#leaving this here bc I want everyone to see this picture anyway LMAO I love it
should I use this image for Hamlet and Horatio in the semis
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saetoru · 2 years
hi! im so incredibly sorry to bother you but i think you may have blocked one of my other blogs and i was wondering if i could ask why?
please don’t feel pressured to answer whatsoever and definitely feel free to ignore this, i really don’t want to trouble you in any way. i just wanted to know if i did anything wrong or something to offend you?
i really try my hardest to stay neutral and friendly as well as respecting and following everyone else’s blog rules so i’d really appreciate any feedback or insight if you’re happy to give it. whatever i did, once again, im so incredibly sorry to bother you, i don’t mean any harm at all, ever. if i did something to offend you, it was never intentional, all i really try to do on tumblr is rb pictures of cats most of the time anyways.
please don’t take this the wrong way, it just makes me super anxious that i might’ve done something to someone that may have hurt them or made them uncomfortable. i really loved your writing and your blog and i can’t apologise enough if i messed up or anything. of course, i totally understand that sometimes people just choose to block people for their own reasons and i respect that no matter what. i’m incredibly sorry if i encroached on your boundaries in any way, i just really held your writing close to my heart and it saddens me that i can’t view it anymore. but that isn’t your fault whatsoever. i respect you so much as a writer and a person and i just wanted to say that i’m really sorry if i did anything. i’m sorry tee.
okay bestie i can’t rly tell unless u share ur url tho 😭 but honestly sometimes ppl leave comments or tags that make me feel weird / annoy me — i’m human and sometimes i block over petty reasons (i’m working on it fjsjfj) but overall i like to think i block with decent cause so unless ur ageless, you’ve probably said something to slightly (or perhaps highly) irritate me or you may have spam liked ?? idrk unless i see ur url tbh. i mean if u send me ur url i won’t post it and if i can’t recall why ur blocked i might as well unblock (as long as ur age is present)
anyway if i block u i’m not saying everyone should come swarm me with “can i ask why” bc that would be annoying but sometimes writers are human and sometimes we block for dumb reasons and if you think perhaps you haven’t rly done anything worth blocking besides maybe me taking out a bad mood on a slightly accidentally annoying thing u did, i might just unblock if ur url doesn’t ring a bell in my mind for something memorably obnoxious. especially if u think it’s bc u didn’t have an age in ur bio before—some of u don’t know to do that till after and i get that !!—im happy to unblock if you’ve since then added an age. but again this isn’t an open invitation for all blocked blogs (id assume ur lurking if ur blocked and reading this LMAO) to come ask me why or for an unblock but sometimes if u rly believe you’ve been blocked by mistake or for a petty reason i’m willing to check is all i’ll say
anyway yeah if u see this send ur url—be mindful of any comments or tags u leave, sometimes u might be unintentionally a bit rude and that could be a big reason why !! also don’t spam like i rly rly hate that
edit: i appreciate the kind comments about my writing NFJSJF i thought i’d add that in bc ofc sharing writing is the main reason im here and hearing u enjoy it and such is nice to know. thank u for reading and thinking highly of it that’s rly sweet <3
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garfinkelstingle · 2 years
social media au | timothee chalamet
click here for part one
click here for part three
pairing: timothee chalamet x celebrity!reader
warnings: swearing! none other though :)
a/n: as promised, here's part two!!! it's not necessary to check out the first part but i think it's more fun if you do :) anyways, hope you're all having a great day!
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liked by tchalamet, zendaya and 2,131,482 others
yourinstagram thanks for all the birthday wishes! and thanks to everyone who came and celebrated with me! love you guys to death!
view all 324,193 comments
yourfan14 happy birthday queen!!! love you more than you will ever know (literally)
yourinstagram thank you! love you too <3
yourfan14 EXCUSE ME WHAT???????
yourfan89 how does y/n manage to look this breathtaking while being completely wasted??
timmyfan73 timmy flew out to LA yesterday... i wonder why 🙂
taylor_hill once more, happiest of birthday's bestie
yourinstagram thank you tay!!!! wouldn't have been this amazing without you by my side though 😘
*liked by taylor_hill
yourfan62 am i the only one who's wondering wether timmy will post a picture of himself from the party or not lol? cause i really really hope that he will
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liked by yourinstagram, tomholland2013 and 1,482,500 others
tchalamet party animal
view all 82,183 comments
timmyfan71 he looks so completely drunk lmao it's so hilarious
timmyfan85 does anyone know where this was taken??
timmyfan52 his girlfriend yourinstagram threw a party yesterday!
timmyfan85 ah okay ty!!!!
yourfan16 wish we could see the pictures they took together 🥺
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liked by yourinstagram and 72,291 others
gq The Making (and Remaking) of Timothée Chalamet- The actor who found superstardom and artistic acclaim instantaneously reveals what it's like to come of age in our very upside-down era, and the struggles he's had to face with keeping his private life truly private. Read the full article at the link in our bio!
view all 6,183 comments
timmyfan98 that photoshoot was a different kind of a dream... honestly not sure i will ever be able to recover
yourfan62 y/n liking the picture before anyone else did UGH she's smitten it's adorable
timmyfan77 "my priority is letting the people i love know that they mean more to me than any award ever could. having them in my life, that's the big win right there." TIMOTHEE 😭😭
timmyfan13 actual loml nobody could ever dream to compare literally beyond jealous of y/n
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liked by tchalamet, romeestrijd and 1,381,404 others
yourinstagram food & him, aka the best combo there is
view all 37,183 comments
yourfan28 "how gorgeous do you want to be?" y/n: yes
yourfan79 her little nose scrunch y'all i'm WEAK
haileesteinfeld absolutely adorbs <3
yourinstagram ly haiz!!!!
yourfan62 literally just adopt me at this point i honestly can't with you two 😭
sydney_sweeney that looks yummy
yourinstagram you have no idea! don't think i have ever tasted anything better lol
*liked by sydney_sweeney
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liked by yourinstagram, zendaya and 2,391,490 others
tchalamet you know she's the real deal when you walk into her kitchen and see a picture like this hanging on her fridge
view all 142,492 comments
timmyfan72 y/n really said "human being second, timothee chalamet stan first" and honestly i don't blame her
timmyfan02 so do i, which you would know if you'd respond to my dm and came over to my house 😾
florencepugh cute
*liked by tchalamet
yourfan62 my one goal in life has officially become going over to y/n's house just to stare at her fridge
timmyfan91 aren't you that girl that's been commenting on literally everything timmy and y/n related since day one? bc if so then ily bestie but you should probably get a life bc wtf 😭
yourfan62 this IS my life, so leave me alone honestly
zendaya told you she's a keeper
tchalamet good thing i listened to you, then ;)
*liked by zendaya
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liked by tchalamet , haileesteinfeld and 4,193,394 others
yourinstagram when he's clingy but extremely cute >>>
view all 231,329 comments
yourfan92 OH MY ACTUAL FUCKING GOD WHAT?????????
timmyfan27 i was prepared for a lot of things but this???? THIS WAS NOT ONE OF THEM WHAT
maudeapatow absolute cuties 🥺
*liked by yourinstagram, tchalamet
timmyfan18 i was literally just waiting for you to comment skskskks
*liked by yourfan62
tchalamet it's just cause you're my favorite
yourinstagram well you're lucky you're my favorite, too ♥️
*liked by tchalamet
yourfan25 literally whAt how do you expect me to go on with my life normally after this????????
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liked by yourinstagram, florencepugh and 5,281,402 others
tchalamet my valentine
view all 184,284 comments
timmyfan79 timothee chalamet aka the most smitten man on planet earth
timmyfan25 we've literally come full circle from seeing this one crusty ass picture of timmy giving flowers to "a mystery girl" to him posting a picture of HIS girl with flowers he's given her... i'm definitely crying but so should you
yourinstagram love you endlessly ♥️
tchalamet ♥️
*liked by yourinstagram
yourfan14 i want what they have 🥺
timmy37 we all do bestie 😭
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elysianslove · 3 years
ay yo? lmao haiiiii any chance we can get some haikyuu boys and nicknames they'd call their s/o? a lil deprived of kageyama, so if possible can you pls include him?? i hope you're doing well :)
omg wait i remember seeing this in my inbox and planning on answering it but i ,,, i forgot :( im sorry :( but here it is lovely <3 
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ANGEL ! — 
akaashi; out of all his nicknames for you, this is his favorite!! he just thinks it’s very fitting for you, because you’re nothing short of ethereal for him. loves to say it when he’s first greeting you or as he kisses you gn or!!! when he says thank you :) 
osamu; it slips sometimes with him!! not his go-to but it’s very familiar on his tongue when it comes to you, and that’s very endearing :,) just slips casually when he’s asking you a question like, “angel, do we need milk?”  
daichi; omg he usually adds to it and it ends up being some cheesy stuff like “angel-face” and it makes you all flustered because wtf man :( and he always says it while laughing teasingly too ugh :( 
suna; suna has the cheesiest nicknames for you and you cannot convince me otherwise, and you can never tell if it’s genuine or ironic but,,, it doesn’t matter. he sounds so sweet calling you “angel” so whatever :) 
aran; this man. this man. he says it cause he knows it has you weak. he says it so lovingly, so sweetly, so casually, so suave and relaxed and his voice is so smooth and deep. who wouldn’t be swooning over him??? 
aone; AONE AONE PLS AONE PLEASE. he’d just think it’s such a sweet and kind and soft nickname and he likes the way it sounds when it’s whispered and he thinks nothing is more perfect than nicknaming you angel and he says it all the time like “ok, angel,” and “see you tomorrow, angel,” and, “love you, angel,” and it’s so quiet but so sweet hwbwjsjd 
oikawa; he’s about to be in 90% of these cause he’ll be calling you anything but your name. is it because he wants to be annoying and to get on your nerves? or is it because he genuinely means it? the world will never know. you’re not even sure he himself does. 
DOLL ! — 
matsukawa; are you kidding me this is his. it’s HIS. he sounds so hot saying it and he looks so hot saying it and he’s so charming and it’s so like easy on his tongue. and he has a slight drawl to it too and he always says it with this aura of relaxation and ease it’s so hot. he just. he loves it. he loves you. you love it. the world is a better place. 
atsumu; he thinks he’s way cooler than he is when he says it. you suppose he is pretty hot when he calls you doll but you’re not gonna tell him that!!! it’s not his go-to but you can catch it slipping off his tongue every once in a while. 
kuroo; yesyesyes he loves it. only ever says it when he’s so up close and personal with you like cups your cheeks and hovers his lips against yours like, “heya, doll,” and he’s just so handsome. ugh. 
kageyama; at the start of your relationship, kageyama called you by your name and nothing else!! but then he had like this talk w someone and they asked him what he calls you and he realized like,,, am i supposed to be doing it differently??? spent so long just searching up “cute nicknames for my s/o” and then he found “doll” and was like ok. i’ll try. and he tried!! and it stuck!! plus timeskip kags calling you doll??? that’s so hot bye
oikawa; this might be the only sincere nickname he has for you cause everything else is either to provoke you or to be cringy and annoying. and i’m sure you prefer doll over sweet cheeks and pumpkin pie and cinnamon whatever like you hungry tōru?? anyways he loves loves loves calling you doll cause he thinks it’s such a ? smooth and serene nickname? and his voice always gets deeper and quiet when he says it so!!!! 
hinata; please he is all the sunshine, but he always claims that you’re the true sun in his life. idk hinata would be so lame yet so cute like that :( and he always says it with such a big grin he’s so cute pls :( 
tendō; he’s so cute he’s so cute he’s so cute !!!!! your contact name is “my sunshine” definitely definitely definitely. he is literally in love with you and wants the whole world to know it. he loves screaming it out for everyone to hear but also absolutely adores like hugging you from behind and whispering in your ear as he kisses your cheek, “hey, sunshine.” :(((((
kenma; kenma doesn’t wanna think too hard on the whole nicknames thing but he also does kind of sort of really wants to call you something special and the first thing that pops in his head is sunshine. first time he used it you were Shocked but he was acting nonchalant about it (read: freaking out on the inside) and you were like “ok guess im sunshine now.” and you are his sunshine to this day. 
atsumu; it’s easy and it’s endearing!! he personally loves being called babe but he loves hugging you close to him after a long day and just sighing, “hey, baby,” like. he loves it okay. he thinks it’s perfect cause it fits and cause it’s like kinda traditional yk!! 
bokuto; he loves calling you baby cause he just cannot fathom that you’re his like he loves to always say it!!! and he loves how casual it is too like he can just call you that?? that’s so cool?? 
iwaizumi; again with the traditional but endearing and fitting. he doesn’t have to think too hard on it, but also it still means something and is more than just your name or a shorter version of it. also he sounds so hot calling you baby or babe idk i just know it. 
hanamaki; king of “babe! babe :( babeeee! babee. babe come on! babe! baby :(” you’re 99% sure he’s just provoking you at this point. like say babe one more time. but he actually loves resorting to baby, especially when you’re upset and he wants to be as endearing and kind as he can to you. 
daichi; very traditional too tbh. honestly when you two first started dating it was all he could think of saying without feeling awkward or feeling like he was trying too hard. later on when he started to feel more comfortable and more secure he got more creative. 
nishinoya; he has been waiting for this moment his whole life. the moment he can actually call someone his baby or babe. it’s his favorite and possibly only nickname (aside calling you pretty or gorgeous or handsome) and it will always be. 
akaashi; definitely definitely definitely calls you “my love” like i am 100% sure of this. akaashi is just so. he’s just so romantic but it’s also so unintentional? he says it because it feels natural and it feels right like you are his love after all, aren’t you? 
sakusa; he’s not one for elaborate nicknames honestly, and he feels like “my love” is the right balance of sweet, kind, fitting, and subtle and serene. it’s not doing too much but it’s also doing more than enough yk? also people that look like they would wear a trench coat/blazer and a turtleneck beneath also look like they would use the term “my love” hence sakusa and akaashi. 
tendō; i am telling you guys he is a simp. the loveliest simp ever. he says it so sweetly too like it genuinely makes your tummy twist and heart backflip when you hear him say it cause you can hear how genuine he is in his words oh my god. 
kita; he just !!! he is just husband material okay!!! he is so endearing and he says it in the softest most genuine voice ever and it’s literally his go to because yes you are his love you’re his entire world!!! he loves you!! he wants you to know it every time he calls out to you!! 
bokuto; ARE YOU KIDDING ME. HE LOVES IT. he. loves it. he just finds it so cute and like. he loves the way he associates it with you now. prefers puppy over bunny but like. he loves both. he adores both. 
matsukawa; calls you bunny all the time. not more than doll, but it’s definitely so common. he won’t use it around others not because it’s embarrassing but more because he kinda wants it to be just a thing between the two of you, honestly. 
kenma; IT SLIPPED ONCE AND HE WAS LIKE. A DEER CAUGHT IN THE HEADLIGHTS. he calls you bunny!! sometimes, not always. when he wants something from you mostly. “pass me the water.” “no.” “bunny please :(” it works like magic every time. 
oikawa; oh my god can you imagine??? he loves it so much because one, he thinks it’s such a cute nickname props to whoever decided let’s use pets as literal pet names, but also two, he thinks nothing describes you or fits you better. you are just his bunny :( his puppy :( he loves you :( 
kageyama; timeskip kageyama calls you puppy. i have nothing more to say.
hinata; timeskip hinata calls you puppy. again, i shall say no more. 
suna; hello !!! he loves to call you bunny and/or puppy. the feel of satisfaction he gets when he calls you that like ,,, he feels like you’re properly his yk? yk.
kuroo; this one is for him and only him. 
LOVELY ! — (maybe sweetheart too) 
osamu; is there anything more beautiful than a tired osamu snuggling up to yoi and with a deep gravely voice saying, “missed you, lovely,” ? no there is not. it’s his favorite nickname for you, and he uses it all the time!! kisses your forehead as he leaves and tells you, “have a good day, lovely,” and comes back home and says, “hiya, lovely,” and tilts his head when you wanna talk to him about something like, “what’s up lovely?” cause you are his lovely, you’re his loveliest. 
sugawara; i have no other explanation other than i can picture it perfectly. he thinks it’s the best choice of a pet name he’s ever chosen and thought of. and he loves the smile on your face whenever he says it, he thinks it’s the sweetest thing ever <3 
BAE ! —
hanamaki; is it a joke? is it not? both. 
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okay im sure i missed so many boys but i can’t think of any rn bc it’s like. hella late :( but i wanted to put something out for you guys!! point is, if i didnt mention a boy and you want to know, send me an ask!! and if i didn’t mention a nickname and you want to know that too? send me an ask well!! ill be happy to answer it <3 
love u all mwah <3 
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Gwaine x reader
Wedding Bells
A/N: I didn’t intend to fall back into this fandom but you can blame Mary (@sehnsuchts-trunken) for this lol. No synopsis bc do you really need one with a title like that 😂
I don’t know how weddings go, let alone how they were conducted roughly 1500 years ago, so artistic liberties for the win.
(Also, I had to search so long for a picture of him in the snow where he didn’t look like he was about to either be killed or kill someone himself lmao)
Warnings: it’s long but it’s all pure fluff! Oh, and I play fast and loose with canon lol
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Usually, the soon-to-be wed were the ones most nervous for their upcoming wedding.
Not in your case, though. You and Gwaine were both incredibly amused to see your friend and king, Arthur, trying to hold it together while arranging the wedding.
He wasn’t doing the greatest job, but Gwen was picking up the slack and you and Gwaine had both agreed not to tell Arthur, not wanting him to doubt himself when he looked so happy to be able to do this for you both.
“He’s gonna lose his head if he keeps running around like that,” you mentioned to Merlin.
Both of you were looking out the window, watching as Arthur was… well, you weren’t actually sure what he was doing, but you were very much certain that he wasn’t succeeding.
At your comment, Merlin grinned. “That would be too nice.”
You elbowed him in the ribs, though you were smiling as well -as if anything would be able to wipe the smile from your face today. “You are absolutely horrible.”
“Yeah, but you love me anyway.”
You laughed because it was true. Today, you’d be surrounded by the people you loved, and those who loved you.
A knock on the door pulled you out of daydreaming about the hours ahead, and when you turned, you saw Gwen poking her head around the corner. She was smiling as well. “It’s almost time.”
For the first time, there was a flutter of nerves in your stomach. “I’ll be right there.”
She nodded and disappeared again, leaving you alone with Merlin. He was still glancing out the window, amusement evident in his eyes, but he asked: “Nervous?”
That boy. He was far more perceptive than he let on. “A little. I don’t know why. Gwaine and I, we’ve practically been married for years. But…”
“You’re not getting cold feet, are you?” Merlin teased.
“No! It’s just, I’m not used to-“ you gestured around with your hands, not entirely sure what you were trying to convey.
Merlin raised his eyebrows. “You’re going to have to be a bit clearer.”
You sighed, thinking over your words and picking them with care so it would make sense. “Our relationship has always been something that was just for the two of us. We never had many onlookers while we were travelling, it was always just us. And now…”
“Now you’re about to get married in front of about a dozen people,” Merlin guessed, “and it’s making you nervous. But why? You’ve been at Camelot for a while now. Surely you’ve gotten used to having less privacy?”
