ellies-gf · 4 years
showing characters are in love without actually saying it
looks that last just a little longer than they should
constantly thinking about each other
they stand next to each other without even thinking about it
lovers’ quarrel (they fight, get angsty, and then both make up after, yknow the usual)
always worried about each other
lingering touches
both subtly act a bit different when the other is around
they both know exactly how to comfort each other in the best way
smiles that last long after what’s been said (“why are you still smiling?” “hmm? what? what smile?”)
small touches
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ellies-gf · 4 years
I think my brain accidentally ascended for a second.
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ellies-gf · 4 years
this shit’s sending me
eases my aching heart the horrific so-called finale caused 
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Explanation 1 of 2 in my mind as to why Castiel wasn’t in that hallucinatory nightmare punchline of a 15 year long hate crime finale
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ellies-gf · 4 years
physical affection prompts!
pats on the head
interlocking pinkies
smiling into a kiss
a hug after not seeing someone for a long time
giggly cuddles
chasing someone’s lips after they pull away
squishing their cheeks
brushing hands by accident
wiping away someone’s tears
lifting someone up out of excitement
back hugs
an incredibly loud and painful high-five
kissing someone’s forehead
play wrestling
the biggest, warmest hugs
kissing knuckles
tugging on the bottom of someone’s shirt
wiping away food from someone’s lips
peppering their face in kisses
chest bump
accidentally knocking your head into someone’s chin
kissing someone’s cuts/bruises/scratches
a hug that some might consider as ~too long~
confusing a handshake for a fist bump
playfully biting someone
bonus: touching feet and immediately screaming and recoiling
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ellies-gf · 4 years
spn s15 spoiler
sick and broken over my comfort character’s death rn
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ellies-gf · 4 years
if you can’t tell im pissed and sad about the ending of spn
In their last episode, no show would ever:
• give their main character the stupidest death ever
• ignore a character that has been there for 12 years
• have only one fan favorite be there for the last ep
• play two different versions of the same song back to back
• completely ignore a storyline that was introduced 2 episodes before but not completed
• destroy years of development for a character
• basically go against what the whole show is about
I bet the other show runners are laughing so hard right now
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ellies-gf · 4 years
Just in case you forgot:
Kevin is still a ghost destined to wander the earth for all eternity and go insane
Ketch got tossed away without a second thought
Cas died for no reason
Dean died a hunter, something he never actually wanted to do, especially after chuck
No Eileen
Where the fuck is becky and her fam???
Wtf happened with the empty after the explosion??? Is it still loud???
Where’d the dog go???
Sammy just abandoned every hunter ever, very ooc cause he’s def a dad to them
Jack, a 4 year old, somehow just fucks off and never actually mourns his dad (Cas)
No Gabriel
The whole Michael/Adam fuck up
Sam and Dean get to share heaven with their abusive dad
Patience never got to use her potential as a character after season 13
All the homophobia in the end (Stevie/Charlie, Cas/Dean, Claire/Kaia)
We just...tossed Donatello aside???
The show completely throws away its narrative that family is who you make it to be, not just blood. They make it just blood in the end
Am I missing anything???
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ellies-gf · 4 years
hero x villain prompt #1: common enemy
“Say,” the villain purrs, their hand gliding across the hero’s wall, as if it was normal that they were standing in their enemy’s home, “What d’you say to... Working together?” 
The hero gapes at them, eyebrows raised and jaw slack. Work together? 
“Are you crazy?” The hero hisses, crossing their arms defiantly. The villain had caught them at a bad time, to say the least. In only their sleeping attire, had just woken up at nearly midnight. Though, nothing really surprised them about their foe’s strange antics, not anymore.
“Look, neither of us want him around,” they near the hero, body far too close and intimidating. Their presence was suffocating. “It would be smarter to pair up. Get rid of ‘em while we can.” 
The hero scoffs, giving the villain a once-over. Their tight clothing, accentuating their best assets, lips curled in that same cruel smirk beneath their mask. They’re far too attractive for someone deemed the bad guy, the hero supposes. 
“Stop checkin’ me out and answer.” 
“I-I am not-” The hero decided to cut it short, seeing as they didn’t have an excuse because they definitely were checking the villain out.
“Mhm,” a finger grazes the hero’s neck, sending chills down their spine. It’s crazy how someone they’ve fought so many times can affect them in a way that should be illegal. “Wouldn’t it be fun? Working together?” The villain’s warm breath where their touch once was. 
“No.” The hero snaps, tilting their head down so that their opponent couldn’t see the heat that had risen to their cheeks. “It sounds disastrous. Dangerous.” 
“But you see,” the villain gets even closer, body nearly pressed against the hero’s back, their hands softly, only gingerly, slipping beneath the fabric they wore on their torso, “Danger is so fun.” 
