#lake lbj
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porcelainmortal · 3 months ago
WIP Wednesday (ish)
Thank you to @thighzp @pinkamour1588 and @tailsbeth-writes for the tags!
I have a different kind of post today since this is NOT a new fic - in fact, this fic has been complete since May, when I posted a surprise third chapter to celebrate the sequel announcement - however, since this remains my most popular fic, I decided that it deserved a title card! I just finished this today and I love how it came out. 😊
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it happened on a lake
Thank you to everyone who read this fic, commented, shared, encouraged me, etc. This was my first fic to get real attention and that helped motivate me to keep writing at a time when I might have otherwise quit. I love you all. 💕
I know it's late (technically Thursday now bc I spent the entire night cooking for tomorrow) but I'm tagging some folks anyway!
Tagging @anincompletelist @anchoredarchangel @blueeyedgrlwrites @bitbybitwrites @cactusdragon517
@caterpills @cricketnationrise @cha-melodius @firenati0n @faketrex
@freyjaexplores @getmehighonmagic @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @iboatedhere @inexplicablymine
@myheartalivewrites @nocoastposts @onthewaytosomewhere @priincebutt @rmd-writes
@sparklepocalypse @stellarmeadow @thesleepyskipper @theprinceandagcd @whimsymanaged @wordsofhoneydew and as always, an open tag!
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honey-bri-books · 2 years ago
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I can't wait to ugly cry to this movie. 😪💖🤍💙
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websafe2k16 · 2 years ago
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Brick - Midcentury Exterior Inspiration for a substantial exterior remodel of a two-story brick mid-century modern home with a metal roof
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rwrbmovie · 2 years ago
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firstprince + beds DC • Paris • New York • Austin • London
[firstprince + couches]
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mostlysignssomeportents · 2 months ago
Winning coalitions aren't always governing coalitions
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Winning an election is easier than it looks: all you have to do is convince a bunch of different groups that you will use power to achieve their desires. Bonus points if you can convince groups with mutually exclusive goals that you'll deliver for them – the coalition of "people who disagree about everything" is hard to assemble, but it sure is large!
Politically, a "conservative" is someone who believes that there is a small group of people who were born to rule, and a much larger group of people who were born to be ruled over. As Corey Robin writes in The Reactionary Mind, this is the one trait that unifies all the disparate strains of conservative thought: imperialists, monarchists, capitalists, white supremacists, misogynists, Christian nationalists, Hindu nationalists and supporters of Israeli genocide in Palestine:
These groups all agree that power should be hierarchical, that your position in a hierarchy is something you're born with, and that letting people who were "meant" to be at the bottom of the hierarchy rise to the top puts society so out of balance that it's actually a threat to human survival. That's why conservatives of all stripes get so furious about "DEI" – any kind of affirmative action program serves as a defective sorting hat, putting the incompetent and unsuitable into positions of power over other peoples' lives. It's why "DEI" is the go-to scapegoat for any kind of disaster, including giant ships crashing into bridges:
But while conservatives all agree that some of us are born to be in charge and others are born to be bossed around by our innate superiors, they have irreconcilable differences about who is meant to be in charge. British imperialists who pine for the Raj have views that are fundamentally at odds with the views of Hindu nationalists. They're both "conservative" movements, but they're actually bitter enemies.
For a conservative movement to win power, it has to convince the people whom it would relegate to the bottom of the hierarchy to support that goal (AKA "getting turkeys to vote for Christmas"); and it must convince other conservatives that they will be able to establish a hierarchy that accommodates multiple, co-equal ruling elites.
The first tactic is well-established. LBJ summed it up neatly:
If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.
The second one requires far more tactical thinking. Some elite groups are able to form coalitions by carving out exclusive zones: think of the friendly feeling among Modi, Orban, Erdogan, bin Salman, Trump, Milei, et al. These people all aspire to dictatorship, all espouse their superior blood – a source of personal and racial superiority – and hypothetically all believe that the world would be better if everyone (including their foreign counterparts) would take their orders.
One way to resolve this tension is to carve up the world geographically, which is why so many despots who seized power by promising to build ethno-states can co-exist with one another and even cheer one another on. Let Orban have Hungary, give Turkey to Erdogan, and let Bibi Netanyahu annex all of Gaza. Sure, in their hearts of hearts, each of these men secretly believe themselves to be racially and personally superior to the others, but so long as they all stay out of one another's turf, there's no reason to make a big deal out of that.
Another way to resolve this tension is to carve up the world temporally: think of the alliance between Christian nationalists and Israeli genocidiers. In the USA, "Christian Zionists" outnumber Jews who identify as Zionists:
But Christian Zionists aren't philosemites. They hate Jews and believe that we are all going to hell for murdering Christ. Their support for Israel isn't grounded in a belief in the necessity of a Jewish ethno-state – it arises out of the apocalyptic belief that Christ will return once Jews "return to the Holy Land" – albeit only briefly, before being cast into a lake of fire for all eternity.
Like British imperialists and the Hindu nationalists, Christian Zionists and Jewish Zionists are not on the same side. However, unlike British imperialists and Hindu nationalists, Christian Zionists and Jewish Zionists want the same thing…for a while. Both groups support the establishment of a Jewish entho-state in Israel, they just differ sharply as to what happens after that comes to pass. So long as they don't dwell on that moment in the future, they can stand shoulder to shoulder, fighting together for an Israeli state that operates with absolute US support and total international impunity.
Coalitions who defer the question of how they'll use power to after they've gained power are using time (rather than space) as a buffer that keeps their differences from smashing together until they shatter. But time and space aren't the only buffers for the differences between coalition partners – there's also class.
