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kinzig81 · 4 months ago
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MLP Screenshot in my style !! I always forget how fun these are to do. I need to do more. ^_^
Love this screen cap especially cuz I love all the royals in mlp
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kitkinnie · 1 year ago
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canterlot castle
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sp0okerman · 2 months ago
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Happy Heart’s Warming! 🎄 ~ some MLP doodles :3
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Merry Christmas, chat 🎅 🫡
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mediumsizetex · 5 months ago
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New EaW arts by art_kelKessel
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ask-the-runaway-queen · 5 months ago
Please protect her, Cricket.
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Ask #33
Background 1
Background 3
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heckyeahponyscans · 5 months ago
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Happy Fakie Friday! Here we have Funny Dream Castle, which is a bootleg of the Canterlot Castle sized to the blind bag G4 ponies.
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ask-myth-melody-ponys · 2 months ago
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new place and many deifferent pony's and creatures
background that are feature
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skybrushus · 8 months ago
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These are some study of the zebra mare Scot-Free. She's a lawyer based in Canterlot, and she will be representing Prophecy in the Court. Link 
 She will be critical to setting the course for Prophecy's future.
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feralboo-the-weirdo · 10 months ago
I have no idea what my blog would be categorized as now, lol.
Here's a random thing I was thinking about today while thinking about MLP Luna-- specifically the episode where Sunset Shimer goes back to Canterlot and she's like "sorry I'm just used to you saying no students parking in the faculty lot, lol" and Luna is like "this 'faculty lot' you speak of sounds like a place of great power" and then I started thinking about Nightmare Moon and...
So. so did the EG version of Luna just not become Nightmare Moon? How would that work? Would she commit some great crime? try to take over Canterlot High? Did she already become Nightmare Moon she just went to jail? Because it seems like she hasn't become Nightmare Moon yet, but maybe that's coming?
idk. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
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fluffyxai · 5 months ago
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Songbird in flight
A commission for Reversalmushroom of Songbird Serenade Background image
https://linktr.ee/FluffyXai For all my sites! This pic was released early on Patreon and Ko-fi.
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memeartboi · 3 months ago
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I turned Nicole Watterson to an Alicorn Pony!
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enquire · 6 months ago
Legacy and Tragedy (background story 1?)
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I think it's time to talk about what the deal is with Saber and his dad.
This little backstory is going to be a smidge more dark for the my little horse show alright.
It's fineee, ok, ponies die in MLP.
To be honest it's not that bad. I mean it could be worse like uh... certain things that happen in the original dra canon.. ehem anyway this may be a little out of left field but bear with me here. I felt Saber needed a backstory of somewhat equal weight for it to still feel like it's him, and fit in the way I want it to...
ANYWAY I am rambling about my dra pony au again so buckle in.
Ever since he could remember, Saber Frost knew who he was supposed to be. Being raised by his father Cold Steel, his life was surrounded by the Equestrian Guard since he was just a foal. He watched his father rise through the ranks, until he held the title of Captain of the Equestrian Guard.
They were different from Day and Night Guard; ever servants of the royal family. Instead of performing meaningless ceremonial duties, and being easily swept aside by almost any threat, the Equestrian Guard actually protect and serve everypony.
That's what Saber had always been told, and believed. He strove to follow in his father's hoofsteps and become the kind of pony who saved lives, and kept everyone safe. The kind of pony who ensured justice was done.
Cold Steel taught him everything he knew. How to defend himself. How to track down missing ponies. The proper way to care for your gear, and the best methods of investigating crime scenes. How to subdue criminals. How to prioritize during an emergency. How to make necessary sacrifices.
Everything Saber understood about the world, he saw through the same lens. And so, he, and his best friend, a unicorn named Keen Blaze, vowed to become heroes together.
Saber and Keen rose quickly through the ranks. Though Keen was always a few steps ahead, Saber was proud of his accomplishments. Even if his father was disappointed when Keen gained the rank of Lieutenant instead, Saber wasn't competitive. Maybe, part of him preferred to stay in Keen's shadow, where the pressure was less. Supporting his friend, and protecting each other.
But safety never truly lasts. This is a lesson Saber thought he had already learned. It had been drilled into him ever since he was a foal. The reality was, he had never truly known it. Until the day changelings descended down upon Canterlot, taking the castle and incapacitating the Royal Guard.
Spies had already infiltrated the Equestrian Guard, claiming their headquarters and taking several of their own as captives, including Keen Blaze. When the Captain of the Equestrian Guard realized what had happened, it was far too late to recover lost ground.
Changelings swarmed the city, attacking civilian and soldier alike. The princesses were nowhere to be seen. It seemed as though the few brigades of the Equestrian Guard still standing were the only thing left between Canterlot and annihilation. And if Canterlot fell, the rest of Equestria could, too.
