#leander ra
thatoneperson747 · 7 months
Hello ranger's apprentice fandom! I present some late night stress-sketches of TEY because it's what's occupying my brain power right now (instead of my Spanish homework-)
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Hope you like it :)
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that-one-enby-ranger · 7 months
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Is this Pritchard?
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Modern AU
Berrigan: You are so funny when you're so concerned about this whole romance stuff
Crowley: Oh yeah?
Berrigan: Well, yes. I've barely been sitting here for two hours and I already know all the details of your relationship with Halt
Berrigan: Which actually scares me a bit...
Crowley: Do you remember when we used to live together in the dorm and you got the first message from Leander, you yelled at the middle of the night, fell out of bed, came to me and woke me up just for me to tell you what to do...?
Berrigan: That doesn't count. It was a different situation.
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Chaos Games Chapter 4
Chapter 4 on Chaos Games up.
Characters: Halt, Crowley, Samdash, Leander, Norris, Farrel, Will and Gilan mentioned.
Warning: Swears
Also read on Wattpad and Fanfiction
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toyogamii · 1 month
caliiiii help classes haven’t even started yet but there’s already drama
:0 omg what’s going on??
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ritens · 1 year
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[wf] Nothing Is As It Was 2. The New Blank Page
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“Is this real?” He asks the only question that comes to mind.
There’s something wet and slightly sharp scraping his cheek. Leander pushes it away instinctively, thinking he’d been asleep for so long that the doppelgangers are already having a go at his flesh. However, the curious “murrp!” causes him to drop the idea on the spot.
He opens his eyes and sees the sun rays lean through the branches of tall trees above him. He feels the grass on which he is laying and even hears tree leaves rattle in the wind. There also seems to be a trickling stream of water nearby. The scene seems surreal. It pushes him to sit up and have a better look around. But then the kavat plants itself down right in front of him, purposefully blocking the view.
“As real as it gets.” The feline replies. “Listen, the threads of time are thin and there is much you should know.”
The kavat waits for a pained exhale then continues. “This is the Earth of a parallel time. You are mortal here, and a war has recently concluded in the Origin System. I suggest you lay low while you figure out how things work.”
Leander nods. The kavat then stands up and circles around the man thoughtfully. It’s difficult to condense all the important information in a few sentences but an attempt has to be made.
“So the ship as you know it is gone. Your cousin Ria is also long gone.”
“A war?” the man mouths in disbelief, then lets out a nervous chuckle. “You’ve brought me here to die permanently?”
“Would remaining in the timeloop be better? Anyway, we are even now.” The feline stops circling the man to boop him on the cheek with its nose. Leander dares to touch the animal and strokes its surprisingly silky fur. He notices existential particles shift within the kavat like a water current, and this is when the realization hits him, that his mysterious savior might indeed have maybe a few minutes of life left.
“Who are you?” he finally asks.
“My name is Goere. We were friends in this timeline.” Goere introduces herself.
“Thank you, Goere.” Leander whispers as he gently pats the kavat between the ears. His hand goes through her.
Goere steps away from Leander. Both of them make note of Goere’s now rapidly disappearing form. And neither of them know what to do about it.
“Don’t be a hero, Leander. Stay in your Lane.” she says.
They stare at one another in uncomfortable silence, and in less than a minute the kavat fades into a sea green mass of energy before she ceases to exist entirely.
Just a moment later Leander shoots up to his feet and begins pacing back and forth. He is on Earth, a war has just ended but there are remnants of it, whatever they may be. He has free will, he can do whatever he wants now, but he has no idea what he wants, doesn’t know what he should be doing.
Before the man has the chance to really overthink it, the sound of running water manages to grasp his attention. It’s the stream nearby. He could try getting rid of the grime as a start. In the colosseum all he could do was get filthy. He is foul in every sense of the word. But he could fix it now that it’s an option.
Leander traipses through the forest in the direction of the source of water. He makes sure to touch every tree he passes by as though there’s a chance that everything might be fake after all. Instead the trunks of the trees are solid, the bark textured. Earth is magnificent. What a wonderful second first impression.
