#larper life
mgdln333 · 2 days
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larperwithastaff · 6 months
WOO FIRST RP GAME OF THE SEASON LETS GOOO!!! We're on our way to a day game of 2 separate battle game oneshots, and then a nighttime ritual and feast!! I'm sp ready to be Nina in the first game, facing a goblin hoard, and then a feral Bretonnian NPC in the second! It's going to be a wonderful day : D
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knightwithakay · 2 years
since moving to a new state my attempts to socialize and make new friends have included contra dance, parkour classes, larp, (befriend vintage bookstore owner??), join and immediately run in fear from bumble bff, and now longsword classes
from this you can draw an extremely accurate and damning picture of who I am as a person.
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blocksruinedme · 1 year
New Fic! The Hangover Brunch by BlocksRuinedMe. SmallEtho, with Smallidarity angst and Ranchers vibing
Finally I've published a damn fic in my university larper au! You don't need to know anything, I carefully made sure the fic is entirely standalone. I don't know that I'll ever write "the whole thing", so every fic will always be stand alone. No true cliffhangers, just ongoing lives.
If you're interested in a quick run down of the AU, i've got a living document going! It also has links at the bottom to wip wednesdays from other fic in this series.
It's a story about being young and very happy to be having great sex with someone you quite like, but really wishing you had any idea what you meant to the other person. (It's Etho, the other person is Etho, are we surprised.)
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(transcription below cut)
It's rated M, people are horny but no one's clothes come off. I tried to keep it T for an event in january (@smallethoweek which started it all for me) but the rating slipped when I missed that deadline. It's a lot about "we have been having good sex [not details] and I have emotions about it" and "damn i want more (kinky) sex [no details]" and "fading to black while people are still dressed -- but detailed account of what they are doing before it goes to black". It's fundamentally about people's relationships wrt to each other around sex, but the actual sex... well that fic is much longer!
there's background hermits and empires larpers and background relationships and the ranchers are here and they brought bagels. (I started this au last november, i was a different person with different ships.) I always encourage people to sub to me cause i think I'm great, but the series is right here!
SO MANY details in this story, and series, come from my own university days and it's such a delight to put them somewhere. Get psyched for the Burning Man AU for a different slice of my life wild and varied life! (I'm old, i've been places!)
Okay that's it or i'll talk forever! You can also see my posts about the series at my #larpers au tag
Transcription (or, this is what the screenshot was shooting)
The Hangover Brunch by BlocksRuinedMe
Fandoms:3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series, Double Life SMP, Empires SMP  
No Archive Warnings Apply
Complete Work
29 Jul 2023
No Archive Warnings Apply
EthosLab/Joel | SmallishBeans
Jimmy | Solidarity/TangoTek (background)
Jimmy | Solidarity/Joel | SmallishBeans
Joel | SmallishBeans
Jimmy | Solidarity
Scott Major | Smajor1995
This is mostly a SmallEtho fic with the other ships background or past/complicated
Scott and Tango only appear briefly
It could also be tagged "background jimmy/many dudes"
Modern AU
Alternate Universe - College/University
Alternate Universe - Modern Setting
Alternate Universe - LARP
Minor Jimmy | Solidarity/TangoTek
Defining the Relationship
Ambiguous Relationships
Off Screen and past drunk sex
Fade to Black
Background Mythical Sausage
somewhat obsessive joel
but he's an engineering student not a red life
it's within the bounds of his demographic
etho does not want to Define The Relationship
whether it's pos or neg there's no sex on screen
everything in this fic is _because_ of sex
slutty Jimmy
Slutty Joel
slutty Etho
other background sluts /aff
For weeks -- ever since they were cast as soulmate in the "Double Life" larp at their university -- Joel and Etho have been hooking up almost every night in Joel's dorm room. Despite Joel's secret desires for something serious, Etho hasn't offered any labels for their relationship, and in public acts like they are just friends. Joel's angsting about this is the first thing that's been able to drown out his unresolved feelings for Jimmy, who is now actually dating his soulmate. When Joel finally stays over in Etho's room after a wild party, and gets invited by Etho to stay for brunch at his dilapidated LARPer house, Joel hopes things might be changing for the better -- but fears he's being too hopeful.
