#xena x leo x sho
It’s not funny
In which Leo doesn’t look after himself during a mission so Xena takes matters into her own hands.
Dealing with a cynic is hard work.
Xena’s leg is something she has to continuously make sure she keeps in peak condition otherwise it will just be seizing and chronic pain times~it’s why her aunt also made her do judo to help with that.
I’m just taking experience that I have with my shoulder, I don’t do judo but I do other things instead lmao. So hopefully I did this right
I also would say this is pre relationship between whoever you ship Xena with.
“You’re a fucking idiot.”
She grounded out as she gently rubbed a pain relief gel onto Leo’s wrist, grabbing a bandage as she tightly wrapped it up. Leo just stared at her bored, unsure of why she even forced him to sit down and get treated when it’ll easily be healed by tomorrow.
It was a mission gone wrong, Leo throwing himself into a firing line of an anomaly again just to see what would happen, he took it down of course but only after getting his wrist and ankle severely broken. The later resting on a table as Alan angrily went to go get ointments from professor Nicolas. More angry at himself for letting Leo get hurt, blaming himself for Leo’s injuries.
Sho was quietly cooking them dinner, checking in on the two as Xena moodily started checking over his ankle.
“The mission got solved-I don’t know what you’re complaining about honour roll.”
He rolled his eyes leaning his head back as he avoided the heated glare.
“It’ll heal by tomorrow-instead of doing useless shit why don’t you go get me a drink.”
She scoffed poking at his ankle as Leo let out a harsh hiss, head shooting up as he glared at Xena.
“What’d ya last servant die of?”
She rolled her eyes as she leaned back onto the sofa.
“He’s making dinner.”
He quipped back, Xena coughed trying to hide her laugh shaking her head at Leo as she sighed getting up on slightly shaky legs as she hobbled her way to the vending machine outside.
“Go easy on Xe, she’s just worried”
Sho sighed out as he shoved the pizza into the oven, throwing himself next to Leo as he just rolled his eyes at him.
“It’s her job idiot-you think she’s being all buddy buddy with us just because she wants to?”
Leo snapped at him, the beggining of a migraine setting in, as his vision went funny on one side. He used haxs too much on this mission, needing it to track the anomaly through a fucking forest, like they were in a predator movie or something.
He leaned his head back again and closing his eyes as Sho sighed looking through the medical kit for Leo’s pain meds.
Xena walked back in and immediately clocked Leo’s new problem as she searched through her bag, finding what she was looking for she quietly walked over to them, showing Sho what she had as he nodded in approval.
Sho brushed back Leo’s fringe, the young man not even being able to crack an eye open to check what his friend was doing, the pain feeling like a can getting squashed as his brain imploded.
Xena gently placed the cooling Matt onto Leo’s forehead, he let out a small sigh of relief tentatively brushing his hand against the soothing item.
Sho found his tablets and Xena cracked open the strawberry cream soda handing it to him as they helped Leo swallow his tablets, Sho ushered her over.
“I need to sort the rest of dinner out, can you…”
He gestured to the leaning tower of Leo who was trying to subtlety claim Sho’s lap as his own pillow.
She nodded giving a thumbs up as he got up and she switched places with him, Leo immediately going to lay on her thighs before she stopped him.
“You can have this one for the moment, I’ve got my own fucked up leg to look after so please bare with it.”
Leo frowned risking cracking an eye open as he looked up to see what Xena was doing. Something he immediately regretted as searing pain shot through him as the lights beamed down in his soul, she sighed as she covered his eyes with her hand, lightly placing them there as he slowly closed his eyes again.
“How bout I tell you what I’m doing?”
Her voice soothing as she spoke in a low tone to him keeping her hand on his eyes.
“I don’t care.”
It didn’t have as much bite as it usually did as he rested his broken wrist on Xena’s knee, she was wearing Adam sandler-esque poison apple shorts, they were so soft that Leo debated stealing them from her after this, he would probably pull it off better than her after all.
She rolled her eyes as she grabbed the pain relief gel, raising her shorts on her other leg revealing her scar.
“I skipped my exercises the past three days…I’m meant to do them every morning or my leg can seize up-so this will hopefully help it chill…”
She started caressing the gel into her thigh, hissing slightly as pain throbbed through it.
Leo made a sound of disapproval.
“Now who’s the fucking idiot.”
He mumbled out.
Sho was trying to be as quiet as possible avoiding any clanging as best he could as he watched the display.
“Yeah-yeah, at least I admit it.” •_•
Alan walked into the room sitting tiredly onto the sofa as professor Nicholas followed through, he sighed as he gently crouched in front of Leo, xena talking her hand off his eyes as he peeked at their new guest.
“Looking worse for wear there huh…”
He quietly checked over Leo’s wrist, unwrapping the bandages as he grabbed one of his own ointments, gently spreading it over Leo’s broken wrist as he rewrapped it in a special anomaly bandage to help it heal quicker.
Leo watched professor Nicholas like a hawk, making the older man nervous as he avoided all eye contact, glancing instead at Xena sighing at her in disappointment.
“I thought you were meant to be taking it easy Xe?”
Her leg seized up last week after her time at obscuary, climbing the hill and running for her life causing her to get appointed bed rest by Dante over the weekend, one she obviously ignored.
“Don’t know what ya mean professor Nicolas.”
He almost face palmed as he grabbed another ointment handing it over to her, he had made it specifically for her knowing she wasn’t one to sit idle, much to her own detriment, he was planning to give it to Jiro to give to her on her next health assessment.
“Wipe the other stuff off and put that on please, it’ll help a lot more.”
A worried glance thrown Xena’s way before he started checking over Leo’s ankle, it was broken into two places and will take a couple of days to heal rather than the usual day. He instead of touching the wound directly, he slathered it onto the thick bandages and repeatedly wrapped it around ankle.
“You’ll need bed rest for at least three days…”
If Leo hadn’t been dosed on the extra strong pain killers, he would of kicked up more of a fuss, but to professor Nicolas’ joy he just grumpily turned the other way his now thick bandage wrapped around his wrist already pissing him off as he tried to get comfortable.
Professor Nicolas handed Alan a list of things Leo will need to have and take during his bed rest, including things for his migraines.
“We’ll do a proper health evaluation once you’re able to walk around.”
He kept his voice soft as he quickly packed his things up, ruffling Xena’s hair before pausing and handing her a bandage.
“Keep it wrapped up for now just to keep the area covered.”
He eyed the way Leo was trying to shuffle himself upwards in an attempt to take over her whole lap as Sho finished up in the kitchen.
“Try to get him to eat something before he crashes out as well.”
With a friendly awkward wave he walked out of vagastrom, more like speed running away-probably needing to rush back to the hospital.
She tilted Leo upwards the young man groaning as his soft pillow moved away.
“I didn’t say you could move honour roll.”
He seethed as he watched her finish up bandaging her leg. Leaning on his hands as he massaged his temples, his migraine dulling only slightly.
Sho brought a feast of food-pizza, chips, nachos (one overloaded with jalapeños and the other normal), hallomi fries and mozzarella dippers. All four of them drooling, even Leo who raised his head at the delectable amount of food.
It was 3am, no one else was about as the four quietly chattered to eachother, Leo wedged between Xena and Sho as they fed him food.
Xena nervously fiddled with her pizza as she kept glancing at Alan, annoying Leo as leaned against Sho.
“Just fucking spit out.”
He grumbled glaring at Xena as Sho fed him another lot of nachos, in an attempt to keep him quiet and happy.
Xena sighed for the hundredth time that night, exhausted and drained.
“Alan, will you practice judo with me please-I’ve been slacking in my exercises and I kind of need to do it for my…”
She paused, debating whether to say it or not as she chewed on her piece of pizza.
“I need to it for my physical therapy, I have to keep it up otherwise I get like this…”
She gestured to her thigh.
Alan lit up, finishing eating his own slice.
“Of course we can start…the day after tomorrow.”
Everyone could tell he wanted to say tomorrow before his eyes worriedly landed on Xena’s thigh.
Leo flopped back down satisfied with his food, his head landing on Xena’s thighs once more as he rested his wrist on her knee once again before grabbing her hand and pulling it into his hair, she smiled as she started brushing a hand through his hair. Leo lifted his legs and trapped Sho under them, finally getting comfortable.
Alan thought he looked like a spoiled cat, preening at their owners affections as Sho leaned onto the armchair, eyes drooping as Xena did the same on her side.
He sighed as he looked at the list, organising the medications so it’s in order.
When he looked at the three of them again he sighed smiling shaking his head as the three of them completely crashed out.
When Leo woke up in the morning, his fury knew no bounds as Sho carried him to his room, Xena and Sho basically camping out in his room to bring all things he demanded.
“Still think she’s doing this because it’s her job.”
Sho whispered, half serious/half joking, as Xena turned her phone off ignoring the chancellors numerous calls for the day after she told him she had important business to deal with as she helped through Leo’s latest target’s financial information.
“Fuck off.”
Leo took a picture of the brunch Sho brought for them, ignoring his smug smile as Xena tuned them out.
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Can you crush it?
In which Leo asks the all important question that his TikTok followers have been demanding to know!
Can Xena squash a watermelon with her thighs?
Or the five times Xena showed off her strength and the one time Leo showed off his.
Let’s all appreciate Xena’s strength and the simps it brings.
Xena x Leo & (Xena x Leo x Sho if you squint)
(Pre-estab to established~I’ll write down which ones which)
Half Proof read but exhausted from work (as always)
1.(pre-established but Leo has already told his followers they’re dating.)
Leosimp4l5fe: THIGHS 👀
Thecrystalllemethod1234s THIGHS TO SAVE LIVES
JohnTitor: DAMN 🫣😍
Lastdance94: I am looking respectfully 👀
Leo was doing a TikTok live in the pit, behind him Xena was doing her workout unbeknownst to her she was directly in the background causing an onslaught of thirst comments to go through making Leo crack up.
“Ohhhh~seems my XeXe has some fans shall we go say hi?”
He sauntered over to Xena who was lifting a barbell with 30kg on it, she said she’d be doing a light workout today…Alan was her spotter and alerted her of the influencers presence as Leo casually answered questions in his impromptu q&a as he wandered closely to the two.
The comments going wild as Xena placed the bar down, she was wearing short shorts (Leo’s request) and a crop top with her hair uncharacteristically tied in a ponytail.
“What is it?” •_•
She went to slather her sweaty hand over Leo as he cringed dodging away, lightly flicking her hand as she rolled her eyes.
“My adoring fans want you to do a Q&A with me!”
He winked into the camera as Xena just deadpan stared at him.
“I-why? Why would they want to know about me?”•_•
She tilted her head curiously at him, the comments flurried in, simps galore spamming the live.
“XeXe, you’re mine so of course they wanna know more.”
Leo sang to Xena, brushing a stray strand behind her ear, ensuring the camera catches it as Xena physically softened at the touch.
“Okay.” •_•
Leosimp4l5fe: xena folding so easily for Leo, she’s just like me fr
Sharkira: THEYRE SO CUTE 😍
Edthebat: Xena 🥵 you’ve🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼been bewitched 🧙 🧙 🧙
How did the vamp find his TikTok…?
“Okay we’ll do five questions!!! Q1.Xena what’s the best date Leo’s taken you on??”
Xena side eyed Leo, their relationship was something he made up to his fans yet he doesn’t even seem that bothered leaving it up to her to imagine the good stuff.
“Hmmm…I enjoy anytime I spend with Leo so it’s hard to chose just one date, my favourite though might be our movie date~Sho cooked us loads of food and it was a really fun night.” •_•
A Little bit of truth-a little bit of lie.
They had movie night the other day and it was actually a lot of fun, it was some terrible cheese fest that Leo saw trending and wanted to do a review on~leading to a mini movie night.
Leo was grinning maniacally at her answer as he lead her to a bench so they can chill for a moment and it’s totally not so Leo can oogle at her as she leaned back on the bench, stretching out slightly as the comments went wild at the way she moved.
“Q2.would you ever make your own tiktok account?”
Xena shook her head as she used a towel to soak up her sweat, Leo trying not to obviously stare at her but semi failing as a couple of comments called him out, she somehow makes being a sweaty mess hot, it was infuriating.
“No, Leo’s the talented one on that front, I prefer watching his TikTok’s than making my own.” ^_^
She tried to throw her towel over Leo the grey haired man narrowly dodging it as she giggled, his phone almost exploding from the eruption of comments at the cute moment as well as the rare sound of Xena’s giggle being caught on live.
“Q3.Leo calls you XeXe, do you have any nicknames for him?”
She hummed in thought as she leaned her head on Leo’s shoulder.
“Im not great with nicknames but…I have a special nickname reserved if I ever fall in love with someone, Leo most likely will be that person tho~ so maybe watch this space ahah~” •_•
Leo furrowed his brows at that, of course she can’t say she’s in love with him yet they’ve only been fake dating for a couple of weeks…but what the fuck was the special nickname?
“It’s what my dad used to call my mum…”
She whispered into his ear, as if sensing his confusion or more like annoyance at the lack of knowledge, her closeness and low voice sending shivers down his back as he pressed a kiss against her cheek. He knew he’d never be the one to hear that special nickname but…imagining it, made Leo become possessive of the proposition.
“Q4.if you and Leo were animals what would you be?”
She looked closely at Leo as she debated, serious brown eyes narrowing at amused citrine ones.
“Leo would be a cat.”
She announced nodding to herself in approval as the Cheshire Cat grin spread across Leo’s face, further proving her point.
“I’d be a crow-because I like shiny things…case in point.”^_^
She jabbed a thumb at Leo whose smile spread even wider as he pressed another kiss to her cheek.
Leo paused as he glanced at Xena, checking her out as he himself debated the question.
“Can you crush a watermelon with your thighs?”
She glanced at him as a twitch of a smile appeared on her face.
“We can find out.”
She abruptly got up as Leo was about to speed dial Sho and get him to bring a watermelon down to them stat.
“But not right now I’ve gotta finish my set!”
She blew a kiss to Leo as she skipped off, Leo slightly hypnotised before shaking himself off as he brought himself back into influencer mode.
“Well you heard her!!! keep an eye out for that video coming soon.”
He threw a wink and a heart to his captive audience switching the camera around to show Xena adding another 20 kg to her barbell (making it 50g) as she deadlifted it, ending the live on the image of her holding it high into the air with ease.
2.(pre-established but practically dating)
The bass was booming throughout the room as the speakers littered around the pit playing the impeccable playlist Leo and Sho had prepared for the party. It was crowded, loud and exciting, neon glow in the dark spray paint infiltrated the pit with Alan’s designs, the captain who helped and enjoyed painting the place decided not to come. There was a bar manned by vagastrom students and a live rock band setting up in the actual pit area to do a mini concert later. There was a glow in the dark paint balloon area right in the back and face paint dotted around the area. They were going to make it a foam party but the tidying after would’ve been a killer.
It had taken weeks to convince Alan to even let them use the pit, it was all due to Xena’s side gig earning her enough favours to help persuade Alan into allowing them to do this, proving they can be responsible enough to plan and execute, it was all due to Leo and Sho’s help in uncovering a plot to kidnap one of the aquatic anomalies kept in Jabberwock, the sick fuck wanted his private chef to cultivate a ‘sushi extravaganza.’ It was a Frostheim student that Xena may or may not of knocked unconscious and left with Towa for an hour, but no one needed to know that and it impressed Alan enough that he gave them permission to finally have a party.
The trio were in deep need of the club and to let loose.
Which leads Sho cackling as he tried to complete the mission given by Leo, he was tasked to get a picture of Xena and Leo kissing, Leo wanted to post it on his tiktok to show her off again.
Instead, Leo was being held up against the wall by Xena, her hands tucked under his thighs as he had his legs loosely latched around her waist, but it was purely Xena holding him up as he wrapped his arms around her neck as they sloppily made out.
Leo didn’t realise they were being recorded in that moment, xena being a distraction as she wore a long black denim skirt and a crocheted black crop top showing off her tattoos which made Leo’s head spin whenever he got to see them and she was wearing Leo’s chain necklace, the later being the reason he’s so distracted, he liked the way it claimed her as his especially when this wasn’t even for a tiktok video or anything she just wanted to wear it and he desperately wanted her to wear it but wouldn’t and couldn’t say it out loud. He’d been heavily flirting with her all night, wearing a semi matching outfit with Xena as he wore a light grey cropped halter top with long black gloves and black denim cargos-this was heavily distracting Xena who could barely pay attention to the party they’ve been obsessively planning, but everyone else seemed to enjoy it, Sho even got Kaito and Luca to come, the two being surprisingly good company as Sho chatted them up.
Xena lost herself in the make out session, holding Leo up with one arm as the other got lost in his locks. When the video got posted to his Instagram AND TikTok stories the comments went wild with how easily Xena manhandled Leo, something both of them didn’t realise she did until they saw the video the next day.
Leo decided he wouldn’t mind her doing it again.
Xena was wearing black and blue checkered shorts and a yellow crop top her tattoo fully on show as she bit down the anxiety at the fact that all of Leo’s followers would see it , she awkwardly sat on the towel waiting for Sho to bring the watermelon over as the blush wouldn’t leave her face.
“What if I can’t do it.” 0_0
Leo patted her head in an attempt to comfort her as he went to set up the camera.
“It’ll be fine, me and Sho are doing it too, so even if you fail we’ll still look amazing.”
She gently slapped him on the back of his leg causing the cat like man to giggle as Sho approached.
Sho laid a watermelon on each towel as they all sat down to prepare the destruction. Sho started first, taking the sly way out as he smacked it hard with the back of his heel, the watermelon exploding everywhere from the sheer force.
Leo frowned at him as Sho grinned over at him.
“You didn’t say how we could do it.”
Leo rolled his eyes as he followed Sho’s pursuit, smashing his fist down hard onto the watermelon as it split in half.
Xena went to do the same, Sho and Leo looking at her wide eyed as she did, both grabbing her hands as their eyes met already agreeing on what needs to happen.
Sho started.
“You can’t do it like that-“
Leo continued.
“Your thighs are where this melon should be crushed.”
Sho ended.
The weird hive mind moment ending as they looked hopefully up at Xena, who just sighed as she placed the watermelon between her thighs.
They stood up excitedly as they ensured the camera was focused on her as she easily exploded the watermelon with pure thigh power.
She thought it would’ve taken long as she locked her legs around it, putting all her strength into crushing the watermelon to pieces.
They watched in wonderment as Xena started eating the watermelon, happily humming to herself as she tried to wipe the juice off of herself.
When the video came out, it seemed as though the majority of Leo’s followers were now pure Xena’s fans.
Comments on how they need to wife up Xena before Leo can spurned his ego and pride to heighten as Xena fed Leo a bit of the fruit as he wrapped his arms around her, Sho taking some to make them some salad and wraps as he left the couple to their devices.
He trailed a finger over her sticky leg.
“Do you want some help cleaning up?”
Leo’s sly smile made Xena giggle as he couldn’t be more obvious with his intentions as she turned around and wrapped her arms around him, pressing a kiss to his lips.
“Sure.” ^•^
4. (Established)
The TikTok starts with the three of them in an arcade, one of those punching machines came into view as Xena stood next to it, wearing a short black dress and a long leather black trench coat with knee high boots.
They were all laughing and chatting as Xena prepared to throw a punch, she finally did so slamming it back with all her strength as she got the highest score.
The scene then cuts to Sho and Leo cleaning the dishes and making food for Xena as classical music played in the background.
Leosimp4l5fe: the pipeline of shipping Leo x Xena to Leo x Xena x Sho
Sharkfacts: why is Leo so relatable I too would fold for a bad b who could kill me 🙏🏻
Blondebaker: Xena having two malewives and one of them not being me is a fucking diabolical travesty.
