#lady raoul too?
I think it’s time we gave the girls and the gays what they really want. A gender bent Phantom of the Opera.
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theladyragnell · 4 days
oh my gosh as soon as I hit send I immediately thought of another tantalizing possibility if your spoons so permit - Z, for either Kel/Neal/Yuki or Kel/Neal? Any verse!
(This ended up being an alternate POV of a bit of playing out a lot of hypotheticals towards the end, so if you haven't read that one, this probably won't make much sense!)
The day before her Ordeal, Kel wrote a poem, and felt silly the whole time, her face flame-hot with a blush.
She didn’t think of herself as particularly brave. It was too much of a word for ballads and legends, when “stubborn” would do just as well. Still, sitting with scraps of paper half-covered in sums and half-covered in bad translations of bad Yamani, her heart pounded more than it ever had when she was getting ready to charge down a tilting lane. Neal would think it was funny and fitting that for her, poetry took more bravery than galloping full speed towards someone hoping to spear her with a large stick, but that thought didn’t help like it usually would. Neal was the reason it was hard.
It had been a jolt, late that summer, after everything, to receive a poem without a careful authorial attribution and, quite often, biographical information, something Neal had started providing when he’d realized she liked to know. He’d grown so good at finding poems that fit the two of them perfectly that it was the lack of attribution that had made her realize what it was, the gift he’d given her. She’d read the lines over and over again until she memorized them by accident, something she’d only realized when she woke in the morning thinking and more, until the paper covers my desk like snow.
She’d known, then. She’d thought maybe it was true before, but she knew then that Neal loved her, and that she loved him too. The way Dom talked, it sounded like Neal was a flirt, like he’d write poetry for anyone, like he’d been in love with every woman in the palace, and Kel had let herself believe it, but it wasn’t true. Whatever he wrote to those ladies, it wasn’t six lines that were a bit of an insult to the Yamani form they aped. It wasn’t an observation that spoke to years of friendship and care and the shaky excitement of something else added on.
So Kel was staring down her possible death, if the Chamber of the Ordeal took a dislike to her after all the years she’d spent daring it to do its worst, and the last thing she had to do was write a poem, and she couldn’t blame Neal for his poem being a bad version of the Yamani form because hers was going to be so much worse. She didn’t even have the excuse of not knowing Yamani.
One thing Neal had done right was to focus on one small image, her letters laid out on his desk, with a fresh one delivered to fill another gap. If the whole of a feeling was too much to express, sometimes a single image would do. Kel, who’d never been good at expressing her emotions, certainly couldn’t encompass everything she felt about Neal in six lines.
There were too many moments to choose between. Neal in the infirmary on the progress, arch and on the edge of flirting. Neal in a hallway in Persopolis, recommending her a poem in honest sympathy for a loss even her friends didn’t understand. A beach at Queenscove and a kiss she couldn’t in honor give him.
In the end, though, it came back to letters. To the way Neal listened to what she liked and sent better poems, and the way he gave her moments of lightness while she was with the Own, and the way he teased and teased but always seemed to know when to take her seriously. To the smiles Lord Raoul and Sir Graeme and Dom gave her in the days after a new letter arrived, and the way Lerant rolled his eyes when she smiled reflexively when he approached with a stack of papers, because the rustle sometimes meant a new letter was coming.
The last image was the one that caught her. She thought Yuki and Shinko would approve of the specificity of it, the way she noticed papers rustling behind her and didn’t care if they were letters or expense reports, because even the thought they might be letters was still a good one. They might also tease her a little for being prosaic even in poetry, but she didn’t mind that, especially since if she was lucky they would never know, and their opinions would remain theoretical.
Kel had hoped to spend her last day as a squire out in the forest with Peachblossom and Jump and the sparrows, to gain some solitude, but she ended up spending most of it at her desk, writing and rewriting the same six lines until they were good enough to go in the book beside Neal’s own poem, a response and a hope.
By spring, she would be back on the Scanran border. Horribly, Neal would likely be there too, if farther from the action. Whenever she thought of it, she had to avoid thinking about the last time she’d touched the Chamber door, before Third Company had gone north in the spring, about finding a field hospital sacked and raided, finding Neal speared through with no clever words left in him, just a mute appeal for help she couldn’t give him.
There was a winter first, though. Time enough to work through what they could be to each other, what promises they could make without courting heartbreak. Staring at the poems next to each other, his elegant handwriting next to her utilitarian script, the words different but the subjects the same, she couldn’t worry too much about the heartbreak. Everything else, maybe, but not that.
When the ink was dry, Kel gently shut the book where Neal had carefully written out all the poems she liked best, where there was still more room for another year of poems, but not much more than a year. They’d need a second volume, someday.
“Going out so close to time, Kel?” Raoul asked when he caught her in the corridor, book tucked under her arm.
Kel badly wanted to squirm. He’d been through the Ordeal once, though, and he’d seen her the morning of Joren’s. He had to know she would want to be prepared. “I know it’s last-minute. I just need to—leave this. With someone.”
His mouth quirked. He’d spotted the book, clearly, and it seemed like every member of Third Company had teased her about her ever-present poetry book in camp. She stored Neal’s letters between the pages, and had had to remove them so she didn’t give too much away. “With someone, of course,” he said. “Well, don’t let someone distract you for too long.”
Her face had to be flaming. She ducked her head. “I won’t, my lord. It’s just for safekeeping, that’s all.”
Raoul’s expression softened from teasing into concern. “You’ll get it back,” he said, more of a promise than he ought to be making.
“I just have to make sure he has it tonight,” said Kel, and went off down the hallway to be as brave as she possibly could.
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thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
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That's actually an interesting scenario. I've seen the Phantom of the Opera at Broadway when I was a kid, I was kinda young so I didn't really understand much of it. All I liked was the Phantom's mask lol. And I've gone with the original and the ACTUAL Phantom of the Opera here that took place in Paris at the The Palais Garnier or Opéra Garnier and I actually like the Phantom of the Opera :)
You were supposed to give a show today at the Paris Opera House, Palais Garnier. You were the main character of the play, Christine Daae. You were nervous since you didn't think that you could actually pull it off and in other words, one could say that you had stage fright. You started taking deep breaths to calm yourself down and you tried to rehearse your parts along with your songs
What you didn't know was that there was a person from underground or the sewers watching your every move. The Phantom was captivated and mesmerized by your beauty and your charming melodious voice whenever you practiced. She manipulated and spooked the crew of giving you the leading character in the play, giving you all the key roles. She gazed up at you, wistfully thinking how wonderful and lovely it would be to have you in her arms. She was scared and ashamed to show herself to you since she was rather disfigured and afraid that you might recoil in disgust when you look at her. Hence she was forced to silently observe you from the shadows, heart aching and yearning for your touch and your soft pink rosy lips on hers
However, there were 2 people she didn't like from the crew. One was the lady who played the role of Meg Giry the Prima Donna (Chief singer) and the other was the guy playing the role of the Viscount Raoul de Chagny since he fell in love with you. She made a plan to keep a close eye on them to ensure that they didn't mess your part in the play
You practiced for days and today it was the Opening Night. For days you had practiced, you couldn't afford to mess this up. Wanda was looking at you with interest, and with admiration in her eyes that even though you were nervous, you were still ready to face the people and do your part. She admired your bravery and courage and she oh, how she wished to do something to calm you down
Just then Meg Giry, the lead singer of the play asked you how you were doing. You didn't really suspect her of having any ill intentions towards you and you were too naive and trusting for your own good. The Phantom irritated at the cause of the disturbance from your practice peeked more close to see who you were talking to you and she scowled, an irritated frown on her face. Meg handed you a caffeinated drink to which you gladly accepted with a smile on your face and you drank it in front of her. She smirked deviously, talked with you for a few minutes and congratulated you for your acting and voice. But the Phantom knew better, she started getting livid. Who was this woman and how DARE they try doing something to you just before the play! You might not have noticed Meg's evil smirk and her ill feelings towards you but Wanda knew better. Her heart immediately started feeling heavy, wanting to protect you from all this and embrace you in her loving arms, where you don't have to fear anything. You were obviously too good and pure for this world and Wanda was now angry that someone was taking advantage of your niceness. Wanda still didn't want to reveal herself to you since she was a little insecure about herself but she made a mental note to make sure nothing happens to you today on Opening Night
Soon, it was time for you to sing your part and you took a deep breath, and you braced yourself and headed out to the center of the stage. The Phantom was silently cheering you on, captivated by how wonderful you look and how... angelic and divine you appeared while singing, like a true goddess from he heavens above. She felt all her negative emotions from a long time vanish when your melodious voice filled the Opera
(Lyrics don't belong to me, they're composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber from the movie 'Phantom of the Opera')
'Think of me, think of me fondly When we've said goodbye Remember me, once in a while Please promise me you'll try When you find that once again you long To take your heart back and be free If you ever find a moment Spare a thought for me....
