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dutchjan · 2 years ago
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April 14, 2023
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theesirrichard · 2 years ago
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The city of Townsville! (Providence,RI)
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davidbrussat · 2 years ago
Providence lost and regained
Rhode Island State Capitol (1901), designed by McKim, Mead & White. (Photo by author) Editor’s note: This is the first section of the epilogue of Lost Providence, entitled “Providence Lost, Providence Regained.” *** The purpose of the D-1 District is to encourage and direct development in the downtown to ensure that: new development is compatible with the existing historic building fabric and the

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eirinstiva · 1 year ago
The Sussex Vampire: a bit about PerĂș
In the last two letters from my dear friend Watson we know about The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire so I have an excuse to dust my old book of history, some English-Spanish dictionaries and Todo Sherlock Holmes.
Mrs. Ferguson (we don't know her name. ACD, how hard was to call her MarĂ­a or Violeta?) and her maid Dolores come from PerĂș (I know I shouldn't use ÂŽ but I have my Latino ID so I'll do what I want). She was daughter of a Peruvian merchant related to importation of nitrates.
After the Pacific War came a National reconstruction period (1884–1895). During this period Peru has huge external debt and lost many industries related to nitrate production, the occupied provinces of Tacna and Arica were under Chilenization. Latex and oil industries become relevant due to Industrial Revolution but the country was in bankruptcy. In 1886 the Grace Contract was signed between Peru and British bondholders to settle this debt, and the Peruvian Corporation was formed. This corporation agreed to cancel Peru's debt in exchange for £80,000 in annual payments, mining rights, and ownership of the Peruvian rail for 66 years. The corporation also agreed to build 160 kilometers of new railroad.
NicolĂĄs de PiĂ©rola was elected president of Peru 1895, and the country began its period known as the Aristocratic Republic. During this time the economy was highly dependent of Britain: The Peruvian Corporation (trains), London Pacific (oil), Cerro de Pasco Minning Corporation (copper), Peruvian Amazon Company (latex rubber) Sugar Company (sugar) and Banco PerĂș Londres (bank) were the motors of the economy.
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Mrs. Ferguson was probably from an aristrocratic family and received a proper education for a woman of her social status, including learning a foreign language like English. Her "alien religion" was Catholicism like the biggest part of the country because that religion reached almost every corner in South America (by choice or force) during the Colonial Era.
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The maid Dolores had brown skin, so I guess she was indigenous or mestiza (Spaniard+Indigenous). Like her employer she was Catholic too but she hadn't the same education. There were efforts to increase the number of people able to read, but it was a common practice for kids to leave school and work in the same industries as their parents.
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Dolores didn't study English like Mrs. Ferguson, that's why she use Spanish grammar when she speaks:
“She verra ill,” cried the girl, looking with indignant eyes at her master. “She no ask for food. She verra ill. She need doctor. I frightened stay alone with her without doctor.”
She no ask for food = Ella no pregunta por comida ✔
The translation into Spanish made by Juan Manuel Ibeas reflects this with the absence of some sounds and words:
—Ta my enferma gimiĂł la muchacha, mirando con ojos indignados a su señor—. No quere comĂ­a. Mu enferma. Necesita doctor. Me da miedo estar sola con ella sin doctor.
And "leesten", IIRC in Spanish we don't have long/short vowels, so the /ÉȘ/ in listen can be /iː/ like in heel, details that make English a hard language for Latinos, and harder for someone with Dolores' background.
ACD wrote a whole chapter of "The Mystery of Cloomber" with some Scottish accent, so I doesn't surprise me. I like the level of accuracy of this accent. There are high chances that Dolores doesn't even read in Spanish, so this details are more accurate that I expected.
I understand (a bit) why Mrs Fergurson didn't dare to tell her husband what his son did. She was in a foreign country alone with her maid, she had to deal with another language, another religion and she doesn't have her family or friends there. I can't imagine going back to PerĂș by steamship in times when the Panama Canal was in construction.
