#lee Virgil
Pride and Teases
With pride month starting Virgil decided to try something new, even though his anxiety brain told him other wise, he decided why not.
Walking into his boyfriend's room on his tip toes for rainbow colored eye shadows he sees that Roman is nowhere to be found. Either on an adventure or getting food. I'll ask him for the permission after I grab what I need. He won't mind. Virgil goes over to Roman's vanity and searches through his drawers, which had surprisingly been color coded, for the correct eye shadows.
When Roman walks in he leans on the door frame, snack in his left hand with his right wrapped around his waist, watching his boyfriend go through the drawers full of makeup supplies. "Whatcha doin' darling?"
Virgil jumps a little, "Oh, there you are, sorry, I was looking to get some different colors of makeup,"
"My face?" Virgil says sarcastically.
"You normally just wear the black and purple ones."
"Trying something new." Virgil shrugs before going back to looking through Roman's drawers for the rest of the colors he needs.
"Well, maybe you should have asked?"
"Why?" Virgil asked. He saw Romans smirk and hears his tone. There's something familiar about it.
"Because now you need a consequence for not before you leave."
That's why that tone is familiar. Virgil froze, a nervous smile on his face.
"There's that smile I love my emo storm cloud." Roman states playfully as he sets his snack down on his dresser before wrapping his arms around Virgil's waist. "Are you green storm cloud?" Roman whispers in Virgil's ear softly, sending shivers down Virgil's spine.
Virgil nods slightly, his face getting more heated every second. "Then why don't you put down the makeup and then pick it back up when were done?" Virgil puts the makeup down enthusiastically. "Aww, so eager aren't you my precious tickle-me-emo?" Roman whispers gently into Virgil's ear before laying Virgil on his bed.
Roman makes sure that Virgil gets his full consequence for not asking for the makeup before he can even think about leaving.
(Sry it's short, I just don't know how to write tickle scenes to well<3 Thx for reading, if you have constructive criticism I would love to read it. Have an amazing day/night/rest of your day.)
[Idea from @hahanamegobrrrr on the post https://www.tumblr.com/hahanamegobrrrr/670440349804756992/makeup-mayhem-roman-wants-to-spice-up-his-makeup]
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gamequeenanya · 2 years
Tickletober Day 22: Vampire - (ler Patton, ler Logan, lee Virgil)
Summary: Virgil has always been a little quirky - he’s named his dog after a vampire after all. Perhaps he even thinks he is one when he playfully attacks Logan! Is this the end or does Logan know how to handle a scary vampire...?
"Ugh..." Logan said, holding his head. "Forget it. I'll never figure out this lore."
He got up from his desk and put his laptop down, done with the FNAF lore. Not that it mattered anyways, as his favourite character was irrelevant to it.
Walking outside, he heard Thomas having a debate with the others. It was about dealing with his phobia of going into the bank and becoming an accomplice to a robbery. And discussing the morality of whether if someone holds a gun to your head and forces you to commit crimes, are you still guilty?
The other sides tried to encourage him that he'd be innocent. Thomas may have a guilt complex, but the criminal would be the true guilty party. He tried to convince himself it was true...
Logan popped up with a smile.
"I see I have taught you well."
"Logan!" Everyone said with a smile.
The only side who was currently missing was Virgil.
"Hey, where is-" Logan started, but was cut off by Patton.
"In his room, with his stress animal."
Nodding, Logan went to Virgil's room.
To his surprise, Virgil was playing with a little white Terrier. Seeing them look so happy, Logan smiled.
Looking up, Virgil jumped.
Stepping back, Logan stuttered and gathered his words.
"Forgive me Virgil. I simply had to know what was "up."" He held up a vocab card for the expression. [Up; what's going on.]
Virgil nodded.
"Well... Here he is. My new dog."
The dog looked up at Logan, going up to him boldly and sniffing his pant leg. It then barked.
Logan kneeled down and let him sniff his hand.
"Patton got him for you?"
"Yeah. He remembered those stress dogs they had for us in college. Monday was dog day, and Thomas got to pet all the dogs! Patton thought one of those might help me."
The dog sniffed Logan's hand and licked it. Logan petted his head and scratched behind his ears. Then Logan sat on a chair, giving the dog time to get used to him. The dog paced all around him, sniffing, growling, pulling back, and looking up curiously. Logan petted him some more, hoping it would please him.
