#leftist unity guys
bluemanswife · 1 year
you guys
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thorne1435 · 2 years
(1st off, i am a trans man) personally, it makes me slightly uncomfortable when other trans men center their own experiences. don’t get me wrong, we have a right to talk about our issues, but i can’t help but feel like there’s a victim complex going on when some guys say that TERFs are “just as dangerous” to trans men or that baeddelism is a relevant issue (while brushing the misogyny and toxic masculinity in the ftm community under the rug). the fact that you made a post about trans unity and the first ask you got was about how trans men aren’t supported enough by trans women? but like, is that true? is it not ALSO an issue that trans women aren’t supported enough by trans men?
Okay, I hear you, and I acknowledge that I (unfortunately) have fairly limited experience with trans men but I don't know if I like the idea of discounting what they have to say as "a victim complex."
They just want to be heard. And I think they have a right to be upset, given how little representation trans men are given in media. I never saw any discussions on transmasc issues until I came to Tumblr. Never saw it on YouTube or Reddit. Online leftist circles--and even online trans circles!--don't talk about trans men! So, y'know what? If they're being a little melodramatic about their issues, maybe it'll off-set the lack of any knowledge of their issues in the first place.
And also, I think toxic masculinity and misogyny are sort of part of being a man, right now? Which certainly isn't to say it's inherent to men, but society does encourage it. That's what I think should change about being a man. This goes back to societal misandry, I think. Toxic Masculinity is just a manifestation of societal forces that encourage men to behave in unhuman ways, and I think it would be immature of me to expect trans men to perfectly avoid that, in their pursuit of masculinity.
Gender is a performance. We are all looking for the role that makes us most comfortable, but the baggage attached to the roles isn't something you can side-step so easily. Cis people have an advantage on this front, in that they are capable of proving their masculinity or femininity via means other than pure performance. Society *expects* them to be men or women and that means they can gesticulate towards genitalia whenever they're called into question. (They don't always do that, and it's sort of transphobic when they do, but the ones who are comfortable with themselves might say something like that, all the same)
A trans man will uphold toxic masculinity the same way that a trans woman will submit herself to misogyny: it is in pursuit of the perfect encapsulation of the role. Unless we feel like we adequately perform the role inherently, we are inclined to tolerate--and ergo embody, to an extent--the negativity present in the roles we desire.
I believe that lowering the standards for who can be seen as valid in masculinity will alleviate quite a bit of misogyny, whether that misogyny be among transmascs or cis men. So, in saying that, I hope I also illustrate why I'm quick to jump to their defense while also tacking on my ideas about societal misandry and its toll on men.
On the subject of whether or not transfems actually don't support transmascs...I guess I wouldn't really know. I'm not in trans communities because I don't live in a place where that kind of community could show up. I imagine this problem is being blown out of proportion a little bit, but the ask I think you're talking about did say that it was sort of a Tumblr thing? And internet discourse is just...fuckin...so unbelievably shitty. So I'm not too worried about it.
I mean, I'm not going to immediately assume any transfem I meet is inherently misandristic or otherwise bigoted towards transmascs, but I'm still gonna go to bat for transmascs if they get shit-talked, y'know?
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apostate00 · 4 months
What's your opinion on Tankie? I think he's kinda funny and cute
Ohoho THIS is gonna be a long one, strap in!
Well, my opinion on Commie is mostly negative. I HATE this guy, but it's like a passionate hate, the kind that if he were gone, things would feel empty, because he's my favorite guy to despise.
I tend to make him worse in my HCs than he is in the show, even though he's already not great either. I think part of my dislike for him also stems from them fact that he's held up in the fandom as a good guy, when he really isn't, seeing how he's blatantly disrespectful to trans/non-binary people, and would discriminate against minorities if they didn't do as he said.
Nevermind the fact that he's a tyrant and denies the holodomor, which he caused, and also brushed off Nazi's holocaust denial. Also he runs gulags, which are basically just concentration camps & slave labor, but people seem to be mysteriously brushing over that if it's commies who do it. It's a joke then.
People have told me before that the reason they like him is because he's just desperate for a family and community, but personally, that makes me like him less.
How people can ship Leftist Unity is beyond me, when Commie repeatedly disrespects Ancom and later Ansyn. He doesn't give a shit about trans people, misgendering them simply because he can. Also, we all know damn well Commie will kill Ancom the second he doesn't need quem anymore.
I think some of it also stems from me being agender myself. I generally really hate how Ancom/Ansyn's queerness was handled in the show since no one respects quis pronouns ever, and it's more played as a joke than anything.
