#learn polish
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nearlydark · 9 months ago
I just went down a rabbit hole of new (to me) language learning resources since I’ve been away from the community for some time and holy shit there are some really cool things?? This app/site Clozemaster seems pretty helpful; you fill in a word in a sentence, each language seems to have 10k+ sentences, but I guess it’s better to know the basics in a language before doing this (I can get by in Polish on there rn basically from knowing Russian and Ukrainian lmfao but otherwise I would have no clue on most of the words). I also found Readlang, which would be pretty helpful when trying to read an e-book bc you can see the translation right there on the page (I was basically doing this for Russian; downloading pdfs of books and highlighting words I didn’t know and then looking them up lmfao fuck). Technology is amazing sometimes
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languah · 4 months ago
Family Vocabulary in Polish
All vocabulary comes from Polish English Visual Dictionary and Polishpod101. I have started to take this language more seriously and plan to post a vocab list weekly. Eventually I will post about grammar as well so keep an eye out.
rodzina, family
babcia, grandmother
dziadek, grandfather
wujek, uncle
ciotka, aunt
ojciec, father
matka, mother
kuzyn, cousin
brat, brother
siostra, sister
synowa, daughter-in-law
syn, son
wnuk, grandson
wnuczka, granddaughter
córka, daughter
zięć, son-in-law
mąż, husband
żona, wife
teściowa, mother-in-law
teść, father-in-law
szwagier, brother-in-law
szwagierka, sister-in-law
siostrzenica, niece
siostrzeniec, nephew
krewni, relatives
rodzice, parents
wnuki, grandchildren
macocha, stepmother
pasierb, stepson
pokolenie, generation
dziadkowie, grandparents
dzieci, children
ojczym, stepfather
pasierbica, stepdaughter
partner, partner
bliźnięta, twins
niemowlę, baby
dziecko, child
chłopiec, boy
dziewczynka, girl
nastolatek/ak, teenager
dorosły, adult
mężczyzna, man
kobieta, woman
pani, mrs
pan, mr
panna, miss/ms
chłopak, boyfriend
dziewczyna, girlfriend
para, couple
narzeczony, fiancé
narzeczona, fiancée
narzeczeni, engaged couple
młodsza siostra, younger sister
młodszy brat, younger brother
starszy brat, older brother
prababcia, great-grandmother
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strawberrymleko · 9 months ago
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Week 1: Apr 28 - May 4 🦋
Polish 🇵🇱
Duolingo Units 1-6: basic greetings, basic verbs, some basic use of accusative and instrumental cases, people, food
Colloquial Polish Units 1-3: basic greetings, a few verbs, basic questions, accusative case
Watched Dzień Świra on yt with English subtitles
Put all new words into flashcards
Russian 🇷🇺
Ukrainian 🇺🇦
Pics: Rose Garden near the Natural History Museum in LA 🌹
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pol-ski · 4 months ago
Noun genders in Polish | Polish for Beginners
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langguessr · 2 years ago
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You can now learn languages with LangGuessr! Pick your level from 1 to 20, from the most common to the most obscure words, translate the words you know and memorise the ones you don't.
This is a learning method I developed to work best for myself, if it works for any of you then all the better!
List of languages currently available (more coming soon!):
- Bosnian - Bulgarian - Catalan - Croatian - Czech - Dutch - Esperanto - Finnish - French - Galician - Georgian - German - Greek - Hebrew - Hungarian - Italian - Kabyle (Berber) - Latin - Lithuanian - Mandarin - Polish - Portuguese - Romanian - Russian - Serbian - Spanish - Swedish - Turkish - Ukrainian - Yiddish
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lipowanoc · 1 year ago
Months: September means Wrzesień
The month September is called wrzesień in Polish language. The name comes from the name of a heather - in Polish wrzos.
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As you can see by now, you can create a name for a month by adding the ending -eń or -ec to the characteristic occurence that mark these season. Thats rule applies to:
-EŃ ending: styczeń, kwiecień, sierpień, wrzesień, grudzień
-EC ending: marzec, czerwiec, lipiec,
OTHERS: luty, maj, październik, listopad,
(I'll cover the upcoming months in separate posts)
The adjective of wrzesień is - wrześniowy/a/e. And some examples:
Wrześniowe niebo - September sky
Wrześniowy wypad w góry - September excursion in to the mountains
Kampania wrześniowa - September Campaign of 1939. Note that the adjective comes second, as it is the proper name of the historical event. I wrote about it in one of the previous posts.