The body of water turns out to be bigger than he had expected. It’s not a quick little stream running through the rocks, rather a calm and steady river path. 
The man walks down to the bank of the river. Once within reach of water, he pulls off his well worn gloves, and squats down to touch the surface of the water. Chilly but not unpleasant. Good enough. He proceeds to peel off the layers of armor and clothing on him, and thinks about giving those a rinse as well.
The next hour he spends by sitting in the water with all of his ragged belongings. Occasionally he attempts to touch one of the small amphibian creatures surrounding him. Peculiar!
Once sufficiently clean, the man finally gets out of the river. Not without wrinkled fingers and blue lips, of course. He is feeling uncomfortable but refreshed at the same time. And somehow that is still one of the best things he has experienced so far.
The skies above are turning gray with clouds, and the mood shifts. A not so distant snap of twigs makes the ambience of the woods quite unfriendly. Leander then realizes that maybe satiating his need for some kind of hygiene wasn’t the smartest idea. He pays extra attention to the sounds of the area as he wrings out his soaking wet pieces of clothing. Then he throws on the bare minimum of the still insufficiently dry clothes, and runs toward a bunch of fallen trees to hide. One of the tree trunks turns out to be hollow and that’s where he crawls in to take cover.
There are footsteps and the occasional verbal exchange of incoherent words nearing Leander’s location. He listens to how the feet sink into the moss. Slow and heavy. They’re definitely bigger beings than him.
When they’re a good distance away, Leander peeks out of the hollow trunk of the tree to take a look at these beings. They turn out to be brute men dressed in dusty rags similar to that of his own. There’s odd golden bowls stuck to their faces, likely a design of the Orokin. Maybe it’s now possible to comfortably eat without using one's hands. Levitating telepathy bowls? But how could anyone see anything with a bowl in their face like that. Is it really a viable multitasking method?
Before he could continue pondering the meaning of the golden food bowls, one of the burly men turns around to glance in his direction and Leander ducks back into his hiding spot. They don’t look friendly and he’s not about to test that theory by being in their line of sight.
He continues to sit in the trunk near motionlessly if not for the shivers caused by the cold stick of the still wet clothes wrapping his person.
There’s something falling from the sky by now. Water. Rain. He sighs and furrows his brows. The rain acts as a layer of noise reduction and Leander is certain it's likely safe enough for him to get back out in the fray to collect the remainder of his belongings.
The man makes his way back to the riverbank. He puts on his thick chest armor and boots, then straps everything in place with a number of belts. He can’t remember how he obtained any of these things. It feels as though he was born wearing melee combat gear. But it doesn’t make sense. Suddenly he shakes his head again.
“Stop. Stop circling. We need to focus on the situation at hand. Which is… uh.“ Leander attempts to talk some sense into himself but quickly comes to the conclusion that there is no basis for this so-called ‘sense’. All thoughts then cease and he stares blankly ahead.
After standing still for a minute, he lifts a hand to his chin and thinks out loud “I should probably find a safe enough location to sleep in.”
“Somewhere with a roof.” He glances up at the gray sky. Rain immediately hits him in the eyes and he turns his face back down. It’s probably afternoon now. He’s not entirely sure what the current season could be, nor when the sun sets. The sooner he starts looking for a potential camping spot the better.
Walking along the river seems like an idea. Whether it’s a good or a bad one remains to be seen, but for now it’s an idea that Leander is going with. He treks in the same direction where the men with the golden bowls had gone, against the river’s flow.
The skies become increasingly darker with each hour, the clouds hiding any indication of a sunset but Leander continues walking. Now and then the man stops to stare at any animal that happens to cross his path. And starts sprinting when a vasca kavat comes at him hissing with bared fangs. Goere may have been snappy but at least she had good intentions. This one, however, has Leander return to being the prey.
He dashes through the rain deeper into the darkness of the forest, away from the river. He jumps over fallen trees, dodges low hanging branches, and ignores the sting of prickly bushes and oversized nettles which he may have brushed against in his rush. The feral kavat is relentless still, and evades all obstacles with relative ease.
