flufffilleddonut · 4 months
Heavenly Encouragement
Summary - Charlie, Vaggie and Emily are touring around Heaven. Charlie feels dejected, comparing the happy demeanors of the winners to the negative attitudes of her sinners. Emily, however, carries out her duty to spread joy throughout the realm.
Word Count - 970
Charlie and Vaggie were in Heaven, on a tour of the realm provided by Emily, the seraphim. Charlie’s eyes were full of wonder as she took in the surroundings, while Vaggie wished that she could be anywhere else. 
As the three made their way around, Charlie couldn’t help but notice a recurring theme amongst the winners who inhabited the realm. They all looked happy.
Charlie felt a pang of sadness. She had always wanted to see a place where everyone was joyful and content, but she wished that she could make her people feel the same way. What if her plan for redemption didn’t work? They would be stuck in a realm full of violence and despair, awaiting the day they meet their second, and final demise at the end of an angelic spear.
Charlie stopped in her tracks. Vaggie and Emily noticed and followed suit.
“Charlie? Is everything okay?” Vaggie questioned, sensing that something was up with her girlfriend.
Charlie didn’t respond, instead turning to Emily, who watched her with concern.
“How is it that everyone is so happy here? I get that it’s Heaven and all, but don’t people ever have bad days?” Charlie paused, looking down at the ground. “Aren’t there ever people who refuse to give love and trust a chance, despite your best efforts? Or, do all of those people end up in Hell, and I’m just fighting a losing battle?”
Vaggie wanted to comfort Charlie, to tell her what it’s really like to live in Heaven, but she knew that she couldn’t. Emily, feeling for Charlie’s situation, approached the demon and put a hand on her shoulder.
“Well, it isn’t always easy to keep everyone happy. Especially when you're feeling down yourself.” Emily started, giving Charlie a soft smile. “But what’s important is that you try your hardest. Everyone is different, and wants different things. You just have to remember that you should value your own emotions equally to the emotions of others. Otherwise, you won’t be able to help anyone.”
Charlie looked up at the angel, returning her smile.
“Thanks, Emily. You must be very good at your job.”
Emily giggled in response. Removing her hand from Charlie’s shoulder, her eyes gained a mischievous glint.
“You know, I do have one trick that I use when a soul is feeling particularly down.”
Charlie’s smile faded.
“What’s that?” She questioned.
Emily shot her hands down to Charlie’s stomach, where she began rapidly skittering her fingers against the surface.
“Tickles!” Emily exclaimed, beaming.
Charlie burst out laughing. Curling in on herself, she grabbed onto Emily’s arms.
“Tck-a tck-a tck! Tck-a tck-a tck! Is this a bad spot, or are you really just this ticklish?” Emily teased, curious about the demon’s endearing reactions.
“BOHOHOTH! EHEHEHE!” Charlie laughed out honestly, prompting Emily to giggle alongside her.
There might as well have been two holes burning in the back of Emily’s head, as Vaggie was staring intensely at the seraphim, daggers in her eyes. First the hand-holding and now this? Vaggie was seething with rage at how Emily was getting up close and personal with her partner.
Vaggie’s thoughts were cut short as she snapped back to reality, hearing someone call out her name.
“VahAHAggie! HehEHElp! AhAHaha!”
Emily was now gently holding Charlie’s wrists in one hand, scratching at her navel with the other.
“This is one of my favourite tickle spots! It’s so cute!” Emily said brightly.
Oh no she doesn’t, Vaggie thought to herself.
Approaching Emily from behind, Vaggie reached up and wrapped her arms securely around the angel’s waist, lifting her into the air and away from Charlie. Vaggie then dug her thumbs into the seraphim’s hips, vibrating them roughly.
Emily shrieked, the sound dissolving into bubbly, uncontrollable laughter.
“NAHAHAHA! OHOHOH MYHYHY!” She squirmed around, grasping Vaggie’s wrists.
“Can’t take what you dish out, can you?” Vaggie grinned, continuing her attack.
Charlie steadied her footing, regaining her breath. 
“Vahaggie, don’t be too rohough.” She cautioned, smiling.
“You got it, babe.” With a smirk, Vaggie moved her hands to Emily’s wings, where she began lightly tracing the surface with her nails.
“AhaHA! NohOho! Nohohot thehERE! Tohoo tihiHIcky!” Emily pleaded, gently kicking her legs and beginning to flap her wings.
“Come on. If it was that bad, you’d be putting up more of a fight. Even Charlie hides the fact that she enjoys it better than you.”
“Vaggie!” Charlie shouted out, flushing. Vaggie chuckled.
Deciding that it was her girlfriend’s turn to be on the receiving end, Charlie snuck up behind Vaggie and slipped her hands under her arms, wiggling her fingers into the hollows.
Vaggie yelped and let go of Emily, bringing her arms down against her sides to protect herself.
“Chahaharlie! Thihis ihihis behetrahahayal!” Vaggie laughed as Charlie continued her attack.
