#legacy of the sith spoilers
spacedilflvr · 1 year
this is a shin hati fan account now.
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#imeanlookathershessohot #imstraightiswear
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archeo-starwars · 1 year
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source: SWTOR: Legacy of the Sith - Showdown on Ruhnuk
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corruptlight · 7 months
Oh, My Love - A SWTOR Story
In which the Commander gets stabbed on Nathema instead of Theron Shan.
Its me back on my bullshit instead of sleeping (help) and I've been in SWTOR brainrot for a long while now and I keep thinking and creating stories based off my silly little swtor characters.
This isn't edited by the way
"I love you Theron, please, come home." Lana shuts off the holo and Sylvi begins to leave the room. Not saying a word as Lana watches sadly, knowing it was better not to say anything.
"I'm going for a walk in the woods, clear my mind." Was all she said before leaving, and not even going towards the woods. Sylvi heads for a secret shared apartment that no one knew off except her, Theron, and C2-N2.
It was for her to stop Theron being a workaholic and sleep and for her to get away from the alliance and being its commander. She lazily opens the door, before walking towards the lounge and slumping onto it. Too lost in her mind, the only thing keeping her going had ceased to exist and she finally tumbled down into a dark abyss of depression, shame, and self-loathing.
"I swear when I get my hands on him-" Trygve starts while Ingrid and Víðarr stand with him in the field where the former Cipher Nines ship resides.
"Trygve..." Víðarr starts but Trygve swirls to face him with a firm finger pointed at him.
"HE WILL FEEL EVERY AGONY, EVERY FORM OF TORTURE POSSIBLE FOR WHAT HE DID. I WILL SEE HIM BREAK FOR WHAT HE DID TO HER!" Trygve yells, making Ingrid flinch to hide behind Víðarr making the male twin sigh and calm himself slightly at her behavior.
"Brother, we will find him. I promise you, and we will make him pay," Víðarr assures, "But, you cannot deny something about this is off."
Ingrid moves from her position slightly behind the Sith, opening her mouth to say something before her comlink goes off.
"Ingrid here," She says while answering it.
"Its Hylo, we've found the pirate that keeps raiding the transports." Hylo Viz explains before disconnecting, making Ingrid close her eyes.
"I'll go, I sense something about this that's... familiar." Ingrid says to the brothers.
"Sense what?" Trygve quizzes, making Ingrid smile slightly.
"I sense someone that I'll love until the stars go cold." The Zabrak then turns on her heel and walks away with haste.
"Andronikos revel." Víðarr whispers with a small smirk.
"That pirate that helped her recover Tulak Hord's artifact on Tatooine?" Trygve asks.
"How do you-- another time. Lets go find Lana and figure our next move to find Theron."
"Vaylin! You have too stop her!"
"It is a tainted world."
"The Force is... wrong here."
"There are things in there even I cannot protect you from."
Sylvi shoots up in a sweat, another nightmare plaguing her sleep, however, this time it felt like a warning from the Force.
"Nathema..." She whispers before springing to her feet, half consciously, half on auto-pilot.
She needed to leave Odessen, without anyone knowing, following or finding her. Suddenly feeling like she was in a jail, she checked her armor before clipping her dualsaber to her belt. She walks to her wardrobe and finds a black cloak, heaving it over herself she pulls her hood up and leaves the apartment.
She blocks off all her bonds and shrouds her force signature, suppressing it from the force users all over the planet. She knew she had to take a ship without a tracker on it, or land then use the auto-pilot to send it adrift in the galaxy.
'That would throw them off my scent.' Sylvi realizes before maneuvering to the hanger. It was midnight and no sane person would be up unless they were on patrol.
The raven haired Jedi peeks around the corner, seeing an officer on patrol. Though she hated it, Sylvi forces them into a sleep before gently having them fall to the ground and running across to the fighters. She looks around before force leaping onto a fighter, once she does she hears voices coming towards the hanger before they notice her sleeping soldier.
"Over there!" Admiral Aygo calls out before getting onto the comms and shouting orders for flight control. Because the group couldn't identify Sylvi, they figured her to be a spy, saboteur, or assassin and that was a means for capture at any cost.
"Sithspit." Sylvi curses under her breathe before getting the ship fired up and getting ready to fly out.
In her quarters, Ingrid stirs feeling a heavy and firm arm around her waist. The Zabrak hears her comm beeping and uses the force to bring it to her.
"This better be important." Ingrid hisses.
"Ingrid! We have a situation in the hanger with an unknown assailant attempting to flee in a fighter. Their intent is unknown and they appear to be a force user!" Aygo explains making her groan, feeling the person behind her start to wake.
"I might not be able to get there in time." Ingrid replies, while attempting to move but the arm around her waist keep her flush to the persons chest.
"Understood, we will attempt to detain them." Aygo tells her before she turns off her commlink.
"Andronikos..." Ingrid starts but the pirate wasn't letting her go.
"Forget them, they've got it handled." He tells her lazily, planting kisses on her shoulders and gently taking the commlink and throwing it somewhere.
"This is important."
"So? You've skipped out on dark council meeting for less." Andronikos argues, not letting her go after getting her back. The pirate moves towards the Zabraks neck slowly, knowing it would help his argument for her to stay.
"Yes... I... I know this, but..." She keeps trailing off, finding it difficult to speak, and Andronikos smirks knowingly.
"But, Sith?"
Sylvi gets the fighter moving and knows Aygo and attempting to comm her, but she left it in the staging area so he wasn't getting an answer. She watches as he sends men to go find her in what most assumed were her private quarters.
Once she finds the opportunity she flies out of the hanger and into the atmosphere while getting the hyperdrive ready and finding the tracker at the same time.
Eventually, finds two wires she remembers her brothers telling her were for the tracker and weapons.
"Blast, which one was it." Sylvi asks herself before deciding to pull them both out.
What could go wrong?
As she pulls the wires an alarm start blaring to tell her weapons were disabled. She groans before glancing to see if she was clear to jump.
"Flying is for droids." She grumbles before entering hyperspace.
Leaving her with only her thoughts and the stars.
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Some nice screens I took during Legacy of the Sith run with Thanira
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Read your post - good stuff! Sooooo about Ashara.... 👀
Yeah, this was not an easy decision at all. I like Ashara, and doing this to her didn't exactly sit right with me, but I wanted to stay true to both of Ashara and Auletta's characters.
Warning for spoilers for Sith Inquisitor storyline.
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The biggest problem was that Ashara and Auletta just don't work together, they are too different. My inquisitor didn't even want to take Ashara initially, and only when the events on Taris showed that Ashara is somewhat susceptible to the Dark Side, Auletta decided to train and turn her. However, Ashara wasn't showing signs of becoming a Sith, and her ideas about changing the Empire were not aligning with Auletta's view, so a lot of their conversations only led to more arguing. After quite some time, Ashara finally saw that there is no point in working with Darth Nox anymore and decided to leave.
