#legends say you can still hear me screaming
saudriel · 2 days
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a haladriel brainrot playlist for all your haladriel brainrot needs. i swear there is a narrative thread going on here if you squint. legend has it that if you listen to this playlist in order then you too will be plagued by the Visions that haunt me 👁
alt/metal. 2hrs 40mins right now (to be continued). starts out chill and then gets heavier. there's screaming but nothing too wild. propaganda (lyrics that make me go absolutely apeshit) below the cut. not for every song because the playlist is too long, but there is still a lot so brace yourself lmao
listen on Spotify here ♥️
chokehold // sleep token
When we were made, it was no accident We were tangled up like branches in a flood I come as a blade, a sacred guardian So you keep me sharp and test my worth in blood You've got me in a chokehold
alkaline // sleep token
Every once in a while something changes And she's changing me It's too late for me now, I am altered There is something beneath She's not acid nor alkaline Caught between black and white Not quite either day or night She's perfectly misaligned I'm caught up in her design And how it connects to mine I see in a different light The objects of my desire
sun killer // spiritbox
I was born to break, shallow paradise Consumed, I ignore meteoric rise If the blade is dull, there is consequence You displace the host, there is no defense Tell me the waves won't rise And monsters will fade with time To temper the blaze with the twist of a knife A sun killer lullaby
mine // sleep token
We balance fire in the earth we walk Will never stop me reaching forth To see you again With colors over all the wasted years Eternity will bring you near I know you can see I know you can see That you will be mine
abysm // unprocessed
You showed me the world, our planet You talked to me when I was fragile You gave me back my will to focus I don't know anything, but to be with you Until we're gone to waste, I'll be there Dive into the world that we share When I hear your voice, I still know Everything is well until you're gone
everything starts and ends with you // in this moment
Nothing, nowhere, no one ever measures up No sun, no moon, no sky blinds me like you do No place, no storm, no oceans in between us Could keep me away from you Everything starts and ends with you The earth stood still, we burst alive The universe and stars align, as we collide
and the snakes start to sing // bring me the horizon
Don't say I'm better off dead 'Cause heaven's full and hell won't have me Won't you make some room in your bed Well, you could lock me up in your heart And throw away the key Won't you take me out of my head?
abandon // andromida feat. daedric
I conjure the phantom of another hollow you Then drag it to the bottom Pretending in a cycle I find sacred But I mean nothing to you Just a piece of the pattern in your ruse I spiral into chaos riptides
sanctify me // in this moment
Feel the wrath, your doom, these flames I know why you feel so empty like me Feel the force, the chaos, engage Don't you forget we are the same Go ahead, set me free Wash away this dirt in me I wanna feel more holy Take away this hurt in me Show me who I am inside your light Give me just what I need Baptize and sanctify me
antimatter // silent planet
We are broken bodies bound for each other In the impact we become antimatter The dust hasn't settled but we feel the decay Torn limb from limb I am swearing your name Our hands collide, we brace together In the impact we become antimatter
parasite // red handed denial
I know your name, so show me your face And I won't give in to your malevolence When the parasite inside my mind remains alive Left paralyzed and victimized, frozen in time Because I'm not your puppet, not your prey You won't take control of me again The parasite I'll exorcise This body's mine Cast it out, watch it die
collider // silent planet
Does it kill you to see me Under the same unfolding sky? Believe me, I have tried to search the stars for compromise But none of us are innocent, my scars are witnesses So feast your eyes and spring the trap I can still feel the daggers staring into my back Break me down to entropy Till you find the lie inside belief
hurt you // spiritbox
We are failing in crisis mode Mutually assured destruction Love the proxy and burn the bones So I smile in the snare of devotion I hope you find what you're fighting for I am happier when I hurt you Your medicine is the coldest war I am happier when I hurt you
blood // in this moment
apparition // sleep token
I hate you for the sacrifices you made for me I hate you for every time you ever bled for me I hate you for the way you smile when you look at me I hate you for never taking control of me I hate you for always saving me from myself I hate you for always choosing me and not someone else I hate you for always pulling me back from the edge I hate you for every kind word you ever said
So let's make trouble in the dream world Hijack heaven with another memory now I make the most of the turning tide It just split what's left of the burning silence Don't wait, 'cause this could be the last time You turn up in the reveries of my mind I wake up to a suicide frenzy Loaded dreams still leave me empty
coldharbour // daedric
Keep my soul in your possession I'm afraid to lose my faith If I hold on till the morning Would you claim it for me? If you kill my flesh tomorrow Then I’ll take my final breath It'll turn into a last laugh And I'll lay in a silent death
vore // sleep token
You have become the voice in my head Only recourse we're left after death Your viscera welcome me in, welcome me in My life is torn, my bones, they bleed My metaphors fall short in the end Your flesh and bone welcome me in, welcome me in Are you in pain like I am? Will we remain stuck in the throat of gods? Will the pain stop if we go deeper?
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rayllurn · 2 months
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"You ever think about moments in your life and wonder how things might be different if you had just changed one thing?" "Of course. Is there a specific moment you're thinking about?" "Uh, yeah. Yes. Yeah. I'm thinking a lot about the moment you came back after not seeing you for two years." "I kind of snuck up on you there. Sorry about that." "When I...when I...when I saw you standing there, I got flooded with so many feelings. I was so confused." "I know. I'm sorry." "No, no, no. No, no, no. That's not...don't be. Um...what if we try that moment again?
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gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year
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Starring: True from! Sukuna in a cabin in the woods... Synopsis: You don't see the point in it; chasing myths on Halloween night, going deeper into the woods than you ever had before. You'd rather be at home than chasing ghosts. But, your best friend insists on finding evidence of the local urban legends, and surely she won't abandon you the moment you find what shes been hunting, right? Content Warning: Tonight we are serving True form (two dicks) Sukuna, double penetration, tummy bulges, cunnilingus, kidnapping, marking, slight dubcon, and a soft Sukuna if you squint. reader discretion is advised
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“So, remind me again why we’re taking a walk in the woods on Halloween night?�� You asked your friend, narrowly avoiding a thorn vine as you pushed past the brush. 
“Because, historically speaking, people tend to see it on Halloween!” She explained, holding up her camera, “It’s our best chance of finding evidence of the spider demon.” You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at her optimism.
“I don’t know if “Historically” is the right word to use there,” you grumbled softly as you continued your walk together. Ever since the two of you had started taking that Folklore Studies class for an extra college credit she had become obsessed with the local urban legend: The Spider Demon. To her credit, it was a genuinely interesting topic. 
As far back as town hall kept records of, there were sightings of the beast: a giant humanoid man that was covered in ancient markings, with four arms, four eyes, and a giant mouth on his abdomen. Rumor has it, he was the one at fault for all the disappearances that plagued your small town, dragging poor, innocent souls into some far off lair and feasting on their flesh. 
The sane people knew the real reason for the disappearances though; most of those kids hopped a train and got the fuck out of that dying town while they still could. You couldn’t say you blamed them. If you didn’t go to school here, one of the cheaper colleges around, you wouldn’t be here either. 
Your thoughts came to a halt as the two of you came up on an old stream. You knew it well as the boundary between where it was acceptable to play in the woods, and where was off limits. Everyone in the town had followed this rule. Your great grandparents had this rule engraved in their soul as kids, just as your parents and grandparents had, just as you had. And just as your kids would one day. No one really knew why you weren’t supposed to cross the water, just that you weren’t.
And your best friend was trying to hop across. “Hey! What the hell do you think you’re doin’?!” You yelled as you grabbed her arm and pulled her back. She looked at you as if you had just grown two extra heads.
"I'm crossing the stream?" She asked as if you were the insane one here.
"Yeah, I can see that dipshit!" You snapped, "Why the hell would you do that?!"
"To get to the other side?"
"What are you, a chicken?! You know we're not supposed to cross this stream." Your friend dramatically rolled her eyes, making her annoyance clear.
"The only chicken here is you Y/n." She scoffed. "Come on, it's just water. It can't hurt you." She said in a tone meant to mock assurance. It grinded your bones and made you wonder why you were friends to begin with.
"Don't be like that. Everyone in this town has been told since birth not to cross that stream, there has to be a reason why."
"The reason why is probably so little kids don't drown." She explained as if it was the most obvious thing in the entire world. It made you want to rearrange her teeth. "I'm going to cross the stream and keep the hunt going, are you with me or not Y/n?" She asked.
You took a deep breath. You absolutely were not with her. Every fiber in your being was setting off red flags, you could hear your ancestors screaming at you to turn around, somewhere from the great beyond, both Cain and Abel look at you and say "girl, don't do it." 
And yet, you started to jump across the rocks. As annoying as your friend was, she was still your friend, and you couldn't let her go alone. Your ancestors all collectively face palm, your nerves explode, Cain turns to Abel and shakes his head. There's no saving you now. You swore the air temperature dropped by at least three degrees as you made it to the other side of the stream. You cursed softly as you wrapped your jacket tighter around you, and rushed to catch up with your friend.
“See? We crossed the water and we didn’t explode! Some rules are just made to be broken.” She seemed confident in that, but you still weren’t. Something was so…off. Wrong. But you couldn’t figure out what. The moon was still as full as ever, lighting your way as the two of you walked. Your friend seemed fine, as chatty as hell even. And you were physically okay. Leaves crunched under your shoes, and the crickets chirped-
Wait. No they didn’t. “Hey, shush.” You demanded of your friend.
“What!? Why should I-”
“I said Shut. Up.” You snapped, an unfamiliar edge to your voice taking even you by surprise. She shut up, and you struggled to listen to the sounds of the forest. Except, there were no sounds of the forest. No crickets singing, no owls hooting, not even the rustle of a field mouse in the grass. The woods were completely silent, filled with nothing but the sound of your breathing. 
“Do you hear that?” You asked your friend.
“I don’t hear anything.” She scoffed.
“Exactly. We need to turn back.”
“What?! No way!” She protested with a stomp of her foot. You were really starting to think that Darwinism would not look kindly upon your friend.
“The woods are completely quiet.” You pointed out, “That doesn’t happen unless it has a reason to be quiet. We’re not welcome here.” You tried to argue. You would have been better off arguing with the moon itself. Your friend just shook her head as she continued to walk.
“The woods are always quiet Y/n, its what makes it so peaceful, or whatever.”
“But not this quiet!” You pleaded as you chased after her, still not willing to let her die out here alone. “Dude, please, we need to go-!”
“Ooo, whats that!” Your “best friend” quickly changed the topic as she pointed out a building off in the distance, running off to check it out. You felt your stomach fall to the floor. Who would build anything out here? You ran to follow her, deciding to just drag her back home if you had to. 
“Its a house!” She pointed out with a laugh as the two of you reached the edge of a lawn, “And they even decorated for Halloween, how sweet.” You looked at the house, an old wooden cabin that looked like something a pilgrim would have built back in the 1700s. You were shocked to see lights glowing in the window, indicating the building had electricity. That wasn’t what unnerved you the most though.
That would be the bones littering the yard. Animal and human alike, some looking older than others. All strewn about as if thrown there without any care, or sense of design. They looked more like discarded trash than they did decor, and a morbid part of your brain forced you to ask; do those maybe look a little too real to be made of plastic? You blood felt colder than ice as your throat contracted, an unseen anaconda choking you as your knees threatened to give out.
This place was cursed. “You should go knock.” Your friend smirked.
“I would rather die.” You whispered.
“I’m serious!” She laughed, “Go trick or treating! You’d probably be the first one to do so here.” 
“No way, this isn’t right. Why would they “decorate” for Halloween all the way out here? Why are they out here to begin with? It doesn’t make sense, we need to go.”
“Well, I’m not leaving until you go knock on the door.” Your friend shrugged as if she wasn’t signing your death certificate. “These kind people deserve trick or treaters, and I deserve to take a picture of you scared shitless as you knock on the door.” She laughed.
“That’s not funny!” You snapped, your patience growing thinner as your anxiety grew.
“Oh come on Y/n! Don’t be such a bitch, just go knock on the door and then we can go, okay? I promise.”
“...Swear?” You asked softly, at this point willing to do whatever it took to leave these woods and go home.
