#leaves for a few days and comes back just to do a tag game LOL
neoneun-au · 8 months
Shuffle your On Repeat playlist and list the first 10 songs that play, then tag 10 people.
tagged by @ambivartence <3 tysm as always !
currently my on repeat playlist is like the wild west so im curious to see what will appear
Blue and Moody Music (Wendy's Version) - Hiroshi Sato (genuinely one of the best songs i have ever heard in my life)
heavun - hemlocke springs (obsessed w her tbh)
I'm Your Man - Mitski (had the album on repeat for a while)
Prada - casso, RAYE, D-Block Europe (LOL idk i like it)
Buffalo Replaced - Mitski (fave off the album)
Spotlight - Mutemath (had a moment with the twilight ost dont mind me...)
Outstanding - The Gap Band (certified Classic)
I Like It - DeBarge (this song FUCKS)
My Love Mine All Mine - Mitski (3 times the charm)
Never Too Much - Luther Vandross (this song also FUCKS)
can't escape my running commentary soz i really love music haha
tagging: @donghyuckkies @peachjaem00 @hotdogct @naptimed @janggtoco @thepixelelf aaaaaaand idk anyone else who wants to :))
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n0tamused · 3 months
Came across House of Dragons and kinda got invested then I saw you accept Jiyan requests so now I’m kinda thinking what a mixture of the two would be like….Jiyan with his own dragon riding in Westeros…Jiyan courting you despite protests from his court…Jiyan protecting his queen from anyone that tries to hurt her or his heirs…idk I am just a causal watcher I have no clue what’s actually going on in GoT and HoD tbh
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A/n: I'm uploading this from my phone because I just can't wait to post this, so if there's formatting or grammar errors - rest assured, I'll do my best to get to it once I get on my laptop. Where do I begin though? 😭 My goodness, you couldn't have sent me a better idea than this one oml. I'm smooching you on the head istg, thank you so much for this request! And I hope you enjoy this jumbled ramble <3 I'd love to do more of this little au and I most definitely will, and for some other characters as well.
Contents: Jiyan x Reader, headcanons, you/yours, written with a F! Reader in mind, dragonrider reader and Jiyan, Game of Thrones/House of The Dragon universe, pregnancy, angst, happy ending, somewhat arranged marriage lol, tell me if there's anything else to tag.
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-War had taken many noble houses to an early grave, leaving behind nothing but ghosts and ruin over the vast lands. The ones that remained standing were either the rich or the cruel. All except one.
-Jiyan, originally hailing from Jinzhou, and belonging to no noble or rich lineage. His mother was a notorious healer, and his father had long been lost to travels and war himself.
-He had joined the battles as a young green boy alongside his mother, moving beside the long columns of soldiers in their tattered armor and ringmail. All he could do was stare at them in wonder and question - Why do they spill so much blood? For what?
-There was no looming threat of the Others coming to claim their lives, it was just them - the people and the common folk, yet they fought each other like animals for a few extra inches of land or a few extra coppers in their liege lord's pocket.
-As much as Jiyan didn't wish to engage in the art of war and bloodshed and only wanted to heal and save, it became apparent, all too soon, that the way to survival and peace was through battle. Healing will get him nowhere, and if a good commander was not put at the front, it wouldn't matter how well he healed if two in three soldiers died, even after receiving his aid.
-The war changed him, hardened his heart and fortified his mind, until the healer he once was became only a distant memory. Spear replaced herbs, and instead of the tattered medic tunic he now donned armor and ringmail. A companion also joined his side after he ran into a deep cavern for safety during one particular battle. A large unclaimed dragon, which nearly took his head off now stood at his side like a mountain, guardian him day and night and heralding the doom of his enemies with a thunderous roar and loud snap of it's wings. The dragon was a beautiful pale green, with bronze horns and amber eyes with darker lines of green running over its back. It was a beauty as much as it was a beast. Men quickly took to respect him, and it became evident Jiyan’s person hid many talents besides that for medical aid and spear holding.
-The previous commander perished, another life taken by the savage ways of war, and Jiyan was appointed as the new commander by the soldiers after he rose to the occasion - having led them to success in war, as well as safety when the odds did not favor them.
-It was during his reign as the lead commander that the lands saw the end of the war. Blood was shed, yes, but not for naught.
-Upon his return to the central city, the throne was found vacant, the king slain along with his entire council. The word of it was that they were taken unawares from the seaside, and had no ways of defense, as all the manpower was at the front lines
-Jiyan came into his rule as king at a young age, far too soon, and yet despite all the doubt he had flourished quickly. Proving himself as an able and just ruler, unlike the ones that came before, his foundation as a commander giving him good wind in the back
-The city wasn't in good condition after the war, but in the years following Jiyan had sent many commands that would aid in its rebuilding
-Slowly, but surely, the common folk started to feel the dawn of a new age - summer has finally come.
-The one thing Jiyan has gladly forgotten about was marriage. As a king, it was expected of him to take a bride to be his queen, to have heirs and to start a new lineage that would, hopefully, carry better blood instead of the hot blood that sought destruction. It wasn't something he often thought about as other duties preoccupied him day in and day out. But it was neither something he was against.. Deep in his heart he would admit a thought of his own family did make him feel…alive. But how would that family fare in these conditions? With his status? This was nothing like his small village he grew up in, so the image he once had in his mind was no longer so clear.
-His mother was a person he'd eventually seek advice from regarding such tender subjects, earning himself a laugh occasionally, as his cluelessness was rather amusing. Where other Kings misused their power and gave commands as they saw fit, Jiyan exercised caution, and even sympathy for the bride he didn't even have yet.
-Eventually, a match was arranged, between him and a lady of a higher birth. His mother had met you before he did and vouched for your good character - but Jiyan remained nervous, vowing to keep his judgment and thoughts to himself until he met you himself.
-Your journey to the city was a long one, yet you entered the long and towering palace halls like a breath of fresh air. Keeping your lady wits about yourself and keeping your courtesies with you, you had quickly rubbed off on Jiyan. The wedding was still a matter of question, as Jiyan had insisted on giving you and your family the due time to explore the city and to see whether this was truly something they wanted to go through with. His compassion was answered in kind by many gifts sent from the city they hailed from, consisting of foreign fruits and vegetables to cattle and coins and silks.
-It was endearing. And the courtship between Jiyan and (Y/n) soon began, as the former began to make moves. He preferred to do so in some amounts of privacy, as the many eyes that followed him as King were uncomfortable and he swore he could never get used to them.
-This seemed to please and comfort his bride-to-be as well, and both of them would show their true colors. It was a rare thing for a royal match to be founded in love rather than simple responsibilities to make heirs, but it wasn't unheard of either.
-What they both had in common was that they were dragon riders. (Y/n)’s dragon was a stark comparison to his own with red scales and two pairs of black horns and dark amber eyes, the underside of the dragon’s wings being a shade of yellow that looked like gold under the sunlight. It was a terrifying dragon, arguably even more scary than his own mount.
-When no one was looking, the two would go down to the Dragon Pit and take their dragons to the skies, racing over the cities with one another or going over the seas to breathe the salty air. It was an escape from duty as well. The moment their dragons took to air, all status and responsibilities remained on the ground, and only the sky was the limit to their freedom.
-Jiyan relished in this freedom like a luxurious drink he could never tire of, and your laughter was a sound like no other.
-The dragons took to liking one another as well, and would dance in the air while the pair were seated on their backs, spinning and falling, and right before the ground came too close they'd pull away and take to the skies once more.
-The commonfolk took this as a good omen. The dragons ruled the skies again, and a good King was on the throne, with a good queen soon to join him.
-Jiyan would find himself inviting (Y/n) to his chambers in early mornings to break their fast together or late dinners to share their day with one another. It was as if the two were already married. And even that wasn't too far from coming true.
-The wedding was a big event. Tables and tents were set all the way out and around the keep as well as in the big ballroom inside. Although Jiyan would've preferred to keep the celebrations a modest one, the council insisted that this occasion warranted the eyes of everyone, the joy had to be shared. This once he gave in to their requests.
-Flower petals were thrown on them as they passed by the rows of commonfolk standing at the sides of the rode, him and his Queen riding at the back of an open carriage dragged by four horses, white and elegant with plumes in their manes. Everything was near perfect and out of a fairy tale.
-King and Queen would share their dance in the ballroom once they returned from the High Sept where they got married before the priest, sharing their first kiss - something Jiyan made sure to cover and hide to the best of his abilities by pulling your veil over both of your faces.
-The celebration lasted all the way into the eerie hours of the night. And both Jiyan and you were exhausted, and upon retiring to your shared bed chamber you simply collapsed onto the plush mattress.
-That night, Jiyan fell asleep with his lover in his arms, watching your soft breaths make your chest rise and fall in slow successions, his fingertips tracing the lines of your face and the skin of your back, until he couldn't resist the urge to sleep.
-This wasn't a life Jiyan asked for…but it was one he was glad for.
-Children came later. A lovely little daughter being the first to be born of the love from the King and Queen, bearing the signature feature of you. Jiyan was beyond happy.
-During the birth of his daughter he was in the city, conducting business over a new architecture project when news arrived that his Queen had gone into labor. It is believed he had never dropped a matter as quickly as he did that day, racing back to the keep and searching for his wife.
-Despite the protests of the midwives, he responded only to you, racing to your side and giving you comfort and encouragement if nothing else, welcoming the fruit of your shared love together. It was the first time Jiyan ever cried in front of anyone else. He had delegated some more of his duties to the others in favor of having the time to spend with his newborn and you, helping you recover from the birth.
-It wasn't rare to see Jiyan roaming the dark halls in the middle of the night to visit the kitchens for food for you, bringing back foods and snacks, whatever you wished, even the weird food cravings. Hell, sometimes he'd indulge in them alongside you. Once, during your first pregnancy you requested a big honeycomb, and it just happened Jiyan felt like a sweettooth that evening as well. That ended with you sharing quite a candid moment, lips sticky with honey with a waxy feel between your teeth as you tried not to laugh at one another.
-The second pregnancy was a boy, following two years after the daughter was born, and he came with a little more trouble. The new prince was quite a big baby, and the birth left you even more exhausted. A fever soon settled within you, greatly worrying Jiyan and the entire council. You could barely hold the boy to feed him without shaking, and the fever lasted for days.
-It was the scariest time of Jiyan’s life. Any moment spent away from you plunged a dagger into his heart that twisted itself further in. It pained him. And he nearly got sick himself from worry.
-There were maids around you constantly, when he couldn't assist you it was them that took care of you. His mother was close by as well, bringing you great herbal teas and green tea cakes and broths. The time for you was a blur, filled with uncomfortable heat of your body and sticky feelings of sweat.. does it ever end?
-It was as if the whe world was plunged into depression once you fell ill. Dark clouds corresponded with Jiyan’s bitter and grieving mood, and the dragons themselves were restless. In this time, the others, outside of his kingdom, saw it fit to attack and plunder the neighboring villages and cities.
-You had recovered enough to talk, but your days were still mostly spent by sleeping and eating.
-You could vaguely remember seeing Jiyan entering your chamber, holding your son for a short while before putting him back in his crib. A concerned look pinched his brows together, you could remember, as his gaze went to you.
- “My love?... Are you alright?” He'd ask as he kneeled by the side of your bed, taking your hand in both of his and kissing the knuckles that felt like they were ablaze underneath his lips. He was dressed in all armor, a sword at his hip. Why was he leaving?.. Where?
-It all seemed like a dream, an illusion borne from your illness, but it was real. He had a duty over the kingdom, and over you. Yet it pained him no less to leave the place he was closest to you. He had entrusted your care to his mother and the maids, and he had already bid farewell to your daughter. She had clung to him like a moss clings to a tree, asking him when he'd return.
-You couldn't give a reply, staring somewhere through him.
-Has the reign of peace perished so quickly?
-His dragon waited at the Dragonpits, and the troops were already marching out of the city gates when he took to fly over them, leading them to the front lines once more.
-You recovered in the following days, finding yourself alone - not literally, as there were maids and servants all flocking to you, but Jiyan wasn't there. His Hand sat the throne instead of him. And your children had grown significantly, as if years had passed instead of several days.
-Responsibilities choked you until you began to move, throwing yourself back into work and and duty. Your son was always at your hip or breast, making up for the time lost. And your daughter was always pulling at your skirts unless she was at her lessons.
-It was a restless period, and a terrifying one. The first letter you sent to Jiyan was met with an ecstatic response, him being overjoyed you were healthy again, yet he encouraged you to rest more.
-His other letters brought bitter news of losses and bloodshed and treason, but he reassured they were holding strong. You could only believe him.
-Months passed. Months. And a letter from Jiyan was yet to come in. It worried you. This everlasting silence, it was of more concern than the sorrowful letters.
-During one evening as you sat on one of the tall balconies of the palace, overlooking the city as your son cooed in your arms, you heard a shriek. One coming from your dragon in the Dragonpits. The dragon was as restless as you, her calls weren't foreign to hear, but this time her shriek was returned by a call of another.
-Your husband's dragon flew down from the murky clouds. The green dragon roared, splitting the sound mid air, earning another roar from your own dragon.