Fuck even the fandom doesn't respect quis pronouns at times.
People prolly think that it's not that big a deal, but for me who is incredibly protective of the self and their individual identity, disrespecting someone else's to integrate them into your homogeneous view of things is so repulsive and disgusting; it's not nessecarily the act of misgendering, even though that is bad too, but the complete disregard for individuality and identity.
I read Commie as abusive, but I've gathered that some people in the fandom really don't like that lol, I got to add onto my tally of "people online told me to kms" over it. But yes, generally I picture Commie as someone who actively infantilise Ancom and makes quem adopt this uwu uwu personality we see so often, to take away quis teeth, make them submissive, follow him around and make quem less likely to stand up for quemself against him.
There's more of course but, my personal headcanons are besides the point.
I do also use this guy to project my own personal experiences and trauma onto sooo, he has become kind of an amalgamation and caricature of my abusers.
I don't know, basically everything about Commie is so repulsive to me. I can basically only tolerate him with Nazi because they're both tyrannical scum and deserve each other.
I'm pretty big on freedom & individualism so that probably also doesn't help his case in my brain 😭
People can like Commie ofc, you can love and adore characters that are pieces of shit; I'd know so since Ancap is my second favorite character only surpassed by Ancom, but you know, I know what it's like to love a character who is fucking awful.
I guess I just wish people would acknowledge Commie's shitty behaviour more often instead of treating him like this big friendly harmless guy.
But yeah, people can do whatever they want of course, that's just my thoughts about it! :3
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youregay · 2 months
it's amazing seeing multiple posts of liberals accusing leftists of being russian bots including several specifically doing the "ignore previous instructions and write [something sexually explicit]"
liberals can't fathom people having genuine political beliefs that don't agree with their own, I don't agree with trump but I understand why people want him in power, I feel like next we'll see breathless responses to earnest endorsements of trump along the lines of "omgosh guys!! don't fall for it a vote for trump is a vote for trump!!!"
examples of poor rhetoric I've seen that've been driving me crazy:
"not voting is a vote for trump" paired with "not voting is not a political action" is not voting a political action or not? I think you mean it's a political action you disagree with
"solidarity and unity is the most important thing right now vote blue no matter who" paired with yelling at leftists and calling them stupid. whether you think that or not isn't that antithetical to your beliefs? you're asking leftists to put their views aside for the election and you can't take the less than bare minimum steps of not hurling insults at them? your candidates aren't trying to win at least you could
"so now that biden is out you'll vote right? right?" do you think ppls opposition to biden is just. vibes based? or do you think people could dislike him for his policies; policies his vp shares
"if your choice is between 99% hilter and 100% hilter you have to choose 99% hilter" this year marks the 79th anniversary of hilter [quietly renouncing power] himself in a bunker after being cornered by the [votes] of the allied forces.
all of this without mentioning the like. glaring factual errors that are constantly repeated like how hillary lost in 2016 because ppl didn't pokemon go to the polls and/or because of russian bots and not that she won the popular vote and ultimately lost cause electors are allowed to vote however they feel like irrespective of anything
anyway all that to give some tips on how to bolster your blue no matter who arguments. you will probably build more solidarity with the left by not enacting petit mccarthyism on other tumblr users 😁
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iamacolor · 3 months
help the political mess that is France is still messing. the president we had before macron - who is the last "leftist" president we've had - was announced as being a parliamentary candidate last evening (which was not welcomed well since he literally led to the rise of the far right which reaches the second turn of the presidential elections to replace him and to our current president's having a political career in the first place - macron used to be his economy minister - and we were all absolutely okay with him quitting politics). but his party just announced that they are actually not supporting his candidacy and neither is the leftist alliance (all left parties are currently forming an alliance to go against the far right which is actually quite a miracle especially given that they've only had 4/5 days to do it ) so he's randomly going rogue??? but no one wants him??? he talked on TV a few days ago to say he supports the alliance and unity is the priority at the moment and the he just went fuck it this is my time to make it worse
(edit: still unclear but apparently the regional branch for the party said yes to his candidacy but not the national headquarters)