At one point he runs through something like a makeshift fence, past a familiar golden sheen. He glances back to have a better look. It’s the burly men from earlier, now lying dead in the forest moss, wisps of red energy flowing out of their bodies. Moreso, he appears to be moving on a well worn and recently used path.
Leander stops.
He witnesses the kavat let out a harsh, piercing cry right as it reaches the dead bodies. Then it keels over seemingly from nothing.
The man continues walking backwards as he reaches for the swords holstered on his back, only to remember not packing them there in the first place. His blades remain at the river bed where he had gone for a swim.
“Horrible.” He mutters, turns around, and is knocked out cold by an unexpected fist to his temple. The last thing he sees are two red eyes staring down at him.
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adastra121 · 1 year
Alon’s nicknames for each of the love interests so far. Red is for nicknames specifically in their romance route.
Kuras= Doc, Ras, Angel, Sunshine
Leander= Pretty Boy
Vere= Foxy, V, Fluffy, Gorgeous, Red, Bitch (affectionate but also provocative because he said he’ll break them if she calls him a dog again and they said, “Bet.”).
Alon: *strums lute badly* I love you. Bitch.
Vere: Oh my god…
Alon: *strums lute even worse* I ain’t never gonna stop lovin’ you! Bitch!
Ais= Bastard (in an “Ais! What’ve you been up to, you sad, lonely bastard?” kind of way), Boss (“You got it, boss!” even though he’s not her boss), Knuckles, Big Guy
Mhin= Snowdrop, Partner (“We’re not partners!”), Starlight
The thing about Alon is, she’d use the terms “Dude,” “Bro,” “Buddy,” “Pal,” and “Friend” both platonically and romantically. So they’d also use these with all of them with varied reactions from each person.
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The Batman OC Masterlist
Arrowverse || DC || Gotham || Titans
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Name: Carlotta Falcone
Story: Salt The Earth
Face Claim: Ana De Armas
Love Interest: Bruce Wayne
Carlotta Falcone knew exactly who her father was, thank you.  She knew what he’d done, she knew how much of Gotham he controlled, and she knew that she would only have one chance to take him down.  But stopping her father wouldn’t be enough for her, someone else would just rise up and take his place.  No, Carlotta Falcone was going to bide her time, make a plan, and take out not only his operation but as much of Gotham’s underworld as she possibly could in one fell swoop.
Teaming up with the Bat had never been a part of her plan, but when the Riddler’s games threaten not only her years of careful preparations but also her childhood best friend’s life, she knows that the time for waiting is done.Whether she likes it or not, Carlotta is a Falcone through and through.  And Falcones always play to win, no matter what it takes.
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Name: Cillian Harker
Story: Murder City
Face Claim: Dominic Sherwood
Love Interest: Kara Cobblepot
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Name: Felicity Nashton
Story: Bury The Hatchet
Face Claim: Jodie Comer
Love Interest: TBD
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Name: Florence Pennyworth
Story: The Worst Of Me
Face Claim: Victoria Pedretti
Love Interest: Bruce Wayne
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Name: Gianna Iglesias
Story: Hell Hath No Fury
Face Claim: Eiza Gonzales
Love Interest: Bruce Wayne & Selina Kyle
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Name: Ginevra Maroni
Story: Welcome To The Jungle
Face Claim: Emily VanCamp
Love Interest: Bruce Wayne
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Name: Josette Cobblepot
Story: Look What You Made Me Do
Face Claim: Samara Weaving
Love interest: Bruce Wayne
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Name: Kara Cobblepot
Story: Murder City
Face Claim: Olivia Cooke
Love Interest: Cillian Harker
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Name: Katherine Wayne
Story: City Of Ruins
Face Claim: Florence Pugh
Love Interest: Milas Koval
At only seventeen years old, Katherine Wayne had seen more death than any teenager should have. She’d watched her parents murdered while walking home, had seen friends fatally shot in robberies across the city, and had just seen her first love brutally beaten to death.  Death may have been inevitable, but Gotham was a cursed city, and she knew that she had to leave.
