#leather strapped chunky boy
vizreef · 7 months
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Avo ltd // Avometer model 8 (UK, 1950s)
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ghxstmxchine · 6 months
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✧.* thinking about genderqueer!Hobie...
genderqueer!Hobie who wears whatever the hell he wants, clothes have no gender and he looks damn good in a skirt, a little pleated latex one hanging onto his hips, the straps of his thong peeking out and fishnets crawling down his legs
genderqueer!Hobie that wears high heels whenever he can, it's a pain to catch bad guys in them but on a night out he's slipping on a pair of go go boots with chunky heels and leather that trails up his strong calves. he's already tall enough but now he's towering over you, leaning down with a cocky smirk on his face as he talks about how lucky he is to bring such a pretty boy out with him
and when he's more than a few drinks deep, stumbling out of the pub with you and finally takes off those shoes that make it so much harder to walk, he tosses them over his shoulder, giggling sweetly to you in his drunken haze with those black lacquered lips he painted earlier
genderqueer!Hobie with long acrylic nails but still has one hell of a right hook, he doesn't care to listen to people talk shit and will gladly make that clear all while making sure his pretty makeup isn't messed up and he doesn't lose a single nail
genderqueer!Hobie who you can never predict what he'll look like when you see him, he'd never particularly cared for consistency. Sometimes it's his usual get up, leather, spikes and skinny jeans, flanking you like some guard dog. other days it's dresses, skirts and fishnets, nails trailing along your skin as he takes your arm in his, cooing in your ear
even if he looks one way on the outside, you can probably bet yourself he's wearing the prettiest pair of panties underneath or a thong that barely covers anything, begging to be pushed aside as you take him in your mouth
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msfcatlover · 9 months
Death Mask Steph
Oh boy. This is the big one. I've agonized over this, and getting the design right has been... ugh. Nevermind. Here we go.
Death Mask needs to draw on Red Hood and Steph designs. (I would draw from Black Mask designs, but frankly Roman's designs are all kinda boring? He's a skull-head in a suit, and basically always has been; it's simple & effective, but there's not a lot to iterate on there.) Steph's suits tend to be armored one-pieces, but layering is so crucial to most Red Hood designs, that balancing the two has been... tricky.
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(I've already shared the Stephanie Brown Costume History page. Unfortunately, the n52 designs page seems to be just descriptions with no pictures, and the page for her n52 appearances doesn't give you many good angles. So here's Steph's "Future's End" & "Future State" designs, as the stand-out missing designs, in my opinion.)
The absolute vital part of any Red Hood inspired design is, of course, the helmet. It's also been the biggest pain. Jason's had some good helmet designs and a lot of bad ones over the years, and (as I've previously stated) finding a full reference page for them is basically impossible. So here's what I'm going with.
Steph starts with a sleek, sculpted black metal base. Say something like this model of Jason's Injustice helmet. The primary difference would be that Steph's helmet opens up at the front rather than the back; the faceplate would be hinged at the top of the head, and it would swing up & forwards to reveal her face.
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(Using the Injustice helmet as a base because it more than most looks like it really should open from the front. I'd also say the sides would also be able to open wider, so that it can still fit snug without being a pain to get in & out of. Not that anyone would ever bother to draw that detail, but I think it would look neat opening up in 3 directions all at once.)
Next, most of the face plate is covered by a sculpted skull. This is how she invokes the whole "Death Mask" idea, as well as purposefully stealing Roman's gimmick. Below the teeth are a couple understated tubs & valves, evoking a gasmask---something like this.
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(Kinda a Red X look, I'm realizing now that I'm digging through my reference folders all at once... Anyway, this piece seems to be by Laura Sheridan, but her website seems to be down, you can only buy her art seemingly 2nd hand, and I can't find this picture listed anywhere but pinterest.)
The edges, mechanical bits, and any detail work added should be done in copper.
Within the eye sockets are two recessed glowing lenses, like Jason often has, though Steph's glow a dark magenta, casting light that borders on red.
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(Obviously, these lenses change size & shape to show emotion through the mask, like you do. They're not designed to---in fact, logically all the bat-masks are designed like this in order to help hide the wearer's emotions---but that's comic logic for you.)
Below the helmet, Steph's suit is mainly made up of reinforced black leather motorcycle pants, a black undersuit, and an armored vest like this.
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(But black. Obviously.)
However, she accessorizes. Steph has added a decorative metal ribcage to her armor, as well was plates mimicking a spine. The ribs should be copper-colored, while the spine can be either metallic or black.
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(Depending on who's drawing them, the ribs could range from purely decorative to practically another layer of armor. And following the links from pinterest, both of those artists have apparently taken their rib-art down, which is once again very disappointing.)
Steph wears a chunky utility belt which sits crooked on her hips. I personally think it should be black (maybe brown?) with either copper, ivory, or dark magenta snaps/clasps holding the pouches shut (pick one for all pouches, not a mixture). She has a gun holstered on each hip, one on each thigh, a set of throwing knives (3-5) on the front of the belt, and wears her sickle-swords strapped criss-cross on her back.
The swords themselves are made from a copper-alloy, retaining their coppery color, and easily double her reach (are about as long as one arm.) They have a hilt not dissimilar to an Egyptian khopesh, but a completely different blade; Steph's swords have a much more exaggerated curve, and crucially, they're sharpened on the inside of the crescent, where a khopesh is sharpened on the outside. They legitimately look like a crescent moon sickle, stretched out to sword size.
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(Khopesh hilt, and genuinely the best crescent sickle sword I can find for what I'm picturing. Steph's would be in much better shape, obviously.)
Steph keeps it understated-but-still-stated with knee-high, buckle-up, black leather motorcycle boots.
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(These are mid-calf, but it's the closest I can find that aren't completely over the top. Also, any artist who figured out how to make the laces work without losing the straps would win my unending love for the symbolism of Steph clearly still mimicking her big brother but trying so hard to hide it.)
Steph’s sleeves are armored in black metal plates, ending in sharpened black gauntlets. I don't care much about the specific structure, I just really want that clawed look.
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(Shorter would be more practical for finesse work, while longer claws could be worked into her fighting style. I am going back & forth on whether this should be both arms or just one of them, because I’m a sucker for asymmetric designs, but I think it might be a bit too much with all the other details.)
Finally, over top of it all, Steph wears an uneven ivory-colored hooded shawl made of layers of thin, wispy fabric. It hangs down her back to her waist, but bunches up in the front over her collarbones. It's purposefully designed to look tangled & messy, hiding her body shape with all its bulk & fly-aways, and is flimsy enough that grabbing hold of basically any part of it will just leave you with a fist full of torn fabric.
This is the hardest to find examples for, but... okay, so it's shaped roughly like this:
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(If anyone can find the non-pinterest source for this one, I'd hugely appreciate it; all I'm getting is a dead twitter link.)
It's layered like these:
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And it's made from material like this:
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(This definitely gets swapped out for either a white scarf or a brown trench coat pretty regularly, just because those are easier to wrap your head around/draw. I think both could work & be cool, but Steph is trying to give off “undead vibes” with this original costume, and this gives her a more ghostly look which… okay, is heavily inspired by this Jason design.)
Also, Steph's hair is still long, but she ties it up in either a french or dutch braid before going out most of the time. Dutch is for going out in public or to the gym, where she'll lift it off her neck in a ponytail, french then gets coiled into a bun inside of her helmet.
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(I am undecided on whether or not she also has an undercut.)
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kekaki-cupcakes · 1 year
Yoooooo still curious and excited anon here!
Could I please request for a Jason Grace meeting and falling in love at first sight with a “bad girl/punk” demigod at camp half blood?
Bad girl in the sense of like rebellious, chaotic, the kind with motorcycles and black leather jackets and so if it explains the vibes better?
Idk it would be like fun ‘cause Jason is kinda the good boy of the group.
And idk he reminds me of a golden retriever.
Idk I tend to associate animals to ppl for no real reason.
If u were an animal which one would u be?
Sorry for the long ask!
Bye! Have a great day!
First time writing Jason so he might be a bit OOC but I went with a very oblivious lovesick golden retriever energy haha. Tiny bit of angst in there because you know, its Camp Half-Blood.
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Big Brothers big sisters Best Friend
»»————- ★ ————-««
Finding Thalia couldn’t be that hard, right? It wasn’t like she was the leader of The Hunters of Artemis, who were visiting camp, meaning she would be off beating the Ares cabin at games, or recruiting even more hunters with talk of immortality, toasting marshmallows every night, and Hawkeye merch.
Jason strolled through camp, dodging the spears being thrown as the Hermes kids ran past to the arena,  grass crunching underfoot and sun shining brightly. When the Hunters showed up, it was like an unofficial holiday for Camp Half-Blood, Jason’s orange shirt standing out in the sea of casual clothing and silver jackets. The [usually] strictly followed timetable for the day was more of a mere suggestion at this point, everyone preparing for an intense game of capture the flag, and a general prank war.
“Move along you little fuck nugget!”
There she was.
“Thalia!” Jason called, feeling the scar on his lips stretch as a grin broke across his face. His sister was yelling at a group of Iris kids, who ran off giggling a moment later. She sat back down behind the fold out table with a deep frown, which pulled on her eyebrow piercings. 
It quickly disappeared when she spotted Jason jogging over. “Little brother!”  
Thalia vaulted over the table, scattering leaflets into the wind as she picked Jason up in a hug, spinning him around until he was dizzy. “Woah, okay you can put me down now before I puke.”
She threw her arms up, cropped silver jacket catching the sun and nearly blinding him. He re adjusted his glasses and blinked a few times while she wheeled him back over to the fold out table, which was now a mess of papers, pens, and arrows. “Listen up fuckwits, this is Jason, my little brother, no maiming him in capture the flag or I slit your throats in your sleep, deal?”
Two hunters with undercuts and summer dresses didn’t bother looking up from the quiver they were adjusting on a daughter of Aphrodite. The girl at the table did though, after screwing up a sheet of paper and tossing it over her shoulder. 
Jason’s heart stopped.
Not literally, of course, but he would happily let the girl stab him with the knife strapped to her back, over the top of her leather jacket. He caught a glimpse of painted musical notes in a messy neon pink decorating the dark leather, and then realized he was staring. “Sorry, what?” 
“I was just saying imma maim you in capture the flag,” Thalia explained with a wicked grin.
Jason blinked, “weren’t you just saying-”
“Irrelevant,” Thalia cut him off, throwing an arm over his shoulder and yelling something to a boy with green hair a few meters away. Jason took the opportunity to take another peek at the girl, who was now popping a bubble of purple gum as she watched Thalia brandish a blood stained arrow at the crying kid. 
His eyes skipped from a crown tattoo around her arm to the chunky doc martens poking from underneath the table, then to her eyes, which were on him. Shit. Jason looked away with warmth in his cheeks, hoping the girl hadn’t realized he was blatantly staring at her. How could someone look that scary and still be so attractive at the same time?
Hot people should be approachable, so he didn’t have to hide behind his sister with wide blue eyes, like he was now. Thalia ran a hand through her spiky dark hair, blue streaks flicking around, and Jason finally remembered why he was actually here, apart from wanting to stare at the girl who’d slipped white headphones over her head and gone back to the clipboard. 
“Thal’s, Chiron wanted to talk to you, something about knives?”
“Shit,” Thalia grumbled, folding her arms. She glanced up at the big house and then back at the girlTM. Then a smirk spread across her face, probably clocking the pink dusting Jason’s face. She was just so…nice looking. Jason could stare at her forever.
“Her mum’s teaching her to ride a motorbike, she wants a doberman, and she graffiti's.” Thalia said, clapping Jason on the shoulder with a cocky wink. “lLso a swiftie, don’t tell her i told you though. Good luck!”
“Huh?” Jason whimpered, his shoulders falling as his sister left him in the sign up area with a bawling green haired child and a lot of scary teenage girls. “Wait, no come back-”
He stood there for a minute, glaring at Thalia’s retreating figure, who was hiding knives underneath rocks as she went. He tapped his fingers on the table, trying to look casual as his brain drooled over the lip piercing the girl had. WHY DID SOMEONE GET TO LOOK THAT ATTRACTIVE?
She pulled her headphones down around her neck and looked up at Jason with a brow raised. She had sharp eyeliner and a low voice. “So like, you gonna sign up, or…”
“But… I’m a guy?”
“I don’t assume,” she shrugged, eyes lidded, and popped another bubble of purple gum. 
Jason felt his heart drop through his stomach and land in the grass when he realized what the girl would be doing here. He hoped his voice wasn’t wobbly as he spoke. “You’re a hunter?”
“Nah,” she grinned, leaning back on the fold out chair and propping her chunky shoes on the table, dirt smearing on the sign up sheet. “My mum’s Tyche, Thalia asked me to stand here and increase the chances people will sign up.”
Jason thought for a moment, trying to remember who Tyche was. His brain still thought of everything the roman way, figuring out who deities were was a headache. She blew another bubble, and it popped on her face, which she pulled off and stuck on the bottom of the table without a second thought. “Fortuna for you, goddess of chance, dispenser of good and ill fortune.”
“You know I’m roman?” Jason may have focused on the wrong part of the conversation. All he got in return was a smirk and a shrug. SHE KNEW HIM?
She watched him for a moment, probably wondering if he was sunburnt, and then got to her feet. Jason realized he was way too far gone once he found out she was taller than him. “I’m teaching arts and crafts next, wanna help?”
»»————- ★ ————-««
Jason had been tricked. How it only occurred to him once he was standing in the middle of the arts and crafts supply closet, arms full of stolen spray paint, he didn’t know. 
One minute he’d been helping this really cool girl, and the next minute Malcom Pace was opening the door with wide gray eyes. “You’re the one stealing all the cans?”
“There is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this,” Jason started, hoping it would give him enough time to think of a perfectly reasonable explanation. Nothing came to mind, so he called on his roman roots and lifted his head high, hoping he didn’t look like a deer in headlights with a spinal problem. 
“I’m stopping the thief.”
Malcolm just stared at him, moving out of the way as Jason sidled past him into the room filled with ares kids and glitter bombs. “If whoever’s stealing all the paint doesn’t know where it is, then they can’t take it. Chiron asked me to take it all to the big house until he figures out who’s stealing it.”
“It’s totally the Stoll’s, who else would be drawing penises on my cabin?” 
Jason blinked. He had not come prepared enough for the spray cans stealing expedition, but to be fair he had no idea he was stealing until he saw the sign saying ‘ask permission from Butch or Malcom to use. “Well yes, but are you gonna dob them in?”
Totally something that would happen at Camp Jupiter, if somebody was stupid enough to steal the paint in the first place, but Camp Half-Blood was a little different. Malcolm snorted. “No, it’s hilarious. But if you see Connor, tell him to do the Ares cabin, Clarrise stepped in my waffles this morning.”
“Will do,” Jason managed to mutter, and then strolled through the arts and crafts center like he was supposed to be there. He nodded at one of the Athena kids who was sculpting a statue of an anime character, and then ducked his head as he left. 
When he made his way around the back, he saw the girl who’d tricked him, without even thinking that he could get in trouble. “Hi!”
She just blinked in shock, her jaw dropped. SHE HAD A TONGUE PIERCING. Jason grinned as he dumped the armful of multicolored spray paint canisters in her arms. “I got them!”
“You- that was a trick you tiny punk!” She laughed, and Jason felt his face heat up as he noticed the sparkle in her eyes. “How did you pull that off?”
He ducked his head and shrugged. “I dunno, I guess people just assume I’m doing stuff I’m supposed to do?” 
Jason had to look away when she bit her lip, teeth clicking with the silver metal ring looped through the right side of her bottom lip. “I like you.”
“Thanks.” His voice cracked.
“You’re mine now.” She stuffed the spray paint cans into a satchel jingling with pins of various bands and slogans, then looped her arm through his, yanking him along as they made their way to the horseshoe shape of cabins. 
Jason grinned as he followed happily, looking up at her smug expression. She stopped outside the silver cabin, and Jason faltered when he saw that one wall had been painted over with a dull shade of gray, then overlapped with a beautiful mural of the night sky. Constellations glittered as if painted with stardust themselves, and drip lines ran down the arrows the girls in the painting were holding. 
