#lao is seething
arttrampbelle · 1 year
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Made a hilarious thing.
May have some nsfw implied due to the mention of puh,i will censor somewhat just for courtesy tho i don't think people care because i aint showing nothin
But in case you can't read it
Shang tsung: *swishes beard like pai mei off of kill bill* "you couldn't handle shao kahn,what makes you think you can handle that rare pink pearled pu**y,virgin monk?"
Kung lao: *angy* *thinking to himself* "virgin my ass you crusty old fuck, i was here first!"
Liu kang: "uhh...lao,take it easy man"
Me: *awkward walking away*
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tiredfox64 · 5 months
🔆 you’re popping off. your writing rocks brah.
I was hoping maybe you could do Raiden and Kung Lao fighting over readers (fem/afab) attention. Like back and forth jabs. And like Kung Lao trying to show off, kinda talks down on raiden in front of her. where as Raiden takes a more gentle approach with helping the reader with their training, helping her with her form he’ll glance at Kung Lao knowingly. It builds a small wedge between them, so reader decides to invite both over one night. And like you know that movie challengers? Like the zendaya scene where she’s got the two guys kissing her? Like THAT. LIKE THAT. If you can do this. I’ll piss rainbows. 🌈
Are You Challenging Me?
Prior notes: I had only the trailer to work off of so I hope I got things right. Also what a statement from you at the end. It’s not bad it’s unique and I like it.
Pairings: Kung Lao x Afab reader x Raiden
Warnings ‼️: Suggestive at the end
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Even those who have been friends for so long can end up fighting over something. That something could be a girl. That girl would be you.
No one has ever seen Raiden and Kung Lao turn a friendly competition into a serious one. Constant bickering and jabs at each other that turn to hisses from nasty remarks. You would only see this kind of tension from middle school boys or some cheesy teen movie from the 2000s. Ah but boys will be boys. Who can blame them?
You are the prettiest girl they’ve ever seen. Not just that but you are tough and always willing to learn more. That’s why you train with them so much. Well, it used to be training. Things have changed since you came around. Mostly their attitude and their closeness.
You knew Kung Lao was cocky and boastful, even for a Shaolin monk. The things he did in front of you made the other monks groan in frustration and caused Raiden to shake his head in disapproval. He was always calling for your attention.
“Hey! Hey! Look! I can spin as fast as a tornado!” “Check this out! I can beat up five guys at once!” “I bet Raiden can’t strike as fast as I can! What do you think?”
That was the usual stuff you would hear. Though comparing himself to Raiden was mostly common. He would put Raiden down the moment he had the chance. It would go beyond fighting and go into ridiculous stuff.
He can eat more than Raiden. He can jump higher than Raiden. He can stay up later than Raiden. Everything Raiden could do, Kung Lao could do better. He’ll prove it again right now.
Kung Lao ran up to you and Raiden, almost crashing right into him.
“Hey Raiden, how about another fight? Whoever loses has to pay the next time we visit Madame Bo’s.” Kung Lao was hoping he would say yes just so he could beat Raiden up.
“I can’t, Kung Lao. Can’t you see we are busy?”
“Oh I see. You’re afraid of losing again. Bet you’re afraid of embarrass yourself in front of her. Don’t worry, I get it.” He patted Raiden on the back before letting out a laugh like he successfully humiliated him.
“That’s not it,” he rolls his eyes before speaking, “I’m helping her with training right now. We can fight soon just let me finish up here.”
Raiden loved to help you and you were grateful for that. Though it always seemed like you needed adjusting when it came to your form or help when stretching. Even if you are a centimeter off he had to correct you. Guess he is a perfectionist. Or maybe he is sneaky.
Raiden came behind you and placed his hands on your waist. His foot tapped yours to make it move to the side more. You didn’t notice but he gave a light squeeze to your waist. He wished he could wrap his arms around you but now is not the time. Though it would upset Kung Lao a lot.
His hands traced up your arms till they were at your head. Your face was so soft he wanted to kiss it. But all he can do now is adjust it. Raiden glanced at Kung Lao and saw he was almost seething with rage. For once he decided to be a little cruel to his dear friend.
He went down till his face was inches away from your thigh. His hands grabbed at the tantalizing piece of flesh before him and turned it slightly. Now your form was perfect.
Kung Lao couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Though Raiden’s straw hat was concealing his eyes it could not conceal that smirk on his face. He knows exactly what he was doing. He’s just too good at hiding his devilish intentions behind a sweet, kissable face.
It seems that no matter how many time Kung Lao shows off, Raiden will always be the winner here. He’s the one who gets to touch you.
You’re not dense you can feel that something is wrong. There is tension in the air and it only appears when Kung Lao and Raiden are in the same vicinity.
You have been keeping a close eye on their relationship. They have been drifting apart for some time now. Everyone can see that. What you didn’t get was why. You were missing the signs. You missed the glances Raiden would give to Kung Lao. You missed the fact that Kung Lao would only call for your attention, not anyone else’s.
You had to do something about this. It would be a shame if their friendship crumbled over something silly. Whatever that silly thing was.
Inviting them over to your place was a great start. Though they might be shocked when they see each other at your place. You might have left that out on purpose.
“What the—what are you doing here, Raiden?”
“What am I doing here? I should be asking you the same thing, Kung Lao.”
They both stared at each other with mouths agape. They were confused as if the possible reason was outlandish. It’s not like there is a universal rule that you can only invite one person to your place.
“What are you two standing there for? Come inside, you’ll catch your deaths out there.” You called for them.
They didn’t even realize you opened the door. But now that they do they were racing to get it. Kung Lao pushed Raiden out of the way, leaving him with a disappointed expression.
Your place was well decorated and well kept. It’s only you living in this small house. That doesn’t make it any less of a home. Your house expresses you which the boys really like. They followed you closely but realize you were heading in the direction of your room. There was hesitation, especially from Raiden. Why not just stay in the living room? What gives?
You don’t have time for this stupidity. You grabbed their hands and dragged them into your room. They always imagined being in your room , of course that fantasy always involved you on the bed and the other one not being there. Clearly none of that good stuff will happen, right?
“Alright, sit down, I need to ask you guys something.” You plopped down on your bed.
The bed is off limits in their minds. The chairs? No. The bean bag? No. The floor? Probably a safe bet.
They sat in front of you, looking up at you like loving puppies waiting to be loved by their master. That’s not the first order of business tonight. Don’t be fooled by their eyes. There is still a wedge between them.
“Mind telling me what’s got you two so bothered. Don’t act like I haven’t noticed your strange behavior recently. I’m concerned about you guys.”
They can tell that you really care just by the tone of your voice. But a silence still hung in the air. Kung Lao nor Raiden wanted to speak the truth. It’s awkward, especially with your bro there. Kung Lao’s cockiness got to him though, reminding him of who he is. He shouldn’t be afraid so he’ll say it.
“I want you to be my girlfriend.” He declared.
Well that was a shock. You know what else shocked you? Raiden.
“I want you to be my girlfriend.” He said as well.
They glared at each other after saying that. They don’t even acknowledge the fact that you were sitting there with a confused expression. It’s not usual for two men to ask you out at the same time, in the same way. It was at least straight forward. You snapped your fingers at them to bring their attention back to you. Like the good boys they are they obey.
“How often does this happen? Going after the same girl?” You asked.
“Not as often as you think.” Raiden responded.
“We usually have different types.” Kung Lao chimed in.
This is weird. Somehow you were the connection between them when it came to types yet at the same time being the wedge between them.
“So…are you saying I should be flattered?”
“Aren’t you everybody’s type?” Kung Lao said it so innocently that it was smooth. He does good when he’s not trying too hard.
Think about this for yourself now. It’s no lie that you like them both. They have their own quirk that draws you in. You love Raiden’s kindness yet ability to be brutal while in battle. He works hard and is willing to guide others to try hard as well. Kung Lao’s cockiness can be annoying to others but it enriches you. It gives him confidence and the ability to think of new ideas. That razor-rimmed hat didn’t come out of thin air. There is so much you can say and love about them. But which one do you choose?
Alright, you have an idea. A weird one but it’s an idea.
“Come here.” You motioned for them to join you on your bed.
“Which one of us?” Kung Lao asked but Raiden was already up and running to your bed. Kung Lao got there just as quick as he did.
Nothing else was said from you. You only had actions. You leaned into Raiden first, bringing his head closer to yours. Your lips captured his in a passionate kiss. It was just like everything he imagined. Your lips were soft and had the slightest hint of vanilla that came from your favorite lip balm. He was practically melting in the palm of your hands as he wished this could last forever. But you pulled away, you have someone else to get to.
When you turned towards Kung Lao he has an upset expression on his face. It turned to shock the moment he felt your lips against his. That softness and the taste of vanilla enchanted him. He almost turned the passionate kiss into a whole make out session. That desperation to have you and touch you himself was building up for quite a while. He doesn’t want to hold himself back. But just like with Raiden you pulled away.
From the kisses you gave to them you came to the conclusion that you like them both equally. You don’t want to break either one of their hearts since it will break yours as well. So why not have both men. This can do good in bringing their friendship together again. It might even make it stronger. Yeah, this can work out. And you would have told them but they came to a similar conclusion as well. That will be discussed later.
For now you are more focused on their lips that are leaving kisses all over your neck. It makes your body heat rise up and causes a stir between your legs. Their hands are all over you. Kung Lao’s reaches for your neck to hold it still while Raiden’s reaches for your chest. You whimper at the sensation of their tongues lightly licking your skin. Kung Lao thinks it best to stay leaving hickeys on you. It will show everyone who you belong to. Raiden should do the same so that all know that you belong to them.
They lightly push you back against your bed. There is a hunger in their eyes. One that has built up for days. Raiden just can’t wait to hold you close as Kung Lao goes to town on you.
There is no shame is wanting this as well. Don’t hide that devious smirk from them. It will let them know to keep going.
You know what they say. Sharing is caring. And they care for you a lot.
After notes: If you’re gonna piss rainbows do it in the ditch I dug. If a skittle don’t fall out imma be disappointed. I have a sneaking suspicion that imma be asked of more from this. I didn’t want to push it beyond anything I’m sorry if you wanted more. Now I must finish eating before I mentally prepare myself for my class tonight. Adiós!
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cocoreallylovesraiden · 7 months
lin-kuei trio x chef! reader
pre-events of the mk1 cinematic; mostly with tomas that can be seen as platonic or romantic
ooc-ish? this is just my interpretation on how it would’ve been like before things got bad for the lin kuei
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You slide the plate of food onto the wooden lazy susan, quickly warning your guests not to touch the plate. Almost immediately, Kuai Liang decides to place his fingers on the plate’s underside.
You step back, unimpressed.
“With all due respect, Kuai Liang. Seriously?”
“You call this hot?”
Kuai Liang’s good-natured smile is useless against you, because yes, you call this hot; you had to carry it the entire way from the kitchen yourself because the Lin Kuei eat with in absolute privacy, and you also did not have FIRE POWERS. So yes, it was hot. You pointedly place one of two bowls of rice you brought before Tomas, who gleefully rubs his chopsticks together.
“Cease your antics, brother.” Kuai Liang chuckles at Bi Han’s almost embarrassed seething.
“Thank you, Bi Han. You get rice.”
The second bowl is (gingerly) placed before him. You would slam it down too for effect, but you would rather not be frozen alive for having bad manners with the new Grandmaster Of The Lin Kuei.
You internally roll your eyes at the title. Whatever, Bi Han was Bi Han at the end of the day. The brothers had come to the teahouse enough times for you to know that if you gave him food, he would be grateful and shut up to eat it- unless he was on another-
Bi Han pushes the bowl to Kuai Liang with a small motion before picking up his chopsticks.
“You’re on another diet.” You exclaim.
Kuai Liang accepts the bowl with a sigh, likely sharing the same sentiment. Tomas takes a morsel of the stir fry and hurriedly shoves it in his mouth to share his piece, but the food is too hot, and he makes a show of cooling his mouth. Bi Han’ sigh mirrors Kuai Liang’s prior one.
These brothers. It was like a chain reaction, where each one of them were disappointed in each other’s behaviour.
“The Grandmaster needs to be in tip-top shape to fit his grandmaster uniform.” Tomas chides. “So that his arms look good in- ACK!”