“Yes, it’s not that. But proclaiming your undying love for someone isn’t something you just do in front of everyone.”
“(Y/N).” Merlin turned to face you, putting his hands on your shoulders. “Everyone who’s here today, knows how much you and Gwaine love each other. You said it yourself, you’ve practically been married for years. And we’ve noticed that. We already know, the only difference is that we’ll hear you both say it out loud today.”
You studied him for a moment, the boy who had become a brother to you since you’d first met him.
“Gaius is rubbing off on you,” you said lightly, and you knew he heard the unspoken gratitude in the tone of your voice.
Merlin shivered and let go of you. “I hope not. Are you ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.”
Merlin stared at you for a moment and then burst into laughter.
“What?” you demanded when he didn’t stop. “What’s so funny?”
“It’s a wedding, (Y/N),” he pointed out. “Not a public execution.”
Even as you rolled your eyes, he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and gently pulled you along.
It was freezing cold outside, and for a second you wondered why you hadn’t agreed with Gwaine on postponing the wedding to a warmer month.
Then you saw the man you’d be marrying, and you remembered why. The weather didn’t matter one bit, this was too ur wedding. You were finally, after years, able to get married to the man you had loved for so long and would continue to love for the rest of your life.
You didn’t mind the cold, were even delighted by the sudden onset of light snow starting to flutter down.
Merlin grinned as he let go of your arm, and you knew in your heart that the snow wasn’t a coincidence.
You hoped your smile conveyed all the gratitude you couldn’t speak out loud at the moment. Merlin returned it before slipping into place besides Gaius.
The only others there were Gwen, the knights, and Arthur. That was everyone you needed to be here, everyone you wanted. There would be some pretentious unofficial ceremony later on, what with Gwaine’s status as a Knight of The Round Table, but both of you had insisted on a small gathering for the actual wedding.
All the nerves you’d had before, disappeared at once. This was your family: as Merlin had said, they already knew.
You hardly paid them any mind, however, as you made your way to the middle of the courtyard -to Gwaine. His eyes were fixed on you, shining more than usual, and you almost laughed.
Leon leaned forward and whispered something to him, Lancelot immediately smacking his arm lightly. Gwaine rolled his eyes and muttered something that looked like a “thank you” to Lancelot.
“Were you crying?” you asked when you came within earshot of Gwaine.
“What, no oh my, Gwaine, you look absolutely stunning?”
“I’m not exactly hearing you say anything like it either,” you pointed out.
“You don’t need me to say it, you already know it.”
“As if you don’t.”
“They aren’t even married yet, and they’re already bickering like an old married couple,” Elyan joked.
“I heard that,” you said without taking your eyes off Gwaine. “I’d be very careful when you get in bed tonight because might just decide to put a snake in there.”
“You know she means it,” Gwaine added as the other attendants laughed.
Arthur scraped his throat. “Can we begin?”
“Afraid you’re going to forget what you’re supposed to say, my Lord?” you teased, and the glare Arthur gave you was more playful than anything.
“No, but it is literally freezing right now, and I’d like to make it back inside before losing any appendages to the cold.”
More laughter rose up, and you already knew nothing could ruin this day. You were happy, Gwaine was happy, everyone was happy. That was all that mattered.
“Go ahead, Arthur,” Gwaine said, nodding at him.
“Thank you.” He scraped his throat again, and you exchanged an amused glance with your soon-to-be husband. It was Arthur’s tell, that one little thing that gave away his nervousness. “We are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of two of our most beloved friends.”
Behind Gwaine, you saw Lancelot wiping at his eyes. He didn’t even pretend he wasn’t when he caught your eye, just smiled sheepishly.
“They already act like and old, married couple,” Arthur continued with a smug smile, “but this is the day where they take the first step to becoming one.”
That was a cue, because Gwen stepped forward, a braided rope of weeping willow vines in her hands. Arthur’s eyes were immediately drawn to her, and you could t blame him. She looked stunning in a dark blue gown and with her hair loose around her shoulders.
Handfasting. That was what the willow branches were for. It was traditionally an engagement ritual, but since you and Gwaine had never really been engaged, you had both decided to incorporate it into the wedding.
You took Gwaine’s hand, and Gwen deftly looped the branches around both your wrist before tying the ends together.
Willow was a symbol of love, but it meant more to you and Gwaine than just that. Because you hadn’t been able to get married whilst travelling, Gwaine had presented you with two wooden rings, woven from willow branches. You had to replace them every so often, but it was something you could do to show your love for one another, so you gladly had.
“Let this rope be a symbol of the unbreakable love that I know the two of you have,” Arthur said, and you were starting to tear up now.
He was doing this for you both, simply because he could and he wanted to. And he’d made sure to make it personal. Maybe he wasn’t as disastrous at this as everyone had thought him to be.
Or maybe Gwen had written this.
“I believe both of you have some things you’d like to say?” Arthur asked you and Gwaine, and you both nodded.
“Ladies first,” Gwaine joked.
“It’s nothing special,” you warned him, hoping he wouldn’t be disappointed.
“As far as I’m concerned, you didn’t even have to come up with something,” he said softly.
“I’ve thought about this many times,” you started, and you looked at Gwaine. At the snow in his hair and his slightly too-bright eyes, “and I was never able to pinpoint the exact moment I fell in love with you. I wanted to, but I was never able to. Until- well, until last night.”
Your friends laughed and even though your cheeks grew warm, you smiled as well. It was the warm laughter of those who knew you best, were used to your antics.
“And last night I realised I started falling in love with you when, two days after we met, you smiled at me and said you weren’t alone anymore. I knew right then and there that you were never going to leave.”
“And you were right,” Gwaine said, halfway between a joke and a promise.
“And I was right,” you repeated. “And I’ve never been happier to be right in my life.”
Gwaine looked at you, at Arthur, and then back at you. “Can I kiss you already?”
Your friends laughed again, or were still laughing, and Arthur let out an exasperated: “Gwaine!”
“Alright, alright,” Gwaine soothed, raising the hand that wasn’t tied to yours in surrender. “My turn. You were finished, right?”
This time it was you exasperatedly saying his name, but you didn’t mean it one bit when you saw how bright his smile was.
“(Y/N), I honestly don’t know why you decided to put up with me, but I’ve always been told that one shouldn’t question miracles, so I won’t.”
It was a simple statement, and yet it was overwhelmingly loving. If you hadn’t been able to tell from your own stinging eyes, you could by the way it seemed to move all the attendees to tears. Even Arthur was crying, and you would’ve laughed if you hadn’t been reduced to tears as well.
“Damn it, Gwaine,” you muttered, wiping your eyes with the back of your hand. “I’d promised myself I wasn’t going to cry today.”
“It’s our wedding, darling,” he said, crying as well. “If anyone gets to cry, it’s us.” Then he looked up at all your friends. “By the way, I’m forever going to be using this against you guys.”
You laughed, cheeks hurting from how much you’d been doing that throughout the ceremony. It was a good kind of ache, a much needed one after the dark times that had followed Uther’s death.
“Alright,” Arthur said, and everyone fell silent again. “Guinevere?”
Gwen’s cheeks turned darker, like they always did when Arthur said her full name, but she stepped forward with the rings. She had made them herself, had insisted on doing so. They were silver, with subtle etchings along the band.
They couldn’t have been more perfect.
“Thank you, Gwen,” you said, but you knew there were no words to really convey your gratitude, and Gwaine echoed it quietly.
Gwen winked and went to stand back with Merlin and Gaius.
“Gwaine, (Y/N),” Arthur began. “By exchanging these rings, you are giving each other your life. If this is not what you want, this is your last chance to turn back.”
He paused, and you and Gwaine answered to the silence by exchanging the rings.
“Very well,” Arthur said, finally smiling with the relief that he had somehow managed to conduct a wedding without any major disasters happening. “With the power invested in me as king, I now pronounce you married. Congratulations.”
You barely heard the end of his sentence as you pulled Gwaine in to kiss him. There was only the deafening roar of your friends cheering and applauding and laughing to celebrate your happiness.
Gwaine pulled back slightly, just enough so he could look into your eyes. “We’re married.”
“We are.”
He laughed, and it had already been a day full of it, but his was the most joyous you had ever heard. “We’re actually married!”
“Only took us five years,” you grinned, and then you kissed him again.
“I think Merlin is actually drunk,” Leon said from his spot beside Gwaine.
You glanced over at the boy in question, who seemed very interested in the workings of a fork.
“Not yet, but he’s close,” Gwaine, expert on the workings of alcohol, commented. “How much do you want to bet he’s going to end up snogging Arthur?”
“None, I hope,” the king himself said, having heard the comment. “Gwaine, I know you’re oblivious, but surely you have noticed that Merlin only has eyes for Lancelot.”
Lancelot, sitting next to you, turned bright red. “I have no idea what you’re all talking about.”
You bumped your shoulder against his. “Of course you don’t. I’d be careful, though. Merlin is determined enough when he’s sober.”
Lancelot merely groaned and dropped his forehead on the table, much to everyone’s amusement, and you patted his shoulder sympathetically.
For once, you didn’t mind it being a long night. It was good, everyone was happier than you had seen them in a long time.
You watched as Percival, Leon, and Arthur made a bet to see who could down their ale the fastest. Arthur won, and then made a beeline for the nearest window to throw up. Gwen moved to stand beside him, and you wondered how long it would take before they got married. There was nothing stopping them anymore.
At some point, you caught Merlin heading over to Lancelot and you gave him a quick heads-up, at which point Lancelot fled the scene. He spent the rest of the night trying to avoid a very drunk Merlin, and it might have just been one of the funniest things you’d ever get to see.
Gaius called it an early night. “If Merlin passes out, I’d appreciate it if one of you would be so kind to put him somewhere he isn’t at risk of dying.”
“Well, he’s not picky,” Gwaine whispered to you, and you snorted.
“Of course he isn’t, it’s the best he can hope for.”
Eventually, you felt yourself growing tired as well. Arthur was still puking in a bucket Gwen had found for him, muttering about how he would never drink again. Elyan was yawning, but still making conversation with his sister. Percival and Leon had passed out with their heads on the table, and you’d seen Lancelot carry Merlin who-knows-where earlier. You thought it was telling that he hadn’t returned after.
“What do you say we call it night?” Gwaine asked softly.
“Best idea you’ve had all year,” you mumbled, sentence cut in half by a yawn.
Gwaine chuckled and got up, pulling your chair back for you and holding out a hand to help you up.
You blamed the exhaustion for losing your balance as you tripped forward, but Gwaine easily caught you and held you against him.
“Someone had a bit too much to drink,” he teased, his voice hardly more than a low rumble in his chest.
You could hear his heartbeat when you shook your head. “I’m just tired.”
“Sure, love,” he said, and before you could protest, he had hooked his arm around your knees and lifted you into his arms.
“What the- Gwaine!”
“If you’re so tired you can barely stand, you shouldn’t have to walk back to our chambers.”
“I can walk,” you protested, but you had to admit this was nice.
“Yes, but why should you?”
You decided you’d protested enough and buried your face in the crook of his neck, his soft hair tickling your cheek.
The peace didn’t last very long, however, as Gwaine slammed into the wall.
“And you thought I was drunk,” you muttered, not opening your eyes but smiling when he shivered at the feeling of your breath against his neck.
“I’m not drunk,” he indignantly said. “Merely a little… a little…”
You hummed and he shivered again, and it took all you had not to giggle.
“(Y/N), I love you, but if you keep doing that I’m going to drop you.”
He bumped into a doorframe.
“Seems like you might drop me either way,” you whispered, wrapping your arm around his neck to make sure he didn’t actually drop you.
“Doorframe,” you warned dryly, and this time Gwaine managed to avoid it.
“We’re almost there.”
“Good, otherwise we might’ve ended up breaking something.”
Gwaine huffed and you tilted your head to kiss his jaw, which was the wrong thing to do because he pivoted into another wall.
“We’re here,” he said, kicking open the door to your chambers and stumbling inside.
He all but dropped you on your bed and collapsed beside you. For a few minutes, you both just lied there, staring up at the ceiling. Then you fel Gwaine turn towards you.
“Did you have a good day?”
You turned to face him as well. “Yeah. You?”
“Best day of my life,” he whispered, so close that his breath brushed against your cheek.
“Me too.” You reached over to take his hand, intertwining your fingers. “Best day of my life.”
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neocrush · 3 years
— the girl groups enhypen’s gfs are in !
genre: fluff (angst on jungwon’s part) + established relationship (eventually lol)
pairings: idol!enhypen x fem!idol!reader
note: idk how to title this pls i thought of it while showering
tagging: @jeminiepabo @strwberrydinosaur
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you just finished performing and your members were in need of water bottles
you just finished performing and your members were in need of water bottles
you just finished performing and your members were in need of water bottles
but fucking mnet didn’t provide any inside of your dressing room??
but fucking mnet didn’t provide any inside of your dressing room??
but fucking mnet didn’t provide any inside of your dressing room??
so yves told you to ask for some from the artist in the dressing room next to yours
you knocked on the door without looking at the sign that showed who was in there
you asked for some water bottles and heeseung went “i’ll go get it!” and ran off to go get get them
jungwon just chuckled and went “hyung’s a really huge fan of your group, he kept on singing star on the way here”
you nodded at the younger one, impressed at the fact that you were popular among idols
the tall boy came back with a whole box full of water bottles
“there’s 12 of you here right now so i figured why not get a whole box” he chuckled nervously
you giggled and smiled at the nervous boy
“thank you heeseung-ssi, i’ll take this to my members” you took the box in your hands but was taken aback on how heavy it was
“don’t worry i’ll carry it for you”
long after that you started hanging out and boom you became his gf
you couldn’t resist the charms of lee heeseung
once it was revealed that you were a couple, orbits and engenes went INSANE (in a good way ofc)
“wait so y/n DOESNT hate men????”
★ jay - aespa
you both met at school after you both debuted
everyone was gossiping around about how you were in the same class with the enhas
so like... monster rookies class
usually idols aren’t seated together but the teacher seated you and jay next to each other
causing a bunch of “oooohhhs” from your classmates
there were times were you and the enhas would leave school early due to practice or schedules
and on the way to the school gate, jay would always spark up a conversation with you
you assumed he was just very friendly
long story short he had a massive crush on you
so a few months into your friendship (which the both of you were very open about with your fans), he confesses
y’all were just really blind lol pls read between the lines
anyways on to ur lovely bf !!
he’s so bold and brave around you but so shy around your members and seniors
we all know how he really respects nct (along with other sm artists) bc he covered the 7th sense with sunghoon on iland
so one day you were like “oh btw i showed taeyong sunbae you and hoon’s t7s cover”
he was like 😟 to 😧 to 😯
got all shy and was like “oh what did he say..”
you don’t know why he was acting as if he didn’t body that whole performance ????
anyway you told him that taeyong said that he and hoon did really well and that he liked how jay did his part
hid his face on the crook of your neck
“baby we should come say hi to them next time you go to sm”
“NO i will make a fool out of myself”
speaks english and japanese with giselle a lot when he isn’t occupied with you
sometimes you’d even have to ask nct’s shotaro to translate
your seniors (especially exo’s kai) adore him so so much pls protect the boy at all costs
★ jake - everglow
he was an active viewer of produce 48 and (like me) was really attached to the yuehua trainees
especially you
so when you got eliminated just before the last episode, he was devastated to say the least
he awaited your debut and when the time came he supported everglow !!!!
does the killing part choreo in his room when no one’s watching lol
dies everytime you do the little “everglow” in songs
right so when he debuted in enha, he looked forward to meeting you as an idol and not a fan
when you shared a dressing room at kcontact, he couldn’t help but introduce himself to you
he mentioned he was a big fan and your heart warmed
cute boy is a fan of you? omg heart go brr brr
your members tease you and you just shake it off
that day when you got back to the dorms, you watched a bunch of enhypen videos bc you were interested in jake
you weren’t aware of how popular you were among people - let alone idols so you were surprised
you fell in love with his personality and started saying hi to him whenever you meet backstage at music shows
not long after, you develop feelings for him
you thought it was just a puppy crush but as you saw him even more, it got serious
you never actually confessed but aisha accidentally spilled the beans when he was passing by
“cmon y/n just tell him you like him because he clearly feels the same !!”
“you like me?”
“that’s my queue to leave”
so she leaves you two to pour your hearts out to each other
you two become a couple and forevergenes (such a cute name omg) LOVE you two
you’re both the puppies of your group so that makes your relationship 103892x cuter
you met his parents and they adore you and even asked for your autograph
“jake used to talk about how great you are after every produce 48 episode”
“okayyyy i think that’s enough embarassing me mom”
his parents love you like their own daughter but does layla love you?
you were so nervous to meet her and was actually scared she might not like you - knowing how important layla is to jake
at first layla ignored you and jake was like “she’ll come around”
you were convinced she just doesn’t like you, until this one time you were cuddling with jake on the couch and layla comes in
you expected her to snuggle up with jake but she came to you :D
now layla is super fond of you and mrs sim would even send you pictures and videos of layla getting excited whenever you were on tv 🥺
★ sunghoon - itzy
you and the girls were at isac
the six of you were just waving at your fans and making heart signs with your hearts
on your left you saw yeji making hearts with ryujin so you wanted to do that with another member too
you felt a presence next to you and assumed it was someone from your group
spoiler alert: it wasn’t
sunghoon and sunoo were waving at engenes who just happened to be seated next to midzys
so you turned to who you thought was an itzy member, making half a heart with your hand
until you realized it wasn’t 💀
you bowed and apologized when you both looked at each other, you were scared you crossed a boundary
you bowed and apologized to the engenes who were there too
sunghoon and sunoo reassured you it was all good
after that, sunghoon couldn’t help but keep his eyes on you the entire event
when the day was coming to an end, he pulled some strings and ended up having some alone time with you ...in stray kids’ dressing room
don’t ask
ofc skz already left so it was just you two there
fast forward, you both hit it off and he became your bf <3
midzys and engenes love you both sm and love bragging about you two to other fandoms
you two were even named the king and queen of 4th gen kpop
oh also
you already know where this is going
brags about how he can do the shoulder dance in wannabe
ofc it’s bc you personally taught him
sends you pics of jyp as reaction pics
so you send pics of bang pdnim to him
every once in a while he reminds you of that video of jay why pee trying to hit a high note
“lmao that’s your boss”
PLS you always get super embarrassed so ofc you bring up that vid of hitman bang
“rAp dAncE-“
★ sunoo - stayc
you were his seatmate at school predebut
you came from the same town, same school, same neighborhood, etc
the two of you were extremely close and both shared the same dream
when highup entertainment accepted you, the both of you were over the moon
he was so happy for you
but sad too bc that meant you had to move to seoul :(
you promised him to do your best and that you hoped to see him again but as an idol
and hopefully when he’s an idol too
well what you hoped for came true !!
