie or something.
He leaned his head back again and closing his eyes as Sho sighed looking through the medical kit for Leo’s pain meds.
Xena walked back in and immediately clocked Leo’s new problem as she searched through her bag, finding what she was looking for she quietly walked over to them, showing Sho what she had as he nodded in approval.
Sho brushed back Leo’s fringe, the young man not even being able to crack an eye open to check what his friend was doing, the pain feeling like a can getting squashed as his brain imploded.
Xena gently placed the cooling Matt onto Leo’s forehead, he let out a small sigh of relief tentatively brushing his hand against the soothing item.
Sho found his tablets and Xena cracked open the strawberry cream soda handing it to him as they helped Leo swallow his tablets, Sho ushered her over.
“I need to sort the rest of dinner out, can you…”
He gestured to the leaning tower of Leo who was trying to subtlety claim Sho’s lap as his own pillow.
She nodded giving a thumbs up as he got up and she switched places with him, Leo immediately going to lay on her thighs before she stopped him.
“You can have this one for the moment, I’ve got my own fucked up leg to look after so please bare with it.”
Leo frowned risking cracking an eye open as he looked up to see what Xena was doing. Something he immediately regretted as searing pain shot through him as the lights beamed down in his soul, she sighed as she covered his eyes with her hand, lightly placing them there as he slowly closed his eyes again.
“How bout I tell you what I’m doing?”
Her voice soothing as she spoke in a low tone to him keeping her hand on his eyes.
“I don’t care.”
It didn’t have as much bite as it usually did as he rested his broken wrist on Xena’s knee, she was wearing Adam sandler-esque poison apple shorts, they were so soft that Leo debated stealing them from her after this, he would probably pull it off better than her after all.
She rolled her eyes as she grabbed the pain relief gel, raising her shorts on her other leg revealing her scar.
“I skipped my exercises the past three days…I’m meant to do them every morning or my leg can seize up-so this will hopefully help it chill…”
She started caressing the gel into her thigh, hissing slightly as pain throbbed through it.
Leo made a sound of disapproval.
“Now who’s the fucking idiot.”
He mumbled out.
Sho was trying to be as quiet as possible avoiding any clanging as best he could as he watched the display.
“Yeah-yeah, at least I admit it.” •_•
Alan walked into the room sitting tiredly onto the sofa as professor Nicholas followed through, he sighed as he gently crouched in front of Leo, xena talking her hand off his eyes as he peeked at their new guest.
“Looking worse for wear there huh…”
He quietly checked over Leo’s wrist, unwrapping the bandages as he grabbed one of his own ointments, gently spreading it over Leo’s broken wrist as he rewrapped it in a special anomaly bandage to help it heal quicker.
Leo watched professor Nicholas like a hawk, making the older man nervous as he avoided all eye contact, glancing instead at Xena sighing at her in disappointment.
“I thought you were meant to be taking it easy Xe?”
Her leg seized up last week after her time at obscuary, climbing the hill and running for her life causing her to get appointed bed rest by Dante over the weekend, one she obviously ignored.
“Don’t know what ya mean professor Nicolas.”
He almost face palmed as he grabbed another ointment handing it over to her, he had made it specifically for her knowing she wasn’t one to sit idle, much to her own detriment, he was planning to give it to Jiro to give to her on her next health assessment.
“Wipe the other stuff off and put that on please, it’ll help a lot more.”
A worried glance thrown Xena’s way before he started checking over Leo’s ankle, it was broken into two places and will take a couple of days to heal rather than the usual day. He instead of touching the wound directly, he slathered it onto the thick bandages and repeatedly wrapped it around ankle.
“You’ll need bed rest for at least three days…”
If Leo hadn’t been dosed on the extra strong pain killers, he would of kicked up more of a fuss, but to professor Nicolas’ joy he just grumpily turned the other way his now thick bandage wrapped around his wrist already pissing him off as he tried to get comfortable.
Professor Nicolas handed Alan a list of things Leo will need to have and take during his bed rest, including things for his migraines.
“We’ll do a proper health evaluation once you’re able to walk around.”
He kept his voice soft as he quickly packed his things up, ruffling Xena’s hair before pausing and handing her a bandage.
“Keep it wrapped up for now just to keep the area covered.”
He eyed the way Leo was trying to shuffle himself upwards in an attempt to take over her whole lap as Sho finished up in the kitchen.
“Try to get him to eat something before he crashes out as well.”
With a friendly awkward wave he walked out of vagastrom, more like speed running away-probably needing to rush back to the hospital.
She tilted Leo upwards the young man groaning as his soft pillow moved away.
“I didn’t say you could move honour roll.”
He seethed as he watched her finish up bandaging her leg. Leaning on his hands as he massaged his temples, his migraine dulling only slightly.
Sho brought a feast of food-pizza, chips, nachos (one overloaded with jalapeños and the other normal), hallomi fries and mozzarella dippers. All four of them drooling, even Leo who raised his head at the delectable amount of food.
It was 3am, no one else was about as the four quietly chattered to eachother, Leo wedged between Xena and Sho as they fed him food.
Xena nervously fiddled with her pizza as she kept glancing at Alan, annoying Leo as leaned against Sho.
“Just fucking spit out.”
He grumbled glaring at Xena as Sho fed him another lot of nachos, in an attempt to keep him quiet and happy.
Xena sighed for the hundredth time that night, exhausted and drained.
“Alan, will you practice judo with me please-I’ve been slacking in my exercises and I kind of need to do it for my…”
She paused, debating whether to say it or not as she chewed on her piece of pizza.
“I need to it for my physical therapy, I have to keep it up otherwise I get like this…”
She gestured to her thigh.
Alan lit up, finishing eating his own slice.
“Of course we can start…the day after tomorrow.”
Everyone could tell he wanted to say tomorrow before his eyes worriedly landed on Xena’s thigh.
Leo flopped back down satisfied with his food, his head landing on Xena’s thighs once more as he rested his wrist on her knee once again before grabbing her hand and pulling it into his hair, she smiled as she started brushing a hand through his hair. Leo lifted his legs and trapped Sho under them, finally getting comfortable.
Alan thought he looked like a spoiled cat, preening at their owners affections as Sho leaned onto the armchair, eyes drooping as Xena did the same on her side.
He sighed as he looked at the list, organising the medications so it’s in order.
When he looked at the three of them again he sighed smiling shaking his head as the three of them completely crashed out.
When Leo woke up in the morning, his fury knew no bounds as Sho carried him to his room, Xena and Sho basically camping out in his room to bring all things he demanded.
“Still think she’s doing this because it’s her job.”
Sho whispered, half serious/half joking, as Xena turned her phone off ignoring the chancellors numerous calls for the day after she told him she had important business to deal with as she helped through Leo’s latest target’s financial information.
“Fuck off.”
Leo took a picture of the brunch Sho brought for them, ignoring his smug smile as Xena tuned them out.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 10 months
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: You get Nico, as a treat-Danny Words: 2,013 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter / Next Chapter Listen to: 'Out Of My League' -by Fitz and The Tantrums
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XXXIX: Fates' First Mistake Was Giving Me a Body, the Second? A Will
"Ara!" Lily shouts, running after her friend.
Ara's never compared to her in speed, no matter how good she is at other stuff, so Lily reaches Nico way sooner.
"Don't listen to her!"
The boy looks at the girls with confusion. "What happened?"
"She made a fool of herself," Ara pants and supports both hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath. "Oh, gods, how can you run uphill like that? You're a cyborg or something?"
"You must be thirsty, Neeks, let's go get you something!" Lily tries to take him away.
"Wait," Nico smirks. "Is this boy-related?"
Lily glares at Nico with determination. "Yesterday Leo used his shirt to clean his face and Ara was staring so hard she walked straight into a wall!"
"Connor heard Leo calling me sunshine," Ara acts like she didn't hear anything. "And he was making fun of us, so he called Lily 'My sweetheart' as a way to mock Leo, but Lily was drinking coffee—"
"He caught me off guard!"
"She spat it all over Connor!" Ara cackles. "Her face was redder than a strawberry!"
Nico never really laughs, but he enjoys hearing their funny stories, especially if they have to do with how they embarrass themselves in front of the guys they like. Ara and Lily rarely fail at stuff, so he thinks it's fair they suck at this.
"I hate you," Lily tries to seize Ara.
Ara sneaks away giggling, she uses Nico as a shield and he stays out of it. Nico moves forward while the girls chase each other around him until they reach the Big House.
"So you two are in your boy-crazy era?" He asks, sitting on the porch steps.
Ara wrinkles her nose. "Is that what this is?"
Lily blushes. "I'm not boy crazy! My brain works just fine, don't compare me to the Aphrodite!"
"You can judge me all you want, but I have a boyfriend and you can't even take a compliment without gagging."
"Lily's just playing the long game, aren't you?" Nico teases her. "I'm sure she'll tell Connor right before they die, so they can spend eternity together."
Ara snorts and Lily raises one fist as if to punch the boy, but he lifts one finger to stop her.
"Attenta, Saggio," he grins. "Don't wanna anger your patron, right?"
"Let me anger him for you, babe," Ara gets up to punch Nico, but Lily trips her.
"Stay away from each other," Lily warns them. "Now's not only my patron I've got to worry about, Nico. Did you know Leo can summon fire?"
"Leo won't fight my battles," Ara states calmly. "Especially when it comes to Nico. Kicking his ass is the highlight of my weekends."
"Likewise, hobbit."
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We have no problem finding the palace, but Lily keeps glancing back at Cerberus longingly.
"It'll take a while for him to get in," I say, unable to utter Mike's name out loud. "We still have time."
Nico's sulking on the front steps of the palace, and as soon as he sees us he runs up to us. "How—"
I roughly seize him by the jacket. He's taller than me, but I'm too angry to care. "You backstabbing piece of—"
"Let go of me!" He snarls.
"Ara," Lily urges me, looking at the skeletons rushing forward to get us.
I toss Nico to the ground. "Call your father," I point at the dead guards. "And tell them to back off."
Hades agrees to see us, mostly because he's super insulted by my audacity. 
"I can't expect you to give up the fight, Lily Saggio," he says. "But I thought you knew better than to bring a Jackson to my palace."
Lily keeps her head down. "She's not here to offend you, my lord."
"No, of course not," he says with a hint of mockery. "An Aphrodite is no challenge for a god, and even if she's Perseus Jackson's sister, I'd like to think she's not as stupid."
"Lord Hades," I get on one knee in front of him. "If you let me, I'll explain why I'm here."
"And why would I care about that?" He asks.
"I know you won't fight if you're not promised respect, recognition worthy of your sacrifice," I glance at Nico without lifting my gaze, "and a place for your children amongst the rest of us."
"A charmspeaker, aren't you?" He points out sharply.
I go straight to my point. "I think can help, my lord."
"You think?" He presses.
I'm not sounding like I want to. Michael believed in me the most, and I'm not an expert at looking confident. Without him, I have no one to speak for me, so if I only have myself, I can't guess, I have to get things done.
"I'll give you what you want," I look up at the god. "If you accept my offer."
He laughs, but he doesn't throw me out of the palace, so I can still convince him. "What can you offer to a God that he can't get himself?"
"A daughter of Olympus."
His eyes flash greedily, but he isn't convinced. "Children of Olympus can't favor a god above others, Jackson."
"If the god favors them beforehand," I reply. "They can."
"You're asking for my blessing?"
"Something of heavier meaning. Show faith in me, obliging to my request."
He takes a heavy breath. "And what would that request be?"
"Fight with us," I look at Nico. "I'll make sure your son has a place in our camp, and you'll get to be one of the gods that didn't turn his back on us, you could be the first patron of the first daughter of Olympus."
He ponders this, looking me up and down. "Do you even know how to use a sword?"
I pull Almighty out of my pocket and show her off, now I have his full attention. "I've been trained, yes."
"Pantodýnamos," Hades's grip on the throne tightens, he leans forward, staring at my sword in awe. "How..?"
"The fates chose me," I continue confidently. "Will you?"
He fixes his posture and glances back at Lily and Nico. "I've heard enough."
"Thank you," I smiled politely, bowing to him. "I'll know you accepted if you show up to fight."
He mutters some stuff as we walk out of the palace. 
"That's what you were trying to do?" The boy inquires as soon as his father is out of sight. "I thought—"
"That I was going after Achilles's curse," I glance at him with annoyance. "That should teach you— When I ask you to do something, just do what I tell you."
He scowls at me. "I did what I thought you wanted—"
"You did what you thought would make you look better," I stop to face him. "You don't fool me, Nico Di Angelo. I know you're not a bad person, but you're very stupid if you think I'll ever forget this. I don't trust you, and Percy never will."
He reaches for his sword, but Lily yanks me onwards. "Let's go back now, or they'll realize we're missing," she says. "And I wanna sleep before our next fight."
I know we have a few hours left before we could be at risk of getting caught. Annabeth is injured and Percy's probably still sleeping—the only person who would've noticed our absence fast enough would've been Mike, but he's gone, and that's given us a type of freedom we never asked for.
"You want to be a hero?" I press, still glaring at Nico. "Convince your father, then maybe Percy will reconsider."
I'm being an ass for manipulating Nico like this, but I never said I'm not like the other charmers in my family. Also, I'm a matchmaker, and that works in more ways than just romantically. 
Hades is a good match for my ambitions, and Nico's a good match for the cause. I'm merely working with what the fates laid down for me. I can only hope... 
No. I believe this is enough.
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Ara's studying a map in the rec room when Leo finally finds her. She feels him before she sees him, he wraps an arm around her shoulders and kisses her cheek. "I've got something for you."
Ara glances up at him a little distracted. "What is it?"
"Two things," he pulls something out of his tool belt. "Here's a snack so you stay motivated for the rest of the month!"
Ara looks down and laughs. Leo is holding a stack of photographs of him in various places of camp. He made an effort to look ridiculous in every single one of them.
"What is this?" She asks, looking through them.
"I can't Iris message you every hour of the day, so these will have to do."
"How thoughtful of you!" Ara replies, half-amused and half-bashful. "Who took this?"
"The Stolls. Piper helped with the costumes, though."
"They're great," she puts them in her pocket. "I'll put them up on my ceiling back in New York, so you're the first thing I see when I wake up."
"Damn, you love me too much," He jokes, squeezing her shoulders.
"What's the other thing you wanted to show me?"
"Right! Look at this!" 
He steps away to pull a larger item from his belt: It looks like an ancient scroll, but when he rolls it open a projection starts playing on it. Ara gasps and picks it up.
"What!" She watches as a tiny projection of Leo walks around the bunker giving the viewer a tour. "How did you make this?"
"I'm very smart," he grins. "You like it?"
"This is so cool!"
Leo starts glowing, he's comfortable with her praising nowadays, though it still makes him slightly dizzy. 
"Last weekend you couldn't come cause you had a pile of homework, so I thought I could send you this with a weekly report. Everyone can record a short message for you, so you know everything that's going on around here while you're away."
Ara beams at the idea. "That's awesome. Thank you."