"Class" has been the most important, most useful buffer for conservativism since the Reagan revolution. Reagan came to power by forging an alliance with evangelicals, whose cult leaders had historically demanded that members focus their energies (and cash donations) on the church, while avoiding politics as "worldly."
Reagan promised the Christian right a bunch of culture war stuff – bans on abortion, punishment for uppity women and racial minorities, prayer in school, segregation academies, etc – that his financial backers frankly didn't give a shit about. By all means, let working class evangelicals homeschool their kids and teach them that the Earth is 5,000 years old, it doesn't matter to Wall Street, who will reap a giant tax-cut and also send their kids to private schools with rigorous curriculum. Bankers' wives and daughters will always be able to afford to fly out of state (or across the border) for abortion care, they will never die of AIDS in the charity wing of a community hospital, their daughters won't be trapped by bans on no-fault divorces.
For the past 40 years, American oligarchs and would-be oligarchs have entered into enthusiastic coalitions with virulently racist, sexist and homophobic groups, and maintained peace within their coalition by passing punitive, cruel laws that the rich can buy their way around. For many self-styled libertarians, the most important liberty is "not paying taxes" and this subordinates all other liberties, such that a "libertarian" will vote for a coalition whose platform promises to ban abortion, birth control, "interracial" marriage, and queer sex, so long as it also promises tax cuts. It's a weird kind of pro-freedom ideology that happily trades away (others') freedom for (your own) tax cuts:
Remember, Trump's first CPAC speech was sponsored by Goproud, a group of "fiscally responsible" gay Republicans who believed in gay rights, sure, but not as much as they believed in getting so rich that even if poor gay people were ground into dust, they could float above it all:
Class is the third buffer between the oligarchs of the right and the mass movement that provides the bulk for winning elections. After all, laws are for the little people, so by all means, we can promise – and even deliver – laws that we would never submit to, because we don't have to submit to them. This is Wilhoit's Law in action:
Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.
In a hierarchical society, class separates groups of people just as rigidly as time and space, and is every bit as useful a buffer as the other two forces.
Until it isn't.
Eventually – once you've banned abortion, once you've taken all the "controversial" books out of the library, once you've made affirmative action illegal – you reach the layer of non-negotiable culture war demands that the rich can't buy their way out of.
Like immigration.
Let's start with this: immigration doesn't have to result in wage suppression. Couple immigration with strong unions and a muscular labor rights regime and workers do just great. The more the merrier! America needs workers of every kind. What's more, the unions and labor laws in America owe their existence to immigrant workers, so there's nothing about immigration that is necessarily incompatible with winning rights for workers.
But the possibility of importing some overseas union organizers isn't what motivates the finance wing of the conservative coalition to demand "guest-worker" programs like the H1B visa:
H1B visas are "non-immigrant" visas, meaning that they are designed not to offer any path to permanent residence or citizenship. You can live in the US for a long time on an H1B, but you are bound over to your employer like a serf bound to a feudal estate: if you lose your job, you lose your right to abide in the country. That can mean losing your house, your car, your kids' school and friends. It can cost your spouse their job, because if you're kicked out of the country, they might well leave along with you, rather than remain alone here.
H1B tech workers are the workers that tech-barons have dreamt of for decades. An H1B worker can't job-hop, and so needn't be lured to work with gourmet cafeterias, luxury gymnasiums, or other perks of the whimsical tech "campus." H1B workers can't quit if they don't like their stock-options packages:
Tech bosses hate tech workers, and they always have. It's not affection that causes Jeff Bezos to allow his coders to come to work with pink mohawks, facial piercings, and black t-shirts that say things their bosses don't understand, while his delivery drivers piss in bottles and his warehouse workers are injured at three times the national average. Jeff Bezos neither cherishes his coders' kidneys, nor is he especially hostile to delivery drivers' need to pee – he just squeezes any and every worker in any and every way he can.
Same for Tim Cook: the accomplishment that prompted Apple's board to elevate Cook to Steve Jobs' CEO office was the successful transfer of iPhone manufacturing to China. Specifically, Cook figured out how to work with his primary supplier, Foxconn, to create a working environment that produced reliable, precision-manufactured mobile devices, and all it took was creating a working environment so brutal that the company had to install suicide nets to catch the factory workers who couldn't stand it any longer:
Apple's tech workers aren't worked to suicidal desperation, sure – but not because Tim Cook likes coders and hates factory workers. It's because he's afraid coders will quit, and he's not worried about replacing factory workers after they jump to their death.
The point of the H1B program is to create a tech workforce that bosses no longer have to fear. Recall that when Elon Musk took over Twitter and circulated a mandatory "extremely hardcore" pledge that demanded that workers promise to subordinate their health and wellbeing to his profits, it prompted a mass departure, with the notable exception of workers whose immigration status (and/or insurance for serious health issues) depended on their ongoing employment at Twitter:
When Musk's cronies gloated about shedding 20% of Twitter's workforce on "day zero," the workers they had in mind were the ones who didn't fear their bosses and wouldn't frog when the investor class shouted jump. "Sharpen your blades, boys" means we're slicing off workers who are laboring under the misapprehension that they are entitled to a say in their working conditions:
After all, America does not have a tech worker shortage. The US tech sector fired 260,000 skilled workers in 2023, and more than 150,000 were shown the door in 2024. When Musk and his fellow tech bosses complain that they need more "talent," what they mean is they need workers who are so terrified of being deported that they'll accept low wages, sleep under their desks, refuse to talk to union organizers, and, above all, do as they're told:
Trump won office by promising mutually exclusive outcomes to different parts of his coalition. To the nativists and bigots (and workers who'd bamboozled into thinking that their low salaries were the fault of other workers, not their bosses), he promised a halt to immigration. To the plutocrats, he promised a large and pliable workforce – of low-waged agricultural workers and of precarious H1B tech workers who'd discipline America's "entitled" tech workers:
Now, he has to figure out how to keep everyone happy. Literally: the Speakership of Congress is only nine votes away from collapsing at any time (and until last week, it was just one vote away), and without Congress, Trump's ability to govern will be severely curtailed (see, for example, 2018-2020).
