#laundry in amsterdam
super-wash · 2 years
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Looking for a professional service for laundry in Amsterdam. Then you must go at super wash, this is  the right place for cleaning all your clothing and textiles. They offer various service like laundry service, dry cleaning service, ironing service, chemical cleaning etc. For more details you can visit our website.
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15lehna · 3 months
Lily du??
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perrylaundry04 · 9 months
Splendid Experience at Perry Laundry
Enhance your experience with Perry Laundry in Amsterdam.Eco-friendly techniques combined with impeccable service. Your clothing is taken care of by us, from professional dry cleaning to wash and fold. Savour the elegance of immaculately ironed clothing along with smooth pickup and delivery. Our top priority is your convenience. Visit Perry Laundry to redefine freshness.
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Go and visit Perry Laundry Today!!
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ultralaundry · 1 month
8 Essential Tips for Caring for Your Clothes While Traveling | Ultra Laundry
Traveling brings the thrill of discovering new experiences and places, but it also comes with challenges, particularly in maintaining your clothing. Wrinkles, stains, and unwanted odors can quickly transform your stylish attire into a travel hassle. Knowing and applying travel clothing care tips is essential for keeping your wardrobe fresh, polished, and ready for adventure.
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perrylaundry · 9 months
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Perry Laundry Service in Amsterdam sets the gold standard for laundry care. Our dedicated team ensures your garments receive meticulous attention, from pickup to delivery. Experience the epitome of convenience as Perry takes the hassle out of laundry day. Trust us to keep your clothes fresh and impeccably clean in the heart of Amsterdam.
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ahappydnp · 10 days
I want to read the essay show it to me rachel 👉👈
i'm not joking when i say it's essay length ⬇️
so starting at like 12:49 of this liveshow he mentions the laundry story he told in the video but made the off handed comment that phil was like “whats happened are you moving in” when he saw dan with a suitcase which like…mmhhhhm
phil started looking for flats in the spring of 2010 shortly after dan got accepted into manchester uni and actually toured a couple in march 2010 (but obvs didn’t get one until august 2010) dan had vaguely mentioned that he could film at phil’s place over the summer so i fully believe they intended for dan to at least spend the summer at phil’s flat before he moved into the dorms in the fall
yes manchester uni requires all first years to live in the dorms no matter what so dan didn’t really have a choice in signing up for a dorm and also phil’s talked about the importance of having the uni experience and i can see him wanting dan to have it 
my assumption is they agreed dorms were best but it was understood dan would spend as much time as possible in phil’s flat, but then the further the year went on and the less dan went to classes it was pretty obvious he’d all but officially moved in
NOV 2010: dan goes to a&e with phil and says “the closest hospital to where WE live”
DEC 2010: dnp both signed up for a gym membership at the gym below phil’s flat! dan mentions in let’s get physical that he’s going to go regularly despite the gym being at phil’s place and he was “”””living in the dorms”””” 15 minutes away (where btw manchester uni had a free gym for students)
DEC 2010: dan’s chocolate advent calendar was at phil’s flat in december 2010!! small but i’m including it bc i am insane
i mean obvs most of dan’s videos and vyous from 2010-2011 school year where at phil’s flat which is understandable in that it was less awkward but come one…he was Always There 
JAN 2011: dan going to amsterdam in january 2011 with his uni flatmates felt like something he didn’t really Want to do and more like something he felt obligated to or maybe (this is just my hc) something phil pushed him to do in a way?? bc it was the weekend of phil’s birthday and i can’t see dan actually wanting to miss that again to go hang out with straight uni lads in amsterdam when he’s closeted and not particularly close to them ya know??? 
i think also at this point dan was clearly not doing well mentally when it came to school and phil thought bonding with flatmates might help? once again just me theorizing but the trip just never made sense with the way dan talked about his flatmates but we know he was struggling to care about uni at all by the second term
and now we've got phil talking about dan doing coursework the morning of
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taylorswiftstyle · 3 months
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Out and about | Amsterdam, Netherlands | July 6, 2024
Vivienne Westwood Fall 2024 necklace
Taylor's entire ensemble was pulled direct from the VW FW2024 lookbook, including this safety pin and pearl drop necklace.
Worn with: Vivienne Westwood dress + top + bag and Chinese Laundry heels
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yelena-bellova · 1 year
Heartfirst: A Ted Lasso Story - Chapter Ten
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Chapter Ten: Three Characters
Plot: Y/n puts her career at risk to help defend one of the Greyhounds.
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: f!reader, language
A/N: This is barely spell checked, full warning.
Quick thanks to all of you for the lovely asks and comments you’ve been dropping. I really had no expectations for this one but I’m really glad people are enjoying it. Hopefully you enjoy this one as well! 💙
Jamie Tartt had a lot of regrets in his life.
He regretted how he’d treated his teammates. How he’d been a prick to good people like Ted. How he’d gone about his relationship with Keeley. His first years in the Premier League were nothing but regrets.
“Come on, Tartt!”
And inviting Y/n to train with him that one morning he’d needed to pee was up there with the worst of them.
She was jogging significantly faster than him, but she had the advantage of not having Roy Kent on a bike tied to her waist.
Y/n ran backwards, showing off purely because she could. She faced Jamie with a smirk.
“Roy,” she called, “How ‘bout subbing me in for the Arsenal match?”
“If you’re faster than him,” Roy called back, “I’ll fucking consider it.”
Jamie grimaced, pushing himself to go faster. Y/n grinned at the effort and turned back around to keep her own pace.
She’d been different since Amsterdam, Jamie had noticed. There was a new levity to her. She was more talkative, she was smiling more, and just all around seemed more…her. The little he had seen of her privately, she seemed more of that.
And while he liked that, he was fucking exhausted by her and Roy teaming up against him.
“March,” Roy shouted for Jamie to run faster. He let out a casual whistle as Richmond locals watched them pass by.
