#last legacy videos
chaosroid · 2 years
Obsessed with this kind of dynamic in wlws
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makomaki5 · 2 years
If you want some other game recommendations from a huge gamer that is NOT Hogwarts Legacy, I got you bc we do not support antisemitism or transphobia.
Full disclaimer: If your advocacy goes as far as for Trans and Jewish voices to fall on deaf ears about a VIDEOGAME?!? Then, you were never an ally to begin with.
But, as a videogame lover and player, I will make other recommendations for you to play if you really need a good game that will support the rights of other people and is not built on hate!
If you really want a wizard game:
Play Skyrim and Eldan Ring! Those are two great open-world/build your character/magic games that don’t center around magic but have magic nonetheless! They actually have more spells and than this stupid game centered around wizards! Plus, they both have HUGE open worlds that will take (I promise) hundreds of hours to play and explore.
Play the Witcher!!! Although I have not played it, my sister raves left and right about the Witcher 3! It’s a choice-based, super long, world-heavy game that just immerses you in both magic and spells from the get go! Although not a ton of spells, it’s a timeless game and WAY ahead of it’s time.
If you really want a choice based game:
We literally got Cyberpunk a few years ago! It has amazing features for custom characters and fun armor to mix and match. It also has a choice-based storyline and multiple endings based on the choices you make/categories of your personality you update! What’s also so great about this game is it naturally has great representation. I’ve never seen a game that has NPCs have a set sexual orientation and won’t stray from it: if you are a straight man and hit on the lesbian, she will TELL YOU she’s a lesbian. It’s very interesting and also have trans representation and her personality is not just her being trans. It’s compelling. So, play this game!!!
Another set of great choice games is the Life is Strange series! Although not open world, every choice you make impacts the ending/relationships you have with different characters. There is also GREAT LGBTQ+ rep in every game they produce. The first time I played these games, my brain chemistry changed.
The walking dead series is an AMAZING choice-based series with a lot of representation. Although not open world and depressing(lol), it is a super immersive experience and has your heart rip in half for the characters. In the last game, especially, we see a more immursive and creative fighting techniques that just made you binge the game.
Another great game (that isn’t exactly choice but has an interesting way for you to interact with the world based off the way you want to explore) is Disco Elysium. You get to choose how/why/when/where you interact with the world and people. I have literally never played a game like this and my jaw dropped when I started. I could NOT put it down. The clock ticks throughout the day so you need to be careful about what you do with the amount of time you have. EVERY relationship will unravel another part of the mystery going on throughout the game. And, it’s very intense, fun, and full of philosophical shit that just makes you excited. Plus, you can tell it was made with so much dedication and care.
Fallout 4!!!!! This game is super underrated now a days, but is it worth playing! You can customize your character and choose who you side with/who you kill/who you save/who your friend are/what clothes you wear/what weapons you weld. Like, you cannot ask for more out of this game!! And, the world is HUGE and filled with such intricaticay. I cant rave about this game enough.
Persona 5! This is one of the best games I have ever played in my life! Like Disco Elysium, you only have so much time throughout the day to complete tasks and your relationship with peers/the skills you have are gotten from that time. So, if you choose not to hang out with someone or do homework or whatever, you could not max different parts of your personality/combat techniques. Is game is also in part a choice game, where you get to choose which route you want your narrative to be. Super fun! Also, this game has super fun turn-based combat that just leaves you on your toes! It’s super fun and super immersive and super HARD. It will take you a hundred hours to play.
If you want an immersive open-world:
I already named a few up there, but I haven’t mentioned the Horizon series yet, which is just fantastic. Both games have HUGE open worlds and a great amount of representation that just comes so easy to it and feels so natural. It’s not forced or random or anything: it’s right and natural and not a HUGE deal. It also has very immersive worlds with quite a lot to do. Although Horizon Forbidden West only has about 28 hours of the main story, it took me 80 hours to complete it because that’s just how huge the world was. Plus, the lead character, Aloy, has so much depth and interesting tidbits about her that you KNOW the game was created so much love and care. Also, the face expressions are so real and beautiful, it literally brought tears to my EYES
Red Dead Redemption 2 literally has one of the greatest open-worlds of all time and y’all are gonna play that shitty wizard game 😭?? It’s SO intimate and fun. There are times where you’ll be stopped to do a side mission and, if you die, you can’t go back to do it! I can’t say enough about this game because im sure everyone has heard it already but it’s emotional, FILLED TO THE BRIM with character depth, and super goddamn fun.
We all know about Breath of the Wild, but if you haven’t played that yet and are choosing to play Hogwarts Legacy, what are you doing ??
And just other GREAT games:
All the Batman Arkham Series games are INCREDIBLE. They literally were the stepping stones to other great games and was one of the first to introduce such an interesting half-open world concept. They fighting and stealth is ridiculously fun, and I have replayed these games so many times!
