#lack of conscience
furiousgoldfish · 1 year
it's all 'you wanted it, you wanted this' with the abusers until you want them to take accountability for their actions and apologize and stop doing it, then suddenly it's 'noo i'm shifting the blame to you' and they do it again, almost as if they never do anything just because you wanted it, and specifically do the things you don't want.
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filosofablogger · 8 months
Looking For Integrity Under The Rocks
In all my 72 years on this earth, I have never seen as many people willing to drop to the ground and start licking boots as I’ve seen recently, especially in this past week. As you all know by now, Ron DeSantis ended his campaign this weekend.  I was frankly surprised, though others say they saw it coming.  But despite the fact that Donald Trump has called DeSantis just about every made-up…
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thealogie · 2 months
NYT is genuinely out there being like "is kamala harris too crazy liberal left wing socialist to win? i mean we want her to because we're democrats but if she could please be an incredibly right wing one we would love that." how out of touch can you be. all the momentum she has with young people (who are providing the free advertising and clout that is also getting everyone else on board) because she hasn't had a chance to adopt biden's most right wing policies as her own and people are marginally hopeful she can be convince to be a smidge to the left of him.
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favvn · 3 months
At the risk of being a contrarian (because I have browsed the tag, I've seen the complaints), The Deadly Years isn't entirely out of character for Jim Kirk. It's just that we get to see him at his worst again.
Back in season 1, the Conscience of the King shows that he will pull rank on both Spock and McCoy--the two people on the entire ship that Kirk allows himself to be closest to--to keep them out of his life and to shut down their concerns for his well-being. Kirk is not sick or inhibited by anything in this episode (other than haunted by his past). His decision to use the Enterprise to transport the acting troupe doesn't delay a mission or risk lives outside of the Enterprise, although it does inadvertently endanger one member of his crew (Lt. Riley). In other words, he acts selfishly in this episode and lashes out towards those who want to help, much like he does in The Deadly Years.
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Earlier in the season, The Galileo Seven shows that Kirk will reassert his authority as captain to put off completing a mission to deliver emergency medical supplies to Makus III and aid a colony overrun by a plague because he has "standing orders" to investigate quasars. This mission is ordered by Galactic High Commissioner Ferris, which the Enterprise is transporting to oversee the supply transfer. Ferris himself later states that he outranks Kirk and can cite regulation to support his taking command of the ship to complete the mission once Kirk makes it clear he intends to take 2 full days to locate and retrieve the Galileo's crew rather than use those days to get to Makus III. This situation is interesting in that it shows how Kirk can respond negatively to those holding authority over him, especially when those same people question his decisions. Ferris is technically correct when he argues that the Galileo did not need to be launched to begin with, given how Kirk would rather trade the life of a colony for the lives of seven crew members.
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I realize TOS is inconsistent about background details with how Starfleet operates owing to its standalone story structure, and this instance of "standing orders" is yet another case of that structure hindering the world building. While Kirk doesn't follow the Prime Directive even at the best of times (best of times being the absence of a cult. I'll grant him that exception), he will ignore a high galactic commissioner to follow "standing orders" all of a sudden because, at his core, Kirk doesn't want to follow orders. He's the captain. He's supposed to be the one in charge. If he's a perfectionist (his guilt at losing crew members during missions to the point of Spock having to console him, although this also comes from his survivor's guilt from Tarsus IV), it wouldn't surprise me a bit if he has control issues alongside it. In other words, for all the good Kirk tries to do and strives to do, he is still just as capable of acting selfishly and in his own best interests, and he has done so since the start of the series.
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More to the point of The Deadly Years, aging is not always painless or graceful. We get to see Kirk starting to forget recent events and commands (forgetting recent events and conversations is one of the first symptoms of Alzheimer's disease) to the point that he is an active risk to the safety of the crew. Of course, he will be in denial about it, to the point of anger and deflection. It's a painful thing to reckon with, to live in a body that doesn't work like you know it should, and to have others place judgments onto you for it because they're in perfect health. Not everyone can accept that with grace. This doesn't make Kirk out-of-character. It makes him human.
