#legendary cinnamon roll
spacecowboy-01 · 8 months
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Me lovingly holding Hunk's face: Babyboy i am going to give you so many traits and flaws you couldnt even dream of. I'll carve out your personality and character like she(canon) never could
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ceoofyearning · 4 months
Say Yes to Heaven - Lucien
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Pairing: Lucien × Reader
Summary: You find the bed empty upon waking up. Bundled in your blanket, you head out to find Lucien and demand that he warm you up.
Tags & Warnings: Fluff, suggestive but nothing explicit (if i miss anything, let me know)
Word Count: 1077
Links: Masterlist
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Sunight creeps languidly through the heavy drapes, heralding the persistent call of the waking world. The day has come, and in minutes, the entire room is bathed in golden light. You’re forced to relinquish the last dregs of sleep clinging to you. You roll over expecting to find Lucien beside you, only to see that his side of the bed is empty. You run your palm over the sheets and find them still warm.
With one last stretch, you pull yourself out of the bed and onto your feet. You wrap the blanket tightly around your shoulders, not ready to give up their warm embrace just yet. The manor is deathly quiet as you pad through the hallways as if the rest of the world is as reluctant to wake too. The persistent chill of winter remains in the air, the tiles as cool as ice beneath your feet. The blanket trails on the floor behind you, and you can already imagine the legendary scolding Jurian would give you if he were to catch you. You imagine Vassa would only laugh at you, if she wasn't too busy being a bird.
Thankfully, no such altercations occur, and you find Lucien sitting in the library, busy reading what you assume are reports from Prythian. He’s lounging by the fire, clad only in his rumpled, unbuttoned tunic and plain trousers. His legs are carelessly spread, his cheek resting on his hand - the picture of relaxed nonchalance. Lucien wears finery like a fine suit of armor, his bravado like a sword secured at his hip, and it’s rare to see him so unguarded, so candid. When he spots you, all bundled up, by the door, a bemused expression makes its way across his face.
“You left,” you sniff indignantly.
His only response to your complaint is a smirk. So you pad deeper into the room until you're standing in between his legs. The smug look on his face only seems to grow at the increased proximity.
“Why?” He asks. “Did you miss me?” Lucien’s eyes trail down your body with deliberate slowness, stalling over your exposed thighs. His hand comes up to grasp the side of your hip, a movement made instinctually, naturally, as though his existence only makes sense when you’re there, with him.
You don’t deign to respond, but you let him pull you onto his lap. He wraps his arms around you, tucking you under his chin as he continues to read. You sink onto him, enjoying the heat that perpetually radiates off his body. He’s basically a sentient furnace, your love. Your hands trail beneath his shirt and he jolts the moment your cold hands make contact with his skin.
“Mother’s tits, you’re freezing.” He exclaims, wiggling in his seat.
“Because you left,” you retort, running your hands languidly over his back. Goosebumps rise in the wake of your touch. “This is your doing, miscreant.”
Lucien cackles but recovers. “Apologies, my lady,” Lucien says with exaggerated gravity, his hand over his chest. “I’m adequately chastised. I’ll be sure never to abandon you in bed again.”
“You better,” you threaten, trying to fight the smile from emerging on your lips. “Or else I’ll find someone else to warm my bed.”
Lucien stiffens, holding you tighter against him as if readying to fight off anyone who dares to draw near. With his hand on your chin, he lifts your head to meet his gaze.
“What was that?” He speaks, something dangerous lingering in the depths of his words.
You raise your brow in challenge. “I said, if you keep leaving me I’ll find-“
He shuts you up with his lips on yours, but it’s a soft fragile thing. His lips move against yours like the back and forth of a waltz. Lucien pulls you tighter into his embrace, enveloping you in the scent of sandalwood, cinnamon, and smoke. You melt against him and think that you could stay like this forever, as long as you’re with him. You want to lay here even as the world cracks and burns around you, until the both of you are covered in ivy, moss, and memory.
As if sensing the direction of your thoughts, Lucien deepens the kiss. Your lips willingly part for him and he licks into your mouth, eager for a taste. His hands are molten against your skin, kneading the pliant flesh of your hips from where your nightgown has ridden up. You can feel his chest expand as he inhales your scent as if reminding himself that you’re with him, in this moment, and there you will remain until your body gives out from the force of loving him.
Eventually, the two of you have to break the kiss. Just there, his forehead on yours, breathing the other in. Idly, you tap your finger over the freckles on his chest, parsing them like constellations in the night sky. You wonder what prophecies you’d be able to divine in the shapes they take. You press a kiss on the freckle over his beating heart, and Lucien shudders beneath your touch.
You move to the wealth of freckles spread across his cheek, over his nose, then on his chin. Lucien pretends to be preoccupied with the reports, but it’s a losing battle. There’s a ghost of a smile on his lips, and you plant a soft, chaste kiss at the upturned corner. You kiss him like he’s an object of worship, and only your heart, your body, your whole being would be a worthy sacrifice.
“Is that the only thanks I get for being your sentient, walking furnace?” He teases, brow arched, but not unkindly. “Threats and a few kisses?” Beams of sunlight hit his face like a lattice of amber, accentuating his sharp features, and setting his russet eye ablaze. And it strikes you just how damn pretty he is, scars and all.
“I’d prefer it if my sentient furnace did not walk away at all,” you retort, raising your brow in turn.
“Ungrateful,” he teases, even as he begins to trail tender kisses over your neck. “You’re lucky I adore you, dearly.”
You huff, pretending his words haven’t set you aflame in a way only he can.
“I suppose,” you begin, tapping your finger over your chin. “I could be persuaded to thank you properly if you go back to bed with me.”
Lucien glances at the report and pretends to consider it for three whole seconds, before setting it down the table with finality. He smiles, as bright as the sun, beautiful, blinding, yours.
“Let's go then,” he says, as he easily carries you back to your room.
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Hello! I’m new to this fandom & I’d love to hear your thoughts. 💙
i’ve been so obsessed with Lucien recently. I made art of him and I love how people kept mentioning his freckles so here is we are. + I hate the cold and had the thought that Lucien would be the perfect person to cuddle up to in winter.
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rosetyler42 · 2 months
Hi! I'm curious to know about your Hotel Transylvania OC's 😁
Get ready for an Infodump below the cut! XD
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Lucy and Simon Van Dracula, or the Van Dracula Twins, are my version of Drericka ship children. They're born 13 min apart by Cesarian, and were something of a surprise considering Ericka's advanced age.
