#legit made me laugh
vivid-ink · 11 months
Jumping on the bandwagon: Ladies & gents, I feel like in order to consider whether Lo'ak has public hair, we first need to find out if Jake has public hair. 🤔😆 Genetics right?? It's the human side that determines this. So unless Daddy-o has pubes, Lo'ak won't have pubes? LOL this is the question of the day.
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asirensrage · 9 months
Time difference is a bitch, so I might be late, but here are things to hopefully lift your spirits
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oh my god, this is amazing!!!!! 😂😂😂😂
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thank you!!!!
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rebouks · 7 months
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It's finally done! 🌳
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assdad · 1 year
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shewhowantsmouseears · 4 months
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onlydrawnbad · 10 months
Do you ever read 570,000+ word, 130+ chapter fanfics that were started nearly 8 years ago and have current year updates, and as you get to the end of certain chapters along the way, you keep going "wow, I would have hated to be here in 201x and have to wait for THAT cliffhanger, those poor readers, those sad, desperate historical souls" and you're just so glad for yourself because you know you don't have to stop until chapter 139, and you arrogantly assume that's probably just extended epilogues or something (because you were previously conditioned by another fic to believe that), so everything will be fine?
Only to get to chapter 139 and SCREAM OUT LOUD because you jinxed yourself right into THE NEWEST WAVE OF CLIMATIC PLOT CHAPTERS WHERE ALL THE SHIT IS GOING DOWN and now you, too, have become the reader you felt such pity for?
Wait, you don't?
THEN GO OVER THERE AND DO WHAT I DID SO I DON'T HAVE TO BE ALONE IN MY HUBRIS. It comes with art. So. Much. Wonderful. Comic. Art.
I would like to stress (as I have done before) that I have never played this game. Not once. I had never even heard of it originally. Yet this is now the second absolutely massive Sans x reader/OC fic I have read in this fandom. Everything I know about Undertale, I learned because one day on a whim I decided to read a 480,000+ word, 170+ chapter fanfic because I liked the way @tricktster used words on some tumblr post (don't ask me which one, I've forgotten). I have re-read that fic at least once a year, if not more, for multiple years in a row because it's like a favorite book to me now.
If anyone needs me, I'll be comfort-reading it, again.
And then probably going back and re-reading JoAT, because oh my god that fic. I'm just so in love with it for a million reasons.
(Yes, it took me this long to see there was another glorious treasure in plain sight under @capnhanbers despite following @mod2amaryllis and it's just really embarrassing to be confronted by that kind of obliviousness, okay? Can I blame it on how, multiple times now over the years, I've gone months and months without looking at this app unless it notified me of something specific?)
I swear, I have never read fic in any other fandom where it was this easy to immerse myself in it with nothing more than some light googling along the way (the first time with CoBC), and the googling was just because I'm me and I like to know all the things. In both cases, you don't have to come to the table with anything other than an interest in supernatural-elements stories (monsters, magic, etc) and a love for snappy dialogue and funny (dad) jokes and HEART-WRENCHING FEELS and watching the author having a life journey in the notes.
(And yes, sure, an open mind about a skeleton monster and a human having magical sex, but if you know you're in a rated fic about monsters and humans, you must know that's going to be a thing.)
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sunkissedlouis · 1 year
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━ from a fan who met harry earlier today LMAOOO
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lovecolibri · 1 year
IMDB reviewer elis17, I am very respectfully kissing you on the mouth.
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lenny-zesty · 5 months
shout out to n x thad for having arguably the funniest ship name in the MD fandom
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loquaciousquark · 9 months
[Fic] A Midwinter's Carol; in Prose; Being a Ghost Story of Baldur's Gate [1/1]
Rating: G Characters/Pairings: Astarion/Tav, various cameos Word Count: 10k Notes: Thanks from the very southernmost reaches of my heart must go to @eponymous-rose, who suggested the idea and then gave me Christmas Past and Present; and to @jadesabre301, who sacrificed most of her afternoon to this beta.
Cazador was dead: to begin with. There was no doubt whatever about that. Astarion had plunged a very beautiful knife a dozen times or more into his gut and left him in tattered shreds upon his ritually carven floor. The compulsion which had haunted the farthest reaches of his memory had vanished like mist with his master’s death.
Mind! It cannot be implied that there is a particular similarity between a vampire lord, who is un-dead, and a dead vampire, despite the mimicking shape of those descriptors. Neither bears real facility of life, true, with a beating heart and a cheek which might yet blush, but the one may wield an un-life never again to be possessed by the other, who will do little more than lie still and rot away into new earth. Cazador was a corpse, mouldering beneath the ground. In all ways he had been flung across that lofty river into the mundanity of real and final death. This must be distinctly understood, or nothing that follows will seem wondrous.