“Swear.” Your best friend smiled, locking her pinky with yours. Her smile as angelic, enough to trick you into a facade of ease. You took a deep breath as you approached the door, carefully avoiding the skeletons as you walked. Did they looked chewed on? You didn’t want to think too hard about it. You could feel your heart in your throat, the false courage of your friends pinky promise fleeing faster and faster with every step you took closer to this house. It radiated death.
Climbing the creaky stairs was harder than you anticipated, your jittering joints protesting the very act. You reached a trembling fist to the splintering wooden door, knocking as soft as possible. “H-Hello?” You called out, hating the way your voice quivered, “Trick or Treat!” Your entire body tried to collapse in on itself, the only thing keeping you from doing so was the primal instinct to maintain your ability to run should you so need.
You waited a few seconds, then let out a shaking breath as no one came to the door. As you turned back to your friend, you were blinded by the flash of a camera, freezing you in your place. The sounds of her cackle filled you with rage. You really needed you friends. 
You rolled your eyes. “There I knocked. Are you happy? Can we please go home no-” your words died in your throat as you heard the door open.
“Trick.” a rough deep voice said, deeply unfamiliar to you. You watched your friends face contort into fear and her jaw unhinged itself into a scream as she scrambled to get away. Though, you weren’t able to hear her panic, the ringing in your ears becoming deafening as you felt your feet fall from underneath you, a python of an arm squeezing your stomach as you were lifted into the air, and into the house. 
You tried to grab the door frame as you were dragged into hell, becoming aware of your own screaming ripping through your throat as the frame was ripped from your fingers and the door shut in your face.
“Quite mortal.” The voice said again, and you almost instantly shut up. Something primal in your DNA sequencing knowing better than to piss off this devil. The monster turned you over in his hands, turning you to face him. Your soul left your body. You took in the visage of the beast, your panicking brain struggling to process what was in front of you.
 A giant humanoid man, with four arms, four eyes, and a face and chest full of ancient markings. He was holding you too close to properly see it, not to mention the fact that he was wearing a regal robe, but you would bet an unreasonable amount of money he had a sickening smile on his belly. You were in The Spider Demons claws.
And worst of all, he was kinda cute? Like, maybe it was the unshakeable sense of death that rattled your soul and turned your brain into mush, but if he was like- a normal guy with a normal amount of arms and eyes, you would have been smitten! You were kinda smitten now, even if you didn’t want to admit that. God you…really really hoped this whole experience wasn’t awakening something in you. This would be something to unpack in therapy later- if you survived this.
The demon took your chin in a free hand, turning your head as he examined you. You smelled divine. If you had been a sacrifice for him, he would have given whoever picked you out an A++ for finding you, and a bit more leniency for a while. But, he knew you weren’t a sacrifice. The townsfolk had declared him their enemy long ago, and had been facing the consequences ever since. So, that begged the question.
“Tell me, whats a pretty thing like you doing at my doorstep on the most haunted night of the year?” He asked, turning your head to look him in the eye. 
“Wishing you were a myth.” You went with the first thing that came to your head and instantly regretted it. That might have been a little too honest for this situation. But, at least he seemed to find humor in it, snickering at your quip.
“Keep wishing then human, I’m all too real.” He chuckled darkly. 
“Yeah, I-I see that…Are you going to kill me?” Your voice was shakier than you intended as you asked. You hated it, but the anticipation of what he was going to do was more painful that anything he could have actually done.
“I haven’t decided yet.” He mused as he continued his examination of you. He smiled cruelly as he felt your pulse quicken under his hands. He could smell your fear, and it was intoxicating. Your eyes, blown wide with fear, were stirring something deep down inside of him, and making you far more interesting than any other human he had come across in years.
Or, maybe it had just been a while since he had anyone to fuck. Granted, he had stolen plenty of mortals from your small town, but most of the time they died in the process. Corpses held no interest to him for anything other than food. But you? You were alive and warm, and vulnerable in his claws. That fact alone made the notion of keeping you alive for a little longer far more enticing than killing you just yet. 
“Um, anything I could do to help you make that decision?” You asked softly.
“The decision to kill you?” he questioned
“Well, the decision not too!” You quickly clarified, “Dying sounds kinda, well, not fun  and with you being like, a real thing that kinda makes me question well everything as far as mythology goes and that makes dying really fucking scary and-”
“You’re rambling mortal.” He sneered in annoyance.
“Right! My bad I just- please don’t kill me. I’ll do anything not to die.” You begged, tears prickling the corners of your eyes as you grappled with being forced to face the unknown. You had the beasts attention though, an eyebrow raising at your offer.
“Anything?” He purred, his eyes falling to the swell of your chest and making you greatly regret your word choice. “Anything at all?”
“Anything.” You whispered softly. You reasoned with yourself that this was for your life and definitely not because the thought of getting railed by a blood thirsty demon made you squish your thighs together in anticipation. You for sure didn’t feel a rush of arousal as the thought of something meant to kill you making you cum instead crossed your mind. That didn’t happen, no way, not at all. You weren’t wondering if his dick was as monstrous as he was, or if his markings graced it as well.
“Alright then Human, deal.” He grinned wickedly as he brushed a stray hair behind your ear. “I’ll let you live, if you give your body to me first.” You felt your face burn at his proposal. Something felt fundamentally wrong about spreading your legs for a demon. You weren’t religious or anything, but that had to be some sort of sin. But, if it was for your life, surely you could indulge- I MEAN- endure. 
“Before I agree, we’re not talking about possession, right?” You had to clarify. He smirked at your words. You were cleaver to ask, it showed a familiarity with the supernatural. Maybe you weren’t as foolish as you first seemed after all.
“Smart girl. But no, we’re not talking about possession.” He confirmed. 
“Okay, cool, just checking.” You chuckled nervously. “You got yourself a deal.” His smirk turned into a dark grin as his free hands rushed to your clothes. You panicked, knowing he was going to rip them off and you’d be forced to walk back in the nude. That would have been mortifying.
“Wait wait wait!” You yelped, holding up your arms to stop his hands. 
“What?” He growled, annoyance flooding his tone.
“Let me undress myself.” You requested, “Please? I’ll make it worth your while.” He seemed intrigued and amused, setting you on the ground with an almost unnerving gentleness. 
“Will you now? Lets see.” He hummed. You nodded, taking a few steps back. You took a deep breath and shrugged your jacket off your shoulders. You had never been particularly good at being sexy, at least not in your opinion. But, The monsters eyes could have convinced you otherwise. The way he watched you undress, as if he was a starving man looking at a thanksgiving feast, or a hungry demon looking at his next meal. It gave you the confidence to put on a proper show, teasing him as you slowly shed your clothes.
“I’m Y/n by the way,” You said as your hands reached to unhook your bra, “You got a name, or is it just spider demon?” He huffed humorlessly at your quip. He never liked that title. 
“Ryomen Sukuna,” He said, his eyes setting fire to your skin as you finally dropped your bra for him, “you can call me Sukuna.” 
“Noted.” You nodded as you dropped your panties. His lustful grin showed off his incredibly sharp fangs as he dropped his own robe, the only thing covering him. You confirmed the mouth theory, seeing it spread and hungrily panting across his toned abs. Your breath hitched when you saw when he was working with. 
His dick- or rather, dicks- looked human enough despite the markings, but they were longer and thicker than anything you had taken before. And again, there were two of them. They stood hard and proud against his stomach, twitching to be inside you. You didn’t know if the buzzing in your hands and legs was from regret, or excitement.
You didn’t have time to figure it out either before you were taken back into the demons arms, this time with less violence and more neediness. He pressed you to his stomach, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist and leaving you open to him.
“You’re pretty brave for a human, you know that?” He complimented as a large tongue lolled out of his stomach mouth and against your soaking core. He chuckled darkly as the muscle shoved itself into your weeping cunt, making you gasp at the sudden stretch, “And such a slut too.”
“Hey, this was your idea, not mine.” You reminded him though breathy moans, trying to ground yourself as your hips bucked against his giant mouth. Every movement of the tongue felt like being touch for the first time, a ripple of pleasure coursing though your stomach and legs, and making you wonder there was something supernatural going on to make a demonic act feel so heavenly.
“True,” He agreed, “But you’re the one that's gushing for a monster when I’ve hardly touched you.” he reminded you, watching the way your face contorted with pleasure as you dropped the act of innocence. He didn’t know what was more arousing to him, watching your resolve dissolve, or just how sweet you tasted as you desperately you rode his tongue. “I was going to kill you just a few moments ago, you know that right?” He growled into you ear.
“Yeah, but you’re fucking me instead. Sounds like a win to me.” You grinned and he laughed at your sudden audacity. He knew he liked you.
“You really are a whore, Aren’t you?” He teased as his tongue slipped out of your cunt and into your ass instead, watching the way your breasts bounced as you flinched and moaned at the sudden intrusion. 
“Not a whore if it’s for my life.” You whined, digging your nails into his shoulders. You were starting to feel light headed from the pleasure pooling in your stomach, your cunt clenching around nothing, pissed off from the loss.
“Whatever you have to tell yourself.” He chuckled as his face fell to the crook of your neck, taking in your intoxicating smell. He could feel his dicks twitch with need as he kissed you there, fighting every instinct in his body to keep from digging his teeth into the thin skin. He tasted your sweet slick as it dripped from your cunt and onto the middle of his tongue, and finally he withdrew the muscle. 
You whined as he did, head dropping to his chest, both holes now clenching around nothing. “No, fuck-” You whimpered, only for him curl a clawed finger under your chin and lift your head to face him. “Sukuna..” You whimpered as you looked into his fire red eyes, darkened by lust. His lips crashed into yours, capturing you in a heated kiss. You sighed against his mouth, hands rising to tangle into his soft pink hair as his tongue tangled with yours.
You screamed into his mouth as you felt him shove both of his cocks into you at once, one for each hole. He growled, biting down on your lip as you clenched around him. “Sukuna!” You gasped as you pulled back from the kiss, your body trying hard to push out the sudden intrusion.
“Relax for me Darling,” He groaned softly, the pet name slipping out without his permission. He pressed his forehead to yours as he rubbed your stomach, trying to ease your pain.
“I-I can’t. Too big..” You panted, trying desperately to release the tension in your shoulders. The stretch was searing you from the inside out. You felt overwhelmed, the pleasure in the pain feeling like static shocks. “It’s soo much..”
“You can handle it,” He assured you, extremely (perhaps overly) confident in your ability considering you had met less than an hour ago. You shook your head, tears slipping from your eyes. He lapped them up from your face, then captured your lips in a much softer kiss this time. Slowly, your body came to accept his, the tension melting away as his tongue tangled with yours and he eased his way further into you. The burn faded, leaving just the pleasure there, pulsating through you as he pushed deeper. 
He groaned into your lips as he bottomed out into you, stilling both to give you time to adjust and so he didn’t immediately cum in you like a fucking virgin. It was almost embarrassing how good you felt around him, taking him better than any other being had before. You clenched and fluttered around him in a sinful way, bringing him closer to his climax than he would like to admit.
“Told you.” He smirked as he pulled away from the kiss, licking at the string of saliva that connected the two of you. You whined as you looked down to where the two of you were connected, watching a bulge in your stomach appear and disappear with every thrust of his hips. It should have hurt, but no- quite the opposite.
 Every thrust of his hips electrified you with pleasure, sending wave after wave of intoxicating bliss through your nervous system. You had never felt so full before, so complete. You could feel his cocks rub against each other, against your walls inside of you, a dizzying sensation that you had never experienced before. Your hips bucked against him greedily as he fucked you, chasing your high.
“Look at me Y/n,” He demanded, pulling your head up so your eyes connected with his again, “I want you know the demon making you feel so good.” 
“Ryomen-” You whined, forgetting in your sea of lust that wasn’t the name he told you to use. His eyes widened a bit from shock. Mostly because he wasn’t filled with rage by your insolence, but instead a surge of lust from hearing his name fall from your lips. It really had been awhile, he was feeling himself getting attached far too easily. If he knew what was good for him, he would have finished and disposed of you as quickly as possible. He wasn’t interested in what was good for him.