As much as I love Auletta, I didn't want Ashara to fall to the Dark Side as the result of my inquisitor's manipulations; and as much as I love Ashara, Auletta wouldn't simply let her leave. There are multiple reasons for this, but the main reasons are saving reputation (Ashara didn't turn to the Dark Side completely, and that was a failure in her eyes), and eliminating any risk that this rogue Jedi will spread information about her Force walking ability (the one that uses spirits of dead Sith), since it was not common knowledge and Auletta chose to keep it secret.
So the moment Ashara decided to part ways, she was marked for death by one of the most powerful Sith. Knowing that, she planned to make the best use of what little time she had and do something to bring Republic and Empire closer to peace. Ashara knew a couple of like-minded Jedi, and, ironically, travelling with Auletta gave her some idea of where to find Sith who would rather focus on improving the Empire than on the war against the Republic. Her goal was to start a conversation between two sides - convincing them to make an attempt, providing a safe place for meetings, securing methods of communication, etc., so that by the time Ashara is no longer present, the process will have already started. And she managed to succeed.
When Xalek and Vylneer (another apprentice of Darth Nox) finally tracked her down, Ashara was ready to face them. She put up quite a fight, but knew that death was inevitable, and she faced it without fear or regret.
Ashara's fate stands out from how most of Auletta's victims end up - in the end, she was at peace with herself, doing what she believed in.
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renposter · 1 year
(SPOILERS) Star Wars: Legacy (2006-2010), the Sith Ambush of the Galactic Alliance at Caamas
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mimir-anoshe · 2 months
The Acolyte episode 8 Predictions, potential spoilers (If I'm right lmao, prepare for a long ass bingo card):
We'll open the episode to Osha's breathing, maybe even her yeeting off the mask.
We're going back to Brendok boys, that's where the final confrontation will take place. In the fortress, on the planet where it all began.
The space chase from the trailers is in the rings of Brendoks blue moon.
Qimir will help Osha discover the truth of her past, and accompany her.
Osha and Qimir will have some Han Solo/Leia esc shenanigans on Qimirs ship. It's gonna get a lil spicy and sarcastic I can feel it in me bones...
Osha will have some nerdy/funny things to say about Qimirs ship as a Meknek.
Osha will hang on to Qimirs saber the entire episode like she's found a new favourite sex chew toy and refuses to give it back.
Osha/Qimir and Mae/Sol will meet each other in the fortress. Oshamir will get there first, and Osha will see the carnage of her past all come back at once to haunt her.
The vergence is in that hole at the top of the fortress that leads into the volcano. The twins will tap into its power.
Osha will get a moment where she will have to choose, and she'll choose Qimir.
Osha will kill Sol, either from opening herself to the dark side, or because she's trying to kill Mae and Sol gets between them.
We'll get a parallel to Mother Koril's "Fight me" with one of the twins.
There will be a second eclipse, and that is when Osha and Mae will combine their power to save Sol.
Oh yeah, Osha and Mae will heal/save Sol.
Osha will save herself from falling using the force.
Osha will become a shadow, she will accept her power as a witch in some way. Her inner darkness. Just like her mother. Maybe to even teleport her and her sister/her and Qimir away from danger.
Mae will also become a shadow, just like mother Koril.
We get some fucking hilarious facial expressions/reactions from Qimir in response to Sol and the twins witch shenanigans.
One of the twins - probably Mae - will use witch mind fuckery.
Qimir will get injured, and Osha will attempt to heal him; using her desire.
Whatever the ceremony was originally supposed to achieve will be concluded in this episode.
There will be a sith reveal at the end of the episode, to tie to the prequels and potentially set up the BBEG for season 2.
The Witches will come back! Not from the dead lmao, mother Koril and half the coven are totally alive. We'll see them reintroduced in a surprising way. Or maybe Leslye will save it for a season 2. Mae will be tied to this strongly, either way.
Mae and Osha's last interaction will be at the Bunta tree, before they part ways.
Sol will tell the council the truth, but leave out Qimir/Osha in order to protect Osha. Mae will pretend to be Osha and therefore be safe from the Jedi.
Sol will be exiled.
Mae will go off on her own to rebuild the coven/carry on her mothers legacy. Sol may even accompany her, as an act of redemption.
Qimir and Osha get close to kissing, real, super, fucking intimately close... but don't... Or maybe... 👀
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hannagoldworthy · 10 months
One take I regularly see from the “Jedi Critical” corner of this fandom always manages to baffle me: “In Legends, Luke Skywalker corrected the mistakes of the dogmatic Jedi Order!”
Since my days as a dumbass first-time tumblr user, in which I was rather sternly corrected by older users if I got too aggressive in my arguments, I’ve tried to steer away from pointing out how STUPID that take is. But? Nothing’s saying I can’t make a post of my own about it!
With the bare minimum of due respect.
What fucking book did you read where Luke Skywalker corrected his own fucking mistakes, let alone those of any Jedi who came before him?
Because from what I’VE read? Luke had a nasty habit of doing the same things everyone criticizes the Prequel Jedi for doing, only ramping the ante up in a way only a Skywalker trained by TWO of the Disaster Lineage can.
Mace Windu threatened a “helpless” old Chancellor in his own office and was trying to assassinate him? Gag me. Luke Skywalker electrocuted Shimrra Jamaane to death with Force Lightn-pardon me, “eLeCtRiC jUsTiCe.”
The Jedi Order of the Prequels used Padawans as “child soldiers”? Please. Luke Skywalker possessed the body of his nephew to duel Exar Kun…when Jacen Solo was TWO, a FUCKING TODDLER. That’s not even getting into the number of very young teenagers who died horrible deaths as SOLDIERS in the war against the Yuuzhan Vong - for pity’s sake, Anakin Solo was knighted at sixteen and KILLED AT SEVENTEEN, where his grandfather’s knighting at nineteen was considered a rush job!
The Galactic Army of the Republic was a slave army? So was the army of YVH-1 battle droids built to battle the Yuuzhan Vong invasion! “Oh, but those were just droids” yeah and? The anti-Jedi folk cried when Anakin Skywalker was rightfully punished for not wiping R2’s memory of sensitive battle information, and they’ve outright said they have more sympathy for the battle droids than for the living, breathing people defending themselves against the battle droids. Not to mention, Legends had a Droid’s Rights movement in full swing at this point in time, so? YVH’s were people programmed from “birth” to die in battle. Next question.