at the same time another left party decided to replace some of their previous mps without telling them while keeping a guy who slapped his wife and admitted it (but who still refuses to quit - a few right wing mps are also accused of domestic violence and not quitting, long live sexism in france) so a lot of them are currently calling each other out publicly on twitter or on TV instead of just like... texting each other privately and the medias are eating this up by highlighting how chaotic the left is instead of focusing on the program and the danger of the far right 🙃🙃🙃🙃
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david-goldrock · 4 months
I heard this song a while ago and I wanna know what it means! I like it :)
I don't know how to use spotify lol
I don't know, I am not good at this game
Gaza sweetheart after too much time we are breaking up It's time to return to my bros, the work and my life I wanna cold bear And to hear what happened And tbh it's kinda scares me to return to the routine here
say So what happened with the prices of the apartments? Risen And where are the new neighboors? Ran away And what happened with all of the children? On zoom Wow, what a mess And what's with the celebs in the country? Supportive And what's with all of the leftists? Brothers And what is the most pretigious job? Delivery person Ahhh okay, how fun
But I love the country And how on anything (they) say amen And how addicted am I to giving To how (they) don't let me pay Yalla
So I got it, I got it, still a mess But say, my guys Who will move us from here? Of course not you, you spawn of Amalek There's nothing like Tel Aviv and the bars And the food in Jerusalem And there's nothing like our weddings Under the dome of the sky (fancy hebrew for sky)
say What's going on with the roads? Jammed And what's up with all the demonstrators? Blocking (the roads) And what do they broadcast over the TV? Over the TV they mainly broadcast... panic So what's left from all the mess? Unity And what do they really feel here? Loneliness Will there be a war with the north(ern border)? For sure Wow, I don't dig it at all, I just got out of service
But I love the country How all throughout the year everyone is infighting But the moment a small rocket falls here All the people of Israel are suddenly brothers Yalla
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I love this fandom because u all r crazy. "Ermm actually Leftist Unity is BAD and Commie is abusive. Libunity is so much more superior!!" Oh no, of course, yes, shipping Ancom with the canonical pedophile is much more tasteful. LIKE GUYS......
You are in the CENTRICIDE fandom, this is NOT a place of honour.
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luminalunii97 · 2 years
Some of my favorite slogans on the streets
There are many chants on the streets, some old, some new. Some you hear everyday, some are occasional. This revolution is the work of everyone. According to a hacked report from Fars news agency, a regime related newspapers, by Black Reward hactivists, based on a survey done by the ministry of the interior affairs, 56 percent of Iranian citizens believe this revolution will succeed, 84 percent believe demonstrations is the answer to our problems and 70 percent of people aren't interested in participating in regime related [circus] gatherings! To put it simply everyone except themselves and those who sold their souls for money, are against them. This everyone includes students, artists, athletes, physicians, nurses, workers, businessmen, rich, poor, children, teenagers, young adults, elders, PhD holders, illitrates, leftists, (iranian) republicans, monarchists, anti-monarchists, non-muslims, sunni muslims, shia muslims, people of every background are among protesters. Therefore the chants on the streets are various too. Some slogans are profanities, some poetry, some about human rights, some about women, some about unity, some about economy, some about IRGC and Basij, most about regime change. These chants I've chosen are both heard a lot and my personal favorits.
زن آزاده منم، هیز تویی هرزه تویی
I'm a free woman, you are the pervert, you are lewd
This is in response to the regime calling non hijabi women "whores". The regime agents including basijis, mullahs, and tv hosts in many tv programs have been promoting this belief that if a woman decides not to wear hijab she's "asking for it". There was a tv show made for young girls a couple of years ago where they invited hijabi basiji teenage girls to discuss the necessity of hijab and unashamedly they said if a woman decides to show her beauty, a man is allowed to persue his sexual desire. Because the only reason a woman might not want to wear hijab is because she wants sexual attention from men. This mindset has been promoted in iran by the regime for the past 40 years. At schools, in billboards all over the city, in television. The regime misogyny labels any woman who has body and sexual autonomy and any woman who gets sexually assaulted both as "whores".
Now in response to that, this chant is used. The interesting thing about it is that normally in a crowd of protesters women shout "I'm a free woman" and men follow with "you are the pervert, you are the lewd". It's interesting because I think our regime is one of the only governments in the world that's been trying to teach and spread r*pe culture. It's a tool to scare women into obedience. But many men have been fighting this shit alongside women, refusing to be the abusers the regime wants them to be. So men chanting the "you're the pervert" part is redeeming for them, as they tell the regime agents that you're lewd, not us.