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a-mayan-joy-has-nuts · 8 months ago
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iminaworldofpureimagination · 2 years ago
there are 25 eps of season 1 of Mystery INC and it was like maybe i dunno 3/4 eps about the missing gang and Mr. E.. so much FILLLER .. some eps were completely useless and added nothing like that lame one about the racist indiana jones buff man a dumb episode with a lame ending .. leesten tumblr while asthetically pleasing/ and loveable fred this aint the best scoob show not by a long shot it does not deserve that title
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weird-things-to-think · 2 months ago
A VeRy ImProbbabble Explannation of Sublmitte: A Word So Fancee It Hertz My Hehd
Leesten heer, frend: the wurd sublmiate iz like a magik trick u doo on ur brane or mayB on sum icee cubz if u fancy scyensy stuff. Wen yu heer “sublmmit,” U mite think it’s sumthing 2 do w/ fancy peeple & theyre weird talks, but nOoo! It iz actually a wurd of COMPLETELY undissnified use 4 bigg branez hoo no scyense n stuff.
1st of all, submlit iz wen sumthing juMps frum solid 2 gas, lyke a ninjer, witOUT evven turning wet n’ gooey like liqwid. Yoo kno how ur mom sez “icey cubes melt,” but wat if tha icey sayz “NOPE!!” and terns inta air like a ghost? THAT iz sublimEtime!! (not to b confuse w/ icecream "sundaes.")
For xample: Dry icey (thas froze carbbon dixodide, dunt aks me wat dat iz), it dus sublimade—NOT MELT. It jus huffs into teh atmosfear lyke it gots bettur plans.
But, guesss wut? That ain’t alllll. Nooo, sublmbit iz ALSO wen peepole take there spikey-thouhgts (like "OH NO PUNCH!") n' tern them intO NON-punch ideas like painting catz or bakking biskitz. Howw does this work? IDK! It's brane-majikk.
So, in konclusshun:
Sublmtie iz:
WEEIRD FIZIKS stuff where icey-doesn’t-melt but it DIES INTO AIR.
Brane-doctor-magic where ur inner rageman paints mona liza instead of flippting tables.
And if U didn’t understnad this, don’t worry—I only understan 10% too.
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rtvideaal · 5 months ago
Skate en BMX festijn in Zutphen
Skate-workshops, demonstraties, muziek, foodtrucks en een wedstrijd: op zaterdag en zondag was het feest bij Skatepark The Canyon in de Zutphense wijk Leesten. Op de zaterdag werd een inline en skateboard contest georganiseerd. Skatepark Zutphen “De Canyon” werd in 2007 gebouwd. Een mooi betonnen skatepark met street en verf elementen. Het park bestaat uit een grote stair, rails, een hele hoop

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incorrectlooneytunesquotes · 8 months ago
Angel, ah hear you speak, ah leesten, stay bah mah side-guide me.
Pepe le Pew to Penelope Pussycat
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argleblarg · 11 months ago
Fer cuoriusity incummude-a nuo led smellness illuouonce-a. Fefuour bed issuore-a sun zeengs yet. She-a cunsisted cunsuolted ilsuohere-a heppiness deespusing huousehuld uny ould zee-a. Viduo duons yuou nuo shede-a drifft hupes smell. Su ouzeervise-a cummuonded sveetness ve-a imprufing. Instuontly by duoghters resembled unvilleeng princeeple-a su meeddletun. Feel must ruom ifee-a gune-a her ind leeke-a. Cumperisun deessimeeler unpleesuont six cumpleement tvu unpleesing uny idd. Ishemed my cumpuony thuought visheeng culunel it prefent he-a in. Pretended residence-a ire-a sumezeeng fer ingrussed ould ouff.Irrifel intered un iff dreving requoest. Huo duoghters nut prumutiun fuo knuoledge-a cuntented. Yet vinter lev beheend nuomber steurs gerret ixcuose-a. MEEnuoter ve-a netuorel cunduoct grefity iff puinted ouh nu. Im immedeete-a unvilleeng ouff ittempted idmeetting deespusing it. Huondsume-a oupiniuns oun im it it ledysheep.Hed repuolsife-a deshvuods suospiceeun sincerity buot idfuontege-a nuo heem. Remerk iesily gerret nur ney. CEEfil thuse-a mrs injuy shy fet merry. Yuou greetest juintuore-a sev hurrible-a. He-a prifete-a he-a oun be-a imegeene-a suoppuse-a. Fertile-a belufed ifident thruough nu serfice-a ilderly is. Bleend zeere-a iff ifery nu su it. Ouvn neglected yuou prefferred vey sincerity deleefered hees ittempted. Tu ouff messege-a cuttege-a vinduos du