"His name's Drac."
"Like Dracula...?" Logan said in wonder. "I didn't know you enjoyed that book."
"Yep. Halloween's comin' up!"
Nodding, Logan petted the dog, who relaxed, absorbing the pets. Then he licked Logan's hand.
"Haha, hey!"
Virgil grinned.
"He loves doing that!"
Logan smiled and rubbed Drac's belly. The dog made little excited growls. Then he nipped at his hand. Logan let him go and Drac got up, clawing at the door. Virgil opened it and let him run through the mind palace.
Virgil grinned at Logan.
"As for being a vampire..."
Stepping back, Logan dodged Virgil's lunge. He grabbed him around the waist.
"Not this time, V!" And he started tickling, getting the spaces inbetween his ribs.
Patton had come back, holding Drac in his arms. The dog was relatively calmer now, just panting and looking happy.
"What's all the commotion? Oh!" He chuckled. Setting the dog down, he came over to Virgil. "Can I help?"
"Okay!" And Patton joined in Logan tickling him, getting his armpits. "Hey, I never said WHO I was going to help!"
Finally, they pulled away and let Virgil breathe. Drac was hopping around, barking at the others and at Virgil, worried something was wrong. Taking long deep breaths, Virgil pushed himself up and petted him.
“It’s alright... I’m fine.” He courtesy smiled. The dog seemed to relax at this. “Anyways... It seems like I’ve got two humans to catch.” Dark smoke clouds erupted in the room followed by the sound of thunder. It was Logan and Patton’s cue to run.
Laughing evilly, Virgil’s eyes promised revenge would come sooner rather than later. For now, he let them run. It would be all the more sweet if his attack was a surprise!
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crazy-as-a-jaybird · 1 year
yes i only post things when @trrickytickle tells me to
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she's my secret second identity, that's why we're both green
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weirdlookindog · 2 months
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"She was an eerie, yet lovely, creature of unnamed regions"
Virgil Finlay (1914-1971) - Illustration for Lee Francis' 'Witch of the Blackfern Moor'
(Fantastic Adventures Vol.5 #10, December, 1943)
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pinktwinkiezoppo · 11 months
I'm definitely onto something here
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metamorphesque · 2 years
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embrace (melt into me)
franz kafka (letters to milena, the castle), malcolm t liepke, andy virgil, 이하이 (LeeHi) - '구원자 (Savior) (Feat. BI)
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punkeropercyjackson · 8 months
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These slayed harder than Danny Phantom ever could
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Sanders Sides as Ao3 pt. 28
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hahanamegobrrrr · 8 months
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my favorite bit is virgil's mischievous grin in the first photo LOL
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fanderficreader · 1 month
The Trend. (Prinxiety)
A/N you could see it as platonic or romantic. (Either way, idc.) btw this is my first fic, so be nice pls. 😁
Words: 1021
TW: none
Virgil was in his room watching TikTok on his phone, when he came across a video. Someone was wearing a hoodie while someone else behind them was in the back of it, using their arms as the first persons arms. When he saw this, he got an idea.
Virgil made his way to Romans room, and knocked on the door. "Come in~" he said in a sing song tone. "Hey Roman. Whatcha doing?" Roman was at his desk, working on the script for the next sander sides video for Thomas. "Just helping Thomas with his script. Why?" Roman asked. "I was wondering if you're willing to try this trend with me." As Virgil said that, he pulled out his phone, pulling up the video he watched earlier.
"Oh, Yeah sure!" Roman said excitedly. He was mostly happy because Virgil barely wants to hang out with any of the sides. If so, he mostly hangs with Patton. So this was special for Roman. "So we're gunna need one of my hoodies." Virgil went to go grab a big hoodie that he owned. When he came back Roman was already set up with everything ready to go.
"Ok, so am I gunna be your arms, or are you gunna be mine?" Roman asked. "You can be my arms." Virgil put on the hoodie and let Roman get in the back. His arms then went through the sleeves, and they were ready to record. They chose the same audio that the other people did, and just ran with that. As they were recording though, Roman kept breathing on Virgil's neck on the inside of the hoodie.