After a blowout argument with her older brother, words spoken that neither could ever take back, Katherine left Gotham.  She travelled the world, picking up all sorts of skills and a vigilante identity to go with it, before settling down in Blüdhaven, where The Raven tried her best to keep the hellhole from turning into a second Gotham.  She continued to travel, going all the way to Nanda Parbat to train under Ra’s al Ghul, and refused to ever think of the home, the family, she’d left behind.
Until her plane sets down in London, a layover on her way back to Blud, and breaking news comes onto every TV screen.  A terrorist calling himself The Riddler had bombed Wayne Tower, and Alfred Pennyworth was left in critical condition.
Katherine Wayne had sworn never to return to Gotham, but she’d also sworn that she was done losing the people she loved.  Whether Bruce wanted her there or not, no force in heaven or hell would be enough to stop her from protecting what was left of her family.  But Gotham might not be big enough for a Raven and a Bat, and not everyone is happy to see another Wayne in their city.
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Name: Leander Zane Hayes
Story: Aviary
Face Claim: Ben Barnes
Love Interest: Ophelia Wayne
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Name: Mallie Quinzel
Story: Vigilante Shit
Face Claim: Sabrina Carpenter
Love Interest: Marina Falcone
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Name: Marina Falcone
Story: Vigilante Shit
Face Claim: Jenna Ortega
Love Interest: Mallie Quinzel
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Name: Milas Koval
Story: City Of Ruin 
Face Claim: Sebastian Stan
Love Interest: Katherine Wayne
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Name: Ophelia Wayne
Story: Aviary
Face Claim: Lily Collins
Love Interest: Leander Zane Hayes
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Name: Sarina Strange
Story: Mad Woman
Face Claim: Elizabeth Olsen
Love Interest: Bruce Wayne
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Name: Verity Atwood
Story: Blackout
Face Claim: Olivia Taylor-Dudley
Love Interest: TBD
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metalindex-hu · 1 year
The Hellfreaks – Pitch Black Sunset (2023)
The Hellfreaks – Pitch Black Sunset (2023) - https://metalindex.hu/2023/06/18/the-hellfreaks-pitch-black-sunset-2023-2/ -
A The Hellfreaks eddig a zenei látóhatárom horizontján volt. Tudtam a bandáról, nagyjából sejtettem az irányvonalat is, de igazából nem emlékszem, hogy egyetlen dalt is hallottam volna korábban. Aztán amikor a csapat gitárosa, Jozzy (lásd még Toxic Twins Project, LiveLifeHard,  ex-Wendigo, ex-Leander Rising, stb.) a rádióműsorom vendégeként a stúdióban járt, és a klipes Hit Me Where It Hurts volt az egyik saját, amit hozott természetesen elkezdtem az ismerkedést. És milyen jól tettem!
The Hellfreaks
Néhány mondatban megpróbálom összefoglalni, mit érdemes tudni a zenekarról. A csapatot Radnóti Zsuzsi (Shakey Sue) álmodta és alapította meg 2009 februárjában, és azóta alkotnak is különböző felállásban. Kezdetben amolyan surf-psycho punk volt a stílus (az első két lemezen), amiből mára a punkos lendület maradt meg. A 2016-os Astoria lemez egy köztes állapotot mutatott, ami egy modern rocklemez volt, a klipes I’m Away például már előre vetítette a folytatást. A 2020-as, nemzetközi szinten is elismerő kritikákat kapott God On The Run lemez nekem ugyan még nem adta meg magát, de az biztos, hogy ezek nem alaptalanok voltak. Azt az albumot már Jozzy csatlakozásával teljessé lett és azóta is meglévő felállás jegyzi. Az a lemez nekem még kicsit útkeresősnek érződik abban az értelemben, hogy ott még az erősebben jelenlévő dallamos punk hatások mellett kevésbé érzem hangsúlyosnak azokat a modern rockos témákat, amik az új lemezen olyan erőteljesek és – számomra legalábbis – “eladják” a bandát.
