#lancelot is trans
staledirt87 · 2 years
Upon further consideration:
Merlin: Punk
Gwaine: Goth
Lancelot: Emo
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chaos-has-theories · 4 months
Hunith leaned on her rake and watched as the car swerved into the driveway. It had barely come to a halt when the passenger door opened and Gwen climbed out. She looked tense. She was also drenched from head to toe. The hem of her jeans sagged, the rest of it looked damp and clammy. Her shirt must have dried during the drive home, but it had bits of seaweed stuck to it. Her hair was eighty percent frizz. When she saw Hunith at the fence, Gwen smiled unconvincingly, and sped towards her house just slow enough that it couldn’t be called a run. The driver’s door slammed loudly and Arthur came stomping around the car. He looked no better than Gwen: If anything, he was wetter than she had been. He didn’t even grab anything from the trunk, much less wait until he could lock the car. He just marched into the house and slammed that door behind him, too. Just as Hunith thought that scene couldn’t get any stranger, the back door opened and her son climbed out. The greeting died on her lips before it could escape. Merlin looked like a storm warning. Hunched shoulders, pursed lips, flashing eyes - oh, and he was wearing a dress. Not even a good dress. It was an oversized grey monstrosity and looked like it came from the garbage bin of a secondhand store. It was definitely not one of Hunith’s. Merlin had bunched it up at the hips in at attempt not to stumble over the long skirts, and he stomped past her and into the house with no sign that he had seen his mother at all. She could hear him all the way up the stairs, and then the slam of his bedroom door. Alright then. All the noise must have roused Gaius from his afternoon nap. He stuck his head out the door, looking exactly as bewildered as Hunith felt. „Was that Merlin?“, he asked. Hunith nodded. “And... a wig?” Another nod. „Hm.“ With a final puzzled look up the stairs, Gaius retreated to his study. Hunith turned back just in time to see Mordred clambering out like the smallest clown in the clown car. He was dry and dressed normally, but he was wearing an expression of utter defeat. With his towel held in front of him like a terrycloth shield he walked towards Hunith as if he’d much rather write a difficult math test. He dithered at the gate for a moment, and then met Hunith’s gaze only to sigh the world-weariest sigh she had ever heard. (Which was saying something. Hunith had lived with Gaius for most of her life, and would have previously named him world champion of sighing. Somehow this was still the most normal thing that had happened in the past ten minutes.) „My dads will pick me up in a few minutes“, Mordred told her morosely. „Can I wait here?“ „Of course“ Hunith hurried to say. „Do you want something to drink? Bal made cookies, if you want any. They’re in the kitchen.“ Mordred gave the door Merlin had stormed through a long, dubious look. „I think I’d rather wait out here.“ „Alright.“ Hunith watched as he settled himself on the doorstep, towel in his lap. With a deliberately casual air she picked up the shovel and continued weeding. „I probably don’t even want to know“ she said conversationally, „but what exactly happened at the lake?“ The child behind her made a noise like an upset mouse. „I don’t know“, he whined. „Merlin doesn’t tell me anything.“ Hunith looked over her shoulder to see Mordred scuff at the earth with his shoes, a frustrated expression on his face. „But I had to help Merlin put on a costume and Gwen and Arthur fell into the water and they both cried and everyone shouted and I think they broke up.“ „I see“, Hunith said faintly. That would fit with what she’d seen, but - she’d thought Gwen had broken up with Arthur a week ago? And anyway, none of this explained the costume, or really anything, but she’d decided to ignore that for now. „I’m sorry that happened. It sounds uncomfortable.“ „I’m sorry it happened too.“
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groovinrightalong · 1 year
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Baby Mike and Will plot murder (and are adorable while doing so)
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gwalch-mei · 11 days
most transgender knights of the round table go. tell me. you don’t even need to say why it can just be vibes.
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if i can get even one person to listen to The Mechanisms i would have fulfilled my purpose
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angelynmoon · 3 months
Arthur does a double take when Merlin walks into the Council Chambers, and he is not the only one, something is different about Merlin, Arthur can't quite place it, it's not the flowers that are weaved into his hair, nor is it the silly little grin he gets when Lancelot has done something particularly sweet, it's something slightly off, but in a way that's familiar but Arthur doesn't know what.
Merlin pauses when Arthur cleared his throat.
"Something you'd like to add, Arthur?" Merlin asked making the elder Council members tut as they always did when Merlin was disrespectful.
"There's something different about you today." Arthur said.