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njeha · 1 year ago
15.10.2023 polish vocabulary
złamać komuś serce - to break someone's heart
wypłakiwać sobie oczy - to sob one's heart out
oddać komuś serce - to give one's heart to somebody
podbić/zdobyć serce kogoś - to capture/win somebody's heart
skraść komuś serce - to steal somebody's heart
z ciężkim/lekkim sercem - with a heavy/light heart
droga do jego/jej serca - the way to his/her heart
współczuję mu z całego serca - my heart goes out to him
z całego serca - from the bottom of one's heart
otworzyć przed kimś serce - to open one's heart to somebody
brać coś sobie do serce - to take something to heart
iść za głosem serca - to follow one's heart
kochać kogoś całym sercem - to love somebody with all one's heart
pragnąć z całego serca, żeby... - to wish with all one's heart that...
nie mam do tego serca - my heart is not in it
być bliskim sercu kogoś - to be close/dear/near to somebody's heart
nie mieć serca coś zrobić - to not have the heart to do something
nie mam serca odmówić - i didn't have the heart to refuse
mieć miękkie/dobre serce - to have a soft/kind heart
mieć serce jak z lodu - to have a cold heart
nie mogłem się zdobyć na wybaczenie im - i couldn't find it in my heart to forgive them
rozmyślić się - to have a change of heart
stracić ducha/otuchę - to lose heart
głowa do góry! - take heart!
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polish-langblr · 2 years ago
Words I easily mix up
stół - table
sounds similar to the english word "stool", so I usually assume chair
Masculine, inanimate noun
case - singular (table) - plural (tables)
Nomnative - stół - stoły
Gentive - stołu - stołów
Dative - stołowi - stołom
Accusative - stół - stóły
Instrumental - stołem - stołami
Locative - stole - stołach
Vocative - stole - stoły
source: wiktionary
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rameiixo · 13 days ago
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another animation exercise, with okarun !
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abnomi · 5 months ago
been trying to get back into animation
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original gif below ^^ teehee!
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tkpolski · 2 years ago
Mastering Polish CDs?
I rented this book by Albert Juszcsak from the library, but it doesn't have the CDs with it. I figure it's a long-shot, but does anyone know where I could find the audio online?? Dziękuję!
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nearlydark · 9 months ago
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Finally after years of like…needing my notes to be a certain way I have let go and embraced chaos (but planned). I think my biggest gripe w learning languages is the amount of resources and how to properly track what you’re learning from where but at the end of the day it’s all going to the same place (my brain) so who fucking cares??? So right now my system is to just chug along in this book and use duolingo for practice, maybe some YouTube channels for more listening practice/understanding but have it all in this notebook. Wish me luck 🇵🇱
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crabsnpersimmons · 24 days ago
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day two of clawing my way out of artblock
tried something a little more ambitious today: i've been thinking of how i can bring my digital art style into my traditional art. so i tried experimenting by drawing chef Moon from my Have You Eaten? AU with markers and colour pencils (because honestly, it's the lineless details in their design that make them harder to draw traditionally, which is why i lined them all with a fineliner in their original drawing, which is fine, but it's a different feel from lineless version of my digital art, so i wanted to see if i can accomplish it)
i was tempted to just leave today's practice at that, but then i decided to note down my thoughts:
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(definitely recommend marking up your drawings/studies, or write your notes elsewhere.)
overall i felt kinda dissatisfied with the experiment and marking it up with my thoughts helped pinpoint the problem areas and what i should try for the next time. so i took all that and tried again:
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(i also decided last minute to try something with the lineart, adding darker areas by adding a few dots of a darker blue and blending it out. dunno if i'll do that all the time, but it's pretty)
but i'm glad i kept going after the initial experiment. i'm pretty happy with the final one (maybe i'll try Sun and Eclipse in the coming days. you have been thoroughly warned.)
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strawberrymleko · 9 months ago
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Dzień Świra (2002) (Day of the Wacko)
I really enjoyed this movie. It’s a Polish dark comedy of a few days in the life of a guy with severe OCD. Very well done; I could really feel how stuck he was due to his compulsions and the sensory triggers.
Link here on YT with English subtitles 💗
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tangled-pixel-harpsichord · 3 months ago
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kasdim · 6 months ago
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The "Carrie" scene is fire and i want more of that fucked up Cassandra's face. Terrifying. Thank you Avia Team fot this incredible game.
(I need to finish other routes and make a gazilion fan arts. Because there was some art demon inside me when I drew this.)
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