Immigration isn't an issue like abortion: oligarchs can support abortion bans and still procure abortions when they need them. It's much harder to support an immigration ban and still procure precarious, low-waged workers for your business. It will take many years for American-born workers to be so brutalized and broken that they capitulate to the working conditions that American guest workers and undocumented workers accept, and bosses are impatient.
It's hard to put on a convincing performance of banning immigration, as the UK's New Labour discovered. In the years leading up to the 2010 election, Labour – under Blair and then Brown – made a big show of "cracking down on immigration." At one point, Home Secretary Jacqui Smith announced that she was axing dozens of UK visa categories, while carefully not mentioning these were so niche that hardly anyone qualified for them. This created chaos for the people affected and their families – I lost my own "Highly Skilled Migrant" visa at this time and we had to move our wedding plans up by eight months so I could stay in the country with my British partner and our daughter – but it didn't do anything to quench the xenophobic rage that UKIP and the Tories had been stoking, and Labour lost its next election.
American conservatives are rightly proud of their ability to form coalitions. They trumpet their ethic of "no enemies to the right" and contrast this with the "cancel culture" of progressives:
It's true that purging your ranks of coalition partners who disagree with you at the margins is a severely self-limiting move. It's also true that the broader your coalition is, the easier it is to win power.
The right has built a coalition of people who want opposite things. Infamously, Project 2025 isn't just a collection of terrifying ideas for running (and ruining) America – it's a collection of mutually exclusive terrifying ideas for running and ruining America:
Trump's top health picks – RFK jr, Weldon, Oz, Makary, Bhattacharya, Nesheiwat – want mutually exclusive, irreconcilable things that are as impossible to compromise on as "banning immigration" while simultaneously "expanding the H1B program":
Big, diverse coalitions of people who normally oppose each other are great for winning power, but they're very bad for wielding power. Trump's majorities in Congress and the Senate are razor-thin, and while the Democrats had to suffer under the Manchin-Synematic Universe, the GOP's Klown Kar of Krazies has dozens of swivel-eyed loons who will happily blow up "must-pass" bills just for shits and giggles.
What's more, the GOP has spent decades installing easily blown circuit breakers into the American legislative and administrative systems, from the filibuster to the debt ceiling. By design, these allow small groups of lawmakers to kill bills and hamstring presidential power. Trump's first attempt at removing one of these breakers – the senseless kabuki of the annual debt ceiling showdown – was a total failure:
Musk thinks he can ram through policies that sizable portions of the GOP coalition would rather die than support. So far, Trump has proven a pliable puppet for Musk's ambitions. But the Musk-Trump coalition is every bit as fragile as any other in the GOP, and Trump is notoriously sensitive to accusations of weakness. Musk can threaten to primary any GOP lawmaker who gets in his way, but as the Kochs discovered after they unleashed the Tea Party, grievance-fueled, paranoid, heavily armed cults are hard to keep on a leash.
The coming months are sure to be an all-out war of GOP infighting as the coalition must wield power without the useful buffers of space, time and class. They'll be an object lesson in the dangers of a coalition that's so broad that everyone is welcome, even people who'd happily line you and yours in front of a firing squad.
But just because the right's attitude to coalitions is to have a mind so open its brains fall out, that doesn't mean the left should pursue a program of overwhelming ideological purity. Trump is a stupid guy with incoherent ideas, but look at how far he got by erecting such a big tent that anyone fit underneath it (even actual Nazis).
The progressive coalition doesn't need to be that big. We can have enemies to the right. The hugs Kamala Harris bestowed on ghouls like Liz Cheney didn't win the election, and the medal Biden just gave her won't help either:
Manchin and Synema can "fuck off until they come up to a gate with a sign saying 'You Can’t Fuck Off Past Here,' Climb over the gate, dream the impossible dream, and keep fucking off forever":
But the fact that some people don't belong in a progressive coalition, it doesn't follow that there's no room to make the coalition looser and broader. Sure, a big coalition makes it hard to wield power, but without that coalition, we'll never win power.
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hometoursandotherstuff · 10 months ago
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Welcome to the volcanic rock house (it has a bunch of other rocks, too). Still sitting on the market, I've posted it before. Built in 1978 it's right on Lake Lyndon B. Johnson off the Colorado River, in Horseshoe Bay, TX. 6bds, 6ba, $13.5M.
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Rocky front steps up to the front door. Odd placement of railings- I guess you shouldn't walk up the center.
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Cement doors flanked by lava rock.
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A matching curved wall. Note the stone flooring and random piece of lava rock on the left.
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Steps down to a living room with a view of the lake. Natural lava rock forms decorate the stairs and rails. There's also a lava rock fireplace.
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Terrace. Don't even think of diving off the terrace into the lake. Look at those rocks. (Murder-make-it-look-like-an-accident-scene?)
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The kitchen has tree trunk custom-made cabinetry. I don't know if it's real or simulated. The island, however, is real lava rock. I think that the counters are real wood, but they could be laminate. There's also a large wine rack in the wall.
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Double doors open to a bedroom. The whole house has amazing views of the LBJ River.
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The spacious room has a vaulted ceiling and a private terrace.
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The en-suite has a tile shower, tile sink counter and stone bowl-style sink.
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The primary suite is huge and even has a loft, plus a vaulted ceiling.
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There's even an accordion door to close out the light. Did they leave a piece of art?
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There's an office area with a desk and cabinetry.
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The terrace.