-Jiyan has returned.
-You’re unsure how you raced so quickly down to meet him, with a babe in your arms and not properly dressed either. Appearances didn't matter. Your husband's return did. He mattered.
-And once you saw one another, nothing else could hold you back from running into eachother’s arms, the baby carefully tucked between the two of you in a protective embrace as Jiyan kissed both of your heads, pressing his forehead against yours soon after, laughter shaking his shoulders and chest.
-He was sure he could cry right now, and seeing you shed tears of joy almost encouraged him.
-Jiyan knew he'd split the world in half if it meant keeping you whole and with him.
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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strwbnnie · 2 years
-| hi my newfound love 💕
i bring to thee pervy thoughts to satiate your kinktober thirst 💦
Naga!Bakugo who stands about 7ft tall at his full height. Thick, muscular arms crossed over his bulging pecs that lead to into perfectly chiseled abs and tapers into a massive corded serpentine tail that he uses to prep you before stretching your tight little hole out with his two slimy ✨cocks✨
do with this what you will ❤️
Kinktober day 1 and only 🤪
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Ngl it took forever but I got it done lmaooo excuse mistakes I never proofread
Pairing: Naga!Bakugo x Explorer Chubby Black!Fem Reader
c/w: 18+ MDNI
chileeeee 😭 monster fucking, oviposition, tail fucking, kats has two cawks, oral (m!receiving), language ofc, Katsuki hates humans, Katsuki’s 100 yrs old at least, he’s also a lil mean but I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t sprinkle a little praise here and there, venom intoxication, full nelson position, cervix fucking, girl you a babymama now 🤤 ❀ let me know if I’m missing any tags ❀
inspo behind his look lol
Something wasn’t right about this forest, so many sinkholes and underground traps lingered around the bunker-like caves.
Which is exactly why you’re limping back to your camp. You’d lost your canteen, which meant you had no drinking water for the night. Fortunately, you had somewhere warm and sheltered to sleep.
You entered the bunker you’d claimed for yourself. This one was the least creepy of them all, lacking the furs and animal carcasses you’d seen in a couple of the others.
At the entryway you kicked off your boots, not wanting to track dirt and mud inside. The tapestry you’d brought gave you a decent amount of privacy, kept you hidden from whatever might’ve been lurking outside, however it couldn’t hide you from something already inside.
“Oi, it’s about time, who the fuck are you?” He snarled violently, tail curling around to push you the rest of the way inside. He’d been waiting on you to return all day, dying to see just who was bold enough to trespass amongst his territory.
He was huge, not only big and brutish but tall too, his head nearly grazing the cave’s ceiling as he raised up at you.
Katsuki hated humans. They were messy, disgusting and vile, destroying every place they’d come to inhabit.
So he’s absolutely seething when a ditzy little bitch makes herself comfortable right in the middle of his territory. Pinning your dumb little tapestry in the entryway, and leaving your things scattered.. neatly in a corner?
Okay whatever you didn’t make a mess, but still he’d spent days digging it out and getting it just right for his rut, only to have some human bitch trespassing while he was out collecting supplies.
“Oh I-.”
Terrified was an understatement as you looked everywhere but his face to to avoid his angry red eyes.
“You’re a..a…like a centaur..but a snake?” He heard you say. Should someone, or something like this even exist? You couldn’t help but wonder if he was the product of some freaky genetic splicing, or something conjured up from the deepest darkest depths of your monsterfucking fantasies.
His human or hunanoid half was absolutely beautiful. A very handsome face, even if it was fixed into a scowl, big muscled arms and an abdomen like a washboard. He wore golden cuffs on his arms and wrists, thick rings adorned a couple of his fingers. His body was thick and bulky, tapering down to a slender twelve foot long tail. His scales were black with splotches of tan, the underbelly that same sandy tan color.
“A Naga, dumbass. I don’t have time for ya little games, bitch. The hell are you doing in my den. Where’d you come from?”
“Your what? I’m traveling south and I just needed a camp for a few nights. Please don’t eat me, I’ll leave!” You were willing to beg the handsome creature for your life. You nearly fainted at the feel of his cold, scaly tail wrapping around and giving a deterrent squeeze.
“Don’t flatter yourself.” He snarled. The last thing he’d ever eat was a disgusting human, you’d probably taste like shit anyway, with all the garbage humans ate.
Now, a deer or a big fat juicy rabbit? He’d do just about anything for. He’d probably go hunting after he figured out how to dispose of you.
“So, what should I do with you, my chubby little bunny?”
His tone was taunting, you’re sure anything you suggested he’d laugh at, but you mustered up enough courage to speak anyway.
His gaze was fixed on you, red reptilian eyes daring you to make a move. He wanted you to run. He’d probably even stall a bit, give you a little leeway before hunting you down like the predator he was.
And when he found you he’d contemplate snapping your pretty little neck, or pumping so much venom into your veins that your blood solidified completely, or even gutting you like a fish and tossing you aside for the scavengers to deal wit-
“K-keep me?”
He stared at you like you’d grown another head.
“Keep you?” He spat the words like they were poison filling his mouth. He scoffed, nose turned up and brows bunched into a menacing scowl. “Fuck are you talkin’ about?”
He’d expected you to beg for a merciful death, totally caught off guard when you suggested such an impious request.
“L-like a pet or maid..I-I can cook or forage or…please you.” You reasoned with the monster, voice dying in your throat at the end of the statement. You knew there was no way he’d let you go unscathed, so you offered up the next best thing, you hoped.
The blonde stopped and looked down at you, arms crossed over the thick trunk of his body and squeezing his deliciously large pecs together, before his mouth turned up in a devilish smirk. Uncoiling his tail, he dropped you right on your butt.
“Don’t need a pet, but I do need an incubator.” Your eyes widened when his eyes fixated on your chubby tummy.
“Yeah,” His forked tongue flickered. “Ain’t got a mate, but I’m ready for a litter.“
He slithered the rest of the way to you, pulling you right into his arms. He pressed his cool fingers into your doughy body, pulling you right up against him. “You have the perfect body to bare my clutch, so you will.”
Sure, it was contradictory. He hated humans, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t use you and all of your warm holes, right?
“Either that or I stuff em’ into your corpse.”
He could smell your fear, along with the sweet scent of ovulation and it was absolutely intoxicating. Your scent alone made him fucking feral, made him want nothing more than to burrow deeper into his den and have his way with you, to pump you full of cum and then his eggs.
Which is exactly what he’d do. Make you pay for disturbing his peace and triggering his rut early.
“Gonna keep papa’s eggs nice and warm, right? Ya promise?”
You nod with so much force your head might fall off, flinching when his thin tongue flickered rapidly beside your ear.
“Good, now whad’ya say about pleasing me, Bunny?”
The naga is left speechless when you take the head of one of his cocks into your mouth. The warmth enveloping him like the tightest hug.
“Fuck…what a good little bitch.”
You responded with the faintest little ‘mhm’ staring up at him all starry-eyed and dazed. Your tongue ran up and down that thick vein, sending shivers up his spine.
Katsuki had fucked with plenty of Naga women, but none of them had ever taken his dicks into their mouth, too prude and snobby to commit such a profane act.
But humans—humans were the embodiment of sin, the epitome of absolute trash, and before now he’s never been more grateful for the scum of your race.
Because here you were, the sexiest plump little vixen he’d ever seen, on your knees with your tongue swirling around each of his heads, showing neither more attention than the other.
You squished one of them between your busom, fucking it with your tits while your mouth handled the other.
“Holy fuck.” The naga breathed out, palming your head to push you down onto his cock, the tip nudging the threshold of your throat. Katsuki’s mind was clouded with delirium, head thrown back as little grunts and groans were forced out of him.
He laced his fingers into your braids, the hair ties that held your bun long gone. He was surprisingly gentle, forming your hair into a ponytail to rut against your mouth.
You sucked his cocks like your life depended on it, because it did. You needed him to feel like you were worth keeping, not to be discarded after you’d given him a litter.
Of course you didn’t stop, too stupefied to even understand the command at first. The naga felt like putty in your hands, the rattle of his tail moving intensely fast, nearly beating against the ground to signal just how close he was.
Your tongue and throat tingled as you worked him with your mouth, pushing him closer and closer to a release that would’ve brought him to his knees if he had them.
“Stop…or I’ll kill ya.” Bakugou panted hard, breaths ragged and strained, giving your hair a rough tug.
He quite literally meant what he said, as much as he did want to paint your throat with his cum, you’d likely asphyxiate from all that semen.
Your mouth was off of him in an instant, staring up at him waiting for your next order. You were a delectable sight to behold. Saliva dripping from your chin onto your big tits.
He pulled you up into a sloppy kiss, coating your tongue and throat with venomous saliva. It made your mouth water, the more you swallowed it down. You were now covered in a light sheen of sweat, body lax in his arms and incredibly sensitive, signs that you ingested the poison well.
“Please! I want-I need your cocks! Need you to fuck m-me.” His venom had you slack-jawed and slurring, drool dripping from the corners of your mouth.
Katsuki loved a bitch who wasn’t too proud to beg, carnal urges roused and ready to give you all that you asked for.
“Gotta stretch that pretty pussy if you want both my cocks.”
You nodded, or at least thought you nodded, head swaying as he maneuvered you around. Now you have your arms looped around his neck as he holds you up by your knees.
You let out the most wanton moan when his rattle breached your cunt, gasping and panting like a whore when more and more of that thick tail made its way inside.
Your eyes squeezed shut and your mouth formed a wide ‘o’ as the rings of the his tail were sheathed deep into your cunt.
“Nice and warm.” His deep raspy voice lingers in your mind even after he’s spoken.
“Fuckkkk! I need more!” You cried out, cunt gushing more of your syrupy arousal around his tail and down your thighs.
“Doing s’good, I’ll give ya more.” He praised, fangs pressed into his lip as he slipped his tail out, rattle coated in your pussy’s cream.
Tears stung your eyes at the delicious stretch of his upper cock stuffing your cunt.
He bounced you up and down, loving how your warm, creamy pussy felt around him. With every thrust the head of his second cock bumped against your clit sending tremors through your body every single time.
He never wanted to leave the warmth of your cunt and quite frankly you didn’t want him to either with how you wrapped your thick thighs around him so tightly.
He was able to pry you off of him a little, just enough to position his second dick at your entrance.
Completely cock-drunk and dickmatized you’d probably die if he pulled out of you. You’d never been so full in your life, filled the the brim with this monster’s cock.
“You said you wanted both right?”
“Uhhuh?” You agreed to all of his questions if it meant keeping your life. Your mind was so clouded and hazy that you didn’t even process what he meant until he stuffed that second cock into your greedy cunt.
Shifting the position, he turns you around so that your back was against his front, cocks still stuffed inside as he handled you like you were featherlight. He lifts your legs up until he has them over his forearms, you’re now folded in half against him with his hands locked behind your head.
In an instant he’s moving again, holding you still and slamming into your pussy at a god-like speed. “Oooo shit.” You moaned, staring down at your bulging belly.
“You’re so stronggg.” Your praises pumped his ego, if that was even possible, the man already had so much confidence as it was. “Nghhh it’s s-so fucking good.”
“Yeah? Human whore loves my cocks?” He had the meanest grin on his face, basking in your praises.
“Yesssss, fuck yes.” You screamed, eyes crossed and tongue lolling out like a mad woman as he fucked you into oblivion.
“J-just like t-t-that.” You stuttered as you felt the peak of an orgasm creeping up on you.
It had just dawned on you, the blonde hadn’t even given you his name, if he had one.
“N-name..what’s your name.”
“Katsuki.” The Naga said, thrusts never faltering. He rarely gave his first name, especially to people he deemed beneath him. However, in a matter of moments you’d be the mother of his brood, of course he made an exception.
“Katsu…mmphhh. I’m gonna cum, Katsukiiii!” You whimpered out his name as you coated his cock with your juices.
“Oh f-fuck, what’s happening?” Your hooded eyes widened when the thick heads of his cocks pushed passed the ring of your cervix, sitting snug inside your womb and ready to deliver his clutch.
Play time was over, and Katsuki was ready to collect on that promise you made him.
Large and round, the first egg settled into your belly. One after the other he deposited six big eggs into your belly. The stretch was uncomfortable, heavy.
You weren’t even sure if you could stand holding so much extra weight. After all you’ve been through you weren’t sure if you could stand at all, honestly.
He finally lifted you off of his cocks, both semi flaccid and slowly retreating back into their slit. Your eyes were fixated below you, intrigued by the bright green slime that dripped out of your cunt but even more so by the swell of your tummy after being filled with the naga’s eggs.
You felt yourself being moved, until you were layed against your sleeping bag and few extra blankets you had brought to bundle up with.
You were drained— body covered in sweat and cum, belly stretched to capacity. You didn’t even want to think about how you looked right now.
“Oi, stay with me.” He slapped a calloused hand over your cheek a couple of times.
You floated in and out of consciousness but you kept your eyes locked on his crimson ones as best as you could.
“Did good.” He patted your head as you snuggled into his cool body, bulging belly jutting against his abdomen.
He rubbed a hand over your belly. ”S’good for me, gonna give me a strong litter.” He kissed your forehead and that’s all you could remember before consciousness evaded you.
