#lawyer john wick au
blindbatalex · 6 months
@buck-stars thank you for enabling me. re that mob au -- i was playing with @specificallybruins's marchy as the mob lawyer idea while I swam today and:
Maybe Brad gets out of law school wanting to have a normal career for himself, but then Zee saves his life in a brawl or something, and a couple of years later, lo and behold he is THE lawyer for the bruins mob, handling everything from tax implications for their money laundering business ventures to finding loopholes to avoid criminal charges to figuring out which cops to bribe to turn them a blind eye.
Bergy, meanwhile, is Zee's second in command, and as such is probably too senior to do something as boring as pore over tax law with Brad for hours, but that's exactly what he does time and again.
And it's not like Brad is complaining because Bergy is great company AND he is fit. Brad kinda wants to keep some separation from the mob though (as a lawyer, he works with them, but technically not for them, and fraternising w/ their 2nd in command would put a stop to that) and besides, the fun they have while they work together aside, would someone as gorgeous as bergy really look brad's way? highly doubtful.
and still there is this exhilirating connection between them, they get into and out of scraps and when they work on something meaningful together (so not tax law) they make each other better. and they have fun doing it.
And things you can write within that base set up are so delicious. like I want to write about bergy showing up at brad's house covered up in blood and giving brad a heart attack, but it's not his blood and there is a terrible, vacant look in his eyes and he doesn't explain but he does let brad clean it off and wrap him in a blanket.
or brad gets roughed up -- maybe by an ex bf? -- bergy finds out and he goes berserk, when brad never asked or expected it.
or bergy calls brad bc he is out of bullets and bleeding and any moment now they will find him and kill him but the moment brad realises he is calling to say goodbye and that he is not that far from where brad is driving thru, he, who has never killed anyone before, goes on a one man john wick style mission to rescue him, maybe getting shot himself in the process. there is just so much you can do 👀
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well i said it was going to happen...and it has...(I just love his silly little smirk)
apparently army man is now my type of blorbo (shaking my fist at Jacob Seed for being a gateway drug lol) also I refuse to tell anyone how much time I spent on that chest hair...
And for those of you not in my newest brainrot fandom, a snippet from Kakia (the Herald/Role Swap AU):
Kit circles the bar, fingers drifting over chrome plated metal and glossy hardwood as she reaches the assorted crystal carafes filled with liquor. Snatching one up in her hands, she pulls out the stopper, and her pale blue eyes flick up to meet her guest’s stare. “I hear you used to be a lawyer in Atlanta, John.” She dips a finger past the rim of an empty glass and drags it towards herself, crystal ringing out like a bell, before pouring the amber liquid. Nonchalantly adding, “Before you were disbarred of course.”
He grasps at the material of his trousers with sweaty palms, his tongue dipping against his lip. “Yes.”
“What happened?” She plunges the stopper back into the carafe and spins the liquor around her glass, a wicked grin spreading across her lips. “If you don’t mind me asking.”
“I made some mistakes, fell prey to my vices.”
Kit nods and takes a sip from her drink, swiping her thumb across her lower lip to wipe away any drops of the scotch that tried to escape her before resting her chin on her hand. “Care for a drink, John?”
His bright eyes stare at the glass in her hand as he swallows heavily. “I don’t drink.”
“Don’t or can’t?” He looks at her unsure of how to answer and she quickly takes that as her invitation in, using his moment of weakness as a weapon against him. “You know, I lived my life for a long time entirely imposed upon. Told what I was supposed to do, had my whole life chosen for me because of my father. He raised me to believe that I had to fight and die for my country because that’s all I was really worth to him. He had me convinced that that was how I would win his love and approval. How I'd become his pride and joy. But that wasn’t true. I thought I'd seen the world because I’d traveled it, but I was still blind. I missed out on so many of life’s experiences all to make someone else happy.” She takes another sip of her drink, indulging in the warm burn it left down the back of her throat. “But I don’t live like that anymore. Now I do what I want, when I want. Taking in all of what life has to offer. It’s highs, it’s lows. All of its sensations.” 
John swallows heavily, the sound of him gulping his own saliva is music to her ears knowing her claws are settling in nice and deep into the meat of him. 
“Now John, will you take that drink?” A red brow lifts as she offers the temptation once more. 
“Yes. Scotch. Please.”
Her smile widens to reveal jaws filled with sparkling white teeth. “Good boy.”
Pouring him a drink, she carries it over and takes a seat on the couch beside him.  She passes him the glass and then pulls open a drawer on the table beside her grabbing an ornate box inside it. Lifting the lid, she pulls out a pre-rolled joint. 
Long fingers caress the cool glass in his hand, stroking it as he watches her lick her lips and slip the joint in her mouth before flicking back the metal lid of her lighter. The flame dances as it’s held to the tip, making it glow orange as smoke trails up to the rafters. 
“My brother wouldn’t be very happy about that.”
Pale eyes glance sideways and linger on him, narrowing as she flicks the lid of the lighter closed. “It’s legal here. I have my own crop growing up at the conservatory. Pure and organic.” She passes the joint to John. “Don’t tell me you don’t smoke either?”
“I used to. But then that led to other things –”
The corner of her mouth lifts into a smirk. “You really fell for all that gateway drug bullshit?” Her gaze traces over him judgmentally. “Didn’t know when to stop, huh?”
John takes the joint from her but only holds it instead of partaking in it. “Eventually nothing feels as good anymore, and then you need more on top of that.”
Kit stretched her arms out along the back of the couch, leaning into the cushions as she tipped her head back blowing out smoke rings. “Nothing wrong with that. I've never seen the downside to excess, taking and taking until there’s nothing left to give.”
Ash falls onto the legs of his trousers and without a spare hand he’s forced to bring the joint to his mouth to brush it away.
“It’s second nature to you. Why change that?” She asks, turning to him and pulling the joint from his mouth.
Sputtering out smoke as he coughs, she laughs and it’s warm and friendly, but it doesn’t meet her eyes – there is something cold and empty within them.
“Because I was tail spinning out of control.”
“Out of control,” she scoffs, rolling her eyes. “You just hadn’t found a place where you belong yet. But I think you’re going to enjoy it here, John.”
Squeezing his shoulder tight, he turns to look at her. Big, bright eyes sparkle in her direction. Looking at her like she was an angel bathed in the holy light of God. His vision swimming, body melting into the couch. 
“Really, why’s that?”
She curled up against him, pushing her fingers through his dark hair. “We have what you need,” she purred.
“What do I need?” he asked, staring at her lips as his eyes glazed over.
“Freedom.” Her mouth ghosted against his and she stared at him like he was supper. 
“Yes,” he managed to hiss before slumping forward, his forehead pressing into her shoulder.
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indynerdgirl · 2 years
Topgun AU Ideas
As I was scrolling through the Topgun tag on AO3 the other night, I realized that I was starting to see the same tropes and AUs over & over again. And while not a bad thing at all, personally, I'm just starting to get a little bored of reading the same story over & over.
So I started thinking about what kind of AUs I would love to see in the Topgun fandom and then I started making a list and it kind of spiraled out of control. Oops. 😆
I now present to you all my somewhat organized list of AU ideas! And feel free to use them for any fandom, I was just thinking about Topgun as I came up with them all. It's also by no means an exhaustive list so I probably missed some obvious ones.
Military AU ideas: Pentagon/Joint Chiefs/White House Advisor (think The West Wing but for the military - this is the one I've been dying to see someone tackle!) Navy JAG NCIS Blue Angels Air Force Instead of Navy Astronauts/NASA Test Pilots Naval Academy Instructors Adversary/Aggressor Squadron Office of Naval Intelligence Sailors Instead of Pilots Submariners Instead of Pilots Naval Flight School Instructors (Aviation Preflight Indoctrination, Primary Flight Training, Intermediate Flight Training, and/ or Advanced Flight Training)
Character AU ideas: Natasha is Maverick's daughter/niece  Bob is Maverick's son/nephew  Natasha is Ice's daughter/niece Bob is Ice's son/nephew Maverick is Amelia's father Penny Is Also a Pilot Penny’s Father Is An Air Force General Obligatory Goose/Carole/Ice Lives AUs Maverick’s Dad/Mom Lives Any of the younger pilots is the kid of one of the other 86 boys
And a whole lot more under the cut!
American Historical AU ideas: Colonial/Revolutionary War Post-Revolutionary War Lewis & Clark War of 1812 Mexican-American War/The Alamo Wild West (good guys or bad guys) Organ Trail The Gold Rush (California or Alaska) Pony Express Civil War/Reconstruction Transcontinental Railway Cattle Drives Industrial Revolution/The Gilded Age WWI Bootleggers/Rum Runners/1920s Jazz Age Great Depression/Dust Bowl WWII Korean War Vietnam War 1950s/Greasers Moon Race/1960s NASA 1980s/The Cold War
Other Historical AU Ideas: Ancient Greece/Rome Middle Ages Renaissance Tudor Elizabethan Georgian Regency Napoleonic Victorian Edwardian
Fandom AUs: The West Wing Firefly The Avengers Agents of Shield Star Wars Star Trek Harry Potter Percy Jackson Ocean's 11 Mission Impossible Bourne Tom Clancy/Jack Ryan Jack Reacher John Wick Friends New Girl Supernatural How I Met Your Mother Chuck Downton Abbey CSI Jurassic Park Indiana Jones The Office Parks and Rec Pacific Rim
Other Profession AU ideas: Coffee Shop Book Shop Bakery/Candy Maker Winery/Distillery Restaurant/Chef Bartender/Bar Mechanic/Car Repair Shop Doctor/Medical/Hospital Firefighter/Police Officer/Detective Wildfire Firefighter Florist Tattooist Gardener/Gardening Horse Racing Motorsports (NASCAR/F1/Motocross, ect) Professional Sports (baseball, football, hockey, soccer, basketball) Rodeo/Bull Riding Olympians Air Racing (it’s a real thing!) Actors (movie or stage)/Celebrity Ballet Dancers Teachers College Professors Lawyers/Judges National Park Ranger Cruise Ship Pet Groomer/Veterinarian Farmer/Rancher Banker/Financial Bodyguards Zoo Museum/Living Museum Musician/Band Mall (everyone works at different stores at the same mall) Marketing Archeologist Spies Reporters/Journalist News Anchors Lifeguards Assassins Criminals/Thieves/Heist Bounty Hunter
Misc AU Ideas: Royalty/Lost Royalty Time Travel Fae/Fairy Mermaids/Selkies Witch/Wizard Werewolves/Vampires Fantasy/Magic (including modern/urban settings) High Fantasy Dragons Soulmates (color blindness, first words, timestamps, matching marks, can share emotions, Red String of Fate, can share dreams, can see/talk to each other in dreams, can write on each other's skin, telepathic, Soulmate Goose of Enforcement) Omegaverse/ABO (not everyone’s cup of tea, just putting it out there!) Roommates Pirates High School College Mob/Mafia Fairytale Arranged Marriage Accidental Marriage Fake Dating/Engagement/Marriage Superhero/Villain Apocalypse/Post-Apocalypse Forbidden Love Boarding School Space/Sci-Fi Road Trip Summer Camp Immortal/Reincarnation Hallmark Movie Amnesia Pen Pals Resurrection Animal Shapeshifter May this list inspire all of you amazing fanfic writers out there! 💜
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marypsue · 8 months
so, bluebeard's daughter 👀
[from this meme]
This title is a bit of a misnomer, now. I started this document when I started writing bluebeard's daughter, and then just kept adding to it when I started a sequel (scheherazade's son) and then a three-quel (tam lin's twin).
This is a Stranger Things AU combining elements of seasons 1 and 2, which started with a prompt to somehow make the crackship of Joyce Byers/Martin Brenner work, and turned into a horror story in which Brenner married Joyce to get custody of Will and Jonathan and all three of them got disappeared and experimented on. (Yes, I return to the same well with some frequency. What can I say. Agatha Christie wrote about murder, John Grisham writes about lawyers, and I write about furtive human experimentation and superpowers.)