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ellies-gf · 4 years
dialogue prompt #2
“You’re cute, but you’re also pretty fuckin’ creepy.”
“Why, thank you!”
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ellies-gf · 4 years
dialogue prompt #1
“Please stay... You don’t have to leave. Please.”
“I love you. Fuck, I love you so much but I can’t.”
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ellies-gf · 4 years
hello! i love ur writing so so so much! i was wondering if i could request a snippet where the villain discovers the hero's self harm scars? if not, that's ok too🥰❤️ have a lovely day :))
“Oh, darling.” The villain’s voice was much too soft.
The hero felt a sharp flicker of panic - they could have dealt with the villain mocking them - but they weren’t entirely sure they could stomach that tone. Not when they were so bare, so vulnerable, so utterly exposed. 
The hero couldn’t even protest nor offer up any excuse or convincing lie; not with the gag in their mouth. This wasn’t supposed to go like this after all.  
It started when the villain had spied the marks on the hero’s arms - tearing the sleeve of their suit so that they could inject some nefarious substance or other. The bit had been so the hero didn’t, apparently, bite through their own tongue. 
The syringe had however been abandoned on the side the second the villain saw the hero’s skin. Despite the hero’s muffled protest, the villain had promptly cut open the other sleeve and, then, made short work of everything else.
The villain’s gaze roamed over them, taking it all in and the hero wanted to scream. The thought of anyone finding out had always been bad enough...but to have the villain of all people...and like this...
They jerked uselessly against the restraints, the flicker beginning to swell into full blown panic. 
The villain ghosted their fingers across the marks, with that same terrible gentleness. The hero flinched, even if it didn’t hurt - maybe because it didn’t. They didn’t know. The hero’s muscles tightened taut with stress, with the urge to bolt and the complete inability to.
If they could run the villain would never even have seen this far. 
The villain’s gaze moved up, catching the hero’s wide-eyed stare. 
“I know what scars I’ve left on you, hero.” The word, ‘hero’, didn’t carry the mockery it normally did. “I know what kind of scars people get doing what we do. This...” their grip tightened, and their nails dug in. “This is not that.”
The hero’s fingers curled into fists, breath hitching. They did their utmost to keep their expression composed. Their mind raced; trying to figure out what the villain would do. Well, what could they do? They didn’t know what the villain even intended with this, now. What would they possibly care what the hero did in their free time? Yet, clearly, they cared. Otherwise they wouldn’t have set the syringe down they would have continued business as normal. 
The villain reached up after a moment, taking the bit out and setting that aside too. 
The hero wrenched their gaze away, working out their jaw. They could have spoken now but they said nothing. Anger churned with the panic. The villain had no right to expect an explanation from them, if that was what they were waiting for? 
“Control, punishment or something else?”
The even question snapped the hero’s stare back, in surprise. The villain’s voice had gone even again, instead of that horrible ‘handle with care’ softness. 
“What?” it came out raspy. 
The villain tapped one of the scars. “Do you do it to feel in control of something, to punish yourself, or something else?” 
“What’s it to you? You’ve literally got me tied to a chair.”
“Your enemies hurting you is very different to doing it to yourself. You cannot control your enemies, but nor would you expect them to be kind.”
“I swear if you of all people are going to start a lecture about being kind to myself.” The hero’s eyes burned, hot and embarrassed. They really hoped they didn’t start crying. 
“If you answer my question I’ll stop pestering you about it.”
The hero looked down, considering their options, really not wanting to talk about it with them. Still. “It makes my head shut up. Happy?”
“Happy is an interesting word choice given the topic of conversation, but I accept your answer, yes.”
“So you’re going back to whatever is in your nightmare syringe?”
“It’s a serum to limit your powers.”
“I did tell you.”
“Your monologues are very wordy and scientific. I get bored.”
The villain snorted. Still, they stayed crouching in front of the hero, studying them quietly. 
“...you’re not going back to stabbing me with the nightmare syringe?”
“Do you want me to stab you with the nightmare syringe?”
“No. Obviously not.”
The villain did not look entirely convinced. 
The hero gritted their teeth. “This is bothering you,” they said. “Knowing this about me. I’m not - I’m not suicidal, or anything. You can still get around to killing me yourself or - or whatever.” They faltered as the villain continued to stare at them. “What?”
“You make it a little too easy to forget you’re human, sometimes, hero.” The villain rose up to their feet. “Stay put.”
“Stay - you have me tied to a chair. Where are you going?!”
"I need to think,” the villain said. “And possibly punch something. And then, if you’re willing, I have some ideas on what might help.”
“You - what - hey!” 
The hero sat there, bewildered, at the sound of the next room being thoroughly destroyed. 
Nothing was quite the same after that.
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