#languages amirite
my-name-is-apollo · 5 days
Anyway, didn't find the vase painting I was looking for, but I did find one where Apollo is offering a flower to Hermes :D
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(Hermes is behind the horses btw, just letting you know cause it took me a whole 10 seconds to figure that out)
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vikinglanguage · 7 months
How to articulate your emotions in Danish
Literal years ago, I got an ask about how to talk about emotions in Danish. I was never really entirely sure, what the person was asking about, but I recently had the idea to just flat out translate one of those "how to identify which emotion you're experiencing" charts. So here goes nothing
Please note: all of these are approximations, and a lot of the words that are used to describe the same general feeling are in fact more or less interchangeable, as is the case with the emotion chart.
This is the chart I used:
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[ID in alt text]
bange - fearful
noun: frygt - fear
bange, frygtsom, ræd - scared hjælpeløs - helpless skræmt, rædselsslagen - frightened
nervøs, ængstelig - anxious overvældet - overwhelmed bekymret - worried
usikker - insecure utilstrækkelig - inadequate underlegen, mindreværdig - inferior
svag - weak værdiløs - worthless ubetydelig, betydningsløs - insignificant
afvist - rejected holdt udenfor, ekskluderet - excluded forfulgt - persecuted
truet - threatened nervøs - nervous udsat - exposed
sur - angry
noun: vrede - anger
skuffet, svigtet - let down forrådt - betrayed forurettet - resentful
ydmyget - humiliated ikke føle sig respekteret - feel disrespected gjort nar ad, latterliggjort - ridiculed
bitter - bitter forarget - indignant krænket - violated
vred - mad rasende - furious jaloux - jealous
aggressiv - aggressive provokeret - provoked hostile - fjendtlig
frustreret - frustrated arrig - infuriated irriteret - annoyed
fjern - distant tilbagetrukken/tilbagetrukket - withdrawn følelsesløs, følelsesforladt - numb
kritisk - critical skeptisk - sceptical affejende, afvisende - dismissive
frastødt - disgusted
noun: afsky - disgust
misbilligende - disapproving fordømmende - judgemental pinligt berørt - embarrassed
skuffet - disappointed forfærdet - appalled væmmes (verb, reflexive) - to be revolted e.g. jeg væmmes ved lugten af fisk 'I am revolted by the smell of fish'
frygtelig - awful kvalm - nauseated foragtelig - detestable
frastødt - repelled forfærdet - horrified tøvende - hesitant
ked af det - sad
noun: bedrøvelse, sorg - sadness, sorrow
såret - hurt flov - embarrassed skuffet - disappointed
deprimeret*, nedtryk - depressed mindreværdig - inferior tom, følelsesforladt - empty *while deprimeret like English depressed primarily should be used in relation to a medical diagnosis of depression, it is also used as a synonym of nedtrykt (literally ned 'down, de' + trykt 'pressed') in the vernacular
skyldig - guilty fortrydende, skyldbetynget, angerfuld - remorseful skamfuld - ashamed
fortvivlelse - despair adj: fortvivlet - despairing sorg - grief adj: sorgfuld, sorgramt, sørgende - grief-stricken, grieving magtesløs - powerless
sårbar - vulnerable gjort til offer, offergjort - victimised skrøbelig - fragile
ensom - lonely isoleret - isolated efterladt - abandoned
glad - happy
noun: glæde, lykke - happiness
legesyg, legende - playful ophidset - aroused fræk - cheeky
tilfreds - content fri - free lykkelig, glad - joyful
interesseret - interested nysgerrig - curious videbegærlig - inquisitive
stolt - proud succesfuld, succesrig - succesful selvsikker - confident
accepteret - accepted respekteret - respected værdsat - valued
stærk, magtfuld - powerful modig - courageous kreativ - creative
fredfyldt - peaceful kærlig - loving taknemmelig - thankful
tillidsfuld - trusting følsom, sensitiv - sensitiv intim, tæt - intimate
optimistisk - optimistic håbefuld - hopeful inspireret - inspired
overrasket - surprised
noun: overraskelse - surprise
forskrækket - startled chokeret - shocked forfærdet - dismayed
forvirret - confused desillusioneret - disillusioned perpleks - perplexed
forbløffet - amazed forbavset - astonished ærefrygt - awe
begejstret, spændt - excited ivrig - eager energisk - energetic
dårligt - bad
kede sig (verb, reflexive) - to be bored e.g. jeg keder mig 'I am bored' ligeglad - indifferent apatisk - apathetic
travl - busy presset - pressured forhastet - rushed
stresset - stressed overvældet - overwhelmed ude af kontrol - out of control
træt - tired søvnig - sleepy ufokuseret - unfocussed
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can-of-w0rmz · 1 year
Ok so I literally just heard this this morning and I’m really curious if it’s true, apparently it’s only an Irish thing where we say “on me” to mean “in reference to myself”, sort of? Like example, we’d say “she’s broken a window on me”, and we’d mean “she’s broken a window which reflects on me”, not literally “she’s broken a window on top of me”. Like you’d say it if it was your window, or if it was your sister who broke the window and that reflects negatively on you. So you’d say “Awk sure he’s gone and lost the dog on me”, implying that him losing the dog leads to some negative consequence for you.
