#last unicorn wally
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moonlit-lian · 5 months ago
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Day 2 and 3 from the dress up tober prompt from Twitter! I used Walcifer and Jiggly puff Wally for these days! Walcifer is from my Last Unicorn au, which I don’t draw him enough!
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laxsland · 5 months ago
Together Then?
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aerkames-artbook · 1 year ago
Lmao, my sketching session has turned into a "How many fictional characters can I turn into Lego people?" session.
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Also Lego Wally is just too cute honestly.
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kenaigamesgallantly · 11 months ago
LEGO DC Super-Villains Is actually Really Good, and you should play it if you can!
Let's get something out of the way, first: I am a fan of Scarecrow, Riddler, Cap. Cold, Reverse Flash, and Mirror Master, specifically Evan McCulloch. That last bit will be important later.
I have played probably an accumulated 4-5 hours of this game, and I hop off of stream stupidly happy every time. I have done 2 separate streams, but already I believe this is game of the year potential for DC fans.
There are plenty of returning voice actors from older projects regarding the same character. Jeffrey Combs returns as Scarecrow once again, as does Wally Wingert as The Riddler, and C. Thomas Howell as Reverse Flash. The design, powers, and characterization of all the characters are so on-point, fun, and great to play as. The graphics are great, the game runs smoothly, it has a solid and fun storyline so far, and it's just so much fun to play.
I audibly gasped when I heard Mirror Master's voice... Because it was Scottish. AKA the most forgotten Mirror Master, Evan McCulloch. As far as I know and can remember, Evan has not been in much, if any, media that isn't the comics, and even then he's a sight for sore eyes. A rarity. A unicorn.
This game is healing my inner child like you wouldn't believe. This game is cute and charming, and as I've mentioned before, it's just plain fun. The roster is vast, and there's free play and free roam. You can make your own villain, give them whatever powers you want right from the get-go, and you earn more along the way. The main character is mentioned in a gender-neutral fashion, using They/Them pronouns, but I may have done something in my character creation to get this, I'm not sure.
There have been so many cute and funny moments, I adore the characterizations of all of my favorites and the other characters around them, and I'm normally a person who gets disappointed with the characterization of these characters. For example, Riddler in Arkham Knight, as well as Scarecrow, and Eobard Thawne in The Flash show, plus the absolute lack of representation for Evan McCulloch's Mirror Master in the first place.
@gorogues @jonathan-cranes-mistress-of-fear you NEED to boost this game!! As a rogues fan, both of Gotham and Central City, this game has been such a boon to the fandom, and frankly it's sleeping on it. I'm hoping you'll join me in sparking a love for this game. This game feels like such a labor of love and a love letter to all the DC villain fans. Even heroes like Batman, Nightwing, and The Flash, still are playable and make an appearance!
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ask-carmenpondiego · 11 months ago
Chapter 23: Not the Sharpest Lightbulb in the Crayon Drawer
The next morning, Molli stood on the doorstep and adjusted her outfit, trying to look presentable. She changed her body color to be her more natural color of such a deep red, it almost looks black. She wore a blue jumpsuit with a gold belt with a rose buckle. She hesitated a moment and knocked on the door. A few moments went by and the door was opened, revealing a surprised Waldo. The two stared at each other for a moment, “Holy moley! Molli! I haven’t seen you in forever! Does M know you’re here? Lemmie get him for you..” she tried shushing him frantically as he called out for his brother. Both M and Carmen came to the door, wondering what the commotion was, and one look from M had him rolling his eyes, “What the fuck are you still doing here?” Molli straightened up and smiled nervously, “Well, I was just about to tell your brother here about me thinking of joining… here. As a henchman-woman.. person.” Wally raised an eyebrow, “You were?” M crossed his arms, “Bullshit. You still have that hit on Red.” Carmen looked at M a bit surprised, “She what?” Molli waved her hands defensively, “No no I swear! I cancelled that contract. After I got free from that spear, I came over and saw how happy everyone, like Skaedfryd, was to be here! I mean, if people are happy, the boss must be doing something right.. right? Oh.. and I wanted to give this back too. Its still so cold, its weird..” she handed the spear back to M and put her hands behind herself, twisting anxiously. “I wanted to have a fresh start, I promise to try not to be a pest or a weed to you. I want to help out.” M snatched the spear and leaned on it like a wizard staff. “I will say it again. I do not fucking like you and I want you to get off this fucking island.”
Carmen puts her hand on his arm, making Molli’s eye twitch for a brief moment, “I personally think we should give her a chance. I mean, if we don’t help her out somehow, she could go back to doing worse things than we do. First sign of broken trust, I’ll let you send her off. How’s that?” M narrowed his eyes at his ex, putting the spear tip to her throat, “One whiff of deception from you and I will make sure you never find every single piece of your body to stitch back together..” Molli gulps and gingerly pushes the spear away from her neck, “Good to know, lover boy. So when can I start?” Carmen shows her inside, and has her follow her to her office. M gripped the unicorn’s arm and whispered, “Keep yer door open. I don’t want you alone with her. I don’t fully trust her yet.” She smiled and patted his hand, “You worry too much. I’m sure it will be fine.” M growled as the two girls went up to her office, the door stayed open much to M’s relief. Wally scratched his head, “Did I miss something?” M shadowed the spear back to Lekir’s room and he shoved a cigarette into his maw. “Red’s bleeding heart is gonna land her in more trouble than she can handle.. she’s already dealing with different body parts and powers up her ass, I don’t think she realizes she still fucking vulnerable. It aint like those superhero movies where they automatically good at things. Example, she took weeks to learn to walk again without aid. These powers?? She’s NEVER had magic. Her horn is.. is as good as shattered. You knew that, but it got worse when you were gone. Its completely dead in the water.” Wally rubbed his neck as M paused to take a drag. “We tried to do simple shapeshifting the only way I know how. She could barely muster the focus to grow a single hair on that piece of metal. She couldnt even change the color. She needs training and actual progress before she’s as invincible as she feels. And with Molli showing up last night and tellin me she has a hit on Red? Then joins us the next day? It don’t taste right.” Wally sighs, “Maybe she’s being truthful though. You may not see or even want to admit it but I can see you are happy here. Maybe she wants that. And who knows, maybe you can get together again. Don’t let the past breakup ruin the future bonds. Its an open opportunity to move on and possibly gain a new friend if anything.” M strode off, grumbling.
He passed Lekir who had watched from the other room, but didn’t get to hear much. “So, who was that, Bugboy? And why does she look familiar?” M groans and rubs his face, “She’s…. My ex. I stabbed her last night with your spear.” Lekir nodded, “So thats why it was returned with dirt and blood on it.. so if you stabbed her, why did you welcome her in?” M turned and snapped, “I wasn’t the one to welcome her. Yer fuckin wife and her fuckin bleedin heart did. And I stabbed her because she is a crazy dumb bitch who is horny for me seven ways to tuesday.. last night she said she was assigned a hit on Red but then this morning said she had a change of heart and canceled it to become better like me.” She gave a concerned look at him and at the ceiling where Carmen and Molli were in a meeting. Lekir sighs, rubbing her temples before looking back at M. “She's gonna turn on us one day you know that right? She's just waiting for the right moment. And if she is anything like you powerwise, Carmen can't win with her current state, neither can I because you can overtake me. You need to tell me and the others exactly what you know about her in its entirety. Leave nothing out.”
