#leftist xenophobia
hilacopter · 17 days
no but you see MY xenophobia is justified because the people from THAT country actually are all inherently evil and irredeemable by virtue of being Born in a Place
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spot-the-antisemitism · 2 months
I am completely pro Ukraine, but I have to admit I’m seeing an uptick in “#all Russians are guilty” “#Russia is a terrorist state” “#Russia must burn” and the binary happening on here is disturbing. once you get to “all _ are guilty and I hate them all, they need to die” it’s only dehumanization. it’s no different from saying there are no innocent Israeli civilians or that all Palestinians are terrorists, or saying Ukrainians deserve to die. none of that is true. it’s scary how internet discourse about the horrors of war has become so black and white that people believe one side of a conflict must be entirely eradicated. I thought the point was being anti-war and anti genocide? what’s going on
Dear anon,
I mean Russia WILL Burn in firebombings if Putin doesn't step down or get assasinated soon. Whether something better will rise from those ashes is unlikely
Also like if you think Israel is a terrorist state and Hamas occupied Gaza isn't and Putinist Russia isn't you're an antisemitic hypocrite, if you think all corrupt goverments are terror states that's certainly a consistent worldview. I call russia a terrorist state sometimes but that's because they do terrorist thing every month and I have family that get firebombed during ukraine's retaliation. I don't think my family and neighbors 'deserve it' or were 'asking for it'.
But once you start calling all Russians terrorists or decide that Ukrainians or Israelis are nazis just because it makes killing them easier you've crossed a line into fascist rhetoric
Internet discourse was always life or death it's just that when it was about low key ableism and ship wars and gay discourse most people didn't care and you could always retreat to fandom fluff (usually of the queer variety as this is tumblr and het is so last century here).
NOW that the hamasnik death cultists have taken over everything and you're either with them or against them you've got nowhere to run.
"I thought the point was being anti-war and anti genocide?" OH ANON, it was NEVER about war and genocide it was ALWAYS about finding an acceptable target and using prexisting bigotry to make them the scapegoat for all ills.
It's just easier to do it with Jews.
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cata613 · 2 months
It’s unfortunate to see what the world has come to :(
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awnowimsad · 3 months
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So there is this post, claiming that a Japanese hotel is being review bombed, because they refused a man service for being an IDF soldier.
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People ate this up of course. At the time of the writing, it has over 12,000 reblogs. Lots of people praising the hotel staff for ~taking a brave stand~ and such.
But, you know, I thought it was a little weird, that the only source the post includes is... Nothing! OP just claims it was from "an israeli group".
So, of course, I decided to do some checking.
Turns out the hotel manager had no fucking idea whether the tourist had ties to the Israeli army or not.
[...] since the hotel did not inquire about the guest's military background at the time of booking, it appeared the reservation was canceled solely based on the guest's Jewish or Israeli name. [...]
So the OP of the above post is already intentionally misrepresenting the situation by claiming the hotel was only refusing to serve Israeli soldiers. (and we don't even know if the guy was a soldier...) But twelve thousand people thought that this was legit.
Great to know twelve thousand people on this website feel that xenophobia and racial profiling are justifiable and even praiseworthy!
Ok cool cool cool cool. Yep. Just another normal day.
YnetNews is rated High Credibility by Media Bias/Fact Check.
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autismvampyre · 5 months
the fucking arrogance and blatant nationalism in the way europeans declare polce brutality a "US problem" as if americans are the only people with a corrupt system
my leftist swedish mother actually agrees with ACAB with the addendum that it's only the Americans, we're not like that here
let the brutal forced used on greta thunberg, a swedish teenager protesting climate change, by dutch police be a testament to the lie of european "democracy" and how it is democracy in name and nothing else.
let the immigrant kids who are brutalized, humiliated and oppressed every day in sweden by cops who "protect and serve" serve as a reminder of how incredibly flawed we are.
let the 700% increase in death by cops in sweden in the last ten years show us how we are no better than the americans we condemn.
we are not better. you are buying into propaganda if you think this doesn't apply to your country too
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kelluinox · 2 months
You change a Jewish Israeli superhero's nationality to fucking Russian. As if Russia is any less controversial and didn't recently bomb a children's hospital where kids were in surgery and undergoing cancer treatment
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locrianking · 22 days
xenophobia isn’t a good thing btw. no exceptions. just making sure we’re all clear on that.