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It has a large, rounded en-suite with tile and stone. Look at the shower- there's a bench to look out at the river. You could sit there naked, and wave to the boats going by.
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Lava rock halls.
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Outside is an infinity pool.
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Covered stone patio with an outdoor kitchen.
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Large wood deck beside the boat dock.
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Gotta have a boat dock when you're right on a lake.
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Beautiful natural landscaping.
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Lots of rocks in the lake.
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4.06 acres of property.
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dizzymisslizzie · 6 months ago
My Red, White & Royal Blue works on AO3
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💦💧beautiful, curious, breathing, laughing flesh [fic & podfic] by esbielle, LK_42
Alex Claremont-Diaz meets Prince Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor at the 2016 Rio Olympics after the Men’s Diving Final. Alex is thrilled and Henry is amazed. Why is this meeting so different?
It’s a diving AU! 💦💧
32K words, podfic 3.5-4 hours
🌃🌌🪐🛸Looking for Orion by LK_42
The Red, White and Royal Blue x Star Trek: The Next Generation crossover no one asked for!
32K words
🍪🥐 Biscuit Land by LK_42
Bake Off AU!
31K words
🛥️⛵️Model Behavior by LK_42
Alex is a model & activist and he connects with Prince Henry at a fundraising weekend that Pez is hosting. It's a comedy of errors as sparks fly and they knock over the dessert table on national television. They're forced to make nice by their sisters and PR teams. (This is my first fanfiction I ever wrote!!)
67,876 words
🚀📽️May the Fourth be with You by LK_42
Alex rents out a theater to screen the original trilogy to celebrate May the Fourth with Henry.
1,764 words
Related Podfic!!
🦊🏰All, All Mine, Beloved by LK_42
Alex lives in New York and works as a lawyer fighting for the rights and safety of omegas. When he turns 25, he's told that he has inherited a title and land in England from an obscure uncle on his mom's side. Alex Claremont-Diaz, Duke of Wessex, now has to navigate his new titles, the English peerage and being a rare male omega. Prince Henry wants to warn Alex about the Crown's intentions for the newest duke but it ends up going sideways for the Alpha.
51K words so far
One Shots
🎆Fireworks Reflecting on a Lake by LK_42
Henry and Alex enjoy the Fourth of July watching fireworks on lake LBJ.
800 words
SMUT! These are my smutty works! They include the boys in love too!
🩶💛New Friend Silver, Old Friends Gold by LK_42
Alex and Liam are fuck buddies in their twenties. Liam working in the English department of the local college. One of their games is for Liam to tell Alex about the men he finds attractive but chooses not to fuck because he’d rather save up his energy for Alex.
4,683 words
🌄💌The Rotation by LK_42
Alex doesn't storm the castle after Henry ghosts him. He joins Rafael Luna's reelection campaign in Denver. He makes new friends, has several regular sexual partners as well as his ho phase and builds a life. He finds a romantic in him has been unlocked and compartmentalizes that part of him into an email account for himself.
5,162 words
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coldnerdnacho · 2 years ago
Okay RWRB TRAILER!!!! (drumrolls)
A comparative study:🩷🩷🩵🩵
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"Oh you are thick as it gets"😭
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It started with a cake and the rest is history ✨
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Ellen's damage control and prolly the PowerPoint presentation scene
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Oh the enemies to fake friends to best friends to lovers trope starts here (without Henry's polo gear😆)🫶
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The cancer ward / star wars nerds
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Henry quite literally coming falling out of the closet vs zhara pulling him out😂 (i loved the brexit your head your highness one)
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Dear thisbe i wish there wasn't a wall between us - love pyramus (do you see them🫶💙😭)
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LAKE LBJ !!!!!!💙💙
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The confession!!! The signet ring!!! HISTORY HUH?����🫶
I know it won't be same as the book but it'll be amazing in it's own way!! You know like all the firstprince fanfics we've read till now. But this time it's by the author. I trust MqQuiston's decisions and storytelling. So stop hating and spreading hate and just pour all your love on them 🫶💙❤️
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firstprince-ao3feed · 19 days ago
Look for Orion
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/py3bcgz by graceofgrayskull “Are you real?” Alex demanded. “Who are you?” The boy offered Alex a tentative smile. “I’m real. You can call me Henry.” – Alex met Henry for the first time on a clear night at Lake LBJ, starlight reflecting off the dark water. In the months following, he tried to convince himself the boy called Henry was his teenage brain’s wild concoction, clearly some combination of too much sun and sugar. But he could still hear the rounded vowels and gentle intonation of Henry’s accent in his memory, he could picture the exact curvature of his smile—there was no way Alex could’ve made someone like that up. Words: 9218, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Magical Realism, don't examine the lore too closely, it's mostly just vibes, Growing Up Together, I don't know how to tag this, Mutual Pining read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/py3bcgz
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littlemisskittentoes · 11 months ago
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so american by kittentoes
G || > 1K || Song Ficlet, Tooth Rotting Fluff
i’m interrupting you’re regularly scheduled WIP Wednesday to share this sweet little ficlet i put out last night 💖
tags below the cut!
It feels different than it had all those months ago. They’re so far from that tightrope of intimacy disguised of sex, the dangerous meeting place of wanting and resisting. He can still hear his mom’s voice against the panes of his skull, ‘do you feel forever about him?’, and yet, there’s none of the apprehension clawing at the back of his throat. There’s no flip in his stomach turning over like a car engine, fighting to ignite.
or, Henry and Alex drive to Lake LBJ, and Alex is so in love that he could die.
thank you for the tag @onthewaytosomewhere
tag, you’re it! @happiness-of-the-pursuit @read-and-write- @affectionatelyrs @inexplicablymine @gayrootvegetable
@gay-flyboys @leojfitz @songliili @galitzine-nick @kiwiana-writes
@anincompletelist @leaves-of-laurelin @firenati0n @bigassbowlingballhead @cactusdragon517
@junebugclaremontdiaz @eusuntgratie @msmarvelouswinchester @magicandarchery @hgejfmw-hgejhsf
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indestructibleheart · 1 year ago
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Thank you, @hgejfmw-hgejhsf, @kiwiana-writes, and @junebugclaremontdiaz for the tags! ❤️
I have reached the point of the Doctor Who AU where I'm so close to finishing it that my ADHD brain has decided it cannot focus on it... which is incredibly annoying, but whatever. I'll finish it when I finish it—as you can see, I am trying to be kinder to myself, lol.