We never said our love was evergreen Or as unchanging as the sea But if you can still remember Stop and think of me Think of all the things We've shared and seen Don't think about the way Things might have been'
You suddenly hit the wrong note and your face flushed red with embarrassment as people started staring you, some of them whispering. Then you started coughing and sputtering as Meg Giry started smirking at your behavior. You then understood that she had given you a drink that had caffeine in it and caffeine makes the voice weak for a while. You looked at her with anger and hurt in your eyes and she started singing
(Song's name is 'Please Miss Giry' composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber from the movie, 'Love Never Dies')
'Please, Miss Giry! I want to go back! I want my mother...
The sea is calm The sea is gray It washes everything away
Please, you're hurting me!
Don't worry, it's almost over
Sink into the deep Blue, and cool, and kind Then drift off to sleep Let the past unwind Leave the hurt behind
Gustave! Mother! No, I'm not done yet!'
By now Wanda was literally fuming that her beloved was cast aside for this random upstart. How DARE that.... that woman do that you and sabotage your singing? You could feel a few tears prickling your eyes and it fell down on the floor lightly. You thought that today would be the best day of your life, feeling proud as you stand held high and sing. You thought nothing could dampen your spirits but you were wrong. No one noticed your silent tears except for Wanda and she felt an ocean of emotions like anger, sympathy, love, sadness course through her body. All for you. She wasn't having any more of this nonsense and as the woman kept on singing, she grew even more infuriated and decided to do something about her
She sneakily came out of her hiding place and she snuck towards the gallery, used her powers to make the chandelier dangling above the proscenium fall down. It was on the verge of collapse but Wanda thought one step ahead. While the chandelier was still dangling loosely she made her grand appearance, startling everyone in the theatre and she pulled you in her embrace. Before you could even process what happened the chandelier finally came crashing down and she whisked you off with her
You looked up at her, wondering what she was going to do with you now and you sniffled, and whimpered in fright. "Please let me go...I'm sorry if I did something wrong''. She succumbed to her overwhelming desire of having you in her arms at long last and she dried your tears and spoke "My love... I have waited for far too long to have you in my arms. Hearing your divine wonderful voice, it made me feel... alive and like a person again. The way you were treated today in front of all those who don't deserve to be graced by your presence made my blood boil. You are far too pure and angelic to be tainted by the darkness of the world. I apologize that you were captured by a monster like me but... I will do my best to protect you''
She dried your tears lovingly and continued, "The world doesn't deserve an angel like you, my love~". The last thing you remembered was losing consciousness in a mysterious stranger's arms, wondering if all this was just a dream. Oh, if only it was a dream....
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danielarlngton · 8 months
A Huguenot, on St. Bartholomew's Day, Refusing to Shield Himself from Danger by Wearing the Roman Catholic Badge (1851–52) is the full, exhibited title of a painting by John Everett Millais, and was produced at the height of his Pre-Raphaelite period. It was accompanied, at the Royal Academy of Arts in London in 1852, with a long quote reading: "When the clock of the Palais de Justice shall sound upon the great bell, at daybreak, then each good Catholic must bind a strip of white linen round his arm, and place a fair white cross in his cap. —The order of the Duke of Guise."
It depicts a pair of young lovers and is given a dramatic twist because the woman, who is Catholic, is attempting to get her beloved, who is Protestant, to wear the white armband declaring allegiance to Catholicism. The young man firmly pulls off the armband at the same time that he gently embraces his lover, and stares into her pleading eyes. The incident refers to the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre on August 24, 1572, when around 3,000 French Protestants (Huguenots) were murdered in Paris, with around 20,000 massacred across the rest of France. A small number of Protestants escaped from the city through subterfuge by wearing white armbands. Millais had initially planned simply to depict lovers in a less dire predicament, but supposedly had been persuaded by his Pre-Raphaelite colleague William Holman Hunt that the subject was too trite. After seeing Giacomo Meyerbeer's opera Les Huguenots of 1836 at Covent Garden, which tells the story of the massacre, Millais adapted the painting to refer to the event. In the opera, Valentine attempts unsuccessfully to get her lover Raoul to wear the armband. The choice of a pro-Protestant subject was also significant because the Pre-Raphaelites had previously been attacked for their alleged sympathies to the Oxford Movement and to Catholicism. Millais painted the majority of the background near Ewell in Surrey in the late summer and autumn of 1851, while he and Hunt were living at Worcester Park Farm. It was from a brick wall adjoining an orchard. Some of the flowers depicted in the scene may have been chosen because of the contemporary interest in the so-called language of flowers. The blue Canterbury Bells at the left, for example, can stand for faith and constancy. Returning to London after the weather turned too cold to work out-of-doors in November, he painted in the figures: the face of the man was from that of Millais's family friend Arthur Lemprière, and the woman was posed for by Anne Ryan. The painting was exhibited with Ophelia and his portrait of Mrs. Coventry Patmore (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge) at the Royal Academy of Arts in 1852, and helped to change attitudes towards the Pre-Raphaelites. Tom Taylor wrote an extremely positive review in Punch. It was produced as a reproductive print by the dealer D. White and engraved in mezzotint by Thomas Oldham Barlow in 1856. This became Millais's first major popular success in this medium, and the artist went on to produce a number of other paintings on similar subjects to serve a growing middle class market for engravings. These include The Order of Release, 1746 (Tate, London), The Proscribed Royalist, 1651 (Lord Lloyd-Webber Collection), and The Black Brunswicker (Lady Lever Art Gallery, Port Sunlight). All were successfully engraved. There are smaller watercolor versions of the picture in The Higgins Art Gallery, Bedford, the Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, and a reduced oil replica in the Lord Lloyd-Webber Collection, all by Millais.
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As 2023 comes to an end...
I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone on Tumblr who helped make this year.
This was my first year ever joining Tumblr, and I was really nervous about it tbh LOL. Because this was the first social media I was joining for the actual social part LMAO. And I'd already seen for years beforehand how awful the internet can be. But I decided to give it a try anyway because Tumblr was literally the social media I was looking for for ages HAHAHA.
Anyway I'm not gonna make this long. Thank you to @the-old-fashioned-girl for helping me get settled into the world of Tumblr (and just, being the best best friend i could've ever asked for. I'm blessed every day just for knowing you), as well as @oatzams. Ty also to my friends @last-aid-kit, @conazpi, @titusthetraveler, and @amadeuslefay! And obviously @gangst3rswife too even if u don't use Tumblr much lol.
As for the amazing people I met on here, there's so many that I'm afraid I'll miss some of y'all 😭. But a few notable ones are: @wednesdayandherhyde, @lady-murderess, @darling-gemini, and a handful of the rest of the Wyler community, @offendedteaspoon, @clawedandcute, @rainintheevening, @mialicassi, @rhysthomas02, @sliverswords, @ronon-dex, @catkin-morgs-kookaburralover, @youjustfeelthemforever, @choasuqeen, @rose-red-ink, @dont-do-rice-babes, @ladyphlogiston, @theragamuffininitiative, @get-loved-nerd, @the-kirbe-anon, @mrgartist, @lady-merian, and the rest of the Chrumblr discord server, the Writey Encourager Squad (y'all really gelped me so much with my writing this year!!), @raouls-fine-horses/@its-a-hare-pom-pom, @nerdywriter36, and @brendadaaedestler! Thank you you guys so much. Also @madlybattymontague , @fairytale-lights, @dedepiggy, @o-lei-o-lai-o-lord, @faded-florals, and my newest mutual @angel-with-paper-wings!
And if I forgot anyone, just know that I promise I'm thinking of you and love you and an grateful for you I just have a hard time doing lists like this I promise it's not you. If you wish you were on this list for any reason, consider yourself a part of it!!! I love you all and I'm so grateful for you and I thank you for everything. I can't wait to experience 2024 with you all!!
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winter2468 · 1 year
"Phantom of the Opera but with lesbians" is a concept I am of course incredibly open to. But consider: most of the time, people just make Erik a woman for this. But I think Raoul should also be a woman.
Renee de Chagny. Catastrophic levels of failwoman energy. Sobbing and sniffing because her 'particular friend' might not love her back. Descending to to the fifth basement with nothing but devotion and a cringefail attitude, and immediately falling into the torture chamber.
Adds another layer to Philippe de Chagny not wanting Raoul to hang out with Christine - he thinks the opera singer is 'corrupting' his younger sister.
You know what? Let's make the daroga a woman too. Smart older butch lady. Wait no that's too hot now I've lost my train of thought.
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lokislynx · 4 months
The Phantom of the Opera. It's been in my life for... over 30 years now more or less. ALW's was the first I knew. I love the original book by Gaston Leroux. I even like Susan Kay's version to a point... Would have been so much better without the ending.
The musical has become somewhat of a trigger to me but not related to the story.
The first time I was "shocked" somewhat by the story was when I saw the musical years ago in Finland, my hometown Helsinki. It was glorious and different but there was a second after Christine fainted in the end of Music of the night that implied... that's too strong a word really but... rape.
I was bothered by it. Like I was bothered by the missing stockings of POTO 2004 movie. (Over all I do not like the movie at all).