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Lucy (full name "Lucille") is the oldest, and despite her vampire powers and pride in being monstrous, she takes after her mother and Brother-in-law. She's a chaotic mischievious free-spirited laid back fun-loving charmer, a real little Terror who knows her legendary status and is proud of it. Unlike Dennis or Mavis, though, Lucy has a PRIDE in her monstrosity. She ENJOYS it. In a way, she's something like Ericka's chaotic inner child given voice, and given the monstrosity Ericka and Johnny never got. She's also has far more freedom and social interaction growing up than Mavis, having grown up around both humans and monsters when monsters no longer had to hide...and Ericka's far less uptight a parent than Drac or Mavis, as she wants her kids to have the freedom she never did and she herself was training from a young age. Drac's also relaxed a bit over the century since having Mavis, though he's still the more uptight of the two. I figured him having to deal with a bouncy crazy ball of chaos for a kid would be funny, considering he's not good with chaos XD She's into dramatics and art/drawing, is a natural at languages, and has her mother's skill in gymnastics and martial arts...augmented by her father's vampire powers, of course! Unlike Dennis, she can also hypnotize and has hypnosis resistance, and her animal transformations are fully dark brown like her hair instead of black.
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If Lucy is Ericka's inner child, Simon is Drac's. He's sorta what would have happened if Dennis or Drac never got Vampire powers. Like his father, he's on she shyer, quieter, more timid side and is the pragmatic braincell to Lucy's shenanigans. That said, there's something of a "Beware the quiet ones" to him. While his family is loving and accepting, he feels like the odd one out, both due to his lack of powers and unusual chunky size, and has had to work to be scary. Ericka and Drac both went to great lengths to make sure Simon never went through feeling like the "Weak little boy" Dennis did, and since Ericka and Drac aren't as overprotective, Simon's less over-sheltered than Dennis was. Where Lucy is the "Looks like she could kill you, is actually a cinnamon roll," Simon inherited his mom's "Looks like a cinnamon roll, could actually KILL you" tendency. And like her, he'll do it either with deadly coldness or a smile. Ontop of this, the boy has a love of sailing and the ocean...especially the more scarier aspects like Pirates, electric eels, sharks, piranha, squid and octopi, and of course...krakens and other sea/water monsters. He also has his mom's love and nerd-dom of weaponry. It's part of his way of being scary. I've also drawn him and Dennis playing with the old "My First Guillotine" somewhat inspired by the scene in the HT2 novelization where Dennis uses the guillotine to chop off an action figure's head and that scene in Addams Family Values with Pubert, Pugsley, and Wednesday. Simon's more into cooking and playing the ukelele in terms of hobbies, and while he isn't as good with languages as his sister, knows a fair amount.
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Dynamic-Wise, they're kinda like Ian and Barley from Onward, Wednesday and Pugsley from The Addams Family, Zack and Cody from the Suite Life, or Phineas and Ferb.
Both of them have slowed aging after 5 years old, enhanced durability, strength, agility, and speed (Though Lucy's is of course more obviously powered while Simon's more just beyond average.) They're a bit cooler than normal humans and have slower heart beats. And while they can both day walk, they can still sunburn and are allergic to both garlic and silver. (While Ericka and Drac taught them both to use weapons, they're not allowed to use wooden stakes or silver weapons just in case.) Although none of them are as deadly to them as they would be to a pure-blood vamp.
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In terms of culture: James, Mavis, Dennis, and Abraham are the twins' main exposure to human things (esp. prior to school) as Drac and Ericka don't really have experience with normal human culture themselves. Since the Dracula family is Jewish coded and Ericka's family is christian coded, I decided the twins are interfaith, raised with both Christianity and Judaism so both cultures get celebrated without one overshadowing the other. Their Hebrew names are Shimown and Liorit for Simon and Lucy respectively. They're basically Russian, Romanian, possibly Hungarian going off the OG book, and Dutch. I also love the idea where... since Drac largely raised Mavis alone, and these two are twins to middle age parents...I like the idea of the pack helping raise these two. After all, Drac's apparently close enough to the pack for the Werewolf pups to call him uncle and Mavis to call Eunice "Auntie," so why not? Johnny and Mavis are even the god parents of the Twins and often the ones to help out since they live in the same building (and are the best options out of the pack.) They of course know everything about Martha and how Mom was originally trying to kill dad. Drac even made his own storybook saying how they met (The Drac-Tastic read along from the Bluray. "I saw it on a Blu-ray disc. Bonus stuff." XD) I also have a headcanon they're into Goosebumps, especially Lucy. Her favorite is Slappy. Simon also likes 2000 Leagues Under the Sea, and they both grew up with Sesame Street and Blues Clues. (I've been on a kick and hey, they're probably more tolerable than Kakie.) I also have the headcanon Lucy looks up to Johnny quite a bit, while Simon more identifies with Mavis, Dennis, and Frankenstein.
For names: Lucy is named after Lucy Westenra, the first female vamp turned on-screen in the OG book and adapations. Though in universe, Drac named her Lucille, probably from a mix of a female version of Lucifer and it meaning "Little Light." Lucy is a nickname. Liorit also means "My Light." As for Simon, I went with the in-universe idea Ericka simply had ancestor named Simon and liked the name. But in reality, I simply reused a name from an early version of Johnny (and possibly re-used into Ericka) called Simon Van Helsing, who was originally a monster hunter who fell for Mavis after finding the hotel. Simon and Shimown also means "Harkening" which is perfect considering Drac...could REALLY use a reminder to listen to others sometimes. XD
Their inspirations of course are something of a mix of Pubert Addams - both Normal and Addams-esque; Wedneday and Pugsley, Popeye and Bluto, @lovelylivelyv 's Bendy OC Jack Nephalem, Uncle Fester and Debbie, Abraham Van Helsing and the other large Van Helsing bricks + their bucktoothed overbite, Mother Gothel (kinda), Dr. Frankenfurter, Katharyn Hahn, Human!Drac, Vampirica, the HT2 Vamp Kids at Winniepecaca, "What if Drac had a humany son instead of a vampire after what happened with Dennis?", "What if he had a child like Johnny and Ericka?" The promo fakeout for Dennis being a "little terror", Martha art with brown hair, and "We've never seen a female Dhampir." They also kinda bear a resemblance to Pinky (PATB) and Young Man Rivers (Foster's Home.) Though that was unintentional.
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I got alot more about these two, but I already stayed up too late and I need to go to bed. XD Will probably reblog with more pictures soon.
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Tag list @lovelylivelyv @i1lyidkstupid @hotelt-resurrection @ssleeping-in-a-coffin
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gigizetz · 10 months
Are you going to do any animatics with Telemachus? He's just such a cute and adorable cinnamon roll in your design, I can't get enough of him-
I have already! He's in my animatics of "I can't help but wonder", "Legendary", "Hold them down" and briefly in "Dangerous".