I was able to write some of The Coma AU™️ this weekend... so that's what I'm gonna share today. This is a piece of Alex's coma dream, particularly where shit gets real for him.
Content Warning: Major character injury, some light purple prose (lilac prose?) describing remembering a car accident.
It's also more than seven sentences, as these often are.
Please note the "ish" in the graphic. 😅
He remembers now. Waist-deep in Lake LBJ, he remembers the last letter Henry wrote him, left on the kitchen counter. Alex remembers the silence. The waiting. You should not have taken advantage of my sensibility to steal into my affections without my consent, drafted and deleted. Dear fucking Thisbe, stuffed into his pocket on the runway. He remembers the sound of it first—skidding and screeching and sirens—then the white hot pain. It starts at the back of his neck and travels down his spine. Waist-deep in Lake LBJ, his knees buckle, but four hands catch him before he faceplants into the water—Nora's hitting his sternum hard enough to crack his ribs. Alex isn't even sure where they fucking came from, but they practically drag him out of the water until the three of them collapse into a pile of tangled limbs in the dirt. His ears are ringing like crazy; he only vaguely hears June's voice above the din, saying, "Stay with us, Alex. We've got you." He wants to tell her he's not going anywhere.  His lips won't move.
As a reminder... Alex will be okay, despite how grim this snippet may seem, and there will be a happy ending.
Tagging some lovelies under the cut. If you have not been tagged and you want to be, consider this your tag!
@anchoredarchangel, @barbiediaz @cha-melodius, @cricketnationrise, @guillermosfamiliar, @hgejfmw-hgejhsf, @hippolotamus, @inexplicablymine, @jettestar, @junebugclaremontdiaz, @lizzie-bennetdarcy , @missgeevious, @mulderscully, @myheartalivewrites, @ninzied, @nontoxic-writes, @notspecialbabe, @priincebutt, @rmd-writes, @rosedavid, @sparklepocalypse, @three-drink-amy, @treluna4, @vanillahigh00, @welcometololaland, @orchidscript, @ships-to-sail, @stereopticons
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porcelainmortal · 8 months ago
Ok well I gotta go with 👀 lol
Thank you for the ask, Sara!!
In a surprise to absolutely no one, these ficlets took me so much longer than I planned. 😅 I hope it was worth the wait!! (It's slightly horny, fyi.)
👀 Skinny dipping in the sea
If someone had asked Alex what his perfect honeymoon would be, he would have said this. Even though a year ago, he didn’t even know this existed. Henry had been the one to suggest a totally private island, away from prying eyes or anyone to bother them. With the exception of a few staff who take a boat over once a day (a maid who tidies up and brings fresh towels and a chef who cooks them dinner), they are completely and utterly alone. Their security team has a villa on the main island and access to the 24-hour boat service, should the need arise. But otherwise, there is no way on or off this island.
It’s been another perfect day in paradise and the chef has gone back to the mainland. They’ve cleaned up from dinner and the sun is setting, throwing the most vibrant, gorgeous colors across the sky, and Alex is not about to fucking miss it.
“Come on, baby,” he says, pulling on Henry’s hand as he affectionately rolls his eyes and stands from his lounger. Henry wanted to finish his chapter of the book he was reading, but the sunset waits for no man. “Let’s enjoy it from the water.”
When they get to the beach, Henry pauses in his tracks. He looks down at himself, then at Alex, a sly smile taking over his face. He hooks his hands in the waistband of his swimsuit and shimmies it off, stepping out and taking Alex’s hand again. Alex takes the hint, pushing his shorts down as well and dragging Henry into the ocean.
Alex has skinny dipped a lot of places – Lake LBJ dozens of times, pools and hot tubs at houses and villas they’ve rented, and once, Nora’s grandparents’ pool in Vermont (but that’s a story for another time). But he’s never done it in open ocean and it feels fucking amazing. The salty water is smooth and refreshing against his skin and Henry’s palm is firm and centering in his. They wade out until they’re both in up to their chests and Alex scans the sky, watching the setting sun fling the most incredible colors across it. 
The warm oranges and pinks and purples make Henry’s skin glow when Alex glances over and sees Henry watching him.
“You’re not watching the sunset.”
“Am I not allowed to look where I want?”
“It’s only fucking romantic if we watch the sunset together, baby.”
“It is?” And with that, Henry tugs Alex closer, grabbing his butt as leverage to pull him up, forcing Alex’s legs to wrap around Henry’s waist as his arms come up around his neck. It leaves him a little breathless, the abruptness with which Henry can still surprise him and render him speechless. 
“Baby,” Alex groans, leaning in to kiss the grin off Henry’s face. It’s lazy and languid and deep and fucking everything and Alex wants to drown in Henry’s kiss, right here in this beautiful ocean. After several minutes or maybe hours, Alex pulls back, panting, and sees all the love he feels reflected back in Henry’s eyes. The intensity of his moment makes Alex shudder and he pulls Henry back to him again. “I love you,” he mumbles against Henry’s lips.
Henry tilts his head, mumbles, “I love you more” against Alex’s jaw.