“Good news is, after this,” Y/n called from the front, “Are burpees!”
Jamie groaned under his breath. She was enjoying this way too much.
Among the many changes in Y/n since Amsterdam, she had a new weekly appointment to keep.
“So you don’t know his name,” Y/n recapped the story she’d just been told, “You didn’t sleep with him. You just danced and drank wine and he cooked for you and did your laundry and gave you a foot massage.”
Rebecca nodded, a mouth full of biscuit preventing her from doing any more than humming. They were currently seated on the couch in her office.
Y/n was floored. “Well, if that’s not a movie, I don’t know what is.”
“I’ve never experienced anything like it,” Rebecca cut a hand through the air, “It was…gezellig.”
“You’re gonna have to teach me what that means,” Y/n remarked, taking a sip of her tea, “That’s insane. And you really didn’t exchange names? Nothing?”
“Mm-mm,” Rebecca replied, “It was one of those moments in time that just…stays there. It was perfect.”
Y/n smiled, shaking her head, “Well, it sounds like this gezellig phenomenon’s got its work cut out. Needs to bring the two of you back together.”
Rebecca sighed, “I doubt it. And I think I’m okay with it. Like I said, perfect in its own time.”
“Hey,” Y/n smacked Rebecca’s arm lightly, “Maybe he’s Matchbox Man.”
Rolling her eyes, Rebecca got up to serve herself another cup of tea. “Oh, hush,” she scolded, “I should have never told you that.”
“It’s giving a skeptic a lot to believe in,�� Y/n chuckled. She had never thought anything of psychics and now Rebecca was trying to convince her otherwise. “And I wouldn’t have guessed you did either.”
“I didn’t,” the blonde said as she poured, “I don’t. But all these…little things. The details. It’s bloody ridiculous, yes, but…”
“Well, I like the ending part,” Y/n said. The more she got to know her, it became quite easy to picture Rebecca as a mother. But Y/n had decided against paying her that compliment. It clearly meant a lot to her and she was still grappling with the weight of the prediction.
Rebecca collected her thoughts, coming back to the couch. “Enough about me. What’s new with you?”
“Nothing,” Y/n shrugged.
“Oh, I don’t believe that for a second,” Rebecca replied, “You’re happier, you’re relaxed…is there someone you’re not telling me about?”
“Uh, no,” Y/n laughed, shooting down the theory immediately, “Definitely not.”
“So none of the boys have tried anything?” Rebecca asked.
“No,” Y/n answered, “Blissfully. But they’re all pretty decent. I’m not too worried.”
“Oh, don’t let them hear you say that,” Rebecca muttered, “They may be gentlemen, but they’ll jump at any chance they get.”
Y/n laughed, but didn’t miss the way her boss’ eyes ever so briefly seemed to glaze over, lost in a thought.
“There something you wanna tell me?” Y/n asked.
Rebecca purposefully took a sip, forcing silence and innocently shaking her head. It was suspicious enough for Y/n to follow the money.
“They’re all perfectly lovely,” Rebecca smiled.
“Mm-hm,” Y/n smirked, not even trying to buy the denial.
“So, come on,” Rebecca changed the subject, “What is it then? What’s your secret?”
The only person Y/n had confided in about even 1% of her life’s history was Jamie, and that had only been because he understood it. She didn’t want to have to explain her revelations in Amsterdam and the complex backstory that came with them to anyone. But nearly everyone she’d encountered at Nelson Road that week had commented on her change in countenance. She hadn’t realized how obvious she’d been before.
“I think I’ve just…” Y/n sighed, “Settled in. I mean, I’m enjoying being here.”
Rebecca smiled and squeezed Y/n’s arm, “I’m glad. You’re a superb addition.”
Out of the many bosses she’d had, Y/n had never known one as kind as Rebecca. She was glad they’d started spending time together.
Y/n glanced at the clock on the wall, “Better get going.”
“What’s on the agenda today?” Rebecca asked.
“This will be my third attempt at getting footage from training for the socials,” Y/n set her empty teacup on the coffee table and rose, “When I say ‘wish me luck,’ I mean light a candle.”
“Oh no,” Rebecca replied, “What’s prevented you so far?”
Y/n wasn’t sure how to answer. The first day she and the staff photographer had come down to the pitch, the only shots they’d gotten were of various players throwing up or laying in fetal position. The second day consisted of shots where none of the boys looked like they knew what they were doing. Plus, a few action mode captures of Isaac making a corner kick, which Y/n felt needed to be kept for insurance purposes. On top of all of that, Ted had decided to start inviting fans to observe training which made things more tense, knowing that there were spectators watching every move. Y/n wasn’t sure what, or who, she’d find on the pitch that day.
“Well, you wouldn’t tell Van Gogh how to paint,” Y/n stopped at the door and faced Rebecca, “And you wouldn’t tell Ted how to coach.”
Rebecca smiled knowingly, giving Y/n a little ‘good luck’ nod before they both braved their separate days.
Y/n rounded up Gavin, one of the photographers for the club, and headed out to the pitch. Training had already begun and Ted was in the midst of explaining an exercise.
“Hey,” Y/n said softly, greeting Trent who was observing from the railing.
“Hey,” Trent replied.
Y/n took the spot beside him, the two of them had developed an easy rapport. “What do we have today?”
Trent’s mouth opened and shut, unsure of how to describe what Ted had just set up. Rather than try, he simply nodded toward the team.
Y/n took a look at the Greyhounds. They were all clumped together, as usual. What was out of the ordinary were the red strings that seemed to be connecting one player to another, stemming from their…shorts?
“Where’s the string-“ Y/n questioned aloud, before the answer struck her, “Oh.”
Trent rubbed at his lower lip, “Yeah.”
Y/n turned to Gavin, who was waiting for instructions. “You can go ahead and go back in, Gavin, we’re not getting anything today.”