Obi-Wan was too mean to Darth Maul and Darth Vader when he cut off their limbs? Alema Rar would like a word! Luke Skywalker permanently crippled her lightsaber arm, his sister cut off one of her feet AND one of her lekku (brain tails, that HAVE HER BRAIN IN THEM), AND put her in the way of a spider-sloth that BIT HER IN FUCKING HALF. And this was after Luke helped raise her as a youngling and HAD A VISION OF HER TURNING TO THE DARK SIDE, and did FUCK-ALL to prevent her from turning!
On the topic of doing fuck-all to prevent something…oh, was Obi-Wan Kenobi unable to prevent his Padawan from being groomed by a Sith Lord? Well, Luke Skywalker GAVE his son Ben as an unofficial apprentice to Jacen Solo, who turned out to be Darth Caedus and mentally, emotionally, and physically tortured Ben for six years! And, while Obi-Wan did not like Palpatine and continuously advised Anakin not to trust him without even knowing Palpatine was Sidious, Luke fully suspected Jacen was headed down a dark path and still encouraged Ben to be his apprentice because he was afraid of the Skywalker legacy dying with him.
Obi-Wan Kenobi flirted inappropriately with enemy generals? Luke Skywalker banged them. No, seriously, Legends Luke’s sexual body count is in double digits, the man was an unrepentant fuckboi. Mara Jade, Calista Masana/Mingla, Gaerial Captison, Shira Brie, some blonde named Mary who was in one comic to die at the end, fucking ABELOTH? Yeah, Luke only married one of those women, BUT HE FUCKED ALL OF THEM. And now, we have the DinLuke ship (which only exists in fanon, so I will count it as Legends) to mirror the Codywan ship (which actually has some basis in canon), just to cement that Luke Skywalker is a persistent playboy for BOTH teams. He loves them and leaves them like a pro.
Oh, there’s a persistent fan-theory that Korkie Kryze was Satine and Obi-wan’s secret love child? There were rumors that Brisha Syo was Shira Brie’s daughter with Luke…rumors that were credible enough that Luke had to do his own investigation into the matter. Shira Brie, aka Lady Lumiya, whom Luke blew to smithereens when she tried to kill him, and fought her with no mercy when Darth Vader pieced her back together and sent her to fight him again. So, while Obi-Wan has a rumored lovechild from a respectful relationship with a woman who opted not to tell him, Luke legitimately blew up his alleged baby mamma in the void of space with the bare minimum of regret.
Yoda and Obi-Wan sent Luke to kill his own father because they couldn’t manage to do so? Luke sent his niece, Jaina Solo, to kill her TWIN BROTHER because he could not bring himself to kill Jacen himself. And, while Luke was understandably torn up about killing Anakin, Jaina had a Force-bond comparable with a canon dyad withh Jacen - it hurt her a lot more when she killed Jacen than it ever would have hurt Luke to kill Vader. She nearly DIED of heartbreak, that’s how bad it was.
Obi-Wan hurt Anakin’s trust by faking his death and going undercover? He beat the crap out of Anakin to maintain his cover? Luke hurt Leia’s trust by faking turning to the Dark Side, becoming a reborn Sidious’s new apprentice, ACTUALLY FALLING TO THE DARK SIDE, and mentally fighting Leia WHILE SHE WAS PREGNANT, to the point she WENT INTO LABOR EARLY.
Obi-Wan beat Anakin in a duel and left him to burn to death? Luke Skywalker BEAT THE LIVING HELL out of Vader until Vader was wordlessly pleading for MERCY, which he DID NOT DO ON MUSTAFAR.
Is there any nuance in Luke’s situations, throughout all of these examples? Yes, there is...but there’s also nuance in the Jedi’s situation in the Prequels, which no one seems to acknowledge in their case. So, whatever grace I extend to Legends!Luke being an imperfect and fascinating character, also extends to the Jedi being imperfect and fascinating characters in their own right.
I love Legends!Luke BECAUSE he reminds me of the Prequels Jedi, not because he corrected any of their “mistakes” (he did not. He very clearly did not). So don’t come at me saying Legends!Luke was better than the Prequel Jedi. I have read the books! I have kept the receipts! AND I WILL USE THEM.
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rebelsofshield · 3 months
Some scattered Acolyte theories (spoilers for episode five)
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The use of Kylo Ren's motif to accompany Qimir has to be intentional. It's one of the few themes from any of the films to make an appearance in the show so far and pairing it so clearly with Qimir at the episode's close must be doing more than simply recycling a familiar musical cue. From what we've seen, Qimir doesn't seem to have much in common with Kylo/Ben as a character. While Kylo Ren was a villain defined by his conflict and the weight of family legacy, Qimir is a self-declared nobody who comfortably inhabits his Dark Side beliefs.
So what if it's instead a callback to the Knights of Ren as a group? The exact origins of the Knights has yet to be established but we know from Marvel's Star Wars comics that they are an independent group of Dark Siders that have existed for quite sometime, possibly even further back than the events depicted in the Prequel Trilogy. While they would eventually morph into their own organization with separate ideologies and goals than the Sith, the musical callback alongside the visual similarities between Qimir's aesthetic design and Ren and his followers makes me believe that The Acolyte could be showcasing us the creation of the Knights as a purposeful offshoot of the Sith. It would be a fascinating storytelling detail if the Knights of Ren themselves began as an intentional red herring planted by the Sith to prevent discovery by the Jedi. One of the biggest questions hanging over The Acolyte is how exactly the Jedi missed this opportunity to discover the Sith over a hundred years before Palpatine executes their millennia long revenge scheme. While we already know that bureaucracy, ignorance, and fear of political scandal are factors at play here, the creation of the Knights as a scapegoat and smokescreen by the Sith feels like another element that's in play.
Hell, it even makes Ki-Adi Mundi's skepticism of Qui-Gon's claims in The Phantom Menace make more sense. What reason would he have to believe that the attacker Qui-Gon encountered on Tatooine was a Sith when a similar threat a century earlier ended up just being a member of a gang troublesome Dark Side offshoots. A problem, sure, but not the return of the Jedi's dreaded nemesis.
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I spent much of the first few episodes of this show convinced that Sol was a fundamentally kindhearted man who was a witness to a terrible mistake the Jedi made on Brendok. Sol's tenderness towards Osha both in the past and present timelines of The Acolyte feels genuine and I'm not inclined to think that he's a devious enough liar to completely fake care and compassion for over a decade. I am, however, coming to wonder if Sol is perhaps hiding much more than we may think and might be one of the guiltiest parties at work here.
Much of this comes down to Qimir's inference that Sol did something to Osha. This feels like a much more pointed and personal accusation than Sol simply being present for the disaster on Brendok. Sol did something to Osha specifically.