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buddiesmutslut · 1 month
Okay, so I want Buddie to get together before Chris comes home, right? So, they get Chris, spend a few days getting everyone settled back into the swing of things, and then either 1) they don't get a chance to tell him, or 2) they do, and it doesn't go great (which I feel like is something that's going to happen regardless, I need Christopher to be an angsty teen with abandonment issues in 4k)
Before they can sit down again and figure everything out, they get a call for another wildfire or a crossover or whatever that requires them to leave town for a little bit.
Obviously, Eddie can't go, because he just got Christopher back home and he really doesn't want to leave him again, even temporarily, but Buck has to go because people need help.
Cue Buck & Eddie spending time apart for the first time since they got together, sleeping in different beds hundreds of miles away from the other, and both spiraling a little bit. Eddie because he's worried that Buck is finally getting some time away from him and the mess that he was in Chris' absence and is worried that he doesn't want to keep wading through Eddie's problems,
And Buck because Chris is back now, and what if Eddie doesn't need him anymore? What if he was just a stand-in or a placeholder for Chris, but now his son is back and Eddie is on his own two feet again and what if he doesn't need Buck anymore, and if he doesn't need him, then why would he keep him around?
Extra points if telling Chris doesn't go well so they're trying to figure that out and cell service is spotty and they don't know what the other is thinking because they're so far away and if they were closer, they would just be together and solve the problem, but they're not so they're relying on delayed messages and downed phone lines and a game of phone tag.
And then, obviously, Buck gets home, and they realize they were spiraling over nothing because they've been building a life together for far longer than the few months they've been kissing, and Buck sits and talks with Christopher, and everything is fine.
AND THEN I NEED TIM TO LEAVE THEIR RELATIONSHIP ALONE. No breakups like in a lot of other main couples (Chenford, Booth & Brennan, I'm looking at you guys.) no! None of that! They've suffered enough, give them plot lines without breaking them up.
Give them better arcs with their parents, BRING US EDDIE'S GODDAMN SISTERS and the drama I K N O W is hiding there. Give us Buck focusing on his career (and also maybe slip in an official ADHD diagnosis, what, who said that?) Give us them talking about raising another kid, kill off an obscure family member and a stroll down memory lane (I absolutely do not mean Isabel Diaz, you keep your filthy paws OFF Eddie's abuela, bitches. I love her so so so so much lol).
Give them character arcs that have nothing to do with them possibly breaking up. They deserve storyline's that are more than just about their love interest. Literally, Buck's coming out wasn't even about him, it was all about Tommy and I'm so sick of it. Buck and Eddie are interesting characters! They are M A I N characters, give them better storylines. (Esp Eddie bc genuinely, wtf have you all done to my boy??)
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wyked-ao3 · 2 months
WIP Introduction
Y'all voted so here it is I decided to do both since they were close in the results plus sketching takes forever when I can not decide.
The pirate king of deaths redemption
(book one of the pirate's cursed god series)
Where to find it? Once it's finished I'll post it on ao3
Genre: dark fantasy, kinda enemy/rivals to lovers, queer, drama, secrets, (might have what some would consider horror elements not sure if there will be enough to add the genre)
Tag to find it by: TPKODR or TPCG usually I will also add the longer name to the tags but not always
Status: wip editing.
Triggers: Torture,Violence, Death, past sexual assault, trauma, PTSD, phycological horror.
Tags so far: pirates, fae, found family, violence, betrayal, secrets, gore, darkish fantasy, gay romance, slavery, human sacrifice, lore
warning:There will be increasing darkness levels as the series goes on.
The next book gets into the political aspects of the kingdoms and pirate culture and the third gets into the assassins and religious aspects of the world
Current summary: needs work because the romance is a subplot and the rest the stuff going on is the main plot but I really suck at summary's lol (perhaps it will come to me when the story is done)
pirate king Daimhín Heorot: has been targeting Tarak fleet vessels mostly leaving the cargo vessels alone so long as they do not fire at them. He lets a vessel go only to run across it in trouble many moons later.
Tarak fleet captain Oisìn Mallory: has a past he is haunted by and a distrust for royalty. Has to accept aid from a pirate and to make it worse it's not any pirate but the pirate king of the bioluminescence sea. secrets revealed, royals exposed and something dark stirring in the shadows.
Will they survive the manipulations of a seer with good intentions?
(Was the first summary that I could come up with lol)
series summary: (at the moment It needs some work) the gods of old are still interfering in the world. One is trapped within the shadow realms will he be set free or will he die? The fae royalty are not quite what they seem. Will the pirates find out about their cursed god and change the world or will it burn to ashes?
Other Charaters with a intro: prince jade, Morana, Braith, Amon, Galen
World tour tag game.
Snippet I'm just going with the opening scene below the cut
Pirate king and captain of the ship Death's Redemption, Daimhín Heorot was looking out across the dark reddish wood that made his ships deck, at the small fleet they were approaching. The Jolly Rogers flag with crimson blood stained on it from the last fight they had been in a few days prior, flying high in the sky warning of their imminent arrival.  Eric hadn't gotten to cleaning the flags yet as he had other repairs to get to first. 
Daimhín said to Galen, his second in command and quartermaster of the ship, “They are skittish.” Watching as the crew of officers aboard the other ships started to panic. They were running around the decks gesturing at them. It was rather amusing to watch. They were still a little ways out but the larger Tarak Fleet ships had little chance of escaping them. 
Turning to face his second in command, he saw that Galen had forgotten his hat again so his brown hair was flying around in the wind crazily.
 Shaking his head he held out a leather band to pull it back. 
“Ay, they be scared, it not be everyday that ye see a king ship.” Galen reminded him with an amused look in his brown eyes as he pulled his hair back into a ponytail. 
He asked, “Is it that noticeable?” He didn't think that they stood out all that much from the other pirate vessels. Perhaps he was wrong. Assumptions were a pirate's enemy after all, Daimhín mused. 
 “Nay, their captain be the one who noticed us.” Galen answered as he moved to grab a spyglass from the helm.
He raised an eyebrow. It had been a while since  anyone had realized that this was the king ship, most people kept their mouth shut after a run in with them. Wondering what exactly gave it away to the other Captain or rather how he had known, perhaps they had been aboard the ship before. 
He gave an order to the crew, “All hands to battle stations. Recon team help the crew down below until the signal is given.”
@the-letterbox-archives here's the intro post
Updated TAG list + @bookwormclover let me know if you want removed
@thatuselesshuman @gioiaalbanoart @lychhiker @goth-automaton
@thecomfywriter @evilwriter37 @saebasanart @the-golden-comet
@mauannacreates @kind-lion @alinacapellabooks @kuebiko-writing
@kaeru483 @differentnighttale @theink-stainedfolk @unstableunicornsofasgard
@mysticstarlightduck @demon-sneeze @dnd-and-insanity @smellyrottentrees
@honeybewrites @pheonix358
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
Levi A-Z Smut HCs (Obey Me!)
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⬅Back to Smut HC A-Z Masterlist ◇
18+ only, minors do not interact.
My personal headcanons using this [prompt list]
The goal is to finish the whole list; you are welcome to request a letter so I get to it faster. I will work on it as quick as I can but keep in mind I do have a life & responsibilities lol. ^^
Last Updated: Oct.1.2023 (9 out of 26)
⚠️Notes: I'll tag any sections if needed. If you think a section needs a tag, kindly let me know.
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A: Affair (Describe an extra-marital affair)
B: Birthday (Describe birthday sex)
C: Compliments (Mid- and post-sex compliments)
D: Dry Humping (Describe a dry-humping scene)
tags: punishment, humiliation Every once in a while you need to punish him, either he spent way too much on otaku merch or he's been missing classes too much, whatever. You'll usually sit on him & tease him as he tries to play on his PC. He knows what you're doing & he begs to feel you, please he'll 'do better' he says. Unfortunately for him his poor cock won't get that sweet relief exactly. he can beg & whine all he wants & rub desperately against you but he's still gonna have to cum in his pants.
E: Experimenting (Trying something new)
F: Firsts (First time having sex together)
It was clumsy & cute. The poor otaku was so nervous, he couldn't believe he could bag such a baddie. Someway somehow even with the nervousness he still felt calm with you, if that makes any sense. He was more worried about you than him & he just wanted to make you feel good. especially when he came rather quickly before the 1st round. Anyway, the nerd is packin' & those hands & tongue work skillfully. ...You definitely went a few good rounds into the night & left each other a mess before finally taking a sweet bath together. After, you guys cuddled under a warm blanket & watched a lighthearted anime. ♡
G: Gentle (Describe gentle/loving mid-sex gestures)
H: Handsy (When they can’t keep their hands to themselves)
I: Initiator (Who initiates most of the time? How?)
J: Jealous (“Claiming” a partner)
tags: Possessive, Love bites/Marking, Scenting Sweetie, he's the avatar of envy. When it's extreme, there's no hiding it, he gives in. That sweet shy nervous otaku? Gone. He's bringing & giving grand admiral energy, he's giving 'one of the powerful lords of hell.' Sure he could summon Lotan or use something else if he wants to, but all he really needs is to say "Go away" in a icy cold voice & glare that makes thousands of soldiers shiver. You almost feel sorry for any bastard that tries to make him jealous. Even after they leave though, he wants nothing more but to mark you with visible love bites & rub his scent all over you. He made it easily known to his brothers to not touch what's his.
K: Kitchen (Describe a sex scene in the kitchen)
L: Likes (What they like in the bedroom)
M: Morning (Describe morning sex)
It happens frequently hehe. You tend to stay over a lot to watch a marathon or play games. Levi's libido is strong, he's always down to fuck in the morning, it brightens his spirit. Watching you take his cock & filling you up right before school is the perfect way to start the day. It's especially motivating when he knows you walk around the entire day with his cum between your legs, he cant wait to come home & fuck you again. (If he can wait that long)
N: Never (Things they would never try)
O: Orgasm (Describe coming--who comes first? What do they say? How does the other person know it’s approaching?)
P: Playlist (A playlist for getting down and dirty; will probably include a lap dance song, a song for making love, and a song that represents their sex life)
Q: Quiet (Reaction to a quiet partner)
You know what I'm not gonna lie, I think he'd be just a tad disappointed at first. Of course he reminds himself a lot of porn is fake anyway & then he really tunes in to the small delicious sounds you do reveal. The faces you make. The little bits you let him hear are still so very fucking hot & sexy. He's the one making you sound like that either way~
R: Ruttish (Signs that they’re horny)
Ah...Levi is easy. He's not very good at hiding it. A flushed face and a small sheen of sweat to him. He gets a little extra irritable as well. The biggest sign is the tent in his pants when he's around you. Sorry, but he doesn't hide it very well, it's obvious when he looks like he's trying to hide something when he tries to cover up down there. (I wonder if he does it on purpose?)
S: Safe Word (How often is the safe word used? Why?)
T: Teasing (Who’s the tease in the relationship? What do they do? How often?)
U: Undressing (Strip teasing a partner)
V: Videos (Sending NSFW videos to each other)
Do you realize what you've done? The first time you sent him a video, he got instantly hard & couldnt stop cumming to that video. Unfortunately for him he kept getting hard any time he thought about it that week, it was embarrassing walking around with a constant erection. His first few videos in response were a little clumsy, but it turned you on. He was a loud moaner & he loved to whimper. Little whiney pants when he was getting close always did it for you. He made sure to take better video, especially audio when he learned you really loved his moans. ♡
W: Wedding Night (Consummating the marriage)
tags: overstimulation The only thing on his mind is getting you off the entire night until you're crying & begging him to stop. Until you're drained. He knows it's about the two of you celebrating but...you're his life partner now! He's so grateful you chose him out of everyone. Please let him worship you tonight, lay back & let him handle it. He promises he's enjoying this as much as you are. Promise.
X: XXX (What kind of porn does the person watch? How often?)
tags: double dicks, creepy!pervy!levi I'm not going to lie to y'all, Levi's a freak. (Okay we knew this) He watches all kinds of porn, both real & hentai. I'd say it's nearly an every day thing, it's hard taking care of two monster cocks & he needs to empty his balls. His favorite? POV hentai vids. Especially ones that look like you... Perhaps he has a few commissioned hentais where they look like the two of you...
Y: Yawn (How they sleep post-sex)
Z: Zoo (Their animalistic qualities in the bedroom)
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anamoon63 · 11 days
RL and Sims update post + a thank you note
(Warning: long post ahead, read at your own risk).
I wrote this post to thank you guys for all the likes and comments you keep leaving on my posts, even though, as you may have noticed, I can't be here as often as I used to. Real life has taken over almost completely, as I think it should. There are too many things going on, with me, my family, my country, even my sims and other games, lol.
I'm not going to bore you with daily life problems, much less with sad and depressive stuff, or with previews of a story I don't know when/if I'll ever finish, the only thing I can tell you is that I'm still busy with a lot of work, (fortunately) and family stuff; plus, I (finally) started going to therapy (yes, at my age). So right now, I'm juggling even more things than I already was.