M rolled his eye with a groan, “Fine.. when Red gets out of her meeting I’ll call the rest of the group and give a full situation report briefing without my ex present.” Lekir nodded, “I definitely think a sit-rep is very much needed. Especially that threat of a hit. Why did she tell you about the hit? Didn’t she know you were security here? Or did she not read her own report?” M snickered, “Thats the thing, she does things half assed, probably only saw the target and location and when I saw her last night, she thought I had the same job and spilled the beans before I told her what I am here. She really isn’t too bright. She’s durable, like me. Hard to fully kill, but her powers are plant based and not very expertly controlled. Her emotions get in the way and her attacks are weak. She does excel in the knowledge of poisons and many of her thorns are laced with a decent cocktail. But she has never been known to finish a job.” Lekir raised an eyebrow, “And her job is to kill the world’s second biggest pacifist next to her himbo husband..”
Carmen came down from her office after supposedly showing Molli her room. “Hey Lekir. M, mind if you gather the other agents, other than Molli to the war room, I need to give a bit of a sit-rep briefing for everyone asap.” Lekir and M looked at eachother with a slight air of relief. Lekir turns to Carmen, “Please tell me we didnt just adopt a stray cobra..” Her wife chuckled, “More like a cartoon coyote. She’s still in my office, asleep.”
Lekir tilted her head, “What do you mean asleep?” The mare smirked, “I left my coffee on the desk unattended as a test. I had my back turned while at my file cabinet, you know, beside the mirror? I saw her put something in my coffee, and stir it with my spoon I had near it. She then licked the spoon. And now she is face-planted at my desk.” Lekir furrowed her brow with concern, “Is she a complete moron?!”
M lit his cigarette, “Its like I’ve been trying to tell you two. She COULD be formidable if she wasnt a dumb bitch.” Carmen smirks, “I think we should stick to my plan of treating her with kindness, though heavily restrict her from the more advanced things like heists and access to 079 fully. I’ll tell more at the briefing.” Carmen headed off to the war room when Lekir suddenly pinned M to the wall, holding an ice blade to his face, “You better handle this because if she ever succeeds in even hurting Carmen, I will make you pay! I spent 6000 years regretting not being able to save my husband from death. Make sure this is plenty preventable.. and prevent it before I prevent you from ever finding your head. Got it?!” M growled and shoved her back, straightening out his leather jacket, “You say this like I wasn’t going to already! News flash! You ain’t the only one who would go absolutely apeshit ballistic if Red were hurt! Now back the fuck off so I can do my fucking job!” M snorted as Lekir stormed off, brushing past Carmen who had a concerned look.
M flicked his cigarette angrily and checked in on Molli, who was still face-planted and out cold with slight foam to the mouth. He still felt her neck and wrist, disappointed at feeling a pulse but glad he didnt have to dispose of a body. He was about to reach for the coffee to pour it down the drain and his eyes caught on some of the paperwork they were working on for her hiring. Looking closer he noticed her signature, “Mali Negatta” and hmmed. He’ll need to ask when she had changed her name. She groaned a bit trying to lift her head. He remembered nights she used to get drunk off some of her lighter concoctions because alcohol didnt touch them as far as drunkenness. He sighed and shadowed a handkerchief to help clean her face from the drool and foam. He pulled her back and her head somewhat rolled on her shoulders, she slow blinks her eyes open as he gently cleans her face. “Hey you.. we should totally bang on the deshk here.. office sexssis soooo sexy..” she slurred. He paused silently and took the coffee cup, “Here, have some coffee, sober up..” he knew full well what she did, and wanted to know if she even remembered. Which she did not and eagerly took the cup and downed the whole thing. After a moment, she hiccuped and face-planted on the desk again. “Oooh I smell a new fuckin betting pool with this one.” He chuckled, patting her back and leaving her there to set up the meeting. “Fuckin lightweight.”
The meeting was very detailed, strategies were put into place and betting pools were cast, a bingo sheet for the kinds of attempts, and how she would fail, and how long until she either quits trying to kill or quits VILE itself. It was a mix of extreme seriousness and mockery. They knew the severity of the situation if she should actually succeed. But given her track record already, that severity was guarded by cautious ridicule and vice versa. And thats how it went from then on, although many heists were placed on hold while they tried figuring out a new cure for Wally’s condition.
Carmen searched all her books on afflictions and curses, minerals and crystals, and even diseases and illnesses. She felt she barely had anything on the subject and the internet didn’t come up with much either. She shut the large book she was looking in and sighed, taking off her purple glasses to rub her eyes. “Alright..” she said to herself, “Looks like I’ll need to take a trip to Canterlot.. they may have the book I need in the royal library. Might get a new hat too while I’m there..” She was sad when her hat had fell into the acid during the whole stone pillar incident but it was better than losing her life. She headed to the mech lab where M had been hooking up some new device to the chronoskimmer. She didn’t see him around and checked in with 079. “I haven’t seen the rude one today, he’s probably being harassed by that stray twig you brought in.” Carmen tsked, “You shouldn’t say things like that! Yeah she’s pretty thin but you dont know if its her metabolism or an eating disorder! I’m working on helping her gain a bit of meat either way. But I’m not judging her. Now can this thing still take me to current day Canterlot?” The ai sighed as if asked a huge burden, “Does Canterlot exist?” Carmen raised an eyebrow, “Yes.. thats a silly question.” The ai just looked at her, “Exactly my point. Just set the dials and be on your way..” Carmen wrinkled her nose and rolled her eyes, “Just tell M that I’m popping out for a book. And I’ll be right back.” She set the dials to open a doorway to right inside the castle, by the stained glass windows. She’ll be able to get to the library with ease from there providing no guards had seen her. She stepped through and closed the doorway back, knowing that she’ll be able to dial it back if she needed on her phone. She looked around and stood back, admiring the stained glass craftponyship of the multiple pieces. “I need to come back for one of these eventually. I always forget how beautiful they are in person.” She mused quietly to herself.
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echantedtoon · 2 months ago
Different oneshots for lots of random fandoms really. Some are reader x characters and some are just for couples I really enjoy. Will be separated by franchises such as movies/shows, games, books, etc.
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Heart No Kuno No Alice Alice Liddell x Boris Airay
Hunter x Hunter Illumi Zoldyck x Reader
The Cat Returns Baron Humbert Von Gikkinggen x Haru
Welcome To Demon School Iruma Kun Nebarius Kalego x Reader
Lupin The 3rd Goemon Ishikawa The 13th x Reader
Spy x Family Type F x Reader
Genshin Impact Neuvillette x Reader
Bleach Hirako Shinji x Reader
Record Of Ragnarok Anubis x Reader
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Gargoyles Brooklyn x Maggie Ried
The Great Mouse Detective Ratigan x Reader
Sofia The First Cedric x Reader
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BATIM Bendy x Alice Angel
Cuphead Cagney Carnation x Rumor Honeybottoms
Garten Of BanBan BanBan x Reader
Poppy Playtime Dogday x Reader
That's Not My Neighbor Francis Mosses x Reader
Super Mario Bros King Boo x Reader
Friday Night Funkin Garcello x Reader
Legend Of Zelda Sidon x Reader
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Barbie Fairytopia Hue x Elina
The Last Unicorn Amalthea x Schmendrick
Transformers Animated Sari Sumdac x Bumblebee
Labyrinth Jareth x Sarah Williams
Beetlejuice x Lydia Deetz
Casper The Friendly Ghost Casper McFadden x Kathleen Harvey
The Wizard Of Oz Scarecrow x Dorothy Gale
X Men Nightcrawler x Reader
A Monster In Paris Francoquer x Lucille
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Welcome Home Wally Darling x GN Reader
Satellite City Yeshua x Reader
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amethysia · 3 months ago
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"I saw a concert! I wonder why the horse does not have a name, though."