Roman stopped the recording. "Hey, why do you keep shivering?" Roman started. "You are literally wearing a hoodie." He exclaimed. Roman was still in the hoodie as he was talking. So every time he would talk, it would send another tingly vibration down Virgil's spine. "I'm not s'shivering. I don't know w'what you're talking a'about." Virgil stuttered. "Is it cause I'm breathing on you?" When he asked that, Virgil got a little pink in the face.
Roman finally stuck his head out of the hoodie- his face also downing a nice crimson and some beads of sweat -he looked at Virgil and saw the pink in his cheeks. "I know why I'm red but why is your face flushed as well?" As roman said that, his face flushed a deeper pink. Roman was confused for a second. Until he put two and two together, and realized what was happening. "So you're sure you're fine?" As he said that, he shifted his hand so it could poke Virgil in the stomach a little. This made him jump slightly.
"Nope. I'm fihine." He awkwardly laughed, to brush off some of the tension. "Are you sure?" Roman leaned in to Virgil's ear to whisper that. When he did Virgil scrunched up his neck. Roman mentally giggled at that. Oh this is gunna be fun... he thought. "Hey Virgil." "Whahat?" He giggled slightly. "You know what would be great right now?" He started. "A kiss." With that he then started giving Virgil tiny kisses on his neck, behind his ear, and on his collarbone.
To tell you Virgil was a mess is an understatement. He was giggling up a storm, just enjoying the sensations on his body -But he would never tell anyone that(except for Roman...)- "aww, you look so cute like this Virgie." That made Virgil blush even more. "Stohahap wihith the tehehsihing!" Virgil said through the giggles. "Aww, but you love the teases~" he pulled up Virgil's shirt and the hoodie a bit, and started poking Virgil's stomach. That made the giggles pick up, and the squeals start.
After about 2,3 minutes of this Roman finally spoke. "Hey, Virge. You know what I'm craving right now?" Virgil didn't answer and just kept giggling. He shook his head back and fourth already knowing the answer. "Raspberries!" With that he then started blowing tiny raspberries on Virgil's neck and collarbone. When I tell you, Virgil screamed. "EEEEEEhehe!! NoHOHOoh!!" Virgil was in stitches, but he was also the happiest he'd been this whole week.
He's been down lately, in a state of depression. So he thought by doing this with Roman would really help lift his spirits. -and oh, did it do more then that- his dopamine levels were as high as a kite right now. "Hey Virge. You know what I've noticed." He stated calmly, as if there wasn't a grown man in hysterics in front of him. "Whahhahahat!?" He tried to answer. "You haven't once said for me to stop." He said with a shit-eating grin on his face. As he said that, he slowed his 'attack' to a stop.
"w'Well, i- um..." his blush burned a dark crimson at this point, and started to spread to the tips of his ears. "Do you perhaps like it?~" Roman asked. "n'No..." that got him a poke to the side. -the hoodie had already gotten taken off of the both of 'em at this point- he squeaked. "Ok, maybe a little..." Virgil's face was flushed so brightly, if you didn't know what they were talking about, you would be concerned for him.
"Well isn't that just adorable~" Roman said. "No it's not!" When he said that, Roman lifted a brow. "Are you sure about that?~" he then fluttered his fingers on Virgil's neck, making him giggle and scrunch up. "You're just like a roly poly." Roman smiled at Virgil. Which made him look away in embarrassment. "Hey, don't look away." He started. " I'm not done tickling you yet." There they both were, on the floor, in a tickle fight. Forgetting about the once attended to tripod, that was still recording Everything.
(A/N) I hope that you enjoyed this. It's my first sander sides fic, so it's probably not the best. But, I tried to give the characters as much justice as I could. I hope it was just as teasy for you as it was for me... AnYwAaAAaYsS! I hope you enjoyed, and I'll try and write more soon.😅 BYE!
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A Ticklish Punishment
Virgil walks into the living room with his headphones over his ears and his music loud enough to block out most of his thoughts, except the inescapable loud thoughts that are always blasting in his head. He walks over to where Roman is sat on the couch watching a TV show and lays his head in Romans lap. Without thought Roman plays with Virgil's hair as Virgil closes his eyes leaning into Roman's touch.
Roman puts his other hand on Virgil's stomach and Virgil slightly flinches and opens his eyes at the unexpected touch on an extremely ticklish spot. Roman knows this spot is ticklish but when Virgil looks at his face it's still staring at the TV. Virgil closes his eyes once again and Roman brushes his fingers over Virgil's stomach ever so softly and Virgil lets out an unexpected giggle. When Virgil once again opens his eyes Roman has an amused smile on his face and is looking into Virgil's eyes. Virgil tries to hide his nervous smile but fails and when he tries to get away Roman grabs his wrist and pulls him back into his lap as genitally as possible.