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talentforlying · 6 months
RULES: bold for usually, italics for sometimes
being unable to stop smiling. laughter. bear hugs. happy tears. waving arms around. dancing. contently sighing. eyes twinkling. laughter lines. childlike playfulness. skipping. talking more. affection. cracking more jokes than usual. gesturing more when talking. higher pitched voice. squealing. jumping around. clapping.
tearing up. self-hugging. one-arm cross. an aching chest. scratchy throat. a runny nose. turning away. deep breaths. quivery smiles. crying. infantile sobbing. hands gripping each other or an object. covering mouth. puffy eyes. eyes appear red. voice breaking. a distant or empty stare. monotone voice. asking for comfort. faking a smile. crumbling. shaking. whimpering. abusing an unhealthy habit. withdrawing from others. big teary eyes. doing something even if it could hurt them.
furrowed brows. baring teeth. passive-aggressive comments. avoiding eye contact. sarcasm. headache. sore muscles. hiding clenched fists. irritability. jumping to conclusions. raising voice. going silent. demanding immediate action. keeping it all in until exploding. body tensing. making risky decisions. middle finger.
wanting to flee or hide. what-ifs. images of what-could-be flashing in mind. uncontrollable trembling. rapid breathing. screaming. a skewed sense of time. irritability. keeping silent. denying fear. turning away from the cause. pretending to be brave. nail-biting. lip-biting. scratching skin. a joking tone but a voice that cracks. fainting. insomnia. panic attacks. exhaustion. substance abuse. tics. rushing adrenaline. face draining of colour. hair lifting on the back of the neck. feeling rooted to the spot. making body as small as possible. staring but not seeing. crying. a shrill voice. whispering. gripping something or someone. stuttering. flinching at noises. pleading.
constantly yawning. slurring words together. dark circles or lines under eyes. mood swings. hallucinations. calling people by the wrong name. dizziness. denying they’re tired. slow blinking. trouble concentrating. stumbling. leaning on a doorframe for support. sluggish movements. falling asleep someplace that isn’t a bed. becoming irritated by the smallest things. “i’m awake, i’m fine.” shaking so bad they spill their drink. fall asleep in their clothes. lay their head on the table because they’re so tired. passing out.
tagged by: @untilthcyrot thank you!! tagging: you!!
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choppedcowboydinosaur · 9 months
I saw HiddenXperia's tweet that MW3 feels like it was written by cringy airsoft larpers. Now I'm imagining if the whole MW reboot trilogy was a bunch of cringy teenage airsoft larpers. With the main larp group being Task Force 141 and their encounters with other factions in the games like Shadow Company, Konni Group, Farrah's ULF group and Alejandro's Mexican SF group just being other larp groups.
Makarov would lead his larp group just to fuck with Task Force 141. So Makarov, would be a troll and that would explain why he's constantly in and out of the story after his schemes have failed like a Saturday morning cartoon villain.
And for the ending of MW3 I'm just imagining that Soap's mom called him to come home which winds up ending the larp session abruptly and causes the lackluster ending for MW3. It might also explain why Soap views Ghost as this big brother despite both being grown men in the games which feels slightly awkward. In the larp session they're actually teenagers so it would make more sense for their immaturity. Specifically, Soap would be a few years younger than Ghost while both are still teenagers.