Took one Wally to see, America! He'll have to let the other one know about his experience, lol.
The show was great. Some rude folks being loud unfortunately, but it be like that. Regardless, a great concert. Plus I lost my mind when they covered "Cinnamon Girl" xD
They did not perform the theme to the Last Unicorn, but they did have a cool slide show showing it off~
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pinkfluffygum · 2 years ago
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
@agirlwithmagicpals tagged me!! thanks for tagging me
1) Three Ships
❤️ Wally x Barnaby X howdy
❤️ Bert x Ernie
❤️ sally x julie
2) Last Song
"Missing" by Evanescence, I like many of the songs of that band
3) Last Movie
I saw the movie Nimona about 3 days ago, it's entertaining and I recommend it if you haven't seen it!
4) Currently Reading
I haven't had time to read any fanfic or story and there are still no Welcome Home fanfics that catch my attention.
5) Currently Watching
Unicorn: Warriors Eternal
6) currently Consuming
7)Currently Craving
finish the drawings that I have pending
take a doodle of me with my ocs:
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I'm not going to tag anyone, but you can do it and tag someone if you want.
I don't have any problem being tagged in this kind of stuff, I find it entertaining to answer them, so if someone wants to tag me in stuff like that they can if they want (as long as it's not weird).
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perlapulido · 7 days ago
Their Sweet Poison
Summary: "I know whoever is reading this is asking about me in this story but let me tell you who i am. My names Erica LaRosa. Im a complex girl with unique skills which you gonna find out here along how i ended up in Hell reuniting with an old friend of mine. Then theres a guy named Valentino who will not " Bang! "Babycakes! Your Big Daddy's here! Where are you?" said Valentino in the other room. "Fuck me! Gotta go." said Erica escaping to the window. She looked at the reader pointing her claw finger at them with her on the window sill. "You fucks didnt see me." she says before jumping out as the door opened.
"But i dont want to serve that STD that looks like a Barbie Hoe's tampon." Said Erica looking at Ozzie sitting behind his desk looking at some papers. "Its business and he specifically asked for you. Now where is this Denise girl that you wanted me to interview?" Said Ozzie looking up at her. "Shes my half sister that came down here last week. Let me go get her." Said Erica walking out of the office. She saw Denise sitting on a chair reading a fashion magazine looking up to see her. "Go. I'll be serving Valentino." Said Erica as Denise got up. She walked down the hall to the club clipping her apron on walking to the vip area seeing Valentino and the other two V's. Vox and Velvette. "Im Erica and I'll be your server. What can i get you that doesnt involve me touching you. Mostly from you." Said Erica looking at Valentino. "Oh you're a bitch. But i do like the hair even if it looks faded." Said demon long hair with a stripe wearing a fashionable outfit looking at Erica. "So Bad Bitch, Unicorn Tears, and Adios Motherfucker?" Said Erica looking at Vox, Velvette, and Valentino. "Cute but no. How Sex with the waitress?" Said Valentino smirking. "Black Rose. Coming right up." Said Erica walking away. She walked to the bar seeing Denise with Fizzarolli who were talking. "Bad Bitch, Unicorn Tears and Black Rose. She in?" Said Erica after handing the order to Wally. "We'll see." Said Denise. "I say i need extra help on these here drinks." Said Wally looking at Erica. Erica then saw Valentino's smoke in her face fanning it away and walked back to the table. "What Smokey?" Said Erica. "Instead of Black Rose. I want the Pillow Prince. Can you do that for Daddy?" Said Valentino as Erica rolled her eyes walking back to the bar. "Fucking Bitch." Said Erica looking through the cabinets and drawers after going behind the counter.
"What are you looking for?" Said Wally looking at her. "Rubber gloves. Valentino wants the Pillow Prince which involves strawberries which im allergic to." Said Erica. "What happens?" Said Wally. "She throws up violently and feels sick like the flu the next day or longer once its in her stomach." Said Denise. "What my sister said." Said Erica opening the fridge until she saw Denise going behind the counter. "Give it i got the drink. Im not gonna hear you going all pink exorcist." Said Denise grabbing the gloves from her. Erica stood up squeezing herself passed her to get out of the counter. "You sure you two are sisters? Cause i dont see that ass in your gene pool." Said Fizzarolli looking at Erica's butt then at Denise. "Different moms. Same slutty dad. We are practically twins. Same day, year, and an hour apart which we found out after our moms bitched at our dad who was getting blowed by a nurse after his accident." Said Erica. "Sadly we cant record the fight." Said Denise putting the basket of strawberries on the counter making Erica gagged walking away. "You fucking serious?" Said Fizzarolli looking at her. "Yes." Said Erica and Denise. "Give the girl a break. Now Erica. I would like to have a word with you in private." Said a vocie behind her feeling a clawed hand on her shoulder. Erica looked to see Vox who just smiled down at her and walked sith him upstairs to the meeting room. She walked in eyeing Vox shutting the door gesturing for her sit down. Once she took a seat Vox sat across from her with his fingers pressed together closing his eyes for a moment before opening them. "Im fully aware that you are quite a little performer with a bit of hellfire." Said Vox. "Im not gonna be Vals whores if thats what youre offering." Said Erica crossing her legs up on the long table. 
"It doesn't have to do with anything with Val. As you already know i run every screens at the palm of my hands and ive been watching you dance and hearing your amazing voice. I want you to be the star to my show and i can give anything you want. Name it and its yours." Said Vox. He watched Erica look at her black painted nails with her lips slightly puckered humming in thought. "Come on. It going to make it worth your while. Do we have a deal?" Said Vox putting his hand out for a shake. "Nope but thanks for a that offer but im gonna pass." Said Erica getting up ignoring his shocked glitching face. She opened the door for second until Vox slammed it shut with his hand next to her head then turned around facing him crossing her arms. "Are you sure about that cutie?" Said Vox. "Im willing to give you anything and i do anything if you accept my offer. Maybe help out your sister." Said Vox leaning over her frame slowly. "And im willing to get fired for breaking someones face if they learn to back the fuck off. Besides Alastor told me everything about you V's." Said Erica passing him to open the window to the club. She stepped on the ledge and jumped towards the poles that wasnt used by the strippers doing a full spin before letting go to do a mid flip and land on her feet to the floor standing straight up to fix her pony tail and apron hearing Vox yell in frustration and broke something. "Okay drinks are done." Said Densie handing her the serving tray once she walked over to her. "By the way what the fuck was that all about?" She asked. "I'll tell you later once we're at the hotel." Said Erica walking the Vs table. "Here you go." Said Erica handing Velvette her drink and Valentino. She watched him take it from her hand as his second hand grabbed her hand gently bringing it to his face. "Thank mi corazon. Why dont you take the shift off and join me?" Said Valentino running his long tongue from her top hand up to her forearm. SLAP! "Holy shit. You must be out of your fucking mind." Said Velvette after sipping her drink. Erica watched Valentino look at her from shock to pure rage making her que to book it. "See your ass at home!" Saos Erica as Valentino got up fast to grab her but got only her apron that broke off. She got out of the doors and ran to the alleys using her parkour skills to get on the roof heading to the hotel using the shadows to hide from Valentino. 