“Say it again.” He demanded, a hand slipping in between you to rub circles into your clit. 
“Ryomen..” You whined, staring at him with fucked out, lust clouded eyes as you trembled in his arms, thighs clenching around his abdomen as the ecstasy crashed through your core and through out your body. You felt your muscles ripple and tense in anticipation. 
“Again,” He growled, pulling you closer to him, and dropping his forehead down to yours. “Who does this cunt belong to?”
“Ryomen..” Your brain was too clouded to make out the rest of his command, your body buzzing and bliss building up inside of you. He picked up his pace, chasing his own high and making you scream out his name in a truly embarrassing and needy moan. 
You clung onto his shoulders and neck, digging your nails into the soft skin there as the euphoria in your veins finally boiled over and hit the fire inside of your stomach, igniting it in an explosion of ecstasy and lust. Your vision exploded with stars and your brain officially clocked out of work as you melted into a puddle. Your legs shaking around him as you leaned against his strong body, unable to keep yourself up any longer.
Your velvety walls quivered around him and sucked him in impossibly deeper, needy and lustful for him. It drove him mad. He watched as your face scrunched in pleasure, your body reacting to him greedily as you melted into the pleasure he he was gracing you with. 
It send him over the edge watching you cum for him, feeling you cum over him, feeling you gush around him. He couldn’t hold himself back any longer, holding you in a grip tight enough to bruise. His fangs buried themselves into your neck, marking you as his and his alone as he came deep inside of you, the warm strings gushing in you and filling you to the point of spilling over.
He held you close to him, head hung back as you both tried to catch your breath. Your mind was starting to clear the fog out, looking up to ask him to put you down before you felt him move inside you again. Your breath hitched as you realized he didn’t even get a little soft. You looked at him with almost horrified eyes as he bucked into you, only acting to encourage him. He looked back at you with lustful and wicked eyes, nipping at your lip as he set his pace and grinned.
“Whats wrong Darling?” He asked, the pet name now fully intentional in its use, “You didn’t think I was done with you yet, did you?” 
You were warm when you woke up, despite still being in the nude. Probably because of the huge body pressed against yours, radiating heat and holding you close as he slept. Visions of last night ran though your head, making you almost painfully aware of the cum still dripping from between your thighs, and sending another wave of arousal through you. When did you pass out? When did Ryomen?
You stayed still for a few seconds, listing to your bedfellows steady breathing. The bed, despite being made from feathers and thin quilting, was surprisingly soft, and the late afternoon sun filled the old home with a warm hazy light. You realized you couldn’t stay here any longer. You couldn’t get attached to an urban legend. 
You slipped out of his arms, freezing as he groaned and only breathing again once he was softly snoring. You sighed as you slipped out of the bedroom and found your clothes again. You quickly got dressed, and went to open the front door. It didn’t budge. Your eyes furrowed in confusion as you pulled the knob again. What the hell? You pulled with all your might, almost screaming with frustration as the door didn’t even move a centimeter. 
“Don’t bother with that Dove.” You gasped as you heard Ryomens voice behind you, a wave of dread blanketing you as you spun to face him. He was leaning casually against the door frame of the bedroom, a content smile painted on his face. “It has my seal on it. I’m the only one that can open that door.”
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bokettochild · 1 month
I cannot BELIEVE no one told me we had an update!!!!!
Anyways, here's my favorite bits as always, because I need to SCREAM about this one!
The rupee acquisition!
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I love how JoJo included that traditional *item acquired* pose that all the Links do, and gave it a reason in the comic (Wind insisting he hold it up is just so fun)
Sky's comment though, "don't spend it all in one place". Isn't that a line you get in Skord when you acquire rupees? The cute little easter eggs here are so fun!
I also really love how Legend is taking an instructional role here, both with Wars and the champion!
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While also letting his veteran show
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and I love that the rest recognize that! Wild calling Legend "an expert" and actually listening to what he has to say, even if he doesn't agree with it.
I also super like the panels of Twilight's interaction with Legend here
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Very eldest and middle sibling discussing the youngest child, and I love it. It reminds us that, even for all the cuteness we got between them in the last arc, Twilight still sees Legend as too rough around the edges, enough that it borders on bullying when it comes to some of the rest, and he's trying to curb that. And Legend is LISTENING, because (as I've said a thousand times) Legend respects Twilight and values his opinion. Twilight is his big brother too now and Legend, while still being himself, genuinely seems to care about his opinion.
Twilight's just tense in general, although why, I think is mostly because of Time's sharp scolding in the last update. Even though he's snapping back at the younger ones, he's not very happy to be snapped at right now, and he's eager to get out from under Time's watchful eye.
Time and Warriors
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Because while he feels e has grounds to correct Legend for telling Wild what to do, Warriors straight up subtly scolding his protege is different. And the difference is that Legend and Wild and Twi had camaraderie (see Dawn p.3), they're brothers, but Wars is approaching this as a commander, a captain, and Twi doesn't appreciate that. Warriors isn't their leader though, but he's taking that role anyways. (Old habits die hard, I'm sure)
I mean, we all knew Wars was going to confront Wild sooner or later, but I'm glad he was so calm about it. Twilight's ruffled feathers (fur) is more from Time being overbearing, I believe, so it aggravates any slight annoyance Warriors might present.
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Even despite some of our suspicions earlier, I like this bit here. Wild was a soldier once, and the captain is very much the image of what he would have worked with before. JoJo mentioned wanting to play with that dynamic, with them bothering having military background, and I think this is that training (hundred years ago though it was) kicking in and making the champion defer to the man who outranks him (as far as they know). Granted, they all call Wars "Captain" but this felt pointed.
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I do love Four acting as the word of wisdom here, advising Time, just like he does Twilight, as to the best way to handle a team. it's a reminder that he's done this before, and he knows how teamwork can be, but also that sometimes you need space and working together means working in different areas.
Anyways, here's a couple bonus things that make me happy!
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Bunny stance!
(shh, I know he's making a point by stepping on Wild's toes, let me have this)
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Wars being so freaking pretty! Dear Hylia help me! (Is it wrong I understand Cia a bit now?)
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Wind being the youngest sibling who is Done With Your Chatter
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A competent boy being competent (and not as experienced as Ledge, but pretty darn close (if you've played both their games you know))
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Showing off items! (I can hear the little ✨da nana na✨)
And of course, I love Time being a tired, overprotective parent (he looks like my mom here, good grief!)
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authorhjk1 · 2 months
I got no idea what colour to describe this lol. But Taeyeon is Taeyeon. Hope you can make something out of it. Thanks! KUTGW. 👍🏻
Color Palette
(Kim Taeyeon X Male Reader)
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You know that this is wrong. You know you're a bad person for doing this. You know you will be caught.
"Try some of this."
Ms. Kim places a piece of salmon on your plate.
You slowly pick it up. You put it in your mouth. You chew.
The date was her idea. It was her idea to kiss you that night. Her idea to seduce you. And it was her idea to ask you to date her. Your girlfriend's mother. To cheat on your girlfriend with her mother. Her idea.
That's what you tell yourself.
And that's what you keep telling yourself. Even as you take her back home to her place.
Chaewon is on a school trip.
And so, you have a whole weekend.
You don't even make it inside.
Shielded from unwanted eyes by the hedge around the house. You've pinned Ms. Kim against her house's wall. The piece of clothing she is wearing can't be called a dress. But it's not a blazer either. Something in between. And it doesn't hide what is underneath at all.
"That's a good boy."
Ms. Kim's moans echo through the neighborhood. You're fully inside of her, pressing her against the wall. Nailing her into it. There was no reason to remove the dress. And she wasn't wearing panties either.
"Make them hear me, baby."
She whispers into your ear.
You stop your thrusting for a moment. A disappointed sigh leaves her lips. You reach for her foot. Both are still wearing the red heels. Slowly lifting her leg, you watch how Ms. Kim's dress slowly rides up her leg. It exposes more and more of her, until you finally see her pussy. Her foot is resting on your shoulder.
"You make me so wet."
She moans, knowing what comes next.
You push yourself inside of her again.
"Oh, god!"
She cries as you kiss her neck.
As you lean forward and thrust your hips, you push Ms. Kim's leg further towards her own body. You bottom out inside of her. Your noses touching. Your eyes barely an inch apart from each other.
A heavy sigh leaves her lips. As if you're pressing the air out of her body.
Ms. Kim doesn't need to say a word. Her eyes beg you to make her scream.
You slowly unsheathe your cock from her pussy. It drags along her walls, making her shudder. For just a second, only your tip remains inside of her.
Your hips snap forward. Ms. Kim's foot is almost next to her ear.
Her loud scream wakes up the neighborhood. From the corner of your eye, you see someone's room light up.
You keep fucking her into the wall.
Her loud moans and cries fill your eardrums. Her wet pussy massages and squeezes your cock. Her nails dig into the shirt on your back.
You lazily thrust into Taeyeon. A weekend of sex has cured you from only calling her Ms. Kim. Her wet pussy has taken more loads than you can count.
Now, she is lying on her side, just like you. The both of you, partially covered by the blanket of her bed, watch the sun rise. It's a beautiful feeling. Being deep inside of Taeyeon. A feeling, you will never forget.
Your thrusts become a little quicker. It earns you a lazy moan. One that shows how sleepy she still is. One that shows you how much she loves this feeling as well.
You mumble her name into her neck.
Her lazy hum makes you sigh in pleasure. The fact that her thighs lie on top of each other makes her pussy just that tiny bit tighter. That pussy that is way better than your girlfriend's.
"I love you."
You said it. It wasn't her idea. She didn't force you to say it. This is all on you.
Taeyeon reaches behind herself, holding onto the back of your head. She slightly turns her head. Both of you look into eqch other's eyes.
"I love you too."
With her last word, you shoot your last load inside Taeyeon.
"I love you so much."
Her whisper makes you shudder.
You know that this is wrong. You know you're a bad person for doing this. You know you will be caught.
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prettyinpwn · 1 month
I know I'm gonna sound like a crazy old broken record... but hear me out. Lots of speculation as to the true purpose of the thisisnotawebsitedotcom.com thing beneath the cut.
So... does anyone else feel like the ARG website is... odd? Like it's leading to something more coming? And before anyone screams, "Well, ackshully, Hirsch said he doesn't want to do a Season 3-"
YES. I KNOW. He said no Season 3 a million times. I was there when he told us Season 2 was it for the first time. But what he didn't say, however, was, "No more Gravity Falls anything... EVER.". Hence why we've gotten Journal 3, Lost Legends, and now The Book of Bill. Hirsch is veeerrrrry comfortable making more GF stuff.
And as someone that studied programming in college, I can tell you, this website does not seem like it was easy or cheap to make. It's effectively a single screen point and click game in a browser. Looking at the code, it seems they did use a framework called Bridgetown, lacing in looped animated MP4 files with clickable assets on top that make up the interactive elements (e.g the computer), with a lot of content made for the website itself from image files and text for each prompt a user might type. Sure, it's not the most difficult thing to program, but it's a lot more complex than, say, the searchfortheblindeye site back in the day.
That, and as someone who has worked in the corporate world, I'm sorry, but you don't pour this much effort/money into something that is just "lol cool things after product for funsies". If this was just for The Book of Bill, the smart marketing decision would have been to make the lofi album and the website, tease fans with both of them, and let them lead to an announcement of the book itself to tempt them into buying it, not the other way around. Like... Disney ain't gonna do that just out of love for fans. It's Disney, come on. They do things for money.
It's possible that Hirsch paid for it himself just for the fans, but I doubt it. Wanna know why? Because of the website's security certificate and ownership. Let's take a gander at this:
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There are two odd things here. One, the range of the expiration. Most security certs last 1-2 years, at least they did at one of my previous places of employment (and we had like 50+ of them). This one expires November 7th, 2024. Odd, but maybe they only want the website up for a few months? Anyways, as an aside, everyone keep an eye out for November 7th, 2024. Could be nothing, could be something.