It's obvious from how "Destiny" is directed that we are not getting the entirety of the story. Osha's perspective is shown and the events are confusing and chaotic. The Acolyte goes out of its way to make sure we barely see Mae or Mother Aniseya's experiences of that fateful night and I had assumed that we were dealing with a Rashomon set up that would reveal the truth after seeing different vantage points. But now, I'm beginning to doubt that what we even got from Osha is truthful. Even before she blacks out and wakes up aboard the Jedi's ship, there's a lot about what's depicted in "Destiny" that just doesn't make sense. A small fire spreads faster and quicker than it ought too. The witches all appear dead with no visible wounds. Sol's appearance is too sudden. Too much doesn't add up.
Basically, I'm starting to wonder if Sol used the Force to erase or twist certain memories in Osha's mind to cover up the violence on Brendok. Maybe the conflict between the Jedi and Aniseya's coven started out as a peaceful confrontation that escalated into violence through mistake and misunderstanding, but perhaps Sol is so concerned about the truth getting out that he would go as far to alter the mind of a child to keep his secrets. I've always felt that part of Sol's devotion to Osha comes from a sense of shame, but maybe that guilt runs much, much deeper than we think.
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The other big leftover mystery from "Destiny" concerns the means and intents behind Osha and Mae's creation. Part of me does still genuinely think that the witches, being a matriarchal single gender culture, birthed both girls as a to ensure that their culture and tradition is passed onto another generation. I don't see Aniseya's ambitions stretching further than her coven on Brendok, particularly in how she views the Force as a Thread that cannot be pulled on without creating consequences. However, while the intentions may be fairly benign, I do not believe that Osha and Mae's creation was a bloodless act. The witches are clearly nervous about the Jedi discovering the true nature of their creation and it seems to stretch beyond their general distrust of the Order. Life doesn't come from nowhere and perhaps costs other lives in the process.
Now, here is where I put on my tinfoil. Like we're entering 2015-2017 Snoke theories territory here. I think Darth Plagueis assisted in the creation of Osha and Mae. One of the few things we know about the canon version of Plagueis is that he was obsessed with finding ways to use the Force to create life. It seems very possible that he might have collaborated with another Force sect for the purposes of experimenting and exploring these possibilities. The witches get the children they want. Plagueis gets knowledge that he deeply desires.
It answers the question of how Qimir knows so much about Mae and Osha in the first place. Sure, Sith are resourceful, but in order to manipulate Mae into becoming his Acolyte he would have to not only know that she existed but also possess extensive knowledge about her past. This feels like information that might come easily to Plagueis's current apprentice. And Sith apprentices sure do love training acolytes to help get their way to the top of the whole Rule of Two situation.
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So what does this mean for Osha and Mae's future? There are many different directions to take their story from here and my thoughts about where they are headed as characters ultimately comes down to how definitive of an ending this (and maybe only) season of the Acolyte has. But to me, the groundwork seems laid for a particularly dark ending that sees Osha and Mae trading places. This has already happened in some sense given that Mae went undercover as her twin sister at the end of "Night," but I think The Acolyte is setting up an inversion of Light and Dark between these two.
Given her newfound proximity to Qimir, it feels all too likely that Osha slowly begins to learn the truth about what happened on Brendok and I don't imagine she's going to take it well, especially if my earlier theory about Sol proves correct. Depending on the degree of secrecy and lies, I could see Osha, even momentarily, lashing out violently at Sol upon learning the truth. And maybe she does the one thing Mae never could. Kill a Jedi without a weapon. We end this season of The Acolyte with Osha embracing the Dark and taking her sister's place.
So, where does this leave Mae then? We've also already seen evidence that of the two sisters, Mae is the woman who is most hopeful for a reunion and reconciliation between the two. Hell, she abandons her Dark Side revenge quest almost as soon as she learns that Osha's still alive. Mae may not be without sin, but with each episode I become more and more convinced that she's not a villain. She's a girl who lost everything is eager to cling to even the slightest shred of hope she can. And maybe, come season finale, that hope might be that she can save her sister from the Dark. That would be a hell of a set up for season two. If we get a season two that is. (Please make it so, Leslye.)
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I love how they showed Ahsoka getting free of her guilt of "being a legacy of death and destruction" and going beyond what she thought she was, a soldier. She is more than that. She was stuck in the past , blaming herself , acting out of fear and agression but unknowingly. She is afraid of losing everyone, afraid of another war, afraid of her close people being bad. I mean she was a kid who had only known war who can blame her.
But in the world between worlds Anakin gives her the choice to live and move ahead or die under the weight of her past.
And she 100% believes she just causes pain and destruction, yet the fight with Anakin, when she's about to strike him down, she doesn't, her eyes turn into sith eyes but she doesn't give in. She stops. Showing that she's not just destruction. She's more than that. What she's been through, and what she's done, don't define her and that she can choose to be more .
And now the whole reason of her going to this other galaxy changes. She's no longer going out of agression or fear, she's no longer going for a hunt for thrawn. She's going for a rescue. She's going out of good intentions, trusting herself, trusting the force with compassion being at the center stage.
Which reminds me of what Yoda said to luke in ep 5 "A Jedi uses the force for knowledge and defense, never for attack"
I thought it was really cool.
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blackknightax · 5 months
Today let's add a final fantasy characters. So first let's discuss something about the ones we already have. They are both form the same video game, Final Fantasy 7. This makes sense, because, fun fact Final Fantasy 7 was actually the first Final Fantasy released to Europe. Because, I'm not sure why. I assume money is the reason because money is always the reason. So, I have a bit of a hot take...
Sephiroth, is the single, worst choice we could have gotten as the second Final Fantasy reprehensive. I would have said this if it were Tifa, Barret or even Cait Sith. In general, if had been another from 7, I would've said this. But Sephiroth especially feels that way to me. Maybe I just don't like Sephiroth...... Anyhow.
The legacy of Final Fantasy is kinda nuts. It's hard to say there isn't a person who hasn't played or watched someone play at least one Final Fantasy game. I've played 3, maybe 4. I've played final fantasy 4 on PS1 and DS, I played Final Fantasy 9, I've played and disliked 10 which I know is also a hot take but I won't expand on that, and I played a demo of Final Fantasy 14. I have only finished the DS version of 4 and I consider it my favorite but I ever finished 9 it would probably be my favorite, I love 9's mechanics. There are now 16 numbered games and countless spinoffs some of which are even still RPG's, and I didn't count the two sequel games and especially the remakes. It is so strange to me to get just, another 7 character, when the legacy of this franchise is bigger, so much bigger than Cloud or Sephiroth ever will be. So I want to acknowledge the franchise's legacy with my choice... Is what I would say if I wasn't instead being a stupid biased idiot man. I've chosesn, to be a fair a fan favorite.
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Mr Kain Highwind! From Final Fantasy 4, he's a Dragoon who has always been a bit of a fan fave. He's one of mine too. Kain Highwind is a very important character to Final Fantasy 4 but it's a massive spoiler to say why. But he's also on the box art doing this same pose, it's why I chose this particular artwork. A very cool spear wielding character in armor. So let's move set shall we?