The title of the document, bluebeard's daughter, is a reference to how Joyce is being gaslit to think she's had a psychotic break and been institutionalised, and how her uncovering the truth that's being deliberately kept from her (thereby putting herself in danger of her life at the hand of her husband) goes hand in hand with her finding El (her husband's 'daughter'). Oh, the cleverness of me.
The first part focused on Joyce, and the second on Jonathan. I'm currently working on the third and final part, which is focused on Will, Mike, and El. I've been sitting on an absolutely awful wonderful idea of what's going on with Will in re: psychic powers since I was halfway through the second part, and if it turns out that season four sniped it, don't tell me.
Because of the storytelling/fairy tale theme that's been running through the titles so far, I'm experimenting with some fairytale-style interludes throughout the third part. Have a sample, because, well, technically you did ask:
Once upon a time, a girl lived with her papa in the heart of a deep, dark wood. They were very happy, just the two of them together, for a time. But what the girl did not know was that her papa was not her papa at all. That the man she called her papa was really a wicked sorcerer, who had stolen her away from her true mother at birth to feed his own dark powers. When the girl learned that this was true, she fled the home her papa had built for her, in the heart of the deep, dark wood. But he had built it well, and strongly, and hidden it best of all, and the woods were so very deep and so very dark. Though the girl found friends along the way, she could not find her way out of the woods. And it did not take her papa’s many men very long to find her again. The girl’s papa told her he wasn’t angry with her, when those men brought her before him. That it only made him sad that she would try to leave him. That she would want to leave the deep, dark woods, which were the only home she knew. The only place where she would ever belong. The girl’s papa told her, when he locked her up inside a tower far above the ground, with no doors or windows save the one to which he held the only key, that he did it only to protect her from the wolves that called those woods their home, as well. That he did it only for her own good.
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my-various-aus · 2 years
A little more info for my John Wick AU.
Leo is 26, while Donnie and Raph are both 24, when Mikey died.
Mikey was 13 and has the role of Helen, being the reason his brothers left the criminal world behind, because they didn’t want him to grow up like they did.
Unfortunately, Mikey also has Daisy’s role, being needlessly killed by Hun, when he comes to rob them one night.
Hun is the leader of the Purple Dragons, taking the role of Iosef, the arrogant little shit that just decided to rob some random guy of his car and kill the only good thing he had.
Oroku Saki/Shredder is the leader of the Foot Clan, who has Viggo’s role, but only to the extent that he can explain to Hun exactly how much he fucked up, attacking the Hamato brothers.
The Foot Clan does have an alliance with the Purple Dragons, so Shredder could try to protect Hun from Leo, Raph, and Donnie, but he ain’t sticking his neck out for some dumbass.
April is both the owner of her family’s antique shop and an arms dealer.
Casey helps out in April’s shop on both ends; he’s the one who primarily tests out her weapons, to make sure they’re in working order.
Karai is Shredder’s daughter, right-hand woman, and lawyer; she’s about as unimpressed with Hun as her father and is more worried about any of the Foot’s men or assets getting caught in the crossfire.
Since Shredder refuses to aid Hun in getting the Hamato brothers off his trail, he has to rely on his own gang’s resources to deal with them.
Hamato Yoshi is the owner and leader of a ballet company, training up wayward children into criminals. He is the one who raised and trained Leo, Raph, and Donnie into the assassins they are and he would have done the same with Mikey, if the other three hadn’t objected.
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realitidoll · 1 year
I’ll be posting short drabbles while working on other fics. Also.. I am working on a John Wick lawyer au series.. hopefully it turns out good.
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derelictdumbass · 2 years
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diversity win! the hitman coming to kill you is nonbinary, queer and has a cat!
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I'm still here
Summary: Soulmate AU: People meet their soulmates every day. Lana on the other hand just wanted to have a little talk about all the ghost tattoos and scars that seemed to appear daily on her body. John didn’t even know his soulmate existed until three little words appears in his ankle. Things changed after that.
Pairing: John Wick x OFC
Wordcount: 4.3k
Warnings: angst, scars, dogs, torture, blood, also fluff
follow @toomanystoriessolittletime-fics to get notified when I post new fics
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“Fuck,” a sharp pain on her back interrupted Lana’s sleep. Groaning her hand reached for the spot that caused her pain, her fingertips finding a huge scar. Leaning to her side she switched the lamp on her bedside table on, getting out of bed. She walked to the bathroom, turning in front of the mirror to look at her back.
Was that a burn wound?
Fuck it still hurt. Looking closer at it she tried to make out what it was. A cross. Shaking her head she sighed, going back to bed. Another one to add to her collection. Jack, her dog, looked at her with sleepy eyes.
“Yeah I know. Sorry,” she patted her head until the dog was back asleep again.
“What the fuck are you doing?” she asked in the night, knowing she wouldn’t get an answer. Rubbing over the spot that didn’t even hurt anymore she sighed.
All of her friends were gushing about their soulmates. How perfect they were, how it seemed like the universe clicked the moment they laid eyes on each other for the first time.
Well Sam’s soulmate was a retail manager and Emma’s soulmate was a lawyer. The worst scar they had was a dolphin tattoo at a spot no one would see if they didn’t know.
Lana could remember the day she woke up, a tingling sensation on her back. It was a feeling she didn’t know before. At that point it had been two years since the scars started. Faint scars mostly on her legs and back that kept reminding her that somewhere out on this planet her soulmate was very much alive. Even though sometimes she thought they didn’t really care to be alive. Then again, maybe they worked with the police? No, the tingling sensation was different. She remembered taking her shirt off, turning in the mirror and gasping as she saw what it was. A tattoo. On her whole back.
“You gotta be fucking kidding me…” she groaned. Fine white lines now graced her whole back. The ink from a real tattoo is missing, only the scar visible. A ghost tattoo.
"Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat,” she squinted. Lana would find out later that it was latin and translated to "fortune favors the bold" which apparently was the motto of the marines. Maybe this could be her explanation for the scars. A marine. A long time Lana lived with the idea that her soulmate was serving somewhere, their job dangerous.
“Maybe he doesn’t know you exist,” Sam had said once, many years later, catching Lana off guard.
“What do you mean?”
“Did you ever hurt yourself so that your soulmate would have a scar from you?”
She didn’t. Growing up Lana scared plenty, always falling on her knees, but ever since she turned 18 and the whole Soulmate thing started? Nothing.
“You should get a tattoo. So your soulmate knows you’re alive.”
And so she did. A little tattoo on her ankle that said “I’m still here”.
Shortly after her tattoo, it all stopped. Like they vanished. Like whoever her soulmate was received her message. But not after giving her some of the worst scars she ever received. Whatever they had been doing before it just stopped, it had to be painful.
She told herself that maybe they had fallen in battle. Which should give her some comfort, knowing that they weren’t in constant pain anymore. Lana continued her life, moved to New York city, found new friends, found a new job, found a man who warmed her bed. She didn’t love him. She wasn’t even sure she was capable of loving someone. Of course she felt attraction, Lana was no virgin by all means but it always felt like there was something missing. Deep down she knew what it was. And she learned to live with that ache. Learning to be happy without her soulmate.
Until one day, she was just about to get out with her dog, she felt a pain she hadn’t felt in years. Jack barked, sniffling at her confused as she grabbed her wrist. And there, right there was a faint white line that hadn’t been there before.
Ever since that day it was like there were constant scars. Every day she would feel the familiar pain of a new scar. It was worse than ever before.
Her whole body looked like she was constantly fighting a war against… she didn’t know. But tonight she wanted to forget about it all. Lana had met this guy a week before. It had been a while since she had an orgasm that didn’t come from her own hand.
Taking a last look in the mirror she winked at herself.
She didn’t know if she would ever find her soulmate. But maybe tonight she would find someone who would make her forget about that even just for a few hours.
That the man she met tonight would be the reason her soulmate would find her, was something Lana would find only out much much later.
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John wasn’t in constant pain anymore. The soup kitchen took really good care of him after his, let’s call it fall. John was finished with the high table. Or what was remaining of it.
“What are you going to do now?” Winston asked him. He looked at the man, still confused why the fuck he didn’t just shoot him on sight when he first saw him after he shot him off the roof.
“I don’t know. Maybe a nice vacation.”
Winston chuckled.
“Yeah that soulmate of yours must have had quite painful weeks Jonathan.”
John sighed, crossing his legs, his thumb brushing over the three words that were his only clue that he even had a soulmate.
“Yeah,” John said, standing up.
“Jonathan?” he heard Winston say. He stopped walking, looking over his shoulder.
“I hope that for both of our sakes that we never see each other again.”
“Goodbye Winston.”
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He really didn’t know what would come next. His house was a graveyard and he didn’t want to go back to. Back to where Helen and him had been happy until she...
He shook his head. He had loved Helen.
When he met her John didn’t think he had a soulmate. Not once in all those years had there ever been a clue that he had a soulmate. It was on the night he proposed to Helen that he felt something he hadn’t felt before. A burning pain on his ankle. Three words that made his whole world crash down on him. I’m still here. Of course he had told Helen. She had lost her Soulmate in a car crash years ago. And John loved her. He really did. And even more so when all she did when he told him was give him one of her bright smiles, telling him that it’s okay.
He married her anyway and he wouldn’t change a thing.
And during his marriage to Helen, he would sometimes forget that there still was someone out there. But it caught up with him. When Helen got sick those three words on his ankle gave him more comfort than he had ever felt in his life before. He wanted to tell his soulmate so many things. How sorry he was for all the scars he put on their body. God. The tattoo. While he liked it on his body, it was a whole different thing knowing it was on the back of another person who didn’t ask for it.
John rented an apartment outside of New York City until he decided what to do or where to live. He did pretty much the same thing every day. Wake up, get Dog out, come back and work on some books, get out with dog again, eat, sleep. Sometimes he would run into his neighbors on his way out. There was a woman, he thinks she lives upstairs who had a dog too. Jack was her name. He remembered the laugh of his neighbor when he gave her a confused look.
“Always wanted to have a dog named Jack,” she had explained with a shrug before she had walked out, probably to get to work.
They kept running into each other, either one on their way out or in. He liked her, even if he still didn’t know her name. She always had a smile on her lips when he saw her.
It was a couple weeks later when he noticed Jack upstairs barking for the whole day. Thinking about it, he hadn’t seen his neighbor in a couple days. When he heard footsteps upstairs after two days he made his way up, finding an older looking woman who was apparently cleaning the apartment.
“It’s not like her to just leave. Lana never leaves Jack alone.”
“You haven’t heard of her?” John asked, the woman shook her head.
“I tried calling her, but it’s going straight to voicemail. And… I don’t want to leave Jack alone here.”
“Do you think something happened to her?” John asked.
“I don’t know. I’m gonna try to reach her sister. But…. I’m worried.”
That worried John too, a nagging feeling on the back of his head. He liked her. Lana. He didn’t even know her name until now but it fit her.
“I don’t know what to do with Jack…”
“I’ll take her,” John offered. “If you can’t reach her, please let me know. And go to the police.”
The woman nodded, packing some things for Jack before he took the dog with him downstairs and made a couple of calls. He was worried for Lana. He had talked to the woman a little longer, learning that Lana had her own bookshop in the city. Of course she had, he thought. When he had gone through all of his remaining contacts he sighed. If someone would find something, they would call him. He may be retired again, but people wouldn’t dare to test his patience.
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He continued with his life, still undecided on what to do next. He was getting bored. That’s the only reason he accepted the job he got offered to work as head of security for the family of an italian diplomat. He found out a little later that his new boss and the D’Antonio family had been sworn enemies.
Life continued easy for John. Still worried for Lana who hadn’t been back in her apartment for almost a month. He still had enough time to work on his books and live a somewhat easy life.
Until the scaring started.
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Lana didn’t know how much time had passed. Her throat hurt as she tried to swallow. Slowly blinking her eyes open she found herself lying on the same shitty bed she had been for days? Weeks? Months? She didn’t know.
What she did know was that her date, Fabrizio, turned out to be a fucking psychopath. She winced when she sat herself up, her wrists bloody from the cable ties that he used to keep her restrained. Looking down at her body she was glad she wasn’t completely naked. Scars littered her whole body. Scars that were her’s and not her soulmates. Her capturer seemed to have a preference for knives. And she was truly scared of what would happen, once he grew bored with her.