His statement is cut off by a small mound of rice being shoved into his mouth, courtesy of Kuai Liang. Whatever he meant to say was replaced by yelps of “Hot!” and whining. He eventually turns to you with an expectant look, like he was hoping you would come to his defence.
You shrug. What were you supposed to do? Scold a ninja-extraordinaire for lovingly feeding his brother? No, seriously. Your relationship with these people was extremely conditional, and there was no doubt they would put you in your place if you ever tried to boss them around.
Except Tomas. There was some leeway bossing Tomas around.
“Is there anything you want to eat today- not you Tomas.” You physically push away the cheeky man’s face to maintain your eye contact with Bi Han. “Since you three cleared out the place, my treat.”
Bi Han looked at his empty plate for a moment, as if he suddenly had forgotten every meal he’s ever enjoyed. You kissed your teeth, immediately understanding. You yourself were the oldest child, so you knew how it felt to suddenly be asked what you specifically wanted. Either that, or if he was considering cheating on his diet just to eat your fried pork.
“The sweet pork. That you made last time.”
Yeah, okay. It just was never as emotionally complicated as you expected it to be with him. Well, it was terribly flattering that he’d take up the precious calories to eat what you cooked- though it did make you question Bi Han’s resolve; you had never seen him in battle, so you couldn’t gauge his self-control other than him crumbling at the promise of your cooking.
Either way, you gave him a thumbs up and an appreciative grimace.
“Right away, boss.”
You scuttle back into the teahouse kitchen, where you thankfully had all the ingredients available. Thank God, there was no emergency calling Kung Lao for the delivery of flour or vinegar. What would that phone call sound like, even?
Hey bestie! Hope you’re not too busy harvesting cabbages because I need you to bring me a cup of sugar to make a meal for the grandmaster of an organised family! Yeah Grandmaster! Yeah, ‘family’! Hope to hear back from you soon!
Just as you’d gotten the oil up and frying, the jammed kitchen door tries to open with a groan. You settle the breaded pork into the ladle, throwing it into the bubbling oil with a satisfying sizzle. The door tries to open again, and it gets a little further before inevitably getting stuck once more.
You roll your eyes. With a single outstretched kick, you manage to send the damp wooden door to swing open like it was brand new, leaving Tomas standing there like a kid caught with his hand in the jam pots.
“Maybe we should recruit you into the Lin Kuei.” The silver-haired man allows himself into your kitchen, carefully side-stepping a hemp sack of flour then once again to avoid a crate of bok choy that toppled earlier in the day.
The kitchen was messy, but when there’s only one person to handle a mountain of orders you learn to improvise. It was a strategic layout that only you needed to understand.
“Nice of you to let yourself into my kitchen.”
“Thought I’d keep you company.” A lie. He just wanted to spend some time away from Kuai Liang and Bi Han, an understandable sentiment. The three of them probably spent too much time together leading the Lin Kuei, and Bi Han was insufferably stuffy to share meals with.
You whisked vinegar and sugar in a bowl, but arms worked in autopilot as you stared at Tomas making himself comfortable on the stool near you cooking station. It was comical, watching the tall man fold himself like origami paper to fit perfectly on such a small surface, tucking his knees to his chest and peering up at you like a child.
This stool wasn’t just any old chair, though. After a couple years, people like Tomas and Kung Lao had turned it into the taste tester’s throne since it was convenient for You to just raise your arm and feed them little bits.
As much as you wanted to be a stronger woman, his grey eyes and boyish smile did make your heart clench. He looked so much like San Bing, the stray dog that you fed in the village- they even begged for scraps the same way.
“You do the same thing as Kung Lao.” Tomas huffed at the comparison, resting his chin on the nearby counter’s greasy surface and blinking with his light glittery eyes.
“But cuter, right?”
You balked, almost letting missing your ladle’s handle and gripping scalding metal in shock. How ridiculous did this man get? At his grown age, acting cute just to gain you favour, all in the name for some bits and pieces? Seriously, if these were the values that the Lin Kuei taught, the world was in grave danger.
A tender piece of pork is pulled out the oil and dipped in the sauce, and then shoved in front of Tomas’ face in the effort to stop him from continuing whatever it was he was doing.
“Do that again, and I will ban you from coming in every again.” You gravely state, and it’s funny how quickly Tomas straightens his posture and nods. “Be careful, it’s hot.”
Tomas is also remarkably like San Bing with how he snatches the food into his mouth, chewing loudly in attempt to cool the food down as he eats it. You continue to fix up the rest of the portion while Tomas watches you, sitting obediently on the stool.
Once it’s on a medium-sized dish, Tomas beats you to picking it up.
“This isn’t just for you, greedy.”
“But the plates are hot, right? I’ll bring it over, don’t worry.”
Tomas smiles, nose wrinkling in a way that makes you want to pinch him. You thank him with a pat on the shoulder and helps him open the kitchen door and watch him walk over to his table. You then pretend not to see him slam the dish onto the table and frantically rub his probably burning fingers on Bi Han’s cold arms.
You bite back the growing grin on your face.
As much as you would’ve liked to hang around the three as they ate their meal, you still had an entire kitchen to clean (to the best of your ability) before the teahouse opened again for the dinner rush. You settle for occasionally peeking at the solely occupied table through the kitchen pick-up area, wholeheartedly laughing when Kuai Liang gives you a thumbs up after taking a bite of the pork. Bi Han gives you a nod, which you assume is as close to kissing him on the mouth as it gets. 
Just as you focus fully on preparing your produce, you miss Tomas waving his chopsticks in the air, but hear him enthusiastically call out your name. This time, you let yourself smile fully as you chop away at some carrots.
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iliketangerines · 6 months
Hi! i love your Kung Lao writings so so much. Please, can you do a very very horny dom MK1 Kung Lao that is extremely jealous of MK1 titan Kung Lao because he thinks that the female reader is flirting with him or something?👉👈
i don't share
a/n: now that is an idea i can get behind
pairing: kung lao x afab!reader
warnings: nsfw (MDNI), semi-public sex, spanking, edging, overstimulation, nipple play, creampies
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Kung Lao seethes in the corner as he watches you laugh at something his titan counterpart jokes about; he thinks he feels a blood vessel burst when the titan place a hand on your back
he should be flattered really, this is titan counterpart, but he doesn’t want to share you with anyone, not even himself
but he can’t go over there and grab you away from the titan, can’t go over and show the titan that he’s the one who has you, can’t go over there and bend you over and leave his marks over you
because he’s stuck in a meeting with Liu Kang and Raiden going over something in Outworld
you had tagged along, needing to get some fresh air, and the titan had just happened to visit on the same day and need some company as he waited for Liu Kang to finish up
Kung Lao thinks that he’s going to break the table with how hard he’s gripping onto it, but thankfully, Liu Kang dismisses the meeting for a short break
Kung Lao jumps up immediately and stalks over to  you and drags you out of your seat
you give a wave and a short apology to the titan as you struggle to keep with Kung Lao’s fast and sudden pace
he opens up a door to a forgotten room and slams the door shut, pouncing onto you as soon as he can
he presses you into the door, hands gripping onto your waist tightly, and he hopes he leaves bruises as you moan into his mouth at the rough treatment
the Shaolin presses his tongue into your mouth, and you clutch onto his shoulders as he starts to grind his cock into your hips
he pulls back, enjoying the look of desperation in your eyes and your swollen lips
he kisses down your jaw and your neck, sucking a dark hickey right underneath your jaw and another one right in the middle of your neck to show the world
you tug and pull at his hair, trying to ask what’s set him off, but he ignores your questions and turns you around, pressing your face into the door
he kicks open your legs and pulls down your pants, running his hands through your folds and inwardly preening at your wetness coating his fingers
you whine as you scratch at the wall, trying to find some purchase, and Kung Lao tells you to be good for him and take what he gives you
you don’t have any time to wonder what he means because Kung Lao raises his hand and slaps your ass
you cry out at the feeling, hips jerking away, but his other hand keeps you still as he start to hit your ass with painful slaps
it leaves you keening and sobbing out his name as bruises bloom along your ass and the back of your thighs
your cries eventually turn to small sniffles, and Kung Lao rubs a soothing hand along your ass and tells you that you did so well for him, so so good and compliant for him
he dips his hand between your folds again, brushing against your clit, and you whine out, hips bucking towards him for more friction
he chuckles, saying not yet before removing his fingers and pulling out his hard cock
he slides his dick along your folds, his chest pressing into your back, and tells you to beg for it
you whimper out quietly that you need him to fuck you please, and he growls out that it’s not good enough and dips his hand down to pinch at your clit
you cry out, pleasure shooting through you, and beg him to fuck you, that you need him, please please please, you need his cock to fuck you
he smiles and slides into you, and you sob at the stretch
he rubs your clit in tight circles, kissing the back of your neck as he lets you adjust to the stretch
he can feel his self-restraint slipping as your drooling pussy clenches around his cock, and he starts fucking into you
his balls slap against your clit at the force of his thrusts, and you cry out as he brings his hands up to slide up your shirt and pinch your nipples
tears stream down your cheeks and drool drips onto the door as your mind slowly goes blank and pleasure overtakes your sense
Kung Lao asks you who’s fucking you, who’s making you feel so good, who’s fucking into your needy cunt
you cry out that it’s him, that it’s Kung Lao who’s pleasing you, and he hopes that the titan can hear how he pleases you, how he’s the only one who can please you like this
he pinches your nipples, rolling them between his fingers, and you whine loudly at the sensation, mind spinning at the pleasure
Kung Lao’s hips grow more erratic in their pace as he nears the edge, and your whines grow higher and needy as you also teeter over the edge
your pussy clenches down on his dick as you cream on his dick, and he brings one of his hands down to pinch at your clit roughly to prolong your orgasm
he grunts as he cums inside of you, painting your insides white, and he stays inside for a second, continuing to rub your puffy clit
your hips jerk away, sensitive and sore from earlier, but he tells you to stay still and continues to pinch and squeeze your nipples and clit with his calloused fingers
you can feel his cum dripping out of your cunt, and with the added sensation of his cock still stretching you out and his fingers teasing your most sensitive parts, you feel yourself near the edge of an orgasm
your legs twitch, signaling that you’re close, and Kung Lao stops immediately
you cry out for him to continue, please, as you feel your orgasm ebb out of existence
he just hums into your skin, kissing your neck as he waits for your chest to stop heaving before continuing to tease your nipples and clit
Kung Lao brings you to the edge over and over again, never letting you tip over, and you can feel your wetness dripping onto the floor and making a mess as your mind grows hazy
by the end, your nipples are swollen and sore, and your clit aches, pain and pleasure shooting up your spine, as he continues to tease you
finally, he pulls his hard cock out of your pussy and pulls you away from the door
Kung Lao puts you on your knees, your ass in the air and face smushed into the ground
he spreads your legs as far as they can go, and he spreads your pussy lips with one hand as his other pumps at his dick
he groans as he cums onto your spread pussy lips, his seed coating your drooling and sensitive cunt
you whine for him to make you cum, please you need it, but he just pulls you up onto your shaky legs and pulls your pants back up
you whimper as the rough material presses against your sensitive clit and rubs against it, and you can feel the way Kung Lao’s cum sits against your skin
he wipes away your tears and your drool, makes sure everyone can see the hickeys on  your neck, and leads you out of the room
Kung Lao sits you back down next to his titan counterpart, smiling as the titan notices the hickeys on your neck, but you can barely concentrate anything but needing to cum
your pussy aches and throbs, your ass is sore from the way he spanked you, and you can feel his cum inside of you coating and leaking out of your pussy
your bra rubs against your sore nipples every time you shift in your seat, and the material of your panties drags against your clit when you try to get more comfortable
it leaves you distracted and quiet for the rest of the meeting as you try to concentrate on whimpering and grinding your pussy into the seat to make you cum
Kung Lao watches your eyes glaze over, his titan’s words not even reaching your brain as all you think about is needing Kung Lao’s cock to cum, and he smiles to himself
Kung Lao doesn’t share, least of all himself
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condenhorn · 3 months
slapping a cunt on kung lao w/ a male reader that’s hung.
you mainly keep to yourself and go about your day without speaking much to anyone. the others don't mind but kung lao is aggro because who the fuck does this guy think he is, thinking he's better than everyone? so kung lao confronts you, challenging you to a fight because of it.
