#lego ninjago movie headcanons
raishifts · 8 months
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cole doodles ft. movie glacier :D
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ninjautizm · 11 months
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what if Lloyd permanently lost his arm and now he just has a prosthetic arm.. just what if..
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the-mold-is-coming · 5 months
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When your bestie has gossip at the nursing home
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angeldrawsstuffs · 1 month
One of my movieverse HCs is that the Time Twins aren’t evil and are curators at the Ninjago Museum together (they use their powers to restore artifacts and such).
Acronix runs the social media pages and, since Krux literally never look at them, basically has free reign to post whatever the fuck he wants. This also leads to him and movieverse Zane (on his White Ninja account) getting into petty internet arguments on very public platforms. Krux is unaware of all of this while Morro (who works at the museum part time to help with collage stuff) slams his head into the nearest wall because no, Acronix, I’m not going to go use my powers to mess with the Ice Tank just because he called you a nerd on Chirp. Also that is a teenager and you KNOW he is a teenager. Why are you beefing with a teenager on the internet.
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iriyaices · 1 year
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In same age Show Kai has more muscles than the movie but the movie Kai is taller No one can change my mind
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pajore62 · 7 months
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traffic-light-eyes · 4 months
Ninjago Movie-Verse Headcanon List
1. Ages / Grades (American)
The technical oldest. He's been running for at least 25 years, but only gained his "soul" at 7. Thus, he is technically 18 and a senior.
The oldest at 18/19. He's a senior who was held back sophomore year. Not for lack of intelligence, no, but because he was suspected to have instigated a fight. They suspended him for the rest of the school year since the dude was seriously injured.
He's a 16/17 junior. He spends a lot of his time with seniors, though, since he's in the varsity basketball team. People always think he's a senior when they first meet him; he just has that excitable, experienced aura around him.
He's a junior, but he was pushed up a grade at a young age since he was so darned smart. Especially for the small town he grew up in. So, he's 15/16.
Sophomore with a big personality. Very confident, so, like her brother, people assume she's a senior. She's 15/16, though. Most would think that someone like her would be super mature, but she's actually very childish at heart.
He's the youngest, meaning he's a freshman who still hasn't figured himself out yet. Thinking just a year below Nya, so either 14 of 15. The year he spent alone in middle school when everyone was off in high school was the worst year in his life.
2. Extracurriculars
The tech whiz who secretly runs the school's underground robotics club. He's the mastermind behind all the impressive tech gadgets used by the students, from advanced calculators to covert communication devices.
The unofficial leader of the school's parkour team, known for his daring stunts and fearless attitude. Despite his tough exterior, he's also the go-to guy for heartfelt advice and support. The team often just goes to him for a shoulder to lean on, but after practice is over, he's still considered a loner.
The star point guard of the school's basketball team, leading the Ninjago Dragons to victory with his sharp shooting skills. Despite his competitive nature on the court, he's also known for his infectious enthusiasm and willingness to lend a helping hand to his teammates. With his charismatic personality and natural leadership abilities, Kai is not just a sports star but also a beloved figure in the school community.
The ingenious inventor behind the school's technology club, known for his brilliant creations and knack for problem-solving. Despite his quiet and introverted nature, Jay's creativity knows no bounds, and he's always willing to lend his expertise to help his fellow students with their projects. With his shy demeanor and gentle spirit, Jay may not seek the spotlight, but his contributions behind the scenes make him indispensable.
The captain of the school's debate team, known for her sharp wit and fierce debating skills. She's a force to be reckoned with in any argument, but also has a softer side when it comes to supporting her friends.
He doesn't attend any clubs. Sometimes, he just sits in the shadows of whatever meeting the other ninja are running.