"Don't mention it," he pinches her chin as a brief affectionate gesture. "It's the least I can do to help my stunning girlfriend."
"True," Ara nods solemnly. "That, and sharing your full name with me." 
He snorts. "Nice try."
"Pretty close. It's Leobard."
He laughs. "Are you sure?"
"Why are you torturing me with this?" She scowls.
"You don't need to know my full name, sunshine," Leo brushes it off. "Cause the only way you're allowed to address me is either by a cute nickname like 'Baby' or 'Honey', and plain Leo when you're in General mode. See? Easy."
"I'm not calling you any sweet names unless you tell me your full name!"
"I can live with that," he taunts her. "Can you live with the doubt?"
Ara groans. "C'mon! It can't be ugly."
"It's not that I hate it," Leo grins. "I just like to give out different names when people ask me, and if you go around shouting my name then the joke dies."
"I promise not to call you that in front of the others," Ara pouts. "Pleeeease?"
Leo frowns. "Hey! Not fair, don't look at me like that!"
Ara gives him the most pitiful look she can, placing her arms around his neck and leaning closer. "If you tell me your name," she continues quietly. "I promise to call you ridiculously long fake names in front of everyone else."
The boy sighs, shaking his head a little. "You know the way to my heart..."
"Being real for a moment," Ara says, smoothing out the front of his shirt. "Why can't I know?"
Leo's eyes brighten with amusement, he holds her face and kisses her briefly. "Well, I already dropped the L bomb and took you on a picnic date on the beach, I'm running out of options to keep you interested, and my name is the only thing I've got left!"
Ara laughs, pulling him closer. "You know... next month is Valentine's Day, we can convince Chiron to let you visit the city that weekend?"
Leo hums, half-listening. His brain gets all fuzzy when Ara stands this close to him. "Could be fun..."
"We can go to the movies and you can meet my parents!"
"Movies and parents," His eyes regain focus and they grow worried. "Parents?"
Ara kisses him again. "And if everything goes as planned, then maybe you won't need to keep me on my toes, and I'll know your full name."
"Are you sure you want me to meet your parents?" He asks anxiously.
She nods, eyes bright with affection. "You'll love them."
He makes a face. "That's not the part I'm worried about."
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Next Chapter ->
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sieglinde-freud · 2 months
For the ask game: Ophelia and Camillia
HELL YEAHH hi stedy :) starting with ophelia
How I feel about this character
shes so cute. obviously super similar to her dad and while i feel like she doesnt do the chuuni thing quite as well, i think its cute that its mostly in an attempt to emulate her father, the bestest guy in the world to her, which differentiates it from odin’s mannerisms that were formed as a coping mechanism. shes just very happy and i love that for her :)
All the people I ship romantically with this character
i remember really liking her with hisame at one point? i think i still do but i cannot tell you what their support is about. i forgot entirely. honestly, i need to brush up on the fates second gen because theyre a huge blank spot in my mind 😭 but like, conceptually, i also like her with shiro, caeldori, nina, forrest, and mitama. i just have to actually read those…
My non-romantic OTP for this character
i like her little trio with forrest and nina :) theyre so cute in heirs of fate… i wish we could see more of the second gen dynamic like that. in my head i also like her friendship with soleil, but… in terms of whats given to me in the game… its just… eugh.
My unpopular opinion about this character
i dont think she’s a better unit than odin in conquest. i guess it can depend on who her mom is, but odin is generally going to have much more survivability due to his defense and hp + joining you pretty early, making his role as a nostank reliable and costs zero effort. ophelia takes time, and ideally you want to hold off on getting her for skills/offspring seals. any early game build can be done with nyx or elise, to less potency maybe, but with way less effort especially now that the best way of support grinding (mycastle easy seize) is no longer possible. of course, you can use dlc maps but if you take dlc into account conquest is a whole different game.
One thing I wish had happened
how about something i wish didnt happen? her support with soleil is genuinely one of these most uncomfortable things i have ever read in fire emblem which is saying a lot! because the writing in these games suck! for the most part it is soleil’s problem and not ophelia’s, so maybe i shouldn’t be complaining about it here, but i dunno man. its just… its so bad. i cant even read it in game like it gets a physical reaction out of me and not a positive one.
ok camilla now :)
How I feel about this character
i love her lots :) my savior on conquest and she had the best hair in the game. her supports are… pretty unfortunate most of the time but i think the ones that matter are really good and she’s a really sympathetic character when you get over intelligent systems not trusting in her enough to be popular and slapping the gooner bait “big sister” crap on her
All the people I ship romantically with this character
i really dont have a major preference for her? in game, i usually prefer pairings that give her a kid because 1) woag god stats and 2) her hair color is sooo good i cannot waste it. but in terms of just shipping, shes good with like. everyone. some supports are bad but i can get over most of them if i like the ship as a concept. but off the top of my head i like her with selena, beruka, takumi, saizo, peri, laslow, odin, niles, hinoka, charlotte, arthur, reina, probably more but. yeah shes versatile to me. godmilla
My non-romantic OTP for this character
leo!! all the nohr siblings really but i think camilla and leo specifically are just. they give me lots of brain worms. elise obviously wasnt born yet to exeprience the concubine wars, and as the heir and, iirc, the only legitimate son garon had, xander didn’t really get involved as much either. im sure it affected him, but he wasn’t there actually taking part in it. leo and camilla shoulder a lot for their siblings and i think its very interesting that despite it all, theyre probably the only people that can ever really understand what the other has been through. and i enjoy their supports too, with leo wanting camilla’s attention but not being willing to voice it, and camilla understanding that her smothering would probably just piss him off so she tries to avoid it, until they ultimately find a healthy medium and can start to kind of… work on their relationship with eachother after everything. i love them lots :)
My unpopular opinion about this character
im not sure i have one? i feel like opinions on camilla are so all over the place so its kind of hard to have one thats “unpopular.” but i’ll say that i prefer her in malig knight rather than wyvern lord which is probably the worse play in most scenarios but… oohh hot lady on undead dragon… im very simple.
One thing I wish had happened
more elaboration on her past and her mother and some more story relavance for her. she just kinda… fades into the back after leo and xander come which happens with the other sisters too, but still……
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Hello readers, I know you were hoping this update would be a third chapter, and are wondering why I last updated in a LOOONG time, so I'm here to explain that.
TW: Discussion of real, life-threatening injuries and death
Over two months ago, I woke up to my dad frantically trying to call me and my mom with a text saying "CODE RED! EVERYONE PICK UP YOUR PHONES NOW! AND ANSWER MY PHONE CALL!"
My mom's phone was dead and my younger brother's phone wasn't working, so we called my dad back on my phone, put him on speaker, and braced ourselves for terrible news.
We were informed that my older brother, whom I will call James (Not his real name), had a 6-minute seizure and is currently in an ambulance being sent to the hospital.
6 minutes is classified as a severe seizure.
It happened out of nowhere, he was just playing soccer with his buddies when suddenly he got the worst headache ever to the point of crying. He walked over to my dad and then suddenly started seizing.
We found out he had a knot of veins in the center of his brain that bursted.
He had a brain bleed, they had a tube in the top of his head to drain some of the blood, and they had to take out part of his skull to allow the swelling to not cause any more brain damage from pressure.
I don't want to get into too much detail about the two months he was in the hospital, but it was the scariest thing I've gone through.
I was constantly worried he was going to die.
And even if he would be alive in the end, there is a high chance he wouldn't be the same.
The reason this connects to why I was unable to work on this fanfic is because my fanfic is about that topic, it's about a character (Leo) having a brain injury, and not being the same person anymore.
Even simply thinking about this project put me in a depressive state.
The good news is that James is alive, He is ok. And you guys do not need to worry about him at all.
We had a lot of miracles happen and I am more than happy to say that he is still the brother I knew before this happened. He has recovered remarkably fast and well since he is young and healthy.
He is EXTREMELY lucky to ONLY have a few vision problems and just be a little weaker on his left side, he is taking PT (Physical therapy) and luckily the doctors said he won't get any worse, whether or not he will fully heal, we don't know.
But I don't care I don't care that he has vision problems and is weaker on his left side,
and that's all I care about.
If this happened to him literally ANY other time, he would have been dead. if he was in his room alone, he would have been dead, if it was nighttime, he would have been dead. But luckily he was in an area where a lot of people were watching him, and there were people there to help carry him to a safe place to wait for an ambulance.
I've had a LOT of time to hang out with him and mentally recover from what happened.
And I've decided... I still want to continue this Fanfiction.
It doesn't pain me to work on this at all anymore because I know my brother is ok. If anything, this work can be used as a way to vent my emotions from the incident. I can't change the fact this happened, but I can try to look on the bright side of it. I mean- Having this experience will probably make my writing better, at least for Leo's brother's side of the story. I understand how they feel on such a deep level and want to keep writing this because it's a healthy way to vent emotions.
I do want to take a moment and thank you for all of your guys' support. I read EVERY SINGLE COMMENT and it makes me SO happy to read about what you think of my work. I cannot express how much it boosts my motivation and mood when I read a new comment. I have a LOT planned for this series and I want to continue it and make it better than before!
Also, IDK if anyone noticed, but NAME CHANGE! I'm going by "UnknownStripes" now on AO3, (which is actually a reference to future events in this series *wink *wink...)
ALSO! EXCITING NEWS! I have been re-writing the previous two chapters! I noticed a LOT of mistakes and parts that frustrated me, so I will be re-writing them. The same stuff will play out, it's just going to be written better with some dialogue changes, plot-hole fixes, AND CHANGE THE FUCKING WEAPONS THE EPF USE TO TRY TO CAPTURE THE TURTLES LIKE WTF WAS I THINKING?!!!!???? WHY THE HELL ARE THEY USING ACTUAL FUCKING BULLETS TO TRY TO CAPTURE DONNIE AND LEO WHEN THEY WANT THEM ALIVE?!! HOW THE FUCK DO DONNIE AND LEO JUST GET FUCKING SHOT AND THEN BRUSH IT OFF LIKE ITS NOTHING LIKE- BRO- AHHHHHVBSDBVOSNONCOIWBVONKSZNV!!!!! So yeah, I'll be fixing that. But having them use tranquilizer darts would affect how I wanted the scene to play out so I've been stuck on that, but I FINALLY FOUND A PLOT-HOLE FILLER!! WHOOOOOO!!! So you'll just have to wait and see!!! I'm actually almost done re-writing the first two chapters! I worked on it a LOT BEFORE the incident with James went down. I just have a few more things to edit and then they will be ready to post! As for the third chapter... I am about 1/3 done. Idk when I'll be able to post it but I will be working on it a lot in my free time! You guys deserve it for having to wait so long, but I also want it to be good, so I ain't gonna rush it.
ALSO! I am an artist, You may have noticed the cover art I made and added to the first chapter. I'm happy to announce that I will be adding MORE ARTWORK to the chapters to help with visualization, and to give my lovely readers something pleasant to look at. I will also be posting the artwork much earlier on the Official ACF Tumblr, along with extra sketches that aren't going to be used in the actual chapters. I also want to give more frequent updates there too, plus I am open to asking questions and doing polls! So if you want to see any of that, GO FOLLOW THE TUMBLR PAGE! (AKA THIS TUMPLE PAGE IF YOU ARE READING THE TUMBLR VERSION OF THIS UPDATE)
I'll make an announcement like this when I post the re-written first two chapters,
Love you all SM! <3
A Colorless Fighter - Chapter 4 - UnknownStripes - Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Cartoon 2018) [Archive of Our Own]
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calliopechild · 1 year
Tell me about your 2k12 Rat King fic!
(link to the original post for this WIP game here)
So! This is one of those fics that started as one idea, which then cannibalized another idea and merged into a whole new damn thing. While I enjoyed the creep factor of how the Rat King thing went in canon, the angst gremlin in my brain seized on that and went 'yeah, having to fight your own mind-controlled family member is obviously awful--but what if you didn't know there was anything to even fight?'
This fic is exploring a what-if scenario of the Rat King's mind control of Splinter being a really subtle thing. He sinks his hooks into Splinter and just watches, long enough to know how to mimic him convincingly, and then starts slowly pushing the envelope, mainly targeting Leo. His orders get a bit more demanding, a bit harsher, put the boys in a bit more danger, sending them on missions that help him (the Rat King) rather than them. So it's an exploration of Leo as the frog in the boiling pot, of what it takes for him to go 'hey this has gotten kinda fucked up' (which, as we've seen with canon, is, uh...you gotta go pretty far to cross that line). But it's also a look from Raph, Donnie, and Mikey's perspective of what Leo will accept when it's aimed at him vs. when it's them getting hurt instead, and when/how you step up to protect your protector.
But because one flavor of angst isn't enough, Splinter figures out he's being mind controlled/possessed--but not right away. It takes a while, because at first the whispers in his head sound reasonable; their clan is at war, his sons are being targeted, they need to be pushed a little harder so they're prepared. So he has to come to grips with the realization that not only can he not really pinpoint when the orders finally started setting his own internal alarms off, but his sons don't even question some of the things he puts them through as being out of character.
It's all these fun twisty threads to play with of how monstrous would you have to become for your loved ones to finally realize you're not you? how do you live with the answer to that question? how do they?
(Snippet time bc damn that got long-winded.)
"You cannot torment yourself with 'what ifs,' my son. Doubt will only slow you back when you can least afford it."
"I know, Sensei, but...but what if it had been Mikey?"
"Michelangelo is no less a warrior than you are, Leonardo. He cannot be protected all his life."
The words make Leo go cold to his bones. Mikey has always existed in that particular baby brother position of somehow above in value and below in status, both of which are tied to how much he must be protected and cannot be lost. If Mikey is no less a warrior than him, then that means Splinter could ask of Mikey the things he asks of Leo.
Something in him violently rejects that idea—and that instinctive reaction sends him reeling, because why would it be so bad? Nothing Splinter has done to or asked of him has been that bad, has it?
(He tries not to hear the echo of no matter what--or who--you must sacrifice. There's no way Master Splinter would mean that for Mikey. He didn't even mean it badly for Leo, it was just...Leo had asked for this, for being the leader. And if things went badly enough that someone needed to--to take the fall, well, it had probably been because of one of Leo's plans in the first place, right?
It was just different for him than it was for Mikey. Master Splinter knew that.
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moxfirefly · 3 years
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So anon’s I hope y’all don’t mind but I’m gonna connect these two request cause it just makes sense to me 👏 and since I’m riding that evil!Leo high it only seems perfect.
Tagging @nikitaboeve
Rated Explicit (18+ only)
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“I take my business deals very seriously” You cross your legs, a sly smile on your lips. The man before you swallows, sweaty and worried. He lifts a finger to retort but you cut him off with the lift of a hand. “I don’t want your sorry excuses, you’re lucky I’m here and not him”
The man (in his cheap suit you couldn’t help but notice) shrinks back in his seat. It never seizes to delight you that the mere mention of Leonardo has these mobsters quacking like little children. He truly is the scary bedtime story you tell at night.
To you though, he is your man.
The king of the god damn city, is your man.
