#learn microsoft word
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boldlygotohelll · 3 months ago
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Cant work out if I'm genius or if this makes me officially a technophobe
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iamjackstylerdurden · 7 months ago
cant stand me now - the libertines
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elisalsaa · 4 days ago
I have multiple half written to 95% completed HL one shots wtf why did I stop SO CLOSE 😭 will I ever finish them and post on here? Who knows idk how to even finish them ☠️
Meanwhile my main fic sits with future chapters fully written waiting for me to catch up like bro bahahaha where is the timeline 😫😫😩😩
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occasional-owl · 1 year ago
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I'm drowning in assignments so of course I thought a fun project to practice my Latin would be to translate the Raven King's prophecy to Latin
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pkrosche · 4 months ago
Fuck AI and fuck this too
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*I came across the above screenshot/post on facebook and wanted to share with folks here. Best that I can verify that Microsoft is scraping word docs is here (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365-apps/privacy/connected-experiences-content)
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And here's the list of features (Microsoft calls them "experiences") that analyze your content, so you can determine if unchecking the little box will affect your ability to and functionality interacting with Word, etc. (see here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365-apps/privacy/connected-experiences)
Alternative path:
options -> trust center -> trust center settings -> privacy options -> privacy settings -> connected experiences
I'm turning it off unless I can be sure the old man yaoi I write will flood the bots
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moonsidesong · 2 years ago
as a kid in utah, i remember really clearly that touch typing was a thing schools started teaching you as early as second grade, but my friends in arizona just. didn't ever learn and some of them are now teaching themselves to as adults. so now im kind of curious...
(It doesn't matter if their lessons actually stuck for you, I'm just curious if they even tried lol. feel free to also add in tags when they started teaching you and/or what general area of the country you live if you're comfortable!)
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demiboydemon · 1 year ago
I miss when you could just pay for something once. Now you have to rent everything like ‘this computer program is $25 a month’ what happened to buying a CD and owning the software forever???
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weewoo911 · 4 months ago
Me: I love to study! I wish I had more time for education!
Me studying:
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dravidious · 11 months ago
Typing Tips That I Stumbled Upon Randomly:
The Ctrl key lets you jump between words really quickly. If you hold Ctrl and press the left or right arrow keys, instead of moving your cursor 1 character you'll move it a whole word; if you want to edit that word that's 3 words back, you can just hold Ctrl and left-left-left, and you're there.
Even more useful in my opinion, if you hold Ctrl and press Backspace you'll delete the entire word you're on. That's just really nifty because a lot of the time when you're deleting you want to delete the whole word, so this is much faster.
Also, idk how well-known this is but holding Shift and moving your cursor will make you highlight any characters you move over. That's useful on its own, but combining that with Ctrl lets you quickly highlight whole words or sentences, so you can easily copy+paste them. You can also hold Shift to edit any selections you made with your mouse or something.
Also it took me too long to realize that the Home and End keys are actually really nice sometimes. Home takes you to the start of the line you're on, and End takes you to the end. Hold Shift while doing that and you can highlight the whole line. Very nice for programming. Also holding Ctrl and pressing Home or End takes you to the top or bottom of the page, but I barely use that.
A similarly useful key that I also overlooked is the Delete key. It's like the Backspace key, but it deletes the character in front of your cursor instead of behind it. Just like with Backspace Ctrl+Delete lets you delete a whole word in front of your cursor.
Also Ctrl+A lets you highlight the whole page.
Also even when you're not typing and instead just browsing a web page or something, you still technically have a cursor; if you click a piece of text, then hold Shift and press the arrow keys, you'll start highlighting text.
Practice Exercise: Click on the t in this word, then hold Shift and press left and right on the arrow keys! Now try holding Ctrl+Shift while you press the arrow keys! Hold Shift and press Home or End! Hold Shift and use your mouse to left-click on different spots in the paragraph and see how your selection changes!
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eyepatchdate · 3 months ago
hey whisp hope you’re doing well! I’m trying to organize notes and things for a writing project and feel like I need a better system to group and visualize my material. is there a particular site, strategy, or program you use for your writing? a timelime with adjustable entry logs would be a gamechanger but I don’t like any of the ones I’ve seen on a superficial search
Hello hello! I am well, I hope you are as well!!
I don't do anything crazy myself, honestly I've tried other things, but I actually do most of my writing, including drafting and notes, just in a single document, even for some of my longer (100k+ stories).
I do have some stories that have multiple docs, but for those just having a file folder with multiple Word documents in it works for me. I use Word 2013 to write, and often will just open two documents side-by-side if I'm doing a rewrite or working off notes. I often put things in notepad as well to have an additional little window. But I, overall, work within a single document and just sorta...roll with it. Most of my organizing is in my head, and then it's in notes that I write in a scatter around the main document for the story.
Also a good old-fashioned bit of pen-and-paper suits me well too, I often write base timelines or draw diagrams physically when necessary. At the end of the day, a timeline is just a bulleted list, which basically any writing program can handle.