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greenunoreversecard · 7 months
Ninjago Masterlist
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Lloyd, The Greenest and Geekest mf. ->General and romantic headcanons
Lloyd x strong! Reader headcanons
Sugar and spice-> Gn! Reader->multiple character hcs
Wait for it
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Sugar and spice-> Gn! Reader-> Multiple character hcs
General and Romantic headcanons
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Sugar and spice-> Gn! Reader!-> Multiple Character hcs
General and Romantic headcanons
Layered Cakes and frosting Mistakes
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theaceofarrows · 2 months
Elemental Masters in the movie-verse headcanons
Morro - Lloyd Garmadon's emo cousin and a college student who is kind of in a gang that commits a few crimes here and there, which is fine because people already assume he's evil for being related to Lloyd
Skylor - She inherited Chen's Noodle fortune after her father went to prison under mysterious circumstances. Has the best cooking in home ec class. It's even better than Zane's. She and Nya are an unstoppable duo in gym class
Griffin Turner - He's the substitute gym teacher at Ninjago High that everyone has a love-hate opinion of because he always, always makes everyone run a mile and doesn't let anyone get away with slacking, but he's also funny and somehow pretty chill
Karlof - Owns a popular metalworking shop and is a part-time substitute shop teacher at Ninjago High. Nya and Jay are his favorite students
Neuro - He's a defense lawyer. He's always able to call a bluff, and it never fails to frustrate the opposing counsel
Shade - She's a professional private investigator. One of the reasons that he's so good at his job is that no one can EVER spot him
Camille - She's a professional special effects makeup artist who always does the best onscreen effects
Krux - He's basically Ricky Geravis' character from Night At the Museum but a lot angrier, and also seconds away from firing his brother. Death glares at anyone on their phone
Acronix - He's a security guard at the museum who is always playing on his phone too loudly. Would have been fired several times over if his brother wasn't the curator
Bolobo - He's an environmental activist who may or may not have committed some minor crimes against major oil and energy corporations
Tox - She's a pharmacy manager who is very obviously into some shady stuff, but the rest of the staff turn a blind eye to it because she's the most knowledgeable person there
Jacob Pevsner - He owns a music studio next door to Dareth's dojo. Has banned Dareth from going anywhere near the music equipment
Ash - He's a firefighter. He's very good at his job, but nobody likes him because of his personality
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kunshokunsho · 5 days
thinking about ivy walker….
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plazsma · 10 months
i know tlnm is non canon but i wanna talk about how they actually give the best explanation for lloyds element, that we actually never really got told straight up throughout .. all of the series? actually?
like in the show we know the green ninja is ultimately the most powerful, the teams leader, the one that brings all elements together, yadda yadda.. but we don’t actually know why it’s . green. like. why are we the green ninja? why are we green? what is this mountain dew power exploding out ur palms?
but the movie hits the nail on the head.
the ending scene really sums it up. and it’s such a beautiful scene. i’ve actually memorised his monologue,,ahem,, allow me
“green is the colour of life. it flows through all living things, connecting them all. just like I..connect the ninjas.”
it’s so ..to the point? it’s so simple. but that is his element. life. vitality. growth. he allows all of the other elements to flow, and live and thrive by connecting his team together. and this is apparent in the shows canon, especially as lloyd grows older. it’s such a random one off line from the movie but it means so so much to me.. such a defining moment for lloyd as a character i fear.
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cassettemoon · 1 year
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Luh-loyd, ✨movie flavor✨, kinda
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jalluzas-ferney · 4 months
My headcannons on how the ninja met in the movie/high school au
I like to think Nya and Kai were new to the school mid sophomore year, and both of them had a hard time getting to make friends and all that. Nya for one I can see her getting really excited about making friends and trying her best to socialize, but fails miserably as she ends up being too akward or people see her as weird or ‘annoying’ . She finds the little friends she makes talk about her behind her back and are overall quite fake and mean.
Because of this Nya is left with like no friends and obvi very sad and insecure, especially since Kai barely has any classes with her and he doesn’t quite have any friends she can be introduced to either.
until one day she meets this quite guy that sits in the back of her Geometry class, Cole.
They actually meet when he sees Nya crying by herself in one of the hallways during class, and because he’s Cole, he decides to go and comfort her and stuff. As they talk they start to really vibe with each other and after that they begin to talk more often and sit together during that class. They quickly become great friends. They hang out at Cole’s house and go hang out at the park and stuff.
Nya is incredibly happy to have found such a close and nice friend, and obviously tells Kai, whom she from what she knows, doesn’t have any friends. So because of this she’s excited to introduce them to each other and get Kai and Cole to become friends as well.
Nya brings Cole to hang out at their house, and all though Kai was reluctant at first because he wanted to be alone that day, he ends up joining them and having fun hanging out with them. (At this point Nya and Cole have been friends for three weeks.)