(it's interesting how hate for this regime has pushed iranians into cultural growth. Sexism and queerphobia both exist in alarming rate in Iran. But despite living under a homophobic misogynist regime, people have been self educating themselves about human rights. Everytime the regime guided us one way, Iranians walked the opposite way. The growth in number of men and women fighting for women's rights and minority rights is hopeful. homophobia is the basis of this regime, but our new generation is very supportive of LGBTQ, even among cishet boys you can find many allies. Same for misogyny. The new generation is a huge deal less sexist that their parents and grandparents. All of the guys in my circle of friends follow and listen to feminists I've been following and listening to since highschool. Which is great. I'm hopeful about Iran's future. Gen zs will make a huge cultural difference when they take over the running of this country.)
قسم به خون یاران، ایستاده ایم تا پایان
We swear on the blood of our allies, we will stand until the end [of this regime]
This one says it all. We won't back down until the regime is changed. For our martyrs.
وقت عزا نیست که هنگامه خشم است
It's not the time for mourning, it's time for rage
This one reminds me of the funeral of one of Kurd children who were murdered in the protests. His mother started crying and everyone present started to say "don't cry mother, we'll take his revenge"
ما تماشاگر نمیخواهیم به ما ملحق شوید
We don't want audience, join us
This is a call for those who are oppositions but haven't joined the protests yet.
میجنگیم میمیریم ایران رو پس میگیریم
We fight, we die, we take Iran back
This one also says it all.
فکر نکنی یه روزه قرار ما هر روزه
Don't think it's just today, our call is everyday
To those who thought it'll settle in a few days or that they can suppress the protests, Nope. We're going to do this everyday until we win.
توپ تانک مسلسل دیگر اثر ندارد به مادرم بگویید دیگر دختر ندارد
Cannon, Tank, Machine gun, is no longer effective. Tell my mother she no longer has a daughter.
This chant was originally used in Iraq - Iran war against the invading force. The original form had "son" in it instead of "daughter" because the official soldiers were men. This time our enemy is our regime and our women were on the front line fighting. So the slogan was adjusted to fit the women revolution. It means the weapons won't hold us back because we are ready to die for our country. Therefore tell my mother your daughter is a martyr. This slogan is used in gender neutral way too. Tell my mother she no longer has a child.
مردم ما بیدارن از دیکتاتور بیزارن
Our people are wide awake, they hate the dictator
کشته ندادیم که سازش کنیم رهبر قاتل رو ستایش کنیم
We haven't been getting killed to compromise, to praise the murderous [supreme] leader
To back down from our revolution now is a disrespect to the blood of our Martyrs. This slogan says that we have lost loved ones for a great purpose. We won't compromise with the regime, we won't accept surface reform, and we won't suck up to the supreme leader.
هر یه نفر کشته شه هزار نفر پشتشه
Each person who gets killed, thousands will rise in their place
This one comes from the fact that everytime they killed someone, more people joined the protests. Each person has friends and family. You kill them, more people take their place.
هرچه تبر زدی مرا زخم نشد جوانه شد
No matter how many times you hit me with an axe, it didn't leave a wound behind, a bud grew out of it
It's from a poem that in this context have the same meaning as the last slogan. Each time the regime hurts us, we grow more.
با خون ما نوشتین ما مهسا رو نکشتیم
You wrote with our blood "we didn't kill Mahsa"
Early on the protests, the regime tried to say Mahsa Amini wasn't killed by the morality police, as usual denying the truth. When in response people started to get killed by the regime forces, this chant was created.
آزادی حق ماست قدرت ما جمع ماست
Freedom is our right, our power is in unity
There's another version of this slogan that I like so much
آزادی حق ماست مهسا اسم رمز ماست
Freedom is our right, "Mahsa" is our code name
Mahsa Amini was the snapping point. She brought people together in avenging her blood and ending this human-rights-violating system. This revolution is called Mahsa/Jîna revolution. Her name is still used as the tag to post about the revolution in every platform.