Catching her breath and finding her balance, Emily watched the couple’s affectionate antics.
“Come on, Vaggie, show me that smile~” Charlie cooed, moving her hands down to claw at Vaggie’s ribs.
Charlie continued for a few more moments, before bringing her hands to a stop. Vaggie, slightly dazed, took the time to catch her breath.
“Are we ready to continue?” Emily asked, the three girls feeling both drained and refreshed from their playful fight.
“Yes!” Charlie chimed.
“Sure.” Vaggie said flatly.
As the three continued their tour around Heaven, they each thought about what they had taken away from their shared interaction. Emily was happy to have two new people to show around her realm and play with, Vaggie had gained a new tactic to use when Emily got too touchy with her partner, and Charlie had an idea for a new bonding exercise at the hotel. In the end, the girls all felt closer to one another, with their day having been brightened, even if just a little.
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hhblizzad · 1 month
Hmmm fic?
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purplepanda123 · 2 months
fandom: hazbin hotel
Lee = emily
Ler = sera
sera look at Emily. She look very Dissapointed. Sera: "i'm really Dissapointed on you Emily! Why would you support a Demon plan?". Emily look at sera
Emily: "sera... Not trying to be rude but.. This is kinda unfair don't you think? I mean.. Charlie is saying the right thing! Sinners could get redeemed! They can change to a better person, everyone deserved a second chance-" sera: "ENOUGH EMILY!" sera sighs
Sera: "i already told you Emily... Please don't do this... I don't want to see you Fallen like.... Vaggie or......... " sera stunned for a moment "Lucifer......... " Emily look at sera, she knew she couldn't just let sera and Adam kill those poor souls Emily: "but sera! Please.... Extermination is not the way.. Its never the right way! If the all highness found out, you and Adam will be in a Big trouble-".
Sera: "EMILY I SAID ENOUGH!" Emily stunned for a moment.
Sera: "Emily like I said... Me and Adam was left in charge, so we could just.. You know? Plan everything" Emily: "but sera! This is too much. You both can't just exterminate them like that!"
Sera sighs. Sera: "looks like I need to teach you a little lesson, huh?" sera said while she tickles Emily ribs. Emily: "seheheherahaha!" sera: "listen... I just want to teach you a little lesson. So you wouldn't end up like vaggie or Lucifer.. Soo just enjoy this" sera start to tickles Emily faster
Emily Squeaked a bit. Emily: "SEHERAHAHA! STAHAHAHAHAP!"
Sera: "...... " she start to tickles Emily very slowly. Emily: "s- seheheheherahahaha! Nohohoho! Pleheheheasehehe I learn my leheheheehesohohohon!" sera: "... I don't think You learn your lesson yet.. " she said while she Squeaze Emily sides softly.
Emily: "cohohohome ohohohon! I alreheheady le- GAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAP!" Emily couldn't even finish her sentence when sera tickles her belly
Sera: "you know?... I don't think i actually did this to teach you a lesson... I just.. Miss doing some Old things we did in the past.. I'm sure you enjoy it!" she said while she still Squeazing Emily sides. Emily: "i- ahahahaha dohohohont ehehehehenjohohohoy thihihis!"
Sera chuckles. Sera: "are you sureeeee?" sera start to tickles her belly again
Sera: "hmm.. Ok! Looks like you learn your lesson... You ok?"
Emily nods, that's mean she's perfectly fine
Sera: very well....
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ticklishprincey · 4 months
Can you do tkl hcs for Emily please :3 If you'd rather do more than one maybe also carmilla, sera, cherri bomb, and pentious
Sorry I'm just now getting around to this lmao Emily -Lee 100% -Can't say the t-word to save her afterlife (I guarantee I've made that joke before but it's funny) -Worst spot is her wings, she will simply pass away -Melt spot is right under her chin -Seems like the kind of person to have ticklish palms/wrists -Half-hearted begging but doesn't ever say the word stop -Bubbly giggles or full-on cackles, no in-between -Main lers are Adam and Sera *confidently posts with only Emily because I have sick person pity points*
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alltears · 5 months
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the intrepid heroes reached new levels of Accurate Teenage Friendship tonight (see also)
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starful-emporium · 6 months
i love seeing the thumbnails for intrepid heroes seasons bc they're always dressed like
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and then brennan is just
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counterspelling · 4 months
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Endless Fantasy High
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flufffilleddonut · 5 months
Seraphic Distraction
Summary - Emily’s duty is to ensure the happiness of the residents of Heaven. When she ends up being the one upset, Sera provides a welcome distraction.
Word Count - 750
Sera was walking through Heaven, trying to locate her fellow seraphim, Emily. Sera had not seen her in quite some time, and it was unusual for Emily to remain on her own for this long.
Opening a door, Sera was greeted by a room filled with golden chairs on either side of a large, round table. She spotted Emily at the far end of the room. She was facing the large, golden window opposite the door, staring at the view of the clouds it provided.
“Emily?” Sera called out, the door shutting behind her.
Emily gave a small start before turning around.
