vanlegion · 2 years
Monster AU
Ages ago I asked @emr_sooo_happy (twitter) if I could do up a fanart using their Monster Craig concept and they said yes. Brain had gone off on a whole ass journey with this concept and probably not in the way you'd expect! Or you could if you know my content.
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So Yi.. My brain was like.. 'Hmm, Monster Craig... Would need a Monster 'Rent." Thus, Monster Thomas was given form. I made him push a bit more towards Monster because I figured perhaps Craig got his more humanistic traits from his mother. Also, in keeping with the awesome theme, Thomas' signature sweater became the living appendages; in a sorta scarf like dealio. I also gave him horn ears and digigrade feet. Cause Monstery. I also picked alabaster skin cause it's unexpected and creepy but also has a hint of purity. I might touch this up at a later date. Anywho, thanks Emr for letting me do fanart with your concept! :D
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thebluespacecow · 7 months
Just-just listen, okay? This is nothing, nothing at all. It’s not in character, or driven, or anything, but it still is. So, have it. Have my Izuku Midoriya (kind of)xReader blurb. (It was written in a car.) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                   
You belong in seaside castles with wast, silent ballrooms. Sounds of the shore spilling into large, open windows. Your skin adorned with silvers and pearls, draped in linens.
Not here. Not in plain smothering meeting rooms with people who'll never see beyond your surface. Not with your elbows scraped raw, knees bloody and aching, having witnessed and done things you will never speak of outside of low murmurs in debriefings.
Fuck. Izuku thinks.
He doesn’t belong with you ether. Not in his office or on rooftops sharing little bits of yourselves over sweats and coffees he insisted you try. Not in his glass house, not quite a home, not in the one you speak about having back in your country. He shouldn't get to see it, not it's ancient doors and dented stone steps, not the soft and tender parts of yourself you must hold and leave there.
 Then why did you let him witness and handle some little, aching bit of your soul in the palms of his hands? Why did you wrap your fingers along his as they trembled, as if your eyes hadn't gone red and glassy by simply doing so? Why is he the one splayed along the arm of your couch, laughing with you into the quiet of night, something warm and fluttering filling his gut?
You are greatness and grace, an electrifying power hidden along the marrow in your bones. All wrapped in the wonder of knowing you, how your eyes feel tracing the non-existent pattern of his freckles. Eternally busy, at least he wishes you were. Maybe then you couldn't turn him stupid with a quirk of the corner of your lips, amused or questioning, it doesn’t matter.
You blur at the edges, in the morning sun, between his fingers. Some part of you feels uncharted and yet still like something intimately known, like a sea of winking starts.
He imagines your water's warm, soft like milk, on his calves, staining his pants. He imagines you're warm and soft too, as is, not draped in linens and silks or infused with the sun. But just as you are, blood and bones, and greatness, held at your seams together with skin.
Would you let him? Hold, touch you. He thinks. Would you let him learn your softness? Burrow some bit of himself next to the parts of you that hurt, ache in their tenderness, the same as him. Press his forehead to yours like a bunny saying sorry, apologizing for simply being someone you know, at your feet, in your home, staring up at you as if compelled to by your sky’s.
Somehow, you've come to occupy the little cracks and spaces of himself he wasn't even aware were empty.
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johannamation · 2 years
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Be safe out in the woods this holiday season! 🌲🌲
Bring some salt with you, and if you happen upon a folkloric hag made of twisted bark weeping and creaking in the biting breeze, do not accept any gifts from her and do NOT ask about her wooden child 🙏
(My piece for the Uncaged Anthology vol 1. Available now on DMs’ Guild)
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afashionshow · 2 months
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Lingerie 2024 🔥 Fashion Brand: Lauma Season: Spring Summer 2024 Collection Location of the event: Liepāja, Latvia Video quality: 1080p (Full HD)
💝 Stunning LINGERIE from $6.99: https://fas.st/EX9e-Y 🔥
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candientuquocthinh · 4 months
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Đầu cân điện tử Laumas WT60 cung cấp đầy đủ các tính năng cân chất lượng cao cho các ứng dụng cân hệ thống trong công nghiệp.
Xem thêm: https://candientuquocthinh.com/dau-can-dien-tu/laumas-wt60/
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nei-ning · 1 year
Went to nearby town's market with mom. As we were driving back home, there was small fields on both side of the road and this huge HUGE group of crows came off from those fields, flying above and around us! It looked like a black cloud! I was so in awe about this, watching these birds. There was probably 50 of them.
I love crows, always have, and to me they are messengers from spirit realm. Their message is very fitting too :) These are 2 different messages I found.
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movie-titlecards · 1 year
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Baltic Tribes (2018)
My rating: 5/10
Has anybody checked on the narrator recently? She sounds like she's in some sort of trance. Or possibly just bored, which, who could blame her?
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stnaf-vn · 4 months
I’m gonna have a go at guessing Friend’s real name if it’s okay! This is all the names I had time to find, though I’ll certainly be back with more lol
Laundri/Laundrie/Laundry and any of its variants
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felinefractious · 8 months
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🐱 Oriental Shorthair
📸 Lauma Smagare [LV*Ambaliuss Cattery]
🎨 White
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rebswashere · 2 years
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Lauma, Genasi/Eladrin student at Strixhaven.
