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sarahgrows · 6 months ago
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Hello! My name is Sarah. I'm a 33 year old Colorado mom sharing her love for indoor plants with her son. I worked for three years as a cannabis grow lead. After leaving said job, I brought my passion home with beautiful various plants instead. This blog is my collection of notes, pictures, and progress. I'm sharing them because I don't have other plant lovers in my circle, so feel free to interact!
I'm super proud of myself for finally getting my Pink Princess Philodendron repotted with a much needed moss pole. It was definitely a challenge holding her and doing everything by myself, but slow and steady won the race. Her roots were gorgeous and will thrive in this ten inch pot. I had to turn her because her leaves had all turned one way for its light source. I should probably rotate her more 😅
Next up:
Algaonema needs to be split and repotted or repotted + supported
Philodendron Birkin needs to be split and repotted | Has two mature and two babies in current pot from nursery
Anyone have any soil mixture recommendations? I currently make my own blend but am curious as to what others use!
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Did LECA require cyanobacteria!
Let's start with the first LECA. Clay is formed from hydrous aluminum phyllosilicates, which are minerals. Although clay did exist before Cyanobacteria did, the atmospheric O2 which Cyanobacteria created causing the Great Oxygenation Even did cause an increase in the amount of clay on Earth, as Clay contains Oxygen and cannot be formed without it. Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate however could not exist without Cyanobacteria, because all organisms capable of creating the rotary kilns needed to produce it breathe atmospheric O2 as well, almost all of which was produced by Cyanobacteria in the aforementioned GOE. I think this ask might be talking about the other LECA though. The Last Eukaryotic Common Ancestor would exist without Cyanobacteria. This organism, which lived about 2.2 billion years ago, was the ancestor of all Eukaryotes and was formed through the symbiogenesis of an archaeon and a bacterium. Although this did happen at the same time as the GOE, neither the archaeon nor the bacterium which came to form the first eukaryote exclusively breathed O2. The archaeon was likely anerobic (did not breathe O2), and the bacterium was facultatively aerobic (could breathe O2, but didn't have to). It is worth nothing however, that most modern Eukaryotes do exclusively breathe the O2 produced by Cyanobacteria, and that quite a portion of modern Eukaryotes actually contain Cyanobacteria (although LECA did not).
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buttonmcthickums · 2 years ago
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Some of my babies. All are grown semi hydroponically, LECA, perlite or lechuza pon.
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osanyin-forest · 1 year ago
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Trying leca for the first time
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planthappyofficial · 1 year ago
Moving this pretty variegated ivy over to leca from soil. Transitioning a plant to leca directly from soil can be tricky. How do you think this plant is doing?
Follow 💚@planthappyofficial for more planty content & visit us at planthappyproducts.com to learn more about planting hydroponic houseplants. 🫶🌱
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evil-jennifer-hamilton-wb · 11 days ago
LECA (Last eukaryotic common ancestor) is hypothesised to have facultative sexual reproduction (Dacks and Roger, 1999) Smash or pass?
Dacks, J., and A.J. Roger. 1999. The First Sexual Lineage and the Relevance of Facultative Sex. J Mol Evol. 48:779–783. doi:10.1007/PL00013156.
alright. by vibes.
The LUCA. Smash or pass??
I mean it would be an asexually reproducing single celled organism, how would you ev- who am I kidding we all know I'm gonna say smash
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eartha-zipp · 2 years ago
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tggardens · 2 years ago
I found moss on our back deck today, blown off of the roof by the wind or rain/snow. You're not supposed to go into the woods and just gather moss since it can take a very long time to grow, but since it's literally coming out of the sky and growing on my literal house (in the woods) I think I'm pretty safe in keeping and propagating it.
Here are some pictures of the prep I already had going for the terrarium which are quickly being switched up to keep this stuff alive until the rest of the plants come in.
The moss itself. Might be hard to see in the picture, but this stuff is really dirty!
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The substrate, just using the basic mix recommended by Worcester Terrariums of calcinated clay, coco coir, and worm castings.
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And I'm soaking more Leca. I probably would have had enough for the old fish tank that I'm turning into the terrarium, but it was barely enough for a single layer of the bin that I was going to turn into a moss box so I'm doing two and a half times as much as I first started with. I'm glad this happened so I had the chance to wash more.
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sarahgrows · 6 months ago
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Growth points! This is a feature for my Tradescantia Zebrina, also known as the "Wandering Jew" or "Wandering Dude" plant. I include both names for transparency reasons but as a personal preference I refer to it as a "Wandering Dude" or "WD". I care about potential disrespect more than I do potential upsetting due to respect of others whether it deemed offensive OR NOT.
New growths! My son and I were at a Walmart outdoor garden center where he would eventually pick his own Patriot Hoya (previously featured) based on his understanding of leaf and root structure, as well as signs of disease or pests. There were so many WDs, some beautiful and some completely torn apart. There was a relatively healthy part that had fallen from a pot we picked up to look at. Instead of letting it get swept away into a dumpster, I put it in my purse and checked out the rest of the area for any nice plants or planters to purchase.