I realised I've always thought Erik's love as extremely passionate but... "knightly". He loves from afar. I feel he never imagines anything as physical as sex between him and Christine. He wanted to live with her, have walks with her and sing with her but physical contact... He broke down from a kiss on his forehead!
I've extremely hard time imagining him even spying at her from behind the mirror while she was changing her clothes. Leroux's Erik frankly doesn't seem mature enough. The rest... or the over all image of him is... sure he blackmails, murders and tortures people but he is a gentleman when it comes to ladies... like Nadir said in Kay's Phantom. This is why he suffers so in the book. Raoul is the very real physical love, Erik represents the love from the old knight's virtues. Like Don Quixote. This doesn't make his love any less passionate, but Raoul's existence makes it ever the more desperate. Erik loves Christine, he wants and yearns for her, but... never expects to "satisfy" her physically. The beauty of it is that he can do so to her mentally and she is extremely pulled by him that way... torn between the mental and physical aspects of love.
And Past the point of no return... I adored the song when I was a child. Now however... it's so far from what Erik would do. He would not parade his (nor hers!) sexuality or sexual passion in front of an audience! He's been paraded almost all his life until he found refuge from beneath the "tomb" he built for himself like the ancient pharaohs! He would rather guide rats down his pants than do that...
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sillypiratelife · 8 months
I could assign Sanji a classic musical role like the Phantom in The Phantom of the Opera or even Dracula, but honestly with what they did to him in the story, I'm reticent to assign him the role of a sexual predator / a man who manipulates ladies for their own benefit.
I know he'd love to play the role of the good love interest, the one who's noble but insane for the woman he loves. He'd play the hell out of Raoul or Jonathan Harker too. It's just— I need conflict and to give Sanji what he wants... Maybe he'd get it, but it'd have to have a twist.
Which actually gives me the genius idea of just ignoring gender roles and given Sanji roles like Christine in The Phantom of the Opera because it'd be more interesting to see him playing the one being manipulated / taken advantage of.
Why, you ask?
Because Sanji rarely asks for help. Like I said, he prefers to play the hero. Forcing him to act as someone vulnerable could make him face his own issues. Greek catharsis. No one needs to know if he's acting from experience on how it feels to be played with, to be at the mercy of a monster.
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To all Phantom Thieves, of each other’s personae, who has the coolest?
I'm caught between Carmen and Celestine, they are oozeing with confidence. What more could you want then your persona to be an incredible delectation of your independence and strength?
☆ Joker 🗡️
i mean i obviously gotta say akira! on top of how many there are his staples are just sO damn cool you know? arsene is so cool, raoul is even cooler man!
☆ ryuji ⚡️
Obviously I too must vote for Lady Ann's personas, they are objectively the coolest, aside from my own Meowvolous ones of course.
☆ Morgana 🐈‍⬛
I second Akira, I admire the incredible shape language used to convey his almost villain like aesthetic.
☆ Yusuke 🎐
Ryuji-kun's personas are so strong, while Saiten Taisei might not look that cool, Captain Kidd was impressive and intimidating, very unlike our friendly and approachable Ryuji!
☆ Haru 🩰
All of them suck ass and are stupid.
☆ Akechi 🪦
Haru's personas have all been super cool, and stylish!
☆ Ann 🌺
☆ Sumire 🎭
I'm going to have to vote for Sumire's personae, I find Cendrillion to have been fascinating.
☆ Makoto 📚
going three for three on Akira!
☆ futaba 🛸
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lightandspark · 1 year
Relationship Headcanons in the Ark and Nemesis and more + Humanformers Headcanons
(They are all from Cybertron still and they live for a long time.)
Arcee, Frenzy, and Nova Storm are trans females, Exhaust, Rewind, Tailgate and Sandstorm are trans men.
Lady Silverbolt, Knockout, Ratchet, Jazz, Blaster, Eject, Rodimus, Bumblebee, Mirage, First Aid, Streetwise, Sideswipe, Cosmos, Dead End, and DragStrip
Ratchet is a tired mom to everyone sighing heavily as she drinks her energy coffee. She in particular fond of First Aid, Velocity, and Minerva (her medical students) and Silverbolt (the air commander and new tired mom to a bunch guys: Fireflight, Air Raid, Skydive, Tracks, Powerglide... While oblivious to Slingshot’s feelings for her.).
Grapple and Hoist are equilivent of Tired Uncle and Fun Uncles to the factions.
Greenlight and Arcee are the matchmaking Aunties. Though. Greenlight is younger than most of her colleagues but counts.
Tracks, Powerglide, Seaspray, and Crankcase each had a chaotic adventure that resulted them finding love with different species.
Raoul basically gave Tracks a tour around New York City, at night, where the fun shows and Tracks immediately fell in love.
Astoria went on a wacky adventure with Powerglide when the Combaticons chased them around her birthday.
Seaspray fell in love with a mermaid, Alana and it's adorable.
And Crankcase punched Shockwave in the face for trying to experiment on Cons4Eva.
Rewind, Tailgate, and Swerve are best friends and discuss their chaotic love life together. How Tailgate and Swerve fell in live with a Decepticon while Rewind has a bad taste in mechs.
Eject, Frenzy, and Rosanna have girl nights out and have their own fun. Rumble chaperones relunctly.
Tracks, Sunstreaker, Blurr, and Mirage (Knockout, Drag Strip, and Starscream) are adamant on keeping their good appearances and always get a little nasty and snappy if they come back on a mission looking... Messed up.
Lightspeed and Lightbright are BEST FRIENDS. Lightbright loves teasing him about his crush on Afterburner while he supports her relationship with Sparkstalker.
Starscream fell in love with Windblade at first sight. They met before the full war broke out when he, Megatron, Soundwave, Tarn, Skywarp, and Thundercracker visit Caminus to discuss with her and Lightbright’s adopted creators to let them integrate the girls in their noble cause. It was at dinner and during that time, the two were making eyes at each other but after she and Lightbright went to bed, Windblade went down for more energon only do freeze as she overhead a ‘malice discussion’ between Megatron and his men. The rose tinted glasses fell off her face and she immediately told Lightbright, the two were then ushered out by their carrier to make an escape.
Lightbright teases Windblade about Starscream and Starscream gets teases about Windblade by Skywarp and Thindercracker.
Both older siblings get revenge when Lightbright falls for Sparkstalker, Thundercracker catches feelings for Marissa, and Skywarp has something going on with Frenzy.
Sandstorm and Octane grew up together and they two mechs always knew they were IT for each other... But as the war broke out, Octane thinks Sandstorm can do better than him. He was a coward and trouble always found it's way to him.
Sandstorm tells him, that he only loves him. That Octane always done his best to protect him and let's him know when danger was on it's way, giving Sandstorm time to warn his faction on time as Octane unknowingly risked his life for Sandstorm countless times as he only focused on Sandstorm saving him.
First Aid and Streetwise are chaotic roommates.
Ratchet and Knockout both use to work in the same ER at one point, prior to the war. Knockout was the gorgeous doctor that everyone has their eyes for while Ratchet was quite the looker too... She was Dr. Pharma’s favourite. She can't say the same about him though despite he WAS a good doctor.
Knockout met the love of her life: Breakdown in the ER as he came in with a broken arm and immediately he shyly blushed and was so respectful. He had his charms that immediately caught her attention and he listened to every word she said and complimented her respectfully... She fell in love hard.
Mirage grew up in high society and was tired of mechs like her sire and his political/high society friends ruled over and how her sire controlled her life... It was no surprise when she rebelled and ran off to join the war. Good thing she kept her Outlier abilities secret like her dear carrier suggested.
She admired Hound. Seeing how Hound seemed so free, rock climbing, hiking, laughing beautifully in genuine happiness... Primus, she wanted to be like Hound... Though, she excuse the mud.
Jazz and Blaster are beautiful singing sirens that captive everyone. The two girls are simply beautiful and Jazz was once singers at local bars with various admires. Prowl frequented one of them to see Jazz, captivated by her voice, her beauty, her sizzling and sensual movements, the alluring look she gave him... Or he hoped she was looking at him.
His pet ‘bird’ Green loves her too, always landing on her hand or forearm and seeing her tend to his let with so much care and gentleness, Prowl wound up daydreaming a life with her even more.
Blaster pursued a career in reporting, always getting stuck in weird situation with Cosmos, that's how she met Soundwave after he saved her when she put her nose in the wrong place and at the wrong time.
Soundwave mused, seeing this lost and sharp tongued journalist full of sass and charm. Getting her run her mouth as she thanked him and went on and on, noting how smooth her movements were and how her hips turned... She snapped her fingers at him and asked with a cheeky grin ‘if there was something he liked looking at’... First time he caught himself tongue tied after getting caught.
Their cats, Steeljaw and Ravage seemed to have a certain rivalry going on.
Sideswipe is the younger twin sister to Sunstreaker, mischievous and full of fun. Often dragging Bumblebee, Rodimus, Lightbright, and sometimes Windblade for the fun of it. Sunstreaker realizes that he went to war and got a few extra sisters that he is stuck with forevermore. Not that he was complaining as he would kill anyone who harmed them.