Once he’d been sent off, Y/n went back to watching the team. They moved awkwardly to their positions, never straying too far from one another. When Ted blew his whistle, they became even more clunky, yet still moving with lightning quick reflexes. Driven purely by fear.
Trent and Y/n watched, both of them slightly amused. At some point, Y/n quietly pulled out her phone. It was too memorable a moment to not save for the rest of eternity.
“I may have my journalistic integrity,” Trent leaned in and whispered, pointing to Y/n’s phone, “But that is fantastic blackmail material.”
“Oh, I know,” Y/n chuckled, “Or I’ll just play it when they need to be humbled.”
Cries of pain and panic popped up on different ends of the pitch. So far, they’d avoided the ultimate injury, but it stood to wonder how long they could go before someone-
The pitch fell silent, everyone’s breath stuck in their chests. All eyes fell on Jamie, who didn’t dare to move, his red string missing.
Dani went to his friend, holding fast as Jamie checked to make sure…everything was intact. When he held up a hand to signal things were fine, Dani sighed.
“It’s okay! His penis is okay!”
While everyone let out a breath, Y/n snorted. Not only was it just so mind-numbingly absurd, but she’d gotten the entire thing on camera.
Ted blew his whistle, taking one step forward and tripping on a string connecting two players. Trent and Y/n both covered their faces, trying hard not to laugh.
“Okay, fellas,” Ted called after giving several apologies, “I think we’ve given this about as much of a go as anything else. Let’s take a break, untangle those knots, and we’ll get back out after.”
“So…” Y/n turned to Trent, “What do you think? Full chapter?”
Trent shrugged, “Worth a mention, at least.”
Later in the afternoon, Y/n was in her office when a Twitter alert chimed from her phone. With the Arsenal match two days away, it was likely the Greyhounds would be trending. When she picked up her mobile, she was surprised to find it was Sam who was trending, not Richmond.
Y/n opened the app to find that the tweet Sam had recently made, condemning the handling of Portsmouth Harbor’s refugee situation, had turned into an exchange. The politician he’d mentioned had snapped back and essentially told Sam to shut up and play football. She’d gone so far as to call him mediocre.
Sam. Mediocre.
It made Y/n’s blood boil. How could someone supposed to lead and guide the country stoop to so low a level? And to take it out on someone like Sam? Empathic, earnest, fucking spectacularly talented, Sam?
It wasn’t often that Y/n acted on emotion alone. All decisions in her life were carefully thought out, not a single one made without an ample amount of consideration. But when she opened up the AFC Richmond Twitter account and typed three characters, she did so purely from her heart.
The tweet read: #24
A few hours later, the headlines started to pop up.
AFC Richmond Backs Obisanya in Heated Political Exchange
Obisanya vs. Barot: Richmond Weighs In
Richmond Goes Political: Sam Obisanya’s Team Denounces Brenda Barot
Y/n had never seen something fall apart so fast. She had made a tremendous mistake.
Sat in the seats of the training pitch, the headlines bounced around her head. In a moment of pure insanity, feeling defensive of Sam, she’d managed to make football political. Not only was Sam under fire, but so was AFC Richmond as a whole. How many times had she been taught to avoid situations like this? Every boss she’d ever had had instructed her to stay neutral on anything involving politics. Never mix personal with professional. With one tweet, she’d thrown all teaching to the wayside and essentially blown her career up.
Jamie’s voice broke her out of her spinning thoughts. He was climbing the concrete steps, hands stuck in his sweatshirt pocket.
“Van Damme spotted you filmin’ this morning,” he said, “And the lads appointed me to come and appeal to your humanity, release the video to us.”
Y/n scoffed, “Uh-huh.”
“And I’m afraid,” Jamie scrunched his face and swayed back and forth, “I can’t take no for an answer.”
“I mean, the only person this really affects is you,” Y/n extended a hand out, “Everyone else came off looking pretty damn skilled.”
Jamie scoffed, “‘Scuse you, I wouldn’t pick on you if you were injured.”
“Almost injured,” Y/n rolled her eyes thoroughly, “I have the proof.”
“Bringin’ us back to…” Jamie threw out his hand and wiggled his fingers.
Y/n gave a tight lipped smile, “Yeah, well, I’ll have to turn over all the footage anyway when I’m fired. You’ll be safe then.”
Jamie squinted, “What’re you talkin’ about?”
“Have you seen the headlines?”
The joke was officially over. Jamie walked down the aisle and dropped into the seat beside Y/n. “No,” he replied, waiting until she held up her phone with an article already pulled up, “Oh.”
“Yeah,” she stuffed the device back in her coat pocket.
“But…” Jamie tried to connect the dots, “Why would you get sacked for a tweet?”
“Because I got personal,” Y/n explained, her eyes never leaving the pitch. It was nearing sunset, the whole field was illuminated with a golden glow. “You post something like that on your page, not your employer’s.”
Jamie watched Y/n’s mouth move, still not quite understanding the problem. Not because he lacked the logic to figure it out, but because…was there really a problem?
“Have you seen the pictures from last season?” He asked, “Of Sam and the Dubai Air thing? Us on the pitch with tape over our kits?”
In her extensive research before she’d started, Y/n had come across shots of the team, boycotting Dubai Air. She’d also seen his press conference afterwards, accusing the Nigerian government of corruption. The boys had all stood in solidarity with him.
“Caused a fuckin’ riot,” Jamie continued, “Some people loved us, some people hated us. We’re still here.”
“‘Cause if you mess up or cause a scandal, people forgive you because you’re Jamie Tartt,” Y/n gestured to him, “You’re irreplaceable, I’m expendable. Universities crank out hundreds of me each year, ready to replace the next one who screws up.”
