nefelibatx-girl · 4 months
Déjalo ir, pero no dejes que se quede en medio de tu camino, cierra esa puerta, sigue tu camino, deja que te duela, llora si lo necesitas, no te vas a quedar ahí, recuerda lo que mereces, lo que vales, no te mereces un amor a medias, mereces ser tú, mereces recordar tu valor, volver al encuentro contigo, mereces perdonarte y dejar ir todo aquello que te hace daño.
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wombywoo · 2 years
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for @patiently-burning🖤
screencaps of Nick’s flashbacks in chapter 300.
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asshaid · 5 months
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❦ heart this post for a starter from melisandre.
"Your   daughter   will   bring   demise   to   your   house.   Prophecies   are   dangerous   things,   if   they   are   taken   as   serious   as   the   one   she   received."   Not   one   of   her   own   but   one   she   heard   in   her   dreams   and   flames.   She   wonders   if   the   matriarch   knows.   If   she   would   drive   herself   to   madness   like   daughter.   "Her   paranoia   had   her   brother   in   exile   and   your   husband   killed,   My   Lady.   And   golden   will   be   their   shrews."   The   three   golden   children.   One is already   gone   while   the   other   wears   a   crown   at   such   a   young   age.   While   the   daughter   remains   perhaps   the   safest,   away   from   this   court   of   lies   and   her   shrew   was   gold   as   the   sun   in   Dorne.  
"I   am   here   to   warn   you.   I   care   little   for   your   wars   and   your   thrones,   but   the   princess   has   a   role   to   play   in   the   peace   to   come.   Same   your   son,   the   Kingslayer."   Does   the   woman   believe   the   valonqar   is   the   imp   so   much   she   forgets   she   has   another   brother,   who   has   grown   sick   of   the   legacy   of   his   family?   Melisandre's   ruby   eyes   stare   back,   a   warning   giving.   She   is   unarmed,   and   without   guards   of   her   own,   surely,   tales   of   who   she   is   spread   through   the   realm.   The   woman   who   drank   poison   and   the   one   who   poured   it   died.   She   does   not   need   a   sword   to   protect   herself. @ladyruled
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nijuukoo · 17 days
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Foodie illustrations with a side of macabre inspired by scenes from @ladyred-ms' Blind Man's Bluff.
I love how food and meals make great landmarks in storytelling ♥
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skillissue71 · 23 days
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comm from @ladyred-ms ...... So true and real
behind the scene↓
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sots-nxck · 1 month
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Sexual tension? Nah don't see any. Commission for @ladyred-ms from chapter 243 of bmb
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potatowilde · 3 months
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🎨COMMISSIONED PIECE 🎨 —— What a full circle moment to have worked on this commission featuring a scene in @ladyred-ms 's fic Blind Man’s Bluff. I can’t begin to tell you how special these characters are for me. Reading this fic has helped me so much to relax on evenings and reconnect with the L4D community. Thank you for honoring me with the chance to depict a small slice of your literary magic!🫶🧟‍♂️
-- For commissions or sketch requests come check me out: Commissions OPEN | Ko-Fi | Instagram | X
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seriousturd · 17 days
An old-ish doodle comic inspired by this post from @ladyred-ms <3
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inanejane · 8 months
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SUMMMARY: Five years after the outbreak, the survivors are still managing themselves without the government. But wait, isn't Valentine's Day coming up? Ellis and Chris take it upon themselves to plant tulip seeds they found, and Chris surprises Rochelle with a gift. Now everyone wants flowers!
RATING: Teen and Up Audiences
WARNING: No Archive Warnings Apply
FANDOM: Left 4 Dead (Blind Man's Bluff)
RELATIONSHIPS: Rochelle/Chris, minor Nick/Ellis
ADDITIONAL TAGS: Fluff, Bickering, Valentine's Day, Flowers, Forged Family, Romance, Light-Hearted, East Coast
CHALLENGES: @ficwip hey sweetheart 2024, 100 ships, @fandom-free-bingo 'zombie au'
LINK: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53694817
Hey! I'm super excited to post this little valentine's day work for the lovely @ladyred-ms detailing Rochelle's and her OC, Chris', relationship. Thank you to @starrywriter917 for beta reading as well! It's just a quick little tidbit I was inspired to do and I sincerely hope you all enjoy it. <3
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nefelibatx-girl · 4 months
El miedo es una emoción natural que surge cuando nos enfrentamos a lo desconocido, a lo que está fuera de nuestra zona de confort. Sin embargo, es importante entender que el miedo no debe detenernos, sino motivarnos a seguir adelante y superar nuestras limitaciones.
