#lady ray
sunnys-day · 11 days
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Pairing: Hasil Farrell x Female OC
Words: 1776
Warnings: Injuries (not fatal), swearing, mention of family loss... lmk if I missed any
Divider by: @saradika-graphics
Summary: Hasil's dreams lead him to a young woman in need of his help. Part 1.
@babykayla288 - this took me longer than I intended and it's only the first part, but I hope you like it.
AN: This is NOT a Sasil fic. Sally-May is an amazing character and I love her and Hasil together, but I wanted to do something different.
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He hadn’t been sure what he was supposed to be looking for, but his dream had been quite clear on where he was supposed to go. Off the normal trail was a rockface that climbers often frequented, but the Farrells avoided, which was why Hasil hadn’t told anyone where he was going when he left. He couldn’t explain it, but the dream left him almost frantic about finding whatever he was sure to see there. He wasn’t expecting that ‘thing’ to be a young woman around his age with raven black hair lying beneath the rock face.
At first, he was confused; why on earth would his dream tell him to come find a dead body? Upon closer inspection, he realized it wasn’t… it was telling him to find a LIVE one. He wasn’t sure how she’d survived the fall, but the slight rise and fall of her chest was unmistakable. He had no idea what Lady Ray would say about their visitor, but leaving her here wasn’t an option, not for him. With all the gentleness he possessed, he first looked her over to try to find some kind of wound. Her arms were scratched to hell, telling him she’d tried to catch herself on the way down, and he was sure one of them was broken, but other than that, she looked okay for someone who had just fallen off a cliff. When he went to pick her up, he noticed the strange necklace she had grasped in her right hand. It reminded him of the one he often saw Lady Ray wearing, but he quickly shook off the thought, grabbing the necklace, shoving it in his pocket, and carefully picking her up.
“What the hell?” she groaned, attempting to bring her hand up but wincing at the pain. “Fuck.” Hasil half expected her to start flailing when she realized she was in a stranger’s arms, but she seemed more relieved than anything when she looked at him. “Hi.”
He was going to hazard a guess that she had a concussion; either that or she was just crazy. He wanted to tell her she’d be ok and that she was safe with him, but she passed out right after the word left his lips. So with a whispered ‘fuckin hell,’ he readjusted his hold on her and walked her to the 4-wheeler he’d left on the main trail. He still had no idea who she was or why his dream had brought him to her, but he didn’t think his family was going to take kindly to him bringing an outsider into their territory. Only one way to find out…
Lady Ray had been shocked as hell when she walked into the healer’s tent and saw the young woman. G’win was currently tearing into Hasil, calling him irresponsible and stupid for bringing her to them, but one look at her face and Lady Ray immediately stopped her.
“That’s enough.”
“Lady Ray?”
“Is she gonna be alright?”
“She’s got a broken arm, a concussion, and cuts all up and down her arms.”
“Don’t rightly answer my question.”
She didn’t sound angry, but there was a distinct edge to her tone that told them to tread very carefully. G’win wasn’t sure what the hell Hasil was thinking but now she was even more confused by their Bren’in and her reaction to this woman.
“She’ll be fine.”
“Good. Hasil, come with me.”
Hasil looked from the girl to his Bren’in but didn’t dare argue, nodding once and following her obediently. She quickly dismissed the others from her living room, and once it was just the two of them, Hasil was finally gifted with answers.
“Everythin alright, Bren’in?”
“That girl… did she have anything else on her?”
“Just this.” He pulled the necklace from his pocket and handed it over, watching her closely and catching the moment her eyes seemed to tear up. “Who is she?”
“Mitena… her family once helped our clan in a time of dire need. It was during the time of the big storm; several of our homes were destroyed along with most of our food and clean water. I was prepared t’ do whatever was necessary but they offered us their help freely. Requested nothin in return, but a Farrell doesn’t take charity, so I give ‘em that necklace. Told ‘em if they ever needed help, t’ just bring that back and they’d be welcome with open arms.”
“So her comin here weren’t no coincidence?” she shook her head ‘no’ but left it at that, at least until his next words. “Here I thought my dreams were just leadin me on a wild goose chase.”
“Dreams? What dreams?” Hasil told her about every dream he’d had over the past week. All about finding something important in an unexpected place. He explained that he had no idea it would be a person. “Why didn’t you tell me about this sooner?”
“Like I said, I wasn’t sure if they was just dreams or something more.”
“Still, next time you come directly t’ me. Understand?”
“Of course Bren’in.”
“Good. Now, I’ll want t’ talk t’ her when she wakes, but I’m placin her under your charge.”
“Don’t sound so surprised.” She scoffed. “You were the ones given the dreams, means your story with her has only just begun.”
“So you’re lettin her stay?”
“I am. I made a promise, and I keep my promises.”
“The rest of our kin may not like this.”