You get up and dust off lint from your slacks, the two Foot soldiers at your side adjust the straps of their weapons. The mobster grips the arms of his chair, eyes not even daring to follow you but he motions for his own lackey to hand over the suitcase of money. The soldier flanking your left takes the case and wordlessly exit the room with them following close.
The back of the building leads to an alley, there is a black van waiting for you. The side door slides open and you climb in, the case is passed towards you and you examine the contents. All in order you shoot Leo a text alerting him you’re on your way.
Moving from hideout to hideout is tedious but as of late the Foot and Leo have taken hold of an apartment building, the top floor belongs to the two of you. One elevator ride up you exit out and find the penthouse where you both have been shaking up in. He was in the living room area, maps of the city on the table and a concentrated expression on his face. You lean against the door frame and tap your knuckles on the case to which he looks up.
“I take it nobody pulled anything stupid?” You don’t miss the way his blue orbs travel up your legs, you do look so enticing.
“Ding ding, paid in full also” You set the case down and scan the maps he’s been looking at but you do notice his sudden distraction, you feel a strong hand travel up your back in soothing circles. You pretend to not notice, secretly eating up how you’re the very center of his intention even amidst his plans.
“You look good” Comes his heated words as he grabs the back of your neck and presses his lips against your temple. It’s impossible not to chuckle softly and bite your lip. “You’ve seen me in my ‘strictly business’ outfits” Your brain already feels muddy when his free hand starts to unbutton your blazer. He calmly almost too nonchalantly starts to unbutton your dress shirt as well, you lean back against his strong body.
Well, whatever was planned for tonight was not going to happen.
He cups your breast, enjoying the breathless giggle you can’t hold in. What has gotten into him? You think mockingly, fully knowing exactly what.
Leonardo inhales the scent of your hair, his hands slide towards you stomach in all their possessive nature. “You smell divine” He exhales, his fingers unbutton your slacks, the material pools down your legs. “Expensive perfume does that” You breath out almost choking when his hand cups your sex.
“No, not that, this” Your cheeks flush, Leo knows you’re ovulating. He always gets particularly more handsy and lustful during this time, and what a wonderful coincidence you chose your laciest pair of underwear. “What’s you’re strategy there big guy?” You press your rear against his crotch, hips swaying lightly to further entice him.
“I’m going to have you screaming by the end of the night, I’d say that’s my strategy” That very hand finds it’s way inside of your underwear and it takes all of your resolve to not come crashing down before him. There’s something about the way he can so easily pluck your thoughts and leave you purely feral to his advances. His finger teases your clit and you tremble, even when your hear him chuckle you love just how easily he has control over you.
Missing more pieces of clothing and one ride on his shoulder later, you’re dropped onto the bed. You watch with a grin as Leo unbuckles his belt and removes the whole thing in one easy yank. He wraps the leather around your wrists and bounds your wrist together. You trust him, he’s gotten way more creative than things on nights where his skin oozes rage from plans foiled.
He licks a digit and goes right back into working you to a needy, trembling frenzy. Blue eyes stay focused, an almost drunken stupor in them as he fingers you. Your legs spread more for him, eyes pleading with what you truly crave. “Please, I need you...” You know how susceptible he is when you’re like this, ripe and ready for his seed. You’ve seen how hard he fucks you, every intention of putting a baby in you even if it’s not plausible. It’s fun to try.
“Need what?” His voice drops to a husky tone, desire evident in his hungry eyes. He pulls his finger out, watches your clit jump at the lose. “Your cock, please, want you hard” Leo runs his hands up your midriff and cups your breasts, still enclosed in lace to his chagrin yet delight. “Fuck me hard, fuck me like you wanna get me pregnant” You bite your lip at his growl like churr, toes curling when you feel him push your legs onto his shoulders.
There isn’t gentle in these times, there isn’t romantic, it’s just pure passion and drive. The need to possess and claim as he buries his cock inside of you. Leo relishes how your eyes roll back, a breathless hitch that compels him to bite your calf as he slams into you. He watches your breasts bounce with every hard thrust, if he was to make a mother out of you they would grow in size wouldn’t they? That thought alone makes him grunt.
The perks of having an entire floor to yourselves is the ability to scream your lungs hoarse when the two of you fuck.
And god, does Leo love it when you’re a screaming mess around his cock. His fingers dig deeper into your flesh, bruising the skin already. “Yesss, that’s my good little slut” A version of himself he wasn’t acquainted with no more would’ve flinched at the word but seeing your lips part, cunt clenching around him, well he didn’t mind indulging in it now.
“Scream for me. I want everyone to know how good I make you feel” Leo leaned further, folding your legs at that angle that always made the muscle burn. He gripped your chin, even as your mouth parted and another wail left you that pleaded with him to fuck you faster. Whole floor to yourself aside, the soldiers down stairs were sure to hear, and it secretly thrilled you that they probably did. Leo thrusted harder, skin slapping skin, plastron rubbing your flesh raw. When you felt yourself slide off that precipice with nothing but his name and a gush of wetness you felt him follow suit with a growl. Burying himself as deeply as he could, each rope of cum shooting and filling you up.
Your lungs finally caught up, wrists sore from the leather. Satiated gaze found him gently pulling out, watching a string of cum still attaching you both. He churred lowly, before pushing back in, making sure nothing was to spill.
This would only be the first round.
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who-is-page · 3 years
Horoscopes for Alterhumans
Author: Page Type: Experimental Fiction Words: 859 Summary: A list of horoscopes for alterhumans.
[Part of the Sol System’s Alterhuman Writing Project for NaNoWriMo 2021. If you don’t want to see these posts, block the tag #inkedpaws]
Aries: You like things simple and direct, which is why you've been running from those new feelings for a few years now, isn't it? Why are you hiding, Aries? What's the worst that can happen? Introspection doesn’t have the teeth to bite you unless you give it some.
Your lucky number is a stern "fuck you" aimed at someone you hate.
Taurus: Having the coolest kintypes and the biggest (metaphorical) balls of anyone around is your burden to bear, Taurus. Also, you're just so incredibly modest. Is that a new haircut?
Your lucky number is 14, which is statistically twice as lucky as 7.
Gemini: You've been surrounding yourself with so many other people that you've lost track of yourself. It's good to keep your alterhuman pals around, but maybe you should start focusing on your own alterhumanity first. You’re your best anchor.
Your lucky number is a crunchy leaf on a sidewalk. Step on it and seize the day.
Cancer:Consider learning how to crochet to fill the gaping maw of insecurity and fear inside of you. One day you'll crab rave on the graves of your enemies, but for now, some quality time with the most important person in your life (yourself) could do you good.
Your lucky number is food shared with friends.
Leo: The life of the party, except the "party" is just you crying over a self-insert OC at 3am while simultaneously lowkey hating yourself. I get that you identify as something nocturnal, but when you start wondering where you went wrong in life and if Suzie from 3rd grade still hates your guts for the time you accidentally dropped gum in her hair, it's time to go to bed.
Your lucky number is Saint Motel's "To My Enemies".
Virgo: Stop being so critical of yourself and others. It's okay to just exist and you don't need to lean on specific things to "justify" your alterhumanity. If anyone gives you shit, just ask Aries to help you jump them. (For legal reasons, this is a joke.)
Your lucky number is 3.14. Consider treating yourself to some pie.
Libra:In an ideal world, you wouldn't have to deal with the injustice and bullshit you're unfortunately exposed to everywhere. This, however, is not an ideal world. With that said, there is literally nothing stopping you from blocking the exclusionists and anti-kink on Twitter to at least make yourself feel better.
Your lucky number is a soft, warm blanket fresh from the dryer.
Scorpio: I know you want to be a [big shot] and you've definitely got the brains and determination to do it, but you need to give yourself a break. You're not a lump of coal that will turn into a diamond with enough pressure and force, you're a sprout that will grow into a redwood if given time, patience, and effort. Also, you're a phytanthrope. Surprise!
Your lucky number is a field of flying moths and fireflies at dusk.
Ophiuchus: You think with your heart, and that can land you in trouble Ophiuchus. You can end up reading as something of a people-pleaser, spreading "#valid"s (or their equivalency in whatever your preferred lingo is) everywhere you go, which doesn't lend itself to really rewarding conversations. Don't be afraid to stop and talk to the roses, you know? You might just learn a thing or two about yourself in the process.
Your lucky number is the opposite of infinite.
Sagittarius: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Consider checking in on yourself to see if you want to disconnect from the Internet and enjoy some quality time outdoors, especially if you can immerse yourself in a place relevant to your alterhumanity. I think it would do you some good.
Your lucky number is an old-fashioned bowling alley and arcade complex, complete with colorful and tacky 90's carpet.
Capricorn: You’ve been sealing yourself off lately, and you certainly don’t need me to tell you that that’s a bad idea. Don’t be so afraid to open up to other people and, more importantly, to open up yourself. I mean that last bit literally, for the record: there’s a very small nugget of squirrelheartedness inside of you that the surgeon forgot to take out. You’ll have to handle it on your own.
Your lucky number is…wait, where did it go? I could have sworn it was here a second ago.
Aquarius: Sometimes it feels like you don’t know what to do with yourself. You have these opinions and thoughts and even beliefs, but you’re just vibing 99% of the time and content to chill on the sidelines. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it does make you a pretty east target for a kinfeels ambush, so keep your eyes peeled.
Your lucky number is [̴͝ͅR̵̩͖̋Ḛ̷͖̓͘D̶̻̃̿Ȁ̶̼C̴̗͆̇T̸̛̟̦̎Ḛ̷͗͜D̸̫̠̆̊]̴̭̄͠.
Pisces: Have you considered throwing yourself into the ocean, Pisces? A cool, refreshing splash into the seawater is just the thing you need to reset the meh week you’ve been having. Just make sure to avoid the physical shifters, they’ve been wandering the beaches looking for people to kidnap and run off with.
Your lucky number is Brian Jacques’s Taggerung.
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chaoticallygray · 3 years
Hi! How are you? Can I request a oneshot about Leopold from the Irregulars? Like that they get into some sort of an argument and the reader storms out, Leo chases after them and accidentally confesses? It's fine if you don't want to do it.
Requested by: Anon!
Hi!! I'm good I hope you're good too! Wasnt sure what gender or pronouns you wanted so I tried to stay general. Might have gone a bit overboard but go big or go home right?? I hope you like it anon even though I feel like I strayed a bit
It had been another day of running with the gang and solving another case given to them by Watson. It was also another day where Y/N felt utterly useless. It wasn't an entirely new feeling for them but with the added cases it felt like everyone had a part to play. Spike made sure everyone got along and always lighened up the room, Jesse had that whole psychic thing going on with her, Billy was the muscle, Bea was the leader and always had a plan, Leo was the brains, and Y/N was just... there. Y/N tried to help but was always told to stand aside. It never really seemed apparent that Y/N didn't do anything necessary to help on cases (not for a lack of trying) until earlier that day.
Leo, Y/N, and surprisingly Billy were tasked to find information on any and every poison that could be found in London as two women and a man had suddenly died in their homes and were all found with a note in their hands saying that the clock is ticking.
They'd been trying to solve this case for two days now and getting antsy. They were stuck.
"I'm going to go over there and see what I can find. I'm thinking they could have been injected something or someone poisoned their food." Leo said already grabbing three different books from the shelves and mumbling to himself.
Billy and Y/N looked at each other and shrugged. They were used to Leo being this odd when it came to books. It was his thing.
Heading in a different direction than Billy, Y/N started brainstorming letting their hand glide through some books until a book about botany caught her eye. Whenever Y/N could have more than an hour alone they liked to read. It's not really a secret but they have never mentioned it to the others especially now that Leo joined. He was so much smarter than Y/N and that was precisely what made him catch Y/N's attention when they were first introduced on the case with the missing babies.
Shaking their head and smiling fondly at the memory Y/N sighed. There was no way Leo would ever look twice at them. They weren't going to even entertain the thought. There was a case to solve.
Opening the book, Y/N realized that they had read this one before which was why it probably caught their eye in the first place. Closing it and going to place it back where it belonged Y/N remembered having read about a plant capable of causing respiratory problems and stopping the heart of anyone that touched it for merey a second. Quickly trying to find the page on the plant Y/N ran back to where Leo was looking like a madman with fifteen different books open around him.
"Leo!" Y/N exclaimed and then dropped their voice to a whisper remembering where they were with a blush.
"I think I've found it" Y/N whispered to Leo who wasnt paying attention.
"Yeah Y/N go ask Billy to read it for you. This is important" Leo said waving around a hand in dismissal not really listening to Y/N.
"What? No Leo I think I found what they were poisoned with." Y/N said confused by what he said about finding Billy.
"Y/N don't be ridiculous. Can you stop? I really need to find this" Leo said not even sparing Y/N a glance just continued flipping through different books.
"But Leo..." Y/N started protesting but was caught off by Leo slamming a book closed.
"Y/N stop it! I need silence to think and you going about whatever it is you think you found isn't helping. You never actually help us solve the cases so can you do me a favour and go look at a book with pictures or something while I find the poison and we can all get a decent nights sleep?" Leo told Y/N without even thinking about how he just basically called the one person who is always there for him and the one person he has been heavily crushing on since they met, useless.
Immediately standing up to apologize he didn't get the chance as Y/N whose lip was already trembling slammed the book they had in their hands onto Leo's chest where he already knew he was going to bruise but at this point he thought he deserved worse for hurting Y/N like that.
Running out of the room Y/N nearly collided with a confused Billy.
"Y/N? What's wrong?" Billy asked but was promptly ignored.
Billy looked back to Leo who had a kicked puppy look to him shocked at what he had said.
Shaking his head at Leo, Billy went outside to try to find one of his best friends with no such luck.
Y/N was already long gone.
Falling asleep miserable yet with no tears was something Y/N was not a stranger to. It had been happening too frequently now and at this point they're exhausted.
Y/N didn't go back to the cellar that day. Whenever they needed space to breathe and just br they always go to a surprisingly very empy not so much of an alleyway near the docks. There is a small nook int he corner where Y/N can sleep peacefully without unwanted company. For safety reasons Y/N only told Spike about this place in case the gang needed Y/N for something. So far, they hadn't.
It was precisely here that Leo found Y/N the next day. He had immediately wanted to run off after them but Billy told him to give them space. When Y/N didn't go back to the cellar that night well after the case was solved, Leo got concerned and started overthinking. He couldn't sleep and all he could think about was how he messed up. He was scared that Y/N didn't want to be friends anymore. Yes, he dreams about being more but he rather be friends than have nothing.
The next day when the rest woke up Leo was still sitting near the cellar doors waiting for Y/N to come back. He looked as though someone punched both his eyes.
"Mate why don't you go to sleep? Y/N will be back" Spike said trying to reassure him.
"I can't. I need to apologize. I didn't mean it I was just stressed." Leo said looking up at Spike, who had a hand on his shoulder, with wet and red eyes.
"Look mate, I'm only telling you this because I've seen you two. You're great together and the best thing is you don't realize you both like each other" Spike said sighing and then told Leo where Y/N was probably at.
Quickly thanking Spike, Leo wasted no time and ran as fast as he could out of the cellar doors on his way to make things right.