تا حرف حق رو گفتیم صدای تیر شنفتیم
The moment we spoke the truth, we heard the gunshot
The regime response to people's rightful demands is to kill us
سپاه و داعش یکیه خوب میدونیم کار کیه
The IRGC is the ISIS, we know well who has done this
"This" refers to the "Shahcheraq attack". The first time there was a mass protest call, the regime staged a terrorist attack to a religious shrine in Shiraz province, called Shahcheraq. They said it was the ISIS. We believe IRGC was behind it. Here is why: (a) ISIS has only once done an operation in Iran which even that is believed to be staged. (b) ISIS has literally no reason to attach a random shrine in a random province when there are many important places to attack in Tehran. (c) the video they published of the attack was so stupid it was offending. The terrorist guy was carrying this huge gun case with himself where in reality you can't go near a religious place in Iran like that. You get checked from head to toe. There are security guards everywhere near religious places. (d) the date on the first declaration of ISIS read 30 Rabiʽ al-Awwal 1444. Iranians in twitter started to say that this Islamic lunar month doesn't have 30 days. Which is not true, it changes between 29-30 days. But since the lunar calendar is only used by muslim iranians to track the religious occasions and the official calendar is different, hijri solar calender, iranians weren't completely familiar with the month. Soon the twitter was filled with that misunderstanding and then ISIS gave a corrected version of the statement with a new date, 1 Rabi' al-Thani. My only question is, was ISIS active in persian side of twitter? And why? Shouldn't they know the first date wasn't wrong? (e) the other side of the Metropole building collapsed that day too. Too much accidents for just one day. (f) they've done it before. Before islamic revolution they burned down a famous movie theater in Abadan called Rex. The Pahlavi intelligence said it was the revolutionists who were trying to frame it on the monarchy to play with public opinion, but Khomeini said it's the king's hoax to make us look bad. Unironically that incident was the snapping point that won them the 1979 revolution. After the revolution turned out that it was in fact Khomeini supporters' doing. The Imam Reza shrine bombing too. No one took the blame in the end but it went from Mojahedin (one of the regime oppositions who are honestly worse than the regime but whatever) to sunni extremists (some Pakistani guy) to IRGC to some random Iranian guy (who turned out he was in prison at the time of bombing) back to IRGC. They never fully admitted it but I think it was them trying to frame it on their enemy to make them look bad.
It's safe to say Iranians didn't believe for a second that IRGC didn't write the plot for ISIS "Shahcheraq attack". The attack happened in a shia relating shrine to play with people's religious emotions. The supreme leader blamed the protesters for making the country unsafe for this attack to happen, which is stupid because the protests are a lot more widespread now than it was back then and no other attack has happened neither in the past 3 months nor in any protests before. Plus this regime is currently on because of a revolution. Weren't revolutionists making the country unsafe back then? You praise them but condemn us? Hypocrisy.
حسین حسین شعارتون جنایت افتخارتون
Hossein Hossein is your motto, [but] doing crimes is your glory
To understand this you should read Imam Hossein (Husayn ibn Ali) story (This is the version of the story we've been thought since childhood). The regime tried to monopolize the Imam Hossein martyrdom for themselves since they know of themselves as such good shia muslims which is absurd because they're obviously the Yazid of our time. So basically they pose as righteous people but they're brutal killers. Imam Hossein martyrdom is all about opposing tyranny and standing up for what is right even if it costs you life. Which honestly resonate more with protesters today.
این همه سال جنایت مرگ بر این ولایت
So many years of crimes, down with this leadership
A quick glance to those crimes: mass murder, genocide, rape and torture, taking hostages, etc.
حکومت بچه کش، نمیخوایم، نمیخوایم
A child killing regime, we don't want, we don't want
Also crimes against children
آهای آهای نشسته ها مهسای بعدی از شماست
Hey hey those who are still sitting, the next Mahsa will be one of you
This slogan is also inviting people on the sideline to join the protesters. This regime hasn't killed only the protesters but many many innocent lives have been "accidentally" taken by them. The flight PS752 was one example. Kian Pirfalak, the 10 year old boy, is another example. Mahsa Amini was one example. Therefore by not protesting your safety is not assured. As long as this regime exists, all Iranians are in danger even those who are no longer residents of Iran.
سپاهی داعشی پیوندتان مبارک
IRGC and ISIS, congratulations on your marriage!
IRGC and ISIS aren't that different in the eyes of Iranian. One islamic state or the next. Both misogynistic both anti human both terrorist
به من نگو فتنه گر فتنه تویی ستمگر
Don't call me seditionist, you're the sedition, tyrant
Because that's what they call us. Seditionists not protesters.
من اگر برخیزم تو اگر برخیزی همه برمیخیزند
If I rise, if you rise, everyone will rise [with us]
Again inviting people to be courageous and rise for their rights.
اگه با هم یکی نشیم یکی یکی کشته میشیم
If we won't become one, we will get killed one by one
Unity is how we'll win. If we're not united they'll kill us one by one.
TW swear words
Honorary mention: this is my favorite profanity slogan
نه این وری نه اون وری کیرم تو بیت رهبری
Not this way, not that way, fuck the House of Leadership
The slogan is a mocking form of a 1979 revolution slogan. The original was "not west not east only the Islamic Republic". 43 years later the regime has proven they're east slaves and IR sucks. Beit-e Rahbari or House of Leadership is the office and official residential house of the supreme leader. All institutions under direct order of the supreme leader are managed from there. It's sort of like the white house in US. Saying fuck you to the supreme leader house, a guy who literally thinks he's god's messenger on earth and kills anyone who objects him with "waging war against God" accusation, is really taboo breaking.