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fallenstar193 · 2 years ago
Welcome Home OC Cataleya
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Age: 20
Occupation: Doctor
Nickname: Cat
Personality: Cataleya’s personality is, ironically, one of the most normal and down-to-earth compared to most of the others. Although she was fairly emotionless in her early life, she has since developed a much more defined personality as she spent more time with her friends and neighbors. She is generally a confident and optimistic individual although she is not without her insecurities. Her concerns are about how people will react to her mismatched eyes. When she first arrived in the neighborhood  Cataleya had tended to avoid most people as some reacted shocked upon realizing she had strange eye colors. However, she has recently begun opening up more to people as she encounters others who are not only accepting of her but also shared the same story just like her. Therefore Cataleya embraced who she is and is fully happy with her life for now. 
Background: So for here Cataleya is basically from another town. She moves to the new neighborhood and becomes comfortable. Finding it much nicer then the last town she was in. Cataleya takes this moment to come out of her shell more and be social towards others. [It's not super detail but it's what I can think of for the time being. I'll add unto it later]
Likes: Enjoys helping those who are in need, shopping for new outfits, sewing but her favorite is making blankets, peppermint tea, baking, rain, gardening since she has one at her home, singing, jogging during mornings, and star gazing in secret since strangely night time no one is never out. 
Dislike: Having cold water immediately on her skin, ginger, waking up morning but hey work calls so she pushes through, dancing in public since she becomes a nervous wreck, blazing heat, betrayal, and carrots 
Barnaby is someone she truly looks at as her best friend. Always inviting him over especially when she bakes new treats. Though she doesn't completely tell him her true thoughts, not knowing a reason why. 
Eddie is someone she sees as a funny man, helping him when he accidentally makes a fall. At times she would nudge him on in talking more to Frankie. Encouraging the man to follow his heart. 
Howdy is the only person she would confine her deepest thoughts to. Especially with difficult choices she feels conflicted to follow through. Because the two formed a good bond, at times he would allow her a free item from his shop. 
Frank and Cataleya have a good relationship as friends. And she admits Frank is the best guy to study with, even to gain new knowledge about a thing or two with him.
Julia is a ray of sunshine in Cataleya’s eyes and feels a sibling bond with the girl. Like a little sister she never once had. Causing some mischief together despite Cataleya taking the blame if they are caught. 
Poppy is someone Cataleya considers like a mom figure. And enjoys coming over for the food she makes.
Wally is quite an interesting topic for Cataleya for she finds him to be quite a loyal friend. Knowing him for so long that deep down there is more. A conflicting emotion tugs at her heart...perhaps it is a crush that Howdy once told her. Who knows it's a mystery to her. 
Cataleya worries about giving kisses since she worries her horn might stab the other person she likes.
Oddly she finds fire to be beautiful since it's unleashed and wild. Like a blooming flower. 
Musically she is a master with violins and pianos
Her name means orchid or pure
Funny enough her favorite flowers are orchids.
Cataleya does have miss match eyes, one is yellow and the other is purple 
Instead of pinky promises Cataleya likes to press her forehead against someone’s forehead. This is her version of making promises.
She's a unicorn 
Her character lesson it's about helping others when in need and about self-acceptance
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fantomcomics · 2 years ago
What’s Out This Week? 12/7
You trying to tell me these 3 hens speak French??
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It’s Only Teenage Wasteland #1 (of 4) -  Curt Pires & Jacoby Salcedo
When his parents go out of town for the weekend, Mexican-American high schooler Javi decides to throw a party-one that'll launch him and his buds into popularity! Or at least get them noticed by some girls. But when things take a turn for the worse, Javi and his friends are thrust into a situation and future they could have never possibly prepared for. For fans of The Nice House on the Lake and What's the Furthest Place From Here? or other comics with really long titles and cool high concepts.
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Radiant Pink #1 (of 5) -  Meghan Camarena, Melissa Flores & Emma Kubert 
Life is good for Eva. Ever since teleporting superhero RADIANT PINK (her secret alter ego) started guesting on her streams, her view count has skyrocketed-and fame and fortune are surely close behind. But when a charity appearance is interrupted by a squad of mercenaries hunting for the Radiant that powers her, Eva will find herself very far out of her comfort zone.
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All Against All #1 (of 5) -  Alex Paknadel & Caspar Wijngaard
In All Against All, it is the distant future. Earth is long gone, but a race of alien conquerors knows as "the Operators" have preserved its most savage animals in an artificial jungle environment they barely understand.
With no bodies of their own, the Operators move from world to world, harvesting bodies for the organic exosuits they use to wage their endless wars. Ignored and underestimated by his captors is the habitat's sole human specimen, Helpless. However, when their efforts to find and harvest an apex predator intensify, he gives them far more than they bargained for.
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Hexware #1 (of 6) -  Tim Seeley & Zulema Lavina
Why sell your soul...when you can buy a new one?
In a corporate-ruled world where class inequality is greater than ever, a desperate, lonely populace is drawn to neo-spiritualism and hedge magic. When their teenage daughter is murdered, the Marks family is left asking the gods what they did to deserve this. But their android maid, Which-Where, has a different approach. Perhaps if she asked the devil...
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Know Your Station #1 (of 5) -  Sarah Gailey & Liana Kangas
The wealthiest people in the solar system abandoned the Earth for a private sanctuary in space, leaving the rest of us to die amidst cataclysmic climate change. But the 1% won't be safe for long...A murderer is on the loose, specifically targeting the super-rich. Soon Elise, an employee of the billionaire's space station, is wrapped up in a deadly investigation, with each issue featuring a new, diabolically different kill!
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Quested #1 -  Michael Calero, Thomas Parson, Kit Wallis & Kim Jacinto
Quested fuses the attitude of Hellboy and the fantasy-adventure spirit of Legend of Zelda as it follows the questing misadventures of pawn shop owner and morally ambiguous hero-for-hire, Jinx, through a world filled with lizard henchmen, dungeon-bosses, and unicorn burgers! "Episode 1: Faux Highness" When a plan to take advantage of a desperate king trying to protect his daughter goes wrong, Jinx and his two accomplices (I mean guild members!) find themselves actually having to save the princess.
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Dahlia In The Dark #1 (of 6) -  Joe Corallo & Andrea Milana
A washed up hitman, Donny Dahlia, takes one last job transporting a package cross country in the hopes of seeing his estranged daughter again. Little does he know this job is going to get him caught in the middle of a war between the fairy realms that could determine the fate of humankind. Dahlia in the Dark is a fast-paced, action, fantasy thriller about family and hidden truths.
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Rainbow Days GN Vol 1 -  Minami Mizuno
These four friends couldn't be more different: Natsuki Hashiba, a dreamer who longs for love, Tomoya Matsunaga, a self-centered playboy, Keiichi Katakura, a winsome guy with a hidden saucy streak, and Tsuyoshi Naoe, a socially awkward nerd who loves anime, manga, and games. Together their high school days are as vibrant as rainbows!
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Gargoyles #1 -  Greg Weisman, George Kambadais & David Nakayama
One thousand years ago, superstition and the sword ruled. It was a time of darkness. It was a world of fear. It was THE AGE OF GARGOYLES. Stone by day, Warriors by night, they were betrayed by the humans they had sworn to protect...frozen in stone by a magic spell for a thousand years. Now, here in Manhattan, the spell is broken, and they live again! They are Defenders of the Night! THEY ARE GARGOYLES!