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whiteshipnightjar · 15 days
finally caught up with slow horses 4x01. still a perfect show. and somehow even more so. i’m impressed. river still the grandest beloved failson (needs to be protected at all costs your honor i love him). he's so pretty but he's just so stupid. very balanced pookie man indeed. shirly still the coolest and probably the best spy in that office atm lbr (cinnamon roll that’d kill you if you tell her she’s a cinnamon roll and she’d be right). marcus still gambles. on everything. (he's so nonchalant about it lmao i envy your confidence my friend teach me your ways). shirly and marcus still best bros 4eva i love that for them and for me. louisa still traumatized by grief (someone take away all her grief and give it to those min killers). roddy still a roddy but now with an upgrade: blue hair! (it's like he’s doing his own character development that’s the roddy smarts we love lmao). diana still the c*ntiest (style icon, legendary eye roll queen. get it girl). standish still a mom (she needs an all paid expenses holiday give her everything she wants). lamb still being smarter than everyone (there was a moment of sadness in his face when he was figuring the death sitch out so he has a heart of gold in my eyes now. i felt that) and still, and he will probably end me for saying this but, the office dad *runs away to hide*
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lilsmv1 · 5 months
august - MV1 (2/?)
- willow [pt2]
Pairing: Max Verstappen x Juliette Durand
This is a story for the Max (and Taylor Swift) girlies. 
Summary: They were doomed from the start. Two completely different worlds colliding, there was no way this could work. But what happens when they keep running into each other, as if gravity was pulling them together. 
Trope: slow-burn af
(*dialogues in italic are meant to be in French, I’m just too lazy)
Word count: 1,1k
A/N: Sorry I'm late, I had my finals ! Here's a fluffy chapter :)
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As Juliette walked along the beach, her mind wandered back to the events of the day. She had spent the entire morning exploring the quaint streets of the coastal town, admiring its charming architecture and bustling marketplaces. But as the day wore on, she found herself seeking peace in the quiet beauty of the beach, longing for a moment of respite from the chaos of her thoughts.
For Juliette, this impromptu trip was more than just a chance to explore new surroundings; it was a much-needed escape from the weight of her responsibilities and the lingering worries that plagued her mind. With each step she took along the shoreline, she felt the tension slowly melt away, replaced by a sense of peace and tranquility.
In that moment, all that mattered was the gentle rhythm of the waves and the warmth of the setting sun. It was a brief reprieve from the demands of her daily life, a fleeting moment of freedom amidst the chaos. And as she walked, she allowed herself to simply be, savoring the simple joys of the present moment.
As she walked, lost in her thoughts, a voice called out to her from behind. "Well, well, if it isn't Juliette! Fancy running into you here."
Turning around, Juliette's eyes widened in surprise as she spotted Max approaching her with a playful grin on his face.
"Max!" Juliette exclaimed, a smile lighting up her face. "What are you doing here?"
"Ah, just enjoying the beauty of the sunset," Max replied casually, his blue eyes sparkling mischievously. "But I can't help but wonder if you're following me, Juliette. We seem to keep bumping into each other."
Juliette chuckled, shaking her head. "I assure you, it's purely coincidental. I came to the beach to unwind after a busy day. And plus, it seems to me I was here before you, so I think you might be following me Max" she winked at him.
"Likely story," Max teased, falling into step beside her as they continued their stroll along the shore.
As Max and Juliette walked along the beach, the soft sound of waves crashing against the shore provided a serene backdrop to their conversation.
"So, Juliette," Max began, a playful twinkle in his eyes, "tell me something interesting about yourself that I don't already know."
Juliette chuckled, casting a sideways glance at him. "Hmm, let me think." she paused "Well, I have a secret talent for baking the most delicious cinnamon rolls known to humankind."
Max raised an eyebrow in mock surprise. "Is that so? Well, consider me intrigued. I'll have to put in a request for a batch of those legendary rolls sometime."
"You got it," Juliette replied with a grin. "But fair warning, they tend to disappear pretty quickly, so you'll have to act fast."
As they continued to walk, their conversation flowed effortlessly from one topic to the next. They swapped stories of their travels, recounting memorable adventures and hidden gems they had discovered along the way. With each passing moment, Juliette found herself opening up to Max in a way she hadn't with anyone else, as if they had known each other for years instead of just a few days.
"So, what's next on your itinerary?" Max asked, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them.
Juliette shrugged "I have to go back to France for a couple days to see my best friend, but who knows where I'll go next. I might just go with flow and prepare myself for some more adventures."
Max grinned, clearly intrigued by the idea. "I like the sound of that. Well, count me in for whatever adventure you have in mind."
Juliette smiled, feeling a warm sense of closeness blossoming between them. In that moment, as the sun dipped lower on the horizon and the sky turned a brilliant shade of pink, she knew that this chance encounter at the beach was just the beginning of something extraordinary.
Before they knew it, the sun had dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. The beach was bathed in a soft twilight glow, casting long shadows across the sand.
"Hey, Juliette," he began gently, "can I ask you something?"
"Yes, of course" she replied with a warm smile.
"What's the real reason you're here? I mean, what are you running away from?"
Juliette paused, her steps faltering slightly as she considered his question. She took a deep breath, deciding to confide in him. "To be honest, Max, I feel lost. I just finished my studies, and I have no idea what I want to do with my life. Everything feels so uncertain, and I needed to get away, to escape from the pressure and expectations."
Max nodded understandingly, his expression sympathetic. "I get it. Sometimes we all need a break from reality, a chance to clear our heads and figure things out. But you know it's okay to not have all the answers right now".
Juliette smiled gratefully, touched by his words of reassurance. "Thank you, Max. I needed to hear that."
As they walked on, a comfortable silence settled between them, each lost in their own thoughts. After a moment, Juliette turned to Max, curiosity glinting in her eyes. "And what about you, Max? What's your story?"
Max hesitated for a moment, his gaze drifting out to the horizon. "Oh, you know," he replied casually, a hint of evasiveness in his tone, "just getting away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, seeking a bit of adventure."
Juliette sensed that there was more to his answer than he was letting on, but she didn't press the issue, especially when she knew what he wasn't telling her. She knew that there would come a time when she had to reveal that she recognised him, but she couldn't muster the courage to do it at that moment. Instead, she simply nodded, a silent understanding passing between them.
"I should probably head back," Juliette said reluctantly, glancing at her watch. "I have an early start tomorrow."