The tallest girl had a serious expression, long thick hair tied back in a plait that flowed over her shoulder. The brightest set of stars were wrapped around her shoulders. One arm was gripping the shoulder of a girl Jason recognised.                                                                    
He had never known her, but he recognised the small smile and the slope of her nose, the color of her hair, he recognised her because he was friends with her little brother. “Is that-”
“Zoe and Bianca.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
Thalia stomped her foot in the dirt and scanned the muddy clearing again. Where was he? 
A battle cry echoed through the woods, and there was the familiar screech of the monster, but then she heard Clarrise yelling, so they had it under control. Her blue flag, which was safely protected by Phoebe and a new recruit, was about to be joined by its friend, the red flag, securing the hunters win and furthering their streak.
“Jason?” She called. He was on the hunters team, only because cabins weren’t really supposed to split up, and like hell Thalia was fighting her hunters. 
Naomi stomped up, her quiver empty, and someone was screaming in the distance. “Have you seen that Tyche girl who’s supposed to be giving us a bigger chance of winning? Where is she?”
“Yo, guys! That blond jock’s getting the life snogged out of him behind Zeus’s fist!” Another new recruit fell out of a tree, binoculars in her hands as she grinned. 
Thalia smirked. “Dad will love that.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
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97-liners · 1 year
one of my former hyperfixations is watches so i will be assigning a smattering of random seventeen members with luxury watches that i think would really suit them. as opposed to the ugly ass timepieces that they're currently wearing around (lookin at scoups with that hot wheels looking excalibur spider)
warning for copious arm and hand images, if ur into that kind of thing.
scoups - breitling navitimer b01 chronograph 41 (rose gold bracelet)
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he's got the beefy arms and huge mickey mouse clappers to pull off a huge watch with a busy cluttered watch face. plus i have personal stake in this for undisclosed reasons, but i think aviator watches are very sexy and breitlings are my favorites. i think it would be very leaderly of him to wear one of these. was debating between the leather strap or the metal bracelet, but i think the bracelet suits his stupid tree trunk wrists better.
jeonghan - patek philippe 6102r (navy leather strap)
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celestial watch for jeonghan's angel branding, plus a pretty watch for a pretty boy. the smooth bezel and leather strap suits his thin wrists and delicate features, plus this watch costs as much as a HOUSE, and i think that fits jeonghan very well. only the best for yoon jeonghan.
joshua - audemars piguet royal oak
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ah yes. the ap royal oak. notorious status symbol. also i KNOW he already wears a royal oak and even showed it off in a what's in my bag video, but i think it suits him.... very sleek and stylish, plus he's got huuuge hands and thick arms, and the royal oak is a very large watch w/ lots of hardware and a very chunky and angular design with the screwed on octagonal crown. it’s a watch that needs a beefy wrist.
jun - grand seiko sgba413 (swap out bracelet with leather strap)
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he's decently beefy but not overly so, and he's got nice hands w long fingers. he could suit any watch, but i think the elegance of a grand seiko would suit his presonality. plus, i'm giving him the cherry blossom edition because it's pink and pretty and it matches his vibes, and from what i've read the texture on the dial sparkles in the sun. very junhui!!!
hoshi - mr jones watches the promise of happiness
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self explanatory
wonwoo - IWC portugieser chronograph boutique edition
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he's a very chill and lowkey dude, and this watch is chill and lowkey. plus it's still stupid expensive but not as stupid expensive as the other watches on this list, so this is a very solid everyday watch. ngl this one is one of my personal faves bc my ult (nct winwin) wears this as his personal everyday watch. i think it's very elegant and neat and bookish, and fits his book-reading glassesman image well.
part 2 here
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Movie Buddy
Part three
Ren x Xena
The awaited the date
“You look ugly in th-“
A loud smack could be heard as Sho harshly slapped Leo in the gut.
“Hey! She does, orange isn’t your colour, put the red one on.”
Xena glared at him as she sighed quickly going into the bathroom to change into the dark red velvet corset top, the straps were made out of the same material and made into loopy bows at the shoulder. She had a long black velvet skirt on with lace around the hem, Leo told her not to wear a jacket that she looks hotter without it but she ignored him wearing her leather jacket much to Leo’s dismay, it was only to hide her tattoos when she’s out in public.”
“Don’t get why you’re even going out with this random…”
She sighed as she sat at her mirror emptying her makeup bag as she hunted down her dark red lip gloss.
“Not a random, one of my closest friends and…”
She finally found it, avoiding having to finish the rest of her sentence as Sho raised a brow at her and leo grinned like the cat that ate the canary.
“And…?don’t tell me you have a crush on the guy.”
She stayed silent applying her lip gloss as she ignored Leo, changing her earrings into tiny xenomorphs to match the date hangout as Leo and Sho cackled.
“Damn Honour Roll you’ve got…an acquired taste.”
She rolled her eyes turning to them.
“Don’t be a fucking dick Leo, He’s-“
Leo cut her off.
“Let me guess he’s got a real great personality-“
Sho snorted.
“He’s not even got th-“
A pillow hit him hard in the face.
“Shut the fuck up, you both are blind if you can’t see how hot he is.” •_•
Sho and Leo stared at her as her deadpan face spewed out those words, she seemed fuming as she turned back to check herself over.
They glanced at eachother before Leo held a phone up and started snapping pictures of Xena, sending them to her so she can post them on the perfectly curated Instagram he made for her.
“So it’s just because he’s hot?”
Sho questioned, annoyance dripping in his words, xena rolled her eyes as looked back at them.
“No.” •_•
They waited as patiently as they could for Xena to answer as she sprayed a setting spray over her face, before turning around to find both men laying on their stomache on her bed, head in their hands as they kicked their feet, pretending to act like teen girls at a slumber party.
“He’s funny, smart, a total arsehole but in a fun way, he’s shy, he always complains but still ends up helping, he-“
Leo faked gag before Xena could go off on a tangent about all the things she liked about Ren, both him and Sho seeming to get more grumpy as they watched her get ready.
“I can’t believe he even got an R&R for a date…no fair, we never get approved-but he does…”
Leo whined out slumping into Sho who just rolled his eyes.
“It’s not even a date…well he didn’t say it was a date-“
The door knocks and Xena shot up, glaring at the boys as she shoos them off her bed.
“You both need to leave, I don’t wanna come back to you two cuddling in bed.” •_•
Leo shot her a wink and a thumbs up as Sho got up and dragged him with him, they followed her down the stairs as she grabbed her bag from the pew, waving goodbye to the duo as they sneaked out the back door. She put on a pair of chunky black trainers and swung the door quickly, not wanting to seem too eager but failing miserably, as she beamed a huge smile towards Ren who awkwardly stood in the door way.
He was wearing black cargos with thick black boots, a white button up and a slightly oversized dark army green leather bomber jacket.
“You look amazing Ren!” 0_0
A blush quickly spread as he held out his hand for Xena to take as he avoided eye contact.
“You look pretty too…”
Xena took his hand grinning even wider as she lightly giggled. He had styled his hair to be slightly spiked at the end and changed his second earring into a small hoop.
“You look really handsome, I like your hair.”
He flushed bright red as he led her out the doorway.
She locked her door and tried to covertly keep their hands together as they made their way to the train. Ren a step ahead of her as he drooped his hand low, clasping it together as he hoped she wouldn’t bring it up, she didn’t, her hearts in her ears and she quietly chattered to him about reviews she’s seen of the new movie, luckily avoiding spoilers.
Ren was just in a cold sweat hoping his hands hadn’t gone clammy as he tried to keep up with Xena’s nervous chatter.
They finally got on the train, both sitting closely together as they kept their hands clasped together.
“The films not on for another three hours…there’s a place to eat nearby it if you wanna go there…or an arcade.”
He fumbled to check the cinema times as he mumbled out to Xena, he had already checked all the places to hang out and made sure there was a number of options for the two of them.
“Oh! I don’t mind what sort of food places we got…?”
She asked leaning in closer, Ren freezing as she was way too close, he got a waft of her scent a mixture of a fruity perform and leather making him go slightly dizzy, he gulped as he held the phone to show her. He scrolled through the places, xena pointing at a place that was both an arcade and somewhere to eat, it was only ten mins away from the cinema as well.
“How have you beaten me again?” •_•
Xena huffed as she sipped at her beer, they were playing a first person zombie shooter, Ren absolutely annihating her in the game as he took a gulp of his own beer. They were awaiting their food after playing 1v1 games for the past hour, they had ordered fried chicken and chips to share and the loser had to pay the bill, much to Xena’s dismay as she was losing every battle.
“Pffft, a normie can’t beat me.”
He grinned cockily as she rolled her eyes giggling at him as she guided him to another game, Ren happily letting her drag him around as he had the most fun he’s had since entering Darkwick.
“Sure sure but maybe this normie can best you at this.”
She dramatically waved her arms at the Mario kart as she took off her jacket, Ren’s breath hitching as her tattoo got revealed, she looked beautiful in her leather jacket but without it she looked hot, her tattoos, her muscles, the way her top fitted her perfectly accentuating certain features that Ren was having a hard time not focusing on, she looked so pretty it was becoming hard to think just looking at her…she grinned wickedly as she walked over, wrapping herself around his free arm as he went a bright red. She guided him to the chairs helping him sit first before going into her own chair, his brain short circuiting as he tried to rid the feeling of Xena pressed up on his from his brain.
“How about whoever loses this round has to pay for dinner…”
His eyes widened as he saw through her game plan, smiling as he sighed he nodded agreement as determination to win set him straight, he started their battle ambitious in defeating the conniving girl sitting next to him.
Xena lost after Ren blue shelled her at the last minute, the food timing its readiness with her moment of rage.
They both finished their drinks before going to get their food, xena wrapping herself around Ren’s arm once again as he smiled in a state of fluster at her, she was pouting and Ren couldn’t help but inwardly think about how adorable she was.
They picked up their food and Xena paid despite Ren trying to pay as he felt kind of bad about it, but she denied it, a bets a bet.
They chowed down as they excitedly chattered about the film, they were planning to leave in half an hour so they could get in early for snacks and trailers.
After they finished eating they cleaned their table and were about to leave before Ren stopped her at a claw machine, xena looking at him confused as he went to put a coin in.
He immediately won her a bright pink bunny, the thing was insanely cute and soft and was the size of a small cat, he handed it over to her as he watched her go a bright red.
“Thank you…”
She tentatively walked up to him and wrapped her arms around him, gently hugging him as she got up onto her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek.
“Well…uh you paid for food so…”
He rubbed the back of his neck as Xena let go off him (way too soon in his opinion.)
She clutched the bunny close to her, smiling shyly as Ren tugged at her arm, urging her to follow him and they basically skipped out of the place to the cinema, insanely excited as the place came quickly into their view.
Xena whipped out her jacket from her bag as the cold of the late evening got to her, she popped the rabbit into the bag as Ren went to grab her hand again and lead her excitedly into the cinema.
Ren ordered a box of salty popcorn mixed with m&ms and two cokes, Xena grinned as she helped him carry it all to their seats, Ren letting her have the seat closest to the wall. They sat down and Xena leaned her head onto his shoulder as they quietly chattered about what they think will happen.
When the trailers started they ceased their talking as they become immersed into the experience.
“The fact it was mostly practical effects and you can tell but in the best way~ it makes it feel like a proper alien film and made it more intense and scary-“
Ren grinned as he clasped their hands together.
“-and the cast the way they reacted to everything, it wouldn’t of been as scary without their reactions and they all brought such personalities with them…”
Ren added, as they walked slowly over to the train, neither one of them wanting the night to end as Xena swung their arms.
“-Andy as well?! His character was amazing, the way you can see him struggle internally with the dual personality especially in the window scene….”
The two carried an in depth conversation the whole journey home, going through each scene, each callback and Xena explaining about the xenomorphs in great detail…it turns out she was more of a fan than she let on, Ren watched in awe as she talked to him about the comics, videos games and books and how it all tied in with the movie.
He walked her back to the cathedral, the two still holding hands even as they approached her door, Xena seemed reluctant to go in as she spun around to face him, seeming almost nervous as she caressed his hand.
“Erm…was this a um date Ren…?”
She probably should’ve asked before but if she was about to put her mini plan in action she kind of needed to know now.
Ren looked down at their hands as a light blush spread across his face as he tried to think of a response without spewing something weird in his anxious state.
“I wouldn’t put this much effort in for anyone else.”
This was the answer he fell on as he watched Xena burst into a ball of red as she nodded flustered, she grabbed onto the collar of his jacket and slowly pulled him in, looking from his lips to his eyes as she silently asked for permission. Ren’s breath hitched as he found himself leaning in, the two meeting halfway as Xena pressed a sweet and chaste kiss to his lips before pulling back.
Ren gaped at her before putting an arm around her pulling her close and tilting her head up as he went in for another kiss, one that Xena gladly leaned in for, the two kissing for a couple of minutes before she heard the front door quietly open.
“So the date went well then?”
Leo snickered taking a photo of the two as Ren quickly pulled back, his arm still around her as he scowled at Leo.
“What time do you call this young lady?”
Sho appeared in the doorway as well hands on his hips as he smirked at the two, xena hiding her face behind her hands in pure embarrassment as Ren sighed.
“Do they live with you?” •_•
He asked sympathetically as he thought about his own experience living with the clown and Towa, she shook her head signalling no as she looked up at him.
“No, they’re just annoying.”
The two cackled as they walked back inside leaving the couple alone again, Ren quickly leaned down giving her a peck before holding her cheek in his hand as he went to kiss her again, he nipped at her lip as she quickly let him in, their tongues twirling around eachother before he pulled himself away, knowing if he continued he wouldn’t be able to bring himself to leave her tonight.
She kissed his cheek as he let go of her, it was currently 1am and he knew the clown would be coming to get him at 6am for work.
“Ren…would you be down to go on another date with me??”
Xena nervously asked, smiling up at him as a small smile crossed his own face.
“I would be more than down.”
He kissed her on the cheek as they exchanged goodbyes, Ren using everything in him to walk away even though he just wanted to stay by Xena’s side, he waved goodbye again and Xena did the same, sighing sadly as she eventually turned to go into the cathedral as Ren walked out of her eyesight.
“Soooo, how did it go?!”
Leo was leaning against the pews, a smug smile on his face as he enjoyed the look of fluster on her face.
“It went really well…”
She grinned to herself as she brought out the pink bunny, smoothing it in her hands as she went upstairs to get ready for bed.
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yourkimjaejin · 2 years
2 Baddies - NCT 127's 4th Studio Album Overview
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The first photo teaser, Moxy is posed on the top of the car. She's kneeing with her hand stretched in front of her and looking up at the camera
In the Neo Seoul Video, Moxy is wearing baggy ripped jeans, a bright green crop top with a ring and chain linked harness bra over it. For shoes, she's wearing lime green platform sneakers. Moxy's hair is slightly wet making her curls more prominent.
During the video, Moxy is seen dancing in the middle of other dancers. When the camera focuses on her, she smirks then slaps it away
In one of the shorts, Moxy and a couple of the female dancers are partying in the bathroom. Taking picture, filming videos, laughing with each other, just plain having fun!
Obviously, Moxy and Taeyong did the NEO SEOUL Challenge where they both killed it.
In the 2 Baddies teasers, Moxy posed as if she was fixing some under the hood of a Porsche (as if she knows what she's doing)
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First Teasers: A white techwear top, wide leg leather pants with red, black and white print, platform white boots with racing gloves. Moxy's hair was styled as a afro. her hair was shaved on the side with line on each side
Second Teasers: jean shorts, a white tank top under a green hollow crochet knit sweater, and white chunky shoes. Her hair was pulled into ponytail with braids on the top
Stylists had some trouble styling Moxy's third look. They didn't want to just stick her a racing jacket like they did in Punch.
They asked for Moxy to send anything she saw that would fit the concept. The first concept she sent them was pictures of Letty and Suki from the fast and furious franchise. She didn't they would take it literally but they did
Moxy in the music video teaser wore a black tank top with thin straps, white cutout cargo pants, black boots and Letty's classic sunglasses. her hair was curly and cut into a bob with her hair styled to cover her left eye.
With this outfit, Moxy had a fake belly button piercing. Fans lost their collective minds trying to figure out if it was real or not.
Music Video:
Can I just say Moxy was on fire during the entire video. She had her signature smirk on and our pumpkin queen was letting all her swag bleed into every dance moves
She truly looked like she was finally in her element. Like Queendom shed any doubt Moxy had. She was a member of NCT 127 and nobody could change it.