Series creator GREG WEISMAN and illustrator GEORGE KAMBADAIS reintroduce the Manhattan Clan, a family of Gargoyles at full strength, though modern New York City is full of attractions and distractions, and each member of the clan has begun to go their own way. But their bonds will be tested, when nefarious factions from all across the world attempt to steal that rarest, most precious of possessions...an unhatched Gargoyle egg!
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Yakuza Fiancé GN Vol 1 -  Asuka Konishi
Yoshino grew up as the yakuza princess of the Osaka Somei crime family. Everyone left her alone due to her sharp gaze and mobster ties. But when her grandfather signs a truce with the Tokyo-based Miyama crime family, she's offered for betrothal to the Miyama leader's grandson, Kirishima. At first, Kirishima seems amiable and polite-but when he shows his dark side, he proves to be more disturbing than any gangster Yoshino has ever met. This engagement is sure to be a wild ride for a tough yakuza princess and her twisted yakuza prince!
Whatcha picking up this week, Fantomites? 
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equinoxts2 · 3 years ago
My mum is doing a little better today - she was able to enjoy the two mugs of tea I made her, and we've had a couple of chats over the phone today and yesterday. However, I think I might be picking something up myself... it’s to be expected, given that I interact with my mum a lot on most days, but I have a sore throat, a splitting headache and mild drowsiness today. I definitely made the right decision, spending the day in my PJs.
I’ve also been getting weird, very vivid sensory illusion type things while I tried to catch some Z’s. Like, I’d be lying in bed with my eyes closed and suddenly I think something like “What’s the fan in my studio downstairs doing in my room?” or ”I could have sworn my ipod was in my hand!” or “Is that a warthog at the side of my bed?!” - the answer to all of those thoughts turned out to be “It’s not.”
At least it’s not as brainmelt hot today as the last two days, and I managed to get a couple of hours’ snooze time after all that. Either that or my mum really was driving a golf cart around our living room, Dominick came from KS to give her a Where’s Wally book for her birthday, the candle on the birthday roast could resurrect a radio station that got shut down for playing very adulty songs about Disney characters, and Edgar Allan Poe had a unicorn called Wilfred. Wilfred is missing, by the way. If you spot him, let me know. 😉
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years ago
The Get Ready Game
CW: Young children of rescued whumpee, referenced past child abuse, referenced past emotional abuse. CW for child’s trauma response/PTSD, Overcompetent Emotional and Logistical Support Oldest Daughter X 100, unhealthy coping mechanisms
@comfy-whumpee‘s Jax Gallagher successfully saved his children (and himself) from Savannah Marcoset. But Izzy, now nearly seven, remembers her mother very well still, and knows that if her father doesn’t yet feel safe, she shouldn’t either.
So she makes a plan.
Izzy finds her brother playing blocks in the living room, half-heartedly building a tower while his eyes are on the cartoon show playing on the telly. She glances side to side - Dad's at therapy, only left a little bit ago. There's ages of time before he comes back, and he’ll be all in his head and distracted but probably he’ll want to lay down, so if she wants to do this, she’d better do it while he’s gone.
“Hm?” Her brother doesn’t look away from the show, but he kind of tilts his head in her direction. He’s younger than she is, only four and can’t read yet. But he doesn’t have to, she can do the reading for them both. She reads at a high level, her teacher says. Izzy practices every single night, she’s the best reader in class. 
She has to be.
“Where’s Grandpa, d’you know?”
Jamie points to the side. “In the, um, in the kitchen-”
“Sssshhhh! Quiet, don’t let him hear I asked.” Izzy puts out both hands, and now she has her brother’s interest. He loves having secrets with her, special kids-only things. It’s why this works, why she can teach him what they need to do, just in case, without him running off to tell Dad or Grandpa right away. 
She goes quiet, listening. She can hear Alfie’s voice, low, murmuring. He stays home on the days her dad has to go to therapy, so Jax can go and then come back and lay down in his room without having to worry. 
Grandpa will be talking, probably with some tea in hand, and he won’t overhear them. It’s perfect timing. Dad at therapy and Grandpa on the phone, maybe for a long time. 
“Hey, Jamie,” Izzy says, keeping her voice carefully casual. “You want to play Get Ready with me?”
Her little brother brightens. Izzy isn’t the best at his kind of play, rough-housing or throwing things around, playing Daddy-and-Baby with the big soft dolls he’s given all sorts of odd names to. Izzy doesn’t like playing baby-holding games, and besides that she doesn’t like how loud he is about it. She’s too quiet, too prone to sitting very still or whisper-talking her way through pretend games about princesses that Jamie doesn’t find interesting at all.
But this game… this game, he likes. 
He knows it’s important, even if he doesn’t know why. He knows his big sister is trusting him with big important things, and not being irritated by him or pushing him away. James scrambles up onto his feet, accidentally kicking his little tower of blocks over in the process. Both of them freeze at the crash.
Alfie’s voice rumbles through from the kitchen. “You all right in there, Jamie?”
“I’m good! I just knocked over my blocks, is all! Can I watch one more show?” Jamie pitches his voice just right, and Izzy’s proud of him. He’s learning all the tricks, and he’s doing it without having to be scared first, without it having to be something he has to learn. 
“All right, one more,” Alfie calls back, and Jamie grins, giving Izzy an exaggerated finger over his lips. Izzy grins right back, one of her top teeth growing in still, one of the bottom ones flat out missing entirely, she only lost that one three days ago, wiggling it in class until it came right out. The two of them move out of the room and down the hallway, almost tip-toeing in their bare feet, listening to Alfie’s voice, on high alert for him to make his goodbyes. 
They make it back to the bedroom Izzy still shares with her father - two twin beds lined up in there, and Alfie’s been talking about moving to get Izzy her own room, but Izzy never feels safer than waking up from a nightmare to still be able to hear her father’s gentle, deep breathing nearby. Jax’s bed has dark blue blankets and Izzy’s has a deep purple fuzzy one, plus special sheets she picked out herself with unicorns on them.
“Okay, Jamie,” Izzy says in her stage whisper. Her brother’s eyes lock on hers, hazel-brown like they all have, but Jamie has Jax’s hair color and Izzy’s short, spiky hair is the same deep chocolate brown as her mother’s, reminders she can’t escape, only try to cut off short enough that she can’t see it. “How does Get Ready start?”
Jamie’s smile widens further. He knows this one right away. “We meet in the hallway outside your room,” He says, very seriously. “Then… we come in here and find the Get Ready bag,” He answers, eyes already shifting to the closet, where it was the last time they played.
“Nope, not there.” Jamie looks at her, confused. “It’s okay, Dad did something in the closet last week so I moved the bag, just in case. I don’t think he found it, though, I hid it really well. Can you think of where I might hide it now?” She lilts her voice, slightly sing-song, like her teachers do at school. 
Jamie looks slowly around the room, taking in every detail - the window with the curtains pulled to make it dim, the two beds with the table between them, a lamp. Dresser messy on top with things tossed there - receipts, interesting rocks that Izzy has found and kept and given to her father. Then he nods, firmly, to himself more than her, and points under her bed. “It’s there.”
“Are you sure?” Izzy asks, still in teacher-voice.
“Because… because, because you would want to get it fast if you woke up, and you can roll under your bed for hiding from Mom,” Jamie explains. He sounds very earnest, and Izzy smiles at him to reward him giving it so much thought.
“Go look and see if you’re right.”