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ohsalome · 2 years
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queeraliensposts · 7 months
As an autistic bisexual trans man who is also a Mexican immigrant, I often get people telling me "guess you just really wanna be different huh?"
No I would very much like to vote for who's gonna be running the country I live in.
I would very much like to go to the bathroom without worrying about being beaten, raped, or murdered
I would very much like to not have to go to my school's financial aid office and fill out 100+ different papers and explain my situation for the 125613th time just to get money to pay for my education
I would very much like to not have to beg my school to provide me with the necessary accommodations so I can still go to school
I would very much like to not have to hear people complain about seeing people like me in their media and how that's "forced representation"
I would very much like to not have to hear every single "bad joke" attack people like me, but when someone makes a joke about a privileged group that's wrong
I would very much like to exist in public without people staring at me because of the way that I stim.
I would very much like to have the same chances of getting the male lead in a play as my cis male peers
I would very much like to not have to chose between being able to legally change my name or having right to my child should I ever get pregnant
I would very much like to go out on a date with my boyfriend without looking over my shoulder
I would very much like to be able to go out at night for a walk without wondering if I pass well enough to not get attacked by violent transphobe or a creep
I would very much like for my very existence to be "normal" but it's not, society has made it impossible for people like me to exist and be "normal".
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ace-hell · 2 months
Deranged idiots: "Israelis should go back to where they came from!"
Newsflash asshole
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Almost 80% of the israeli jewish population is born on the land whether you refer to it as israel or palestine- that's where they came from.
And that doesn't even include the palestinian arabs muslim and christians
"go back where you came from" i don't wanna live in tel aviv there's no parking places
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bisexualseraphim · 7 months
I’m about to say some shit that a lot of you are really not gonna want to hear.
If you call yourself a trans ally but constantly put men down, you are not a trans ally.
If you call yourself body positive but call men ugly or make fun of them for having small dicks, you are not body positive.
If you call yourself a mental health advocate but that advocacy doesn’t include people with personality disorders or psychotics, you are not a mental health advocate.
If you call yourself pro-choice but object to a woman partaking in sex work or surrogacy, you are not pro-choice.
If you call yourself kink positive but shame others for having non-harmful unorthodox fantasies you personally don’t like, you are not kink positive.
If you claim to accept bisexuals but feel disgust at their “opposite gender” attraction, you are partaking in biphobia.
If you claim to be against xenophobia but make fun of other people’s accents or dialects, you are partaking in xenophobia.
If you claim to be for class solidarity but make fun of working class people’s dialects, food, clothes or culture, you are partaking in classism.
If you claim to be against Islamophobia but find yourself associating Islam with terrorism, you are partaking in Islamophobia.
If you claim to be against antisemitism but find yourself regularly calling Jews Zionists, you are partaking in antisemitism.
I’m not saying any of this makes you A Xenophobe™️ or inherently bigoted. But these are just a few things many leftists still need to unlearn when it comes to seeking true acceptance and equality, and I see far too much of this behaviour on this website from people who claim to be ardently against it. Everyone has subconscious prejudices that need to be addressed and what matters is making the effort to improve on that behaviour once it’s been recognised. These are just examples that have stood out to me the most lately and there will be more because none of us are perfect and I have been guilty of these before as well. I just hope to see change and growth rather than indignation.
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hilacopter · 1 month
leftists when there are bigots in their country: obviously not everyone here is a bigot because we're human beings with differing opinions and political views, people who generalize all of us as bigots are being xenophobic.
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btw to any israelis be mindful that this person literally hates your guts, they made such a nice art but man vile hate speech.
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^this person said all of the other stuff, and made this art
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Wow thanks for documenting this person's xenophobia and tokenism and everyone block their court jester token jew they found to sign off on their antisemtism
this is damning
I have nothing to add but may your name be forgotten and all that is remembered is your pathetic attempt at trolling and clout chasing
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Few things I feel more icky about than queer people from rich western countries condemning all people from places with less progressive societies as irredeemably backwards 🤨😒
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thirdmagic · 9 months
everytime i look at how people compare the way russian citizens are treated in light of the russian invasion of ukraine and the way israeli people and jews are treated after oct 7th and it just.... you know, as a person who belongs to all of these cultures, it always feels extremely disingenuous to me and very untruthful
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defleftist · 10 months
I’m sickened to hear about this horrendous hate crime that was committed in a city near and dear to my heart. 🇵🇸❤️🇵🇸
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