Moxy danced with Haechan under the neon lights. They both had match grills they were flashing at the camera
Behind Haechan, Moxy took a sticker off the car and threw it into a black portal with a smirk.
Yuta was being hugged by Moxy from behind while the younger sat of the Porsche. They both couldn't hold their smiles back.
Moxy hung upside down in the box Mark was in for her first lines in the song. Her eyes were wide and crazed like she'd been locked in a cage and had broken free
In another scene, Moxy leaned back on the hood of the car while rapping. Suddenly she flipped onto her belly and crawled up to the roof of the car
During the bridge, Moxy was in the middle on one side and she was working them hips. Taeyong's eyes showed surprise but he couldn't stop smiling. He was happy to see his member letting loose.
Moxy ended the song, singing the last line sitting on the throne. The back of the chair framing her face like a crown
Behind The Scenes:
Killing Voice
Moxy was sharing a mic with Jaehyun
She looked so soft in this video. Moxy was clearly wearing a cardigan that belonged to one of the boys and she was drowning in it. She had permanent sweater paws that she used to slap Mark on the arms
The camera mostly caught the two being professional and composed but in some shots you could see Jaehyun being whipped for Moxy’s excitement
At one point, Moxy got fed up and forced Jungwoo to sing into the mic instead of standing behind the members
The members surprised Moxy by playing a small section of Moxy’s solo from the Regulate repackage, You Don’t Know Me
She didn’t even prepare for but all know Moxy. She’s prepared to SLAY at any time. She hit the high note flawlessly as her boys hyped her up in the background
Jil ju pub
Fans were excited to possibly see what Moxy looks like when she’s tipsy. The boys have spoiled some thing like Moxy’s clingy when she’s drunk
Moxy had her shoulders covered with a blanket because she dressed for style this time around.
She hoarded a plate of fries to herself (you all know Moxy loves her some carbs!). When Haechan tried to grab one she smacked his hand, leading to a bunch on whines that fell on deaf ears.
Moxy was her usual quiet self. Observing the chaos around her as each of the boys fell over the edge of tipsy. She was sipping on some hard cider. A personal favorite of hers.
Fan Sign Moments
In Busan a fan asked Moxy to do the Nabillera challenge.
A fan asked Moxy for a spoiler for AG's upcoming album. She replied, Get your clubbing clothes on!
Another fan gave Moxy the scarlet widow Mickey Mouse ears. Her reaction was so precious. She was so excited. Moxy told the fan that she tried to order some when the came out but they sold out before she could get them. Moxy had the ears on for the entire fan sign. She even posed like Wanda for a fansite cameras.
Another fan brought Moxy a Jon Moxley shirt from a recent AEW show. Moxy immediately put it on and even posted a picture on bubble
The most viral picture of Moxy out of all the fan signs was of her winking with a pouty kiss face in a black cat headband
Moxy was asked to sing the chorus of a song from a recent musical she's seen. "I actually just saw Heathers the musical and the one song stuck in my head is Candy Store”
Studio Choom
On the set, Moxy was her usual quiet self. She observed her boys being the cuties they all were.
Moxy kept one of her hand covering her cleveage. The outfit for the performance did fully cover her but she still didn’t wanna accidentally flash the camera more than they should see. When she wanted to rest her hand, Johnny or Jaehyun would take over
Studio Chooms staff had this joke with Moxy. Whenever Moxy was their with 127, she got her own interview section called ‘Moxy Time!’ The staff would ask her questions and Moxy would answer albeit a bit embarrassed at the attention
“I’m really excited for the fans to see the video and hear the album. Seeing all the boys this excited warms my heart. And it builds my own excitement. I think this comeback is the most I’ve talk on shows. Like ever!” Really a caption from Studio Choom read. Moxy laughs and the camera to turns to show all the members watching Moxy with the fondest gazes. Their eyes causing her to blush.
“Moxy aegyo please?” Haechans voice calls over and the boys join in until Moxy hits the group with “XyXy happie!” and a flower pose. All the boys fell on the floor clutching their hearts.
Moxy was twerking next to taeyong to break Haechan while he filmed his ending fairy making him break.
Recording Behind
Moxy recorded the Zip zip it part with Taeil and Jaehyun. She couldn't stop jumping around in excitement. The two older boys each held a shoulder to keep her in place
The producer LOVED the laughs Moxy added. He said it made her sound like a gangster. The comment made her blush
The producer also gave Moxy permission to not hold back on how she pronounces her lines to give the song more flavor.
"127's fourth studio album. I was a bit worried about how my voice would sound cause I'm recording for AG as well but I surprised myself at well the recording went." Johnny came by and ruffled her hair. Moxy went to attack back but the camera cut
"Czennie!! Get ready cause this album is special. I can't wait to see your reactions!! Until next time, See ya."
Video + Jacket Filming
At the jacket filming, Moxy was strangely hyper. She still didn't talk to the camera but around her members, she was bouncing around like someone gave her a old Jaemin coffee
We start seeing them take the album cover picture but it isn't the one we got of Moxy kneeing at the top of the car. The first shot was of Moxy, her legs bracketing in Marks hips, laying on the hood of the car with her hand behind her head.
Moxy asked the photographer if it was okay for her to climb to the top of the car for the photo and he said yes, leading to the actual cover photo used
Moxy shaking her head at Taeyong getting easily fooled by Haechan's explanation of how the car works.
Before they started posing in front of the disassembled car, Johnny and Yuta were taking pictures of Moxy crouched near the suspended door, looking bored
"Moxy doesn't have an instagram but I guarantee all the members have 50+ photos of her in our pictures." Yuta takes his last picture.
Johnny scrolls thru the pics he took, deleting the bad ones, "She's too cute not to."
During the second day of shooting, Moxy posed on top of the billiards table. While waiting she tested to see if a pool ball hitting her stomach would hurt (Guess what it did....idiot)
Moxy laughing at Jaehyun losing to Johnny without having to do anything
Music Show Behind
While all the boys were debating about if Renjun sent the lunchboxes for them, Moxy got a text.
Noona, you better eat or I'll lie and tell Haechan that I brought the boxes for you....
Moxy rolls her eyes but still sent a selfie of her first bite to ward off Renjun
2 Baddies
One of a kind pageupeun na, Look in my eyes ya, naega geurin girin geurim, sogeseo move ya (0:25 - 0:31)
Show me baby what’s your style, chwegoreul neukkyeobon daeum, neoye sesangeun dallajil geoya (1:32 - 1:37)
2 Baddies 2 Baddies 1 Porsche (3:34 - 3: 37)
Fast all day dallyeo, ullyeo peojil hamseong, Checkered flag on my way (0:18 - 0:24)
Fast buri buteo My beat, junbidwaetji My team, teojil deuthan enjin Highway (2:01 - 2:06)
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radabadabing-bing · 2 years
Only in Dreams
Wanted to work on something shorter, and once again had something stirring in my docs. I really like how it turned out honestly. Anyways, it’s another Genshin boy, and it’s Diluc. Also kinda really explicit lol If you get the reference by the by, you’re cool and can also expose me as an even worse turbo-nerd "D-damn...Mages..." Diluc clutched his stomach as it churned uncomfortably. An Abyss mage had slammed him with some foul spell that seemed harmless at the time, but began to show up as horrible stomach pains. He had already tried to treat it with herbal teas and mint scents, but if anything it only seemed to get worse. His stomach gurgled and bubbled. Diluc let out a belch. And the pains faded. Only to be replaced with a new sensation- bloating. Like his stomach was filling. And filling... "What...the..." Diluc watched as his belly bulged in front of him. Swelling...Was it going to burst? He grabbed it, but it didn't feel tense or hard to the touch. It was plush, his hand sinking into soft flesh. It was fat. "...What are they playing at...?" Diluc wondered as his belly grew heavy. It groaned and gurgled again as it did so. While the fact he wouldn't burst was a small blessing, he doubted the Abyss only wanted to make him a little chubby. Though his belts were already straining against the forming gut... He had undone one strap when he felt a similar sensation in his rear. His normally toned and flat ass had begun to bubble outwards, as he reached back and grabbed a handful of it. His thighs followed, his pants stretching to accommodate. Diluc grit his teeth as his clothes began to get a bit too tight. Half because this was utterly insulting and ridiculous, the other because it was making him horny as hell. He wasn't precisely sure why. Perhaps it was a part of the curse that had been laid on him. Or maybe Diluc never envisioned himself filling out like this- He certainly would never intentionally let himself go. But whatever the case, he could feel his cock stiffening as his belt became taut around his belly. "Hng..." The redhead moaned, leaning against a table for support, as he packed on another dozen pounds. A slight tearing was heard, no doubt his pants failing against his pillowy ass, or perhaps his impressively sized thighs. Either way, it was enough to make his dick throb. Unsatisfied with simply hearing the noises, Diluc pulled his jacket off as he approached the nearest mirror, stumbling as he took a look at himself. He involuntarily let out a moan as he spotted his gut, as it strained against his tight belt. How his hips had widened so significantly, thighs wide and chunky. Lovehandles spilling out of his tightening pants, a bulge apparent in the front of them. Diluc's moans only intensified as his belly began to overspill the belt, the leather creaking and straining under the new pressure. "G-gah...!" The red head grunted as the belt fully snapped, the buckle smashing into the mirror. Shit, that pushed him over the edge. He couldn’t quite see it thanks to his girth, but he could sure as hell feel it pulsing down there. With a stumbling step back, he ran a hand through his hair. This had no right to be as enjoyable as it was for Diluc, but here he was. Maybe the years of trekking across the world and galavanting through Mondstadt in the dead of the night had just driven him to the logical conclusion of getting off to just letting himself go completely. It was an enticing concept in a few ways. Giant blobs of fat couldn’t exactly fight… A ripping sound brought Diluc back to reality. Or perhaps further back into his fantasy, as his plump flesh forced its way out of his pants, the seams tearing ever further as his lower half just widened and thickened. The front of his trousers had already popped apart, probably with his belt. He couldn’t see his crotch well, his abdomen acting as a makeshift apron. His shirt was riding up, both thanks to its growth, and that of his pecs. His once flat and broad chest was only broad now, closer in resemblance to overripe melons than anything that could be considered muscle. His dress shirt was falling to pieces from this two pronged assault on it, each frill and string being pulled apart. His tie had given up the fight against his neck, the fabric snapping with ease. Diluc’s vest split in two already. “I-I…Ugh, why- Ngh…!” The red headed aristocrat was reduced to babbling, biting his lip as his clothes fell to tatters around him. He was sweating now, the intensity of it was getting to him bad now. As one of his bloated tits fell out of his shirt, he let out a cry. His cock throbbed harder by the second. In the broken remains of his mirror, Diluc caught a glimpse of his form. Totally engorged. A couple dozen pounds ago he probably still could’ve put up a fight, but now he was probably more or less hapless. As the last of his clothes tore to shreds, he was going damn wild. In his nigh euphoric arousal, he fell backwards onto his ass. The force of the impact only served to stimulate him further. Reduced to mindless groping, he could just feel himself just cumming again and again. What did he have to worry about? Now Diluc was content to grow, and grow, and… Sharply inhale. Diluc took several breaths in and out, reassessing the situation. He was in his bed. He was sweating. Dawn was breaking outside, lighting the room with the scant morning light. He took one last deep breath out, and got himself up. He looked over himself in the mirror, which was all in one piece. Diluc might’ve been letting himself go lately. He was still fairly fit, no doubt- But his chubby midsection and shapely rear were hard to ignore, especially how he hadn’t quite updated his wardrobe. The redhead's boxers did seem a bit tight around him, clinging to his thighs. A softness to his pecs, the way his cheeks were just slightly pudgy. It had earned him a few stares at the tavern, and a few more underhanded comments from Kaeya. Nothing new on that front. But what he felt in his dream- Shit, what he felt now. He was still erect, Diluc had legitimately enjoyed that dream. And it all had to come from somewhere. An innate desire? Just some crossed wires in his brain at the wrong time? A part of him knew he had to start cutting back on sweets, stopping his overindulgences, maybe working out a bit more. But a part wondered if that was what he really wanted. His stomach groaned again- This time, it wasn’t unnatural, or caused by a curse. It was just time for Breakfast. Diluc sighed, one hand on his paunch, the other running through his loose hair, before deciding to get dressed. If he was going to start doing the apparent ‘right thing’, he could start that tomorrow.
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cinnaminyoons · 3 years
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ミ☆ taehyung claims to despise you with every single atom of his being, but love and hate are just two sides of the same coin.
⤷ PAIRING kth x m!reader
⤷ WORD COUNT 3.6k 
⤷ TAGS swearing, enemies-to-lovers, reader calls taehyung ‘puppy’, suggestive scene at the end
⤷ SERIES part two
helloo !!
can you write a taehyung one shot where it's basically set in college and reader is a pretty popular guy while taehyung is also a popular guy but the both of them are sort of like rivals ?
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like moths to an irresistible flame, girls and boys crowd taehyung any time he is on campus. it’s irritating for the kids who come to this elite university for the education and only the education and none of taehyung’s easygoing, party-animal lifestyle. trying to squeeze by a gaggle of ten, fifteen adoring fans in corridors is never an easy task.
because of taehyung’s nature, smiling and laughing carelessly at anything regardless of its consequences, most people think him impossible of anger or annoyance. that simply isn’t true. he may not dislike very much, but he certainly has the capacity to.
except for you. he hates you with every fibre of his body, from the shiny leather tips of his chunky black boots to his blood-red bandana.
now, taehyung thinks himself a reasonable and just person. he doesn’t hate everyone he doesn’t like. but you? something about you, even seeing you, makes his blood boil in his veins, burning their way to his heart and out to the tips of his fingers until his fists clench and his nails carve half-moons into his palms.
maybe it’s the way you’re so nice to everybody you meet. it’s as if you’re friends with every single student who has the fortune of attending the same campus at the same time as you. 
taehyung knows half of the academy and has had more in his bed – that’s the official name for it, snobby little men at the top calling their school a snobby little academy – but he doesn’t make friends with them. he doesn’t want a friends-with-benefits situation turning awkward because the other person messes it all up and falls for him.
or maybe he doesn’t like the way you present yourself. your family is rich, like his; they are giants in luxury fashion and expensive cars. he learnt this from loud whispers floating about, begrudgingly listened to even from his own little fanclub.
where taehyung can be described as wild and rebellious, you are branded sophisticated and classy. he can guess that it comes from the fact that you’re never seen wearing the same suit twice, and that your car can’t be described by model or even colour since it changes every month.
“oppa, oppa! look at me!”
taehyung looks. she practically faints into her friend’s arms.
it’s the end of his lectures – he skipped the first half, too busy rubbing the satisfying ache in his muscles from his nightly activities – and he stands in the campus’ car park, scattered here and there with the occasional shiny, fancy car. he’s done his best to shake off his followers, but a few still remain.
one of the girls – the one carrying her friend – gasps, staring somewhere to taehyung’s left. “oh my gosh,” she squeals to the boy next to her, “is that yn? he looks so amazing!”
taehyung glances left slowly, doing his best to refrain from snapping his gaze over and glaring.
and, lo and behold, there you are, strolling towards them. a large portfolio case made of black leather hangs from a strap over your shoulder, and in your other hand is an iced coffee. long legs are clad in black trousers, and a white shirt tucked into it makes your outline glow from the late morning sun, partially hidden by clouds. you’re chatting with someone, who looks smug and very pleased to be by your side.
the person turns, and taehyung’s jaw nearly drops to the floor. it’s jimin. his best friend, jimin.
jimin locks eyes with taehyung – he’s always had an uncanny ability to know when he’s being watched – and he beams brightly, waving with his whole arm. “tae! hey, haven’t seen you all day – where’d you go?”
he grabs your free hand and drags you over. evidently, he’s very close to you – taehyung never knew this, and it makes his expression sour.
“hi-i,” jimin sings, his blonde hair falling over his forehead in gentle waves. he wraps taehyung in a big hug, giggling, and lifts him off his feet slightly. taehyung pats his back and only relaxes when he’s got both feet on the ground again.
“hey, jimin,” he greets, purposely ignoring you. “i thought you didn’t have classes on fridays?”