5. (Established)
“XeXe, let’s make a bet~”
Leo sauntered over to where Xena and Alan were finishing up their sparring session, they both sighed as Leo kicked the pits door open and leaned against the grated wall.
“What’s the bet?”
She dodged one of Alan’s kicks before launching her own aiming to stamp down on the back of his leg as he tried to move away.
“If you can bench press Alan, me and Sho will do whatever you want~ if you can’t you have to do whatever I want 🫶🏼”
Both her and Alan paused as they took in the young man before them, who purposefully avoided them today in order to stop himself getting pulled into a sparring session with the both of them. Sho was at the truck today and probably didn’t know he’s been added into the proposition.
“What does Alan get out of this?”•_•
Leo hummed thoughtfully as he racked his eyes over Alan.
“The joy of being bench pressed by a pretty girl? Probably the most ac-“
Xena rolled her eyes as she approached him pressing a sweaty hand over his mouth.
“Don’t be mean.”
Leo grinned as he kiss the palm of her hand, licking it slightly as his eyes sparkled mischievously at her. She pulled her hand away before he could make a move as he sighed dramatically, leaning back as he thought for a second.
“Sho will make you anything you want for the next week, anytime~anywhere, even that gross shit you drink~”
His smile was cold as Alan stared down at him unimpressed.
“Fine, I’ll also stop interrupting your training sessions for a week.”
Which annoyed Leo to no end when Alan actually smiled at that proposition.
“Both Sho and the no interruptions.”
Leo gritted his teeth with a maniacal smile slapped onto his face.
“Yep got it, XeXe?”
Xena sighed nodding as she got into position, they had the set up anyway for when they were bench pressing before. Alan awkwardly made himself into a bridge over Xena as she tried to position her hands, Leo’s eyes narrowing in annoyance as a slight blush covered Alan’s face.
“Should I start?”
She asked awkwardly as Leo threw his phone up, ready to film either a hot catastrophe or an extremely hot moment…either way Leo wins. He nodded at her as she tapped at Alan’s chest as he slowly pulled himself up into a planking position. The only thing holding him up was Xena as she begun to bench press him.
She said through strained breaths as Alan’s face was a deep red, he wasn’t sure she could actually do it and now…
She was halfway through as Leo watched mesmerised, her arm muscles rippling as she lifted Alan up into the air. Leo gulped as sweat dripped down her, something he’d usually hate if it didn’t look so tantalising on her.
Xena was thanking the stars that Yuri injected her with that weird cure-that wasn’t a cure, instead it increased her strength and durability, making her more like a ghoul.
She finished as Alan bridged himself above her again, feet planted on the floor as he threw himself back up into a standing position.
Xena slowly got up as she cockily smirked at Leo, leading him to swiftly pull her up and drag her away, Alan standing there perplexed as he started adding the new bench press method to their next exercise routine.
Xena giggled as Leo hurriedly dragged her away, calling out an apology to Alan as Leo lead the way…
6.Leo’s turn (established)
Xena had been playing detective the past couple of weeks, uncovering cheating scandals, murder plots and intricate tales of woe.
The most problematic was unsurprisingly the cheating scandals, most importantly Matsu’s cheating scandals. A mortkranken student who has seemed to have dated half the student body and has seemed to have cheated on them with the other half of the student body.
Matsu’s been broken up with for the last time, finally losing it as an exasperated Xena just sighs at the idiots wrath as he screamed a plethora of insults at her, following her as she made her way to vagastrom, demanding she fix the mess he caused.
“Actually fuck off Matsu, I don’t know what you want me to do? Stop fucking cheating on people?”•_•
She looked at him like he was stupid, which he was. Xena had to reject requests about Matsu now, telling the clients to look at the previous requests about him…which leads to then breaking up with him as they realise he is an actual scumbag.
“ITS NOT MY FAULT THAT PEOPLE LIKE ME? Maybe people should stop flirting with me Xena?! Ever thought of that?!”
He demanded forcing his way in front of her causing Xena to stop as she looked at him in boredom.
“Reject the person that’s flirting with you? I don’t know why I have to explain that?”
She tried to walk around him, yet Matsu had other plans as he followed her movements. She was tired, hungry and she was now late meeting Leo , who no doubt will be furious with her about it.
“Ohhh~is it that easy aye? What if you flirted with me? Would you like me to reject you…?”
Xena couldn’t help the face of disgust that overwhelmed her as she stepped away from him.
“I would prefer it if you stayed away from me all together.” •_•
She noticed his hands behind his back, fiddling with something repeatedly as she eyed him suspiciously, eyes darting from his face to the hidden object behind him, she was trying to read him but he seemed too manic to guess what he’d do.
He was about to swing for her, metallic glinting in the setting sun as the knife came swooping towards her, when all of a sudden Matsu flew through the air, Xena’s jaw dropped as she watched him go, trying to figure out what sent him across the floor when she locked eyes with a furious Leo.
She’d seen him fight before…she just never expected him to fight for her.
She rushed over to him as dangerous eyes locked onto Matsu, she gently tugged him to face her as she tenderly cupped his face, eyes filled with worry and adoration as she was swooning at the sight of Leo taking down someone for her…especially someone as annoying as Matsu.
His eyes were wide as he gripped harshly at her wrist, a bruising hold as she felt someone hot and warm drip down her wrist.
He was bleeding…
He had been listening, waiting for Xena to come and help him spy on Alan and Thoma when he happened to overhear the confrontation, hearing the unsheathing of a blade as he sprinted over to beat the shit out of whoever was going to touch his girlfriend amplifier.
Xena with a soft and firm manner, unlatched his hand from her wrist, checking over the injury, it was barely a flesh wound and would easily heal but that didn’t stop Xena from stressing and doting over the man before her.
Matsu was knocked unconscious, yet even if he was conscious they wouldn’t particularly care.
She gently pressed a kiss against the back of his hand, brown eyes locking on bright yellow ones as she fumbled with the other hand to grab a handkerchief, wrapping it around his wound as she gave it one more kiss.
“Mon Cher, you’re injured.”
She mumbled it out not even realising the nickname she let slip as she concentrated on tying the hanker-chief.
The dots connected quicker than Xena would’ve liked as Leo realised where that nickname came from, the slight memory of Xena mentioning that her dad was French springing into his brain…
It was the nickname her dad used to call her mother…
Xena was sat in Leo’s lap, straddling him as she faced him, concentrating hard on the intricate black eyeliner she was applying onto Leo, who was currently taking a nap as she had her way with making him over.
He had deep red eyeshadow on and dark red lipstick, it was her prize for bench pressing Alan, her wish was to give Leo and Sho a gothic makeover. She had slicked back Leo’s hair, given him one of her lace chokers with a bold silver bat with crosses hanging off of it, attached with little black chains. She had the perfect outfit planned, black leather trousers with multiple chains hanging off of them, a black halter top with long black Lacey gloves and an oversized black trench coat with knee high platform boots.
She was so excited to dress him up, she even allowed him to document the whole thing, he was going to make it into a TikTok series, she gives him and Sho a makeover and they give her one. She added a beauty mark and some more eyeliner, she wanted a sixties sort of vibe with a mixture of traditional goth makeup.
With Sho she went more romantic with it, giving him a long sleeve black lace top with a tight dark purple waistcoat and, she had given him a Victorian esque velvet purple coat and loose black trousers and knee high boots. She gave him a more basic makeup look, a light shimmery purple eyeshadow and big winged eyeliner. She had given him a plain black bandanna and tied his hair into a tight updo.
Thank god for Ed lending her some more clothes, she did have some already and had ordered a bunch, but the coats were something that couldn’t be found or replicated.
She gently woke up Leo as his eyes fluttered opened; she handed him the clothes to change into.
She had gotten herself ready before, going for a blend of the two looks, a long black Lacey Victorian esque skirt with a netted white button up and a black corset, So far she hasn’t had a chance to wear these sort of clothes, but she did love getting to go fully out with it. She had black eyeshadow with red eyeliner and red lipstick, she had her favourite big black platforms with laces that had little skulls on the ends.
Leo had gotten changed and the three had a mini photo shoot, he spammed the pictures on Instagram as he started editing the videos of each one of them.
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Don’t get your sickness on me
When Xena comes down with the flu, Sho forces local influencer to check on her…
In her feverish state she reveals schemes that her and Sho had been planning~
Sho x Leo x Xena
Exhausted from work so not proof read 💪🏼
“Urgh you look fucking disgusting.”
Leo scowled at the girl who was staring up at him from her sweaty prison.
“You look delightful.” •_•
Her voice croaked out as she tried to wipe away her fringe, hating the way it clung to her. Everytime she tried to escape the duvet she ran too cold and everytime she was in the duvet she ran too hot, she’s tried to do a half in half out resolution but even that was uncomfortable.
Leo looked down at her unsympathetically as she pulled the cover over her head.
“Why are you even here?”
She whined out, turning away from him grumpily, he was just thinking the same thing. Sho texted him asking for help and Leo jumped at the chance to have sho indebted to him but now he was immediately regretting it. It’s been easier dealing with Honour Roll, he even joins them on a majority of their dates now, xena and Sho not wanting to leave him out-
Or so they say…
He’s been suspicious for a while, that they’re planning something nefarious, or they’re planning to add a third and don’t know how to ask…he thinks it the nefarious schemes mostly though.
He doesn’t know what’s worse out of the two.
“You shouldn’t be here…my boyfriends will be mad.”0_0
Her voice came out sickly sweet, her usual gruffness destroyed by her cold as she cracked an eye open turning to look at Leo, whose expression switched into that of cat like mischief.
He immediately whipped his phone out leaning on the bed as he tried to achieve the right angle.
He wiggled his eyebrows at her as the girl looked at him confused, she snuggled further into the duvet as she looked at him dazed.
“My booooyfriends Sho and Leo~”^•^
She sang wincing as her throat felt like she swallowed barbed wire, she tried to lift herself up but felt way too dizzy as she flopped back down.
Leo paused staring at her wide eye before he let out a maniacal cackle.
“But I’m Leo XeXe~”
She looked back up at him, her brow furrowing as she checked him out.
“No-he’s cuter.”•_•
She deadpanned as she snuggled back into her pillow, sighing as her head banged painfully inside of her like a bouncy ball repeatedly ricocheting off the walls furiously, as Leo’s cackling increased, he turned off the video and immediately sent it to Sho. It seems he doesn’t need a favour owed from Sho as this was a gift enough, he gets to see Xena lost in the sauce, admitting that’s she’s delulululu and crazily in love with him and Sho, something that was obvious to everyone including himself~
He watched as she struggled to grab a bottle of her medicine on the nightstand, she pushed herself up grappling with the bottle before she attempted to drink it. His eyes glittering with amusement and adoration something he’s glad she’s not lucid enough to realise.
She frowned deeply as nothing come out, the bottle completely empty, Leo grabbed the bottle off of her reading the ingredients.
19% ethanol
Paracetamol 500mg
Guaifenesin 200mg
Phenylephrine hydrochloride 10mg
“When did you drink this?”
She looked at him wide eyed as though she’s just remembered he was there.
“The mornin’”
It was currently only 10am…
“See Sho texted to tell me to medicine myself- is okay”
She shoved her phone into his face, showing Leo a text from Sho an hour ago;
Gordan Ramsey: Go to bed and take some meds bbe, I’ll make you some miso soup and come by at lunch.
•_•: soup pls at all times
Gordan Ramsey: …you take the meds yet?
•_•: yes 🙌🏻
Gordan Ramsey: are you sure?
•_•:no 😭I’ll take soup
Gordan Ramsey: 🤦 I’m sending Leo over
Leo swiftly took the bottle away, as she swayed to the side bonking her head on the pillow.
Fuck she’s really high as a kite.
He sat on the bed next to her as he pushed her up so he can sit against the headboard. Looking at her in disgust as she let out a wheezy cough, he leaned over grabbing a mask out of his bag as he secured it over his face, grabbing a cooling gel pad as he pushed Xena’s hair out the way, his hand lingering there as he gently laid the pad onto her forehead, she let out a sigh of relief as she flopped back down. He quickly had to stop her from hitting her head hard against his thigh as he tried to delicately lay her down onto his lap, frowning as he wiped his sweat covered hand onto her hoody.
He checked his phone to see if Sho had already seen the video of his darling Xena announcing their new relationship.
Shohei 🤭: well that’s spoiled our plans…
Leo 🐈‍⬛: Plans?
He frowned at Sho’s text, he knew they were planning something nefarious.
Shohei🤭: did you not think it was weird we kept taking you out on dates?
Leo 🐈‍⬛ : I was slaying as a third wheel?
Shohei🤭: you’re not that fucking stupid.
Leo 🐈‍⬛ : I’m not 😘
Leo 🐈‍⬛: you guys owe so many relationship TikTok vids and photos 😌
Leo 🐈‍⬛ : starting with this video
Shohei😘: Xena will be so mad…but do it 😈 post it on Instagram as well.
Leo 🐈‍⬛: bet 👌🏼
Leo 🐈‍⬛:bring me miso soup too-orange juice, porridge and non alcoholic medicine for OUR girlfriend.
He cackled as he swiftly edited the video, as Xena turned snuggling into him and sighing in relief as he cringed brushing a hand through her hair and begun to give her a head massage.
She passed out her arms loosely around Leo as he started slumping down against the headboard. Bringing Xena up to his chest so they can both become more comfortable, he finished up editing the video and searched through for a picture of their latest ‘unofficial date’, it was the cabrybus tour at jabberwock, all three of them smiling as they explored the reserve.
He went on a TikTok live, grinning mischeviously as he saw the overload of fans chiming in.
“Hello~ Leo here, I’ve got a special announcement to make on my Instagram but I thought I’d give you all half a sneak peek~”
He giggled as Xena mumbled something in her sleep as she grabbed onto his shirt.
“here’s one of my partners Xena…she’s sick right now hence the whispering ;) everyone wish her well…”
He threw up a heart sign and winked into the camera.
A flurry of messages come through, a majority excited as positive messages came through, you had the section of arseholey messages but those are ones that he can easily find and crush or just ignore~
‘One of his partners? Does that mean he has more than one??’
He grinned as he winked at the camera.
“Oop you caught a clue to my other surprise~stay tuned to meet my other partner~”
He giggled as he quickly ended the live, scrolling through the comments and grinning as he saw Kaitos comment.
Sho walked in using the spare key Xena gave him, as complete silence enveloped the cathedral.
He tentatively walked up the stairs assuming both Xena and Leo were asleep, the later had stopped replying half an hour ago after sending him millions of selfies of him and Xena cuddling-making Sho almost want to close the truck for the day…almost.
He placed the bag of food onto the side, obediently getting all the things Leo requested.
He turned to finally face the bed seeing leo still with his mask on, his arms tightly wrapped around Xena as she had her face stuffed into his neck seeming happy half suffocating herself.
He walked over poking Leo in the face as gorgeous yellow eyes fluttered open meeting his as Leo lit up at the realisation that sho was there.
“Ohh~ finally come to see your partners, be a cutie and save me from this octopus.”
He snapped losing composure as Xena snuggled more into him.
“Hmm, I could.”
He nodded huffing out a laugh as Leo pouted at him, before relenting as he carefully unravelled Xena from him, the girl letting out a high pitched whine as she grumpily awoke slumping against Sho as he wound his arms around her, popping his head on top of hers as leo scrambled up.
“That Frankenstein freak said he’d be here at 2 to check her over…”
Leo grumbled as he stretched out , his back cracking as he went to sit beside Sho, who wrapped an arm around him.
“That’s good, hopefully they’ll have some meds to fix her up-shit she’s hot.”
Xena let out a manic giggle as snuggled into Sho, seeming to want to steal as much heat as she could from her partners.
“I am very hot”•_•
Leo cackled once more as sho joined him both doting on Xena as Leo changed her cool pad and quickly went to grab a flannel to clean the sweat off a bit.
Sho kissed the top of her head as Leo come back and started gently wiping away the sweat.
“She’s so fucking gross.”
Leo said without any real heat as Xena sighed in relief leaning into the flannel.
Sho nodded in agreement as he pressed another kiss to her head as she started falling asleep once again.
“The grossest…I’ll leave the porridge in the fridge for her and the juice, the miso soup you can just heat up if she wants any, I’ll be back around 7, let me know what Jiro says…and if we can take her to vagastrom, it’d be easier to look after her and this place is kind of falling apart on the best of days-“
He grimaced as he looked at the ceiling, that still had broken bits hanging down and holes littering the roof.
“Yeah this is a shithole…”
Leo sighed out as he held his arms out preparing for the Xena transfer as sho frowned putting her into Leo’s lap .
“Put some pillows around can’t just sit like this, you trying to break my back?”
Leo grumbled out before a coy expression overcome him.
“Though…I guess you do wanna break my back huh?”
His tone flirtatious as he grabbed Sho’s hand pulling him close as he pressed a quick kiss to his lips.
Sho cupped Leo’s face as Leo tried to duck away quickly, pressing a long hard kiss to him and then one on his cheek.
“I’ll see you later…”
He brushed a hand through Leo’s hair as he quickly brought Xena’s small army of pillows around Leo, barricading the two of them together as Leo clutched onto Xena as a light blush tinged his ears.
Sho shook his head smiling brightly at the two as he paused before going down the stairs.
“We’ll talk about breaking that back when Xena gets better.”
He winked at Leo throwing a heart sign as he walked down the stairs and left the building.
“Damn Xena, we’re really in it now.”
Leo sighed as Xena murmured an agreement wrapping her arms him and snuggling into his shoulder nook.
“Smell nice.”
He smiled gently as he posted the video of Xena announcing their both her boyfriends and then a picture of the three of them in the cabrybus.
‘Hard launching my partners’
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A third wheel makes a move
Sho x Xena x Leo
This is just spice there must be something in the moon.
Warning/content:smut; exhibitionism? Sneaky sex;
She may kill Sho.
No, she may just kill Leo.
The current situation was starting to feel too good to actually be mad about, as Sho prodded and padded his fingers on her clothed clit as his hands hid under her skirt.
He had been doing this the whole time, teasing her even when leo was awake, the grey haired idiot crashing their movie date proclaiming that he had a migraine and needed quiet time, falling asleep after only 20 minutes.
She was sitting on his lap hidden under a blanket on Sho’s bed as Leo slept in a bean bag next to them.
“What if he wakes up?!” •_•
She hissed at him, as he dragged a finger hard along her slit, the other swirling circles around her clit as her eyes fluttered shut, Sho only cooed at her as he watched her bite down hard onto her bottom lid, enjoying the way she was trying so hard to be quiet.
He’d just kick Leo out if he woke up.
He nipped at her neck, leaving kisses all along it as his fingers danced across her, setting her aflame as he grinded against her. Her underwear soaked through from his constant teasing as he couldn’t stop himself from rubbing and caressing down her slit once more as he pinched her clit, she gasped clamping a hand over her mouth as she glared at him.
He slid his fingers under her panties his breath hitching as she grinded meanly against him, his grey joggers growing a dark spot as he felt himself strain against them. He slid the lacy blue panties to the side as she spread her legs a bit further, in a moment of paranoia she glanced over to ensure Leo was still asleep.His breath hitched as he watched her move against him rolling her hips against him as he grinded hard against her, he lightly tapped against her clit making her gasp, he started trailing his fingers along her soaked slit his mind short circuiting as she leaned against him eyes rolling back as he pressed a finger into her, curling it as he slowly fucked into her, he rubbed delicious circles on her clit with his thumb as he started littering her neck with light kisses, making sure to leave small love bites as he went-needing to leave his mark on her.
