#lady haleth
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nynevefromthelake · 11 months ago
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Back to six fanarts! Lady Haleth
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torchwood-99 · 4 months ago
I would just love for there to be a Haleth of the Haladin adaptation, and for it to show her exactly as Tolkien wrote her, because the fierce warrior queen who took over from her dead father and brother and became her people's most beloved ruler, to the point that they literally renamed themselves after her, is the exact sort of character the dudebros would despise and denounce and try to disguise their sexism fuelled hatred against by proclaiming "she's a girl boss and it's not that we hate warrior women (and women in general) doesn't fit into Tolkien's lore!", only for it to have been Tolkien's lore that made her such an epic badass.
She even had a squad of warrior women to chill with. She was woke before woke was even a thing.
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redreyenotarget · 2 years ago
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Haleth was the daughter of Haldad, leader of the Haladin (or Halethrim), one of the Three Houses of the Edain..
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i-did-not-mean-to · 2 years ago
Here is a sketch based on a singularly idiotic threat I made to @maglor-my-beloved.
I am terrible. Terrifying. Horrific.
I hope you feel very afraid 🤣
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whiteladyofithilien · 1 year ago
I think my main reason for shipping Caranthir and Haleth is because we need at least one inter-race Tolkien couple where the human is a woman. Like all three canon human-elven pairings it's always the fabulous fae elven beauty and the heroic dude and I'm like... What about a mighty elf-lord and his badass human lady? Hmm? I need this to be a thing and Haleth/Caranthir is the only ship I know of that has that dynamic going for it plus of the middle three sons of Feanor Caranthir is the only one NOT part of the attacks on Luthien... therefore he's the best of those 3
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maglorslostsilmaril · 2 years ago
something so inherently sapphic about being a textual ghost of Tolkien’s works…
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estel-of-the-eyrie · 1 year ago
Thinking again about how many female characters in LOTR are just .... unnamed. Even in our real-world history, so many women might only be known by their marriages until someone looks deeper but at least they're named.
Especially nobility and royalty.
C'mon Jirt.
Give me the in-lore explanation as to why Theoden's second sister was a shieldmaiden in her own right, but stepped out of the succession because a Dunadain woman from the North caught her eye.
Mayhaps one of Aragorn and Arwen's 'several daughters' gets her father's wanderlust and goes to Vibe in the Wilds?
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dictatorshipper · 3 months ago
I don't support elves especially when they are noldor especially when they are feanor or his sons HOWEVER this is very lovely and aestetically pleasing and I believe that Illuvatar wanted elven and human relationships to be as nice as in this art
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haleth and caranthir’s height difference is insane, I know it
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imperatorbaronius · 3 months ago
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So I'm a little too obsessed now and ordered this and the art book (which comes out in February) and it's got some very interesting information about ages and relationships that'll be very useful going forward so I'll drop the ages below and anything else interesting I found
Helm: 55 years old, king for 5 years at this point in time, spent almost his entire life fighting the hill tribes and Dunlendings. This is what makes him a king who dislikes to be challenged ok his authority and decisions
Héra: 19 years old, deep love for nature and especially the more fantastical kind, her horse is Ashere. The rest, I'm sure you remember from the movie itself
Lief: 16 years old, main roles are protecting the old maps and scrolls that keep the laws and customs recorded
Haleth: 30 years old, first in line to the throne, not expected to rule for another 20 years based on Helm's own life. A brawler by nature, he's very intimidating to those who threaten his family and he's known as one of their best warriors skilled in sword, spear and axe
Háma: 22 years old, more of a gentler spirit than his father and brother, more passionate about the songs and legends. He likes to think of himself as a warrior poet and is always carrying his carved lyre. A skilled swordsman but an expert with bow and arrow