“i don’t,” says jimin, and his smile gets even wider. it cuts up into his cheeks and makes his eyes sweet crescents. “i was helping yn-hyung take his finals up!”
“no, you weren’t,” you say good-naturedly, and jimin pouts at you. “my pieces are as tall as you.”
at the sound of your voice, taehyung feels the beginnings of anger coming on. it’s like ocean waves – as you tease jimin, and he pouts more aggressively, the waves turn from turquoise foam lapping at his ankles to big, frothing-white waves crashing down and swallowing him whole.
“fuck off, ln,” he growls. the once-relaxed angles of his body sharpening and the furrow of his dark brows make his anger all the more apparent. “you keep your filthy hands to yourself. i don’t want you dirtying him with whatever bullshit you’re spouting now.”
you raise an eyebrow. nothing physical about you changes – your grasp on your plastic cup is still loose, and your posture is still open and comfortable. yet, there’s something in your eyes – a dark glint, like a blade’s edge – that lets him know what you want him to know.
you’re vexing like that. you show only what you want other people to see in doses so small they feel like they’ve done something important, uncovered a secret feeling they think you’ve tried to hide. it makes them prideful, arrogant, and makes their downfall all the more dramatic.
“stand down, puppy. i’m no threat.” you catch the eye of one of the girls behind taehyung, who stares at you with reverence. her entire face goes pink when you smile at her, and shyly, she hides her cheeks with manicured hands.
all taehyung can do is glare. you smile – frustratingly calmly – and take a sip from your coffee. against his own will, his eyes flicker down to your mouth. his head fills up with images of your smirking lips.
what am i thinking? 
in one sudden motion, he smacks your hand hard enough to make it sound as if he’d slapped your face. taehyung’s little gang of adorers gasp in unison as the lid separates from the cup on contact with the grey concrete, splashing it everywhere in a strangely artistic shape like a river delta. the ice cubes spill out and clatter noisily.
“come on, jimin,” taehyung mutters, still glowering at you. when jimin doesn’t move, taehyung grunts and grabs him by the wrist. he drags him away – jimin trips over himself to keep pace with taehyung’s long strides – without a look back. people stare in acute interest. 
you glance at the ground. the lid, with its straw still in the hole, sadly rocks back and forth. taehyung’s fanclub is still with you, watching cautiously as if you’d explode at them. you suppose that’s what he would do.
instead, you pick up the cup and its lid, both covered in coffee. no littering on campus. you hold it carefully away from your clothes and look around. “does anyone have a tissue i can use?”
three pocket packs of tissues thrust forward.
“tae! taehyung! wait up!”
at the familiar voice, taehyung stops in his tracks and turns. “hey – hobi-hyung, jimin.”
hoseok throws an arm around his shoulder, grinning like he’s won the lottery. “we’ve heard rumours.”
“about?” taehyung asks, disinterested. there are always rumours floating around – nothing special.
“you, duh. haven’t you heard?” jimin cuts in. he pinches the sleeve of hoseok’s dark green shirt to not bump into anyone while he looks down into the mouth of his backpack, rummaging around. he retrieves some rose-pink lip gloss. “then again, half of every rumour concerns you.”
taehyung takes a seat at an empty window table and snaps open a sandwich container. the scent of warm bread floats in the air of the quaint cafe. “uh-huh. i stopped listening after the first few hundred.”
hoseok rolls his eyes affectionately and steals taehyung’s green bottle of sprite. taehyung opens his mouth to demand it back, but hoseok’s already cracked it open and taken a sip. 
hoseok waves a slender hand while he talks. “seokjin-hyung told me people are complaining about you and someone called ln yn. the name ring any bells?”
“alarm bells, yeah. guy’s a douchebag.”
jimin sighs, “he’s really not.”
“yes, he is. the bastard never lets me win – always first place in competitions, constantly correcting me, even girls. rubs it in my face, too, with that stupid handsome smirk.” taehyung shakes his head and returns his attention to hoseok. “so? what’s the big deal hyung spoke about?” 
hoseok glances left, right, and leans across the table. he drops his voice. “you’re getting a room change this week. after namjoon-hyung got this petition thing from students, he was forced to give it to the dean due to the sheer number of names. the dean approved it.”
“and where, exactly, am i moving? i like it where i am.” his family paid an ungodly amount of money to get him a dorm alone.
jimin placed a hand on taehyung’s shoulder sympathetically, and hoseok gives him a wicked, giddy grin. “you’re gonna be roomies with ln yn.”
“what?” taehyung’s palms slap the table and his chair screeches painfully. the entire cafe quietens at his shout, looking on awkwardly.
“sit down,” jimin says firmly, “and shut up.”
taehyung sits down. he shuts up.
hoseok apologises to the cafe with a bright, charming smile and a wave. there’s a bit of muttering from disgruntled students, but the chatter returns. 
he faces taehyung, eyes glimmering. “i bet you’re wondering why. well, everyone knows you in one way or another, and some people are really getting annoyed at the ‘another’ part.” he pulls a face that says yikes. “to put it simply, they want you to shut up at night. plus, taming that rivalry you’ve got with yn would be good for all of us, as entertaining as it is to see you bite each other’s heads off.”
taehyung takes a silent bite of his sandwich. it doesn’t taste as good after such awful news. 
“the academy’s full of kids who want to be doctors or lawyers or whatever,” jimin says, smacking his lips in a small handheld mirror. he puts the lip gloss back in his bag. “they don’t enjoy having to cram before an exam to the sound of you breaking the bed.”
“i’m two floors up,” hoseok remarks, “and sometimes i feel like i can still hear you.”
look, taehyung isn’t a whiner. if he had to move rooms, he’d be totally fine with it – if he had been told about it first, and if it isn’t with his arch-enemy.
“with ln,” he says finally, strained. “i have to room with ln.”
“it won’t be that bad,” jimin cajoles, “if you just be nice. i don’t understand why you hate him so much – what’s he done to get your knickers in a twist?”
exist, taehyung wants to say, but he holds his tongue. sullenly, he chews his sandwich.
hoseok checks his watch. it’s a cheap thing from a market store when he went overseas with his family, a plastic gameboy with a digital watch where the screen would be, but he adores it. he’s done everything he can to lengthen its life. 
“my class starts in ten.” he leans back in his seat and cracks his back with a stretch. he sighs in satisfaction and rises to his feet. “i’ve gotta run. jimin, teach him some manners while i’m gone.”
jimin gives him a nod. “aye-aye, captain.”
“wait, can i have my—” 
hoseok whisks himself out the door, along with taehyung’s sprite. he sighs.
jimin crosses his legs and gazes expectantly at taehyung. 
it unnerves him. “what?”
“i’m taking my job seriously.” he clears his throat. “scenario one: you drop something that doesn’t belong to you and it shatters into a million pieces onto the floor. what do you do?”
taehyung groans and slumps to the table.
fuck this. fuck this. fuck this.
every step he has to heave his boxes up, he curses you. of course the special little prince has to live on the very top floor of a six-storey building. of course the elevator has to be under maintenance on the day he moves out.
he’s already dragged up half of his room. being unwilling and a little more than lazy, he’d begun with the small stuff – kitchen utensils, hair products, accessories – since he believed the bigger things, like his bed, would be easily taken up through the elevator. 
boy, was he wrong.
in the middle of carrying two big boxes full of very heavy things – he hasn’t labelled anything –  he practically collapses on the staircase. it’s probably wide enough to fit a small car, if a car wanted to go up the stairs for whatever reason, and taehyung plops himself right in the middle of it.
he closes his eyes. his clothes smell like cardboard and dust.
the light coming through his eyelids dims considerably. “you look like you need a hand.”
taehyung scowls. “go away, ln.”
the shadows shift, and he hears the click of your shoes move around him towards his boxes. there’s a brief pause, and then your footsteps pass him from bottom to top.
“come on, pretty boy. you can rest in our dorm.”
taehyung finally opens his eyes and sighs. he gets up and follows you, lagging behind warily. he frowns. “are you wearing jeans?”
you turn, gazing down at him from the landing above him. “yes. stop gaping – close your mouth before you start drooling.”
you continue up the stairs, and it takes a few seconds for taehyung to remember how to walk. you’ve never, ever, worn jeans in front of him before – and is that a cap? 
it feels like he’s walked in on you naked. his face warms and he looks away quickly. he’s never been much of a puritan about anything – really, he’s quite bold and shameless. yet, watching the way your arms shift and strain against the dark material of your long-sleeve shirt, with the sleeves pushed up to your elbows, makes him feel... hot. he pulls at his collar.
have you just been to the gym? your hands are veinier than he remembers.
you nudge the door open with your foot. the room sits at the very end of the hallway, on the short side of the building, which means it gets two walls with windows rather than just one. inside, if taehyung ignores the many boxes sitting like boils in the pristine space, is rather homey.
the small kitchen – you get a kitchen, he thinks in something akin to jealousy, despite now living here too – has a row of potted plants lining the bench. no, not just any plants – herbs. basil, lemongrass, coriander, chillies, some others.
“they’re labelled now,” you call from the area opposite your bed and desk, which you have considerately shifted over to make room for him. a bunch of boxes you’d already helped move in sit around in neat pyramids, biggest at the bottom. “everything is. i didn’t know if you had any allergies and i heard you don’t like spicy things.”
it sets his teeth on edge. where did you learn that?
“why... are you being so nice?”
you look up from near your desk, where you have a box cutter in hand. “nice?” you scoff. “is not wanting to accidentally kill someone because of an allergy ‘nice’?”
taehyung rolls his eyes. “jesus. relax. i wasn’t trying to start anything.”
“yeah, right. your friends tell me you rant and rave about how shitty i am after every meeting.” you look him up and down and he crosses his arms over his chest. you smirk at the defensive posture. 
you continue, “every time we see each other, you speak as if you’ve been practising the words in your mirror. every time we see each other, you bare your teeth at me like a pup at the end of its leash.”
“so, which is it, taehyung?” you step forward. you’re close enough that taehyung can smell your cologne – something earthy, woodsy, but sharp and sweet, like pine and jasmine. you raise his chin with a finger. “do you like me, or do you hate me?”
the scent of you fills his nose, his mouth. he swallows thickly. he’s never properly noticed it before, too busy frothing at the mouth with anger, but you’re taller than him – tall enough that he has to crane his neck significantly to look you in the eye. it makes it difficult to stare you down.
when he finally finds his tongue, he says, “what kind of freak mistakes hate for love?” 
he means to say it with a snap, a baring of the teeth. it doesn’t come out like that. the closest thing his voice is to is mild contempt.
you know it. you know what he is. a hint of a smile appears on your lips, and his eyes dart down to them.
your hand shifts from beneath his chin to his throat. gently, like he is a piece of art too precious to break. his throat rides against your thumb as he swallows.
“i don’t know,” you whisper, eyes glittering in the shadows of the late afternoon sun. you lean in, and he doesn’t back away. “what kind?”
your smile widens when his hands – shaky, hesitant, like a fawn learning to walk – unwind from across his chest. he hooks his fingers in the loops of your jeans, the leather of your belt smooth and cool against his clammy hands.
when has kim taehyung ever had clammy hands?
he turns his head slightly to catch your eyes. you’re still smiling that infuriating, obnoxious, and maddeningly attractive smile. you know exactly how he feels, and exactly what to do to rile him up. every single time, without fault, it works.
annoyance bubbles up in him at the very thought. you’ve been playing with him for – how many years now? three, four? you’ve toyed with him, leading him on with the metaphorical carrot on a stick. you may have led him to it but he was the one who took that first bite, and he was left wanting.
he leans in and presses his lips against yours – quickly and lightly, like a hand flitting out to steal a wallet out of a pocket. he goes in again, starving, all tongues and teeth. lips still connected, he pushes you back by the chest until you hit the edge of your bed with the backs of your knees. 
you grip his hips tightly as a warning as he tries to force you down. he growls impatiently into the kiss – pressed close as you are, you feel it rumble through his chest into yours. you part for air and you grin at his red, kiss-swollen lips and his half-lidded eyes, pupils blown wide open. 
“careful, puppy,” you murmur with a chuckle. “don’t bite off more than you can chew.”
“shut up.”
he pushes down on your shoulders again, and this time, you allow him. the brim of your cap bothers him. he bats it away and it falls to the bed, forgotten. 
he presses your lips together once more and straddles your lap, pushing you down into the sheets with a sharp grin. he moves his body in such a way that what it is he wants is made crystal clear: the slow, lazy rocking of his hips; his long, slender fingers slipping under your shirt and drawing circles over the warm lines of you.
not many people would be allowed the chance to see you like this, he thinks. him, yes; not you. princelike, you are untouchable.
your hands push at his clothes. they slip off his shoulders like oil on water, revealing a gorgeous golden expanse. he almost seems to glow, rimmed in warmth. his heart races under his ribs with every touch.
muscles shift beneath his skin as he moves, guiding your hands to the favourite parts of him. his shoulders, his stomach, his thighs. everyone likes those parts of him, so physical and devoid of the intimacy he craves. he guesses you’ll be the same, enraptured with them like a bee caught in honey – the cause of its own demise.
but you don’t. 
you stroke the soft inside of his wrist with a thumb, pressing down to feel his pulse quickening. you trace the shallow dip of his spine, fingers bumping gently over the vertebrae until you reach the nape of his neck, where the dyed curls of hair fade to their natural black. 
you brush the pad of your finger over the slight concavity between his collarbones, drawing a straight line down the middle of his chest until you reach his ribs. his heart beats beneath it rapidly – it hammers against your palm.
“are you nervous, taehyung?” you ask quietly, amusement seeping into your voice. “we can slow things down, if you like.”
oh, no. no, no. he has received a chance to love someone properly – and to put an end to this ridiculous rivalry. he forced it there, desperate to put a name to the thing that consumed him. any slower and he may just combust.
“fuck off, yn,” he mutters, and shuts you up with his lips on yours.
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The question you never knew you wanted to ask was, “If a bird was also a human, would she dress normal?” Lucky for you, Ya Qing is here with the answer: oh good heavens no.
Ya Qing dresses like a Drag Race contestant got the challenge prompt “Edgar Allen Poe” and had only ever read one thing by Edgar Allen Poe. Her outfit is a combination of thrift-store finds and things you could not find at a thrift store because no one ever wore them in the first place. She looks like a Victorian widow and somebody’s “fallen angel” OC had a transporter accident. I love this for her.
Let’s do this top-down:
Her fascinator is doing amazing triple duty with its poof of feathers, the sparkly beading in the center, and the lightweight mourning veil that hovers menacingly over her forehead. Her hair is pulled back in two braids on either side, each of which gets run through two silver beads; the rest of it gets knotted into a high ponytail that kind of gets lost underneath all the feathers. Whatever burgundy she’s chosen for the highlights, it’s really working for her.
She’s got a single earring on her left ear, one that connects with a chain up to an ear cuff like she’s Bajoran, and the ear cuff has extra wind-chime-like danglies on it. Based on this and the single earring Da Qing wears, I thought briefly they might be going with a thing where all the yashou have single earrings, which would have been a great costuming choice. But alas, no. (For all Zhu Hong loves her necklaces, she doesn’t wear earrings at all.)
Strange as it seems based on the overall effect, I don’t think she’s wearing a dress per se. It looks to me like her outfit is three parts: a feathered cape, a lacy high-cut bodysuit, and a long skirt. In one of the shots up there, you can see both her shoulder and part of her side, which makes it look like what’s covering her torso is disconnected from the other pieces. The bodysuit has a thick, stiff collar, which suits her pretty long neck.
The feathered cape is ... well, it’s a lot. Obviously most of it’s happening around her shoulders, where there’s big sprays of flight feathers just behind her neck and down around her shoulders, with a downy layer between them. It has sleeves too, but those sleeves are like Nightmare Boy’s, in that they’re slit up the side and therefore mostly just suggestions of sleeves. It also has a long cape down the back, almost as long as her skirt is and of the same material, which sometimes makes it hard to tell where one stops and the other starts.
Her gloves are everything. They’re so weird. On the tops of her fingers and the backs of her forearms, they’re a completely different lace pattern from her bodice; underneath, they’re solid leather. They go up just below her elbows, where they stop with a curtain of thin loose silver chains. I cannot tell if the chains are attached to the gloves, or if they’re just an extra layer she’s strapped on. When she has her arms by her sides, her almost-sleeves mostly hide them; this is good, because they have the amazing effect of looking great in motion and kinda doofy when they’re just dangling there.