The other weird thing is the domain holder. Looking it up on ICANN, it gives this address:
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Look that up on Google Maps, and it takes you to a company called Dun and Bradstreet. Long story short, the company does a bazillion things, but the main thing we're talking about here is:
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Oh gee, Sales and Marketing. And their Sales and Marketing tools? Basically, they use data to tell companies who their audience is, so that they can market to them. Now, why would Disney care about this for a fandom for a show that's been done for almost a decade, just for a book that was released before said website (so we know they're not gathering marketing data for the book)?
Well, if I were to guess... long story short, all this stuff is a tactic to gauge who the Gravity Falls audience is now. Release the book, make some dough and fans happy, tie in a secret marketing data collection gimmick (AKA the website) using D&B as a vendor to hook the data into your CRM, send fans to a website to collect marketing data, and shabam. Now you know who the target market is all this time after.
And why in the hell would a company care about that? You tell me. Why care about who a target market is if you're not planning on marketing something to them later?
It could be that Disney is planning something similar to Gravity Falls and wants to gauge if there'd still be a market for that kind of show. Or... it could mean that Disney is planning on something more substantial related to Gravity Falls or Hirsch pitched it, and they were like, "Well, wait, let's collect data on this, first, so we'd know if it'd be a good business decision.". Not sure.
I mean, maybe I'm crazy, but doesn't this seem fishy to anyone else? If anyone else has any hypotheses as to why Hirsch and Disney have a Gravity Falls website owned by D&B, let me know, but to me... this smells... very... marketing oriented. And Hirsch doesn't seem like the guy to pour his own money into hiring an outside company to gather marketing data, that seems more up Disney's alley.
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its-avalon-08 · 4 months
Hey lovely, can i make a request for Daniel Ricciardo fic based on But daddy i love him by Taylor? You can have free reign on it, but just that line "me and my wild boy and all of his wild joy" is so Daniel and has been stuck in my head for ages. Something fluffy and funny, so whatever you want (maybe even a pregnancy reveal 👀👀) if you see fit i just love that song and it's so big ric coded.
Love your work!!! Thank you so much 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
but daddy i love him (dr3)
(please bear with me this one is extra long, ily all)
the start of the most beautiful things in y/n's life were often masked by difficulties and plagued with the anxieties of life. but when danny was around, things just fell into place. time seemed to stop and the fast paced world began to still.
clutching their pearls, sighing "what a mess"
the air in your childhood home crackled with a tension thicker than the gravy simmering on the stove. you sat across from danny, his smile a little too wide, your dad's gaze narrowed like a hawk eyeing a squirrel.
"so, danny," your dad began, his voice gruff, "you're a… racing driver, is that right?"
"yes sir," danny chimed, a touch too enthusiastically. "formula one, actually! just signed with mclaren for next season."
your dad grunted, poking his mashed potatoes with a fork. "formula one, huh? sounds… dangerous."
"it can be," danny admitted, "but safety's paramount these days, you know?" he flashed a winning grin. "plus, the adrenaline rush? unbelievable."
your dad snorted. "adrenaline rush. sounds like you live life on the edge, son."
you shot your dad a warning glare. "dad, be nice."
he sighed, leaning back in his chair. "honey, I just want to make sure he's responsible. you deserve someone stable, someone who won't make you worry constantly."
"dad!" you exclaimed, cheeks burning. "he's not a reckless teenager, he's a professional athlete! and he takes care of himself."
screaming "but daddy i love him!"
danny, bless his heart, interjected, "exactly! I train like a champion, eat healthy, the whole nine yards. your daughter's in good hands, sir."
the tension remained, a thick fog in the air. dinner progressed in tense silence, punctuated only by the clinking of cutlery. you stole glances at danny, his usual sunny disposition dampened. it broke your heart.
suddenly, your dad cleared his throat. "so, danny," he began, a hint of curiosity in his voice. "you said you race for mclaren? ever met lewis hamilton?"
you watched in surprise as danny's face lit up. "met him? I race alongside him! absolute legend, that man. we have some epic battles on the track."
for the next hour, the conversation flowed. your dad, a former racing enthusiast himself, peppered danny with questions about the sport, its history, the intricacies of car setup. danny, more than happy to oblige, regaled him with stories, technical details, even pulling out his phone to show pictures of him with lewis.
by the end of the night, your dad was chuckling at a particularly funny anecdote about a rogue pigeon causing a pit stop delay. he clapped danny on the back with a newfound warmth. "alright, alright, danny. you alright in my book. just take care of my daughter, you hear?"
danny, his grin back in full force, squeezed your hand. "wouldn't dream of it, sir. consider yourself one of my biggest fans from now on."
as you walked danny to his car later, a comfortable silence settled between you. "thanks for being patient with him," you whispered, leaning into his side.
i know he's crazy but he's the one i want
he wrapped his arm around you, pulling you close. "your dad just wants the best for you, that's all. and seeing you happy… that's all I want too." he planted a soft kiss on your forehead. "besides, I think I scored some serious brownie points tonight, wouldn't you say?"
you laughed, the sound echoing in the quiet night. "maybe just enough to convince him that a formula one driver can be perfectly responsible... especially when he makes my daughter this happy."
time skip
the sun beat down on the golden sands of miami beach, the gentle waves lapping at the shore lulling you into a state of pure bliss. sprawled out on your beach towel, sunglasses perched on your nose, you were lost in a trashy romance novel, the sound of danny's playful laughter occasionally breaking through your concentration.
suddenly, a shadow fell over you. you peeked over your sunglasses to see danny, a mischievous glint in his eyes, standing over you. before you could even register what was happening, he swooped down, scooping you up in his arms like a prize.
now i'm dancing in my dress in the sun and
"hey!" you shrieked, a surprised laugh escaping your lips. the book tumbled into the sand, forgotten.
with a triumphant yell, danny sprinted towards the ocean. the cool water rushed at you as he plunged in, carrying you with him. you shrieked again, this time with delight, water splashing everywhere.
when danny finally set you down, the waves lapping at your waists, you couldn't help but grin at him. his hair was plastered to his forehead, and a carefree smile stretched across his face.
i'm his lady, and oh my god
"you're a menace, ricciardo!" you exclaimed, shaking your head playfully.
he just laughed, the sound echoing across the beach. then, in a flash, he was pulling you closer, his arms wrapping around your waist. you giggled as he dipped you backwards, the cool water washing over you both.
when he pulled you back up, his eyes held a playful fire. before you could say anything, he leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a kiss that was warm, sweet, and tasted faintly of salt. you melted into him, the world around you fading away.
me and my wild boy and all of this wild joy
the kiss ended with a sigh, foreheads resting against each other. you looked into his eyes, their blue depths sparkling with love and adoration.
"you're crazy," you whispered, a smile blooming on your face.
"only for you," he replied, his voice husky. he brushed a stray strand of hair from your cheek, his thumb gently tracing the curve of your jaw.
you sighed contentedly, leaning into his touch. in that moment, with the sun warming your skin, the sound of the waves crashing in your ears, and danny by your side, everything felt perfect. you wouldn't trade this feeling for the world.
time skip
you fidgeted with the hotel room balcony railing, the bustling city of monaco blurring below. danny, oblivious, was humming along to the pre-race hype blaring from the tv. today was his big day, the monaco grand prix, and the nervous energy crackling in the air was almost tangible. you, however, were grappling with a different kind of jitters.
taking a deep breath, you approached him, the small velvet box clutched tightly in your hand. "danny," you began, voice barely above a whisper. he glanced up, a dazzling smile splitting his face.
"hey there, sunshine," he said, reaching out to pull you into a quick hug. "ready for the race?"
"actually," you mumbled, biting your lip, "there's something I need to tell you before you go."
he frowned playfully, his brow crinkling in mock seriousness. "is it that you secretly placed a giant shoey on toto wolff's yacht?"
you laughed, a little relieved at the lighter mood. "no, nothing like that. it's… well, it's important."
he set the tv remote down, his smile softening. "alright, come here," he patted the space next to him on the plush couch. you sat down, fiddling with the box in your lap. the words seemed to get stuck in your throat, a tangled mess of nerves.
"danny," you tried again, voice shaking slightly, "we might need to… postpone those post-race victory celebrations."
now I'm running with my dress unbuttoned
he chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "losing faith in your honey badger already? don't worry, I've got this."
frustration bubbled up. "no, it's not that! it's… it's…" you squeezed the box so hard your knuckles turned white. "i'm pregnant, danny!"
the playful smile vanished, replaced by a look of utter confusion. "pre… what now?" he asked, brow furrowed.
panic clawed at you. was this the wrong approach? "pregnant! as in, a baby, danny! we're having a baby!" you blurted out, your voice bordering on a squeak.
i'm having his baby
the confusion on his face morphed into a look of dawning realization. his eyes widened, then welled up with tears. a choked sob escaped his lips. he whipped his head towards the balcony door and threw it open, a joyous yell erupting from his throat.
"we're having a baby!" he bellowed across the bustling streets of monte carlo, his voice thick with emotion.
i know he's crazy but he's the one i want
he turned back to you, a goofy grin splitting his face, tears streaming down his cheeks. before you could even react, he swept you into a tight embrace, the box tumbling onto the floor with a soft thud. he squeezed you like a lifeline, muttering incoherent words of joy into your hair.
his emotions were infectious. you clung to him, tears welling up in your own eyes. he pulled back, his hands cupping your face. he peppered your cheeks, forehead, your nose, with kisses, every kiss filled with a love so profound it took your breath away.
"this is… this is incredible, y/n," he finally managed to say, his voice hoarse. he pulled you close again, resting his forehead against yours. "we're having a baby. we're going to be parents."
he was chaos, he was revelry
the celebratory noises from outside were a distant hum, drowned out by the frantic thumping of your heart and the overwhelming sense of happiness washing over you. in that moment, in danny's arms, with the promise of a new life growing inside you, the world seemed to shimmer with possibility. you couldn't wait to start this incredible adventure together.
but oh my god you should see your faces
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ovaryacted · 6 months
(Tw:pregnancy, labor & delivery)
Ok first things first. You tell him you’re expecting a lil’ baby, he 1) cries. And 2) panics because he doesn’t know if he’ll be a good father and 3) ultra panics because he deals with bioweapons, mutant causing viruses and other biological nightmares, what if that shit passes onto his kid???
Dude is WIRED for weeks until he finds out that the baby is healthy. No weird biological mutations at all. Just a baby. (Side note, kinda sad, he misses the first ultrasound photo because of a mission and probably cries)
When you start showing a baby bump, he absolutely gets thrown in love all over again. He always loves his s/o but something about seeing them round with HIS baby just flips a switch in his head.
First time he feels baby kick? He’s amazed. He’s never felt anything like it. He’ll start kissing your baby bump and probably crying. (I can imagine he cries a lot during your pregnancy. Probably more emotional than you tbh)
When you go into labor, he does a good job at pretending to be calm. He’s internally screaming, panicking and feels sick the entire time, but he doesn’t show it. He holds your hand and lets you squeeze it as much as you need. The dudes been shot, stabbed and smacked by monsters, he probably doesn’t even feel it if you crack a finger.
When he hears his babies first cries, he lets out the shakiest, sob and laugh ever. It’s a noise of relief, pent up fear, and happiness all at once. The sight of the baby getting put on your chest is permanently seared into his mind. I’m talking core memory.
And when he gets to hold his baby, another core memory is created. Seeing their lil nose. Their lil face. Hearing their lil cries. Again, he cries too.
Leon demands paternity. At least a month to be with his s/o and child. What’s the government gonna do? Fire him? He’s one of their, if not, THE best agent they got. They fire him, they’re down a fucking legend.
I’m gonna say, I feel like Leon is so….in a honeymoon phase, he completely disregards himself for you and the baby. You need to sleep and heal after giving birth, so Leon takes 100% care of the baby until you’re physically able to. The problem? He forgets to sleep at all, and damn near passes out after like, day 4.
He catches himself, so the baby ain’t hurt, but the dumbass at first goes “man….i need to sit down. Maybe get some water” but the moment he sits down he clocks the fuck out.
The baby cries and he wakes up again, but this time, it’s you holding the baby, cooing and soothing them. The sight alone makes him emotional again.
I just have a lot of feelings about dad Leon.