although you couldn’t see him much as a trainee - which made you quite sad - you got to follow his journey on i-land
you even asked your fellow trainees to vote for him
anyways now that you both debuted, you became close again and became really open with your fans on how close you were
you recommended his songs to swiths and he did the same to engenes
he even memorized the choreo to so bad and asap and lemme tell you this
he BEGGED you to teach him those choreos
“sunoo you can watch the practice on youtube”
“but i want to learn it from you”
he never really realized his feelings until he saw you getting shipped with his other members
you were both on weekly idol and the hosts really seemed to like how you and jake looked next to each other and they just teased you both the whole episode
that made sunoo feel uneasy and he thought it was only bc he was an overprotective best friend
turns out he had feelings for you (wow shocker)
so one day he asks you to come to hybe
after slightly getting lost, you meet up with him in a practice room
he confesses bc he felt like not telling you about his feelings would put a wall between you two
you appreciate his honesty and tell him you’ve felt the same way every since you were classmates
he scolds himself for not seeing it all those years but you just laugh it off bc you were pretty good at hiding your crush
you both agree to secretly date, until you both announce it on your five month anniversary
fans were really shocked at first... but they support you !!!!
engenes will not hesitate to come at anyone who talks bad about you and swiths feels the same way about jungwon
he gushes about you every single time you’re brought up
and you can’t help but love your adorable boyfriend
★ jungwon - iz*one
okay so
he was just an average high schooler when you were introduced on produce 48
his deskmate was watching your audition video and it was the part where you were doing this freestyle
he was SO amazed and he secretly followed your journey on produce 48
always made sure to vote on time and watch the episodes live
once the debut evaluation came around, he asked everyone he knew to vote for you and even bought tickets to see the show live
almost cried when he saw that you were center
ACTUALLY CRIED when you got into the top 13 😭
fast forward to him debuting in enha
he wasn’t able to catch up on you since he was busy with trainee life, then i-land, then debut preparations
but somehow in the middle of promotions he ran into you and BOOM love at first sight
fast forward to you finally dating, he couldn’t believe he was dating the y/n of iz*one
wizones make those “ladies and gentlemen, y/n’s man” edits and engenes make those “ladies and gentlemen, jungwon’s woman” edits
both fandoms love you two so dearly that the only hate you two got were from the delusional ones (who clearly aren’t actual fans)
when your last concert came around, he couldn’t bare seeing you cry when you said “this has been iz*one’s y/n, thank you everyone!”
he got flashbacks from when you cried during the final episode of produce 48 and he’s just.. sobbing bc he couldn’t be there to hold you
so the next day he rushed to your dorms with snacks and emotional support bc you were emotionally exhausted from accepting the fact that your journey with iz*one is finally ending
you felt extremely lucky to be in his arms and he felt extremely lucky too that he’s able to make you feel a little better
★ riki - weeekly
you were both on weekly weeekly idol together
and both you and riki being main dancers, you were asked to do random dance together
a few popular songs played and the both of you did the choreos
until after school started playing and the boy did the chorus’ choreo and you were like “woah???”
bc he was so INTO ITTTT
the song was basically made for him to cover it
and the mcs saw your reaction so they asked him to do it once again but this time with the whole group
after filming, he came up to you and was like “i’m a huge fan of yours” and you’re just like ):&/£]>\**_£]
“woah really???? i rooted for you on i-land”
and his face just lights up bc his huge crush on you developed even more
you became besties since then but he didn’t ask you out until your birthday
he took you out to a puppy café, knowing you were obsessed with dogs
you’d ask him to show you pictures and videos of bisco
“i better meet bisco once we go to japan together”
melted at the thought of traveling to his hometown with you
once you left the café, he kissed you in front of your dorms
and somehow he became your boyfriend <3
riki as a bf isn’t really a very public person
he’s the “this is our relationship, not the public’s” type of person
he doesn’t wanna risk companies wanting to exploit your relationship
although he doesn’t talk about you two much, he loves to brag about you when given the chance
whenever variety show hosts would fawn over you he’d just look them in the eyes dead and go “she’s mine”
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Keeping Up With Seijoh Pt. 10
a/n: based on this post uwu
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okay so
the way this is set up is basically seijoh simping for you
also they have their own separate gc just for them bc they dont want you to see them just simping for you
even tho oiks ltr does that everyday
but hes not ready for that conversation
there was a few times that you were kinda curious as to what was in the chat
but they would click off and they would blush before diverting you to a different conversation
this might sound hella weird and creepy
idk bout yall but i think its cute that they take random pictures of you doing the sinplest things
this all started bc of one picture
from baby aki-kun
so basically you stayed behind with kunimi during monday to just study and you sat in front of him while sharing his desk
babie took a pic of you just studying and he sent it to the gc with no context
its a known fact that seijoh doesnt practice during mondays so they were all doing something out of school
but they were all missing you so seeing you with kunimi fueled jealousy in everyone
even kyo
oikawa blew up in the chat and was keyboard smashing
the others were just teasing him like hes lucky youre with him
but behind the screen, they were blushing and red and envious and AAAAA
thus spurred on some sort of competition
like they would send the chat pictures of you like 'hA TAKE THAT SHES WITH ME'
unbeknowst to you, these boys have folders of just cute candid pics of you
oikawas insta is filled of you and his snap is full of you in his story and his tiktok is full of screaming simp rants about you
the tiktok comments are all like, 
random ones like him doing a day in my life type of vids and you appearing and everyone can just see the small blush on his face and the bashful yet happy smile on his lips
its really adorable
but the real ones know that shes been appearing in his insta since day 1
thats practically your account now 
its more of a fan account for you and a lot of people from aoba johsai follow that account since you dont have an official one yet so they all simp for you there
the pictures were all from everyone like the boyz group chat was a haven for your candids
you did think it was strange that the boys would constantly ask to take pictures with you and everyone was just trying to get a pic to have aesthetic couple pics w you
and they would put it as their wallpaper or lockscreen
oooo i mentioned this in the post too that iwa and you went to the gym and you guys took a mirror pic
after, you didnt really like the gym bc its just hard yanno?
iwa went back and while he was setting up his weights and equipments, his gym buddy noticed his phone light up causing your picture to show up
'oh? is that your girlfriend, iwaizumi?'
duh he doesnt have a girlfriend so he was like 🤨 until he saw his phone
the lockscreen was blaringly bright and your 'couple pic' was showing with the notifications
totally not oikawa blowing up their group chat bc he was with you
ofc babie hajime got all flustered and he blushed before shaking his head
he mumbled and his buddy laughed before clapping his back
'well, you obviously like her so do somethinf about it before someone does'
dont you think he doesnt know that?
also with mattsun!
this mans works in a cute cafe that this old granny owns and this thought has been living in my head rent free
and he was working during the weekend at the cafe
there were other people there but granny loves him bc hes been working there sibce he was like 15 and she took care of him a lot
he was like a grandson
so while he was serving, this granny was manning the cashier and checking people out
issei's phone was there on the table behind the counter and it started glowing at the indication of the messages being received
'have a nice day-oh!'
she noticed it right there and she saw the picture on his lockscreen
you were probably being carried by him due to your levelness with his height and you were kissing his cheek while issei smiled brightly
that was a picture you both took during an outing at the mall and the sunset behind you was just perfect to take a picture in
poor granny was like 'oop dont look at the messages' so she turned it over to not go to his privacy
there again you were
it was a polaroid of you two and he was backhugging you at school
hint? 👀
she knew issei was a very handsome young man so there shouldnt have been a surprise that he would be dating someone
can we name this granny?
granny inko lol
okay so granny inko saw issei coming over to rest the serving board thing and she beckoned him over
mattsun nodded and leaned over the counter to see what she wanted only to be greeted with a flick to the forehead
‘oW what was that for?’
he whined while holding the spot
granny inko tutted disapprovingly before crossing her arms
‘youve been working all week this week when you could’ve taken time off to spend it with your pretty lady. is this how men are nowadays? didn’t i teach you right to treat women properly?’
duh baby mattsun was confused like O_O
his dumb question made her grab the phone and place it on the counter in front of him
‘your girlfriend, child. women need attention constantly and as much as you want that money, is it worth losing that smile full of happiness?’
okay stop it granny im getting emotional
more like disagreeing bc that wouldnt put food on the table BUT ANYWAYS
baby issei was surprisingly embarassed and scratched his neck
‘um,, baa-chan,,,,, she’s not my girlfriend’
he flustered and gave her an awkward smile
granny inko shot him a confused look and tapped the phone
‘well, she looks like she is. and if not, better hurry your move, boy. girls that make men happy like that only comes as rare as a good scratch ticket’
i do not encourage gambling so please save your money kids
you know what
these boys do that just to actually feel like it
okay thats confusing so imma explain it in greater detail
whenever someone mistakes you as their girlfriend, it makes them feel like you are for that split second and its just an addicting feeling
its like what if you were their girlfriend?
i mean, youre already the whole team’s girlfriend but theyre greedy brats and just want you for themselves
kyo def has a selfie of you both with the doggie filter but it was actually you who took it while he was just staring at you in the background
that was his lockscreen for like the rest of his high school career
he was actually in a fight and during it, his phone fell off to the ground and conveniently oikawa messaged causing it to light up
one of the thugs had their hands gripping kyo’s collar and was pushing him against the wall while the others were surrounding them
they saw the phone flash and kyo cursed at the terrible timing and he made a mental note on killing oikawa later
a guy picked it up and he smirked, seeing the pretty smile of a pretty girl
‘heh? whats this?’
kyotani pushed the guy who was holding him but other two surged towards him and held him tighter
their leader snatched the device and chuckled
‘oh. its that bitch from his school. what is it’
he snaps his fingers as he tries to remember before stopping
‘aha! l/n y/n!’
kyo growled
‘shut up!’
the guy grinned at him and tapped the phone against kyo’s chin
‘oh yea. i heard shes a cutie. most people here know her, kid. now we know shes connected to you and guess what. you cross us again, she’ll take your place as you are right now. orrrr, we can,,, use her as our pet. thats how she is in your team, right? so let us have a turn. maybe we can send you a pic, hm?’
yea no that wasnt happening
kyotani easily beat those people up after because even just saying that unleashes power he didnt know he had
‘bastard. youre lucky this is just a warning. you touch her and i will kill you’
he landed one last kick on the guy’s face before taking the phone and leaving
now he has to figure out how to hide the bruises
you fussed later and he didnt tell you the reason instead just saying they said something that made him angry
you were a person he didnt want to disappoint and he knows how much it hurts you to see him in that state
that was one of the things he hated but loved at the same time
you were such an empath that you would treat him and wince as if you were the one feeling the pain instead of him
and it made him feel special
you were one of the few things he holds close and he would be damned if anything happened to you because of him
the group chat was actually just blowing up with more screaming and the third years yelling at each other with the first years just casually reading the texts
they were used to the arguments within the team and you would remain so naive with the whole thing
kunimi is the type to keep silent and he didnt really care about anyone getting angry if you were spending time with him
but he does get annoyed if you were with kindaichi because you three were a package lol
like when kindaichi and you were at the arcade, this kid walked all the way there just because he didnt want kindaichi to hog you to himself
duh you thought this was adorable and endearing bc they wanted to hang out w you
no LUV theyre greedy brats who gets jealous over yOU
so like i mentioned before that you and makki would walk over to the bakery and you guys would buy food there and such
and its also canon in here that makki only shares his food with you and no one else lol
because when you eat the puffs, you put one in each cheek and it makes you look so adorable like a squirrel
sorry but squirrels are so cute like AAAAA
makki takes so many pictures of you and a lot are surprise shots where your eyes would be wide with cheeks full of food
aaaaa so cute
like you and makki sat down on a bench in the park across the bakery and you excitedly dug in to your own treat
makki chuckled at your excitement but he placed his hand on you arm to stop you
‘y/n-chan. say aaa’
you lit up and let him put the puff in your mouth and thought he was done but was surprised when there were two
you happily chewed it and went back to looking at your treats
but makki interrupted you again by calling you out
the nickname made your eyes widen with red painting your cheeks and the shutter of the camera made you realize what he did
you whined and he laughed
makki had a lovestruck smile on his face and he wiped the bit of creme on the corner of your lip
‘gotta take care of my princess~’
but we gotta give love to the second years :’)
ive mentioned that watari is the only person to ever go into your house right?
well, he comes over to cook and such so you guys spend time making food for the team 
watari takes this opportunity to take pictures of you cooking and the group chat cries bc its so domestic and they all start having the same thoughts
they really said seijoh braincells
it was like seeing a glimpse of a possible future for them
you, wearing an apron, cooking on the stove with your hair thrown in whatever with baggy clothes
thats like you someday being their wife and waking up one morning to see you there cooking in the kitchen
oikawa swears he had a dream that night because of that picture and he continuously thanks watari for YEARS because of that picture
okay are you curious about the dream?
oikawa woke up in an unfamiliar bed in a foreign room 
he felt his bones crack when he stretched and his hand extended out to a side that was still quite warm
somebody must be sleeping next to him
then he stood up, catching his reflection in the mirror in front of the bed
why would there be a mirror there hmmmm????
he noticed he had a bigger build and his hair was longer
then came the itch of the facial hair that he swore wasnt there a minute ago
this guy even checked out his butt and to his surprise, wow
obviously he was confused and a part of him thought this was the future
tooru walked to the door to go into the hallway and concluded, yep, this was not his house
then he heard music being played somewhere and a mixture of voices coming from a room
sounded like a woman and children
he stops at the top of the stairs, suddenly hit of the thought that this voice was so familiar
tooru walked downstairs and stopped when down the hallway in front of the steps led to the kitchen where the voices seemed to lead to
‘mama! mama! mama! toast! i wan toast!’
‘in a bit, darling. just let me finish flipping the pancake’
the song was lo-fi with the volume being turned low enough to hear the voices fine
tooru wandered down the hallway and he stopped, finally seeing the owners of those voices
there was a handsome little boy sitting on the chair by the island and his brown hair was a mess of wild curls
there was a woman with h/c hair swaying to the tune and a beautiful little girl curled up in her arms while sitting on her hip
oikawa spoke out and caught everyone’s attention
‘papa’s awake!’
‘hello tooru’
tooru froze
that was you
he knows it’s you
he whispered and you looked back at him from the pan
‘yes? if youre looking for coffee, we ran out apparently’
that was not what he was talking about
he hastily walked over to the boy and he blinked rapidly
‘you look like me’
he mumbled and the child grinned
‘eung! papa  and yozo look the same! mama and nana say so!’
feeling like all the attention was on him, the little girl whined and her hands made grabby motions to him
‘pa pa’
she whined and tooru just felt something in him that screamed to hold the kid
you shushed the little girl
‘dont worry, looney loon. papa’s right there’
tooru stayed frozen at his spot and you raised an eyebrow at him
‘tooru? luna wants you’
that snapped him out of his trance and he held the little girl in his arms where she smiled at him and then he felt tears welling up in his eyes
then he woke up
okay sorry that was a long dream
so this dragged on for so long already okay
this was only meant to be small but aaaaa i couldnt help itt!!!!
but anyways!
the boys are just simps for you and theyre creeps that take pictures of you and they think about you all the time pls accept their love
also a mild continuation of the dream:
oikawa was holding luna and she was happily laying there when another figure emerged from the hallway
he asked, surprised
what was he doing here?
iwa heard his name and grunted before going to a beeline for you
you smiled at him and he leaned in to give you a kiss to which oikawa froze in
iwa noticed his best friend holding his daughter and luna saw her father there
she shrieked and tooru blanched
‘uh, what?’
iwa extended his hands out to hold the girl but tooru held her tightly and leaned back
haji narrowed his eyes
‘um, give me my daughter, oikawa’
he grumbled and tooru shook his head
‘no! shes my daughter!’
you blinked
‘your god daughter, yes. but she’s half of your best friend, tooru’
half of his-
god? daughter?
‘so that means-’
‘piece it together, oikawa. did ya get brain damage or something? babe, call the doctor’
oikawa screamed
a/n: lol look WHO ROSE FROM THE GRAVEEEEEEE :) anyways. i really want to deeply apologize to everyone for taking an unexpected break and i shouldve told you guys and im really sorry :( everythings just chaotic lmao and im just like taking a breath for a second uwu and im so AMAZED at how many people still follow me even tho ive been gone for so long like bls yall are real ones :’) i love you all and the req box is still closed at this time as i need to finish the ones i have first soo thankyou for reading thiss and hopefully ill update soonerr!!! :)))
also not me completely messing up my kuws and missing 8 and 9 in my masterlist and having a mindblowing realization that i have 10 keeping up with seijoh fics
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realcube · 4 years
haikyuu boys with a professional volleyball player! s/o 🏆
characters: kuroo, bokuto, kita, oikawa & sakusa 
tw// swearing
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thank you anon for this awesome request!
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Tetsurō Kuroo
he’d tell all his teammates about you and none of them would care
well, lev would care - he’d be so excited and asking for kuroo to get him your autograph but yaku would just be like ‘you don’t actually believe him, do you? 🙄’
so yeah, yaku would convince lev and yamamoto that you were just a figment of kuroo’s imagination
and he did the job well bc kuroo was definitely annoyed
he’d be waving his phone around, desperately trying to show lev and yamamoto the selfies he took with you but they’d just be like 😑
then he finally convinced you to come visit him at practise to put an end to his humiliation
so you appeared one day and kuroo was so hyped
but not as hyped as yamamoto
he has hot-ppl senses which tingled when you entered the room so he was the first to greet you while kuroo was sitting setting up the nets
he was literally all over you
‘woah 😍 your thigh are so toned’
‘uh thank you ???’
and kuroo was not here for it
yamamoto fkn shits himself and runs ✌🏃‍♂️💨
then kuroo picks you up bridal style and parades you around the gym, rubbing it in everyone’s face - especially yaku and lev
‘guys, do you see this? my totally REAL s/o! who’s been to NATIONALS!! uhuh. all mine, y’all.’
yaku is so ticked off and definitely goes to snitch him out to Nekomata
and lev is just so awed, ‘(y/n) is real???’
for a moment he thought he was dreaming too until kenma purposefully hit him with a ball
‘put me down, tetsurō.’ you groaned, folding your arms over your chest
he obeyed, gently setting you down on your feet before pecking your lips, ‘ok, well, i should probably get back to practise now - train hard so hopefully one day i can be as good as you.’ he joked, teasingly emphasising the ‘you’.
you playfully punched his arm before turning on your heels to head out, ‘you wish!’
although he’ll always joke about how amazing you are in comparison to him but he genuinely admires you 🤩
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Kōtarō Bokuto
he hypes you up to his team constantly
they’ve literally never even met you and they are being asked all these questions from bokuto lol
‘hey onaga, did you see (y/n) at their nationals game the other day?’
onage flinched upon being jump-scared by his captain, then choked out a little white lie, ‘uh yeahhh.’
bokuto’s face lit up, ‘great! they were so amazing during the third set, weren’t they? what was your favourite part?’
onaga froze, ‘uhh- oh, i think i hear anahori calling me to help him practise his sets! gotta go.’ then he proceeded to bolt off
bokuto shrugged it  off at first as he shouldn’t complain bc a teammate dropped a conversation to continue training with anahori - i mean, onaga came to volleyball club to practise so he wasn’t obligated to make conversation with bokuto
but while he was saying his goodbyes to everyone as they left the gym to go home, it hit him-
‘bye, komi! buh-bye, washio! and goooodbyeeee, konoha.’ bokuto let out a relived sigh as he had now finished saying his partings which meant he could lock the gym then go home, ‘wait-- ANAHORI DIDN’T EVEN COME TO PRACTISE TODAY! ONAGA!’
bokuto was deeply disheartened that his own teammate would lie to him - to get out of a conversation about you, no less
he just wanted them all to love you as much as he does
like..he’s your biggest fan!!!