And so I wanted to thank you for sticking with me, for continuing to read the chaotic stories of my wacky characters without judging them; thank you as well for each and every message you have sent to my inbox, be it questions, or flowers and love; and to all of you who continue to tag me both on sims stuff and cute games, knowing that I most likely won't be able to answer you, really, thank you for continuing to think of me. Your messages soothe my heart in difficult moments, and I wish to answer them all, I just don't know when I will be able to do that, hopefully someday.
Now, my sims story. For those of you who might remotely still be interested, I'm currently revising the next few episodes of Time Traveler which I wrote earlier this year. To be honest, I don't know when they will be ready, I just know the story goes on and as soon as I have reviewed these episodes, I'll start taking the pictures. When will they be published? Frankly, I don't know. It could be early 2025, but no promises, as I don't have much free time on my hands now. I manage to write in the evenings, but in-game photo shoots are quite time consuming and have to be done in peace and privacy, of which I don't have much at the moment. So, if I do decide to publish these episodes, it will likely be early next year, and at a rather slow pace.
About my gameplay, in Sims 4 we will continue with the Wilsons until the end of the season (coming soon), and then we will take a small break. As for The Sims 3, we just finished Patrick's story in Bridgeport, so now we'll go back with The Cho Brothers. First, we'll take a brief trip to Lucky Palms with Terence and Cynthia Cho; then we'll spend a rather long time in Hidden Springs and Starlight Shores, to see what has happened with Tyron, the eldest of the Cho brothers. And last but not least, we'll go back to Uni with Dale and Kelly, who I hope will FINALLY graduate this year, hahaha.
Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I am not gone (yet), that if one day I decide to retire I will make a special post about it, I won't leave without saying goodbye, but that day seems far away at least for the moment. 
Now, regarding Inzoi…
I admit Inzoi has captured my interest. As usual, I'm late to the comment party, but I still want to put my two cents about this amazing game. Seeing the trailers and all those beautiful Inzois created by other simmers got me so excited, and at the same time, terribly frustrated to see that the demo didn't contain any gameplay. I need to actually play the game to give an opinion on it! So far it looks beautiful, though I must say that the character creator disappointed me because the sliders are Sims 4 style, which I've always found a bit complicated, I'll forever prefer the Sims 3 sliders, but hey, I had a lot of fun creating my own Inzois.
Hopefully the graphics and gameplay are as good as seen in the previews and its developers won't “break” it into multiple or turn the into a malfunctioning cash cow like EA did with The Sims 4, and to a certain extent, also with the Sims 3 in its time. I hope with Inzoi they'll go for a complete game, no matter if it's expensive, if I consider it is worth it, I'll give them my money as soon as it comes out.
That being said, it is important for me to clarify that I will not abandon The Sims 3 (or even Sims 4 though I don't play it much) for Inzoi. Ever. Neither do I plan to recreate my sims OCs/games in it, because my sims are exactly that, sims. If I ever get to play Inzoi it will be with entirely new characters, although I confess, I did try to reproduce two of my most beloved sims (a boy from the future and a college girl who is a model *wink*) and they turned out pretty well, but nowhere near as adorable as they look in The Sims 3. Plus, the environments in which those two OCs currently move could not be reproduced in Inzoi, at least as far as I know.
Okay, enough of Inzoi. In short: I'm not gone, I'm still here, I'm still reading all your stories, only at a much slower pace, two or 3 simblrs per day at the most. I'm going to read them all, just bear with me, and forgive me again if I don't always comment. Sometimes I don't even have the time or the energy for that. Believe me, 2024 has been an intense year in every possible way, sometimes I really need a break, but I try to be around and will always find a way to keep in touch, even if at times it seems like I'm nowhere to be found, I'll get back to you at some point.
That's all, thanks for reading this far! Have a nice and beautiful start of the week. 💗
P.S. I wrote this post three days ago, wish I had published it earlier, that way I probably wouldn't have gotten a notification that some Simblrs Community 'removed my membership'. When I clicked in said Simblrs Community icon, it said the community was 'private'. I don't know if that's some kind of automatic Tumblr thing, if there's a committee that decides about this, or if it was just a glitch in the matrix; whatever it was, I'm so sorry I wasn't able to be here to keep said membership. I didn't even know Simblr was a private membership. For what it's worth, it wasn't neglect or lack of interest for my part, just lack of time. I hope one day to be able to qualify again and be worthy of this membership. At any rate, I thank you for thinking of me and admitting me in your community in the first place.
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milawritesstuff · 1 year
pedri/gavi smut where he’s fingering the reader while making out but the reader having a hard time kissing back because he’s fingers inside her
A/N: I felt inspiration when I opened my inbox earlier today and saw this one. I didn’t proofread so hope it’s okay lol. Imagine this with Warriors game Pedri ughhhhhh 🤤🤌🏼
Warnings: soft smut
Somehow you ended up on Pedri’s lap. You had spent all day in his house, the lights were dim and a movie played in the background. He looked into your eyes and smiled as his hands rested on your ass. Your pink dress draped high on your thighs.
-Me vuelves loco, lo sabes?- You drive me crazy, do you know that? He asks as he leans forward and nudges your nose with his. You drape your hands around his neck and smile. -Y tu a mi.- You manage to whisper as he lifts your nose up to place a soft kiss on your lips. A warm feeling travels throughout your body as his soft wet lips take yours in. You smile into the kiss as his hands travel under your dress and he softly caresses your ass.
After a few kisses you hear him groan as he felt you begin to move your body against him. -Babygirl, if you don’t stop that I’m going to get hard.- his low huskey voice sends vibrations throughout your body as you nip at his bottom lip. -I don’t see why that would be so bad.- You say as he chuckles and shakes his head. -Eres una cabrona.-
He leaned in again for another kiss. Your hands comb through his hair pulling it a little causing him to let out a low moan. You feel yourself get wet from his moan, moving your hand to cup his jaw as he continues to kiss you practically melting you into his touch.
In between kisses Pedri moved his hand from your bum to your inner thigh causing you to shiver at his touch. His hands moved quickly and pushed your undies aside so that his fingers were now toying with your folds. You left his lips and went to his neck leaving wet kisses until you took his earlobe into your mouth and whispered -Just do it.-
-Do what?- He spat back as your lips traveled all throughout his neck. His fingers teasing you and him growing harder as he felt your wetness.
You let out a moan once you felt one of his long fingers go inside of you. His lips took yours in as your tongues moves in sync with each other. Your hands cupped his jaw sending shivers all over his body. Another finger went in and you began to grind against them.
His kisses intoxicated you. You felt as your chest exploded with the feeling of having him. Pressure starting to form in the pit of your stomach. Each one of his kisses masked your moans until they couldn’t anymore.
You threw your head back and with your eyes closed let out a moan along with his name. Pedri continued to move his fingers as he stated at your face in pure pleasure, sending him in bliss. -Is it good?- He asked as your body trembled with his touch. You bit your bottom lip and moaned again without being able to respond to him.
-Oh Pedri please don’t stop, right there.- You managed to say in between whispers. Pedri continued his movement as he whispered into your ear -Here? Is that where you like it?- His words felt almost as if they were taunting you but at this point you didn’t care.
You continued to moan out his name as you felt your legs shake. His lips caught yours as you moaned out his name and came all over his fingers. He gave you one last kiss as he pulled his fingers out and took them to his mouth sucking them dry.
-I love to see you come all over my fingers.- He whispered.
@cinderellawithashoe @httpswiftie @simpingmyassoff @bubblebeep69 @fictional-l0v3r @httpspedri26 @0alanasworld0 @l0verl4ne @gaviypedrisbride @footballerficsposts @fashphotolife @beaschampagneproblems @jvsgnjrtpdar5stkd-tv-m @ikkehehe @jjishotasf @quemirasboboandapaya @maricciardo @gaviswh0re @pedriwifefrfr @dustell @elijahslover @formula1mount
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verbenaa · 24 days
✨Writing Interview Tag Game✨
Thank you so much @preciouslittlebhaalbae for the tag! I loved reading yours, and this was so fun to do!
When did you start writing?
Well, I feel like I’ve always been writing something since I was able to! I always wrote little stories as a kid, and had notebooks full of ideas and such as a teen. I stopped writing in college and it's taken me over a decade to feel confident enough again to return to it. I had never actually written fanfiction though, despite reading it since I was a preteen until this past december. it's been a great experience so far!
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I love sci-fi! I mostly read fantasy, but I do indulge myself in that as well when my interest is sparked. I do, also, love a good historical romance when I am feeling indulgent 🤭
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
There's not really a particular writer or anything I'm emulating, if anything I try to not emulate anyone and simply write with my own voice. I've also never had my writing compared to anyone else before, either!
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I write all over the place, haha 😅. On a perfect day, I get to start writing in the living room on my favorite spot on the sofa with my coffee, but it's rare I get the opportunity. I tend to write a lot instead at the built-in booth in my kitchen or at my desk…but truly I will write wherever I can. I have been known to pull over into a parking lot and jot down something really great into the notes on my phone lol. The one place I don’t usually write is in bed though, as I am a sleepy girl by nature and just being near my bed lulls me into the sleepiessss.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Hmmm, well I can't say I ever just 'muster up a muse', so to speak. I typically get ideas randomly and I can't ever force them to come. However, I do obviously love to listen to music to help set the mood, I am a chronic daydreamer, and I use pinterest a lot as a tool to help hone my focus. When I start feeling a little lost in my vision, I find it helpful to return to my playlist and the to eden pinterest board to sort of 'reset' my mind, so to speak, and get back into the proper mindset.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
I like repetition, specifically in threes. I also really enjoy working with themes of sex and intimacy and how they intertwine. Trust, as well, has been a recurring one throughout my work. I also love a good musical reference here and there, too!
What is your reason for writing?
Because I have words and stories begging to be set free and can hold them back no longer. Because I want to prove to myself that I am capable of creating something, even if it's just a silly little fanfiction. Because I hope someone out there will enjoy it and maybe it will leave an imprint on them in some form or another!!!
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
Any and all comments!!!! I have recently been having a real bout of lack of confidence, so going back over my comments has really helped keep me going and remind myself that there at least a few people who are enjoying my work!
I have a deep love for comments though where people point out specific parts or lines that they loved and I find this to be beyond satisfying. It's so lovely to know specifically what resonated with someone or what part they really, really enjoyed. It's a very validating experience! Few things bring me more joy than getting to read comments. I neeeeed the comment serotonin! (please leave me comments)
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
I...don't know? Hopefully approachable, willing to chat? That I have somewhat of a nice grasp on what I'm writing about??? That I am at least a decent writer????
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I've received a lot of comments about my ability to set place and my imagery, so I feel confident about that skill. Also not bad at writing smut 😏.
How do you feel about your own writing?
oof. this is...a tough one, haha. I tend to be very unsure about my own writing and am also prone to confidence issues and imposter syndrome, hence part of the reason why I've been writing so much slower the past few months 🥲. I oscillate between thinking I'm writing something good that will be enjoyable or thinking that it's awful lol. honestly I can't let myself think overmuch about it and instead I just try to write, write, write and then press publish when I'm done with it 😅. I can be quite self-critical. I need to chill lol.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
I write for meeee! So far, all the stories I've told have been ones I have wanted to read myself. to eden is completely self-indulgent, as are the oneshots lol.
I could probably do a ted talk about why, exactly, I felt compelled to write to eden when there's a million other amazing Astarion/Tav fics out there and what specific aspects of the Astarion/Tav relationship I have been so eager to explore, so if ya want that LET ME KNOW ✨
Tagging @elinorbard @khywren @ladyduellist @inkymoonbunny @xxnashiraxx and anyone else who wants to join in, I would love to learn about all of you!!!
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alieinthemorning · 4 months
Five Ways He Says [Oikawa Tooru]
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Content: Fluff, Established Relationship, POV Second Person, Reader-Insert
Pronouns: None
Header: @/tsumoos
Reblogs: Let me know that you enjoy my work and want to see more, so don’t forget to like and reblog (and comment in the tags. I love seeing people’s rambles in the tags)!
This work’s concepts, plot and original characters are my own which means I do not allow any sort of creative theft nor do I allow my work to be entered into any sort of A.I. bots. Thank you for respecting my space and boundaries.
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The sound of the lock being turned has you jumping from the couch and sliding into the entryway. Before he can even get a “I’m home!” out, you leapt for him.
“Welcome home!” 
Tooru stumbled a bit, but kept his balance as he used one arm to support you. 
“Haha, I’m back.” He pulled back a bit to give you a kiss on the forehead. “What happened to make you so happy to see me?”
“Literally nothing—” A sudden rustle of plastic bags caught your attention. “Oh! What did you get?”
He chuckled, nudging back so he could finally toe out of his shoes (It was actually kinda amazing how he could do it while both arms were preoccupied.  “Yes, I got something for you.”  
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“Tooru, you need to take a break.” You wrapped your arms around him from behind. “Call out today. Stay home and let me take care of you.”
You noticed Tooru was beginning to favor his left leg, meaning his right knee was giving him problems again. It was the kind of injury that never truly went away. He’d usually be fine, but sometimes the pain would just sneak up on him, and then he’d slip back into his old habits of overworking it. 
Thankfully, he had you now. 