Max nodded understandingly, but there was a hint of disappointment in his eyes. "Right, of course. But hey, why don't we meet up again tomorrow? There's so much more of this town to explore, and it's always more fun with company. At least with your company."
Juliette hesitated for a moment, torn between the comfort of routine and the allure of spontaneity. But then she found herself nodding, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "I'd like that, Max."
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contentloadingandstuff · 11 months
Fluff Headcanons - Spooky gaming with the genshin characters!
A/N: The fluff version of the Halloween special, and a bit of a new format. I hope you enjoy!
C/W: Modern AU, swearing, game-typical violence.
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This year, Alhaitham wanted something less conventional. Something that would really engage his mind with interesting commentary about society and the world at large, but still retain some of that spooky vibe. 
Cruelty Squad easily caught his attention with its assaulting graphics and interesting premise. It clearly begged for attention, and he was willing to humor it. 
It was precisely what he was looking for, and what an answer it was. Alhaitham had no trouble adjusting to a more corporate mindset.
Alhaitham: The super AI emerges from an extremely pornographic ultra hyper suck and fuck…
Kaveh: Um… What? What are you talking about?
Alhaitham: You don't understand, Kaveh. Everything that surrounds us? It's Gorbino's Quest. The Gorbino's Quest... of life.
The poor little cinnamon roll isn't that much of a horror fan. Violence and death generally unsettles her, but Ganyu still wants to feel some of that holiday spirit. 
After a lengthy deliberation, Ganyu chose Little Nightmares. The graphics are quite pleasing to the eye, it is horror, but not so horrible and violent. At least that's what she heard.
Ganyu: Oh, look! It's a Nome, right? And it's offering me food… How nice of it! Um… Oh n-no! Why would you d-do that?!
The great outdoors with a horror theme? Count her in!
Amber made sure to avoid spoilers to have the full, unprecedented The Forest experience. The landscape is so serene and peaceful… The freedom of movement, the sounds of nature and the survival elements are so fun and relaxing!
True, there are some hostile people on the island, but they seem harmless enough.
Until the night falls…
Amber: Wait… What's that? That doesn't look human… Did it just birth out… Ew… Yikes! It's coming at me! 
Suffice to say, Amber stuck around until more or less the moment when you have to chop up bodies and make effigies out of the parts.
Alcohol, hard rock and murdering demons with big guns is how Beidou plays on Halloween, so she'll gladly hop on Doom Eternal.
There's nothing better than impaling a snake demon's head with its own broken arm, right as the beat drops. 
Beidou: Life has enough undefeatable horrors. Let's just have some fun tonight!
The old ones are the good ones! Ningguang doesn't play a lot of video games, but she did like a few titles back in her younger days. 
On this special occasion, Ningguang got a box of her old possessions to dig through, and found the original Dungeon Keeper on CD. 
Everything is just as she remembered it was. 
Ningguang: Oh, these imps… They are the perfect workers, aren't they? They don't eat, sleep, need vacation, have a social life, and they work harder when you slap them. Ah, if only I had them as my subordinates…
Keqing: *narrows eyes*
Another fan of the retro side of games, Kokomi enjoys a good tactical challenge - developing the ability to conjure small scale plans is as important as improving the grand ones.
Her pick is Myth II: Soulblighter. It’s a brutal, unforgiving RTS with a distinctively dark atmosphere - just perfect for the season at hand.
Even when Halloween comes to a close, Kokomi will find it hard to drop the game. The insanity that is Legendary is quite addictive indeed…
Kokomi: You here… You here… And now the crescendo!
Game: “Move here move there…”
Game: “Catch!”
Game: *explosion*
Game: “Casualty.”
Kokomi: Oh. Change of plans, I guess…
Yae Miko
Upon hearing of the wonderful possibilities for tormenting the other party, Miko didn't hesitate to bring out the Mora for Dead By Daylight and all of its DLC. 
Though it was quite fun at first, the ugly nature of the game soon surfaced. As none of her friends were brave enough to delve into this swamp, she was forced to join up with random people, who frequently threw the games. 
Such a combination was enough to make even such an ancient and wise kitsune lose her absolute cool.
Ei: Why are you crouching behind that tree, Miko?
Miko: The killer has caught one of my teammates, and I will release them by ambushing them with a flashlight! 
Miko: Come on… Now! You didn't expect that, did y- What?? Lightborn?! Again?! Who even plays it nowadays?! Oh, you daft, blind motherf-
Ei: Miko!
Miko: Oh… Hm. Sorry. I got a little carried away. But that's sooo unfair, isn't it? Why would they add a perk that cancels a whole mechanic? I can't believeitthegameissokillersided…
Xiangling absolutely didn't look forward to Halloween, especially with Hu Tao around. She just can't take horror, at all, of any kind, ever. Especially jumpscares.
She still couldn't believe that she agreed to play a horror game, let alone one suggested by the director. The one and only Five Nights At Freddy's at that.
Much to Hu Tao's amusement, she didn't even make it past Night 1. Xiangling was thoroughly spooked, and after being jumpscared once she completely refused to keep playing. 
Seeing Xiangling so terrified made Guoba very upset, and Hu Tao quickly apologized to avoid being roasted by the angry god. 
Hu Tao: So he killed the kids, but then! Their souls escaped their robot prisons and made an old spring lock suit crush him to death! WoOoo~
Xiangling: Ah! Hu Tao! No more! 
Guoba: Nane na! Grr…
Hu Tao: Oh, don't fret little Guoba! I'm just joking!
Morax always had trouble catching up with the latest cultural and technological trends of the humans. Sure, he can use a computer more than well enough, but he finds third and first person video games confusing. The gameplay is most often too fast and rapidly changing for him to be up to speed with it, let alone enjoy it. 
Throughout all of his exponentially long life, nobody was as persistent in including him in the festivities as Hu Tao. She tried to convince Zhongli to play something horror-related, but he was assertive. So, the director decided to find a game that would suit his liking - an indie title. 
Her pick fell on Water Womb World - it's simple mechanically, is quite disturbing and has an interesting concept. 
Much to her surprise, Zhongli thoroughly enjoyed his fifteen minutes with the game, even if he didn't find it very scary.
Zhongli: Ah, I agree with the message of this title. The blind belief in deities can lead to fanaticism, which breeds regress rather than progress. I do think that a more healthy and critical approach to Rex Lapis' rule would be beneficial to our current day society. Especially that the age of gods draws to an end…
Hu Tao: Aiya! Do you have to turn everything into a lecture, Zhongli? You're not my grandpa, are you?
Hu Tao
An avid enjoyer of the spookfest, Hu Tao decided to pick something hitting closer to home this year - Mortuary Assistant.