Sideswipe and Sunstreaker both grew up to a hardworking but loving sire with a repair shop. Their beloved carrier, a sweet and lovely femme, past at their birth. Sideswipe took the appearance of her carrier while Sunstreaker was very much his sire’s mechling in appearances.
Rodimus is usually recklessly finding adventures outside of base to which Ultra Magnus is adamant she stays put where she is safe... Ultimately going after her and the two get wound up in a crazy adventure.
Greenlight, Perceptor, Nautica, Glyph, Lancer, and Skyfire always know when something bad happened in the lab... Kind of hard to miss since Brainstorm and Wheeljack were openly discussing excitedly on their new experiment in front of them and ask of any of them would like to join them... Hard pass. They sigh heavily with crossed arms or hands on their hips as they walk in to see both of them groaning face first on the floor or dangling upside down on a chair with the lab completely in near ruins AGAIN... Ratchet is never pleased whenever her ex conjunx and his science buddy comes into the medical bay AGAIN but oh well.
Smokescreen and Bluestreak teases Prowl so much about him and Jazz, playfully nudging him. Smokescreen jokingly saying if Prowl didn't take his chance he might so, earning a nasty glare from Prowl. The trio unaware that Jazz heard everything nearby, finally making herself known as she hunters past with a cheeky and coy smile she tossed over her shoulder with the same alluring look to Prowl. Prowl swallowed hard and immediately went after her, while leaving Smokes and Blue feeling hot and jealous.
Inferno and Hot Spot worked together in the same Fire Department. Along with Firestar, Flare Up, and briefly Red Alert.
Inferno often playfully teases Red Alert, making him go red as he tried his best to glare and snap at her but she only laughs whole heartedly and slides off. Seeing that flicker of amusement and fondness, Red Alert always hope she would be back.
Fort Max and Cerebros (his best friends) LOVE teasing him for it. Red Alert and Cerebros had a flirtation but that stopped when Cerebros and Fort Max got together.
Red Alert and Prowl HATE each other. Doesn't help their offices are right across from each other.
Red Alert and Smokescreen never really speak to each other, but Smokescreen was once in love with Inferno, who was unaware.
Bluestreak had a crush on Hound.
Bumblebee is now the baby sister of both sides. Hot Shot and Rumble are the baby brothers.
When Starscream isn't commanding his seekers or going head to head with Megatron, he goes into the lab to do science with Sparkstalker and Bitstream, sometime Sky Byte. One of the few times he can relax and enjoy himself.
Knockout has energon coffee breaks with Moonheart and Glit, the trio becoming great friends as time past on. Spinister and Slipstream sometimes join them.
Knockout and Thunderblast DON’T get along. Nor does she or LunaClub do.
Knockout and Trickdiamond get on easily.
Breakdown and Dead End do feel out of place with the Stunticons, especially when Drag Strip and Wildrider make it hard to work in teams. Breakdown and Knockout share a room as a couple so thankfully he doesn't deal too much with them anymore.
Dead End gets a arrangement to work with the Combaticons and gradually accepts it as to get away from the rest of the Stunticons. (beside Breakdown as they keep in touch)
Moonheart gets heartbroken when she found out about Soundwave and Blaster immediately backed off. Sound wave never knew about her feelings and she wasn't going to embarrass herself... She was found by Blitstream, who sat by her to give her as much comfort as he can.
Lunaclub was SHATTERED when she realized Starscream and Windblade and asks Trickdiamond and Lunaclub “WAS I REALLY THAT STUPID!?” because it was right in front of her the entire time.
Hot Spot has his charm that penchant many ladies... But he doesn't swing that way. Sorry. People did thought that he had feelings for Silverbolt or Inferno but that wasn't the case.
Cliffjumper and Arcee are best friends and he teases her about the beautiful Greenlight.
Arcee and Greenlight unofficially adopted Tailgate as their son and made sure Cyclonus know that he should treat their baby boy well.
Chromia and Ironhide unofficially are Windblade and Lightbright’s parents and made it hard for Starscream and Sparkstalker for getting their blessings.
Greenlight, Lightbright, Windblade, Alana, and First Aid read romance novels and discuss with each other... They share with some of the rest of the ladies and their friends. Sandstorm enjoys them as well as he thinks about Octane.
First Aid likes to read sexy and spicy stuff~
Octane, Swindle, and Trickdiamond are always willing to cause a fun hassle and schemes. Exhaust and Loudpedal often join them as the guys are always in for some extra fun.
Mirage and Sideswipe are friends but Mirage and Sunstreaker CAN’T stand each other.
Blurr has a HORRIBLE love life. Rodimus always finds herself patting Blurr on the back soothingly. If not her, Springer takes over. Blurr simply had a bad taste in mechs or all the wonderful femmes are taken.
Perceptor had a crush on Drift at one point but was left one sided as Drift had eyes for Ratchet alone. She never realized Brainstorm’s feelings as anything romantic until further down the line.
Perceptor 🤝 Silverbolt: OBLIVIOUS to MECHS aka THE LOVE OF THEIR LIFE WHO HAVE FEELINGS FOR THEM (Brainstorm and Slingshot)
Pharma HATES Drift. What DID Ratchet SEE in this GUTTER RAT!?
Bluestreak grew feelings for Jazz too, but Jazz only had eyes for Prowl and Prowl only has her spark alone. It did cost a rift between Prowl and Bluestreak for a while.
Ratchet and Wheeljack are amiable exes and root for each other in their love lives and who they give their romantic sparks to. They had adopted dinobots together, who impronted on them as their parents. Drift cool with it as he and Wheeljack are buds and Ratchet sighs heavily with a tired smile.
Lancer and Arcee hate each other but do look out for each other. Lancer because she still cares for Greenlight and knows how much she loves Arcee. Arcee because though Lancer is the one who hurt Greenlight by breaking her heart, Greenlight forgave Lancer and would be devastated if THEY BOTH did.
Mirage, Blurr, and Tracks talk about fashion... Eventually letting Sunstreaker join them. Blurr is the only one who is friends with him.
Beachcomber, Seaspray, and Hound go on nature expetitions together, the trio nerd out together and later Skids and Alana join them too.
There is nothing romantic between Lancer and Greenlight anymore, strictly workplace relationship that turned into an respectful friendship of sorts. Greenlight’s eyes and spark is only for Arcee and Arcee alone.
Arcee and Chromia trained Road Rage and Tap Out. They tease them about their respective relationship with Nautica and Glyph.
Greenlight, Velocity, and Nautica are best friends who drink together, teasing about each other’s love lives.
Flare Up and Warpath enjoy sparring together~. Poor Beachcomber walked in several occasions that left him flustered.
Vortex and Brawl tease Blast Off about Cosmos, acting like annoying older brothers to him.
WheelJack is friends with Dot and Alex Malto and he is the cool uncle to their seven children.
Sleeping Titans’ conscious take forms within animals. Lodestar takes the form as wolf-dog that follows Lightbright everywhere and if not her, then Windblade or Hot Shot. Then eventually Lightspeed and Sparkstalker.
The Dweller had lured Windblade to possess her and Starscream had to save her as the Titan was looking for any vulnerable City Speaker to capture.
Sunstreaker has this weird… Thing… named Bob that he sort of adopted.
Thundercracker truly fell in love with Marissa when she gifted him Buster.
Kup is adopting all these children as his grandchildren.
Optimus is adopting them as their father.
Lightbright went into war with one sister (Windblade) came out with her sister, three more sisters (Sideswipe, Bumblebee, Rodimus) and three new brother (Sunstreaker, Thundercracker, Skywarp)
Megatron... He is simply going to support them in his way.
Ironhide, Optimus, Wheeljack, and Kup walked some of these mechs and femmes down the altar.
Starscream and Soundwave did the same for their faction.
MirageHound (potentially)
Are all absolutely SHAMELESS when showing affection. There is something going on between Perceptor and Brainstorm at the moment but neither one are sure yet. Same with Velocity and Firestar, these two are still discovering their relationship. Ironhide and Chromia make you feel like you are watching your parents kiss.
All them get shy but smiling like dorks in love at every signs of affection.
One Sided Relationship/Love:
Moonheart to Soundwave
LunaClub to Starscream
Nova Storm to LunaClub
Perceptor to Drift
Slipstream to Windblade
Lancer to Greenlight (exes)
Pharma to Ratchet
Thunderclash to Rodimus
Bluestreak to Jazz
Bluestreak to Hound
Smokescreen to Inferno
Smokescreen to Mirage
Dead End to Breakdown
Brawl to Knockout (sort of)
Onslaught to Silverbolt
Vortex to Silverbolt
Blurr to his several unrequinted loves.
Disaster Love Triangles that came to play:
Lance x Greenlight x Arcee
Pharma x Ratchet x Drift
Swindle x Blurr x Hardhead
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hymn-of-muse · 11 months
Hi! I finally found a blog that writes for wakfu yay 😭🫶.