Arriving at the docks, Leo went to the left and tried to find the little alleyway Spike told him. Walking as quick as he could with his cane he finally spotted Y/N sitting on top of a wall just looking out at the water.
Stopping at the wall Leo took a second to admire Y/N. The sun was still low in the skyly but it was making Y/N's eyes shine and he had never seen then more serene than in that moment. He wished he could see that everyday and he hated to think that he was the reason why Y/N was upset enough that they didn't feel like they should have gone back to the cellar the day before.
"Are you here to call me useless again or are you just going to stare?" Y/N said without looking over at Leo who was momentarily startled out of his staring spell.
"I'm actually here to apologize." Leo answered.
"Save your breath Leo. You can go back and tell Bea or whoever sent you that I'm fine and I'll go back to the cellar later" Y/N said jumping off from the wall they were sat in and starting to walk away. Leo quickly trying to catch up with his limp.
"No one sent me I-" Leo started but was quickly cut off when Y/N sharply turned around to face him.
"Not surprising since I'm useless." Y/N said to Leo scoffing and turning around once again to continue on their journey with no destination.
"No Y/N listen please" Leo said but Y/N didn't care they just kept walking.
"Y/N" Leo kept trying with no luck.
Getting tired but not willing to stop, Leo tried to speed up but his leg thought that this was the best time to lock up and seize movement and he fell.
Hearing Leo's quick grunt of pain and a slight thud, Y/N turned around and seeing him groaning on the floor trying to get up quickly ran back to help him.
"No, no stop I deserve it." Leo said swatting away Y/N's hands.
Not listening to him Y/N got him in a sitting position. Rolling Leo's pant leg Y/N assessed the situation and didn't think he needed anything more than rest and something cold against his leg. Also less restricting clothes.
"Why are you helping me?" Leo croaked after a minute of looking at Y/N with tears in his eyes from the pain.
Y/N just looked at him and got a small tin from the bag they're always carrying.
Opening the tin and pushing some type of paste on their fingers, Y/N concentrated on applying a light and even coat on Leo's leg hoping the mixture would help soothe the pain.
"You're not useless." Leo said and Y/N hesitated for a second then went back to applying the salve not saying anything.
"I didn't mean what I said. I should have never said that to you. The case was taking so long and my leg was starting to bother me but Billy was there and I didn't want to say anything. I always slow us down. I was angry at myself. At my body and I took it out on the last person I ever wanted to hurt" Leo said closing his eyes willing himself not to cry.
Hearing no response just feeling light careful touches on his leg he continued spilling his thoughts.
"You're so brave and compassionate. You're so so smart and so kind. You always make sure that everyone has eaten and you always somehow know when one of us is having a bad day and you make it your mission to make us smile at least once. You're always polite and make sure to help anyone you see that needs help. You're so selfless Y/N. Always helping everyone and I wish I could help you and treat you like a queen but I'm always hurt and you deserve the world. You deserve someone who isn't afraid to climb a tree with you or even do something as simple as walking all over London. I can't be that and it pains me because I'm so in love with you and I'm so incredibly sorry for hurting you. All you do is help and I called you useless" Leo rambled hoping that Y/N will forgive him not even noticing that he slipped up and told them that he was in love with them.
Sensing that Y/N stopped their movements on his leg Leo opened his eyes thinking that Y/N left him. What he didn't expect was for Y/N to look at him with tears in their eyes.
"You, you're in love with me?" Y/N whispered scared that if they talked louder the moment will have turned out to be a dream.
Widening his eyes Leo finally realized what he said.
"No! I mean yes! I'm in love with you Y/N. I didn't mean to say that! I know you don't feel the same and I know you want someone stronger and not broken like I am but I can't help my feelings. It's ok though I'll leave. I'll leave you alone-" Leo was cut off from his nervous babble when a pair of lips pressed firmly to his.
Hesitantly pulling back from him, Y/N smiled softly at him not caring that they're still on the ground near the docks but needing to say this now.
"I'm in love with you too Leopold" Y/N said and with that Leo didn't care anymore about his leg that strangely enough had stopped hurting when Y/N started applying the salve but he saves that thought for later and focuses on how the person he thought he could never have loves him of all people.
"Are you sure?" Leo said placing both of his hands on Y/N cheeks wiping away a tear that seemed to have escaped from their eyes.
"Yeah I am. I love you" Y/N said looking into his eyes.
"I love you so much" Leo whispered before pulling in Y/N for another kiss.
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remmushound · 3 years
Curse of the Clan part 59! @selfindulgenz @scentedcandlecryptid
There Michelangelo stood before Krang, the giant blob of a being rearing up with help of the wires that supported his gelatinous flesh as it spilled over in thick folds. Michelangelo stepped as far away from the alien as he could, ruby eyes locked on the yokai and trying his best not to let fear shine in them. But Krang knew better; he knew Michelangelo was afraid. He could taste it. Immediately he started to poke and prod into Michelangelo’s mind, just as he had with Donatello during their lovely stay in the forest.
Michelangelo whined and clutched at his head when a sensation not unlike a needle pierced through it. His legs lost sensation, and his thoughts were scattered like leaves on the wind. His heartbeat was like the drums of war pounding inside of him but that wasn’t the only thing that drowned his senses because there was something else, something evil, something poking around in his head that shouldn’t have been! The feeling was anything but pleasant, but no matter how much Michelangelo squeezed his head to try and force it out, it wouldn’t go away.
The voice was inside the cavern of his skull, vibrating along his brain and making his entire body shake and his vision go dark.
“You’re more resistant than the purple one…” The voice inside Michelangelo’s head said, and there came a cold tingle up Michelangelo’s arm that settled around his throat like a noose. “I wonder if you’ll last as long as he did…”
“You… hurt… my… brother…” The words were hard to force out, as heavy on his tongue as a ten pound weight, but he refused to let them stay.
“And it was fun.” The voice was in his left ear, and then his right. “And it was easy. Because he was soft…”
“You take that BACK!” With Michelangelo’s defiant roar and a swipe of his flaming kusari, the cold force prodding him was knocked back.
Krang was slammed back into his body with a furious snarl, a scowl creeping over his features as he rubbed his head with a fore-tentacle. Michelangelo’s aura was strong, a truthful passion powerful enough to form a force field around the box turtle. Krang laughed.
“Donnie is just as strong as I am!” Michelangelo growled, his eyes glowing gems.
The darkness closed in again, and this time Krang was braced for the power that the orange turtle radiated, and he was able to penetrate it. His grip on Michelangelo’s psyche tightened, and bit by bit he pulled out everything he needed and weaved it to fit his own desire.
Michelangelo and Leonardo were back in that supermarket, running from the Gumbus as it chased them down the aisles. They were seperated from April and they were alone, well alone together at least, and they needed to hide. They spotted a place, and they both dived for it, but… Michelangelo didn't make it.
No, that wasn’t right. Leonardo had grabbed him and pulled him into shelter! Michelangelo was sure he had! Why was he thinking of this anyway? It wasn’t unlike him to blank out, drawn into the spiraling colors of his own mind, but this time it seemed far more misplaced than usual, and the memory was wrong! Why was it wrong? No no no, Leonardo had helped him, not left him to the beast—
Michelangelo fell to his knees as another nightmare forced its way to the front of his mind. Him and Donatello, together behind the bushes watching Todd’s RV before they knew the friendly capybara. Whispering to each other. Todd sneaking up behind them and scaring them near out of their shells, and what Michelangelo should have remembered was both him and Donatello scattering, but what came forth through like a crudely patched pair of jeans was Donatello shoving his little brother to the ground and leaving him there for the apparent ‘Spine Breaking Bandit’ to seize.
“Your mind is strong…” Krang’s voice came with a rush of nausea, “I wonder: Is your body the same?”
Michelangelo throwing a boat, using all the power he could summon. His brothers should have praised him, but instead came their vicious scolds and hurtful words and the insults made Michelangelo drop the boat and—
“Is your love for your brothers…?”
Michelangelo wanted to go on his first solo mission. Instead of supporting him, all three of his brothers surrounded him like cruel silhouettes, laughing and pointing and mocking the bravery that tried to shine. Their words and faces twisted with hatred spiraled in Michelangelo’s mind and let nothing else through.
“...too little…”
“...too weak…”
“...too dumb…”
“...all heart…”
“...no brain…”
“You need to grow up.” The voices of all three brothers melted into one. Michelangelo was crying. His brothers wouldn’t say that, his brothers wouldn’t be mean, his brothers loved him
“Or your father?” Krang taunted further. “Would you still love him…?”
Now this was a memory Michelangelo couldn’t recall. It was a place he knew, Draxum’s lab, but it wasn’t the way it was when he had briefly saw it years ago. It was different, older yet newer at the same time. Shiny and alive and now dancing with fire that swallowed everything in his path. He was helpless, the smoke choking and burning his senses. And he saw someone there, his father Lou Jitsu, grabbing items from Draxum’s shelves and tossing them into the flames to ensure their destruction. Michelangelo started to cry; he was a baby, what else could he have done? He reached out for the man and for a moment Lou Jitsu had looked his way, the eyes soft and kind as Michelangelo knew them to be. Then came the veil of hatred pulled over as the flames swallowed Lou Jitsu and he disappeared, leaving Draxum’s experiments to burn up. All of Draxum’s experiments.
“No…” Michelangelo said; he was on his knees now and dreadfully cold. “No… that… that didn't happen!”
“Didn't it…?”
Did it…? All of Michelangelo’s memories were so twisted, so mixed up, that he couldn’t tell what was true and what was a lie and what had happened and what hadn’t happened. He knew his brothers wouldn’t do that but they did do that, he saw them, they were in his head! In his head… it was all in his head, it was all a game, all a lie, everything. Did his brothers really hate him? Did his father despise him? Did Draxum and April and CJ and everyone else think so lowly of him?! Did they...
Michelangelo was cold. He recognized it now. The stinging bite pierced through his skin, and that was something he knew was a lie. Though the sensations pricked and burned at his mind and body, he wasn’t shivering. He hadn’t been cold in Japan and he certainly wouldn’t be cold here. That was a lie. He remembered Knight’s words, that Krang could only tell lies. Maybe the truth could hurt him?
“You’re lying…” Michelangelo said lowly, and the truth cut worse than a knife through Krang.
“What…?” Krang’s face distorted in recoil.
“Your name isn’t Krang, it’s… Knave. And my brothers don’t hate me either…” Michelangelo stood a little straighter, bringing his burning eyes to meet Knave’s. “Or my friends. They’re taking down your ship right now…”
Michelangelo’s voice carried a storm, an auditory thunder like a lion’s roar! But both quickly realized that it wasn’t just Micelangelo’s voice that had done it as an aftershock hit the mech hard and caught both alien and mutant off guard.
It was harder to reach Raphael than Leonardo had been anticipating. He entered the mind meld state just as easily as he had in the forest to find Donatello, but finding someone was so much different than actually reaching them. Leonardo could send out as many thoughts as he wanted, but which ones could reach Raphael wasn’t something he could control, especially at such a distance. It was only getting farther and farther away as Raphael raced off to find his friend. The way Cassandra had been tossed, the sound made when Krang’s claws met her flesh. The blood, the scream. He didn't even think a mutant could survive that, let along a human, but he still had to find just in case she was—
Raphael stopped, his feet skidding across the asphalt as he looked around. The city was evacuated hours ago, and even if it hadn’t been, he couldn’t think of anyone who would be this far away from the fight that would know him. Was his mind tricking him, or was that strange, turtle-shaped flicker of blue light staring at him?
Raph! The voice said again.
Leonardo! That was Leonardo’s voice! Raphael raced to the blue light he saw and stopped short, the projection transparent and glistening but most assuredly a visage of his brother.
“Wha— Leo? How are you doing that?!”
“There’s no time to explain, I don’t know how long I can hold this!” Leonardo’s image was flickering like a camera glitch, blipping in and out of existence at random, “You need to get to the back of the mech! We think we found a way to shut it down but we need you to—“
Leonardo’s voice and transparent body disappeared. Astral projection. So that was Leonardo’s new power!
“What? Need me to what?” Raphael searched the empty road for anything to complete Leonardo’s urgent request, but there was nothing. If he was going to Raphael for help, then that meant it could only be one thing. “Smash? You need me to smash you out!”
Raphael didn't have his smash jitsu anymore, but he could still try! Maybe being so close to Leonardo would help his little brother to be able to reach him again! Not a thought against his plan came to Raphael’s mind, and he was already on the way back to his brothers’ aid when he remembered why he had been all the way out here to begin with. Cassandra! She was still out there somewhere and he had to find her! He started to go back to his search, then winced and hesitated when he again remembered the desperation in Leonardo’s voice.
He had to choose between his brothers and his best friend and he had minutes, if that, to make the choice. Cassandra or his family, Cassandra or his brothers, his friends his families his—
Was that a truck?! It was! A semi-truck was barreling down toward him blaring a horn louder than any alarm Raphael had ever heard in the lair. Fear and shock froze him to the spot like a deer in headlights as the truck kept coming, and in the driver's seat was a young girl who couldn’t be more older her early twenties, hair pulled back by a bandana and an expression that told of pure, mischievous glee.
“Cass?!” Raphael gawked, and then screamed and raised his hands to cover his face when he realized the impact was imminent. Cassandra had the brakes on just in time, the back of the semi-truck practically lifting up off the road as the tip of its hood just barely brushed against Raphael’s plastron.
Cassandra leaned out of the window, “Get in, big guy! Haven’t got all day!”
“CJ!” Raphael scrambled to climb into the passenger seat, immediately grabbing Cassandra from the drivers seat and turning her around looking for the injuries that he knew he had seen! Cassandra’s clothes were in ruin, the cloth stained crimson, but no matter how Raphael searched he couldn’t find a single injury! “How…?”
“Don’t question a good thing Raphie!” Cassandra said, pushing against Raphael’s plastron to get him to let her go. “Buckle up. We’re going for a ride.”
Raphael strapped himself in. “I didn't know you had a truck driving license!”
“I DON’T!”
With that, Cassabdra sped away down the road.
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walled-flwr · 4 years
[15 years into a Supercorp future... Kara and Lena are married with two children, 14 year-old daughter Athena Danvers - Luthor, and 10-year-old son, Leo Danvers - Luthor. Kara is still National City's hero and is head of Cat Co., Lena runs L Corp and is the most successful woman on the hemisphere. The kids are growing up, but there are some challenges to raising a Supercorp family]
I'm running late again. Damn it! I type furiously on my pad, keeping a surreptitious eye on the digital clock. I can't miss dinner for the fourth time this week. I know Kara says she understands (and she is the most understanding wife a woman could have), but I don't want this to become a pattern. Athena just shrugs - she's too cool for words and emotions - and goes back to her computer. Leo - my sweet baby boy - I can feel his heart break every time I cancel.
Edge International has been dodgy, what else would I expect? My phone rings, once, twice. I try to ignore it and focus on work so I can close this chapter for today, but it's my personal line. It could be Kara checking in. I pause in my work and look at the Caller ID.