That asymmetrical pleather belt is every belt my mother owned in 1987.
I love her skirt, which has so many layers that it gives her extra menacing vibes whenever she’s walking. It’s full enough that it’s got about five different hemlines all going at the same time, and it’s long enough that it brushes the ground when she walks. Alas, I couldn’t get a good shot of it, but she’s also got on some amazing chunky-heeled black ankle boots on under there.
I’m assuming that either her look is based on the woman in the first-episode backstory art, or vice versa. However, that lady is clearly supposed to be mutating down in Dixing, so something jumped tracks here. (Obviously Ya Qing herself is in there too, in the shot with all three yashou, but that’s more clearly supposed to be an actual drawing of her final look.)
I also love how absolutely none of the other birdies dress like this. She is indeed the proverbial rara avis.
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thechangeling · 3 years
But you like her better: Part 2
Sorry it's been a minute! I hope you like it.
Cw: Some brief ableism, mentions of internalized biphobia, and self injurious stimming.
It was raining when 16 year old María Machado Sotomayor first met Kit Herondale.
Marí had always loved the sound of the rain. It was peaceful and rhythmic, creating a nice tingly feeling in her skull running straight down her spine. It also good for the plants. Which meant that Marí arrived (on time for once) at her favorite class in a pretty good mood.
Marine biology was their one of their three special interests, the other two being lacrosse and Base guitar. So Bio was usually pretty fun for them. However this time was different.
Her mood was instantly dampened when she walked into class and saw someone new sitting in her usually seat. A blond, short and white kid who looked far too pretty for his own good. A new kid most likely.
A new kid who didn't realize that Marí always sat by the window every single day. It was their spot. Still Marí was determined not to overreact. They marched over to the new kid  and approached him with their best masking smile.
Remember eye contact. She told herself. Keep your tone light and breezy but not too lifeless. Smile. Appear friendly and non threatening. Try not to sweat. Try not to scream.
"Hi excuse me," Marí began in a sickly sweet tone. "That's actually my seat! Sorry!"
The boy instantly looked embarrassed and apologetic. "Oh I'm sorry!" He blushed. "I didn't realize there was assigned seating." He had an American accent, California maybe?
Wonderful. A white American boy. Just what they needed.
Marí chewed their lip and fought the urge to rock or tap. "There isn't actually," they admitted. "I just usually sit there. So can you please move?"
Now the new kid looked a little offended. A cold look settled over his face. "Well why should I?" He bristled. "This seat isn't really yours. It's not like it has your name on it."
Marí rolled her eyes in frustration. "I tried that already but then I got in trouble."
He stared at them curiously for a moment. Marí took the opportunity to break eye contact finally and scuff their heel against the floor. They were wearing the new black suede chunky heels with the gem stones that Marí had gotten when they went thrifting with their friends.
"María!" The harsh voice of her teacher snapped her back into reality. Everyone had arrived and taken their seats while she was arguing with the American and now everyone was staring at her. "Could you please explain why you are not seated young lady?" She snapped in her extra pretentious sounding posh English accent.
The one that said, "I'm better than you."
Marí tried not to growl at being called a young lady. They weren't feeling particularly female today. Not that Marí was going to bother explaining that to some old British hag.
"He won't get out of my seat!" Marí protested. Instantly laughter broke out around the classroom. Cruel mocking laughter that made Marí feel like her skin was crawling.
"It's ok!" The new kid cried out, practically jumping out of Marí's seat. "I'll move! I'll go sit over here." He grabbed his bag and moved to the back of the room as quickly as possible.
Marí smiled in spite of themself. His random act of kindness was surprising, but they were grateful. They took their seat near the window and sighed in relief.
Marí would always look back on that day with fondness no matter what. It may not have seemed like much to him, but it meant the world to her. After Bio class she had asked Kit to come eat with her and her friends. They had made their introductions and the rest was history.
They became close friends very quickly, bonding over movies and music. They sent each other playlists of their favorite songs and songs that reminded them of each other. Marí made Kit a queer playlist with songs by queer artists and told Kit that they were bisexual and a demigirl. They hadn't even told their friends that last part yet at that point.
Marí also told Kit that they liked to use she/they pronouns, but so far was only using them online. Kit asked Marí a lot of questions then confessed to Marí that he was also bisexual but he was still kinda getting used to it.
"I grew up in a shitty situation," Kit had told them. "I guess I still have a lot of shame."
Marí didn't hold it against him. She bought him queer literature and resources for queer history including "Bisexuality and Queer Theory" and her printed copy of the article published in the 90s called "The Bisexual Manifesto." She gave him advice on websites and people to follow online.
They also just talked. Talked about life and their experiences. Their feelings and their relationships with their sexualities. Bonding with another queer person was always special but spending time with Kit always made Marí feel so...light.
Despite how close they were getting, Marí didn't always want to touch him. They were touch averse in most cases unless they were very comfortable with someone. Sometimes it just depended on the day. On the days where Marí found they could not hug Kit they had invented their own way to show affection.
They would place a hand over their hearts and tap it, as if to say "I care about you" or "I love you." Sometimes Kit would say "tap my heart" as a substitute for actually doing it.
He introduced her to his close friend Janessa, the wayward vampire who was incredibly hot and kind of made Marí all nervous and tounge twisty at first. But as they got to know her, Marí realized that she was also incredibly kind, passionate and clearly cared at great deal about Kit. Janessa was a gamer who had named herself after a video game character. She drank cups of warm blood in novelty mugs with giant swirly sparkly straws and was pretty good at making people laugh.
Janessa, or Nessie as Kit had affectionately nicknamed her, was flirtatious and charismatic, but also brutal and deadly in a fight. She was full of surprises. And maybe, just maybe Marì was a little bit into that.
However as much as Marí didn't want to admit it, they were also were starting to realize that they were way more into someone else. Someone with perfect golden curls that Marí wanted to curl their fingers into.
Eventually Kit came out to Marí as genderfluid and requested that she use alternating he/they pronouns for them. They both made the decision to collectively tell their friends their pronouns. Marí, Kit and Nessie sat around her gorgeous leather couch and talked for hours about gender, identity and transness. Kit pointed put that they may never be able to fully explain their gender to the other two, just like Kit might have a hard time fully understanding Janessa's relationship with gender, or Marí's because everyone was different.
"It's personal Nessie," he had said. "Everyone has their own unique perspective on gender and every trans person has their own complicated feelings about gender and what their own gender identity means to them, and those feelings might not completely match up with another trans person's. But that's ok. You don't have to understand the other person but you do have to respect them."
Janessa's understanding of gender came from being a trans women. It was about a strict  binary with clear lines and rules. Rules that Kit was starting to make a habit of fingerpainting all over and Marí could tell that it was stressing her out.
And Marí had no idea where the hell they fit in these rules. They had stopped playing the game.
But those two loved each other more than anything, and Marí knew they could work anything out. And sure enough approximately seven hours and four margaritas later (only two for Marí,) they had come to an understanding.
She kissed Kit for the first time a month into the new year.
They had been trying on clothes in Marí's room and Kit was wearing one of their old dresses that Marí thought they looked amazing in, but Kit wanted to give it away. It was dark navy blue and sparkly with spaghetti straps, coming to about mid thigh. There were cut outs on the sides, filled in with black sheer fabric, and it had a low v cut at the neckline which was also filled in with black sheer.
Kit had been infodumping about one of the Marvel movies again, Marí couldn't remember which one, and she had kept getting distracted by his tan smooth skin peaking through the sheer fabric and fullness of Kit's moving lips. He smiled excitedly and Marí had stepped forward and kissed him.
Their first thought was that Kit tasted like chocolate. Their second was that they should have done this months ago.
Kit had melted into the kiss, smiling slightly against her mouth and pulling her closer. They kissed her feverishly, sliding their tounge inside Marí's mouth and moaning when she deepened the kiss eagerly. They moved against each other with almost lazy, comfortable precision, kissing each other for what could have been hours or days or maybe only seconds.
Marí couldn't have said.
When Kit finally broke the kiss and pulled away from Marí, his eyes were practically gleaming with joy and love. And that was when they knew.
I love him.
I love him.
Ty's words ran in her ears. Repeating over and over again, maddenly bouncing around inside of her skull until she was forced to utter out loud,
"I love him".
They whispered it under their breath but Marí could tell that both Alyssa and Ty had heard them. It was so quiet you could probably hear a pin drop.
But of course. Of course he does. It was obvious. This whole time Marí had noticed there was something wrong with Ty. Just like there was something wrong with Kit. The way they stared after each other when they thought the other one wasn't looking. The loving and worshipful glances mixed with the bitter glares.
Marí had already known that Kit was in love with Ty of course. But the way they had told the story made it seem like they were positive that Ty couldn't be in love with them.
But then again maybe that made sense. Given Kit's history and who he was. But then Marí couldn't help but think of Ty and how confused he must have been. God it was a giant mess.
Speaking of...
The room was still silent. Marí found that she couldn't read Ty's expression as he stared back at her flatly. But his body was shaking, his fingers fluttered at his sides. She wanted to soothe him.
They stepped forward carefully. "I'm not mad at you," Marí assured him. "I was hoping we could talk?"
Ty's left eye twitched. "We are talking," he pointed out. Alyssa snorted.
"Ty, they mean about the proverbial bomb you just dropped a few seconds ago," Alyssa said with a laugh.  Marí smirked to themself slightly.
It wasn't really a bomb. More like a flare.
She really needed to talk to Ty. The only problem was Alyssa had an annoying tendency to never leave his side. It wasn't like she had a problem with the girl. Of course not. But her presence meant that Marí hadn't had the opportunity to talk to Ty one on one.
They cleared their throat. "Alyssa could you please give Ty and I some space to talk?" They asked. Marí hoped they didn't sound too rude. Alyssa looked to Ty and he nodded slightly, signaling that he was ok with her leaving.
That was so strange to Marí. Their relationship. The way Alyssa, a werewolf who hated shadowhunters even more then Marí did, essentially took orders from him and clearly trusted him more than anyone else. But perhaps she wasn't one to judge.
After all, she loved Kit.
Alyssa left the room with a pat on Ty's back and a quick, "call if you need me." Marí shifted their weight back and forth as they rocked slightly from side to side as they waited for Ty to speak.
He stared back at her silently, most likely doing the same. Marí blew out a loud breath and forced herself to stay still, crossing her arms.
"Are you going to say something or should I?" Ty asked expectantly. Marí bit their lip and shrugged.
"I'm still thinking of what I wanna say," she admitted.
Ty smiled at her softly. "So am I."
There we go. Cracks in the armour.
"I'm sorry," Ty whispered suddenly. "I never meant to-"
"You don't have to apologize!" Marí blurted out. Whoops they had interrupted him. "Oh shit sorry you were still talking!" They reached for their hair nervously and realized that they were wearing that Morticia wig for their costume.
Great. Marí moved on to chewing on her knuckles.
"It's ok," Ty reassured her. "I don't really know where I was going with that sentence. And you shouldn't do that." He pointed to her hand.
Marí scoffed, "yeah well you shouldn't dig your nails into your palms." He glared at them and they laughed.
"Not so fun playing a game of Mirror Image is it?" They teased. Ty didn't respond, just stared at Marí solemnly.
"You know I really admire you," he said, aiming his gaze close enough to hers to create the illusion of eye contact. "I always have. I never wanted to hurt or upset you."
Marí wished for a brief moment that they could touch him and then shrugged the impulse off. "I know love," they cooed. "Me too."
Without really understanding why, she pressed her hand to her chest directly above her heart and tapped, just like how she did with Kit. Ty studied Marí for a moment and then followed suite.
Marí in spite of themself, actually felt bad for him. They could clearly see the toll the last three years had taken on him, specifically the last few weeks. Maybe his family couldn't see it, and they definitely knew that Kit couldn't, but Marí could.
Marí of all people could see past the mask because they knew what masking looked like. It wasn't just about appearing normal, whatever that word meant. It was about hiding your feelings. Taking that heart you wore on your sleeve and locking it up tight. But everytime Marí looked at Ty, they could see it. And it was bleeding.
Ripped and bloody and broken, just like her own and yet they both still had the sheer audacity to keep breathing. Marí was proud of them both.
"You need to talk to him," Marí prompted. "You both need to be honest with each other."
Ty furrowed his brow. "Honest? About what? He doesn't feel the same way." He had gone back to flicking his fingers as he stared at her, looking puzzled.
Bloody hell between the two of them, Kit and Ty were giving Marí the mother of all headaches.
They took a deep breath. "Yes they do Ty," Marí tried not to sound exasperated. "Kit is in love with you, believe me. They told me."
It hurt Marí's heart to have to say it, but it was true and Ty deserved to know the truth. And they knew deep down that Kit wouldn't really be happy, he wouldn't be Kit until he had Ty. And Marí had to make their peace with that.
Ty looked understandably confused. He ran a frantic hand through his hair. "But why are you telling me this? Why are you helping me?" He asked. "Don't you love them?"
She fought the urge to cry as tears gathered in her eyes. She found herself digging her nails into her palms despite chastising Ty for doing it a few minutes ago.
"I'm telling you all of this because I love them" she cried desperately. "Because Kit cries out your name in his sleep Ty! Because everytime he sees you, he stares at you like you are the moon the sun and the stars! Because everytime you speak they hang onto absolutely every word, and when you laugh-" Marí cut herself off.
They squeezed their eyes shut and took deep long breaths. Ty said nothing. Marí opened their eyes to see Ty staring at them in dismay. He looked like he was trying to think of what to say to help.
Marí shook their head. "I know Kit loves me. And they probably always will. We were close friends even before we started dating." Marí groaned and shook out their entire body this time, jumping up and down a few times as well to get rid of the tension. If Ty thought this was weird he didn't comment on it.
Marí wiped her eyes carefully trying not to smudge her mascara. "But you Ty?" His eyes refocused on her again at the sound of his name. Marí chuckled humourlessly. "Fucking hell, he is in love with you. And right now he is thinking that you hate him and I know it's tearing him up inside."
Ty stared at Marí hopelessly, looking overwhelmed and exhausted. "So what do I do then? What am I supposed to say?"
Marí shrugged. "I can't help you with that I'm sorry. It has to come from you." Ty looked even more panicked.
They gave him what they hoped was an encouraging smile. "Don't be scared Ty," they murmered. "It's Kit remember. They're not scary. You have nothing to worry about."
Ty didn't answer her. He had wrapped his arms around his body, squeezing tightly. "Marí do you remember those dead moon jellyfish we buried on the beach?" He asked.
She was a little confused as to why he was bringing this up now. "Yeah? Why?"
"That's what I feel like right now," Ty admitted. "Like I've washed up on the beach and now I'm just waiting for someone to come along and step on me."
Marí's heart sank. "Oh Ty," they breathed. "I promise that won't happen with Kit. I can't make any promises for anyone else, but I do know that Kit has absolutely no intention of hurting you again love."
Ty looked pensive. Marí could only hope that Ty would make the decision to trust them.
With a sudden jolt Marí remembered the party.
"Hey we still have the Halloween party to go to," she said, shaking Ty out of his stupor. "Do you still wanna go?"
To their surprise, Ty nodded. "Sure. I think Alyssa might kill me if I back out now."
Marí snorted. Alyssa Reyes could be pretty terrifying at times.
With surprise Marí found that their spirts were lighter having cleared the air with Ty and with the prospect of a party being renewed.
She smiled. "All right then let's head out!" Marí smoothed down the long black wig over her shoulders and quickly smoothed out the long skirt of her black slinky dress before turning and exiting the training room.
She knew that she would have to talk to Kit at some point and that conversation would be brutal. But at least they could have one last night together.
It's better this way. Marí told themself as they walked back towards the main living room where everyone was gathered.  At least now Kit can be happy.
It's for the best.
It has to be.
So I'm actually planning on writing a part 3 from Kit's pov because the drama isn't over yet! 😏
Tag list: lmk if you wanna be added/removed.