That being said, I have tried out a few different writing programs. The types that gamify the writing process never jive with me, and the one I felt was closest to what I want is Scrivner! Scrivner is paid, but there's a trial you can try out. It basically lets you have a bunch of documents related to each other, which makes it easy to write and add notes, and to open things on top of each other and such.
I've also heard decent things about Ellipsus, but haven't looked into it personally myself!
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notmuchtoconceal · 1 year ago
verily, verily, i say unto you -- so yeah. i don't need to do this part.
the only way the zelda downfall timeline makes sense to me is if you treat the production order as a chronology in its own right.
let me explain.
(so) the legend of zelda (the original, which is always best) takes place at the end of a later-to-be-revealed fallen timeline, yet even in the stated status quo of the original game, the kingdom of hyrule is in ruins.
ganon has seized the triforce, of which there are now only two.
zelda divides the second piece, pertaining to wisdom -- into eight pieces, which the hero link must find to prove himself worthy to ender the secret 9th dungeon, the sprawling underground skull rock which you enter through a recurrent formation in the shape of an eyeglass.
link, in the sequel, must then locate the hidden triforce of courage.
he does this --(in a mysterious northern isle actually the main body of the previously glimpsed southern aisle) through a dramatic shift where the poles of his awareness are flipped to a narrow and unnatural side-on perspective, necessitating steep grinds and a mastery over magic and the vertical axis, he renders inert an enchantment by placing six crystals in six statues to open the gate to a palace hidden on the most-distant near-proximity of the new continent ;-- where he must thenface-off against a vaguely deco-inspired monster of Native American myth before overcoming his own dark side and claiming his place as rightful inheritor and possessor of the final enchanted triune artefact.
(this is also the first (and only) time there seem to be two zeldas in existence at the same time ;-- the rescued maiden and the awakened beauty.)
so, yeah.
that's the classic NES duology and that's where it ends.
the north american title of the SNES prequel is particularly relevant, for though a significant upscale in terms of graphical fidelity and precision of control, the narrative posits itself as deliberately backwards looking ;-- this is an attempt by the now unified kingdom of hyrule to reckon with its history. in the intro cinematic to this story about a good king assassinated and usurped by a conniving enchanter, we hear of the imprisoning war, seemingly the source of all this cute lil redneck kingdom's seemingly endless woe. it tells of how the triforce was first bloodied by human hands, perverting the sacred realm and contaminating the magickal-psychic matrix of the land's consciousness.
After a detour where Link realizes that life is merrily, merrily but a dream and collects the Eight Instruments of the Sirens in what is not-at-all a deliberate mirroring of his future-forerunner's collecting of the 8 Shards of the Goddess's Wisdom, he cracks the world egg atop a mountain by playing live an extended lullaby for the Wind Fish who is more accurately a Land Whale, and slays the Nightmares who held him to slumber, incidentally liberating the only freedom-loving soul from its illusion --
After that brief detour, what seems to occur -- you being jaunty enough to continue to humor this, among my many other thought experiments -- is this hypothetical backwards looking perspective (related to Zelda's later archeological ambitions...? I haven't played either BotW, do allow your own knowledge to fill-in or contradict as necessary) which deigns to witness the Imprisoning War (I suppose they could be so direct as to ask the Triforce itself?) seems to split the timeline by observing it (Butterfly Effect, quantum fluctuations, the atomic weight of consciousness) in effect erasing the original from existence as it creates the two.
If this seems absurd, do be aware -- Ganondorf receives the Triforce of Power in Twilight Princess seconds before his death by execution at the Light Swords of the Sages. This is a deliberate deus-ex-machina which the narrators refer to as a "divine prank" and seems to rely on the player's familiarity with the events of the previous games (so much of what, in Twilight Princess's narrative seems to be nostalgia points simply reinforcing -- it's eerie familiarity. This land's status as the shadow of a former (or estrange contemporary's) glory.
That is -- the knowledge that Ocarina of Time ends with Link possessing foreknowledge, his meeting with Zelda in the post-credits will ensure that a change will occur.
The Triforce is a Divine Object belonging to the Sacred Realm and so Exists Above and Outside of Time.
If Ganondorf possesses the Power of the Gods in One Timeline, he possess them in All Timelines -- even one's where he's a loser convict on death row about to get iced by elderly nerds.
How do the two interact?
If Ganondorf does something in one timeline, does it effect what he does in all timelines? Do the two newly introduced split timelines somehow feed into one another? Perhaps Ganondorf's brief ascension in TP -- his feeding off of his symbiosis with Zant and the associated corruption of the Twilii people -- is enough to give Ganondorf in the Wind Waker timeline the strength he needs to break free of his bindings? This would, in effect, make TP as much a prequel to WW as sequel to MM!
Does this imply -- do indulge me this detour, let us see together to what fruitful avenues it may lead! -- that the more Hyrule's history is revealed, the more its awareness of itself seems to diverge and fragment into dead-ends, side-roads, alternate possibilities, predecessor upon predecessor, past upon past, coming to accrue as much as it clarifies -- bouncing like a ping-pong ball ball (by which i mean that more exquisite art -- the energy tennis match between hero and villain) as the chaos gives way to shape and the chaos to some deeper form?