“Lies,” Alex groans as Henry’s hands flex where they’re holding him and their hips start to move instinctively, seeking friction.
They rut together and Alex forgets about the sunset until Henry is licking along his collarbone and his head falls back. His eyes open for a moment and he gasps in wonder at the colors above him. 
“Henry, baby. Look.”
Henry removes his lips to look up, their bodies still moving together in perfect, practiced rhythm. 
“Beautiful,” Henry whispers. Alex’s eyes drop down to find Henry staring at him instead of the view. He has no words left, just noises of pleasure as their mouths slot back together once more. 
When Alex comes, it’s the reverent look on Henry’s face that lives inside his head. When he starts to come down, it’s the rainbow of colors painted across the sky that make this moment singular. When Henry’s eyes open after his own release, it’s the perfect blue that reminds Alex that he’s home, even in the middle of an ocean on the other side of the world. 
After the trip ends, they’ll tell people about this sunset. How vibrant it was, how breathtaking. But the moment they shared during it… that’s just for them.
Ficlet Friday Summer/Holiday Prompts
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eusuntgratie · 2 months ago
2024 Writing Round Up
tagged by the wonderful @cha-melodius <3 thank you i love this!
i published 33 fics in 2024 🥳 101k words across 9 fandoms! i MIGHT get one more up by the end of the year but we'll see!
dance with me so we don't cry (rwrb, firstprince, T, 1500 words) a songfic au inspired by lonely dancers by conan gray. henry and alex have a meet cute in a club after having their hearts broken.
ya girl was BUSY in april why did i publish so much fic this month?!?
thirst trap (911 rpf, ryliver, M, 500 words) baby's first ryliver! oliver takes a slutty gym selfie with a special surprise.
this could be a disaster (rwrb rpf, taynick, E, 44k) my slutty magnum opus finished posting in april! an au of sorts where covid didn't happen and we got a press tour for rwrb...and sluttery and shenanigans ensued.
you could've texted (911 rpf, ryliver, E, 1400 words) oliver reacts to ryan's insta story
chapter 1 of disaster (taylor's version) (rwrb rpf, taynick, M, 1500 words) taylor's pov of chapter 3 of this could be a disaster
hungry (hockey rpf, tknp, M, 800 words) Nolan's a succubus, TK is down bad as always
chili (the falcon & the winter soldier, sarahbucky, G, 150 words) sarah and bucky share a quiet moment in the kitchen
quiet (911 rpf, ryliver, E, 800 words) the inevitable result of me learning that oliver shared a villa with ryan and his wife at aisha's wedding i don't know how to say it (hockey rpf, sidgeno & sidgenotanger, E, 3k) an omegaverse au where geno reacts to kris getting called up, kris falls in immediate lust with sid, and sid plays everybody like a fiddle to get what he wants. my 2024 sidgeno exchange fic!
after hours (rwrb, firstprince, E, 5k, at least one chapter left to post) alex is a (very hot) mechanic, henry is a visiting professor at UT Austin.
montana (hockey rpf, sid/anna, E, 1200 words) anna shows up to sid's place in montana and pegs him. that's it that's the fic.
couldn't help it (rwrb, firstprince, M, 400 words) the first of many kiss prompts. canon compliant reunion kiss at lake lbj.
then don't (chambers & kissing booth, kissingchambers, G, 600 words) a soft and sweet marco/elliott meet cute
fearless and fierce (teen wolf, stisaac, M, 600 words) a desperate post-battle kiss
already over (rwrb, alex/raf, E, 7k) hands down one of my favorite fics i wrote this year. a canon-compliant alex/raf fic.
your turn (hockey rpf, tknp, M, 300 words) it's not gay if you don't kiss on the lips, right?
close calls (rwrb, firstprince, T, 2k) alex is a musician and henry is his long-suffering bodyguard
laundry room light (911 rpf, ryliver, E, 800 words) oliver comes over to help ryan fix a light, and also rail him while his wife is upstairs
we've got time (rwrb, firstprince, T, 500 words) a soft and slow early morning firstprince kiss
drink me up (roswell new mexico, malex, E, 3k) michael walks into the wild pony while alex is working the bar and has to blow him about it (a different first meeting au)
i wanna be in your bloodstream (rwrb, firstprince, E, 1700 words) alex is a vampire and henry is very, very into it
Batman, Wolfman, Frankenstein or Dracula (chambers & kissing booth, kissingchambers, T, 600 words) Marco finds a welcome distraction from Elle at the Halloween dance
boys will be boys (rnm rpf, vlamburn, E, 800 words) things get a little spicy after tyler and vlamis take pics for the Burn the World Down vlambase merch drop
voice note (rwrb rpf, taynick + a bonus mystery character, E, 4k) disaster-verse; taylor's partner gets involved. just fun and smutty, not angsty!
it's a bad idea, right? (rnm rpf, vlamburn, E, 2k) what if vlamis had a ronen rubinstein-esque reaction to shooting with tyler and sucked his dick about it?
come find me in the crowd, love (teen wolf, sterica, T, 600 words) Stiles and Erica kiss at a party to make Derek jealous, but end up having too much fun to worry about him.
tell 'em i'm a good kisser (rwrb rpf, taynick, T, 400 words) Taylor finds Nick a little tipsy at the Oscars After Party
baby, it's alright (roswell new mexico, malex and michael & nora, T, 900 words) Nora's POV of the Caulfield scene. I'm sorry.
chaos theory (rwrb, firstprince, T, 800 words) henry watching alex and nora dance, but at a halloween party where nobody's famous
mississppi (roswell new mexico, malex, M, 2k) alex calls michael before his second deployment
not like this (rwrb rpf, taynick, T, 400 words) older taynick. they're still hot.
conformation (roswell new mexico, malexa, E, 6k) a sex club bdsm au bc we deserve nice things (like michael in a harness with a collar and leather leash)
make you feel safe (rnm rpf, vlamburn, T, 1400 words) posted today! a little hurt/comfort set during 3x09 filming
no pressure tagging some folks bc this was fun to look at!