~ even post-timeskip ~
he’d show up to all of your games wearing your jersey and some of the eagle-eyed press would try talk to him
they’d interview him about his own affair or about the MSBY Black Jackals but he genuinely has no interest in talking about that bc today is your day and he is here to support you
‘are you and your team hopeful to attend Olympics despite player Miya’s rumoured injury? and disclose whether these rumours are factual?’
sakusa decked atsumu after he joked about having covid-
the interview shoved and waved a microphone in bokuto’s face while he just stared at them blankly like ◉_◉
after a while bokuto stuffed a handful of popcorn in his mouth and chuckled, ‘don’t know! but the game is about to begin, shhh!-’ he hushed the interviewer, instinctively swatting the microphone away as he stood up in the stands to cheer for you, ‘WOOOO! GO, (Y/N)!’  
then he turned to the interviewer who stood frozen with a dumbfounded look on his face, ‘THAT’S MY LOVERRRR!’ he screamed into the microphone so loudly that all the press naturally backed off
and please do the same for him when the press approach you at his games 🙏
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Shinsuke Kita
ofc he dates a volleyball player player-
he is such an ushijima
he is ushijima if he wasn’t left-handed
he doesn’t really brag about you too often at practise but he feels so proud when you win a game then he comes to practise the next day and his teammates tell him to pass on a congratulations
also he always comes to your games
no matter how minor or how large
you’d think you could both bond a lot over volleyball and you did that in the beginning
but over time - especially when you started playing volleyball professionally - you found other things to bond over and saved volleyball for work
he probably runs a (y/n) stan page AEIVBARTBV
like he is literally a rice farmer- you are under the impression that he doesn’t even know what facebook is
and he’s good at selling the act too
‘did you see the picture of us i posted on my instagram?--’ you asked, taking another spoonful of your cereal
‘insta what?’ kita inquired without hesitation
then as soon as you exit the room, he’ll log onto his (y/n) twitter stan account
ok ok sorry i’ll stop now
anyway he ALWAYS tries to ensure that the first thing you eat after a big game is something that he cooks
and if you go out with your team to eat after a game to celebrate a victory, he’ll try at act sweet but he’s lowkey shady tbh
‘congratulations on your victory, (y/n). and to many more’ he lifted his glass and so did you
but just as you were about to take a sip, kita interjected, ‘but that is going to be difficult if you keep filling your body with junk rather than healthy, organi--’
‘ok.’ he took a sip of his drink in your honour
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Tōru Oikawa
again, when you and oikawa first started dating, volleyball was one of the only things y’all talked about
but now that you were both doing it professionally, it was basically banned in your home
well, the the game itself wasn’t banned but i mean, why would you do something all day then come back to talk about it more?
you both might adore volleyball but everything has it’s limits lol
anyway, oikawa is another one that is extra af when they come to your games
he probably makes a sign and paints his face in your team colours
and when you come out onto the court, he’ll blow you a kiss and if you don’t blow one back he’ll be so offended lmao
bc he always makes a big deal out blowing you a kiss or winking at you as soon as he steps out onto the court
it’s basically a thing he does for good luck at this point
also, if there are ever ppl trying to take pictures of y’all in public- oikawa is the first to make a big show for them
like he’s all up on you 
he’ll dip you then push his lips against you for a passionate kiss, in front of the ppl and they always go fkn crazy
he thinks he is like..Beyoncé famous...which he is not
please humble him 
but nicely 
but y’all only get attention around summertime when you are frequently playing big games 
like if oikawa leaves the house a week you competed in a big game- he’ll literally get swamped with ppl asking about you 
but contrarily, if you both leave the house in winter literally no one would even spare you a glance
on a RARE occasion, someone might sneakily snap a photo but that’s it
so you get the best of both worlds :))
also, if you’re an ace and he’s ever feeling down, if you ask him to set for you for a bit and you compliment one/all of his sets, he’ll literally feel so much better 
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Kiyoomi Sakusa 
sometimes you both come back from a rough day at work, slump on the couch and watch TV together
after showering, changing, dinner etc
he’s not nna come anywhere near you if he thinks there is a chance he might be stinky from practise 
he turned on the TV and it just so happened to be on an Live volleyball game in some language that neither of you understood
he’d snake his arms around your shoulders and pull you close to his chest, satisfied by your synced breathing 
he’d press a single kiss against your jaw before shifting his attention onto the channel
you’d lay there in his arms, both of you seeming content in each other’s presence while watching the game
in reality though, neither of you were actually absorbing anything that was happening on the court - you were just staring blankly at the TV
the TV simply served as background noise to your cuddling
tbh he was way more interested in hearing the sound of your heart beat peacefully against his chest 
after a while, if he gets bored, he might finally break the silence by inquiring about your day
but if he doesn’t, you’d probably end up falling asleep in his arms, forcing him to sleep on the couch bc he’s doesn’t want to risk moving and waking you up 🥺
anyway, he’s another one that likes to save volleyball for work then leave it by the door as soon as you step inside the house 
but he’s not as uptight about it as oikawa or kita
like he’ll happily put on a volleyball match for you guys to watch if he thinks the player’s techniques are impressive
also, if the weather is nice, if you ask him to come out and practise with you for a bit and he’ll say yes 🤠
but actually 🤔 now that is think about it, if you guys had a pool in your back garden sakusa would definitely make the most of it
you’ll humbly ask him spike for you on a nice sunny day and he’ll be like
‘volleyball? really? we bought this expensive ass house with a pool which we can only use 4 out the 365.25 days of the year and you want to play volleyball? don’t you do that like..every work day.’
what can i say? man likes getting his moneys worth 🤷‍♂️
‘so is that a no to volleyball?’ you’d ask
*cue sakusa picking you up bridal style and dropping you into the pool*
then you play pool volleyball 👍
as for your games, he turns up in casual wear 😔
disappointed but not surprised
you’ll jokingly be like ‘hey! why aren’t you wearing my team colours? how are people gonna know who you’re cheering for?’ which is fair bc you turn up to all his games with his MSBY black jackals jersey with one of those foam pointy fingers with his number on it
MANS WOULD POINT TO HIS FKN WEDDING RING LIKE ‘our team colours right here.’
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gamerwoo · 4 years
[Tales from the Pack] Hansol: Fire and Ice (Part Six)
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Characters: Hansol x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, angst, the smallest bit of fluff just bc hansol’s optimistic and a sweetheart
Word count: 2,420
Summary: You’ve always been one to let your emotions get the best of you – your power reflects that – and you’ve never been good at expressing them. That’s why you always thought you’d be awful with a mate, but you never thought things would be this awful.
a/n: things in bold are in english. also this takes place the same night as the last part but it explains where hansol was when minghao couldn’t find him, and what happened to his mate after she woke up. AND it does talk about rika and baekhyun and i used to have a series for them called amend buuuut i also took that down to redo it lmao so there’s not really much backstory on them other than what i have for star crossed so if you’re confused, that’s ok lmao 
Previous | Next | Fire and Ice Masterlist
Hansol sat on the lawn as he usually did, staring up at the stars. He always wondered if you were looking at the stars, too. He wondered if you even liked looking stars, or what you preferred looking at instead. Did you like watching the clouds or animals in the forest? Did you like watching snow fall in the winter or rain fall in the summer? Did you still find staring at the fire comforting and pleasing even though you could easily form it effortlessly at your fingertips?
You were all Hansol thought about, and truthfully, he waited up every night for you. He never once felt you were in danger, and he knew he could find you quickly if there was danger. But for now, he was giving you space. He was just hoping you’d come back to him. If you did, he’d go see that doctor your pack recommended. If not, then he’d already be dead before the pain could get any worse – unless the silver managed to kill him first, in which case, it wouldn’t really matter anyway.
Hansol heard the front door open and shut before he heard somebody walking in the grass. He could smell Seokmin’s scent, so he knew it was him coming over.
“I’m about to go to bed, and everyone else is already in their rooms,” he told the younger boy. “I just wanted to see if you needed anything.”
“Actually,” Hansol spoke up, peeling his gaze away from the night sky to look at Seokmin, “I’ve been thinking...”
“About what?” Seokmin wondered as he sat down beside his brother.
“It’s been about a week since everything,” he began, staring at the grass between the two of them, “so I think it’s safe to go look back at the old house.”
Seokmin didn’t understand why Hansol would feel any need going back there. No doubt everything would be burned to the ground. Any belongings they had were what was left in their house, or what was put there by your pack in preparation for them to move in.
“Look for what?” he asked.
Hansol’s golden eyes practically sparkled when he looked up at Seokmin, “Something of Jiung’s or Chanseong’s. I want to give it to _____.”
“When?” Seokmin scoffed. “I don’t mean to sound mean, Sol, but do you even know if she’ll come back to you?”
“I’d go leave it at the house,” he shrugged. “I won’t go see her if she doesn’t want me to, so I’d just leave it there and go.”
“What are you expecting to find, exactly? You know there won’t be any bodies.”
“There might be. Or maybe there’s something small that didn’t get completely burned. I don’t know.”
As Hansol pushed himself off of the ground, Seokmin looked up at him, “Are you leaving right now?”
“Yeah,” he shrugged. “Do you wanna come help me?”
Seokmin sighed but got up as well, “Somebody has to keep you out of trouble.”
“Okay, Mr. Thunder-and-Lightning,” Hansol chuckled as the two brothers walked closer to the edge of their property and into the woods, “I think you are the trouble.”
“Hey, I helped!” Seokmin insisted.
“Yeah, helped Jooyeon have a heart attack,” Hansol laughed as the two disappeared into the thick brush.
You woke from your nightmare with tears streaming down your face. You’d been doing this a lot lately: crying so hard you’d wake yourself up. But this time, it was better that you woke up in the middle of the night. It was the perfect time to slip out unnoticed.
Ever since that first day after Jiung died, you felt the alpha pull to Hanbin. It was supposed to be you, but it never was. You tried to pretend, but nothing changed. You were never fit to be an alpha like Jiung, but you knew Hanbin would do a good job to protect the others.
Before you left, you got out a pen and some paper and wrote a quick note to Rin. You knew this would have the biggest impact on her, but you couldn’t stay here. If you weren’t an alpha like you were supposed to be, what was the point? It was like you didn’t belong here, but you definitely knew you didn’t belong with Seungcheol’s pack – not after you denied Hansol. To be truthful, you didn’t even really feel the tie to the pack anymore, not after the two days spent with Hansol. So you were going to just…go. You didn’t know what you’d do, but you’d either figure it out eventually or you’d die – whichever came first.
But you also knew Rin would have her mate soon enough considering she often went out and followed him around. Sure, he didn’t know since Rin kept herself invisible, but just knowing where her mate was and knowing he was doing okay was what you assumed would help her cope. It was why she was hidden the entire time his pack was here: she didn’t want her mate to see her and imprint on her – not until she learned how to speak to him, at least. So you hoped she’d be okay after you left, and that she’d learn Korean to finally go introduce herself to him. He seemed like a nice enough guy, anyway. He’d definitely help her get better and would make sure she was happy.
When you read this, I’ll be gone. I don’t know where I’m going, but please don’t look for me. I know you’ll think I betrayed you by leaving, and I won’t try to make any excuses for myself. You were alone when Jiung and Chanseong you here, and all you had was us to rely on. I always promised to stick beside you, and I’m completely breaking that promise. I know you’ll hate me, and I deserve it. But I want you to know I still love you, and I hope you’ll do okay. And try not to stress so much – your mate will love you no matter what.
Please take care of yourself.
You left the note on your pillow before grabbing Jiung’s sweater that you left laying over the back of your chair, tugging it over your head, and going to the window. You pushed the window open before leaping out and landing softly on your feet before you ran into the woods, leaving behind your home, and the pack you used to consider family.
The wolves could already smell that burnt smell from the house, but they continued to run in their wolf forms until they were closer. They didn’t shift back until they reached the clearing where their house used to stand. But now, everything was reduced to rubble and ash.
“Shit…” Seokmin mumbled, looking around the plot of land they used to call home.
A place that once held bright and lively memories now looked dark and dead. They couldn’t believe this was the same place they used to run around and play. They couldn’t believe a large, warm house once stood here. On the other hand, they couldn’t believe that said house was now destroyed. It was all just a bunch of ash and useless pieces of debris.
“I’m gonna sift through some of this and see if there’s anything we can take back,” Seokmin said, gesturing toward the largest pile of dark ash.
Hansol just went over to where he last remembered seeing Jiung, all but ignoring Seokmin. There were small piles of ash around the house, which must’ve been all the dead or severely injured that they couldn’t save. There were even some detached body parts mixed in, but thankfully that stench was covered by the smell of the burned house that attacked his nose.
He reached the general area and got down on his bare knees, sifting through the ashes. He felt bad disturbing anything that might be a body, but he was determined to find something – anything – to make you feel like you could have even a little bit of closure. Hansol just wanted you to be happy.
Something suddenly caught his eye. It was something gold that shone in the moonlight above, which was what made him notice it. He brushed away some of the ash before picking up some sort of pendant on a thin gold chain. It was a plain gold circle, no bigger than a small coin, and it had Jiung’s first initial and your first initial engraved on it with a dot in between the two letters. Jiung and _____.
Hansol let the chain dangle from his teeth – he obviously didn’t have pockets, and that’s how he’d have to carry it in wolf form anyway – before searching through the rest in case there was anything else. He found a ring that had a date engraved on it as well. He wasn’t sure what it was, but he figured he should bring it just in case.
“Hansol!” Seokmin called as he rushed over with a few books in his arms. “I found a photo album, one of Danbi’s books, and a few picture frames that made it out.”
“Good job,” the younger wolf smiled. “Let’s get back to the house before sunrise, yeah?”
So the two shifted before Seokmin collected the small stack of things in his mouth, and the two raced off to their new home, happy with the small things they were able to find.
Hansol and Seokmin could hear their names being called before they even got close to home. They picked up their pace, Hansol howling to let them know they were nearby and safe.
When they finally made it back to the house, almost all the wolves were outside, waiting for the pair to return. Seokmin immediately dropped what he had in his mouth, but Hansol kept the ring and the necklace balanced carefully between his teeth.
Jihoon looked down at the ground, scanning over the things Seokmin brought before looking at the two wolves, “Did– Did you two go back to the house?! Are you kidding me?! You both could’ve gotten killed!”
Seokmin whined but Hansol didn’t regret it. He got what he was looking for.
“Jia’s been looking for you,” Seungcheol told Hansol.
The boy carefully placed the jewelry in the grass before shifting and collecting his two items, “Why?”
The eldest alpha sighed, running a hand through his dark hair, “_____ ran away from her pack.”
Hansol paused like he was trying to see if his instincts were about to suddenly warn him about his mate, but when nothing happened, he shrugged, “She’s okay.”
“What?” Soonyoung gasped. “You’re not even gonna go check on her?”
“No, she wants her space,” he insisted. “If something bad happens, then I’ll go find her, but until then, me smothering her won’t help.”
Junhui pointed at the gold pieces of jewelry that the younger wolf held, “What’re those?”
“They’re gifts,” he replied, smiling softly to himself as he looked down at the jewelry in the palm of his hand, “for _____.”
Maybe Rika was right. Maybe Baekhyun was the worst. Maybe you should’ve listened to the tiny mate whenever she complained about him. But you always found Baekhyun pretty enjoyable since he had about the same snarky attitude as Rin. But now, you were deciding to reconsider that.
Had he not had been sniffing around your property, you wouldn’t have been caught. Had he not been having issues with not only his mate -- if you could call her that -- and his pack, he wouldn’t have stopped you.
Had Chanyeol not been worried when he realized his brother was missing and gone out to find him, you would’ve gotten away.
“Can’t burn me if I burn too, _____,” Chanyeol sang as he forcefully carried you to their house.
But you had stressed that you didn’t want anyone knowing about this. Baekhyun couldn’t tell Rika, and neither of them could snitch on you to their pack. And considering the mental state they found you in, even Baekhyun knew not to double-cross you even though he just replied with, “I’ll think about it”.
Sneaking you inside was easy because the pack was asleep. So Chanyeol brought you up to Baekhyun’s room before setting you on the bed while Baekhyun shut the door. Then he turned to look at you, quirking an eyebrow while Chanyeol just studied you with furrowed brows.
“So...what happened?” Baekhyun quizzed.
He knew what happened to your alpha already. Their pack was friends with yours, and there was also the tie to Rika. But he didn’t understand what caused you to suddenly snap.
“I don’t have to tell you,” you told him, your arms crossed over your chest.
He shrugged, “Fair. But if you’re missing, I’m sure your pack will go looking for you when they realize, and then they’ll tell us what’s going on. And Rika will love me for saving her sister from a mental break.”
Your eyes widened, “I’m not going back.”
“You’re not going to do something stupid, either,” Chanyeol stated.
“I wasn’t!” you insisted. “I was just running away, okay?”
Baekhyun bit the inside of his cheek. He figured you must’ve realized that wasn’t the pack you belonged in anymore. They knew Hanbin was the alpha when they saw him last, sensing the authority radiating off of him and the way the pack acted around him. It was obvious.
But they didn’t know why you weren’t the alpha. So where did you belong?
“Is it because--”
“Where’re you gonna go?” Baekhyun cut off Chanyeol before he could ask a stupid question.
You just shrugged, “I don’t know. I can take care of myself, though.”
While Baekhyun would’ve rather just had you stay with them, he knew Junmyeon especially would ask a lot of question. And it was obvious you didn’t want to be bothered with that. Not only that, but he’d contact Hanbin.
Finally, he let out a sigh and grabbed your upper arm, “C’mon, let’s go.”
“Go where?” you asked.
He brought you to his bedroom door, whispering, “I’m gonna stay at the hut with you so I can know you’re safe, but so you’ll be away from everybody.”
You were surprised Baekhyun was doing something to help you, but you didn’t say anything else to him until you were out of the house and a good distance away. 
“Won’t your pack wonder where you went?” you pointed out.
He just shrugged, “Eh, probably not.”
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
Why do people ship Atsumu and Sakura/Osamu and Suna together? Did I miss something in the manga😭😭or something
It’s gotten to the point where I don’t see the 4 boys with anyone else and I won’t read reader inserts with them anymore LMAO.
I haven’t read the manga nor have I even seen the new season lmaooo... I also used to be someone that hated ships but for me those 2 couples changed my mind due to the fact that both couples would be utterly perfect together when you think about it. (At least for me)
Here’s why:
Tsum is a little shit right? People keep making him out to be soo let’s say he is someone who would treat his gfs like dirt and shit (and they would let him 💀) soooo imagine him realizing he fell for Kiyoomi one day: the one guy that acts nothing like his foolish exes because he gives him 0 attention, doesn’t think he’s all that, wants him to shower more, etc. Like it’s a match made in heaven. Tsum has girls throwing themselves at him but he wants the one guy who could give two shits about him and his cocky attitude— we love to see it. So Atsumu acts a fool. Omi-Omi would humble the fuck out of Atsumu bc he really doesn’t play any games but in return Tsum-baby would literally have gotten through to one of the best looking men in the fandom that no one thought he’d get so he has bragging rights for life. It’s a perfect trade. Like... shit. If you read fics about ‘pining Atsumu’ on A03 their relationship development is literally amazing.