Any other time, Jamie wouldn’t have turned down the chance to spend time on the ‘irreplaceable’ remark. But it was clear Y/n was truly hurting. She really thought she’d ruined things.
“I just,” Y/n rested her head in her hand, “I just couldn’t stand to see that asshole attack Sam like that. He didn’t do anything. I don’t think the man’s committed one sin in his life.”
“Prick,” Jamie joked, trying to get her to smile.
“I just got angry,” Y/n continued, “And I shouldn’t have. Not like that.”
“I really don’t think it’s all that bad,” Jamie replied.
Y/n sighed, shutting her eyes as she leaned back in her seat, “We’ll see what Rebecca says.”
“You’re not goin’ anywhere,” Jamie brushed the mere idea off, “Even if she sacks you, I’d walk out with ya. See how she likes that.”
Y/n chuckled, “Yeah, right.”
“No, I’m serious,” Jamie continued, “Pack up me things, follow you out, refuse to come back till they re-hired ya.”
She shot him a quirked brow.
“Yeah, probably not,” Jamie said, finally earning a proper laugh from Y/n, “But I’d support ya silently.”
“Wow, what a pal,” Y/n remarked.
“Hey,” Jamie nudged her elbow, “You’re gonna be fine.”
Pulling one hand out of his pocket, Jamie slid his arm around the back of Y/n’s chair, offering a hug.
With another match being struck to her boundaries, Y/n leaned in and let Jamie embrace her. She settled her head against his shoulder, absorbing the warmth he radiated and letting herself be comforted…just for a moment. Even if all things fell apart, for a few seconds, everything felt okay.
Her frown returned as Jamie’s hand slid down towards her coat pocket.
“I can feel you trying to take my phone,” she said.
“I’m sorry,” Jamie replied, blindly feeling around and now slipping his other arm around Y/n, “I need that video.”
“Jamie,” Y/n grunted as she twisted to the side, holding her phone out as far as possible.
“I’m sorry,” Jamie was now fully on her and trying to pin her down, “I’m sorry.”
“Jamie!” Y/n cried, as they wrestled one another into the next seat. It was a blessing there was no one around. They were a fucking sight.
It took Y/n a good five minutes to hype herself up enough to knock on Rebecca’s door. She took a few deep breaths, hopped up and down a couple times, before rapping her knuckles on the doorframe.
“Ah,” Rebecca greeted her with a reserved smile, “I was just about to ask you to come up.”
Y/n’s nervous smile dropped, “You were?”
“Yes,” Rebecca gestured to the chair across from hers, “I wanted to speak to you about the current headlines.”
“Rebecca,” Y/n held up both hands, walking quickly across the room, “Before you say anything, let me just say this…I am so incredibly sorry for what I did. It was stupid a-and emotional of me and I had no place posting that from the club’s account. It was unprofessional of me and I absolutely understand if you’d like to call Keeley and ask her to bring in someone else.”
Rebecca let her finish, her expression unreadable as Y/n rambled. It unsettled Y/n more to not know just how much disappointment she was feeling.
“Y/n,” Rebecca raised a hand, “You’re not fired.”
Her brows shot up, “I’m not?”
“Absolutely not,” Rebecca smiled warmly, “Far from it. I wanted to commend you for what you did.”
“My tweet?” Y/n finished.
“How that woman spoke to Sam is repulsive. And there’s many more that are supporting those same thoughts. Sam doesn’t deserve that and we, as a club, stand behind him 100%. Why shouldn’t we do so publicly?”
Y/n’s heart was beginning to beat a little less out of her chest.
“You did nothing wrong,” Rebecca assured, “And don’t you dare think for a second I’d be crazy enough to let you go.”
A force of breath escaped Y/n, the air she didn’t realize she’d been holding onto. She wasn’t used to so much compassion, nor so much personalism embedded in the workplace. It had once bothered her, now it was saving her.
“Thank you,” was all she felt she could say.
“Now,” Rebecca pressed both palms to her desk, “Don’t you have more papers to be pissing off?”
Y/n laughed, turning on her heel and heading for the door. She’d have made it to the hall, if a sudden theory hadn’t railroaded through her mind.
“Oh my gosh,” she spun around, “Was it Sam?”
Rebecca, always so perfectly collected, shot a finger Y/n’s way. “Out.”
Y/n left smiling, both at the discovery and with relief that for the time being, she was safe.
The Arsenal match came around, bringing Richmond another opportunity to break their unlucky streak.
As always, Rebecca, Keeley and Y/n were in the stadium’s suite, waiting in anticipation. Lately, Y/n hadn’t seen much of Keeley, what with Jack absorbing the lion’s share of her time.
Rebecca and Keeley had filled Y/n in on the issue at hand. Jack was apparently “love bombing” her girlfriend, showering her with gifts and grand gestures. Not only was it overwhelming Keeley, but it was tipping the scales unfairly.
“That is a little…extreme,” Y/n admitted, they’d just told her about the overflowing amount of daisies Jack had filled Keeley’s office with.
“Mmm,” Rebecca nodded and swallowed her mouthful of champagne, “At the beginning, Rupert bought me so many tulips for so long, his florist was able to buy a castle.”
Keeley’s face furrowed, “What?”
“I mean, it was in Scunthorpe,” Rebecca shrugged, “But still. A castle.”
“Well, I’m taking Jack out tonight,” Keeley said, “And if she tries to pay, then I will give her-“
“You’ll give her what?” Rebecca smiled.
Keeley paused before smirking, “Just the tip.”
“Okay,” Y/n finished the last of her wine, “I support this, but I’m gonna need to be a lot less sober to hear you talk about our boss like that.”
The women burst into snorts, Keeley clutching onto Y/n’s arm.
“Hello, everyone,” Higgins approached the group with another man in tow.
“Hello, Leslie,” Rebecca greeted.
“May I present-” Higgins began to make introductions, but Rebecca was one step ahead.
