#lance fly
alcnfr · 18 days
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What I believe to be a teen-tiny Lance Fly (Lonchaeidae… spp.) on a Magnolia leaf.
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soweirdondisney · 2 years
Tom J. Astle and The Fly
So Weird creator Tom J. Astle regularly shares his nature photography and animal sightings on Twitter and Instagram.
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He went viral in 2019 when he posted about Eddie the Tortoise and acquired 9,000 followers overnight because of it. Eddie is doing fine continuing to visit the Astle family, and Tom often shares learning tools and organizations to conserve the various forms of wildlife he’s documented.
So it’s no surprise that this eventually happened:
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Tom shared similar words in a Twitter thread.
And the full essay can be found here.
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(Get a drink and settle in because remember when I wrote about old-school blogging and the joy of writing without limits? Tom takes that seriously. 🤓)
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Our So Weird family never stops amazing us. We’re so proud of Tom and his scientific achievement! (And here’s hoping he gets to meet Dr. Iain MacGowan one day too.)
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glubber · 10 months
I'm sorry to announce this but I am infact into klance 💔
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soadscrawl · 6 months
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you make it look so easy leaving everything behind
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antiquepearlss · 3 months
Wouldn’t it be really funny if Rapunzel just, forgot about Varian’s whole villain arc in convenient moments?
Like Varian is suspected by some villager of conspiring with criminals and she’s just like “Why would Varian be around criminals lmao?” Or he commits some petty crime (against someone who totally deserves it) and when he’s accused she’s just like “Varian has never done anything wrong in his entire life!”
Varian: pranks Frederic by putting thumbtacks on his throne, puts blue dye in Nigel’s shampoo, steals classified documents for shits and giggles, sneaks in fake documents within real documents, replaces the guards swords with inflatables, blackmails uppity nobles, goo bombs Kiera and Catalina’s treehouse, dyes all of Lance’s clothes hot pink, and steals Eugene’s makeup.
Rapunzel: Varian is such a silly little guy. What a sweet lad.
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royboyfanpage · 7 months
Snowbirds Don’t Fly- Drugs TW (Obviously)
Recently, I created this post about Snowbirds Don’t Fly being told from Roy’s perspective in the Green Arrow 80th anniversary special, and I thought I’d make a separate post with some specific panels from the original Snowbirds. I’m well aware that a lot of people haven’t read the full comic and may only know this-
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-infamous slap panel, I myself only read the original 1971 comic recently. So, here’s some other panels from the comic.
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For starters, when Ollie finds Roy amongst drug users, his immediate reaction is “oh, Speedy must be undercover!” This could be interpreted one of two ways- trust, or denial. Either one makes his reaction to finding out Roy’s addiction understandable*, since if it’s a reaction based on trust then Roy’s essentially betrayed that trust or, more likely, if it’s a reaction based on denial then finding Roy shooting up is an immediate shattering of the illusion. While this comic obviously focuses on drug use, it’s also common for tons of different issues, be it mental health, sexuality, whatever. Parents like to live in denial about their kids’ issues and, particularly in the 1970s when the idea of ‘gentle parenting’ was a rarity at best, when that illusion is broken it can cause parents to lash out when faced with evidence of what they’re denying. Even if you don’t personally see Ollie and Roy’s relationship as father/son, that is very clearly the dynamic portrayed in this comic.
*note the wording; understandable, not justifiable. Are Ollie’s actions justified? No. Are they understandable based on the circumstances and time period? Yes.
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I’m putting these two panels together because I think they fit well. A common misinterpretation I see for the circumstances leading up to Roy’s heroin addiction is that Ollie was neglecting him. However, it’s stated in the comic that Ollie’s not seen him in one month, and while Roy’s age isn’t specifically stated, he’s an adult at this point (I don’t have any sources for it, but I believe he was living on his own at this point). A parent not seeing their adult child for one month isn’t neglect. In Ollie’s eyes, he hasn’t done anything wrong. The aspect of neglect comes from Roy. I’ve talked about Roy’s fear of abandonment in my pinned post, so check that out for more. Roy has a need to be surrounded by the people he cares about- he’s very rarely a solo hero, and is the most vocal objector whenever the Titans disband. So what Ollie would have seen as giving Roy space and letting his now-adult son have his independence, Roy saw it as a sign that he was no longer wanted. Is this either of their faults? No. And not to keep bringing up the 70s again, but it was the 70s. Would a young-adult superhero tell his father/mentor that he was scared of being alone? Absolutely not, that would have been seen as emasculating, so he bottled it up meaning Ollie had absolutely no clue as to what Roy was feeling whenever he’d leave.