He sighed deeply, turning around to hug you properly. “You’re right. Thank you for reminding me.”
You smiled up at him, “Of course!”
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People on the outside attempting to look in on you and Tooru’s relationship think of you as a disrespectful partner. The main reason being is that you rarely stayed to see the game end. Who wouldn’t stay to watch their partner win or lose?
Well, you didn’t need to. You knew he was going to win, so you leave early to meet him immediately after the game. And if he lost, you’d do the same. Be there to comfort him and collect his tears before anyone else could see him so vulnerable. It simply had become routine. 
So when he came to you, grin on his face, you responded in turn with your arms wide, accepting him with an oof. 
“We won.”
“I knew you would.”
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“Why is it that every time that I’m off—you’re the one who’s busy?” Tooru whined as he wrapped his arms tighter around your middle.
“I literally just need to run a few errands, and I’ll be back soon.” You said with an eye roll. 
Despite this, your fingers were gently detangling his brown locks, and you made no move to get up. 
“Ugh, but I don’t wanna leave this early.”
“I’m not saying you have to, Tooru.”
“And lose precious time with you? I think not.” He huffed, finally removing himself from you. “So, I guess I should get the bathroom ready.”
“Oh, come on, Tooru—lemme go in first.” You removed yourself from the covers.
He blinked at you. “...we have literally been married for three years—we can’t shower together?” 
You paused, flushing. “I mean…we’ve never before, but…”
“Precious time.” He reminded you in a sing-song voice.
You sighed, relenting. “Fine, just lemme brush my teeth first.”
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The days when you both have time off are quiet. The two of you simply exist in each other’s presence, taking in one another. 
You pull his hand to your lips, gently kisses his knuckles, and in turn he leans over and captures the center of your forehead with his own lips. 
Nothing is said, but everything is conveyed. 
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These are the five ways Oikawa Tooru says, 
“I love you”
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I wrote the majority of this while I was stressing at the ass crack of this morning. Hope y'all enjoy lol
Ko-Fi | Commission | Masterlist
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littlemagicalstardust · 4 months
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FULL SUMMARY OF CLOSE UP W/ RENEE PAQUETTE & CHUCK (Notes of everything mentioned/talked about) - The beginning of the video Renee & Chuck reminisce about Double or Nothing and 5 years of AEW. - Begins with Renee asking what we all wanted to know. Asking Chuck about the injury, what happened, etc. - During October until Now, Chuck never felt lost or dark being away from wrestling and in-ring. He got to play video games, watch some movies, hang out. He was still mostly on the road because he's trying to learn stuff backstage and it's something he was always interested in! - Mentions of being hopeful about returning one day, just like the many others who had "career-ending injuries" and returned. - He thinks if he had to adjust his style in-ring and continue, he could. It could be possible. - Working backstage: he's really enjoyed it. Little chatter occurred. - Mentally switching roles (in-ring to backstage), he always enjoyed it about wrestling. Planning things about matches and helping others do that. Backstage, he was worried people would think he's not good but everyone was really hype and saying he would be good at stuff backstage <3 - He went into the parking lot match with the thought of it possibly being the last one. He went to a putt-putt bar a few days after and the bartender asked if he had a cat (due to the aftermath of the match) and Chuck didn't want to get into it, so he said he was in a car accident, lol. - Creatively, he couldn't have asked for a better way to go out, if he never returns in-ring. <3 - Little talk about Best Friends break up. How it feels weird OC/Trent were against each other for the DoN PPV. Little mentions of Chuck/Trent tag teaming for years and knowing Orange for so long & used to live together. - Mentions of favourite Chikara matches, he has favourite matches in other various promotions. He feels his best run was in PWG, before AEW began. He's proud of the parking lot matches and Arcade Anarchy. - Talks about making children cry in the early days, lol. How he loved being a heel and how more fun and easier it is. - Random little talk moment - For 23 years, he's packed his bag the exact same way. Talks a little about how this is and how his wallet too has to be the exact same way or he panics. For his Dustin bags, you could give him whatever and he'd pack it full of random stuff. - Little chatter of games and what games he's playing. He really likes spooky games. - Chatter about what he's doing outside of wrestling, producing, etc. Talking about in Vegas and what games he'd play in the casino. - The surgery isn't an emergency. After the summer, he's hoping to get it done. He wants to learn more of the backstage producing stuff and then leave and come back. - Chatter about wrestling and talking about in general and what it means to him. He'd love to be a manager, commentator, etc. Hopefully something in-front of camera too. Renee said if he wants to do shows with her and RJ to let them know. They'd happily welcome him in. <3
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omaano · 2 months
HELLO IT'S ME AGAIN and i think i overdid it with this one, so i'll probably split this into separate parts, there should be five! this one, boon givers, non-boon givers/npcs, weapons, and aspects :D in reference to who you've got as who from hades game--- so i'm going off the (hopefully accurate) assumption that those with boons are the 'gods' of this au, so-- barriss, kit, shaak, cobb, boba, ahsoka, quinlan (!!), leia, anakin/vader & maul. this leaves… literally EVERYONE else as NPCs, which i love and adore (the rancor [?], cody, satine, echo&fives, aphra, paz, bo-katan, sabine, omega, rex, wolffe, ezra, obi-wan, luke and the armorer!) okay this is just me trying to connect the dots (and from memory i think you've got a fair few more characters than the game does, so bear with me), but: (next ask)
First of all, omg, you really put a lot of thought into this, damn! And you have so many insights and good ideas I could have never come up with (and a few assumptions I will have to correct as we go along, but that's mostly about things I haven't yet talked about, and thus cannot expect anyone to know) - especially about the weapons and aspects because... let's be honest I only got so far as "darksaber" and "spear" and the rest is not my problem lol XD
I will make a whole different post to reply to your asks about those (that one will be a LOT shorter, mostly because I will just be excitedly gushing over your ideas), but this one is getting so long I feel like I should offer something in compensation to anyone who'll read to the end ^^; (You'll see more art by mid-August when it will be time for the next monthly update, don't worry!) But I felt like that the FULL layout of all the characters would be better kept together in one post.
Waking up to all these messages had been so unspeakably good, thank you so much for taking the time not to just think these up but to type them out and send them to me as well, because omg your brain and enthusiasm!! I cannot say how much that means to me, I cannot say THANK YOU in big enough caps to encapsule that! ❤️❤️
I had so many things to reply to and talk about, please excuse me that I've taken this long to get to all of them ^^;
So, half of the replies and answers under the cut ->
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hades has ten, you've got ten! current associations-- you've said leia is a hermes adjacent character, which checks out. maul is chaos adjacent, as you've also said anakin is zeus, ahsoka is athena? ties into the parent-child/master-padawan relationship? barriss as artemis, kit as poseidon, shaak as demeter? quinlan as dionysus perhaps? cobb and boba are both boon-givers/deities and also romanceable--- boba as ares and cobb as aphrodite? vibes only man.
So the first assumption I need to correct here is that Anakin is most definitely not Zeus, but Demeter (I likely only hinted at that in the tags I think)! That was kind of the reason and realization that's wormed into my brain first and paved the road for my willingness to extend this AU with TCW characters as well. So this applies for later with your NPC adjacent ask too, because Luke is not in fact cast for Hades' but Persephone's role, as the one who needs to be found at the end of the whole mighty quest - and whom Din can also visit on the regular until he gets 75% custody of his kid back (that's a joke, but you know it checks out to a degree). So Anakin is suited for an overprotective parent figure (on a good day) who also doesn't know how to go about it without swinging in the other direction as well. (Plus in my humble opinion Demeter is stronger than Zeus anyway. This is not an objective statement, I just feel stronger with her boons with my game style XD)
I've also switched Fennec back from Barriss (I'm so sorry that I keep doing this, I hope noone's got their hopes up too high D:) because I'd taken a look at the lineup, considered my options for dialogue (since half the Mando cast has no clue about the other boon giver characters) and decided that I needed to bring back more Mando-adjacent characters. (A Boba-Fennec duo boon would be so good!) This way Fennec could technically still carry over to a potential Hades2 AU, and Barriss can appear there as a new character (I haven't watched Tales from the Empire, but I have the feeling that she would go very interestingly with Ventress).
So... they don't line up perfectly with their godly roles, but that leaves Fennec for Artemis (sharpshooter ayy!), and... Shaak Ti for Zeus, Ahsoka for Athena (your reasoning for master/padawan relationship thing kind of convinced me of this, even though Ahsoka has never been Shaak's padawan per se, but I like it when Shaak mentors her as another female togruta in the Order). You are pretty spot on with the rest, good job! :D (The guess at the Boba and Cobb vibes was great, I went with vibes too, but they check out pretty good imo :D)
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bo-katan is meg, and her night owls are tisiphone and alecto (given) aphra is charon (given) cody is achilles, obi-wan is patroclus (definitely heavily implied if not outright stated, i can't remember)
yes, absolutely spot on!
luke is hades (implied if not stated)
As stated above, Luke is not Hades but Persephone, except that he makes an appearance after the final boss fight to take Grogu off Din's hands (maybe even help out) as he does in the show. Hence why I'm planning to draw two versions of his character art: one for his stylish black Jedi Master getup with the lightsaber, and one dressed down to a "farm boy" and looser, happier and less serious (like how Persephone has her serious queenly look, and the one where she is just at home in her garden.
paz & axe are theseus & asterius? specifically paz as asterius i think (implied?)
Axe double times it for two boss roles (lol, although technically he exchanges one for the other to hang out with Paz later), and Paz also pulls double shift for ThAsterius (Asterius's size but Theseus' mouth and piss poor attitude XD) and Hypnos (I feel it very fitting that he would be the one to greet Din every time he crawls back to HQ, and be less kind and encouraging about it than Hypnos. It's their love language to be mean to the other, that's just how it is XD) All the same, a little bit subtly (at least while I don't have a drawing for Axe) but I'm pushing the Paxe agenda and you cannot to anything about it :P
Fun fact tangent: I think I've mentioned it in the tags for the helmeted Paz post that in order to have to two-character boss battle in the arena of Elysium before Axe can be bothered to drag his ass over there, it would be fun to have a father-son 2v2 fight like with Grogu v Ragnar and Din v Paz. Grogu can 3-shot Ragnar eventually, and then they would disappear from the field, done with their own little rivalry, but Din would have to avoid so much as brushing up against Ragnar, because if he does he's immediately lost dishonourably and would have to crawl his way back to beg for forgiveness.
din is zagreus (uh duh)
omega is melinoe (given)
Omega is Melinoe for a Hades2 AU*, but in this version that is mostly based on Hades (the first, and the only one that I'd actually played) she is leaning more towards Dusa - she's a friend, and is making friends while she stays in the halls, looking for the Bad Batch (and whatever time fuckery makes Rex look like that sometimes while Cody and Wolffe are eternally 20-somethings) and looking for ways and means to help her find them... as well as fleecing any- and everyone in cards. Gotta gather up the credits to hire a bountyhunter if necessary XD
*The next time I lose all my chill and black out for a weekend I'm planning to draw out just Omega, Ventress, and maybe someone else in the Hades2 style. I'll just have to pinpoint exactly where and how I should adjust things with the art style. I swear I never get overambitious, and know full well what's good for me (he said lyingly)
fennec is artemis but specifically in hades 2 (based on the fact that artemis plays a slightly different role in hades 2) rex is skelly (given)
As stated above Fennec has made her way back to being a boon-giver - but I didn't know that Artemis plays differently in Hades2 :o (I haven't played actually, I got overwhelmed by all the magic options when I watched my partner play OTL) Only that she's got a thing for the Moon??
the rancor (?) (i can't ID animals that well don't give me that look) is definitely cerberus
It's a mythosaur, actually. (or at least that's the intention behind it. I'm not entirely sure if there is a proper canon look to a Mythosaur, we mostly only see its skull after all, so I tried my best here with what references I could find on the internet.) He started out as Boba's rancor (so you're not entirely wrong there), but since it felt bad to separate it from Boba, I changed it to a more Mando specific creature. If I were ever to redraw the whole level that is the House of Hades (one can dream), there would be a little pool of water in the corner where Cerberus chills on his pillow, and the Mythosaur would rise from there on occasion.
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the armorer i think fits the nyx role, as she's the mother figure of the main character, but she might also fit better as persephone? toss up between her and satine for that i think hang on now i am thinking, because the point of din's journey isn't to escape to find his mother, but to escape to help find someone to train his son, hence why luke is the final "boss". so, the persephone figure in this doesn't necessarily have to be his mother, but someone who can train grogu? in that case, i nominate sabine as persephone (MANDALORIAN JEDI, if you go by ahsoka canon) so: sabine as persephone- but wait. i just had a thought. sabine and ezra as platonic (?) orpheus and eurydice, i AM a genius. okay sabine works as orpheus and ezra as eurydice i think (based solely off the fact that sabine is the one actively looking for ezra, like orpheus is the one actively wanting to reconcile with eurydice [?]), so. i think the armorer works as nyx, because she's kind of a symbol of din's past.. not sure who to put as persephone yet. i mean… persephone symbolises a kind of peace in the underworld, so you could maybe slot satine in? satine as persephone, go
Okay, so first things first: that is such a fascinating theory, (and yes, yes you are a genius <3) I love it! It is all such good logic, and so much more galaxy brained than what I could have come up with, so I hope I won't disappoint with what i have in mind for these characters.