Egy csomó további fontos dolgot (például a Napalm Records szerződés létrejöttének kalandos történetét) pedig megtudhattok a Ric$Cast-ből:
Ezek után nézzük az április közepén megjelent Pitch Black Sunset lemezt.
A Sunrise egy alig másfél perces hangulatos, elektronikus intro, ami nem készít fel arra, ami a néhány másodperces csönd után a képünkbe robban az Old Tomorrows képében. Nos ez rögtön az elején egy akkora dal, hogy annak lendülete kis túlzással végig ki is tart az albumon. Akkora refrén van benne, hogy közhely ugyan, de sokan ölni tudnának érte és ezt még a csordavokállal is megfejelik. Zsuzsi kis túlzással ezer hangon szólal meg a dalban, amivel meg is mutatja, hogy érdemes odafigyelni rájuk. A Budai Béla, Domján Gábor ritmusszekció már itt leteszi a névjegyét. Jozzy gitározását pedig szerintem nem kell bemutatni, védjegyszerű szólója fontos része a dalnak. Nem véletlenül lett ez az első klipes dal. És nem véletlen az sem, hogy a Napalm Records fantáziát látott bennük.
A már említett szintén klipes Hit Me Where It Hurts megint kiváló refrénnel jön, de itt már visszaköszön az intro nyugisabb hangulata is. Minden bizonnyal nagyot üthet előben. Az ezt követő Chaos a címéhez méltóan zúz és tarol le bő másfél percben, Béla dobolása, Jozzy agyahagyott szólója mindenképp erőssége. A lemez központi tétele a Weeping Willow, ami nyilván nem véletlenül lett a leghosszabb, és természetesen a videó képi világa is erősíti a mondanivalót. Egy nagyon nyomasztó képi világú, brutálisnak is bátran nevezhető kisfilm készült 
A Body Bag kicsit visszakacsint a múltba, legalábbis ez egy punkosabb dal, amibe azért az elektronikával a második felébe elvitték egy indusztriálisabb irányba, ami nagyon jól áll nekik. Ezt az irányt folytatja a Rootless Soul Riot is, de ez visszautal a Chaos-ra is, ismét csak kiváló refrénnel. De még egy kis trappolós headbangelős kiállást is belecsempésztek a közepére. 
A visszafogottan induló kvázi címadó, aminek megint csak akkora refrénje van, hogy már az magában nyerő lenne, de megvan benne a The Hellfreaks minden erénye. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy nem véletlenül kapott ez is videót. Itt szerzőtársként Szebényi Dani is megjelenik. A végén megnyugszik a zúzás elcsendesedik, majd a lemezt mintegy keretbe foglalja az outroként érkező Sunset. 
Mit lehet még mondani? Én gratulálok a csapatnak és remélem, hogy az évek során befektetett energia megtérül, illetve a nemzetközi színtéren is elérjék a megérdemelt sikert! Számomra a banda az idei év nagy felfedezése és bízom benne, hogy a következő lemezük is legalább ennyire beszippant majd. Addig pedig igyekszem élőben is elcsípni őket, mert biztos vagyok benne, hogy a színpadon ezek a dalok hatalmas energiákat mozgatnak majd meg.
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Inspired by @incorrect-ninokuni’s post
This was a quick sketch while my NNK brain rot settled in
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araluenrangerdanger · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Ranger's Apprentice - John Flanagan Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Crowley Meratyn & Halt O'Carrick Characters: Crowley Meratyn, Halt O'Carrick, Leander (Ranger's Apprentice), Egon the Ranger (Ranger's Apprentice) Additional Tags: Coffee, Fun, coffee with honey, Ranger Gathering, Paperwork, Fluff, Friendship, Bets Series: Part 14 of The Ranger Mishaps Summary:
The Ranger Gathering is a stressful event for Crowley; however, Leander and Halt promise to take over his paperwork if he can drink a cup of coffee with honey. And Crowley would do anything to get rid of paperwork. Anything
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that-one-enby-ranger · 5 months
Conversations around at fire in TEY:
Leander: Would you slap Crowley- 
Halt: Yes. 