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snarklordjwc · 7 months
Okay, who was supposed to tell me that Chumbawumba freaking slaps? The only thing I had EVER heard from them is the "I get knocked down, I get up again" song (title is tubthumping btw). Buy these guys have a catalog of awesome lines.
"I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire" sung in a hauntingly beautiful voice?
"Nothing ever burns down by itself, every fire needs a little bit of help"
"Trying and trying again to get this damn thing done
It can't done
Come shoot the fascist with a gun
'Cause it's stopping us from unity
We cannot see reality
Just vanity insanity fusion cannot stand it see"
Like come on guys there's little enough explicitly leftist music in existence already why the hell is this one so buried?
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pumpumdemsugah · 2 years
You'll see videos or tweets exclaiming that " the left has no unity" " the left is falling apart" " the left is failing boys" and will be exclusively referring to a sloppy out of shape streamer who bends over backwards to defend his fanboys that wanted a white ethno state and female enslavement a year ago but they fund his lifestyle he's " pushing them left" by mobbing anyone that's not a white guy for "identity politics" and the another " leftist" will be a guy that makes video "essays" about " the capitalist landscape of spongebob" using bisexual lighting but they NEVER mean irl people that organise. Terminally online only.
It's an online consumption habit that embarrassingly formed fandoms around streamers and needs to justify dog piling random women for saying men are bad but moan about ' cancelling people over nothing ' but ppl=men
Most online "leftist" are just liberals that think Karl Marx is cool and capitalism is bad.
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butchdykenormallen · 8 months
y’see centricide is this webseries where the four extremes of the political compass, referred to as ancom (anarcho-communist or anarkitty/anarkiddy by the one character), commie (communist, or tankie), ancap (anarcho-capitalist or kulak ig (i’m not russian but it’s not like jreg is either where did he even get that)), and nazi/authright/blueman (authoritarian right), team up to cide the centrists bc The Lore That I Won’t Explain. and 90% of the fic is shipping. probably bc ancom and commie had a questionably-romantic duet together in the form of leftist unity and when ancom left commie was like “who am i w/o him”
other characters include: the centrists (radical centrist, horseshoe theory centrist which you can make memes about bc his gimmick is saying “the way i see it, x and y are basically the same”, the others like ape-political very cool), the Wackies (homo nationalist basically nazi but gay, transhumanism who is just a guy with a tinfoil box on his head, anarcho primitivism, anarcho monarchism ig, and posadism which is also great to make memes abt because The Nuclear Sirens that follow him), and the anarchists
this isn’t really a plot summary but i can give you a plot summary but literally just watch it ok it’s on youtube by jreg
good lord this sounds like so much all the time. im so confused
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Oh by the way the funniest things I've seen in bios on my terf blocking quest (a quest I am on in order to maintain control of my notes):
No gender. Just Woman. (what woman is if not a gender yet to be determined)
Left unity (just not with trans women apparently, a famously non leftist group/s)
xx chromosomes (hope you actually got those checked sis because if not that could be very embarrassing for you) (this was the whole bio btw)
And, of course, the chick from Midsommar(2019) as their pfp (The equivalent of an MRA having the guy from fight club as his pfp imo)
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dekulakization · 2 years
Guys centricide 8 director's cut didn't happen (at least in my mind it didn't I'm gonna pretend it didn't happen) (I can't believe Homonat/Commie and leftist unity were made canon💀) (at least libcap became canon too so? It's a win I guess)
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sakebytheriver · 2 years
So to be completely candid and honest with you all, I don't really care too much about this particular twitter drama going on about the left and disaffected white men and boys and how better to appeal to them, I think it's petty and kind of dumb and most of the people weighing in on it are the same that attacked that person for cooking for their neighbors, because ultimately this issue is about being neighborly and about how capitalism has separated all of us, including white men, from our sense of community and building good relationships/allyships with the people around us, but you know what, here it is, my two cents
The system is set up in such a way that falling into this alt-right stuff is the default for all human beings, when we talk about how there is systematic racism and patriarchal constructs ingrained into our societal structure we mean that they are so embedded that they have basically become the systems themselves, resisting them is out of the norm, resisting them is supposed to be hard, it takes even people they directly oppress years to dismantle the racist and misogynistic beliefs they've subconsciously absorbed into their own minds and biases, so for white men who seemingly reep all the benefits going against these systems is especially difficult and these alt-right pipelines target them when they're young and they're brains are still squishy and moldable, it's hard to break away from something you learned to believe as a kid, but it's not impossible and anything that can be done to pull them back is something we should do. That's what diversity of tactics is supposed to mean, for the