“Mr. Obisanya. Rebecca Welton. Lovely to meet you.”
“Likewise,” the man said, shaking her hand, “Samuel has told me so much about you.”
Rebecca’s grin spread a little, “Has he?”
“Yes,” Mr. Obisanya’s tone became more serious, “He has.”
“Cool,” Rebecca’s shoulders jumped up.
Keeley and Y/n watched the interaction plunge right into awkwardness. If Y/n hadn’t been certain in her theory that Sam and Rebecca had once been a thing, this was a grand confirmation.
“Oh, yeah!” Keeley broke the silence, jumping up and down, “Come on, you Greyhounds! Let’s go, Richmond!”
Y/n cheered in addition, trying to make the moment any less uncomfortable.
“I’m Keeley, by the way,” she reached out and took Mr. Obisanya’s hand, “Hi.”
Y/n did the same, “Y/n.”
“Hey,” Sam’s father greeted them, but his eyes drifted back to Rebecca, “Let’s go, Greyhounds.”
As Higgins wisked Mr. Obisanya off, Keeley and Y/n tugged Rebecca along to their seats. The KJPR girls acted as a barrier, sitting on either side of her.
As the boys came out on the pitch, Y/n wondered if all the insane training methods she’d watched over the week would pay off. All the sweat, blood, tears and vomit had to be worth something.
Or nothing
The Greyhounds were slamming into one another, missing each other’s signals, and basically acting like it was their first time on a pitch. When the fifteen minute break came around, it was a relief to have a few minutes off from watching the misery.
While Rebecca and Keeley were away getting another drink, Mr. Obisanya crossed the aisle to sit beside Y/n.
“I wanted to thank you,” he leaned in to be heard over the crowd, “For what you did for my son.”
“Oh,” Y/n was a little surprised he even knew about her blunder. She hadn’t even had the opportunity to talk with Sam about it. “It was nothing. Really.”
“No,” Mr. Obisanya shook his head, “It was not nothing. There are very few willing to stand up against the type of people who attacked him. Who are willing to speak out,” he pointed a finger towards Y/n’s chest, “But you did.”
Y/n wasn’t sure she had grapsed the true weight of what she’d done until then. Sam’s father took her hand between his and squeezed, smiling so very warmly.
When the second half came around, the Greyhounds came back out with more confidence. There was no feasible way for them to beat Arsenal, but there was plenty of time left to go down swinging.
Van Damme prevented a goal and tossed the ball off to Jan, who shot it over to Dixon. Dixon passed it infield to Jamie, who immediately kicked it to Sam, who gave it to Colin. Over and over they passed to one another, beautifully.
Y/n gripped the railing, nearly out of her seat as she watched.
The ball ended back with Jamie and he passed to Isaac. Isaac got it to Dani who brought it right back to Jamie. Bumbercatch received it, sending it to Goodman, and a lightning quick Jamie was in prime position to score a goal. Instead, he faked the other team out and kicked it back to Richard, who nailed the perfect goal.
Rebecca and Keeley sat in shock, but Y/n leapt to her feet, cheering with nothing but pride.
“That was incredible,” she exclaimed, her hands pressed to her lips.
“I don’t even know what happened,” Rebecca cried, breaking into a grin.
The match ended 3-1, Asrsenal, but it didn’t feel like a total loss for Richmond. They were back. Zava-less and proud, they were back.
After overseeing interviews, Y/n hurried down to the Greyhound bus before it left. She needed to talk to-
She turned to see Sam, hastening his steps to catch up to her.
“Hey,” she waved, “Oh my gosh! You guys were amazing!”
“Thank you,” Sam smiled, “I wanted to thank you for what you did.“
“No, no, no,” she shook her head and took hold of Sam’s arms, “You spoke out. That’s what matters.”
“Just the fact that you would do that,” Sam continued, “It meant a lot. I know you probably took some heat for it.”
Y/n chuckled, “Not as much as you’d think.”
“Well, thank you,” Sam extended his arms, unsure of whether it was alright to hug but feeling all the kinship needed for one.
Y/n didn’t hesitate to wrap her arms around Sam’s shoulders.
“I’ll see you Monday,” Sam said as they pulled away from one another.
“See you Monday,” Y/n patted his arm once more before heading back towards the stadium.
Jamie, already sat in the bus, watched out the tinted windows as Sam and Y/n hugged. He’d been glad when she’d come back from her meeting with Rebecca smiling, the two of them passing one another in the hall. He’d even been remorsefully happy when she waved her phone at him, a reminder that the Greyhounds would forever have to be nice to her, lest the Red String incident go public.
Jamie was happy, all around, that Y/n had settled into Richmond.
And he couldn’t figure out why he was the tiniest bit jealous that she’d come down to find Sam and not him.
Heartfirst Taglist: @lalla-04p @optimisticsandwichgladiator @makingmunson94 @taytaylala12 @storysimp @sokkigarden @lightninginab0ttle @poohkie90 @alipap3 @verra-nerevarine @shineforever19 @spaceagechimera @burnafter-reading @qardasngan @cyberpvnk-enthusiast @sogoodtoheritsvicious @buckybarnex @angelsunflxwer @blueanfield @thewildestwonderland @sablecities @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @strawberryacethingz @mentalistfan @tortilla-maria1 @katdahlali @for-fuck-sake-im-alive @glitterquadricorn @jamieolivia27 @imvibin69 @katlizada @lil-tracys @fanaticalfantasist @heyitz-julia @cactajuice @peachyy-tea @notalxx @rockchickrebel @anxiety-prime-max @loveforaugust @jellycolors @actuallybarb @heletsmelovehim @lovinnscarletknight @imfalling-inlove @leslieiscrying @meg-ro
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erasabledinosaur · 5 months
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What's in my Game: cc edition
dew of the sea
nature set | Tulips from Amsterdam
EA-edit Set | paranormal art items
Special | Love Not War Valentine Set
EA-edit Set | Bonehilda Themed Items
Art Set | Old Family Pictures
Winter Gifts | a tub full of plants
Winter Gifts | thank you cards
Winter Gifts | winter wishes cards
Winter Gifts | wall ribbons for cards
[DEW at home] accordion wall rack + clothes
[Magic Month] | gothic witch paintings
EA-edit Set | more hallway stuff
4t3: Strangerville Random posters
4t3: Bread n’ Butter Toaster Clock, and Radio (High School Years EP).