Anyways mag I request an Evangelyne x Female Human reader who’s usually serious and independent….but suddenly breaks down and has a panic attack infront of evangelyne? Becuase she was triggered by something? If that’s alright? Thank you
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Using she/her and 2nd pov
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"Ha! You don't scare me!" You laughed at some big guy trying to play up the macho act to scare of you and your friends. 
"Uh, as much as I admire your bravery and all, these guys have weapons and ours are out of reach right now, so maybe don't taunt the muscle guy babe??" Evangelyne warned you, motioning to the sword, bow, doll and shovel sitting safely against a rock next to the rest of the groups belongings.
You had all stopped to make some shelter and rest since the sun was setting, but a group of bandits surprised you and got between you all and your things.
Yugo was off helping gather wood and Kindle for the fire so it was only a matter of time for the kid to get back and portal the place up. You were pretty confident you could all win this as soon as Yugo showed up.
"Relax, Eva, we don't even have anything worth stealing so there's no point in these guys fighting us" you buffed, stalling for yugo.
"Ha! Nothing on ya huh? Then what's that scroll there in the pretty lady's hand?" One of the bandits pointed at scribble, the map Eva was holding, to which the shushu gave a muffled response, likely happy over being praised for his worth being recognized.
"Uh...just some cursed paper, you don't want it, trust me" Eva tried playing along with your bluff.
"Cursed paper? What kinda curse?" The bandit stepped closer, eyeing her up. That's what set you off and got you defensive. No one tries to make a pass at your girlfriend and gets away with it.
You stood in front of Evangelyne, creating a block between her and the bandit. "Back. Off." You warned.
"Piss off human, you're cute but really annoying, y'know that?" He snarled, gripping a shortsword. 
"I'll show you annoying!" You stepped forward only for a flash of blue to wiz past, around the camp and stop with a skid on the ground nearby. Yugo was back and just in time.
He portals everyone's weapons to them and the fight breaks out immediately. And just like you thought the party had taken out the bandits on no time... except, now...you felt strange about it.
Maybe you were just upset you didn't get to land a hit on the guy who tried to flirt with your girlfriend, so you kicked him in the side while he was down.
"Feel better?" Evangelyne asks, placing a hand on your arm and offering a warm smile.
"Yeah" you grumbled. No. No you didn't.
The party finished setting up camp, the bandits were tied up around the rock out of the way and Raoul got a fire going with adamai's help.
You sat on a small rock by the fire while Yugo was cooking, but the smell of food being prepared didn't make you feel better like it usually would.
The group laughed about the encounter, making comments and jokes to pass the time. You'd mostly zoned it out until tristepin spoke up and mentioned you.
"Man they really thought they had us, and with your act too! Youre so tough for a defenseless human, y'know! So brave for standing up for Evangelyne like that! Very noble of you! I bet if you had a weapon you'd be about as half as fierce as me by now!" 
His comment was a back handed compliment slapped across your face. Now you got why you felt so weird. Your heart felt like it sank to a pit in your stomach as it picked up pace and your chest closed up. 
You shot up from where you sat and moved away from the campfire, finding a spot under the moonlight and staring at your hands as they shook.
Breathing was difficult, way harder than it should ever be. Your face felt wet, why was it wet? Why were you crying? We're those tears at your feet now? You're strong even without a weapon why are you crying?
You totally could have beat that guy up if yugo hadn't arrived, you were more than capable of taking on those bandits and defending your girlfriend, you've stood up for her before! 
So why were you now curling up with your knees to your chest and hyperventilating where you sat on the ground?
It wasn't until a gentle hand touched your shoulder and and arm pulled you into a warm hug did you snap out of your spiralling panicked thoughts.
"Sshhh, it's okay, love" Eva hushed you softly as she held you. "Just take deep breaths okay?"
Great, now your girlfriend had seen you break down. Your really are just a weak human, huh?
"Deep breaths, dear. Tell me what's wrong" Eva softly encouraged you. Her concerned eyes and sweet smile met your own glossy eyes.
"Eva...am I..." You took a second to steady your breathing before attempting to talk again. "Do you think I'm weak?" 
Her face changed to surprise when you asked. "No, of course not! Ugh, he's going to get such an earful for insulting you like that. I was already holding back punching that bandit When he made a comment, now that stupid Iop crossed a line!" She huffed, crossing her arms.
"You...I don't care..about the human comments, I don't need you to stand up for me over it" to told her, but something about that caught a lump in your throat.
"Hey it's not like I don't think you can't stand up for yourself, I know you're a very independent person, you know how to handle yourself and I love that about you." Evangelyne told you, face softening again.
"You're really strong and I admire you so much, I mean it" she placed a kiss on your forehead. "You definitely would have given that bandit a good beating if yugo hadn't stepped in." She smiled.
You gave her a small smile in return. "Thanks...but...maybe tristepin is right...I'm just a defenseless human." You started but she placed a hand over your mouth to silence you.
"Nuh uh. You are not. You may be the only human I know aside from yugo and Raoul, but youre my favourite. Youre strong, maybe not strong in the same way as everyone else but that doesn't mean you're weak. And if it's a weapon you want then a weapon we'll get for you. Okay?"
You leaned your head on her shoulder and muttered an okay, feeling just a bit better, but still another matter bothering you at the core.
"I'm sorry"
"Why? What for?" Her voice had a lot of surprise mixed with affection.
"For breaking down and being all.. dramatic like that." You huffed.
"Never apologize for crying, or for any of that. Okay?" She told you sternly before holding you close again. "It's okay to cry, to be scared, to feel sad. All of that is normal and not something to be ashamed of. You're allowed to be vulnerable, my love."
Her embrace and gently words calmed you down, nestling into her arms with a sigh. "I just...feel like you shouldn't have to see me this way."
"Why not? You're my girlfriend, seeing you cry isn't going to make me love you any less" she told you, pressing a kiss on top of your head.
"Come on, let's get some food before bed okay? Yugo's probably done cooking now" she stood up and offered you her hand, to which you took and walked back to camp with her.
When you say down again, tristepin asked what happened but Eva quickly smacked him upside the head. "Don't you dare call her a defenseless human again, hear me, idiot?"
"Yes ma'am" he pouted, rubilax laughing at his feet over the iop's pain. 
Evangelyne took her seat next to you, a smug smile appearing on her face when she saw the proud smile you had.
"I love you" you sighed.
"I love you too, dear"
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hope this was okay! the whole idea was so sweet <3
i love writing for eva.
reblogs are appreciated!
feel free to request more angst, fluff or whatever comes to mind!
be sure to check my pinned post!
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aaronburrdaily · 1 year
July 18, 1809
Yesterday I found * * * * ¹ tea that appeared to be good. Bought % pound, and treated myself to a dish by way of supper. Took two cups moderately strong. Finding that I should not sleep, I did not go to bed. Passed the night in reading French plays and arranging my notes on Swedish jurisprudence. I can’t bear even the smell of tea, though nothing more grateful. But the bare scent would, I believe, keep me awake. Despairing of letters, I will wait no longer, but be off. You would never guess whither, nor why! In December, however, I shall be on your continent. P. M.—No sort of disposition to sleep. At 4 fillibonka. At 6 to Poppius's to talk law; out. To Helvig’s ; the ladies had not left town. Y: Silversparri, who sang; deemed the finest voice in Stockholm. Home at 8 and set to reading plays. This morning called at Breda's to see your picture. It has been varnished and is perfectly restored. It is very much (and very justly) admired. How much I wish I could get a copy made by Breda! Raining hard all day and evening. Read till 12. The plays are: “Le Judgement de Midas,²” three acts, prose, par M. d’Hele, Paris: 1778; a very trifling little thing; the music and scenery may make anything charming. “Misanthrope Repentir³” traduit de l’allemand de Kotzebu par Bursay; Paris an: VIII.⁴ I like this better than the English translation under the name of the “Stranger.” “Camille ou le Souterrain,⁵” three acts, Paris: 1791; par Marsollier. A jealous husband without any reasonable cause confines Camille, a very lovely and virtuous woman, a whole year in a deep vault, lying on the ground, subsisting on a scanty portion of coarse bread and water. He is suspected of having killed her, and being seized by order of the King, the story comes out. Camille is too happy that her honour is justified and she restored to her dear husband. They embrace and all is made up; not even an apology on his part. Is it possible that a Parisian audience in ‘91 could relish such a tale! In the first scene there is something like wit and humour; afterwards a series of impossibilities and absurdities. “Le Jeune Sage et le Vieux Fou⁶”; one act, par Hoffman; Paris: 1793; well enough for a bagatelle. “Raoul Sire de Crequi⁷”; three acts, par M. Monvel; Paris: 1789; well enough calculated for stage effect. “Felix ou l’Enfant Trouve⁸”; anon.; Paris: 1778; impossibilities and absurdities in quantity; without wit or humour. “Jeu de la Fortune ou les Marionettes⁹”; five acts, par L.B. Picard; Paris: 1806; full of rapid reverses of fortune; love and friendship follow wealth and abandon poverty; men, women, servants, all rascals, time-serving, cringing sycophants; the only exception is a little paysanne¹⁰ who adheres to her lover through all changes, though he had abandoned her when he became suddenly rich; the design of the play is well illustrated, but gives a most disgusting, probably true, picture of the times.