Jamie walks over to her bed and drops down onto his hands and knees, looking underneath. He pulls out a stuffed-full old, raggedy-looking adult-sized backpack, a faded gray that might once have been black, some old band patches and button badges still stuck around the outside. “I was right! I was right, Izzy, I found our get-ready bag!”
His voice is too loud, and Izzy shushes him quickly, closing the still-open bedroom door. Grandpa won’t like it, they’re not really supposed to close doors to shut out grown-ups, but this is too important. “Good job, Jamie!” She says in a high sotto-voice. “You are right. So, if I wake you up and I say, we have to get ready, what do we do?”
“We grab our Get Ready bag,” Jamie answers, all seriousness, patting the top of the bag gently with one small hand. “And we hide, inside the back of the closet in the big box. Then, when it’s safe, we go outside.”
“Right. How can we go outside if Mom is in the living room, though?”
Jamie’s eyes go to the window, and he points. “We go out the window,” He answers, and when she nods, he gets a little braver and adds on. “There’s-... fire escape, out there. Like stairs made of metal. We climb down with our bag. You know how to unlock the window.”
“Good. Right, I do.” She’d had to work out the trick to the window over days when no one was around her, fiddling and messing and making her fingers ache until one day, she’d managed it just right. Child proof my butt, she’d thought, but then she knew she wasn’t as child-y as everyone else her age seemed to be. 
Everyone else didn’t have to be ready for what would happen if their mother came back. Everyone else didn’t still dream about their father begging their mother to stop. Everyone else couldn’t still remember, a little bit, screaming-
Everyone else might not have a Get Ready bag, or play this game, but she did. And when it happened, she’d be ready. Even though she knows the grown-ups wouldn’t want her to do this, they’ll be glad when it’s time, when she does what her dad would do in her place and takes James and runs. He’ll understand, if she has to, and he’ll be proud of her for being ready. He will. 
She just can’t tell him ahead of time. 
Izzy drops down into a crouch and hugs James tight. His hair smells like strawberry kids’ shampoo, just like hers does, and he’s very warm and his hands are always sticky, even when he hasn’t been touching any sticky things. “You remember very well, Jamie. Do you remember what’s in our Get Ready bag?”
She pulls back, and Jamie presses his lips together in deep thought, tapping on his chin in an overexaggerated ‘thinking’ expression. “Toothbrushes,” He says, finally. “Mine has Wally Lizard on it.”
“And toothpaste, the kid toothpaste.”
She’d spent weeks and weeks getting enough - putting a little extra in a baggie every night, so that her dad and grandpa wouldn’t know she was taking more than she needed. There was enough now for she and James to last a while. “Perfect. What else?”
“Ummmmm…” He trails off, sitting on the floor and thinking about it. “There’s pull-up nappies, for me for sleeping, and underpants for both of us, and pants and shirts and Franken-puppy and Unicorn, and the black-and-white bear from the zoo-”
“Paulie Panda,” Izzy corrects.
“Paulie Panda. And also Monkey George. Um um um um there are juice boxes, and Monster Munch, and Jaffa cakes, and that thing with the nuts in I don’t like, and chocolate biscuits… Aaaaand books, and…” He stops and frowns. “I don’t remember what else.”
“No, that’s good, that’s better than last time. You’re doing great.” He puffs out his chest a little in pride, and Izzy smiles, settling down to sit with him, the two of them tucked in the space between the twin beds. “There’s also hair-combs, and some shampoo and soap in a bag I nicked from the shop.”
Jamie’s eyes widen, big as saucers. “You didn’t. That is taking, Izzy-bella, and taking without paying is wrong.”
“I gave them money for it,” Izzy says, dismissive, ignoring the prickle of guilt inside her chest, too hot and sharp not to feel at least a little. “I put some of Dad’s money on the counter when nobody was looking the next day. It wasn’t really nicking, I just didn’t want him to see me get it and have to explain. But also in the bag is… this.” She digs into a front pocket and pulls out a bunch of index cards scrawled with careful child’s handwriting, numbers and letters she had spent hours and hours on. “Do you remember what these are?”
Jamie looks down at them, cocking his head, then looks up and shakes it, side to side. His hair is longer than hers is. 
“These,” Izzy says, “are the most important thing of all. These are our numbers. I’ve got about three where I remember them without even having to look, but I’ll get the rest, too. The first card has Grandpa’s phone number, and Dad’s, and it has Nana’s and Auntie Poppy and Auntie Georgia’s, too. Plus the number for Nana’s favorite shop, because her friend works there and her friend could help us get to her if she isn't home. For starters, I’ll say one that you know. We know that if-... that if Mom comes back, Grandpa will probably get-...” She takes a deep breath, tells herself to act more like a grown-up, forces down the panic and fear and worry in her chest, pictures it curled into a ball and thrown in the back of her closet to gather dust. I’m not afraid, I’m not afraid. “Grandpa could get hurt and not be able to help us. So, what do we do when we get out on the street or run away from here?”
“We, um, we find grown-ups, and we… we ask them to call 9-9-9, and tell them our names and our dad’s name, and we say, our dad is in danger and needs help. Then we tell them Nana’s name, or anybody else’s.”
“Good. Really good. What do we do if she gets us and takes us back to America?”
James swallows - this part scares him, just a little. He doesn’t remember America, not really. He was only a baby. And he remembers it being a fun place for a holiday, from the trial. But he knows Izzy is scared of America, scared enough to wake up at night crying because she dreamed about going back, and so he is, too. “We find a phone,” He says, very soft and very slow. “And we push the numbers 9, 1, 1. And that will go to people who will help us in America.”
“Good, good job, Jamie. What do we say when they pick up?” They’ve rehearsed this, over and over again. It’s the most important part of the Get Ready game. 
“I say… ‘my name is James Timothy Gallagher, and I have been ab-... abd… I have been kidnapped.’”
“Perfect. And if it were me, I would say, ‘My name is Isabella Nicole Gallagher, and I have been abducted. I am six and three quarters years old and my brother James is with me and he is four, and we are English.’ Then what?”
“We say, um, we say our… our dad is Jackson Gallagher and he has been kidnapped too, probably, and he needs help. And Savannah M-... Mark-set-”
“Marcoset,” Izzy says quietly, sounding out each syllable for him.
“Mar-co-set… is who took him. Then… we wait for help to come.”
Izzy nods, and she rifles through the flashcards, scanning over the names and places and numbers she has carefully, painstakingly, been writing down while casually asking the librarian question after question. How to call emergency services in England, America, Canada, France, Russia, and the country Georgia. Her information, to hand to people, so she won’t have to repeat herself, is copied on six cards. 
Under the flashcards, a photo of she and her dad and James that Grandpa took, at the park. It’s a photo where her dad is smiling, and he doesn’t look scared or upset or closed-off. Just happy, with them. It’s the photo she wants to have to show the police officers who she has to hope will help them. 
It’s the photo she’ll have if…
“What do we do,” She asks, and her voice is thinner, trembles just a little. “What do we do if she takes him away and we get left behind?” 
James crawls over to her in a flash and holds on, putting his arms around her waist and tucking his head under her chin. His hair tickles under her jaw. “We go all by ourselves,” He answers, in his high voice. “You and me, Izzy and Jamie. We go by ourselves, and we go find Nana.”