Leander: I didn't even finish! 
Halt: Sorry, continue. 
Leander: Would you slap Crowley for 10 dollars? 
Halt: I would do it for free. 
Crowley: Rude...
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Crowley, lying on the sofa, slowly: And he never understands that I try to pick him up.
Berrigan, sitting next to him, notebook in hand: Have you tried to be more obvious? Or more caring?
Crowley, tired: I've tried everything
Berrigan: Food?
Crowley: Sure, I've cooked for him hundreds of times, I've taken him to the inn for dinner a couple of times, made provisions for the road. I even feed his kids sometimes.
Berrigan: Hmm
Crowley: Ok, it's been a quarter of an hour, move along.
they swap places
Crowley emphatically from above the notebook: And what, dude, you're still acting like it's a school love and just staring at him instead of, I don't know, trying to talk to him?
Berrigan: I felt attacked, and this was supposed to be a safe space
Crowley, sighs heavily: Never mind, tell me what's new with the song for him. Just please cut out the descriptions of the smile and the eyes because I've had enough, I've really got it, yeah, he's smiling nicely, you can leave that out
Berrigan, a bit offended: Mind to remember that you-
Crowley: Okay, fine, say what you need to say just keep in mind I am the one who needs to be able to look Leander straight in the face in one hour, so...
Berrigan: Straight?
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thatoneperson747 · 2 years
Church Doodles!!
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His nose is a little bigger than I originally thought-
Hope you like it!!
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aggressivemacintosh · 5 years
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Headcannons for the Early years. Bad quality cause I was rushing
-softest boy -kiss your heart and your ass goodbye -has a awful temper on him -insecure about his nose -will break yours though -great at multi-tasking
-surprisingly protective -glares actually kill -weak stomach -people watches -Pritchard taught him english -very strong accent -can barely understand him
-probably your new dad -always telling people to step up -calls everyone "sonny" -even Egon -you better say "yes mam" and “yes sir” -probably the only one who actually respects duncan
-more like FERAL -wields a battleaxe -tuff stuff -anger issues -literal bull in a china shop -"who the hell would tell that to a man with a battle axe" -probably does somthin like pottery
Berrigan -musical -that one kid who WON'T STOP QUOTING DISNEY -thomas sander vine of "unwelcome duet" -power walks -only ones who dares to call halt "kiddo"
Egon  -Old crusty and a little weird -Pervert -loves beer but he loves dem booties more -Indecisive  -"great with the ladies"
-mr. is this against the law? -ships everybody -kinda a cinnamon roll -actually has porn magazines though -always gets nervous when people watch him
-probably has a vendetta against crowley -REALLY picky - B -has greasy hair -Drinks starbucks coffee and nothing else -would watch you sleep just to make fun of the way you snore
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malachi-walker · 5 years
Okay, funny but true story, I actually know a guy named Cyrus Leandros. I introduced him to canon Catra first then your Catra, and he f***in' loves that you gave a such a strong female character a strong surname. He also loves that you chose a Greek name to correspond with her Persian (Purrsian for canon reference) first name. He said it really compliments cultural heritage and her character very nicely. 👍
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Oh my gosh, thanks so much for telling me about this! I can't really take credit for the awesome Persian cultural reference (though now that I know about it I am all here for it, because WOW) because C'yra is a reference to the original 80s show where 80s Catra infiltrated the Magicats by pretending to be their missing queen (80s She-ra was kinda weird.) But that is so damn cool.
And if I have to give characters last names, you bet I'm gonna go for something that sounds cool and strong. Plus, as I brought up in my brief worldbuilding post about the last names in the au, between Leandros' leonine connotations and the tie-in to the myth of Hero and Leander, it was definitely the best choice. ;D
Anyway, thank you so much for both reading and introducing the au to your bud, and give a mega shoutout to Cyrus for me for being the bearer of one of the coolest names I have ever heard. 👍
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