Headmaster Sheffield, St. Genevieve's Prep.
I frown. Why is the kids' principal calling me? Has something happened to Athena or Leo? Hurriedly, I hit answer and put the phone to my ear.
"Headmaster Sheffield," I say, trying to keep my voice level. "Is something wrong? Has anything happened to Athena and Leo?"
Sheffield clears his throat. When he speaks, it's measured and cool. "In a manner of speaking, Mrs. Danvers Luthor."
I wait impatient him for him to get to it.
"Athena and Leo have been in an altercation."
My eyes widen and I groan. Not this again, I think. Athena has been having problems at school, and sometimes, she lashes out. This is a first for Leo, however.
I clear my own throat. "Altercation? I'll need you to be more specific."
"She punched a girl in the face. Miss. Somers needed medical attention for her bloody nose."
"And you're sure that this was Athena's fault?" I ask, immediately defensive.
"Mrs. Danvers Luthor, there were witnesses. Athena threw the first punch. You'll need to come and collect them both. They've been suspended for the rest of the week."
"What was Leo's role in all of this?" I pinch my temple, bracing for the worst.
"Apparently, he attacked a student who was trying to intervene, as well as using despicable language. We don't tolerate that here at St. Genevieve's Prep."
"Of course." I get to my feet, and snatch my handbag. This isn't how I envisioned the day going, but my children need me.
"Your wife has already been notified. I'd like to have the two of you in here tomorrow morning for a P.T.A conference to discuss Athena and Leo's future at our establishment." And with that, he hangs up.
I'm pensive on the drive across town to Athena and Leo's school. My first instinct is to be angry, disappointed. Being a Luthor means Living under a microscope. Kara and I sat Athena and Leo down as soon as they were old enough to understand. Because you're a Luthor, everyone automatically expects the worse from you. Hell, their uncle and grandmother are supervillains! Luthor's have to be careful, methodical, and most of all, cool. Brawling is unbecoming of Luthors. In the midst of my annoyance, I hear Kara's voice. She's gentle and understanding, and loving. Kara doesn't expect perfection, but humanity. She'd be upset, understandably, but she'd also listen to our children.
I channel my wife's positive as I drive into St. Genevieve's Prep. I spot Athena and Leo sitting under the statue. Athena, my beautiful girl, with her golden hair and thoughtful brown eyes. She is currently cradling Leo's dark head in her lap, and looking distastefully to where a group of girls have gathered to whisper.
Poor babies, I smile. But they're my babies,and I have to protect them. Leo spots me first and runs to hug me tightly. He buries his face in me and I squeeze him back. I love how he's never ashamed to show his affection, and I dread the day when he's grown up.
"Darling," I kiss the top of his head, and he looks up at me with those hazel eyes. "What have you been up to, little rabble rouser?"
Leo says in earnest, "I was protecting, Athena, Mom. That's what we do, right? We protect each other."
I smile, and kiss his forehead. "Of course, Sweet boy. We protect each other. Go on, in the car." Leo obeys, and I face Athena who's looking unsure. She looks so much like Kara, the angelic trusting face, but she's like me in so many other ways. It's not easy being a Luthor in high school, I know that from personal experience.
Athena lifts her chin as she comes to my front. "If you're going to tell at me, Mom, just get it over with."
I sigh and shake my head. "It's easier to yell and blame than to talk about how we're feeling."
Athena frowns. "OK, you're sounding like Mom."
"Good or bad?"
"I don't know..." Athens tucks a lock of her blond hair behind her ear and shuffles her feet. "I wasn't planning on hitting her, Mom. Ally was just saying all of these horrible things, dumb tabloid lies about you and... I just got so..."
"Angry?" I finish and she nods. "You're a Luthor. I know all about that game." I pull her in for a hug,and kiss the top of her head. "My beautiful, brave super girl," I say, and hear her sniffle. "You do your best not to make waves, but I'll never be angry with you for standing up for yourself. Ok?" Athena pulls back to look at me. Her green eyes are damp and she smiles. "What do you say to some Big Belly Burger? And all the ice cream we can gorge ourselves on?" My daughter grins and nods, before walking to the car.
I smile, feeling easier. There'll have to be a stern talk later, but for now, I just want to enjoy my children. My phone rings, this time it's Kara.
"Crisis Averted, Mrs Danvers Luthor," I say as I pick up. I hear Kara's laugh in the other end. "I knew I could count on you. What was it?"
"Long story short, our kids were doing what Luthors do best."
"Raising Hell?"
"While defending each other," I add. "I'm taking them out for some burgers and ice cream. Can you get away for some time?"
Kara groans in distress. "I had an impromptu session at the DEO. I can't get away."
"It's OK, Darling," I say, looking back at the car. Athena and Leo are joking around, and I smile. "I haven't had alone time with Athena and Leo in a while. I'll seize the opportunity."
"You're a great mom, Lena."
"I take inspiration from you," I smile. "I'm sorry I've been AWOL, Kara. You save the world, run Cat. Co and still make it in time for dinner and bath, I'm in awe of you."
"Kryptonian DNA."
"I love you, Kara."
"Not as much as I love you," she says, her voice lowering.
"Not possible," I murmur. "But, I'd like to show you just how much I appreciate and cherish you. What do you say to a weekend in Helsinki? Just the two of us?"
"Lena," Kara gasps, and I feel her brain working overtime. "But ..."
"Elizabeth hasn't seen Athena and Leo in months. I'm sure the kids will love some Midvale time. And what good is both of us being the heads of multinational corporations if we can't take some very much needed boss time off?"
"Lena, you're amazing. Yes."
"That's all I needed to hear," I grin. "I promise--"
I'm interrupted by the sound of a car horn. Leo is in the driver's seat looking very impatient.
"You owe two hungry kids some Big Belly Burger," Kara teases me. "Better get to it."
"See you at home?"
"Sure. I love you, Mrs Danvers Luthor."
"I love you, Mrs Danvers Luthor."
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carnelianns · 4 years
Guess who’s back, back again. Hiya hun! Could you do a scenario where Arthur, Leo and Theo find out MC is a sensitive crybaby? Like most of the time MC is a cool calm and collected but there are just some days where the smallest comment will make her burst into hysteric sobs. Anyway please and thank you hun😊
aaa i love ur requests (≧◡≦) ♡
Leonardo da Vinci
Many times has Leonardo fallen asleep whilst working on a new invention, head resting languidly on his arms in the midst of the scattered papers and machineries on his desk. 
Many times has he also awoken to said papers and machineries neatly set aside, a warm, pink blanket now resting on his broad shoulders and a pillow nestled in between his face and the hard wood of the desk.
His thoughts have drifted long and wide in his journey to figure out who his mysterious benefactor is, but Sebastian’s confirmation only leaves him, well, awed, for lack of better terms.
Because never did he expect for it to be you. It’s not a question of kindness, more of warmth — what can he expect from someone so cool and composed, after all? It’s frightening, actually; how you remind him so much of a certain poised friend he happens to have.
Which brings his mind racing when he hears your soft sniffles, or feels the slight drip of your tears on his back as you lay the familiar blanket on him. Why were you crying? Is it an impostor? Did something happen? Arthur cause you trouble again?
His thoughts are thwarted when you brush stray strands of his hair out of his face, still sniffling as you say, “Why do you overwork yourself so often, Leo?”
… What. “Cara mia.. Are you crying… because I fell asleep?”
Try as he might, he couldn’t stop himself from lifting him up and out of his small act, incredulous look turning into a wide grin at your surprised look, and the way you make no move to wipe the still-flowing tears.
Your reply is simple, Leonardo struggling to pick between laughing out loud or gaping at you. 
So he decides to do both. With his mouth wide open, he laughs, messily ruffling your hair. 
“You’re adorable, bambina, but it’s fine.” His large, calloused hands move from your hair down to your eyes, wiping away the salty tears flowing down your face. “A little overworking won’t kill me.” Far from it. 
Shaking your head defiantly, Leonardo’s eyes widen when you pull away, crossing your arms with a slight pout that only seems to surprise him more. 
“Don’t do it again.”
His mouth is agape for a while, before he scoffs slightly, “Heh. You drive a hard bargain.”
When his eyes catch the slight tremble in your bottom lip and the tears gathering at the corner of your eyes, Leonardo is quick to straighten.
Clearing his throat, he nods, “I won’t do it again.”
It’s silent for a moment before you give him one last sniffle, nod, then proceed to walk away, leaving a very confused Leonardo alone in his library. 
The dim lights of the room only do wonders to outline the slowly growing amusement on his face, if the smirk he’s sporting doesn’t get the point across. An intriguing little thing you are, really. 
Arthur Conan Doyle
“Awh, is my wee, little baby sad? Is she going to cry, now?” 
You sniffle, “Yeah.”
And Arthur was then faced with a sobbing mess of a girl he didn’t even think could cry. Ever-observant is he, though he failed to have noticed how sensitive you actually are, all until he’s witnessing it first hand.
Sure, he’s been faced with a handful of weeping patients, or some blubbering, past flings who thought they could have something more, but never really an Ice Queen like yourself breaking down because of his mere teasing.
“C-Christ,” he mumbles under his breath before crossing the distance between the two of you, hesitantly placing his hand on your shoulder.
When you make no move, he continues, stammering slightly, “I’m so, so sorry, love. Do you, uh, want a hug? Or – or do you want to.. slap me? I’m fine with that as well. We’re good acquaintances; the female hand and I, y’know..?”
He’s then met with a light slap to his face — more of a tap, really. Arthur isn’t expecting for your arms to find purchase around his waist immediately after, leaving him as stiff as a scarecrow when they do. 
When the more logical part of his brain — the one that isn’t going haywire at the current events — finally kicks in, he’s wrapping an arm around your waist, his other hand softly caressing your head as he whispers nothing but sweet apologies into your ear.
Your name gently makes its way out of his lips, in a way you’re sure will be stuck in the back of your head.
“I apologise, I truly do, love. For the teasing, and for calling you a baby, and for, uh, everything else. Please forgive me?”
You pull away after a while, ignoring the lack of warmth in your body as you avert your gaze, hastily wiping away the remnants of your breakdown.
“No snitching, Arthur.”
He smirks, seemingly reverting back to normal as he pinches your cheeks like one does a child’s. “Of course not, darling.”
Arthur won’t admit that the image of you crying haunts him, or that he’s now awfully more cautious with his teasing jabs at you. 
Theodorus van Gogh
Theo woke up this morning to prepare for a journey to scout a place for Vincent’s newest exhibition — certainly not to witness you transform into a blubbering mess he has to clean up. 
In hindsight, he does admit the comment he threw your way was a bit harsher than usual — can’t help it, he’s stressed — but never did he expect you to actually burst out crying. 
Stiffness seizing his limbs, he awkwardly clears his throat, having thought three minutes is far too long a time to still be staring at you.
“Hon—” Stopping to recalculate his words, he nods slightly at himself, “Uh, girl…”
You look up at him, quieting down, his cerulean orbs meeting your puffy eyes. Okay. Now what the fuck do I do. 
“I’m sorry.. for calling you a troublesome shit goblin..?” 
You blink for a moment, inhaling. Then burst out into an even louder, blubbering mess that only has Theo wide-eyed and jaw slacked, distraughtly running his fingers through already-messy locks. 
Not once has he seen a crack in your unperturbed armour, and to see you like this, well — he feels horrible, if the regret coursing through his veins is anything to go by. 
“Hondje,” he lifts your chin up with his knuckle, moving both hands to cup your tear-stricken face. Wiping the tears away with long, lithe fingers, Theo looks straight into your eyes, “I’m sorry, okay? I hate seeing you like this, so… Stop crying? Please?”
The genuine concern in those bright eyes causes you to reduce your sobs to sniffles, the both of you staying in that exact position until you finally calm down, nodding in an attempt to ask him to let go. 
Theo’s hands linger on your surprisingly warm face for a few more moments before he retracts them, an awkward silence filling the room.
“... Don’t tell anyone what you saw today, Theo,” you utter, though he finds it hard to take your red nose and even redder eyes seriously. 
He scoffs, rolling his eyes and midway to snarking out another comment when he sees your fidgeting stance. 
Softening, he sighs, messing with his blowsy locks once more. “Of course not. Just leave already, yeah?”
He half-heartedly shoos you away, eyes following your leaving form all the way out of the living room. 
“... Kindje,” he mumbles to himself, proceeding to walk in the opposite direction of the one you left in. A complete and utter baby.
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Also saw you're doing requests so yay!!. Any chance of jercy bakery au? Love your work sm hope you have a great day ☺☺
My Darling Anon how dare you make me fall more in love with Jercy???????? I squealed when i saw this and then promptly started writing even though i should be studying for my (ironically) Greek Mythology test.
i hope you love it because if i fail at least i know it’ll be worth it :) Also this was honestly supposed to be a quick drabble and it somehow ended up as 1,5K+ words so??? #isanyonesurprisedthough
Jason Grace smiled as the birds beside his head chirped and then swiped his phone to cut off the amusing sound. His fiery friend, and co-worker thought it was hilarious to steal his phone and change his alarm tone every few weeks. Usually it was something inane and silly like a cartoon laugh track or just a repeating “It’s time to get up BakerBoi” that gets increasingly louder. He had arrived to work with a scowl on his face only to see the shit-eating grin of Leo Valdez waiting at the door.
Now Jason stumbles out of bed, letting his limbs loosen as he pads softly to the bathroom, feeling cool tile and a winter breeze on his exposed skin. He loves mornings like this, when the world isn’t quite awake, and the sky hasn’t decided what colour it wants to be for the day. He knows in is baker’s bones that it’ll be cold and rainy, but he has time for a morning jog before the world starts crying.
“Good morning boss,” A bright eyed, fidgeting Leo greets as he steps into the bakery.
Jason had been there at seven thirty, pulling down the café chairs and cleaning the counters. He already had a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies and about three different types of muffins in the oven. The bread was waiting for the busy hands of Leo and Hazel who somehow always seemed to make heavenly fluffed, soft rolls and the deliciously crusty baguettes. Hazel jokes that it’s the New Orleans blood that flows through her veins. They’re all half inclined to agree.
“Morning Valdez, I like the alarm this week.” He tosses a grin over his shoulder before going back to his icing ritual. Mix, taste, mix, ice.
“I figured you would old man. Even though i much prefer my ASMR food audio from last week. What’s the specialty today?”
“We need to get beignets out and the pain au chocolats before the breakfast crowd. Also the fruit stuffed pastry twists and the honey bread have to be prepped before we open so we can bring them out hot in time for the brunch crowd. Specialty today is a new thing I’ve been working on. Blue blondie doughnuts with Oreo cream filling and sugar glaze.”
“Gods boss, you tryna give people heart failure?”
“Just trying to insert some sweetness into the world,” He winked.
Before Leo could give an undoubted snarky reply a bubbly head of dark brown curls and glittering eyes popped around the door.
“Goooood morning everyone,”
Jason couldn’t help the smile that graced his face at her cheeriness, “Hello Miss Levesque, glad to see a prettier face around here,”
Leo made a strangled noise of indignation from the other side of the kitchen but didn’t get the chance to voice his offense before the last member of their little group walked in.