1  Undecipherable. 2  “The Judgment of Midas.” 3  Should be “Misanthropie et Repentir.” “Misanthropy and Repentance.” 4  Translated from the German of Kotzebue by Bursay; Paris: Year VIII. 5  “Camille, or the Vault.” 6  “The Wise Youth and the Old Fool.” 7  The actual title is “Raoul de Crequi.” 8  “Felix, or the Foundling.” 9  “The Game of Fortune, or the Puppet-show.” 10  Peasant girl.
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bu1410 · 7 months
Since TUMBLR won't allow to post more than 4,500 carachters I'm obliged to put an additional post in order to complete the report of
Ch. I - August 1975 - Italy - Tunisia – Algeria – Morocco – Spain – France – Italy.
BENALMADENA COSTA - SPAIN Luxurious residence, swimming pool right in front of the entrance to the apartment, we were already looking forward to the two weeks of complete relaxation after so much travelling. We were close to the fence, it was very early, and my friend uncle's family were certainly still sleeping.
''Let's try to guess who owns the clothes hanging out to dry, right in front of the apartment windows'' I told Gianluigi. . Then suddenly something unexpected happens: the door of the apartment opens and an elderly lady comes out, dressed with a nightgown: she didn't look like Mrs. Proserpio at all! We look at each other bewildered:
''Maybe the apartment booked was not available, and the management assigned another one?'' It was my friend guess.....
''Well .......it happens sometimes...'' I reply. At this point we went to Residence reception in order to ask where the Proserpio family is staying. The kind receptionist consults a list and than, with a smile says:
''Disculpa, but Senora Proserpio called me' and canceled the apartment reservation'' -WHAAAAT??
Yes, asi es…….disculpa Senor…. Disconcertion - great - mine and Gianluigi's……….also because August 15th in the Costa del Sol - as in many other parts of Europe is the peak of the summer season. ''Do you have a free apartment for the next 15 days''? We ask hopefully. ''Forgive me, but the residence is complete''.
And this was the phrase we heard repeated from the ''1267 hotels'' where we asked for a room for the whole holiday, along the coast from Benalmadena to Torremolinos and surrounding areas. Desperate, but not defeated, we resorted to ''Plan B'': the tent! We had brought, just in case, the tent purchased a year earlier from Bertoni Camping for the holiday in Riccione '68. And now it was good to have it! We found a campsite but? Worn out! And what do we do? We installed our tent just beside the campsite entrance, so we could use the campsite services without paying a pesetas! In short, a reckless life, just a week, to allow the mid-August crowd to leave and vacate some apartments. We found an apartment just a week later in Benalmadena: a decent residence, but at this point we certainly couldn't be picky. Having found a roof for the day (we used to spent the night somewhere else) we only had to find a place to refresh ourselves in the evening, and once again our lucky stars met us: we discovered el ''Restaurante de Raoul! ''. He was an Argentinian by origin, married to an Italian woman, and domiciled in Biella, Italy. For the summer of 1975 he had rented a small restaurant on the road between Benalmadena and Torremolinos, and delighted the customers in a mix of Argentine, Spanish and Italian cuisine. The female cook was Spanish, and Roul had brought his twelve-year-old son from Italy, but not his wife, since she was managing a Bed & Breakfast in Biella. It was our luck: not only did the cook prepare us timbales of macaroni, delicious fish baked in foil, but we had become friends with Roul: so off to the aperitifs and sangria that flowed like rivers! And at the end of dinners Raoul was always asking us:
What do you want to pay??!!
In short, it was a lucky step from the unfortunate surprise of the Mr. Proserpio's non-arrival and we had few ''dias feliz''. By the way, we learned more about the reasons for Mr. Proserpio's giving up, once we returned home. They had arrived - it seems - all the way to Alicante, where they had had mechanical problems with the Opel Rekord they were traveling with. Hence the (absurd) decision to turn around, return to Italy, and cancel the reservation of the apartment in Benalmadena (did we recover the deposit? No, that was lost too…) Until the end of August nothing special to report, just a quiet life, sea-pool-sleepless nights, big moguls in the evening and revelry chez Roul. Then, inevitably, the day of returning to Italy arrived, and a request from Raoul literally left us speechless: - Guys, you know that I trust you, right? - Yes Raoul… - Well I ask you a favor: my son has to start school again soon, and I instead will have to stay here at least until the end of September - So? - If you agree, could you take him with you to Italy? The car is big, and there are only two of you…. - Well…yes……why not? This will only make us take a detour towards Biella, but in a journey of over 2,000 km it's a small thing in the end…… In truth we had decided to accept, given that, as it was the end of the holiday, money was scarce. So we were counting on the help that would certainly come from Raoul, since he would surely provide his son with a sum of money for a trip of at least 3 days……. (or not?). The moment we start our journey back to Italy, it always brings mixed feeling: returning home, seeing relatives and friends..... but also sadness for the end of the holidays, and the awareness that the easy life of the Saniard's was over. And we'll have to wait a whole year to the next holiday…. We left Benalmadena in the morning (not early because Gianluigi let's say he wasn't an ''early bird' guy) and the first stop was Valencia, some 800 km away, where we arrived in the evening. A drab city then, later the European Community funds and investments for the America's Cup sailing will transform it into a more pleasant place. That evening we choose a typical Valencian restaurant, because it is true that the city was not so nice like other Spain's cities, but the Valencian cuisine is excellent, starting with the famous ''Paella a la Valenciana''. The restaurant is called El Pederniz, typical local cuisine. Great feast of seafood appetizers, cold and hot, then paella para todos, and finally ''Arnadi'', a typical Valencian postre, a mixture of pumpkin and sugar, cooked in the oven and subsequently decorated with almonds and pine nuts. All washed down with excellent Blanco Bodega Reto.
We pay, but we were certain that Paolino (Raoul's son) will have enough money in store to guarantee us a night in a hotel nearby, but..... INSTEAD NO!!! After leaving the restaurant and returning to the car, while we were discussing which hotel to choose for the night, Gianluigi asked the fateful question that we should have asked BEFORE departure: - Paolino how much money did your dad give you? - Nothing…….. - ……….Silence……. - How….nothing? - Yes, says Paolino after a hesitation, Dad said that you would take care of everything…….'' - Machecazzzzzz……………..(Italian bad word) And now we were in the sh*****… if we had known we wouldn't have spent all those pesetas in the best restaurant of Valencia. But than it was like that.... cursing Raoul and sending him all the insults in Spanish we know, I started the car and go out of Valencia, took the motorway again, and then stopped at the first service area and slept in the car. Lucky for us, the Citroen DS19 has a paddle shift and front-wheel drive, so it was equipped with seats which, when lowered, form a comfortable bed. And this is how we slept, and how we would sleep next night too. After a trip in which we spoke little, we then took Paolino to Biella - his mother was very happy to see him again after more than two months of absence. The kind Lady also hosted us for lunch (goodness of her…) after which we set off for the last stage, towards our hometown. (sigh)
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Benalmadena - Spain
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miyakana · 1 year
[A Heart Full Of Love] Raoul De Chagny x reader.
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chapter summary; True to her word, [Name] made an effort to see Christine Daae whenever she had time, well- whenever Erik would order her to do so. But the difference was that [Name] was no longer a spectator of Christine's life but rather apart of it.
fandom: Phantom Of The Opera (chapter 6.)
chapter warnings: catcalling,
"Remember how it used to be, please promise me that sometimes you will think of... ME!!" The irritating voice of the primadonna echoed throughout the Palais Garnier, even reaching below where two inhabitants that were living peacefully were disturbed.
The two looked above as they sighed.
"So its true what they say.. The croaking frog's returned." Erik spoke, deadpanned as he organized the music notes that were scattered on the ground.
Y/N hummed in agreement. She was sitting in a chair near where Erik was while cross-stitching, having so much focus on the design despite only doing it to kill the time.
The young lady stopped for a moment, "From what i hear, she's yet to convince the owners of the Palais Garnier to switch roles with Christine."
Erik turned, surprised yet amused at the new information brought to him. "Is that so? Perhaps i should write a letter to both the owners AND Madame Carlotta. Its been a while since i've made my presence known, perhaps they forgot that i exist still." He replied, as he put the music notes somewhere safe, it'd be a shame to lose such important and beautiful written melodies.
The young woman chuckled, nodding at the man's antics.
It had been a few weeks since Christine and [Y/N]'s first encounter. The two had spoken again a few days since their fated meeting and then another, then another until it became a normal occurance to them.
She remembered their last encounter still, she felt guilty for leaving the girl alone.
"Why would she do that?" Christine asked, listening intently to the girl's tale.
"Perhaps it was her love for Romeo that made her do that. She realized that life wasn't worth living without her beloved- thus it concluded with her death." [Name] explained, she was telling the soprano the story of Romeo and Juliet.
Christine nodded woefully, feeling for the star-crossed lovers' tale.
"I see, i was hoping for them to live happily but alas.." Christine trailed off, whilst [Name] smiled.