He didn’t force himself on her. Yet. She could feel his eyes on her all the time, even when he wasn’t in the room. Like now. A single lightbulb was providing some light. She stretched her muscles as far as she could. She had only enough room to walk to the toilet and the bed. At least he thought of that.
“You’ awake amore?” she heard his voice, her breathing getting quicker. Closing her eyes Lana forced her body to remain calm. Shehad tried everything to get out of here. The last time he had almost killed her, a nasty scar on your inner thigh would remind her of that for her whole life. If she ever got out of here. Lana heard the door open, and she forced herself to look up, seeing him enter.
“You ready for another lesson?” he asked and she shuddered.
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John was on edge.
He got a call earlier today with information on Lana. Additional to that the new scars on his body that now seemed to appear daily and he had no fucking idea what to do. Was this how his soulmate felt when he was younger or when he was on a job? It was hell for John. But he had to snap out of it. Today he might have the opportunity to bring back Lana. It was Winston of all people who called him this morning and told him that he might do well checking out what the son of his new employer was up to. He hadn’t met the man before but it took him only three hours to find out that something was odd.
He seemed to spend his whole time on a secluded and abandoned company site. He only found that out because of the phone records. Yeah, he had learned a thing or two since he started working again.
So this is how he found himself at said building, gun in his hand. He had been watching for a couple hours, seeing no one else enter. The more intelligent thing to do was to call for backup. But his only back up was the security details his boss paid. And he doubted they would show up to help get his son.
He felt the familiar rush as he stepped into the building. He lingered in the shadows as he sneaked deeper into the building. There were no people around. No guards, nothing.
What the fuck was he doing here? His car was still outside so he had to be here.
John checked his phone, seeing that he was still at the same spot as the phone signal he tracked earlier. He stepped out of the shadows, rounding a corner when he heard a whimper. A female whimper.
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“Are you going to listen amore? Or do I have to punish you again?” Fabrizio asked. Lana whimpered, the blade breaking the skin on her neck.
“I’ll be good. I promise.”
The blade left her skin and she breathed out relieved.
“Good girl. Don’t want to scar your beautiful face yet.”
“What happens to me?” Lana asked with a small voice, looking at the floor. She was strapped to a chair. This time naked and she couldn’t help the tears. Constant tears ever since he came in and demanded her to strip. His hands on her body making her skin crawl.
“What do you mean?”
“Are you gonna kill me?”
“Probably,” he said and she sobbed.
“Why me?”
She looked up, seeing him with a scalpel.
“Because I like to destroy pretty things.”
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John heard a scream that let his blood run cold.. Without wasting any more time he quickly made his way to where constant screams were coming from, hoping he wouldn’t be too late.
“Please. Please don’t… Please….” he heard someone cry out and he pushed away the thought that he knew this voice. He just had to get to her. He breathed in deep, calming himself when he pushed the door open.
The pain was almost blinding. Lana didn’t know what he was doing as she struggled against her restraints. Fabrizio was pushing against her to keep her still as he worked with the scalpel on her stomach. He was so focused that he didn’t notice how the door behind him opened. But she did.
Through her tears she saw someone enter, a man dressed completely in black. Maybe it was death himself, finally coming for her. She closed her eyes, relaxing her body in acceptance.
And just like that the pain stopped.
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John had been angry before, but the fury that was pumping through his veins at seeing Lana restrained on a chair and a man towering over her, causing her immense pain, was nothing he had experienced before.
He didn’t even notice he reacted, finding himself on top of the man who looked up at him with wide eyes, John’s hands around his throat. John wanted to cause him as much pain as he did Lana. Instead he broke his neck, the man dead immediately. John breathed in deeply, calming his shaking body as he got up, not batting the man an eye as he turned around. He averted his eyes as he saw Lana completely naked. He got out of his jacket, finding his pocket knife. Lana was still sitting in the chair, breathing calmly as if she was meditating.
He had seen much in his life. But the many cuts over her whole body were making him sick. Carefully he cut through the cable ties that restrained her wrists to the chair before he pulled his jacket over her naked body. He kneeled down, cutting through the ties on her ankles, as he saw a tattoo of three words that mirrored the scars on his. He stopped in his tracks, looking up at the woman in front of him. He reached up carefully lifting his jacket up to look at her right shoulder to find faint scars in the form of the cross tattoo that was on his arm.
He breathed in deeply, pulling the jacket down again. Everything seemed to click into place as he thought about the last weeks. How he always felt on edge, but didn’t know why.
Lana, his neighbor, was his soulmate.
She whimpered.
“Lana? Lana, it’s me John. Your... neighbor….” he said softly. She blinked her eyes open, looking down.
“John?” she whispered.
“I’m getting you out of here and into a hospital,” he said softly.
“No… no hospital. Just… I wanna go home,” she cried.
John looked at her, feeling his heart break.
“I’m gonna carry you okay?”
He saw her nod as he leaned down and carefully picked her up and into his arms. He felt her small arms come around his neck.
“Thank you,” she whispered against his neck. John didn’t look back as he carried her out of the room and then out of the building.
“Can you stand?” he asked. She nodded weakly as he put her down, leaning her against his car.
“I’m gonna grab a blanket from the trunk,” he told her. His mind was going a million miles per hour. He opened the trunk, getting a blanket and the first aid kit. Getting back quickly he pulled the blanket around her before he opened the door and helped her si in the passenger's seat.
“I’m gonna put a bandaid on the cut on your stomach,” he said but when he looked up he noticed that she fell asleep. He shook his head, making quick work of bandaging her before he carefully closed the door.
He tried to calm his mind, still feeling the rage bubbling in his chest. Picking his phone he called his boss. It connected right away.
“Your son kidnapped my soulmate. You can find him at the abandoned company grounds of the Miller’s downtown.”
“Mr. Wick…”
“If you don’t want me to come after your whole family I suggest you forget you even know my name,” he threatened.
“Of course.”
John ended the call before he got into the car. He looked at Lana who was still sleeping. Starting the car he couldn’t stop from carefully taking her hand in his.
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Lana blinked her eyes open slowly. There was light coming through the window. It looked like it was early morning. The mattress beneath her was soft and she was tucked in like a child. Where was she? Turning her head she noticed someone sitting in the chair next to her bed.
It was her neighbor. John. The events of the last hours caught up with her and she gasped, her hand flying over her mouth. John blinked his eyes open, finding hers.
“Lana?” he asked.
“You saved me. He was… He wanted to… Oh god…” she whimpered.
“Hey…” John was at her side immediately, taking her hand.
“You’re safe. He will never hurt you ever again,” she relaxed when she felt his hand around hers.
“How… How did you find me?” she asked.
“I… I have contacts. You were missing for almost three months. The moment someone saw something I went to get you. I’m sorry it took so long.”
“John. Why were you looking for me?” she asked. He sighed.
“I… I don’t know. I noticed that something was wrong two days after you’ve been gone. It was Jack…”
“How is she?” Lana asked immediately. John smiled softly.
“She’s sleeping in the living room on my couch.”
“You took care of her?” she asked with tears in her eyes.
“Of course. I would…” he stopped himself.
“Thank you. So much. I....” she shook her head.
“You should try to sleep some more. It’s still early.”
“Okay,” she whispered. John wanted to get up and get back to his chair.
“Could… could you hold my hand until I’m asleep?” she asked shyly. John smiled, his heart warming a little.
“Of course.”
John had never seen a happier dog than Jack a couple of hours later. Lana was holding her tightly, silently crying into her soft fur. He had given Lana an old shirt of himself and some of his pyjama pants that were way too big for her.
“I missed you so much, my perfect girl,” Lana whispered.
Dog sat beside John, looking up at him.
“I know you want to go out but…”
“It’s okay. Would you… Would you take Jack too? I… I would love to take a shower. And I probably should go to see a doctor.”
“I can ask a doctor to come here. For all the cuts. Did.. did he…?”
Lana shook her head.
“He didn’t. I… I don’t know what he wanted with me…”
John walked over, hesitantly putting a hand on her shoulder. He could feel the scarring of his tattoo on her arm.
“It’s not your fault. He was a psychopath. And he will never hurt you or anyone ever again.” She looked up at him. She had been attracted to John ever since he moved in. That he was the one that saved her seemed like a sign from the universe. If he believed in stuff like that. Slowly she turned.
“Thank you for saving me John,” she took his hand, noticing that he was missing a finger. His ring finger. She frowned, looking at her left ring finger. There was an ugly scar she had no idea how to explain. It hadn’t been that long ago that she had gotten it. It was one of the most painful scars she had received from her soulmate.
“I’m gonna take the dogs out and call the doctor. Will pick up some food too. Are you okay here? I can get you to your apartment…”
“No… No. I want to stay here, if that’s okay…” she said and John nodded with a soft smile. She looked up at him. His warm brown eyes looking down at her. She wanted to touch him, to be close to him…
“I’ll get you some towels. I’ll be back as fast as I can.”
She knew that she had to get back to her apartment at some point. The problem was that everytime she was alone longer than an hour she was close to a panic attack.
Four weeks had gone by and she was still living with John. She was sure he must be getting sick of her by now. Yet he didn’t let it show. Quite the opposite. He always seemed to know what she needed.
Right now he was lying on the couch, asleep. She had told him that she felt bad for taking his bed away from her but he had just shrugged it off. Telling her that he was okay. She liked John. She could see herself falling for John. Or maybe she already did. Her scars had healed over the last weeks, leaving her almost as good as before.
But spending so much time together, she also noticed his scars. When she was still healing she didn’t think much about it but now…
They had the same scars on their wrists. A nasty cut on their right elbow. His missing finger and her ugly scar on the same place. John sighed in his sleep, moving, his shirt moving up his arm. She could see a tattoo and she reached to her left arm, her fingertips running over the fine lines of one of her ghost tattoos.
“John?” she whispered. He groaned and she smiled.
“John?” she asked again and he blinked his eyes open. Sleepily he looked at her.
“Are you okay?” he asked, his voice deep with sleep.
“Can I check your ankle?” she asked. That seemed to wake him up. He sat himself up, looking down at her. He got his legs off the couch so she was kneeling between his legs and swallowed.
“Okay,” he whispered. She smiled softly as she carefully pushed his pyjama pants up, revealing his ankle. And there, almost not visible if you didn’t know they were theore, there were three words that mirrored her own tattoo.
She couldn’t help the smile that came to her lips.
“You’re here,” John said and she looked up.
“I’m here,” she whispered before she pushed herself up to kiss her soulmate.
Keanu Tag Squad:
@ladyreapermc / @meetmeinthematinee / @fanficsrusz / @keiva1000 / @eevee-of-rivia / @keanureevesisbae / @breakthenight / @allie1804-fan / @cherry-gemz / @raspberrymama / @k3a-nu / @princesssterek / @thehumanistsdiary / @palaiasaurus64 / @turkish276 / @maciiiofficial / @re-reads / @penwieldingdreamer / @trippedmetaldetector / @babypink224221 / @sharkbait77 / @paintballkid711 / @alexxavicry
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Hii I hope you're having a fantastic day! I was wondering if you know any fics that have like a plot twist? Thank you so much
Hey Nonny!
AHHHHH hmm. This... is a good question.... maybe I don’t notice because I can usually spot plot twists in fics a mile away, and the only one I didn’t, I didn’t finish the fic because I hated the twist and it just ruined the whole story for me (this was like YEARS and YEARS ago, I don’t recall the fic anymore). 
EDIT: Ah, second thought, these ones did surprise me on who the suspect was or what have you.
Anyone have fics they would consider having a plot twist or unexpected ending?
Nursery Rhymes by macrauchenia (T, 4,064 w., 1 Ch. || Angst, Suspense, MCD, Unhappy Ending) – "Hickory dickery dock. Sherlock's against the clock. When the wick is gone, so will be John. Hickory dickery dock." - John is in a struggle for his life in a warehouse rigged to blow by Moriarty.