AS FOR MY OTP OSASUNA GOD DAMN : same thing as Sakuatsu in that they are perfect together. Do you PEEP their energy levels??? = SAME. I can see them back in high school always agreeing with eachother when the team is wilding out over some nonsense. Being comfortably silent while sitting together on the bus while everyone else is blabbing. The two just VIIIIIBE. It’s like when you meet another girl group for the first time and ONE of them stands out cause you’re both like “yaaa exactly!!!!” wtf I fuck with you. You get me. You feel me? Suna and Osamu are 2 of the chillest boys in Haikyuu even though Suna is a bit more chill so I can totally visualize Samu just developing the biggest crush on the man. Not to mention Rintarou, like Sakusa, is just STUNNING like how could Samu resist those eyes Deadass.
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BONUS: Suna and Kiyoomi would be the best additions to the Miya family as in-laws. I can picture them as the twins’ husbands and they’re all back at the Miya’s parents’ house for Christmas 2020 right 🎄......... and then the twins start fighting as usual and it’s escalating heavy ....... they’re being annoying as shit. So Suna and Sakusa just exchange knowing, unimpressed, annoyed & bored glances and then having enough with their 😐 selves: they both walk out silently while the Miya’s are still yelling and then they text the twins saying they’re staying at a hotel.
The twins would chase their hubbies out the fucking crib in the snow when they’re still in pyjamas and beg their hubbies to stay (I truly mean B E G G G) and they’d promise to be niceeeeeeeee cause like their emotionless hubbies are out of the twins’ leagues right....they gotta act right. Anyway Rin and Omi-Omi were never gonna leave to stay at a hotel but that trick gets the Miya’s to settle down every time and stop fighting.
Needless to say The twins’ parents LOVE their son-in-laws for it!
The end 😇
Follow my ship account -> @shiplikeme
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nemuitoka · 4 years
What are your favorte jshk fanfics? also where do you like reading them the most?
Hi Anon!!! today is the day I can finally answer this question😈 ahaha you know how much I enjoy making fic recs so 👀 Let’s go!!!
To answer your second question first, I like reading them on AO3 the most! Mostly because I get almost unlimited number of characters to rant in the comment section........... 😆but also the tagging system is very helpful.
Okay, now to the fun part of this ask😏
You said JSHK, but I mostly read Hananene ones so all of my favs include that pairing... as  I already did a fic rec here of my favs, this list will continue that one, so please check that one first hehe ((I apologize in advance..., I would love for people to recommend me some mitsukou ones tbh... I’m really lost when it comes to other pairings orz)) 
If I’m completely honest with you anon-san, my favorite JSHK fic right now is the one Roxanne ( @istoleyourboat )  wrote based of my art and her snippet:
Star-Crossed and Falling- Where Stars Go to Die by lilaflo
Hanako is Princess Nene’s personal knight 👀. A tale of forbidden love. They slowly fall in love as they exchange a series of gifts, one that includes a pair of matching earrings that remind them of their love when they’re apart. Also, jelly Hanako of Nene’s suitors😏... Oh, but nothing lasts forever and those sweet moments will come to an end when they have to face their cruel reality, in this world, they don’t get to choose neither their battles or the ones they love.
Now more of Roxanne, because I seriously enjoy her work so much (I’m sure everyone knows by now lmao sdkj) 
Night of the Phantom King by lilaflo 
This one is a spooky one. Nene’s regret for never realizing who she truly loves takes her to mourn her deceased friend Amane and cry on his grave in a Halloween night, then suddenly the Phantom King comes to take her away👀 & he looks suspiciously familiar... Beautiful world building btw, also the ending is just, excellent. 
12 Year Romance by lilaflo
Amane meets Nene at the Tanabata festival, she’s older than him, but he falls for her instantly, fast forward, Amane is now in middle school, he’s a troublemaker, & gets constantly into fights, but he swears the new school nurse looks familiar... he then realizes it’s her and thinks it must be fate!!!... This one hits close to home bc I’ve been in this situation irl, so I can confirm all of Nene’s struggles are real (and ofc how a love with an age gap should be handled the correct way, this fic really teaches you many life lessons hahaha) 
took a sip then another sip, then you turned and said to me by chivalrousamour 
This autor has a bunch of good JSHK fics!! I recommend you check their AO3 out, bec you may find something you like for sure! But, this is my absolute fav from them. Nene is a mangaka, celebrating the finishing of her long serialized manga, while Amane is a delivery boy who happens to find her in a very questionable state in her house👀 (it’s all family friendly ofc, anon, I’m not a slimy pervert like some ghost boy)
Maid for Each Other by corologs ( @corologs )
Courtney has this amazing College AU collection series that I encourage you to check out!!! But Maid for each other is my fav!!! So it’s the Yugi twins birthday, and it’s Tsukasa’s turn to choose where they go to celebrate it... you can already tell where this is going... (let the chaos begin) & as the title said, it involves maids!!! (it has Kaicho wa maid sama vibes if you liked that anime~~)
If I Could Tell Her by corologs
What if the picture perfect arc plan was successful??? Well, this fic explores this idea, and it’s very interesting to read. I like how Amane and Hanako are two separate people here.
the horizon tries but it’s just not as kind on the eyes by sincerelyand ( @sunlightinourheadlights ) 
(Oh my sweet Karen, she writes such good fics, so go check her AO3 out as well!!) Amane and Yashiro are friends that share an apartment (& they were roommates-- OMG they were roommates), even if Amane has its complains, because Nene can be a handful sometimes (and in denial of her true feelings as always, are we even surprised at this point?) he loves her dearly anyways😭.
for real, this time by sourlemoncandy  ( @sour-lemon-candy )
Did somebody say fake dating AU?????? Because hell yeah I did asajj I loved reading this so much!! Nene and Amane are childhood friends, and Nene overhears some girls talking about Amane and how one of them plans to ask him out... but she senses these girls are up to no good so she... well, you gotta read it to find out more~~ it’s no fun If I tell ya everything hehe... so go go go!!
lemon cream by sourlemoncandy
Amane and Nene, just two good friends having a road trip and sharing donuts... what could go wrong??  😏 seriously, I loved this fic so much!! Instant fav! Also makes me wanna try some good sweet donuts...
Trip Down Memory Lane by insipidenvy ( @insipidenvy )
This fic is so sweet. I have such a huge attachment to it, because I read it when I really needed some fluff in my life hahaha. It’s sort of a collection of memories between Amane and Yashiro’s relationship over the years. So heartwarming... if you need the fluffs you’ll enjoy this very much!!
The Radish Princess and the Toilet Prince by insipidenvy
This is my favorite fic from insipidenvy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know how I am a slut for Royalty AUs so that’s why!!!!! Also Toilet Prince!! hahahaha such a good nickname lmao. I love how they bond over their insecurities, it’s very relatable tbh. 
Between Wind and Water by WingSongHalo  ( @wingsonghalo )
My beautiful Wing always delivering the good Hananene content, as she should!! This fic is so fun to read!! I laughed so hard at Nene and Hanako being awkward with each other!!! So you know how Hanako is super clingy with Nene, he’s always touching & hugging her, but this time something weird happens and he’s so distant~~ Nene doesn’t want to admit it at first, but she misses his clingy ghost boy~~ you’ll have a good time reading this for sure!  
The Monster's Bride by Hammsters ( @uglierdaikon )
Have you heard about the myth of Cupid and Psyche? Well this fic rewrites it in a very Hananene way <3 hehe I loved it so much (as I’m a huge fan of mythology~) To sum it up, Nene is fated to marry a monster that lives in the mountains so she’s devastated... to her surprise, her husband is far from what she expected... she only had one rule to obey and well... we all know how reckless Nene is so... you go find out what happens next now!! hehehe
Morning Reflections by FalalalaLa  ( @miss-sternennacht )
So you’ve heard of Hanako watching Nene sleep, but what about Nene watching Amane sleep???!! this fic offers you this and so much more fluff <3 Also Nene remembering how they met and how their relationship evolved during the years, aww <3 
Cursed Coin by DaikonSenpai  ( @daikonsenpai )
There’s a school dance, Yashiro’s supposed to be dancing with Kou (since she can’t go with Hanako, which causes him to be jelly~~ and bitter), but she loses a coin Aoi gave her for good luck so she goes out and searches for it on the last place she saw it, the school fountain. Suddenly Hanako spots her, what’s she doing outside??? is she drunk or something?? what happens next you may find out when you read it~~~
Between Love and Hope by Baronesscmd (SweeterThanYourDarkestSin) ( @baronesscmd )
Oh to be Nene and get to sleep between the Yugi twins... God really has favorites uh... ISTG, this collection of fics is so cute. I love how Nene loves the twins so much in this AU, they have their little cute family. She ofc is in love with Amane, but their relationship with Tsukasa is so tender... it’s mostly this trio having fluffy moments together to heal your soul... if you need some, you’ll get it here for sure hahaha. 
Ghost of You (And All the Futures We've Forgotten) by Indigo_Floof  milkteamoon  ( @indigosienna , @spades-queen )
So anon you may have been wondering, well this bitch likes fluff only???? how about some angst for a change, uh? DAMN, OKAY THEN, here you have some angst to rip your soul out and wish you never sent me this ask in the 1st place, bec of the emotional damage this fic will leave you sdajjsa, also if you liked “Erased”, you’ll love this fic too! 
Hanako of the Opera by zxrstan
Finally, but not less important, me being annoying about Hanako of the Opera & POTO AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! This fic is based of the AU Aidairo created mostly, it’s really fun to read if you didn’t get much of what was happening during the Hanako of the Opera event, it has a nice ending also! very satisfying I must say. 
AAAAND THIS IS THE END OF MY ALL TIME FAV LIST OMG;;;; Kudos for me for searching through all my damn AO3 and Google Chrome history (from both my PC and phone, since I am a FOOL and forgot my AO3 password so I read a lot of these in the past as a guest before recovering my password LMAO, please be patient with me omg, and also if you see me bookmarking them now, you know why 😭) 
Kudos to all of my writer homies as well, I love and appreciate all of you so much!! you have no idea! 💖
I hope you find this list useful, anon!! Thank you for sending me this ask and have a wonderful day! 
Ps. Please everyone feel free to add more fics to this list if you want! this is all my personal picks, but I’m aware there are a lot more fics that I haven’t read and deserve as much recognition as the ones I listed!
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athys-obelia · 4 years
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summary: no one's evil au lmfaooo but make it pt. 2
character/s: anastacius de alger obelia, claude de alger obelia, athanasia de alger obelia, jennette de alger obelia
and here's part 1 <3
oh my god okay. okay. so.
ana, claude, athy and jennette - they go on a LOT of vacations
claude complains every single time but anastacius pulls his trump card and sends athy and jettie BOTH after him
u think he's strong enough to say no after that? lmao jokes
and their vacations always go this way:
jennette: isn't this scenery just gorgeous, uncle
claude: indeed it is. and...quiet
jennette: ...too quiet
[cut to anastacius in the distance, fighting a bear as athy cheers him on]
athy + anastacius, hands down the most chaotic pairing yes i will not be taking criticism
they have tea in ana's palace everyday, just the two of them, they're so poised and picture perfect through the entire thing everyone thinks it's just the emperor giving profound advice to his heir
it's actually them deadass scheming,,, ana has no qualms discussing everything from court gossip to military tactics, both of which she's so on top of all the time
if anyone shit talks jennette or claude, this tea party is where their slow and agonizing demise is planned out to the dot
[true story - count sivan once made the fatal mistake of expressing his favour for athy as the next empress, dissing jennette by comparing her to athy sm which inevitably sparked a debate that ranked the princesses. a week after athy's sources informed her of the kindling behind this new debate, the count's sudden divorce became the talk of the town, and the man's business faced bankruptcy all of a sudden. the sivans still haven't recovered.)
athy n jennette were actually allowed to visit kiel in arlanta a few times, except it was too dark at their first arrival, postponing the meeting to the next morning
buttt then jettie can't sleep and she decides on a midnight snack run (their hotel doesn't really have the maids the palace does, but oh well. she's left the palace w lucas n athy plenty of times)
felix tags along btw, he knows this trip is important to the girls since they're leaving the palace without their Overprotective Papas™ for the first time and want some sense of independence, but... she's just so smol n he couldn't bear it if anything happens so he just shadows her
she totally knows he's there
n e ways so there's a juice place right beside their hotel which she aims for, but when jennette reaches it, it's closed
and out of nowhere, a voice addresses her - "hey you, do you come here a lot?" she nearly jumps out of her skin at the brunette, relaxing when she sees he's literally a kid around her age and not a murderer lmfaoo "me neither," he continues without waiting for her, pouting at the closed sign, before he asks for her name and whether she's new in arlanta
she confirms that yes, she's only visiting, and refuses to tell the stranger her name, still feeling strange at being addressed as 'you' for the first time (well, minus lucas, but he was like her brother and had the emotional capacity of a teaspoon, so)
he eyes her. "you're so weird. i've never seen a girl out so late before, and alone too. are you stupid?"
(felix has his sword out at this point)
she's flushing now and has no idea why she's still out here, but then this stranger kid apparently senses her mood and tells her the best ice cream store in arlanta is not too far away
(he also explains he knows someone who's starts doing weird things when she's hungry as well, and tries to defend that ice cream is actually a healthy midnight snack, "you can just take a healthy flavour like strawberry or mango, mangos are healthy,,right"💀️💀)
so jettie has travelled all the way from obelia, she loves her papa but he would have a heart attack if he found out she was ever awake this late?? yeah bc she's never getting this chance again, jennette accepts the offer
the stranger boy seems to be taking the whole "i'm not telling you my name," thing like a joke, and asks what he should call her since 'you' was getting boring
she goes with "lady j" and like a knight, the boy becomes "sir c"
(felix is on the verge of committing a crime - the princesses can only have one knight, after all)
they walk as the the boy navigates the streets in the dark, and she asks whether he's from the academy, seeing his uniform
"of course i am! you could probably tell bc i look so smart, right?"
she snorts. "yeah, that."
she also comes to know that this guy,,,well he might as well be a tourist? she's out here asking stuff like "oh where's the statue of lady alphia?" or "aren't we really close to the museum where they keep the first emperor's sword?" and he goes "lady do i look like your brochure?? but if you turn right from here there's a cool arcade and across the street from there is the best street food vendor you'll ever eat from."
well at least mans had his priorities straight 😌
"so can you take this off?" he asks, pointing towards her dress once they've neared the store
um???????? sir tf????????????
anyways jettie has been living with lucas n her dad farr too long to not take this the wrong way?? "...no?"
the boy raises an eyebrow "look, it looks like an expensive cloak but i promise i'll return it, alright? i gotta hide my uniform."
ohhhhhhh. 😳.
so she unfastens the cloak and because he's kinda just staring at it cluelessly (he can't even tie his shoelaces fight me), jennette sighs and moves the clothing over his shoulder, fastening it in place at his neck
he's literally a tomato when she looks back up and realises that yes, we are way too close rn
bc she's ana's daughter, jennette by default cannot function when she's flustered. so she kinda stumbles backwards like a fish out of water (years of princess training n etiquette? where art thou??) and 'sir c' has to grab her forearm so she doesn't bump into the pillar behind her smfh
the shopkeep is definitely suspicious of this pair that's definitely too young to be out so late, but chalks it down to his sleeplessness
they escape the store with the ice cream before the shopkeep can ask any questions, and 'sir c' escorts jennette back to her hotel. he climbs onto the roof of the building, helping her up as well
(felix wishes he had a magic stone to capture this moment, this is the first time he's seen jennette become such fast friends with someone)
she stands on the roof (it hurts her butt so she doesn't wanna sit)
"my sister would be so jealous right now," jennette murmurs, "she told me her ideal first date would be either a picnic or something like a moonlit walk. we're having like a moonlit picnic."
it's silent for a few seconds the boy speaks up, "is this a date?"
"i mean- i didn't- i don't- uh."
give her some time lmfao she's loading
"i don't really mind that," he tells her, and she thinks she might just walk off the roof in her embarrassment - who just says something like that?? "you're probably feeling really lucky right now, right?"
jennette: ✊😔
he does look pretty in the moonlight, she admits to herself, listening as he excitedly tells her about his siblings at home and how she should send an offering to the gods since they gave her the good fortune to be on a date with the most good looking one of all four of them
in turn, she tells him about how she spent her childhood away from her amazing dad and had gotten closer to him recently, about her sharp-witted uncle, her sister and friends
(the 'friends' section includes felix and he's melting)
she smiles - it's almost as if, at finding out he treasures his family just as much as she does, they've gotten a bit closer
and he tries to listen. jennette had guessed that his temperament was somewhat like her dad's - her dad didn't know how to listen, always making his opinion known before anything else, though she supposes as emperor he could do that
'sir c', on the other hand, tried his best, his blue eyes focused on her as he almost burst from the unsaid words he was holding back, trying to let her finish. the sight was an odd mix of sad and insanely adorable that she couldn't help but let him tell her about everything he couldn't hold in
sensing she could pass out from her exhaustion nearly half an hour later, and 'sir c' escorts her to her window and helps her sneak in bc "what sort of knight would i be otherwise?!"
(felix can't stop shaking the entire night)
the next morning, jennette's heart is pounding as kiel shows her, athy and felix across campus - the chance is low, but still...
"ezekiel!" comes a voice, and the four watch as a turquoise haired boy waves down the alpheus heir "are these the guests you mentioned?"
kiel introduces the trio to johannes vastia before asking, "where's cabel?"
"at the training grounds, he asked if you could bring everyone there so he could show them around there."
"... they're my guests though?"
athy is quick to befriend johannes (i mean she and his sister are practically the same person, so) and at the grounds, jennette's blood runs cold
(so does felix's)
the brunette doesn't notice her at first, arguing with johannes about something as kiel introduces him as cabel ernst
jennette is hyperventilating?? actually back up is this girl even breathing??
cabel ernst from kiel's letters? the 'loud and obnoxious cabel ernst', who gradually turned into 'my acquaintance cabel ernst', then 'hardworking, passionate cabel ernst', and finally 'my friend cabel'?
she'd actually rather admired this slow build of respect between her friend and the ernst boy, and had even expressed her interest to meet him
"this is the first daughter of his highness prince claude de alger obelia, princess athanasia-" cabel mock salutes the princess before his mouth forms an 'o' and he remembers to bow, "-and here's the emperor's only daughter, her highness princess je-"
andddd his eyes widen comically "-hey, lady, it's you?"
yeah jettie is on the brink of literal death - her entire face reddens as this...cabel, grins at her
she watches as he glances behind her, "and you're the guy who was following us - sup?"
felix flinches "...you knew...?"
cabel shrugs. "i mean you do kinda suck ass at the whole subtle thing."
"don't say it like that," jennette retorts, "felix was trying his best."
"princess 😭😭 you knew as well?"
"uhhhh no?"
athy + kiel in a corner: 👁️👄👁️
they watch as cabel's eyes widen all of a sudden and he just,,,runs away
yeah well anyway he comes rushing back a few minutes later, a piece of cloth in his hand "...*huff* here *huff*...you go."
athy totally flips out "jennette is that your CLOAK???!??"