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And then this is the page following the slap panel, which essentially sums up my point in my last snowbirds post. Ollie’s immediate reaction after “kicking Roy out” (another thing I commonly see Ollie haters using- again, Roy lived on his own at this point) is blaming himself, the fear of having failed Roy, and then the stifling of that blame, justifying it to himself mentally. Honestly I think this panel is more significant in art than dialogue in a lot of ways- the way Ollie turns his head away when Roy’s talking to him, he knows he’s in the wrong, but admitting he’s wrong would go against the “father knows best” ideology of that time. And then in the third panel, the conflicting emotions is visible in his eyes. He doesn’t know what to think, the illusion is broken, and he can’t ignore Roy’s issues any longer.
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And then there’s Hal, the narrative foil to Ollie in this comic. Unlike Ollie, Hal doesn’t have that illusion, at least not as strongly as Ollie does, since he’s always played the role of a supportive uncle figure, but never a father. He’s able to recognise that Roy was speaking from experience, or at least had a hunch, and actively sought out Roy afterwards. However, he also doesn’t have a saviour complex. He knows that he personally doesn’t have the skillset necessary to help Roy, so he brings him to someone who does, recognising that its more important that Roy gets the help he needs rather than Hal stepping in and doing it himself in typical “hero” fashion.
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This panel doesn’t tie into my overarching argument, but I just wanted to take a moment to criticise Roy’s recovery story in the New 52. The idea that Roy was suicidal before Killer Croc (???) dragged him to rehab/AA, and would not have gotten better without being forced, is a major disservice to Roy’s character (then again, what in RHaTO isn’t?) Roy made the decision to get clean himself, and you can feel his resolve even despite him clearly not being in his right state of mind. Roy Harper got clean because he accepted help, and because he himself made that choice. Back to your regularly scheduled programming.
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And then, of course, there’s the most significant person in Roy’s recovery; Dinah. Keep in mind Dinah and Roy barely even knew each other at this point, I’m pretty sure in Arsenal #1 it’s shown she didn’t even know his name was Roy until Snowbirds (though there may be other sources that contradict this). Dinah was 100% Roy’s biggest supporter in his recovery- she took him in when he was at his lowest, and as a result they developed such a strong bond and relationship. While I disagree with the concept of Dinah as the ‘Arrowmum’, mostly because A) she didn’t even know Roy until he was already in adulthood and B) it’s a gross oversimplification and diminishment of her character, there are undeniable aspects of their relationship which are mother/son-coded, and I believe she has referred to Roy as “my boy” in later comics, though again I don’t have sources to back this up. Either way, Dinah and Roy’s relationship started with Roy’s lowest and has continued as mutual care and respect and I love them a lot.
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And finally, the ending page. Ollie *listens* to Roy at the end of Snowbirds. Now that the illusion’s already lifted, that there aren’t lies and rose tinted glasses separating them, Ollie’s able to actually listen to what Roy’s saying without immediately shrugging it off because it conflicts with his own perception. And he feels *proud* of Roy, proud of his recovery, and proud of his beliefs. If Ollie were truly the neglectful, abusive guy some fans paint him out to be, he wouldn’t be proud. Hell, he wouldn’t even be there. Keep in mind this final scene takes place at the funeral of one of Roy’s addict friends who overdosed earlier in the issue, a funeral Ollie attended.
Snowbirds Don’t Fly was written to show the audience addiction through someone they’re familiar with- Green Arrow’s sidekick, Speedy, someone we know is a hero and one of the good guys. It’s made to contradict the belief that addiction is a moral failing, that anyone could develop an addiction under certain circumstances. And what it shows the readers, it also shows Ollie. Ollie sees someone he cares about going through addiction, and it causes him to reevaluate his own biases and beliefs.
In conclusion, while the slap was definitely not justified, it was also not the part of the comic readers should focus on. The story of Snowbirds Don’t Fly, at least for Ollie, is one of a hero being forced to face one of his own beliefs, to struggle to reconcile said beliefs with new information, and eventually to change his beliefs as a result of new experiences. It’s called character growth, and that’s what Snowbird’s about. So stop calling Oliver Queen an abuser.