“You let me worry about them. You just worry about her.”
“Yes ma’am.”
When Mitena regained consciousness, she silently looked around the unfamiliar room, searching for the man she’d seen in her dreams. However, after everything that had happened, she wasn’t about to let her guard down so easily. Her parents had begged their leader not to let those women stay, but helping those in need was kind of their whole thing… only this time it led to the death of her family. Her mother’s quick thinking was the ONLY reason she’d survived, placing the necklace in her hand and telling her to find the Farrells. She’d heard stories of this clan and the promise that remained between their family and her own, and she was relieved to discover that the man in her dreams was part of that family.  
Hasil walked in a moment later, and his smile at the sight of her awake caused a small flurry of butterflies to flit in her chest. His Aura had a mix of orange, yellow, and green, bringing a natural calm to her spirit… unlike her healer, who she was seriously considering stabbing. She hadn’t heard everything, but G’win had been speaking to herself, and Mitena had heard enough to know she wasn’t happy with her presence. Something that was confirmed by her words to Hasil before realizing Mitena was awake.
“What’d she say?”
“I’m t’ look after her.”
He was speaking to G’win but looking directly at Mitena and his lip curved the tiniest amount when she let out a relieved sight. He hadn’t officially met the woman, but something about her was drawing him in, just as she was being drawn to him.
“Are you serious?! Since when do we take in strays?”
“If you’ve got a problem with it, I suggest you go on and talk t’ our Bren’in.”
“Maybe I will.”
“Maybe you should.” He shrugged, winking at Mitena and smiling outright when he saw her trying to hide a laugh. “I’m just tellin' you what she told me.”
“You sure you’re tellin' me everything?”
He just shrugged again, and G’win let out an angry groan, tossing a rag at him and wondering if everyone in this family had lost their damn minds. “Since she’s your problem, you wrap up her arm. I’m gonna go talk t’ Lady Ray and git t’ the bottom of this.”
“Knock yourself out.” He was so unphased by her outburst that Mitena figured this must be a pretty regular interaction between them. When she was finally gone, he walked over and sat beside her on the bed as though they were old friends rather than new acquaintances. “Don’t mind her. She’s a bit paranoid, but she means well.”
“She sounds like a raging bitch.”
He didn’t bother hiding his laugh, finding her assessment hilarious but not entirely wrong. He cared very much for G’win and thought she would make a decent Bren’in in the future, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t be self-serving and downright mean to outsiders.
“She ain’t all bad.” He shrugged, “Now, I gotta fix up your arm. Can ya sit up for me?”
She did as he asked, wincing but not crying out when he started wrapping her arm. She was more interested in watching his face, looking for micro-expressions that would tip her off before she fell too deep. What she found instead was a deeply caring individual, and in this moment, she knew why her dreams were leading her to him.
“Thank you.”
“Can’t leave ya all banged up.”
“Not just for this.” She whispered, bowing her head so she could compose herself and meeting his eyes when she was sure she wouldn’t cry. “I know bringin me here was a risk.”
“No risk, no reward.” He teased, finding the tint of pink dusting her cheeks to be nothing short of mesmerizing. “What were ya doing all the way out here, anyways?”
“My family… we were targeted by the Kinnah. As far as I know, I’m the only one who survived.”
He’d heard stories of the Kinnah and none of them were good. “I’m so sorry.”
“Not your fault.” She shrugged, happy that this conversation was going well, all things considered. “My mama told me t’ come find your family, said you’d help.”
“She’s right. Lady Ray said you can stay as long as ya want, but she’s gonna wanna talk t’ you… and she’ll wanna know about them Kinnah.” Mitena nodded in understanding, smiling up at him when he took her now bandaged hand in his and gave her a slight squeeze. “You’re safe here. Safe with me.”
“Thank you… I’m Mitena, by the way.”
“Hasil. Pleasure t’ meet you, Mitena.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Hasil.”
It was a small introduction, and while her heart was in tatters after the loss of her family, she was so thankful her dreams had led her to such a man as this. He had such a calming effect on her; it was unlike anything she’d experienced before, and though she didn’t know how this would end up, she was grateful to have him as her guide.
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u think fem ge saeran will grow her hair out or will cut it short occasionally now that she can decide on her own what she wants to look like/ be like ? //oh god imagine if suit saeran in this version tried to look like rika coz she's the most powerful entity she knows in that storyline I hope this makes sense in a way//
I have emojis I've drawn for all the Lady Saerans. I draw Ray with tight curls since we know Ray spends a long time trying to perfect her look for the MC. It's also how I style my wig when I cosplay Lady Ray, and I change it up for Lady Suit Saeran. Lady Suit Saeran has wavy hair as she's let go of Ray's curling wand but has kept some of the tiny waves from it. Whereas, Lady GE Saeran has a half-up half-down hairstyle!
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