Sink Like a Stone by pennydreadful (T, 4,348 w., 1 Ch. || Angst / Dark, Cuddling/Snuggling) – After defeating Moriarty at the pool, life isn't quite the same around 221B Baker Street...it's more peaceful. And stranger.
Fear Itself by KCS (K+, 12,289 w., 3 Ch. || Suspense, Friendship) – John is accustomed to being kidnapped by now, but he never expected a criminal to adopt Mycroft's method of doing so, to ensure he comes along without a fight.
26 Pieces by Lanning (E, 28,236 w., 1 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Torture, First Time, Happy Ending, Schmoop, Past Abuse) – Mycroft gives Sherlock the apparently simple task of solving a puzzle box containing a stolen microchip. It isn't simple.
Only To Be With You by SinceWhenDoYouCallMe_John (M, 40,768 w., 4 Ch. || Black Mirror / Future AU || Character Death, Future Technology, Sickness/Cancer/Illness, Heavy Angst with Happy Ending, First Person POV John, Pining John, Heart-Wrenching Angst, Promise of Forever) – I tell myself that next time I’ll come near this same place again. Wait around for the mysterious stranger in his coat to dash past me, hot on the heels of a new criminal in black. I think this all the way back to my Exit, planning where I’ll wait and what I’ll say when I see him. Scheming on how to get his name. It’s only once I reach the Exit Point door that I realize two hours and forty-five minutes have passed, and I realize that this won’t be the last time I Visit. It won’t be the last time at all. (only because I didn’t see Black Mirror, I didn’t know about Sherlock)
Corpus Hominis by mycapeisplaid (E, 47,709 w., 12 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Case Fic, Fluff, Romance, Frottage, Angst, Anal, Blow Jobs, Rimming, Spas / Massages, Shampoo, Jealousy, Fake Relationship) - John knows the human body intimately. He’s had plenty of opportunity for study as a doctor, soldier, and lover. There’s one particular body, however, he knows very little about. When Sherlock launches himself head-first into a new obsession and they get sent on a case in an unlikely location, the pair discovers each other’s bodies with confusing yet delightful (and sometimes hilarious) results.
Coventry by standbygo (E, 52,020 w., 26 Ch. || Dollhouse AU || Case Fic, Slow Burn, Sci-Fi / Fantasy, First Kiss / Time, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, BAMF John, Falling in Love) – “Let me get this straight,” John said, wondering when his life had become a science fiction film. “Some guy orders up a personality, a person, to his specifications, and they program this into a real live person, who has consented to do this, and she goes to this person and acts as his wife, or lawyer, or Royal Marine, or Navy Seal or what have you, and she has all the skills, all the knowledge, everything? Then you say the magic words, and she follows you back to The House, and they erase it all until her next appointment?”
The Bells of King's College by SilentAuror (E, 64,019 w., 5 Ch. || Post-S4, Missed Opportunities, Angst with Happy Ending, Fake Relationship, Case Fic, John POV, Jealous John, John in Denial, Travelling / Holidays, Virgin Sherlock, Wedding Proposals) – It's only been two weeks since Eurus Holmes disrupted their lives when Mycroft sends John and Sherlock to Cambridge to pose as an engaged couple at a wedding show in the hopes of solving six unsolved deaths...
The Green Blade by verityburns (T, 72,929 w., 15 Ch. || Case Fic, Bromance) – As a serial killer hits the headlines, the police are out of their depth and the next victim is out of time. With faith in Sherlock Holmes at an all time low, this is a case which will push loyalties to the limit...
Midnight Blue Serenity by BeautifulFiction (E, 151,907 w., 19 Ch. || Friends to Lovers, Gay Bar / For a Case, Drugs, Pining, Case Fic, UST) – When Sherlock infiltrates a club in order to track down a serial killer, his altered appearance is enough to make John question his assumption that Sherlock is beyond his reach. However, is he the only one who appreciates his flatmate's charms, or is Sherlock at risk of becoming the next victim?
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Destiel Trope Collection 2021 | Day 19: Enemies to Lovers
Pile Of Quarters | @vampamber
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1,752 Main Tags/Warnings: ABO, alpha Cas, omega Dean, high school AU Summary: Somebody keeps beating Dean's high score on his favorite video game at the arcade, and he will have none of that. So when the chance to have a showdown with this CAS person comes along, of course he's gonna jump at it. He just wasn't expecting the alpha to be so nice. Or so hot.
A Bag of Richards | @ms-josephine
Rating: Mature Word Count: 4,241 Main Tags/Warnings: Human AU, Enemies to lovers, Misunderstandings, Prank wars Summary: A misunderstanding leads to an all-out prank war between Castiel and his new neighbor, Dean.
Build It Up! | @verobatto
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 5,062 Main Tags/Warnings: Architect AU, Architect!Dean, Architect!Castiel, rivalry, rivals to lovers, light angst, happy ending. Summary: Architect Dean Winchester has just one goal in his life: win contracts and defeat his biggest rival, Castiel Novak. Bad thing is, Novak is the one always winning the heated competitions. Dean hates Novak with all his heart. If only that bastard wasn't so handsome ...
Dance Real Close | @maleyah-givemetomorrow
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 5,920 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Spies & Secret Agents, Christmas, Yule, First Kiss, First Time, Enemies to Lovers, Flirting Dean, Sassy Castiel, Fluff and Smut, Soft Boys Summary: For the umpteenth time tonight, Castiel swallows and clenches his teeth, hard enough that he might just need a dentist appointment once this horrendous evening comes to its inevitable end and he has what he came for. Good thing the company has excellent health care. He forces his gaze into a faux-thousand yard stare, a wilful attempt to get lost among the many twinkling lights and ornaments. Just off of the shoulder of the man who is his current, last and most annoying obstacle. Dean Winchester. Dressed to the nines in a suit of snowflake white, he fits in at this high-end Yule Ball as if he hasn’t done anything else in his life. Top of his class and generation, ten years Castiel’s junior, much too skilled for his own good at nigh anything from close combat to subterfuge to extraction, his competition, who is, for some unfathomable reason, flirting with Castiel on the mission.
When Duty Calls | @verobatto
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 6,654 Main Tags/Warnings: Sci Fi AU, Commander Dean Winchester, Angel/Alien Castiel, strangers to friends to lovers, space ship, working on a mission together, top!Dean/Bottom!Castiel Summary: Angels devastated Earth 30 years ago and Dean lost his mother in that battle. Now, when his father the Ambassador John Winchester dies, Dean is assigned to a very important mission to restore the Earth. Bad thing is, Angels want to redeem themselves by providing the technology to revive the planet and by doing that, they pretend to be part of the Federation. Dean accepts, despite of his hate for them, and he meets the Angel Castiel, a Commander Scientific that will work with him in one of the labs stations placed on Earth.
Vampire Hunter! Starring Castiel Krushnic | @friendofcarlotta
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 13,612 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - TV show, Actor Castiel, Production Assistant Dean Winchester, First Kiss, Enemies to Lovers, Vampires, Canon-Typical Violence, Mild Gore, Inspired by Fright Night, Garth Ships It Summary: Straight out of college, Dean gets hired to work on his favorite TV show, "Fright Night." It's a dream come true until the network orders an overhaul to boost ratings, giving the show a new name (“Vampire Hunter!”) and a new star: a grumpy bastard named Castiel, who seems determined to make Dean’s life miserable. Dean just wants to hate Castiel's guts in peace, but then an offsite shoot gets them both trapped in a creepy mansion with a very real, very angry vampire. Can they overcome their differences long enough to kill the monster?
Cheers | @notfunnydean
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 23,685 Main Tags/Warnings: inspired by the movie: the proposal, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Misunderstandings, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Homophobia, Homophobic John Winchester, Dean Winchester Wears Panties, First Time,First Kiss, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Soft!Dean, Cas blackmails Dean into the relationship at first, Past Lisa Braeden/Dean Winchester, Minor Anna Milton/Dean Winchester Summary: Dean hates his boss, after they attempted to date but failed miserably. But when Castiel suddenly has to go back to Russia because his visa expired, Dean finds himself in a very awkward situation, because Castiel blackmails him to marry him. To make it worse someone from the immigration department is already hot on their trail and they have to show off their fake relationship at the ninetieth birthday of Dean’s grandma.
Elevator Music | Aketch-22 (AO3)
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 25,017 Main Tags/Warnings: Top!Cas/Bottom!Dean, Dom/Sub Overtones, Mechanic Dean Winchester, Lawyer Castiel Summary: Sam is about to become name partner at the law firm he's worked at for years. He invites Dean to the celebration, but Dean gets trapped in the elevator with Sam's pompous, dickbag, too-good looking coworker Castiel. Stuck for hours with someone he hates and a boatload of alcohol, what could possibly go wrong?
Let Your Heart Hold Fast (WIP) | @destiel-pirate-in-middleearth
Rating: Mature Word Count: 35,857 Main Tags/Warnings: Roomates/housemates, enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn, angst and hurt/comfort, college au, mutual pining, happy ending. Summary: Castiel is a simple guy with a simple plan who enters college after a lot of hard work. He's looking forward to the new beginning and endless opportunities. After surviving the worst through high school, Castiel has a good feeling about college and thinks he is gonna do fine, but, then, his life takes an uneasy turn, which leads him into meeting Dean, who doesn't remember him and has evolved into a very flirty, obnoxious man. Castiel hates Dean. For almost a month, Castiel does a great job at avoiding Dean on the college campus. Everything is going fine until the day they have their first encounter, which is close to a nightmare because, apparently, Dean decides to shove an apple frigging pie on Castiel's face, which isn’t even the single worst thing he did to him that day. Or The one where Dean and Castiel hate each other and are forced to live together.
Angels of the Sea | @envydean
Rating: Mature Word Count: 53,616 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Pirate, Minor Character Deaths, a little violence, non graphic scenes of corporal punishment, sexual scene of mature nature, Hurt/Comfort, Stowaways, Angst, Happy Ending, BAMF!Cas, Pirate!Cas, Stowaway!Dean, Tattoos, Magical Elements, Fluff, Enemies to Lovers Summary: The Archangel – a pirate ship run by young Captain Castiel Novak – is unknowingly boarded by two stowaways. Sam and Dean just needed to get away from their father’s killers and are found stashed away in the storage room of the ship. Raphael is adamant they are killed but Castiel’s heart is too big to dispose of them both. Lives spared, they join the crew, Dean taking up navigation and Sam to the galley and an adventure using Dean’s amulet to find a mysteriously hidden island begins.
Unmasked | @ellis-park
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 69,348 Main Tags/Warnings: Superhero AU, enemies to lovers, secret identities, graphic depictions of violence Summary: Years ago, the infamous vigilante Halo disappeared from the public eye. The new Halo, Castiel Novak, is struggling to pick up the pieces of his own life and his mentor’s tarnished legacy as a new rival, Hellfire, arrives on the scene. It would help if Cas weren’t so distracted by pushy reporter Dean Smith, who reminds him of everything he’s lost — and the life he could have if he’d let go of the mask.
angel in black | @dothwrites
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 95,325 Main Tags/Warnings: Canon-Divergent, Enemies to Lovers, Bounty Hunter!Cas, Hunter!Dean, Canon-Typical Violence, Demonic Possession, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: Bounty hunter Castiel Novak has simple rules for how he conducts his business. Get in, get out, deliver the fugitive, and do it all with the least amount of effort possible. Never become emotionally involved. When he takes on the job of hunting down Sam and Dean Winchester in order to bring them to justice, his rules start shifting. Threatened by supernatural forces as well as his attraction to Dean, Castiel soon has to decide what he’s willing to stand for…and what he’s willing to die for.
Wicked Game | @expectingtofly
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 104,077 Main Tags/Warnings: Western AU, Canon-Typical Violence, DubCon, Top Cas/Bottom Dean, Angst, Pining, Hurt/Comfort Summary: The year is 1889 and for the past year and a half, Dean has traveled alone from town to town, drinking to ignore his guilt and gambling to make a living. Today, he’s especially down on his luck. He’s broke, was just thrown out of a saloon for cheating at poker, and has now been woken by a blue-eyed man trying to rob him. When he learns that the thief, Castiel, is just as broke as he is, they strike a tenuous deal to help each other rob a stagecoach, share the spoils, and split up. Turns out splitting up is the most difficult task. While Castiel is cold and cruel, Dean refuses to back down from a fight. The two are at odds more often than not, but their relationship only grows more complicated the longer they travel together. They may have more in common than they thought.