On the meantime, Kai hasn’t actually yet admitted to having a friend as well. Probably because at first he thought they weren’t friends? But after some tutoring lessons they began to hang out more casually because they enjoy each others company and actually get to know each other personally, resulting in them basically becoming friends. This friend is Zane. He was Kais partner for a chemistry project and Zane noticed how clueless Kai was- so he offered to tutor him for free. Kai was hesitant at first but ended up caving in, since he also struggled with other classes. After some sessions every day, kai and Zane became to actually warm up to each other and drifting away from tutoring into goofing off and going out to hang out and stuff. Before Kai knew it, he finally had a friend. (At this point he and Zane would of known each other for two weeks and a half)
When Kai admits this to Nya, all though Nya at first is frustrated that Kai didn’t tell her sooner, she gets super excited at the idea of all four becoming friends. So she begs for Kai to actually bring Zane home at some point so she can bring Cole as well and shit.
The next day tho, before Nya invites Cole to her house again, Cole actually invites her to this TSA club after school. Apparently he has a friend who begged him to come along and Cole thought that maybe Nya would like the club, since it’s related to technology and all that. Nya accepts the offer, texts Kai that they’ll arrive a little later since they’re going to a club.
Guess who they meet at the club? You guessed it, it’s Jay. Cole introduces Nya and Jay to each other and all though Jay is a complete nervous wreck at the beggining, he slowly lets loose and he and Nya get along amazingly. So much that she decides to bring Jay to her house after school as well.
(Btw I should probably specify what grades they’re on.
So Nya and Cole would be freshman’s, meanwhile Jay Zane and Kai are sophomores)
Cole Jay and Nya come home to Kai and Zane who had been waiting for them as they attempted to bake smth. Very cute. Soo they all spend time together- and boom they all hit it off great because of course they do. And they all quickly become close friends with each other and form a little group- where they often hang out at Nya and Kai’s home tho sometimes at Zane’s because he’s got a banger house.
The school year ends and the next one begins, and the new freshman class comes in, brining Lloyd Garmadon!!!
As you know, the entire school hates him and is wary of the poor guy, and rumors spread quick, making everyone, including our main ninja. That’s why Cole Jay and Nya almost have a heart attack when one day after club, they come home to Kai, Zane and…Lloyd? wtf is he doing here😭
So apparently when leaving school together, Kai and Zane happened to pass by the bathroom and guess what they find there? Lloyd getting bullied by some assholes. As soon as they come in though, the kids reluctantly leave (ig cuz they might fear Zane telling the teachers or I dunno) leaving Lloyd behind. The two friends feel bad for the guy, despite what Kai might have heard. Zane on the other hand probably already knows Lloyd is pretty innocent since he as a robot has records on everyone or smth and deduces that Lloyd is probably misunderstood and stuff. Since Zane appears so sure that Lloyd is actually good and Kai trusts him probably a little too much, they agree to help the dude and uk…take him home with them.
Lloyd at first is probably TERRIFIED of going with Kai and Zane because uk, trust issues and stuff. But since he recognizes that Zane is a huge green flag and that this man has VERY low chances of actually doing smth, he agrees to go along with them. Which is how we got to Kai Zane and Lloyd sitting by the kitchen table laughing and joking around .
Obviously, Nya Cole and Jay are very hesitant of having Lloyd around, but they decide to give him a chance since Kai and Zane did. Turns out, the boys actually super sweet and quite hilarious actually. And they all hit it off with him, of course.
SO YEAH! That’s how I see them becoming friends lmao that was long and I hope it wasn’t confusing 😭 cuz I was just throwing in ideas and ideas and moments and whatever lmao. You guys see my vision right?
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the-mold-is-coming · 5 months
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silly little morro of the day
comms open im desperate
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emzi-148 · 5 months
Now that there's no school, intrusive thoughts are coming out
We know that in the TLNM Kai & Nya are in the same class. And there's the fact that Kai is older than Nya. Well, I have 4 guesses on why they're in the same class:
Kai & Nya are twins
Kai's a repeater student
Nya (and probably some of the other guys too) moved up a grade or two
Kai was older than he should be when he managed to get education (or in better words, if 4 is the right age to be enrolled for preschool, Kai got it when he was 5 or older)
P.S. I don't know if there's a confirmed answer for this. And dummy me for putting 3 💀💀💀
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iriyaices · 1 year
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Movie Smith twins BC i say so
We need them in real life Why they don't real
little headcanons
- Nya made Kai do highlights for a while but kai stopped because it had a bad effect 'his soft hair'
- kai can embroidery and he embroidered fire and water as their symbols on his shirts and you can guess how messy it will be in the future
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