True to her word, [Name] made an effort to see Christine Daae whenever she had time, well- whenever Erik would order her to do so. But the difference was that [Name] was no longer a spectator of Christine's life but rather apart of it.
Granted, she'd only appear whenever the Daae girl was alone but the thought still counts, you could say.
As time grew, she grew to enjoy peaceful times with the Daae girl, telling her stories of plays and books, the days became more livelier for the young lady.
You could say the same for Christine! For the past few weeks she was anxious of The Phantom's presence- she still is but lesser so. To have someone you could speak with freely was a joy in her life.
However as the days drew by, she had noticed that everytime her newfound friend appeared it was when everyone had left or she was alone. She didn't mind of course, she was glad that [Reader] kept her word.
But just because she was alright with [Reader]'s loneliness and secluded aura didn't mean that she didn't try to get the girl out her comfort zone.
Often times, she'd lead them near workers, in which [Reader] would mostly be fine with, as they were just doing their job. But when it came to the chaotic ensembles, like The Primadonna, Carlotta or the Cheerful Meg Giry, she'd be there but then disapper after a while.
Christine for one, found it both amusing and sad. She wished for the young girl to be more active, especially since she enjoyed her company! Surely, the others would too!
But sadly, it was to no avail, she'd keep disappearing whenever the Soprano tried.
"You seem quiet. Is anything the matter?" The Phantom interrupted the young lady's remincising moment.
"What? Oh.. Yes, everything's fine.. You needn't worry." She simply told Erik as to not alert him of anything.
She'd remember the day she first met Christine, how she expressed her fear towards The Phantom, it had thrown her in a disarray, her loyalty to the Phantom and friendship with the Daae girl complicating things further.
The man didn't believe her but nodded. He believed that she was just probably going through things a young woman would feel the very first time.
"You did wonderful, Christine!" Raoul praised his childhood friend who smiled at his compliments.
"Thank you, Raoul. Though i feel i could do better next time. My voice is a bit pitchy from having to sing a lot with lesser breaktimes."
"Still, your voice, as always, is wonderful dear friend. I can already hear the audience's applause throughout the theater." He chuckled softly, and Christine smiled.
"Thank you. Though it appears i need to rest now. I need to better my voice after all." She says, as she grabs her items.
"Do you need help? I'll escort you back to your chambers if you'd like." He offered but Christine shook her head.
"No need, i'll be alright by myself." She said as she waved farewell to her childhood friend who smiled back.
Unbeknownst to them, [Y/N] was there to witness their sweet moment. she had wanted to visit Christine again, eager to tell Christine of another tale she had, holding the book in her hand but it seemed that the poor soprano was exhausted.
As she watched them, she started to realize why the Phantom was so threatened with the Viscount, and why he was adamant in getting rid of him.
The Viscount was sweet and kind and gentle, he was young, just about the same age as Christine, he was everything you'd wish for in a lover.. Someone who could give happiness to the woman he'd devote his loyalty to, someone who wasn't hideous, someone Erik wished to be.
She realized why he was raging with jealousy, but that wasn't all. The more she watches them, the more she feels something of the Viscount. Surely it wasn't love! for they rarely spoke, except for the time they did accidentally which was once, along with the time where he had accidentally seen her.. It was definitely respect for the man, though there was this other feeling..
How ridiculous! Just imagine what the phantom would have thought of her idiotic thoughts.
He probably doesn't even give any thoughts towards her anyway, she wasn't someone interesting to be the talk of the town.
Y/N sighed as she headed back to the lair, figuring that Christine needed rest, she decided not to bother her anymore.
What she hadn't expect was her chance encounter with the Viscount a day later.
The streets of Paris were bustling just as always. The men were speaking with one another, talking about business while their wives were seating near talking about recent gossip that spread through the town.
In the middle of the crowd stood Y/N, who was walking stall through stall trying to gather food for her and her Maester, their stock of food had recently just ran out and he gave her the task to buy food so they don't die of hunger.
As she walked, she noticed the gaze of some of the men focused on her.
"What a beauty.." One of the men spoke, she heard, while the other nodded, staring at her, speechless.
The young girl blushed at the remark, never having thought of herself as such, but her expression changed the moment she made eye contact with one of the jealous wives.
The women scoffed and rolled their eyes, whispering something she could not hear, but she believed it was something negative.
Keeping her head low, she decided to ignore everyone and instead focus on the task at hand which was to buy food.
The young lady stopped at a stall, looking at their stock of food. They were expensive but were of quality.
"What would you like?" The store owner asked.
She was about to speak when somebody else spoke.
"I'd like that wine, please." A voice familiar to her spoke. Y/N instantly turned to look at the man.
It seemed The Vicomte had noticed as his lips turned into a smile the moment he saw her.
Unknown to Y/N, her eyes lit up the moment she heard his voice.
"Madame Y/N was it? its been a while since we've last seen one another!" Raoul exclaimed, surprised to see the young lady he so secretly wished to see again ever since their first meeting.
"It has." She responded, her smile light.
"If i may ask, what are you doing here? Not that i'm ungrateful to see your face of course- I mean i am but-" The usually charming man stuttered causing her to laugh at his antics.
"I understand what you're saying Monsier, Don't fret. And the reason for why i'm here is to buy food for me and my father so we don't die of hunger." She explained, the viscount listening intently.
"Ah, is that so? A kind daughter you are, Madam! Doing errands for your father can be a hard task to some."
"I'm only trying to help him, he's done so much for me and this is one of the ways i repay him." She smiled, her voice laced with softness.
"I see. Well then-"
"Here it is!" The store owner interrupted, giving the wine to The Vicomte.
"Ah, thank you!" Raoul responded, giving him the money that was worth more than Y/N had.
"And for you Madam? What would you like?" The store owner asked, looking at the young lady fondly, it seemed he himself was struck by lightning.
"Oh- I was just looking. I believe i don't have enough money with me." She stated, the store owner looked disappointed until..
"No worries, Madam! Whatever you choose, its on the house!" He spoke gleefully causing Y/N's eyes to widen.
Raoul scoffed, amused by the owner's antics.
'That desperate, huh?' The Viscount thought in his head.
"Oh no! That'd be unfair to your other customers!" She argued, her cheeks turning pink.
"No such thing, Madam! Please, Please! There's so many things here in store! I'm sure a pretty lady such as you can find something interesting to take!" The storeowner basically begged, making him look more of a customer than a store owner.
Y/N hummed, a bit uncomfortable but then something came up in her mind. The angel in her left shoulder told her not to use this to her advantage but the devil in her right thought otherwise.
"How about that wine over there? My father would very much like that one!" She pointed towards the rich fancy looking wine.
The store owner gulped, his sweat falling on his head.
"Well you see Madam- that costs a lot of money and well you see-"
"You said that i can take anything i like, good sir! Does anything have limits?" She asked playfully while The Viscount smirked smuggly besides her.
Behind her mysterious aura is a troublemaker in disguise, he thought, amused.
"Madam, you're being cruel-" Whined the store owner.
[Name] chuckled sweetly. Raoul thought it adorable.
"I'm only kidding you Monsieur. If the offer still counts, i'd like to have that antique of yours over there. I'm sure my maes- father would appreciate a gift from his daughter." She pointed towards the monkey toy, an adorable thing really.
"Ah, if that's the case then alright! It is yours milady!" He enthusiastically said as he gave the monkey figure to the young lady.
Y/N nodded, "Thank you." She smiled.
She then turned to the Viscount, and bowed. "If you don't mind Monsieur, i must head home now. It was nice seeing you again, good sir. May we meet again soon." She smiled sweetly, The Viscount felt that his heart had melted.
"Ah wait!" He stumbled, almost falling to his feet.
"I can walk you home, walking alone is dangerous especially for a lady." He offered. Y/N blushed, her emotions confusing her as they were all over the place.
"Well- you can walk me to the Paris Garnier, my home is closer there, then i'll walk back home. My father is quite... Conservative you see.. I don't think he'd be happy to see a man escorting his daughter home." All of those were true.
"I see. Well then, shall we?" He offered his right arm, and she smiled at the gesture.
"Lead the way, Monsieur." She hooked her arm with his as they start walking back to the Populaire.
As the two walked, the townsfolk noticed and started whispering.
"Is that the Viscount's lover?" A woman gossips to her friend beside her. The other woman gasped as her fan fell out her hand.
The young woman felt the stares of both men and women, children and elders on her. Their stares laced with lust, envy, despise and adoration.
"I wonder what he sees in her." Another woman whispered as the couple walks by them.
"She's so showy and vulgar!" An older woman spat out, her tone laced with jealousy as she stared at the younger woman.
[Y/N] bowed her head down, feeling humiliated by the gossip of the town.
Raoul took notice of this and halted their walk.
"Is everything alright dear?" Raoul asked, his tone laced with worry.
'Dear, he called me!' She blushed as she turned to look at him.
"I'll be alright." She smiled. He nodded then they continued walking. But the voices didn't stop, in fact it only got worst.
This time, it was older men.