Fréaláf: 28 years old, lord of harrowdale and first marshal of the Riddermark, the highest military rank and is charged with protecting Edoras and the surrounding lands. His horse is named éored. He was raised alongside his cousins and so has a deep bond with them all but is not above teasing them frequently. He's also very ready to stand up to Helm if he believes a decision unwise
Olwyn: 45 years old, lady's maid to Héra but more become a mentor than a simple maid or servant. Thought in many battles over the years and has known great loss but finds ways to move forward and doesn't suffer fools. She sees herself in Héra as only she and a few others know Olwyn's past as a shield maiden
Freca: 40 years old, lord of the west-march. He claims to be descended from the fifth king of Rohan, Fréawine but his hair and beard instead cast doubt and suggest the Dunlendish blood runs through his veins instead. Has very little love for the kings of Rohan. Spends a lot of time dwelling on what he doesn't have and pays little heed to the king refusing summons to attend the witan
Wulf: 20 years old. Only son of Freca. His mother has also passed like with Héra. Quiet and intense most of the time, dressing in sombre colours. His belief that Héra loves him is very fragile. Expert in swords and bows. Has very little personal ambition at the start, growing up under his father's shadow and subject to his father's whims, despite this he loves his father and should anything happen he'll repay it tenfold. Should his youthful affection be spurned, that love will turn into a pathologically hatred for Helm, Héra and all the people of Rohan
General Targg: born and raised in Dunland, he has become a trusted advisor to Freca and will likely be key to Wulf's own reign. He is wise and calm but in the heat of battle will fight fiercely yet he retains a deep sense of honour as a warrior
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youareunbearable · 1 year ago
Tonight is a great night to think fondly on Haleth and Caranthir. I think they would make such a funny couple.
Imagine??? The Big Tall Broody Scowling Kinslayer Who Is Also The One Reason The Economy Is Functioning At All Between The Different Races/Elvish Factions Who Probably Is Dying To Tell King Thingol/His Cousins To Fuck Off At Any Given Moment and hes looming over this short human lady??
This short human lady that Can, Will, and Already Has told him to pull the stick out of his ass and bullies him into doing normal townsfolk chores??? Lord Carathir, Master Economist and a Weaver with the skill to rival his grandmother, sitting there and darning socks cause his tiny mortal wife told him too. His reward will be a kiss on the cheek but she'll scold him while he does it because he said a mean thing about his Cousin Finrod in his last letter to her while he KNEW Finrod was visiting her.
Only three things in the world keep Caranthir in check: His Eldest Brother, The Lord Himring, The Current Head of the Feanorian Faction of Noldor, and Former High King; the idea that if he didn't complete his brothers' tax paperwork and run the Trade Routes then the Nolofinweans and Arafinweans would become more economincally important And We Cant Have That; and his 4'11 wife he met bloodied and wrathful on a battlefield screaming at an orc over the corpse of her brother-- it was love at first sight
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verecunda · 6 months ago
When Bronwyn's pyre cools, the Pelargians gather up the remains and raise a barrow over them, as the Haladin once did for the Lady Haleth, who also led her people from their beleaguered home to safer lands. Bronwyn's barrow stands on a rise overlooking the city, in a fair green place where the herbs of her trade flourish.
Before leaving Pelargir, Arondir scattered the rest of the alfirin seeds upon the barrow, and there they grow still, a white beacon above the walls.
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peasant-player · 3 months ago
I watched the war of the rohirrim!
And I have thoughts spoilers under the cut + some crappy doodles ❤️
Man that Oliphant was nightmare fuel.
I never thought I would be scared of elephants but here I am.
The watcher was kinda adorable!
Here some doodles xD
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Wulf is now forever a raccoonTM in my head.
What a pathetic man.
Whoever said Hera is a Mary sue needs to check their brain OR the definition of Mary Sue.
For God sake her first real kill was with the help of her horse and a pitchfork while laying down being terrified.
I do like that she used the "death" Sentence in her amazing show off against the racoonTM because that what Rohans warrior use to say while riding into battle!
I disapprove about her daily clothing choice. White boots and shirt? Really? That poor laundry lady!
Now to the more important part that I need to say:
I loved Targg and the shield maiden Owlyn so much. I want a healing fix it and I ship them.
Did they had any interactions with each other. No. But that's not gonna stop hopefully anyone!