She let out a muffled cry as he kept slowly sliding his finger in and out of her, her slick following him as the warmth enveloped him edging him on as he added another finger.
She was trying so hard to keep quiet but it was so difficult, she tried to squirm away from him but he quickly wrapped an arm around her keeping her in place as he quickened his pace. He made sure the tv was on loud but he had a feeling that anyone in that room would be able to hear how wet she was as squelches echoed throughout.
Her eyes rolled back as the fire spread throughout her, she could feel it all over her-ultimately overwhelmed as one hand clamped over her mouth and the other had a death like grip on Sho’s wrist. The man deciding to go knuckle deep and curling his finger a tad more as he brushed against that spot, she couldn’t help but let out a light squeal as she felt like she got electrocuted as static rushed through her, he grinded his fingers into her, scissoring as he kept teasingly brushing against it, her legs jolting everytime as she was made to see stars.
“Shhh, good girl Xe, he might actually wake up if you’re any louder…”
He whispered into her ear lips teasingly brushing the shell and watching as a loud moan broke through as he massaged against her g spot, biting gently onto the shell of her ear as her juices completed coated his fingers. He kept going whispering sweet nothings into her ear as she tried to control her volume, her toes pointed as her back arched, both of her hands now covering her mouth as she uncontrollably shook as the pleasure took over her.
She felt as though she was about to explode, Sho concentrating purely on that spot as he was practically drooling as he watched her writhe in pleasure, desire taking him over as he fucked his finger Into her mercilessly. He gave up on keeping her in place as he rubbed at her nub using two fingers to massage as a muffled cry sung to him, she rode his fingers rolling her hips as she chased her high, the angle twisting her insides as she softly moaned Sho’s name-the explosion soon took over her as she tightened around him, gushing all over his fingers as she let out an extremely broken whimper, heavily breathing as she looked at Sho in a daze.
“You were so good Xena”
Sho sucked at his fingers, Xena laid back on him as she brought herself back to Earth eyes wide as she watched him he moaned at her taste. She bit her lip at the sight as she pulled herself up, she checked once again that Leo was still sleeping before turning to face Sho, she wrapped her arms around him straddling him as she peppered kisses all over his face.
He smirked down at her, gently grasping her face as he pulled her into a kiss, which quickly turned more raunchy as he held her tight against him, his boner poking into her.
She started slowly rocking herself against him, feeling how hard he was as it throbbed underneath his joggers, Sho sighed in relief as his hands encircled her waist, pressing her down a bit more as he brought her into another kiss, sucking on her tongue as he couldn’t resist the battle for dominance as Xena fought against him, quiet sighs and moans coming from them both as they quickly lost control of themselves.
“Fuck, turn back around for me baby.”
She turned around obediantly as Sho pulled her against his chest, pulling off her cropped jumper as he groaned at the sight of her dark blue lingerie. He kissed her shoulder leaving little love bites as he scattered them from her shoulder to her neck, xena tilting her head to the side so he could get better access as he groped at her breasts.
He quickly pulled out his cock, pulling her legs up as he lifted her up from underneath her knees, she let out a slight yelp as he did so, not expecting this position.
“What if -he-fuck-what if he wakes up?”
She jolted against him as he rubbed his cock head against her pussy, groaning as he took her hand leading it to his cock as he tightly held onto her.
“Don’t worry baby, he won’t we’ll just stay quiet…”
He kissed the back of her neck as she nodded in agreement neither one of them believing they’ll actually be able to remain quiet, not risking her voice coming out as she slowly rubbed at his head, Sho’s head fell back as he let out a low groan bucking his hips as she rubbed the tip.
As she shakily lined up his cock, giving it a few pumps before slapping it against her clit letting out a high pitched whine at the feeling. Sho letting out a low hiss, his breath hitching as he pulled her down onto his twitching cock, precum already leaking out as he slowly entered her.
He let out a deep breath as he went as slow as possible torturing them both.
“Please make sure you’re quiet baby…”
He murmured against her, pulling her all the way down as she let out a quiet whimper. He had a girthy tip that stretched her out deliciously as his long length bottomed her out, she was so tight inside already trying to milk him as her warmth nearly broke his resolve in staying quiet and staying slow.
He grinded into her as he tightened his grip underneath her knees, he fucked into her a slow tantalising pace as she could feel every inch delve into her.
The position was driving her crazy, completely merciless to Sho’s whims as the tip of his cock rubbed against her g spot, her eyes fluttering as he started grinding harder into her letting out a grunt as he pulled her alll the way up before slamming her back down onto him and then grinding back into her, the only thing she could do was slap her hands over her mouth to muffle her moans.
It was so messy, her slick was drowning him as he started bouncing her against his cock, he could feel her juices sticking to his base and coating his cock as he happily drove himself into her, the feeling of his balls slapping against her clit was sending her into overdrive as she felt fire swirl around her stomach. She started rubbing her clit as she felt herself get closer, tightening hard around Sho as he let out a loud moan, swearing as he bounced her harder against him, they were both so close as they forgot their surroundings, lost in pure pleasure.
“Fuck you two couldn’t have kicked me out first?”
A grouchy voice echoed into the room, both Sho and Xena freezing in horror as they stared wide eyed at Leo, who was looking down at the two in disgust as he stood over them.
He stared at them expectantly arms crossed as he waited for them to say something, the two heavily breathing as they become too flustered to say anything.
Sho pulled her back down on him as he pulled the covers over, it took everything in her not to cry out as she took all of him in, the tip once again pressing against her g spot as she dug her nails into his arm.
Leo clicked his tongue in annoyance, getting onto the bed and coming over to them, his face contorting into a smug cat like expression as he checked both of them out.
“Well I didn’t say stop, who am I to interrupt such a display~?”
He was smirking as he looked down at them, grinning as Xena turned to look at Sho questioningly, her face covered in a deep blush as she realised Leo was being serious.
Sho gulped as he started ghosting his fingers over Xena’s clit testing the water as he made eye contact with Leo, a small gasp escaped xen as he kissed her slipping his tongue in as he sucked and massaged at her own tongue, when he pulled away Xena was looking up at him fucked out and turned on as she pressed one more kiss to his lips.
“Should we continue baby?”
He mumbled against her lips, eyes heavy with need as he saw xena debate with herself.
She couldn’t help but be tempted, it was kind of hot being watched by Leo, cat like eyes watching their every movement as he awaited their answer. How long he’d been awake she’s not sure…she’s not even sure if he was asleep in the first place, he suspiciously waited until they were both clearly about to cum when he interrupted…the worst thing is she didn’t even mind, both Sho and her noticing recently how normal it felt to have dates with all three of them present, napping together, hell they both even admitted to their own crushes on Leo, something he seems to already know from the way he was staring at them.
Sho’s eyes searched hers as he kissed her once more, she could feel him twitching inside of her as he slowly grinded into her, driving her even more crazy as she sighed into the kiss.
“I don’t mind.” O_O
She tried to sound confident but it came out more shy as she avoided eye contact with Leo slightly embarrassed at how turned on this made her, leo licked his lips as he came closer brushing his hands against her thighs delighting in how she slightly gasped at his gentle touch, as his eyes hungrily flickered between the two of them.
Sho kissed her one last time.
“Are you sure?”
He asked double checking as he kissed her cheek, just above where her scar was, picking up his movements on her clit as he drew circles around it.
She nodded in response, losing her voice at the spark of pleasure.
Leo gently tilted her chin to face him leaning in grinning.
“Yes or no XeXe?I don’t want you to be pressured-it’s a safe space ”
He breathed against her, kissing her other cheek as her breath hitched, eyes wide as Leo rubbed a thumb across her bottom lip.
She stuttered out, as Sho slowly pulled his fingers away bringing her back into the position they were in before.
Leo let out a low whistle, pulling away the blanket as he looked down at the mess.
“I’ll clean that up before you start again.”
Before Xena could ask what he meant he bent down licking Xena’s slick off of what he could off Sho, starting at his balls and rolling his tongue around his base, Sho hissed out a plethora of swear as he moaned leaning his head against Xena’s back.
“Fuck she’s so messy Sho.”
Leo groaned out kissing up his base as he pressed a chaste kiss to her clit, lapping his tongue around her as he licked up her juices moaning at the taste of her as he massaged Sho’s ball, he sucked hard at her clit before pulling away to tap at her clit before swirling his tongue around her again, he looked at her through his eyelashes, groaning as he saw her eyes roll back.
Both Sho and Xena let out low moans as Leo licked at her clit, his metal bar cold against her as she let out a loud whine as Sho started grinding hard against her . Leo started suckling at her clit, eyes rolling as he brought himself back down to Sho, moaning around him as all three of them found themselves losing it a bit as Sho let out a sweet whimper. Leo interchanged between Sho and Xena as he sloppily licked and sucked at them.
“Fuck she’s so tight Leo-so tight for me baby-I need to fuck.”
Sho without warning started bouncing her against him babbling as did as he lost his mind at Leo’s ministration, who just smirked as he watched the two of them fold so easily, as he flattened his tongue positioning it so Xena’s clit rubs against it as Sho bounces her.
She was creaming against him, her cum coatinga circle arojnd Sho’s cock as he started fucking into her as he bounced her on him at an insatiable pace, they were quickly getting ready to cum again as Leo quickly stood up, whipping his dick out of his own black joggers, a stain seeping through where he was gushing with precum, he squeezed at himself as he started to jerk off-matching Sho’s pace as he watched almost hypnotised as the two fucked themselves into oblivion.
“Fuck Sho you gonna cum in her?”
Leo whined out as the sweet sympthanies of the couples whimpers and moans echoed throughout the room.
Sho was sloppily fucking into her, tears streaming down Xena’s face as she felt herself about to cum hard against him, the pleasure being too much for her to handle as she whined and moaned against Sho, who was so pussy drunk he couldn’t keep down his whimpers, forgetting that Leo wasn’t the only reason they had to stay quiet, the room wasn’t greatly soundproofed…but that was a problem for tomorrow.
“Fuck yes baby please let me cum inside, please I have to-I Xena shit-“
Babbling broken words as he pleaded to Xena, the girl struggling to get words out as she was seeing stars as her eyes rolled back.
“Ye-ye omg yes Sho please please don’t stop I can’t-“
Breathless as she squeezed hard around him, she grabbed onto his wrist as his grip tightened around her legs as he sloppily and erratically pounded into her, Leo coming closer as he fucked himself hard watching the two in complete lust.
Xena’s legs shook as she let out a short scream before creaming hard against Sho, gushing all around him as cum clung to his cock, he kept going fucking her through her orgasm as she dug her claws into his arm, the squelching only getting louder as Xena’s high pitched moans echoed throughout the room.
“Fuckkk-xena good girl good-fuck you’re so messy baby It feels so-“
He pressed himself against her, freezing as he felt himself fill her up without any warning as his orgasm exploded throughout him, his leg shaking as he babbled praise into her ears as he held on tightly to her. She jolted and twitched as she got filled up, eyes rolling back as a stream of cum leaked out from her, the sight driving Leo crazy as it only took him a couple more pumps before he was cumming all over Xena, aiming for her tits as he painted her in his cum, he was half tempted to take a picture because of how pretty she looked in this moment, but knew the two of them would probably murder him for doing so, so he’ll save that for another time.
He breathed heavily as he collapsed into a seated position in front of them as he lazily tucked himself back into his joggers.
All three of them catching their breath as Sho slowly brought her legs down, aches panging through her thigh as his arms circled around her pulling her close against his chest as he used one hand to massage her scarred leg.
“You okay Xe?”
She was still panting, tiredly nodding as she leaned against him.
Leo wiggled his way next to them sighing in relief as he leaned on his clean hand watching as Sho doted over Xena.
“I can run a bath if you want?~ there’s room for three of us.”
Sho pressing kisses to Xena’s wrist paused as he turned to Leo in surprise, he nuzzled into Xena’s neck as he brushed a hand through Leo’s hair, the other preening at the attention as Sho dragged his hand down tracing around Leo’s ear.
“What do you think xe?”
Xena smiled down at Leo, bringing a hand to Leo’s cheek as her thumb gently caressed him. Leo’s face turning to a light shade of pink as the other two lovingly pet him, she pressed a kiss against Sho’s head tiredly grinning at the two of them.
“That would be nice.”
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Meet the OCS
(I changed cathrines house)
I suck at drawing so hopefully these descriptions will be okay :( i didn’t really proof read as I’m writing this on four hours sleep 😭but the brain rot is real.
Xena- permanent •_• face, is actually very emotional inside just struggles with showing it, once she’s more comfortable with the people she’s around she’s becomes more expressive much to her detriment as it becomes harder to hide how she feels. Loves sweet things, romance stories(she’s a manhwa girlie), rock music, coffee,flowers, horror films . She’s quiet and has a soothing raspy voice. Shes too chilled out for someone in her situation or is she just ignoring her terrible circumstances.
Short black hair, piercings-helix;lobes;daith, she desperately wants a tongue piercing but is too scared. She has brown eyes and a small scar on her right cheek and a huge scar on her thigh(goes from the knee to midway)-she dresses quite punk and has permanent eyebags. She does have an arm sleeve of sunflowers/sun themed on her left arm that covers other scarring(she was in a horrific accident)she always keeps it covered with clothing tho due to judgement.
She got sorted into vagastrom and hates being an inspector as she has to keep herself from acting out.
Hobbies: judo, reading, going to concerts;gardening;propagating succulents
Her parents and her got in a horrific car accident when she was 10, she was the only one to survive, she was taken in by her cousin who was only 24 and trying her best at the time. Xena acted out quite badly after the trauma so she was put into judo to help get her aggression and energy release, it helped dramatically that she’s continued doing it even at 21.
She’s won some contests but hates competitions as they seem like too much effort.
Cathrine- stressed out to the max get this girl a chamomile tea or a Xanax. She tries too hard and is a total people pleaser, sucks at dealing with authority as she can never say no. She likes spicy food, science, vintage jewellery-she’s highly interested in mythology but keeps this a secret.(due to parents and siblings)
She’s quite talkative if she has to be but if the situation allows her too she lets herself be quiet, she has a sing song voice and used to have a stutter that comes back if she’s too anxious or tired.
Long pink hair, piercings;lobes and upper lobe, red eyes, she has insanely short nails from biting them down too much; she dresses quite preppy but prefers to dress more casual but likes to maintain her image so doesn’t. She keeps herself in quite pristine condition, always doing a five step facial routine, makeup always on point. She just very much always looks put together. She does have a huge social media presence but she isn’t really a full influencer (not like Leo)
She got sorted into mortkranken, which wasn’t a surprise to her- due to her role of inspector she’s one mental breakdown away of trying to find a way to fasten the curse so the stress is over with but she’s doing a good job at maintaining an image of mental stability (for now) tho I’d probably say it’s definitely cracking especially after the events in the most recent episode (7)
Hobbies:studying;shopping;researching myths
She grew up as the youngest of three, her parents had high expectations and they were all set to a high standard, being the youngest she was forever compared to the eldest two especially when she’s failed to succeed in something as well as they did. Her parents were quite volatile to eachother and to the siblings and would forever turn each one against the other. She was the first to leave-at 18 under the excuse of needing to stay nearer to the university-she was studying economics/business administration something she had no interest in but was an insistence of her parents and a condition for leaving. She worked part time to raise a secret fund in order for her to properly be able to leave after she gets her degree. Her relationship with her siblings is strained but got so much better after she left the house, to the point they gave her a ticket to her favourite bands last concert for her birthday.
After the concert the events of the game take place and she’s cursed, she’s been in contact with her siblings who are extremely jealous she’s at Darkwick and she is currently debating cutting off contact with her parents but fears losing her siblings, she does only have one year left after all.
Olivia-the sweetest lady to ever exist, she’s a hard worker who can’t hide her feelings. Absolutely adores animals and is a sucker for anything cute, she used to be quite the rebel but had to quickly grow up after her parents died(not that she wasn’t already quite mentally matured#traumatised) and she had to become her brothers guardian. She has quite a soft sweet voice and loves to chat but only if she’s completely comfortable with the person, otherwise she’s quite blunt. She’ll eat anything but her favourite snack is anything strawberry flavoured. She’s extremely caring and hates to see people overwork themselves despite overworking herself on the daily.
She has bleached white hair and light brown roots growing through, amber eyes and a mole underneath her left eye; she has a lobe piercing and a left helix; she dresses eclectically, sometimes she’s casual sporty, sometimes she’s a party girl, gothy literally depends on her mood and sometimes her brother will dress her up-she is literally Adam Sandler one day and Jessie rabbit the next. She likes brightly coloured makeup and clothes.
She got sorted into jabberwock, when she got to finally look around the nature reserve she cursed the chancellor for making her an inspector when she could’ve been working in the reserve. She doesn’t mind being an inspector and just goes with the flow as long as she’s getting paid and has her brother she’s fine but is trying to help out as much as she can at jabber.
Hobbies:feeding stray cats; sketching;baking;working (she works too much it has to be a hobby)
Olivia was a bit of a rebel, joining a small time gang with other girls when she was 14, her parents didn’t particularly care about her whereabouts as long as she took care of her younger brother Karma, which she tried her best too. They were alcoholics who didn’t care for their children and when Olivia reached 18 they died in a ‘freak accident’, leaving her and her 17 year old brother to fend for themselves. They had nothing, no money or family to look after them, so Olivia took on as many jobs as she could to help provide Karma with all the good things in life, she quit her gang and tried to move on although she would sometimes get dragged into fixing a problem for them. She didn’t go to uni and instead has been paying for karma to go to art school instead (he got a scholarship that pays half and they have to pay the other half)
Now, karma joint Darkwick a week after the events after Haku hears Olivia’s complete breakdown at not having her brother or being able to contact him as they’re both the only thing they’ve got to rely on. she didn’t have the breakdown on Haku but on the chancellor he was waiting to speak to the chancellor about a recent mission the general students went on and accidentally overheard~he waited for her to leave and then refused to leave until he got the chancellor to st least consider the idea.
Haku managed to convince them afterwards that her brother could be targeted by a similar anomaly/ it might help in figuring out a cure if they had someone with the same dna
-the chancellor also did it for her ‘mental health’ and assured Karma they’d provide whatever he needed for his studies, they’ve also promised Olivia they’ll pay whatever is needed for karmas education and life if she dies/ a hasty promise after Haku managed to convince him.
Olivia doesn’t know Haku helped her yet and probably won’t know until the chancellor tells her.
The chancellor most likely brought him in more for the assistance in finding a cure/testing to see if anomalies are more attracted to their blood as well as other experiments.
She was much happier snd brighter after he was brought in and Karma was happy to be with his sister and be in THE Darkwick university.
Karma-outspoken and blunt, despite appearing brazen he has a gentle disposition and is very chill as long as you don’t cross him or anyone else he cares for. He’s overprotective of Olivia and tries to get her to take a break as much as he can. He oil paints and enjoys water colours as a treat, he enjoys having a muse to help him paint and is a bit of a player. He worries Olivia cause he seems to jump from person to person and has been since their parents died. He enjoys sweet food and like Olivia will devour anything strawberry flavoured. He wants to be strong like Olivia and tries to copy how she fights.
Olivia is 23 and karma is 21/22.
He enjoys social media but doesn’t like having a presence on there, he does post pictures of his art on there although some are blurry.