Conclusions in one windswept corner in time, from bouncing back and forth from some fairy tale past about an enchanted cap and a world of little people and a blade which divides one into four ... and a land where your kingdom was drowned for good, your patriarch renouncing his entitlements, to bless you to open and terrible freedom to not repeat the mistakes of your ancestors, setting sail for a distant land you will make you own ... which you discover is spider-webbed with train-tracks which were already there. designed by a more mechanically advanced-prior civilization. train-tracks. across the entire-continent. already there.
not connected to some heartland city, no -- of course not. simply another variation on the tower of babel and wasteland motifs you've already glimpsed in that other other timeline's alternative alternate world.
i confess, on my first and only playthrough of Spirit Tracks (despite or perhaps precisely because of its inoffensive nature) i found myself so bored, i put it down halfway through and didn't pick it back up for six months, and when i did it was only because -- there would be a new game soon.
skyward sword was yet a glint on the horizon. there were no plans yet announced for a zelda on the wii which wasn't already on the cube.
i had a dream where i was in a sprawling floral-lattice work of a stream-shrouded 1920's train station and there was an inkling i needed to finish that last zelda there would be another one soon.
i needed to finish it, there would be another one soon.
i can't recall if there were skylights, yet i seem to suspect.
skyward sword, it is my regret to feel, though not openly repeat -- was so bad, i fear despite being intellectually open to another zelda, it left me feeling i had outgrown video games as a general hobby and this was a good place to stop. i feel it was giving me a dreadful warning.
all technology from this point on is simply training you to play fetch for the AI girlfriend who is submissive waifu masking claustrophobic smother-demon timesink. It was telling me get out all now. All further digital games will simply be coded nanny state propaganda.
i feel the entire series Zelda herself has been slowly transitioning from Mother-Sister to Sister-Wife and Now Link Has to Put His Dick In Her and It's Repulsive. I don't want it. I understand why infinite access to bitches and bling turned Ganondorf into an insipidly hunky blue swine beast.
I do not wish to wed the nanny state through a symbolic incestuous union with the machine. I can't imagine the level of loneliness and feelings of personal disempowerment would could ever possibly drive one to wish to own, let alone interact with an Alexa. I have no idea why anyone would consider this histrionic. I suspect most are half-aware, barely alive.
The first Demon to which I ever bore witness was the Microsoft Office Paperclip and I immediately knew it was evil; a withering force of infantilization which yearned to strip me of my savvy and I rightfully shunned it! I do not wish for my interfaces to have personalities or crack jokes! I want machines to be machines! A machine with a soul should be cathartic only for it reflects a solitary intellect's capacity to endure.
If you've ever seen The Film Simply Called Moon by David Bowieson, they did it right in that. That was a good AI companion. He was one step above Wilson from Cast Away. He was basically a totem comfort object with a short term data cash which functioned as semi-authentic short term memory. He was a simple machine, but it was real. That was honest.
Why would anyone ever love a son? It takes a saint to love a son. Autism is basically Son: The Personality cause They're All Like That. That's what it is to be a Boy, which is why it is so confusing when you are an Autistic Girl who is also Heterosexual! Being An Autistic Lesbian makes everything hilarious, oh my God. That level of natural detachment, if properly harnessed -- constant lazer vision. Carve microchips into people's faces. Rub your swampy crotches together to create fungal blooms live-erupting out of hot spring geysers scarring lily-white flesh!
A son is a little whelp you fuck emotionally until it's manly.
It's horrible. You have to actually love that to do it right. Look at yourself and see how hard it is to love you, apparently. It doesn't make any sense to me when you're repulsed by yourself. Why would you find either you or me repulsive? We're having fun maybe you should get that checked out.
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you-just-got-wormed · 8 months ago
Your profile picture reminded me of centhomas, that's why I asked
it's the Microsoft word photo editing of it all I think
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morgenlich · 11 months ago
it’s wild to me that all my siblings learned word processing in school with google docs and have no idea how to use word (this has thrown the two college age siblings off immensely). back in my day (high school) you couldn’t use gdocs to write a paper because it had jack shit for formatting options, so especially if you needed citations of any kind….. (forget footnotes. it didn’t have so much as a hanging indent option)
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poohwhin · 2 years ago
if i die i’m making a google doc for vivi ‼️
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satan-in-a-box · 2 months ago
okay, yes, I know that there is supposed to be a comma there but I want the reader to feel out of breathe! I want a sense of urgency! Stop trying to correct me, I'm trying to control the flow of reading
okay, yes, I know that comma isn't supposed to be there but I want the reader to take a breath! I want a pause! Stop trying to correct me, I'm trying to control the flow of reading
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moustafahassan · 5 months ago
Exclusively without programs 🔴 Convert any PDF file to Word and from Word to PDF in a 100% guaranteed way 👌
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