"uhhhhh no?"
"um do you realise uncle would literally wage war at this."
and as if it would make everything better,
"i washed it," cabel offers with a grin
"you didn't," the vastia heir deadpans
"i mean, johan helped a little bit."
kiel smiles murderously at the pair. "johan, did you know cabel took the princess out?"
"wait, you're a PRINCESS??"
your honour they aren't very smart
so the group orders some coffee (milk for cabel smfh) to find out what happened, cabel mentions "date" and everything goes to shit again lmfao
kiel and felix scheme against poor cabel while athy n johan get over that stage pretty quick ("listen. MY sister will be living with ME after the marriage and if your friend wants to be with her he'll have to come with us to obelia." and johan's just like "fine by me ✌️😊") and start planning the wedding
cabel + jennette dip n sneak out of the academy again to get the juice they couldn't the night before bc shit is getting awkward here
on another note, our uncle cius' musical intelligence is actually very high - he can probably play more instruments than i can name tbh, but he feels most comfortable singing and i shit you not, this man has straight up an angel's voice
(didn't like singing in front of others coz he was secretly a nerd and only knew old love songs with deep lyrics, athy found out and educated him)
jennette tends to have nightmares often, most often regarding their family - she's seen her father murder her uncle for the throne, and vice versa, athy admitting her affections towards jennette were a front to get the position of crown princess, her uncle killing her to solidify athy's claim, etc - her family is her everything, so despite however many times these horrible scenes play before her, she's left sobbing uncontrollably
and on these nights, she leaves for her father's room, who holds her close and sings her to sleep
also lucas n jennette are like sibling duo# 1,,, jettie is an active lucathy shipper even though he denies it sm - like their dynamic is just peaceful walks in the gardens as she watches the plants n lucas shi talks the nobility and kiel
claude and athy have a thing for each other's sleeping on each other? idk it's weird
athy once fell asleep on the couch while reading with him, and claude moved her head onto his lap so she wouldn't be uncomfy sitting - well, she woke up to his hand absentmindedly raking through her hair and it was just so soothing that whenever she's tired and he's working or reading, she just plops her head on his lap and zzzz
and claude wondered what was up with that, so she proposed they switch roles and he felt so awkward trying to lay down in front of her lmao
obviously athy noticed and she just started reading, thinking he might be more comfortable if her attention isn't on him completely - she ended up reading out loud while playing with his collar and he just,,,passed out
also anastacius has definitely pulled jennette aside regarding the issue of his heir at some point - she had been hesitant at first before admitting she wouldn't like to be the empress at all
i know we'd all love to see empress!jettie and her sister duchess!athy ruling the court, but i really really really can't see her wanting the title?
so thus start athy's empress lessons, but holy shit her teacher is mean
like this man makes me want to bash his face in?? so he doesn't like the idea of athy becoming empress over jennette at all, all bc of both hers and claude's mothers being commoners
he has one of those long ass sticks that you use in presentation to point at stuff?? idk but basically mans has athy name every region, its lords and their vassals during their first lesson
the first time she gets one wrong, she's too shocked as the stick meets the delicate skin of her forearm to react
now the thing is, wmmap!athy would probably stand up against this bc her dad is the emperor and she's his only heir, but i imagine with anastacius' social nature he holds many parties / balls where she's probably heard claude's mom + diana slander and it wouldn't be unreasonable for her to be self conscious abt it (now she's the emperor's heir while jennette, 100% royal + noble blood, is right there which probably makes her feel even less legitimate)
so she endures it, the light marks on her arms as well as the taunts of his she's too smart to not understand - perhaps this is the price to be accepted in jennette's place?
and honestly, no one really notices until at breakfast a few weeks in, where jennette mentions how her dresses are still so modest when sleeveless dresses were more in fashion - ana is suspicious because athy is always on top of these things, societal trends and such, and claude is sus from the way she hesitates slightly in her answer, "i haven't had the time lately, i suppose"
the lesson after focuses on ettiquete since everyone knows she's good at politics and such already, but now tears of frustration are pooling in her eyes because what the hell?? this guy had made an opinion of her long before he even met her, so anything she did would be wrong in his eyes
he gives her a sinister smile, "tired, princess?"
"no," she insists, keeping her voice level. he's about to spout some other nonsense, when anastacius enters the room, taking a seat across from her
anastacius watches quietly as athy answers the teacher's questions in her "public" voice. he watches as her usually cheery disposition is replaced by something far more...dead, despite the front she puts on for him. he's soundless as she hesitates in her answers where she normally would've been louder, more confident. he stops watching in silence when his niece flinches at the sight of the stick
he interrupts her lesson, not missing the way she winces almost imperceptibly when he grabs ahold of her arm, announcing, "we're going."
he just- it's just that that was the moment he knew for sure - the sight of his niece emotionally disheveled for the first time reminds him too much of how his own brother had once been, and he'd... he'd promised he wouldn't let anyone hurt his family anymore
he ends up taking her to the port with some of his advisors to welcome some royal guests, insisting that she would learn better from experience rather than books - but the guest delegation gets so boring that he sneaks her out of the meeting n they end up in the streets
now athy has no idea where they are, but apparently her uncle does?? ana has his hand on her head as he navigates the streets of the capitol as if he comes here everyday, using magic to casually disguise the two of them
in the meantime?
felix is at the port trying to cover for them smfh, he makes up this huge story about how the great wise emperor wanted to familiarize his heir with the locals, understand her subjects, yada yada
back at the palace prince claude is currently dragging a man by his collar and only upon jennette's insistence does he throw him in prison rather than literally kill him
(jettie visits him later in prison to give the guy a piece of her mind, after felix's visit he's sporting a few noticable bruises and the prisoner is practically unrecognizable once lucas visits)
back to athy + ana, they end up stuffing themselves with some super good street food as anastacius confesses that yes, he has definitely been sneaking out of the palace ever since he was a lil kid
athy almost mentions that she, lucas n jettie sneak out too but that might give him a heart attack, so
"it's so pretty, uncle cius," she says, gesturing towards the necklace he holds up. once he's paid for it, anastacius fists the necklace, opening it to reveal the jewel pendant - now imbued with his magic and replaced with gold lettering of the word athanasia
and she realises that yes, that's what both him and her dad have called her all her life, haven't they?
"you're my heir, athanasia," he uncle tells her with a small smile, "i am proud of that."
getting teary, she tells him, "i'm really proud of you too, uncle cius," triggering a very flustered + blushy anastacius
this mans craves validation - not from the sycophantic nobility, or the obsequious concubines he'd dismissed all those years ago, but from the family he thought he'd neither have nor deserve
and just the acknowledgement is so large for athy - he wants her as his heir, not because she's his niece, but bc he trusts her to look after his hard work after him??? - yeah she's totally bawling her eyes out
anastacius magics her a handkerchief but my mans magic isn't that strong?? lmao he's used up so much by now that the 'handkerchief' turns out to be some scratchy tissues
awkward amirite
nope! athy laughs at that, offering him a sip of her drink as she magics another straw and a proper handkerchief lmfaoo
n e ways so when they return, everyone's shocked to learn that the crown heir, princess athanasia will actually be joining the official circles as anastacius' temporary aid - he doesn't wanna entrust her to anyone but family, and decides that the best way to learn is by his side
(she's so confused bc lucas doesn't normally bat an eyelash when she wears the prettiest gowns, but he deadass can't look her in the eyes when she's in her aid uniform - it's more like a suit than it is a dress)
yes lucas women in suits >>>>>
everyone is STUNNED when at dinner, claude proposes they leave on vacation??
anastacius is just not having it?? like no, this is not my brother, and he throws a grape at claude to check if it's a clone or sum (¿¿how does that work??)
anyays so he ain't no felix, ana's aim is ass and it hits jettie instead
mans nearly gets on his knees to apologise
long story short everyone preps for vacation, but by some aCCiDeNt claude n athy end up at a different destination than jettie n ana, when she suggests returning to the palace to regroup, mans deadass sulks
"so you wouldn't like to spend this time with your father, despite barely visiting my office for weeks?"
so at their return, the nobility starts pestering everyone that the princesses aren't independent enough, yada yada idc so to quell this annoyance, to the girls' joy, they get to move into emerald palace together, while claude and ana stay in the ruby and main palaces respectively
literally emerald palace becomes such a cool place to be in since it's the residence of the only decent people in this family, the brothers spend hours going through the requests of maids who want to be transferred
it's such a busy time because of athy joining the court and jettie starting her studies as well - naturally, since she isn't becoming empress, she'll be getting the duchy claude + athy were to be given in the beginning
speaking of futures, jettie's interest in plants and cooking has definitely branched out into herbs
claude notices her tending to a small garden during his visit to athy and even gives her a few tips (he had been studying medical since he was a kid, and picked it up again when athy was born and the empire stablised somewhat)
this soon becomes a routinely thing, and he actually starts reading up on some herbs and even orders a few for her prospering garden
after a month of her learning from books, claude proposes adding a medic as one of her teachers, and turns out his hunch was right?? she's excelling at medicine and they keep it between themselves for the time being
it doesn't last long though, bc they're on a hunting trip when ana injures his leg
and !! this girl istg, she gets to cleaning and wrapping the wound without blinking an eye, as if it's the most natural thing ever, and claude is just smirking while athy and anastacius and literally everyone else: 🌟💞✨jettie✨💞🌟
literal tears coming out of anastacius' eyes "how come my daughter is smarter than me😭💅"
claude: that's not a very high standard, brother
anastacius: ✨suddenly i'm an only child✨
behold, the people in charge of running an empire everyone 👏👏👏
even though jennette is claude's (unofficial) student and athy is her uncle's heir, they both ask their dads to the debutante
yes athy does dance with lucas, anastacius sent him an invitation even though he wasn't a noble (he's an active match maker 😌) and nobody dared question the emperor's special guest
at the end of the night, kiel gives jettie a letter from arlanta - it's an invitation to the academy during holidays, from a certain brunette
when she brings up the subject, felix lets out a squeak and literally everyone goes silent 😭😭
athy n kiel are just out here DARING him to spill them beans
but anastacius takes on look at his excited lil kid and decides that yups, she's going to get everything she wants
a/n: i literally don't know how many parts this should have lmaoo but y'all made it this far!! thanks for reading i hope you liked it<3
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themoontaxi · 3 years
congrats on 100!!! i’m gonna order xl pancakes with butter (i think i did this right pls correct me if i’m wrong
also this is an amazing idea and i love it so much
hi alex :) don’t fret, you did everything right!
here are your xl pancakes (i know it’s 31 but i just couldn’t decide which one to leave out)
i remembered your post where you said that you wished you could say your taste in music is “quirky indie stuff” or sth, but mainly listen to ts, one direction and big time rush… so i tried to get a similar vibe? but also threw some stuff in that i enjoy, but you might not, so it’s alright to skip :) i also tried to arrange the songs in an order that won’t give you an immediate headache bc of whiplash lmao. highlighted the ones i thought you might like best (apart from the two obvious ones). and did i mention you get explanations for the titles i chose? no? oh well, you’ll just have to endure them anyway… sorry not sorry :)
rope i chose bc you were one of the first people i interacted with on here, so it felt like i had something to hold onto :)
into the dark and you want it darker bc i heard you’re a fellow nighthawk 🌚
i dare you, rebel yell and hard to kill bc i saw you’re enneagram 8, the challenger
roller coaster bc you’re afraid of them, but still pushing yourself to overcome that
schedules, break my stride, she moves in her own way and restless soul bc you enjoy keeping busy and it seems like you’re often on the move 🏃‍♀️
feels like summer bc i feel like you’re a person who blooms best in summertime
i couldn’t care less, i just wanna live, wild & free, shut up and let me go and lash out bc i feel like you just want to live life your way and think everyone else should too, you don’t hesitate to speak your mind and i picture you as someone who’s able to get rid of negative energy pretty quickly
on melancholy hill, i feel like i’m drowning, elastic heart, scar tissue and down days bc i do see you sometimes being sad, but feel like you’re a strong person who can overcome dark times 🖤
different skies bc we live so many miles apart from each other :(
king of my heart, i love you will you marry me, only wanna be with you and baby it’s you bc of your infatuation with a certain cute genius (same girl) 💞
the louvre and tell it to my heart bc i saw you post several times about wishing for a romantic date that includes a visit to a museum
treat people with kindness bc i feel like you already do! 🥰
and i hope you’re happy is pretty self-explanatory <3
hope you enjoy! feel free to leave feedback here :)
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
African!Reader Series
Request: how would class 1-a’s main three be with a fem!black african s/o?
A/N: Did I just give myself my own request unprovoked? Yes I did. Am I gonna turn this into a series? Yes, because it’s about time I start being selfish with my own writing. This is gonna be the first time I see 100% of myself in a headcanon, so that’s exciting. Being stuck in that middle space between the culture you grew up in vs. the culture you’re born into is hard. Sometimes I feel like I don’t fit in anywhere. But, I’m learning to equally embrace both. So this is gonna be me navigating that space. I’m also excited for all my African/African-American (first gen) readers who’ve reached out to me about their experiences. Being African isn’t monolithic. I’m def gonna be keeping it vague enough for everyone to be seen. I’ll specify if I need to. Anyways, this is for y’all as well as myself. Hope everyone enjoys this 💋
All Characters are 18+
Warnings: cursing, some content that’s not even spicy enough to call pepper 💀
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Midoriya Izuku:
just as with everything in his life, deku dedicates 100% of himself to learning everything there is about you
the first time he saw you? you had this man’s knees wobbling
your rich dark skin was doing wonders under the sunlight
and your body? went crazyyyy
but when he heard you speak your language, it was a wrap
doesn’t know how he ended up being your bf, but he doesn’t take you for granted
he’s always eager to learn more about your culture
has notebooks dedicated to your foods, clothing, hairtsyles, dancing, etc.
izuku practiced how to say I love you in your language for literally four weeks so he could say it to you perfectly on your six month anniversary
he stumbled a little, and his accent peeked out, but it was perfect and your emotional ass almost started crying
he studies and practices a lot so he can understand/speak to your parents if they don’t know english or japanese
your parents are urging you to marry this man. quickly.
he loves that you have 7000000 family members bc for awhile it was just him and his mom
your family loves him because he’s so sweet and respectful
already has the kids calling him uncle izuku
your mom and his mom use google translate to talk whiles they cook together and it’s so cute n wholesome
it makes you both go 🥺
a big part of your culture is dancing
whatever event you go to weddings, church, funerals, etc. you gotta dance, there’s just no getting around it my guy
you know your bf a little stiff in the hips LMAO so you show him some moves
and uh...he tries. really hard. but it’s looking rough so you just wave it off bc everyone gets hyped up regardless
so imagine your surprise when this man busts out with the shaku shaku at your auntie’s wedding, leg movement and hand gestures on point
the whole venue is screaming
they throwing money on him and everything😭
when y’all make it home (it’s like 4am smh) he’s knocked but you watch a little yt and find all these recommended how-to videoes about african dancing and everything makes sense
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Bakugo Katsuki:
y’all met during a mission that required international heroes
being the asshole he was, he walked right through a conversation you were having w someone
him: “out of my way extras!”
he was shook when you told him to fuck off in perfect japanese before smacking your teeth and ending with “you foolish goat”
him: 😦😐😡 “hah!? what’d you just call me?”
and the rest was history
actually, he wouldn’t leave you alone and disguised it as him trying to intimidate you but it was bc your comebacks were so unique but so fucking funny (mannn the shit african parents be coming up w is violating 💀) and he was taking notes lowkey
you don’t take any of his shit and he loves it
it didn’t hurt that you looked like a goddess straight out of a fucking fairytale
he loves your sense of style
your hero costume is laden with traditional cloth and you just don’t see that anywhere
like your drip was immaculate
every time you step out, he’s thinking “motherland drip on meeee 😍”
he sends pictures of you to his parents to brag about you
speaking of which, ever since you met them he has this sneaky suspicion that they might like you more than their own child
but he couldn’t blame them bc after tasting your traditional dishes, he was sprung
especially the spicy foods you make bc they give him a run for his money (it’s not spicy unless you start sniffing)
has an uncanny ability of doing headwraps, like them shits are perfect on the first try
if you know your native language, please cuss him out in it, especially if your voice gets deeper
he’ll freak out on you at first, bc he’s a hothead, but it turns him on in the weirdest way
everyone knows he’s in deep when he starts adopting your insults and speech patterns
kirishima: *says something dumb*
him: “my friend, use your head before you speak to me, you castrated bull frog”
he even says it with the accent and all
and youre dying
my poor baby kiri is so confused even tho he knows he should be offended
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Todoroki Shouto:
todoroki unofficially knew you bc he followed you on insta
he always thought you was a baddie but never had the chance to make his move
he was also a little scared of the culture clash
but then you dropped this here video with your friends 🥵
homeboy had never slid into anyone’s dms so fast before
he’s dead ready to change his life for you
luckily you knew english, so y’all were able to communicate
after two days of talking, he hits you with the “so when can I see you?” and he’s fine af so you make some plans and it goes really well
youre so different from any woman he’s met before and he loves that
you two are always talking about the similarities and differences of your cultures and it makes him fall harder for you
lives for your confidence
and your smile kills him every time
loves it when you start trying to speak to him in japanese, he doesn’t care if you butcher it
learns your language bc he wants to feel closer to you 🥺
show him some of your music and he’ll start playing it around the house
make him some soba with a twist of your traditional meals and he’ll drag you to the court house bc, ma’am, you finna be a todoroki starting today
whenever you step out in any traditional clothing, he insists that he takes pictures of you
when you start dancing and the ass starts a-jiggling, don’t expect him not to touch bc he will
don’t let him talk to your dad/uncles for too long bc he’ll start popping out with a dashiki print shirt and those wack ass sandals (y’all know the ones i’m talking about) like he did something 💀
all the boys will obviously defend you if someone comes at you on some racist/ignorant bs about your race/ethnicity, but todoroki will step for you
he will decimate a mf for even looking at you sideways
calls you queen bc he genuinely believes you are royalty (you can decided whether or not it’s cringey tho)
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seijorhi · 3 years
asks :))
what i have learned today is that y’all wanna get fucked by some monsters...
What does nostos mean? What language is it in? 🤔 also I of course loved it, mind blown as usual queen
it’s ancient greek! it means homecoming, the idea of a triumphant return home for the hero after a long journey. i found it through looking at the root of nostalgia. in this fic of course it’s kind of a grim tongue in cheek play on it. the reader’s coming back to the mountains, but she’s running away after a bad breakup, and the welcome she gets is... shall we say less than ideal haha
Just read nostos-
First of all as a person who reads monster shit- hell ya. Mhm. That’s some good shit right there. That was DELICIOUS horror. It actually had me a bit nervous and afraid to read what was gonna happen next 😳
Secondly- omg I wanna know what happened next (at the end) 👀 know what I mean??? 😼
ANYWAY AS ALWAYS you never disappoint and your writing is fantastic (if/when you write horror yandere stuff again I’ll be there- frothing at the mouth. A+++++ work ILY💖)
you want me to write the monster porn, just say it bby ghfjdkshgfjkd but ty
Omfg that fic was so good!