He has bleached hair just like Olivia and black roots that come through, he has a mole just underneath his mouth on the right, amber eyes; he has all lobe piercings;helix;conch; Raith; nose piercing and is debating an eyebrow piercing; he is a pretty boi~ tallish and wears loose clothing that always has some sort of paint splatter on them. He doesn’t care about what he wears cause he knows he looks good although he enjoys picking out outfits for other people-mostly Olivia as he is quite the secret loser with not so many friends although he says it’s cause he focuses too much on his painting. Has a plan to get completely covered in tattoos but is awaiting to hit it big as a painter before he does.
He got sorted into vagastrom and had no clue what was going on, only that they okayed him to spray paint the rooms and do car decals so he’s happy enough. He doesn’t care if someone’s a ghoul and will call out someone on their shit if it’s deserved. No one believes him when he says Olivia can fight, but the pictures and vids he has prove otherwise~Leo is interested in the different sides and likes using his paintings for his TikTok’s and using him as a fake boyfriend along with Sho. He did try to stay with Olivia in the cathedral but in case something happens (like turning into an anomaly) then it’s safer for him to stay there. He doesn’t trust Haku and is trying to now stop both haru and Olivia from overworking themselves.
Hobbie:painting;partying; napping and boxing.
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Avoidance isn’t the answer part 1
I’m thinking of making this a three part or two part what do we think 🤔
This is after eight hours of travelling back home yesterday pls have mercy if it’s not the greatest (this is also my first time writing something a bit 🌶️)
Leo x xena (pre-established)
A Little Angsty~
It’s as little bit smutty(only a little bit)
This is just after obscuary chapter
Minors do not interact please
Hands slid up her thighs as one stayed at her hips rubbing light circles as the other slid back down tracing around the scar on her other thigh.Leo grinned down at her, a Cheshire Cat smile overtaking him as he eyes hungrily ate up the sight before him.
A scowling xena looked up at him arms folded at her chest as she fought back the smile trying to grace her face, she didn’t seem to mind the predicament and in fact leaned into it as she allowed Leo to do as he pleased. They were in his room, xena lying on the edge of the bed as Leo leaned over her standing in between her thighs. Her black hair was splayed out on the bed, her blazer was off and lucky Leo she was wearing a short sleeved top so he got to take in the sight of her tattoos, something she rarely showed to anyone. Her skirt was hiked up as he couldn’t stop himself from raking his hands all over her thighs, the skin so soft Leo thought his hands were going to melt into them, the scarred skin on one of thighs being slightly more sensitive as he ate up the sight of them slightly twitching at his touch.
“Plllleeeasse Xena~I won’t ask for anything ever again~”
She sighed as she could see the lie from miles away as he sweetly nuzzled into her neck, squeezing her thigh as he hummed into her neck.
“You say that everytime Leo” •_•
She was keeping a strong Pokerface as her scowl melted away, her heart was going crazy and she feared that he could hear or even feel it thrumming against him as she wrapped her arms around him so the both of them could be comfortable and definitely not to bring him closer to her.
“Hmmm…I guess I do XeXe but maybe this time it’s the truth~”
He muttered out as Xena traced her hand up his back and started to play with his hair. He sighed as he pulled himself up a little bit, leaning his face over Xenas’ as her eyes widened at the closeness.
They were always interrupted when they were like this, always so close but never able to meet eachother, it was always Sho or Alan or literally anyone stopping it from happening.
He squeezed her hip making her let out a light squeak, something that made her face immediately light up in a fiery red as she tried to avoid eye contact as she could feel that Cheshire grin widen, she dared a glance back at him and sighed again as amusement sparkled in his. He leaned in closer eyes flickering from her lips to her eyes as their lips were about to brush.
“Will you do it for me honour roll?”
He whispered against her lips as he squeezed her hip once again, she let out a short gasp as he continued to caress her other thigh. She gulped as she silently shook her head signalling a no.
She was surprised she was being stoa strong willed about this, she was usually so annoyingly weak to giving into leo and his hijinks.
“Hmmm that’s too bad.”
He sang against her lips as he was just about to her capture her before he pulled away, she tsked in response puffing out her cheek as she pouted at the lack of kisses. His eyes widened in delight as he watched her in amusement, logging the reaction in his brain with all the other facial reactions he liked to elicit from Xena.
“Only good girls get rewards Xe~”
If it was possible to go an even brighter red, she’s done it. Quickly hiding her face with her hands as she felt him preen at the reaction he was getting. Both hands found their way under her skirt and to her hips again squeezing and caressing as he stared down at the girl.
“I’m not wearing a bunny costume.”
Now it was his turn to pout.
“I’m not doing it, I don’t know why you’d even want me too.”
Leo cocked his head to side, smiling lopsidedly at her, yellow eyes beaming at her as his hands slid back down. He was on his knees back straight as he traced the scar on her thigh.
“You don’t see why I’d want you in a bunny costume huh.”
He leaned back over her licking his lips as he planted his hands beside each side of her head.
“Hmm nope not at all…”•_•
She tried to hide the strain in her voice as her hands ghosted down his chest, eyes avoiding his as she suddenly found the duvet cover to be insanely interesting.
He leaned back down to her tilting her head gently to look at him, she could see the glint of his tongue piercing as he nonchalantly played around with it.
It was a stupid plan they both knew it, he wanted to uncover the mysteries and thought maybe he could entice the blonde fly who keeps hovering around her with alluring him to answer the all important question.
Why’d you make a deal with a demon?
It was honestly an idiotic plan that was so dumb it could actually work. Ask Kaito to come help with a photoshoot for Xena’s bunny debut and have her ask the question, using the delicious sight of her in costume to make him answer.
Annoyingly though she is close friends with the fly and has refused which has lead them to the situation now.
Though Leo wouldn’t mind if she didn’t do the plan, not with how this has all played out. To be honest he’s pretty sure this idea came from the idea of just wanting xena in a bunny outfit and needing an excuse to see her in it plus she’d been upset since she left obscuary she needed this distraction…she wouldn’t want it on his gram though-not unless he dressed up too;which wasn’t the worst of ideas, he may even get to get Sho to join in too, he couldn’t let his thoughts wander too far though as he felt Xena slightly shiver underneath him as he brought a handback down to ghost around her thighs again.
He sucked in a breath as his eyes met hers, pure need echoed through the both of them, he went to brush his lips against hers again, grinning as he moved away and nuzzled into her neck again.
He can’t help it, she looked surprisingly cute when he teased even more so like this where he could keep her there and keep teasing her until they both completely lost it. He hummed against her neck as he felt her sigh in disappointment, he cheekily pressed a kiss against her neck sucking on her pulse as his hands begun to wander.
Xena let out a loud whine as he did; squeezing her thighs around him as she leaned her neck out more giving him more access, letting out another whine as he sucked even harder taking in her scent as he did, the smell of fresh flowers overwhelming him.
He couldn’t help groaning out as she started to grind against him.
Xena whined out.
The sound and movement shocked herself and Leo as she quickly went to cover her mouth and dropping her thighs away from him as she regained her senses, Leo let out a low groan as he nipped her neck before moving back to her face, grinning as he started moving her hand away from her mouth, she stared up at him from under her lashes unsure of what to do suddenly nervous as they were finally about to kiss despite all that’s just previously happened.
How cute.
“Sorry XeXe was it too much, you just smell so good I can’t help myself.”
He said it in a teasing way as he clasped onto one of Xena’s hand, he used his other to trace her bottom lip. She stared up at him wide eyed, stilling almost entirely which confused Leo slightly as the mood seemed to swiftly change.
“I smell good?”
She asked quietly, fear dripping off every word as she lightly pushed him back. He looked down at her confused, brows furrowed as a frown made its way onto his face.
“Yah? You smell like…”
Something seemed to dawn on Leo’s face, something she didn’t like at all.
A piece of a puzzle slotting its way perfectly into position.
She pushed at him harder causing him to stumble off her in surprise, she darted up grabbing her blazer and bag as she begun her escape. Leo just stared at her watching as she run away, a look of understanding which was even more horrifying to her.
Of course he’d understand.
She darted to the door and risked one more glance at Leo, who hadn’t even moved, his eyes widened as he caught a look of the rare sight of Xena , eyes wide and full of sorrow as tears slightly dripped from her eyes as she ran out the door refusing to look back.
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Leo x Xena x Sho
(Established relationship)
Minors dni~
Alan is third? fourth wheeling?~but he’s the gentle giant kind of best friend so it’s allowed.
The Race
“We need to figure out how strong these anomalies are.”
Alan gestured to the three strange vehicles in front of them, as if that was a perfect or reasonable explanation for waking them up at 6AM. The three other students all stood bleary eyed in their pyjamas as they debated the likelieness of coming out of alive after attempting to murder Alan.
The odds were not in their favour.
Xena was an unlucky victim in Alan’s endeavour being brought into the fray just because she was unluckily in the same place as the desired victims.
she was wearing a black hello kitty pj set, Sho was wearing the white and Leo was wearing the pink. It was Leo’s idea to all be matching, after he and Sho kidnapped Xena on her way home. She had worked a big mission with frostheim but there’s no rest for the wicked and she had to jump straight into helping Thoma with all the paperwork and then Jin with whatever annoying tasks he wanted to set for her and THEN Kaito side tracked her and begged for help with his homework which he didn’t even do instead he attempted to flirt whilst getting flustered as he was unable to read her face something that happens way too many times and that kaito keeps telling her makes him nervous.
She was exhausted so when they pulled up on Bonnie and practically swooped her onto the bike she just let it happen. After that they threw her into the already prepared bath, with a special peach bathbomb and a dozen candles surrounding it. Leo had put a seaweed face mask on her as well as himself and Sho who disappeared into his kitchen. She nearly fell asleep in the bath if it weren’t for Leo chattering away as he washed her hair. She was too tired to even argue about the level of doting nor did she want to complain as calmness overtook her as she allowed herself to be spoiled by Leo.she didn’t even complain when he took the selfie of the two of them in their face mask as she sighed in a state of tranquility which overwhelmed her as she melted in Leo’s hands. She didn’t want to leave the bath but through Leo’s insistence she eventually did putting on the prepared pj set that matched with what the other two were already wearing.
Sho cooked them a feast of all different new sample foods for the truck, which she devoured after Leo dried her hair-she wasn’t used to this sort of treatment and generally felt like crying at the tenderness and kindness as both Sho and Leo sat beside her, she took their hands into her own giving each a gentle kiss as she gave them a tired smile. The two looking down at her adoringly as a light blush dusted Sho’s face and a Cheshire Cat grin spread across Leo’s.
The two chattered away as she curled up between them, crashing out almost immediately as she fell asleep to the sound of their voices.
She was usually someone who woke up at the slightest thing, yet she was out like a light the whole night…that was until Alan came charging in blaring an air horn without realising Xena was there too. She was hidden between the two in a mini blanket mountain as both Sho and Leo curled into her, the two shouting profanities at Alan as they tried to hide with her in the blanket mountain.
The three bleary eyed and ready to murder squad was dragged outside to the quad, Alan was apologetic for Xena but not entirely as it did help with what he needed.In a state of confusion they allowed Alan to guild them there thinking it was an emergency-although Xena and Leo had to be convinced not to kill the captain of vagastrom by a very tired and exasperated Sho.
Thus here they were staring at the vehicles in outstounded fury as Alan looked at them expectantly.
“What the fuck do you mean?what you want us to fight a tricycle be fucking for real you eurgh-fucking himbo.”
Leo’s fury dwindled down quickly as tiredness took over-he tried to repel a yawn from taking over mid sentence but the yawn won the fight disgruntling Leo even further. Xena looked as stony as ever as she deathglared at the ‘vehicles’ before her and Sho looked like he still had no idea what was going on, clearly not in a state of coherence yet.
There was a tricycle, a tandem bike and a scooter.
“They’ve just come in and won’t respond to the normal tests, we have to test on how they deal with having a rider and how compatible they are-they need the information immediately, I got the call from dante.”
All four of them wore deadpanned looks as they stared at the demonic bikes, Alan frowned at them in annoyance as he tried to think of what vehicle to use.
Leo sighed as he brushed a hand through his hair, he was about to chew the captain out even more when a flurry of black ran by him and literally threw themselves onto the tricycle. Xena as stoic as ever held her middle finger up at all of them as a murderous glint sparkled in her eyes. She did not do well in the morning…especially at 6am in the morning.
Alan frowned as he grasped bandanas arm leading him to the tandem bike, leaving Leo with the scooter.
He put his foot onto the scooter with a look of disgust.
“I’m not fucking doing th-“
His foot was stuck.
He literally couldn’t move and by the disgruntled look from Alan and Sho neither could they. He whipped his phone out as he took a picture of the two idiots looking laughably cute on the bike, he swung his phone back over Xena who looked absolutely ridiculous as she pulled the hood up of her hoodie and was sat with her knees up in the air as she awaited to start the race. Her stoic expression made it even more ridiculous as she stared off into the distance.
He then took an insane amount of selfies as he wanted proof of the stupidity that was his life at Darkwick. Maybe this was his punishment for looking into Dante and Alan.
“I guess we sta-“
Before Alan could finish Xena darted off looking even more ridiculous than before as her little legs went into overdrive as she forced her away back to vagastrom dorm. The wheels squeaked as the child sized tricycle sped off ahead of them.
She was tired and she’d be damned if she wasn’t going to be back in bed in the next twenty minutes. Leo and the tandem duo looked at eachother in wide eyed surprise as they watched her disappear around the corner, Alan was next to shoot off as Sho still sat there half asleep, he almost fell off as Alan went speeding away.
Leo sighed as he once again tried to take his foot off of the scooter, failing miserably and accepting his fate a
he started scooting back to the dorms.
Xena’s fury got her back to the dorm in ten minutes as she wordlessly got up from the tricycle seeming to have met the goals of the anomaly successfully.
She pushed her way into the dorms before collapsing on the sofa of the shared area. She groaned in exhaustion in the empty room as she heard the squeaky wheels of the tricycle follow behind her. She didn’t even bother to look up at the strange anomaly as she slowly fell back asleep.
Alan was next to arrive 5 minutes later with Sho holding on for dear life in the second seat. The tandem bike let them off but seemed almost hesitant in doing so, Alan dragged Sho into the dorms spotting xena crashed out on the sofa, the tricycle sat beside her seeming almost happy as it rings its bell to greet them.
He’ll have to write that down in the report, the tandem didn’t seem to have much of a personality seeming almost grumpy in spirit whereas the tricycle was brimming with a fire. He watched in amusement as Sho collapsed on top of Xena-snuggling into her as she made a croaky groan in response taking Sho’s hand in her own.
Alan enjoyed the peacefulness of the morning, the quiet sounds of Sho snoring echoed throughout the room. He went to grab himself a cold coffee but as he did he heard a loud clatter just outside the door.
Leo’s finally here.
Another loud bang and the whirlwind that is Leo came crashing through the doors. He frowned at Alan before sighing as he searched for his favourite duo, his eyes landed on their sleeping figures and Alan watched amused as Leo followed Sho’s lead and dumped himself on top of the other two.
Both groaned in response as xena finally turned around to make herself more comfortable. She snuggled into Sho who snuggled into her who had Leo snuggling into the both of them. It was a cute dog pile and Alan snapped a quick picture sending the awfully blurry picture to all three of them before going to fill out the paperwork.
Alan sighed as he sorted through the paperwork-It seems only the tricycle was worth bringing into the fold-the tandem and scooter can stay until they figure out something else.
When Xena and sho woke up Leo was already scrolling through his phone, he shoved his phone into their faces as they looked at his new post.
It was an assortment of pictures of Xena with her face mask on, the set up of the bath showing it covered in candles and the bathbomb-Sho cooking up the feast and the three of them eating-numerous selfies of the trio-Xena crashed out between them with Leo and Sho throwing up a peace sign in the selfie-lastly the blurry picture taken by Alan of the three of them crashed out on the sofa.
Spoiling our girlfriend so she lets us use her as a pillow #thebestboyfriendstoeverexist
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In the ring-in bed!
Leo being a brat and Xena wanting to throw hands and Leo thinking of another way she can use them.
This would be one of the times Leo tried to get on Xena’s nerves and won.
Leo x Xena (enemies with benefits)
Really Leo wants Xena’s attention and Xena is wrapped around his fingers.
Inspired by one of his voice lines and the meme.
Warning:overstim;jerking off; Leo; tied up; just getting their anger out really; jealous Leo; slightly toxic Leo and slightly whipped xena
“Urgh, ask permission before you fucking speak to me.”
Leo spat out at Xena, who had just asked him to move out the way as she needed to get into the pit. His ice cold glare piercing through her as she narrowed her eyes at him in anger, he had been pissing her off all week harassing her with horrid words and spiteful actions in an attempt to make her lose her shit, she usually wouldn’t mind but he’s been insanely clingy and wouldn’t let up…even Sho was getting annoyed.
She growled at him, pushing him up against the chained door as she glared at him.
“Shut the fuck up and move out my way Leo.”
His Cheshire cat grin came out as he looked down at Xena, preening at the annoyance in her eyes as he pretended to be in deep thought.
“I didn’t give you permission to speak honour roll.”
Venom dripped off of every word as he leaned in poking a finger into her as he could literally see her anger levels rise. Their hot breaths intermingling as she pressed her arm against his throat the tension thick as his gaze flickered to her lips to her eyes as he smirked down at her, she was thankfully wearing platform black trainers to gain the height and stability to hold him back like this.
But before anything could get interesting Alan pulled her away, staring Leo down as he put himself in between the two. Sho rolling his eyes exasperated at the two as he could tell where Leo was trying to get Xena to go to and it wasn’t the pit.
“Cut the shit both of you, either spar or take a walk, but don’t cause a scene here.”
Alan’s gruff voice echoed throughout the pit, the few other students hanging around all side glancing at the commotion as Sho took the oppourtunity to grab a drink and reply back to his texts, already planning to meet up with Subaru after this so he doesn’t have to hear the chaos that will predictably come from the dorm room next to his.
“How bout it Leo? Wanna get in the pit?”
She asked smirking confidently as she folded her arms raising an eyebrow at the frowning Leo.
“Wow honour roll you’re really trying to impress the himbo, you’re so fucking pathetic.”
Leo was seething, frustration drilling into his bones as Alan stood in front of Xena protectively as if he’s the problem, he did wanna ruin that pretty little smug face of hers but not in the tearing apart way…he thinks.
“Ohhh~poor Leo, you scared of getting embarrassed in front of your precious captain.”
She poked her head out from behind Alan, swiftly stepping in front of him as Leo grinned maniacally at her, he unlocked the pits door behind him, about to walk in before Alan slammed it shut.
“You’re both being idiots, take a walk.”
Usually, Alan would let them fight it out but there was something off about the energy between them as he held Leo back as Xena stomped out the pit.
He turned to Leo placing a hand on his head about to say something before sighing to turn and drag Sho to spar with him, the blushing look on Leo’s face was enough for Alan to decide not to get involved.
Xena was leaning against Leo’s door, pissed as she checked the time.
She didn’t changing out of her sparring gear, leaving her in the black sports bra and shorts.
Leo though, wanted to get change not being able to deal with the sweat and was currently making her wait outside, he was doing it on purpose and she could leave anytime she wanted…except she didn’t.
Finally, after another five minutes he opened the door, wearing just his boxers as he grabbed her by the arm yanking her in and locking the door behind her, closing her in as he kabedonned her against the wall, xena wearing her usual poker face as he glared down at her, rage swirling in his yellow eyes as he leaned in.
“That was fucking pathetic, you need to learn to wa-“
She couldn’t hear another word of pointless insults, as she grabbed him by the hair pulling him closer as she kissed him. A battle commencing between the two as he pressed her up against the door biting at her lips to gain access, xena begrudgingly giving it as their tongues started battling for dominance.