“Ah there you are Miss McLean, I do wonder how you arrive with Hazel and still manage to get in after her.”
She gave him an exasperated look, “I have to say goodbye to my girlfriend before I come in Boss. You’re the one who banned couple calls in the bakery.”
“Well maybe if we didn’t have to hear you and Annabeth explicitly planning your night’s activities I wouldn’t have had to do that.”
Piper just rolled her eyes and went to grab her apron and a cloth to wipe down the tables.
"Everyone ready?" He asked, from the door of the kitchen an hour later.
"Ready for the storm boss," They all yelled back, as they did each morning.
"Then let's roll like thunder," He grinned, flinging the doors to Ambrosia Bakery open.
"Oh thank the heavens, I could smell the goodness from here and it was a struggle to keep the drool in," One Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano breathed in deep.
"Good morning my favourite customer," Leo smirked from behind the counter.
"Jason tell your bread boy to stand down before I make him,"
"Is that an invitation?" Dark eyebrows wiggled in amusement.
"That is a threat," She growled.
"Well mark me down as scared and h—"
"Valdez I swear if you finish that sentence I'm putting you on wash-up duty for the next week."
A faint "you got it boss" followed Jason into the kitchen, where he allowed himself to smile. It was an ongoing amusement that Leo flirted with Reyna and in return she came up with increasingly terrifying threats.
"Jason, your sister is here to see you" Hazel said, gently shoving him out the way so she could take over rolling the pastry.
"Get the doughnuts ready for the fryer I'll be back soon, thank you!"
He maneuvered around a blushing Leo who had icing on his nose and a suspicious lipstick stain on his cheek, finally making his way to the confectioners stand.
"What's up loser?" He said by way of greeting.
"Hey you're only allowed to call me that if you come baring nice things." Thalia Grace frowned.
"I am nice things," He pouted.
"Not even on your best day." She snorted, "I want to know if you're coming to the gala this weekend. I need a date to steal extra bread-sticks for me."
"Why can't I just make you bread-sticks and we can sit in your lounge and watch bad reality TV?" He groaned
"Because I have to show face or the sponsors aren't going to sponsor. Besides you need a night out. You're gonna start smelling like bread if you don't take a break."
"It's insulting that you think I wouldn't want to smell like breadsticks."
She laughed at, that ruffling his hair, "Just be ready by seven. You better be wearing a suit."
And with that his sister had grabbed her daily croissant and cappuccino and vanished into the drizzling day.
Before he could make it back to his safe haven beside the ovens and marbled counter-tops a flash of black hair caught his eye.
Turning around he couldn't contain the grin that tugged at his lips; standing by the counter already staring intently at the newest creation was Jason's favourite customer.
"Hello Percy Jackson,"
"Jason," A dazzling smile revealed pearl white teeth and the tiniest dimple on a cheek the color of rich toffee.
"I see you've already found Neptune's Tridoughnut,"
A bright laugh escaped a wickedly beautiful mouth, "Oh I love that. How'd you come up with that one?"
Jason smiled softly, debating whether to tell the owner of the 5-Oceans Conservation Company that he was the muse behind all of his latest creations, hence the variations of green and blue.
Instead, as he did every time Percy asked, he lied, "My sister went to an opening ceremony for a new exhibit at the Education center all about Mythology so I thought I’d offer my services and well, they were a hit."
Piper who was walking past at that exact moment coughed something that sounded suspiciously like "Liar" but with a pointed glare she disappeared behind the counter.
"That sounds great. Guess I'll have to recruit you for all my functions," He winked, a small smirk playing at his lips.
Jason cursed his pale cheeks and hoped the blush he now sported wasn't too noticeable, "What can I get you besides a specialty doughnut?"
"Can I get one banana and walnut muffin, a dozen chic chips, and I'm gonna go see mom this afternoon so maybe a couple of caramel pastry twists and some blueberry muffins?"
"Sure. I guess Estelle is off her carrot cake faze?" He laughed, remembering how Percy had to stop at the bakery twice a week to grab carrot and pecan mini cakes just for his little sister.
"Ugh she's onto wanting fruit in absolutely everything now so my mom has been frantically buying boxes of peaches, strawberries and apples to cut up and send with her for lunch at school." Green eyes rolled in fake annoyance.
"Well if she likes fruit things maybe she should try the raspberry and orange pastry twists?" He pointed to a display stand piled with various pastries coloured by blackberry jam, apricot pieces, kiwi slices and mango syrup.
"I could kiss you right now!" Percy exclaimed rushing towards the display, unaware that the baker was frozen to the spot.
I could kiss you, could kiss you, kiss you, kiss...
Jason's brain had short-circuited, his neurons too busy having a dance party with his hormones to process the world.
I could kiss you.
A lazy, unconscious smile took over his face as he stood there in the middle of his bakery, arms slack, head lolled, and eyes crinkled.
"Jason?" A faraway voice called.
"Jason? Hello?"
And suddenly a hand was waving in front of his vision trying to get his attention.
He pulled himself out of his reverie, blinking back into existence, "Right yes the pastries"
"Didn’t get enough sleep last night?" Percy teased, slugging him softly in the shoulder.
He snorted at the implication, "Unfortunately I'm a bit of a grandfather. Sleep early, rise early."
"Oh guess you like morning activities then,"
He sputtered, head snapping up to stare into twinkling eyes, "N-no, I just meant—"
"I'm kidding Mr BakerMan," That brilliant, bright laugh again, "I know you're a homebody. Your sister likes to tell me how boring you are."
He huffed at that, "We'll see if she gets her pear tarts this weekend."
"Speaking of this weekend," A sly grin played at Percy's mouth, "Are you coming to the gala?"
"Yea," He sighed, "Thalia says she needs me to steal bread-sticks ."
Sea green eyes widened before Percy burst out laughing. In a matter of moments tears were streaming down his face.
If Jason wasn't so smitten with that gorgeous smile and those mischievous eyes he may have been inclined to laugh too. But Percy Jackson was a vision he half believed only his dreams could conjure.
When the laughter had mostly seized Percy wiped his eyes and managed to gasp, "That sounds exactly like something Thalia would ask. When we worked on the marine life project together she always stole the mints from every CEO’s office because she said they had enough money to buy a mint factory, they could afford to replace a single bowl."
"Yep, her life goal is to end capitalism. I swear if it wasn't for Annabeth, Thalia would be walking into office buildings with a sack like some reverse Santa Claus where she steals the office supplies and fruit bowls."
"Well I can't wait to see you stuffing your pockets with bread-sticks on Saturday so I guess I'll see you then," He gave another dazzling smile.
"Yea, and say hello to little Estelle for me. Tell me how she likes the pastries."
"Don't worry I'm sure I'll be back soon with a long list of request."
"Can't wait." He grinned.
Percy chuckled, "Me neither, see you Friday." And then he was gone.
Oh gods, Jason thought, how am I ever gonna survive Percy in a suit?
Spoiler alert past-Jason: you didn't.
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ladyfl4me · 4 years
Hi please yell about boyd and stern in TCOS and TMWCIFTC :D!
Anon, THANK YOU for enabling me, you have my fucking life in your hands
I’ll preface all of this by saying that everything in this post is related to my long-form Amnesty works, The Moth who Came In from the Cold and The Children of Sylvain. If you haven’t read those, then you’ll be pretty damn confused, so I guess now is as good of a time to plug them - and the series - as any. A heads up: I started it back in 2018, and everything in TCOS is just… very VERY loosely associated with Amnesty canon at this point. Same root premise, same characters, but back in 2018 even I couldn’t predict where arcs 4 and 5 ended up going. TMWCIFTC was written as the logical progression, in my head, of an alternate arc 4, and everything that happened in TCOS is based off of that progression. It’s got almost no connection to the actual canon at this point. I’ll be recapping some of the more important plot points for context, though.
Here’s hoping the read-more works. This was 7 pages long in the google doc I prepared this in, so I apologize in advance to everyone on my dash if this got fucked up. Spoilers for TMWCIFTC ahead, as well as general vague spoilers for Amnesty.
So everything’s coming up roses. Fantastic. Let’s start with the biggest thing: how the characters of Agent Stern and Boyd Mosche have changed from canon to this AU.
Boyd’s Changes:
We’ll start with Boyd, because this motherfucker is UNRECOGNIZABLE from canon. On god, that is all Griffin’s fault. Pretty much all of Boyd’s character was concentrated in arc 4 of Amnesty, and honestly? He was a fantastic character there. Loved him as a counterpart to Ned. He gave off an air of “the ends justify the means” in almost everything he did - especially how he was willing to do anything, including blackmail Ned to hell and back, to get back to England - which I’ve grafted into my version of him. The angst-loving part of my brain seized on the tragic possibilities of his relationship with Ned and was bumping “No Children” by the Mountain Goats every time they interacted. Great stuff, interesting complexity, was genuinely surprised when he kicked it.
All that happened after I introduced him as a character in TMWCIFTC. My version of him retains the smooth-talking Britishness of him, with the aforementioned “ends justify the means” logic for everything; I’d probably sort him as a chaotic neutral, with basically all of his points in wisdom, charisma and strength with very few in intelligence. I tried to work with that for the start. We knew nothing about Boyd at the time I was writing TMWCIFTC, so my brain wanted to fill in that blank for jokes and giggles and haha funny’s and was like, “Yo what if Boyd was a Sylph this entire time? Wouldn’t that be fucking hilarious?” 
And that’s what I did. What happened to make this version of Boyd was a bit of a random “perfect storm” of influences and choices, which really only got sharpened because of my one-shot The Devil Went Down To Georgia. That one’s the main source of all Boyd lore, even though I barely reference it these days because he’s gone so far off the rails it’s a miracle I can keep him straight. 
I’ve talked about The Devil Went Down To Georgia a lot in relation to Boyd on here. TL;DR, I decided to make him two things: a violinist and a Sylph/cryptid, specifically the Jersey Devil. Yes, he is still British. I chalk it up lore-wise to a few things: the original Jersey Devil is more of a distant relative, Boyd crossed over from Sylvain and ended up in Britain sometime after that, and just willingly chose to keep up the British persona Bastard. I don’t think about it too much. He’s been a criminal from the very beginning; he’d been in prison on Sylvain, went through some shit there that made him steal a crystal and book it, and he continued to do crime on Earth to survive.
The violin thing is mostly me desperately wanting a character to have that background, because I played for seven goddamn years and want to put that knowledge and catharsis somewhere. Boyd probably either picked up a Sylvan instrument that was similar, or learned it in the early 20th century when he came to Earth, and just held onto it. He held onto the skills and got good - good enough that he could have gone professional, and tried in 2007, but that didn’t go super well, as anyone who’s read TMWCIFTC can attest. 
In terms of the type of cryptid he is, I’ve made the Jersey Devils a subspecies on Sylvain that takes cervids (deer, moose, etc.) or bovines (goats, antelopes, cows, etc.), as well as canines/felines of any shape and size, puts them into a gashapon machine with pterodactyl-style wings, awful teeth, and a snake’s tail, and calls it a day. You can get a tiny Jersey Devil that’s a combo of a tiny cat and a dik-dik; you can get a jacked nine-foot-tall terrifying amalgam of a lion and a moose, with a fucked-up mouth of multiple rows of teeth and huge claws.
That last one is Boyd. Don’t call me a monsterfucker for this, I have no defense.
So where does that leave him in relation to the Lodge? Back in 2018, before I started developing the lore that factors into TCOS about Sylph communities outside the Lodge (namely the Manhattan Sylphs that Leo worked with when he was a Chosen One), I figured that it’d be funny if every single cryptid kinda just… knew each other, or hung out near the Lodge. As you know if you’ve read TMWCIFTC, he got into some trouble in 1967, which Barclay, Indrid and Mama “bailed him out of.”
Once they found out he was a fellow Sylvan, though, it became less about “report this guy to the authorities” and more about “we have to make sure we keep an eye on this guy so he doesn’t get himself, or other Sylphs, in trouble” thing. He basically became Mama’s mostly-socialized half-feral cat, slinking through the halls of Amnesty Lodge, eating random food, falling asleep wherever, sitting in rooms where people are doing interesting things and just watching them. And everyone... kind of likes him. Sure, he doesn’t have a sleep schedule, and they have to get soundproof panels installed in his room at the Lodge because he’ll stress-practice violin at 3 in the morning, and he keeps shoplifting stuff from local stores to give to people like a cat bringing back dead mice. But he’s a good man. And he’s getting better every day.
Then he got got by the Ashminder in ‘98. He bolted, completely forgot everything about the Lodge but had the address of a former Lodge resident on his body after his memory was wiped, found a still-alive but memory-wiped fellow Lodge dweller, and fled to that address. Boyd lived there for years, trying to clean up his act and try to anchor himself a bit. Then in 2007, something on his path went wrong, and the stress break he went through after that made him run from that place. That’s when he met Ned, and they had a few years together before Boyd ended up in jail.
Then, once they killed the Ashminder and the memories it had eaten came back, Voidfish-style, Boyd remembered everything: the people who’d taken care of him, the friends he’d made, the love he’d found, the time and effort he’d put into getting better, the rewards he’d reaped because of it. He remembered fighting monsters and defending them. He got hit with it all at once, and missed them. His parole date was coming up; he could bide his time until he was released, and run down there.
But then, at the start of TCOS, Something Happens that makes all Sylvan disguises and spells shit the fucking bed; his disguise spell, which has been hiding a nine foot-tall jacked demon out of hell, flickers, and the invisibility spell that had been put on his disguise item to hide it failed. Boyd knew he was fucked if the jail folks found out he was a Sylph, so he decided to fucking Kool-aid Man out of there, becoming a wanted man in the entire state of West Virginia and getting a bit roughed up in the process.
But hey. Whatever it takes to get home, right? 
Stern’s Changes:
Stern’s changed too, though, and here’s how. It was relatively simple to tweak him, because so much of him was a blank slate to begin with. First: that name. Garfield Kent Stern is his full name: Garfield for the cat/Deals Warlock, Kent after Kent Mansley, the irritating dipshit FBI agent antagonist from the classic animated movie The Iron Giant. Poor bastard. He started as a walking meme who I was going to kill off; I came up with that name long before we got his real name in canon, and didn’t want to retcon it out. 
I’m a sucker for secret connections and familial ties, too, and back in 2018 the headcanon gashapon gave me “what if Stern was a cousin of Duck’s, but there was family drama that made their parts of the family split when they were kids, so now 30 years later they don’t remember each other?” 
And that’s exactly what I did. Gary is Duck’s first cousin on Duck’s mom’s side; their mothers are sisters. Gary’s uncle Arnie was a Secret Service agent who tangled with an Indrid trying to stop the Kennedy Assassination once, and he keeps telling that story at Christmas, much to everyone’s chagrin. Gary remembered those stories, and even received Indrid’s old disguise glasses - knocked off his face during his uncle Arnie’s chase - and carried them with him for a long time.