he drags you into a separate room one day, invading your personal space until he felt something press against his thigh. staggering back in shock as he saw your cock print outlining your pants. you stifling his words had him seething under the weight of your eyes once he noticed you staring at him sheepishly, wanting to apologize for him having to witness that, or feel that in other terms. but he abruptly leaves the scene without saying another word, leaving you deeply confused as to what happened.
you didn't see him for the rest of the day, asking around to see if anyone saw him. kenshi, johnny, liu kang, even raiden didn't know where he was, which was concerning to say the least. but you assumed that he went home for the day, that what happened earlier scared him off. you vowed to yourself to apologize again tomorrow.
little did you know that night, kung lao couldn't sleep, his cunt throbbing to get a taste of your cock.
he stripped himself of his clothing long ago, too uncomfortable to keep them on any longer as he draped himself on his bed, skin hot and mind muddled of the interaction, pillow nearby to suppress his sounds. getting a feel for your cock through clothing wasn't enough as his fingers delve into his cunt, trying to hide his groans. imagining your digits stretching him out, prepping him for your cock. before it negated to fingering his clit, breath hitched in his throat.
he knew that you were someone with little words, but his imagination went wild thinking that you would say much more in the heat of the moment. would you mock him for getting this riled up over a dick print or would you sedate him while fingering his cunt?
this wasn't what he expected when confronting you, more or less, how hung you were. he could've sworn that it was nearly the size of his thigh, and that thought alone had his cunt fluttering in ecstasy, his groans now whimpers and his cunt hailing so much slick that it started to pool amongst his bed, grinding his pussy against his fingers as he felt himself getting close.
would you be rough and demanding when fucking his cunt or sweet and gentle? both seemed to take kung lao's head for a spin. your hands grabbing his waist and fucking him swollen. folding him in half and driving your cock in his cunt. or fucking his mouth until it's drenched in your cum, the feverous thought of any scenario happening in the moment had him shiver for more than his fingers in the recurring moments.
but all he knew was that he wanted to be fucked senseless as he came all over his bed, barely able to suppress his screams into the pillow, violent jerks of his body, his cunt clinging onto nothing had him feeling empty and somber for moments.
the next day came with you apologizing endlessly about yesterday to kung lao with him brushing in off like it was nothing, having to make up an excuse that he had important business to take care of. and technically he was right...to some degree as his eyes wondered discreetly down to your dick print, feeling his cunt throb.
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sairitaikutsu · 1 month
You’ve already seen Filipino!Johnny headcanons, now get ready for: Filipino!Kung Lao and Raiden headcanons!
Filipino!Kung Lao and Raiden hcs
They went to UP Los Baños in college and share a dorm. (Have yet to figure out what they’d major in)
Kung Lao plays guitar.
They can both sing but are shy about it except for when they go out for drinks and karaoke.
Kung Lao has tried singing Frank Sinatra’s My Way despite Raiden telling him not to (there were cases where singing My Way in karaoke ended up with a fight breaking out and someone dying. It’s weird, I know.)
I don’t think Raiden drinks alcohol. Maybe when he was younger, sure, but right now he’s content with soda. Kung Lao still does, though.
Both are Valorant players. Kung Lao trash talks a LOT. Raiden either seethes silently or, when he’s really salty, does the same thing as Lao.
Actually they play other games as well like Call of Duty, Minecraft, and Mobile Legends. I guess.
Kung Lao is partly Chinese (mom’s side) and Raiden is fully Filipino, but was born and raised in Japan for most of his childhood before moving back to the Philippines and starting high school there.
They both met in high school.
Kung Lao is atheist and Raiden is kinda christian, but sort of a “closet atheist” (as some of my friends would put it.) yeah I had to put religion headcanons because, well… it’s the Philippines 💀
In high school, Raiden was an “Englishero” while Kung Lao had terrible English. As time went on, they rubbed off on each other and were able to get better at Tagalog and English respectively.
Raiden doesn’t mind doing so much homework while Kung Lao would much rather be in the mall.
Both are coffee enjoyers. Raiden’s content with whatever meanwhile Kung Lao likes his to be sweet (I can’t decide between sweet or bitter for Lao so help me.)
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pricegouge · 4 months
Flawless Victory, my goofy submission for @ghouljams King Killer Challenge
Gaz x reader // cw for slightly graphic depictions of Mortal Kombat fatalities.
That's right. I put that motherfucker in MK1.
"New MK DLC tonight, babe," you sing. "Ready to get your ass beat?"
Kyle waggles his brows at you, the dirty dog. "Lemmie go get the paddle."
"Way ahead of you." You laugh when he frowns at the controller you place in his hand.
"Clever, luv. Alright, let's see what we got."
Nothing too good as it turns out. Most new characters are old wash ups from worse games, one new action hero. You're googling if Reptile will have any good alt looks when Gaz comments on one of the few truly new characters.
"König. Special ops," he reads blandly and you glance up at the hooded character's minimal bio displayed on screen. 
"Just like you, babe."
"Yeah… had enough of those blokes," he grins, moving onto Ermac.
"Well, I like the boys." Moving your own cursor over to König, you spin him around like a little ballerina for your inspection. "Like this cat's hood, too. Looks like an executioner."
Kyle selects Kitana cause he's got a massive crush. "Maybe that'll be his fatality."
"Metal," you cheer sarcastically as you wait for the load screen. Kyle shuts you up with a kiss.
You don't get to find out König's finishing move that round. You barely get to find out any of his moves at all. You know he's got a gun; it's about the only thing that keeps Kyle's flawless victory away, and when Kitana puts your guy through her blender sandwich, you gape in shock at the screen.
"Is that the first time you've won?"
It is but he would never admit it, elects instead to tease, "No wonder you love this game."
"Alright, round two." Pulling Kyle's hat off, you place it backwards on your own head, all business. 
"Sore loser."
You refuse to check the move list as a point of pride, spend the time it takes Kyle to select Raiden giving your little guy a pep talk instead.
It doesn't do much good, not even a matter of minutes before Raiden slams the two sections of König's bisected body together like that stupid fucking toy monkey with it's cymbals.
"Goddamnit! Again!"
It's no use. König gets both his cool hood and his face ripped off by Geras's sandpaper storm. He get his skull cross sectioned by Johnny Cage's Hollywood star. Kung Lao cuts that mother fucker asunder and he gets throat fucked by Kenshi's samurai sword. Nothing works. You even check his move list, spend three rounds dedicating yourself to mastering basic low attacks. The big bastard just cannot manage anything more than a few gunshots.
When Ashra rains holy blades down on him you resort to button mashing, get Nitara's chest burster bats for your troubles in the next round. 
"Sure you don't wanna call it a night, luv?"
"I will win," you seethe. You flip Gaz's hat around rally cap style and select König's stupid thumbnail with a reluctant grimace.
It almost works. You mash buttons so quick your fingers look like they're playing DDR. You bob and you weave, leaning into Kyle's space as if it'll make König's range attack quicker. You pull out every stop in the book and get Li Mei on the ropes -
Only to have her rip König's small intestine out and light it like a fucking dynamite wick, kicking his head off so the spark travels cartoonishly up the length of his digestive system to blow in his suspended mouth. 
"That's it, I quit!" you shriek, throwing your paddle down onto the coffee table rather childishly.
Kyle just sits there stunned. "Was trying to let you win."
"I don't wanna hear it!" You huff, taking a moment to collect yourself and giving him a grin when you feel less like a petulant teen. "Did you ever remember where that paddle is? If I'm gonna get my ass beat tonight, I at least wanna have some fun."
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420thewritersroom · 5 months
Bloody Rage
Back with another "Raiden is in emotional turmoil" piece, this time inspired by the ending of the Blood Moon season. Had a lot of fun writing angry, budding Dark!Raiden stuff. Doesn't really scratch the vampire itch I was slightly getting, but this was fun to write regardless
Characters: Raiden, Kung Lao, Liu Kang (He's only here for one scene)
Word Count: 1,306
Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence, Blood
"I'll be fine, Raiden."
"I can handle a little mosquito bite."
"You don't have to worry about me, Raiden. Let's just focus on the mission at hand."
Raiden gazes at the pole where three of his closest associates struggle in vain against the searing hot chains that bound them. They writhe in bestial fury, like an animal trying to break out of its cage. They gnash their teeth, mouths filled with blood, eyes blazing in raging blood lust as they bite at the air while emitting animalistic snarls. If it wasn't for the fact that Raiden was staring down an exiled ninja, an immortal princess...And his best friend...Raiden would've thought them nothing more than animals.
What is he thinking? Even Raiden couldn't bring himself to denounce his friends to such a title. They were suffering, if not from the seething chains, then it was from the disease that demanded they consume flesh and blood. Every so often, one or all of them would exhaust themselves. The pain from their restrictions and their empty stomachs eventually catches up to them. And where their frenzy would once be in full bloom, it ebbs away as their voices become nothing but pathetic whimpers of pain. And then the begging starts. Their growls wither away as weak pleas attempt to allure any who would listen.
"Please, I'm hungry, thirsty."
"Just a drop, I'm not asking for much."
"I beg of you, please, you're hurting me. It's still me."
This only worked once, Raiden remembers. It's how Tomas got infected with the Vaeternian curse. In the beginning, when none of them knew who or what they were truly up against, Tomas, with his loveable bleeding heart, was just trying to help. They were able to capture a victim who was bitten and turned. Days, they were nothing but a ravenous monster. Until one day, they meekly, like a limping dog, asked for just a "taste." That they only needed a small amount of blood, then they would be normal for just a short while. Didn't help, too, that this individual was a close friend of Tomas. So he took the bait.
Raiden still remembers the slow, deteriorating state Tomas endured as the curse cruelly turned him into a monster. And he would be the first victim of the Earthrealm Warriors that had to be contained. The rest would follow suit as they fought off against Nitara and her army of Vaeternians.
He just...He just wished Kung Lao wasn't one of the victims that would fall to the curse. He almost hates him for getting bit, not because of his incompetence, his slip-up; that led to him getting tagged, but because the son of a bitch tried to hide that he was in pain. It was a week later when Raiden saw the tell-tale signs that Kung Lao was infected. Paler skin, longer canines, dimly red eyes, a desire for blood, the writing was on the wall. He remembers scolding Kung Lao for practically endangering everyone by hiding this truth. He should've dragged him over to Liu Kang, it was for his own good, for everyone's well-being, that Lao was locked up.
"I'm fine, Raiden. Really, I am. I'm not going to hurt anyone, I can fight this."
Raiden may be upset about Kung Lao lying about his curse, but the thunder wielder could never forgive himself for...Believing him. Against his better judgment, against the specific directions of Liu Kang, he took his friends' word over any screaming reason that told him to not take Lao on his word. But he did. He doesn't even remember why he listened to Lao. Was it his determined aura? The look of confidence that he was beyond being taken over by the hunger? Or was it that childish, naive idea that Raiden still held for his friend? That despite his shortcomings, Kung Lao always found a way to rise to the top. He never let cold, fever, broken bones, and, in some instances, death, slow him down. So why would a vampiric curse be the one to bring him down?
Raiden gazes at the pole where three of his closest associates struggle in vain against the searing hot chains that bound them. They writhe in bestial fury, like an animal trying to break out of its cage. They gnash their teeth, mouths filled with blood, eyes blazing in raging blood lust as they bite at the air while emitting animalistic snarls. If it wasn't for the fact that Raiden was staring down an exiled ninja, an immortal princess, and his best friend, he would've thought them animals. And where sympathy would've bubbled to the surface to the point of nearly choking him, Raiden felt none.
Instead, anger, like a roiling, vengeful thunderstorm, builds within him. He wanted nothing more than to fry alive the bastard who turned each and every one of his friends. He wanted to wrap his fingers around an unmarred, Vaeternian neck and squeeze. Squeeze until their eyes popped from their sockets, and their skin turned purple from the asphyxiation. Oh, but whoever turned his best friend would get the worst treatment. He can already see it. It would be slow and painful, just like the infectious curse that they spread when they're too unbothered to finish the job.
They would die from a thousand paper cuts, slowly bleeding them out until they were BEGGING to be fed, or better yet, pleading to die. But he would grant them no such mercy. He'd shock them, small sparks that would gradually escalate until they were given the electric chair treatment. He would violently rip out their fangs, and continue to do so until their body could no longer regenerate the bone. Raiden would actually greet their jaw area with a couple fists, maybe even a hammer. Yes, keep hammering away at their teeth until they all shatter and fall apart, one by one.