That was maybe a month or so ago. Flash forward to today. I have moved four plants into my room before I get an additional grow light and setup. One of the plants I potted and then moved was my Wandering Dude. It had since grown roots in a water prop setup. The planter is a mushroom so the shape is irregular. I filled the stem with Leca and then my chunky soil mix for the head of the fungi. It seems to be thriving in the decent indirect light. No joke, I tied my macrame holder that has my pothos to the mushrooms planter to pull it just a *bit* more right for light purposes. I am SO excited to see a total of four new growths since I brought it home.
Thank you for doing your best and I will do the same!
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sarahgrows · 2 months ago
Great idea!
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For anyone who has a keurig and enjoys hydroponics, this is your sign to reuse your k-cups and use them as hydroponic cups. Reduce, reuse, recycle, baby!
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jerseymuppet · 1 year ago
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Plant Master Jude. Who Want Me?
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pancakeke · 2 years ago
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infinite green onion hack
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cosmicsailorlab · 1 year ago
Querida Leca,
Lembro-me até hoje quando nós começamos a nos seguir por aqui e trocar em pouco tempo conversas, segredos e intimidades profundas, sem barreiras, sem julgamentos, e assim, criamos uma conexão forte e leve feito aço. Acho que você foi minha primeira amiga digital, e essa amizade que foi digital por 12 anos, hoje se torna espiritual.
Paramos de nos falar pela complexa correria da vida, mas sempre soube que torcia por mim - e eu por ti. Você me ajudou a me tornar um homem que ama a vida apesar de todas as circunstâncias que tornaram tudo mais difícil. Sua luta virou sua causa, minhas lutas continuam aqui, e talvez eu não consiga terminar essa trajetória terrestre sem saber se um dia nós voltaremos a ser fortes, como você diz nesse texto e como sempre concluíamos nossas conversas. Espero que tenha ido descansar com a resposta, embora eu saiba que pelo menos a paz você encontrou. Aliás, minha amiga, talvez eu tenha até cansado de sentir essa falta, eu acho que somente aceitarei que somos fortes mesmo assim tão frágeis.
Tenho certeza que você tem muitos outros Thiagos com quem conversou, muitas outras lindas mulheres que ajudou, assim como sua filha, e todos nós estamos aqui hoje em luto, agradecendo sua passagem tão preciosa e inesquecível.
Que o legado da sua luta continue por aqui, tanto na conscientazação sobre o Crohn, quanto no coração, nesse espaço virtual onde desafogamos todos os nossos segredos - para nos curar das nossas dores e para abraçar as dores dos outros, como fez com as minhas.
Descanse em paz, minha amiga.
E até breve,
O sábio nunca se assume sábio, porque sabe, pela sua sapiência, que ainda tem muito que aprender. 
O arrogante, por sua vez, arrota que muito sabe e que a verdade é a coisa mais óbvia de sua vida. Mas no fundo vive apavorado de ser pego e atormentado pela dúvida em saber que pode ser descoberto.
E os que não são sábios ou arrogantes, orbitam um deles. E é assim que vejo as pessoas hoje, mascaradas por perfis midiáticos, escondidas de suas reais características, porque a internet nos dotou dessa facilidade: a máscara. 
Qual o foco, o ponto lá na frente, o lugar que se quer chegar, com tanta discussão? Com tanto empenho em se mostrar certo? É tão errado assim errar? 
E essa rotina desgastante vem me afastando do momento, da mídia, da rua, das pessoas. Ver lutas vãs minam o que ainda me resta de fé nos outros, e enfraquece a fé em mim mesma. E com a fé fragilizada fica difícil ficar de pé, erguida, pronta. 
Gosto de ser frágil quando isso me leva a me despir frente a quem amo, me mostrar como sou, sem receio de ser julgada ou lida em outro idioma. Mas me fragilizar por falta de forças, por me sentir só, por ser traída em ideais, isso sim é triste. 
Saudades de acreditar, de me sentir fazendo a diferença, de socializar com sorrisos mas também com lágrimas, de ser peça importante na construção de uma história, seja ela qual for. Saudades de ser forte... Porque hoje todos somos muito frágeis, mesmo com cascas à mostra.
Leca Castro - 08/10/2022
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planthappyofficial · 1 year ago
Look at the root growth 😍🌱🌱🌱 Ok coleus 👏 What do you think is making this cutting so successful? . .
Interested in growing plants hydroponically? Visit our website to learn about the Plant Happy Leca Planter 🌱
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letterboxd-loggd · 11 months ago
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Subway (1985) Luc Besson
March 3rd 2024
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mikkouille · 4 months ago
smth really was lost in time with kpop No its not nostalgia its my objective brain saying the music just hit better back in my days. and its true
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