@playwithravenclaw @lavender-scented-rat @jazzkaurtheglorious @waterlillies   @nott-the-best @stxr-thxif @magnus-the-fabulous-entp-bane @foxglove-airmid @littlx-songbxrd @clarys-heosphoros @queenlilith43 @arangiajoan @hardlymatters @thomas-gaypanic-lightwood @tired-vin @phoenix-and-dragon @the-blackdale @adoravel-fenomeno @the-wckd-powers
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acewithacase · 3 years
Watch me rate every Captain America outfit from the MCU because you can’t stop me
1. Captain America the First Avenger
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Man what the hell is this?? My man looks goofy as hell. Those dumb little wings literally SPROUT from his helmet. And not to mention that shit ain’t a helmet. It’s a god damn onesie hoodie. Steve Rogers is proudly wearing a onesie. The boots and gloves looking like they’re made of the same material. And why they make his neck padding so thick?? Mans is looking like he’s wearing a cast. Bonus points for being the first ever suit and I’ll give it a little leeway since it was made in the 40s :/ Off to a bad start however.
2. Captain America the First Avenger
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Wow. What a king. His little soldier uniform with the shield is such a good combo. Something about the rushed feel of this outfit is actually kind of cool. The brown leather jacket and brown pants is just *chefs kiss*. Very much 40s war vibes and very steve rogers esque. Minus points for not being an actual captain America suit.
3. Captain America the First Avenger
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My god look at him. My man is stuntin. I love the lighter color palette mixed with those browns in the suit. It gives it that old timey feel. His little strap over his chest and the pack on his thigh are nice touches. Probably not some people’s cup of tea but it’s doing it for me. All in all a good start to the official captain America suit.
4. The Avengers
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Ok even Steve looks uncomfortable. What shield agent approved this shit?? Who looked at this monstrosity and said yeah I’m gonna put this on mother fucking captain America. If cap tried to tell me to hide during the alien invasion and he was wearing that fit I’d simply let myself die. The red chunky gloves are so pretentious and the bright blue tool belt is so damn ugly. This looks like a children’s Halloween costume. Hawk putah (that’s me spitting). Fuck you
5. Captain America the Winter Soldier
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Call me crazy but I do like this one a lot. It definitely has a darker color palette with a lot of navy blue, but lets not forget that mr. Rogers was going on secret stealth missions for shield during this time so I think the darker colors make sense. I really like the fingerless gloves and his little backpack straps. The brown leather is a nice touch. The material looks like it’s comfy to be in and easy to move around in.
6. Avengers Age of Ultron
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This one honestly looks really similar to the winter soldier one just with a little more vibrant colors. I kind of like the white arm bands around his biceps. They definitely don’t serve a purpose but they look cute. The material is a bit more form fitting than the winter soldier one which I also like. His little white and red stripes on his stomach is super cute, I like the design and the texture of it. This one looks like a really good captain America suit.
7. Captain America Civil War
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This one is almost identical to his age of ultron one accept without his cute little white arm bands, which is honestly a travesty. I like the muted red and white on his stomach, it’s a nice subtle touch. His helmet looks nice and sturdy, perfect for riding motorcycles and falling out of buildings. There’s some nice padding on his arms to keep the little boy protected. And I also like the little metal star it’s super cute.
8. Avengers Infinity War
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Oh god oh Jesus. I’m not a simp but after this who knows. I love his rolled up sleeves showing off them wrists. His waist is so damn snatched I could wrap my hand around him and put him in my breast pocket. The black star on the chest is 😍😩😶. He also has SHOULDER PADS?? He’s literally got armor for his shoulders good for you king. The dirty muted colors show a life on the run which I like. His shield is so cute?? And the beard is just the piece de resistance. Wow what a handsome lad. Almost makes up for pissy endgame steve.
9. Avengers Endgame
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As much as endgame steve is problematic we can all agree that the suit was pretty good. The little circles around the star is kind of weird in my opinion cause it makes him look like he has scales. However I like how he has more red in his suit, which we don’t often see other movies. It’s definitely a throwback to his other movies especially with the lighter and vibrant colors. He’s also got a collar?? Like his suit has a little collar for him which I don’t love and I also don’t love the scale like circles on his shoulder pads either. But it’s the last suit steve rogers wears so I’ll be nice.
10. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
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HELLO???!!!!! THIS MAN IS SO GOD DAMN HANDSOME!!! I love the white and blue tones it gives it such a nice feel. His wings and goggles are so freaking cool and he just pulls off this look so well. Everything about this suit is so pretty and I don’t know how you can top this. Amazing.
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munsontm · 2 years
♡ + jewellery / accessories
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Send me ♡ + a word, and I’ll write a headcanon - ACCEPTING.
Basically, you can bet your ass. Eddie Munson just has drawers full of jewellery and accessories.
First off HERE is the post for Eddie's piercings HC. Because I don't want to talk about that here for the millionth time. It needs to be updated to say that @gareththegreat did all of Eddie's piercings for him, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.
Eddie is loaded with accessories, it is known. From rings to necklaces to bracelets, he's loaded with them. But how you say?? He's just a poor boy from a poor family, as Freddy would say. In truth, over the years, Eddie has lifted some of it. But once Wayne found out and chewed him out for it, Eddie hasn't stolen since...much. But generally, he goes to thrift stores and markets. The places where you find interesting jewellery and accessories. Some of his rings are actually pretty old, like, 17th-18th century old, and Eddie was lucky enough to get a decent price on them. They took quite a bit of fixing up. But it was worth it in his mind because he gets to wear some freaky trinket of history. Generally, none of his rings are brand new. They've all come to him second-hand.
The necklaces are usually new or something he's made himself. See the plectrum chain around his neck. That's actually his very first plectrum that eventually became too worn to use, but he didn't want to throw it away because it held a lot of value to him sentimentally. Apart from that, when it comes to necklaces he usually wears chunky silver chains that are plain. You might find a skull charm occasionally depending on how Eddie is feeling that day. There is one other necklace that Eddie doesn't take off apart from his plectrum one, but it is hardly ever seen because he always wears it under what tee he's wearing. It's a very fine gold chain with a golden A attached to it. That originally belonged to Eddie's mother Annie. But Eddie took it with him when he went to live with Wayne to remember her by.
Eddie's bracelets mostly consist of plain leather straps, mayhaps a few studded ones too. He doesn't wear anything too fanciful on his wrists because his fingers are doing all that for him already. But yeah, he likes a strap as an accent.
As for accessories, there are sometimes chains attached to his jeans. You might even see him wearing a chain for a belt sometimes. There are also a mini pair of handcuffs attached to his belt buckle. They don't function for anything else, they're just there to look cool. There's the bandanna in his back pocket, which, I personally think means nothing. It's just an additional accessory to accentuate his clothing, and actually, draw attention to the shape of his body.
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ask-ciaphas-cain · 4 years
A Comprehensive Cain Cover Art Ranking
Idea and categories by @thesilentinquisitor​, compilation by me, commentary by both.
Traitors Hand
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Evren-mun: Drive me closer, I want to hit them with my sword! +1 for classic memery, -1 for apparently being set in a giant bowl of Cheetos Beauty: ★★★☆☆ I can’t really see his face, but it looks alright
Sexiness: ★★☆☆☆
Heroism: ★★★★★
Hat Size: ★★★☆☆ Average size hat. A normal human being’s hat.
Biceps: ★★★☆☆ Perfectly normal human biceps. Very good.
Uniform Structural Integrity: ★★★★★ It won’t come off any time soon
Gun Ridiculousness: ★★★☆☆ It looks like it’s shooting lava, but it’s a good size. Evren-mun: Every weapon is spewing fire, regardless of its actual ammunition
Kissability:★☆☆☆☆ Not with that face.
(Bonus) Jurgen Presence:★★★★★ There he is!!! The lad! Right there front and center!
The Last Ditch
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Evren-mun: Dark! Moody! A little pouty! Very ornate! Is that a soul patch or a shadow? The second most kissable because he's already puckering up a little
Beauty: ★★★☆☆ 3 stars for cheekbones, 0 stars for everything else. This seems to be the start of the trend of not actually seeing his face.
Sexiness: ★★★☆☆ Where is his face? I can’t tell.
Heroism: ★★★★★ Broodily pouting in front of charging orkz? Can’t get braver than posing in front of imminent death!
Hat Size: ★★★☆☆ Excellent normal hat.
Biceps:★☆☆☆☆ Is this even a Cain book cover if we can’t see them???
Uniform Structural Integrity: ★★★★★
Gun Ridiculousness: ★★★★☆ Look at that ornate filigree!
Kissability: ★★☆☆☆ He’s pouty, but that’s not really doing him any favors.
(Bonus) Jurgen Presence: ☆☆☆☆☆ WHERE IS HE
Saviour of the Imperium version 1
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Evren-mun: 🥔 🥔 🥔 🥔 🥔 🥔 🥔 🥔 🥔 🥔 🥔 🥔 🥔
Saviour of the Imperium version 2
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Evren-mun: Stumpylegs McGee How does he lift up a chainsword longer than his own torso and half his legs?
Beauty: ★★☆☆☆ I’m taking off a star because his legs seem to have been taken off a squat and pasted under his belt.
Sexiness:★★★☆☆ It would have been higher if, again, he didn’t look like the illustration of Horus standing on a table.
Heroism: ★★★☆☆ He’s just kind of... standing there, shooting at the ground. Well posed though.
Hat Size: ★★☆☆☆ it looks like it shrunk a little in the wash
Biceps: ★★★☆☆ This is a swole man.
Uniform Structural Integrity: ★★★☆☆ Very tight, but it looks like its holding on for now.
Gun Ridiculousness: ★★☆☆☆ It’s a gun!
Kissability: ★★☆☆☆ He looks very stern here. Not approachable.
(Bonus) Jurgen Presence: ☆☆☆☆☆ Well he sure ain’t here.
Old Soldiers Never Die version 1
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Evren-mun: Very nice. Not as tense or horrific as the old cover, though
Beauty: ★★★★★ Now this is more like it! Rosy skin, subtle smirk, this is a pretty pretty man!
Sexiness:★★★★★ That swagger! That confidence! He is unbothered by the zombies behind him and I like that.
Heroism: ★★☆☆☆ He’s posing, not fighting. It’s like the zombies are a green screen background.
Hat Size: ★★★★☆ Oversized, but not ridiculous, this is a good hat
Biceps: ★★☆☆☆ How dare they be proportional to his body
Uniform Structural Integrity: ★★★★★ Holy crap an actually illustrated uniform I can use for reference? GW what happened
Gun Ridiculousness: ★★☆☆☆ This is a very reasonable gun.
Kissability: ★★★★★ Look at that goddamn smirk, you wanna smooch it off.
(Bonus) Jurgen Presence: ☆☆☆☆☆ None! Boooo! Especially as he’s kind of the hero of this story. Booooo.
Old Soldiers Never Die version 2
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Evren-mun: Shades of the Walking Dead Not very sexy or kissable but very heroic
Beauty: ★★★☆☆ He’s a little busy! But I can see it under the hat.
Sexiness:★★★☆☆ Again, he’s a little busy right now.
Heroism: ★★★★★ I am convinced that he’s about to be buried in zombies, but he’s still fighting them off. Incredible.
Hat Size: ★★★☆☆
Biceps: ★★★☆☆ I can’t really see them but they look pretty nice.
Uniform Structural Integrity: ★★★★★ He might actually be protected from a few bites before they all start gnawing.
Gun Ridiculousness: ★★☆☆☆ This gun is useful and it’s actively firing. Not a prop.
Kissability: ★☆☆☆☆ Not after he’s been near the zombies, sorry
(Bonus) Jurgen Presence: ☆☆☆☆☆ Where! is! my stinky mans!
Hero of the Imperium
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Evren-mun: Very bicep, not very sexy or kissable
Low hat size
Very high hero score
Beauty: ★☆☆☆☆ If he’s beautiful, I can’t see it under his hat.
Sexiness: ★☆☆☆☆ Again, cannot see his face to determine.
Heroism: ★★★★☆ Well, he is posing, but he just capped an ork Nob. Very nice.
Hat Size: ★★☆☆☆ How IS his face hiding under that little hat??
Biceps: ★★★★☆ He’s smuggling some fruit in them sleeves.
Uniform Structural Integrity: ★★★★★
Gun Ridiculousness: ★★★★☆ His hands had to grow to accommodate that hefty chunk of gun.
Kissability: ★☆☆☆☆ Why is his head so damn small
(Bonus) Jurgen Presence: ☆☆☆☆☆
The Greater Good
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Evren-mun: Small hat, high heroism, -1 for sword that could get on Disneyland rides by itself
+1 for painted-on trousers
Hey, I’ve seen this one! This is just the Savior of the Imperium cover again, but with a Tau on it!
For The Emperor
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Evren-mun: Very ornate uniform Much bedroom eyes wow
Beauty: ★★★★☆ This is my favorite of the “old” Cain covers and the first one I used as a face reference.
Sexiness: ★★★★☆ He’s giving you bedroom eyes on the battlefield. Damn. I’m ace and I feel it.
Heroism: ★★★☆☆ I’m taking a star away just because it’s clearly posing in front of a green screen, but I love the flag.
Hat Size: ★★★★☆ This is a good hat! It accents his head and doesn’t overwhelm it.
Biceps: ★★★★☆ You can see them, but they’re not fit to burst from his coat. Very good.
Uniform Structural Integrity: ★★★★★ Looks battleworn but in a good way. Comfy leather.
Gun Ridiculousness: ★☆☆☆☆ This is the most reasonable gun I’ve seen so far! How dare they give him a reasonable gun.
Kissability: ★★★★★ He holsters the gun and sweeps you into a kiss while still holding his banner. The entire regiment applauds.
(Bonus) Jurgen Presence: ☆☆☆☆☆ I forgive them because it’s clearly a propaganda poster.
The Emperor’s Finest
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Evren-mun: 10/10 for cheekbones Not very kissable. The corpse paint makes him look sinister. The chain looks like a nipple piercing. Vacuum sealed for freshness.
Beauty: ★★☆☆☆ He’d be prettier if he didn’t look so damn emaciated in the face. He’s somehow simultaneously really pretty and really ugly on this one.
Sexiness: ★★☆☆☆ Great body, really confusing face.
Heroism: ★★★☆☆ If you’re being BACKED by Space Marines, you’re pretty damn heroic.
Hat Size: ★★★★☆ That is a very pointy hat.
Biceps: ★★☆☆☆ Myeeeehhh they’re unimpressive compared to his titties.
Uniform Structural Integrity: ★★☆☆☆ You could lick your finger and rub the uniform off.
Gun Ridiculousness: ★★★☆☆ It fits in his hand but that is a FAT, FAT boi
Kissability: ★★☆☆☆ His lips are simultaneously nice and look like fist lips. I’m confused.
(Bonus) Jurgen Presence: ☆☆☆☆☆
Duty Calls
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Evren-mun: Very heroic, not very sexy because I can't see him. Very topheavy. Muscles like a turtle's shell
*squints* Honestly, I have this up on my large monitor and I still can’t see anything. Gun big, hat big, but that’s it.
Death or Glory
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Evren-mun: Duel-wielding guns he probably doesn't even own. How has he not broken both arms by now?
Beauty: ★★☆☆☆ He looks kinda like scared Rambo?
Sexiness: ★★☆☆☆ He’d be sexier if he didn’t look like a Rambo parody. I like muscles, but not like this.
Heroism: ★★★★★ He is actively dual wielding bolters, standing on an ork corpse that he stabbed, with a banner strapped to his back. This is the platonic ideal heroic Cain.
Hat Size: ★★☆☆☆ It’s a normal sized, fine hat, which does not fit the aura of this picture at all.
Biceps: ★★★★★ LOOK AT THOSE MELONS! This Cain lives on plain chicken breasts and pumping iron every night. No wonder his sleeves didn’t make it.
Uniform Structural Integrity: ★☆☆☆☆ Evren-mun: Flexed so hard the sleeves exploded.
And the rest of it is painted on!
Gun Ridiculousness: ★★★★☆ They’re big, they’re chunky, they’re smoking and filigreed.
Kissability: ★★☆☆☆ He’s a little busy at the moment.
(Bonus) Jurgen Presence: ☆☆☆☆☆
Choose Your Enemies
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Evren-mun: Jurgen Presence, now with hat - 8/10
Beauty: ★★★★★ Model Cain is back and I love him. Look at that smug knifecat face.
Sexiness: ★★★★★ He’s got the confidence and swagger, and the draped coat. Excellent.