"Hmm, not anything unusual, this happens every couple of years, I'm just not having to hide it this year." Merlin shrugged and continued as though he'd given an actual answer.
But Arthur hummed to himself, if Merlin wasn't concerned Arthur would let it be.
Gwaine did a double take as he passed Merlin, and then lifted the laundry Merlin was apparently doing today.
"You look nice today, Merlin." Gwaine smiled.
"Thank you, Gwaine, and thank you for your help." Merlin smiled and Gwaine felt his heart flutter as it usually did when Merlin smiled at him, oh, he loved Percival, he did, but he'd loved Merlin first and part of him always would, if Merlin hadn't been already in love with Lancelot he might have tried to win Merlin's heart, alas, Lancelot had met Merlin first.
But something was different about Merlin, had been for several days, and it wasn't the new necklace Merlin was wearing in place of the usual neckechief, nor was it said neckerchief's absence.
Gwaine couldn't quite place it but it wasn't too concerning if Merlin was still doing regular chores.
Gwaine set the laundry at the edge of Freya's pond, the girl forming from the water to help Merlin with the washing, waving to Gwaine as he left.
Merlin hummed as they did their hair, having used a little bit of Magic to lengthen it so they could pin it properly.
A little more Magic and they were dressed as proper for their current form.
Merlin looked in the mirror, this was the first time they'd ever been free to dress up. Oh, this was hardly the first time Merlin had become a female, no, it happened every few years, usually when Merlin spent too much time around other people's children during the winter months and then the first day of Spring would see Merlin waking up as a female.
Usually it didn't matter all too much, Merlin had been hiding so much, one more thing wasn't a big deal, and then the week after their menses Merlin would become male again.
But this year was different, this year Merlin had their Mate with them, and the idea of giving Lancelot a child of his blood made Merlin want as they never had before.
They wanted a child, a child that grew within them, that Merlin could feel form and develop, a child that was a little piece of themself and of Lancelot.
Merlin wanted it very much, and from the way Lancelot had reacted to Merlin's change in forms, Merlin doubted his Mate would be opposed, in fact, Merlin thought Lancelot might want the same thing with how he'd pull Merlin into rooms for an afternoon indulgence and the way he'd rest his hand over Merlin's stomach when they slept at night.
Merlin smoothed their dress down, the skirt fluttering slightly as they twirled, it was the same deep blue as Lancelot's Dragonform and it ofset Merlin's lighter scales perfectly, their arms bare to reveal them as they glittered in the firelight. Merlin adjusted the simple necklace Lancelot had given then as a gift, the pendent a simple forget-me-not cast in amber.
Merlin hummed twisting a finger in one of the stray locks of hair that they hadn't pinned up and giving it a curl, before doing the same to the rest.
Merlin when to grab their shoes but stopped, it felt wrong to wear shoes right now, something that happened now and again, so Merlin shrugged and stayed barefoot.
Merlin left the room, feeling the rush of Magic beneath their feet as they journey to the Banquet Hall, Camelot was saturated in Magic, Magic far older than most Kingdoms, Uthur wouldnxt have know or cared that Camelot was built on a convergence of Leylines, part of the reason so many sorcerers and Magic users had journey to Camelot, it called to them, sang in a way someone without Magic could never understand.
As Merlin walked accross the courtyard Flowers bloomed beneath their feet and several birds weaved flowers and grasses into their hair as they walked, Magic curled around Merlin as they entered the Banquet Hall, all noise ceasing at their enterance.
The Druids fell into a graceful kneel as the bowed their heads to their Goddess.
"My Lady, we are grateful for your precence." The Druid leader spoke.
Merlin looked at him, "Thank you for coming."
The Druid looked up, "If it pleases My Lady, I would offer a dance."
"Oh," Merlin blushed, because they could feel the want and hear the offer that swept through their mind unspoked, "My apologies, but all my children are spoken for, I will indulge no other but my Mate. I have never allowed myself to be unhidden, I had not realized it would be so overwhelming for you."
"No apologies needed, I should have waited for an invitation." The Druid spoken eyes flickering to where Gwaine and Percival were holding Lancelot back, Elyan having confiscated Lancelot's sword.
"You should have." One of the female Druids spoke up, tone scolding. "You know that it is the woman's right to chose, not the man's to offer."
"Merlin!" Arthur's voice was slightly strangled, "You're a girl?"
Merlin looked at their King, "For the moment, perhapseven a year if I have my way and my Mate gives me a child."