-angsty anon (enjoy another thesis)
AWEE YES DAD LEON THOUGHTS! I know you sent me this a little while ago but I still wanted to answer because I absolutely love thinking about Leon becoming a father and how devoted and protective he becomes. Bye, I'm going to cry.
Leon gives me the impression that he will be anxious throughout his partner's pregnancy. He'll become more overprotective if he isn't already, and the hovering habits will start to show very early on. He'll be attentive to your needs, but will almost smother you out of concern. Asking about whether or not you took your vitamins, if you slept enough, if you needed something from the store, if your cravings were satisfied.
Sometimes it does annoy you, but it's really just the influx of hormones pumping through your body. You reassure him constantly, reminding him that he's a good partner and he's doing enough, and you know his worrying is a good thing because it means he cares that much.
I also see him wanting to be nearby constantly, like a shadow, and Leon is just always there. He doesn't let you do any of the labor at home, he wants you to focus on sleeping, eating well, and being healthy. The last thing he needs is for you to be stressed out or unhappy because he knows that isn't good for the baby, and he also doesn't want to piss you off because he's been warned about how cranky a pregnancy can make someone. He does the laundry, cooks, cleans, helps you out with your nesting and always has a reassuring hand somewhere on your body, mostly on your lower back.
He's there at every appointment no matter what, he's not missing it for a second. But if it's really a hassle and he has to go on a mission, which you support and fully understand, he'll tell Hunnigan to keep a close eye on you or for a close friend to go with you during your appointment. He just wants to make sure you're not entirely alone.
Once your belly expands and his T-shirts no longer cover most of your body, Leon is all over you. There's something about seeing you so full, waddling into the kitchen and looking into the fridge for a snack that makes him smile and happy. He's also the type to always want to have a hand on your belly, even in his sleep, and likes to run his thumb over the dark line that goes all the way down your abdomen. I like having this headcanon that whenever the baby moves too much and is kind of giving you a hard time, he puts a soft hand over your stomach and gently talks to them until they calm down. Leon has this natural calming presence that is very much needed during your pregnancy, and you tease him about how your baby will be attached to him the moment they're born.
But oh the moment you go into labor? It's all hands on deck. He's been prepping for this, reading books on pregnancy and childbirth, wanting to be your rock in the process but when you tell him your water broke, his mind doesn't work. He'll be the type to say "Don't panic!" as he's panicking and you have to remind him to take the hospital bag he's prepared months in advance.
The birth itself is a harsh and grueling process, but Leon helps you see it all the way through. He does not leave that hospital room, doesn't let the nurses kick him out, and stands his ground as your advocate. You're both scared at the thought of welcoming a whole new life into this world, and he's right next to you, holding your hand and whispering words of encouragement and praise in your ear.
Leon hates seeing you scared, hates seeing you hurt, but it really is all worth it the moment he hears that shriek of a baby's cry fill the room. It's the most beautiful thing he's heard, he doesn't care if the high pitch of the violent scream makes his ears hurt. For the first time in months, he feels like he can breathe again.
Seeing this bundle of joy all wrapped up in a pink blanket and pink beanie makes him cry, that new baby scent he's heard so much about before fills his nose and his chest aches from so much love. He doesn't need to verbally tell you that he's proud of you, that he's happy, that he loves you. It's written all over his face and from the way he can't seem to take his eyes off his daughter, he knows what this different kind of love feels like.
Leon Kennedy is a selfless guy, and every time he glances at his baby, he sometimes sees flashes of Sherry when she was younger or even Ashley when he went to go save her in Spain. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but that same urge to protect this life with every fiber of his being comes in full force.
He thinks he develops a new level of fear and paranoia, taking over damn near every duty that was involved in raising a child. He wants to help you recover, allowing you to get your sleep and your physical strength back as he takes care of your baby girl.
He does everything at the expense of his physical health. He can't sleep most of the time and wants to be ready for when his daughter cries at 2 am until his lack of sleep starts to beat his ass after two weeks. Sure, he's on parental leave to help you out and to bond with his child, but you often find him fast asleep in the rocking chair, neck craned at an awkward angle that will irritate him later on. You come towards him and wake him up, his body jolting awake and ready for whatever threat comes his way until he blinks and sees you.
"Is she okay?", he says groggily, dark circles around his eyes and his hair an unruly mess. It was sweet seeing how the first thing he wondered about when he woke up was his daughter.
"Yeah, she's alright, still asleep. You should go to bed baby, I can watch her", you tried to get it through to Leon that he needs to rest too, not just you and your child.
"I could use a nap", he caves, standing up with a groan and rubbing the back of his neck the way you expected him to. Despite being half asleep, he gives you a sweet kiss on the lips and walks out of the nursey. "Wake me up if you need me", he mumbles before leaving the room entirely.
You don't wake him up, not for a couple of hours at least so the migraine that's pulsing in his head wears off. Leon doesn't care if his body goes on complete shutdown, anything you both need, he'll be there ready to do whatever is necessary to make your family dynamic function.
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Die Katze und die Maus.
König x Reader (y/n)
König had a bad day, a bad mission, he was captured by your team, meanwhile your first encounter with a KorTac member is an unforgettable experience.
Warning ⚠️: spelling and grammar errors everywhere, translator for some German words, not long story, there's no specifical description about the reader so this can work for a female or gn reader, credits of this image go to the TikTok user lig.lig.
📢 Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
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König did not have a very good day, like, for real, since he woke up he felt an awkward vibe around him.
His coffee tasted terrible, his boots got dirty thanks to a bloody mud puddle, he lost his knife, yes, that very expensive knife with pink handgrip.
During his mission the plane had a failure so he and his team landed kilometers far from the zone where they initially would land. The communication failed too, but at least his team survived, they were safe, but he was captured, yes. He, the colonel, the giant, the legend. He didn't see the man with the hat, he took him by surprise and actually hit hard, König fell unconscious on the ground, he opened his eyes hours later, he could hear some voices outside.
«I'm talking about what we have to do!» (...) «They can come back for him, It's better if we move now» (...) «we don't want to kill him, just information, who sent them and why, that's all!»
He doesn't even try to escape, the day definitely drained him, having a day full of failings and mistakes makes him feel like any intent to escape will be spoiled, so why care.
Suddenly, a man with a skull mask opens the door and observes König, he walks and kneels in front of him, after seconds of silence he shows a picture and finally talks.
- Who are you? Who sent you? And Why did you kill this guy?
König wants to laugh, his training prepared him for the worse scenarios so he doesn't feel intimidated, instead he just looks at the picture then the man and doesn't say anything. He's ready to receive any kind of torture.
He received punches, cuts and other stuff but he still didn't say a word, not even his name. He already had the not so great pleasure of meeting with 4 of the teammates, he heard another voice but hadn't seen who that voice belongs to.
The sound of a grenade explosion out of the building where all of you are, König knows what that means, his team didn't abandon him, he wasn't afraid before and he's not afraid now, once again he listens to all the voices discussing.
«Y/n, stay here, if someone comes to take our hostage, shoot him, we will get information somewhere else, kill the guy»
How many times has someone received orders to kill König? He can't remember anymore, but he knows he will not die today, he will not allow more mistakes and will not allow himself to die in such a stupid way.
Shooting, bombs and screams can be heard from the outside, he's just waiting to hear noise inside so he can have some fun too.
You open the door and the first thing you see is his eyes, you never felt incapable of hurting someone, that's why you're working with this team, because you're capable enough to do the necessary to save the world. But something about this man's eyes is making you feel weak.
- Well, hallo Schatz. I was wondering when we will meet.
His voice sends shivers through your spine. Sighing you close the door behind you and kneel down in front of him. You show him his pink hunting knife and put it on the floor, just in the middle, between you and him but he doesn't even look at it, he's too focused on you.
- I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to make a deal. Tell me, why did you kill that man or at least who sent you and I'll let you go.
- Are you worried about your friends, Meine Liebe? I need to pay my rent, that's why.
You stand up abruptly, pointing your gun at him.
- I'm not fuckin' playing, man.
- Neither do I. I don't care who he was or his importance, I kill for money, doesn't matter if they're good or bad people.
You're unsure about what to believe, he's still observing you, devouring you with those hunger eyes. You're not thinking properly, you're hypnotized by him. You carefully touch the piece of cloth he wears to hide his face, he doesn't mind, he has a mask under it. But the way you're admiring and touching so carefully is a new sensation he didn't experiment with before.
Before you can quit the mask, the door opens and a not so tall man appears, you're quick to stand up, with König's knife, ready to stab the enemy, he avoids it easily, kicking your chest with strength enough to send you to the other side of the room. While you're trying to stand up again, König breaks the ropes of his hands and forearms while his colleague cuts the ropes of his ankles.
Now it's two men against you, you shoot at them but somehow König is way too fast than your bullets, avoiding all of them, he's now standing in front of you, grabbing you by the neck, you kick him to try to release yourself but his grip is strong. You can hear your lieutenant's voice.
- Y/N! How copy!? Answer me, love!
The man who was with König runs to the doorframe and starts shooting at him.
- Colonel, we have to leave, now!
König takes a smoke grenade from your belt, while your vision starts to get blurry and your fainting thanks to the lack of air in your lungs, but you hear König talking to you.
- Nein, Nein, Meine Liebe. Look at me, look into my eyes.
You try to focus, there they are his blue eyes, with some green sparks in them.
- Ja, That's it, Braves Mädchen, look at me, i want you to remember my eyes, we will see each other again, ja?
You nod with much difficulty, he handles his knife and puts it in your pocket. For a moment you can't hear the noise of the weapons anymore, it's just you and König, he shows a part of his face, mostly his mouth and leaves a quick kiss on your lips, carefully he leaves you on the floor, you're coughing and taking air to recover yourself.
He throws the smoke grenade and his friend runs to the window next to you, breaking it, before König can jump he looks at you, you're still on the floor, he kneels down at your side.
- Watcha' doing down there meine Liebling? Our game has already started, catch me if you can Mäuschen (little mouse).
He laughs and jumps at the right time when Ghost gets inside the room, running to you.
- Y/N, are you alright?
You're still coughing, trying to understand what just happened. You're not even paying attention to ghost, he carries you outside, both joined your team, all of them wondering if you were okay, but you don't answer you're thinking about König, only about him, his eyes, the taste of his mouth, the scar that runs through his mouth and goes up to the rest of his face. The feeling inside you is pure desire, you were intoxicated, needing more of König. What did he mean about seeing each other again? What game was he talking about?
You're observing yourself through the window of the helicopter, the marks of his hand around your neck, while you're handling the knife he gave you.
Ghost has eyes on you, he notices the knife.
- Where did you get that?
- He gave it to me.
- Who?
- König, he said something about seeing me again, and a game between us. I'm trying to understand what he meant.
Ghost doesn't say more, he simply stands up and tells Price you obtained his name. You stayed there, thinking about him, about you, about that kiss, wondering when will you see him again.
PT.2 is here already!
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myoddessy · 2 years
#1 supporter | dr3 social media au!
summary —daniel is your trophy husband, that couldn't be denied even if he didn't scream it for the world to hear. (Alicia Vikander fc!)
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yourusername just posted !
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liked by pierregasly, taylorswift, tchalamet, and 3, 451, 828 others
yourusername still crying over this incredible win (daniel can attest to that.) Midsommar is a project I will forever hold close to my heart. It gave me a new family and a new sense of security in myself. Thank you to everyone who's path I have ever crossed, you're all the reason I'm here.
danielricciardo so proud of you, babe. can't think of anyone more deserving of this than you ❤️
yourusername I love you so much 😭💞
landonorris mum and dad?
danielricciardo no.
yourusername hello, son
redbullracing sobbing. so proud of you Mrs Honeybadger! 💙💙💙
zendaya so deserved. you're the biggest star in the world, babylove. here's to many more nights of success and celebrations 🥂🥂❤️❤️
notyn just posted !