She pushed him away after a while a trail of spit following their departure as she wiped at her mouth.
“You need to learn to shut that pretty mouth of yours Leo, people would like you more if you didn’t talk.”
She let him drag her to the bed throwing her onto it as he clambered on top of her.
Diving in for another frenzied kiss as he could already tell he was rock hard probably has been since they started arguing in the pit as a large precum stain was there loud and proud-he didn’t even have it in him to be embarrassed about it.
xena wracked her nails against his chest, harshly flicking his pierced nipples as he moaned into her.
“Fuck, you wanna punish me honour roll.”
His sultry voice cooed into her ear as he wrapped his hand around her throat as she looked up at him with a mixture of burning lust and hatred.
“I think you deserve to be punished.”
She glared at him trailing a finger down his chest as she bit her lip as he squeezed around her throat, trying to repel the moan from escaping.
He leaned back getting off of her as he went to his chest of drawers, pulling out titanium handcuffs as he spun it around his fingers.
“Remember that video I sent you?”
He licked his lips already imagining her hands wrapped around him.
She sighed nodding as she pushed him against the headboard.
“The one you sent of you or the-“
Leo rolled his eyes holding his arms up against the headboard as Xena cuffed him to the it.
“The one of that guy you fucking idiot.”
She glared down at him, tugging his hair harshly as he let out a soft moan.
He tested the strength pulling against them as he become satisfied that they’ll keep him in place, it kept Sho in place after all.
She pulled his boxers off flinging them to the other side of the room, ignoring Leo’s scowl as it landed on one of his lamps.
“Watch where yo-“
He let out a low hiss as she grabbed the lube and without warning poured it all over his dick, the sharp coldness surprisingly him as he stared at her wide eyed.
“You remember the safe word?”
Leo nodded as Xena wrapped a hand around him.
She started stroking him slowly, Leo’s head falling back, groaning at how good it felt.
“I need you to say it.”
She stopped her movements and flicked his nipple again, making him whine as he wiggled his hips at her.
She smiled as she without warning started stroking him massaging his balls as he took a deep breath.
How cute….
She shook the thought from her head as she furiously picked up her pace, the squelches of his precum mixing with the lube echoed throughout the room as Leo whined out shaking his head from side to side as he already felt himself about to cum.
“Fuckkk Xena-its too good”
He was gasping for breath letting out a choked moan as she started using a twisting motion-using both hands to cover the whole of his cock. It looked like he already came from the amount of precum dripping down, she rubbed her hand over his tip making sure to go along his frenulum as she came back down. His legs shaking and twitching controllably as he bucked into her, eyes rolling back as he pulled hard as his cuffs.
“I’m-fuck fuck fuck I’m gonna cum~”
He cried out, his legs scrapping against the sheet as he curled into himself spurting cum repeatedly as Xena gently moved him back to lean against the headboard.
He was breathing hard, she used one hand to gently stroke him as she tilted his head up popping her thumb into Leo’s mouth so he can taste himself. He moaned sucked against it swirling his tongue around her thumb as she slowly pulled it out rubbing his bottom lip as he gazed at her with half lidded eyes.
She returned her other hand back down and started rotating and twisting both hands quickly around his length. Leo breathing heavily as a mantra of moans echoed throughout the room, the squelching sung to his ears as he gripped onto the cuff links for dear life, she concentrated on rubbing at his head caressing it as drool started running down Leo’s chin.
“It’s so wet-I can’t Xe I can’t oh my god~”
He cried out as she leaned in and sucked at his nipples, she squeezed harder making sure to add extra pressure around his tip.
“Shit you-fuck it’s so tight I-you’ll make me cum again please-please“
He breathlessly begged her, arching his back so she could access his chest more as he bucked into her unable to control himself as she started trailing kisses up to his neck, he was writhing underneath her, throbbing as he was so close to cumming once more.
“Does it really feel that good baby? You want it tighter?”
She whispered into his ear, Leo’s leg shaking uncontrollably as he whined out loudly, her dirty words being the ammo he needed to cum again as he released himself all over her, her hands covered in his cum as she started licking it off one of her hands, as she stroked Leo through his second orgasm.
“You’ve been such a good boy Leo.”
She pressed a kiss to his ear as he whimpered loving the way she praised him. She leaned over to the chest of drawers grabbing Leo’s phone as she squeezed hard around his tip, furiously stroking at him again with one hand as she started filming him with the other.
His moans getting louder as tears streamed down his face, pink dusting his face as he almost came as he made eye contact with the camera. His body jolting and jerking as he pulled at the cuffs once again, eyes rolling back as she relentlessly jerked him off.
“Nooo, I don’t I can’t cum anymore, I can’t I don’t”
He sobbed out as she she rubbed at his frenulum only doing that as she twisted and rotated solely around his tip as he tried to buck into her. She quietly shushed him, pressing a kiss to his lips as he cried out her name, a long whine of pleasure and eyes screwing as his cum streamed out of him, she aimed it at his chest watching on the camera as he painted himself pretty.
“Fuck just like that Leo, you’re so pretty like this, can you do one more for me baby? Can you be a good boy?”
He nodded his head aggressively as he looked up at her through tear stained lashes.
“I’ll be good…please Xena.”
She put his phone down, leaving it up to him what he wants to do with the video.
She returned both hands to him, his cock covered in array of cum and lube, it was insanely messy and wet as she watched it slowly drip down to his balls, she rubbed it in massaging his balls as a choir of grunts, whines and moans chimed with the squelching of his hot wet dick as Leo lost himself to a lust filled mind fog.
She continued stroking him watching as his jaw fell open as it was hard to tell when he’s cumming or if it’s just precum, a constant streak of cum spurting from him as he shook in her hold.
“You’re so cute like this Leo~”
She squeezed both hands tighter around him watching as his eyes fluttered shut as he uncontrollably twitched and jerked trying to get away from her as it all become too much.
“No not tight please please please”
His pleas desperate and breathy as she continued her ministrations.
“Awh but baby how will I get you to cum again?”
She teasingly sang to him as she rubbed her thumb against his tip, he let out a loud whine as he looked at her panicked and lust filled.
“You can’t-fuck Xena please something else will-it’s too good~”
Her delicious strokes were breaking his mind as babbles escaped him; she watched amused as she added more pressure to his tip, stroking the rest of him as she leaned in pressing more kisses to his neck leaving little nips as she did, little marks slowly starting to litter his necks
“Let it come out baby~ I got you.”
She cooed at him, stroking him faster as all you could hear echo through the room were the wet squelches and Leo’s cries as he clung to the cuffs for dear life as spots and stars started taking over his vision.
High pitched whines and whimpers pried out from him as the overwhelming intense orgasm crashed down on him as his legs kicked at the covers beneath him tremors running through him as he squirted everywhere as Xena stroked him through his blinding orgasm. He heaved out deep breaths as he tried to flicker his eyes open to face Xena but was too overwhelmed to even bare that.
She kept going until he was completely finished, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead as she finally let go of his softening dick.
She undid his cuffs as he slumped against her, kissing his wrists as she spotted the purple bruises already starting to appear, she brushed through his hair to help comfort him kissing the top of his head as he let out another whimper, still slightly shaking in her hold as she guided him to lay down.
She sighed as she checked him over, rubbing a thumb over his check as he tiredly turned his head to face her.
“I’m gonna run you a bath, will you be okay staying here for a moment Leo.”
He let out a whine as he leaned into her hand.
She sighed as the compelling feeling to spoil him took over, she supposedly hated him most of the time despite the fact that neither her or him can stay away from the other, leading them to these sort of situations.
“I’ll be one moment i promise Leo.”
She pressed another kiss to his forehead before pattering into his bathroom, running his bath waiting to it to fill up as she put in lavender scented bath salts and dried orange slices into it.
She walked back into his room grabbing him a spare change of clothes as she placed it in the corner of the room, she waited for the water to fill testing the temperature before sneakily grabbing some of his clothes for herself to wear. Her gym wear now ruined and stained…not that minded much, it was well worth it.
She walked over to Leo gently helping him up as she guided the exhausted man to his bathroom, leading him into the bath as he gripped at her wrist trying to drag her in with him.
She bit her lip debating what to do, they usually left eachother to it at this point but lately Leo’s been quite needy, she thought it was adorable half the time…including this one as she stripped her clothes off getting in and sitting behind him as she wrapped her arms around Leo.
He let out a satisfied sigh and he leaned back into Xena, she gave him a small neck massage as she hummed a tune to herself, grabbing his lavender shower gel and gently washing him down.
“Um…would you like me to wash your hair.”
His breath hitched, his eyes fluttering as she washed him down.
He nodded his head as his hand fumbled to grab a deep conditioner from the side. He half grabbed it still not getting feeling in his arm as it nearly dropped into the bath, luckily Xena caught it. She grabbed his shower head, an insanely fancy contraption as she put it on its softest setting as she shuffled back a bit.
She brushed his hair back with her hands spraying the water over him to ensure it’s wet before massaging the deep conditioner into his hair, he let out a soft moan humming happily as the smell of strawberries joined the room. It said to leave it in for ten minutes so whilst they waited she turned the water off and gently grabbed Leo’s wrist, he made a small sound of discomfort before sighing once more as she massaged his wrists trying to help feeling come back to arms.
“S’ good….”
He muttered out as they let the quiet settle over them.
Leo had a small smile on his face as his plan worked, it was well worth getting xena that angry, he’s now getting the best of both worlds her doting and her wrath. But it was more like she was spoiling him the whole time in the end, it was much needed attention he needed from her as she had been distracted with other houses.
Ten minutes passed and Xena tried to be as delicate as possible to wash the conditioner out, massaging and caressing to make sure it felt good for Leo as he closed his eyes enjoying being spoiled.
As soon as she was satisfied it was washed out he leaned back onto her, his head leaned back resting on her shoulder as she wrapped her arms around him.
“Are you okay?”
She felt him relax again her, all tension he’s been holding all week completely gone.
“Mhhhmm; you treated me so well~”
He croaked out tiredly.
Xena huffed out a laugh, as the two layed there, nearly falling asleep the only thing keeping them awake was the water turning cold, Xena helped Leo out of the bath wrapping him in a towel and showing him where she placed his change of clothes before quickly having a shower as he changed, putting in the deep conditioner at Leo’s exhausted insistence, sitting in the bath as she waited, Leo leaning against it as she brushed a hand through his wet locks.
She washed out the conditioner quickly changing into her newly stolen clothes fumbling around the bathroom trying to find a hairdryer.
She dried Leo’s hair, he was almost falling asleep against her leg as her nails gently wracked through his scalp, she swore he let out a purr as she did, cat like eyes glancing up at her in satisfaction.
She quickly dried her own hair before guiding Leo back to bed, he frowned at the messy sheets glancing at Xena as she sighed, sitting him down on his sofa and hunting down a change of sheets in his cupboard.
He had her wrapped around his finger.
He watched her half asleep as she changed the sheets, dumping the soiled sheets into a corner of the room before leading Leo to bed.
He realised she was wearing his yellow hoody and black joggers, the hoodie originally stolen from Sho, she had chosen for him another hoody stolen from Sho-a lilac one and another pair of black sweats.
He collapsed into bed, grabbing onto her arm and yanking her into bed with his as he laid his head on her chest, nuzzling into her as she’s brushed a hand through his hair.
“It’s annoying how cute you are…”•_•
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This is ridiculous
Xena x Leo (established)
Sho watches as a trapped Xena and Leo wheel around the dorm.
They are the silliest cuties
Not proof read but trying my best
“What am I looking at right now?”
Sho asked exhausted as an amused Alan leaned against the door frame, he had just come back from the truck it’d been so busy all day and he just wanted to come back and crash out…instead he’s watching Xena and Leo both sit in a tricycle going in circles around the pit.
Leo was sitting in Xena’s lap, his legs locked around her as he grumpily scrolled through his phone, his head hooked onto Xena’s shoulder, who was holding onto the tricycles handles tightly as she tried to guide it somewhere else.
“Xena got into another fight…she got injured so Leo put her in the tricycle as punishment but he got stuck too…”
A passing student snickered at the two as he informed an exasperated Sho who could only face palm in response, as they watched Xena give up and succumb to her fate of being on a tricycle forever, she wrapped her arms around Leo and snuggled her head into his chest, sighing in defeat. Leo frowned having to adjust his position as he propped his head on top of hers, scrolling through his phone with pure concentration.
“Why’d Xena get in a fight?”
He turned his head to Alan as he nudged his head at the tricycle duo.
“Frostheim gen students tried to pick a fight when she was with the blond first year, I don’t know what they said but it made her snap.”
Alan sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck, unsure of what make of an exploded Xena, the sight was impressive but not one he wishes for her to go through again.
The tricycle was making its rounds closer towards them and Sho could see Xena sporting the beggining of a black eye.
“It was 9 vs 1-she won.”
Alan sounded almost proud as he fought a small smile, Xena took down most of them, Alan and Leo only appearing when there was two left and it was them being there that distracted Xena and allowed one of them to get a couple of jabs in…Alan felt terrible about it and had been closely watching them as they escorted her back to the dorms, leaving the pile of students on the campus floor. He left the pit to get Xena an ice pack and when he came back the two were trapped on the tricycle of doom, they thought it was funny at first but now it’s been two hours and all three of them were losing the will to live.
Sho raised an eyebrow as the two cycled up to him.
“You look like the kids from the shining if they had even worse codependency issues.”
Sho announced, hands on his hips as he heard Alan try to cover his laughter with a cough-failing miserably. Xena cackled and Sho could see Leo’s shoulders shaking from silent laughter.
“You look like a humanised version of Barbie dream house dog.” •_•
Xena deadpanned.
Alan choked on his water as he tried to revive himself, Leo giggled before abruptly stopping turning to look at Sho with feigned annoyance.
“Sho get us off this fucking thing, if I do one more lap of the pit, I’ll unalive myself and Xena.”
Xena scoffed as she tried to lean back to grab her phone off of Leo, who just held it further out.
“I’ll kill myself right now if you don’t give me my phone back Leo.” •_•
She was annoyed as Leo just scoffed at her and continued to read whatever he seemed to be enthralled by. Sho snatched the phone and looked at Leo in disappointment, he was reading one of Xena’s manhwas.
“Don’t fucking look at me like that, It’s surprisingly good, she doesn’t take shit and the love interests aren’t annoying POS.”
Sho looked at the title ‘reporting for duty,duchess!’
It was the one xena binge read the other movie night that Leo complained about repeatedly as she wasn’t paying attention to him or the movie, but now he’s changed his tune and it seemed he started from the very beggining and was now on chapter…67.
How long have they been like this?
Sho handed back the phone to an impatient Leo, who just scowled at him as he settled back into Xena to continue reading the book. She sighed as she started fiddling with Leo’s hair, doing little plaits or curling it in her hands as Leo sat compliant, distracted by the manhwa and trying not to melt at her touch as it felt heavenly, he nearly turned into a puddle of goo when she started gently clawing through his hair.
“I would like to be released from this prison immediately.”•_•
Xena huffed out as Leo grumbled at her pouting as she stopped her ministrations, he leaned back as he tentatively brushed against her eye frowning to himself. Xena flinched as she awkwardly blinked at him wincing even more as that made pain shoot through her. It was slowly swelling shut and was in desperate need of an ice pack, Leo’s frown deepened as he sighed, his fingers dropping down to brush against her split lip.
“She also needs an ice pack, the old one melted and Alan has abandoned us.”
Alan shook his head as he tossed an already prepared ice pack.
“I’ve been waiting for you two to make your rounds back to me, I’ve texted Professor.Nicolas, he’s sending…Dante with some ointment for you and he needs to talk about the incident.”
Xena groaned as she hid her head into the crook of Leo’s neck, who started using her back as a table to lean on, as he used one hand to hold the ice pack against her eye and the other to continue reading.
Sho grimaced for her, Dante already told her to be more careful when it comes to Frostheim, they seemed to really have it out for her due to her closeness to Jin and…her general personality(and status).
As if on queue, Dante wheeled in, looking at the two idiots stuck in a tricycle with a look of anguish as he sighed leaning against the arm of his chair as the tricycle’s wheels squeaked as it drove itself over to Dante.
“Another fight?”•_•
Xena avoided eye contact as she stayed hidden using Leo as a shield for Dante’s oncoming lecture. She did give a noise of confirmation, Dante nodded as he filled out his report.
“Did you wait for them to lay their hands on you first or…?”
A beat of silence echoed throughout the room for a couple of moments as Xena sheepishly looked up.
“No.” •_•
Dante clicked his tongue as he wrote down the info.
“I’ve already got Kaito’s statement, you’re not in trouble…that badly, given the circumstances-but the chancellor has left it up to the captain of Frostheim to decide the punishment.”
Sho could see Leo’s ear prick up at the information, he could already feel the wave of jealously and schemes waving around his head.
Dante chucked a brown paper bag over to her, Xena catching it as Leo leaned back, curious to see what’s in it.
“Thank you Dante.”^•^
Xena sang as she looked at the items.
There was the promised ointments from Nicolas, a couple of chocolate bars and snacks (some of Xena’s favourites) and a bike bell.
“Alan said the bell was broken, you fools must’ve broke it when you tried to force Xena into it, pissing it off and forcing you two to stay with it.”
Xena guiltily looked at the bell that was extremely crumpled, probably from when Leo held on to the bar as he practically dunked her into the chair. She slid it off, changing it for the newer model as it started dinging incessantly, annoying Leo who had almost caught up with the manhwa, he slammed his hand over it crushing the bell once again, Xena looked at him wide eyed as he grumpily slumped against her, continuing to read the rest of the chapter.
The rest of them stayed in silence, Xena tried to awkwardly fix the bell only to break it further as she let out a strangled noise.
Sho said taking a deep breath as the citrine eyed man glanced up at him with a look of pure innocence as he pretended not to hear what had been previously said.
“Sho~have you figured out how to get us out yet.”
Dante snorted at his audacity after clearly purposefully breaking the bell. They all know he heard them, something he realised as he fluttered his eyelashes up at Sho.
That innocence fell quickly as he smirked at Sho as spun himself around, his back was facing Xena as he grabbed her hands gently and wrapped it around him as he smoothly swapped her feet on the pedals for his, allowing her to wrap her legs around him as she sighed at the feeling of being able to move her legs, even if it was only slightly. She has also decided she doesn’t mind life on the tricycle deciding that cuddling or being cuddled by Leo as he reads manhwas she recommends is a life she can get by… •_• though the thought process is much like a stranded pirate trying to find happiness as they cling to a shred of happiness on a deserted island.
He had a devious look on his face as he held onto one of her hands, tracing the cuts on her knuckles as Dante looked at Leo unimpressed.
“Leo, you’re not that stupid.”
Surprisingly, it was Alan who broke the moment as he glared at him, Leo just grinned as he pressed a kiss to Xena’s hand.
“I’m not.”
He flinched when Xena’s gripped tightened around his hand, her weird smile sprouting as she leaned over his shoulder.
“Leo…did you rebreak it on purpose.”
He leaned back into her as he finished the latest chapter of the manhwa.
She laughed a little maniacally as she looked at him in disbelief. Leo kissed her cheek nuzzling into it as Xena melted at his touch, falling into his sweet trap once again as a small smile spread across her face as he pressed another kiss to her cheek. She couldn’t stay mad, at least they know they can easily fix it with another bell.
Sho paused his questioning as he watched Leo tenderly pressed the cold pack against Xena’s face as she searched through the paper bag for a chocolate for the two to share. He watched as Leo tried to leisurely check over her injuries once more as Sho’s brain finally clocked what was going on.