So, he came up with a plan to destroy their own headquarters. Doing so would take out the great number of changelings using it as a base of operations and remove access to the catacombs below, stopping the invading army from escaping underground.
Two birds, one stone.
But when he gave the order, Captain Steel was met with resistance for perhaps the first time. Many of the ponies under his leadership had qualms about the hostages still trapped inside, most of whom were sworn members of the Guard, just like them. Companions, and friends.
Cold Steel pointed out that they could very well be changelings, disguised in order to prevent retaliation. And that if not, their comrades' sacrifice would protect the safety of Canterlot and ensure the changeling menace was driven back before the worst came to pass.
But hesitation was natural, wasn't it? Nopony spoke. Until Saber, seeing his father without support, came forward and stood by his words.
After that, more ponies fell in beside him. A tide shifting in favor of the Captain and his plan.
Saber was among the unicorns whose magic took the building down. When it was done, at first, the guard was triumphant. Black, broken carapaces and shattered bug wings signaled their success. The bugs still left alive fled to the other side of the city, leaving the district quiet at last.
But not al the bodies left in the rubble belonged to changelings. The captured ponies had not been fake. Saber was the first to spot burned, brown fur. He forced the wreckage aside, but it was too late. Keen was already dead.
The cheers faded as more and more comrades were found broken and lifeless in the remains. And before the guard could recover enough to take back the rest of Canterlot, a wave of magic exploded from the palace, expelling the invading changelings and rendering the sacrifices made completely, utterly, pointless.
Saber kept staring, half expecting the body of his friend to be wreathed in green flame. For the corpse of a changeling to be revealed instead. But when the bugs were purged from Canterlot, Keen's body remained there, untouched.
Even as several years passed, part of Saber was left behind in that moment. Nightmares and shadows, ever present, almost cemented in his mind by the familiar parapets and streets of Canterlot. And echoing in his father's cold voice and stony expression.
Perhaps that is why Saber chose to leave Canterlot, going over his father's head by giving in to his friends' advice to request reassignment. To a small town Thrift, and two friends he had yet to meet, called home.
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here's an alternate untinted version for color reasons
It was fun getting to write down some of the deeper lore for this silly little au... I will likely do more of this sort of thing in the future. Hope anyone who read all that enjoyed it. I might actually write some stories too, who knows.
p.s. If you're curious, Steel left the kirin village (or some other kirin location) a long time ago. Probably because he had a difference of opinion with them, or didn't have any interest in being 'silenced.'
Saber was born in Canterlot, so he doesn't remember the village or have a connection to his heritage. His mother (an unnamed unicorn) isn't around anymore, and Steel raised Saber by himself.
p.p.s. I uh kinda forgot to mention this but I am working from the idea that there are three factions going on, two of which are Celestia and Luna's respective royal guards, and the other which takes on the role local authorities, militia, etc would fill. Kinda how the Wonderbolts are essentially an air force. The Equestrian Guard might have its headquarters in Canterlot, but it's based throughout Equestria. The Day/Night Guards (who let's face it, are indeed often kind of useless and largely ceremonial) are not Equestria's army, internal security force, or anything; that's where the Equestrian Guard comes in.
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achillesxiii · 5 months ago
Protecting Equestria
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Thunder Sword, Minister of Defense of the Solar Empire
A former guardian of Canterlot who became the commander-in-chief and Minister of Defense under Solhorn. Selective pony, who wants to expand his empire's defense and its prosperity. He keeps order among the guards, strictly trains new recruits. He founded the School of Guards in the Solar Empire. Despite the fact that his cutie mark is a sparkling sword, he is an excellent strategist, but bad in the art of weapon. In addition to guards, Thunder Sword founded sheriff's posts in each city of the Solar Empire. These posts help keep order in the cities and catch ill-wishers.
Thundersword competes with the Minister of Defense of the Moon Kingdom, Ferocious Claw. At the General Congress of Rulers, they constantly try to hurt each other with bad words. Fortunately, nothing more than simple name-calling occurs.
Ferocious Claw, Minister of Defense of Moon Kingdom
Batpony. He is Moonrise's personal guard and the commander-in-chief of the Shadow guard (Guards of Moon Kingdom).
A very fiery and combative nature; a brave and loyal stallion; hobby - arguing with Thundersord.
A good warrior both on the ground and in the air.
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fruitypieq · 4 months ago
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I really really like my night edit of this background so here it is if anyone wants to use it 💖
(Make sure to credit LibbytheKautz for the original background if you do use it)
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jokingluna · 2 years ago
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toq1gou2003 · 28 days ago
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