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mothmanavenue · 1 year
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i’m captivated by you babe, you’re like a fireworks show
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nerdytextileartist · 8 months
Another day, another fic on Tumblr that uses Roy Harper's addiction to demonize Ollie in order to pair him up with Jason Todd and erases Dinah Lance and Hal Jordan from Roy's life yet again.
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nocternalrandomness · 3 months
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A 1945 Lanc at RIAT 2023 with open bomb bay
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keithkog · 2 months
lancey-lance! what's your favourite pick-up line to throw keith's way? like, which one makes him gag the most?
Are you a music genre? Because you rock my world.
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melanthiosthescreamer · 2 months
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Hello guys (gnc). Do any of you remember, or even care anymore, about these three bad boys? Yeah, this is the sequel. They are not really needed for you to understand this, but they do give context. As always, thanks to everyone who reads. Enjoy 💜
Ok, so maybe the distance thing wasn't as smart as initially thought.
It did give Lance the time to think clearly and the space to breathe. It also gave insomnia and the feeling of lack of warmth.
So, desperate times call for desperate measures. After that hellish race, 14 hours of travel and barely 36 of being in Canada, he was being driven to the airport, the sun already set and the lights on.
He was fidgeting with his phone, unlocking and relocking it, thinking about sending a quick message to the object of his thoughts.
Fernando had told him to let him know when he landed in Spain, but his thoughts were telling him it would have been a bother to the older man.
Logically, he knew he was going to Spain for the sole purpose of being with Nando, that Nando himself had invited him, but his brain stilled his hands.
So he took the time of the ride to calm himself.
A phone call wasn't exactly in his mind. Nando would have heard his distressed voice and the last thing Lance needed was to appear more pathetic than what he was already feeling.
So, after having passed the security line, he arrived at his gate. He still had half an hour before the flight, so he sat down, anonymous clothes and baseball cap firmly on his head, and started typing.
"hi, sorry if this is last minute, but I'm leaving Montreal, I'll be in Madrid in 12 hours"
Ok, that didn't sound horrible, nor too forward. Just informational enough. Good, safe.
Knowing Fernando, who was never apart for long from his phone, Lance expected him to answer in a few minutes.
When he stopped to think, he realised it was currently 2 in the morning in Spain.
Fuck, he'd already fucked up. He didn't want to wake up Fernando for something silly as his flight, but the thought of Fernando waking in the morning and finding his message and being exasperated, maybe even annoyed by it was just as bad.
He was spiralling so much that didn't notice both the ping from his phone and the last call for his flight. In fact he almost missed it, but was lucky enough to see the hostess almost closing it, and ran towards her, shoving his phone in the back pocket of his jeans.
She took pity of his sorry state, and made him board anyway.
Lance was so stressed by the situation that he only really settled when the plane was already flying.
Only then he took his phone out of his pocket and saw the message notification.
This is a nightmare he thought, as he read the message Fernando had sent him not even five minutes after his own.
"u 📗 the ✈️ for Asturias?"
The emoji were hilarious and helped calm him down.
Fernando could be silly, but most importantly, he understood Lance. He understood him better than Esteban, than his sister and sometimes even better than himself. He knew how hard words could be for him, how a mix of shyness and anxiety could hold him back.
He knew, and still accepted it. Still accepted him.
Despite the altitude and the locked doors, it seemed like a kaleidoscope of butterflies had taken residence inside Lance's stomach.
With a smile on his face, a little bit redder than before, he let himself doze off at the thoughts of bright days and warm arms.
Lance used his stopover in Paris to buy some sweets and wine for Nando. His mother had taught him well, and he was already invading Fernando's house, he wasn't going to show up empty-handed.
After finding and sitting at his gate, he quickly unlocked his phone.
On the screen appeared a new notification for a message sent 6 hours prior.
"Lancito? U ok?"
He giggled at his nickname, and quickly responded.
"yeah,sorry,just completely fell asleep on the plane, I'm in Paris, one hour and I'll leave"
Not even 5 seconds later, the phone started ringing. Did this man even have the time to read his text?
He settled in his seat, a smile spreading on his face while he brought the phone to his ear.
"Hola Nando. ¿Cómo estás?"
"Ahora mejor. Buenos días Lancito. How was the flight?"
"I slept the whole time. How is your morning going?"
"Well, stayed up too late. But woke up with your message, so is all good"
Lance could feel his cheeks growing redder and hotter.
Before he could even begin to find a reply, his flight was called.