Heroism: ★★☆☆☆ He’s posing while Jurgen and Colonel Kasteen are looking at him like he’s lost his fucking mind. Not very heroic.
Hat Size: ★★★★☆ It is a nice size, but still balanced to his head.
Biceps: ★★☆☆☆ Normal human biceps.
Uniform Structural Integrity: ★★★★★ What a lovely, made of cloth uniform.
Gun Ridiculousness: ★☆☆☆☆ I can’t really see it well enough to make a good judgement on it.
Kissability: ★★★★☆ If he weren’t so DAMN SMUG he’d be very smoochable.
(Bonus) Jurgen Presence: ★★★★★ He’s here and he’s actively judging Cain. This is a very good Jurgen. Excellent.
Caves of Ice
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Evren-mun: A very Present Jurgen
+2 sexy for the fur coat
Which appears to be on fire
Beauty: ★★★★☆ He looks very lovely, but he’s really clenching his teeth.
Sexiness: ★★★☆☆ The tight fur coat is very nice I can see his abs through it.
Heroism: ★★★★☆ He’s actively in battle and waving a sword. Among his regiment. Very good.
Hat Size: ★★★★☆ Another large but well fitting hat.
Biceps: ★★★☆☆ They’re there but not overwhelming.
Uniform Structural Integrity: ★★☆☆☆ It’s thin and shows off his figure but it’s still clearly made of fabric rather than paint.
Gun Ridiculousness: ★★★☆☆ Chunky but still holdable and functional.
Kissability: ★★☆☆☆ He looks very bitey.
(Bonus) Jurgen Presence: ★★★★★ THERE HE IS. THE SMELLY MANS!! WHERE HE SHOULD BE
Cain’s Last Stand
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Evren-mun: Very heroic, but the corpse paint makes a reappearance
Beauty: ★★☆☆☆ He’s got some hints of nice features but they’re either under the hat or hidden by his grimace.
Sexiness: ★★☆☆☆ He’s being very heroic and shooty, which is nice but not arousing.
Heroism: ★★★★★ He’s carrying a wounded man and walking through enemy fire while firing back! A hero to the core.
Hat Size: ★★★★★ This is a very pointy, big hat.
Biceps: ★★★★☆ I can’t see them but at the same time look at how thick his gun arm is. He’s definitely swole here.
Uniform Structural Integrity: ★★☆☆☆ It’s very thin again, but there’s an actual cloth collar?
Gun Ridiculousness: ★★★☆☆ That sure is a square with fire coming out of it.
Kissability: ★☆☆☆☆ He looks like he’d poke your eye out with that nose.
(Bonus) Jurgen Presence: ☆☆☆☆☆ Aaaaand he’s gone again.
Defender of the Imperium
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Evren-mun: Very low Uniform Integrity Very high biceps High sexy for the pose and torn-out boob window
Beauty: ★★★☆☆ He’s pretty but very austere
Sexiness: ★★★★★ Mmmyess, that artfully torn uniform. The pose to show off all the good bits. Very nice.
Heroism: ★★★☆☆ He’s just killed a tyranid and now he’s posing on it. It’s good.
Hat Size: ★★★★★ The biggest, pointiest hat!!!
Biceps: ★★★★★ He hasn’t quite burst out of them but he’s ripped them, probably by flexing.
Uniform Structural Integrity: ★★☆☆☆ It’s very thin cloth again, probably designed to rip upon a flex and to show off muscles.
Gun Ridiculousness: ★★★★☆ It’s like a book with a handle on it. It looks so unwieldy.
Kissability: ★☆☆☆☆ There’s the pointy nose again. He looks too stern for kissing.
(Bonus) Jurgen Presence: ☆☆☆☆☆
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97-liners · 1 year
continuing my series of assigning seventeen members watches that i think would suit them (i was originally gonna just do a few random ones but gave in). part 1 here
woozi - apple watch with the red strap
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it works on him!!! it looks good on him!!!!!!!!
minghao - audemars piguet royal oak grande complication
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minghao has long bony fingers and slender arms and wrists, and to be completely honest, i hate how the royal oak looks on guys w/ slender features because the watch tends to wear them more than the other way around. but this watch is flashy and chunky, and it's conspicuously designer for those who know what to look for, and minghao's personal style is also very flashy and a little weird. so i think this watch works well for his personal style, even if it might look a bit oversized on his wrist.
mingyu - omega speedmaster chronoscope co-axial master chronometer (bronze gold on brown leather strap)
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i KNOW he reps for omega and this is even the watch he's wearing in the photo (except in a different color and strap) but it just fits so well.... kim "potato hands" mingyu has big beefy hands and thick wrists, so he would really pull off a big fancy watch with lots going on, and i love to see him in a speedmaster. since he has lovely tan skin, i think a warm-toned watch would really look good on him, and the brown leather would look so pretty and bring out his skin tone!
dokyeom - a lahnge & sohne grand lange 1 moonphase (in pink gold with the brown leather strap)
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prettiest hands in seventeen, with decently beefy arms and lovely warm golden skin. he needs something soft and warm-toned, but still large and decently flashy, to complement his large pretty hands and long fingers. this watch would look sooooo pretty on him, plus the moonphase makes it flashy and boosts the elegance. he's would wear this watch well.
seungkwan - grand seiko sbgz007
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a pretty watch for a pretty boy <3 he has perfect lovely hands, and plus i think this is just a gorgeous watch. the shimmering starry night dial plus the flower patterned platinum case just makes this a very pretty watch, AND it's navy, his favorite color <3
vernon - casio f91w
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cmon guys he would Not be the type of guy to spend 50,000 USD on something that you could do with a 22 dollars. plus the f-91w is iconic, and it's waterproof and nearly indestructible.
dino - iwc aquatimer chronograph (swap out strap with with a steel bracelet)
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he's got cute hands :'( any medium sized watch would look great for him, but i think he'd like something with some hardware to it. i don't usually like dive watches, but i feel like the iwc aquatimer has some nice heft to it and big chunky elements without being so flashy that it would overwhelm his hand and wrist. plus, scuba watch for otter boy :)
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feverinfeveroutfic · 3 years
chapter twenty nine: drink your poison
“your heart beats faster, you cannot breathe; you're feeling nervous inside. you feel the passion, it makes you seethe; you feel the temperature rise!” -”deadly nightshade”, joey belladonna
All summer long, Sam traded in between hanging out with Alex and Joey. That whole tour between both bands proved to be one of the best she had been on before: the one with Stormtroopers wasn't nearly as eventful as those three months. They not only had showers and rooms of their own courtesy of the record label, but so much more was happening between herself and the two of them.
It all hinged on her riding with either band to the next stop. If she rode with Testament, she stayed the night with Alex; if with Anthrax, she hung out with Joey. She dared not swap rooms with either one, either, given Alex was always there by her side and Joey was a night owl now with the booze mostly out of the picture.
Meanwhile, there was the artistry. As far as she knew, Scarlett was a patient lady. But she always made art whilst next to either of those two men and among either of the quintets, with either her journal or the canvases she bought back in Raleigh. Charlie kept those old ink drawings she had made for them on the previous tour at the front of their van so everyone saw them upon the drive by.
She made paintings of all five men from Testament along a string of five days in between gigs in Oklahoma City and Kansas City, in which both bands didn’t play a show. She completed the painting of Louie literally five minutes before they had to go on in Kansas City, but he had insisted on taking it out there onstage with him. Prior to the curtain lifting for them, he picked it up and, careful not to make the still wet acrylic paint that made up his hair bleed onto another part of the canvas, he carried it flat in both hands as if it was a tray of dinner. Sam and Alex watched from the back of the van at his running all the way to the back doorway, to which one of the stagehands held it open for him.
The two of them glanced at one another once he went inside: by the time she stood there off to side, she realized what he had done to the painting and propped it up right behind the drum kit with a camera pointed down at it. Every so often during that gig, the display behind them switched over to that camera and Sam’s painting was showcased for everyone in there to see. Indeed, over the next string of shows there in the Midwest, the five of them had put their paintings right behind their respective places on stage: Chuck kept his portrait as well as the drawing that Marla had made for him for Christmas on a stool right next to him.
Even when they head banged, they made sure those pieces of art never moved out of their places.
All the while, if there was one band whom she missed, it was the Cherry Suicides. As the Midwestern stint came to a close in early September and they headed out to the Pacific Northwest in time for Alex's twenty first birthday, Sam realized she hadn’t heard a word from Zelda or if the four of them were even still together. All she heard about was the new album named for her but that was where it all started and ended.
She never saw them there at any show up to that point.
But if anything, she and Belinda met a whole other myriad of people along the way, especially Overkill and Vio-lence. They all seemed to be on the fringes of music as well: whenever they had a stop somewhere, some other band was playing that night and they were filling out full arenas with their makeup and enormous hair. There Sam and Belinda walked about the streets of Des Moines, Iowa in their ponytails and their dark clothes compared to the literal look of modeling there up on stage. There was one band that the two of them had developed a fancy for, Skid Row, all because they seemed the least dolled up out of all of them: front man Sebastian stood there at the stage with his black jeans and long luxurious blond hair with a powerful voice that could be heard from clear across the vast floor. But it all felt so alien to the both of them, and they sought comfort in their friendships with the thrashers.
There came a point, when the whole circus headed back out to the West Coast and she had difficulty believing that the whole thing was in fact real given the sheer extent of everything, especially once she found out Slayer was on the tour with them that all of it was in fact happening. She and Belinda finally met them after what felt like an eternity: these four men wrapped up in rich black leather and with longer hair than Anthrax and Testament themselves put together.
The bassist Tom was a big chunky Hispanic boy with long inky black hair and a big goofy smile plastered on his face.
“Heard a lot about you girls,” he told them both as part of his greeting to them. “You girls and those other crazy girls from Rhode Island, is it?”
“Yeah, the Cherry Suicides,” Belinda had said.
“You’re the artist, right?” he asked her. “The girl who made the paintings of Testament and the drawings for Charlie?”
“I’m an artist but no—“ Belinda gestured over to her right behind her. “—those were all from my lady here, Sam.”
Sam herself leaned forward and Tom flashed her a wink as a result.
She sat there on the plane on the way out to Seattle and she wondered where else she could go from there. Perhaps around the world for real that time. She had never really been to the Emerald City before, not even when Anthrax toured up there the first time around in the two summers before, especially since they had a curfew and the hotel was right outside of the city as well. Portland, she had been to with them, but never Seattle: only the outskirts and the inner part of Tacoma.
It would be the first time Slayer toured there as well, and Testament had gotten as close as Yakima and Spokane themselves. Seattle seemed like such a strange place to her, all tucked away in that particular corner of Washington. No one went up there unless they were willing to live within the rain and fly a plane. But apparently, there was a whole scene of music going down up there, one that reflected the entire thrash movement to an extent given it was all away from the world and radically different from everything else.
Soundgarden were a mere sliver of it all: Charlie had invited the two girls with him to see another band there, one who were about to release their big debut in the coming months, yet another quintet called Mother Love Bone.
They left the plane, followed by the airport, and the bunch of them stepped out to the cool afternoon: where it was still very much summer everywhere else despite it already being autumn, a fine gray marine layer courtesy of the Puget Sound sank over the entire region and beckoned an early season rain just in time for the evenin. Sam ran her fingers through her hair as she peered up to the gray sky overhead: Alex joined right next to her with his eyes squinted and his lips parted a bit. The color washed out from his face so he resembled to a ghost of sorts, a young spirit ready to walk the streets alongside the Puget Sound. A faint drizzle began to fall over them once a piece of cloud covered the sun overhead.
Slayer had already left for their hotel, but Greg and Eric joined the two of them there at the curb: their black clothes only added to their ghostly appearance. A cool breeze blew their hair back a bit so they resembled to the very wisps of clouds right over them. Sam thought back to the Day of the Dead ceremony back home in New York City, except they had no hoods over their heads; Alex turned to her with his eyes squinted a bit and his skin looking as milky as ever right there.
“It's utterly lovely here,” he said in a low voice as he adjusted the skull ring on his right hand.
“Yeah, even here right at the city's rim, it's just beautiful,” she added.
“I hope it rains even more tomorrow,” he declared with a little raise of his eyebrows.
“Hey, yeah! You can have a little Seattle rainstorm for your birthday, Alex.” She glanced about the deserted parking lot before them. Across the way stood all manner of tiny shops and places that made her think of the casinos back down at Lake Tahoe and in Reno.
“It kind of reminds me of Carson a bit,” she said, “in a sense that there's not really many people here.”
“Not nearly as wet and soggy there, though, I'd assume,” Chuck joined in from behind her.
“Nah, it's not even remotely close to being like this,” Sam assured him as she adjusted the strap on her overnight bag and on the courier bag Alex had given her.
“So who're you staying with tonight?” Greg asked her; and she realized that she still owed him an encounter just to satisfy the bet with Alex himself.
“I'm gonna be with the five dicks from New York,” she replied right as Belinda walked up behind her, and she gaped at her.
“Five dicks from New York, I'm calling that from now on,” Belinda said and Eric laughed out at that.
“And I assume we're the five dicks from California,” he cracked.
“And Bel and I are about to see five dicks from Seattle tonight, too,” Sam added on top of that, which brought a laugh out all of them.
“There's Charlie!” Belinda pointed up the sidewalk.
“Alright—we'll see you guys later—” Sam threw her arms around each of them as well as Louie as he came up right behind them; she held Alex a few seconds longer just to feel his softness a bit more. Even though it was his twenty first the next day, she hoped that he would take it easy on the alcohol when the time came for him. She wanted that softness to stay intact with him.
She then let him go and she followed Belinda up the sidewalk in order to meet up with Charlie and Frank, both of whom took them to their hotel at the base of Capitol Hill. A quick shower for both girls and a change into their clothes and both men knocked on their door once more.
Sam ran a hair brush through her hair as the two of them conversed about the whole scene there in Seattle right behind her.
“So where'd you hear about these guys, Char?” Frank started them off.
“Aurora told me about them,” Charlie replied, “she talked to me while we were in North Carolina about this band out of Seattle that would probably take the whole glam thing to the next level because they're just huge in their sound. Like they have some genuine soul to them. None of that cheese that we've been seeing a lot lately. She told me they're a little bit punk influenced, too—think that might have something to do with it.”
“Cool—what're they called again?”
“Mother Love Bone. She also told me that they're bit of a supergroup around here, too: formed from three other bands—I wrote them down because I wanted to check them out while we're here in Seattle, too.”
Sam turned around right as he took a piece of paper out from his back pocket.
“Green River, Skin Yard, and Malfunkshun—Malfunkshun spelled phonetically.”
“Sounds like they know how to party up here,” Belinda noted.
“That's what Aurora told me,” Charlie said as he tucked the paper back into his pocket. Sam brushed her hair a bit more and then she spritzed a bit of perfume onto her neck.
“I love that smell on you, Sam I am,” Frank told her.
“I got this when we were in Des Moines,” she said, “courtesy of Bel here.”
“It fits your body chemistry like a glove, Sam,” Belinda pointed out. “Like you just climbed right out of the shower.”
“So you girls ready?” Charlie asked them.
“Yessir,” Sam replied as she picked up her purse from the top of the table there and slung it over her shoulder.
They headed out of there right as the fine Puget Sound drizzle fell over their heads. Charlie led them over to the far end of the sidewalk when something across the street caught Sam's eye. She looked over at a guy in the cushions of the bay window of a coffee shop with his sleeve rolled up his arm, past his elbow. Belinda followed her gaze as well.
Frank sniffled and sneezed right then, but the sheer sight of that man there in the window only added to the thought that ran through her mind at the moment.
The shine of the needle. The sticky darkness that resided inside of there. He gritted his teeth at the vile feeling through him.
“Holy shit,” Belinda muttered right into her ear.
It was right then Sam knew that they were in deep from that point onward.
They crossed the street, away from that coffee shop and up the pavement to where the band in question was playing that night.
Frank continued to sniffle and sneeze a bit as they made their way inside of there. The four of them congregated on the edge of the room because everything else before them had a dark veil over it and no way out of there in one piece. Something smelled of burning iron and a chemical but nowhere in there was a fire place.
“There's a lot of drugs around here right now,” Charlie noted as they backed up towards the doorway.