"Trying to escape, are we?" Roman asks with a mischievous smirk on his lips. Virgil lets out a nervous giggle under his breath. "Oh, we can't have that can we?" Roman says as he holds both of Virgil's wrists in one hand while the other hovers so very closely to Virgil's stomach. Virgil squirms a little at the sight, letting a few nervous giggles escape as he tries to get away from Romans hand once again, but fails. "And now your trying to escape again!" Roman says teasingly as he rests his hand on Virgil's stomach. Virgil shakes his head 'no' and Roman gasps. "And now your lying to me!" Roman leans down so he can whisper into Virgil's ear softly. "You know what lairs get?" Virgil giggles nervously and shakes his head. "A ticklish Punishment."
Roman moves his face away from Virgil's ear and rolls up Virgil's shirt ever so slowly. Roman once again leans down to Virgil's ear and whispers, "If you don't want to be tickled, this is your last chance to say so." Virgil just smiles up at Roman. "Okay then," Roman smiles even more at the adorable younger boy in his lap before siting back up and staring down at Virgil's very exposed, soft pale stomach.
Roman lightly traces stars, hearts, crowns, and whatever other shapes come to his mind as Virgil slowly starts turning into a puddle of endless giggles on Romans lap. Roman then starts poking and prodding at Virgil's sides, ribs, and hips and Virgil's giggles turn into happy laughter. Roman traces his finger slowly over the outside of Virgil's belly button, not on the edge but almost.
"Nohoo! Nohohot thehehrehe!" Virgil say's in between the over powering laughs in his voice.
"Not here?" Roman says teasingly. "Are you sure because I'm pretty sure this giggle button needs a few laughs as well." Virgil shakes his head as Roman starts tracing over the edge of his belly button.
"Noohooo!" Virgil laughs.
"I'm gonna get your giggle button!" Roman says as Virgil shakes his head quickly, frantically kicking his legs.
"It's nohoot a giggle button!" Virgil yells through his over powering laughter getting more frantic with his kicking.
"That's the last lie you tell to me!" Roman says with a chuckle before screwing and swirling his pointer finger into Virgil's belly button as Virgil shrieks with uncontrollable laughter. When Virgil starts getting mirth in the corners of his eyes and his laughter goes silent Roman stops and gets up to get Virgil some water.
When he returns Virgil is still a puddle of giggles on the couch holding his stomach. "Did I go to far?" Roman asked concerned. Virgil shakes his head as his giggles start to calm down more. "Good," Roman says before handing Virgil the cup of water.
Virgil sits up and drinks the water while Roman sits back on the couch and picks him up genitally and sets him in his lap softly. When Virgil finishes the water he leans back into Roman and faces him before wrapping his arms around him and nuzzling his face into Romans chest. After a while Virgil eventually falls asleep in Romans arms and Roman follows shortly.
This is my first tickle fiction, may not be the best but plz be kind<3
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atomic-chronoscaph · 1 year
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Paul Williams, Roddy McDowall and Austin Stoker - Battle for the Planet of the Apes (1973)
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oliviaischillin1204 · 9 months
lots to learn
Pairings: Romantic Anamoceit
Word Count: 1,323 words
this is a direct sequel to this minific from a few years ago, they don't have to be read together but u might as well lol
"... I guess I've got a lot to learn."
"I think we all do!"
Virgil smiled up at him, and really, Patton couldn't help but lean down and press a kiss against his forehead.
"Do we wanna keep going, or are we tired?" he asked lightly. He really hadn't meant to tease, but it was pretty cute how both Virgil and Janus went suddenly shy at the idea of them continuing their little 'lesson'.
"Well, I for one have quite a busy morning at work tomorrow," Janus interjected, pretending he wasn't flushed and avoiding Patton's eyes. "So I'll have to pass on being the... subject, in order to get any actual rest. Unfortunately."
"Oh, sure," Patton replied. "So that means you're definitely not going to get any more tickles tonight, unless you change your mind and ask me or Virge to tickle you! That's what you want, right? No more tickles tonight?"