He didn’t start off as a baby cop, though; he was more interested in hitting the books, finding out the logic and doing the research to figure things out. I have him become a history major, getting a PhD with a few bits and bobs here and there that I haven’t worked out yet. Whatever the case, he spent a LONG time in academia, from undergrad starting in 1996 to graduation in about 2005. 
Things weren’t as peachy as he thought they’d be, though. Gary wrote and published his thesis, like a good little PhD candidate, but someone was watching him. In his thesis, he’d been trying to cobble together various cryptid-related legends across the word and making connections between them, among other things. He’d managed to link up and explain something that Unexplained Phenomena had been trying to figure out themselves. They immediately intercepted his thesis, kept it from being disseminated anywhere else, erased all copies of it after graduation, and reached out to Gary independently to bring him on.
Make no mistake: he went willingly. Despite the whole thesis coverup, Agent Gary Stern wasn’t coerced into being a government stooge, and he wasn’t blackmailed - he was given an offer to work with the cryptid cops, and he enthusiastically took it. Government benefits were decent, he’d heard; post-grad options were looking slim, especially going into the recession. In his mind, there was a bit of allure to it all, too. A secret government organization looking into suspicious and possibly supernatural things all over the nation? Fantastic. More opportunities to do research. He was in. Gary accepted their offer and started basic FBI training in 2007 - the same year Boyd had that mental break and went AWOL, returning to his life of crime and meeting Ned.
Biggest mistake he’d ever made. But then again, if he didn’t take them up on that, he wouldn’t be here, would he?
So he joins UP, goes up the ranks. They had him researching and charting the Bigfoot case for a while, and he was the only one who was willing to work on it at all because… well, Bigfoot sightings weren’t as sophisticated as some of the other projects that were out there for UP. (See: Area 51. We don’t talk about Area 51. Nobody talks about Area 51. Definitely nothing shady and unethical going on in there, no experiments on anyone or anything, no sir.) 
Gary’s diligent, though, and doesn’t like to back down from a challenge. That’s all hunting Bigfoot was: a challenge. No personal stake, no empathy. It was a job to get done, even though an entire person’s life was at stake.
And he got so caught up in this challenge that, when he went to Kepler, he EASILY got attacked by the Ashminder and destroyed within an inch of his life. He got the very memory of his job and intent in Kepler torn out of his head; once the Ashminder died, and those memories came back, they didn’t feel like his anymore, or like they’d been part of his life plan to begin with. Overcome with confusion and guilt, he decided to clean up his act and try to work against the FBI, with Mama’s blessing. 
His goal? Quit the FBI, get them off the Lodge’s back, and then see what happens next. Maybe he’d go back to academia, or teach, or something - just get as far away from the FBI as possible, as far away as he can be from hurting people. But he’s got to bide his time, because if he bolts now, they’re going to get suspicious and put the Lodge in even more danger. And that’s where he is now.
So why have they changed?
Simple answer? I don’t want to rewrite them to fit with canon. I just don’t. I don’t want to make Boyd human; I don’t want to change Gary’s name to Joseph and make him a Bigfoot groupie. I don’t want to rewrite hundreds of thousands of words of work to fit last-minute decisions made in the end times of Amnesty’s canon. My fic has diverged so much from canon that the canon versions of the characters don’t belong here anymore. Besides, Stern was such a background character in arcs 3 and 4 that he barely mattered, making his reappearance in arc 5 a bit of a clumsy follow-through, and Boyd was a one-act wonder. A little expansion couldn’t hurt. Making Gary something other than a direct antagonist made the narrative load a little easier, too, at least on my end. I hate giving a cop screen time, but it’s easier to justify his existence by rewriting his backstory and making him slog through the hell of a redemption arc. He’s had that coming. 
This leads us to TCOS, though, where the arcs of our player characters turn a bit more towards the plot, as opposed to the emotional fulfillment they got in TMWCIFTC. Characters like Gary, Mama, Boyd, and Alexandra take center stage for emotional and backstory development, while the original player characters take a temporary backseat. Alexandra’s a key linchpin of the story as a whole, both emotionally and narratively; Mama gets lore expansions and has personal things to settle; and Gary and Boyd are… here. So:
How do these two work with each other in TCOS?
It’s great. It’s fantastic. These two are my favorite to write in TCOS because their conflict is just so fucking FUN. On the one hand, you have an almost-ex-FBI agent who’s been taken in by the Lodge, is related to a Pine Guard member, is trying to keep his coworkers off the Lodge’s back as sneakily as possible without drawing suspicion, and is desperate not to screw up this second chance he doesn’t think he deserves. On the other hand, you have an ex-con who got a second chance from the Lodge, sees them as his last best option to be safe as long as nobody reports them, and wants to keep them safe out of a sense of familial obligation he’s reluctant to admit to, even to himself.
That’s two people with questionable morals, with a semi-familial attachment to a place that gave them second chances, each seeing the actions of the other as a threat to their - and everyone else’s - safety. Claws come out almost immediately.
At the start, Boyd and Gary go together like apple juice and toothpaste. Boyd sees a narc who’s threatening the one safe place he has left; Gary sees an impulsive, selfish threat, a domino that - if it falls - threatens, you guessed it, the one safe place he (and other people, sure) has left. Boyd breaking out of jail means the entire state of West Virginia, and probably the whole East Coast, is on high alert looking for him, and if that attention comes anywhere near the Lodge? They’re fucked.
Neither of them believe that the other is capable of change or anything but selfish, malicious harm. Boyd has more of an argument than Gary because Gary is still actively reporting things to the FBI, but in Gary’s defense, the moment that he stops reporting anything to them, they’re going to suspect things and might end up sending more people to the Lodge. The Pine Guard can’t afford that, so Gary has to play by the rules until he’s in a position where he can quit. I’ll pull a specific argument they have from TCOS that I feel really exemplifies this:
"I don't want you to get caught."
Boyd scoffed. "Something tells me you're not worried about me."
"I'm not."
"Well, thanks."
"I'm worried," Gary went on, "about someone seeing you, and connecting you to the Lodge. You just used the hot springs as your personal landing strip, in broad daylight. We're on the upper half of the mountain. And I don't know how big your Sylvan form is, but -"
Boyd grinned. It looked more like a snarl. "Oh, plenty big enough," he said.
Gary ignored that. "Big enough for someone to see you from down the mountain?" he challenged. Boyd's lip curled, and he looked away. "Yeah, that's what I thought. I'm just thinking ahead. What if someone came beating down our door looking for you? What if it was a cryptid hunter? What if it was the cops?”
"Yes, yes, fine, alright," Boyd snapped. He threw his hands up. His eyes were hard and cold. "It'd put us in danger. I get it. But you're still here. I think the damage is already done."
A knot of cold rage formed in Gary's stomach. "I'm trying to keep this place safe, Mr. Mosche," he spat. "I've got a responsibility to keep."
Boyd scoffed. "Oh, you have a responsibility? To Amnesty Lodge? That's fucking rich."
"You've got one, too! It’s about time you started keeping it!"
They’re both very, very set in their ways and their ideologies, and they take a long time to get to middle ground. 
One of my friends described it as middle child syndrome in overdrive. Gary thinks Boyd’s the Lodge golden child, come to replace him in the Lodge inner circle. Boyd thinks Gary’s the Lodge’s new redemption-arc fixer-upper, come to replace him. And both of them feel thrown off by that, because they both thought that the Lodge was accepting them completely into the inner circle. It’s unfamiliar, it’s confusing, and when the Lodge as a whole regards them both with suspicion/unease (Gary) and polite detachment due to the passage of time (Boyd), it makes them both feel on the outside.
And when you’re in the same shitty canoe, you’ve gotta row it or sink. So that’s exactly what they do. 
Ultimately, they get faced down with bigger and worse foes that snap them out of their spat, because their common interest is “keeping the Lodge safe” and uniting will help them get there. When they do start to have each other’s backs, though, that’s when they reluctantly start to get to know each other. Gary feels like something’s off about Boyd and eventually suspects - thanks to some comments from Haynes and some digging of his own - that Boyd had something to do with the fire that burned down Aubrey’s house, but it remains to be seen what he’ll do with that information. (The Gary of November 2018 would have turned Boyd in to the FBI. The Gary of almost six months later, though… a different story. It’ll be interesting.)
The kicker is, they’re both really similar, at the heart of it. Both of them were the Lodge’s fix-em-up pet projects, brought into the fold in an emergency and protected/cared for as long as they swore to clean up their act. They see each other and feel a bit out-of-place, though - something contributed to by the way the Lodge treats them.
Gary’s still held at a distance by many, despite being Duck’s cousin and a mostly-valuable member of the team, because the stench of the FBI is still on him - how he dresses, how he walks and talks, how he acts. And Boyd has just swanned back to the Lodge after 20 years gone, with all his memories of the Lodge from back in ‘98 driven back into his mind - and part of him is expecting the Lodge to be the exact same way it was when he left. But it’s not. You can’t go home again. The Lodge has moved on without him, which he never expected, and coming back to them is… awkward.
It’s simple. They don’t know what to do with a version of Boyd who’s missed the past 20 years of their lives; Boyd doesn’t know what to do with people who have changed from the folks he knew 20 years ago. He’s lost, floating, and alienated, like going to a high school reunion after not having spoken to a living soul since graduation. It sucks for him. And the only wholly unfamiliar face there, other than the main Pine Guard - who he’s mostly fine with, except for Ned - is Gary, and he can’t help but be irritated with him. That changes, though.
What I essentially want to do is set these versions of the characters up as foils. Similar characters, similar pasts, similar situations that got them to this point. All that’s different is how far in their respective arcs they are. So I’m going to have them be friends. Give each other a chance in the face of a bigger threat, open up a little more, have conversations, talk about things with each other because they’re the only ones around to listen. The Lodge gave them second chances when they needed them most. Maybe they can do that for each other.
This is also to say, I would be a massive fucking liar if I say I haven’t considered having that unfold into a rivals-to-lovers arc. Yeah, I said it. I’ve considered it, at length and in serious detail, since I started drafting the arcs for TCOS. In fact, that’s what I’m probably going to do. I’ve gotten too hooked by the possibility to give it up. I outlined hypothetical futures for the whole cast after the final battle in Sylvain and, given the things I want to happen in that battle and the messy post-war fallout, it makes sense that these two would gravitate towards each other.
It makes a lot more sense in context, believe me. They’ve got a long row to hoe before they trust each other enough to become friends, or even push the envelope towards a romantic relationship - they’d have months and even YEARS to wait to pull that off. Whatever I end up doing with them, they are easily my favorite part of TCOS to unravel, mostly because I  - and, honestly, everyone else - probably never saw it coming.
Thanks for the ask, anon. This made my week. So sorry for the long response, but I have so many thoughts on what I’m doing with these idiots, and putting them down on paper was really fun. Any other questions or comments about this? Fire away, I’d be more than willing to answer! 
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badchoicesposts · 5 years
Don’t Dream It’s Over Chapter 21
Series Summary: Liam and Ali thought that their relationship was perfect, but their whole world came crashing down when Constantine called him back to Cordonia. Four years later they meet again at Liam’s bachelor party, determined to make things between them work even if it isn’t always easy.
In this AU, Liam and MC (Ali Moonessar) dated for a year in New York while Leo was still crown prince. They broke up when Constantine asked Liam to come back to Cordonia, but they meet again at Liam’s bachelor party before the social season. The story will contain flashbacks, which will be italicized, of their relationship and follow them as they try to navigate the season with Ali as a suitor. I’ve messed around with the timeline a bit so that it fits the story better. I’ve also added in a few OCs of my own.
Pairing: Liam x MC (Ali Moonessar), Platonic!Drake x MC
DISCLAIMER: I’ve changed up the timeline of the social season a bit to fit my story better. I’ve based it off of some research I did on the British Social Season.
Also, I’ve never been pregnant so the small amount of information about pregnancy that I stated in this chapter was based purely on my research on the topic. I apologize if any of it it inaccurate.
Taglist: @flowerpowell, @ao719, @kingliam2019, @emceesynonymroll, @hopefulmoonobject, @dcbbw, @qammh-blog, @liamxs-world, @drakesensworld, @i-only-signed-up-for-fanfiction, @lauradowning29, @texaskitten30, @senseofduties, @alexintheskyy, @jared2612
A/N: This is the first fic I’ve ever written. Please let me know if you enjoyed it and would like to read more. I thrive on validation, lol. Thanks for reading!
Catch Up: Masterlist
“Hey, do you know about the vampire rock band? I heard they sucked!”
Liam groaned causing Ali to chuckle evilly. He sat up against the headboard of his bed and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her into his lap. She rested her back comfortably against his chest, and continued to flip through the joke book that she had gotten from the discount bookshop that they had visited earlier that day. The man rested his chin on her shoulder, reading some of the jokes over her shoulder as she turned the pages. 
“Okay, how about this one? Just burned 2,000 calories. That’s the last time I leave brownies in the oven while I nap,” she tried again, desperate to get him to laugh at something. 
“I believe that’s what people call a fire hazard,” Liam said, gently rubbing his hand up and down her arm. 
Ali groaned at his response and leaned back further into his chest, letting her legs stretch out in front of her. 
“I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down,” she said, giggling to herself. 
“I love it when you laugh,” he whispered softly in her ear. 
The sincerity in his voice took her breath away for a moment. She smiled, knowing that he meant it. 
“I love it when you laugh too. That’s why I’ve been reading you puns for the past half an hour,” she said playfully, turning her head just enough to place a soft kiss on his jaw. 
Liam buried his face in the crook of her neck, wrapping his arms tightly around her. She was just about to read out a joke about Cinderella being thrown off of a sports team for running away from the ball when she heard it. He said the words so quietly that she almost thought she had imagined it. But, then he whispered it again. His lips brushing up against the shell of her ear. 
“I love you.” 
They had never said that to each other before. Ali’s entire body seized up for a moment before she relaxed again. A large, goofy smile spread across her face as she turned in his arms to face him. There was a mixture of hope and hesitation in his eyes as she looked at his face. 
“I love you too,” she said, biting her lip to keep from smiling too much and creeping him out. 
He brushed his lips against hers gently, before they returned back to their previous position of her leaning back against him. Neither of them spoke for a moment, but they both knew that something had changed between them. The silence was interrupted by Liam’s low chuckle a few minutes later.
“What?” she asked.
“I’m positive I just lost an electron. Better keep an ion that.” 
The four of them had managed to make it out of the palace without a hitch. Or at least, no one said anything if they had seen them leaving. 
“Are we going to the beach?” Ali asked, recognizing the route they were taking to the wedding venue.
“Close,” Maxwell said. 
She looked down at her bouquet of baby blue and white hydrangeas, racking her brain in attempts to think of a place that would be appropriate for a wedding. 
“Forgotten Falls,” she finally said, her face lighting up. 
Maxwell nodded, a smile on his face as well. She had no doubt that getting married in front of the waterfall would be gorgeous. She just hoped in silence that she didn’t get any mud or dirt on her dress. 
The car pulled over on the side of the road, and Ali caught sight of Bastien standing nearby, waiting for them. He opened her door for her, holding out his hand to help her out of the car.