4t3: More Stains (Basement Treasures Kit)
4t3: Collection of Floor Destruction 1: Scratches (Werewolves GP)
4t3: Collection of Wall Destruction (Werewolves GP)
4t3: Collection of Floor Destruction 2: Cracks (Werewolf GP)
Bonehilda Coffin Default.
4t3: Werewolf Noir Film Poster (Werewolves GP)
4t3: Fury-Fueled Nonconformity Poster (Werewolves GP)
4t3: LIS2 Grocery Bags.
4t3: TC Deco 01.
4t3: sforzinda’s High School Years Clutter Separated.
4t3: Perfectly  Plush Couch (High School Years EP).
4t3: Cow Plant Duo
4t3: Simmify Instant Camera (Deco)
4t3: Saved by the Chair (High School Years EP)
4t3: Laundry Deco (High School Years EP)
4t3: BG Decor (Base Game)
4t3: GP07 Barback Clutter (Strangerville GP)
4t3: Heavy Metal Decor (Strangerville GP)
4t3: School Festival Objects (High School Years EP)
4t3: Good Old Times Tables (High School Years EP)
2t3: Bathroom Rugs (Sims 2 conversion)
4t3: RE3 Clutter (Deco)
4t3: House Clutter (Parenthood GP, & Eco Lifestyle EP)
4t3: The Front Desk Clutter (Get Together EP)
4t3: High Definition Blowdryer (Deco)
4t3: Bathroom Clutter Kit Rugs (Bathroom Clutter Kit)
4t3: Bric-A-Bac Wall Art (Strangerville Separated).
4t3: Laundry Maid Essentials (Laundry Day SP)
4t3: Bathroom Clutter (Bathroom Clutter Kit)
4t3: When Life Gives You Linens Clutter (Laundry Day Separated).
4t3: Get Together Decor
4t3: Random 02 (Cottage Living EP)
4t3: Random Rugs
4t3: Kid’s Decor (Growing Together EP)
4t3: Random Decor (Growing Together EP)
4t3: Infant Update (Decor)
4t3: Bathroom Clutter 02 (Bathroom Clutter Kit)
4t3: Basement Treasures Decor (Basement Treasures Kit)
4t3: Grandma’s Couch (Basement Treasures Kit)
4t3: Basement Treasures Decor #02 (Basement Treasures Kit)
4t3: Book Nook Decor (Book Nook Kit)
4t3: Kids Decor 02 (Growing Together EP)
4t3: Greenhouse Haven Decor (Greenhouse Haven Kit)
4t3: Pile of the Sims Daily (Cats & Dogs EP)
4t3: Living Set (Book Nook Kit)
4t3: SquareTube TV (Basement Treasures Kit)
4t3: Shortwave Shindig Radio (Horse Ranch EP)
4t3: More Book Nook (Book Nook Kit)
4t3: Discover University Decor (Discover University EP)
4t3: Paint Decor (City Living EP)
4t3: Art Attack
4t3: Sick Tunes
4t3: Pretty in Punk
4t3: TVs
4t3: Nonna's Cookbook (Home Chef Hustle SP)
4t3: Everyday Clutter Decor (Everyday Clutter Kit)
4t3: Bread Box of Holding (Parenthood GP)
4t3: Pillow for Deep Thoughts (Spa Day GP)
4t3: Party Poppers (Toddler SP)
4t3: Tastefully Empty Bookshelf Decor
4t3: Non-Functional Water Heater (For Rent EP)
4t3: Tibert Decor (For Rent EP)
4t3: The For Rent Sign (For Rent EP)
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octuscle · 8 months
Being a Gogo boy looks fun… but it’s definitely a certain kind of body you need for it.
Did you know that the basic Chronivac package does not include individual support? But I'd be happy to make an exception for you. Perhaps also to avoid further unnecessary support cases.
The be-all and end-all of a good transformation is a sensible prompt that you enter for the transformation. For example, the desired result could be "A twenty-year-old athletic go-go boy with excellent dancing skills in erotic leather clothing". You should perhaps add what and where your new self is. I'm assuming that you don't suddenly want to be sitting at your grandma's coffee table in high leather boots. So let's add "On the dance floor of a dimly lit nightclub at 02:00 in the morning". If the journey is the destination for you, you have to describe that too. For example, "Immediately beginning a steady transformation that ends in 48 hours." To summarize: "Immediately beginning uniform transformation into a twenty-year-old athletic go-go boy with excellent dancing skills in erotic leather clothing, ending in 48 hours on the dance floor of a dimly lit nightclub at 02:00 in the morning." Attention, the AI only implements what you write, so the dance floor will be where it is in 48 hours at 02:00 in the morning.
It is 13:00 in Amsterdam when you press "Enter". Congratulations! The nightclub where you're whipping up the masses is obviously in Honolulu. However, you look like anything but a gogo boy. Slightly overweight office worker in his mid-40s… I'm curious. The change in your routines starts right at lunchtime. No quick stop at the burger joint across the street. Instead, three quarters of an hour on the cross trainer in the company gym. And then a small salad. No dressing. And a liter and a half of still mineral water. You've been taking almost manic care of your body for six months now. And it shows. You've really lost weight. Your skin is much better. And your taste in clothes has also improved. Nice suit!