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winterscaptain · 4 years
Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader a joyful future fic
a/n: it turns out the words really do fly out of you when you write in comic sans. who knew? anyways, here’s a little sunday morning angst for you. starts sweet, ends sweet. takes place au!may 2016.
words: 1.8k warnings: discussion of abuse and alcoholism (nothing too graphic)
summary: “‘why do men like me want sons?’ he wondered. ‘it must be because they hope in their poor beaten souls that these new men, who are their blood, will do the things they were not strong enough nor wise enough nor brave enough to do. it is rather like another chance at life; like a new bag of coins at a table of luck after your fortune is gone.’” – john steinbeck
masterlist | a joyful future masterlist | ajf faq | requests closed!
Aaron walks in from a very long day at the office to find you and Sean crashed out on the couch. Isaac’s asleep, too, sprawled out on his back in his Pack ‘n Play. He can hear Jack shuffling around in his room, probably on the tablet or working on homework. 
Sean has the remote loosely gripped in his hand, hanging off the edge of the couch. His head is in your lap, one of your hands in his hair, and your body curled around his shoulders. You look more like a pair of siblings or long-lost childhood friends than anyone Aaron’s ever seen - certainly more so than he would in the same situation. 
He almost envies the familiarity you and Sean have between you. Your friendship is easy and automatic - always has been.
How can two people, seemingly so similar, feel so starkly different about him? 
Aaron’s not quite sure how long he’s been standing there watching as you two sleep like a pair of house cats. Eventually, you stir with a furrowed brow, squinting into the late afternoon sunshine. 
When you find Aaron’s eyes, you smile widely and wink at him. After some delicate maneuvering in which you replace your thighs with a couch cushion and your arm with a throw blanket, you’re free of Sean’s weight and you can finally tuck into your husband. 
He kisses your head and wraps his arms around you. “How was your day?” 
“Good.” You burrow further into his chest. “Sean and I talked.” 
Aaron dips his head. “Oh?” 
“Mhmm.” You pat his chest twice and kiss his cheek. “Later.” 
“Sean talked to me about your dad today.” 
Aaron freezes where he sits at the edge of the bed. You don’t mean to ambush him, but there’d never be a good time, so out with it was your best option. 
He shudders as if a chill ran through him, but the room was warm and free of drafts. Sean warned you that this might be the reaction. Even then, he only told you about his experience with the patriarch of the Hotchner household. When you’d asked about Aaron, he only paled and shook his head. 
“Ask him about it, but I won’t… I can’t do that to him,” he’d said. 
So you have. And now you wait. 
Aaron’s voice is a croak when he speaks. “What -” He clears his throat. “What did he say?”
You turn toward him, tucking your legs close to you and pulling the duvet up. “He told me a little about what it was like for him growing up.” 
“Just him?”
“Just him. He wouldn’t say anything about your relationship with your father, nor about your childhood. I didn’t push.”
You pause for a moment. He’s still frozen, but his breath picks up. Not for the first time, you notice the silver lines - scars - across his back. 
Long-healed and decades-old. 
“I realized in that moment that it’s one of the few things I don’t know about you. I knew, even when I first met you, never to ask and you never told. You’ve alluded to things over the years on cases, and I’ve seen the unique kind of loathing you have for unsubs who hurt their children.” Your voice is low, Isaac sleeping in his crib beside the bed, almost old enough to sleep in the nursery.
You hear Aaron’s breath catch and you lean forward, putting your hand beside his hip so he knows you’re there. 
“I’ve known not to ask for so long that I never did.”
A huff leaves him. “You’re not going to like it.” 
“I don’t expect to,” you reply simply. 
Aaron’s hand wanders back to find your own and he grasps your fingers like a lifeline. Eventually, he turns, sitting in the middle of the bed like a child, his legs crisscrossed with his feet nearly underneath him. 
He stares at the bedspread as he tells you about his father. A charming, handsome lawyer with a wicked vodka habit. That particular wicked habit fed into his other one - a liberal use of his belt as a tool of discipline. 
Aaron tells you about the day he was old enough to step between his parents, to take whatever his father had to throw - sometimes literally - on behalf of his mother. Evelyn did her best, kept the house together and her boys as safe as she could. It didn’t always work. 
She’d thought, Aaron shared with you, that a second child would soothe whatever hurt tortured her husband.
Aaron never resented her. Especially after starting his work as a lawyer and later as an agent, he understands how difficult - really, impossible - it is to leave those situations when you have children.  
As his parents struggled to conceive, his father grew worse. By the time Evelyn had Sean, Aaron was thankfully old enough to wrangle his father into a cold shower and into bed most nights before he could get violent. He was thirteen. 
“It was almost a relief - it was a relief - when his body finally failed him. I was barely in college when he died, and I graduated early. Sean was still little, so I don’t know what he remembers.” 
Aaron sits for a moment, thinking. “If I could hazard a guess, I’d say it was the shouting.” He shakes his head. “We were always shouting.”   
You’re both in tears now, but your crying is silent and his tears hardly disrupt his breath. 
“Almost everyone at his funeral was someone he worked with. They, of course, loved him. His functional alcoholism served to make him affable enough to make and keep friends at the law firm. They had no idea what happened after he came home.” 
 He takes another breath. “I did my best to protect Sean after our father died, to keep him safe. I know he resented me for it - might still resent me for it - but he’s alive. And so is my mom.” 
You can’t imagine what Evelyn’s been through, the peace she’s probably had in the decades she’s spent widowed. How the Hotchner line managed to survive - managed to become as kind and genuine and loving as they are - is close to a miracle. 
You tell him as much. 
He raises his eyebrows and shakes his head, looking very much like the lost boy who took on too much, too fast, too early. “I don’t know how.” 
“Because,’ you say, leaning forward and crawling into his lap and wrapping around him like a koala. “You are a better man, Aaron. You won.” 
His breath is unsteady as he clasps his arms around you, his hands locked around his opposite forearms. 
“You’re a great brother, a fantastic husband, an exceptional father.” You lean back so you can frame his face in your hands. “You wanna know something?”
He just stares at you. 
“I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve heard you raise your voice at a member of our team or your family.” Your thumbs brush over his cheekbones as his eyes flutter shut. “You are a strong and gentle leader who relies on integrity rather than force to win respect.” 
You kiss his cheek and hook your chin over his shoulder, holding him as close as you can. “We’re never afraid of you. Your sons can’t wait for you to come home. They’re thrilled when they hear your keys in the door.” 
He sniffles. “I’m afraid...”
Leaning back again, you grip his jaw with a kind of gentle ferocity, forcing his gaze. “Aaron. Look me in the eye and tell me what your sons could do to push you to beat them, to physically discipline them. What would they have to do?” 
He meets your eyes, shifty and shadowed like a wild animal, and stares at you without speaking. After a moment, the wildness fades and his lower lip wobbles as he exhales. 
That’s enough of an answer for you. 
“Can’t find anything, can you?” 
Aaron shakes his head. He’s barely audible. 
“No,” you echo, your voice gentle and soft. Bringing his head back to your shoulder, you hold onto him, running your hands over his shoulders to soothe some of his shaking. 
Isaac snuffles and stirs, drawing your attention. Aaron looks up too, his eyes searching for his son. 
“Lemme get him,” he says. You untangle yourself and shuffle to the edge of the bed, looking over the edge of the crib. Knowing Isaac, he probably just wants snuggles. He’s the snuggliest baby you’ve ever known. 
His father’s son, certainly. 
Aaron rounds the crib and leans down, bringing Isaac to his chest. “Hey, little man. You alright?”
Isaac makes a little creaky baby noise and grabs Aaron’s shirt in a death grip. 
There are still tears streaked down Aaron’s cheeks and his breath is still a little unsteady, but he’s relaxed as he gently rocks Isaac around the room, shifting his weight from side to side. In his father's arms, Isaac falls right to sleep.
Aaron’s night is fitful, but after you curl up at his side he manages to close his eyes and rest. 
You’re up before him in the morning - a rarity - finding Isaac awake and holding onto his own feet in the crib, staring up at the ceiling. 
My boy. Always happy to entertain himself. 
You pick him up and carry him out of the room, closing the door softly behind you. At this point, you’ve perfected the one-armed carry thanks to Aaron, and it usually comes in handy. 
Jack and Sean are already awake, making cereal so quietly the bowls probably deserve their own top-secret clearance. 
“Good morning, boys,” you say with a smile. 
“Morning, Mom,” they drone, in tandem, before dissolving into a fit of giggles. 
With a laugh, you find your own bowl and Sean pours your cereal just the way you like it while you pull a bottle for Isaac. 
The four of you eat breakfast in relative peace. It’s nice to have Sean here with you for more than one reason, but for now, it’s because he’s holding Isaac’s bottle so you can eat with one hand. One hand, you've learned, is decidedly better than no hands at all.
Aaron rolls into the kitchen about ten minutes after you, looking rumpled and squinty in the morning sun. 
“Coffee’s on, honey.” 
He mumbles his thanks and you share a smile with Sean.
“He’s predictable,” you explain in a half-whisper. 
Sean nods, playing at something pensive. “And old.”  
“Heard that.”
You and Sean share a look and a smile. You look over your shoulder. "Heard what?"
tagging: @arganfics @quillvine @stxrryspencer @agenthotchner @wandaswitxh @hurricanejjareau @ughitsbaby @rousethemouse @criminalsmarts @shrimpyblog @genevievedarcygranger @ssaic-jareau @writefasttalkevenfaster @hotchsflower @hotchslatte @risenfox @mrs-dr-reid @captain-christopher-pike @dwellingsofrosie @pan-pride-12 @sunshine-em @jdougl-love @sageellsworth05 @dreila03 @forgottenword @aaronhotchnerr @ssa-morgan @buckybau @tegggeeee @abschaffer2 @ssacandice-ray @ellyhotchner @lotties-journey-abroad @mrs-joel-pimentel-23-25 @laneygthememequeen @violentvulgarvolatile @mooneylupinblack @ssareidbby @violet-amxthyst @zizzlekwum @lcvischmitt @qvid-pro-qvo @mandylove1000 @simsiddy @jeor @synonymforlame @roses-and-grasses @bwbatta @capricorngf @missdowntonabbey @averyhotchner @cevanswhre @joanofarkansass @infinity1321 @popped-weasels @evee87 @nuvoleincielo @ssahotchnerr @this-broken-band-girl @winqhster @reidtomestyles @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @the-falling-in-the-danger @nattylite49 @crazyshannonigans @softbibxtch @iconicc @mangoberry43 @andreasworlsboring101 @kerrswriting @mac99martin @itsalwaysb33nyou @ceceguajardo-blog @baumarvel @kerrswriting @messyhairday-me
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Kinktober Day 11: Prison AU
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“Wick! Let’s go, your lawyer’s here.”
John blinks. Lunch is long over but dinner hasn’t been served. He isn’t hungry, which puts the time somewhere in the mid-afternoon. As far as he knew, his lawyer wasn’t supposed to meet with him today.
Still, he says nothing. An impromptu meeting won’t change his plans.
He knows the drill. John walks to the bars and turns around, placing his hands behind his back. The cuffs snap into place and the cell opens. He is led down the hall and to a private meeting room.
After two weeks at Attica Correctional, a week of which was spent in solitary, he was already feared by the guards and prisoners alike. One man had made the mistake of shoving him in the yard. John had broken both his hands and his nose before the guards came, at which point he held up his own hands in surrender and allowed himself to be escorted to confinement.
Now, no one approached him. Which was fine. Better than fine. He preferred to be alone, to work alone.
The door opens and John blinks.
“Would you like the cuffs left on, Miss Kingston?” The guard asks.
“No, that’s all right.”
The guard undoes the cuffs and John walks over to sit across from her.
“We’ll be just outside if you need us.”
“Thank you.” She says and opens her briefcase. 