@onward--upward @captainjunglegym @stnichols @faketrex @taste-thewaste
@cuprun @matriayawrites @jdeanmorgan
@insecuregodcomplex @firstprincehornyramblings @onthewaytosomewhere @thighzp @rewritetheending
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onthewaytosomewhere · 8 months ago
RWRB, no smut please (unless it's drinks at the bar or skinny dipping) because I just want all the fun summer feels, and pick whichever prompt you like because I love them all! Oh, and Junora or firstprince please!
well i accomplished no smut!! hope ya like this one Morgan 💚 you got a lil reading and swimming cuz that's just the direction the silly boys went
this can also be found on ao3 if you'd rather
no cut cuz no smut :)
Alex is sitting out on the dock reading the newest book Henry recommended to him while soaking up some Texas sun. Their trips to Lake LBJ are rejuvenating in a way that they both need so much. They both get time just to be themselves, and ever since the first one when they came back to reclaim it, they make sure to get some time before everyone else gets in just for the two of them. This year, they’ve finagled a whole week to themselves, and while Alex is loving Henry becoming more comfortable as the week progresses, he’s been trying to get through this book he started on the flight out the last three days. Trying because he keeps getting distracted by Henry and all the skin he’s been showing, by the soft swell of his stomach as he walks around in swim trunks or just shorts and the tight-as-fuck tank tops Alex always forgets he has until they’re here.
Right now, Henry is sitting on the end of the dock, feet in the water, stretched back to soak up the sun, which is reflecting off his hair. Alex really doesn’t understand how he should be expected not to want to be over there with him. He places his book down on the chair he drug out onto the dock and walks over to plop himself next to Henry.
Henry cracks his eyes open and smiles at him, “How is the reading going, love?”
“It’s not—because, for some reason, I’d rather be sitting out here by you than in the perfectly comfortable chair I brought out here.”
Henry closes his eyes again. "Hmmm … Well, I am more than happy to have you out here with me. I was thinking about a swim. Are you up for it?”
“Of course, you up for a race? The first one to the buoy and back gets a kiss?”
“This seems like I win even if I don’t actually win. Unless you’re going to be claiming a kiss from someone else.”
“No, I only want my kisses from you.” Alex proves his point by stealing a quick kiss before standing up on the edge of the dock.
“So this is what they call a win-win scenario? I get to watch you cut your way across the water like you belong in an Olympics race, and then I get a kiss when you inevitably beat me back here. Sounds like there should be a catch somewhere.”
“No catch, just a clarification, I’ll be the one getting the kiss in that scenario. As in, you will be pressing your lips to mine. I will get to feel your lips move against mine as your tongue attempts to work its way into my mouth because you will be carried away with your love for me.”
Henry hops up from where he’s sitting and places a kiss on Alex’s cheek. “Are you sure you’re not the writer?”
“Are you saying what I said sounds fictional?
“No, quite simply saying the way you described what is most likely an accurate foretelling of events to come sounded poetical in that accent of yours that gets thicker every time we’re down here. Now, are we going to race so we can get back here and you can claim your prize?”
Alex does win the race and gets to claim his prize. His laugh when Henry says, “I don’t know this still feels like I’m winning,” in between kisses rings out across the lake.
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cricketnationrise · 1 year ago
Hi!! My prompt:
The lake house on Lake LBJ
Oscar Diaz
Song for vibes: My Way DH by Rascal Flatts
Thank you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
ooooo Oscar was fun to write. note to self, must write more Oscar. anyway i listened to My Wish and immediately had 'dad thinking about his kids' vibes so please enjoy just over 600 words of oscar being happy for his children 💜🦗
read the rest of the ficlets here!
3:47pm, lake lbj
It’s a special kind of surreal seeing both his kids in love.
Sure, June may not actually be dating Nora, but that’s a when, not an if, judging by the way Nora half-melts when June smiles at her and the special crinkle of June’s eyes when she watches Nora spout off ridiculous statistics. Oscar hasn’t seen that particular crinkle since June was with Evan. His heart swells with happiness for his oldest every time he spots her and Nora lost in each other’s company or trying to drown each other in the lake or communicating solely through raised eyebrows and quirked lips or when Nora hides her watery eyes when June sings Annie’s Song next to the campfire. They’re practically one brain, one soul even, split across two bodies and it’s stunning to witness.
Sure, Alex may not have admitted to himself that he’s in love with Henry, but Oscar would bet the lake house, his Senate seat, and much more besides, that Alex will figure his shit out soon, because he’s never seen his son like this before. 
Alex has always moved a million miles an hour, always put a ton of pressure on himself, always pushed himself to juggle a seemingly-impossible load. Oscar has seen the dark circles under his eyes when they video chat, has heard the exhaustion in his voice when Alex visits his Senate office, has noted the middle-of-the-night timestamp on one too many emails to think that Alex is completely fine. Oscar recognizes the signs of stress—both from himself and from when he and Ellen lived together—that have been increasing in frequency over the past year.
But lately, and this week in particular, Alex seems settled in his own skin—he’s practically aglow—and not because of the sunshine. Every time he sets eyes on Henry, or makes him laugh, or even just talks about him, Alex lights up. All through prepping the food earlier, Alex had kept glancing out the window, a fond smile on his face at the sight of Henry out on the dock refereeing the girls. Watching his son and Henry interact, it’s like there’s a whole other level of happiness that’s been unlocked. 