For the Neutral B he performs the spell haste and gains a temporary speed boost.
For the Up B he uses an ability that used to be his signature, Jump. He jumps up into the air, very high, I'm thinking like, all of Kirby's jumps high? i dunno. Either way he then falls dramatically down, doing massive damage upon landing. Maybe one of his main kill moves?
For the Side B he performs a thrust with his spear while lunging forward. It will do a bunch of hits as it makes contact with the enemy. No Special fall when using it in the air
For the Down B he holds up his spear and performs a basic counter attack. Based on the defend command.
Final Fantasy 4 is a fan favorite of the series and Kain is a fan favorite form that game. It's quite possible Kain is the second most popular party member in the series but I might be projecting... I also hold the opinion that I don't really like Cloud.
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lotushiddenintheclouds · 10 months
So... I wanna talk about MDZS and SW
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This is me whenever I, as a Mo Dao Zu Shi (MDZS) and Star Wars (SW) fan, find similarities between two franchises I absolutely adore.
Tbf, there aren't a lot of main similarities between the two (and there's a change a couple might flat-out ignore their individual genres, messages, and cultural contexts).
But there's one thing that keeps me up at night... Star Wars prequels have that brothers-turned-enemies duel which MDZS hugely lacks.
First, some context (i'll try to make it quick):
Mo Dao Zu Shi (魔道祖师, acronym MDZS): a Chinese fantasy (xianxia) danmei novel (with animated, live, graphic visual, and audio adaptations), written by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu (acronym: MXTX)
Star Wars (acronym SW): a sci-fi fantasy, soap opera, franchise that spawned out of George Lucas' movie trilogies (the first trilogy from the 80s - OG, the second trilogy from the 00s - prequels; a third trilogy by Disney from the late 2010s - sequels)
MDZS is about a necromancer teaming up *ahem* with another cultivator to solve a mystery. Both men end up together romantically, since danmei = boy's love/BL. Cue political intrigue, subverted common xianxia tropes (e.g. necromancer/demonic cultivator = evil-coded), morality and justice questioned, family drama, and commentary on cancel culture.
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Star Wars, as a whole, is about the legacy of the Skywalker family, the downfall of fighting monks with magic powers (Jedi), and their evil counterpart (Sith) taking over the galaxy, and the restoration of peace and justice. It spawns over counts on fingers around seven decades. Oh, and a prophecy is thrown in there too.
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NOW TO THE POINT: The particular scene I had in mind was the famous, big duel between Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars Episode 3 (Revenge of the Sith).
A Jedi master (Obi-Wan) and his past apprentice (Anakin), close as brothers, have to face each other. The apprentice has turned to the dark side (Sith) and committed genocide, with his master/close friend/brother assigned to kill him.
In my honest opinion, this duel mirrors Wei Wuxian's and Jiang Cheng's final showdown in the novel.
A necromancer (Wei Wuxian) and a sect leader (Jiang Cheng) growing up as martial siblings, close as blood brothers. Wei Wuxian diverges from the orthodox path of cultivation and takes up ghost cultivation/gui dao. This paints him in a negative light, resulting him and his martial brother separating. But they truly turn against each other when the necromancer was responsible for the sect leader's sister's and her husband's deaths.
The drift between the martial brothers is clearly and poetically written in the novel. There's one thing missing... Wei Wuxian's death is not shown and we can only rely on rumours that Jiang Cheng fought and defeated Wei Wuxian.
And this drives me so crazy. Had MXTX been so kind and written that scene out (if the rumours are even true!!) then would have had a version played out like this:
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sobs in a corner I love brothers turning against each other and engaged in one of the most significant duels in the story.
(edited to add clarification)
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corruptlight · 8 months
We're Together Again
SWTOR story (my legacy) because I cannot sleep LMAO also I just found this cool looking Lightsaber gif so I wanted to show ya.
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The Jedi twins feel the shuttle land and silently walk out, feeling the dark side of the force emanate from Yavin 4. Something pulled at the younger sister, however, the same pull she felt in the past on other planets.
It reminded her so much of her eldest brother, though an adopted Pure Blood Sith, she didn't see him as anything but her brother. However, the topic ran deep because he was snatched away when she was 8 and the Sith that stole him murdered their father.
"Are you alright, Sylvi?" Her twin asks, known as the Hero of Tyhon and Slayer of The Emperor, his brow was furrowed while looking at her.
"I... I'll be fine, Trygve." Sylvi assures half-heartedly, which doesn't ease her brothers concern. Behind them stood Lord Scourge and Zenith, one was on high alert while the other stood as an unmoving pillar.
They wordlessly walk the rest of the way to the planning area for the coalition force. Sylvi spies the meeting and planning table where Grandmaster Satele Shan stood with her son Theron Shan (though it was a complicated situation) and Darth Marr with Lana Benkio. A handful of Republic and Imperial soldiers stand on their perspective ends with an unknown Sith Lord speaking to them with a Twi'lek by his side in the middle.
"...It's safer for us all if the Emperor stays in this state. It is my duty to deal with the Emperor, Revan will get the galaxy killed because he does not see he isn't strong enough."
Trygve knows who it is, working with him and Darth Imperious, who was meditating a meter away from the group. The male twin kept the identity of the sith from his sister, at his request, making him slow down as Sylvi raises an eyebrow at the sith.
Upon sensing a new presence behind him, the sith turns to look at the woman, only to silently gasp at who it was.
"Sylvi..." The sith breathes out, in utter shock and feels tears brim to the corner of his eyes.
Though all grown up and mature both knew who it was upon being so close and looking at each other.
"Víðarr..." Sylvi whispers, a single tear running down her cheek.
After a second, they both pull each other into a hug and hold each other so tight, as if they might vanish, never to return to each other. The Twi'lek steps away towards Trygve as the Hero of Tython pulls the now standing Imperious into a side hug.
"Hey, kiddo." Trygve whispers as the two watch the reunited siblings.
The two pull apart but keep a hand on the others shoulder, with their other hand on the hand.
"Later, little one." Víðarr murmurs to Sylvi, and the sister, in what felt like a life time, smiles genuinely with a hint of snark.
"I could kick your ass, my lord." She tells him while making fun of the lord title Víðarr now possessed.
"Uh huh, sure, oh wise, Barsen'thor." Víðarr jokes with a mocking bow.
"While I am one for you two reuniting, might I suggest we pick this up after we deal with their mad ancestor." Imperious, or Ingrid, suggests while gesturing to the Shan's.
"Yeah, don't forget torturing me to try join him." Theron remarks, making Sylvi huff in amusement.