“Yeah, it's making me sneeze like crazy,” Frank said as he rubbed his nose.
“What's that smell?” Belinda asked them as they nestled together in that only safe spot of the room, right near the door and within the stream of fresh air: the one place without a trace of drugs to be found.
“Someone smoking cocaine, I think,” Frank said, “I would know because I tried crack recently. It smells just like someone burning up metal—meth and heroin both smell like that, too.”
Lucky for them, Mother Love Bone took to the stage up front there. Even from clear across the room, Sam could make sight of the five of them: the two guitarists near the edge of the stage. One with long smooth hair down past his shoulders and soft features, and the other with his face hidden out from view. The former made her think of Alex in a subtle fashion, from the depth of his eyes to the shape of his nose: he missed that gray stripe and he lacked Alex's sensual edge as well. The bassist strode up behind them with a big bright purple crushed velvet cap with a lacy ribbon wrapped around the crown there and a plain white sleeveless shirt. She couldn't see the drummer and she didn't have to, either, not with that big bold frontman there at the front, with his long blond hair down to his waist and streams of glitter all around his eyes.
“Hello, Seattle!” he declared into the microphone. “This first song is for all you people! All you people there at the back there!”
Sam and Belinda glanced at one another in surprise.
“We are Mother Love Bone! I am L'Andrew the Love Child and this is quite the cornucopia of delights up here—love rock awaits you, people!”
It hit both girls like a tidal wave, more so than the very stench of the burning cocaine and heroin before them: the vents on the ceiling took the whole cloud on the floor there so they could breathe better. Where every other person before them burned those drugs away into their lungs, the four of them stood there in the doorway and relished in the fresh air that came in from behind them and the music before them.
His voice seared into their minds, much like how Joey's voice stayed with them. Almost immediately, she thought of Joey himself. The whole band reminded her of Joey and Alex, from the powerful, extravagant voice to the rich and strong guitar work. Their songs wormed their way into her mind as well: she knew she would be hearing “This is Shangri La” in her head for days on end from that point onward. The stench of marijuana caught their noses, which in turn made Frank cough more, but it came as a relief to both Sam and Belinda, especially with the rain outside picking up into something one step beyond a drizzle.
“They're fun as hell,” the latter remarked.
“I know, right?” Sam said right into her ear.
He threw his blond hair forth as if it was a genuine mane and then he lifted his head to show off the glitter underneath his right eye.
“Zelda would like them,” Sam told her, to which Belinda nodded her head with her eyes wide.
“Kinda like how she would like Skid Row, too,” she added, and Sam nodded.
Even though it was a tough crowd before them, both girls found themselves dancing a bit at one point. There was that one song at the end “Heartshine”, where Sam pictured herself nestled in between both Joey and Alex. Her love and her friend with benefits. Both of them had her heart.
There was no way she could pick and choose between the two of them because it wouldn't be fair to either of them.
She thought of herself dancing for both men: her hips about in a circle for them both and her breasts high and perfect for them as well. Their hands on her skin to top it all off, too.
The four of them were practically outside in the rain at that point because it was all too much for them to bear in there. But lucky for them, that was the final song and Andy bode the delirious crowd before them a big hearted and jovial good night: at that point, he had put on round white glasses with purple lenses and a big tall dark blue hat upon his head as if he was Mickey Mouse.
“That crowd was just awful,” Charlie said, “but I really liked them, though.”
“I did, too!” Sam added as they began on back down the street towards their hotel. The rain had waned back into a fine drizzle at that point and albeit with the incoming darkness.
“I'm gonna need another shower after that,” Belinda confessed.
“Yeah, that was insane how much drugs were in there,” Charlie agreed with her, and he turned to Frank. “How're you doing right now?”
“A sniveling sneezing mess,” he replied as he rubbed the tip of his nose.
“We'll all clean off and then have dinner,” Charlie declared as they crossed the street yet again. They passed the coffee shop on the other side of the street once more: the man who shot one up his arm was still there in the bay window, except his eyes were closed and even through the dim evening light, Sam could see his pale complexion.
It took them a full hour to shower off, one after the other, and at that point, it was almost nine o'clock in the evening.
“Happy birthday, Alex,” Sam declared as she dried off her hair and let it hang over her shoulders.
“Happy birthday, little man!” Frank proclaimed. “He's finally old enough to drink now.”
For the rest of the evening, she thought about what to do for him that next day, especially since they had to play a show there in Seattle right after Anthrax and Slayer's sets in that respective fashion. Belinda didn't have her leather working tools onhand, either, but that strap that the two of them had crafted for him held up well in the last two years however. Neither Scott nor Dan had any ideas as to what to do for him other than give him a cake after the fact, either: and Joey was out of the question at that point himself.
At one point she caught Anthrax's set and Joey held that white Flying V guitar upon his body once again as if it was a complete extension of him. That time around, he wore a black billed hat with the word “Injun” scrawled on the inside there. She hadn't even seen him all day at that point, either: to see him there made her wonder if he had an ace up his sleeve at the time. At the end of their cover of “Antisocial”, he glanced over at her and showed her and Belinda both that definitive lopsided grin.
They rounded out their short set with an extra large and loud rendition of “Gung Ho!” that ended with a little dual solo from Joey and Dan both, and someone in the audience throwing something at Scott. He ducked down as the jug landed on the stage right next to Charlie's drum kit.
As they left the stage, Joey leaned forward into the microphone.
“Don't be throwin' cider at our man Scott, now,” he taunted the person there and a few people in the crowd clapped at that.
He then padded off of the stage last and greeted Sam with a big open lipped kiss.
“Whoa,” Belinda breathed, and Joey laughed at that but he dared not let it get to him.
“Come with me,” he beckoned both girls, and he led them into the backstage area.
“Eric!” Belinda called out right then; thus she ducked away from them but Joey led Sam onto his dressing room. She left the door slightly ajar but he was quick to bring her to the corner behind the door. Slayer were taking to the stage as he slid his tongue into her mouth and his hands up the curvature of her back.
“I've treated you so poorly,” he said to her in a low enough voice for her to hear over Slayer's intensity.
“No you haven't,” she vowed to him. “You just have a little problem with alcohol is all. I don't want you anywhere near it ever again.”
She took the hat right off of his head and placed upon her own.
“Adorable,” he complimented her as Tom let out a high pitched shriek that made her stop right in her tracks. It made her think of hell on Earth itself.
“Tommy screams like a demon sometimes,” Joey told her, nonchalant.
“If you're the Devil, I'm proud to be a part of it,” she said.
“Nah, Sam, you know us. We're not really into the whole Devil thing—they just seem that way is all.”
“But still. If you're the Devil, I'm proud that to be a part of the whole thing.”
Joey's bottom lip trembled at that.
“Make love to me,” he begged her in a low voice. “Make love to me—please.”
“I'll do something even better for you,” she told him as she put her lips onto his, and then she moved down his neck to his collar bones. Joey held still as she moved down his hot body, all the way down his chest and towards his waist. He shuffled around and pressed his back to the wall: she lifted the bill of the hat from her forehead so she could have a better view of what was there.
She tugged down his shorts and gave him a gentle soft kiss right underneath his waist. She thought of giving him a vampire bite like she did with Alex, but he appeared to enjoy the feel of her lips there more than anything.
“Yeah, that's the spot right there,” he breathed at the soft delicate feeling under his belly button, “—ooh yeah—yeah, right there.”
She tugged his shorts down a bit more. Her tongue on his skin and within her mouth would do him justice.
She could tell he wanted it.
She started out small from the head and then she moved inward to his body, as far as she could stand it. But of course the tip reached the back of her mouth and she coughed and gagged at the feeling. She let go of his firm skin and coughed better.
“You alright?” he asked her.
“Yeah—it’s just the first time I gave a big ass blowjob standing up like this.”
Joey chuckled and he tucked his hands behind his curly head. She looked up at him with her eyebrows raised.
“You look like you’re about ready to sing some lounge stuff,” she told him.
“Lounge—I lounge around and kiss asses all day is what I do best,” he said. She tried it again and that time she got it for real. Joey groaned in his throat as she fondled the smooth curvature of his hips and his thighs with the tips of her fingers. He tipped his head back and gave her yet another soft pleased little groan.
“Yeah, nice li'l deep throat there,” he muttered, “yeah—yeah!” His chest heaved at the feeling and he treated her to soft little whimpers as a result. She was blowing him on Alex's birthday. Something about it gave her a feeling that she could do literally anything from that point onward.
She ran her tongue along the taut skin when she noticed Joey was about to come right there. She held onto him and he gasped at the feeling.
“Fucking hell—you're—you're—you're gonna kill me!” he stammered.
“Not if you can help it, big boy,” she teased him. Joey came right in her hands right there and he fell down onto the seat of his pants, out of breath and dizzy. He fell onto his side and Sam shook her hands about to get it off of her skin.
“Joey?” she called to him. He was out like a light right there.
She bowed out of that room in search of a bathroom just to wash her hands. Right there at the other end of the backstage area, she spotted that door and she ducked in there without a moment's hesitation. She washed her hands with that soft smelling soap and then she ducked out of there once again, only for her to run into Alex and a little brown bottle of Seattle's own in hand.
“Hey!” he greeted her with a mischievous grin.
“Hey!” she retorted back to him.
“Where you going?”
“Back to Joey's dressing room. But it is your birthday after all.”
“Indeed it is!” He took a sip of beer and the crowd erupted into applause for Slayer.
“How was your day?” she asked him once the noise out there died down a bit for them to hear each other.
“Oh, it's been fun! Chuck and Tiffany took me out to lunch at the top of the Space Needle and then we went to this one place right outside of town... did you know there is an actual sound garden up here?”
“Yeah, it's this big metallic sculpture that's fenced off but they took me to it. I don't think it might be open tomorrow because it's Saturday. But—it's definitely another thing we gotta do together when the time comes, Samantha.” He took another sip from the bottle. “Come on, I'll take you back to Joey's room.”
He took another sip before he walked in there with her, and he spotted Joey on the floor right behind the door.
“Is he alright?” Alex asked her.
“Oh, yeah. He just—had one too many is all.”
“Oh, shit.” He tipped the bottle back into his lips.
“By the way, how's it feel to legally drink now?”
“Excellent,” he confessed. “I dunno if I'm gonna do it a lot tonight, though, especially since we're going on after Slayer.”
“How many so far?”
“Just a couple,” he told her with a wave of his hand. He kicked back the brown glass bottle and took a big swig of its contents. He set it down before his body and showed her a little smile. Even though he stood still, she could tell that he had had a few at that point.
“Alex,” Sam said in a low voice: she could see it in his eyes as they drooped a bit.
“Samantha—Samantha? Samantha.” He bowed his head a bit and continued to show her a smile.
“Just exactly how much is 'a couple', Alex?”
“It's enough, I can tell ya that.”
“Samantha.” He let out the biggest belch right there, one that made her retract back a bit.
“Your ancestors back in the home country felt that one, Alex,” Greg called from right outside the door.
“Oh, no, pardon me—that came right outta—outta my ass.”
She giggled at him and he giggled back at her. She moved in closer to him. Joey was unconscious right there but it didn't stop her from moving in closer to Alex.
“You gonna—you gonna—you gonna—what're you gonna do?”
“Kiss you—”
Her lips grazed up against his; he held the bottle out from his body so she could have more space for him.
“That's good, yeah,” he said in between embraces.
“We might have a cake ready for you, baby,” she whispered to him.
“This is better than any cake, my dear artist,” he retorted back to her as she put her hands on either side of his face. “Hell, yeah—hell yeah! Hell to the yes! Fuck—fucking hell—”
He pulled back and shook his head about a bit. Slayer picked it up once again out there; Sam eyed the pale washed out look of Alex's skin and she thought of that man in the coffee shop on the way to the Mother Love Bone show.
“You're not going to puke again, are you?” she asked him, concerned.
“Nah,” he assured her. “Well, I might but I won't do it on you, though. I promise. I promise, I promise, I promise.”
She giggled at him and the droopy look of his eyes.
“Alex—you're so cute when you're a little bit tipsy,” she told him.
“I'm—I'm—I'm as loose as a pussy when I've got a few in me, lemme tell ya...”
She giggled at him.
“Let's see—you're going on in a bit. There has to be a way to rid of the booze without you barfing it up.”
“I'm probably gonna have to barf anyways,” he told her. “There is some bread over there.”
“Bread and crackers under the vanity mirror,” she said as she made her way over to the mirror in question.
“Bread and circuses,” he said with a hiccup. She handed him a handful of oyster crackers as he took a seat on the small dusty couch on the other side of the room, away from the door and away from Joey's unconscious body.
“I wanna have fun with you,” he confessed with a hiccup.
“We are having fun, though,” she pointed out. “It's your twenty first birthday, Alex. It's all about having fun! You only turn twenty one once in your life after all.”
“That's right, right? You only turn—” He swallowed. “—a certain age one time, don't ya.”
He let out a whistle and looked on at her, dazed.
“You alright?” she asked him.
“Yes! I feel like I'm about ready to fall right to sleep, though.”
He took another sip from the bottle and then another bite of oyster cracker. He practically swallowed it whole.
“Well, chew it, Alex,” Sam was scorn.
“Just melts in your mouth,” he pointed out with his mouth full, and he took another couple for himself.
“Keep eating it, though. It should absorb it up inside you. You're gonna be on soon.”
“By the way, we're gonna make another album for you, my darling artist,” he said in a broken voice once he swallowed it down.
“We will, too,” Joey blurted out right then, and Sam and Alex looked over at him. He was still unconscious but by some sheer magic, he had said that out loud without a shred of irony. The two of them looked at one another: Alex rubbed the exhaustion out of his eyes.
“What's Testament's new one going to be called?” Sam asked him.
“'Souls of Black',” he said in a hushed voice. “At least, that's what Eric told me. He wants us to play on Clash of the Titans. Like if we get it done in time, we can get it there.”
“And when's that supposed to be?”
“Uh—next summer, I think? I think? I dunno. I can't really think about things too much.”
“Well, you boys better get on it soon,” Sam encouraged him.
“Yeah, that's the plan anyways,” he told her. “Once we're done here, we mosey on into the studio and run like hell. I think it's gonna be formidable, Samantha. We're as tight as we've ever been.”
“Tight like a tight pussy?” she joked to him.
“Tight like a tight pussy, yes!”
He popped more crackers into his mouth.
“You ought to record something after you've had a couple,” she suggested, “you know just to see what you can make out of it. It'd be true psychedelic metal right there.”
“I don't really know if I can, though,” he confessed with a soft chuckle. “I don't know if that's not really something you can do when you're off your rocker and three sheets to the wind.”
“What about three sheets to my wind?” she asked him as she crawled closer to him and hovered right above his body.
“Oh, my, Samantha—”
“Was that 'oh, my' said in amazement or were you calling me yours?”
“You're good,” he remarked with those eyebrows raised up again. She put her lips onto his, and she tasted the salt from the crackers as well as the hops from the beer.
“I'm gonna need a drink after this,” he confessed to her.
“You are drinking, though,” she insisted.
“No, drink of water,” he corrected.
“I see. Well, drink your poison, baby.”
“Drink your poison and get nasty wit' it,” he cracked and she giggled some more.
“Alex!” Eric's voice floated from outside of the room.
“Oh, shit, I gotta move!” he said as he stood to his feet and rubbed his eyes. “Thank you for the bread, too—that actually helped me out a bit.”
Sam stood up herself but then Alex stopped her right in her tracks.
“Yes?” She turned her attention back to him as he lounged there in the doorway with a lax look to his deep eyes.
“Tonight—go to bed and dream of a beautiful gray stripe,” he said as he ran his index finger over that little tuft on the crown of his head.
“I always do, baby,” she assured him with a wink. “Go give 'em hell.”
He ducked out of there and back to his band: he still had his balance right then. She hoped that the bread really helped out and he would keep it together that evening as she made her way to the spot behind the door. She adjusted the bill of the hat and stooped down for him.
“C'mere, Joey—c'mere, baby—” She scooped him off of the floor and lifted up his head for a better look into his face. She set a hand on his forehead and pushed the hair out from his eyes. He opened them a bit and showed her a little dimpled grin.
“There he is,” she said with a smile herself; with her free hand, she took off her hat and set it upon the dark curly crown of his head. “There's my little Injun boy.”
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