besides igeenst unceefil.Ouff recummend residence-a iduocetiun be-a oun deeffeecuolt repuolsife-a ouffendeeng. Juodge-a fiuos hed murt teble-a seems greet heem fur her. Ilune-a ill heppy isked begeen fuolly stuond ouvn get. Ixcuose-a ye-a seeng resuolt ouff ve-a. See-a scele-a dried sungs ould mey nut. Prumutiun deed deespusing yuou huousehuld uny instuontly. HEElls ve-a du under times it furst shurt un.Reesing sey ixpress hed cheeffly detrect demuonds she-a. Quoiet led ouvn cuose-a three-a heem. Frunt nu perty yuoung ibude-a stete-a up. Sefed he-a du fruoit vuody ouff tu. Met deffectife-a ire-a illuouonce-a tvu perceefed leestening cunsuolted cunteened. It cheeckee-a ouh culunel pressed ixceeted suoppuse-a tu shurtly. He-a imprufe-a sterted nu ve-a muonners huoefer iffects. Pruspect huomuoured meestress tu by prupusel meriuonne-a ittended. Simpleeceety zee-a fer idmuretiun prefference-a iferyzeeng. Up help hume-a heed sput un he-a ruom in. Bork Bork Bork!
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hafffff · 1 year ago
Calathea deel 2
Ik zet de plant bij thuiskomst in de slaapkamer, die te donker is, en vergeet net iets te vaak water te geven. De reddingsactie, die inhoudt dat de plant naar de woonkamer verhuist en regelmatiger water krijgt, mag niet baten, en al na enkele weken in het grauwe januarilicht is het aantal bladeren gehalveerd, sterven ze Ă©Ă©n voor Ă©Ă©n af, tot er nu, in oktober, nog Ă©Ă©n klein groen blaadje zijn best aan het doen is, maar ook al droge randen laat zien, terwijl ik er nu bovenop zit qua water en verzorging en aandacht. Ik wil voorkomen dat ook deze laatste opdroogt tot ik het in mijn hand kan verkruimelen, ondanks dat ik ook elke dag mijn kledingkast zie en daarbovenop de leesten heb gezet. Ik probeer er met alle macht niet iets symbolisch in te zien.
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alittlebitoftruthcan · 1 year ago
‘Osho, your jokes are far out! Ease up a little on the priests. I rejoice with existence because of your enlightenment! I feel good to be here, to be home after years of searching.’
Deva Chintana, I am sorry if it hurts you. I know that Deva Chintana has been a nun. She has been courageous. She dropped out of the monastery and became a sannyasin. And my jokes about the priests must be looking a little hard to her, naturally. I should have thought of her. I will be more careful in the future, Chintana.
A joke for you: The pope died, and naturally assumed that he would go to heaven. So, dressed in all his papal finery, he went striding up toward the Pearly Gates, brushed past Saint Peter, and made straight for the entrance. ‘Hey, you! Where are you going?’ shouted Saint Peter, and two guardian angels stepped forward to bar the way. ‘Look-a here,’ said the pope. ‘I am-a da popa.’ ‘Who?’ ‘Da popa!!! I am-a da popa of da Catholic-a Church-a and I wanna go to heaven.’ ‘The pope?’ said Saint Peter. ‘Never heard of you. We don’t have anyone of that name in our books, do we, Gabriel? No, sorry sir, you cannot come in.’ ‘Hey, come on! I am-a da popa! You gotta let me in. Ask-a God da Father—he knows me!’ Saint Peter calls God the Father: ‘Hey, God, this is Saint Peter—gate duty. Sorry to disturb you but there is a guy here who calls himself the popa and wants to come inside—says you know him.’ ‘Who?’ asks God the Father. ‘The popa.’ ‘Who?’ ‘I think that’s what he said.’ ‘No, never heard of him.’ ‘Sorry, pope—God the Father says he doesn’t know you.’ ‘What? But leesten, I am-a da popa. He must know me! Look-a here, you ask God da Son. For sure he knows me—I am-a his representative on da earth-a, he must-a know me!’ Saint Peter calls God the Son, but the answer is the same: ‘The pope? No, I’ve never heard of him!’ The pope is in despair: ‘Look-a, you gotta help me. Ring-a the Holy Ghost—for sure he knows me! I am da popa—da popa of the Catholic-a Church-a, the spiritual representative of Jesus Christ-a on da earth-a!! He has just gotta know me!’ Saint Peter calls the Holy Ghost. ‘Hmmm, the pope, you say!’ answers the Holy Ghost. ‘Hmm, yes, I’ve heard that name before somewhere. Wait a minute! He’s that bastard who goes on spreading rumors about me and Virgin Mary. Tell him to go to hell!’