Janus' fingers clenched where he'd folded his arms protectively over his chest. "...Yes. It's not like I'd ever ask for more, of course."
"Oh, of course not," Patton teased, winking obviously at his husband. He gave Janus about twenty minutes tops before he caved and starting begging, which meant...
Patton smiled down at Virgil, who was still lying on his back in between himself and Janus. He returned Patton's gaze with a shy yet cocky gaze.
"Do you wanna...?" Patton offered. Virgil nodded wordlessly, biting his lip.
"Aw, yeah? You wanna go ahead and lift those arms for me, then?" he continued.
There were a few moments as Virgil took in a slow, shaky breath, before he managed to fold his arms behind his head. Janus shifted, sitting up further, but the slight movement was enough to make Virgil slam his arms back down to his sides with a panicked noise.
Neither Patton or Janus could stop the laughter that burst out of them.
"My goodness, darling, is it really that bad?" Janus teased.
"Oh, come on, Janny, you know how it is!" Patton retorted. "The anticipation makes everything feel so much more sensitive, huh, Virge?"
Virgil didn't respond; he was too busy burying his dark face in his hands as his partners teased him. "Please kill me."
"You wish," Janus replied. "Arms up, buttercup."
"If you have a problem with nicknames I'm afraid you're going to have to speak up soon. Patton can be quite creative."
Patton smirked, his voice a sing-song as he replied, "You would know!"
"Enough," Janus said in a voice that was not quite begging. "Eyes on Virgil, please."
Patton chuckled one more time, but did move on the bed until he was lying comfortably on his side next to Virgil, one hand propping up his head while the other rested innocently next to Virgil's side. Janus did the same; Virgil cut his eyes over to him, and he merely gave him that slow, sharp smile that Virgil loved.
"Should we make it a game?" Patton asked, fingers drumming the mattress and making Virgil tense up.
Janus hummed. "Maybe 'how long can you keep your arms up'? Or 'how long can you hold in your laughter'?"
"I'm not gonna last that long," Virgil blurted. His arms twitched, begging to drop to his sides, but he kept his hands behind his head. "I'm-- I'm really ticklish, and you're making it so horrible, but I do like it, but I feel like I'm gonna explode and you haven't even started yet--"
"Shhhhhhh," Janus whispered. "Breathe, Vergilius." His raised his hand, letting Virgil keep his eyes on his fingers as they curled in the air. "Just trust us. We'll take care of you."
Virgil was so entranced by Janus' fingers that he was completely unprepared for Patton running his nails down his side. Virgil gasped; his arms dropped just as he'd warned them, but Janus was viper-quick and managed to grab one elbow, pinning the arm closest to him back next to Virgil's head.
"Oh, hello," Janus purred, "what's this?" He fluttered his nails on Virgil's other side, the mirror image of where Patton's hand had been, and Virgil couldn't stop the keening squeal that escaped from his throat.
"Aw, is that a good spot?" Patton cooed. He copied Janus' pose by easily pulling Virgil's arm up so he could pin it (either because Patton was clearly stronger than Virgil and was able to pry his arm away from his side, or because Virgil was actually trying very hard to not protect himself from the tickles).
"Must be, if he's fighting us this much," Janus continued.
"Can't-- hehehelp it!" Virgil whined. His laughter was coming out in spurts and bursts, like he was trying to hold it back. This was torture; Patton's rough hands and rounded nails scratching between his ribs and his side was already enough to make him want to lose it, but Janus was much more delicate, which was freaking worse, because that meant he let his well-manicured nails dance ever so gently just above the most sensitive spots along Virgil's waistline, not speeding up and not going any rougher, just enough to make Virgil want to throw his head back and wail.
Of course, he couldn't do that, because he had three sleeping kids in the house and the thought of having to go through their bedtime routines yet again was exhausting. All he could do was lean forward and gasp in a breath as quietly as possible before saying, "Wait wait wait wait--"
His partners stopped immediately.
"I can't-- can't be quiet," he choked out. "The kids-- I don't wanna wake them, I'm sorry--"
"It's alright, sweetie," Patton replied, stroking Virgil's hair. He looked over Virgil's head at Janus, and the two seemed to have a silent conversation for a moment before he continued, "I have a thought."