"Ok, so I'm boarding right now, and I'll land in Madrid and then I'll take the plane for Asturias. I'll see you at the airport?" He asked, praying to see the other man as soon as possible.
"Of course, cariño. I'll see you there"
They said their goodbyes, both dying from the necessity to be near each other.
Fernando had always been impatient. With a personality like his, and a job where speed was the most important requirement, nobody could fault him if he didn't like to wait.
What the years had taught him, though, was that sometimes, there are some things that are worth waiting for.
Like that damned 33.
Like a long hot shower after a busy day spent in the mountains, surrounded by snow.
Like Lance.
He could admit to himself that, after the Qatar incident, he had been slowly losing his mind.
Lance had been so vulnerable and honest, it had pained him to leave as if nothing happened. But he understood and respected Lance and his choices.
And most importantly, he knew that even if they didn't see each other during the two weeks break, they would still find each other.
So he spent the first 36 hours being restless, then scolding himself for being so impatient, and then getting lost in his thoughts of soft brown hair and even softer brown eyes.
The cycle was getting to him. He found himself sleeping only a few hours the previous night, and even then he was easily woken up by the sound of the wind passing through the branches of the trees outside his window.
So it wasn't a surprise, when the light vibration of his phone on his night stand roused him.
After managing to not blind himself, he smiled when he saw the sweet update from Lance.
After sending one massage and not being responded to, he sent another one.
He was now fully awake, going back and forth between his bedroom and the kitchen.
When he started calculating how long the trip would be to the Madrid airport, and simply go and pick up Lance, he realised he was becoming insufferable even to himself.
So he forced his body to stop and inhale a deep breath.
There were a million reasons why Lance wasn't answering him. It didn't mean he was ignoring him (he was literally coming to his home to... hang out and stuff, question mark) or something bad happened (unknowable, but no news channel had reported any plane crush; he had checked multiple times, in at least 4 different languages).
Lance was probably sleeping. A bit early if his timezones calculations were right, but at least in this way he could avoid being jetlagged and too tired later on.
Smart boy he thought to himself, fond and proud in equal measure.
Reassured by these thoughts, he finally went back to his bed, and enjoyed the rather few but at least restful hours, before being woken up again by his phone.
When he read the message, he put together that Lance must have landed for his stopover and was now free.
So he didn't waste any time, and thanking his quick reflexes, he pressed the call button.
Lance's voice was like honey for his ears. He sounded well rested and impatient to see him, and Fernando couldn't help but feel the same.
He couldn't wait to have Lance in his arms again.
The two successive flights passed in a blur of nervousness and impatience.
When he finally landed to the Asturias airport, he could feel the vibrations running through his body.
He waited anxiously for his luggage on the baggage carousel and took it with shaky hands.
He really should calm himself, but he just couldn't.
The Spanish man was ecstatic to see him. Lance had to control the urge to run to him.
Then he stepped out of the doors, and the first face that he saw, already staring in his direction, was Fernando's.
Oh, was the only thought in his mind, now still and placid like the sea in a calm day at the beach.
He walked at a normal pace, but allowed himself to engulf the shorter man in a long and heartfelt hug.
With every second, he could feel his body relaxing more and more, the nerves leaving him with only the gentle flutter of wings in his stomach.
He disentangled his arms, and really looked at the man in front of him. He seemed to shine with the power of a thousand suns, his smile blinding and his eyes warm. Lance couldn't look away, taking long seconds to enjoy the view and the presence of the other.
They stayed quiet, until Lance's stomach grumbled, evidently empty apart from the butterflies.
As Lance blushed slightly, Fernando grinned but held out his hand.
"Come, lunch is ready. Let's go home" he said, smiling gently.
"Yeah, let's go home"
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ethereance · 2 months
Allurance fakeposting: proposal edition. Post-canon, everyone’s an adult.
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Now to see Allura’s side of things:
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Part 2>
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vroomvroomsposts · 11 months
The way McLaren and Aston Martin progress flipped in two different direction since the beginning of the season needs to be studied.
Aston is going downhill and McLaren is going uphill and that intersection between the two is Ferrari.
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This is how the chart looks.
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spaceaces00 · 5 months
Yknow how Elle Woods busted out some perm chemistry in court like she knew these facts very casually-
That’s how I feel about Lance and skin care
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royboyfanpage · 7 months
Three tellings of the same story
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From Green Lantern/Green Arrow #86 (aka Snowbirds Don't Fly pt. 2), the Green Arrow 80th anniversary special, and Arsenal #1
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