“Oh, hey Sera.” She said, turning back towards the window. The small seraphim’s usually cheerful tone was replaced by one of sorrow.
Sera was immediately concerned. Emily was always bright and bubbly. She had to be.
“Whatever is the matter?” Sera questioned, making her way over to Emily.
Emily sighed. “I know that it’s my job to spread joy and to make sure that our people are happy, but I just can’t stop thinking about the poor souls in the realm below.”
Sera tensed. Emily continued.
“They may be demons, but in the end, they’re still human souls. Maybe if I could make them happy too, they’d realize that the world’s not all that bad. Perhaps they would have a change of heart and try to become better people. The kind of people who end up coming here.”
Sera, hiding her nerves, placed a hand on Emily’s shoulder.
“I know that you want everyone to be happy, Emily. You’re very good at your job in that regard, but this is the way that things must be. There’s nothing we can do.”
Emily looked Sera in the eye for a moment, before shifting her gaze down to the ground.
“It’s just difficult to think about how they must be suffering.”
Sera didn’t like where Emily’s train of thought was going. If she continued down this path, she may begin to question things, and could very well end up like Lucifer. Sera couldn’t bear to see Emily suffer such a fate.
Racking her brain for ways to distract Emily from the subject matter, Sera remembered one of the more unorthodox methods Emily occasionally used to cheer up the citizens of Heaven. It may be unconventional, but it was just the thing that Sera was looking for.
Moving closer to Emily, Sera reached out her arms, softly dancing her wiggling fingers up and down Emily’s sides.
Emily burst out into bright giggles.
“Ehehehehe! Sehehehera!” She pulled her arms close into her chest, making no attempt to protect herself.
“You can’t exactly spread joy if you’re not joyous yourself! Come on, show me that little smile.” Sera cooed, adoring the sight in front of her.
“Sehehera, ihihit thihickles! Ehehehehe!” Emily giggled out, twisting her body left and right, but not trying to evade Sera’s light touches.
“Yes, I know it does. I can see how much you love it.” 
Emily’s cheeks became tinged with blue. 
Sera halted her fingers and pulled back her hands. Gently taking hold of Emily’s arm and waist, Sera pulled the angel closer to herself. Using one hand, she took hold of Emily’s dress and carefully raised it up, exposing her stomach. Sera brought her face right up close to the surface and began fluttering her long, feathery eyelashes, giving it butterfly kisses.
Emily squeaked loudly. She placed her free hand on Sera’s head, her giggles turning into light laughter.
“Ahahaha! Sehehera nohohoho! Ihihits tohohoo tihihickly!”
Sera couldn’t help but let a chuckle out. “Good to know.”
She continued for a little while longer before pulling away, releasing Emily’s arm and pulling her dress back down.
As Emily was regaining her breath, Sera placed her hand under her fellow seraphim’s chin, lightly wiggling her fingers against it.
“Feeling better?” Sera asked as Emily’s light giggles returned.
“Yehes.” Emily said, holding onto Sera’s wrist.
Sera pulled her hand back and planted a kiss on Emily’s head.
“Good. Come now, we have places to be.”
Emily followed Sera towards the door to the room, which Sera held open.
“At least the sinners have their whole immortal lives to live out. Maybe they’ll change their behaviour on their own, and learn to bring joy to their fellow demons.” Emily suggested as she walked out through the doorway.
Sera’s smile faltered. Stepping out of the room, one final thought crossed her mind before she shut the door.
Emily can never know.
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hhblizzad · 2 months
Guys.... Please pick
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audible301 · 4 months
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Consider me a follower of the Ankarna Cassandra Ruvina Galicaea misunderstood lesbian pantheon
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transformersweatpants · 3 months
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^ The rage of a 17 yr old who knows he will end up having to drive the house that is a boat through the sky to the gym
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lonelylittledot · 1 month
okay but when Older Adaine said "I don't know why I was so easy to discard" and "our parents didn’t love us and maybe there is a part of us that made that easy"
and when Illusion Fig asked "what do you think will happen when Ayda sees the real you?" and Fig said "i hope she finds something in me that I didn’t know was there"
and when Ayda said "the fact that i can’t find a redeeming quality in myself doesn’t mean that someone as brilliant as Figueroth can’t find something in me worthwhile"
and when Baron said "time will pass and everyone will find someone who matters more to them than you" and Riz said "I'm the little shrimp of this crew"
and when Fabian said "I don't know what I will be, but I like the direction I'm going"
and when Adaine said "I think the only answer is that we have to keep looking for love"
fuck you Brennan Lee Mulligan & Gang for making me cry my fucking eyes out
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emptyjunior · 5 months
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THEY ARE ROLLING to pick characters in the live show, no wonder no-one knew nothing, THE CAST DIDNT KNOW
The combinations the combinations, I can't stop thinking about the Combinations
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counterspelling · 5 months
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Endless Fantasy High
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sylvansleuth · 7 months
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Riz, you fucking cracked it!
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nichetheorist · 2 months
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