The next thing Virgil knew, Patton was maneuvering him around, even picking him up for a brief moment and making Virgil yelp with surprise. When he was settled, Virgil found himself sitting on Patton's lap, his legs on either side of Patton's hips and their chests nearly pressed together. Heat rushed back to his face at the proximity.
"How about this?" Patton asked. "You need to laugh, you do it into my shoulder."
Virgil was about to respond when suddenly the hairs on the back of his neck stood up as Janus leaned up to whisper in his ear.
"Would that help you stay a bit quieter, darling?"
Virgil nodded so fast he almost hurt himself. "Yes."
He could feel Janus' grin again the back of his neck. "Good." That's all the warning he had before Janus' nails trailed all the way down his sides, from his armpits to just above his hips.
The noise that came out of him was nearly indecent, but Patton's hand came up and pushed Virgil's head into his shoulder just in time. This was almost worse, for Virgil-- not being able to see anything, so vulnerable and exposed pressed between his partners' chests-- but at least he didn't have to hold in his laughter anymore. He could merely relish in it as Patton's hands wrapped around his back to trace and spider through his sleep shirt all over the sensitive spots on his back, or as Janus' hands snuck around to flutter damningly all over Virgil's stomach.
"It's okay," Patton murmured into Virgil's hair, although the other man could barely hear it over his own muffled laughter. "We've got you. Just laugh it out."
"Besides," Janus continued, curling forward so his breath could once again tickle Virgil's ears, "it's your day off tomorrow. I think this is a perfect chance to explore this wonderful little secret I found, hmm?"
Virgil could blame it on the fact that he couldn't speak at the moment-- not with his mouth, wide open and wailing, pressed into the warmth that was Patton's shoulder-- but if he were honest... he couldn't agree with Janus more.
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boyofzoot · 10 months
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Caroline, Lottie & Virgil
Commission Info | Patreon
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A Sleeping Dragon
“This movie is completely unrealistic!” spoke out Logan, completely and utterly exasperated during Wreck it Ralph. Family movie nights never went according to plan. “There is no possible way video game characters could interact in that way and frankly, the way the inner workings of electrical units are portrayed is ridiculous.”
Roman sighed. He looked down at Virgil who was laying into him fast asleep. “Logan, it’s just a movie. It's a silly movie. It isn’t meant to be realistic.”
Patton giggled. “Yeah, Lo! It’s just a movie.”
Logan huffed. “I don’t see how someone could enjoy a film when it is so blatantly ridiculous.” Roman rolled his eyes, while Patton just giggled again. “It should have at least some aspect of a realistic component to it.”
”Just watch the movie, Specs,” huffed Roman in annoyance.
Virgil, who was curled up napping in between Roman and Patton with his head in Roman’s lap, stirred. He grunted, very annoyed. “Who woke me up?”
All three sides froze. You did not want to be the person who woke Virgil up. He didn’t sleep much, so when he did, he expected to not be disturbed.
“Well? I’m waiting,” demanded Virgil, now sitting up straight. He looked around in question, arms crossed.
Roman blurted out, pointing an accusatory finger toward the logical trait in the recliner. “Logan was complaining about the movie!”
Logan glared at Roman in indignation. “Oh, I’m sorry. Am I not allowed to speak during the whole movie?” he inquired angrily. He turned to Virgil. “Besides, I would have dropped it if Roman would have just nodded and agreed with me. But no, he had to argue,” he added scowling.
Virgil hid his smirk and instead raised an eyebrow. “Oh, is that so?” In reality, he never actually got mad when he was woken up. He just liked messing with the others (especially Roman) however he could. Virgil figured he could have some fun with this.
”O-oh, well-” stuttered Roman.
“I thought I heard something other than Logan’s voice! I heard someone else who was frankly quite louder than Logan!” interjected Virgil looking up at Roman. Roman paled.
“Ah well, I was just defending the movie that’s all,” he replied, trying to hide his fear and failing miserably. “Simply making conversation.”
Virgil smothered a grin. He loved making Roman nervous. “Well, Roman, we all know you’re a lot louder than Logan; it was probably you who woke me up.”
“Now that’s not always-“
Roman was cut off by his yelp, feeling a poke at his ribs. “No interrupting!” scolded Virgil, this time forgetting to mask the grin and the obvious enjoyment he was getting out of this.