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tumatawa · 2 months
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Well since my other image is radioactive heres progress on a rival character for Nina I finally got started on instead. Everybody say hello to Little miss Uefi. Initially built to explore emotion regulation but was repurposed into a fighter robot a few years after the project was abandoned 👎 She likes to play and draw
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aaandbackstabbed · 2 months
Beakley: I’ve got a bad feeling about this.
Goldie: what do you mean?
Beakley: don’t you ever get that little voice in you head that tells you if something is going to cause trouble and so not do it
Scrooge: …no
Goldie: I have a little voice,but she says the contrary
Beakley: that actually explains so much.
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dazzelmethat · 6 months
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In my story all monsters were at one time natural or human and have lost that humanity. If a scientist could turn a plant into a person (homunculi) then anyone can turn back into a person. Personhood is spread as a cure to the supernatural like a viral infection.
This comic is quasi-personal though. It is through the eyes of Ame but also includes some of my own autistic emotional worries. Of progress, discipline, embarrassment of the past self and fear that discipline is the only thing holding you together. 
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keldae · 3 months
Be amazed that it's taken me this long to decide "oh, you know what? I should roll up my SWTOR legacy in BG3!". ;) Now to decide on classes and romances...
Xaja: Fighter/Rogue multiclass, maybe. Probably gonna romance Karlach. (And oh, the temptation to roll her as a halfling for the lulz...)
Korin: Rogue/??? Bard, maybe? And he might need the polyamory mod. ;) If I don't do that mod... Astarion? Shadowheart?
Sorand: Sorc/Wizard multiclass, and he'll definitely be romancing Wyll, I think. (Also, he'll be my resist!Durge instead of a Tav.) (And if I do make him something other than a human... drow, maybe?)
Reanden: ????? Monk, maybe, for the unarmoured combat? Romancing ????? (gaaah, why is the cranky old bastard so hard to figure out?)
Shara: ???? Barbarian/Fighter, maybe? Or a paladin? NO idea who she'll get with.
And, because I WILL need an embrace!Durge at some point...
Maglion: Fighter/oath of vengeance Paladin? Not sure if he'd romance anyone, or if anyone would romance HIM. I mean, dude is more toxic than all of Quesh...
Xalia: Rogue/sorc maybe? Maybe romancing Minthara or Lae'zel?
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darkfictionjude · 2 months
How would Dante feel if MC was to die because of the constant pregnancies? Would he feel guilty or just be accepting of that fate?
Damn y’all are into this particular topic y’all are given me every single scenario under the sun like Jesus 😭😭😭
He would be accepting. He has trouble feeling guilt about anything and he would be consoled by the fact that he never forced you, he told you before the marriage what he wanted and you accepted it helps that he has children there that are a piece of you
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rockieriel · 1 year
gonna make a masterlist of hilson lyrics from fall out boy’s discography, stay tuned cause it’s gonna take a while
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juddygirl · 7 months
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chxrryrose · 2 months
i just can’t comprehend how evil these people are and how their minds work. how do you walk around towns terrorising normal people, burn down libraries and community centres, harass and physically attack people simply based on the colour of their skin, knowingly spread blatant lies, set a hotel on fire and block the exit hoping to actually k*ll the people in there and then what? go about the rest of your life? how the hell do you sleep at night? how deluded and evil are these people to actually believe that any of this is in anyway justifiable
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circle-around-again · 8 months
Deenine: "Maybe he'll replace me with a droid who actually enjoys inflicting pain." (Windham, 60).
Deenine, apparently, does not enjoy inflicting pain.
I won't say that she's secretly a saint, I have too much respect for her to think that. She's demonstrated that she's a bully in earlier chapters, when she beats and mocks Maul in training.
This negative behaviour can be programmed, which I suppose is a part of her soul. Droid souls can be utterly dominated by an external will. No wonder the Sith love them.
It is also a way in which Maul and Deenine differ, to me. Maul enjoys the hunt. Whether that is nature or nurture, I don't know. Just like Deenine, I suppose.
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nrmlgrl32 · 10 months
i love jesus not in a devout christian way but in a way that can only be described as chronic mitski listener
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hatsunemimikyu · 3 months
Y'know the feeling when you read a news story that makes you want to have never learned to read in the first place
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brionysea · 6 months
any time coriolanus snow does anything
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