Lancelot stilled as Merlin's words sank in.
"Of course, Merlin." Lancelot said as he moved to hold Merlin's waist, "Have I ever been able to refuse you anything you asked of me?"
Merlin looked up at Lancelot, "I want you to want it too."
"Do I want to see you grow with my child, the answer will always be yes, today, tomorrow, a hundred years from now, my answer to having another child to raise with you will always be yes." Lancelot said softly in the Dragontongue for privacy.
"How are you a girl now, Merlin?" Arthur screeched.
"Magic, Arthur, Magic and Spring." Merlin answered, "Now if you'll excuse us, my Mate is going to give me another baby, do not disturb us unless you want to be some kind of creature."
Lancelot grinned and lifted Merlin up over his shoulder and walked out of the Banquet Hall, Gwaine calling out a 'good luck' that had everyone putting their head in their hands from embarassment.
"It's a good thing thing Hunith is having Grandma time with the kids." Gwen commented and then squeeled in excitment.
Arthur looked at her, startled, "What?"
"Merlin and I are going to have Babies together if she gets pregnant in the next few weeks." Gwen clapped her hands.
"That's great." Arthur said absently, even as everyone else began to congradulate Gwen.
Arthur sat up, wide awake from a dead sleep, "Gwen, are you pregnant?"
"Yes, Arthur, go back to sleep, we'll talk about it in the morning." Gwen mumbled.
"Oh, okay, baby needs sleep." Arthur said, but he pulled his wife close, hand resting over where his child grew, a son or daughter, a little sibling for Morgana, a cousin for Merlin's children, for Leon, another Grandchild for Hunith to spoil, she'd all but declaired herself as Grandmother to all of the Castle's children, Arthur and Gwaine's included.
Gwen hummed, hand coming to rest over Arthur's, "Sleep, Husband, you can be a proud daddy to be tomorrow."
Arthur grinned and nuzzled into Gwen's neck, Morgana was going to be so excited when they tell her.
So, there's a post on tumblr, that I can't find right now, where in Spring Merlin wants a Baby, renewal and Magic, and mentions Merlin switching Sexes to have a baby, so this is inspired by that post and also it's pride month, so enjoy.
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sanddef · 8 months
How Sir Lancelot met with King Arthur and Sir Gawain, and how war was decided.
1522 words
“Which of you did it?”
The hall went silent. The drab colors of a dove make the thing blend into the background. Perfectly still, break the silhouette, it becomes just another piece of noise. Gawain, in plain clothes, without his armor or family colors, was pulling off a similar effect. Like a nervous bird, he twitched in place, cocked his head. Lancelot would have thought he was nervous, that is, if his eyes weren’t so deadly focused. 
Arthur, to his credit, cleared his throat, seeming to regret taking the man with him. Tensions were high enough, what with his former champion and wife sitting across the table. “Gawain, this isn’t for-”
“I want to know,” Gawain cut him off. The fire crackled, a log fell sending a gust of embers up into the air. The damned castle just wouldn’t get warm. Lancelot had done all he could and still, the cold seemed to leak through every stone.
Was Joyous Gard ever befitting of its name? Perhaps once. Perhaps Lancelot would be too young to remember. Had Arthur ever been here in its heyday? Did he sit at Lancelot’s father’s table, share a story and good food and drink? Did Gawain? Young, reckless, brimming with energy that time hadn’t quite tempered but reshaped into something versatile and sharp. A hook that Lancelot felt in his heart now, Gawain’s eyes hadn’t left him since he had arrived. 
Lionel’s hand was on his sword. For all Lancelot’s pleading, he would not be persuaded to maintain the illusion of a peaceful meeting. Bors had conceded to him, but said he would be looking for the first sign of trouble.
“At the very least, I will protect your queen.”
Yes. A queen of very little now, but Lancelot’s queen always and forever. Lancelot and his kin finally stepped into their long-neglected kingships, and the phrase King Lancelot seemed foreign on his tongue. At the very least Arthur looked uncomfortable saying it.
“I want to know which of you killed my brothers,” Gawain repeated, was never one to back down.
“Does that really matter?” Arthur’s voice rang hollow now. The years were starting to catch up to him.
“I think it matters.” Gawain looked at Guinevere, Bors, Lionel, Lancelot. “I think my brothers were about the only thing in the world that mattered and I want to know which of you killed them. I want to know whose sword, whose hands.”