Sho shook his head as he walked over and flicked Leo’s forehead. Leo was being extra clingy with Xena all because she got a little beat up, how cute…but what a dumb fucking way to go about it.
“You’re such a fucking idiot man.”
Sho announced grinning at him as Xena nodded in agreement hiding a small smile as it dawned on her, blushing as she felt the tips of her ears burn.She chose another manhwa for Leo to read, she pulled him a little closer and snuggled into him, humming happily as Leo demanded a completed one, not wanting to be left wanting more and having to wait nearly a year for another chapter. (True Pain)
Alan disappeared for a couple of minutes and came back with a huge obnoxious clown horn, looking defeated and disgusted at the object as he tensely walked past Dante who had stopped paying attention not wanting to be apart of whatever was currently going on and instead was filling out the paperwork from Xena’s incident.
Alan clambered over to them, pulling the handles and thus the tricycle towards him as a disgruntled Leo swore at him and told him to fuck off as he silently honked the horn at Leo in defiance .
Though, Leo ended up Taking a selfie with the four of them despite the acidic words thrown Alan’s way; only due to to ridiculousness of the current situation, both Xena and Alan have a poker face as Alan is mid honking the horn, Sho threw up a peace sign and a wink whereas Leo threw up a heart instead, he added it to Xena’s Instagram story and whipped out his own phone and he added it to his as well.
After the photo moment, A solemn look took over Alan’s being as he leaned down to look at the two of them.
“I’m sorry it’s come to this.”
Alan ruffled Xena and Leo’s hair as they just looked at him bewildered as he hovered the horn over the handle. Wincing as it fused to the bars….he didn’t want to use it, the cursed object being one of the most annoying things Darkwick had brought to his door…besides the trio of course.
The way he was acting it was as though he was sacrificing Xena and Leo to the damned thing. They watched in slight horror as Alan quickly retreated, looking fearfully at the horn.
The most obnoxious honking noise to ever exist screeched from the horn repeatedly. Leo shot up taking Xena with him as she was still wrapped around him, she scrambled to keep herself balanced on Leo as he flew away from the loud mechanism, like a cat with its heckles up.
She was about to drop her legs so she could walk normally but Leo stopped her, pocketing her phone as he hoisted her up. He was practically trying to run out of the room to escape it just as Alan and Dante were doing.
The horn kept honking happily as Sho approached it, trying to pinch it in order to make it stop when instead it let out a higher pitched screech almost deafening Sho and causing him to leap back and join Leo and Xena in escaping the pit.
“It’ll tire itself out.”
Alan announced slamming the door behind them as the hungry honking monster tried to follow them.
“It’s just happy, it’ll calm down soon.”
He said more firmly as they looked at him incredulously, it sounded as though he was trying to assure himself and not the others.
Dante glanced between them all, nodding a goodbye at Xena as he silently wheeled away, tired and absolutely done with the situation, he didn’t bother to speak with them only due to the smile fighting its way onto his face as he tried to remain stoic.
Alan looked at them in exhaustion, the three beaming at him as they tried to fight back the laughter. Xena had her head propped on top of Leo’s as he held her securely, her arms lazily wrapped around him as they both had their own matching Cheshire Cat grins spread across their faces.
“Why did you have a clown horn cap?”
Xena asked innocently, watching as Alan just sighed walking away as Leo cackled at him.
Leo was about to semi kidnap Xena again and take her to his room, when Sho grabbed onto his arm.
“You’re coming shopping with me…both of you.”
He did just want to crash out after his shift and dealing with well…whatever this was, but the thought of the basically empty dorm fridge and his own private fridge forced him into action, he almost forgot about it…weirdly enough the continuous honking and smell of Xena’s chocolate reminded him of this complication.
They were both about to whine when Sho held his hands up and flicked them both in the forehead, indignant cries from the both about being injured and traumatised from the day they’ve had went ignored by their chef.
“Cap I’ll make you something too!”
Sho called out as he dragged the other two to where bonnie was.
He didn’t think Alan would reply as he usually didn’t or would just send a thumbs up via text, yet this time the loud honk of a clown horn echoed throughout the dorm in response as the three couldn’t stop laughing, Alan proudly peeked his head out and smiled to himself as he sauntered back to the car he was fixing earlier before hurricane Leo came along.
Sho and Leo huddled over the phone watching eagerly as the shaky cam footage of Xena’s fight lit up Sho’s phone. She was currently sitting at the kitchen counter with her headphones in as she was deep in research for a case a vagastrom student asked for her help in. She had loud heavy metal music blaring through and couldn’t hear a thing but they wanted to make sure she couldn’t see them watching it either.
The footage was shaky and far away as they filmed discreetly, not wanting the frostheim group to see.
The group were screaming at Xena who stood there stoically until something the leader said apparently hit a nerve as she perfectly launched a K.O punch, knocking him out immediately. Leo snatched the phone from Sho and started making multiple adjustments so they can hear better, he replayed the video bringing the phone closer to them so they could hear better.
They couldn’t hear much but what they could hear made both of their bloods boil as the launched assault about Xena’s appearance, injuries, family and how shes cursed were all spat at her in a vile venom, words that left the girl unbothered outwardly and Leo could tell she wasn’t too bothered by it…so what was it that set her off?
She didn’t throw her fist until they started mentioning Leo; the words muffled even after Leo went to the lengths of activating his stigma, the quality of the video to blame as all he could hear was his last name before Xena knocks the guy out cold.
He glanced back over to her, her bandage wrapped hands typed away at her computer, her black eye had faded fairly well after using Nicolas’ ointment, her split lip was fixed, leaving only a tiny scar at the corner of her lips, she was mesmerising and she ended up like this because of him…
Leo frowned as he realised he was most likely the catalyst for Xena’s fight.
Sho muttered as he started writing down the names of the students he could identify, preparing their downfall as he started compiling what student belongs to what family.
Leo rewatched the video zooming in on Xena’s beautiful furious face as a cat like grin spread across his face, his heart thrumming as realisation hit him hard.
He was the catalyst for Xena’s fight.
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MasterlistList 1
Meet the Ocs:
XENA ._.
5 notes · View notes
A grilled cheese
Everyone’s gotta have a character flaw.
Xena x Sho
Xena is cursed with an affliction of having negative cooking ability, she could try to boil pasta and still nearly burn down the place.
She had planned everything to a T, it was her turn for date night and Sho suggested if she could cook for him, curious to see what’d she make after Leo slid the idea to him after he discovered Xena having a breakdown trying melt cheese on top of her ramen.
She couldn’t cook.
She would always eat sets or snacks from the corner store or order take out before Darkwick, everything she touched turned to black matter even if it was just a bit of toast.
She always stuck to a safe food like cereal or fruit with yoghurt if she couldn’t get to a store.
So when Sho suggested it, she had a tiny meltdown hiding it well under her blank facade.
She could’ve and should’ve asked for help but she didn’t want to, she wanted to impress Sho even if it was just something really simple…
She was wearing a leopard print slip dress with a black button up shirt underneath it, both were now covered in various sauces and melted bits of cheese, she had taken her rings off to make her planned delicacy, which of course was the simplest thing she could make.
A grilled cheese.
Leo told her there’s no way she could fuck up a grilled cheese.
Yet, as she stared at the flames that had started the lick the walls she felt a weird calmness and vindication of proving Leo wrong.
She had calmly walked downstairs to retrieve the fire extinguisher and put out the thing that threatened to burn down the cathedral as she debated what her next move was as she stared at the now burned to ashes kitchen as smoke slowly filled the room causing her to repeatedly cough as she tried to keep her mouth covered as she opened up the window.
She dropped the fire extinguisher on the floor as she hustled downstairs, the romantic table and chairs setting will have to be moved into the garden, she could probably avoid having Sho go inside if she claims that mould has taken over the place again and she could probably make it in time to go to the tuck shop and back to retrieve some food.
It was a great plan, a brilliant plan even.
Never mind the smoke filled cathedral or the smell of burning invading the air as she ran for the door opening it wide as Sho stood there staring at her in shock with a bouquet of flowers in hand.
She swiftly pulled the door shut behind her as she offered an extremely strained smile, the one that usually frightens people as it looks like she’s literally going to kill them.
“Hello Sho you are early.”^•+•^
She said almost robotically as Sho raised an eyebrow at her, she was covered in a mixture of cheese, foam, melted plastic and actually had burned the end of her dress trying to get the fire out.
“Was there a fire?”
The words tumbled out as he placed the flowers under his arm as he checked her over.
“No.” •_•
He sighed as he saw a burn mark on her arm, rubbing a thumb gently over it as she let out a short hiss pulling her arm away from him.
“There definitely was a fire.”
He reached for the door behind her to open it, Xena grabbed his arm in an effort to stop him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him close to her.
“Fire? What fire? All I know is the firey adoration I have for you~” •~•
She felt how cheesy (ha) that line was before she finished it as she peppered kisses all over his face, Sho huffed out a laugh as he enjoyed the way she was obviously trying to avoid the subject.
“Hmmm, is that so XeXe, well I say we skip the date and just go straight to bed in that case~”
He winked at her as he saw her eyes widened with panic as he quickly leaned forward, his arm wrapped around her as he dipped her stopping her from stopping him, as he used the other hand to push the door open.
The room was filled with smoke from the extinguished fire, you could barely see into it let alone see what was the culprit of the fire. The two remained in silence as Xena tilted her head back to look at the mess, eyes kept in a deadpanned expression as she carefully hid her embarrassment, Sho brought her back up checking over her again to make sure she wasn’t burned anywhere else.
“What the fuck happened?”
She avoided his eye contact as she fiddled with the bouquet still trapped and squish in Sho’s strong arms.
She coughed as she wrapped her arms around him hiding her face into his chest.
“I-er I may be challenged when it comes to cooking…”
She mumbled out as Sho sighed kissing the top of her head before gently pushing her back, cradling her cheek in his hand.
“What’d you try to make?”
He asked amazed as he looked back into the Smokey room.
“Grilled cheese.” •_•
She looked up at him through her eyelashes, her words carried by the breeze as he stared in horror at her.
“A grilled cheese.”
He repeated.
“Leo said it was easy.” O_O
He nodded in agreement, usually it was easy, how in the world did she mess that up?
He was too flabbergasted to speak as she pulled out of his embrace.
She started pacing, something she does when she’s stressed as he placed the bouquet on the bird table outside the house.
“I tried to use the microwave at first to help melt the cheese and then when it plugged in, it sparked and stopped working so I yanked it out-and then I tried to use the toaster and the bread burnt so I left it to the side and then I tried to cook it in a pan and it went okay but I used too much oil and then that exploded and then the explosion set off the microwave for some reason?-which had the toaster next to it and they all exploded and then it all set on fire and I really tried my best, I wanted to impress you- I even looked up boujie recipes and got Romeo too order fancy cheese in for me and-“
He grabbed her face and kissed her gently, as she worked herself up into a stupor.
How cute…
He couldn’t help but think it; she went to all this effort for him even though she knew she was terrible at it, it was so sweet and adorable that as he pulled away he couldn’t help littering her face was kisses as she seemed to slightly calm down.
“I did a whole set up in the bottom of the cathedral too but it’s probably all ruined and…”
She took a deep breath as she wallowed in self pity.
“I’m really sorry.”
She sounded so upset as she fought back tears, she’s never been good at cooking even her aunt tried to take her to cooking lessons and they immediately got banned after Xena nearly burned the school down. It was so embarrassing, especially when your boyfriend is literally a chef. She bit the inside of her cheek as she closed the door again, trying to hide how upset she was as she faced away from Sho.
“You’ve got nothing to be sorry about, how about we go back to my dorms, we can make a meal together and then watch a movie or something.”
He wrapped his arms around her, propping his head onto her shoulder as he wiggled them away from the door as Xena’s hand latched onto the handle.
“Also it’s sweet how hard you tried~ and at least you did try, I now know I get to spoil and feed you as much I can, not that I don’t already~ but I can even more~~”
She turned around as she sighed wrapping her arms around her.
“What if I burn down vagastrom?” •._.•
He chuckled as he laid his head on top of her head, stroking soothing circles onto her back as she snuggled into him.
“Then we’ll blame it on Leo.”
She cackled at that as she looked up at him, a gentle smile on her face as she leaned up to press a kiss to his cheek.
“Thank you.”•_•
He spun her around as he swooped to grab the flowers pulling her away from him as he handed them to her, shuffling his jacket off as he draped it over Xena.
“Let’s go-you should probably text someone about the kitchen.”
She nodded in agreement whipping out her phone and furiously texting the chancellor.
She also sends a text to Leo.
John Xena: yo rate my meal
*picture of a burning kitchen*
Leonardo deviancy : honour roll how tf 🤦😂 also 100000/10 🌟
Sho was impressed with how easily Xena destroyed food, kicking her out of the kitchen after she managed to emulsify an egg with oil in the worse way possible, creating a weird mutant that looks like it should be an anomaly.
He decided to go easy and make a omurice, he quickly cheffed it up as Xena huddled into his hoody as Leo and her bickered about her ability.
“How have you even survived this long?”
He cackled as he looked at the picture he took of her egg monster.
“Sheer will and cereal.” •_•
Leo cackled even harder as Sho brought out the food, Xena getting up and taking the plates off him as they carried it up to his room, Leo following along as he took his own plate off of Xena.
Once they all sat down, Sho handed the ketchup to Xena grinning at her as she looked at him confused.
“You can do the pictures~”
Xena’s eyes sparkled with determination as she took all three plates and concentrated hard on drawing onto them.
Sho was choosing a movie as Leo filmed Xena, she was drawing a sun, moon and cloud and assigning them to each person.
Sho was the sun.
Leo was the moon.
And she was the cloud.
She tried to draw little smiley faces into them but they just came out deadpanned.
Leo took pictures of them all as he posted them onto the gram cackling as he did as he realised they all had Xena’s face on this.
Xena’s phone buzzed as she recieved a text from Dante.
Dante’s inferno: :/
Inspector Xena: in my defence I was left unsupervised.
Dante’s inferno: you’re meant to be the supervisor…the cats will fix up your house by tomorrow evening.
Inspector Xena: thank you 🥲
She sighed as she snuggled into Sho’s side as they all ate in silence as the movie Oldboy started up.
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Movie Buddy
Part three
Ren x Xena
The awaited the date
“You look ugly in th-“
A loud smack could be heard as Sho harshly slapped Leo in the gut.
“Hey! She does, orange isn’t your colour, put the red one on.”
Xena glared at him as she sighed quickly going into the bathroom to change into the dark red velvet corset top, the straps were made out of the same material and made into loopy bows at the shoulder. She had a long black velvet skirt on with lace around the hem, Leo told her not to wear a jacket that she looks hotter without it but she ignored him wearing her leather jacket much to Leo’s dismay, it was only to hide her tattoos when she’s out in public.”
“Don’t get why you’re even going out with this random…”
She sighed as she sat at her mirror emptying her makeup bag as she hunted down her dark red lip gloss.
“Not a random, one of my closest friends and…”
She finally found it, avoiding having to finish the rest of her sentence as Sho raised a brow at her and leo grinned like the cat that ate the canary.
“And…?don’t tell me you have a crush on the guy.”
She stayed silent applying her lip gloss as she ignored Leo, changing her earrings into tiny xenomorphs to match the date hangout as Leo and Sho cackled.
“Damn Honour Roll you’ve got…an acquired taste.”
She rolled her eyes turning to them.
“Don’t be a fucking dick Leo, He’s-“
Leo cut her off.
“Let me guess he’s got a real great personality-“
Sho snorted.
“He’s not even got th-“
A pillow hit him hard in the face.
“Shut the fuck up, you both are blind if you can’t see how hot he is.” •_•
Sho and Leo stared at her as her deadpan face spewed out those words, she seemed fuming as she turned back to check herself over.
They glanced at eachother before Leo held a phone up and started snapping pictures of Xena, sending them to her so she can post them on the perfectly curated Instagram he made for her.
“So it’s just because he’s hot?”
Sho questioned, annoyance dripping in his words, xena rolled her eyes as looked back at them.
“No.” •_•
They waited as patiently as they could for Xena to answer as she sprayed a setting spray over her face, before turning around to find both men laying on their stomache on her bed, head in their hands as they kicked their feet, pretending to act like teen girls at a slumber party.
“He’s funny, smart, a total arsehole but in a fun way, he’s shy, he always complains but still ends up helping, he-“
Leo faked gag before Xena could go off on a tangent about all the things she liked about Ren, both him and Sho seeming to get more grumpy as they watched her get ready.
“I can’t believe he even got an R&R for a date…no fair, we never get approved-but he does…”
Leo whined out slumping into Sho who just rolled his eyes.
“It’s not even a date…well he didn’t say it was a date-“
The door knocks and Xena shot up, glaring at the boys as she shoos them off her bed.
“You both need to leave, I don’t wanna come back to you two cuddling in bed.” •_•
Leo shot her a wink and a thumbs up as Sho got up and dragged him with him, they followed her down the stairs as she grabbed her bag from the pew, waving goodbye to the duo as they sneaked out the back door. She put on a pair of chunky black trainers and swung the door quickly, not wanting to seem too eager but failing miserably, as she beamed a huge smile towards Ren who awkwardly stood in the door way.
He was wearing black cargos with thick black boots, a white button up and a slightly oversized dark army green leather bomber jacket.
“You look amazing Ren!” 0_0
A blush quickly spread as he held out his hand for Xena to take as he avoided eye contact.
“You look pretty too…”
Xena took his hand grinning even wider as she lightly giggled. He had styled his hair to be slightly spiked at the end and changed his second earring into a small hoop.
“You look really handsome, I like your hair.”
He flushed bright red as he led her out the doorway.
She locked her door and tried to covertly keep their hands together as they made their way to the train. Ren a step ahead of her as he drooped his hand low, clasping it together as he hoped she wouldn’t bring it up, she didn’t, her hearts in her ears and she quietly chattered to him about reviews she’s seen of the new movie, luckily avoiding spoilers.
Ren was just in a cold sweat hoping his hands hadn’t gone clammy as he tried to keep up with Xena’s nervous chatter.
They finally got on the train, both sitting closely together as they kept their hands clasped together.
“The films not on for another three hours…there’s a place to eat nearby it if you wanna go there…or an arcade.”
He fumbled to check the cinema times as he mumbled out to Xena, he had already checked all the places to hang out and made sure there was a number of options for the two of them.
“Oh! I don’t mind what sort of food places we got…?”
She asked leaning in closer, Ren freezing as she was way too close, he got a waft of her scent a mixture of a fruity perform and leather making him go slightly dizzy, he gulped as he held the phone to show her. He scrolled through the places, xena pointing at a place that was both an arcade and somewhere to eat, it was only ten mins away from the cinema as well.
“How have you beaten me again?” •_•
Xena huffed as she sipped at her beer, they were playing a first person zombie shooter, Ren absolutely annihating her in the game as he took a gulp of his own beer. They were awaiting their food after playing 1v1 games for the past hour, they had ordered fried chicken and chips to share and the loser had to pay the bill, much to Xena’s dismay as she was losing every battle.
“Pffft, a normie can’t beat me.”
He grinned cockily as she rolled her eyes giggling at him as she guided him to another game, Ren happily letting her drag him around as he had the most fun he’s had since entering Darkwick.
“Sure sure but maybe this normie can best you at this.”
She dramatically waved her arms at the Mario kart as she took off her jacket, Ren’s breath hitching as her tattoo got revealed, she looked beautiful in her leather jacket but without it she looked hot, her tattoos, her muscles, the way her top fitted her perfectly accentuating certain features that Ren was having a hard time not focusing on, she looked so pretty it was becoming hard to think just looking at her…she grinned wickedly as she walked over, wrapping herself around his free arm as he went a bright red. She guided him to the chairs helping him sit first before going into her own chair, his brain short circuiting as he tried to rid the feeling of Xena pressed up on his from his brain.