Links: FF.net, AO3
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crypticsketchpad · 1 year
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misc. old heartbox doodles that i forgot i’d made lmao
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aph-america · 15 days
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Straw anon- I am a 26 year old woman with a full time job, an apartment, a cat and a 300$ car payment. I give 0.000 fucks about the pro/anti shipper nonsense.
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littlewinnow · 11 months
Why is it EVERYTIME i think of Draco shrieking my brain immediately plays the audio of Preminger from barbie princess and the pauper 😭😭😭😭
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zirawrites · 2 years
'capped her kid' yowch
ok time to cheer everyone up~
companions react to sole and shaun making them breakfast in bed?
they deserve a good day off.
Cait: Cait wasn’t the kind of gal to get sentimental, but there was something about Shaun standing at the end of her bed with his wide smile and hands clutching a plate of pancakes that made her melt. “Is all this for me?” Cait greedily snatched the food from Shaun, and he gave a boyish giggle. “Shaun, be a dear and grab me a beer and this breakfast is perfect.”
Codsworth: Codsworth didn’t have a designated sleeping area, but that didn’t stop Shaun and Sole from buying his favorite motor oil as a gift for after he was done recharging. “Goodness! I thought I was the one supposed to give you both breakfast in bed.” His mechanical eyes blinked away phantom tears. “I will endeavor to make the most of this motor oil by using it to fuel a deep-clean of the house.”
Curie: Curie was sure that the Sugar Bombs cereal, whipped creamed pancakes and cherry Nuka Cola wasn’t exactly a nutritious meal, but she ignored her impulse to lecture Shaun about the food pyramid when she saw how eager he was for her to try his breakfast. “Did Sole let you flip the pancakes?” she asked. Shaun nodded enthusiastically. “That is my favorite part as well.”
Danse: Danse was used to unseasoned slop heaped onto a metal tray in the Prydwyn canteen. He wasn’t sure how to react when Shaun and Sole handed him a plate of waffles covered in candy and whipped cream; apparently Shaun’s favorite treat on Sunday mornings. He had endearingly helped Sole make an extra plate. “Thank you for the subsidence, Shaun.” Danse paused. “And the future toothache.”
Deacon: Deacon knew he was being cheekier than usual, but it was more fun to play an entitled brat than boringly accept Shaun and Sole’s breakfast. He leaned back on his pillows, folding his hands behind his head and stretching against the mattress. “Ah, finally! Shaunsworth, Soleington. You’re late with my breakfast.” Shaun laughed while Sole rolled their eyes. “This is coming straight out of your trust fund. I mean salary. I can’t remember which is which because I am a busy and rich businessman late for five meetings and a stock market.”
Hancock: “This all for me?” Hancock’s grin stretched across his leathery face as he took in all the colorful breakfast items Shaun and Sole had whipped up. There was a little bit of everything and sprinkled with candy, which was no doubt Shaun’s request. “Now this is a meal fit for a mayor.”
MacCready: Mac couldn’t help but tear up as little Shaun sat on the edge of his bed with a plate of pancakes. It reminded him of when Lucy helped Duncan make a breakfast of their own. “Aw, Shaun. You shouldn’t have.” When Shaun added that Sole had also helped, MacCready wiped tears on the back of his sleeve.
Preston: “The most important meal of the day!” Preston wasn’t sure what else to say at Shaun and Sole’s hospitality. He was always the one making food for settlers. No one had ever done the same for him since he was a kid. “I need the fuel for a run later today. Thanks for thinking of me, Shaun.”
Piper: “Gimmiegimmiegimmie!” Piper grabbed towards the tray of breakfast like an eager child, and Shaun laughed as he cautiously handed it to her. “What’d you make me, Shaun? Sugar Bombs casserole? Mirelurk steak?” She looked at the fluffy pancakes with a smiley-face drawn in whipped cream and smiled. “Aw, I didn’t know you knew how to draw my picture.”
Nick: Shaun was so excited to show Nick his breakfast that the synth didn’t have the guts to tell him that he couldn’t eat. “Real kind of you, Shaun.” Then Nick side-eyed Sole, and they knew Nick expected them to eat it for him to keep up the charade.
X6-88: X6 wasn’t used to anyone making him food as much as he wasn’t used to an enthusiastic little boy bouncing at the end of his bed. Shaun held up the plate of breakfast with a wide smile and expectant expression. “This is for me?” X6 glanced nervously at Sole. “I prefer more protein, but...” He took the plate of sugary food from Shaun and shrugged. “This will do. Thank you, Shaun.”
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Guess which one is gay. Just guess.
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plaguery · 4 months
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