He was a really good general with great moral compass! He would have spared Hama and the small folk. Now let me get this quick~ out of the system:
I loved his clothing and I mean he got just stabbed once(1)time he could survive that! (Helm got shot with arrows like 6 times and was fist fighting people while being very depressed in a snowstorm like a week after that)
Let there be some loyal wild men safe Targg from the battle field and then he heals but doesn't know what to do with his life and then he meets hera and olwyn and he tags along because he respects her and he has nothing better to do. They could go on a adventure together.
Or idk let him see that the raccoon man is crazy earlier and safe hama for negotiations or whatever and he helps Rohan idk I read fics with much worse unrealistic premise and it still worked great!
Here have a little comic
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So let's talk about Helm hammerhand!
What a legend. No really I'm gonna draw him standing heroics with his tits out and his hammer holding into the sky.
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He would approve.
I laughed out loud that he kinda froze to death and suddenly had his hammer in his hand!
He punched a ogre/orc to death! Sauron and the Balrog should be thankful that he does not have access to thermo leggings and the blood of the Numenorian because he would have punched them all straight into the void!!
He would have throw the ring into the fire because he has no use of such nonsense!
And Haleth !! The silm Haleth would have approved of him!!!
So cool,so hot and even his death was kinda cool, very quick but so heroic.
The twink bard hama got used up to show that the raccoonTM is a terrible war lord and a super pathetic man. Kinda sad and underwhelming. Good part to start a fix it fic!
And wulf Ach wulf man idk what to say I will say that the German dub gave him a better and deeper voice then the English voice so that was nice! I had some feeling for him when his father died and he got choked out by helm but he really went all out to become very pathetic.
I hope there are some good fics that work on his very odd characteristics
I'm gonna draw him once being even much more pathetic but I need to confess he is rather bland next to Targg or Frealaf!!
Frealaf ❤️ God he is SO handsome and so cool in the rescue and he got that calm vibe about him.
He makes a great King.
I loved his clothing so much in general the clothing was great!! (Except the white pants/boot from hera!!)
Very beautiful and I can't wait to see more close up pics!! It was of course alot of fantasy style belts and fur but I do not mind that!
Then the very funny siege machine.
In all earnestly if the wild men are so good at building stuff and hauling around ridiculous amount of woods then they missed their opportunity to become middle earth's greatest engineers!!
Wood cutters!
Why fighting around and eating scraps if you could become middle earth's best architect??
And what the hell did the poor drum player did wrong that he got a free yeeting into the atmosphere???
At least he was dedicated to play his drum until his end I guess?
But I loved the skull masks! Hehe very easy way to draw some hot wild men ~
That's my thoughts I did not went into much details about what could have been better or what is not really like in the books. I'm just glad that there is another great addition to the Tolkien fandom!!
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annoyinglandmagazine · 11 months ago
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alsethwisson · 3 months ago
Unpopular opinion: I HATE Haleth/Caranthir discourse with a passion.
Not because it operates on the frankly crazy heterosexist assumption that if a man and a woman met once and didn't hate each other they are contractually obligated to fuck.
That's its own can of shipping worms, I won't go there.
But. (Warning: very long read.)
Tolkien - that crusty old white extremely catholic man - has written us a female character whose most defining trait was refusing to be seen as anything but her own independent person.
She was no vassal of elves, she was no wife of any man. She was Haleth.
It was a conscious choice on Tolkien's part, rewriting his early male "Haleth the Hunter" into Lady Haleth and giving her exactly this defining traits. She was a part of a wider revision of Arda's female characters and their roles he undertook as his understanding of real-life roles women could and would take widened.
(Which is a fascinating story in its own right, by the way, and people who indiscriminately cite some earlier letters as if they were end-all be-all of Tolkien's inner thought are extremely wrong. While conservative to a fault, Tolkien was not unable to correct his beliefs. Cf: Nerdanel and generally the explicit denial of earlier "elven women channel creativity into childbearing" idea in Shibboleth.)
It's very deliberate - and very important - that Caranthir is barely a footnote in Haleth's story. He was interchangeable. It could have been any elven lord. It could have been an Edain lord, as well.
Haleth was not going to let herself or her people be dependent, it's important.
And then fandom came and turned it upside down, and Haleth became a footnote in Caranthir's story. One of a few characters (of both genders to be fair) to have neither marriage nor romance subplot and to be solely defined by her political actions becomes defined by fandom-invented romance with a dashing man.