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beetlelark · 3 months
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Concept sketches of Ivan’s mom, Dzidra of the Lauma, from a couple months ago. I’ve been trying to capture her facial features recently but she’s difficult.
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thebluespacecow · 7 months
I am thinking up a new dc oc.....hmmmmm...yes...i am pondering.....(<- said guy with 3 dc ocs, a bit more than 5 marvel ocs, who fucking knows how many self contained ocs and 3 bnha ocs)
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pupucino · 9 months
mä näin taas jotain semmosta paskaa, että kunpa olisin vaan tajunnu skrollata heti ohi ja olla jäämättä kattomaan, mutta olin pälli ja luin sata kommenttia ennen ku blokkasin ja lähdin
lauma jotain uwu cute catgirlei ja wholesome rainbow aesthetics turrei haukkumas, miten perinteiset kunnon bdsm-varusteet on rumii, ahistavii ja typerii "miks joku käyttää tommosii, hankkisivat söpön turripuvun" (öö koska tää on joittenki fetissi, ei kaikki oo turreja) "toi näyttää rumalt ja epämukavalt" (sä et oo tän kohderyhmää, tän on tarkotuski olla tukala) "miksei toi vois olla pinkki ja pörrönen" (koska se ei kuulu tähän, ei kaikki oo sua varten) "miks tommosii edes valmistetaan" (koska ihmiset haluaa, sä et vaan tiedä sitä) "tommosii käyttää vaan ahistavat tyypit jotka ei tajuu söpöyden päälle" (ok ootsä joku homofoobikko?)
nää tyypit ei tiedä, mikä on homman pointti, ei tajuu koko kulttuurist mitään, eikä edes ymmärrä, ettei he kuulu tähän skeneen, eikä tää oo heitä varten, mut silti valittaa, et miksei kaikki voi olla söpöö ja pinkkii ja pörröistä, ku he ei nyt tykkää yhtään täst mustast muovist
mä oletan et nää on jotai teinejä, jotka ei oo viel tajunnu, et koko maailma ei oo heitä varten ja et sateenkaari-ihmisiä ja fetisistejä oli jo ennen heitä ja et historiaan tutustuminen tekee hyvää ja et turrit ja kissatytöt ei keksiny kaulapannan käyttöä, eikä heillä oo siihen yksinoikeutta
mut niinku joo öh mitä vittua nyt taas
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sillyseaveerablogs · 9 months
Part 1 of Chapter 3 Aug (TдT) Tagging some moots so they can RB this- @misty-zzz @cartoon-angerr @paidexp @thisblogisblank @n1ttnan1t @amberkaiju @vh4mp
⳾*⑅*❀⑅*❀⑅*❀⑅*❀⑅*❀⑅*⳾ It was a gloomy morning. Wind was blowing gently to the extroverted people out on Platera, the Plant Island town. The rain is pouring its insides onto the buildings and the statue of a woman with curtain bangs and a lizard-like tail with leaves and mosses following along. There were three monsters in front of the statue. One of them put up their arms and said to the statue, “Hey Ma, me, Bloom and Terra are going to Airno to see Aether and Sora. Do you accept that, Ma?” Their soft magenta iris glares at the statue’s closed eyes. They then turned to their sister and their friend and said to them, “Ma accept us! I couldn’t believe it.” Terra was smiling with a V-shaped mouth. She is a half-human half-Epic Plant Wubbox with a milk chocolate skin, dark navy blue irises, and green core underneath her black tank-top that is overlapped by her shoulder cut dress with a ribcage around her chest. Her willowy pastel green hair sprouted with Ixoras are blowing by the gentle wind. Bloom, Aether, Sora and Andrea are the daughter and sons to the celestials, that being Lauma Rossa, the Celestial of Plant and Atticus Althorne, The Celestial of Air. Since they’re hybrids, all of them are mixed with their genes. Only Aether is the only one with his father’s looks. Bloom, Andre and Terra decided to celebrate Sora, the youngest of the Althorne family, 15th birthday on Airno, the Air Island town. They finally booked their tickets for travelling reasons. They then go to the marketplace, where every monster sells everything! From Chocolate to meat to anything you want, basically you name it. Terra bought the present to give Sora. Although she still worries about her big brother’s condition. Wilbur. He never contacted her ever since the separation, poor guy, Terra thought. Maybe a letter to him will surprise him.