And apparently English people don’t do that? So I’m assuming Americans also don’t do it? And other people who speak English as a second language and didn’t learn it in Ireland? Is that true??? I’ve literally said this my entire life and never thought about it before so now I really want to know
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conlangcrab · 10 months
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dullahandyke · 4 months
sidenote speaking of polls that infuriated me, that poll like 'does a story require themes to be good' was sent from hell to kill me
#everyone taking it as an object lesson in Reading Comprehension this website's favourite fuckin phrase#meanwhile the wording immediately captivated me as a word puzzle#'does a story require themes to be good' immediately dinged in my mind as a hypothetical#and that was way more interesting than the discourse 2 me#like in my mind its not a question of 'do good stories have themes' like duh doy the answer is yes#i saw it as 'does a story REQUIRE themes'#as in 'would a hypothetical lab-made story with no themes be discounted from being a story due to its lack of themes'#and that was fun and u guys had to go 'lollll imagine not paying attention in english class'#if i had paid attention during my english class it would have killed me. we did fucking NOT learn about critical reading or comprehension#we learned how to regurgitate the lowest-common-denominator answers and score well on tests with the least amount of thought#wrote a personal essay abt my grief towards the school system making the point of 'students are shaped into ai'#'whats important is that we can make words in the right sequence and not that we are actualyl saying anything'#and my english teacher was like 'wowww really good essay i rlly feel for you' and then a year later she was showing us chatgpt .#what was i on about. oh yeah language is a prison#'arent you an english major' YES. its a fascinating and fun toy whose widespread application is inappropriate and inefficient#language was made for word puzzles and tripping people up and the fact that i have to verbalise it on a time limit#with only rough approximations of my actual thoughts in casual conversation is one of my greatest griefs#anyway. ahem. tumblr amirite
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cxpperhead · 1 year
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Copperhead is fluent in Spanish. Growing up in Arizona, a considerable percentage of the population speak the language and for a while it was all he spoke until he left the state, choosing to go primarily with English.
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drzephyr · 9 months
I've switched all my social media apps to japanese, I feel I little bit insane ngl
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piarles · 1 year
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im-no-jedi · 2 years
I know it’s like 4 AM rn (where I am anyway LOL) but I just gotta say this one thing before I go to bed cause it’s been on my mind for the last 4+ hours since I saw the new episode
I cannot BELIEVE Hunter somehow became more of a Dad™️ this episode than ever before holy frick give this man all the children please 🥺😭💙
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I was like, why do we "make a noise"? Why can't we "noised" or be "noising"? What would that word be if it derived from anything?
Bray. Bray apparently used to be able to used as a descriptor of human noises, but now it's restricted to donkeys. Because of course it is.
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lmtyl · 1 year
Woke up to Mattie sitting on my chest about ten minutes before my alarm was set to go off
And the only thing my brain could think of was to call her a Fluff-u-butt (same cadence as "succubus")
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dinoboirex1 · 1 year
why is it that once you brushed your teeth, you feel like you could speak more clearly? what's up with that
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uefb · 2 years
Can’t stop, won’t stop 😭
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Have I got almost the entirety of Part 2 and just a smidge of Part 3 written before I’ve even finished the last few chapters of Part 1? 
I gotta get it done soon or I’ll spoil the whole thing through 1938 😅
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crybabydraws · 1 year
They just banned TikTok at my college. No school wifi for me I guess 💀
(please read the tags)
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zasetentransformator · 2 months
Miluju, když na mě rodiče řvou, když jím.
Pak mám mít zdravej vztah s jídlem...
I love when my parents yell at me while I'm eating.
And then I'm supposed to have a healthy relationship with food...
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amandabe11man · 3 months
yeah i speak latin. i know “ave satani” by heart
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