The gameplay loop feels great! Just like in her line of work, just without the smell. She's having the time of her life preparing the corpse for burial. And hunting the demon. That's also quite cool!
Hu Tao: *hums while wheeling the corpse into the crematory* 
Game: "Are you sure?"
Hu Tao: Yup! I know your tricks more than well. Aiyaya, you could try something more interesting next round! Furnace time~
Game: *sounds of fire and demonic screaming*
Hu Tao: Toodle-oo~
Bennet, Noelle, Fischl, Razor
A few weeks before Halloween, Bennett mentioned a game night, since he couldn't be there in person. Noelle, diligent as ever, picked this up as a cue to start looking for something. 
Luckily for her, Phasmophobia was on a large and affordable discount, so after proposing the idea and organizing a money pool, they all got to proving the existence of ghosts.
Lisa lent Razor her personal computer for the night, on condition that she could take a little peek every now and then at their session without interrupting - and what an amusement it was, as none of them are especially acquainted with horror.
Noelle: "The ghost responds only to people who are alone." Somebody has to go in to talk to it… 
Razor: Razor won't go! Ghost scary!
Bennett: I would go, but with my luck, the ghost will eat me right away…
Fischl: Hmph! Although yes, I, Fischl, The Prinzessin Der Verurteilung and the founder of The Immernatchreich possess the courage to face demons and spawns of darkness alike, I…
Everyone: So you'll go then?
Amy: Um… N-no! You m-misunderstood!
The Great-And-Grand Archon of Fontaine played and saw every horror game and movie, and never once got scared. Or that's what she claims, at least.
That's why Focalors decided to prove her excellence with a true, dark challenge she could easily overcome, thus proving her gaming capabilities for all to see!
In hindsight, Darkest Dungeon wasn't the best of choices she could have made… It did amuse Monsieur Neuvilette, however. 
Neuvillette: I think you should retreat. Your heroes are close to dying. 
Furina: I appreciate your advice, my dear Iudex, but your worries are misplaced! My Crusader will deal a critical hit, thus ending the pig-man's miserable opposition, and granting us treasure galore! Watch and marvel at my skill!
Game: "A singular strike!"
Furina: Ahaha, see? I told you it would be fine~ Wait… It's not dead yet…?
Game: "Mortality - clarified in a single strike!"
Furina: Um…
Game: "There can be no hope in this hell, no hope at all…"
Game: "And now the true test - hold fast, or expire."
Game: "Those who cover injury find it in no short supply."
Game: "As life ebbs, terrible vistas of emptiness reveal themselves."
Furina: Ret- T-tactical withdrawal! 
Game: "Cornered, trapped, forced to fight on!"
Game: "This is no place for the weak, or the foolhardy."
Game: "More blood soaks the soil, feeding the evil therein."
Game: "Perched at the very precipice of oblivion."
Game: "More dust, more ashes, more disappointment."
Game: "Another life wasted in the pursuit of glory and gold."
Game: "Wounds to be tended. Lessons to be learned."
Neuvillette: Lady Furina, if only you had-
Furina: Silence.
Shenhe never gets scared. The most terrible of monsters or existential terrors are no match for her training and resolve, no matter how unexpected they might be. She might not get scared, but she can get startled, right?
Who else would pose that question but Hu Tao, the mistress of horrors herself? It was always her objective to get some sort of reaction out of the adepti disciple, no matter how insignificant and small it might be. Many things were attempted - scary movies, troubling situations, body horror, cosmic horror, existential horror… But none of them ever worked. Shenhe remained stalwart.
Out of desperation, Hu Tao was forced to reach for the ultimate weapon. The bane of those unprepared. The myth. The legend. The game.
The Scary Maze Game. 
After plugging in an old spare monitor, she invited Shenhe to “test her precision”, and stepped a few safe meters back. 
The monitor ended up skewered with her polearm, but Shenhe did yelp - much to her delight. 
Not all was fun and games though, as Hu Tao got the mother of all lectures from Cloud Retainer. Something about Shenhe’s red ropes breaking, but the director didn’t pay much attention, and just nodded along.
Hu Tao: Heya, Shenhe… You don’t mind the little scare I gave you back on Halloween night, do you…?
Shenhe: Oh? Well, as much as I was upset during the moment, I must admit it was quite… cathartic. I never experienced anything like that. I do not hold any grudge towards you. Actually… Thank you for that, director Hu Tao.
Hu Tao: Phew! And I was here thinking I’ll share the fate of that display!
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🎃Happy Halloween!🎃
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h0ney-gl0ws · 1 year
Fire Emblem Boys! Parenting Headcanons!
Here’s a short collection of headcanons of how the fire emblem boys are as parents! Includes characters from fire emblem engage and three houses!
Characters are: Kagetsu, Ashe, Claude, and Diamant
Word Count: 896 (approx)
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Kagetsu: I saw a video of a man doing this challenge to hang from a pull up pole for 100s, and he did it with a baby strapped to his chest, yeah, that’s Kagetsu
Kagetsu would totally give his babies rubber knives and stuff for fun. He wants his kids to be powerful fighters when they’re grown up after all.
Speaking of that, Kagetsu would totally sword fight his kids once they’re old enough and have at least learned the basics.
Kagetsu when his kids are older: “Finally a worthy opponent, our battle will be legendary!”
Kagetsu sometimes would go too far during training sessions, and his wife(you ;) ) would have to tell him to reel it back in. Kagetsu would feel bad and let his kids win after that. Pretending to be real hurt by their hits and all that. “Oh wow! Look at how strong you guys have gotten! You’re able to take even me down.”
Kagetsu’s wife would totally step in to have some fun as well with play fighting Kagetsu. And it turns into a real fun family bonding moment. “Aghast, my own love betraying me?! How could you!” Lots of giggles from the kids during and after.
Overall, very good dad 9/10.
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Ashe: Oh, you know he would just be the sweetest dad ever. Ashe’s kids would just be the cutest little angels.
He’d teach them how to cook and all teaching sessions would end up being a giggle fest in the kitchen usually with flour all over the place.
Ashe’s kid: pours 90% of milk on the floor and 10% into the bowl. Ashe: Great job buddy! :D
You know he would teach his kids to have the same morals as him. In that everyone deserves to be shown kindness and to have a second chance. He doesn’t shy away his past from them, and wants to make sure they understand how his late adopted father’s kindness changed his life for the better.