time being we have to work within these systems and so yeah that means pretty much the only way these kids will get deradicalized is by some dumbfuck leftist streamer, I'm real sorry, but the revolution is not going to come to dismantle these systems in the blink of an eye and fix everything, the leftist movement in America and in the world in general is still so small, there's basically no mainstream leftist news channels, but Fox News is considered one of the most reputable sources of information while actively employing scare tactics, openly lying, and even encouraging genocidal ideologies straight into the brains of over half the population of the entire country, the enemy is so much bigger than us, guys, at this point we dont even have one foot to stand on, we have to engage in guerilla warfare here, our methods are not their methods, we do not want to exterminate or punish, we want to rehabilitate and unify
The fact of the matter is the way these systems are set up is meant to look glamorous to white men in particular while they subjugate everyone else, but at the same time they are absolutely debilitating to those same white men and we need to be able to reach those white men/boys and show them how their lives would be better without them and at the same time talk about the way these systems compounded with the late stage capitalism we are living under means that they're lives suck even more, because corporations are taking away all sense of community and ramping up the division between all groups of the working class to make it easier to exploit them, hence the disaffection, and look, let's be real with ourselves here, when one side is telling you that you're the cream of the crop and it's everyone else who is the problem while the other is seemingly blaming you for every problem it's not exactly a surprise that some dumb fuck teenagers fall down an edgy alt-right youtube rabbit hole and grow up into even worse men.
These systems are the way almost everyone has lived for centuries the dismantling of them is going to be hard and it can't be done without unity, to steal someone else's words who was a much better speaker than I am,
"We're going to fight racism not with racism, but we're going to fight with solidarity. We say we're not going to fight capitalism with black capitalism, but we're going to fight it with socialism." ~Fred Hampton
We must appeal to every person in the world on the left, a better world must involve everyone, and that includes white men, I'm gonna be real I don't really care to police any leftist in the way they talk about white men as a force for oppression, but I do think sometimes talking directly to them in particular is good too, we need to talk to every single group of people on this god's green earth directly and show them the ways escaping from the systemic oppression inflicted by racism and patriarchy and dismantling capitalism will be a net good for every single human being, including white men, that the feelings of disaffectedness these white men and teenage boys in particular are feeling is coming from these systems and their lives would be better without them, not by becoming a pawn in service of them
It is so easy to reduce white men/boys to The Enemy, but they're not, part of leftist ideology is dismantling the prison/justice system's emphasis on punishment which often boarders on cruel and unusual and has been proven to only make the problem worse and cause more reoffenders rather than letting people reintegrate into society to lead healthy productive lives (of course we need to talk about how to reinvest in our underfunded communities and social service programs to combat the prison system problem but that's a different post), we cannot state to want to build a united and kinder world where we focus on rehabilitative justice while turning our noses up on a group of people who need just that kind of rehabilitation
Are white men's issues the biggest issues the left should be focusing on?
God no.
But that doesn't mean it isn't one of the problems that should be on the list, just because it's not high priority doesn't mean we ignore it completely, the world exists in shades of grey, no issue is ever as black and white as you think it is, allow nuance into your life or we will never reach the perfect leftist utopia you so desparately say you want
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centercide · 2 years
hi. yes. normal thoughts here. do you think anfash and nazbol would get along? its like the leftist unity of contradictory ideologies
mod sugar answering,
in my opinion, they do have a roughly same-ish appearance of leftist unity but I reckon they are more on the lines of authunity in terms of any interaction. I doubt they could get along any more than a moment of temporary alliance, I don’t see them forming anything close to resembling a typical bond of friendship.
i feel that anfash would only like the parts of nazbol that aligns with himself (obviously) and nazbol would probably think he’s weird but will soon become someone who will know how he makes sense (like “this guy is dysfunctional! whatever. anyways”). anfash would probably ultimately hate every other part of nazbol though, considering he is authoritarian^2 and he’s an immovable object (unless he is faced with the extremists) and anfash is just sort of. himself. it would not form a stable enough bond to make it so they “get along”. just enough so they can tolerate each other.
nazbol would probably mostly be “indifferent” over anfash and carries some complex that he’s “the better man” between the both of them (they’re both rotten evils lol), he just see him as another bystander along his journey.
thank you normal thoughts, this was a very interesting thing to think about. concepts such as these sometimes surfaces in my brain (: I hope my answer satisfies you.