───※ ·❆· ※──────※ ·❆· ※──────※ ·❆· ※─── After the shopping spree with Bloom and Andrea, she immediately goes back into her room, filled with roses and exotic critters. The critters chirped and chipped as she went into the room. She sat on her desk with notes piling on other notes, a pile of notebooks sat at the corner and a pegboard with important things to jot. She picks up the bunny critter and stroke it gently as she plucks a sticky note from her desk drawer and write; Dear Wil, I know it’s been a while since you ran away from us, but I got an announcement to make, WE'RE GOING TO AIRNO TO CELEBRATE SORA’S 15TH BIRTHDAY! Now does that name ring the bell? Anyway, could you bring one of your creations? I say that because Mavi told me that since your creation wants to meet someone outside of you and him, it would make a great oppurtunity to see other exotic monsters. Also you can reject the request if you want to, just maybe a letter to send to me or a card is fine tho. I’m gonna pen off now, it’s night so I gotta hit the brakes. Bye! From your sis, Terra Terra’s face split into a smile. She put the letter into a postcard, and stamped it with a foxglove. She then sprinted to the outside, waved the mail at the bluebird critter; it then took the mail with its feet and flew away from her. ───※ ·❆· ※──────※ ·❆· ※──────※ ·❆· ※─── Mavi, the EWW was watching the view when the mail fell onto them. They stare at the mail and soon after the mail is supposed to be for Wilbur, They grinned and sent the mail to Wilbur. Wilbur was in his room, creating what seems to be a Zuuker, when Bradley the Brump whisked into his room and yelped, “Dad, Mavi sent you a mail,” Wilbur stood, skulked and grabbed the mail from Bradley’s hand. Brad then ran away to the living room. Wilbur then sat on the chair and read Terra’s mail. His corner of his mouth then lifted afterwards. He then sent Terra’s mail and started writing as a reply. Mid-way through the writing, his thoughts turn to Humbert. Hmm, I should write one for him, he thought, smiling even though their friendship ended when they're teens.
⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡... ⋙⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡... ⋙ At the Gossamery Town, the Ethereal Island township, a now 17-years-old Humbert is watching his younger siblings, Skia, the youngest sister in his family, playing catch with her other older brothers, Umbra and Nyx, around the playground, full of bright and cheerful double-ethereals as toddlers. As the three siblings run in circles, Humbert notices that Meeb is flying towards him with a postcard attached to his hand. Hum then grabs the post card, thanks Meeb and reads the card. It reads: Hey Humbert,   So sorry about that time I slapped my sister in front of you and ran away from Terra, Walter, Berlioz, you, your siblings and Rumi. I’m just so mad that the stupid f**ka** green bird with three legs manipulated the Colossals that I thought my sister was yelling at me for not doing anything. Glaring at her with my amber eyes, I had enough. I slapped her and I looked at them and I was shocked so I ran away. Again, I’m sorry. Um, is Walter and Berlioz ok? I’m worried about them as I’m writing this message. Let me know as soon as possible, I have to pen off now. Bye.                                                                 Signed,                                                                 Wilbur Knowing Wilbur is still alive, Humbert smiled sadly but genuinely. He felt like writing him a letter as a reply to him. They quickly stood up and chirped to his younger siblings to go home, as the crystallised sun was lowering down to the horizon.
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ruttotohtori · 3 months
Viimeöisessä unessa mun piti käyä keskustassa hoitamassa joku asia ennen töihin menoa. Jostain syystä päätin tehä sillä tavalla, että eka pyöräilen keskustaan hoitamaan sen asian, sit pyöräilen takas kotii, ja sit takas keskustaan (töihin).
Olin saanu hoidettua sen asian (ei mitää muistikuvaa et mikä se asia oli) ja olin just pyöräilemässä takas kotia päin. Jostain syystä e menny suorinta reittiä, ja sit viel tein yhen ylimääräsen koukkauksen. Sit siin tuli yks risteys, josta mun ois pitäny ajaa suoraan eteenpäin, kohti jyrkkää ylämäkeä.
Huomasin, et oikeelta o tulossa iso lauma jotai ala-asteikäsiä lapsia polkupyörineen. Ne oli kai luokkaretkellä ku kaikilla oli huomioliivit päällä ja siit joukossa oli mukana pari aikuista (opettajia?). Aattelin, et ajan vähän kovempaa, et pääsen menee siitä ennen ku ne kääntyy mun etee etten joudu jumittaa niitten perässä ku mulla ei ollu aikaa hidastella.
En sit päässytkään pyörällä kovin kovaa vauhtia, koska pyörätiellä olikin just siinä kohtaa ainakin 15cm paksu kerros lunta ja renkaat vaan suti tyhjää, ja tÄN LISÄKSI mulla oli vasemmassa kädessä syvä lautanen, jossa oli keittoa. Kiireinen aamu ni pakko syyä aamupala samal ku ajan.
Sit olinki seuraavaks jossai huoneesaa osallistumassa valtion turvallisuutta koskevaan kokoukseen. Istuin pitkän, suorakaiteen muotoisen pöydän ääressä, ja paikalla oli mm. Petteri Orpo, James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) ja neiti Moneypenny (se uusin). E tiiä keitä ne muut tyypit oli. Meillä oli siellä joku vakoiluromaani, johonka oli kätkettyjokin salainen viesti, jota me yritettiin selvittää. Ja sit meiän piti varoa jotain ydinpommia (?).
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boolpropper · 9 months
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Again, Bobbin??
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Lauma goes for a well deserved drink.
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She meets Hanekin, apprentice to the grocer yeoman. It might be the grog, but they get along swimmingly...
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