“My lady,” he greeted her with a small smile. 
“Hey, Bas,” she responded, taking his hand and sliding out of the car with expert precision. 
Funnily enough, it was something that Bertrand had made her practice several times. She had always found it ridiculous, but he was concerned that she would accidentally flash someone if she didn’t do it right. The thought of it made her smile now. 
“Everyone’s waiting for you just beyond those trees,” he spoke. 
Ali took a deep breath and nodded her head. She was really about to do this. Emma, Hana, and Lizzie both pulled her into a quick hug, whispering reassurances in her ear before making their way out to meet the rest of the group. Maxwell followed soon after, sniffling loudly against her shoulder before pulling away and bringing Cole along with him. 
Ali chuckled. He had been almost as emotional as her throughout this whole process. She took a breath and prepared to make her way forward when Drake appeared in front of her. 
“Are you ready to do this?” he asked, smiling down at her softly. 
“Yeah, I’m terrified, but definitely ready.”
She pulled him into a tight hug.
“I told you everything would be okay,” he said softly in her ear. 
“We don’t know that for sure yet,” she said with a roll of her eyes, “But, I think you might be right.” 
She mumbled the last part under her breath, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of being right. 
“I’m always right.” 
Ali scoffed in response, but smiled at him anyway. She gazed up at him for a moment before pulling him into another hug, squeezing him tightly as a few tears began to well up in her eyes. She tried to pour all of her gratitude into the hug. Drake had been more supportive than she could have ever hoped for. He had been with her every step of the way, even when she was too afraid to go to Liam. He had been there to support her and encourage her.
“Drake, will you walk with me? You know, down the nonexistent aisle?” she asked, smiling up at him hopefully.  
His jaw dropped, and he looked down at her in shock. 
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah, I can’t imagine anyone else doing it,” she admitted. “I want you to give me away.”
The man looked as if he were becoming emotional. He was outwardly sarcastic and liked to act as if he didn’t care about anything, but he had been like a brother to Ali. He cleared his throat loudly, and she could see tears well up in his eyes.
“Of course,” he said, holding his arm out to her. 
Ali reached forward and took his arm, ready to get married. However, she turned back toward Bastien at the last second, remembering what she and Liam heard that night after the dinner party. 
“Liam and I heard what Constantine said that night after we left his office. He wanted dirt on me, but you still kept the pregnancy to yourself. Thank you. I know you got… reprimanded for it, but I appreciate it,” she said. 
The man smiled at her in return. Even though he didn’t speak, she could tell that he appreciated her sentiments. 
“There’s still something that’s been bothering me,” she began. “I’m sure you found my hospital records. Why didn’t you go to Constantine with it. I’m sure something like that was exactly what he was looking for.”
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about,” Bastien replied with a wink, nodding her along.
Ali turned back to the trees and allowed Drake to lead her forward. They only traveled a few steps before the waterfall came into sight. Liam was standing in front of it with Leo a few inches behind them. The rest of their friends and Ana de Luca were standing around them, clearing a path in the middle. The couple made eye contact with each other, and everyone else seemed to fade away. 
The two of them came to a stop in front of the prince, parting ways with gentle, congratulatory smiles. Ali handed her bouquet to Hana, who was standing closest and took both of Liam’s hands in hers. 
“You look… radiant, my love,” he said quietly, his eyes filled with emotion and glistening with unshed tears. 
Ali struggled with her words, her own tears already falling and causing Liam to chuckle. He leaned forward and pressed his forehead against hers in a reassuring gesture, neither of them taking their eyes off of the other. 
“We have gathered here today to join this man and this woman, who is way too good for him, in the sacred bond of marriage,” Leo began, pulling them out of their moment and causing everyone around them to erupt in laughter. 
“In all seriousness, I will be the first to admit that I don’t know Ali very well. We may not have spent much time together, but I do know that I have never seen my brother happier than when he’s with her, and I think it’s safe to assume that she’s pretty happy with him too.”
This prompted another round of laughter from the crowd, and Ali flashed Leo a playful smile.
“The love that these two have for each other is the kind of love that people spend a lifetime searching for. They’re willing to fight for each other and stand together even when things want to break them apart. I can’t imagine anyone more deserving of a happily ever after.”
Ali reached up to wipe away a stray tear that was falling down Liam’s cheek. He caught her hand in his and placed a gentle kiss on her palm, before lowering their entwined fingers again. 
“Now, I believe that you wanted to recite your own vows,” Leo said, looking at the two of them expectantly. 
Ali’s mind began to race. She hadn’t prepared anything. However, Liam saved her the stress of speaking first. The joy in his eyes as he began to recite his vows was overwhelming, and it took her breath away. 
“The day you came into my life changed things forever. I thought I knew who I was, how my life was supposed to go. But, I met you and you helped me see a life I never thought was possible for me to have. You helped me see a part of myself that I didn’t know existed. I never thought I could love someone as much as I love you. You bring out the best in me, and you’ve made me a better man. Everyday I am inspired by your strength and the endless amount of love that you’ve shown not only to me, but to everyone you meet. I promise to honor and cherish you, to love you and fight for you for the rest of my life,” he said, articulating his words perfectly. 
Ali was a mess. She was definitely crying now, and not graceful crying, ugly crying. She reached up to wipe away her tears, knowing exactly what she wanted to say.
“Liam, I accepted stable as my standard of living a long time ago. I would get up everyday and go through the motions and that was that. I became so desensitized to everything. I had become so used to bad feelings that stable was all I could hope for. But, then I met you, and I was happy. I once heard that loving someone, truly loving them, isn’t about being willing to die for them but wanting to live for them, and I don’t think truer words have ever been spoken. You brought color into my life. I wasn’t just stable anymore. I was happy, and I wanted to live my life to the fullest. I wanted to live it with you. I want to spend the rest of my days with you, Liam. I want to experience everything with you. I want to have a family with you, and I want to grow old with you. I can’t imagine it ever being any other way,” she said. 
Sniffles were heard from all around them, their friends happy to celebrate their love. 
“That was beautiful,” Leo began, smiling at the two of them and wiping away a tear of his own. “Can we have the rings please?” 
Drake reached over and gave them each a ring, squeezing Ali’s hand gently as he placed it in her palm. 
“Liam, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you vow to love her, comfort her, and cherish her, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in times of joy and times of trial, till death do you part?”
“I do,” Liam says never taking his eyes off of her. 
“Ali, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?” Leo turned to her and asked. “Do you vow to love him, comfort him, and cherish him, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in times of joy and times of trial, till death do you part?”
“I do,” Ali said, sliding Liam’s wedding band onto his finger. 
Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest as she once again found herself overcome with emotion.
“By the power vested in me by the kingdom of Cordonia, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Brother, kiss the bride,” Leo finished, his voice soft but filled with happiness. 
Ali threw her arms around Liam’s neck and pulled him into a deep kiss, the cheers of their friends being drowned out as they lost themselves in each other. Liam wound his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Her cheeks were wet, but she couldn’t tell if it was because she was crying or because he was. They parted with one last peck on the lips and turned towards the people around them. 
The two were immediately pulled into a hug by Maxwell. He had one arm wrapped around each of them and was leaning his head against Ali’s shoulder as he congratulated them. They were bombarded with more calls of congratulations as soon as Maxwell pulled away, everyone ready to offer their best wishes. 
“Congratulations. There’s really no getting out now,” Leo joked as he pulled her into a tight hug. “Welcome to the family!”
“Thank you, Leo,” she said, laughing as she squeezed him back. 
“Take good care of him, okay?”
“I will,” she promised before moving onto see Luca and Ezra.
They both pulled her into a hug, Ezra tentatively placing a hand on her stomach, before congratulating her on both the baby and the wedding. Olivia nodded stoically in her direction, and Emma and Hana congratulated her together, their fingers entwined with each other. The group made their way back to the road, one of Ali’s hands holding up her dress and the other squeezing Liam’s hand, squeezing her husband’s hand. 
They stopped in front of a motorcycle parked by the side of the road, and Leo handed his brother a set of keys. Ali raised her brows at the two of them in surprise.
“Really?” she asked.
Liam shrugged in response. 
“I didn’t even know that you could drive a motorcycle,” she said in disbelief.
“I’m not always predictable,” Liam said simply, causing her to laugh heartily.
He motioned for her to get on, and she gathered her skirt in front of her so that she could swing her leg over the seat. She plucked the helmet from Leo’s hands, watching as Liam pulled one on as well before deliberately sitting on her skirt so that it wouldn’t fly up as they drove. 
“Take care of her, Liam!” Leo called as the motorcycle roared to life.
“Do you mean the bike or my wife?” Liam called back.
With that the motorcycle took off down the street, the sounds of their friends cheering behind them being drowned out by the noise coming from the bike. Ali held onto Liam tightly as the wind blew against her skin, making her feel freer than she had since coming to Cordonia. They drove along the coast for a few minutes before stopping by a small house right on the beach.
“What is this place?” she asked, pulling off the helmet and handing it off to him. 
“It’s Leo’s. He wanted a place of his own in Cordonia. Somewhere away from court where he didn’t have to deal with our father or the hassle of being a royal. He so graciously offered it to us for tonight.”
“Well, that was very nice of him,” she said, taking his hand again as he began walking to the door of the house. 
After fiddling with the keys for a few moments, Liam finally pushed the door open, letting it swing out in front of them. He turned to Ali with a mischievous look in his eyes, causing her to raise her brows in question. 
“I believe it’s my job to carry you over the threshold,” he said, scooping her up bridal style. 
She squealed in surprise and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck.
“Does it really matter if it’s not our house?” she asked.
Liam shrugged and made a show of stepping into the house and kicking the door closed behind him. He walked through the house with Ali in his arms and finally came to a halt in the bedroom, where he placed her down gently on the edge of the bed before kneeling on the ground before her. He pulled his wife into a sweet kiss, the two of them savoring their first moment alone as a married couple. After a moment, she pulled away from the kiss, gently stroking the stubble on his jaw with her thumbs as she cupped the sides of his face. 
“Did we really just get married?” she asked in shock, still in awe of what they just did.
“We did,” he responded, looking up at her admiringly. 
“So, what now?” 
“Now, I spend the night in my wife’s arms,” Liam said, standing up and pulling Ali with him and into another kiss. 
This one started off slowly but quickly became more urgent and needy. Ali pulled away from the kiss, her breathing heavy as she looked up into his desire filled eyes. 
“I should warn you. I was told that my underwear is very boring, and not at all suitable for our wedding night,” she said, with a smirk. 
She gasped in surprise as Liam spun her around. Her back was pressed against his chest and he slowly pulled the hair comb out of her hair, before sweeping the dark curls aside to expose her neck. He placed a gentle kiss on the skin there, moving his hand up to undo the small button at the top of her dress. 
“Don’t worry. You won’t be wearing it long anyway,” he whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine.
His hands moved lower, and he began to unlace the back of the dress, his mouth following close after, eager to kiss every inch of the newly exposed skin. Ali closed her eyes and let her head fall back in pleasure, revelling in the feeling of his hands and lips on her bare skin. His name fell softly from her lips, and true to his word, he made sure that she wasn’t wearing her underwear for much longer.
Ali awoke the next morning to Liam gently running his fingers through her sleep mussed hair. She snuggled deeper into his chest, tired but happy. 
“Good morning,” he murmured softly, pressing a kiss to her hairline.
“No, I’m still asleep,” she slurred her words slightly, pulling a laugh from her partner. 
They lay in silence for a few more moments, before Liam spoke up once again. 
“The article was released.”
Ali, who had been about to fall back asleep, now suddenly felt wide awake. 
“And?” she asked, hopeful for positive news. 
“People are mostly shocked, which I can’t blame them for. It was a very abrupt wedding.”
“Do you regret it?” she questioned.
“Not for a second. I don’t expect everyone to be happy about this, but to me it feels like it was the right thing,” he admitted, pulling her closer. 
“Then, I guess we’ll have to work extra hard to prove to everyone that it is the right thing,” she concluded. 
The two shared one last gentle kiss, before the sound of the house’s front door opening pulled them out of their little bubble of happiness and back into the real world. 
“I brought clothes!” Leo called from behind the bedroom door. 
“And breakfast!” Maxwell chimed in as well. 
The couple separated, and Ali pulled the bed sheets up closer around her chest as Liam went to open the door. He was greeted happily by them as he wedged himself between the opening and the doorframe, obscuring their view inside. He reentered the room with a small duffle bag and the garment bag that Ali’s wedding dress had been in. After shifting through the duffle bag for a moment, he handed her a change of clothes and began to get dressed himself. 
“Emma gave specific instructions to hang your dress,” Liam motioned to the garment bag that he had thrown on the bed. 
Ali looked over to where her dress lay in a pile on the floor, suddenly feeling bad for leaving it there the night before. 
“Don’t tell her we did that,” she said with a cringe, picking it up extra carefully.
Her stomach grumbled loudly while she pulled on her shirt, causing her to blush. 
“It’s a good thing they brought breakfast,” she said, exiting the room and making her way out to where Maxwell and Leo were casually munching on pastries on the couch. 
“So how was your night?” Maxwell asked nonchalantly as Leo smirked on. 
She playfully shoved him and dropped down on the couch in between him and Leo, grabbing a to-go cup of coffee from the small coffee table in front of them. She took a small sip of the hot liquid, wanting to savor the only cup that she would be able to have today. 
“Did you see our father before you came here this morning?” Liam asked, settling into an armchair and helping himself to a muffin.
“I conveniently left the palace before the article was published. I’m sure he’s furious though. He might disown me for conducting the ceremony,” Leo said casually, his arm thrown over the back of the sofa. 
Ali wanted to say something comforting to him, but Leo seemed completely unaffected by the thought of their father disowning him.
“Do you want to see the pictures?” Maxwell asked excitedly, unintentionally changing the subject.
He showed Ali several pictures of her and Liam at the ceremony, looking happily into each others’ eyes. There were some of them crying as they said their vows and a few of them sharing their first kiss as a married couple. 
“I think that one is my favorite.”
She pointed out a picture of her and Liam pressing their foreheads together just before the ceremony had begun. It was moments after seeing each other for the first time in their wedding attire. They were lost in each other’s eyes, their love for one another clearly expressed in their features. 
A soft knock on the front door, brought her out of her blissful state, and she watched in silence as Leo got up to see who had arrived. 
“I was sent to make sure Liam and Ali returned home,” Bastien said sternly, upon entering the room. 
Everyone exchanged nervous glances, but agreed that it was time to return. Ali sat in the backseat of the large SUV next to Liam, anxiously tapping her fingers against his thigh. He smiled at her sympathetically but didn’t try to stop her movements, knowing that it was helping her get her nervous energy out. 
There was an odd energy at the palace when they returned. It was as if everyone was collectively holding their breath and waiting for something terrible to happen. Ali, Liam, and Leo made their way up to Constantine’s office in a tense silence, all aware that they were guaranteed to find him in a rage. They opened to door to find both him and Regina waiting for them. 
“What have you done?” he asked angrily. 
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