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gender-euphowrya · 1 year
btw all the emo X shit elon kums is pulling is just So on brand with his reveal that his diablo 4 character is called "IWillNeverDie"
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rainy-daze1 · 1 year
uh. au where traffic life is a larp and the watchers are just the staff. it's still in the minecraft universe and all fantasy-ish and stuff, it's just also a larp at the same time. someone goes "pc in camp!" and suddenly there's 4 beings of pure light, wings, and eyes staring at them, frozen mid conversation, one of them not-so-subtly trying to cover the spoiler-filled schedule papers on the wall. each session is an event. monster camp is like its own pocket dimension on a separate plane of reality because the watchers are like, angels or whatever, but it still looks like Monster Camp. complete with lawn chairs, bugs, big packs of gator ade and random bits of costuming lying around. YES they can change their appearance at will but they're still doing costumes and makeup. the potential drama of calling out death-strikes. after game is off they [watchers and players] all hang out before leaving and eat store bought cookies and talk about in-game events. do u see my vision
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twosides--samecoin · 1 year
I'm trying not to be That Guy on someone's post but I need to get this off my chest
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larperwithastaff · 6 months
[What to do when someone Incredibly powerful finds out about your heritage? You fear for your life, of course!]
Nina didn't spend long in town on the final night of the Throng. There was *way* too much on her mind.
Her thoughts were barely comprehensible. Witch Elf. Priestess. Murderer.
And someone powerful knows knows. Nina had crumpled the second he looked at her with no faith, and her poor excuse of a wayshard.
"You wouldn't believe me if I said no, would you."
"I think you just gave yourself away anyway."
Running to her closest confidant in Kriegstor, Nina pulled her aside and told her everything.
"I cannot flee, he will send people to hunt me down...!"
Grief filled her every word. The tears that sprung up in her eyes earlier had been tears of joy. Of knowing her full name. Of knowing who she is. Nina Maibd Nemethova.
Those tears were now tears of fear, knowing that no matter what she did, if Nina did something ever-so-slightly wrong, if those stronger than her caught wind of it, that would be it for her.
A shadow warrior could cut her down before she had the chance to raise her staff. Before she could finish saying "Veritas".
If there was any uncertainty of her heritage before, it was gone now.
Nina was a druchii. And she must redeem herself, or die by the hands of those that once stood by her side.
From now on, Nina had to watch her every step.
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blocksruinedme · 1 year
wip wednesday, larper smalletho!
Once upon a time I made a poll and people said they like wips from fic that are coming soon. This one... well I've got a summary and tags set! It'll be in the next few days! It's about 9k, which is more than I meant, but so be it. After this, it's bangs and my published wips (i hope).
This is in my university larper au, but I promise it's entirely stand alone -- i thought very hard about including backstory. If you're interested in the overall series (which only parts of are likely to be published). If you're interested, I made an overview doc. It includes links to other wip wednesdays, both smalletho and flower husbands!
It was clear that Joel’s friends had grown weary of hearing him whine about Etho, possibly even more than they seemed sick of him gushing about him, so he tried to only share the anxiety spirals when he was at his worst and desperate for distraction. None of them knew how consistently (every day) he felt crazy about Etho – and not the good kind of “being crazy” about a super hot, totally ripped genius who keeps showing up at your dorm room to show you a very good time. Instead he had “try your best to not become a stalker but it’s seeming dicey” crazy and “intense, desperate hyperfixation” crazy. Not instead, actually – he’d accepted he’s picked up multiple kinds of crazy, and might be suffering from more kinds of Etho crazy than he realized. Joel told himself it was worth it.
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anamelessfool · 1 year
WHY IS THAT LARP COMMENT YOU TAGGED SO REAL Like you haven't showered in two days, dirt's literally everywhere and the sun has tanned where your scar makeup was or smth and the entire chilis has like 7 tables pushed together. your knees are still scrapped and barely holding together with the 4 bandaids you've layered to make a bigger bandaid. half of you are still stuck in your character accents.
Because I've lived it, son.
I've been larpin' and running larps since 2009. (And I have to stop now because sadly my current larp is folding next month) The red demon face paint stains your skin for two days. You will never get the glitter out of your hair. You have mandatory goth makeup around your eyes.