“Mine.” Lancelot spoke before Lionel could stop him, “Gawain- I’m sorry. If I had recognized them I wouldn’t have.”
“If you had recognized them it wouldn’t have mattered.” Gawain hissed, “Brave Sir Lancelot, dear agent of chivalry, my little Gareth would never raise a sword against you. I know he didn’t.”
Lancelot didn’t look at Bors, but he felt his eyes on him. The whole event was a blur, Lancelot honestly couldn't remember a thing. Bors had told him that the boy had nearly cut his arm off and Bors defended himself. This was just before he had informed him that he was dead. 
Lancelot didn’t care if he believed him. Gareth was dead regardless.
Arthur seemed to be losing hope that this diplomatic mission would do anything to prevent outright war. He let Gawain speak.
“Agravain hated you, Lancelot, I suppose you took your revenge on him. Or was it one of your kin? Indeed, I imagine neither of them have hands as unclean as yours.” Gawain’s eyes landed on Guinevere, “And all this for you, my lady. I pray to God nobody ever loves me that much.”
Guinevere looked him dead on. Lancelot hoped it was just nerves making his heart beat that way.
“You’ll turn to war, prince of Orkney? Gawain, people are going to die.” She said.
He opened his mouth to respond. Arthur stepped in, seeming relieved to get a word in edgewise, “I fail to see any other option. You kill my kin, steal my wife, I would be a fool not to respond.”
“We have nothing to offer you in recompense.” Lionel spoke up, “Everything we had was yours. Everything we have now I would rather not give up, especially if you can’t keep your nephew on a leash.”
Gawain snarled, pushing his chair back from the table, “You’re happy to say that armed, aren’t you?”
Lionel shrugged and didn't waver. Despite years of bad blood between the two men, Lionel was one of the few people Gawain could never manage to faze. Lancelot respected him for it. 
“We’re in exile.” Bors said, “Surely that’s enough. We’ll never bother you again.”
“And l just go home and tell my baby brother that our family died for nothing?” Gawain was shaking, Lancelot had never seen him so unraveled. “Damn you all. I’ll see you on the field. This doesn’t end until one of us is dead, Lancelot.”
He stormed out of the room, knocking over a chair and slamming the door as he left. Lancelot knew he wouldn’t wait for anyone, would mount Gringolet and be halfway back to Camelot in a day. He would begin rallying the troops, his golden tongue wouldn’t fail him there, and by the time Arthur returned the decision would have been made.
What a farce. War was certain the moment Guinevere was put at the stake.
Arthur just sat, looking down at the table. He hadn’t flinched when Gawain stood. He was not even particularly bothered by the way the decision had been made; waves of fate just swept him this way and that. No amount of plotting could prevent providence. The waves had delivered Mordred to safety long ago.
“Arthur, are you alright?” Guinevere asked, her face softened.
“I was just thinking how long it’s been since outright war.” Arthur said, gesturing to the empty space Gawain left behind, “How last time I was only a child. Allied with your fathers, against his. Old Bors and Ban, I pray they don’t see us now.”
“Has it really come to this?” Lancelot asked. He wasn’t expecting an answer. Hector would be finished taking inventory in an hour, the letters would be sent out, alliances made, and resources collected. Lancelot would lead his men into battle and hopefully never meet Arthur’s eyes again.
“I pray I don’t see you out there.” Arthur said, thinking the same way. “I pray if we must die, it would be a stray arrow, a squire’s javelin. I’m too old and tired to fight a former friend.”
“I don’t want to fight Gawain.” Lancelot said, thinking of the sword he had left in his room. He knew Gawain was well aware of the inscription on the hilt. Based on how he was acting, he didn’t seem to care.
“I know you love him.”
“Of course I love him.” Lancelot said, “Most of us in this room love him.”
“It’s remarkable,” Bors said, leaning back, “That you should continue loving one who hates you so grievously.”
“No amount of hate could make me stop loving him.”
The streams of Logres rushed by, interrupted by the striking of hooves. A still lake’s surface rippled. Waves at Orkney’s shore beat on. Somewhere, Rome was falling. Morgause’s two remaining sons would be deputies, and war would be at France’s borders in a matter of days. For all Lancelot knew, Mordred was already preparing.
Arthur finally stood, like an old, brittle tree, he had been hollowed out, but would quietly wait for his final storm. He looked to Guinevere, she looked back at him.
“I won’t be seeing you again.” He said, “You were a good queen.”
“But not a good wife. You were a good friend.” She replied.