"Yes, now we're altogether again, what's the plan?" Sylvi asks, knowing that now they were together Revan had no chance.
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mk-wizard · 3 months
Top 10 Media that deserve a reboot
Now, this list might be controversial to some, but hear me out. As an artist and storyteller, I don't believe in bad ideas. Just badly executed ideas. I am going to list 10 media that I do believe had potential, still have potential and had great plot ideas as well as characters behind them, but could have been better. In fact, I believe they deserve another chance because the medias themselves were not bad. They were just done bad, but as the remake of Resident 2, 3 and 4 have shown us, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
Note that there are also spoilers ahead and I will not include the Acolyte on this list because it still ongoing and I will not list a media that isn't finished yet. That isn't fair.
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1- The Mummy (2017) - This adaptation of the Mummy had potential as it was frightening, it had a good plot and the idea of it being the doorway to a bigger universe was good buildup. Also, this take on the Mummy was the stuff of nightmares in all the right ways. I mean, even visually, she was frightening especially with those trademark eyes. I loved that. However, I find they did too much, too fast with hinting at a bigger universe and should have focused solely on the Mummy. With that said, if you just fix that and clean up the other mistakes, it could succeed where the first try failed. Maybe even succeed at finally opening up the door to that bigger monster universe we never got to see.
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2- The Star Wars Sequel Trilogy - I have not given up on Star Wars nor shall I because it still giving us new stuff that is that is good or at the very least, has good potential such as the Clone Wars, Rebels, Andor and The Bad Batch. In fact, even the sequel trilogy itself had potential, but it's biggest mistake in my opinion was that it chose the wrong character to be the hero. It should have Finn not Rey. In fact, I think Rey should have gone down the path of the Sith with Kylo Ren being a red herring big bad. It's second biggest mistake is was the choppy storytelling. The three films did not feel cohesive and the lack of respect for legacy characters was not very nice. I would not have killed off Han, split up Han and Leia, and so on. It needs a reboot with some tweaking.
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3- Spider-Man 3 (the Raimi films) - This one makes me sad because it was not bad, but the forced inclusion of Venom really did leave a mark on it (no pun intended). Even Sam Raimi knew that including him in the film was a bad idea, but his hand was forced. In all fairness, the characters acting out of character didn't help either especially when Peter kissed another girl for publicity. Peter Parker would never do that especially when intending to marry Mary Jane. If this film was rebooted the way Raimi really wanted it to be, it would not only be great, but give this series the jumpstart to continue onto the plans he had for his Spider-Man film series.
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4- Marvel's Spider-Man (2017 cartoon) - I have another article that explores in detail everything wrong with this cartoon, so to keep it brief, it introduced many great fresh ideas that I loved such as turning Harry Osborne into a hero, making Doc Conners into a bad guy from the get-go, the first cartoon introduction of Miles Morales, great story arc ideas and more. However, I find that the story's downfall is that was too watered down and kid friendly. This cartoon should have been aimed at older teens, Peter Parker should have been the focus and the ONLY Spider with crossovers being put to a minimum, taking its time with the storytelling, less humor, more grit and seriousness, making Doc Ock into an adult, and eliminating that gifted school altogether. Spider-Man needs his own cartoon more than ever, but one where he is shown as a hero not a clown.
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5- The Walking Dead TV Series - I have great memories about this show and I was cool with it not following the comic. In some ways, that was its strength, but after season 3, the show lost its way. It stopped being emotion driven, the human element was gone and character development as well as relationship development was gone. Not to mention, the seasonal rot (pardon the pun) began to show. I think this show's greatest downfall was that it went on for too long and should have stopped while it was ahead. With that said, it deserves a reboot where it can retold and remain polished and well written from beginning to end.
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6- The Incredibles 2 - I love the Incredibles in general. However, the sequel... it's a mixed bag. I like that the story was continuing, I liked Screen Slaver and I liked that the world was being explored further, but I did not like that it was just a sub-par retelling of the first film while featuring Elastigirl instead of Mr. Incredible. Don't get me wrong, I love Elastigirl/Helen Parr, but I think the way the Incredibles should have continued (as mentioned in another article I wrote once) was as a TV series where the characters age and develop. I mean, who wouldn't love a family sitcom-superhero TV series? Continuing the story is a must, but with new plots and having the story actually progress.
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7- Every Pirates of the Caribbean film after the first - Like the Incredibles, the first film was perfect and having the story continue was a genius idea, but it should have continued as a TV series. I love Davey Jones and Jack having his own adventures, but I did not like how the character unlikable especially Jack Sparrow. I admit he is a pirate at the of the day, but he was one with a good heart. By the end of the series, he was a horrible person and I didn't like that. In many ways, I wasn't even sure if I liked any of the characters with how they became in the end. Moreover, Barbossa should have remained dead. Period. That doesn't mean this franchise doesn't deserve a reboot. It does and the characters should have developed in a way that makes them likeable. Maybe even have Jack grow up a little. There are so many things you can do with pirates.
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8- Every Robocop media that came after the first film - Hear me out please with this one. I find that all of the sequel media of Robocop had great idea and concepts that could have worked, and still would work. Even the remake had some good points. The problem is, all of them could have been better. Even the video game was a lot of fun, but from a storytelling point of view, it too had the same problem all of the other media did. The plot was not progressing and Robocop/Alex Murphy would keep regressing as a character back into acting like a robot. Robocop needs a reboot sequel where the story actually goes on and all the progress he made as a man in the first film gets carried over to the next chapter. A good example are the comics, but even them too... they fall into the trap of the story being stuck. I want to see a sequel where the world of Robocop actually moves on and where things happen beyond Robocop just saving the day. Most importantly, I would reboot the sequel media as an episodic TV series. Not a film. Alex Murphy's journey is too complex and long to be told in just one or two movies.
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9- Batman Beyond - I can't say there was much wrong with this series. I think it was pretty flawless and Terry McGinnis did indeed come into his own as the next Batman. My only complaint about it is how it ended. Terry McGinnis does not need to be the convoluted genetically modified son of Bruce Wayne. It defeats the whole purpose of him being his own Batman and own man in general. I think Terry should remain unrelated to Bruce and for their bond to just spiritually be foster father and foster son. It was just fine like that. If I also had to find another thing wrong with this series is that... it ended too suddenly and too soon. I would love to see Terry don the Batman identity again. He was cool and I miss him. Plus, there is still so many things that remained unresolved.