You listen to music at work during the afternoon. Unusual for you. You actually need peace and quiet. Now you can only concentrate with music… Well… Concentrate… Actually, you surf the Internet more. And checking out horny guys on Grindr. You have your first date right after work at 5 pm. Just before that, a quick check in the toilet. Yes, for a man in his early 40s, you're pretty darn tight. Bright smile, always slightly tanned. And a tight butt. That's what you're known for in your department.
A hot fuck like this on the way home is a great way to switch off after work. When you get home, you quickly get changed and then it's off to the gym. Boxing arobics is on the schedule today. Perfect training for strength, muscle building and fitness. And most of the participants are to your taste. After the workout, you spend some time on the free weights. And then in the sauna. It's almost 10 p.m. by the time you're in the shower. Fortunately, you're not alone. Time to drop the soap.
The alarm clock rings at 11:00. Still, it was a short night… Since you work as a bartender in the club, you're one of the last to call it a night. In your mid-30s, you're too old for a job on stage or at the pole bars. But you're definitely a looker. Says the guest whose bed you've just woken up in. Awesome apartment with a view of the beach and the sea. And even if it's a really old geezer: Great morning wood! You'll be happy to let him fuck you and then put a few dollar bills in your panties. Yes, you are a whore. But a very successful one!
Unfortunately, even the hottest guy in Honolulu has to do things like laundry or shopping and cooking dinner. Especially when you're on such a strict diet as you are. Luckily you got the last appointment for a manicure and eyebrow correction at Agnes. Nothing stands in the way of a successful evening.
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The time from 22:00, when the club opens, to 24:00, when you have your first gig, is usually the most lucrative. The men who are there that early are usually very solvent and very generous. Especially with the king of lap dancing. But your real hour is when all the spotlights are on you. For the first few minutes, the dance floor is all yours. And then you'll bring the club on fire!
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super-wash · 2 years
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Want to have your professional clothes dry-cleaned? Super wash provides a convenient Laundry in Amsterdam. Our laundry is equipped with all means to steam and wash all common fabrics.We used the best techniques to maintain the quality of your clothes. For more detail visit our website
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hyunpic · 1 year
list of songs hyunjin has played on his lives/recommended:
note: im probably missing some & i couldn’t put links to all of them cause apparently tumblr has a link limit 🤨
lauv: julia, lonely eyes, invisible things, paris in the rain, never not, im so tired, the story never ends, i like me better
offonff: photograph, cigarette (ft. miso & tablo), dance, bath
beyoncé: crazy in love (remix)
billie eilish: i love you, &burn, idontwannabeyouanymore, ocean eyes, before i go, tv
honne: day1, la la la that’s how it goes
christina perri: a thousand years
shawn mendes: mercy, treat you better, in my blood
dvwn: phobia
dpr live: jam & butterfly
jehwi: dear moon
leehi: rose
bts: dna, waste it on me, make it right
colde: where love begins, string (ft. sunwoojunga), the museum, wa-r-r, your dog loves you (ft. crush), control me, a song nobody knows, im in love
got7: miracle, hard carry
justin bieber: lonely
josef salvat: call on me
taemin: criminal
night off: sleep
sam kim: make up (ft. crush), like a fool, sunny days summer nights
niki: lowkey
iu: the visitor, lullaby, knees, love poem, give you my heart, my sea
cha ni: starlight
sia: snowman
akmu: happening
sunwoojunga: run with me
the black skirts: everything
korea cracker: ocean (ft. hoyeon kim)
cosmic boy: can i love?
penomeco: no.5 (ft. crush)
yerin baek: blooming memories, limit
10cm: so…., however
day6: i’ll try, love me or leave me, when you love someone, you were beautiful, congratulations, zombie, days gone by, afraid
dean: d (half moon), instagram, what 2 do, bonnie & clyde
exo: first snow, the eve, love shot
sam fischer: this city
jukjae: do you want to walk with me?, lullaby
ph-1: nerdy love (ft. yerin baek), as i told you
baekhyun: love again, un village
amine: blackjack
young k: come as you are, guard you
flume: say it (ft. tove lo)
twice: dance the night away, fancy
ariana grande: thank u, next
hajin: we all lie
about: it has to be you
caroline says: winter is cold
h.e.r: u, wait for it
bol4: to my youth
monday kiz: winter is as i wished
paul kim: the road, additional
sweden laundry: the winter
jung seung hwan: in that winter
chungha: gotta go
zion.t: no make up, snow
airman: gloomy star, i’ll be your spring (ft. j_ust)
motte: dont run away
seventeen: a-teen, super
khalid: location
lukas graham: 7 years
imagine dragons: believer
bo kyung kim: dont think you are alone
jung ilhoon: spoiler (ft. babylon)
davichi: falling in love, 이 사랑
coldplay: everglow, viva la vida
lyn: my destiny
jus2: focus on me, long black, senses (jpn version)
crush: beautiful, you and i
ed sheeran: lego house, perfect, photograph, beautiful people
croosh: why
20 years of age: x
tori kelly: paper hearts
seulgi: always
luna: do you love me? (ft. george)
wisue: someone’s shining
epik high: eternal sunshine
jp saxe: if the world was ending
seori: fairy tale
bruno mars: marry you
the weeknd: earned it, die for you
jung seunghwan: its raining, an ordinary day, dear
sam tinnesz: play with fire
post malone: motley crew
jihyo: stardust love song
kim feel: your voice
sung sikyung: solar system, heejae
younha: stardust
wonpil: a journey
taeyeon: invu, some nights, toddler, drawing our moments
nct dream: boom
ha hyunsang: 3108
huhgak: memory of your scent
se so neon: nan chun, a long dream, midnight train, stranger
umi: remember me
tvxq!: mirotic
johnny balik: honey
red velvet: psycho
new jeans: hype boy
christian kuria: losing you
cigarettes after sex: k. , each time you fall in love, sunsetz, apocalypse
dpr ian: nerves, no blueberries, 1 shot
samm henshaw: broke
woodz: drowning
kelly clarkson: underneath the tree
kimmuseum: to you who cant sleep
taylor swift: betty
lana del rey: young and beautiful
harry styles: watermelon sugar, she
pink sweat$: honesty
masego: tadow
olivia rodrigo: vampire
troye sivan: youth, for him
kai: mmmh
2pm: my house
oasis: wonderwall, hey now
mac miller: that’s on me, everybody
nothing but thieves: amsterdam
bren joy: sweet
back number: i love you
mac ayres: next to you, roses
daniel caesar: blessed, ocho rios, get you (ft. kali uchis), take me away (ft. syd), do you like me?, disillusioned
green day: dilemma
puma blue: already falling
bruno major: nothing, easily, places we won’t walk, the most beautiful thing, old soul
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You know how I love my industrial lofts, so thanks to Ingek73 for sending this fabulosity in London. It's been used in the past as a studio/workshop and planning permission is now granted for a three bedroom residential dwelling. But, right now, it already has 2bds, 2ba, and is perfect just the way it is. £1.5M / $1.858M.