He really cant resist when his kids come home holding bunches of kittens or puppies, and even on one occasion a snake, and you’ll have to step in to be the voice of reason like “no you cannot keep 12 cats in our pantry, put them back.” Lolol
Ashe would give you the puppy dog eyes too when your kids start to pout, and it definitely didn’t work and you definitely didn’t keep one of the kittens
In conclusion, cinnamon roll dad 10/10
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Claude: Claude’s not a regular dad, he’s a cool dad XD
He wants his kids to be comfortable on wyverns so he takes them flying often. You worry of course, but he always assures you he is right there with them, and they are perfectly safe. Plus seeing the kids excitement as they try to explain to you how cool flying is, eases your worry plenty.
Claude’s kids would end up being little rascals, running around the halls of the palace, playing pranks on royal staff. Usual rambunctious kid stuff.
Claude has almost certainly assisted in their little tirades, especially on the ones directed at Lorenz. He once got them to replace all of the sugar in Lorenz’s tea with salt. Claude got quite the earful after from him, but Lorenz couldn’t prove anything.
That’s not to say that Claude can’t be a responsible parent when he needs to be. If his kids were getting involved in something that would put them or others in danger, you bet the stern dad voice is coming out and he’s teaching them why they can’t be doing that.
Very nice dad overall, his family wishes he could spend more time with them, but I digress 7/10
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Diamant: This one is a difficult one for me, as I try to portray them as the best dads they can be, however I see Diamant’s best as…rocky.
I feel like he would be overprotective, he’s very worried about anything bad happening to them. As a result of this he can be a bit overbearing.
On the other side of the spectrum, when’s he’s not being overbearing he can be distant. His anxiety over running the kingdom, and his own insecurity about being a father can cause him to push people away, and as a result you would be doing a lot of the parenting.
Of course all of these tendencies come from a place of love. He wants to be the best father he can, he’s just not great at navigating his emotions.
Every night, however, when your kids are tucked into bed you can hear him whispering stories about how great of a king his father was, and your kids fall asleep hearing tales of how amazing their grandfather was.
You also see them showing interest in his training. They love watching him train, and often times want to join him. which is great because he wants to teach all of his kids self defense. He wants them to be able to protect themselves when he’s not there after all.
In the end, his kids adore him even if he’s not the greatest parent at times, and you know that this is just another chapter of life you will be able to work through together. 5/10
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for the make an oc ask: Eleanor Tomlinson + Tolkienverse?? -🍂
Thank you so much for this, Alvita!! Also gonna tag my Tolkienverse lovers @xoteajays, @endless-oc-creations, @auxiliarydetective, and @reyofluke-ocs because I think they’d like this. <3 <3
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NAME: Odelia Baggins.
SUMMARY: Having been taken in by her aunt Belladonna and uncle Bungo after her parents had died of a fever that had nearly killed her four-year-old self as well, Odelia has been living as a Baggins of Bag End, along with her dear cousin Bilbo, for as long as she can remember. Though her near-death experience as a toddler had left her weak and often sickly, her aunt and uncle had always taken care of her, and Bilbo, though he was almost a decade older than she, had been content to find quieter ways to play with her when she could not go running around and spend hours playing games - Odelia had grown up loved, even if she did not have her birth parents, and she and Bilbo had spent so much time together as children that even now, fully grown, they were scarcely apart, living together in the same hobbit hole where they had grown up. But there has always been a difference in their personalities - while Bilbo is content to shun his adventurous Took heritage and live the typical quiet, respectable hobbit life, Odelia has always longed to venture away from the Shire and go on some grand quest, despite the fact that her own body limited her from doing many things that were typically done on noble adventures. So when the legendary wizard Gandalf comes to the Shire and convinces Bilbo to join a dwarf party set to reclaim their stolen gold from a dragon, of all things, there is no question in Odelia’s mind that she will follow along with him despite his protests - after all, this is the very thing she has been dreaming about almost her whole life, and she and Bilbo can hardly be separated when they are the truest family either of them has left. And as the journey goes on and Odelia finds herself forging genuine bonds with the other members of the party, particularly a certain nephew of the party’s leader who is just as devoted to his family as she is to hers… well, she can certainly say that this voyage is turning out to be even more than she had dreamed.
Behold! A cinnamon roll!
As stated above, she does have some legitimate physical limitations going into the quest because she’s always been a bit weak and prone to injuries and illness due to almost dying so young, but Gandalf allows her to come along with the party (which Thorin isn’t very happy about at first) because she and Bilbo absolutely will not leave each other, and he does use his magic to help her out in situations where they have to do a lot of climbing or walking (and leaves a charm on her when he fucks off to investigate the necromancer so she can still go long distances without getting too weak).
This absolutely doesn’t mean she’s fragile, though! She’s very quick-witted and resourceful, and Dwalin even teaches her how to use a dagger so she won’t be defenceless if they get attacked, and she winds up being very good with it.
She and Fíli have the cutest relationship ever - they both basically get insta-crushes on each other and remain very blushy and shy around each other for much of the time on the road, which Kíli of course teases his brother relentlessly about.
We’re assuming a happy ending here where everybody lives - and Thorin and Bilbo get together, so he and Odelia stay in Erebor, and Odelia convinces Bilbo to surrender the One Ring to Gandalf so it can be destroyed - and eventually she and Fíli get married and have some very cute half-hobbit-half-dwarf children. Which is great for Odelia, because she’s always wanted to have children of her own and she’s a great mama! So happy endings all around. <3
send me a fandom and a faceclaim/love interest and i’ll make an oc!!
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thegayest-melonsoup · 7 months
(Updated!) Pinned Post!!
Hello! If you somehow have stumbled upon my blog within the mass sea that is Tumblr, welcome!
I am you local cinnamon roll cereal box who has been described as the black cat of the family
below is some basic info about me! :)
Name: Mel :)
Pronouns: They/He/She (genderfluid/agender)
I am demiromantic and asexual!
I am unnaturally obsessed with Hermitcraft, the Life Series (3rd Life, Last Life, Double Life, Limited Life, and Secret Life), and Empires SMP. But that's normal here! Come join us... we are definitely not a cult...
My tag is #mel and my ask tag is #mel asks
I HAVE A VOLTRON LEGENDARY DEFENDER SIDEBLOG NOW: @thevoltronist-melonsoup (mostly inactive at this point)
My asks are open, however I am a minor, so no NSFW :)
Current Hyperfixation: anything music related (marching band/orchestra)
^^ you should totally ask me things ^^
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weministertomonsters · 7 months
Point Hope Wolf Farm - 1
12th Day of Month 8
16th Year of Carther's Reign
I am starting this new diary with some measure of interest, and a large portion of disdain. You see, I am being sent off to Point Hope Wolf Farm for a few months to recuperate my lungs. Why my lungs matter so much to everyone, I know not. They have always been my most sickly organs, to the point where standing up too quickly sometimes arrests my breath.