Sabine as a Mandalorian Jedi would be such a cool teacher for Grogu - but I don't think Sabine is up for the existential crisis of "ohmygod, I'm barely a jedi myself, and I'm definitely not old enough to be some 50+ year old baby's master!! D:" She would definitely have more than some insight to share with Luke though. Also just imagine Grogu looking at Sabine like she is the coolest aunt he could ever have (sorry, Fennec). Also also, as stated above and what you have also theorized, Sabine has been cast for the role and spot of Orpheus, looking for Ezra (through Din).
Okay, okay, hear me out: the Armorer as Hades. Her forge would work great as a center of gathering, same as Hades's throne/main desk, and it would be very natural that Din would go there first after arriving back to those halls. (I have so many thoughts about this and how I would want to redraw these halls... someday.) And while she is not the first final boss to beat once Din gets there (just before handing Grogu over to Luke), once Gideon (a temporary final boss) is defeated the Armorer can more than return to her Hades role for beating Din up as "training". Same as Hades and Zagreus do once they reconcile their differences.
And now, that I'm nearing the point why I want all these characters to be forced to gather/hang out in the same spot: Satine is Nyx. I know that she is dead, and we don't care for those tiny details, and I'm not planning to draw her as a shade/Force ghost like Fives, we're just going to ignore this little lore tidbit the same way how we accept that Rex can look both like his gloriously bearded Rebels self, and the fetching captain from the clone wars. We're just not talking about all this.
I deeply love the steel in her spine and her dedication in her ideals and beliefs, and I want to see her clash with the Armorer on what makes and Mandalorian with Sabine and Din (whose idea of what it makes a Mandalorian and to wear Mandalorian armor suffers a great blows through his meetings with Cobb and Boba, and Bo-Katan and her ilk) in the middle. I also feel like the clones would have their own opinion on the matter, even if it would be something like "you all have never cared for us, now leave us alone, we have our own culture".
I would need to do deeper research here for this (as much as I'd be willing to touch this ideological debate) because my knowledge of Mandalorian (or Star Wars, really) lore is all that I occasionally try to google and what I'd picked up from fics and the occasional meta post here on tumblr. But the same way that Nyx disagrees with Hades on some matters, she is still an (if not the most) important pillar of what holds up the underworld; and the same way Satine is just as important in what it makes to be a Mandalorian as the Armorer is to the Children of the Watch.
So I want them to clash (with the added drama when Bo-Katan starts hanging out there around her sister on occasion as well), and then come to a more inclusive understanding of what it makes to be Mandalorian, like what I believe Sabine and Din represent.
I know that Satine is super controversial in the fandom, but I'm willing to die on this hill, even if I'm not very good at articulating my opinions.
okay uh. we have more hades characters than star wars characters, but: echo & fives as sisyphus & bouldy, wolffe as thanatos?
Echo&Fives are to be understood as one character (there has been a thought to cast them for Orpheus and Eurydice, but then gave that storyline to Sabine and Ezra since it fits them so much better, especially after Ahsoka), and they are in Thanatos' spot (no other reason than that I wanted to include them, and they should be hanging out around Cody, Rex and Omega. I know that Thanatos doesn't make it through to Hades2(?) but you see, I don't want to line everyone up 100% with the already existing roles/characters).
With that mismatch it's actually Wolffe and Plo as Sisyphus and Bouldie. Wolffe needs quite a bit of extra work to be won over to become friendly, but once he gets to the world weary sigh of "you are okay, I guess, you can be allowed to meet my General" that's basically a shortcut to finding Grogu an alternate Jedi master, because Plo would just take him on, no problem with attachments and other concerns. There, game won, Din didn't even need to find Luke for that.
this leaves hypnos and dusa- i would like to nominate c3po as dusa, which leaves R2 as a slightly more chaotic hypnos. chopper, of course, is Tiny Vermin. (non-droid characters could be qui-gon as hypnos [idk man, something about the vibes], and… yeah, no, i think c3po fits dusa quite well) on an alternate note, i think padme and her [shade] handmaidens could fit the role of the queen/persephone quite well-- but maybe that's just me being a little padme-biased. anyway! not all of these characters quite fit, and i am in fact aware that you probably don't intend to match up all the characters exactly, but this was a fun little exercise for me!
I ADORE the idea of Chopper as Tiny Vermin XD
I wouldn't want to make Din face the horror that is regular interaction with C3PO (although I'm sure it would work in his favour if they could commiserate with Wolffe on the matter XD), he would never get over his anti-droid sentiments XD So no, sadly no appearance will be here for our favourite (?) gold plated protocol droid,but R2 would definitely be the one to wheel in and project Leia's hologram for Din to interact with, because she is a busy lady after all, he should feel lucky that she would take his calls in the first place when he needs help with getting out of trouble with the X-wing patrols.
And double sadly no Padme either, because I refuse to turn this AU into another Skywalker drama, sorry ^^;
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kittlesandbugs · 5 months
FHR: Just a chat (AO3 link here) Pairing: Sidestep/Ricardo Ortega (hints of Chargentstep), Sidestep & Hollow Ground Warnings: None, they're just chatting lol Word Count: 1720 Summary: Ortega takes Sidestep to the park to get some fresh air after being cooped up with broken legs in his apartment for a couple weeks. When he steps away for a few minutes to take care of something, someone else swings by for a talk.
It's a peaceful day at Memorial Park. The sun is shining through the carefully maintained trees, dappling the green grass. The air is cool and calm, balmy even with your multiple layers. The birds are chirping around you and every so often, a squirrel darts by. The air is full of children's laughter as they play on the jungle gym. People are calm and content around you, enjoying the nice weather. 
You haven’t been this tense since the last time you were hauled into a lab and strapped down. 
"I can't believe I let you talk me into this," you hiss at Ortega, sitting on the bench next to your wheelchair. 
He's lounging, at ease, though still alert. You see it the way his eyes roam around through the back of his sunglasses, watching everyone and everything around you. "Relax, Riley. Nothing is going to happen here," he chuckles. His hand starts towards your knee to give what you assume is supposed to be a reassuring pat before stopping and redirecting to your arm. You don't like it when anyone touches your casts. "You need some fresh air and sunlight once in a while. You were going crazy in the apartment."
"You could have at least waited for Argent to come over," you growl quietly. "Four eyes are better than two."
"We got four eyes. Hell, four hundred probably, if we count your telepathy." 
"Fine, four working legs." You roll your eyes at the pedantry. 
"We're in broad daylight in the good side of town, no one knows we're here. Relax." 
There's a little note of a plea in there that makes you sigh and nod. He is right, but you aren't going to tell him that. The chances of anyone coming after you in broad daylight on this side of town are almost nonexistent. And if they knew where you were, they would have gone for the significantly easier hit on Ortega's apartment by now. 
So you try. Take in some sun from the sky. Some sun from the carefree kids running past in a game of tag. As good for your brain as dogs, and they're here too. You sink into the padded chair and close your eyes, trying to focus on them rather than the itch of your healing bones that reminds you just how helpless you actually are. 
"Hey, wait here a moment," Ortega says after a few minutes of peace and quiet. You open your eyes to find him perched at the edge of the bench, eyes honed in on something. Your gaze follows but you can't make out who or what he sees at this distance. Are his sunglasses enhancing his vision? Probably, knowing him. You try to follow his line of sight with your telepathy, but what you find that might be getting his attention is strange. Foggy. Nebulous. It's difficult to latch on to any thoughts. Not blocking you like numbers, no, that's closer to the static of Ortega's brain. But someone that is definitely strange. Who is it? 
"Ric, what do you see?" you whisper harshly, the anxiety you felt earlier returning in full force like a hammer strike to your skull as he starts to rise, gesturing with his hand for you to stay put. Like you have a choice
"Just an old friend," he says, the cant of his lips saying the opposite. "I'll be right back. You're safe here."
And then he's off at a swift jog before you can protest, leaving you fumbling for the locked brakes you can't easily reach on the wheelchair handles. 
"Wait! You stupid fucking jackass—" 
"He is, isn't he?" A laugh behind you, and it takes all you have not to scream as a familiar lanky figure folds into Ortega's vacated seat. She's dressed in a finely woven linen jumpsuit, warm sepia with matching leather loafers, her gold piercings sparkling in the dappled sunlight. Her too similar face looks at you with a too similar crooked smile. 
Hollow Ground. 
How the fuck could she sneak up on you like this? You didn't sense her at all. You still can't. Not even so much as a thought void, just nothing. You've never seen anything like it. How is she concealing herself? What the fuck does she want with you? Your chair is still half-locked, trapping you here. Should you scream? Should you—
" Relax," she says, and it's almost a command as she meets your gaze with your own gray eyes. Still, you try to rein in your heart attempting to race its way out of your ribs. "I just want to talk."
"About what?" Your voice betrays the tension tight in your spine, much as you wish otherwise. If one more person tells you to relax, you think you might actually snap. You need to regain control of yourself. You are Reckoning, for fuck's sake. You're not some helpless child. 
"You," she says simply and then pauses. Frowns. Like she's no longer quite sure of what to say. Like she had a plan, but now she doesn't know if it should be executed. 
You try to touch her thoughts again, and again you're met with less than nothing. Are you hallucinating? No. The man walking down the path sees you both. He isn't worried by what he sees, two sisters having a conversation that seems tense. You aren't going to dig into the implications of that one. So she's here. She wants something, wants it enough to approach you about it. You realize the benefit to her closely kept secret identity means she can approach you freely as long as Ortega is not around. The weird presence you felt before, you realize that was Jake, you felt the same nebulousness of his thoughts when you went to meet Hollow Ground at Parkside. Irresistible bait to lure Ortega away. But you have no idea what it is she wants. So you wait. Ortega is right. No one is going to try and do anything in public in broad daylight. She won't, not like this. 
"What about me…?" you prompt when the quiet of her gets to be too much, impatient to find out what this is about with her mind giving you no clues. 
"How… are you?" she asks, surprisingly tentative. 
That reserved inquiry catches you off-guard, but you recover swiftly, her odd nervousness making you feel more confident despite your obvious weakness. "Oh, you know. Peachy. Just out for a stroll," you drawl, gesturing at your propped up casts. 
She snorts and the corner of her lips twitches. Somehow, your snark steadies her. "I should have expected that."
"Why do you care?" you ask sharply. She's being weird, and you don't like it. What is this about? Why would she risk meeting you like this?
"You're a mystery, Riley Owens. I'd hate it if you died before I could solve it." She smirks as you feel your blood run cold. Something about the way she says your name makes you feel jittery. But even more importantly, how could she possibly know who you are? You never gave your name before, to anyone at Parkside, you were there as your villainous alias. Argent scrubbed all records of your surgery at the hospital, though you have no doubt Hollow Ground knew who had been involved in the wreck. How does she know your name? Do the Rangers have a leak? 
As your brain stumbles over what this could mean, she holds out a small white card with something scrawled on it. An address. You recognize the area. Rich and residential. Very rich and residential. Is this… She can't possibly be just handing you this… 
"Got it memorized?" At your nod, she pockets it with a smile that's a little sharp for your liking. 
"What is your g—" 
"Fuck." Her hand shoots up, silencing you as her head tilts slightly like she's listening to something. You can just make out the outline of a small clear low profile receiver in her over-pierced ear. "We lost your pet Ranger, and he's on his way back. I have to go." She rises from the bench with the grace of a crane, giving you a conspiratorial wink.
"Wait, what— Fuck!" You swear, fumbling for the other lock on your chair before she can get away. 
As she strides away, she calls back, "You should stop by sometime, when you're back on your feet. We have a lot to catch up on."  
For someone so tall, she disappears far too easily into crowds. By the time you can roll after her, she's gone, as traceless as she appeared. What the fuck did she mean, catch up on? You're left sitting there, stewing in your own bile, until Ortega finally returns. 
He's sweaty, looking a little tired and roughed up. You think you can see the outline of a bruise blooming under the edge of his bearded cheek. He's definitely been in a fight. You don't know if you should be pleased or pissed that he learned to leave civilians behind for these kinds of escapades after his stunt with Jolene went awry. "Hey," he says with a little wave as he catches his breath. "Everything okay?"
 "Just dandy," you snarl, playing into being pissed that he left you. If he knew who just stopped by to pay you a friendly chat, he'd shit his own generator. "Sitting like a duck while you go haring off to go fight some rando."
Luckily, you think he's getting the right message, because he holds his hands up, placating, as he talks to you in the same tone he uses with his unruly horse at the ranch. "Hey, c'mon. I was just gone a few minutes. Nothing happened, right?" 
"Yeah," you lie with a sigh, dragging a hand down your face. "Nothing happened."
He grabs onto the handlebars of your chair, and if he notices you've unlocked it, he doesn't comment on it as he starts walking you through the park. "Angie texted me about meeting us at the ice cream stand. You want to get some ice cream before we go home?" 
"Yeah." Sugar will help steady your nerves. Get your mind off what just happened. “Let’s get some ice cream and go home.”