The tomb raider games are FANTASTIC. Filled with puzzles, stealth, and fighting, you cannot milk out more from this game. Plus, you okay as the incredible Lara Croft, who is such an interesting character.
The Last of Us?!? Such great representation! And what great character depth! You can see the love that goes into this game and what it means for the people that create it. Although a linear game, it does not necessarily feel that way because of the amount of exploring you are forced to do. This is one of those rare games where crafting does not feel like a chore, but an immersive and anxious experience. Both games are perfect!!!
If I forgot any, repost and add them because yeah! And, if you’re still not convinced to play something else, you aren’t an ally and stop calling yourself one!
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bittertoxicity · 1 year
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Layton commission✌️
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I saw the tags on that post and now wanna see FL reacting to us wearing Tartar’s coat. It’s only our head poking out and we’d be swallowed up in it if we tucked our head in. They look like tripping hazards too not gonna lie-
AND we could flutter the coat + shake the fluff on the collar and make it look like we’re mimicking his wings and neck floof! He’d be SO happy if he saw us trying to copy him! We are honorary moth to him :’3
alright alright consider: you wearing Childe's Harbinger coat, and then Foul Legacy wrapping his wings around us- you're going to be SO toasty and warm!! because he's taller than you even in human form you look very much like a puffball when you're wearing his coat, your head poking out amongst the soft fur collar, a cheeky grin on your face. Foul Legacy practically warbles when he sees you all bundled up, excitedly poking the coat here and there and snuggling his face against your cheek- you're like him now, all fluffy and cozy!!! he pulls you closer, claws sinking into the fabric of the coat, and wraps both his arms and wings around you, essentially caging you in a comfy moth embrace with a happy, rumbling purr
the most adorable thing ever is seeing you and Legacy stand next to each other, one wrapped in a pair of glittery wings and the other in a thick winter coat. sometimes you look up at Foul Legacy and shake the sides of the cloak to mimic how his wings flitter and twitch, drawing a delighted chirp from your beloved Abyssal moth as he flutters his sparkling wings in return. when he's bored he also bats at the dangling ornaments hanging from the coat, fascinated by how the light reflects off the metal and gems; or he snuggles into the collar, burying his face in the soft fluff the same way you nuzzle into his after a long day
you're debating if you should ask Childe for two more copies of his Harbinger cloak, one smaller and one larger
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saintgoddess · 8 months
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clowny kiss 😘
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cursed-nyxan · 1 year
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Looks like I did it again but this time with Last Legacy characters cos I have no life. Today's host are The "Flirty prince Queen" Type The "Mom Friend" Type The "Tall and wild" Type The "Little devil deer" Type The "Bun-bun" Type and The "Secretly Babygirl" Type
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voiidegg · 9 months
did u all miss me? ;D
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Another watercolor test but with Anisa and better lightning! Posca pens do save the day when you need something extremely pigmented.
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modularmedia · 10 months
This Week in Toku Vac and Buster do the show for the last time.
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petrovna-zamo · 11 months
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elie-draloup · 1 year
Aaaalright, Aslante Legacy, final game (until the new one comes out) of the serie, thoughts and theories ! Once again, spoilers for the entirety of the two trilogies and the movie. Probably some swearing too, here and there.
-Gotta love how every game starts with the Professor receiving some letter and immediately deciding without further thoughts or plan or questions : OK let's go, screw my job, screw Luke's parents (screw Flora), we're going on a new possibly deadly dangerous adventure !
-... Sycamore is actually Descole, isn't he ? I mean... Look at the hair.
-Excuse me, a million years old ?!
- Luke, meet your new big sister, she can make magic with her brain.
- OK but how are they going to explain this *opens door with incantation* thing.
-Oh wait it's easy : Vocal password. Aslante civilisation wasn't more advanced than us, they were just super overdramatic about it. Mystery solved.
- And Aurora can make a ship crash because she has a super magnet transplanted in her head.
-Kidding. This is a Layton game. Maybe the girl isn't even real and is an induced hallucination given by an old toxic gas freed from the ice and Targent is just a cellphones company harassing us to sell things.
-This or there was a big misunderstanding about a ridiculously ambitious escape game that went really wrong.
-Last option is that Aslantes indeed used to be technologically advanced and Aurora is indeed 1 million years old, but there has to be something else because I need the final dramatic reveal where Layton points.
-random person ; Oh so you're a little family on vacation! What a beautiful couple you make with beautiful children !
Luke : Actually, we're not related.
Layton : I don't have kids.
Emmy : And I'm single.
Aurora : What's a family again ?
-That scene were Grosky almost got killed by a bunch of mafia guys was brutal.