I was disappointed by this plan largely thanks to receiving an invitation to Amelia Beaufort's legendary Autumn Ball the week before, which is bound to be stupidly grand, with lots of handsome people to mingle with. As it is, I shall be within pastures of smelly wolves all fall season!
Can you imagine? It is what it is, I suppose.
I will be grateful to draw in a full breath of crisp countryside air, at the very least. And who is to say it will not be fun? Mr. and Mrs. Whiteside are good friends of my parents, so it should be alright.
Picture me now, in a nice traveling dress with pink laces, hunched over my diary in the most unladylike way; I have already discovered the joy of being away from one's guardians. There is no sharp tongue telling me to sit straight or smooth my dress, I can be however I like. The tea cart came through and I have chosen a decadent little tart with a cup of tea. This train lurches so smoothly that naught a single drop can spill, even if it wanted to.
My poor health indeed prevents me from taking many holidays, so even this simple landscape is thrilling to me. I can't recall a time when I have ever been so deep in nature. The grass and trees simply roll on, almost enough to worry that Point Hope will be nothing more than endless pastures with only a small cluster of buildings, hardly enough to call a town and derive some pleasure from walking its streets.
But no need to be concerned just yet, there is the journey of a switch train and another two hours ahead. For now, I will eat my tart and do my best not to get jam on my pages.
The switch train has happened. This one is drastically cheap-looking with 'luxury' seats that would be considered third-class quality in the city. No matter, there is only an hour left to go and I am not a girl of unnecessary complaint. Good thing I have already had my tea on the first train because this one jerks and shakes so much that it makes drinking impossible. One gentleman across from me attempted and only ended up soaking his newspaper with tea.
Something interesting happened just now that made me straighten in my seat. Apparently there was a mixup in the cars, and one beast car had been put between two traveling cars, one of which happened to be my compartment. As it was, they had to walk a pack of wolves through the luxury car to get to their own. There was such an uproar of discontent, and one lady even fainted!
I just stared in amazement because I had not been prepared for what wolfmen would look like. These ones were docile in their collars of silver and disturbed no one as they were pushed through, but they were quite the sight! If I could draw, I would be tempted to try a sketch. Huge creatures with coarse-looking fur of shades from brown and cinnamon to black. Rough hands that end in claws that can rip a man's throat out in one violent motion.
Their eyes were that of beasts with human intelligence behind them, which was terrible now that I think back to it. Their bodies were vulgar to look at; they wore no clothes at all.
My curiosity tempted me to look between the legs, but I shamed myself out of it. One of them stumbled, jostled by the others. He fell to the ground nearly on my lap. I am surprised I did not jump up in sheer surprise, but I suppose the fear froze me. I was thinking,
Look at that huge head, with teeth as long as my hand. He could bite my leg off at once and think nothing of it.
I did note that his eyes were gentle and soft, like those of a good family dog. Suddenly he was being yanked up in a chokehold by one of the handlers. Let me tell you, the handlers themselves are no joke. They have to be strong to even begin to dream of handling such dangerous creatures.
Then they were gone from the car and people were grumbling with the vestiges of shock and some concern for me. I had just picked up my diary to begin my earnest recording of this remarkable encounter when the woman across from me in a giant feather hat said,
"Well, that was frightful. Traveling alone, young lady? Are you quite old enough?"
"I am in my twentieth year, ma'am," I smiled.
"Oh, indeed? Are you going to see your beau or family perhaps?"
So, she was the nosy sort. She reminded me of my Aunt Clarise, only this woman was larger and softer, with a bosom that would be quite pillowy for a weary head.
"I am taking a holiday for my health. The doctor said the clean air would do my lungs some good," I replied, and she set about with an earnest conversation about general health, the air, and what remedies worked best for congested lungs.
She knew it all and had a child like me. I just smiled and nodded along because I could not tell her that I cared little about my general well-being and only wanted enough performance out of my body to keep from fainting every two hours. Eventually, the train stopped in Point Hope, and I said goodbye.
"Have a good one, dear," she said. "I live in town myself, so perhaps we will cross paths again."
I told her I sure hoped so. The beast cars were unloaded too and the wolfmen were herded to the side to be loaded into large cages for transfer. I was quite certain they would be taken to Point Hope Farm because if there was another wolf farm, I had not heard of it. I had a carriage and driver waiting, a relatively handsome young man with a nice smile. He took my bags and opened the door for me and I settled down for the last few minutes of the journey.
This will be the last I write in my diary until the evening, for I will surely have too much to see to spare time for writing.
Part 2
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
Somethings tells me that the legendaries are gonna be like this
Ogerpon: Looks like it could kill you, is a cinnamon roll
Terapagos: Looks like a cinnamon roll, can and will kill you and write your bloodline out of existence
Walking Wake: looks like it could kill you, can kill you
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salubriousbean · 3 months
I found an incorrect quotes generator and went absolutely ham with my two Urinetown OCs. Quotes below the cut. And yes, Bella's full name is Belladonna like the poisonous thing
*While the Squad is in a battle*
Belladonna, trying to warn about the location of an enemy: To the left!
Emilia: Take it back now y'all!
Emilia: So, I've been thinking Belladonna-
Belladonna: That's dangerous.
Belladonna: When I was your age-
Emilia, mocking Belladonna: When I was your height-
Belladonna: Listen here you little s----
Emilia: Belladonna, no.
Belladonna: Belladonna, yes.
Belladonna: I know what you're up to.
Emilia: Really? Because I barely know.
Belladonna: I'm going the fight the next person who insults Emilia.
Emilia: I hate myself.
Belladonna: Alright, square up.
Emilia: Hey, Belladonna? I need advice.
Belladonna: I’m pretty useless at giving advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment instead?
Emilia: *eating a cinnamon roll*
Belladonna: Cannibalism.
Emilia: *confused chewing noises*
Emilia, throwing a pokeball at Belladonna: Belladonna, I choose you!
Belladonna, not looking up from their book and catching it: You need an Ultra ball to catch this Legendary Pokémon.
Emilia: I've connected the two dots.
Belladonna: You didn't connect s---.
Emilia: I've connected them.
Belladonna: The first time Emilia opened a box of Cheerios and looked inside they yelled, "OH WOW! DONUT SEEDS!"
Emilia: Is that a gun?!
Belladonna: It's not what it looks like!
Emilia: It looks like a gun!
Belladonna: Okay, maybe it is what it looks like, but in my defense, it doesn't have anymore bullets, so I technically can't shoot it anymore.
Emilia: ...ANYMORE?!