In fact, now that he's remembering this, the Vaeternians are known for their regeneration capabilities. He wouldn't even need to shock them back to life to ensure that their suffering is prolonged. He could keep them roped up in electric shackles, the shocks keeping them occupied while he gutted them like a pig at a slaughterhouse.
The choked sound of Kung Lao's voice tears Raiden from his violent fantasy. The thunder wielder slowly turns his gaze to Lao, his face filled with an unsettling look of passivity.
"Raiden, please. It hurts," Kung Lao whimpers, the sound of sizzling flesh emphasizing his point, "Raiden! Please!"
A pain in his heart lightly pokes at Raiden. He never thought he would see the day where Kung Lao was begging for anything. A prideful, cocksure, swagger of a fighter, now brought to his knees in a state of submission. Yet, Raiden can't find it in himself to pity his friend. Kung Lao didn't need pity, plenty had been given to him. His friend deserves to be liberated, his attacker executed for putting his friend in so much pain.
The farm boy is slow to respond to Liu Kang's call, his head turning to face the Fire God. A pang of shame creeps under his skin, and he lowers his eyes, "I'm sorry, Lord Liu Kang. I...I wanted to see him."
"I know," the Fire God approaches Raiden, placing a hand on his shoulder as he gently guides him away from the courtyard where their vampiric allies remained. "We are working diligently to find a solution for them. Geras has been searching for a possible timeline that was able to cure the Vaeternian curse. There's still hope for them."
"...I know..."
Yet, despite these affirmations, Raiden can't shake the anger, the need to break something, to hurt someone. It isn't enough that Kung Lao, Tomas, and Kitana are cured.
It just isn't enough.
Angry Raiden is my favorite Raiden, can you tell :D
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agvarina · 6 months
How is Liu Kang doing, seeing Bi-Han getting interested in Kung Lao?
Hes torn
On one hand being with Kung Lao could pull Bi-han back from his dark path.
But on the other it could lead to Lao being pulled away from his side.
and on the side of LiuLao
Hes seething at the thought of someone else wanting in his Kung Lao.
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vasyandii · 10 months
psst psssst- hi hello- you said a while ago that Nak and Krueger end up disliking each other or smth lf the sort?? I’ve lowkey been wondering about that.. can you explain??
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Hi Scare! I did touch on that Veeeery briefly in the past but never got around to actually explaining it- so thank you for the Ask!!
So, before Nak officially met Krueger, she’s heard some things about him from other operators beforehand (Maybe about the shit he’s said or his past being too trigger happy during his time in the KSK, etc.) and being the judgmental person she is thought “Man, what a fucking asshole.”
Krueger before meeting her, heard of Nak as well; some brat with issues Nikolai scraped off the streets of Urzikstan that apparently knew more than enough to join the company. Krueger isn’t judgmental, however he likes poking at and getting a rise out of new people.
Because of this, Krueger upon meeting her, poked fun at her relentlessly for a few days, just to see what she was like- Not really meaning actual harm, more like to relieve boredom.
-smirking"Did you cut your hair in the dark? I think it's lopsided"
- "Looks even to me"
- "Yeah? Is that what they call even where you're from?"
- [Seething]
- leaning down to be on her eye level " I'm talking to you. Answer."
Since Nak inherited her uncle’s short temper (+ no healthy outlets at the time to deal with anger) fell into the same old habits that got her dishonorably discharged from the LPAF; she swung at him, square in his face. Krueger, understandably, defended himself and swung back.
This went on for the first month of Nak joining Chimera, once a week. Nak disliked how he just seemed to always have something to say to her. Krueger didn't like having to sit beside her in Nikolai's office and argue with her on whos fault it is their faces are beat up this time. You bet Nikolai was getting sick of it.
- Storming into his office, shrieking, "Nikolai! I don't want to work with that bastard anymore!"
- Startled a bit "Jesus fucking- "
- "I can't stand him! I can't stand him! I hate him! I want to wipe that- that- shit eating grin off his Face! I-"
- stern, "Get used to him or we remove you from this company."
- "..What?"
- "I don't know what it's like back in Laos, but here? We act like professionals."
- " He doesn't act like a professional."
- " And he's one of our best."
- "I sense Bias then."
- " You'd be right. He's shown his value over the time he's been here, you've yet to show me that. "
- "Tch. He can barely hold a gun correctly."
- "You are given the accomodations to succeed as an operator, Phayvanh. That's a privilege I don't give to everyone, you don't take advantage of it. How can I believe you're going to be an asset to this company when you can't stop yourself from fighting someone because he hurt your feelings a little? "
- "..."
- Sigh, "Be on your best behaviour. Go to your check ups. This is the last time."
- "I understand."
Krueger got a talking to as well.
- "Are you out of your damn mind?!"
- "I Shut her up after she swung."
- "You're making a fucking fool of yourself, Sebastian!"
- "Don't raise your voice at me."
-"How can I not?! You're wasting your time fighting a damn kid!"
- "I was defending myself. Thing can kick. "
- "You were provoking her."
- "Was I?"
- "Yes. This has happened before. You are making our team look bad."
- "I don't see how the image of this unit is my problem."
- "I don't see any reason why I can't just turn your ass in to the authorities for your actions prior to joining this company."
- "I'll play nice."
And so the physical fights stopped, and it was more like they bickered and talked shit to each others faces until they kind of.. just ran out of stuff to complain about each other??? By that time Nak was getting better at controlling her emotions, mellowing down outside of combat and eventually found Krueger's antics fun.
Sorry for the long read- I tried my best to keep things fairly simple ;-;
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qdbs-writes · 2 years
Can you please make scenarios where the S/O has the the same abilities as Quan Chi, but hates it and even though it's hard to control it, Kung Lao, Fujin, and kotal Kahn try to help control it.
MK Lads x Reader with Quan Chi's powers
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Kung Lao
Alright, Quan Chi is a necromancer, right? To Lao, the solution seems obvious, just keep you away from graveyards, and no more unintentional zombies. Simple!
Poor Lao had failed to consider that dead people aren't just found in graveyards or cemeteries. Over the course of time, bodies kind of end up everywhere. It was alarming when you woke up to find the upper half of a dead raccoon trying to climb through your window.
To help keep you calm, Lao takes you to the Shaolin Temple. He reassures you that Buddhists cremate their dead and that there are no physical bodies to accidentally resurrect. He had, of course, completely forgotten about the mummified monks, whose bodies are kept on display to inspire dedication in worship.
Thankfully those guys were already in glass boxes so they couldn't actually get to you. But you two are now banned from coming back until you can actually control your powers.
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Rather than trying to avoid the negative side effects of your abilities, Fujin believes the best way to gain control is by confronting the magical energies swirling within you directly.
He begins by having you meditate with him at the Sky Temple, hoping the cool air and high altitude would help soothe your nerves.
He asks that you practice channeling your resurrection powers into the small, dead flower in front of you, that had not been watered in several weeks. At first, you are hesitant, too scared to let yourself tap into that aspect of yourself.
Fujin grasps your hand softly, grounding you, promising you that no matter what happens, he will be there for you. You exhale deeply, imagining the flower blooming and full of life as the energy leaves you. When you open your eyes, the flower stands tall with its petals shining in the sunlight. Fujin smiles at you warmly, you're one step closer to controlling your fears.
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Kotal Kahn
Initially, Kotal is interested in how similar your powers are to Quan Chi. Oh, they're exactly the same? And you're upset that you cannot control your powers? Well, then. It only makes sense that Kotal finds the most experienced teacher to guide you.
When you are summoned to the Kahn's throne room, you see Quan Chi seething and kneeling, bound in manacles at Kotal's feet. Kotal looks at you with a proud smile, and he states that Quan Chi has been captured for his crimes against Outworld. The necromancer had two choices: be executed, or, teach you how to control your powers and be set free.
At first, learning from Quan Chi scared you more than your powers did, but Kotal assures you that Quan Chi will be under constant supervision. Quan Chi looks absolutely humiliated when it comes time for your first lesson, he has you practice throwing an energy ball at a target.
When Quan Chi sees how inexperienced you are, he mocks you for your weakness. From the balcony overhead, Kotal snaps his fingers. At the signal, a guard cracks a whip into Quan Chi's back, knocking him to the floor in pain. You look up at Kotal who gazes at you lovingly. Quan Chi will teach you how to control your powers, Kotal won't give him a choice.
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doflamingosstrings · 9 months
Do you ever thinking about the plot where Evil (young) titan Raiden x good titan Kung Lao are ex-lover while Raiden is just a total stalker creep and following Kung Lao in every, single, timeline after their break up?? Like the guy miss that boi's body soo much that he couldn't get enough of them and Kung Lao is tired of his shiet. [Lao break up with him first bcs he thinks Rai just using his body for his own good and that's true]
Then Kung Lao be like: 'I'm tired of your bullshiet' and just agreed to having hate seggs one last time with Rai before he kick the hell out of him.
Like trulyyy is my thought in two weeks now and I can not get enough of this 😭 I just wanted to share you this idea hope you don't mind bcs my English is not very good, also luv your work on AO3 so much!!
A wonderful Idea! You are a genius, I wrote it right away!
Raiden x Kung Lao. 18+, Smut, minor violence, ~7.5k words!
One would think creating an entirely new timeline would keep your enemies away, but a titan’s obsession goes further than anyone could reasonably expect.
Kung Lao had shot up suddenly, something had woken him from his sleep. He placed his hands flat on his bed as he raised his upper body. He was staring at darkness, but he knew something was coming. He blinked once, and there was nothing, then again, still nothing. Kung Lao glanced aside, and though he didn't see anything, there was this familiar feeling in his chest that he couldn't ignore.
Kung Lao grimaced, how many times would he have to go through this? He wasn't sure how much more of this he could take.
Kung Lao tossed his blanket aside, ready to get up and defend himself, but before he could even move his body, a portal had opened up in front of his bed.
“Fuck,” Kung Lao said as he placed his feet on the ground and stood up properly.
Kung Lao could feel wind inside his room as the portal opened up wider. Kung Lao stuck his hands out, he had to control the portal himself, he had to close it before Raiden was able to get to him.
Kung Lao frowned as he closed his hands, his fingers folding down in an attempt to close the gaping hole in the middle of his room. Every time Raiden appeared, it got more and more difficult to push him back. It seemed like he was relentless, and his seemingly unending energy was something Kung Lao could match.
Even though he had agreed to forbid the crossing of timelines when he met with the other Titans, this agreement only helped if the other side accepted the terms, and Raiden did not.
Raiden had a particular interest in Kung Lao, one that was incessant and unhealthy. Before Kung Lao had inherited his titan powers and reset the timeline for the better, he had been in a rather fervent relationship with the man he had grown up with. At first, it was perfect, dream-like even, but as the timeline decayed, and people died, Raiden seemed to become more protective over his friend.
When it started, Kung Lao found it sweet. In a world where no one seemed safe, Raiden, the love of his life, the man he had grown up with, cared for him more than anything else. Kung Lao was always his top priority, and he almost coddled him with care.
Eventually, he stopped feeling like a fairy tale couple, and it became more like he was a damsel stuck in a tower, kept away from harm, and subsequently, everything else.
This relationship of theirs became unbearable to Kung Lao after a while, Kung Lao was Raiden’s sun, but Raiden was Kung Lao’s moon. In the end, at the dawn of time, before he made the choice to start anew, he broke away from Raiden, and Kung Lao thought that was that.
What he didn't know was that in an alternate timeline, Raiden was the one who inherited the power of time, and instead of starting over and moving on as Kung Lao did, he seethed over his loss, and he vowed to get what he lost back, by any means necessary.
Raiden’s desire for Kung Lao was primal, it was compulsive and it was a positive for no one involved. Week after week, he had to impede Raiden from hopping through timelines to reach him. At one point Kung Lao hoped Raiden would find another Kung Lao from another timeline to obsess over, but that's not what he wanted. Raiden desired him, and at first, he was flattered, but that feeling went away after the second time he managed to find him.
Raiden had fought through his former allies, faces that he no doubt had to have found familiar. He didn't care though, he ran through them, bloodied them up, and broke their bones with no mercy to spare. He’d crush the skulls of everyone dear to him if it meant he’d get his love back. Kung Lao was just grateful all of their lives were spared somehow, and whether that was intentional or not, Kung Lao wasn't going to give Raiden another chance to do any more devastation.