Además, es inevitable cometer fallos en el camino hacia nuestras metas. Los errores son oportunidades de aprendizaje que nos permiten identificar áreas de mejora, corregir nuestros enfoques y crecer a nivel personal y profesional.
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lady-redhaired · 2 years
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Ryland for @sm0shii on twitter!!
Commission info and prices --> https://bio.site/ladyred
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Jukebox reviews part 36! For context, see my post “A Project” under this same tag. If you want to see a full list of his EMCSA stories, they can be found here, sorted alphabetically.And if you want to see some of his drabbles, check out his blog at @jukeboxemcsa
King Pleasure Time
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7/8/2017                                       mc ma
I'd say this isn't how humans work, but then, "I can haz cheezburger" was a thing for *ages* so maybe it IS how humans work, just on a different scale. While we do see how Caitlin is effected by the brainwashing here, it just ... isn't in a spectrum that speaks to me? There's absolutely nothing I *dislike* here, just nothing that I find particularly to my personal erotica tastes. But if you're the sort to enjoy someone's opinion on a thing being changed by regular exposure to other people treating using one as just normal, of seeing snippets of a world that's changing by something "off-screen"? Give this one a go. 6/10 spirals. 
 Just Dumb
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7/15/2017                                     mc mf md
If ever I needed evidence that Jukebox is not as big of a Rush fan as LadyR, this story sure provides it. (If you're dropping astrophysics/astronomy that 99% of your audience is just going to take as "ah, that's ... some sort of thing in space?" and you don't go for HDE 226868/Cygnus X-1, I can make the not-at-all shocking conclusion that you aren't a Rush fan). Off of the topic of me being both a bit of an astronomy nerd (though I did need to look up the binary system Jukebox named, I only just dabble really) and having an ever growing love of Rush, well. This story feels perfectly grounded in something that could have happened at any hypnocon I've been to. It's lovely and sweet and hot in all the right ways. Though now I want to send Eden to a class on bimbo play so she can both be reassured that plenty of smart, clever folk enjoy the temporary reprieve from *having* to be smart and also learn the language she needs to express what she wants to other potential partners. 9/10 spirals. 
 Even the Stars Fall 4 U
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7/22/2017                                     mc mf ff fd
Another story with 4U, a heavily-brainwashed human. I still want to see how she got quite so thoroughly conditioned. And to learn more about these Masters. And just *everything* about this world. The constant narration of 4U, even as she talks about how perfectly she assumes a different role/persona is ... jarring, a little, though it *works* in the flow of the story. I just want more of the how and why. Especially in this story, where the conditioning of someone else is more a tag at the end than anything. 7/10 spirals. 
 Girls With Guns (Jukebox)
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7/29/2017                                     mc mf fd rb
Oh, this is an interesting one, and I'm left with more questions than answers about the Girls(tm), though I suppose that isnt' really the point of this story, though I'm sure the epilogue will have Implications. I ... am extremely put off by Ethan, by his posturing and aggression and just all of it - I've been on the receiving end of enough aggression from men who were just enough like Ethan, and have friends who have been hurt even *more* by men who reacted to discomfort with violence that I just ... I can't. I know what JB's going for here, and I"m sure it'll be cathartic for some folk, and just plain hot for others, but for me it just isn't. 3/10 spirals. 