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liked by pierregasly, zendaya, saoirseronan, and 807 others
notyn the priv gets the real shit, and nothing in my life is more real than my love for this idiot right here. daniel, thank you so much for everything you've ever done for me and given me. from love, to inspiration, to the best hugs in the world, you give and give and give. I love you with everything in me. you're asleep rn so I hope everyone enjoys the rares until you wake up and force me to delete them 💞💞
landonorris I think I just threw up. please never flirt so openly again. its really inconsiderate.
notyn don't throw a tantrum, sweetie, it's okay, you'll find a nice girl eventually!
lilymhe so adorable 🥺 im still in shock, so proud of you, baby. can't wait to see you tomorrow 💞
devonleecarlson so. fucking. CUTE. you two are a literal dreamboard couple. love u eternally, honey
danielricciardo just posted !
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liked by pierregasly, lewishamilton, landonorris, and 681,907 others
danielricciardo 3rd Oscar win, is anyone surprised? there's nobody else I'd rather be arm candy to. Y/n, you're the best out there, and I'm forever proud to call you mine. My love, my wife, my world. Can't wait to see what else comes next from your infinite talent and kindness ❤️
yourusername Danny ☹️ love you infinitely, and you're the best arm candy i could ever ask for 😉
danielricciardo I pride myself on my trophy husband abilities
landonorris stop flirting its gross
mclarenfan369 stop landos like a kid seeing their parents kiss in front of them 😭
lewishamilton congrats to y/n! here's to much more success, luck, and love ❤️🍀
maxverstappen I remember when he used to say these things about me 😞
yourusername you were the other woman, deal with it. 💞💞
maxverstappen I treat him better 🙄
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jealousjersey · 8 months
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sit on my face ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★
plussize!reader x mike schmidt blurb
⊹ ࣪ ˖ mentions; plussize!reader, cum eating, munch!mike, oral sex (reader receiving), gender neutral reader (with female parts)
⊹ ࣪ ˖ a/n: as a plus size writer this means a lot to me n i hope u guys like it!!
* ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚
2:30 am, you wake up in the bed with your boyfriend of 5 months, he was still awake at this hour and it had you worried, you two have sad sex many times and it was amazing each time, but mike proposed something different “now that you’re awake i have something to ask you” he looks rugged, hair messy, shirt crumbled on his frame.
“i want you to sit on my face and let me eat you out” mike looks at you with a serious look on his face
“what?” you rub your eyes as you chuckle a bit, not knowing if he was serious. you’ve always been bigger and your ex boyfriend never wanted to give you head because of your weight, it was dehumanizing. but mike was different, he wanted every part of you, as long as you would let him.
“i want you to sit on my face” he repeats, you know he’s being serious right now. “mike-“ you say as he cuts you off. “listen, i know you’re thinking about it but let me make it clear. i will make it good for you, i just want to give you the utter most satisfaction i can give you. please sit on my face baby”
mike has always loved your chubby stomach, kissing your stretch marks and laying between your legs. he’s joked about wanting you to choke him with your thick thighs before but you laughed it off, saying “i’ll choke you mike” “then i’ll die a legend” he would quickly say back
“alright i’ll sit on your face but promise me you actually want this” you laugh at him. “more than anything. i need it and i know you do too.” he looks at you, his brown eyes being swarmed by the black of his pupils. lust fills him as you take off your shirt, exposing your breasts to him. “what a sight” his eyes darting up and down from your breasts to your thighs
“are you sure you really want this?” you ask him. as the words come out of your mouth his head nods up and down while his cheeks flush with red. you take off your shorts and underwear, and mike spreads you legs faster than you’ve ever seen before.
mike starts off with licking a stripe down your already wet pussy as he pushes a finger in, stimulating you, mikes tongue licks around everywhere but your clit and you’re desperate for some friction.
“i’m ready when you are” you say to him. almost immediately he jumps up and lays flat on the bed with his eyes closed. “get on” he orders. you agree and carefully position your legs between his head, hesitant to sit fully down but he insists.
“you sure i’m not gonna kill you right?” you say, genuinely worried. “i swear.”
you sit down completely and he begins. mikes scruff rubs against your legs in a uncomfortable way that just turns you on more, the burning of it between your legs feels so good now.
mike moans unashamed, like he’s getting more out of this than you are. he grabs your hips and pushes you down on his face more, attempting to get as much as you in his mouth as he can, tongue emerged into your wet pussy. “fuck mike” you moan as your shoulders relax and your back curls forwards. mike moans into your cunt and the viberation gets you. mike takes his hands off your hips and guides them to his hands, as he takes both and holds them in front of you.
you’re already to close to release from his tongue inside you, his scruff rubbing against you and him moaning inside you but then he inserts 2 fingers inside of you, curling them inwards repeatedly hitting your g spot and causing you to scream out “fuck mike i’m s’close”
“cum on my face” you hear him mumble. you orgasm as you hold mikes hair and ride it out on his face.
mike comes out from underneath you, face is glistening from your release all over him. you look down and he has a surprising wet patch on his gray sweatpants. you take his lips and suction onto them, getting a taste of your release as well.
* ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚
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wlntrsldler · 8 months
now i see daylight | part ii: treacherous
song: treacherous by taylor swift
series description: set after lust conquers all, jamie returns to richmond and takes accountability for treating you like shit.
warnings: language-- it's ted laso, what did ya expect?; bff!sam, touch starved jamie and reader, A LOT OF ALCOHOL, richmond himbos
pairing: jamie tartt x f! reader
word count: 2054 words
series masterlist | main masterlist
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When the whistle was blown for full time, the cheers in the arena were deafening. You couldn’t hear yourself think and everything seemed to slow. You stood behind Roy, clutching your camera, as you watched the sea of red and blue storm the field. You were only snapped out of your thoughts when Will jumped on your back, hugging you from behind. 
“We’re moving up!” Will screamed behind you, beaming from ear to ear. “Come on, Y/N, let’s celebrate!” 
You placed your camera on one of the seats under the tent and tossed a jacket over it. You followed Will into the middle of the field where all of the coaches, players, and fans were celebrating. 
“Dani Rojas you legend!” You yelled, running toward Dani. He grinned at you, picking you up by your waist to spin you around. “I am so fucking proud of you!” 
“Thank you, Y/N,” he put you down, holding you by your shoulders. “You will come to the after-party, yes?” 
“Wouldn’t miss it.” 
You made your rounds with all of the players. Most of them were so excited, they couldn’t say anything but, “Let’s goooooo!” Colin threw an arm around you and walked you over to Sam, who you still hadn't seen because of the chaos. When Sam saw you, he ran to you, smiling so wide you were sure his cheeks hurt. 
“Y/N! Can you believe it? We are back in the Premier League!” 
“I believe it. I knew you guys could do it.” 
“Thank you, Y/N,” he hugged you tightly. “Are you coming to the after-party? Please tell me you will. I can pick you up.” 
You tutted, “Samuel, I will be there but you are not driving tonight. You deserve to get absolutely trashed.” 
“Agreed, mate.” 
There was that accent again. You turned around to see Jamie, glowing under the lights. Ever since the day he cornered you in the hallway, he made do with his promise. He didn’t bother you again unless it was for work. You’ve been more courteous to him. You no longer ignored his “good mornings,” or “how are ya’s,” but you still kept your distance. However, your resolve was slowly fading. Being around him again made you remember why you were so drawn to him in the first place. With him being a different version of himself now, it increased that attraction tenfold. 
Sam looked between the two of you and smirked, walking away discreetly. He’s noticed the small smiles on your face whenever Jamie would come around. You tried to hide it, but Sam knew you too well. 
You turned your body to look at Jamie, shyly looking at him. Jamie met your eye, eyes twinkling in a way that you haven’t seen since the last night you shared with him. He had a boyish smile on his face. You pursed your lips, trying not to let a smile slip, but you were unsuccessful. Jamie’s eyes got brighter, which you didn’t realize was possible. 
“Great job, Jam.” 
Jamie let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding at the sound of his nickname leaving your lips. He bit his bottom lip, stretching his hand out for a handshake, “I appreciate it, Y/N.” 
You rolled your eyes and smacked his hand away. You walked toward him and pulled him into a hug. Jamie froze in your arms for a second before melting into the hug and burying his face in the crook of your neck. You didn’t realize how much you missed him until you felt his arms tighten around your torso. It was like you finally got a taste of the thing you were craving for months as if there was nothing else in the world that could’ve made this moment sweeter, better. 
Your hand made its way to the back of his neck, where you cradled the back of his head, fingers softly tugging on his hair. It was muscle memory, how you used to cuddle him on his couch all those months ago. Jamie sighed into your skin, his warm breath awakening you from the trance you were under, causing you to pull away. 
Both of your faces were flushed when you pulled apart. Jamie cleared his throat, looking down at his feet, before vaguely motioning somewhere as if there was something requiring his attention. You did the same, leaving to go in the opposite direction as him. 
You turned around and saw Keeley with a smirk on her face, arms crossed with a knowing look. “World must be ending, I suppose?” 
Blushing, you shoved her lightly, “Shut up.” 
In true Captain fashion, Isaac rented a giant party bus for all of the players and a few special guests, including you, Keeley, Roy, and Will. The bus was taking all of you to a club in London that Isaac bought out for the night to celebrate the win and promotion. Roy, who should know better now that he was a coach, denounced his coach-ship before he stepped foot on the bus, stating that tonight he was “going to have the fucking time of my life!”
When you walked into the bus with Sam, you were hit with the sound of a club beat. Players were already a few drinks in from the bottles of beer and liquor scattered around the bus. Jan Maas was holding onto the pole, laughing as he fist-pumped to the song. Richard had a bottle of red wine in his grasp, which you later saw had a sticker on it that said “Property of Richard Montlaur.” Colin and Isaac were in the corner singing into a bottle of gin when “Hotel Room Service” by Pitbull started playing. 
Sam was pulled from you by O’Brien who made him take shots. With you both being the last two the team was waiting for, the bus lightly jerked as it began its journey to London. The entire team cheered, raising bottles in the air. 
You laughed as you tried to make your way around the bus, trying to find a friendly face that wasn’t too far gone. You knew all of them would regret this in the morning. You turned to your right and found Jamie and Dani sharing a bottle of tequila, laughing at something that you’d later learn was not that funny. 
“Y/N!” Dani yelled when he saw you. He scooted over on the leather bench, leaving a space next to Jamie for you to occupy. “You are here!” 
“I am!” You replied, shaking your head at how far gone the boys already are and you’ve barely even left Nelson Road. “How you guys feelin’?”
“Fuckin’ fantastic,” Jamie replied, taking another sip from the bottle. He handed it to you, which you took. You drank some and grimaced when the strong taste hit your tongue. 
The two boys laughed as you passed the bottle to Dani. Dani stood up, holding onto the pole that Jan Maas was holding earlier, and began to make his rounds in the bus. He kept offering the bottle to anyone he saw. You couldn’t help but laugh at how they all took the bottle from Dani, despite not liking tequila. 
“‘M glad you’re here.” 
Your attention focused back on Jamie, who was staring up at you. His eyes were clouded, eyelids droopy. You playfully punched his shoulder, “How are you already drunk?” 
Jamie furrowed his eyebrows, “You and Sam were so late. We had to get started without you lot.” 
“We were thirty minutes late.” 
“A lot can happen in thirty minutes.” 
You snorted. It made Jamie smile. He bumped your knee with his. You looked at where your bodies touched. Your breath got stuck in your throat. You swallowed, “I guess I need to catch up.” 
“Damn right,” a lopsided smirk graced his lips. He dug behind him in the ice bucket and pulled out a bottle of Clase Azul. He handed it to you, “Go on then.” 
“Menace,” you replied, grabbing the bottle from him. Your fingers brushed, sending shocks throughout your entire body. “You know I can’t say no to good tequila.” 
“Yeah, that’s why I bought it,” he shrugged, opening a beer. “I bought it for you. Nearly broke Bumbercatch’s arm when he tried to open it earlier.” 
“Jamie, this is an expensive bottle of tequila.” 
“Yeah well, Coach wouldn’t let me buy the whole team PS5s as a sorry, but he didn’t say anything about buyin’ you expensive liquor.” 
You were sure that Jamie was only saying this because the alcohol was clouding his better judgment. He probably won’t remember this in the morning, or at the very least, he’d wonder whether or not this was real life or just something his mind made up. You opened the bottle and took a long swig from it. 