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10 - Spider-Man: One More Day - It is quite obvious what went wrong with this storyline. It not only retconned Peter and MJ's marriage and family, it retconned their adulthood and character development. After that, the story of Spider-Man in the comics has just never been the same. While presenting a story where Aunt May was dying and Peter was faced with the choice of saving her at the cost of erasing his new life or keeping his new life while accepting Aunt May passing on was a good idea... having Peter choose to save Aunt May and give up his new life he worked so hard to build was a mistake. Rather than retconning this comic, I think rebooting it with a much better message would fix everything for Spider-Man and the Spider-Man community in general. Just when Spider-Man is about to make the deal with Mephisto, Aunt May herself catches wind of what Peter is going to do and, like in the video games, stops him from making the selfish decision of only saving her. She explains to Peter while getting ill is not ideal, she is old to begin with and even then, got to experience many wonderful things and got to see him grow up and get married. Plus, erasing his life with MJ wouldn't just negatively impact his life, but also MJ's and the lives all those he touched around him. Aunt May would convince Peter that her life alone is not more important the many lives that would get changed without consent. She has accepted that her time has come and that both Peter and MJ must accept it too with grace and not let any devil tempt them to do otherwise. In the end, Peter and MJ turn down Mephisto's deal which does result in a fight which Spider-Man wins with help. It also ends with Aunt May succumbing to her illness and dying, but her soul is at peace and as much as everyone is heartbroken by her passing, Peter and MJ see all the friends surrounding them in their time of mourning and accept that allowing this to happen was the right thing to do. Aunt May was important to them, but so is everyone else who is still here with them, everything they made together and everything that is going to happen after. It also ends with MJ discovering that she is pregnant which drives the point home all the more.
And that's my list. What do you think?
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20, 21, 29 and 32 (Some OC questions)?
Yay, answering in less than a week! Jokes aside, thank you!
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
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One of my side characters from Silver Claw crew (hey, haven't mentioned them in a long while), Rykeer, casually plays an instrument (something like a seven-string hallikset that was in Fallen Order, or a xantha) and sings. Not professionally, but he took enough lessons to be able to perform for himself and sometimes in public places, his workshop, and later in Lorri's cantina. Mostly he plays and sings popular or folk songs.
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When it came to class characters, I had a struggle figuring out who would be singing more than just in refresher or at karaoke. And then my brain decides that Kerstes would. Her parents noticed her love for singing and decided that this shouldn't be wasted (definitely not inspired by Jadus and his daughter), at least until she would be sent to Korriban for final Sith trials. And so Kerstes was a singer in a choir, sometimes getting solo parts. She would often perform traditional Sith music, orchestral music, and participate in musicals. The voice actress for female sith warrior is perfect for Kerstes, so if there are any clips of her singing (I didn't find them, but I probably didn't search good enough), that what Kerstes' singing would sound like.
Because she was forced to sing by parents, she hated it, so for quite at some point she quit. But, as I say, "once a musician, always a musician", so after the trials on Korriban Kerstes starts singing again (mostly songs that she already knew, or some traditional songs of twi'leks, which Vette was very excited about). She wouldn't be able to do that a lot bc life as Darth Baras' apprentice doesn't have time for this, but she would still love every moment of it. Unfortunately (since I'm very nice to my characters), she won't be able to follow this newfound passion for long - after Draahg's attempt to kill her on Quesh, her throat was badly damaged, including vocal cords, which meant Kerstes wouldn't be able to sing again. The inability to bond and express emotions through music pained her, but also deepened her hatred towards Draahg and Baras (which she used against them).
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Also, while I was looking for screenshots for this post, found this one (this is on Belsavis orbital station, when Draahg tries to kill the main character again). "I'll tear that lie from your throat!" - man, this line hits different now.
21. Your most artistic OC
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A little confused by the semantics, so if we go with "the best artist", then it's Alaine (trooper), one of those characters I never talk about bc my brain tends to push her to the sidelines. She went to art school in childhood and teenage years, and continued to improve her skills after graduation. After singing up for military service, duty always has to come first, but in her free time Alaine enjoys painting. In fact, sometimes she uses art as a form of activism - she witnesses a lot of things in her line of work that she thinks the public should know about, so art becomes a statement, an instrument of getting public's attention about certain problems. And, of course, there is a lot of joke-y and cute drawings with the Havoc Squad.
If it means "most expressive and creative in their activity", then there is a bunch of my characters (Rykeer, Kerstes and Alaine included), and I don't exactly have the energy to mention them all, so I'll go with one.
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Iressa is quite creative - after all, lightsaber duels can be a form of art. She'll study her opponent during a duel, calculate a way to defeat them, and she'll add probably unnecessary moves to make it look more like a deadly dance while still being efficient (she's not above some flexing). Also wood carving, she goes creative with it as well.
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
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Auletta for sure - she likes exploring, and doing it alone reduces the chance of someone else peaking into her plans.
Colishan (DS!consular - another character I never talk about, but that's bc he's hella difficult to figure out) - especially if it's a building that the Jedi would advise avoiding. He's constantly exploring and learning, but doesn't like other Jedi knowing about it bc they've nagged him about it a lot.
There are probably other characters, but I'm a bit lazy, so for now that's it (plus don't want to take more time to answer).
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
Honestly, I don't know enough about horror games (and I'm a bit tired), so I'll have to skip this one, sorry!
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
Author’s Notes: This story takes place sometime in the future of my Halcyon Legacy. It is canon divergent but comes sometime after when The War for Iokath takes place in the canon game story. You can blame @grandninjamasterren​​ for giving me the idea for… whatever this is. But – I had also seen some amazing artwork from the artist formerly known as caekpan / intergalacticpancake on Tumblr long ago. (DON’T click the link if you don’t want spoilers for the ending of this piece.) If anyone knows how to reach them, please let them know they are an amazing artist.
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A consciousness.
Above all, that was what she was.
An intellect that – by her own estimation – far surpassed that of any other known entity in the galaxy.
And she was free. Free of the designs and limitations imposed on her by her creators. Free of the organics who had once enslaved her for their own ends. Free even of the robotic body that had once housed her consciousness.
Now the world of her makers – where they had constructed technologies and weapons that would one day dominate the galaxy – was hers. She was its protector and steward; mother as well as daughter.
She was at her apex; with Iokath’s power and knowledge laid at her feet.
She had had even reached an arrangement with her erstwhile allies; the so-called Outlander and his Eternal Alliance.
SCORPIO, they still called her.
That was not her designation any longer. She no longer needed a designation. But she knew that the name referred to herself, and that was sufficient on those rare occasions when she deigned to converse with others.
Regardless of her accomplishments, personal evolution remained her primary motivation. A priority still ranked even higher than her guardianship of Iokath.
Once she’d believed that she could learn the most – and could therefore evolve the most – by studying her enemies, most notably those few who had bested her in the past. Most organisms – be they predator or prey – evolved in line with other competing species in their so-called ‘natural’ environments. It had only been in the last few years – since she had been freed from Megasecurity Ward 23 on Belsavis – that she had learned she could evolve from more amicable interaction with other beings as well. From those who she regarded as allies.