Did the readers mom know about monster kuroo?? Or was she just worried because of the previous murder? And did Kuroo somehow manipulate reader into coming back to the forest or was it just a big coincidence? (👁👄👁 there's no such thing as a coincidence)
Looking forward to your future work <3
ty nonnie!! i didn’t have the right space for it, but after kohsuke was ripped apart and eaten kuroo stayed by the reader’s side until late in the night, only disappearing when he heard the reader’s parents/search party approaching. they found her lying in pools of blood (and scattered half eaten body parts), shaking and unresponsive – they knew no animal could’ve done something like that. so they knew something lurked in those woods, but considering the reader had repressed the memories, her mom couldn’t just come out and say it <33
You are an AMAZING horror writer!!!
The uneasiness I got from the conversations with the mom is just *chefs kiss*
ahh thank you!! horror is such a hard genre to write because i’m never sure if the suspense and everything’s gonna hit right haha
I read Nostos before going to sleep last night and at the time I was like “sure hope this doesn’t give me nightmares” and thankfully it didn’t lol. But I think I’m willing to take that chance again because it’s so GOOD and I think I’m just going to have to relive it – @ohno-otome
fhdjgbfhjkdfn i’m glad it didn’t give you nightmares bby!! but i also appreciate that haha, i’m an absolute wimp with scary movies and stuff but i just can’t stop watching them haha
I just wanna say that I was listening to "You're a psychotic villain playlist" on youtube while reading Kuroo's oneshot and I can't explain the emotions I felt, but I'd let Kuroo do things to me asdfghjkl – @itishebihime-samaforyou
ooh nice! sometimes the right playlist makes things doubly as fun haha
OH MY GOD!?!?! Nostos was soooo GOOD?!?!? Like it was so creepy (but in a good way), and scary and suspenseful!! And the ending!?!? Omggg honestly one my fav fics from you!! You did my mans Kuroo justice 🥺💖💕
TYYYYYYY i was genuinely concerned i was gonna scare everybody off haha
Ah! The new fic! Chiefs kiss! Magnificent! Bravo!🧚‍♀️✨🧞‍♀️🦖🦭🌹💫
tysm nonnie!!! <33
i’m pretty sure i’m in the same/similar timezone as you? and i do be staying up late to be one of the first to read your fics (i usually stay up late anyways). so imagine my surprise when i see you post in the afternoon. in conclusion, whether you post to align with your european and american readers’ timezone, my gmt+10 arse will still be one of the first to read your fics. also nostos sjdufigyyjf i have to admit, i recently just found out about monster fucking and nostos scratched the itch😫 i feel bad for kohsuke though
bby i always post at like 2-4 in the morning please get some sleep!! the fics will be there in the morning lmao. i kinda low key forget about my aussie/gmt+10 followers because i think there’s like... 3 of you haha
Honestly if i could give u a dollar everytime i got off to your fics, you'd probably be rich by now
lmao the idea that people find my fics hot enough to get off to still blows my mind lol
your newest kuroo fic was so SO good!! its totally okay if you dont want to answer this so you can keep things ambiguous but is monster kuroo planning on killing the reader after he's...done with them
thank you, bby!! but no, monster kuroo isn’t gonna eat her – he’s had plenty of chances to do that if that’s what he wanted, but he has other plans for the poor reader
RHI, I WANT TO STATE FOR THE RECORD THAT I AM OKAY WITH MORE MONSTER FUCKING IN THE FUTURE. i also want to say im not a monster fucker, but that just feels like a lie at this point. okay, now that that's off my chest, i love it. the mystery, the connections of kuroo to a cat. kuroo's probably gonna go and batter around his prey once they're under his grip like my cat does. hopefully the reader will come out somewhat unscathed, if they are ever allowed to leave 😌 love this, love how different it is, the way kuroo just tries to weasel in. very monster and yandere vibes, very you. have i said i love this yet?? id willingly let him get me drunk on his cock, maybe never leave the peace of the mountains again
‘i want to say that i’m not a monster fucker’ bby the denial will get you nowhere haha. just lean in and embrace it hgfjkdlkfgjnkdl ahh but thank you this is such a sweet ask ILY!!!
Omg omg the monster thing kuroo was in ur latest fic is so familiar to me abdhdmfnjfjf. I remember being told abt a monster with VERY SIMILAR characteristics to it (aka the not being able to go inside a house unless invited and using fire to lure ppl out) AND JFC IT TERRIFIED ME. Esp how when i told ppl around me and they didnt recognize what it was, but it was somehow known to the kid that told me abt it.
(Some ppl thought it was familiar but still didnt know what it was)
Do u know what im talking abt? Hopefully u do
GHFJDK so the monster in this is kind of based off the nekomata spirit in japanese folklore - they can appear like people, torment victims by reanimating the corpses of their loved ones, they’ve been blamed for forest fires, so it was just fun to use that as a basis and then go buck wild haha. anyway thanks for the ask bby!
Rest In Peace Kohsuke, you would’ve loved Haikyuu season 5😔✊– @joyvstheworld
poor kohsuke deserved better, i’m just mean to the oc’s i throw into fics haha
Monsterfucking ❤❤❤❤❤❤ a little annoyed you're making me simp for yan Kuroo though (a vibe tho tbh). You're so extremely talented!!!! &
This is probably a stupid question, but how did Kageyama react when he couldn't find y/n? How is life with yan Suga? I imagine probably awful BUT yknow maybe the stockholm syndrome set in fast lmao. Sorry, I'm going on a binge reading your stuff. - @oracleofdin
i will not apologise for making you simp for kuroo he deserves it the man’s a snacc. and as far as your second question, suga’s a very caring, very smothering kinda yandere, so i guess in some ways it’s better than what the reader had with kageyama but... pick your poison haha
That was so good. I’m so shook rn I can’t comprehend anything but how good that was and how good a writer you are
Ok, so, I just read Final Girl and the lil' ticket addition to it and just---
Well, ok I've been playing Dead by Daylight a lot lately? And I'm just picturing Tetsu as the newest killer "The Trickster" and I'm positively RANDY.
Your writing is ALREADY thirst inducing and just as satisfying, but this has SENT ME- If you're not familiar, please...
Understand my thirst. (I'd also like to clarify, I use a different skin for him that gives him black hair and he looks like Kuroo with an undercut.)
~ @the-casual-hedonist 🌸
i love how feral y’all got for final girl kuroo. like bo and akaashi had his fans, but i put a spiked bat in kuroo’s hands and y’all lost your goddamn minds and i love to see it. fghdjkvhfjdkls thanks for the ask bby
idk why but I love preggo reader as long as I don't pretend it's me 😢✋ I hate babies n pregnancy anywhere else other than horny haikyuu fics
i think that’s a valid thing for a lot of fans. the idea of breeding is sexy, the actual getting pregnant and having a kid thing... not so much. but especially with non-con scenario’s, it’s more about the aspect on control than the actual desire to have kids. but yeah, i feel you
Sorry to bother but uh was just wondering in fracture did Osamu kill his wife or was it actually an “unfortunate event” ? Love your work btw!!
he most certainly did :))
LMFAO RHI i totally get not liking cheating/infidelity fics (towards reader) bc IT HIRTS ME SO BAD I CANNOT HANDLE THOSE.
id be reading fics those fics like: tf you mean my yandere aimt gonna baby me and only want me??🤨🤨🤨⁉️‼️
EXACTLY! listen i get that it’s a fucked up fantasy, but in my fucked up fantasy you damn well better have the decency to be loyal smh
Finders keepers is the most beautiful thing I've read by you: I read it twice like I normally do and here's what I figured out the second time (that's when I analyze it and find the little tidbits of things that are much darker than they appear (: )
To start I LOVE THE DETAILS OF THEM NEVER TEACHING READER ANYTHING- at first I assumed "oh they might see her as a little sister or child or something" but realized thAT WAS THE ISSUE!! they infantilize her and isolate her from everyone but her group. the small details like that are what make the story amazing 😎💅
ahh thank you so much, nonnie!! pls this is making me soft 🥺
I just wanted to stop by and say that I love your writing and I hope you're doing well!!! Drink plenty of water and keep up the amazing work :) but seriously you're one of the best fanfic writers I've seen on tumblr! I read your "Imitation" piece about kuroo and i keep coming back to it, it's so good! I did want to ask if you think it'd be possible for the reader to ever escape with the baby (or at least attempt to). Or if Kenma would "help" at all just to put an end to kuroo's antics lmao
kenma would in no way help the reader, and tbh by that point if kuroo did get her pregnant, she’d be far too emotionally dependant on him to actually even want to leave, but thanks for the ask!
You know who I think would be a perfect Yandere in the JJK world? Choso.
🚨Spoilers Ahead🚨
After being locked in a glass jar for however long he was, and all that happened with his brothers, I feel like he would absolutely never let his darling out of his sight. He would be possessive. Obsessive. And Oh So delusional. Sure he’d be your anything - he truly is a softy - but to what end?🤤
choso would make an excellent yandere, ngl 😌
what au/troupe of your fav character(s) that you have written do you like the most?
(rlly hope this makes sense🙏)
i am always a slut for soulmate au’s :))
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literaphobe · 4 years
season one of she-ra rated by catradora content
the sword part 1: right off the bat we find out just what adora’s all about. she’s a so called goody two shoes but she’ll lie to authority to protect catra.... ok lesbian lmao. but then we meet catra and she’s like “hey adora ;) how’s it hanging?” and we get it. we completely get it. oh my god. everything from the way catra talks to the way she laughs. adora never stood a chance :( we get a classic locker room flirting scene where catra teases adora and adora pretends she’s above all that only to be like hey cat gf is that a MOUSE which is very rude :( don’t scare ur cat gf or she will become evil :( oh wait. anyway.... their flirting gets cut short because homophobia walks in and separates them :/ before that tho she praises adora. adora who loves her gf so much ignores shadow weaver’s praise and says “catra did so good tho <3” and puts her arm around catra which pisses off the only homophobe in etheria. adora doesn’t really want to follow shadow weaver because she just wants to be with catra, and she even argues with shadow weaver about bringing catra onto the field with her. but she loses the argument because shadow weaver fucking sucks and has no idea how to be chill :/ catra finds adora after that and greets adora the way all gals greet their pals. by... pouncing on her waist. ok lol. catra is so proud of her gf getting promoted and says baby i love you <3 baby when are we leaving <3 except adora says catra’s not allowed to come :( so cat gf gets sad and runs to the roof. in response, adora gets a literal Grappling Hook to chase after her. adora doesn’t want her gf to be sad so she steals a skiff and they go on a date <3 but they’re so obsessed with control and play fighting with each other that adora falls off the skiff and finds out she’s like. god with a sword. i mean she-ra. uh, so adora fake wakes up in a dream and is like catra? :( because catra is the only thing she ever looks for when she wakes up (yes i am clowning. of course i know catra was the only person she was with but shhhh), and then she wakes up for real and catra is straddling her waist, which... ok. catra worries about her gf maybe being brain damaged so they cut their date short and go back to the fright zone. they go to sleep, and have their nightly sleepover, which means they sleep in the same bed :) even tho catra’s own bed is already on top of adora’s :) superb :) anyway adora dreams about her lesbian sword and wakes up scared. she smiles when she sees catra sleeping soundly in her bed however because uwu cat gf go zzzzz. adora gets out of bed which catra IMMEDIATELY senses because she opens her eyes right after and follows adora. because uh.... their friendship is just that lit and strong. catra is worried and wants to follow her gf to find this cool lesbian sword she keeps talking about, but adora makes perhaps one of the worst calls ever and tells catra to stay behind because she doesn’t want to get catra in trouble :( which is like, she has good intentions and all, but you should always bring your gymnast cat gf along when u look for sick ass gay swords. adora would know that if she wasn’t raised by the literal embodiment of gay oppression. oh well. guess they’re gonna have to fight each other for five seasons to figure it out. 9.5/10 because we got so much content all literally in the first ep. it’s like hey look they’re in love and they’re girlfriends who touch each other way too much. and we’re like noelle that’s really cool! will we get more gf content? and noelle said yes but also you’ve got a big storm coming! and it’s going to kill you!
the sword part 2: against adora’s wishes, catra gets in trouble for adora’s departure, and this makes catra sad bc where did her gf go? :( shadow weaver accuses catra of knowing where adora is because despite her raging homophobia she still knows that adora wouldn’t go anywhere without telling catra. and she’s right but just because she’s right doesn’t mean i have to like her. anyway... catra gets sent to bring adora back to the fright zone, and even tho shadow weaver threatens her in scary horrid ways catra is only happy to see adora again and once again pins her to the ground with her knees on adora’s.... yea........ and she’s happy bc she has a tank :) good for u catra we all love and cherish you <3333 anyway catra makes fun of adora because she thought adora got captured which... technically true but also not but also! catra sees a flower in adora’s hair which she takes to mean that adora cheated on her :( wtf :( and adora says no baby :( no i didn’t cheat on u :( and catra is like. ok fine. let’s go back to the horde. and adora says baby we can’t go back to the horde :( did u know that they were evil? im woke now. come be woke with me. and catra is like. wait. u just realized the horde sucks? did you not see shadow weaver electrocute me. did you think she did that for gay rights? and adora is like catra baby i didn’t mean it like that :( but it’s too late. it’s all very upsetting and i don’t wanna get into it. essentially catra thinks she can escape shadow weaver’s abuse by fighting the horde from within but adora thinks she can escape shadow weaver’s abuse and the horde’s evil by literally escaping the horde. u can see where both of them are coming from and that’s why it’s so sad :( it’s so fucking sad y’all :( they do their whole. come with me vs stay with me thing,,, and it doesn’t work out. duh it’s like ep 2 why would it work out. catra finds out that adora can use her lesbian sword to turn into a taller lesbian and instead of giving into her gayness and marrying adora right away her internalized homophobia makes her run away :( she thought adora doesn’t care about her anymore because she has new friends and can turn into a giant sword lady :( and it’s all very sad :( 8.5/10
razz: adora’s having trouble turning into she-ra. no one asked, but based on this whole show, it’s because she just broke up with catra and that hit hard :( it’s pretty hard to turn into ur superhero alter ego when you’re yearning. back at the horde, catra is also yearning. she is bitter because everyone is raving about how lit she-ra is and catra is like yeah she-ra is sexy but can we have a discussion about how she-ra breaks your heart. how she-ra makes you cry. how she-ra abandons you for new friends and doesn’t want to be your gf anymore? have we considered that? and everyone is confused because why does catra seem like she knows she-ra so well. didn’t you just meet her catra? and even tho catra is a bitter ex who’s angry and wants revenge she’s still like. in love with adora and wants to protect her. so she acts cool and doesn’t tell anyone that adora is she-ra. even tho lonnie tells catra not to be so feral because “adora’s not here to protect you anymore” catra still wants to protect adora. okay. yes the thought of that does make me wanna cry. what about it. catra goes and lies on their shared adora’s bed. and she sees the teeny drawing of catra and adora on the bed frame. it reminds catra of the break up and she scratches adora’s picture. she regrets it like instantly and starts destroying the bed. and she cries. she like cries real tears what the FUCK. and then SHADOW WEAVER WALKS IN?? rude much?? can’t a girl get some privacy as she mourns a break up with a girl she’s been in love with her whole life but technically never dated for real? 9/10
flowers for she-ra: adora realizes that it’s a pretty bad idea to break up with your girlfriend when you spent your whole life sleeping in the same room/same bed as her and she comes to the Very Shocking realization that she gasp! cannot sleep without catra! wow who would have thought! so she immediately goes on a search for a sleeping partner rebound... who is glimmer (sorry glimmer it’s her first time not having her gf) and she even sleeps at glimmer’s feet the way we saw catra sleep at adora’s feet. really makes you wonder if catra and adora take turns doing that? sleeping at each other’s feet because their internalized homophobia (thanks a lot shadow bitch) prevented them from going a step further and sleeping in each other’s arms... oh well. meanwhile, catra is gloating about being force captain, but she’s also Still protecting adora’s identity as she-ra. and apparently, drawing pictures of she-ra? that she hid from shadow weaver? is that what happened? i can’t tell if she drew that picture or not but the way it looks from the scene she Definitely drew that picture! hello????? anyway, catra’s still crying to anyone that has ears about how her gf dumped her, when really it was kind of a mutual break up that was entirely shadow weaver’s fault even tho she wasn’t there. sigh. i’m bringing this up to a 7/10 because of “it’s just a phase! she’s confused, i’ll bring her back, i swear :(“
the sea gate: “i’ve got something more important to do” and here we see the start of catra literally abandoning all other duties because she would rather go flirt with her enemy gf... she literally hopped onto she-ra’s sword.... she insult her gf....... she brag to her gf about achievement.... but she also want her gf back :( adora refuses to go back to the land of oppression tho so they get into a. really suggestive fight. and catra always makes adora leaving the horde out to be adora leaving her.... she’s like babe i am literally so sexy. why would you dump me :( i’m hot :( and she’s right but i hate them. can y’all just like. not be so gay? :/ it’s starting to make me a lil bit homophobic tbh! and catra whispers into adora’s ear but it’s kind of like an insult so she gets water slapped and is forced to stop flirting :( boooo 8.5/10
system failure: hm. catra wasn’t in this ep? damn :( it’s a great ep but it’s pretty hard to find any catradora if adora is delirious the whole time and catra isn’t there. but! drunk/high adora existing gives us an idea of what she would be like around catra. 1/10 for the potential
in the shadows of mystacor: catra’s face when she sees adora in shadow weaver’s spy cam thing... interesting. she also acts like she’s So Sick of the adora missions which is true but also she is lying. kind of annoying that shadow weaver would be like. homophobic. but when she’s messing with adora’s head in mystacor she uses catra’s voice and laugh to achieve maximum effect :/ which like. thanks? but catra wasn’t actually there so shadow weaver really full on gaybaited adora huh :/ adora eventually defeats shadow weaver and we finally see catra again uwu she ends up plotting to kidnap bow and glimmer but the line “if you want to take down adora, you have to go for the heart” is so interesting because we eventually find out just how much of adora’s heart is filled with catra... 4/10 on its own 6/10 if you let the heart comment ruin your life!