As good as the tequila was, you still grimaced, frantically searching to find a chaser. Jamie, who remembered your drinking habits, held out a cup of Diet Coke. You downed the entire cup, sighing in relief when the taste of tequila was masked by the sugary drink. “Thanks, Jam.” 
“Missed you callin’ me that,” he admitted, a look of longing on his face. “Missed you in general, to be honest. Been hell without you in my life.” 
“Jamie,” you started, turning your body to him. “You’re drunk so I suggest you stop talking.” 
“Am I makin’ you uncomfortable?” Jamie asked, concern on his face. He sobered for a moment, blinking back as if he was trying to figure out what he just said. 
“No, no,” you assured him, placing a hand on his thigh. He tensed under your touch, letting out a shaky breath. You were really close to each other now. “You’re not making me uncomfortable. I just don’t want you to say anythin’ you’ll regret in the morning.” 
“Don’t think that’ll happen,” he said, nonchalantly. He took a sip from his beer, trying not to move too much in fear that you would remove your hand from his thigh if he did. Hesitantly, he started drawing figure eights with his pointer finger on your hand that was touching him. He let out a breath when you didn’t pull away. “Been regrettin’ not saying anything to ya. Should’ve told you how I felt that night. Or any night after that, really. I was just bein’ a prick ‘cause I was hurt that Richmond let me go.” 
You stayed silent. You didn’t know what to make of his words. Was he talking about the night you told him how you felt? Surely not. What does he mean by tell you how he felt?
Jamie continued, “And the thing was, I knew Richmond had no say in whether or not I was goin’ back to Man City, but it still hurt, I guess. Woke up to a text sayin’ I had to go back to Man City from my agent. Not even a text from Ted, or Keeley, or you. Thought I didn’t mean nothin’ to any of ya, so I just shut everyone out.” 
“And it’s real shit of me to do, ain’t it? Especially how I treated ya. I don’t blame you for not forgiving me or giving me a second chance.” He stopped drawing on your hand. He drank from his beer again. You looked at him. He had a small and nervous smile on his face. Testing his luck, he brought a hand up to touch your face. “Shame I fucked it all up really ‘cause you’re the only person I ever actually wanted to spend the rest of my life with.” 
“Come on, party animals!” Isaac yelled from the front of the bus. Somehow the top five buttons of his shirt became undone during the drive. He slung an arm around Will, who had a tie wrapped around the circumference of his head, “Let’s get iiiiiittttttt!” 
The bus erupted in hollers as players trickled out of the bus. Sam, who was giggly under the influence, found you next to Jamie. Jamie, seeing that Sam was there to walk you out of the bus, waved goodbye to you and caught up with Bumbercatch. You held the Clase Azul bottle close to your body as you threw on a fake smile, walking off the bus with Sam.
part i: don't you
part iii: daylight
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barrenclan · 3 months
Chonny Jash's cover of The Moss seems very patfw-core to me. I think someone's brought it up before but I'd like to specifically point out some of the new/changed lyrics that I think fit
But everything you see isn't everything that is
Every thing you think to be, every thought you can't dismiss
The lives we try to lead and the time we try to give
Well it's all a fallacy, we continue to relive
^ Cats like Pinepaw and Rainhaze's curiosity about what's beyond Barrenclan territory, how cats like Cootstorm try to discourage that type of thinking and how their actions unintentionally lead them to their fates. Also very cyclecore
And every thing will live, just as every thing will die
Every foe that you forgive, and every friend that you deny
Every single first hello, and every single last goodbye
Every smile that you show, every tear that you hide
^ In my head I'm picturing an amv/pmv and for this part I'm very much imagining a sort of slideshow section about contrasts and various events: Barrenclan/Defiance, Rainhaze and Ranger/Rainhaze and Asphodelpaw, Pinepaw and Saturn/Pinepaw and Wild Rose, Slugpelt and Cashew/Slugpelt and Dustfeather. Idk if that makes sense
Well, legend has it that we're all just doomed
And we've ruined our society
Well, legend has it that we dug our tomb
Which we'll lie in for all eternity
^ Barrenclan's whole staying as punishment for their cowardice ideology
Well legend has it that, the world once knew a whole palette of lovely blues and greens
Well legend has it that, our corpses lie a foundation of insincerity
^ what Barrenclan's territory used to be - blue and green - and what it is now - on a foundation of corpses
*Attempts to Jashify Raz* *Attempts to Jashify Raz* *Attempts to Jashify Raz—
I've seen a lot of people in the server talking about Chonny Jash, he seems pretty fun. But if I'm honest, I'm more of a Johnny Cash fan. :P
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Ooh, yes! You've targeted me with a TMBG suggestion, I actually went ahead and added "Don't Let's Start" to the playlist but I love this song too.
Even when you're out of work you still have a job to do Even when you don't know what it is Your job knows what it is What it is is it's coming to get you
And when you wake up you can feel your hair grow Crawl out of your cave and you can watch your shadow Creep across the ground until the day is done All the while the planet circles 'round the sun
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Haha, that is funny irony. But I agree with you! Isn't it interesting how despite being named that way, "Defiance" doesn't allow any of its members to defy Deepdark?
Compliance We just need your compliance You will feel no pain anymore No more defiance
Fall into line, you will do as you're told No choice fatigue, your blood is running cold We lose control, the world will fall apart Love of your life will mend your broken heart
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Will Wood is ever-popular, of course, though I never got really into him. I can see this is as a Pinepaw song!
All nightmares start as dreams and I hear my subconscious screaming They say that beauty's just skin deep So naturally, please show me your
Bones, bones, bones, let me see your bones Well, I don't wanna know if the feeling follows home Bones, bones, bones, hell, we're all alone If I come home, baby, will you show your bones?
They say that beauty's just skin deep So Ana stands and rends the rancid meat from her
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Oh... Rainhaze and Slugpelt song.
Are you dead or are you sleepin'? Are you dead or are you sleepin'? God, I sure hope you are dead
Well, you disappeared so often like you dissolved into coffee Are you here right now, or are there probably fossils under your meat?
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Defiance song! Spefically, I could see it as from Ranger/broader Defiance's perspective as he navigates the group.
We're at a revolution And we're baying for your blood We're laying down the law And your name's mud
Cause you say you fight for us Cross your heart and hope to die You're the bully in the playground and we'll hang you out to dry
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Oh yeah, I remember this song from the IncuriousCat PMV. I like it! "Nowhere King" is also a Deepdark song, so that creepy children's song-esque music does fit with the series. If anyone wanted to edit together a trailer it'd be cool!
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Perfect. No notes.
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Actually, someone's already made a PMV to the comic with the song! You can check it out here.
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I don't think it's been suggested yet! It's a Pinepaw song, of course.
I'll cut my hair (Ooh) to make you stare (Ooh) I'll hide my chest And I'll figure out a way to get us out of here
I can't really think right now and this place Has too many colors, enough to drive all of us insane Are you dead? Sometimes I think I'm dead 'Cause I can feel ghosts and ghouls wrapping my head But I don't wanna fall asleep just yet
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tleeaves · 5 months
Folks going "WHAT they made a show about the Fallout franchise?? I've been hearing people say Bethesda messed it up, but I haven't watched it myself, so I'm going to trust the word of other people -- some of which also haven't finished watching it" is driving me insane.
Being a hard core fan of something obviously brings with it a lot of passionate feelings when adaptations come into play. Of course, there's going to be people going "but in 8 episodes of the first ever season they made, they didn't explore Theme C or D, didn't introduce factions E and F and G, and because the source company is notorious for its scams, we and everyone else who's a TRUE fan should hate it".
The Amazon Original series Fallout follows the videogame franchise of the same name. It is a labour of love and you can tell by the attention to detail, the writing, the sets, and YES THE THEMES ARGUE WITH THE WALL. It's clearly fan service. I mean, the very characterisation of Lucy is a deadringer for someone playing a Fallout game for the first time. She embodies the innocent player whose expectations drastically change in a game that breaks your heart over and over again. Of course, she's also the vessel through which we explore a lot of themes, but I'll get to that.
There're some folks arguing that the show retcons the games, and I gotta say... for a website practically built on fandom culture, why are we so violently against the idea of someone basing an adaptation on a franchise that so easily lends itself to new and interesting interpretations? But to be frank, a lot of what AO's Fallout is not that new. We have: naive Vault dweller, sexy traumatised ghoul that people who aren't cowards will thirst over, and pathetic guy from a militaristic faction. We also have: total atomic annihilation, and literally in-world references to the games' lore and worldbuilding constantly (the way I was shaking my sister over seeing Grognark the Barbarian, Sugar Bombs, Cram, Stimpaks, and bags of RadAway was ridiculous). Oh, and the Red Rocket?? Best pal Dogmeat? I'm definitely outing myself as specifically a Fallout 4 player, but that's not the point you should be taking away from this.
The details, the references, and the new characters -- this show is practically SCREAMING "hey look, we did this for the fans, we hope you love it as much as we do". Who cares that the characters are new, they still hold the essence of ones we used to know! And they're still interesting, so goddamn bloody interesting. Their arcs mean so much to the story, and they're told in a genuinely intriguing way. This isn't just any videogame adaptation, this was gold. This sits near Netflix's Arcane: League of Legends level in videogame adaptation. Both series create new plots out of familiar worlds.
Of course, those who've done the work have already figured out AO's Fallout is not a retcon anyway. But even if it was, that shouldn't take away from the fact that this show is actually good. Not even just good, it's great.
Were some references a little shoe-horned in to the themes by the end of the show, such as with "War never changes"? Yes, I thought so. But I love how even with a new plot and characters, they're actually still exploring the same themes and staying true to the games. I've seen folks argue otherwise, but I truly disagree. The way capitalism poisons our world, represented primarily through The American Dream and the atomic age of the 45-50s that promoted the nuclear family dynamic -- it's there. If you think it's glorifying it by leaning so heavily into in the adaptation, I feel like you're not seeing it from the right angle. It's like saying Of Mice And Men by John Steinbeck glorifies the American Dream, when both this book and the Fallout franchise are criticisms of it. If you think about it, the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout is a graveyard to the American Dream. This criticism comes from the plots that are built into every Fallout story that I know of. The Vaults are literally constructed to be their own horror story just by their mere existence, what they stand for, what happens in each of them. The whole entire show is about the preservation of the wrong things leading to fucked up worlds and people. The missions of the Vaults are time and again proven to be fruitless, unethical, plain wrong. Lucy is our brainwashed character who believed in the veritable cult she lived in before she found out the truth.
So then consider the Brotherhood of Steel. I really don't think it exists in the story to glorify the military. We see just how much the Brotherhood has brainwashed people like Max (also, anything ominously named something like "the Brotherhood" should raise eyebrows). Personally, I don't like Max, but I am intrigued by his characterisation. I thought the end of his arc was rushed the way he "came good" basically, but [SPOILERS] having him embraced as a knight in the Brotherhood at the end against his will -- finally getting something he always wanted -- and him grimly accepting it from all that we can tell? Him having that destiny forced upon him now that he's swaying? After he defected? If his storyline is meant to be a tragedy, it wouldn't surprise me, because Fallout is rife with tragedies anyway. And a tragedy would also be a criticism of the military. That's what Max's entire arc is. It goes from the microcosm focusing on the cycle of bullying between soldiers to the macro-environment where Max is being forced to continue a cycle of violence against humanity he doesn't want to anymore because a world driven to extremes forces him to choose it to survive (not to mention what a cult and no family would do to his psyche). Let's not forget what the Brotherhood's rules are: humankind is supreme. Mutants, ghouls, synths, and robots are abominations to be hated and destroyed. If you can't draw the parallels to the real world, you need to retake history and literature classes. The Brotherhood is also about preserving the wrong things, like the Vaults (like the Enclave, really). They just came about through different method. The Enclave is capitalism and twisted greed in a world where money barely exists anymore. The Brotherhood is, well, fascism plain and simple.