Kung Lao only wished for Raiden to move on, to stop this chase of theirs, but there was no stopping a predator from reaching its prey.
If Kung Lao could remember correctly, this must have been Raiden’s 86th attempt to force his way into this timeline, though he’s only succeeded 7 of those attempts. The first time was pure destruction. His friends were almost killed, his academy, which he watched grow from the first initiate, was almost turned to rubble. Raiden’s power was fierce, and if nothing else, it was destructive. What more could Lightning do but injure and destroy?
The next few times Kung Lao was able to anticipate his appearance, with the help of Geras of course. He, Geras, Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, and Kensh were able to fend him off with little trouble now that they knew what they were dealing with. The last few times Raiden managed to slip through he only ever got a hand through.
Kung Lao was hoping this would be one of those times, but with his increasing attempts, Kung Lao had been overworking himself, and he had started to falter. Those powers Raiden had were no joke, and if he weren't a titan, Kung Lao wasn't sure he’d be able to fend him off.
Kung Lao stood firmly in front of the portal as he slowly clenched his hands together as he focussed all of his energy possible on closing the portal quickly, but he was caught off guard and he hadn't been able to properly rest in days. Raiden had attempted to come through six separate times in the past week, so understandably, Kung Lao’s ability to work efficiently was being hindered.
Kung Lao was sure this was on purpose, the increase in visits and this attempt at night when he was most vulnerable, and it seemed that Raiden’s plan was rather well thought out.
Kung Lao attempted to close the portal once more, focusing all his strength on this one final attempt, but his heart skipped a beat once he saw a hand forcing its way through the rift in time which caused Kung Lao to falter.
“No..” Kung Lao thought to himself as he saw Raiden’s hand grip onto the side of the portal, seemingly pulling himself through with sheer force.
Kung Lao glared and took a step forward. He couldn't let him through, that just wasn't a possibility.
Kung Lao tried again, straining himself as he focussed all the power he had that came with being a god and demanded the rift closed.
Kung Lao was surprised to see the portal closing, his sinking heart rising back up momentarily, but he could feel himself instantly choke up once he saw Raiden’s other hand shooting through the rift and grabbing onto the other side of the portal.
Kung Lao’s eyes widened as he took a step back. This couldn't be happening. His face was plastered with worry as he saw two legs forming from the rift and being placed on the ground roughly, like he was looking for solid footing.
“NO!” Kung Lao yelled as he stuck his hand out, but his heart dropped once he saw Raiden’s face appear, and as soon as it did, the portal closed behind him.
The portal had closed so quickly it almost seemed like Raiden was in a panic to get rid of it, not wanting to be sent back any time soon after all the effort it took for him to get this far.
Kung Lao was staring at Raiden in disbelief, he couldn't believe what he was seeing.
Dark red lighting sparked around his hands, and Kung Lao wasn't sure if that was a remnant of him summoning the rift in time, or if it was a threat to keep him still. Either way, it was intimidating.
Kung Lao had a look of horror on his face, like death had come for him, and there was nothing he could do. That's how he felt at least.
“Don’t look at me like that…” Raiden said, his brows furrowed in what seemed like genuine sadness.
Kung Lao couldn't help his expression, his worst case scenario had just come true, and he was standing right in front of him.
Raiden stood there for a moment, seemingly in awe as he gazed at the man he adored with all of his being.
“...” Raiden’s mouth was open but he didn't say anything. Raiden then started moving forward, which caused Kung Lao to immediately step backward, but before his back could hit the wall, Raiden’s arms were wrapped around him.
Kung Lao expected a barrage of words to be falling out of the other's mouth, but as Raiden’s arms enveloped his body he could feel the other man breathing in a hefty breath. Raiden pressed his body against Kung Lao’s, placing his forehead against his shoulder.
Kung Lao was frozen at first, unable to comprehend the absurdity of this situation. Kung Lao was expecting violence and anger, so this sudden softness was throwing him off. Kung Lao could feel the other's heavy breathing as Raiden took in his scent.
“God…” Raiden said as he let out his breath slowly, as if he were trying to hold in his excitement. “...I missed this..” Raiden said lovingly as he attempted to hold Kung Lao even tighter.
Though Kung Lao was certainly caught off guard, Raiden’s words had snapped him out of it. Kung Lao wriggled out of his past lover's tight grip, placing his hands on Raiden’s chest, and harshly pushed him off of him.
Normally, Kung Lao wouldn't have been so rough with someone hugging him, but he saw Raiden as a significant threat, so he didn't hold back. Raiden had been pushed away, and had tumbled to the ground. The push was aggressive, so he had fallen right on his ass.
Kung Lao fixed his posture, standing up straight with his feet apart, and his hands up in a defensive manner. He was doing his best to look intimidating, but the fact that he had just woken up was obvious as he had no shirt on, only a pair of sweatpants.
Kung Lao glanced aside, his hat was sitting against the bedside table behind him. He wasn't sure whether he should go for it or not, as turning around would easily leave him vulnerable, but then again, he fought best with his weapon of choice aiding him.
Kung Lao then glanced back down at Raiden who was sitting on the ground strangely calm. His head was tilted down so Kung Lao couldn't see his expression. His hands were flat on the ground, keeping himself upright as his breathing remained steady and calm. Kung Lao would have expected Raiden to blow up, but he was as calm as ever.
Kung Lao then twitched when he saw Raiden raise his head. What he didn’t expect to see though, were eyes full of adoration staring back up at him.
Raiden smiled and placed his hands on the ground. Kung Lao was confused at first, but when he saw Raiden start crawling toward him, his confusion only worsened. Kung Lao’s brows furrowed as Raiden placed one hand in front of the other, inching toward him on the ground. Kung Lao took a step back, but just like a moment ago, there wasn't much space he could escape with.
Kung Lao was stiff when he felt hands on his leg. Raiden reached for Kung Lao’s right leg, quickly wrapping his arms around it, attaching himself to the younger man.
Raiden pulled himself further so his chest was touching the other’s pants, his arms moving upward and gripping his thigh tightly. Raiden just started forward momentarily as Kung Lao looked down at him. Raiden then leaned his head forward and placed a kiss on his clothed thigh.
Kung Lao attempted to pull back, but Raiden’s grip was far too tight, like he was almost afraid to let go. Raiden then glanced up at Kung Lao, which made him flinch. Raiden raised his body so he was no longer sitting on the ground, he steadied himself on his knees and placed his lips against Kung Lao’s navel.
Kung Lao felt like he was stuck in a dream, or maybe a nightmare, he wasn't quite sure, but when he felt his lips against his bare skin that made him react.
Kung Lao had reeled his arm back quickly and clenched his fist, and not a moment later his fist met Raiden’s cheek harshly. Kung Lao couldn't deny the fact that he was hesitant to do so, after all, Raiden had a history of being rather aggressive. Kung Lao was sure he had hit him hard, but Raiden only loosened his grip around him, though his hands had snaked their way up to his waist, Raiden still on his knees, though he was holding his head further away.
Kung Lao could see he had a mark on his cheek where he was hit, but Raiden just turned his head and softened his eyes.
“...You held back..” Raiden said and Kung Lao frowned. He wanted to refuse, but the words wouldn't come out. Kung Lao found the other man’s smile almost creepy, after all, who would be grinning like that after being hit?
Kung Lao then tried again, reeling his arm back once more, but this time, Raiden placed a foot flat on the ground and started to stand up properly. Raiden smoothly followed Kung Lao’s arm with his own, grabbing the younger man’s wrist harshly before he could get another solid hit on him. Raiden then placed both feet flat on the floor and stood up straight. He fixed his posture, and it was now obvious who was taller, even if it wasn't by all that much.
Raiden had one hand holding Kung Lao’s wrist tightly, while he placed his other hand on Kung Lao’s shoulder, and let it slide down his arm till their hands met. Raiden attempted to lock their fingers together, but Kung Lao pulled away.
Raiden took in a deep breath, just like he did a few moments earlier. “Lao…” Raiden said, and Kung Lao’s heart skipped a beat at the nickname. He hadn't been called that in so long. “I missed you…” Raiden said as he looked into the other’s eyes.
Raiden’s eyes were lidded, and full of desire, but Kung Lao’s were wide and fearful. Raiden then frowned slightly, noticing his expression.
“Don't look so upset…” Radien said with a face that almost looked like a sad puppy.
Kung Lao furrowed his brows at his words, did he even know what he was saying? He was silent at first, but he eventually came up with the right words that were festering in his throat.
“How could I not be?!” Kung Lao asked aloud, fighting against Raiden’s grip.
Raiden’s eyes softened as he glanced away momentarily, as if he were sad. He let out a breath, then spoke. “This won't be like that last time…” Raiden said, his tone almost pleading, but Kung Lao couldn't believe that.
“My ass,” Kung Lao replied, knowing he had to be full of shit. “You've always been a fucking liar,” Kung Lao said almost too calm for the situation. Instead of a titan that threatened the safety of his timeline, Kung Lao felt as if he were simply talking to an ex who had wronged him.
The corner of Raiden’s lip twitched, but then his frown was back. “Lao…I just…” Raiden said as he attempted to grab his hand again, but Kung Lao had it balled in a tight fist. Raiden then sighed, and allowed his free hands to move and slide down to the younger man’s waist.
Kung Lao breathed in sharply when he felt Raiden’s hand settle on his waist. His fingers were pressing into his skin not harshly, but firmly, a feeling that was more telling than he noticed.
“Please…?” Raiden said softly as he moved his body forward, pressing his chest against his former friends.
Kung Lao pulled back slightly so they were no longer touching, but not a second later did Raiden move forward so they were once again.
Kung Lao grit his teeth and knit his brows together. “Fuck you,” he cursed out, but it was clear to both of them that there was a significant lack of venom in his words.
Raiden didn't even seem to mind his words, just smiling as he squeezed the other’s waist together and walked Kung Lao forward till his back hit the wall.
Kung Lao bit the inside of his cheek as he felt himself being walked back into the wall behind him. As soon as his warm skin felt the chill of the wall, he inherently focused on the heat of the other’s body against his.
“I love you…” Raiden said in reply to Kung Lao’s words as he leaned forward, and placed a kiss on his neck.
Kung Lao held back a hiss, not wanting to enjoy the feeling of Raiden’s mouth against him. He didn't want to, but as Raiden’s hand moved behind him and placed pressure on the small of his back, he couldn't help but feel his heartbeat start to quicken.
“You're gorgeous,” Raiden said as his lips traveled down his neck.
Raiden’s kisses were so delicate, almost like he was holding back as he lightly nipped at his skin. Kung Lao knew he wanted nothing more to mark him up, to bite at his skin and make him bleed, but right now, his lips and even his teeth were as light as a fairy’s.
Raiden groaned as his mouth made its way down to his collarbone, it was clear he wanted more, so much more.
Kung Lao hated this feeling, the feeling of being swept away in something he shouldn't. He tried to steady his heart rate, forcing his breathing to become more steady. Kung Lao then moved his free hand and grabbed Raiden’s face, forcing his head away from his body.
Kung Lao could feel his skin tingling at his touches and he knew he had to stop this before he’d do something he’d regret. Kung Lao tightened his fingers against Raiden’s cheeks, squishing them slightly as he held his face away and glared at him.
“Fuck off back to your timeline! I want nothing to do with you…” Kung Lao said. His words were vicious at first, but after his second sentence left his mouth, his words seemed to trail off ever so slightly.
Kung Lao could feel Raiden chuckle as he snapped his head away, forcing Kung Lao’s hand off his face. Raiden then shifted his hands, letting go of Kung Lao entirely for a moment. Raiden then replaced his left hand on Kung Lao’s back, mirroring the way his other hand was a moment earlier, as his right hand grabbed his left wrist.
Kung Lao was thrown off by the switch up, a familiar position as the one they were just in. Raiden’s eyes were still soft as he brought Kung Lao’s arm forward and placed his lips on the palm of his hand. Raiden closed his eyes as he did, kissing his hand adamantly which made Kung Lao flush.
“There's nothing worth shit in my timeline…” Raiden said, finally replying to Kung Lao’s words.
“But in this one..” Raiden said as he opened his eyes and allowed his lips to place another kiss on the underside of Kung Lao’s wrist. “... You're here,” Raiden finished his sentence as he then stuck out his tongue, and licked at Kung Lao’s wrist.