princess prom: ARE Y’ALL READY TO PARTY oh my god,,, this is it you guys. this is THE ep. so funny of adora to be like. i have so many plans for every single thing that might happen. i am GOING to spend the party getting princess frosta to join the rebellion. and then catra shows up and adora is like nvm. what if i followed catra wherever she went instead. which is very interesting! adora, sweet baby, why do you always assign yourself to fight/follow/chase catra? when according to her in future eps is actually a bad decision which we can infer from her saying stuff like catra knows my every move she will be able to take me down,, ok then stop hogging her all the time?? anyway. let’s get into things chronologically. “how dare those princesses pretend they’re better than you? just because you’re different? how dare they abandon people just because they don’t fit in with their perfect little lives? how DARE they take best friends and turn them into giant sword ladies who run off with people clearly inferior to you?!” catra.... u got sth to say there buddy? :/ u got something u wanna get off your chest? :/ u had us in the beginning but then you started to get really specific :/ what’s that about sweetie :/ catra’s coping mechanism for this is to put on a really hot suit and going to princess prom to seduce the shit outta adora? fucking genius. yes she also kidnapped two people but let’s focus on the ingenuity of catra’s plan to make adora hot and heavy and also somehow jealous the entire time. incredible. so, catra shows up at the prom with scorpia and adora immediately starts bickering with her about rules. she fails to get catra kicked out so she resolves to stalk her instead! and catra... oh catra... she puts on a whole show..... performing everything from popping a tiny cake into her mouth to circling around a pillar seductively and dropping a note into a bin that says hi adora >:3 with a drawing of catra’s face that she worked hard on!! and adora looks like a crazy stalker ex gf and everyone is like damn.... u ok? :/ but adora doesn’t have time to care too much aside from a little “haha i swear i’m not a weirdo!” look because her mind is just screaming CATRA CATRA CATRA and she finds catra creeping up to entrapta. but ofc catra’s not trying to push entrapta off the ledge! no! she’s using entrapta to make adora jealous :3 catra pulls entrapta close and says “she stole my food and then asked me to spy on people with her. is this what love feels like?” and it WORKS and adora has to pull entrapta aside and be all hey i know we’re not super close yet but the bro code kinda states that u don’t date ur friend’s ex :/ so could you please back off? and entrapta is like say what now? ur gf just ditched btw so adora goes running after catra again and surprise surprise! it’s time to dance! and there are romantic lights and music! and uh oh! everyone else has a partner except for catra! guess this means adora’s gotta dance with her ohhhhh noooooooo :/ “i don’t know about you.... but i am having a blast” i really don’t think catra was lying!! i am on the verge of passing out!! adora moving away from catra after saying “whatever it is you’re planning, it won’t work!” and catra, many dance partners later, slamming back into adora’s body to continue their conversation with “maybe my plan won’t work, but then again...” THE DIP!!!!!!! “maybe it already has...” oh my god you guys. what the fuck. like they get into an angry shove fight after this but the tension! the tension! and then adora LIFTS catra up in the air? real close? they get ice blocked by frosta after this, more specifically she traps adora because she shoved catra first djfjdjdjdjd,,, after telling glimmer to find bow catra grazes adora’s chin with her tail to remind her that she’s still here!! don’t neglect!! and catra says the iconic “it was fun distracting you though ;)” line that adora was clearly affected by because she memorizes it and says it back to catra..... years later. i CANNOT make any of this shit up. what the fuck y’all. the fact that these evaluations are so long bother me but i HAVE to call these hoes out!! moving on, adora runs after catra in a very dramatic chase/fight scene, and adora is very amped up on uh, hormones. she catches catra at a “dead end” and goes “hah! trapped >:)” which is such a stupid thing to say to ur cat gf who can jump very high, so catra says “you wish ;)” and it is just. everything they are saying sounds very suggestive okay why are they LIKE THIS anyway catra jumps up some floating ice and adora follows her up the floating ice because she’s gay and she will jump however much is required of her to chase her gf down ok!! and so adora and catra are now on some ice cliff where adora keeps lunging and they’re also kind of like dancing? and catra is being very ~smooth~ dodging all of adora’s strikes and hitting her in one move. that’s kind of cool but also don’t bully your gf :( come on catra :( not cool :( but adora doesn’t give up and they continue fighting, until one missed move from catra nearly sends her off the cliff. but adora thinks she’s hot and she’s in love with her so she’s like nooo catra don’t fall off this cliff ur so sexy aha and catches her by. the waist. not the hand! but by the waist. any normal person would’ve gone for the hand. factually speaking, catra’s hand is easier to reach than her waist. but adora’s a hoe. so, she grabs catra by the waist and pulls her in closer by grabbing! oh you guessed it! her chest! like she grabs her shirt but it’s the part of the shirt that was at the chest. what the fuck. they both get this look in their eye that makes it seem like they want to kiss each other???? hello????????? and like. very upsettingly we now know that they’ve always wanted to kiss each other so. that knowledge makes watching this scene even worse. they shouldn’t have become enemies if they were going to be this horny. they’re so distracted by each other’s lips that they forget they’re standing at the edge of a cliff and guess what! they fall off the cliff! what a twist! but adora is like i’m NOT going to die because i was distracted by catra’s lips, so she grabs her hair stick thing and stabs it into the ice cliff. she grabs catra by the hand to save her, not the waist this time, because holding catra’s hand is also gay so she might as well do it. too bad catra lets go of her hand and ditches her tho :( i would minus points for that except it wouldn’t make much of a difference. catra says “see you later, princess ;)” because she’s already expecting to see adora again.... good lord 4828473737373/10 thanks noelle! i died
no princess left behind: but i’m a buddhist so i’m back. we open with catra laughing so prettily looking at her gf’s lesbian sword. very cute. later on, when shadow weaver betrays catra and tells her to go pack her things because she’s not needed anymore... adora gives her this look? :( she looks like she feels bad because catra’s clearly still suffering under shadow weaver’s thumb. but let’s zero in on the most important part! catra dragging the sword and pointing it at adora, before turning it around and giving it to her. “this is NOT because i like you” ok catra i didn’t think that before but now i Absolutely believe that you did this because you like adora. and u can tell adora kind of is like. ready to start her whole “you can come with me! we can be together! :(“ thing but things are complicated and catra told her to Just Go so... it is a lot and we know things are deeper than just catra liking adora but we will get emo over that later. 9/10 that was a good fucking scene
the beacon: “she left me behind too, like i was nothing :(“ some people say this is catra manipulating entrapta, and they are correct, but also she’s like.. “oh adora left you too? mad kin :(“ she was deadass about to start a support group with entrapta and technically she kind of did! good for them <3 catra goes to look for first ones tech and adora goes to look for the beacon to learn how to heal and guess what happens! they’re looking for the same place! catra’s “on second thought... hey adora >;)” at the end pushes this up to an 8/10, but that’s just like the last five seconds of the ep so objectively the rest of the ep was like. 4/10 idk lmaoooo
promise: finally some good fucking food. catra follows adora into the beacon and has a little fun spying on her and enjoying her epic fails at getting information on she-ra. she also finds the first one tech she needs, because she’s a multitasker and she can spy on her gf while doing important missions <3 but also she gets caught and adora nearly kills her fksjdjd “hey watch it! >:(“ is so funny because catra??? u are trespassing???? but also uwu baby yeah don’t accidentally kill ur gf adora :( adora’s reaction is also very funny “catra? what are you doing here? :O” as if catra hasn’t shown up at 70% of the places adora has been, but the way she asks it’s like. adora is happy to see catra? pleasantly surprised? man she is whipped. anyway, adora tries to pull the Tough Girlfriend move and like, mildly scold catra for trespassing into a building where only one person (she-ra) is allowed to be in. but she still grabs catra’s hand and guides her to an escape path :’) she lifts up a giant door thing and waits until catra runs in to let go and run after her <3 chivalry isn’t dead after all <3 they get into a lover’s tiff as they run for their lives and essentially it’s like “babe wtf WHY are giant mutant spiders trying to kill us isn’t this ur house” “they’re trying to kill YOU this is why you ring the doorbell instead of running in secretly after i open the door!” “oh and how was i supposed to know that! why can’t you just tell your teenage mutant ninja spiders to chill out??” “they’re not house-trained babe :( i moved in two minutes ago they came with the apartment” anyway the angry spider monsters catch up to them so catra goes “adora? :(“ and that’s enough for adora to take Direct Action so she slashes the walls and ceiling of the room they’re in before grabbing catra to shield them both. she is NOT getting her deposit back but uwu anything to keep gf safe <3 adora transforms back to her usual body and she once again reminds catra that she’s Not Supposed To Be Here and she’s like “god now i have to like Protect You and it’s gonna put my life in danger :/ haha what are you gonna do for me in return tho ;)” and catra is like. “well good thing i didn’t ASK you to protect me” so adora is like :( —> >:( wait u know what??? ok u know what????? why are u here >:( how’d u find me?? >:( and do u mean any of this in a gay way?? >:( say it’s in a gay way right now >:( and catra is like. ur gay castle sent a gay beam of light into the sky. i saw it immediately bc im gay but i do NOT mean this in a gay way. and adora is like oh :( ok :’( and then asks about shadow weaver bc she saw what went down in the horde and she like. i think she can tell shadow weaver still exerts some form of control that catra hasn’t broken free from? :( and then catra is like haha shadow weaver is a LOSER and adora starts giving her Gay Looks and it makes catra scared because her gf now thinks she has a crush on her!!!!!!! how Embarrassing!! “ugh, i knew you’d be weird about me letting you escape” ok so why did you say that thing about not liking her? “i told you it’s not because i like you!” there it is! that’s EXACTLY what i thought you’d say you lesbian! and the way she says it??? she definitely likes adora???? she is so bad at lying?????? and adora is so smug about it like her Face plus her crossed arms and the whole “i mean, i didn’t ;) i didn’t say anything ;)” her eyes.... your honor she’s gay...... she’s like what if we were in my secret castle..... standing amongst the rubble because i destroyed the infrastructure to protect you..... and we were both girls....... adora was Ready to turn her sword into a Bed right then and there ok!!! it’s not me it’s Her Eyes,,, anyway catra starts being salty again and brings up bow and glimmer and is like hey where’s those idiots u dumped me for :/ thought you looooooved hanging out with them and doing everything with them :/ like we used to :/ are they not as fun to hang out with adora is that why you’re standing in this spider infested building with me instead :/ and adora suddenly remembers that she can’t just be horny and that she has to hold catra accountable for her actions so she’s like oh my friends? the ones who u kidnapped and held for ransom???? >:( and catra is like ya what other friends would i be talking about :/ like god i know she’s evil but she’s so funny take her back adora :( jk ik ur gonna start begging her to Come With You in like minutes u absolute simp. but before that happened catra was like fuck u lets Split Up >:( we already broke up why would we run away from spiders together huh? unless u still like me? but clearly there’s only one way for them to walk so they can’t split up just yet and adora gives catra this >:( look so catra is like FINE one last date and they walk away together. they go into this... dark room and catra wants to leave the dark room because she’s scared of ghosts :( jk but the door disappears and something scans catra and adora and light hope is like cool! time to show them memories that are specifically picked to make catra resent adora! which :( not cool light hope :( i get that ur a bot who’s programmed to serve the homophobic agenda but damn u were gay once too :( anyway they’re sent to a memory in the fright zone and adora gets Angry bc she thinks catra tricked her and catra is like i wouldn’t play u like that :( and she finds out it’s all fake so she’s like adora :D u don’t have to be scared or mad at me anymore! :D she goes to look for adora but adora’s watching a memory of them when they were six and being really cute. back when adora had the moral backbone of a chocolate eclair and only really cared about making catra happy and having her back. catra blinded octavia and insulted her and adora was still like: ur not bleeding ur bones aren’t broken and u picked a pointless fight with someone who did not provoke you in any way. where is she i will insult her some more. i love u. like damn adora really do be a ride or die girl huh!! she’s still like this but they both have too many issues to realize it :( anyway catra and adora slip into the catra and adora of their memories and begin running off together holding hands............ and then they Realize they’re running off together Holding Hands....... and catra pulls away because of her internalized homophobia :( devastating. they get into a tiny little fight over magic and kidnapping again and then adora’s face softens and she’s like catra :( why Did you let me escape :( i know i made fun of u for it before but i legit do not know if u meant it in a gay way. pls confirm? :( u could have gotten caught catra :( why did u risk it :( is it because you secretly want to run away with me and join the rebellion? :( and be my gf? :( she’s so caught up in her questions that she nearly falls off a cliff AGAIN and catra catches her by the hand because these girls are obsessed with almost falling off cliffs to their deaths and saving each other. don’t judge them their Intricate Rituals are THAT deep. and catra is like. did you really think. i would let shadow weaver erase your memory like that? and risk you forgetting our relationship? even towards the end when we were broken up and fighting each other it was kinda lit and i want u to remember it. and adora is an idiot so she’s like idk lmao probably aren’t u like evil now and catra is like well you have a point but also fuck u for thinking i don’t care about u,,, u never did have too much faith in me :( and adora is like can u blame me :( and catra is like ur hot so.... no. i will let my tail linger on your hand as a hint that i still love you. and then catra is like.... adora i know u said fuck horde rights but does that include our relationship :( u had good memories right :( of me? :( and adora is like um duh??? i miss you so goddamn much too oh my god and catra is like hey how dare you imply that i missed you even tho it’s true!!! get over urself! and adora is like not until you admit you like me ;) and they play fight again because the rituals are so intricate..... and catra lies and says she doesn’t like adora ok lmao... they enter the next memory and it’s catra and adora sparring and they’re competitive but it’s also flirty? catra pretends to be hurt to get adora to let her guard down but lonnie interferes and this causes adora to beat catra. which. yeah :( and after adora wins she does the good gf thing where she asks catra if she’s okay and catra’s not ok but she lies and hides away to cry :( and we get it babe we do!! it’s hard being in love with someone who you’re also resentful of because you’re raised in a competitive environment and always treated like you’re worthless in comparison :( but the simulation stops and catra is caught by one of the spiders and adora doesn’t manage to save her in time, grabbing her hand only to fail and have catra slip through her fingers :( they scream for each other but catra manages to get the upper hand on the spider monster, except adora charges in at the last second and delivers the final blow, further driving home the false point that light hope is trying to make :( adora just wants to protect catra but because of their upbringing catra sees it as adora always wanting to be the best and adora thinking she’s better than catra hence her telling catra what to do “all the time” which isn’t totally true but it’s what catra has been led to believe :( and also adora’s upbringing plays into it too because she thinks she has to save everyone and take responsibility for everything and it’s all just really sad bros :( what the fuck :( adora apologizes for leaving again and tries to convince catra she never meant to leave her and that she wants catra to come with her because she knows catra isn’t a bad person :( and you can see!! catra considering it!! but then precisely BECAUSE catra is considering it the memory simulation thing kicks in again and... hoo boy. we see catra and adora sneak into the black garnet chamber, after being cute and competitive and running around the horde swinging from wire to wire.... they get caught by shadow weaver and she specifically punishes only catra. and it’s so fucked because it puts adora in this position of guilt where she always feels like she has to protect adora whilst slowly brainwashing her over the years into believing that catra does do disobedient things and that adora can only escape that if she’s always perfect and taking charge of everything. and for catra.... it takes the mutually loving relationship they have and poisons it because shadow weaver makes it very clear that to her, catra’s only redeeming quality is that adora favors her? and if not for that she would be disposed of? and so it’s very hard for catra to find individuality and a healthy connection to adora which created unresolved resentment and issues and just... :( and the whole confrontation they have after the simulation ends... adora could never protect catra in the way she needed to be protected because adora was also a child, and receiving a different form of abuse, and it’s just. harder for catra to leave? especially because she didn’t receive a sudden destiny the way adora did and her issues with the horde were never limited to morality. and so catra is just. she has way too much to work through and she can’t see past her resentment for adora because the machine is making her remember all of it. and so she tells a half truth and half lie to adora about giving her the sword because she didn’t want adora to come back :( catra runs away from adora and is attacked by flashes of memory. and then she faces one last memory alone. and it’s the promise adora made to catra when they were kids, about always looking out for each other, and catra looks at kid!catra and thinks adora has broken that promise, still stinging from the hurt of adora leaving her behind after finding the sword and becoming she-ra. it was never meant to be like this but catra is hurting so she focuses only on her side of things and how she saw these events play out and she :( decides to kind of betray adora? it hurts So Much because adora looks so hopeful when she sees catra while hanging on for dear life, and she thinks catra will save her again but catra talks about how the sword won’t work for her because she’s never been the Special One like adora was always heralded to be in the horde. and having adora literally be she-ra just drives that point home for catra and she hates adora for it because this means all the other stuff she believes is true too. adora made her feel weak on purpose, adora made catra think she needed her on purpose. “every hero needs a sidekick, right?” and adora’s “catra, no, that’s not how it was!” hits even harder now because we know that adora just. loved catra. she was in love with her but adora was also like catra in that she’s a product of her circumstances and upbringing. she was the way she is as a means of survival. but the one thing there that was pure and true was that they loved each other.... upsettingly neither of them can see that. catra goes down even further into the path of evil and thinks that. being free of adora. is the thing that will liberate her and bring her happiness. which. she is wrong about. but she can’t exactly see all that clearly right now :( and adora begging catra not to “do this” which... means she’s begging her not to leave? “bye adora! i really am going to miss you” and adora’s desperation skyrockets but it’s too late :( catra doesn’t come back for her and adora cries.... and it’s just so insane that literally everyone who wants to control adora focuses on poisoning her bond with catra because that’s the relationship that... matters most to her in the world. when you’ve loved someone your whole life it hurts when they betray you and it hurts to betray them too, as we can see from catra when she arrives back at the horde. she essentially looks Wrecked and freezes up when scorpia calls her “the best friend ever!” but i want to make one quick note of her “personal space” talk with scorpia? like fjdjdjdjd you have never had personal space with adora not once in your life ok that’s reserved for the gf only i see. 10/10 i am so wrecked emotionally this is way too much but also because it makes me so emo i will give it a perfect score but nothing else. no bonus points because i do not want to reward putting me in pain!
light hope: light hope showing adora the memories that make her feel guilty and it’s the first scene where catra sees her as she-ra and walks away.... adora’s been feeling guilty over catra since the moment she failed at getting catra to leave the horde :( 3/10
the battle of bright moon: “catra will be leading the horde when they attack. i have to face her.” it’s so interesting how there’s so many pressing things at hand? the weather is screwy, the alliance is broken, no one’s coming to save them, the rebellion could be crushed, but the thing that is really bothering adora, the thing that she brings up first, is catra. “i saw catra in there. i thought i could get through to her, but all i did was push her farther to the side of evil” she sounds... so heartbroken about it all :( catra and adora meet on the battlefield and the first thing catra says is,,, u guessed it,,,, “hey adora.” and adora’s like “catra. surprised to see me?” and like damn they’re really so good at being enemies. the talent. the tension. impeccable. and then catra says nah i didn’t think u died and im glad u made it out alive. and adora, bless her soul, is like oh.... u mean in a gay way..... u didn’t want me to die..... for homosexual reasons?? and catra is like no! haha! i uh, i just wanted to kill u in a cooler much sexier way. and adora is like oh :( oh >:( oh >:’( and they get into a very heated sexy fight like catra wanted. and they taunt each other like. “i thOUgHt yOU weRe suPposED tO bE stRoNG” “aND i tHouGHt yOu wERe sUpPOsEd tO bE fAst” you know. very cool well crafted taunts. and like. they fight a lot which is kind of sad but also kind of sexy because their styles are like? similar and different? which is the dumbest way to compare any two things ever but like :( y’all get what i mean right :( we get one more Hanging Off A Cliff scene and this time adora grabs catra by the chest and shoves her against the wall, and catra is like cool! but u did this,, for what? and then adora realizes catra was just distracting her Again and bright moon is very badly under attack :( catra bids her adieu so adora can run back and fight. but she like. gets caught :( and catra walks up to her and gently caresses her cheek before adora passes out and it’s evil but it’s also tender? but it’s also evil i know i know :( all of the princesses come to help adora so she sends a beam of magic gay light and heals everything and then all the princesses send a gay tsunami washing over catra. the horde loses, and catra retreats in a skiff, but adora and catra exchange one more Look as she leaves... hm. 9/10
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