-Corruption, violence, attempted murder, terrorism, intimidation, mafia-like organisation, kidnapping, art theft, spying... And then there's Descole. I just love how you have so many "action-movie" kind of threats, and then you have that one middle-aged theater kid in a carnival suit.
-Well, now I can add human sacrifices.
-Mushroom people
-Egg people
-What's next, cactus people ?
-Oh no, the actual Far West.
-is that were the "Layton and the very large dog" thing comes from or...?
-Forgot to write things, but basically people poisened themselves with drugs AGAIN but with the help of a kid, a bird and a library they're okay. So now we have a bunch of eggs but I'll make a tour to do all the puzzles I might have missed. Sorry guys, archeology can wait, I've got some puzzles to do.
-Aurora is still politely waiting for me to talk to her in order to move the plot. The answer is still no.
-Since Sycamore is Descole (I dunno, the hair. Only Descole would have that kind of haircut.), I'm starting to wonder if maybe... Emmy works for him ? Because.. I dunno, some PNJ just told Sycamore how he seemed to care a lot about Emmy, and Sycamore never striked me as the kind of person to look (or even be) caring so yeah I just... Am I reading too much into that ? Emmy does know martial arts and kinda came out of nowhere. But also... She's Emmy. Or maybe it's just a way to say "Sycamore may be Descole, who did tried to kill the protagonists on several occasions, but hey, he can be a nice guy too when he's not maniacally laughing out of madness !". Or just a dumb pnj saying nonsense.
-A fake egg huh. Who did it. It HAS to be someone travelling with us. Sycamore could be an obvious suspect but...Targent has the egg and Descole hate them. Hm.
-Yes, bring the kids to the evil mafia's lair surrounded by people with guns. Then don't let Flora take the train for her safety.
-Ah well one dude got shoot off screen apparently. Probably bleeding as hell. Wonderful sight for Luke's nightmares, a guy covered in blood, barely managing to escape from the people still running after him to end his life. Let's follow him.
-Yes quit your mafia job, take some vaccations, get married or whatever, wish you luck guys. We really hope that you're genuine otherwise that guy we left behind will be very dead huh.
-Sycamore looks way too familiar with Targent's methods. So that what happened to your wife and daughter, huh ? But Kornev seems disinterested in him now, despite his Aslante knowledge. Is the "Legacy" just a method to bring people to life ? That would explain why Descole is so eager to find it. Also can't wait to see Layton's reaction to the reveal of him being Descole. I mean, yes it's just a theory but.... Common it's just so obvious.
-I'm sorry but this girl attempted suicide, we should listen to her and IMMEDIATELY stop this whole thing like she said. I don't know what the azran legacy do but it seems like it's a bad idea to find out, after all.
-Eh, told ya. He had to reveal himself with his signature laugh, didn't he. Also... Yes ! Swordfight! (I feel like Layton will never respect him enough to fight him with an actual sword. This feels like a "You're the loser yet I'm the one with a broken pipe, you pathetic fake swordsman." vibe.
-Can we talk about how heartbroken Aurora must be right now ?
Aurora : You're my friend ? You mean it ?
Desmound: Of course !
Also Desmound : I'm stealing this from y'a, I used you all as a bunch of tools mouwhaha bye !
Aurora : =(
-PROFESSOR YOU CAN'T BRING FOUR PEOPLE TO FLY ON ONE SINGLE DEAD DINOSAUR was what I thought during the cutscene. Until I saw it was just Layton to catch up Descole. It's just... Layton has a HISTORY with hand-made flying devices.
-Also Kornev didn't seem to care that much about losing so they'll just follow them on the finale temple with a bunch of guns I guess. I got spoiled that Luke is going to die and I'm starting to worry a little. Hence why I think they're going to unlock the power of bringing people back to life. But I also guess such power comes with disastrous consequences. Though by the look of Aurora behaviour, it seems like the whole world is doomed.
-Oh hey Descole. Need a hand opening that door ?
-And here they are with the guns.
-Hehe, gun proof ceiling.
-OK I'm fine, it's ok, alright, good, let's keep going. It's not like I wasn't used to betrayals in video games. But still. What the heck.
-Heeeey, Descole, pal. Guess we're a team now, if you're not in the mood of trying to kill me today ! And you know I would destroy the entire world and then myself if anything had to happen to Luke, riiiight?
-The guy asked for a team up himself, I don't even get to laugh at him.
-Oh thank stars Luke is okay. But for how long.
-I'm sorry Emmy, but you still lied and spied on us. Also threatened Luke. It sucks because you're awesome but still a traitor. I suppose that explains why she won't be around for the next games.
-Luke and Descole being salty at eachother is SO fun to watch.
-what the heck.