That burrito is the best burrito you've ever had in your whole life. And the Outback Steakhouse knew us by name when we all rolled up still wearing our belt pouches.
I been in the trenches.
I was once stopped by a cop car dressed as a whole ass lizardfolk.
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(hey feel free to chat with me about larping, Anon! I owe my writing and characterization skills to my larp experiences.)
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mangrovedreams · 1 year
Not making a Na’vi sona to write an extensive narrative (for once), but just making an internal persona to slip into once in a while. Literally...an avatar. damn it.
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cocoon2010 · 4 months
Becoming one of those white Japanese anachro-larpers but instead of trying to be a Samurai or a Ninja or a zen teacher or whatever I'm investing everything into the persona of a mid-level textile baron from Echigo who devoted his entire life to a three thousand page volume titled "Chronicle Of Great Sights Abreast The Shinano River" or something
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ohmerricat · 4 months
an essay about Rogue, The Chimes of Midnight, and how i believe all this ties in to the overarching themes of the series EVEN IF the inside-a-tv-show theory proves untrue
“Rogue” named himself after a stock character. he is the archetypal Handsome Rogue because there has to be a Handsome Rogue role in a period drama story set in Austenesque Regency England.
it’s all theatre — smoke and mirrors. just like the war waged against imaginary foes in boom (because there needs to be an Enemy in a wartime story) was theatre; the creation of the Bogeyman in space babies (because there needs to be a Scary Monster in a children’s bedtime story) was theatre; The Woman following Ruby in 73 yards (because there needs to be a Ghost in a folk horror story) was theatre. dot and bubble less so, but it’s wise to note — the dots created the slugs after all. they invented the slugs so that there would be a tangible Creature for the finetimers (and the Doctor) to fear, rather than simply being betrayed by their own technology. because that’s exactly what the false, harmful narratives colonialists tell themselves — stories of taming and conquering a wild Mother Nature and her ferocious beasts — have trained them to expect from the world. the dots were telling a story too, or rather putting on a play.
the penultimate episode of any doctor who series, if not always leading directly into the two-parter finale, will typically begin to tie up loose narrative strands that have stretched across the entire season. at a first impression rogue doesn’t seem to be doing that. but then you take a closer look at the antagonists: creatures that play a role for fun without the slightest regard for those around them. lethal LARPers. cosplayers out to kill. to put it pretentiously, a hyper-realistic theatre of cruelty.
to nobody’s surprise, i’m bringing up my favourite eighth doctor audio drama — the chimes of midnight. edward grove gives every person trapped in the time loop a designated role: the chauffeur, the doctor-detective, the plucky young lady of the house, the lady’s maid, the scullery girl, the housekeeper. they keep playing these roles, over and over, until they begin to forget their original identity, until the part they’re playing takes over their entire sense of self. the servants keep dying over and over because they cannot transcend their roles, because they believe themselves to be “nothing but a scullery maid”. they are reduced to the parts they play in the narrative until they become nothing outside of it, until they become confined to a single location.
the chimes of midnight is set in Edwardian-era England, a time of restrictive, prescriptive class, status and social roles which defined a person’s life and career trajectory — this strict delineation is driven to its logical conclusion and deconstructed under the unnatural conditions of Edward Grove. similarly, rogue is set in a Regency-era mansion — another historical period defined in the popular imagination by its complicated social rules, elegant courtship dynamics, strict class barriers, gossip and elitism. these two doctor who stories don’t have any intentional watsonian connection, but they are deeply linked on a thematic level.
high society is forced theatre. a 24/7 LARP. play your part, put on your costume, don’t interrupt the performance. the audience is waiting. they’re oh so hungry for tragedy.
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the biggest part of them all, the most sought-after role, of course, is The Doctor. a standard to live up to. a name to wear like a banner, a pledge, a promise. he has to be like this because this is what he’s like.