You have a lot of thinking to do later.
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fic rec friday 13
welcome the the tenth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. i was always yours (even before you knew it) by paladarns
Lance thought Keith was just an asshole. Lance has always thought of Keith as an asshole, all throughout traveling into space in a large mechanical lion, all throughout bonding moments. All throughout becoming closer as teammates and friends.
Even now, with his hands pinned above his head and Keith’s thighs straddling his waist, Lance thinks Keith is an asshole.
Lance had always thought he could see right through people, but now he’s starting to think he has a bad judgement of people.
---------- a fic in which keith is obvious and lance is a bit of a gay nervous wreck
takes place as if season 1 is the only season to exist but its now years later
so many things to love about this fic. so so many. so i am going to list them. a) secret relationship bc i love that shit and eat it up every time, b) ‘takes place as if season 1 is the only season to exist but its now years later’ -- paladarns my love thank you for this truly excellent description of where i write my fics like 80% of the time. c) keith has game, and d)  HE WAS ALWAYS KEITHS EVEN BEFORE HE KNEW IT IM SOBBING BEST TROPE BEST TROPE
2. Wake Up, Sleephyhead! by @transbakugou
Keith has never loved someone like he loves Lance. Lance is his sun, his stars, his happiness. Their hands fit together like they were created to do nothing but hold each other, and he fits perfectly inside of Lance's arms. But he can never let anyone find out how much he loves this boy, how wholly and endlessly. Who knows what the Galra would do with that kind of information?
One morning, the lie comes crashing down around them.
Maybe it won't be as bad as they feared.
i love gay whipped klance and truly every single fic that has ever been written based on a vine is truly amazing, this fic is no exception. also secret relationship lol i am a sucker
3. Something Secret by @kingswriting
It was funny at first. Their arguments became more banter than actual disagreements, yet the entire team continued to assume they were at each other’s throats.
And Lance knows they’re not. He is fully aware that every sharp word, every sly smirk, every heavy handed push, and everything in between is anything but malicious.
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t miss the softer side of things.
Or, Lance and Keith are in a secret relationship, but honestly want to omit the 'secret' part.
okay u can always tell what tag im following obsessively at certain times lol. for yall i present yet another secret relationship fic. ahem. this one is cute! banter and flirting and misleading and kisses and GOD its so sweet
4. Things Held Sacred by yarrie
So maybe, just maybe, Pidge was right. Maybe, just maybe, Keith had shot himself in the foot with his first attempt at resolving the blanket-hogging situation, because now Lance seemed to think it was a game and the rules were: steal the blankets, get sex.
To be fair, Keith hadn't exactly been...dissuading him very well.
okay so heres how this works. every fic rec friday so far has been from a specific collection of mine called ‘rereadables’, which was literally started because of this fic. i dont even know what specific part of this fic gets to me so hard, but you know when you read something that makes your stomach go all swoopy? and you can’t stop smiling? thats this fic! i remember i finished it for the first time and then i scrolled right back up to the top and read it again, then again, and again. like i cannot get over this fic. it gives me butterflies every time
5. Communication is key, they say by @ellana17
They already had communication issues before… Or: a malfunction with a healing pod leaves Lance able to speak only Spanish for a few days.
the idea of lance getting stuck in spanish and then almost immediately using that to flirt with keith without him knowing. like. i love that SO much that is quite possibly one of the funniest concepts to exist
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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cosmicstarlatte · 2 years
Devil-Mart: Shopping (Obey Me!)
━━━━━━━━━━ ✦ ━━━━━━━━━━
The brothers and you go grocery shopping. You can imagine what that's like.
»Characters: Demon Bros + very brief Dia and Barb
»Tags: Shitpost, Some Wholesomeness, Levi my boy, Dia is precious as usual, Bulleted Style
»Notes: Sorry I know I've mentioned this a few times but finally edited it to my liking. :'3 Alternatively I have another fic where they actually work at Devil-Mart if you haven't read that one lol.
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Grabs two carts, one being a race car type with two seats
"Levi! Belphie! Get in!"
Puts a backpack leash on Asmo
"Beel, Mammon, get a cart each."
They're a big family so yeah they need a lot lol
"Satan, stay where I can see you!"
This man pulls out a CVS-receipt type of shopping list
You can practically hear western showdown music as he stares down another customer for the last bag of spicy newt chips
Hands Satan Asmo's leash
He wins the last bag of course
"SATAN! ASMO! Where did you go!?"
"I have a coupon for this."
"Well the sale sign said-"
"Here's my rewards card."
"I have reusable bags, thank you."
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Thinks grocery shopping is boring but only goes because of you
Is the reason the store started locking more stuff up behind glass cases
Has tried to bargain with workers and hopes it works one day
Confidently accepted Satan's bet (you tried to stop it)
He left his shopping cart with you
Next thing you know he gets on the intercom
"Lucifer! Daddy will find you! Don't cry! If anyone sees a black haired-"
Lucifer drop kicked him knocking him unconscious
[Security Liked This 👍 ]
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Happily gets in Lucifer's cart and continues gaming on his console
Is use to Lucifer strapping him in
Finds it oddly comforting
"Lucifer can we get the Ruri chan limited edition cereal!?"
"It's on the list."
"Lucifer! Don't forget we need more Hell Sodas!"
"It's on the list."
"Oh and my special Ruri shamp-"
[A few minutes later]
"...Hey Lucifer!"
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Didn't want to come but Lucifer makes grocery shopping a family outing
Walks around reading a book
Bet Mammon he wouldn't get on the intercom and embarrass Lucifer
He knew he'd do it
He happily threw the grimm on his unconscious body
He took out the last jar of inferno bee honey from a families cart when they weren't looking
Occasionally crosses off Lucifer's snacks so he forgets them
Decided to ''save'' Asmo when he got the chance
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Not the first time he's been on a leash
Just typed away on his D.D.D
Keeps trying to flirt with any cutie he sees
Lucifer yanks him away every time
However Lucifer does use him for discounts at the meat deli
Asmo doesn't mind he always treats it like a game to see what he can get 😏
Employees have fought for the chance to help him if he requires assistance
Was thankful when Satan saved him from Lucifer's watch
They went shopping at the cafe book store next door
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Loves grocery shopping, loves it
Always has to eat a giant meal before shopping otherwise he can't go
Food and family outing only the best duo!!!
Always feels guilty knowing the list is long because of him but he does his best to help Lucifer shop for the items
Pushed one cart with food and pulled the other with an unconscious Mammon inside
Is the reason the store stopped doing free samples
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Immediately started snoozing when Lucifer strapped him into the cart
Doesn't care much for grocery shopping but doesn't fight it
Grannies always coo over him while he sleeps
"Oh what a cutie! The other one is kind of odd though..."
Lucifer always carries a sleeping Belphie back to the van while Beel packs the back of the van with you
Sure Beel could carry him but Lucifer insists its Beel's duty to help with grocery shopping as much as he can
Lucifer won't admit he has a soft spot for the youngest
Belphie won't admit he pretends to sleep so he can be carried by Lucifer
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As you guys leave, you see Barbatos walking in, pushing Diavolo in his own race car cart who is happily "steering".
"We're going to the chips, Barbatos!"
"No, we are here for dinner ingredients my Lord."
"But I'm turning left!"
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->[Dia & Barb art]
⬦You might also like: Coconut︱Mexican Restaurant︱Waffle House︱ You ARE The Father
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seasidesandstarscapes · 2 months
the chaos of it all
Summary: The five times Don and Bobby get interrupted and the one time they don't (almost)
Rating: Explicit
Genre: Modern AU, Established Relationship, Comedy of Errors, Trans Don, Fluff, Smut, Attempt At Humor
Words: 3576
A/N: @arokel I told u double whammy lol but also since it issss the last day of my Christmas in July, i thought i'd go out with a double decker. of course, this doesn't mean you can't request from here on out!!! I'm always down to clown so just hmu!!!
Thank you to everyone who sent in ideas, you all are the best!!!! <3333
(tagging @crushribbons & @sparrow-in-the-field)
The rays of the morning sun are not always the gentle wake-up call movies make it seem.
Don squeezes his closed eyes, trying to will away the light that seeps into his disturbed sleep. Instead, he’s forced to face the morning with a frown, and not the one that usually graces his face.
If it wasn’t for the comforting weight on top of him, Don would roll over or move to Bobby’s living room that sits in a state of darkness.
“Just a few more minutes,” Bobby mumbles, burying his face into Don’s chest.
With a kiss to Bobby’s head, Don traces his fingers along his shoulder and sinks into the mattress. Maybe if he just doesn’t think about it, he’ll fall back asleep.
Don drifts in and out of consciousness, to-do lists turning to nonsense, colliding into other plans for the day. He leaves his body, sleep edging in until Bobby moves. Eyes flying open, Don stills as Bobby kisses his shoulder, moves down his chest and towards his stomach.
“Time to get up?” Don stifles a yawn.
“You don’t have to,” Bobby grins, nipping at Don’s hip.
Don sighs, tipping his head back as Bobby teases lower and lower. Don sucks his bottom lip between his teeth and he tenses as Bobby licks at his clit. Bobby is slow, gentle, almost too much so, and Don finds impatience growing as Bobby traces a finger along his folds.
Just when Bobby slides a finger in, a knock on the bedroom door causes both of them to jump. With a swear, Bobby pulls away from Don and braces himself on his forearms.
“What?” He all but snarls at the door.
“We’re hungry,” comes Shorty’s muffled voice on the other side.
Don had forgotten about Shorty and Joe spending the night. A study session turned into game night and after a few shots, that was that.
“I promised I’d make them breakfast,” Bobby mutters, resting his forehead against Don’s thigh.
“We can just get breakfast somewhere,” Joe’s voice floats through and there is a scuffling as if Shorty intends to protest.
“No, no,” Bobby sighs, “I’ll be right out.”
He gives Don an apologetic smile and gets off the bed, throwing the covers back over Don. Biting back his whine of protest Don just watches as Bobby puts on sweats and one of Don’s shirts.
“You coming? I’m making pancakes,” Bobby says just before he opens the door.
Don nods, quirks a brow as Bobby tries to hide his flagging erection.
“I’ll put on an apron or something,” Bobby waves and slips out.
It’s tempting to finish himself off, but that doesn’t feel very fair to Bobby so Don crawls out of bed, throws on the nearest clothes he can find.
The pancakes are great, the company better, but Don doesn’t miss how Bobby squeezes his thigh under the table. They’ll need to pick up where they left off and soon if Don doesn’t want to explode.
However, by the time Joe and Shorty leave, it’s time to head to practice. Bobby’s heated kiss lingers on his lips and Don reluctantly follows him out the door.
Practice goes well enough.
Ulbrickson wants them to bring their time down a little more, but all in all, he doesn’t yell at them and Don considers that a win.
Bobby’s coxing was on edge, but Don’s sure he’s the only one who could tell. Just the way he shouted certain calls, dragging out the vowels until he bit off the end. Bobby was horny and still is as he squeezes Don’s ass as he passes by him to get to the showers.
Glancing around, Don notes where his teammates are, who’s already gone, and counts to thirty before following Bobby into a private stall. It’s easy to find the right one. If there’s one area where Bobby is a creature of habit, it’s his choice of showers.
Don slips in, slides the lock into place and grabs Bobby from behind. With a pleased hum, Bobby reaches up, grips the back of Don’s neck with one hand while the other falls to the hand Don has on his hip. Don mouths at Bobby’s neck, pushes Bobby’s hip so his ass presses against Don. If only his strap-on was easier to sneak into the locker room.
Bobby turns around then, crashes their mouths together as his arms wrap around Don’s shoulders. Don crowds in Bobby’s space, hands braced on the wall on either side of Bobby’s head. Reaching down, Bobby caresses between Don’s legs, smiling into their kiss as Don shivers. Don takes hold of Bobby’s cock, gives it a few sharp tugs and it makes Bobby groan with relief.
God, Don needs Bobby in him now, but just as he starts to guide Bobby closer, the door rattles and there’s a large sigh.
“Guys,” it’s Jim and he sounds tired. “There’s no free showers. Can’t you do this at Bobby’s place?”
“You can wait,” Bobby retorts, his teeth grinding.
“No, I can’t. I’ve got a midterm to get to by 9 and it’s 8:30 right now,” Jim says matter-of-fact. “And you know that class is across campus. Hume, c’mon be a pal.”
Don doesn’t want to get dragged into the middle of this, but he gets it. He really should head off to his lecture too. He passes a silent message to Bobby which gets him a groan in return.
“Fucking fine,” Bobby turns off the shower with all his might. “Close your eyes, Stub, we’re coming out.”
“Thought you guys did that last year,” Chuck calls from across the locker room.
Don stops Bobby from charging at Chuck full on nude, dragging him to their lockers while trying to cover the two of them up with one small towel. Really, the whole team has seen each other naked, but Don doesn’t want to make it a habit.
“These half-boners are going to kill me,” Bobby mutters as he dresses aggressively.
“How about after class?” Don suggests as he dries his hair.
“Storage shed,” Bobby plans, just low enough for the two of them to hear.