Alex’s carefully blank voice when he’d asked if his ‘friend’ Henry could come to the lake house had all of Oscar’s dad instincts sitting up. And his son’s anxious hand wringing when he’d introduced Henry had been enough to tell Oscar that this person was someone special to Alex, even if he’d never indicated he was interested in men before. Their conversation in the kitchen had been an unnecessary, but welcome, confirmation. 
All he’s ever wanted for June and Alex is for them to be safe and happy. The Texas sun shining down only highlights how content his kids are—it looks good on them both—and Oscar is beyond grateful he gets to witness it. He’s always wished for them to dream as big as they wanted to, for them to reach out and gather up all the love they can possibly hold inside. He’s always wanted them to have a comfortable place to land, a secure set of arms to fall into if life knocks them down. He’s always wanted them to know they can fly free, knowing someone loves them unconditionally. And sure, he and Ellen and Leo and all their extended family love Alex and June but— It’s immensely satisfying knowing that the universe has answered Oscar’s wish and led both of his children to their people.
He hopes they’re both brave enough to reach out and gather their loves close, and hang on tight through whatever life throws their way.
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forever-fixating · 6 months ago
WIP Wednesday
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Things have been a little hectic (in a good way), and I'm been writing like crazy, between LIANN and my RWRB Month ficlets. Today I am sharing a snippet from living in a new normal (which is already up to 15K hits, omgggggg) and a little genderflipped FirstPrince AU oneshot because ya know, I wanted to change things up a bit. Enjoy!
living in a new normal
Henry passed out copies of the map he made of the cemetery, saying, “There is a method to my madness, I assure you. I’ve marked a route we can take to hit the graves on our collective list but with plenty of wiggle room for individual exploration.”
“Are you certain you’re only into men, Fox?” Nora asked, looking over the map. “Because this kind of organization is big sexy to me.”
“Afraid so,” Henry replied, the tips of his ears going bright red. “But I’m flattered.”
“Back off, Holleran.” Alex wrapped an arm around Henry’s waist. “He’s mine.”
Their first stops were at the cemetery’s Holocaust memorials. Nora placed stones at each one as a sign of respect and recited a prayer at the Auschwitz memorial for the family members her grandparents lost at the camp. Her Judaism wasn’t something she spoke about often, but she did wear a Star of David given to her by her grandmother. Similar to Alex and June’s attitudes with regards to the Catholicism of their childhood, Nora often said that she was culturally Jewish.
Their next stop was the grave of Edith Piaf. Each of them set a rose on the polished black marble of the tombstone. As June laid hers down last, Alex nudged her and said, “Go on, Bug. You know you want to.”
“Do it, baby,” Nora seconded. “Live out your busker fantasy.”
June’s cheeks were almost as red as the rose she just set down. She clasped her hands in front of her and stood next to the famous singer’s tomb. When she began to sing ‘Tu Es Partout,’ the song made known to them by its inclusion in Saving Private Ryan, their fellow tourists paused to listen. Her voice shook at first but grew with confidence as she sang. June fell in love with the singer after watching the 2007 biopic starring Marion Cotillard. There was a time when the only thing coming out of her bedroom across the hall from his was Piaf songs as his sister taught herself how to sing them phonetically. Alex made frequent use of his headphones during that time.
When she finished, their small audience applauded and she gave a little bow. Before she could step down, an older French woman asked for an encore of ‘Le vie en rose.’ And, like the sweet Southern girl she was, June said yes. Alex couldn’t have prouder of her. There was a moment during the song when he stopped seeing her as the sleek and confident popstar that filled stadiums with him and Nora. Instead, he saw a young girl sitting around a bonfire at Lake LBJ with family and friends, singing songs from her diary. Alex scrubbed at the corner of his eye when a tear threatened to trickle out.
After she finished, the woman said something that made Henry laugh. When June asked what she said, he replied, “She said you should be a singer.”
June let out a nervous giggle and thanked the woman for her kind words. When people tried to offer her money, June shook her hand but thanked them for listening. She threw herself into Nora’s arms, laughing, “How was that more nerve-wracking than any of the concerts we’ve done?”
“When in the presence of the Voice of France,” Henry said, “one wants to make sure one does her justice.”
you wear it best when you wear nothing at all
Alex and Henri shouldn’t have worked out as roommates, let alone best friends. Alex was the athletic, outgoing prelaw student while Henri was the willowy, shy art student. Alex’s parents were the mayor of Austin and a Texas state congressman, and Henri’s parents were award-winning, A-list actors. Alex was coffee with cinnamon, a well-stocked spice rack, and Texas heat. Henri was Earl Grey, macarons and Jaffa cakes, and English rain.
They shouldn’t have worked. But somehow, despite a rocky start, they did.
They were Alex-and-Henri, one rarely seen without the other, so close that outsiders were genuinely shocked when they found out the pair weren’t actually a couple. But between them, there was an understanding and ease that felt too precious to risk fracturing by adding sex into the mix.
(That didn’t mean that Alex, whose bisexual identity crisis was inspired by the ethereal English art student, didn’t sometimes imagine what Henri’s lips would feel like against hers. Or that her stomach didn’t go all weird and fluttery when she came home to find Henri tipsy from one too many gin and tonics trying to dye their hair the colors of the lesbian flag. Or the time Alex let her arm go fully numb because Henri fell asleep while watching something dumb on Netflix and she couldn’t bear the thought of waking them up when they looked so goddamn beautiful and at peace.)
Alex loved being Henri’s friend, loved being Alex-and-Henri platonically, and until she could get over that nagging shred of doubt that said she and her big fucking mouth and too fast brain would somehow fuck everything up despite all evidence pointing to the contrary, that friendship was enough.
Tagging @onthewaytosomewhere @priincebutt @dragonflylady77 @piratefalls and anyone else who wants to play!
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