Kung Lao couldn't help himself but flush, that was such a sensitive area he was giving his attention to, and he felt vulnerable letting those teeth of his so close to it.
“Raiden…” Kung Lao said with a frown. “You can't be here,” Kung Lao said as Raiden pulled his face away.
“Wherever you are…that’s where I need to be,” Raiden said solemnly as he held the other’s hand tighter.
Kung Lao shook his head. “...” He paused, his heart racing as he came up with the right words to say. “You can't…be with me Raiden..” Kung Lao said Raiden seemed to freeze.
Raiden’s brows furrowed, an expression he surprisingly had not seen yet today as he glanced back up at him. “Why?” Raiden asked firmly as he stepped closer, his face inches away from his friend’s.
Kung Lao grimaced and bared his teeth. “You know why,” Kung Lao said simply knowing Raiden knew better than anyone as to why they had split in the first place.
“But I love you…” Raiden said, almost as if he were lost as his glare turned into a frown. Raiden looked like he was confused, panicked even.
“I…” Raiden said as he moved Kung Lao’s hand, placing it against his chest. Kung Lao was surprised that he was able to feel Raiden’s heartbeat, and it was beating quickly. “I love you more than anyone ever could..” Raiden said, but that was the problem.
“I'd do anything for you…” Raiden said, and Kung Lao knew that was more than true. “You're my entire world…Lao…” Raiden said, and there was that nickname again.
Kung Lao then turned his head away, not wanting the other man to see his expression. “..Don't call me that..” He said, hating the way he suddenly felt choked up.
“Lao…” Raiden said sweetly, in a tone that didn’t match the situation as Kung Lao turned his face further away.
“...Lao…?” Raiden asked in a sing-song voice, his words coming out slowly. Raiden then placed a hand on Kung Lao’s cheek, allowing his thumb to caress his face for a moment.
Kung Lao’s teeth were grit tightly as he felt pressure being put on his cheek. He tried to fight it at first, but eventually, his face was forced back to its original position. Kung Lao closed his eyes tightly, not even wanting to look at Raiden, knowing he wouldn't be able to hold back the feelings that had been trapped in his chest for all these years. He wasn't sure if he’d yell, cry, or hit him, but he knew he was on the brink of breaking.
Raiden admired Kung Lao’s face, knowing he’d happily stare at him for all eternity if he could. Raiden smiled, this is why he came to his timeline, why he’d fought so hard to get here, even if Kung Lao didn't want him. To see that gorgeous face of his, to hold this beautiful body of his, to taste his tanned skin, to devour him whole and never let him recover.
Radein just stared at Kung Lao. whose eyes were still closed shut. He then held Kung Lao’s face firmly, tilted his head, and leaned forward, closing his eyes as he placed his lips on the other man’s.
That got Kung Lao to open his eyes, but as soon as he did, Raiden leaned in and stuck his tongue in the other’s mouth, invading it as if it were his own. Kung Lao felt his heart leap out of his chest as he placed his hands on Raiden’s shoulders. Kung Lao attempted to push him away, but Raiden had slithered his fingers in Kung Lao’s hair and pulled on it tightly as he kissed him desperately.
Raiden almost didn't care about breathing, he only wanted to be intertwined with Kung Lao at any cost.
“Mmm,” Raiden groaned as their mouths danced together in what anyone could tell was a deeply debauched lust.
“Hahh..” Kung Lao breathed out as he forced his face away in order to be able to take a proper breath. His breathing was heavy, but Raiden didn't care. He simply placed both of his hands on Kung Lao’s cheeks and went in for another.
“Hngh-” Kung Lao moaned as he felt those lips against his again. They were so soft, but they were so aggressive.
Raiden felt intoxicated as he tasted the other’s saliva after what could only have been millennia. There were very few things he missed more than that taste, but luckily for him, they were all attached to the same body.
Raiden then pulled away, only because he needed to see the expression on his friend’s face. As soon as their tongues released from each other, Kung Lao looked hungry. His eyes were lowered, and his mouth was hanging open as he breathed in deep breaths. Raiden enjoyed the look of his wet lips and starving eyes, and who was he to deny the man he traveled universes for?
“ I know what you want..” Raiden said as he let his hands slowly trail down his body. Kung Lao knew he shouldn't give in to Raiden’s ministrations, but he always knew how to unravel him effortlessly.
“I always do…” Raiden finished his sentence as his fingers lightly traced Kung Lao’s nipples.
Kung Lao shivered, he really shouldn't be doing this right now. Kung Lao had his hand on the outside of Raiden’s arms as his fingers teased his chest. Kung Lao couldn't look anywhere but down as he watched Raiden slid his nipples between his fingers and slid them up and down.
Kung Lao clenched his teeth and hissed out a shiver, trying to hold himself back as best he could. Raiden didn't seem to approve of that though, and then pinched both of them roughly which had Kung Lao letting out a gasp in surprise.
“There it is..” Raiden said as he let one of his hands to drop away, only to be replaced with his mouth.
Raiden placed a kiss on Kung Lao’s right nipple, glancing up to see his face perfectly flushed and begging for more.
Raiden then stuck out his tongue and gave his nipple a long, slow lick, relishing the feeling of it after so long. “Hmm..” Raiden moaned as he covered Kung Lao’s pert bud in his saliva. Once the tip of his tongue got to it he pressed down roughly on his hard nipple, shuckling when he heard Kung Lao’s muffled moan.
Raiden then traced around it carefully, feeling a hand being placed in his hair as he did. Raiden then wrapped his lips back around his nipple, sucking on it adamantly as he glanced up again.
The look on Kung Lao’s face was indescribable and Raiden wanted to see more of his expressions.
Raiden then pulled his face away and switched to his other nipple, giving it a chaste kiss as his free hand played with the other one, lightly tracing the sensitive bud now soaked in his spit. Kung Lao had to hold himself back from pushing on Raiden’s head, wanting more of his mouth on his body.
Kung Lao hated how easily he fell apart under Radien’s sweet words, it had always been like this. He hated how even after all this time, he could still remember the way his bare skin felt pressed against his.
Raiden was sucking Kung Lao’s nipple adamantly, just loving the fact that he could taste his skin and hear the softness in his moans again. Raiden then pulled his face away and Kung Lao had to hold back any disappointed noises he wanted to make, but even without his voice, Raiden knew he was disappointed. After all, he never stopped thinking about him.
“You did always love when I sucked your nipples till they were red and sensitive,” Raiden said, and Kung Lao flushed. Hearing it out loud sounded so vulgar. “And I would continue, baby..” Raiden started as he lowered his body back down to the ground, now on his knees. “But I've been craving something else for eons…” Raiden said as he raised his hands and slipped his fingers under the hem of Kung Lao’s pants.
Kung Lao’s eyes widened when he felt his pants being quickly dropped to the floor. He flushed even brighter when he saw the way Raiden’s eyes glistened.
“No underwear…?” Raiden asked, glancing up at him briefly. Raiden then laughed. “Some things never change I suppose,” He said, remembering he never had underwear on in the past when they fucked.
Raiden then hummed as he placed his hands on Kung Lao’s bare thighs, squeezing his muscles slightly before he slid his hands down his legs, caressing his skin underneath. Raiden leaned his head forward, taking a deep breath in as he placed his nose right under Kung Lao’s balls. Raiden looked up, Kung Lao’s hard cock twitching right above his face.
“Raiden..” Kung Lao whispered, but Raiden didn't respond. Instead, he stuck out his tongue and placed it right at the base of his cock.
Kung Lao shivered and leaned against the wall as he felt Raiden’s tongue slowly moving up his shaft. Raiden’s tongue was delicate as it traced over every vein of Kung Lao’s dick. He shivered, closing his eyes as he felt the other’s tongue seemingly teasing him.
Raiden smiled as his tongue made its way up and eventually laying flat against his head. Raiden then kissed the tip of his cock which had Kung Lao sucking in air through his teeth. Raiden then placed another kiss, then another, then another, and another, until he felt Kung Lao’s grip in his hair tighten ever so slightly. It was hardly noticeable, but Raiden took each and every one of his movements and ingrained them into his mind.
Raiden then wrapped his lips around the tip of Kung Lao’s cock which had him taking a very shaky breath.
“Ngh…” Kung Lao tried to hold back his voice, but once he felt Raiden’s hot mouth sinking down on his dick he couldn't control himself any longer.
“Oh shit…” Kung Lao moaned as he opened his eyes, a wave of lust washing over him as he saw how Raiden’s lips looked wrapped around his dick.
Kung Lao’s mouth was parted in awe as he felt Raiden’s tongue rubbing against him lovingly. He had no trouble taking all of his length down his throat and he couldn't stop the way his voice couldn't stay stable.
“Oh fuh-...fuck..” Kung Lao stuttered out as he stared down at the scene under him.
It had been embarrassingly long since the last time he’d had his dick in somebody’s mouth, but that was simply one of the consequences of being the god of a timeline, the creator of the universe. It was a drawback he claimed he didn't miss very much, but at this very moment, for a second, he considered giving away his titan abilities if it meant he could have his cock down Raiden’s throat any time he wanted.
“Mhmm…yeah,” Kung Lao moaned as his eyes lidded. Once he could feel Raiden’s lips touching the base of his pelvis again, Kung Lao couldn't stop himself from putting pressure on Raiden’s head, forcing his head to stay there as his cock throbbed inside of his throat.
“Haughh….hah- oh fuck…” Kung Lao moaned as he held Raiden’s head steady. Raiden’s throat was so hot and tight around his dick, he almost felt like it was on fire. Kung Lao was leaning forward slightly as he forced Raiden to stay still. He felt so sensitive and he could feel the way he throbbed in his mouth.
Raiden then hummed, which had Kung Lao protesting in sensitive twitches and moans.
“Ahh- hahh...ngh..hahh..” Kung Lao let out as he felt the vibrations along his cock. This felt too good, dangerously so, and Raiden knew that's what he was thinking. Raiden then pulled his head away, letting Kung Lao’s cock slide out of his mouth and fling back up.
Raiden coughed and took a deep breath once his cock was free, though he very much enjoyed having it down his throat. Kung Lao’s scent was intoxicating, but his taste was almost making him feel drunk.
Raiden had one desire, one thing that had been on his mind since before he had even got here, which is why he had stopped so soon. Raiden glanced up at Kung Lao whose breathing was heavy already. Raiden smiled as he placed his hand on the back of Kung Lao’s right thigh, and lifted it up.
Kung Lao was caught off guard with his leg being forcefully raised. He placed his hands on the wall behind him, pressing all his weight on it so he could stay upright.
“Raiden..?” Kung Lao asked as he tried to catch his breath, but before he could get another word out, Raiden’s face was being pressed in between Kung Lao’s ass.
Kung Lao’s posture stiffened significantly, and he hadn't even realized he was slouching so much. He let out a rather loud whine as he felt Raiden’s tongue right against his hole, and that was his weakness.
Raiden was holding Kung Lao’s thigh as far apart as he could, as his other hand was gripping Kung Lao’s ass, spreading him apart as best he could as he shoved his tongue in between them.
This. This was what Raiden had been craving for ages. It was like a drug to him. To Raiden, there was nothing so delectable in any realm, and now, he felt so incredibly starved, and he was going to get his fill.
“Mmm,” Raiden groaned as his tongue circled Kung Lao’s tight hole. Raiden wished he could see his meal, but he couldn’t because of the position he was in. Raiden just knew it looked as delectable as it tasted, wanting more and more by the second.
“So good..” Raiden said, but Kung Lao could hardly make out what he said as his words were muffled in between his cheeks.
Kung Lao hissed when he felt Raiden’s tongue plunging into him and he leaned back, wanting more of the feeling as his tongue impaled his hole. Raiden wrapped his lips around Kung Lao's pucked hole, almost as if he were making out with it. He pressed his face in further, but his tongue could only get so far, which frustrated him.
“Ugh-ngh- hahhh..” Kung Lao moaned as he tried to make out words, but he was so desperate for more he couldn't make out anything but that.
“More…ahhh fuck-” Kung Lao moaned as he felt Raiden's tongue licking at his walls.
Raiden seemed like he could never be sated as his grip on Kung Lao’s legs was so rough it was almost bruising him, but Kung Lao could hardly notice as he felt himself getting closer to orgasm from just his mouth attacking all of his most sensitive places.