“Right.” Izzy closes her eyes against a rush of heat, of tears. “I-I have a card-” Her voice catches and she clears her throat. “Dusty in here,” She says, hoarsely - her grandpa says that sometimes when he’s pretending he’s not teary - and forces her racing heart to calm. Stop it. If Dad is gone, you have to be the grown-up, then. When she finally speaks, she manages to keep her voice slow, and even. No sign of her fears at all. “I have a card with Nana’s whole name and address on it, and which buses we take to see her. We can-... we can do it ourselves, all by ourselves. I know we can. But-... you have to be very good and quiet, so we don’t make anyone look at us and the bad guys can’t find us.”
“So Mom can’t find us,” Jamie whispers.
She nods, chin moving against his hair. “Right. We have to go very fast, and be very very quiet, so Mom can’t find us. But with our Get Ready bag, we have everything we need, if Dad-... if dad can’t help us. Okay, last question for our game and then we’ll be done. Do we tell Dad or Grandpa about Get Ready?”
“No.” Jamie answers right away, immediate. He knows this one. “Because, because they… might tell Mom about it.”
“Right. Even if they don’t want to tell her, she might be super mean and hurt them lots to make them. She used to hurt Dad until he would tell her things she wanted to hear, before, and she’ll be even madder now. But… if we don’t tell them about Get Ready, then they can’t tell her, right? So we can go find Nana before Mom does, and if Mom gets to Nana before we can, we have food and everything for a few days until the police officers help us.” Izzy holds him tightly, resting her chin against his hair. “I’ll take care of you, James. I promise, I won’t ever let her hurt you.”
“Dad won’t let her hurt us neither,” Jamie answers, but he likes the cuddles, and he doesn’t pull away. Izzy doesn’t hold him very often. 
“No, I know. I know he won’t. But… if he can’t stop her…” Izzy sets her jaw, closes her eyes against the memory of the bright red spots layered over older scars around her father’s neck when his big black necklace first came off. “If he can’t… I can. I just have to be very strong, and very smart, smarter than she is even. I have to be smarter than all the bad grownups.”
“And I have to be quiet and brave.”
“Right. And you’ll be very good at it. I know you will.” She squeezes him, so tightly both of them ache, and then pulls back and away, shoving the backpack back into its hiding spot, opening the bedroom door. The two of them get back to the living room just as their grandpa’s phone call finishes in the kitchen, and by the time he comes back in to ask them what they want for snacktime, James is back building his tower of blocks, and Izzy pretends she’s been on the couch with her chapter book the whole time, sitting open in her lap.
She doesn’t realize she opened it upside down until her grandpa’s gone back in the kitchen to get their snacks ready, and she flushes, embarrassed at the stupid mistake.
Still, she’s… she’s pretty sure he didn’t notice.
Every time they play, James remembers a little more without her having to tell him. Maybe… when their mom comes for them… Izzy can save Jamie - and then get help to save her father. 
And he'll be proud of her.
He will.
@astrobly @finder-of-rings @burtlederp @wildfaewhump @whumpiary @whump-tr0pes @moose-teeth @orchidscript @sableflynn @pretty-face-breaker @raigash @vickytokio @eatyourdamnpears
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flashgotthis · 3 years ago
eleven questions for the mun !
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01.  alias or name: Conny
02.  birthday: September 2nd
03.  zodiac sign: Virgo
04.  height: 1,63m
05.  hobbies: drawing, writing/reading ff, playing games, rp, crocheting
06.  favorite colour: green, mostly in combination with brown
07.  favorite book: The Last Unicorn
08.  favorite food: that changes depending on what I crave but cookies are never wrong
09.  last film or show watched: Sonic Boom
10.  inspiration: There wasn’t enough batflash out there for me (and there never will, so that’s a mood point haha) and it was before I started to write fanfictions myself. Before I knew it, I had Wally established :3
11.  story behind url: Wally totally got it but also kinda didn’t
tagged by: @spiritistanchi​
tagging: You read this? You
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batfam-rewrites · 4 years ago
Batfam During Quarantine: Happy Holiday’s
December 1
Duke: So, what weird traditions do you have for Christmas.
Stephanie: What makes you think we have weird traditions?
Duke: Please, at this point you all are so predictable, I can tell you all what you’re gunna to do on Christmas Day. Dick text everyone he knows that celebrates Christmas Merry Christmas,
Dick: Why shouldn’t I?
Duke: Jason is gunna bitch about all of his presents or tune us out or both, Tim is gunna sleep through most of it because he’ll be up all night wrapping presents, Steph will spend most of the day on social media, Barbara and Dick will get very cozy on the couch probably reading something, and Damian will wake everyone up by jumping on the bed screaming, 
Barbara: Sounds about right!
Cassandra: What about us?
Duke: You guys are just about as new as I am to this family so I’m not to sure.
Harper: So there is some weird tradition?
Dick: Nothing too weird, just an advent calendar.
Tim: But with movies, so for example the first day could be Home Alone, the next day could be Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, then the Charlie Brown Christmas Special, then Home Alone 3...
Cassandra: I’m assuming Home Alone 4 is in there somewhere?
Stephanie: No, fuck that movie!
Cassandra: Damn, just assuming! Don’t get so judgmental.
Jason: The only movie that is consistently.....
Dick: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, don’t ruin the surprise, Jaybird!
Jason: Whatever, you’ll love the movie. It’s funny as hell.
Duke and Cassandra: Coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool.
December 6
At a mall in Central City
Dick: *grabs a large stuffed animal unicorn and walks with Wally towards Jason, Victor, Roy, and Donna This is Fred.* He’s coming with us. 
Donna: Dick, what is this?
Dick: You didn’t hear it from me but *whispers loudly* Fred is a secret agent. He’s here to save all unicorn kind.
Roy: *stiffles a laugh*
Wally: *laughs loudly*
Victor: Why do you need a unicorn? You’re not a child! 
Dick: It’s for Dami. And Fred is a secret agent.
Roy: Uhh no he’s......
Dick: *throws Fred at Roy* Sneak attack!
Roy: Hey!
Donna: You don’t get the unicorn back until we get to the car!
Dick: No fair! *spots the pet store across the way* OOOOO, PUPPIES! *jumps on Jason’s back* Piggy back ride.
Jason: No! *throws Dick off his back*
Victor: Jason, what is up with Dick today?
Jason: No idea.
Dick and Wally: *starts hopping like a frog around the store*
December 10
Bruce: Settle down Damian.
Damian: NEVER!!!!!
Bruce: Okay, we’ll see you guys soon, we’ll be at Kane Manor. Alfred is in charge.
Dick: Why not me! I’m responsible!
Bruce: No you’re not.
Dick: I am too!!!
Barbara: Really? What about last night?
Nightwing: Hey, Babs, check this out! *jumps off the roof of a building* YEAH I’M FREEEEEEEE! FREE FAAALLLLLIIIN’! fires his grappling hook across the street
Dick: So? That proves nothing!
Selina: *whispers to Damian* Get to the car.
Damian: *starts leaving*
Bruce: Goodbye everyone see you in eight days! *backs away slowly* ALFREDS IN CHARGE!!! *running to the garage*
December 13
Jason: *to Stephanie, Tim, Cassandra, Harper, and Cullen* Okay, everyone hold on!
Barbara: What’s going on?
Jason: We’re sledding down the stairs.
Barbara: Without me! Someone make room! Let’s go!
They sled down the stairs landing outside.
Dick: I’M GOING NEXT!!!!
December 15
Damian: Can I light the candle tonight?
Bruce: I don’t think that would be safe enough. Maybe next year.
Damian: You let me roam the streets of America’s hell hole dressed with a target on my chest, how would lighting a candle be MUCH WORSE THEN THAT?