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aotearoa20 · 11 months ago
correspondence and revelations shortly after Dagor Bragollach for @silmarillionepistolary
To, Caranthir Morifinwë Fëanorian Lord of the East
Dear cousin, it is with great sorrow which I greet you. The attacks of the Enemy took us all by surprise and I mourn the blow the loss of Thargelion will surely have on us all. Though I had never the chance to visit I had heard many great things of the eastern mountains, they were fair to behold, I am told, and I know that you loved it there. Still it gladdens me to hear that you and yours escaped for the most part unscathed. Know whatever aid and support we can spare is already on its way to you as you receive this letter.
I'm sure you know already that Celegorm and Curufin have taken up refuge among my people. You should know you they are well and whole. They, along with I, have sent letters detailing their arrival and stay. I have also sent some papers detailing preliminary adjustments to traderoutes and logistics for delivering aid among our people and allies. I am sure you have more than enough plans of your own and as always i defer to you judgement on such matters.
But all this aside I had another matter I wished to inform you of concerning one of the people of Haleth in Brethil. I have kept it to myself for some time but if anything has come from these last days is that none of us knows when doom will rear its head.
The Lady Haleth herself I met only a few times, when negotiating the terms of her people’s dwelling, and found her to be a woman of brusque and bright countenance. Indeed, when I learnt of her dealings with you I thought that the pair of you must have gotten on like a house on fire, else hated each other entirely. But I digress.
It was upon one of those meetings when I saw a child, I reckoned at the time, perhaps five by the count of Men often about her dwelling. No husband she ever spoke of nor did I ask. The child had her likeness and hearing of the tradgey that claimed the rest of her family, I thought perhaps his father had perished with her kin.
In truth, I thought little of it at all until some years ago, on a visit to the city of Menegroth, when I found a youth milling about the edges of the Girdle. It must have been two hundred years since I’d last seen him, the Haladin had since had two chieftains but the boy looked no older than twenty. He named himself a changeling in his own tongue and told me his father was one of the Eldar.
Erestor he called himself in Sindarin for though he’d lived among his people, at on the request of his mother had not taken her title. Instead he stayed as a counseler for his cousin and later his children and grandchildren. (The translation is a bit off I deem but he having learned more seems loath to correct it and resistant to advice) Either way, wishing to learn more of his father’s people and had come to Doriath to see if he may by his blood be permitted. I spoke with him a while and finding him genuine in his desire, brought him with me and vouched for him before Elu Thingol, the King.
Since then he visits the city every few summers and then returns to his people before the snows set in. He has had little trouble of it, for his mother’s features hide much of his fathers heritage and he is wont to pass through, drawing as little attention to himself as he can. But I found him curious and upon further investigation and despite his protests to the contrary, I am certain his father is Noldorin. In fact, on those rare occasions he does smiles without restrain cousin - were it not for his quiet temperament I know he did not inherit from his mother - I would have wondered if he was your own.
At any rate, considering the time and circumstances I first found him, it's likely it is that his father is among your people. I can think of any number of reasons such a thing would have been hidden from offical records but I truly doubt it could have happened without your knowledge. To the point, I thought, especially in the chaos of these days, you might pass on some news of the boy’s well being. I have had news from Brethil, written in the the his hand, they are well, if overwhelmed with refugees from Dor Lomin. But he is safe. Perhaps that might comfort his kin in Amon Ereb. And perhaps you could tell him that his child is a scholar in training. That he is happy, as much as any of us can be, and untouched by doom or darkness. May he remain so.
I hope I have not overstepped in my assumptions. Always I have hesitated in speaking on this subject. I just have with the loss of don't want to leave anything unsaid that ought to be.
That is all.
As I detailed before, i have sent ahead letters pertaining to more practical means. I have no doubt in your prompt reply. I wish you well, cousin. May Tilion watch your steps before the Dawn breaks.
Finrod Felagund King of Nargothrond
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isilwhore · 1 year ago
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Lady Haleth
Happy International Women’s Day!
May your heart and will be strong, and let no one ever rule you ❤️
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