Arthur smiled drily. “Lancelot, you would do well to take her advice. She knows the field well. I will miss having her as counsel.”
Once upon a time, Guinevere had been raised to be a king too. It was easy to forget until her expertise was needed.
“I have preparations to make. I’ll need to fill your seats at the table.” Arthur thought out loud, before wincing. The irony of having to take his pick from the Queen’s Knights wasn’t lost on him.
He left without another word. Seems the time for courtly pleasantries is finally over.
Bors touched Lancelot’s shoulder until he looked at him, “Do you think he hates us?”
Lionel snorted, “He has every reason to.”
“He just seemed- well he’s an odd sort.”
“It doesn’t really matter.”
“He does.” Guinevere broke in. “He’s never been the type to show it.”
“Not like Gawain.” Lionel said, “He’s going to give us trouble, that witch’s son.”
“He’s not going to poison us.” Lancelot said, “He would want to fight me.”
Bors frowned, “Even though he knows-”
“It doesn’t matter to him whether he lives or dies.” Lionel’s eyes widened in realization, “Dear lord.”
Leagues away, Gawain was riding. The scar at the back of his neck ached. It might be time to retire the sword and return to his weapon of choice; take the green axe off the mantle. To hell with what it symbolized, Gawain wanted something heavy. Besides, shame and pride mean nothing to a dead man. 
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dexslaboratorie · 4 months
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old modern au knights lineup!! might redo this a 3rd time in the future 🤨
follow me on twitch! i draw there, i play games there, im silly there!!!
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thetimberchasebranch · 3 months
Holy smokes, I almost missed the entirety of pride, but!
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Happy Pride from The Timberchase Branch!
Practically their own pride parade
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artblock-tm · 5 months
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Guys did you know that Saber Lancelot actually has severe gender dysphoria but hasn’t yet realized it. It’s true. Type Moon itself told me
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oldtvandcomics · 1 year
Happy Queer Media Monday!
Today: High Noon Over Camelot
I’m in a King Arthur mood again.
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(The cover of the album High Noon over Camelot)
High Noon Over Camelot is an album by The Mechanisms. It tells a coherent story by altering short narrative bits with songs. The story is the fall of Camelot from the King Arthur legend, only that in this version, they are all space cowboys on an old space station complete with the warring groups and magic-like remains of forgotten technology. Also, Mordred is trans and Arthur, Lancelot and Guinevere are in a poly relationship.
Putting aside the fact that I very much am of the opinion that Arthur, Lancelot and Guinevere should be in a poly relationship, this genuinely is one of the best retellings of the legend I know. Most King Arthur adaptations tend to either 1) ignore the legend completely and make up something completely different, or 2) keep basically telling the same three stories over and over. The Mechanisms however clearly know the source material well enough to be able to get creative with it, while keeping the link to the original, and also preserving the tragedy that is really central to the story of King Arthur. Besides, space cowboys are always cool. Also the format of spoken text alternating with music is something we don’t really see much.
You can listen to the whole thing on bandcamp.com, and you can find the song texts in written form here.
Queer Media Monday is an action I started to talk about some important and/or interesting parts of our queer heritage, that people, especially young people who are only just beginning to discover the wealth of stories out there, should be aware of. Please feel free to join in on the fun and make your own posts about things you personally find important!
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each-uisge-enthusiast · 5 months
going mad and running around the woods like a wild man and then emerging later cured by one thing or another is, in fact, a trans metaphor. following this logic, lancelot is trans and none will change my mind
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stegodandy · 2 years
Apologies for some of these being a little lackluster, I'm trying to catch up. Here's day #1-5 of @trenchcoat-gecko's Sonadowtover prompts!
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whiskeysorrows · 1 year
Thinking of writing a canon-compliant(ish) fic where Merlin is transmasc & in a relationship with Arthur, who has deep-rooted internalised homophobia & marries Gwen while continuing to have an affair with Merlin.
All the while parallelling it with 1960ish England/New York & an immortal Merlin who is exploring his own relationship with a reincarnated Lancelot, which will be partially inspired by Lou Sullivan's life.
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alduade-art · 1 year
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@merlinpride T4T Gwaine and Lancelot from BBC Merlin for @eviltoxicmosssauce ! I hope you enjoy
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It is most likely already done but Hnoc au where Galahad is still Lancelot's son (like in the Arthurian legends) and during Hellfire Lancelot is like, "Son, please we have talked about this."
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