“Oh my god- hngh…” Kung Lao moaned out desperately, but that's when Raiden pulled his mouth away, and this time, Kung Lao loudly protested with a disappointed sigh.
Raiden licked his lips as he spread his legs apart further. He looked up at the sight above him, and it was like he fell in love all over again. His asshole was so tight and so fucking pink. It looked swollen from his tongue trading him, but it was clenching around nothing, as if his hole was just begging to be destroyed.
“Hahh..” Raiden moaned as he stared up at Kung Lao’s hole.
“Im gonna fuck that hole, “ Raiden said, though he meant it as more of a promise than anything.
Kung Lao felt a shiver run down his spine as Raiden spoke, and at this point, he wanted nothing more than for Raiden to keep that promise of his.
Raiden then stood up, allowing Kung Lao’s leg to be placed back down on the ground, but not for very long. Raiden smirked as he took a step forward, leaning in and placing a passionate kiss on Kung Lao’s lips. Kung Lao could taste his hole on Raiden’s lips, and he was disappointed when he pulled his mouth away so quickly.
Raiden chuckled. “I thought you wanted me to fuck off,” Raiden said with a smile but Kung Lao just glared at him, scoffed, and pushed him away slightly.
Kung Lao then turned and bent over his bed, his chest laying flat on his sheets as he reached backward and spread himself open for Raiden to take.
Raiden’s eyes widened, he definitely wasn't expecting that. He blinked a few times as Kung Lao spread his asscheeks apart, revealing that sweet little hole of his that had Raiden wrapped around it. Raiden’s eyes lowered as he stared at how it clenched and loosened, Kung Lao was so irresistible, so much so it had him traveling timelines, and it was most certainly worth it, just for this.
Raiden then took a step forward and placed a hand on Kung Lao’s bare ass. He rubbed it softly, admiring how smooth it was before he squeezed it rather tightly. His ass was like jelly, and he couldn't help himself but give it a firm slap.
Raiden raised his hand, and then quickly dropped it, hitting Kung Lao’s ass harshly which made him let out a desperate cry. Raiden chuckled, and did it again, enjoying the way his flesh jiggled after it was hit.
Raiden quickly leaned his head down and kissed the area he had hit. He caressed it softly, then placed a soft kiss there. Raiden then smiled against his skin as he opened his mouth and bit rather roughly down on his ass, causing Kung Lao to yelp.
Raiden pulled away to see his work, loving how his teeth looked marked on that ass of his. Raiden then leaned down once more and placed a kiss on Kung Lao’s twitching hole. He pulled back up.
“Fuck Raiden…Fuck..” Kung Lao moaned in frustration as he spread himself apart further. He was so horny it was embarrassing, and Kung Lao felt pathetic at how he’d fallen apart like this, but the only thought on his mind was Raiden’s cock fucking him until he couldn't speak.
“Oh Lao…” Raiden said sweetly as he rubbed his ass cheek with one hand, and unbuttoned his pants with the other.
Raiden’s eyes were fixated on his hole as he tightened and begged for him to fuck him senseless.
Kung Lao preened at the nickname, remembering the times he had used it so long ago when he was balls deep, buried inside of him.
Raiden had pulled his cock out and started stroking himself. He was already rock hard, and he had been that way since he was on the ground, kissing at Kung Lao’s leg.
“I’ll help you, don't worry,” Raiden said as he stroked his cock and aligned his tip with his hole.
“Oh, it's so wet…” Raiden said in a whisper as if he were in awe, even though he was the one who had made it so wet in the first place.
Kung Lao moaned as he felt the tip of his cock right against his hole. He felt a wave of pure debauchery flossing his body as he imagined how that dick of his would feel as it was shoved inside. God, he wanted it so bad. He wanted to be fucked, it was the only thing he could think about, how shameless could he be.
But when Kung Lao felt Raiden’s cock start to push inside of him, all he could do was moan and enjoy it.
“Just like that…” Raiden said as he took in a deep breath as he slid his cock inside of Kung Lao.
Both of them were surprisingly silent as Raiden's cock slid inside, stopping at first as his head was enveloped by otherworldly warmth. Raiden was already out of breath, but he continued, and slid himself inside of Kung Lao’s ass even further, only stopping once his entire length was inside of him.
Kung Lao’s mouth was hanging open as he shivered and twitched at the feeling of being full. He could feel that tight, painful stretch around his rim, but that cock inside of him felt like nothing but heaven.
“Good boy…” Raiden praised as he placed his hands on Kung Lao’s hips, and slowly started pulling out of him.
Kung Lao was laying there in anticipation as the other pulled out, but he was quickly satisfied once he felt his hips snap back, his cock being shoved deeply inside of him as he cried out in pure pleasure.
“Ah! Ahh-uhh- fuuck..” Kung Lao moaned out as he gripped the sheets on his bed tightly.
Raiden held the others' hips tightly, living how vocal Kung Lao had become, a sharp contrast from how they’d started.
“Oh, Kung Lao..” Raiden said as he slammed his cock into the other man, Kung Lao moaning pathetically with every single one of his thrusts.
“I'm never letting go of you…” Raiden said as his heart was full of desire, of want, of pure need.
Raiden chuckled as his pace stayed quick and unrelenting, seemingly exactly what Kung Lao wanted. “I'm all you'll ever need Lao,” He said lovingly, but Kung Lao couldn't even think as his ass was being pounded into jelly.
His ass felt so soft, his insides were so plush and delectable, it was hot and tight and Raiden didn't ever want to pull out.
Raiden smiled as he fucked into the other man at a quicker pace. “Y'know…” Raiden said, letting his words trail off playfully as he felt a fire building inside of him. “I’d make you pregnant if I could…” Raiden said, and Kung Lao shivered at those words, and he wasn't sure why.
“Haughh..nghhh-ahh..ahh..!” Kung Lao moaned out loudly, ad if an indication of how close he was since he was being fucked too good to speak.
“So good..” Raiden said as he watched the way his cock slid in and out of that tight hole of his. “I'm going to cum in you,” Raiden said as he continued his motions. “Paint your warm hole with my cum..” Raiden said as if he were in a trance.
“Yeah…” Raiden said as he pounded into Kung Lao, whose legs were twitching frantically.
Raiden couldn't believe just how in love he was with the man under him, in fact, love seemed like a frivolous word compared to how his heart wanted to eat him whole. There was nothing he wanted so purely in any world other than the man he had right now, and there was no chance he’d ever let go of him, not when he knew he was all he needed.
If it only meant that he’d stay with him forever, Raiden would happily rip out his heart and allow Kung Lao to feast on it entirely.
Raiden didn't know how to convey how utterly he needed Kung Lao, but he figured he’d have time for all of that in the eons they would now have together, for Raiden had no intention of letting Kung Lao out of his sight any longer.
“You're mine, Kung Lao,” Raiden said with a glint in his eyes as he gripped his hips tightly.
“Hnghh…fuhh..” Kung Lao could hardly get out a full word as he felt himself losing it.
“Go on…cum with my dick inside of you,” Raiden said with a smile. “Just like how you used to..” Raiden said and Kung Lao couldn’t help but oblige as he came all over his bed and stomach without having to be touched.
“Ahh- oh fuckk..Ahh..” Kung Lao moaned as his eyes rolled back.
Raiden smiled genuinely, feeling pure adoration as the love of his life came while skewered on his dick. There was nothing so pleasurable.
“So good for me,” Raiden moaned as he gripped his hips tightly. “Squeezing so tight like that..” Raiden said with half a moan as Kung Lao squeezed down on his shaft because of his orgasm.
“My cum’s gonna drip out of you..” Raiden said, his speech almost slurred as he felt himself come undone as he came inside Kung Lao’s tight hole.
“Ahhh..Hahh..ugh..” Raiden moaned out as he threw his head back, feeling himself spilling his white, hot pleasure inside of the love of his life.
“Oh- god- ahhh..” Raiden moaned as he came far more than either of them were expecting.
Kung Lao could feel cum filling up his insides, and he shivered as Raiden bottomed out inside of him one last time.
Kung Lao was groaning against the bed, only now loosening his grip on the now-ruined sheets of his bed. His legs and cock were twitching as he tried to come back from the most intense orgasm he’s had in years.
“No one could ever fuck you like this,” Raiden said as he rubbed Kung Lao’s back comfortingly. “Stay with me, Lao…” Raiden said, leaning down so he could kiss his back. "Through all timelines...to any extent...for all eternity..." Raiden said with a pause as he met the others' gaze.
Kung Lao turned his face and Raiden took the opportunity to place a hand on his cheek and bring his face closer.
“...I'll have you…” Raiden finished his sentence and he placed his lips on Kung Lao’s, and caught him in a kiss.
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hamliet · 6 months
Val and Angel have such a morbidly interesting relationship, and it really Lao brings into question how all the Vs are with Angel and each other. Vox seems to be very jealous of Angel and it makes me worried about how even he treats him
Vox seems jealous of everyone, honestly. He's very egocentric and presumably doesn't like Angel because of Vox's own troubling relationship with Val, and doesn't like Alastor supposedly because of technology but also, imo, clearly because he sees Alastor as something of a rival and he wants to WIN, dammit!
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Honestly, it's difficult to say with what we know now, but Vox reminds me of a "tech bro" in a lot of ways. Seemingly has it all, is very privileged, and yet seething and insecure at the same time. He has a very utilitarian view of people in general, as do most corporate soulless CEOs, but he also has tinges of contradictory humanity--like his jealousy over Val.
Actually, Vox seems to disguise his emotions (insecurity via pettiness justified by technology or whatever, insecurity over love via scolding Val on bad business decisions with Angel) through a guise of levelheaded logic. He's not actually that logical though. His motives are me, myself, and I. He wants to win but win... what exactly? More prestige? How's success working out for him so far? Has it fulfilled him at all?
I am curious to learn more about him, because I feel his arc could be very interesting.
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Round 2 Matchups
After a doubly long Round 1, the Round 2 matchups are ready! As a reminder, all 64 matches will be posted in one shot, there won't be any multi-part rounds moving forward. The matches will start getting posted on the 26th. As per usual, this post will be periodically updated with links to the matches, and the posts themselves will be tagged as Round 2 Poll. Below is the list of matchups, and as always, may the best monster win, and happy voting!
Fatalis Vs. Shara Ishvalda
Scarred Yian Garuga Vs. Raging Brachydios
Black Diablos Vs. Risen Teostra
Paolumu Vs. Narwa the Allmother
Barroth Vs. Royal Ludroth
Ivory Lagiacrus Vs. Shogun Ceanataur
Daimyo Hermitaur Vs. Kulve Taroth
Hallowed Jhen Mohran Vs. Dalamadur
Nibelsnarf Vs. Bazelgeuse
Gammoth Vs. Chameleos
Astalos Vs. Valstrax
Amatsu Vs. Ruiner Nergigante
Flaming Espinas Vs. Coral Pukei Pukei
Tobi-Kadachi Vs. Dire Miralis
Pukei-Pukei Vs. Teostra
Savage Deviljho Vs. Risen Shagaru Magala
Apex Diablos Vs. Gigginox
Kulu-Ya-Ku Vs. Dodogama
Nakarkos Vs. Aurora Somnacanth
White Monoblos Vs. Banbaro
Plesioth Vs. Brachydios
Deviljho Vs. Rathian
Emerald Congalala Vs. Frostfang Barioth
Molten Tigrex Vs. Sand Barioth
Monoblos Vs. Dah'ren Mohran
Silverwind Nargacuga Vs. Great Jagras
Tigrex Vs. Ukanlos
Great Girros Vs. Hellblade Glavenus
Drilltusk Tetsucabra Vs. Jhen Mohran
Purple Ludroth Vs. Lunastra
Namielle Vs. Anjanath
Ebony Odogaron Vs. Malzeno
Crimson Qurupeco Vs. Ash Kecha Wacha
Thunderlord Zinogre Vs. Gold Rathian
Najarala Vs. Seregios
Brute Tigrex Vs. Lao-Shan Lung
Apex Rathian Vs. Somnacanth
Stygian Zinogre Vs. Great Maccao
Tzitzi-Ya-Ku Vs. Odogaron
Seething Bazelgeuse Vs. Gogmazios
Beotodus Vs. Scorned Magnamalo
Espinas Vs. Fulgur Anjanath
Glavenus Vs. Blood Orange Bishaten
Ceadeus Vs. Tidal Najarala
Vaal Hazak Vs. Alatreon
Gore Magala Vs. Tetranadon
Nightcloak Malfestio Vs. Nergigante
Magma Almudron Vs. Silver Rathalos
Abyssal Lagiacrus Vs. Furious Rajang
Soulseer Mizutsune Vs. Ahtal-Ka
Nerscylla Vs. Xeno'jiiva
Velkhana Vs. Agnaktor
Qurupeco Vs. Deadeye Yian Garuga
Thunder Serpent Narwa Vs. Shrieking Legiana
Desert Seltas Vs. Malfestio
Elderfrost Gammoth Vs. Gypceros
Dreadking Rathalos Vs. Boltreaver Astalos
Legiana Vs. Mizutsune
Risen Chameleos Vs. Garangolm
Rajang Vs. Goss Harag
Lagiacrus Vs. Azure Rathalos
Chaotic Gore Magala Vs. Bloodbath Diablos
Shen Gaoren Vs. Risen Kushala Daora
Shagaru Magala Vs. Seltas Queen
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iliketangerines · 6 months
Soo, we had revenant Liu Kang and Kung Lao with reader but how about revenant reader with Liu Kang and Kung Lao.