“How about whoever loses this round has to pay for dinner…”
His eyes widened as he saw through her game plan, smiling as he sighed he nodded agreement as determination to win set him straight, he started their battle ambitious in defeating the conniving girl sitting next to him.
Xena lost after Ren blue shelled her at the last minute, the food timing its readiness with her moment of rage.
They both finished their drinks before going to get their food, xena wrapping herself around Ren’s arm once again as he smiled in a state of fluster at her, she was pouting and Ren couldn’t help but inwardly think about how adorable she was.
They picked up their food and Xena paid despite Ren trying to pay as he felt kind of bad about it, but she denied it, a bets a bet.
They chowed down as they excitedly chattered about the film, they were planning to leave in half an hour so they could get in early for snacks and trailers.
After they finished eating they cleaned their table and were about to leave before Ren stopped her at a claw machine, xena looking at him confused as he went to put a coin in.
He immediately won her a bright pink bunny, the thing was insanely cute and soft and was the size of a small cat, he handed it over to her as he watched her go a bright red.
“Thank you…”
She tentatively walked up to him and wrapped her arms around him, gently hugging him as she got up onto her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek.
“Well…uh you paid for food so…”
He rubbed the back of his neck as Xena let go off him (way too soon in his opinion.)
She clutched the bunny close to her, smiling shyly as Ren tugged at her arm, urging her to follow him and they basically skipped out of the place to the cinema, insanely excited as the place came quickly into their view.
Xena whipped out her jacket from her bag as the cold of the late evening got to her, she popped the rabbit into the bag as Ren went to grab her hand again and lead her excitedly into the cinema.
Ren ordered a box of salty popcorn mixed with m&ms and two cokes, Xena grinned as she helped him carry it all to their seats, Ren letting her have the seat closest to the wall. They sat down and Xena leaned her head onto his shoulder as they quietly chattered about what they think will happen.
When the trailers started they ceased their talking as they become immersed into the experience.
“The fact it was mostly practical effects and you can tell but in the best way~ it makes it feel like a proper alien film and made it more intense and scary-“
Ren grinned as he clasped their hands together.
“-and the cast the way they reacted to everything, it wouldn’t of been as scary without their reactions and they all brought such personalities with them…”
Ren added, as they walked slowly over to the train, neither one of them wanting the night to end as Xena swung their arms.
“-Andy as well?! His character was amazing, the way you can see him struggle internally with the dual personality especially in the window scene….”
The two carried an in depth conversation the whole journey home, going through each scene, each callback and Xena explaining about the xenomorphs in great detail…it turns out she was more of a fan than she let on, Ren watched in awe as she talked to him about the comics, videos games and books and how it all tied in with the movie.
He walked her back to the cathedral, the two still holding hands even as they approached her door, Xena seemed reluctant to go in as she spun around to face him, seeming almost nervous as she caressed his hand.
“Erm…was this a um date Ren…?”
She probably should’ve asked before but if she was about to put her mini plan in action she kind of needed to know now.
Ren looked down at their hands as a light blush spread across his face as he tried to think of a response without spewing something weird in his anxious state.
“I wouldn’t put this much effort in for anyone else.”
This was the answer he fell on as he watched Xena burst into a ball of red as she nodded flustered, she grabbed onto the collar of his jacket and slowly pulled him in, looking from his lips to his eyes as she silently asked for permission. Ren’s breath hitched as he found himself leaning in, the two meeting halfway as Xena pressed a sweet and chaste kiss to his lips before pulling back.
Ren gaped at her before putting an arm around her pulling her close and tilting her head up as he went in for another kiss, one that Xena gladly leaned in for, the two kissing for a couple of minutes before she heard the front door quietly open.
“So the date went well then?”
Leo snickered taking a photo of the two as Ren quickly pulled back, his arm still around her as he scowled at Leo.
“What time do you call this young lady?”
Sho appeared in the doorway as well hands on his hips as he smirked at the two, xena hiding her face behind her hands in pure embarrassment as Ren sighed.
“Do they live with you?” •_•
He asked sympathetically as he thought about his own experience living with the clown and Towa, she shook her head signalling no as she looked up at him.
“No, they’re just annoying.”
The two cackled as they walked back inside leaving the couple alone again, Ren quickly leaned down giving her a peck before holding her cheek in his hand as he went to kiss her again, he nipped at her lip as she quickly let him in, their tongues twirling around eachother before he pulled himself away, knowing if he continued he wouldn’t be able to bring himself to leave her tonight.
She kissed his cheek as he let go of her, it was currently 1am and he knew the clown would be coming to get him at 6am for work.
“Ren…would you be down to go on another date with me??”
Xena nervously asked, smiling up at him as a small smile crossed his own face.
“I would be more than down.”
He kissed her on the cheek as they exchanged goodbyes, Ren using everything in him to walk away even though he just wanted to stay by Xena’s side, he waved goodbye again and Xena did the same, sighing sadly as she eventually turned to go into the cathedral as Ren walked out of her eyesight.
“Soooo, how did it go?!”
Leo was leaning against the pews, a smug smile on his face as he enjoyed the look of fluster on her face.
“It went really well…”
She grinned to herself as she brought out the pink bunny, smoothing it in her hands as she went upstairs to get ready for bed.
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The dream takes over
I might do this as a little mini series for some of the pairings or all🤔
Ren x Xena
Xena opens her door only to discover a weird demon in her cathedral, she immediately closes the door and finds somewhere to stay whilst the situation gets solved…only there’s some side effects.
Warnings;pervert Ren; smut; dry humping; p in the v, overstimulation, slight biting.
It’s a rare day where she finishes early, the sun hadn’t even set yet as she pushed her key into the lock before swinging her door open, ready to finally have an evening for herself.
Yet, as always fate has other plans for her as she came face to face with a deep red demonic figure, it looked like a humanoid Scorpio as its deep orange eyes turned to face her hissing as it charged forward.
Xena immediately swung the door closed and legged it all the way to vagastrom.
Dante was already there and as Xena explained the situation he ordered the ghouls to capture the anomaly and not destroy Xena’s home in the process.
Dante sighed, looking up at the ceiling as if asking for help from the gods above.
“It’s a…the anomaly that the idiot released from mortkranken.”
The idiot being a vagastrom student who was crying in the corner, as Leo interrogated him.
“It’s was meant to be like a love dove but for the physical side of things…that moron was desperate to see if a girl liked him like that and released it…except he released the wrong fucking one-this one is more like a succubus, infiltrating your dreams and taking your energy.”
Sho explained leaning against Bonnie in a state of annoyance as he glared at the guy.
“Not only that, but if it injects someone it can release pheromones into them that make them duplicate the succubus’ powers in order to help find more prey…”
Dante explained looking as tired as Xena felt…which shit might be a very very terrible thing.
“Xena you might be affected if it was in the cathedral, I advise you stay away from this mission, I’ve already asked Nicolas and he said it’s a waiting out situation with the side affects…it usually injects itself through the neck, can you check for any marks?”
She nodded and ran the the bathroom…there was nothing in the front and she grabbed a tiny mirror to check the back and there didn’t seem to be anything there either…
She walked back out letting Dante know the good news, he got both Sho, alan and Leo to double check all giving her the all clear.
“That’s good…though this can be a rare case, stay with someone you trust tonight-just in case….”
“Thanks for letting me stay Ren.”
She sighed as she flopped face first onto his bed as he just rolled his eyes at her.
“Your spare clothes are in the washing machine right now, I haven’t had the chance to wash them yet since you last came so you can burrow my clothes.”
He threw her an old band tee and a pair of boxers as she flipped herself around smiling in thanks as she dragged herself to the bathroom to get washed and changed.
Ren quickly opened the drawer that had her clothes in it. Towa did the laundry last and completely destroyed them, he was keeping them to get the replacements but if she saw them she might think he fucked them up or something…and maybe he has a small desire to see his best friend most tolerable associate in his clothes, something that is 100% platonic and not romantic or sexual in any way.
He sighed placing an old hoodie on top of the destroyed clothes and quietly shut the drawer. He started setting up a movie for them to watch, a cheesy shitty slasher and not a monster film, especially after she had to see that fucked up creature earlier…Dante said she was cleared of being affected by it but she still seemed really worried, so hopefully a hilariously bad movie will cheer her up-not that he cared.
She came pattering out of the bathroom, her uniform folded neatly as she placed them next to her bag. Ren couldn’t take his eyes off her sneaking glances as he tried to pretend he was setting up a mini nest for them, his shirt looked huge on her, the neck low enough to show her collar bones, the shirt was so long you couldn’t even see his boxers, giving the illusion she was wearing just his shirt, making his imagination go into overdrive as he tried not to imagine what his wandering hands could do to her.
She flopped backward onto his bed, too tired to even notice Ren checking her out, her shirt lifting as she stretched out revealing her boxers, Ren once again short circuiting as images of making Xena cum in his own boxers spun around his brain.
He gritted out avoiding looking at Xena as he tried to repel the bright red blush overtaking him.
He needed a cold shower and he needed it stat, rushing to the bathroom and locking the door behind him as he groaned looking down at the very obvious bulge poking out from his trousers.
They had both quickly fell asleep, Ren barricading himself in a tightly wound cocoon of blankets as Xena huddled in his covers, she said they could just share that she was 80% sure that she wasn’t afflicted with the succubus curse on top of her own, Ren just shook his head saying he felt a bit ill and didn’t want to get her sick. Something Xena easily accepted as she crashed out.
That’s 100% what happened…
So why was he now spooning Xena, Xena who kept wiggling into him making him grit his teeth and count down from ten.
“Xe please stop doing that.”
He hissed out his hands shakily going to grab her waist in an effort to stop her.
Her shirt rode up revealing she must’ve taken her boxers off during the night, leaving her in just a pair of thin black lacy panties. His hands brushed against them before pulling back as if touching fire.
Hands grabbed them back placing them lightly on her waist as she turned her head sleepily to Ren.
“What time is it?”
She whispered as he stared at her in disbelief.
Was this the side affects she briefly mentioned.
He reached over her tapping his phone on the nightstand on her side, trying to not think too hard about the scent of his shower gel mixed with Xena’s own smell of leather and flowers wafting through him.
He groaned slumping back down as he was about to turn away and try to go back to sleep and defiantly not think about Xena.
That’s what he should be doing…
But instead he stayed in place as he carefully ghosted his hands against her waist once more pulling her back into him as he pressed her ass against his bulge.
Xena’s breath hitched as he did so, the air growing thick and heavy as he slid his hands under her T-shirt.
“What woke you up…?”
He was strained as he drew small circles with the tips of his fingers against her side, making sure to dig his nails in a little as Xena’s breathing picked up.
“I had a dream-“
She had to stop mid sentence as Ren dragged his hand up lightly brushing over her tits as he started drawing circles over her nipple, she nibbled at her lip as she started slowly grinding against him.
“What was it about…?”
His voice low and gruff as his hand travelled back to her waist groping it as he pushed her ass harder against him as he grinded back into her, he let out a breathy grunt as he felt himself become desperate for more.
“Kinda similar to this…”
She breathed out not able to get the proper words out as the delicious feeling of Ren rubbing up against her turned her brain into a puddle l, the lack of layers making her feel every part of Ren pressed against her as she felt herself soak through her panties as Ren trailed a hand back down teasing around her elastic as he hissed as he dipped a finger to slide through her slit, her juices dripping all over his finger before pulling it out again, causing Xena to whine as she grinded harder against him trying to get some sort of relief.
“Is that why you took the boxers off-getting too hot and bother-ed there Xena?”
she nodded letting out a soft moan as Ren started groping her tits before she pulled his hands off and turned around pushing him back as she straddled him.
“I think we could both use a little release…what do you think?”
She asked nervously as a hand travelled underneath his shirt as the other teased along the elastic of his jogging bottoms.
Ren was looking up at her wide eyed as she sat up and started pulling down his joggers, he lifted himself up as he helped shuffled them off. She pulled his boxers down as his flushed red cock sprung out, precum dripping all down it as Xena wrapped a hand around him, giving him a few strokes as she took in how big he was. He wasn’t girthy but had the length to make up for it, she slid herself up as she used his abs to support herself as she slowly lowered herself to straddle his cock head, testily rolling her hips around him moaning as her clit caught the tip of his head.
Ren fluttered his eyes as his hands went to grasp Xena’s ass as she started sliding herself -her pussy along his length. Her panties soaked through completely as her slick coated him, his hands wandered as he caressed her thighs to her waist, squeezing her tits as he felt her nipples pebble underneath his touch.
She was going slowly but hard on him, applying the right amount of pressure as she rocked herself against him, the room filled with Ren’s grunts and low moans along with Xena’s gasps as she started rolling her clit solely his tip.
Her voice coming out louder as she started reaching her oncoming orgasm, Ren grabbed her ass dragging her all the way back down to his base before making her go back up to his tip, both letting out loaded groans as he did this as she put more pressure against his abs in order to help keep herself stable.
“We need to keep quiet -fuck just like that xe…”
He would’ve been more worried other his other two dorm members but Xena was deliciously grinding against him her hips rolling in a way that was driving him slightly crazy as he felt himself get so close.
She pulled her top up stuffing the bottom in her mouth in an effort to keep herself quiet as her grinding become more erratic. Ren jaw falling open as he watched this angel use him to get off, her tits jiggling as she arched herself backwards giving him the golden view of everything as he held onto her waist for dear life as he watched her pussy rub against him, eyes rolling back as he started bucking up, his head hitting her clit making her see stars as she let out a muffled whine as Ren was humping against her.
The friction making her hips stutter as her eyes rolled back letting out another high pitched whine as Ren started moaning loudly as he gripped her ass rolling his hips into her as they both got close to their orgasm, Xena’s hand tangling into his hair as she pulled him up slightly to kiss her, tongues entangling as she wildly grinded over him, her hips moving uncontrollably as she dug her nails into his chest leaving red marks as she whined into his mouth, shaking hard as she came over him whining hard into Ren’s mouth as the orgasm hit her hard as her brain short circuited, the warm juices dripping all over his cock spurning Ren on as she rolled herself slowly over his length riding out her orgasm, she started rubbing hard at his tip with her hand as he let out a tense groan as he quickly pulled her back up onto his tip cumming all over her clit as she rolled her hips over him, xena gasped into their kiss as Ren sighed holding her in place as their faces parted, a trail of saliva following them as she looked down at him with half lidded eyes, both breathing heavily as they tried to catch their breaths.
She couldn’t think of anything else to say her brain in a fog as Ren sat himself up, pushing her head towards him again as he kissed her. Hands dragging into her hair as he pulled closer, xena placed a hand around his length that was still hard despite just cumming , slowly rotating her hand around him as he pulled back.
“Shit…Xe-could you…could you lay on your side, could we-“
He was breathing heavily as Xena kissed him again, he wouldn’t be able to go on unless he was inside of her, his hands groping and caressing as they slid under her t shirt again.
“What ya gonna do to me if I do…”
She teasingly trailed a finger down his chest as she pressed a kiss to his neck, hearing one of Ren’s low grunts as he sighed moving his head closer to her again as she pressed a kiss to his lips once more, the heat heavy between them as she could feel herself growing hot with need.
“Shit…I need you, fuck please Xena I’ll make you feel so good-“
He groped hard at her hips as he grunted the words out unable to restrain himself as she moaned softly , her eyes fluttering at the pressure-her brain going into overdrive at his low voice whispering against her lips, his words running straight to her core.
She bit her lip nodding as she clambered to go onto her side facing away from him as Ren wrapped arm around her, his hand stroking downward as he found his way to her underwear, rubbing two finger down her slit as he guided it back up. He started kissing at her neck relishing in the way she gleamed at his touch, quiet moans edging him on as he yanked at her underwear. Ripping it off as the sound of her lacy underwear tearing apart made them both froze.
“…I didn’t like that pair anyway.” •_•
She giggled as Ren groaned into her neck.
“Thank fuck.”
He adds getting her new underwear to the list of clothes he needs to replace.
She shimmied them off, breathing heavily as Ren ghosted his fingers across her slit teasing her as she tried to roll her hips in an effort to be touched more.
“You’re so needy Xena.”
Ren’s breath hitched as he pressed a finger inside of her, curling it as he prodded to find that spongy section. Xena whimpered as he slowly fucked his fingers into her, quickly pressing a second finger in her as she grinded against him.
“Lift your leg up for me…”
Xena’s mouth dropping into an O, as her whimpers combined with low moans as she complied with what he asked , she lifted it up, digging her nails in to keep it up as the new angle allowed Ren to fuck further into her. Xena letting out a high pitched squeal as he found that spot, he massaged his fingers onto that spot rubbing circles as he kept them inside and repeatedly curled his fingers into her relishing in her mantra of moans.
He could hear how wet her pussy was as his fingers went a lightning speed, squelching echoing throughout the room as Xena cried out trying to keep her leg clamped in place as tremors wracked through her.
“I’m fuck Ren I’m cumming-“
Her voice whiny and breathless as she tightened around his fingers, creaming hard onto him as Ren moaned into her neck as he slowly fucked her through her orgasm twisting his fingers in and out of her as she cried out riding the wave of her orgasm as Ren kept his fingers inside as she came down from it.
He slowly pulled it out, xena wincing at the loss as she could feel herself pulsating needing something inside her as she needily tried to pull his fingers back to her. Instead, he shoved his fingers into her mouth as he lightly held onto her leg, he watched as she sucked around them twirling her tongue as he pressed it more into herself causing her to lightly gag.
The sight turning him on even more as he felt his cock throb.
“Shit-youre so hot-fuck I need…Xena I need to fuck you.”
Ren moaned as he pulled his fingers out turning her face to him as he kissed her in a frenzy, she was whining into him as Ren rubbed circles on her clit, his other hand gripped onto her leg as he anchored himself. He trailed his hands to him cock as he guided it into her, he pressed the tip into her hole, he pulled it back out, repeatedly doing this as he teased her.
She was whimpering as she gripped hard at her thigh.
She pulled away from his kiss breathing heavily as he started slapping his cock head against her clit.
“Don’t tease me Ren, I need you~”
She cried out, her brain fog getting to her as it begged for pleasure, the position she was in meant she had to be at his mercy.
He grunted as he held her harder, as he finally pressed himself into her.
“Oh fuck-“
She moaned out as she could feel every inch of him penetrating her cunt. Ren clutched at her thigh for dear life as the warm tight hole enveloped him, already trying to milk him as his breath stuttered-eyes rolling back as he nuzzled his head into her shoulder.
“You’re so fucking warm-Shit You’re taking me so well Xena…”
He thrusted into her, giving her the last couple of his inches as she moaned at the feeling, she could feel everything, his veins, his length it was driving her insane as he kept himself sheathed in her. Trying to stop himself from cumming immediately as she started pleading for him to move, she was pulsing and hot against him and he to her as she dug her claws into his hand that was tightly gripping her thigh.
“Please~please fuck me, I can’t”
She needily begged whining as sweat trickled down her thigh as Ren covered her neck in a plethora of kisses as he threw all restraint out the window.
His mouth dropped open and his eyes rolled back as he started thrusting needily into her, both craving eachother to the point they felt as though they’d fall apart if they couldn’t have the other. Xena felt as though her insides were melting as his hot cock thrusted into her hard and slow, the position they were in meant he was able to hit her in all the right places as she laid on her side, leg held away so he could easily fuck into her.