The door closes and John speaks, “What happened to Sanders?”
“He’s on paternity leave. I’m Helen Kingston. I’ll be taking over his cases for the next three months.”
She offers a hand.
He takes it and rubs his thumb along the back of her hand. She is soft and clean and smells a bit like maple. 
Her grip is firm and he is sure that he is not the first prisoner she’s worked with. 
“I’ve gone over your file, Mister Wick, and we still have a couple of months before your trial, however, I want to ensure we are prepared for any eventuality. As of right now, the prosecution has a fair amount of evidence on you. Your fingerprint on the murder weapon, calls from a cellular device, registered to you. And a note in the victim’s day planner that they were scheduled to meet with you during the time of death.”
John says nothing, continuing to watch the new attorney.
She slides on glasses, and god help him, it only serves to make her more sweet. Cuter. Innocent.
No, Helen Kingston did not belong in a prison in any capacity.
John shifts, aware of the effect her presence was having on him.
Men on the inside joked about how even the ugliest of women would be beautiful to a locked-up man. John had always thought it bogus. He did not care about women or men, regardless of their beauty status. Not unless there was a price on their head.
But maybe it has been too long.
Or maybe his attorney was special.
He wonders what her mouth tastes like.
“Are you maintaining your innocence, Mister Wick?”
Not in so many words. He was far from innocent. “I am maintaining that I was framed.”
She nods, “So you have said. And it seems you have quite a past. Many charges filed on you but none have ever made it this far. It seems people are afraid of you, Mister Wick.”
“I cannot control others' reactions to me.”
“Indeed.” She runs her hand down a piece of paper in front of her, “Sanders tells me that you have been unwilling to disclose who is framing you. Do you not know?”
“I’m not a snitch.”
“Even at the cost of life in prison?”
Life in prison. With his skill sets, he would be out in months. With his contacts, he was counting down the hours. Innocent or not, John Wick would be leaving the prison soon enough.
“Even then.” He replies, “How long have you been a lawyer?”
“I can assure you, I have the experience to--”
“I don’t doubt your skill, Miss, or is it Mrs. Kingston?”
“Miss.” She tells him and John smiles, “but you can call me Helen.”
“Helen.” It sings off his lips and John imagines how it would feel to moan it. How it would feel pouring from his lips with her body wrapped around him. “I am sure you have the experience. I’m just curious.”
“Just over ten years.” She answers.
John nods, “Have you always worked defense?”
“Then I’m sure you understand that there are some people you do not testify against.”
Helen inclines her head, “Are you concerned for your life, Mister Wick?”
Not as such. But he wouldn't be here long enough for her to get through the red tape of both government and mafioso. He also had no intention of leaving prison with any sort of reputation for helping the government.
"It's in my best interest not to testify," John says instead.
“It does not answer my question.”
“No, but it does tell you what you came here to find out. I won’t testify, nor will I plead guilty.”
Helen nods, considering his words and her options. “Again, I would ask you to think about your circumstances. A life in prison is not something to dismiss so easily.”
“Man is born free; everywhere else he is in chains.”
"You've read The Social Contract?"
"Of course."
His lips twitch. He can picture her now, lying in bed late at night, a dim lamp lighting her face. Her glasses perched on her little nose, a book resting against her bare legs.
John leans forward, “And do you agree with Rousseau?”
“For the most part. I do not think there is anyone so evil they are incapable of redemption. I also do not think that prison serves as a place for rehabilitation, hence, why I would encourage you to consider testifying if you truly are innocent.”
Oh, sweet, sweet Helen. Naive and kind. It was a miracle the world had not eaten her alive, especially in her vocation.
“You’re a defense attorney and you still believe that all people are capable of good?” 
What he wouldn’t do to argue such things with her, in a bed, with a dim lamp and a book in her hands and his head between her thighs. 
“Yes.” She answers simply and John wonders what it would be like to keep such an exquisite creature. 
His lips turn up at the thought.
Helen sees the smile and looks down at her papers quickly. That only makes his smile intensify.
John finds himself reaching across the table and places his hand on top of hers. 
Helen looks up sharply and he notes the flush to her cheeks, the throbbing of her pulse in her neck. He wants to suck on it. His gaze flickers, if only for a second to her chest, and his suspicion is confirmed.
Helen Kingston is just as aroused by him as he is of her. 
How… delightful.
"This is highly inappropriate, Mister Wick."
"That is a wonderful assessment, but only an assessment. Do you wish me to stop, Helen? Do you want me to remove my hand from yours?"
Her breaths quicken and John feels victorious.
Sweet Helen, I'm going to corrupt you.
Moments pass and then, as if suddenly aware of his hand on hers, she slides it back to her lap. "I'm sorry, Mister Wick. I should not have allowed that to go on."
John rises to his feet and, oh, his sweet Helen's eyes widen. He walks around to the other side of the table, each step taken with purpose. He is close and Helen stands on the opposite side of her chair.
How cute. As if a chair and a few feet will keep her from his touch.
"Are you afraid, sweet Helen? I will not hurt you."
"You are my client…"
"You're fired." He backs her into a wall, "There. Problem solved."
A hand lands on either side of her, trapping her in place. 
“I could scream.” She warns him and John smiles at her choice of words.
He leans down and whispers in her ear, “Yes. You could.” He inhales the scent of her perfume and finds himself growing impossibly harder.
“I should scream.” Helen whispers and John smiles against her neck. He presses a kiss to her pulse point and revels at the sharp intake of breath.
“Yes, you should.” He tells her and his hands slide down the wall and close in on her hips. His fingers sink into her flesh and he moves closer, rocking his body into her. "And later, you will."
Helen whimpers prettily.
Oh yes, he is keeping her.
He catches her lips with his own and rolls his hips as he kisses her. Her lips are soft and full and he cannot wait to see what she looks like sucking his fingers, his cock. He slips his tongue into her mouth and leans into him, her hands shaking in response.
His hands slip down and inch by inch, he pulls her skirt up her thighs.
He wants to sink to his knees and devour her but he worries that there will not be time to do as he wishes.
Instead, he pulls her skirt over her hips and slips a hand into her soft panties. 
His innocent, sweet Helen is soaked. John growls as he coats his fingers in her, rubbing at her core. And Helen bites her lip to keep from calling out.
Clever girl. The guards would rush in if they knew what he was doing to his pretty little attorney. 
“Aren't you glad you decided that I didn’t need handcuffs?” John whispers into her ear softly, sliding two soaked fingers into her sweet pussy. “I still could have done this but I prefer the freedom to move as I please.” He accentuates his point, dragging his free hand up the side of her body, his nails raking her skin, until he stops at her breast.
She whimpers and rolls her hips desperately. 
If she wanted him, she would have him. Every day and every night.
She is his, John decides, using his palm to roll against her clit. He captures a moan with his mouth and nips at her bottom lip. 
“I know, baby.” He whispers, “But you gotta be quiet here. I promise later, you can be as loud as you want. I’ll fill you up and fuck you until you can’t scream anymore.”
And she is so far gone, she doesn’t even understand the levity of those words. The idea of later, a reminder that he is a prisoner, it is all beyond her as his fingers curl inside her. She almost shrieks but he pulls her head forward, against his shoulder. It comes out as a high moan but is muffled enough that John isn’t worried.
John quickens his pace and feels her clench around his fingers.
Helen cums, shaking and grinding against his hand. She is almost boneless, falling into John as she continues to quake. His arms rise around her.
“Such a sweet, good girl.” John whispers to her, guiding her through the aftershocks.
Her breath comes out in pants as she tries to catch her breath and John smiles, utterly delighted.
His fingers are coated in her as he removes his hand from her pussy. She smells like heaven and he cannot resist licking his index finger. Helen truly is as sweet as he imagined.
He turns his hand and swipes her lip with her own juices before sliding his two fingers completely into her mouth.
His sweet girl does not disappoint, sucking at his fingers and licking him clean.
When she is done, John removes the fingers from her mouth, brushing along her cheek with her own spit.
Helen whimpers and John wonders if he can make her cum again before they run out of time.
And then the sirens sound.
There is a sharp intake of breath from Helen and John quickly yanks down her skirt to preserve her modesty. She hears a rattle from the other side of the door but John grabs her chin and tilts her face towards his. "No matter what happens, sweet Helen, do not part from my side."
The doors to the room fly open and the two guards enter, surprised to find Helen against the wall and Wick pressing against her. 
"Let her go, Wick!"
"No." He says, admiring the way her eyes gaze up at him. "I don't think I will." He turns toward the two men, "Gentlemen, I will give you one opportunity to walk away and one alone."
They exchange a look with each other. The shorter, and braver, of the two says, "but Miss Kingston-" 
"Will be far safer with me, I assure you." His voice has darkened and Helen understands the fear associated with the name John Wick. John looks back to her, and caresses her lips with his index finger. "If the prisoners find you with the guards, and know, sweet Helen, that they will find you, they will kill them, take one look at your plump lips and your tight skirt, and take you."
One of the guards starts to speak up but Wick silences him with a glare.
"Or, you can stay with me and I will get you out of here safely."
Helen trembles in his arms as he waits for her to reply.
She thinks there is a choice and he will allow her to think as much until she makes the wrong one. Then he will carry her through the riot kicking and screaming if necessary.
But she nods and he rewards her with a smile and a quiet, "good girl" that makes her breath hitch.
He turns to the guards. "Leave, with the door opened, and you have my word I will not hunt you."
They run. Smart men.
John traces his hand down her neck, holding it in place at the base of his throat to highlight his point.
"You are the first woman that many of these men have seen in months. Some, longer. Do not leave my side. Do you understand?"
She nods and John steps forward, standing flush against her. He presses his mouth to hers, hard enough that Helen is certain her lips will bruise. She shudders as he breaks the kiss and carefully wraps a hand around her wrist.
“I mean it, Helen. Do not leave my side.”
She nods and John leads the way from the room and down the hall. Lights are flashing and the alarm continues to blare in the distance.
At the end of the hall, there are a handful of prisoners, and they have two batons from guards. She starts to slow, fear gripping her, but John gives her a gentle tug. A promise of sorts. Trust him, and he will get her through this.
“What do you got there, Wick?” One of the men asks, a leer rising on his face. He steps forward, walking towards them and Helen feels her heart start pounding. “Where did you find a sexy little thing like that?”
John lets go of her hand and she hardly sees him move. But suddenly, John is directly in front of the leering man. He throws his palm forward at his neck and the man throws his hands up, grabbing at his throat. Before she can blink, John has grabbed the man’s jumpsuit at the chest, punched him twice, and then thrown him back across the hall.
“Any other questions?” Wick asks, not even having broken a sweat. 
No one says anything and they all look away, not even daring to spare her a glance after that display.
John reaches back to Helen. Her hand wraps in his tightly and he knows his sweet girl is wavering. She is overwhelmed, likely terrified. 
She had gone to the prison to meet with her client. She had not known that chaos awaited her. That a riot awaited.
He makes a decision and releases her hand. She looks at him in surprise but John steps into her space and sweeps her up quickly.
“Keep your head down.” He tells her and she buries her face into his shoulder. “Good girl. Let’s not let anyone know what a sweet face you have.”
The riot will last a while. Hours, at least, but if it has started, that means his way out is here. He walks leisurely towards the dining hall. No one else is stupid enough to speak to him although he is well aware of the whispers that follow as the Baba Yaga carries a woman.
Let them whisper.
The kitchen has a receiving entrance and John had memorized the route long before he was arrested and tossed in prison.
Sure enough, a truck is backed and Charon is waiting. A few prisoners are knocked out by his feet.
Like the prisoners, he does not say anything at the woman John carries, he only opens the back to the truck. John climbs in and Charon quickly shuts the back.
There are boxes at the front, making it resemble a true supply truck. But John walks past them to the back.
The engine of the truck starts and John knows they are leaving this prison behind them.
In his arms, Helen shakes. He pets her hair. She is safe now and she will be safe forever.