training a brat
a/n: i can't stop thinking about Kung Lao's big ass hand and long fingers like please fin-
pairing: liu kang x revenant!afab!reader x kung lao
warnings: nsfw (MDNI), dubcon, spanking, brat taming, thigh fucking, blowjobs, slight bondage
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you stand before Liu Kang and Kung Lao, eyes glowing red and skin gray and cracked
they look at you with furrowed brows, unsure if they want to hurt you, but as you leap towards them, weapon drawn, they have no choice but to fight you and bring you down
the fight is brutal: you cut their skin open, bruise their bodies, and spat harsh words that hurt their heart
but two skilled Shaolin against only one quickly ends in favor of Liu Kang and Kung Lao, and Liu Kang chokes you, and he apologizes as your eyes close and your grow limp in his arms
you wake up in a cell, arms bound behind your back tightly, and ankles cuffed to the wall
you howl in anger, yanking at the chains and struggling to undo your binds whenever Kung Lao and Liu Kang come over with food
they struggle to feed it to you as you thrash and spit at them, but after a few days of starvation, you sit quietly in the cell and let them feed you, glaring at them with vitriol
they have a routine, switching every day on who feeds you, and they tell you stories of Earthrealm and how it’s doing under their protection
you deflect, retort, and heckle them as they tell their stories, telling them that Raiden is a liar, that he hadn’t protected you from death when he knew you were to die
Kung Lao and Liu Kang can do nothing but continue with their stories
at the end of the meal, they always ask you to join them back as a defender of Earthrealm, and you always disagree and seethe with anger
the weeks pass, and you grow more docile in their care, no longer snarling at them when they come, but you don’t smile either and only sit silently as they feed you
it’s the rare day where neither of them have training, and they have brought you lunch together and regale you with stories of their training
at the end, plates empty, they ask you to join them in protecting earthrealm
you don’t say anything, glowing eyes hard and cold as you just stare at them
Liu Kang, losing patience and wanting to have you back in his arms, cups your cheek and you look up at him with narrowed eyes
he’s unable to resist and kisses you, but you still have a bit of anger and bite down onto Liu Kang’s lip hard enough to draw blood
he pulls back with a yelp, and Kung Lao glares at you as you growl and hiss at Liu Kang, teeth stained with blood
clearly, they had a bit more training to get through, and Kung Lao was done being nice
he stalks towards you and grabs onto the back of your neck and shoves your face into the ground, and you thrash around as you try to get out of his hold, kicking your legs out and howling with anger
Kung Lao gets behind you and pins your legs down with his own, leaving you ass up and face put in the hard ground as he grips tightly onto your neck
he gestures for Liu Kang to come over, and the hesitates for a moment
when Kung Lao raises a brow at him and asks whether or not he wants you back with them or not, Liu Kang squares his shoulders and puts his hand on the back of your neck, squeezing it tight
Kung Lao leans back and pulls off your pants, unbothered by the threats you spit out, and he winds his hand back and smacks your ass
you scream in pain, hips jerking in the air to get away, and Kung Lao smirks and continues to land blows on your backside, your thrashing and screams quickly turning into whines and sobs
by the end, your tears pool on the floor, and your ass is bright red, beginning to purple into bruises from how hard Kung Lao had spanked you
Kung Lao tells you to apologize to Liu Kang, tell him that you’re a brat, that you’ll make it up to him, that you’ll behave like a good slut
you repeat the words in a watery voice, and Kung Lao hums in approval and dips his hand down to slide his fingers through your pussy folds
you’re soaking wet, and a string of your wetness connects your pussy and his fingers as he goes to show Liu Kang how wet you are
Kung Lao laughs at your desperation, telling you that you’re still a slut as a revenant, that perhaps you had serviced the other revenants, and you go to hiss something at him
but his hand squeezing your sore ass causes you to yelp and quiet down
Liu Kang releases the pressure on your neck and grabs onto the back of your hair, dragging you up so your mouth is in front of the tent in his pants
you back aches, and your legs shake as you try to hold the position, arms still bound behind you
Liu Kang’s grip on your hair is the only thing keeping you up
Kung Lao takes out his cock and slides it along your folds, teasing you, and the tip of his dick catches on your clit, making you whine and beg
Kung Lao ignores you and continues to coat his dick and the inside of your thighs with your wetness, telling you that brats don’t get what they want
Liu Kang pulls out his cock and slaps it on your face, desperation replacing his hesitation, and you eagerly open your mouth to taste him, looking up at him through your eyelashes with wet eyes
he groans as you suck on his cock, tongue pressing into the vein on the bottom, and he moves your head up and down his cock
Kung Lao continues to slides his dick along your pussy folds, and he brings your legs together so that your thighs press firmly against each other
he slides his cock between your plush legs and groans at the feeling
you whimper as your legs rub your clit, but it’s not enough
you can’t complain however with the way Liu Kang fucks into your mouth, and so you can only ever ever climb to an orgasm but never reaching
Liu Kang wipes away your tears his other hand, cooing at how you’re sucking his cock so well, telling you that you still such a good whore for remembering how to suck his cock
Kung Lao has a tight grip on your hips as he fucks your thighs, saying how only good sluts get to be fucked proper, he says you’ve been a brat, biting Liu Kang and disagreeing with them
you moan around Liu Kang’s cock, drool dripping down your chin as the tip of Liu Kang’s dick hits the back of your dick, and the monk wishes he had a camera to take a photo of how your lips stretch around his thick cock
they fuck into you, the sound of Kung Lao’s hips slapping against your ass and the wet sound of you sucking on Liu Kang’s dick fill the room
their thrusts begin to grow more erratic as they near, but you’re nowhere close, pussy clenching around nothing and clit puffy with need
Kung Lao groans, cumming in between your thighs, his release splattering onto the cold cell floor
Liu Kang follows soon after, shoving your nose down to the base as he cums down your throat
you gag and gurgle, not expecting him to cum so soon, but Liu Kang doesn’t care and keeps him in your throat as he finishes spilling his seed down your throat
your clit throbs, needing more friction, needing more, needing anything, and you whine as Liu Kang pulls out and lets your face fall to the floor
Kung Lao doesn’t touch you, doesn’t rub your clit, doesn’t fuck you on his fingers
he just takes his dick out from your thighs and tucks himself away and walks out of the cell with Liu Kang following behind
you cry out, begging for them to please make you cum, you need it
Kung Lao looks at you and tells you that this is your punishment for being a brat
and so begins your training
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blood-darkened-moon · 2 years
Monster Hunter
Lynian Felyne | Shakalaka
Herbivore Popo | Moofah | Larinoth | Rhenoplos | Mosswine | Gowngoat | Anteka | Kestodon | Kelbi | Ceratonoth
Temnoceran Rakna-Kadaki | Nerscylla | Lala Barina
Neopteron Konchu | Seltas | Seltas Queen | Ahtal-Ka | Vespoid Queen | Hornetaur
Theropod Bird Wyvern Velociprey | Velocidrome | Genprey | Gendrome | Ioprey | Iodrome | Jaggi | Great Jaggi | Baggi | Great Baggi | Wroggi | Great Wroggi | Maccao | Great Maccao | Izuchi | Great Izuchi | Boggi | Kulu-Ya-Ku | Tzitzi-Ya-Ku
Flying Bird Wyvern Yian Kut-Ku | Blue Yian Kut-Ku | Yian Garuga | Scarred Yian Garuga | Malfestio | Pukei-Pukei | Aknosom | Gypceros | Qurupeco | Toridcless | Gargwa
True Wyvern Rathalos | Azure Rathalos | Silver Rathalos | Rathian | Pink Rathian | Gold Rathian | Dreadqueen Rathian | Monoblos | White Monoblos | Diablos | Black Diablos | Basarios | Ruby Basarios | Gravios | Seregios | Bazelgeuse | Seething Bazelgeuse | Khezu | Red Khezu | Astalos | Boltreaver Astalos | Espinas | Flaming Espinas | Legiana | Akantor | Paolumu | Gurenzeburu | Gigginox | Rey Dau
Pseudo Wyvern Tigrex | Brute Tigrex | Nargacuga | Lucent Nargacuga | Silverwind Nargacuga | Barioth | Sand Barioth | Frostfang Barioth | Ukanlos
Piscine Wyvern Cephadrome | Plesioth | Beotodus | Delex | Flatfish Piscine Wyvern
Carapaceon Shogun Ceanataur | Hermitaur | Daimyo Hermitaur | Plum Daimyo Hermitaur | Taikun Zamuza | Shen Gaoren | Akura Vashimu
Amphibian Zamtrios | Tigerstripe Zamtrios | Tetsucabra | Tetranadon | Chatacabra
Pelagus Rajang | Furious Rajang | Garangolm | Bulldrome | Gammoth | Bishaten | Blangonga | Kecha Wacha
Fanged Beast Arzuros | Goss Harag | Lagombi | Volvidon | Doshaguma
Leviathan Agnaktor | Mizutsune | Violet Mizutsune | Soulseer Mizutsune | Ludroth | Royal Ludroth | Purple Ludroth | Lagiacrus | Abyssal Lagiacrus | Lavasioth | Almudron | Gobul | Baruragaru | Somnacanth | Nibelsnarf | Balahara
Snake Wyvern Najarala | Remobra
Brute Wyvern Uragaan | Crystalbeard Uragaan | Pumpkin Uragaan | Radobaan | Deviljho | Savage Deviljho | Aberrant Deviljho | Barroth | Anjanath | Fulgur Anjanath | Banbaro | Brachydios | Raging Brachydios | Glavenus | Hellblade Glavenus | Duramboros
Fanged Wyvern Zinogre | Stygian Zinogre | Thunderlord Zinogre | Dodogama | Magnamalo | Scorned Magnamalo | Odogaron | Ebony Odogaron | Tobi-Kadachi | Viper Tobi-Kadachi | Lunagaron | Palamute | Great Jagras | Great Girros 
Elder Dragon Fatalis | Crimson Fatalis | White Fatalis | Xeno'jiiva | Safi'jiiva | Teostra | Lunastra | Chameleos | Risen Chameleos | Kushala Daora | Rukodiora | Kirin | Oroshi Kirin | Shagaru Magala | Namielle | Alatreon | Ceadeus | Nergigante | Valstrax | Crimson Glow Valstrax | Thunder Serpent Narwa | Narwa the Allmother | Wind Serpent Ibushi | Malzeno/Qurio | Primordial Malzeno | Velkhana | Vaal Hazak | Blackveil Vaal Hazak | Kulve Taroth | Amatsu | Gogmazios | Gaismagorm | Shara Ishvalda | Dalamadur | Shah Dalamadur | Lao-Shan Lung | Ashen Lao-Shan Lung | Jhen Mohran | Nakarkos | Behemoth | Yama Tsukami | Nef-Garmat | Dire Miralis | Zorah Magdaros | Makili Pietru | Oltura
Unknown Gore Magala | Chaotic Gore Magala
Endemic Life Paratoad | Thornytoad | Cohoot | Forest Pteryx | Duffel Penguin | Thunderbeetle | Vigorwesp | Spiribird
Pets Poogie
MH Fusion
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