-Descole took a bullet for Luke. First of all : Can you PLEASE stop giving this kid near-death experiences, I heard he's supposed to die at some point and it makes these situations even more intense. Even if I know he'll come back thanks to the other games but still. Also... What the actual heck ?
-.... Brothers ?!
-.... Father ?!!
-Well, that was... a lot. Guess I'll let you die there, I have to save the world so uh, not the greatest time for a family reunion.
-Everything has gotten 1000 times more awkward between these two. I mean imagine if Descole make it alive:
Des : uh...Little brother.
Layton: Let's not.
Des : Yeah, sounded wrong when I said it too.
-You....You're telling me that all the grunts died on the way here ? Well good thing we haven't met with any of the corpses I guess.
- See Emmy ? This guy would rather see you die on a puzzle than try it himself. I hate him so much. Now I get why Emmy seemed so taken aback after her first meeting with the Professor. That's why she was surprised to be shown some consideration, after years spent with this guy.
-He just... ran the sword through her heart with NO second thought.
-Wait, EVERYONE dies ?!
-And in a very painful and disturbing way ?!!
-They were on the ground. They were dead dead.
-End of the world : Successfully avoided! At the price of ☆trauma☆
-Luke watching his adopted sister disintegrate. Ouch.
-Descole being like : SEE YA ASSHOLES. If he stayed he was sooooo going to jail.
-Fffffffriend ? With him ? Hershel.... I get that it's your biological father, but he also proved himself to be some crazy heartless jerk. On the behalf of "good intentions", but the end doesn't justify the ways. Loved how he made it clear that his parents are his ACTUAL parents and nothing, not even a biological father will ever changr that though. And that HE IS Hershel Layton.
- So let me get this straight. Layton lost his family at 6 because of the mafia of science(was this close to my random "seven curse" theory.). Then lost his best friend at 17 and grieved him for 18 years while blaming himself before he got back from the dead. Then lost his fiancee at 27 and almost got killed by trying to discover the circumstances of her death. Then lost a kid he had to take care of when he was 35 right after being revived by said kid. And witnessed the death of his fiancee AGAIN at 37. And all this with no therapy. I think I get why he has such a harsh time expressing his emotions.
-At least Emmy got to live a REAL independent life. I think she couldn't stay after all that since the trust has been broken, but she still get to have the opportunity to grow on her own to choose who SHE wants to be, not some fake uncle. Wonder if we'll have some news from her in the next game, since now they can acknowledge both of the trilogies.
-Luke and Layton after getting home:
Layton : Not a word to your parents about the whole... dying and stuff ?
Luke : Nope. Definitely not.
-I wonder if one of the reasons Hershel is more protective of Flora is because he's projecting Aurora on her. I mean it's hinted that she got reincarnated, but to him she's still very dead.
-I hope we'll have at least some cameos or references to all those characters in the new game. And a hint that they all went to therapy because heck do they need it. Do something of these coins, professor.
-Wait a second, something's wrong.
- Probably because he was as confused by everything for this one.
-Besides it's hard to be more overdramatic than Descole. Desmound? Descole?
-Wait wait wait... It's implied that Desmound's wife and daughter got killed by Targent, right ? Did it happened under the command of his joke of a father? Did that happened or did I forgot something ?! Like what.
- Hershel please don't call this shithead a friend. He's not. Why am I more angry at Bronev than you are.
-Silly idea of Layton and Descole attempting a talk like normal brothers :
Des : So remember that time we died ?
Layton: Oh yes. Yes. And, uh, saved the world.
Des : And that one kid really died.
Layton : I can still kill you in a swordfight you know, that's gentleman's approved.
Des : *sips tea*
And this was the final one. I would have done Mysterious Village and Pandora's Box too but I already played those before I began to write my thoughts while playing so there would be no point now that I know the plots. Anyway, I absolutely loved these games and can't wait to play the new one on Switch, after going through both trilogies, I'm ready for the new wave of angst !
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ephemerasnape · 21 days
Fastidio Techno Edit.
"You deserve much worse after all you've done."
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sweet-milky-tea705 · 2 years
Rest in peace mister rime last legacy, made by my iphone memories
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rxtbxnes · 2 years
mcr broke up less than three weeks before i turned 10 and now im about to turn 20 having seen them on the most important and impactful tour of any of their careers. when i first properly started listening to them i thought they were gone forever. i thought id never hear anything new from them and they would all go their separate ways and im so glad i was wrong something something this band means so much to me and this last year of tour has fucking rewired my brain
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frary-us · 1 year
Thanks to Fr Conventions for posting the opening ceremony of Dream It Fest Paris from March 25, 2023. Love hearing Toby Regbo speak French.❤️
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pepprs · 1 year
we ended drivers ed tonight w the scariest most chilling fucking video and im so shaken from it lol
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