Squelches echoed throughout the room as Ren’s grunts and Xena’s cries and whines echoed throughout the room. Both of her hands were clutching onto her pillow for dear life.
“Fuck Xena I can feel everything, you’re so fucking wet for me-“
Her back was arching as Ren used his free hand to tilt Xena’s face up turning her to face him as he kissed her as if his life depended on it, drool dripping down her chin as they sloppily made out as he started going faster, pounding into her as he felt her tighten and stutter around him.
“Fuck I’m so close Ren-please please please…”
Pulling away from the kiss as she begged him for release as he let out a loud guttural moan, one of her hands travelled down rubbing at her clit as the room filled with her cries.
“You’re going so fucking dumb on me aren’t you Xena, am I hitting that precious little spot? do you want it deeper? Shit-“
Turning himself on as he gritted the words outs, growling it into her ear and he could feel his cockhead hit her g spot, his balls hitting her clit as he harshly pounded into her, his dirty words turning her on as she wailed out.
“Fuck yes yes ye-ohmygod Ren please you feel so good i can’t I can’t-“
She was babbling now as she felt herself out to come undone, her clit rubbing becoming erratic as she cried out one last time as Ren kept his mean pace up as she cummed all over his cock, gasping for breath as he fucked her through her Earth shattering orgasm feeling herself completely melt as a ring of cum appeared on Ren’s cock. Her leg twitched in Ren’s hold as she weakly grabbed onto his hand for support as overstimulation soon took over as Ren kept going.
He couldn’t stop himself as he started to sloppily and erratically fuck into her, switching hands as one grabbed at her ankle and the other went to rub at her clit, he could felt her pulsing as she clamped down onto him as she cried out at his relentless endeavour.
“Oh god-fuck Xena I’m gonna cum~”
He growled into her neck as he bit hard into her shoulder as she whined loudly shaking hard as she came hard onto his cock again, it felt as though she was milking him as her pussy clung to him as he felt her cum drip down his cock onto his balls, his eyes rolled back as he thrusted a couple more time into her before pulling out aggressively stroking himself as he was about to cum hard-
And then he woke up…
He launched into a sitting position, A hot mess and his joggers sticky as he unravelled himself from his cocoon, he groaned feeling heavy as he looked around the room disorientated.
It was late still, the room dark just as it was before, he could feel his hair flat against his head as he brushed a hand through it, cringing at the sweat…
He quickly turned to Xena, frowning and eyes widening as she laid in bed cuddled against a pillow, her shirt risen as before but this time with his boxers on, she didn’t seem to have any signs of their previous…activities.
Shit…it must’ve been a dream.
A very intense and realistic wet dream about his best friend.
It felt so real, he could still feel himself inside of her, he tried to repel the thought or memory? as he felt himself getting hard again.
He flopped back down without thinking, freezing when he heard Xena let out a groan.
“Why the fuck are you awake?…it’s 4AM man.”
Xena paused to check her phone as Ren hid his face under his arm, trying to hide both his red flushed face and not being able to look at Xena without the dream flashing through him.
She was checking through her phone, too distracted to notice Ren’s very hard plight as he shuffled to turn the other way.
“Oh shit…Leo texted saying about the anomaly.”
The anomaly.
That must be why he had that dream, one of the fucked up side affects she said about…
“Oh!! They said they’ve terminated it hours ago, so even if I was afflicted it would’ve only been for a hour at least.”
It wasn’t the anomaly…
Just him being a fucking pervert.
“Hey you okay Ren?”
She was about to reach out to him before he abruptly shot up, running to the bathroom.
He rushed out as Xena just stared at him confused, she shrugged laying back down and cuddling her pillow again, her favourite thing to do as it smelled like Ren.
Ren then had the coldest and longest shower to ever exist as Haru popped his head in to grab Xena and Ren for work times, timing it perfectly with Ren exiting the shower.
“Fuck my life.”
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Avoidance isn’t the answer part 4(bonus)
Xena x Leo
Sho sliding in a bit there as well.
Just a fluffy early afternoon
Xena was too warm.
It was like a weighted blanket was on top of her.
She sighed as her eyes shot open as she was about to angrily throw the blanket off of her frustrated as the feeling of being overheated overwhelmed her.
Instead of a blanket she had a very snuggled Leo on top of her, his head slotted in the crevice of her neck, she frowned as she realised he was wearing her hoodie…her favourite hoodie. She just knew that she wasn’t going to get it back, he seemed rather content and cozy in her hoodie…it annoyingly suited him better.
She glanced to the side of her trying to see if there’s a phone or clock beside her, there was a cat shaped clock with the glowing numbers;
What the fuck
She sighed as she gently tapped Leo on the back.
“Leo.” •_•
He let out a dramatic groan as he snuggled deeper, a hand shooting out to grip her own in order to stop her waking him up.
“It’s too warm.” •_•
Leo sighed happily as he proper clasped their hands together, he mumbled something but she couldn’t quite make out what he said.
“Ah you’re awake flower power.”
She snorted at the name as she tried to peek above Leo’s head, seeing Sho towering above the bed looking down at them in amusement.
“Good morning.”•_•
She sighed giving up with getting Leo on her as he seemed to be completely dead asleep and is slightly impossible to move. She wrapped her arm around him, a small huff of happiness came from Leo as he squeezed her hand and nuzzled into her neck.
Sho let out a snort as he watched Leo make himself even more comfier, xena used the hand that was being held to tap the space beside her gesturing for Sho to come sit with them.
“I’m just on a lunch break, thought you guys could use some food.”
he brought two foiled boxes out from the freezer bag beside him and placed them gently on the bedside table.
The smell of miso chicken over rice made her drool and it seemed to activate a sleeper cell in Leo as his head snapped up.
He looked dazed and confused as he looked at Sho, looked at the food and then flopped back onto Xena who let out a loud oomphf as he now huffed in annoyance at Sho.
“He doesn’t wake up very well does he?”
She started brushing through his hair and she felt him melt into her as he sighed in contentedness.
“Especially after a night like yours.”
He smirked at her as he pointed at his neck.
The way Leo was laying on her you could see an array of love bites littering his neck as they peeked out from the hoodie, she was kind of glad he couldn’t see hers not wanting to see his smirk grow bigger as he realised how much they devoured eachother, she could still feel it slightly throb.
She let out a light giggle as she continued stroking Leo’s head who just grumbled even more but seemed to be slowly waking up as he sighed once again.
“I guess it’s been a chaotic night-thank you for bringing us here by the way I kind of owe you.”
Sho shook his head crossing his arms as he looked down at her amused.
“Nah you don’t owe me anything>he does though.”
He pointed at Leo bringing his hand closer as he flicked at the others ear.
“Wake up and eat, Captain wants to spar with all of us later.”
Leo let out a low growl as he flopped off of Xena. He grabbed onto Sho’s finger- biting on it in a dramatic protest as Sho hissed in response retreating his hand as fast as he could as he glared at the little monster.
“Tsk-I need to get back to the truck, Xe I’ll see you later at sparring! You too Leo, Alan said he’d carry you there if he had too.”
Leo flopped back into the bed.
“I wouldn’t mind being carried by the himbo but why does Xena have to spar?”
He held onto her hand possessively pouting at Sho, xena sat up reaching over to grab her box as Sho hastily brought out the utensils he forgot in the bag, tossing her a pair and leaving another on top of Leo’s food.
“She’s a black belt in judo? She also needs to train…just in case.”
The houses have been tense, murmurs from other students claiming it’s teetering back to how it was in the lead up to the clash.
“You’re a black belt?”
Leo sounded astonished as he turned to her confused.
“Yeah?” •_•
Leo eyebrows raised as he seemed in deep thought.
“Honour roll that’s kind of hot.”
Xena tensed shoving a bit of chicken in her mouth as she felt herself burn bright red as Sho just laughed at Leo.
Leo Shot up grabbing his utensils as he leaned over to Xena, stealing a bit of her chicken as he leaned on her shoulder.
He sighed wistfully as he tried to devour Xena’s meal, Sho rolled his eyes as he plopped Leo’s meal onto his lap.
“I’ll see ya later.”
“See ya later Sho~thank you for the food it’s so good.” •_•
Xena was slightly blushing as she devoured her food trying to hold it away from a thieving Leo who tiredly grinned at Sho.
He waved without looking back but just as he was about to exit He took one more glance at the two Leo cuddling up to Xena as he snatched food from her share and her from his. He grinned as the two quietly chattered to eachother, excited for the sparring session later as he continued on to his truck.
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Leo x Xena
(Pre-established relationship)
I half proof read this as I again had no sleep and work had slightly taken my soul but pls Enjoy~
The concert
The pit was changed into a makeshift stage, the first band was setting up with their sound check echoing throughout the arena like room as the crowd spilled into the place. The bar set up at the back of the room had a huge queue and Xena was starting to lose hope on the promise of beer that Sho and Leo swore they’d obtain for her if she came tonight.
Not that she needed much convincing but it was nice to get something out of an already favourable venture. Plus it was an excuse to dress up as Darkwick finally got her clothes, it’s only took a month but she could’ve kissed the ground the agents walked on when one of them delivered the box of clothing. Tonight she was wearing a black knitted cami with a long red plaid skirt, it had chains attached all around the waist and she finally was able to wear her chunky black boots. She had her black leather jacket on and thick eyeliner and red eyeshadow. She felt more comfortable now that she was finally in her own clothes, wearing the same uniform was torturous especially when she had to wash it every other day just to ensure she had something to actually wear. The fact that on the same week she got her clothes back, vagastrom was hosting a punk event, starring their very own band The Honkies and a mortkranken band call The Scapel Brothers was even more of a plus, she was slightly annoyed that the highlight of her week was getting her own clothes so she’s glad she had something exciting to look forward too. Apparently both bands were quite heavy and had a very electric vibe, Sho said he saw them practicing and they were insanely good. She looked around the place and saw that even the walls had been decorated in band posters and new spray paintings fitting with the theme, she even spotted some of Alan’s art dotted around the place. She was so distracted taking in the new sights of the usually bloody area that she missed the whispered argument of Sho and Leo, an argument that Leo seemed to win (as usual).
“Oi, honor roll Sho’s going to get the drinks, we’ll go claim our spot before someone else steals it.”
Sho just frowned and shook his head as he headed to the dreaded queue muttering to himself as he threw one last glare at Leo before throwing a small smile Xena’s way.
Leo grabbed onto Xena’s hand excitedly as she tilted her head in confusion, he stepped closer to her as he sighed rolling his eyes dramatically as she watched him with a blank face.
“You weren’t listening to a thing we were saying were you Xe?”
He started fiddling with a strand of her hair twirling it around his finger sighing as she shook her head to signal ‘no’.
“We have a spot reserved for us since I basically organised the whole event, ya know it wasn’t eassssssssy~ Enaaa don’t you think I did well~~”
She was still thrown off by the nicknames and how friendly he’s been lately, but it was entertaining watching him try to get a rise out of her. It’s become a weird cat and mouse game for the both of them to see who will crack first.
She let out a small huff as she squeezed his hand.
“It looks insane Leo, you’ve done a good job-I’m actually really excited for tonight, it looks like it’s gonna be loads of fun and it’ll be because you did such a good job and you look hot doing it”
She said it in the bluntest voice and with the straightest face, where anyone else would think she was being sarcastic, Leo’s features turned into that of the cat who’s got the cream, a delighted smile and eyes glittering in praise as he unconsciously rubbed circles onto Xena’s hand. He had a slight blush as he tugged her to follow him, she had to admit he looked good tonight aswell, he was wearing a black bomber jacket with a yellow cropped jumper and black distressed cargos, he had a fishnet tank top underneath and his usual headphones around his neck. He did have some white eyeshadow on as well which made his golden eyes pop even more, he looked stunning really.
They dodged and weaved through the crowd and she tried to keep up as he led her to the left side of the pit, she could see a red rope cornering off a section that was beautifully decorated with different graffiti art and a big bold poster of the Honkies. The area had a couple of chairs and tables and there wasn’t anyone else there besides Alan who was scowling at the crowd, Leo just waved energetically at him as they passed by, she nodded as a greeting at Alan who returned the favour.
He finally let go off her hand, chucking his phone to her as he started to pose in front of the Honkies poster, she immediately started snapping photos used to the routine of playing the part of photographer- following along with Leo as he changed his background to the graffiti art, which now she’s closer she can see it’s been made into a zombie doctor holding a scalpel as he was dining into a brain.
“You look different Xena, did you dress for the event.”
Alan stood slightly behind her as he watched the imprompt photo shoot. His arms folded as he closed off the VIP section.
“These are my normal clothes, Darkwick finally decided it’s time to give the uniform a rest-at least on non-school days.”
Alan made a thoughtful noise as he silently continued to watch them, which seemed to irritate Leo for some reason, Xena didn’t really understand why. Alan was about to say something else but found himself cut off before he could even begin by the disgruntled Leo.
“Himbo, instead of standing around how bout you make yourself useful and help Sho, I told him to get extra drinks so he won’t have to go back to the bar again~”
He scowled at Alan as he shooed him away.
Alan just sighed as he turned to make his way to the bar.
“You know he didn’t even want the concert Xe?! I had to announce it on Instagram so he couldn’t reject it and now he’s just standing about in VIP as if he was all about it.”
Leo was by her side again frowning as he leaned into her checking through the photos and picking out his favourites, satisfied with his picks he turned his attention to xena.
“Okay now you.”
“Now me what?”
She furrowed her brow at him as he pushed her towards the poster.
She awkwardly stood in front of the poster as still as a statue, her face in the same position as usual. •_•
Leo grinned as he smashed the camera button as much as he could seeming to enjoy taking photos of the awkward girl.
The band was finally doing instrumental sound check as the crowd finally seemed to finish filing in, it was jam packed and Xena was actually quite glad for the VIP area. After what seemed like eternity the sounds of the drums beating through the room saved her from having any more photos being taken as they begun their last sound check.
Leo came back to her side, watching excitedly as the vocalist spoke into the mic.
“Test one…”
“Test two…”
It was Xena’s turn to lean into Leo as she watched excitedly (inwardly) as the band readied themselves. Leo himself was starting to feel even more excited for his plan. That was until the fender let out the cursed awful shriek, xena winced at the amp fault, the sound so awful she almost missed the perfectly timed small whimper that emitted from Leo.
The key word being almost.
She turned towards him worry filling her eyes as Leo had both hands over his ears, she tugged at his sleeve guiding him over to wear the armchairs are. Her plan was to sit him down and chuck his headphones on to help block out the noise around them and contact Sho to grab some painkillers before the show started.
Instead, she found herself trapped between the Honkies poster and Leo who took the opportunity to guide her there as she tried to lead him to the chairs.Leo currently had his face hidden in her neck and arms snaked around her waist hidden underneath jacket. Her hands were frozen against her side as her usually non chalant face was a furious bright red. Her heart beat was practically leaping out her chest as she slowly wrapped her arms around his neck, fiddling with strands of hair as she used her other hand to rub circles in his neck. She felt him say something against her shoulder but couldn’t quite make it out as he tightened his own grip rubbing circles into her back.
He sighed contently as he snuggled further into her listening to the furious heartbeat that threatened to break through her chest. He’s glad his face was hidden right now as a smirk made its way onto his face, everything was going according to plan as Xena attempted to soothe the falsely pained Leo.
She knew he was sensitive to sounds and that migraines sometimes infiltrated and broke him down a bit but this time he was prepared. He had taken pain killers before to ensure it was only a dull headache that’ll attack him tonight. He wanted to see a flustered Xena tonight and he knew she was weak to him in moments like this as he had tested it in the previous weeks watching as she doted on him whenever he acted up or had an actual migraine. Plus add on the pity of a migraine at an event he made sure to emphasise how much he was looking forward too and dedicated so much time planning and Xena’s own good mood, it was a combo for a successful mission.
He wanted a picture of a flustered Xena but now as she played with his hair and the smell of citrus and leather surrounded him he found himself to not really care that much about getting a picture of Xena blushing and found himself trying to figure out how to drag this moment out as much as he could~ though the picture of the two of them up against the Honkies poster would surely be a hit on Instagram.
He hoped Sho came back in time to get the photo, he could hear her heart starting to balance out though it was still drumming like she just drunk six extra strong coffees.
“Leo, do you want me to get you some pain killers or should we put your headphones on? I think they’re about to sta-“
He cut her off as he let out a loud whine, he didn’t want her to move away and although he enjoyed her soothing voice he didn’t want her to get away.He pulled her even closer as he could practically hear her blood rushing more to her cheeks. She slid her hand into his hair as she gave him a slight head massage, he melted into her nearly purring at how good it felt.
He could hear the music start and sighed as he turned off his stigma, not wanting to be deafened by the band itself.
“Oh! Sho and Alan are here…”
Xena murmured into his ear making him slightly shiver as she tried to wiggle away. He finally lifted his head up as he came face to face with the blushing Xena, it only got worse for her as she quickly tried to cover her cheeks as she saw the shit eating grin covering Leo’s face. He slid his hands away from her waist as he pressed her further into the wall placing his hands either side of her head as he leaned down, he was so close that their noses were brushing. Xena let out a short gasp as they two stared into each others eyes, Leo took one of her hands off her cheek and replaced it with his own. He was about to lean in closer but he felt something grab the back of his collar harshly pulling him back as a beer was held out in front of his face.
“Oi, You can only have one cause of the painkillers earlier-senpai I got you three beers so you don’t have to leave the area…”
Xena quickly recovered as her face swiftly went back to the blank mask it usually was, though there was still a pink dusting littering her face as she took the cup from Alan who stood very awkwardly behind Sho as he avoided both Leo and Xenas faces. He seemed almost flustered at catching the two almost kiss whereas Sho was just exasperated, he pulled Leo closer to him glaring as he did.
“You can’t kiss her just to fluster her and win some bet dude.”
Leo scoffed as he took a sip of his drink, Sho can be so stupid sometimes obviously he had an intricate plan, the almost kiss was just something of the moment and an added bonus and now to make matters worse she must’ve heard Sho announce that he already prepped for the threat of a migraine and thus didn’t actually need to be doing all that.
“Did you even get the pics of us?”
He ignored Shos disapproval and held his hand out expectantly, he glanced over at Xena who was standing beside Alan, the two of them enjoying the music that had easily become background music for Leo.
Sho sighed as he handed his phone over watching the Cheshire grin take over Leo’s face as he saw the assortment of photos taken, he was taken aback though as that Cheshire grin turned gentler as he scrolled through the pictures of the two of them cuddling. He sent practically every single one to himself as he commandeered Sho’s phone. He was already posting the best ones to his gram thanking his girlfriend for taking care of him in his time of need. Sho rolled his eyes as Leo threw his phone back to him already making a beeline back to Xena, who had already seemed to forgive Leo for his plan.
The two have had this weird flirtationship since they attempted to kill her, xena calling them out on it after the mission was over. She was so blunt about he thought she was joking at first until she just stared •_• until they responded~ well more like he responded and Leo just made bitchy comments, only to receive comments thrown back at him by Xena.
Leo found it fun trying to figure out how to get her to properly react, as they realised she didn’t even react properly when she almost died. She went along with their plans and entertained Leo in his attempts, most of the time it seemed she enjoyed spending time with them though it would’ve been hard for them to notice originally but now that they know her more, it’s a lot easier to tell the difference between the blank faces.
His annoyance slowly drifted away to amusement as he watched Leo wrap himself around Xena again, using her shoulder to lean his head on as he started to pay attention to the actual band, he wrapped his arms around her and Sho couldn’t help the smirk that took over him as he watched a small smile take over Xena’s face, he couldn’t tell who was more smitten.
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