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I love it- an exposed brick wall, and there's possibility in that upper loft. Look at the skylight- would be a great little art space.
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Across the way is loft with a little chalet vibe.
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This is kind of set up like my apt. The kitchen is under the loft. Cute. Look at the little skylight that looks like a window.
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The view from the kitchen.
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There's a table for 2, but you can fit a larger table in this space, and you can put stools at the counter, too.
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Up in the loft is the primary bedroom, right now. Beautiful skylights and beams that remind me of an Amsterdam apt. on the canal.
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I would have to find a better way to store clothes- don't have the patience to neatly fold everything.
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I think that the stairs in the kitchen lead to this room. It would make a great rec room- look at the brick fireplace and access to the yard. Looks like they're using it as a studio.
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Here's one of the baths with a laundry area.
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The yard is cute, it's a paved patio and pretty spacious.
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ultralaundry · 1 month
Carpet Cleaning Amsterdam | Professional & Affordable Services | Ultra Laundry
Experience top-notch carpet cleaning Amsterdam with Ultra Laundry. We offer professional and affordable services to refresh and revitalize your carpets. Trust our experts for a deep clean that brings your carpets back to life. Contact us for a free quote today
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copperbadge · 1 year
Now that I’m home and avoiding work, notes from the Europe trip in terms of travel and...for lack of a better word self-care, but it’s really more like, accessibility centered around being a) anxious and b) over forty. 
-- The ability to do laundry was nice. I’d anticipated it would be helpful but not nearly as helpful as it was. Also having a fridge was super convenient, and having an oven was a nice perk in London and Rome. 
-- I planned to be able to do laundry so I only brought five days’ worth of clothes, and some were ‘disposable’ which was also convenient -- I brought my oldest underwear that I would have thrown out soon anyway, an extremely old pajama shirt, and at least one pair of trousers that was, as it were, on its last legs. That all worked fantastically; when I ran out of room in the suitcase on the last day of the trip I just tossed the trousers, and I’d already thrown out most of the underwear. 
-- I was more self-conscious than anticipated about my language limitations, which led to a lot of avoidance -- not anything I really wanted to do, like museums and the football match, but things I could have done, like eating out or going into shops. It was mostly to do with the look people got on hearing English out of my mouth. So either I need to learn more basic phrases or be more prepared for the look. (To be fair, in Rome I would say mi dispiace, sono American and they’d immediately be cool.) 
-- My stash of granola/protein bars was clutch, and going to a grocery store for staples was also very helpful. Turns out wherever you go, even if they don’t have Diet Coke, they almost always have babybel cheese.
-- No day trips between cities. Going from London to Cambridge and back for the day was great; going from London to Amsterdam to Paris in a single day was not. If I’m going somewhere new and not going back somewhere familiar at end of day, I need to get there, sleep, have a full day there, and leave either that evening or the following morning at minimum.
-- Relatedly: I don’t have to do this thing anymore where I book early departures or late arrivals because they’re cheap and don’t use up my vacation time. They only make me anxious. From now on even if it ‘wastes’ a day, I only book travel that departs and arrives during daylight hours. It’s always fine, nothing bad happens, but the anxiety is Too Much.  
-- The tablet and bluetooth keyboard in lieu of a laptop worked well. It wasn’t much lighter or more compact, but I was less worried about theft and because it charged via USB I didn’t have to wrangle an extra cord, I could just unplug my phone and plug the tablet in. That configuration also fit in my very small bag where a laptop wouldn’t, so I could carry it in my bag while in transit and not have to get my luggage out of the rack. 
-- The Very Small Bag (a map case) worked fine but while I didn’t need a bigger one I could have used one with more pockets. I was always losing the exact thing I needed in the jumble at the bottom of the bag. I think for longer trips I prefer a small messenger bag that has both a reasonable main cargo compartment but also pockets for stuff like passport and spare battery. 
Overall, a lot of the stuff I’d planned went off well, so at this point it’s less about logistics -- what to pack, how to pack it -- than it is about arranging things to lower anxiety and make transitions easier. That kind of thing sometimes you just need to experience in order to know how to handle it, so that’s fine. Next time I won’t be angry about Amsterdam when it’s not Amsterdam’s fault, or stuck waiting for a bus late at night at Rome Termini.  
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doulayogimama · 10 months
What’s really cool about this hotel is that it doubles as a dorm for the local students of the University of Amsterdam.
So these kids go to school for free and stay at this 4-star hotel for free. They also get free tram passes, which otherwise cost like €25/week. Even the laundry machines downstairs have the soap already prebuilt into the machine, so they don’t even need to pay for laundry soap 🙏🏽
What a government 🙌🏽
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