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livenudebigfoot · 4 years
2020 (Fanfiction) In Review
tagged by @vegetarianvampireduck
Fics written this year:
Whiteout (John Wick, Viggo/Avi): AU where Viggo and Avi manage to escape at the end of the movie and hide out together in Russia, coming to terms with their many failures.
animus possidendi (John Wick, Viggo/Avi): AU where Avi is a DA prosecuting Viggo.
unknown land (POI, Reese/Finch/Fusco): Finch and Fusco go to rescue an injured Reese and they simply must all huddle for warmth.
The Bishop, The Knight (POI, Reese/Scarface): Just wall-to-wall weird, suppressed horniness
Where the water is blue and the people are new (Lost, Ben/Locke): A Sideways high school AU. or IS IT.
this haunting has memory (POI, Finch/Fusco): AU where Finch hires Fusco, a scrappy ghosthunter, to assess the ghost problem at his house.
Empty Nest (POI, Finch/Fusco): Post-canon fic where Finch returns to NYC and re-wins the trust of Shaw and Fusco’s new Team Machine.
until then, we’ll have to muddle through somehow (POI, Shaw&Fusco): Shaw explores feelings through food.
Takeaways from reflecting on your kick-ass writing, or kick-ass lack of writing, during a year more focused on survival than perhaps any other:
I think my main takeaway is that fic exchanges are awesome. Most of this stuff was written for exchanges and there is something so inspiring and fun about writing in a community and to someone else’s requests and tastes. And I think in a time that’s been incredibly difficult for so many people, it’s been very fulfilling to spend so much of my time writing fic for other people.
Most surprising fic you wrote this year:
Probably animus possidendi. In part because it was a treat - asuralucier’s prompt was so awesome I couldn’t resist - and in part because I felt really uncomfortable with my own knowledge of the subject matter (laws and lawyers) and spent a lot of time working to write something that felt and sounded real (or real-ish).
How you’ve grown as a writer this year:
I think I legitimately leveled up as a writer while working on this haunting has memory. I was writing with very different goals in mind - basically I knew I had a Big Story idea, but I was working with a Small Story time frame - and I think my ability to conceptualize and pace a story really evolved.
What’s coming in 2021:
Less exchanges! They were awesome and I definitely want to hit up one or two of them this year, but being constantly under a deadline was exhausting and I really want to take some time next year to chill out and work on some of my own stuff.
Two things I’m definitely planning to work on:
Fisher Cat Cry, a Reese/Fusco WIP I started back in like 2016 or something crazy and haven’t worked on in ages. I still really like the idea and I want to come back to it and give it the conclusion it deserves. I’ve written a lot of longform fic this year and I think I’m newly capable of tackling the story.
An as-yet untitled Ben/Locke fic where Ben’s sneaky Henry Gale identity checks out and he ends up living among the Losties for a while with Locke as his protector. Imagine one of those Hallmark movies where the love interest is a secret prince, only evil.
Tagging @branwyn-says, @st-aurafina, @talking2thesky, @reallyprivateperson, @managerie76 (no pressure tho)
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My Big Kylux AUs Tag List (part 3)
Go here to find an INDEX of every lists (including all thematic lists)
–> A - C (part 1)
–> D - F (part 2)
Game of Thrones AU {part of Fantasy AU}
Game Show AU [see TV Show (game) AU]
Gamers/Vloggers AU [see Bloggers AU]
Gangsters AU [see Mafia AU]
Garage AU
Gatsby AU [see Great Gatsby (the) AU]
Gem AU
Ghost Busters AU {part of Ghost hunters AU}
Ghost Hunters AU {includes Ghost Busters AU}
Ghost Hux AU (also see Haunted Mansion AU)
Ghost Kylo AU {except for Force Ghost Kylo AU} (also see Haunted Mansion AU)
Gladiator Kylo AU (also see Ancient Rome AU)
Gods AU
Gothic Style AU [or see Southern Gothic AU]
Grand Admiral Hux AU [see Rogue One AU]
Grand Marshal Hux AU
Grease AU (also see 50′s AU)
Great British Bake Off (the) AU {part of Bakery AU and TV Show (game) AU}
Great Gatsby (the) AU (also see 20′s AU)
Greatest Showman (the) AU {part of Circus AU }
Greek Mythology AU {includes Centaurs [both] AU, Centaur Hux AU, Centaur Kylo AU, Hades and Persephone AU, Harpies [both] AU, Harpy Hux AU, Harpy Kylo AU, Hercules AU, Satyrs [both] AU, Satyr Hux AU and Satyr Kylo AU} {part of Mythology AU}
Grunge Style AU
Guardians of the Galaxy AU {part of Marvel AU}
Gundam AU
Gym AU
Hacker Hux AU
Hacker Kylo AU
Hades and Persephone AU {part of Greek Mythology AU}
Hair Salon AU
Hanahaki (disease) AU
Handmaid Hux AU
Hannibal AU
Happy Anakin and Padme AU (also see Light side AU)
Harpies [both] AU {combines:} {part of Greek Mythology AU}
Harpy Hux AU
Harpy Kylo AU
Harry Potter AU
Haunted Mansion AU (also see Ghost Hunters AU, Ghost Hux AU, Ghost Kylo AU, and Horror AU)
Hawk Hux AU {parted from Birds AU}
Hercules AU {part of Greek Mythology AU}
High school AU {includes Breakfast Club AU} (also see Grease AU)
Hippie Style AU
Hitmen AU [see Assassins AU]
Hockey AU (also see Canadian AU) [or see Ice Skating AU]
Hogwarts AU [see Harry Potter AU]
Horror AU (also see Haunted Mansion AU, Jane Eyre AU, Lovecraft AU, Monster Kylo AU, Rocky Horror Picture Show AU, Southern Gothic AU and Zombie AU)
Horse kylo AU
Horse Riding AU
Howl’s moving Castle AU
Hunger Games AU
Ice Skating AU [or see Hockey AU]
Ikea Trip AU
Immortal Hux AU
Imperial Guard Hux AU [see Praetorian Guard Hux AU]
Inside Out AU
In the Flesh AU {part of Zombie AU}
In the Garden of the Sun AU {part of They Met Before AU}
Indiana Jones AU {parted from Archeology AU}
Inuyasha AU
Irish Mythology AU  {includes Selkie Hux AU and Selkie Kylo AU} {part of Celtic Mythology AU}
Jacobite AU (also see XVIIth Century AU)
James Bond AU [see 007 AU]
Jane Eyre AU (also see Horror AU and Victorian AU)
Jazz AU {part of Musicians AU}
John Wick AU (also see Assassins AU, Assassin Hux AU and Assassin Kylo AU)
Journalist Hux AU
Journalist Kylo AU
Jurassic AU {includes Jurassic Park AU and Jurassic World AU}
Jurassic Park AU {part of Jurassic AU}
Jurassic World AU {part of Jurassic AU}
Kabuki Masks of the Noh AU [see Masks of the Ren AU]
Kiki’s Delivery Service AU (also see Witches [both] AU, Witch Hux AU and Witch Kylo AU)
Killers AU [see Assassins [both] AU, Assassin Hux AU and Assassin Kylo AU]
Kindergarten AU
Kinglo and Minister Huggs AU
Kingsman AU (also see Agents AU, Agent Hux AU and Agent Kylo AU)
Kitsune AU [see Foxes AU]
Kresrel Hux AU [see Hawk Hux AU]
Kuzco - The Emperor’s New Groove AU
Kylo Amidala AU [see Senator Kylo AU]
Labyrinth AU
Ladybug AU [see Miraculous AU]
Ladyhawke AU {part of Fantasy AU}
Last of Us (the) AU {part of Post Apocalyptic AU}
Last Unicorn (the) AU
Lawyer Hux AU
Legend of Zelda AU
Library AU [see Book Shop AU]
Life Is Strange AU {part of Time Travel AU}
Light side AU (also see Reverse AU)
Lilo & Stitch AU
Little Red Riding Hood AU (also see Little Red Riding Hux AU and Wolf Kylo AU)
Little Red Riding Hux AU (also see Little Red Riding Hood AU)
Lord of the Rings (the) AU {part of Fantasy AU}
Lost Son AU {part of Parents AU}
Lovecraft AU (also see Horror AU)
–> M - R (part 4)
–> S - Z + # (part 5)
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madamebaggio · 4 years
Tags Masterlist
Hello, my dear friends.
I hope you’re all well and safe wherever you are.
I’ve spent the last few days updating all my tags here, so now we get this masterlist.
I’ll put it on my bio as well and probably it’ll get updated if new stories appear.
You can always find posts by character or ship. The new tags are mostly to help in case you want to check a specific string of posts (for example: you can still search #Sansa x Arthur, but maybe you’re looking for something specific like #every piece of my heart and all the posts related to that story).
I’m also adding the links for AO3 (for those stories that are there -not all of them are) and separating by ship. If a ship you like doesn’t have a tag, it’s because there’s just one story with them (like Sansa and Geralt, all their posts are related, so they don’t have a special tag; you can find them as #Sansa Stark x Geralt of Rivia).
Let’s get this show on the road. (let me know if you have any doubts)
#camelot ranch (Sansa meets Arthur when visiting the Tyrells’ Ranch)
#hen party at camelot (Dany has her hen party at Arthur’s pub)
#jumanji au (You can find it here as well)
#i wont believe in songs ( My work “I won’t believe in songs (Unless they’re sung by you)”)
#good girls go to heaven (My work “Good Girls go to Heaven (Bad Boys bring Heaven to you)”)
#theres no way  (My work “There’s no way (that’s not going there)”)
#till sunday (Sansa tries to seduce Arthur, he tells her to wait until she actually wants to sleep with him)
#artie rescues sansa (two adventures of Sansa (one in modern AU) being rescued by Arthur)
#changeling sansa (Inspired by the works of Nalini Singh, in which Sansa is a shape shifter)
#10 things i hate about you au #please come find me (Both tags are related to my work “Please, come find me”)
#accidental family (A one night stand gives Arthur quite a surprise a few years later)
#hero sansa (Sansa is a hero and Arthur is more of an anti-hero)
#im not marrying you (Sansa and Arthur really don’t want to marry each other)
#love potion (Arthur accidentaly drinks a love potion)
#action hero arthur (Arthur is an action actor that loses a bet and has to act on a rom com)
#who fell in love first (Sansa and Arthur tell their children about how they fell in love)
#the mummy au (Snippets of Sansa and Arthur in the Mummy verse)
#romancing the stone au (Snippets in this verse)
#john wick au (AU where Sansa is the manager of the Continental)
#fair game au (Arthur is a police officer and Sansa is a lawyer)
#great pickup lines (My work “Do you have a band-aid and other great pick-up lines”)
#every piece of my heart (My work “Every Piece of my Heart (Belongs to you)”)
#summer loving (My work “Summer loving (happened so fast)”)
#a text misshap (Sansa texted Arthur by accident, but got a date out of it)
#fooled around and fell in love (My work “Fooled around and fell in love”)
#a steely haven (My work “A Steely Haven”)
Sansa x Tommy Shelby
#a happy occasion  (Thomas is planning on marrying Ada to Robb Stark)
#pretty horses (My work “Of all your pretty horses before (You should know that I can love you much more)”)
#loving her was red (My work “Loving her was red”) 
#kiss with a fist (Kiss with a fist)
#the same way i like my coffee (The Same Way I Like My Coffee)
#youre finally home (You’re Finally Home)
#those stark boys (Those Stark Boys - obs: this is a Sansa/Jon/Robb)
#a whisper in the dark (A Whisper in the Dark)
#a million years ago (A Million Years Ago)
#the horse lord and the stark wolf (The Horse Lord and the Stark Wolf)
Sansa and others
#prince charming galahad (Modern AU where Sansa meets and adorable Galahad)
#godless underneath your cover (Sansa x Maul)
#tormented willas (One version of Willas Tyrell)
#polite willas (Another possible Willas)
#awkward willas (Final Willas lol)
#agent sansa stark (Sansa x Bucky)
#dont stand so close to me (Modern AU Sansa x Vortigern)
#my fair boss lady (Sansa x Raymond Smith)
#stark blue (Sansa x Bucky x Steve)
#vampire hunters (Starks are vampire hunters)
#maybe theyre seeing something we dont (Theonsa modern AU)
#hidden scars and wolf tattoos (Sansa x Jax)
#the night is young (The Night Is Young (and so are we) King Arthur 2004 crossover with Margaery and Brienne as well)
#my delirium ((Even if you’re the reason of) My delirium - Sansa x Oberyn x Willas modern AU 
The Crackship Fleet
#the first fleet
#cuddly september
#first meetings in october
#sharing beds in november
#december kisses
#late prompts
#angst march
#alternate april
#kissy june
Crossovers Series
#sansa stark crossovers
#susan pevensie crossovers
#margaery tyrell crossovers
#king arthur 2004 crossovers
Darcy Lewis
#commander testosterone (Darcy and Rumlow flirting)
#darcy bakes for the defenders (Darcy is bribing the Defenders with cookies)
#shockstrike (DarcyxJackxBrock)
#the adventures of cameron klein (Cameron Klein tries to survive Darcy and friends)
#is a cult cult (Darcy and Rumlow are pretending to be married)
#what if fanfic (Darcy x Jarvis)
#if i close my eyes (Work can be found here)
#lothiriel the dreamer (series of possible ways in which Lothiriel and Éomer could have met)
#lothiriel the innocent
#lothiriel the judicious
#lothiriel the ambitious
#lothiriel the mischievous
#lothiriel the valiant
#lothiriel the bold
#not tha kind of princess (“Not that kind of princess”)
#pretty awesome in pink (“Pretty (Awesome) in Pink” modern AU)
#something to talk about (can also be found here)
#flirty matt series
#not a date but kind of
#why dont we kill each other slowly (Can be found here)
#about elves and witch hunters (snippets related to their ship in the Fleet)
#the spring that thaws winter (here)
#rose and king (Marge x Roan, also related to their ship on the Fleet)
#dark in my imagination (here)
#when words are not enough (here)
#the iron lady series (here)
#the gentle lady series (here)
#all i see is red (“All I see is red” Agent 47 x Scarlett)
OMG! I thought I’d never end this... lol
I hope I didn’t forget anything... But let me know if you noticed any tag missing.