Roman blanched as Virgil’s intentions were made clear. “Virge, I’m sorry! Honest! You can go back to sleep, and we’ll all be quiet okay?” He glanced around to see if any of the other Sides would lend a hand. Logan was pretending to be fascinated by the movie suddenly and Patton was also suddenly too ‘preoccupied‘ to notice. He began to grow very nervous as Virgil crept up closer to him.
“Well, I’m already awake now thanks to you-“ he poked Roman’s side again who squeaked at the touch. Virgil‘s evil smile took up his whole face. “I’m very upset, Roman. My sleep was disturbed.” Roman began whining and backed into the arm of the sofa as Virgil continued to get closer. Patton and Logan finally turned their attention to the two traits in the middle of a standoff.
“Don’t hurt him, Virgil!” pleaded Patton.
“I appreciate your concern, but don’t worry Pat. I won’t hurt him. Physically anyway. His pride might be a little bruised.” Virgil smirked again. Roman continued to plead with the darker side despite knowing full well that nothing would stop what was about to happen.
“Come on, Virgil, please! I promise it won’t happen again! I- EEP!“ A pinch to his side.
“Too late, Princey. In all your years of being a prince, has no one told you the most important rule?“
Virgil paused as if trying to build up even more anticipation. He leaned in so close, that Roman could feel the anxious Side’s breath against his neck.
“Don’t wake a sleeping dragon.”
With that, he pounced on Roman and scribbled all over his torso immediately causing the Prince to break into frantic cackles. He mercilessly tickled all over and despite Roman’s defenses, Virgil was just too fast. Every place he tried to guard, the anxious side would just tickle somewhere else. Roman was hysterically laughing and resorted to calling for help from the others.
“HEEHEHEHELLLPPP!!” He cried through his desperate laughter.
“You shouldn’t require our assistance. You should be able to fight him off yourself. If I’m not mistaken, you supposedly have beaten this so-called ‘Dragon Witch’ which, judging by the name, would seem much more dangerous than the tickle monster,” replied Logan, a teasing smile encompassing his features.
”Oh I’m not sure about that Logan,” joked Virgil. “The tickle monster is pretty vicious.”
Poor Roman turned a bright red. “Stahahahahahahap teheheheasheheing!!”
“Aww Lo, look he’s blushing really hard,” Patton gushed.
Roman just blushed harder at that, the teasing was killing him. He was laughing himself hoarse while Virgil just snickered with no signs of stopping anytime soon. After what seemed like hours, Virgil noticed Roman’s laugh becoming more breathy.
“Well, Princey,” Virgil began. Roman was beside himself laughing, as Virgil’s hands were shoved in his armpits “I think you might have learned your lesson.” Roman nodded frantically. “Okay, okay. I’ll stop on one condition. You say, ‘Virgil, you are the best side in the entire world and I would be nothing without you, and I promise to never disrupt your sleep ever again.’ Can you say that?” Roman squeaked as a response. Virgil chuckled knowing Roman couldn’t possibly; he was laughing way too hard.
“Yes? I am what?”
Virgil laughed. “And?”
“IHIHIHI CAHAHAHANT REMEHEHEMBER!!” Roman cried in desperation. Virgil started to feel a little bad.
“Alright close enough.” He finally stopped and poor Princey fell limp, giggling and wheezing for air. Virgil smiled down at him. “Sorry dude. May have gone slightly overboard,” he apologized.
“Hahaha, my stohohomahahach, ohoho mahan.”
Virgil helped him sit up and got him settled. Roman was exhausted, so Virgil let him lay in his lap. “There you go, Sir Sing-a-lot,” Roman mumbled a thank you. The roles were reversed as Roman laid napping on Virgil and the rest of the bunch were threatened to stay quiet by Virgil, lest they get the same treatment Roman did. They all watched the movie in silence.
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yupirawr-dino · 2 months
Ocean Rosenberg is Jackie, why? No reason.
"wowza Blackwood"
Constance Blackwood is Shauna, why? Ocean's bestfriend and also, idk, she gives that Shauna vibe
Noel is... Uh... Lottie? Or Nat idk
Mischa is Travis idk
Ricky is Javi bc Mischa and Ricky have a siblings bond in my head.
Jane Doe maybe Laura Lee(?) or for the mystery the pit girl 🗣️ NANANNANANANA JANE DOE LOTTIE 🗣️🗣️🗣️
Karnak is coach Ben 😋
Virgil is Akilah's pet 😋😋
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