Are these the only factions in the Fallout franchise? Hell no. But if you're mad about that -- that they're the main ones explored, apart from the NCR -- I think you're missing the point. These themes, these reminders, are highly relevant in the current climate. In fact, I almost think they always will be relevant unless we undergo drastic change. On the surface-level, Fallout seems like the American ideal complete with guns blazing that guys in their basements jerk off to. Under that surface, is a mind-fuck story about almost the entire opposite: it's a deconstruction of American ideals that are held so closely by some, and the way that key notion of freedom gets twisted, and you're shooting a guy in-game because it's more merciful than what the world had in store for him.
I mean, the ghoul's a fucking cowboy from the wild west character he used to play in Hollywood glam and his wife was one of the people who helped blow up America in the name of capitalism and "peace". There are so many layers of this to explore, I'd need several days to try and keep track and go through it all.
The Amazon Prime show is a testament to the Fallout franchise. The message, the themes? They were not messed up or muddled or anything of the sort, in my opinion.
As for Todd Howard, that Bethesda guy, I'm sure there's perfectly valid reasons to hate him. I mean, I've hated people for a lot less valid reasons, and that's valid. We all got our feelings. But the show is about more than just him. My advice is to keep that in mind when you're judging it.
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luimagines · 1 year
First I wanted to say I and adore all of your writing! And if requests are still open, maybe one where theres the fake engagement trope
Oh dear! ^.^*
This one's specific! I hope I do it justice!
Part one will include Hyrule, Wind and Four
Content under cut!
"Of course we're married!" The words left your mouth before you truly registered what you were saying.
Both of you freeze and share a look even when the face of the local wasn't convinced.
You start blush something fierce. "Ok... we're not married-"
"Yet." Hyrule blurts, also blushing up a storm. "We're not married yet. We'll be wed in the summer."
You nod, adding along to the fib. You're grateful that he's playing along but you also have no idea what you're doing.
The local shakes their head. "And you decided to come to our village in the meantime? With all yooouuur..."
"Family. Brother's. Cousin's. Their Uncle." Hyrule grins awkwardly. "They wouldn't just let us come on our own."
"I see..." Said in the tone of someone who does, in fact, not see. "Chaperones for the lucky couple then?"
"Something like that." You agree, shrugging slightly.
"Well then, I suppose that you'll try to have some time to yourselves, right?" The glint in the stranger's eyes changes tone and you find that you're not entirely sure if like where they're going with this.
"...yeah..." Hyrule looks over to you for confirmation. "Something like that."
"Well I can help you set up your rooms at the inn." They grin, seemingly innocent. "That way everything will all be set up and they would have no reason to bother you two."
"Oh, that's a lovely offer..." You scramble to try and get this guy off of your tail. "But we wouldn't want to be a burden."
"Nonsense!" They chuckle. "I'm the owner. Come on. Let me check you all in. I'll even give a discount for the first three nights."
You can already hear Legend's voice yelling at you in the back of your head. Whether it's for finding yourself in this situation to begin with, or for not jumping on the deal as fast as you should, you're not sure yet. Maybe it's both.
"Th-thank you." Hyrule nods, squeezing your hand tighter. "We appreciate it."
You nods in agreement, following the stranger through the town and into the inn where they look up their available room for your group to stay the next couple of days.
"And one room for the couple." They hand you the keys to your room separately with conspiring wink.
The blush on your faces is real. "Thank you, again. Kindly."
"Anytime you find yourselves back in our humble village, just come to my inn!" They say proudly.
You sigh internally. How long will you have to put up this act?
"Honey! Who are you talking to?" A voice shouts from the back.
"A newlyweds." They grin. "Gave them a discount on a room since their whole family is visiting too."
"Oh how nice!"
You cringe further. There's no way you're going to be able to keep this to yourselves. You can hear the teasing now. It's going to be a long three days.
"It's not like you're going to have anybody that likes you anyway." A bully taunts you, pushing you hard enough for you to fall over.
You grit your teeth, bracing for impact. They kick your leg while you're down. You make no verbal reply
"What are you going to do about it?" Another mimics the kick as you try to stand up again. You fall harshly onto your knee. Something tears and you can feel the spot begin to grew wet and warm.
"Leave me alone." You say through gritted teeth. You can feel your eyes begin to tear up. You try your hardest to keep them down but between the pain, both emotional and physical, you're unable to keep them at bay for every long.
"Oh look they're crying!"
"Shut up!" A voice cries out. It's enraged and near and familiar. "Get away from them!"
"Hey!" They scream. "You can't just bring a sword around these parts!"
You wince and look up. Wind is standing over you. One hand is covering you while the other holds his sword, pointing it at the bullies around you.
"Take it from me then." Wind spits. Literally. Right into the leader's eye.
He jumps back, using one hand to wipe it off of his face. "I'm going to tell."
"I saw you kick them." Wind growls. "Twice. I saw you deserve it."
They all shift awkwardly and even jump away when Wind fakes a strike. "Leave."
He doesn't need to say it again.
You sniffle and pick yourself up, looking over your injuries. "I'm bleeding."
Wind drops down next to you to check it out himself. He looks sad. "I'm sorry I wasn't fast enough.... But Hyrule can fix you up. Come on, I'll help you."
You sigh, hitting the ground pathetically in defeat. "I'm fine... Just don't tell Twilight."
Wind frowns. He might actually do that.
You sniffle and stand, brushing yourself off. The tears that you can't fully fight back roll down your cheeks. "It's not like they said anything wrong."
"What did they say?" Wind uses his sleeve to dry your tears. He's not going to say that they hit you, even if they did. It's clear that not what hurt the most.
"Look at me." You laugh pathetically and gesture to yourself. "They said that I was never going to get married because no one would want to marry me.... And like.... I don't have to get married....but I would like someone to like me-"
"I like you." Wind frowns.
"No, Link. Not like that-"
"I'll marry you." He scrunches his eyebrows, fully serious. "When we get big enough, I'll find you again and marry you. I promise."
You cough and shake your head. "That's not how it works."
"I'll make it work." Wind grins, taking your hand. "Now let's go find the others and teach those bullies a lesson."
"Wait- what?"
"Let's go!"
"Wind, wait!"
"I know I promised you that I was going to help you with this but you're going to have to explain the plan to me again." You adjusted the clothes around you for what had to be the nth time already.
Four looked just as uncomfortable as you felt, which honestly, helped you feel a little bit better about going into this. He huff and puffed and adjusted his hair time and time again. Somehow, you had always missed that his headband always seemed to cover up a cowlick and since his hair was in a ponytail for the evening, that little cowlick was giving him a reason to panic ever so slightly.
You lick your thumb and brush over it to help him out. "The plan?"
"Ri-right." Four clears his throat and pulls out a map of sorts. There's writing on it but it's not like you know how to read that. "The entrance is here. The others will meet up here at the this gate. From there we want to act as naturally as possible that that both you and I can get passed the guards and get into the building. The guys will be a distraction."
You nod. "Do you think they'll blow something up?"
"Most likely."
"We can never come here again after this."
"Oh yeah."
You grin and stick out your hand. "Ready?"
Four seems to look at your for a moment before he registers that you're waiting for him. "Yes, yes! Coming."
He takes your hand and take a deep breath. "Let's make this quick."
You both enter the party together, arm in arm with large smiles on your faces. You don't have a problem with mingling or finding the gate to let the rest of your group. But you quickly run into a problem.
Neither of you made a cover story.
"Well don't the two of your look lovely!" Another guest stops you in your tracks. An older woman with bright eyes and a kind face. "Are you related?"
"To be."
You both look at each other in various states of shock. That wasn't part of the plan! Why did you just say that!?
The woman swoons slightly. "Oh how romantic, I remember when I was your age. My husband and I used to talk for hours about the time when we would truly be wed-"
You both share awkward smiles. You don't wish to be rude, but your distraction will be coming any moment nd you need to take advantage of it.
"Ever since my husband died, I've been thinking about how he used to always come to my rescue." She sniffles. "Well, just the other day-"
The explosions happens. Screams and manical laughter fill the soon to be smoke covered room.
"We need to head to safety ma'am." Four grabs your hand and her, and drags her the edge of the room. "Stay here, we'll go get help."
You do not get help.
You continue with your plan to collect some stolen items to continue with your quest. Four's hand has a tight grip on your the entire time. His cheeks are pink and your chest feels warm and light.
Surely you didn't have anything to drink tonight, right?
You look at your hand as you look through the rooms.
Neither of you hesitated to say that.... Doesn't sound so bad when you think about it some more.
Part 2
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gintrinsic-writing · 1 year
CW: war-related violence/death.
The sergeant doesn’t bother hiding his skepticism. “Over yonder,” he answers, head barely moving as he indicates a direction. The drawl in his voice marks him as a farmer. The darkness in his eyes screams soldier, survivor. “He’s takin’ inventory.”
“Thanks,” Legend answers, motioning for the others to lead the way. The sergeant clears his throat a second later. 
“He’s shoulderin’ a lot, ya hear? Best not waste his time with… follies.” 
Legend barely holds back a sigh. He gives the sergeant a two-fingered salute, ignoring the frown this earns him, and turns toward the grisly field in the distance. 
Twilight’s eyes are already watering. He takes a bandana from Wind with a quiet murmur of thanks, then ties it across his nose. 
“It’s muddy out there,” Four notes, squinting faintly against the sun. “But it hasn’t rained since we arrived in this world.”
Legend hopes it doesn’t need to be said, the why and how. He keeps his eyes on the stranger ahead, already cataloging what he can—lean frame, slight limp, confident posture, hair more red than blonde. The captain barely spares them a glance in return. 
“It’s blood,” Hyrule answers Four quietly. “Blood did that.”
“But that’s—” Sky’s mouth shuts with a click as they reach the first of the caltrops. Low wisps of black smoke scatter into thousands of buzzing flies. The field is ripe with bodies. 
“Oh,” someone whispers. Legend’s not sure who. He doesn’t look anywhere but at the captain, and still his stomach rolls from the stench and the constant, gluttonous buzz. 
“...accounted for yet,” a second-lieutenant is saying, her cold expression doing little to mask the grimness in her voice. “Seventy-two from Squabble Company; the remaining infantrymen will need to be reassigned.”
“I see. And Major Koza?”
The second-lieutenant flips a page in her stained notebook. “Unaccounted for.” Her eyes sweep over the field as if she might glimpse the major in question. She frowns when she spots Legend and the others instead. “Sir...”
The captain waves a hand dismissively. “Aries Company?”
Before she can answer, Time closes the distance between them. His boots squelch disturbingly. “I sincerely apologize, but we need to speak with you, Captain Link.”
The captain doesn’t so much as twitch. “Aries Company?” he repeats.
“Thirty-four and counting. They held the bank as long as they could.”
The captain steps over a severed hand with only a mild frown. “Make sure the field is cleared by sundown. We can’t afford disease to—”
“Captain Link,” Time tries again, and Legend can’t help but wince, “it really is urgent that we speak with you.”
The captain is slow to turn. What little emotion he shows can be found in the disdainful curl of his lip. “Whatever you wish to say will have to wait.”
“It really can’t,” Four begins quietly, but the sudden way the captain rests his hand on his sword pommel charges the air with fresh tension. 
“I’m afraid you caught me at a bad time,” he tells them with false charm, his smile never reaching his eyes. “Forgive me if I’m disinclined to care.” 
“We’ve been summoned from across timelines,” Sky explains hurriedly. Legend knows almost instantly that it’s the wrong thing to say. “The goddesses need us to—”
“Fuck the goddesses,” the captain answers succinctly. “I know why you’re here. Zelda warned me in a letter. I cannot fight two wars at once, and frankly, my allegiance is here.”
Wild speaks up for the first time in two days, his voice rasping slightly. “You don’t get it. Your entire world could be at stake.”
The captain laughs mirthlessly. It chills Legend in a way even his empty smile had not. “Look around,” he tells them, gesturing to the field. “It already is. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have letters of condolence to write.” He strides straight past them, clipping shoulders with Twilight. Swarms of flies orbit him like dead stars.
“What now?” Wind asks, pinching his nostrils with young, sword-calloused fingers. 
Legend sighs and resigns himself to an evening of misery. He spots pallets in the distance and knows the smell will be worse once the fires are lit. “You heard the man,” he answers tiredly. “The field needs clearing.” 
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