Enjoy it ;)
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the-cookie-of-doom · 4 years
Just for fun, I decided to add a table of contents now that I have everything fully copied over, and. Dude. My ToC alone is 7 pages
I’ll post it below the cut to give you guys a lil sneak peak about what’s to come ;)
January 2019
Strings of Fate 9
Crimson Peak AU 21
Southern Gothic AU 21
ABO Angst (First Fic) 32
Genie/Demon Slave AU 40
Maker AU 40
Construction AU 41
A/B/O & Teen Parents 42
Nude Modeling/College AU 44
Vampire Academy AU 45
Gym AU W/Emily 47
Mitch/Peter Canon Meta 57
Panther AU 59
Stiles/Mitch/Peter Void AU 69
Drifter/Amnesia AU 70
Point Break AU 71
A/B/O Spy AU 72
Single Dad AU W/Amelia 74
Siren Highschool AU 77
Werewolf AU (Mitch Goes Missing) 79
Mob/Panther AU (Peter/Mitch) 81
Criminal Minds AU 83
February 2019 83
Reincarnation AU (Stiles/Peter/Mitch) 83
Exorcism AU 85
Dorian Gray AU 87
Mini AUs (Mitch/Derek) 91
Priest AU (Steter) 93
Siren/Selkie AU 95
Angsty Band AU 96
Babysitter AU 97
Stiles Gets Sick 98
Runaway AU 99
Teen Angst 102
Undead Mitch (Mitch/Peter) 132
Southern Transfer Student AU 133
Professor/Stripper AU 134
Eichen House AU 136
Psychic Mitch AU (Mitch/Peter) 137
ABO Escort AU 138
Faerie Ring AU 140
(Lame) Bartender AU 140
Prohibition AU 141
Time Travel AU 141
Umbrella Academy AU 142
Stripper/Hitman/Runaway AU (Katrina/Mitch/Stiles) 142
Online Relationship AU 145
Mitch/Nogitsune/Stiles AU 145
John Wick AU 148
March 2019 148
Pornstar AU 148
Drifter AU 149
Drifter/Hooker AU (Sterek) 149
Hometown AU 150
Void Stiles AU (Steter) 151
Post-Nogitsune Body Horror AU 152
Country AU 153
Diego/Klaus Meta?? 156
Mitch/Chris Casual Sex AU (Ft. Interdimensional Travel) 158
Equilibrium 158
Survivor’s Guilt 159
Summer Roadtrip AU (Stetopher, Mitch/Katrina) 169
Massage AU 170
Conspiracy Theory AU 173
That Time They (Almost) Fucked* 176 *note for readers, it’s part of the Conspiracy AU
Stardust AU 178
Mitch/John AU 179
1500s(?) AU 181
Mitch Raised Little Brother Stiles (Platonic) 182
Snowed In AU 182
Camboy AU 183
Opposite Time Travel AU 183
Family Fight (Mitch/Peter) 185
Mitch/Void AU 188
Fantasy AU w/Dragons 194
House AU (S. 6 Ep. 4) 195
House AU 2.0 Single Dad w/Sick Daughter 197
Chronicles of Nick AU 198
Game Designer/YouTuber AU 202
April 2019 202
Peter’s Anchor AU 202
Hunter Mitch AU (Mitch/Peter) 203
Eichen AU (Mitch/Peter) 209
Teen Angst But WORSE 210
Restaurant AU 215
House AU 3.0 Stiles Gets Sick 216
Neighbors AU 217
Supernatural AU 219
Magic Mike AU 220
Hunter AU (Mitch/Peter) 221
Misc. AUs 222
- Elemental AU 225
- Angel/Demon AU 225
- Doppelganger AU 225
- Sordid Catholic Happenings AU 226
- Stoner AU 226
- Yogi/Body Builder(?) AU 226
- “I don’t love you” AU 227
- Avian AU 227
- Supernatural Detectives AU 227
- Mini Cyberpunk AU 228
- Domesticated Crptid 229
- Katrina Tops AU 229
- Mitch Being Abused (& Adopted by Hurley) 229
Death AU 230
ReplicantCloud Atlas AU 231
Serial Killer/Psychologist AU 233
DID/Nogitsune AU 234
Chambers AU 236
May 2019 246
Parole AU 246
Talia Takes Peter’s Memories (Meta) 247
Forced to Mate AU 247
What You Sow (ABO) 248
Service Dog AU (Peter/Mitch) 249
Victorian ABO AU 251
Beyond Reasonable Doubt 253
Accidental Puppy Acquisition 254
Mitch/John AU 257
Night Angel AU 257
Trafficking AU 258
Demon/Witch AU (Mitch/Katrina & Stitch) 259
Post-Apoc (Original) 259
Speech Counselor AU (Mitch/Peter) 261
Medieval Cult ABO 262
HS/College AU (Spin the Bottle) 265
Single Dad w/Bailey 266
June 2019 
Roadtrip AU 272
Werewolf War AU (Mitch/Laura, Stiles/Derek) 273
Lake Siren/Monster AU (Original) 275
Neighbors AU (Mitch/Stiles, Allison/Scott) 275
Stardust AU 276
Cyberpunk Post-Apoc AU 277
Highschool ABO 278
Priest/Sinner AU 279
Crossdressing/Historical Convention AU 282
Love Sacrificed AU (Mitch/Stiles/Peter) 284
Fake Dating AU 285
Devil AU 285
YouTuber AU 286
Vintage Porn AU 289
Prohibition Porn AU 289
WW1 Prostitute AU 290
Artillery 290
Stiles Kills Someone 297
Morning After AU 298
Captured By Hunters AU (Mitch/Peter) 299
July 2019 299
Necromancer AU (Stiles/Peter) 299
Rape Recovery (Mitch/Peter) 301
Vampire AU 303
Altar Boy/Sinner AU 304
Emissary Mitch AU 306
Agent Provocateur (Original) 308
Post-Nogitsune Wandering 308
Hippie/Punk AU 309
Mom’s Roadtrip Horror Stories 311
Renaissance AU (Stiles/Peter) 312
Harem AU (Mitch/Peter/Stiles) 312
The Hobbit AU 315
Buzzfeed Unsolved AU 318
Ice Skating AU 319
Non-Serious BDSM 320
August 2019 321
Dad Fic/Child Abuse* (Mitch/Peter) 321 *note for readers, Mitch and Peter aren’t the ones doing the abuse, they adopt the kid being abused and kill their dad. 
Unstable (Stiles/Derek, Mitch/Peter) 328
Christmas AU 334
Hunted 338
GoT Inspired/Birthday Fic 340
AHS: Coven AU 342
Stiles Kills Donovan 346
Stranger Things AU 349
Allison Angst (Wings of a Butterfly) 352
God/Mortal AU (w/Reincarnation) 353
Crimson Kiss 355
Mitch Saves Peter (Unrequited Love, Peter/Stiles) 356
Jigsaw AU 358
Kid Fic (Inspired by that one PtV Song??) 359
Blood Drive 360
Summer Camp AU 361
Succubus/Cupid AU 364
Human/Sex Demon AU 365
Rescue Me (Mitch Saves Stiles from Rogue Werewolves) 366
September 2019 367
AHS: Murder House AU (Mitch Sees Dead People) 367
Disney Cast Members AU 368
Winter Soldier AU 368
Definitely Not Haunted 369
Elemental AU (inspired by a Steter fic) 369
Fever Dream 370
Halloween Pumpkin Carving (Mitch/Peter) 373
Mitch Raises Cora 373
Naughty Bits 386
Dad Mitch (Not sure which au??) 396
Kill Shot/Strip Club AU 396
Sims AU 397
Mercy 404
Ghosts Katrina & Mitch 410
Musician/Long Distance AU 413
AA Girls/Lydia 416
Marionette Meta (GoT) 417
Cold War AU 419
Unicorn AU 419
Mitch Sleeps With An Informant (Jack Ryan-esque) 420
Vampire AU (Museum Edition) 422
Snowed In AU 423
Medieval Tourney AU (Peter/Chris) 423
October 2019 429
Crown Prince AU (Mitch/Peter) 429
Peter Has A Kink For Being Picked Up 431
Creepy Boarding School AU 431
Damaged Bois 435
Dracula AU (Mitch/Katrina/Stiles) 436
The Last Time 437
Worst Fears AU (Stiles/Peter, inspired by Jae/Allistair) 440
November 2019 444
Eichen House (Political Prisoner Mitch) 444
Dragon AU 444
Transfer Student Mitch Usurps Jackson 446
Locker Room Slut Stiles 447
Petopher AU 447
Rebound 448
Princess and the Pauper AU 467
Rival College Sports Teams AU 481
Teen Dad/Lawyer AU (Mitch/Peter) 482
Childhood Best Friends AU 487
Culinary AU 489
Rival/Married Teachers AU 490
Angel/Demon AU 491
December 2019 492
Christmas Fake Dating/Wedding AU 492
Vikings AU 495
Artist/Muse AU 498
CIA Escort Agency 498
Mitch Can’t Die 499
Hooker Mitch/Act of Treason (?) 500
Long Live the King 500
Mitch Gets Wrecked (Triathlon Aftermath) 504
The Mirror’s Curse (Original) 504
Angel/Reaper AU 505
January 2020 508
Bystander Effect 508
Melting Point 509
Vampire AU "I'll bet you're hungry." 512
Vampire AU - Katrina Turns Mitch 514
Witch/Incubus Bookshop & Sanctuary AU 517
Cottagecore Wish Fulfillment (Fae Stiles) 518
Ace Mitch 520
Monster Menagerie 521
Vampire Venom Black Market 523
Florist/Tattoo Artist 524
Gentle Angst AUs 524
Counselor/Praise Kink 526
Hanahaki AU 527
There is something bitterly funny about the last idea I told my ex about, being a Hanahaki AU, only for her to break up with me a month later bc I’m aromantic...
When I realized that last night while looking at this, it really made me see hanahaki AUs in a different light lmao. Maybe there’s a reason they’ve always been one of my favorite.
If there’s an AU that sparked your interest, feel free to ask me about it! I love talking about my fics : 3
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