Bruce: You can’t be trusted with fire! Last time I tried to let you light Dick’s birthday candles you set the table in fire!
Kate: Shit Damian! I thought you were getting better.
December 19
Tim: *walks in the back door* We got the tree!
Jason: *runs down the stairs* Lets see it!
Damian, Cassandra, Dick, and Barbara run down stairs to see the tree and stare at it.
Dick: Ummm.... Tim, Steph, did you guys think of how the tree would fit into our house?
Stephanie: Well you said to get a cheap one and we did! We got it for free!
Damian: And where did you get it? The woods?
Tim: How did you know?
Dick: Okay, we’ll find somewhere to place this one and get a new one to decorate tomorrow.
Tim and Stephanie: Okay.
Three squirrels jumps out of the tree.
Damian: SQUIRREL!!!
Dick: Don’t touch it!
Jason: Let it bite you!
Barbara: *elbows Jason in the side* Jason, shut up!
December 20
Bruce: Can someone hand over the Joker ornament?
Dick: *hands over the ornament* 
Jason: That ornament is the bomb!
Everyone: Oh my god!
Jason: Look, I’m just saying I would definitely not break that one with a crowbar!
Dick: Shut up Jason!
Barbara: You’re not the only one to have been traumatized by the Joker, Jason!
Jason: Yeah, but I’m the only one the Joker killed.
Harper: Why do you even have ornaments of your villians, Bruce!
Stephanie: Oh, I got this one! Because the trophies in the Bat-cave aren’t enough!
Jason: *high fives Stephanie*
Bruce: It’s because I like to remember those who are not spending the holidays in the most ideal place.
Jason: So you are capable of emotion! I never knew!
Alfred: *hits Jason on the head*
Dick: Awww, this is a cute one *holds up an ornament of Bruce and Selina kissing in their costumes*
Selina: I’ll hang that one up! *reaches for it and places it on the tree* Do you remember that one Bruce?
Bruce: Yeah, that was when we first started working together. *both of them kiss*
Dick: No!
Barbara: Put it outside!
Damian: I’m going to adopt it!
Alfred: No your not!
Bruce: Set it free!
Jason: *takes the squirrels and throws them outside* 
Harper: Problem solved.
Damian: NOOOO! MY BABIES! *runs to the door*
Dick: *puts a hand on Damian’s shoulder* It’s for the best.
Christmas Eve
Jason: Yippee Ki Yay motherfuckers!
Harper: So we’re watching Die Hard?
Jason: Fuck yeah! And then The Ref!
Duke: Oh! That is a great movie!
Tim: Damn it! You all weren’t supposed to know the movie!
Harper: We still haven’t seen it! Sounds interesting!
Tim: Yeah but now the reaction is going to be underwhelming.
Dick: I don’t know. I’d probably just be whelmed.
Jason: NO! *jumps towards Dick and wrestles him* I...hate...your...use...of....those.....words.
Dick: Get off me!
Bruce: Jason! Get off of your brother!
Jason: Fuck you!
Alfred: *grabs Jason’s ear* 
Jason: Ouchie! Alfred!!!
Alfred: I’ve frankly had enough of your swearing today Jason! Go to your room and don’t come down until it is time to grab your wrapping paper for the presents you bought!
Jason: *stomps towards his room* I’m fucking....
Bruce: Thank you, Alfred!
Alfred: Not a problem Master Bruce.
Later that night
Harper: Omg, this movie is hilarious!!!
Cullen: How have we never seen this before?
Bruce: I am regretting not having Damian wait a year. Am I a bad parent?
Tim and Stephanie: Yes.
Cassandra: Hey Dick, when do we get to open presents?
Dick: I’m not saying it.
Cassandra: Babs?
Barbara: Nope!
Cassandra: Jason?
Jason: WHAT!
Cassandra: When are we going to open presents?
Dick: Jason, don’t do it!
Jason: Presents? Is that what you said? Presents? We'll open them when we get there. No, in fact, I'll save you the trouble. Your present is a giant fucking cannon. And you're gonna crawl in it. Then I'm gonna get 2 pounds of gunpowder and I'm gonna shoot you right out of Jersey! And then I'm gonna drive to Jersey, and pick up all the parts of your body and put them in a plastic bag. Then I'm gonna drive to my house with you in the bag and toss you into the fireplace. I'm gonna get my glass of whiskey and watch the Charlie Brown Special with your ashes burning IN MY FUCKING HOUSE! AGH!
Alfred: *runs in with a bar of soap and shoves it in Jason’s mouth* WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT THAT MOUTH!!!!
Christmas Day
Damian: *jumps out of bed and runs to Bruce’s and Selina’s room* YOU GUYS DRESSED! 
Selina: Ehhh....
Damian: *opens the door and jumps on the bed* COME ON IT’S TIME TO OPEN PRESENTS!!!!
Dick: *walking by* Damian, what do you think you’re doing?
Damian: PRESENTS!!!
Dick: *stares at Damian* Presents. 
Damian: *locks eyes with Dick*
Dick: Presents! Babs, come here!
Barbara: *walks over* What’s up?
Dick: Presents.
Barbara: Presents!!
Dick: PRESENTS!!!!! *lifts up Damian and they run downstairs to look at their presents*
Jason: Can you basic bitches keep it down? I’m trying to sleep.
Damian: *grabs one of Jason’s presents* this feels like it won’t break! *throws the present at Jason’s door*
Jason: *catches the present and opens it* AWESOME! A BOOK OF H.P. LOVECRAFT’S STORIES!!!
Dick: How is Jason such a nerd?
Barbara: *shrugs her shoulders*
Tim: PRESENTS!!!! *runs down the stairs*
Stephanie: LET’S GO SUCKAS!!!!! *runs down the stairs*
Duke: *to Bruce* Is it always like this?
Bruce: *sipping coffee* I wish I can say no.
Harper: If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em! *runs into the fray* Where’s my presents ass-hats!
New Years Eve
Everyone: 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...Happy New Year!
Dick: *kisses Barbara*
Stephanie: *kisses Tim*
Bruce: *kisses Selina*
Jason: *turns to look for some one* Oh, that’s right, I have no one.
Harper: *raises his glass of grape juice* Here’s to hopefully a better year!
Everyone: Cheers!
Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a safe and wonderful holiday! this month. Sorry if there are any errors. Much like the last one this was a bit last minute! Let’s hope that 2021 will be a much better year than 2020!
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disneyfangirl774-blog · 3 years ago
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The Last Hellhound
Top: Colored for RowserlotStudios1993
Bottom: Blank recast meme by @jamiemediaprincess
Loona (Helluva Boss) as the unicorn/Amalthea Moxxie (Helluva Boss) as Schmendrick Mille (Helluva Boss) as Molly Grue Vortex (Helluva Boss) as Prince Lir Valentino (Hazbin Hotel) as King Haggard Martha (Helluva Boss) as Mommy Fortuna Ralphie (Helluva Boss) as Ruhk Helsa Von Eldritch (Hazbin Hotel) as the Harpy Celaleno Giant Monster Fish (Helluva Boss) as The Red Bull Cletus (Helluva Boss) as the blue butterfly Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel) as Mabruk Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) as Captain Cully Vox (Hazbin Hotel) as Jack Jingly Husk (Hazbin Hotel) as the pirate cat Fizzarolli (Helluva Boss) as The Skull Stolas (Helluva Boss) as The Tree Henroin and Arackniss (Hazbin Hotel) as the two hunters Wally Wackford (Helluva Boss) as the farmer
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