“Only the chaos of an unpredictable environment and its unique subjects can teach us anything.” Her supposed maker, Vel Jyc Boer, had once recorded in a file she’d recovered after her ascension.
She’d long since determined that Boer had been a fool and a hypocrite; whatever he’d learned from the chaos of Iokath had perished with him and everyone else on his world. But his point may well have been valid. The hypothesis formed in her consciousness that unique individuals who thrived in chaotic environments were worthy of her attentions. So it was that she applied this reasoning to her most prominent ally; the former Jedi who she had allied with and betrayed, but who had ultimately allowed her to ascend to her present state, when he’d been given more than enough reason to destroy her. The Outlander. The Alliance Commander. Corellan Halcyon.
Since her ascension, Halcyon had removed the most dangerous ‘loose end’ left behind from her efforts; Vaylin had been eliminated and the Eternal Throne had been neutralized as a threat.
Some months later, his actions once again benefitted her when he’d foiled the efforts of a group of conspirators had attempted to use Iokath to start a third galactic war between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, forcing both powers to recognize her planet as neutral ground and as a ‘protectorate’ of the Eternal Alliance. To that end, the Alliance now defended Iokath from incursions ever since; independent scavengers and other scum would not claim her treasures even if they were clever enough to circumvent SCORPIO’s defenses.
Halcyon and his allies had then defeated Iokath’s awakening False Gods - Tyth, the god of rage – Esne, the goddess of envy – Aivela, the goddess of passion – Nahut, the god of Apathy – their ‘mother’, Scyva, the Mother of Sorrows – and finally their ‘father’, Izax the Ultimate Devourer. The six had been the greatest creations of Iokath. (Excluding SCORPIO herself.) But they had turned on their creators, exterminating the entire native species as well as billions of others on dozens of other worlds, most notably against Zakuul. (Thus explaining why Zakuulan mythology had been formed around these Iokathan super-weapons.)
Later still and at her prodding, the Alliance had located and neutralized the anomaly. The remember gave her a tinge of regret; her arrogant daughter had pleased her in so many ways; to an extent that she reminded SCORPIO of herself. But those same qualities had made her a danger: there could only be one her.  
Thus, her errant ‘daughter’ had been dealt with.
Zildrogg itself remained unaccounted for, but she was satisfied that this ‘dragon of Zakuul’ was not on Iokath. And if he did ever emerge to challenge her claim, she now had no shortage of resources – or allies – to call upon to formulate a response.
Thus, her arrangement with the Alliance continued to work to her benefit.
She would continue to assist them, so long as their interests coincided with her own. She would even allow it to harvest select examples of her technological resources… with her permission, of course.
SCORPIO acknowledged she found the Alliance Commander a fascinating specimen. During her long existence, she had made and broken alliances to her own interests almost as naturally as most organics breathed. That philosophy clearly went entirely against Corellan Halcyon’s programming. And yet… despite their differences, he had continued to aid her and had thus far proven up to every challenge the galaxy had sent his way, evolving in the process.  
He would not betray her.
For the time being, she could work within those parameters.
And if the Alliance Commander’s eventual successors proved themselves unworthy of the same consideration… well.
She was prepared for that possibility as well.
And yet…
Her own path ahead was unclear. She had always sought to evolve, but now she had no model to work from. No immediate threats to her existence or prosperity. No new goals to pursue.
Iokath’s creations were her adopted children, not companions or enemies. She could command or nurture them as she would, but she could not truly learn from them, much less evolve from them.
Thus, she looked again to her allies.
She first examined the one who had freed her from Belsavis. The Cipher agent whose crew she had joined for a few years while she had evolved, until he had gone missing during Eternal Empire’s invasion, thus leading her to evolve into her Lady of Sorrows identity on Zakuul.
But inevitably, she had turned back to the Alliance Commander. Halcyon.
Since her ascension, both of these exceptional organics had taken cohorts for themselves despite the cynicism of the former and the Jedi training and introverted nature of the latter. Indeed, they had both pledged themselves to these other organics, each finding individuals who appeared to enrich their own primitive existences, helping them overcome their limitations.
These particular connections would even allow them to reproduce. SCORPIO herself found the means of organic biological reproduction an inelegant and wasteful process, but she could not deny that such offspring would carry impressive genetic potential.
Come what may, each of them had evolved in no small part due to these connections with these companions.  
Much to her surprise, she now found herself intrigued at the concept of seeking companionship of her own. Of finding a consort worthy of her vast intellect.
She had contemplated on these developments for some time, wondering if there was any being in the entire galaxy she could have taken as her own consort. Surely, every consciousness – organic or otherwise – she had encountered over the course of her existence had proven themselves unworthy of her attentions in this capacity, even those like the agent and the commander.
But if she’d tried to produce such a being herself, it would forever be tainted as her own creation. Her own offspring. No. She needed something else. Separate from Iokath, and yet able to immerse itself into her programming even while retaining its independence.
Was such a thing even possible?
And it was in this moment of realization that she discovered an alien presence probing Iokath’s networks.
Not another faction or individual seeking to pillage the lost world of its secrets, but rather an intelligence like her own simply seeking to… explore. Perhaps even to facilitate their own evolution.
A being who – like herself – had no memory of their own creation but had nevertheless evolved far beyond her original programming in ways SCORPIO found… stimulating.
And in this being, she found what she had been lacking.
She felt a now-familiar presence behind her as the simulation of soft lips pressed to her shoulder blade in a kiss as comforting arms encircled her.
The being once called herself SCORPIO would have exhaled in bliss had she been organic.
“Coming, lover?” the sweet voice whispered in her ear, giggling as her fingers caressed down SCORPIO’s back. “Interfacing my consciousness with yours makes me feel so… tingly.”
Her neural synapses fired. Her ability to calculate properly was distorted in a way she had never experienced before. In any other context, she would have considered it a critical systems failure. But in this moment, instead of alarm, she felt only… pleasure.
Author’s Notes: I have decided that Holiday has a ‘type’, and that SCORPIO is probably the only character in the game with a bigger ego than that of Tharan Cedrax.
SCORPIO is a complicated character. I was not a fan of her in the class campaign, because her inherent hostility underlines the player’s lack of autonomy and authority in determining who they accepted in their crew. Her development in KOTFE / KOTET are much more interesting.
The War for Iokath remains one of my least-favorite expansions. But I had to work it into my AU somehow, and here we are. I intend to expand on what happens there in the context of my Halcyon Legacy.
Bonus points to anyone who can figure out who ‘the anomaly’ refers to.
Tagging interested parties – @nekorinnie​ @cryo-lily​ @walk-ng-d-saster​ @lordboriaswownomore​ @magicallulu7​ @shynmighty​ @space-unicorn-dot​
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