Belladonna, looking at their reflection: Now, that's rubbish. Who's that supposed to be?
Emilia: Well, that's you.
Belladonna: Me?! Is that what I look like?
Emilia: You don't know?
Belladonna: Busy day.
More shall come . . .
I think the cinnamon roll one is very accurate
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astaldis · 3 months
For the June prompt "Yikes"
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From "You'd be wise to beware" - Chapter 3: Or the flying drake ...
Published: 2023-05-13; Completed: 2023-05-31; Words: 12,856; Chapters: 6/6
“Yikes," Geralt says, grimacing. "You look worse than I did after I cut my way through that selkimore from the inside some years ago. Everything alright, brother, besides the yuck?”
Cahir nods, spitting on the ground and wiping his face on his sleeve. Which does not really help as there is hardly a yuck-free thread on him. From head to toe he is covered in yellow haemolymph and centipede entrails.
“Remind me to never slice anything’s guts open while I’m standing right in front of them,” he mutters darkly, spitting once again. Is it just the nasty smell of the arthropod blood that makes him want to vomit or did he swallow any of it by accident? In contrast to the saliva it is not poisonous, at least not as far as he knows, but it is thoroughly disgusting.
“On the path getting yourself showered in blood and gore is unavoidable sometimes, the lesser of two evils,” Geralt says with a grin. “You did good, little brother. If you weren’t so totally loathsome at the moment, I'd give you a hug. Good it's only temporary.”
“Melitele’s tits! And I thought I had seen it all!” Jaskier exclaims, having left his hide-out and walked up to his victorious comrades as soon as the monsters seemed dead. “That is - that is truly eww, worse than the sewers, so much, much worse. Good that Yennefer can’t see you like this. Or, heavens forbid, smell you." He grimaces, rolling his eyes at Cahir. "But you’re lucky, my non-Nilfgaardian friend," the bard continues with a wink. "I never travel without a piece of soap and a few nice scents. I’d be willing to share if we can finally have that lakeside picnic now. By the way," he adds, beaming at them, "you Witchers did an amazing job. As I knew you would. Definitely worthy of a ballad. And a little feast."
“Not so fast, Jaskier. There are still a few baby arthropods that need to be taken care of." Geralt looks at his sword meaningfully. The unfortunate little creature skewered to it has stopped squeaking and struggling. Jaskier goes pale. He knows they cannot leave any of them alive, but he does feel bad for the funny little buggers.
"Don't watch, Jask," Geralt says. "And you, Cahir, go wash. I can do it.”
So, while Geralt hunts down the remaining baby monsters and takes terminally care of them, Cahir has a very necessary bath in the lake. The water is crystal clear and refreshingly cool despite the heat of summer. Shoals of small fish flit away and disappear between the reeds when he dives in head first from a rock to get the worst of the disgusting centipede gore off his face and hair. He does not dare swim too far though as the lake looks really deep in the middle and you never know what creatures might lurk at the bottom. The legendary pike with a spike from Jaskier's ballad, for example. The bard is not wrong with the song. It is wise to beware in Posada. If myriapods and giant centipedes can interbreed here, you never know what other beasts can do. And better safe than sorry. So he returns to the shore quickly and starts to clean himself and his clothes as best as possible with the help of Jaskier’s soap. Then he picks up the small glass vial Jaskier conjured up from his belt pouch for him. Normally he is not one to indulge in the use of fragrances, but today an exception is not only in order, but very much needed, Cahir decides. He sniffs at the content of the vial. Apple, cinnamon and lemon blossoms. Could have been a lot worse from what Geralt has told him about Jaskier and his extravagancies. Actually, the scent is quite nice and does help to drive away the lingering, nauseatingly icky memory of the arthropod stench.
Feeling a lot better and decidedly cleaner, albeit very wet without both a towel or dry clothes, Cahir turns around, away from the lake, his hair, shirt and pants dripping with water. Well, it will not take long until the sun has dried everything again. There are still several hours of sunshine ahead. He gazes around. After having watered the horses and set up the picnic table in the shade of an old, expanding tree not far away by the lakeside, Jaskier is sitting against the trunk, a piece of bread in one hand and a sausage in the other, just about to regale himself with his late lunch. Geralt is still searching for monster spawn between the rocks. Have some of the baby monsters run away and hidden in the numerous crevices and cracks there? Perhaps Geralt needs some assistance with the little pests? 
Cahir is just about to walk toward his Witcher friend, when he suddenly hears a strange whooshing in the air. He looks up. And freezes in his tracks. A dark shape is swooping down from the sky, huge, fast and deadly, instantaneously filling him with horror. A Wyvern? A Dragon? Whatever it is, it is stretching out its terrible talons to sink them straight into Geralt's back.
Before Cahir can cry out to warn his friend, though, the Witcher swivels around and slashes at the creature's scaly belly. With his enhanced Witcher perception, he must have sensed the approaching flying monster in time, thank the gods. The beast screeches and veers, then it attacks again. Cahir grabs his sword and darts along the lakeshore to help his comrade. However, it is not necessary. With an elegant, sweeping movement, Geralt slices through the winged creatures long, slender neck. The blow does not sever it entirely, the beast is too big for that, but it is lethal enough. Showering the Witcher with dark red blood, the draconid crashes onto the rocks and breathes its last gurgling breaths.
Geralt stands still for a moment. Then, with a groan, he crumples to the ground ...
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thecatinthemoony · 23 days
Ok real thoughts. Last night i really felt all of it was a little messy BUT now with a good listening (and 7 hours of sleep), i like it waay more
Like, in legendary Antinous really cuts the vibe of the song, but now that i have a functioning braincell or two i see that thats exactly the point. We're all vibing with our new cinnamon roll and suddenly someone is bullying him. In his fucking house. Which is exactly how his life has been going on.
Little wolf is awesome af, I hate how much i love Ayrton's voice, and Athena's/Telemachus team up i love it soo much and TEAGANS VOCALS ARE SOOO GOOD
The one song i feel falls wrong with the change of pace is love in paradise. I think the athena's first minute should be a different song entirely. This isn't a first cause it also happens in mutiny. I feel like jay's wish of making it all number-even clash with the needs of the music, cause its all the same if you listen to the musical fully, but if you want Calypso's lovely theme and vibes and voice there's a whole minute in the way. Not the dark vibes. The dark vibes 100% belong there and Jorge's sung that soo well.
Also, God Games. Without the visuals, Athena sounds even more alive.
Not only does she sing after Ares asks if she's dead, she is using her powers and then her theme goes from small and soft to back to power. Mother is fine guys. I think? I hope.
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