 Head Games
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8/5/2017                                       mc mf fd
Ian, this is why I have a board game carrying backpack. Look into them, they're worth the investment. Also, Madison's place sounds like the house of a SCAdian Duchess I know... ANYWAY. I *love* the name Brian Shaw for a game company, A+ on cleverness there, Jukebox, and the game sounds like one that would be entertaining to throw together for a switch fight type game at a con sometime. And I appreciate Madison checking in before doing any sex-things, especially given we already had Ian's thoughts about caring so much about not being a creep making assumptions. it makes this all work, mostly, for all the consent could be better. I love the sense of how Ian's getting more and more caught by the game, too. 9/10 spirals 
 P. T. A.
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8/12/2017                                     mc mf ff md
Nope, I've known too many military wives - mothers! - over the years to not connect this to those folk, parents of friends, wives of my parents' coworkers... NOPE. I'm just not doing this >.> My brain is sometimes too good at connecting unrelated things 
 Opal Mantra
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8/19/2017                                     mc ff
Oh hey, it's the hypnotic opal ring back!  We get to see Piper and her unnamed Mistress from "Doesn't Really Matter" (and wasn't that rather a number of stories ago, it was posted almost 2 full years before this story was!) as they get inside an unsuspecting traveler's head. This one's in 2nd person narration, which is a little trippy given just how hypnotic opals are - there's a reason one of my partners gifted me an opal necklace for Christmas last year, the fire of it just catches the eye... *anyway.*  If you're like me and have a pre-existing association with opals being hypnotic, the 2nd person narration may, um, have an Effect (tm). But it's a good story over all. 8/10 spirals. 
 Up All Night
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8/26/2017                                     mc mf md
The step-by-step process here is fun to see, even if I tend to prefer less disjointed steps myself. "Some of it was things she knew even before he told her" is just such a good line, and the way she seems completely oblivious to the changes being induced before that line is so good. Even if Dylan is rather taking a lot of advantage. But having had those "I have to get this sewing done" nights, even if it wasn't for a grade, I wish I'd had someone to make my hands go on autopilot! (also between this story and Head Games, gosh, I'm getting the itch to do more sewing. Thanks, Jukebox, I think? :P I do have some linen waiting for me to get around to washing and ironing it...) 8/10 spirals 
 More Than a Feeling
 date uploaded   date updated     Tags
9/2/2017                                       mc ff cb
This is sweet in a slightly twisted way. Like, it completely goes against my view of the universe entirely, the idea that the universe could want to pair anyone like this, but still. Accepting that the world of Jukebox's superheroes and villains operates on a different logic than the world I know, sure, ok, I can work with it. The reality of a power cutting both ways is so good here, and I enjoy the reality of Ursula's instincts warring against Epiphany's mystical instincts. It's a lovely story, however Dilettante tries to warp things. 8/10 spirals. 
 date uploaded   date updated     Tags
9/9/2017                                       mc mf md
Sneaky sneaky, Kevin. Poor Sandy, getting caught up in that, though hopefully it can be happy for her. And the fact that seh's woken herself up before helps me believe her subconscious will still keep her safe; that said, I have Opinions(tm) about suggestions to trust a hypnotist. Trust should be earned, not taken like that. Still, the suggestions otherwise are HOT, and the concept of the words spilling onto the page and into her mind is. um. *yes.* Also something I've done and very much enjoyed before. 9/10 spirals.
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crapolicedolls · 1 year
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LadyR by 030buysai
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nijuukoo · 2 years
Thanks to you and your gorgeous art, I am now reading Blind Man's Bluff. This is quite the lengthy fic but I'm determined to finish it within just a few days. Wish me luck!
yeeeesss YEEEEESSSS GOT ANOTHER ONE 👀 I remember when I first started reading, I couldn't stop; I kept devouring one chapter after the next and it came to a point where I had to force myself to slow down so I could make it last ;u; I hope you thoroughly enjoy it, and leave LadyRed many comments! There'll definitely be more BMB fan arts and comics in the future <3
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skillissue71 · 1 month
you are single handily keeping the left 4 dead 2 fandom afloat
eahgehehehethats a Nice Compliment.... love the intention.. but I am not Single Hnadily!!!!! Do you know about the existence of all of the other talented artists sfmers writers gaymers etc. I owe them my life. Like for example l4deeznuts with the fucking piss fic. Bless him. Or ladyred. For making me suffer with BMB. glycine hasnt been that active lately iirc but their art had made me go through several comas. some artists here on tumblr or twitter too. anyways. Every one of those people has saved my life. and a low-key dying fandom too..
i'm also trying (as much as Life lets me) to keep it afloat drawing your requests and whatever shite pops up in my brain from time to time 🫡
tl;dr: thank you ahaha <3love andpeace
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sots-nxck · 26 days
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Scrunglies of chapter 342 Comm for @ladyred-ms
These boys will kill me
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