Don can work with that. They leave the locker room, hand in hand and only drop their hold once their classes take them to opposite buildings.
“You better be ready for me,” Bobby whispers in Don’s ear.
Don swallows, the click loud in his ears. Oh, he’ll be more than ready.
The storage shed is a little warm, just on the edge of stuffy, but Don patiently sits on a pile of life jackets as he waits for Bobby.
When the door opens, Don can only smile as Bobby throws his backpack to the side and dives into undoing the button on Don’s jeans.
“You were the only thing getting me through class,” Bobby breathes as he sinks to his knees.
He drags Don’s jeans and briefs down, leaning right in to lick and suck at Don. Don gasps, his hands flying to Bobby’s hair. He’s been just as horny as Bobby sure, but with Bobby tonguing him like it’s his life’s work, Don realizes just how pent up he’s been since the morning.
He could come soon, but he wants Bobby in him when he does and he taps Bobby’s shoulder, hoists him up by his sweater to taste himself on Bobby’s lips. Bobby is quick to get out his cock, teases at Don’s clit with the head when the shed door flies open.
“Oh, god!” Johnny stumbles back, hands over his face.
The door slams back shut and Don pulls up his jeans as Bobby tucks himself back into his own.
“What?” Gordy’s voice hits Don’s ears and he winces.
Gordy’s head pops in around the door, a frown already prepared for his friends.
“On the oars, guys?”
“They’re spares,” Bobby bites back. “And we’re on the lifejackets.”
His fists clench and Don takes one hand in his own to help calm Bobby down.
“Same difference. Now I’ll have to be reminded of this every time I have to grab something,” Gordy shakes his head and looks over his shoulder. “Johnny, they’re dressed now.”
Johnny peeks back in, breathes out in relief. “I don’t want to go in, Gordo.”
“Well, too bad. Ulbrickson asked and I’m not going to explain this to him,” Gordy grabs Don and Bobby by their collars and tosses them out of the shed.
Their backpacks follow a second after before Gordy shoves Johnny forward, the two arguing about god knows what.
Bobby lets out a pitiful whimper, throws his head back at the sky. Unsure of what to do with himself, Don shoves his hands into his pockets.
“What about your dorm room?” Bobby asks at last. “I’ve got another lecture at 2.”
It’s not enough time to drive to Bobby’s place so Don nods and leads the way. Finally, finally they’ll have some time alone.
They’re taking it slow in the quiet space of Don’s room. Chuck is out so Don and Bobby have taken off their clothes and they make out, tender and soft, Don draped over Bobby.
“Mm, what do you want to do first?” Bobby’s fingers dance along Don’s arms.
Don thinks it over and then shuffles down, kissing the tip of Bobby’s cock. Bobby lets out a contented sigh, runs his hands through Don’s hair as Don takes Bobby’s cock into his mouth, inch by agonizing inch.
“Fuck, so perfect,” Bobby breathes.
The muscles in Bobby’s legs flex and Don holds Bobby’s hips down. He wants to properly deepthroat Bobby. With a sharp inhale, Don takes Bobby all the way, his throat opening up as the head pushes in.
“Don,” Bobby whines, writhing underneath him.
In a way, Don’s surprised Bobby hasn’t already come and he pulls up catching his breath before taking Bobby’s cock again.
“Don, where’s your—?” Joyce bursts into Don’s room before letting out a single scream and yanking the door shut.
This time Don does choke on Bobby’s cock and he’s stuck hacking up his lungs as Bobby covers them up with their discarded sweaters.
“Joyce, what the hell?” Bobby yells amongst the cacophony.
“Why didn’t you lock the door?” Joyce shouts back as she comes back into the room, the doorknob caught in a white knuckle grip.
“Cause Chuck isn't supposed to be back for another hour?”
Don’s coughing is starting to calm and he hides his face in Bobby’s leg.
“Anyway,” Joyce shakes her head. “I need ibuprofen and I know Don keeps at least three bottles on him at all times.”
Don blindly points to his desk and Joyce rummages around until there’s the rattle of a bottle.
“Stupid time of the month,” Joyce mutters to herself as she struggles with the cap.
“You don’t get periods…,” Bobby frowns, his voice delicate and unsure.
“Well, yeah I don’t bleed, but I still get cramps,” Joyce sighs. “HRT is weird. Don’t worry about it.”
Don has finally lifted his head as Joyce downs a couple of pills with the water bottle Don was drinking from earlier.
“You coming out tonight?” Joyce asks just before she leaves.
“Yeah, I suppose,” Bobby sighs. “Right?”
Don grimaces. He forgot they had planned to go out for drinks, but with how the day’s been going, Don just wants to stay in with Bobby.
“You better,” Joyce points at Don. “Joe’s been complaining about not seeing his number eight lately.”
Don has been spending more time with Bobby but he didn’t think he had been that absent. Still, Joyce makes a point.
“Okay,” Don gives in.
“Good.” Joyce waves her goodbye and then, “Oh, hi, Chuck.”
Chuck is disgruntled in the hallway. “Can I take a nap or is that too much to ask?”
Even though the day is half over, for Don it’s felt like millennia. He feels Bobby’s frustration in his bones but they both dress when they have their privacy.
There better be plenty of drinks tonight
The bar is noisy and crowded, the alcohol barely taking effect.
Bobby has been dragged into conversation after conversation, leaving Don to nurse his drink. He was having a great time with Joe, but as the night has worn on, Don is stuck in the booth by himself. He watches Bobby gesticulate wildly at Shorty, going on about Syracuse and the upcoming regatta.
It’d be amusing if Don wasn’t so on edge. Just as his drink starts a buzz at the back of his mind, Don decides to fuck all. He slams his glass down, slides out of the booth and grabs Bobby by the wrist.
Without a word, he drags Bobby away and while Bobby protests at first, he is quick to fall silent. Don shoves them into the small one-person bathroom and he pushes Bobby up against the door.
“I swear to god, if you don’t get inside me right now—“
Bobby’s laugh echoes off the tiled walls and he works their jeans open, tugging them down to their knees. He slides his cock between Don’s legs, his fingers brushing along Don’s folds, a little tease to his clit. Don moans, kisses along Bobby’s jaw as Bobby fucks his thighs. He’s fumbling around for the condom in his wallet and pulls away from Don just enough to put it on. Don all but spears himself on Bobby’s cock, their height making this all a little too easy as Bobby holds Don by the hips.
Don stifles his whines but Bobby is loud as he slams into Don. God, he just needs to come. As Bobby speeds up, Don smashes their mouths tougher, ready for the impending orgasm.
The knocks on the door are almost easy to ignore as they keep going, but what they hear next makes them pause.
“If you two don’t let me take a piss right now, I’m off the team.”
“Shut up, Roger. We all know that’s a lie,” Bobby thunks his head against the door.
Roger makes a noise that’s all too serious and Don forgets about his sex drive. It seems Bobby does too as the two reluctantly part. Once they smooth themselves out Bobby opens the door and Don’s heart sinks. It looks like Roger’s been crying but before they can ask, he shoves past them. They’re pushed out and the door closes with a firm click.
“Do you think he’ll be okay?” Don asks as he and Bobby stare at the closed door.
Worry shines in Bobby’s eyes before he shakes his head. “We need him. Can’t go to Poughkeepsie unless he’s there.”
When they ask their friends, at least who remains, all Don and Bobby get are confused looks or shrugs.
“I’ll keep an eye out,” Joe reassures.
The others join in, easing Don’s worries. A bit of guilt has seeped in, that he almost cares more about fucking Bobby than whatever is going on with Roger.
It’s then Don notices Chuck is suspiciously absent but before he can say a thing, Bobby is leading him out of the bar.
“Let’s go home and finish what we started,” Bobby growls.
One night won’t hurt anyone, he supposes, and Don jumps into Bobby’s car, anxious and ready to just fucking come.
Bobby writhes on the bed, shuddered gasps and moans leaving him.
He arches off the bed, tugs at the restraints around his wrists. Don soothes him, running a hand along his side as he shoves the vibrator deeper into Bobby.
“Don,” Bobby shifts his hips, but it does little to alleviate his needs.
“Want it up another level?” Don asks.
“Fuck, there’s more?” Bobby groans. “Yeah. Please.”
Don clicks the controller and Bobby cries out, his hips leaving the bed. Bobby is gorgeous, hair matted against his forehead, skin gleaming with sweat. Somehow, Bobby has only come once, but the real fun is about to begin. Don starts to move up, ready to ride Bobby when the doorbell rings.
“What the fuck?” Bobby yells and Don’s reaction is to slap a hand over his mouth.
“Don, Donny, I need to talk to you.” Chuck is wailing on the other side, his knocks increasing.
Bobby licks at Don’s palm and he snaps his hand back with a glare.
“I can’t just leave him out there,” Don frowns as he reaches for the controller.
“Just leave it on and get him out of here,” Bobby grits out.
Don’s eyes widen and he just stares as Bobby closes his eyes. “You sure?”
“Mmhmm,” Bobby nods.
Taking a moment to collect himself, Don throws on some clothes and rushes to the front door just as Bobby’s neighbor across the hall comes out to complain.
“Sorry,” Don gives them a shrug as he pulls Chuck inside.
Don leads Chuck to the couch and sits him down before rushing into the kitchen. One glass of water later, Chuck has finally calmed down. Okay, just a minute has passed. As long as Don doesn’t pass five, Bobby will be fine, if a bit wrung out.
“What’s going on?” Don asks, a sympathetic hand on Chuck’s shoulder.
“Roger hates me.”
Don blinks. Is this why Roger was crying earlier?
“I fucked things up,” Chuck continues on. “He’s going to leave and I’ll never see him again.”
“Wait, you two were together?” Don thinks back to practice earlier, how Chuck and Roger seemed just fine.
“No,” Chuck sniffs. “But I want us to be. It’s too late now.”
Ten minutes pass as Chuck explains everything that led up to tonight. Don doesn’t know how he missed it. Yes, he’s neck deep in love with Bobby but he hasn’t forgotten about his team. He brought soup for Shorty when he was sick last week, Jim asked Don to come with him to physical therapy. So how he couldn’t see what was always there with Chuck and Roger is beyond him.
Don glances at his phone. Twenty minutes. And there’s a text from Roger. Don doesn’t mean to be rude as he reads the text, but then he stops Chuck mid-sentence.
“Roger’s looking for you.”
“What?” Chuck’s brows furrow.
Don shows him the text, the concern that lies behind Roger’s words. He knows his boys well enough to know what they mean behind a screen.
“Do I have a chance?” Chuck asks, still in disbelief.
“I think so.”
Chuck pulls Don into a hug and then races to the door. “I’ll never forget this, Don. Thanks!”
The silence is deafening and Don is in a bit of shock. He’ll have to get updates from Joe tomorrow, but right now there’s a more pressing matter at hand.
He runs to the bedroom, door flying open. The sight before him is even better than he expected.
Bobby is covered in his own cum, but his erection is still standing proud and red as ever. His eyes are screwed shut, mouth open and letting out a string of breathless moans.
“Bobby,” Don calls out as he undresses and when Bobby’s eyes open he’s utterly lost.
His eyes are watery, blissed-out as his focus fades in and out.
“Don,” Bobby manages. “Don, please.”
“I’ve got you,” Don climbs on top of Bobby.
It seems pointless to put a condom on Bobby now, but Don does anyway before he lowers himself down on Bobby’s cock.
He’s so full and Don is in heaven. He rolls his hips, drinks up the moan that leaves Bobby. Leaning down, Don licks at the cum on Bobby’s chest, his eyes never leaving Bobby’s face.
Tears spill down Bobby’s face and Don kisses Bobby’s cheeks as he rides him. Bobby’s cock hits him just right and he reaches between his legs to rub at his clit.
“Don, I’m close,” Bobby warns, eyes rolling up into his head.
“One more time, darling,” Don coaxes as his own release closes in. “One more.”
Bobby shakes, listens to Don’s command and Don clenches. It’s enough to push Bobby over the edge and Don keeps riding him until his own orgasm crashes into him.
“Fuck, fuck,” Bobby sobs.
It’s too much and Don is quick to grab the controller to turn off the vibrator. Warmth trickles down Don’s spine as he catches his breath, his hand brushing Bobby’s hair in front of his face.
“I’m gonna pass out,” Bobby slurs.
His eyes are closed, a hint of a smile on his face and Don kisses him on the corner of his mouth. He starts undoing Bobby’s tied wrists, kisses the marks that will remain there until morning.
Bobby shivers when Don pulls out the vibrator and he swipes his thumb across Bobby’s fluttering hole. The little gasp that leaves Bobby is almost enough to encourage Don to go again, but the exhaustion of the day has started to edge in.
Giving Bobby a kiss, Don then stumbles to the bathroom and grabs a washcloth to clean the two of them off.
Bobby is already asleep when Don comes back, limbs thrown about on the bed. It brings a smile to Don’s face and he cleans Bobby dutifully, kissing him as he goes along.
When he tucks himself in next to Bobby, Don glances at his phone and sees a text from Joe.
Chuck and Roger are okay
With the reassurance that all is right with the world, Don pulls Bobby close. It’s been a hell of a day, but in the end, Don wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
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