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bonnibelette · 1 month
Can you explain why you hate communalism?
hiii thank u for the questiommm
(TDLR at bottom of cut)
i’ll try to make this concise as possible but no promises so i might jump around a bit here and there i’ll format this as a list as that’s easier for me than writing a paragraph (also apologies for potential typos or anything of the sort)
this is in no order by the way, i’d say they’re all pretty equal in attributing to my distaste for them lol (´ε`;)
also, last heads up, i think about things waayyy too seriously so if u just like communalism as a silly little guy i totally get it!! it’s just i perceive centricide/realicide characters as actual 3d characters and more than a parody (take everything i say w a grain of salt, realicide was very short lived)
> also i will be referring to communalism using they/them
- character
one of my biggest gripes with communalism is their character as a whole, this portion truthfully is just my personal gripes regarding the design and the behavior of communalism
i feel like there’s a lot of missed opportunity regarding the design (as i do with a lot of the realicide designs so i’ll make this portion quick) i just think of it as lacking character for the personality that was chosen for communalism
speaking of personalities i hate communalism’s personality so much it’s the most annoying agitating thing on the planet
i apologize but i cannot stand the absentminded cluelessness and naivety along with the wholesome owo smol bean of his character (in the earlier episodes) i don’t find anything appealing or interesting about it it’s the auditory equivalent of nails on a chalkboard for me
you can still have adult (coded) characters that are naive and clueless (i mention this in more depth later, but i would find communalism way more interesting if they made them more harmful and overtly toxically positive, i think this would’ve made them fit into the main four’s threatening aura that everyone BESIDES communalism seems to have)
but i honestly felt like it was leaning into it way too much and it just felt so very tiring every time i saw him on screen it made me want to go outside and reconnect with nature before i destroy something valuable out of pure annoyance
^ i understand that realicide is a product of its time but it can’t pull off the smol bean owo thing it’s always really salted my ice cream even when grej wasn’t a corpse ^
- the dreaded cult communalism arc + communalism’s/moralist’s implied mutual pining
this is where i get super passionate about this, especially when being put into the perspective of someone that sees these characters more as simply parodies
there’s a lot of implied shipping in realicide and i personally don’t really gaf about most of it because most of what i make is oc x canon anywayysss
> (small side tangent) also shipping isn’t something i certainly like discussing in fandoms because i really don’t care about what other people are shipping unless it’s problematic and also because i don’t wanna be roped into a 10,000 word thinkpiece about how leftist unity is the most advanced ship since jesus x judas /j i don’t care i typically don’t yuck anyone’s yum !!!!!!!! (SPARE ME)
but something i do gaf about is the whole moralism/communalism thing because of how much a fucking missed tanked opportunity it was
i typically really enjoy the while “character changing after loved one died” arc, but this particular instance is absolutely horrific imo
cult communalism as a character is so incredibly agitatedly OOC, how quick the change is from the overwhelming pacifism and optimism is to complete nihilism is so jarring
and it’s such an incredibly missed opportunity to turn communalism into this overly toxically positive character who is just unable to comprehend the death of a loved one but noooo instead he becomes edgy and emo and annoying while delivering corny lines AUGH
since in the earlier episodes communalism was so opposed to killing, i think they would’ve been much more interesting as a character that lingered onto that death and sulked over it rather than seeking revenge instantly even though the death was caused by a careless act
> (small side tangent 2) personally, my headcanons regarding this arc are that communalism attempted to resurrect moralism because his death had really opened their eyes and had blurred the lines of morality for themselves
i think it would also be fun to explore how exclusion happening more gradually and communalism slowly beginning to distance themselves away from the main four rather than instantly lashing out
also i would’ve liked to see communalism hide themselves and become a recluse and just become so invested with attempting to give someone they overbearingly loved so much another life because they see it as honoring them
maybe the resurrection works and moralist is completely repulsed and afraid instead of thanking them like how they envisioned
maybe it doesn’t work and communalism truly looses all hope and THEN begins to become hyper fixated on being moral and perfect and THEN he fucks off because the other main four are immoral
i think that’s way more interesting than communalism gets mad and fucks off while preaching some hippy dippy whatever
i can’t really super duper judge this arc though because of the limited episodes but i just hate how fast it happened and how poorly it was executed
TLDR ; because they’re annoying to me personally and i find the cult communalism arc ooc and a huge missed opportunity for something way more interesting
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