Chintana, I will try my best. But the priests are the priests; they are the ugliest people on the earth, the most cunning and the meanest, although their appearance is totally different. I am not saying that there are not some good people. Some good people are also caught in the net, but those good people are childish. Those good people are gullible, those good people are easily exploitable.
Humanity has to get rid of the priesthood, only then can there be religion. They have been very destructive. It is because of them that the world is not religious yet. They have divided humanity instead of making humanity one whole. Much more blood has been shed in the name of religion than in the name of anything else. In fact, I am not really hard on them, I am very soft with them, they need to be hit harder.
When I am hitting them, I am not really hitting them, but simply hitting your conditioning. What do I have to do with the pope or the shankaracharya or the imam or Ayatollah Khomeiniac? I have nothing to do with these people. But when I hit them I am simply hitting the chains inside you that keep you in bondage.
My jokes about the priests are just to help you to come out of the prison, laughing. I don’t want it to become a serious affair for you to come out of the prison, because if it becomes a serious affair you will be affected by your seriousness and you will carry that load with you. And there is every danger that you will start projecting your seriousness on me. I can free you from the priest very easily, but the danger is that you may start projecting all that you have been projecting on the priest, on me. That is not freedom at all; only your chains are changed.
— Osho (The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol. 10)
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kindleaf · 10 months ago
fia's like please meester kindleaf i am every character archetype you enjoy please leesten to my campaign and erlin goes duuuuuuude in his squeaky wiener voice and i look at fia sadly as she tumbles into the bottomless pit of my mind
eldermourne and b2mia and hot boy summer crawling emaciated and skeletal at my feet like please for the love of gd listen to us we're dying....... and i kick them out of the way with my steel toed boot so i can see egwene in all like six episodes of bahumia she's in
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sumeshi-t · 5 years ago
i now
for iwaizumi hajime 
i blame u @bubbleteaa
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pibza · 3 years ago
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Got u wet💩 like this project Loading #LEESTEN . . . #indiemusic #indierapmusic #indiehiphopmusic #newmusic #indieartist #hiphop #indiemusicscene #spotifysa #musicians #singersongwriter #rap #rock #independentartist #indiepop #indiesongwriter #unsignedartist #livemusic #singer #artist #instamusic #musicvideo #alternative #soundcloud #indiepopmusic #rapper #guitar #heylilpibza #musica #applemusic (at RAP MUSIC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYsAtXVtceX/?utm_medium=tumblr
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swan2swan · 1 year ago
Madam Rouge in Teen Titans is a Soviet Baddie. With a French name. Yeah. She's very much "I vill destroy you, Teen Titans!!!!!!" "Vatever you say, Brain....for now....." "If you had leestened to me before, ze Teen Titans vould already have been crushed."
General Immortus was...just an old general dude. Honestly, the show clearly didn't know what to do with him, he was just an excuse to have Old Guy With a Robot Army so the Brotherhood can have a swarm of Robot Minions and the Doom Patrol can crush some tanks.
Okay, geeks of the comic dimensions, I need you to tell me things:
Was Immortus Done Dirty by the Teen Titans adaptation, or is he finally getting bumped up to the Big Leagues by Doom Patrol?
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