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the Scullery Maid scrubs the kitchen floor. The Detective searches for clues. the Chauffeur starts up his car. the Duchess hosts a glittering soirée. the Rake hides a secret fling with the Wallflower. the Rogue breaks hearts and broods on the balcony.
and the Doctor? the Doctor dances. “onwards and upwards”. forever in perpetual motion, spinning and spinning and spinning across the stars. never pausing to breathe. never stopping.
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p.s.: so, pray tell, what is Ruby Sunday in all this? “The Companion”, of course. smart, funny, sassy, quick-witted, brave, cheeky, curious, self-sacrificial. she almost feels generic because she’s meant to be. she wasn’t born. she was written. an essential part of the story too. circling the Doctor like a satellite forever.
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heatherholes · 11 days
i get that the lack of individuality is the appeal of bimbofication for many. but what i like to see, personally, is all the wonderful different types of girls learning their place. their unique personalities kept but warped. the most obvi example is the nerdy weeb girl who loves hentai and ahegao and slutty cosplay, the desk pet gamer girls. unlike some less interesting misogynists, i don’t think they’re faking their interests for male attention. they just don’t know how to express themselves any other way and that’s super hot!
i wanna see it everywhere. the horror fanatic watching shlocky b-movie rape scenes like they’re porn. the girl who loves cars getting bent over the hood. the ren faire attendant dressed as a tavern wench. the tabletop gamers and larpers doing mediaeval fantasy, getting treated medievally. the skater chick who laughs loudest when a girl face-plants, the metalhead demanding you name five albums. the goth who draws a pentagram on the floor and kneels naked, thinks of her punishment for eve eating the apple and whispers ‘hail satan.’
barstool type girls are a favourite of mine. you know, they watch football, eat wings, are all too happy to go to strip clubs and participate in the locker room talk. who proudly proclaim that they’re not like other girls, they’re one of the guys because they put on a sports jersey, while still looking every bit the bleach blonde fucktoy. still pretending she doesn’t know how to shoot pool so he can show her.
and the gym bunnies with an intense discipline and determination; are strong physically and mentally. what motivates their commitment to self improvement? looking good for men, of course! she’ll work herself to the bone keeping toned for you and won’t whine for help hauling the groceries. let her tell herself it’s because you respect her strength if it makes your life easier.
similar are the boss babes, hyper productive and entrepreneurial. proud to have her own money, apartment, car, small business. she’s a big believer in splitting the bill on dates. why? she heard men don’t like gold diggers. she doesn’t want him to think she’s putting out cause she gets something out it. she’s not doing it for anything but him. whether or not she expands her “online brand” as a pornfluencer into onlyfans will depend entirely on him. he okays it, but only for a split of the money? wow, now she’s the provider. how empowering!
that’s to say nothing of the actual girl bosses. the salaried power player at a fortune 500 company. what does she do there? discourage employees under her from going to HR, cut funding for the women in business initiative and giggle at sexist jokes to show she’s a team player, mostly. she has the economic freedom to do anything, a career she fought tooth and nail for, a spot in the c-suite someday. she’s a winner, not a trophy. she’ll give it all away once a man further up the ladder knocks her up.
well, what about the marxist punk yelling no gods, no masters? no way she’s gonna submit to a man. no, but she’s gonna suck dick for the communal spirit and promote collective ownership of her holes.
the shy girl into art and literature? her love of culture gives her unique insight into the history of male supremacy. everywhere she sees herself through the eyes of men. not just any men, creative geniuses. in the museum she looks at the ancient vases that use the same iconography to depict marriage as rape. from the nude statue of a goddess to the painting of a peasant girl — both are objects, never the subject. in the library she reads the taming of the shrew and thinks, who am i to argue with shakespeare? quietly, she lets her dreams of being an artist die and resigns herself to the life of the muse.
tldr: cater to the male gaze and serve patriarchy but most importantly be yourself
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