"Such a beauty! The Vicomte is lucky!" One whispered.
"What i'd give to be with such a woman!" The other.
"I'd give everything just to be in her bed for a night!" One whistled at her. The girl flinched, gripping the man's arm tighter.
Raoul immediately took notice and glared intensely at the eyes of men who dared look at her in a perverted manner.
The elder men seemed to have noticed the Viscount's glare as they immediately turned around the moment they felt his icy cold eyes staring upon them.
Raoul then turned to look at (Y/N), his eyes filled with pity and sadness.
"Madame.. I'm sorry you had to hear that. " Raoul started, he continued speaking but she could not hear any more of the words.
"Forgive me.. But i must hurry!" She removed her hold on his arm as she walked faster away.
"Wait! Madam!" Raoul shouted as he tried to reach her but the crowd was far too messy and any sight he had of the young lady is now lost.
She escaped him again.
writer's note: forgive me for the long delay of this chapter! I've lost passion for a few months and recently regained them! I might edit them later, as i've been rushing to finish this chapter hehe.
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twistedtummies2 · 1 year
Meeting Aaron Dismuke & John Barrowman (ComicCon)
Okay, SO! I just got home from ComicCon. First of all, yes. I did, in fact, get a chance to meet Aaron Dismuke - Tamaki, Lucifer, Professor Moriarty, and more. First of all, MY GOD THE MAN IS TALL. O_O Second of all, he was absolutely darling. Even before I got to him, I learned how nice he was: two young ladies wanted a picture and autograph, but the card reader at his booth was malfunctioning. He told them, very sincerely, that if he couldn’t get the card reader working in a short time, he’d let them have their signatures and pics for free. (That did not happen; they got the device working again...oooonly for it to malfunction once more immediately after. Go figure. :P ) In fact, multiple times during my encounter with him, he pointed out that he felt the prices for the convention were MUCH too high.  Once I did meet him...it only got so much better. I asked him what his favorite part of playing William in MTP was...and he got so excited he SLAMMED the book I’d brought for him to sign shut before going into this spiel about everything he loved about the show. I may be paraphrasing slightly, but I think it went like this... “So, when I was a teenager, I actually had this fantasy - I used it for a school paper - about how, if someone were to kill the ten richest people in the world, and then keep doing that every month...what would happen? How would the world be better or worse? Would this eventually lead to a better place? William’s ‘Eat the Rich’ Philosophy isn’t EXACTLY the same, but it tapped into that old fantasy, and so it was actually more personal for me. Plus, I really love his attitude: anger is actually an emotion I don’t find easy in my repertoire - I don’t really get angry much in real life, I don’t think - and it was interesting to play a character who, no matter what happened, NEVER gets angry. Or, you know, never EXHIBITS how angry he is. He keeps everything level. Plus, it’s a classic character from some classic stories, so that was just cool!” After all this, he signed my book (”Catch Me If You Can, Mr. Holmes.” - A. Dismuke, Moriarty) and then I decided to be a bit more daring. I asked him if it would be allowed for me to take a video recording of him saying that same famous line. He responded that it was allowed, but he would have to charge me for it. “How much?” “I don’t know, the price is probably dumb...tell you what. For you? Thirty dollars.” I SLAPPED THOSE BILLS DOWN, BOI. He then asked for me to put my phone in selfie mode, and proceeded to record not only him saying the lines, but an almost two-minute spiel of him talking about the dialect and how he actually had to change his pronunciation of “Holmes” slightly during the show, because apparently someone joked that the way he said that name “sounded like a Minecraft character.” I sure as heck wasn’t gonna stop him.  THEN, we took the picture...and in the past, people I’ve taken photos with at the Con usually just sort of smile for the camera. There’s nothing wrong with that, naturally, I wouldn’t ask for otherwise. But he actually wanted to do something special, so he came up with us posing with him reading the manga, while myself - in costume and character as Holmes - peered at the book through my magnifying glass. He and the person taking the photo cracked up and we had to take the picture a second time because it came out all blurry the first time. XD TO TOP ALL THAT OFF...later, I passed by his booth, and he was still there. I called out to him: “Professor! We meet again!” He bowed. BOWED, I SAY! Naturally, I am elated by all of that. (Also, I still have more to share, but I’m putting a Keep Reading at this point because I think meeting Dismuke is the part you all want to know most about, and this is clearly going to be a long post. LOL)
SO...Aaron Dismuke wasn’t the only person I met today. I also got to meet John Barrowman - Jack Harkness from Doctor Who & Torchwood, Raoul from Phantom of the Opera, Merlyn from Arrow, etc. For him, I brought along a DVD collection of all the episodes for the 9th and 10th Doctors - those were the seasons Jack appeared in.  This encounter was much shorter, but it was still no less enjoyable. He was also amazing; he talked to everyone in line as if they were people he’d met before, and was well-acquainted with, no matter who they were, what they were dressed as, etc. When I got up to him and asked for his signature, I also asked him, “what’s a role you’ve always wanted to play that you haven’t yet?” He paused then responded: “To be honest, I don’t think about that. See, if it’s a role I’ve always wanted to play, then that would mean it’s a role that already exists, and that somebody else has already done before. And there’s nothing wrong with that, but what I REALLY love most is playing a character who is completely new, and being able to bring my own originality into the part.” An interesting philosophy I found both noble and unique. Then came the pictures...and yes, pictures, because he took four of them. We took one of us just smiling for the camera, then another of the same (”just to be safe”), then a “sassy” picture (I looked more...weird than sassy, ha ha), and finally a “silly and ugly” picture. All around awesome. <3 Beyond those meetings, lots of fun was otherwise had. Bought a lot of cool goodies from the shops (nothing anime-related, so not sure how much of it you guys would be interested in; might share more info there with friends in private), and I took a lot of photos of some really cool costumes. A lot of people really liked my Sherlock Holmes cosplay, I was surprised and happy to find! One encounter I MUST share before I close this message out: right after meeting both Dismuke and Barrowman, I ran into a cosplayer...of William!  “Professor!” I called out. “What are the odds?” I think they were even more happy to see Holmes than I was to see Moriarty! They were with a couple of non-costumed friends, who commented that they hadn’t expected to meet any other Moriarty fans there...and then asked to confirm if I was one. I responded by pulling out my copy of the manga from my bag. This only got them more excited, and they remarked, “You must be so ready to meet Aaron Dismuke!” I grinned and revealed I’d already gotten the autograph. I’m pretty sure the squeal they let out might have broken the sound barrier.  We took a photo with each other, each holding our copy of the manga’s first volume. Of all the people I took photos with/of that day - from comic book characters, to My Hero Academia cosplays, to the Addams Family, to Alice in Wonderland characters, to Scooby-Doo, to the 11th Doctor, AND STILL MANY MORE...that was by far the most joyous. “I mark this day with a white stone.”
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First/Last sentence tag!
Tagged by: No one, I just miss these and wanna start it up again :DD
Rules: Post the first and last sentence/paragraphs of any of your WIPs!
Here's mine, from a new Phantom of the Opera fic I'm writing!
First "Sentence", from a Five Times fic:
It was a hot summer’s night, and more than a year since Vicomte Raoul de Chagny and Christine Daaé had sealed their wedding vows. The stars glistened through the curtains, and the warm wind blew in through a single open window. The young couple were lying together in bed, but only Christine was asleep.
Raoul was reading. He had not read much for the past few years, but it seemed that marriage had somehow managed to bring the habit back to him—perhaps because Christine loved to read so much. But the habit had returned a little too intensely, it seemed, since for multiple nights now he had found himself lying awake late at night devouring novel after novel. Indeed, there would even be some nights where Christine would wake up in the morning to find him somehow still engrossed in his book, eyelids heavy but eyebrows furrowed in deep concentration, making her startle him by scolding him playfully.
More often than not, however, he would manage to force himself to put down his novel before sunrise, or at the very least, he would fall asleep with it resting open-faced on his chest. This would only make Christine laugh at him when she awoke, causing Raoul to flush slightly, both with embarrassment and pleasure.
Last "Sentence", from the Deaf!Raoul AU:
Finally gathering the courage, Christine quickly began to sign. Hello, she began nervously, her hand shaking uncertainly. Raoul stopped and stared at her, blinking as if trying to be sure he had seen what he did. I am Christine, she continued, signing her name in full just as the book taught her. Raoul's hazel eyes widened comically, and his mouth dropped open ever so slightly as he stared at her. Christine swallowed, feeling more unsure. What if she wasn't signing the right things at all? But she pressed on; What is your name? Raoul stared at her. Christine began to fear that she had been studying the wrong thing after all, until slowly, hesitantly, he lifted his hands and replied, My name is Raoul.
Tagging: @rainintheevening, @clawedandcute, @mrgartist, @lady-merian, @iamfandomcrazy, @writerrose1998, @nouklea, @suchaladyy, @allergictocolor, @wednesdayandherhyde, @persephoneed, @anotherbluesunday, @thelovelybookworm, @broken-everlark, @bithablu, @beri-allen, @freenarnian + everyone else who sees and wants to participate!
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